6.2 RRC messages
6.2.1 General message structure
This ASN.1 segment is the start of the NR RRC PDU definitions.

The BCCH-BCH-Message class is the set of RRC messages that may be sent from the network to the UE via BCH on the BCCH logical channel.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-BCCH-BCH-MESSAGE-START BCCH-BCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message BCCH-BCH-MessageType } BCCH-BCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { mib MIB, messageClassExtension SEQUENCE {} } -- TAG-BCCH-BCH-MESSAGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The BCCH-DL-SCH-Message class is the set of RRC messages that may be sent from the network to the UE via DL-SCH on the BCCH logical channel.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-BCCH-DL-SCH-MESSAGE-START BCCH-DL-SCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message BCCH-DL-SCH-MessageType } BCCH-DL-SCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { systemInformation SystemInformation, systemInformationBlockType1 SIB1 }, messageClassExtension SEQUENCE {} } -- TAG-BCCH-DL-SCH-MESSAGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The DL-CCCH-Message class is the set of RRC messages that may be sent from the Network to the UE on the downlink CCCH logical channel.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DL-CCCH-MESSAGE-START DL-CCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message DL-CCCH-MessageType } DL-CCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { rrcReject RRCReject, rrcSetup RRCSetup, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL }, messageClassExtension SEQUENCE {} } -- TAG-DL-CCCH-MESSAGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The DL-DCCH-Message class is the set of RRC messages that may be sent from the network to the UE on the downlink DCCH logical channel.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DL-DCCH-MESSAGE-START DL-DCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message DL-DCCH-MessageType } DL-DCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { rrcReconfiguration RRCReconfiguration, rrcResume RRCResume, rrcRelease RRCRelease, rrcReestablishment RRCReestablishment, securityModeCommand SecurityModeCommand, dlInformationTransfer DLInformationTransfer, ueCapabilityEnquiry UECapabilityEnquiry, counterCheck CounterCheck, mobilityFromNRCommand MobilityFromNRCommand, dlDedicatedMessageSegment-r16 DLDedicatedMessageSegment-r16, ueInformationRequest-r16 UEInformationRequest-r16, dlInformationTransferMRDC-r16 DLInformationTransferMRDC-r16, loggedMeasurementConfiguration-r16 LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-r16, spare3 NULL,spare2 NULL,spare1 NULL }, messageClassExtension SEQUENCE {} } -- TAG-DL-DCCH-MESSAGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The MCCH-Message class is the set of RRC messages that may be sent from the network to the UE on the MCCH logical channel.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MCCH-MESSAGE-START MCCH-Message-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { message MCCH-MessageType-r17 } MCCH-MessageType-r17 ::= CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { mbsBroadcastConfiguration-r17 MBSBroadcastConfiguration-r17, spare1 NULL }, messageClassExtension SEQUENCE {} } -- TAG-MCCH-MESSAGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The MulticastMCCH-Message class is the set of RRC messages that may be sent from the network to the UE on the multicast MCCH logical channel.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MULTICASTMCCH-MESSAGE-START MulticastMCCH-Message-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { message MulticastMCCH-MessageType-r18 } MulticastMCCH-MessageType-r18 ::= CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { mbsMulticastConfiguration-r18 MBSMulticastConfiguration-r18, spare1 NULL }, messageClassExtension SEQUENCE {} } -- TAG-MULTICASTMCCH-MESSAGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The PCCH-Message class is the set of RRC messages that may be sent from the Network to the UE on the PCCH logical channel.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PCCH-PCH-MESSAGE-START PCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message PCCH-MessageType } PCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { paging Paging, spare1 NULL }, messageClassExtension SEQUENCE {} } -- TAG-PCCH-PCH-MESSAGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The UL-CCCH-Message class is the set of 48-bits RRC messages that may be sent from the UE to the Network on the uplink CCCH logical channel.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UL-CCCH-MESSAGE-START UL-CCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message UL-CCCH-MessageType } UL-CCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { rrcSetupRequest RRCSetupRequest, rrcResumeRequest RRCResumeRequest, rrcReestablishmentRequest RRCReestablishmentRequest, rrcSystemInfoRequest RRCSystemInfoRequest }, messageClassExtension SEQUENCE {} } -- TAG-UL-CCCH-MESSAGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The UL-CCCH1-Message class is the set of 64-bits RRC messages that may be sent from the UE to the Network on the uplink CCCH1 logical channel.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UL-CCCH1-MESSAGE-START UL-CCCH1-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message UL-CCCH1-MessageType } UL-CCCH1-MessageType ::= CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { rrcResumeRequest1 RRCResumeRequest1, spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL }, messageClassExtension SEQUENCE {} } -- TAG-UL-CCCH1-MESSAGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The UL-DCCH-Message class is the set of RRC messages that may be sent from the UE to the network on the uplink DCCH logical channel.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UL-DCCH-MESSAGE-START UL-DCCH-Message ::= SEQUENCE { message UL-DCCH-MessageType } UL-DCCH-MessageType ::= CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { measurementReport MeasurementReport, rrcReconfigurationComplete RRCReconfigurationComplete, rrcSetupComplete RRCSetupComplete, rrcReestablishmentComplete RRCReestablishmentComplete, rrcResumeComplete RRCResumeComplete, securityModeComplete SecurityModeComplete, securityModeFailure SecurityModeFailure, ulInformationTransfer ULInformationTransfer, locationMeasurementIndication LocationMeasurementIndication, ueCapabilityInformation UECapabilityInformation, counterCheckResponse CounterCheckResponse, ueAssistanceInformation UEAssistanceInformation, failureInformation FailureInformation, ulInformationTransferMRDC ULInformationTransferMRDC, scgFailureInformation SCGFailureInformation, scgFailureInformationEUTRA SCGFailureInformationEUTRA }, messageClassExtension CHOICE { c2 CHOICE { ulDedicatedMessageSegment-r16 ULDedicatedMessageSegment-r16, dedicatedSIBRequest-r16 DedicatedSIBRequest-r16, mcgFailureInformation-r16 MCGFailureInformation-r16, ueInformationResponse-r16 UEInformationResponse-r16, sidelinkUEInformationNR-r16 SidelinkUEInformationNR-r16, ulInformationTransferIRAT-r16 ULInformationTransferIRAT-r16, iabOtherInformation-r16 IABOtherInformation-r16, mbsInterestIndication-r17 MBSInterestIndication-r17, uePositioningAssistanceInfo-r17 UEPositioningAssistanceInfo-r17, measurementReportAppLayer-r17 MeasurementReportAppLayer-r17, indirectPathFailureInformation-r18 IndirectPathFailureInformation-r18, spare5 NULL,spare4 NULL,spare3 NULL,spare2 NULL,spare1 NULL }, messageClassExtensionFuture-r16 SEQUENCE {} } } -- TAG-UL-DCCH-MESSAGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

6.2.2 Message definitions
The CounterCheck message is used by the network to indicate the current COUNT MSB values associated to each DRB and to request the UE to compare these to its COUNT MSB values and to report the comparison results to the network.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-COUNTERCHECK-START CounterCheck ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { counterCheck CounterCheck-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } CounterCheck-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
drb-CountMSB-InfoListIndicates the MSBs of the COUNT values of the DRBs.
DRB-CountMSB-InfoList, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } DRB-CountMSB-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDRB)) OF DRB-CountMSB-Info DRB-CountMSB-Info ::= SEQUENCE { drb-Identity DRB-Identity,
countMSB-UplinkIndicates the value of 25 MSBs from TX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.
countMSB-DownlinkIndicates the value of 25 MSBs from RX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.
CounterCheck-IEs field descriptions
Indicates the MSBs of the COUNT values of the DRBs.
DRB-CountMSB-Info field descriptions
Indicates the value of 25 MSBs from RX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.
Indicates the value of 25 MSBs from TX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.

The CounterCheckResponse message is used by the UE to respond to a CounterCheck message.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-COUNTERCHECKRESPONSE-START CounterCheckResponse ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { counterCheckResponse CounterCheckResponse-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } CounterCheckResponse-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
drb-CountInfoListIndicates the COUNT values of the DRBs.
DRB-CountInfoList, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } DRB-CountInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxDRB)) OF DRB-CountInfo DRB-CountInfo ::= SEQUENCE { drb-Identity DRB-Identity,
count-UplinkIndicates the value of TX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.
count-DownlinkIndicates the value of RX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.
CounterCheckResponse-IEs field descriptions
Indicates the COUNT values of the DRBs.
DRB-CountInfo field descriptions
Indicates the value of RX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.
Indicates the value of TX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.

The DedicatedSIBRequest message is used to request SIB(s)required by the UE in RRC_CONNECTED as specified in clause
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DEDICATEDSIBREQUEST-START DedicatedSIBRequest-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { dedicatedSIBRequest-r16 DedicatedSIBRequest-r16-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } DedicatedSIBRequest-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { onDemandSIB-RequestList-r16 SEQUENCE {
requestedSIB-List-r16Contains a list of SIB(s) the UE requests while in RRC_CONNECTED.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOnDemandSIB-r16)) OF SIB-ReqInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,
requestedPosSIB-List-r16Contains a list of posSIB(s) the UE requests while in RRC_CONNECTED.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOnDemandPosSIB-r16)) OF PosSIB-ReqInfo-r16 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SIB-ReqInfo-r16 ::= ENUMERATED { sib12, sib13, sib14, sib20-v1700, sib21-v1700, sib23-v1810, spare2, spare1 } PosSIB-ReqInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
gnss-id-r16The presence of this field indicates that the request positioning SIB type is for a specific GNSS. Indicates a specific GNSS (see also TS 37.355 [49])
sbas-id-r16The presence of this field indicates that the request positioning SIB type is for a specific SBAS. Indicates a specific SBAS (see also TS 37.355 [49]). If the UE includes this field it shall set gnss-id to sbas.
SBAS-ID-r16 OPTIONAL, posSibType-r16 ENUMERATED { posSibType1-1, posSibType1-2, posSibType1-3, posSibType1-4, posSibType1-5, posSibType1-6, posSibType1-7, posSibType1-8, posSibType2-1, posSibType2-2, posSibType2-3, posSibType2-4, posSibType2-5, posSibType2-6, posSibType2-7, posSibType2-8, posSibType2-9, posSibType2-10, posSibType2-11, posSibType2-12, posSibType2-13, posSibType2-14, posSibType2-15, posSibType2-16, posSibType2-17, posSibType2-18, posSibType2-19, posSibType2-20, posSibType2-21, posSibType2-22, posSibType2-23, posSibType3-1, posSibType4-1, posSibType5-1, posSibType6-1, posSibType6-2, posSibType6-3,..., posSibType1-9-v1710, posSibType1-10-v1710, posSibType2-24-v1710, posSibType2-25-v1710, posSibType6-4-v1710, posSibType6-5-v1710, posSibType6-6-v1710, posSibType2-17a-v1770, posSibType2-18a-v1770, posSibType2-20a-v1770, posSibType1-11-v1800, posSibType1-12-v1800, posSibType2-26-v1800, posSibType2-27-v1800, posSibType6-7-v1800, posSibType7-1-v1800, posSibType7-2-v1800, posSibType7-3-v1800, posSibType7-4-v1800 } } -- TAG-DEDICATEDSIBREQUEST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
DedicatedSIBRequest field descriptions
Contains a list of SIB(s) the UE requests while in RRC_CONNECTED.
Contains a list of posSIB(s) the UE requests while in RRC_CONNECTED.
PosSIB-ReqInfo field descriptions
The presence of this field indicates that the request positioning SIB type is for a specific GNSS. Indicates a specific GNSS (see also TS 37.355 [49])
The presence of this field indicates that the request positioning SIB type is for a specific SBAS. Indicates a specific SBAS (see also TS 37.355 [49]). If the UE includes this field it shall set gnss-id to sbas.

The DLDedicatedMessageSegment message is used to transfer one segment of the RRCResume or RRCReconfiguration messages.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DLDEDICATEDMESSAGESEGMENT-START DLDedicatedMessageSegment-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { dlDedicatedMessageSegment-r16 DLDedicatedMessageSegment-r16-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } DLDedicatedMessageSegment-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
segmentNumber-r16Identifies the sequence number of a segment within the encoded DL DCCH message.The network transmits the segments with continuously increasing segmentNumber order so that the UE's RRC layer may expect to obtain them from lower layers in the correct order. Hence, the UE is not required to perform segment re-ordering on RRC level.
rrc-MessageSegmentContainer-r16Includes a segment of the encoded DL DCCH message. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough so the resulting encoded RRC message PDU is less than or equal to the PDCP SDU size limit.
rrc-MessageSegmentType-r16Indicates whether the included DL DCCH message segment is the last segment of the message or not.
DLDedicatedMessageSegment field descriptions
Identifies the sequence number of a segment within the encoded DL DCCH message.The network transmits the segments with continuously increasing segmentNumber order so that the UE's RRC layer may expect to obtain them from lower layers in the correct order. Hence, the UE is not required to perform segment re-ordering on RRC level.
Includes a segment of the encoded DL DCCH message. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough so the resulting encoded RRC message PDU is less than or equal to the PDCP SDU size limit.
Indicates whether the included DL DCCH message segment is the last segment of the message or not.

The DLInformationTransfer message is used for the downlink transfer of NAS dedicated information, timing information for the 5G internal system clock, or IAB-DU specific F1-C related information.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DLINFORMATIONTRANSFER-START DLInformationTransfer ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { dlInformationTransfer DLInformationTransfer-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } DLInformationTransfer-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { dedicatedNAS-Message DedicatedNAS-Message OPTIONAL, -- Need N lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension DLInformationTransfer-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } DLInformationTransfer-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { referenceTimeInfo-r16 ReferenceTimeInfo-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension DLInformationTransfer-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } DLInformationTransfer-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { dedicatedInfoF1c-r17 DedicatedInfoF1c-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
rxTxTimeDiff-gNB-r17Indicates the Rx-Tx time difference measurement at the gNB (see clause 5.2.3, TS 38.215 [9]). Upon receiving this field, the UE calculates the propagation delay based on the RTT-based PDC mechanism method as described in TS 38.300 [2]. The network does not configure this field, if the UE is configured with ta-PDC with value activate.
RxTxTimeDiff-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
ta-PDC-r17Indicates whether the UE-side TA-based propagation delay compensation (PDC) is activated or de-activated. The network does not configure this field with activate, if the field rxTxTimeDiff-gNB is configured.
ENUMERATED {activate,deactivate} OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sib9Fallback-r17Indicates that the UE fallbacks to receive referenceTimeInfo in SIB9.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension DLInformationTransfer-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } DLInformationTransfer-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
eventID-TSS-r18This field indicates the status of the 5G access stratum time distribution parameter Clock Quality Reporting Control Information as defined in TS 23.501 [32].
INTEGER(0..63) OPTIONAL, -- Cond ClockQualityDetailsLevel
clockQualityDetailsLevel-r18This field indicates the clock quality reporting control information as defined in TS 23.501 [32].
CHOICE { clockQualityMetrics-r18 ClockQualityMetrics-r18, clockQualityAcceptanceStatus-r18 ENUMERATED {acceptable, notAcceptable} } OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-DLINFORMATIONTRANSFER-STOP -- ASN1STOP
DLInformationTransfer field descriptions
This field indicates the clock quality reporting control information as defined in TS 23.501 [32].
This field indicates the status of the 5G access stratum time distribution parameter Clock Quality Reporting Control Information as defined in TS 23.501 [32].
Indicates the Rx-Tx time difference measurement at the gNB (see clause 5.2.3, TS 38.215 [9]). Upon receiving this field, the UE calculates the propagation delay based on the RTT-based PDC mechanism method as described in TS 38.300 [2]. The network does not configure this field, if the UE is configured with ta-PDC with value activate.
Indicates that the UE fallbacks to receive referenceTimeInfo in SIB9.
Indicates whether the UE-side TA-based propagation delay compensation (PDC) is activated or de-activated. The network does not configure this field with activate, if the field rxTxTimeDiff-gNB is configured.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
Field eventID-TSS is mandatory presentif clockQualityDetailsLevel is present. Otherwise, the field is optionally present, Need M.

The DLInformationTransferMRDC message is used for the downlink transfer of RRC messages during fast MCG link recovery.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DLINFORMATIONTRANSFERMRDC-START DLInformationTransferMRDC-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { dlInformationTransferMRDC-r16 DLInformationTransferMRDC-r16-IEs, spare3 NULL,spare2 NULL,spare1 NULL }, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } DLInformationTransferMRDC-r16-IEs::= SEQUENCE {
dl-DCCH-MessageNR-r16Includes the DL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the NR RRCReconfiguration,RRCRelease, and MobilityFromNRCommandmessages.
dl-DCCH-MessageEUTRA-r16Includes the DL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration,RRCConnectionRelease, and MobilityFromEUTRACommand messages as specified in TS 36.331 [10].
DLInformationTransferMRDC field descriptions
Includes the DL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the NR RRCReconfiguration,RRCRelease, and MobilityFromNRCommandmessages.
Includes the DL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration,RRCConnectionRelease, and MobilityFromEUTRACommand messages as specified in TS 36.331 [10].

The FailureInformation message is used to inform the network about a failure detected by the UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FAILUREINFORMATION-START FailureInformation ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { failureInformation FailureInformation-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } FailureInformation-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { failureInfoRLC-Bearer FailureInfoRLC-Bearer OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension FailureInformation-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } FailureInfoRLC-Bearer ::= SEQUENCE { cellGroupId CellGroupId, logicalChannelIdentity LogicalChannelIdentity, failureType ENUMERATED {rlc-failure, spare3, spare2, spare1} } FailureInformation-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { failureInfoDAPS-r16 FailureInfoDAPS-r16 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } FailureInfoDAPS-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { failureType-r16 ENUMERATED {daps-failure, spare3, spare2, spare1} } -- TAG-FAILUREINFORMATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IABOtherInformation message is used by IAB-MT to request the network to allocate IP addresses for the collocated IAB-DU or inform the network about IP addresses allocated to the collocated IAB-DU.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-IABOTHERINFORMATION-START IABOtherInformation-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { dummy RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { iabOtherInformation-r16 IABOtherInformation-r16-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } IABOtherInformation-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ip-InfoType-r16 CHOICE { iab-IP-Request-r16 SEQUENCE { iab-IPv4-AddressNumReq-r16 IAB-IP-AddressNumReq-r16 OPTIONAL, iab-IPv6-AddressReq-r16 CHOICE { iab-IPv6-AddressNumReq-r16 IAB-IP-AddressNumReq-r16, iab-IPv6-AddressPrefixReq-r16 IAB-IP-AddressPrefixReq-r16, ... } OPTIONAL }, iab-IP-Report-r16 SEQUENCE { iab-IPv4-AddressReport-r16 IAB-IP-AddressAndTraffic-r16 OPTIONAL, iab-IPv6-Report-r16 CHOICE { iab-IPv6-AddressReport-r16 IAB-IP-AddressAndTraffic-r16, iab-IPv6-PrefixReport-r16 IAB-IP-PrefixAndTraffic-r16, ... } OPTIONAL }, ... }, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } IAB-IP-AddressNumReq-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { all-Traffic-NumReq-r16 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, f1-C-Traffic-NumReq-r16 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, f1-U-Traffic-NumReq-r16 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, non-F1-Traffic-NumReq-r16 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, ... } IAB-IP-AddressPrefixReq-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { all-Traffic-PrefixReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, f1-C-Traffic-PrefixReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, f1-U-Traffic-PrefixReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, non-F1-Traffic-PrefixReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ... } IAB-IP-AddressAndTraffic-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { all-Traffic-IAB-IP-Address-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL, f1-C-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL, f1-U-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL, non-F1-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL } IAB-IP-PrefixAndTraffic-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { all-Traffic-IAB-IP-Address-r16 IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL, f1-C-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL, f1-U-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL, non-F1-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL } -- TAG-IABOTHERINFORMATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IndirectPathFailureInformation message is used to provide information regarding indirect path failure detected by the MP remote UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-INDIRECTPATHFAILUREINFORMATION-START IndirectPathFailureInformation-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { indirectPathFailureInformation-r18 IndirectPathFailureInformation-r18-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } IndirectPathFailureInformation-r18-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { failureReportIndirectPath-r18 FailureReportIndirectPath-r18 OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } FailureReportIndirectPath-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { failureTypeIndirectPath-r18 ENUMERATED {t421-Expiry,sl-Failure,n3c-Failure, relayUE-Uu-RLF, relayUE-Uu-RRC-Failure, indirectPathAddChangeFailure, sl-PC5-Release, spare1} OPTIONAL, sl-MeasResultServingRelay-r18 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- Contains PC5 SL-MeasResultRelay-r17 sl-MeasResultsCandRelay-r18 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, n3c-RelayUE-InfoList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..8)) OF N3C-RelayUE-Info-r18 OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-INDIRECTPATHFAILUREINFORMATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The LocationMeasurementIndication message is used to indicate that the UE is going to either start or stop location related measurement which requires measurement gaps.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LOCATIONMEASUREMENTINDICATION-START LocationMeasurementIndication ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { locationMeasurementIndication LocationMeasurementIndication-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } LocationMeasurementIndication-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { measurementIndication SetupRelease {LocationMeasurementInfo}, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-LOCATIONMEASUREMENTINDICATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The LoggedMeasurementConfiguration message is used to perform logging of measurement results while in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE. It is used to transfer the logged measurement configuration for network performance optimisation.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LOGGEDMEASUREMENTCONFIGURATION-START LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { loggedMeasurementConfiguration-r16 LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-r16-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { traceReference-r16 TraceReference-r16,
traceRecordingSessionRef-r16Parameter Trace Recording Session Reference: See TS 32.422 [52].
tce-Id-r16Parameter Trace Collection Entity Id: See TS 32.422 [52].
absoluteTimeInfo-r16Indicates the absolute time in the current cell.
areaConfiguration-r16Used to restrict the area in which the UE performs measurement logging to cells broadcasting any of the included cell identities, the included tracking area codes/ frequencies, the included PNI-NPN identities or the SNPN identities. If areaConfiguration-r17 is present, the UE shall ignore areaConfiguration-r16. The areaConfiguration-v1800 is a non-critical extension of areaConfiguration-r17. See NOTE 1.
AreaConfiguration-r16 OPTIONAL, --Need R
plmn-IdentityList-r16Indicates a set of PLMNs defining when the UE performs measurement logging as well as the associated status indication and information retrieval i.e. the UE performs these actions when the RPLMN is part of this set of PLMNs.The network does not include this field when the UE is configured with MDT configuration in SNPN access mode.
PLMN-IdentityList2-r16 OPTIONAL, --Need R bt-NameList-r16 SetupRelease {BT-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, --Need M wlan-NameList-r16 SetupRelease {WLAN-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, --Need M sensor-NameList-r16 SetupRelease {Sensor-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, --Need M loggingDuration-r16 LoggingDuration-r16,
reportTypeParameter configures the type of MDT configuration, specifically Periodic MDT configuration or Event Triggerd MDT configuration.
CHOICE { periodical LoggedPeriodicalReportConfig-r16, eventTriggered LoggedEventTriggerConfig-r16, ... }, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
sigLoggedMeasType-r17If included, the field indicates a signalling based logged measurement configuration (See TS 37.320 [61]).
earlyMeasIndication-r17If included, the field indicates the UE is allowed to log measurements on early measurement related frequencies in logged measurements.
areaConfiguration-r17Used to restrict the area in which the UE performs measurement logging to cells broadcasting any of the included cell identities, the included tracking area codes/ frequencies, the included PNI-NPN identities or the SNPN identities. If areaConfiguration-r17 is present, the UE shall ignore areaConfiguration-r16. The areaConfiguration-v1800 is a non-critical extension of areaConfiguration-r17. See NOTE 1.
AreaConfiguration-r17 OPTIONAL, --Need R nonCriticalExtension LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { areaConfiguration-v1800 AreaConfiguration-v1800 OPTIONAL, --Need R nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } LoggedPeriodicalReportConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { loggingInterval-r16 LoggingInterval-r16, ... } LoggedEventTriggerConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
eventType-r16The value outOfCoverage indicates the UE to perform logging of measurements when the UE enters any cell selection state, and the value eventL1 indicates the UE to perform logging of measurements when the triggering condition (similar as event A2 as specified in as configured in the event is met for the camping cell in camped normally state.
EventType-r16, loggingInterval-r16 LoggingInterval-r16, ... } EventType-r16 ::= CHOICE { outOfCoverage NULL, eventL1 SEQUENCE { l1-Threshold MeasTriggerQuantity, hysteresis Hysteresis, timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger }, ... } -- TAG-LOGGEDMEASUREMENTCONFIGURATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
IABOtherInformation-IEs field descriptions
This field is not used in the specification and network ignores the received value.
This field is used to request the numbers of IPv4 address per specific usage. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.
This field is used to report the IPv4 address per specific usage assigned by OAM for IAB-DU. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.
This field is used to request the numbers of IPv6 address per specific usage. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.
This field is used to request the prefix of IPv6 address per specific usage. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.
This field is used to report the IPv6 address per specific usage assigned by OAM for IAB-DU. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.
This field is used to report the prefix of IPv6 address per specific usage assigned by OAM for IAB-DU. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.
IAB-IP-AddressNumReq-IEs field descriptions
This field is used to request the numbers of IP address for all traffic.
This field is used to request the numbers of IP address for F1-C traffic.
This field is used to request the numbers of IP address for F1-U traffic.
This field is used to request the numbers of IP address for non-F1 traffic.
IAB-IP-AddressPrefixReq-IEs field descriptions
This field is used to request the IPv6 address prefix for all traffic. The length of allocated IPv6 prefix is fixed to 64.
This field is used to request the IPv6 address prefix for F1-C traffic. The length of allocated IPv6 prefix is fixed to 64.
This field is used to request the IPv6 address prefix for F1-U traffic. The length of allocated IPv6 prefix is fixed to 64.
This field is used to request the IPv6 address prefix for non-F1 traffic. The length of allocated IPv6 prefix is fixed to 64.
IAB-IP-AddressAndTraffic-IEs field descriptions
This field is used to report to IAB-donor-CU the IP address(es) or IPv6 address prefix for all traffic.
This field is used to report to IAB-donor-CU the IP address(es) or IPv6 address prefix for F1-C traffic.
This field is used to report to IAB-donor-CU the IP address(es) or IPv6 address prefix for F1-U traffic.
This field is used to report to IAB-donor-CU the IP address(es) or IPv6 address prefix for non-F1 traffic.
IndirectPathFailureInformation field descriptions
The field indicates the failure type of the indirect path failure.
Information of available N3C relay UE(s).
Measurement result(s) of candiate L2 U2N relay UE(s).
Measurement result of serving L2 U2N relay UE.
LoggedMeasurementConfiguration field descriptions
Indicates the absolute time in the current cell.
Used to restrict the area in which the UE performs measurement logging to cells broadcasting any of the included cell identities, the included tracking area codes/ frequencies, the included PNI-NPN identities or the SNPN identities. If areaConfiguration-r17 is present, the UE shall ignore areaConfiguration-r16. The areaConfiguration-v1800 is a non-critical extension of areaConfiguration-r17. See NOTE 1.
If included, the field indicates the UE is allowed to log measurements on early measurement related frequencies in logged measurements.
The value outOfCoverage indicates the UE to perform logging of measurements when the UE enters any cell selection state, and the value eventL1 indicates the UE to perform logging of measurements when the triggering condition (similar as event A2 as specified in as configured in the event is met for the camping cell in camped normally state.
Indicates a set of PLMNs defining when the UE performs measurement logging as well as the associated status indication and information retrieval i.e. the UE performs these actions when the RPLMN is part of this set of PLMNs.The network does not include this field when the UE is configured with MDT configuration in SNPN access mode.
If included, the field indicates a signalling based logged measurement configuration (See TS 37.320 [61]).
Parameter Trace Collection Entity Id: See TS 32.422 [52].
Parameter Trace Recording Session Reference: See TS 32.422 [52].
Parameter configures the type of MDT configuration, specifically Periodic MDT configuration or Event Triggerd MDT configuration.

The MBSBroadcastConfiguration message contains the control information applicable for MBS broadcast services transmitted via broadcast MRB.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MBSBROADCASTCONFIGURATION-START MBSBroadcastConfiguration-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { mbsBroadcastConfiguration-r17 MBSBroadcastConfiguration-r17-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } MBSBroadcastConfiguration-r17-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
mbs-SessionInfoList-r17Provides the configuration of each MBS session provided by MBS broadcast in the current cell.
MBS-SessionInfoList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mbs-NeighbourCellList-r17List of neighbour cells providing one or more MBS broadcast services via broadcast MRB that are provided by the current cell. This field is used by the UE together with mtch-NeighbourCell field signalled for each MBS session in the corresponding MBS-SessionInfo. When an empty mbs-NeighbourCellList list is signalled, the UE shall assume that MBS broadcast services signalled inmbs-SessionInfoListin the MBSBroadcastConfiguration message are not provided in any neighbour cell. When a non-empty mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled, the current serving cell does not provide information about MBS broadcast services of a neighbour cell that is not included in mbs-NeighbourCellList, i.e., the UE cannot determine the presence or absence of an MBS service of a neighbour cell that is absent.When the field mbs-NeighbourCellListis absent, the current serving cell does not provide information about MBS broadcast services in the neighbouring cells, i.e. the UE cannot determine the presence or absence of an MBS service in neighbouring cells based on the absence of this field.
MBS-NeighbourCellList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S drx-ConfigPTM-List-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofDRX-ConfigPTM-r17)) OF DRX-ConfigPTM-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdsch-ConfigMTCH-r17Provides parameters for acquiring the PDSCH for MTCH. When this field is absent, the UE shall useparameters in pdsch-ConfigMCCHto acquire the PDSCH for MTCH.
PDSCH-ConfigBroadcast-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S mtch-SSB-MappingWindowList-r17 MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-MBSBROADCASTCONFIGURATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MBSBroadcastConfiguration field descriptions
Provides parameters for acquiring the PDSCH for MTCH. When this field is absent, the UE shall useparameters in pdsch-ConfigMCCHto acquire the PDSCH for MTCH.
Provides the configuration of each MBS session provided by MBS broadcast in the current cell.
List of neighbour cells providing one or more MBS broadcast services via broadcast MRB that are provided by the current cell. This field is used by the UE together with mtch-NeighbourCell field signalled for each MBS session in the corresponding MBS-SessionInfo. When an empty mbs-NeighbourCellList list is signalled, the UE shall assume that MBS broadcast services signalled inmbs-SessionInfoListin the MBSBroadcastConfiguration message are not provided in any neighbour cell. When a non-empty mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled, the current serving cell does not provide information about MBS broadcast services of a neighbour cell that is not included in mbs-NeighbourCellList, i.e., the UE cannot determine the presence or absence of an MBS service of a neighbour cell that is absent.When the field mbs-NeighbourCellListis absent, the current serving cell does not provide information about MBS broadcast services in the neighbouring cells, i.e. the UE cannot determine the presence or absence of an MBS service in neighbouring cells based on the absence of this field.

The MBSInterestIndication message is used to inform network that the UE is receiving/ interested to receive or no longer receiving/ interested to receive MBS broadcast service(s) via a broadcast MRB.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MBSINTERESTINDICATION-START MBSInterestIndication-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { mbsInterestIndication-r17 MBSInterestIndication-r17-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } MBSInterestIndication-r17-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
mbs-FreqList-r17List of MBS frequencies on which the UE is receiving or interested to receive MBS broadcast service via a broadcast MRB.
CarrierFreqListMBS-r17 OPTIONAL,
mbs-Priority-r17Indicates whether the UE prioritises MBS broadcast reception above unicast and MBS multicast reception. The field is present (i.e. value true), if the UE prioritises reception of broadcast services, on frequencies indicated in mbs-FreqList, above a reception of any of the unicast bearers and multicast MRBs. Otherwise the field is absent.
mbs-ServiceList-r17List of MBS broadcast services which the UE is receiving or interested to receive.
MBS-ServiceList-r17 OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension MBSInterestIndication-v1800 OPTIONAL } MBSInterestIndication-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE {
mbs-NonServingInfoList-r18Indicates information for MBS broadcast reception on the non-serving cell.
MBSInterestIndication field descriptions
List of MBS frequencies on which the UE is receiving or interested to receive MBS broadcast service via a broadcast MRB.
Indicates information for MBS broadcast reception on the non-serving cell.
Indicates whether the UE prioritises MBS broadcast reception above unicast and MBS multicast reception. The field is present (i.e. value true), if the UE prioritises reception of broadcast services, on frequencies indicated in mbs-FreqList, above a reception of any of the unicast bearers and multicast MRBs. Otherwise the field is absent.
List of MBS broadcast services which the UE is receiving or interested to receive.

The MBSMulticastConfiguration message contains the control information applicable for MBS multicast services transmitted via multicast MRBs for RRC_INACTIVE UEs.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MBSMULTICASTCONFIGURATION-START MBSMulticastConfiguration-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { mbsMulticastConfiguration-r18 MBSMulticastConfiguration-r18-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } MBSMulticastConfiguration-r18-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
mbs-SessionInfoListMulticast-r18Provides the configuration of MBS multicast session(s) in the current cell.
MBS-SessionInfoListMulticast-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mbs-NeighbourCellList-r18List of neighbour cells providing one or more MBS multicast services for RRC_INACTIVE that are provided by the current cell. This field is used by the UE together with mtch-NeighbourCell field signalled for each MBS session in the corresponding MBS-SessionInfo. When an empty mbs-NeighbourCellListlist is signalled, the UE shall assume that MBS multicast services signalled inmbs-SessionInfoListMulticast in the MBSMulticastConfiguration message are not provided in any neighbour cell. When a non-empty mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled, the current serving cell does not provide information about MBS multicast services of a neighbour cell that is not included in mbs-NeighbourCellList, i.e., the UE cannot determine the presence or absence of an MBS multicast service of a neighbour cell that is absent.When the field mbs-NeighbourCellList is absent, the current serving cell does not provide information about MBS multicast services in the neighbouring cells, i.e. the UE cannot determine the presence or absence of an MBS multicast service in neighbouring cells based on the absence of this field.
MBS-NeighbourCellList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S drx-ConfigPTM-List-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofDRX-ConfigPTM-r17)) OF DRX-ConfigPTM-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdsch-ConfigMTCH-r18Provides parameters for acquiring the PDSCH for multicast MTCH. When this field is absent, the UE shall useparameters in pdsch-ConfigMCCH in SIB24 to acquire the PDSCH for multicast MTCH.
PDSCH-ConfigBroadcast-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S mtch-SSB-MappingWindowList-r18 MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
thresholdMBS-List-r18List of reception quality thresholds for RRC connection resume for a UE receiving multicast in RRC_INACTIVE.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofThresholdMBS-r18)) OF ThresholdMBS-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } ThresholdMBS-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { rsrp-r18 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R rsrq-r18 RSRQ-Range OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-MBSMULTICASTCONFIGURATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MBSMulticastConfiguration field descriptions
List of neighbour cells providing one or more MBS multicast services for RRC_INACTIVE that are provided by the current cell. This field is used by the UE together with mtch-NeighbourCell field signalled for each MBS session in the corresponding MBS-SessionInfo. When an empty mbs-NeighbourCellListlist is signalled, the UE shall assume that MBS multicast services signalled inmbs-SessionInfoListMulticast in the MBSMulticastConfiguration message are not provided in any neighbour cell. When a non-empty mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled, the current serving cell does not provide information about MBS multicast services of a neighbour cell that is not included in mbs-NeighbourCellList, i.e., the UE cannot determine the presence or absence of an MBS multicast service of a neighbour cell that is absent.When the field mbs-NeighbourCellList is absent, the current serving cell does not provide information about MBS multicast services in the neighbouring cells, i.e. the UE cannot determine the presence or absence of an MBS multicast service in neighbouring cells based on the absence of this field.
Provides the configuration of MBS multicast session(s) in the current cell.
Provides parameters for acquiring the PDSCH for multicast MTCH. When this field is absent, the UE shall useparameters in pdsch-ConfigMCCH in SIB24 to acquire the PDSCH for multicast MTCH.
List of reception quality thresholds for RRC connection resume for a UE receiving multicast in RRC_INACTIVE.

The MCGFailureInformation message is used to provide information regarding NR MCG failures detected by the UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MCGFAILUREINFORMATION-START MCGFailureInformation-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { mcgFailureInformation-r16 MCGFailureInformation-r16-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } MCGFailureInformation-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { failureReportMCG-r16 FailureReportMCG-r16 OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } FailureReportMCG-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { failureType-r16 ENUMERATED {t310-Expiry, randomAccessProblem, rlc-MaxNumRetx, t312-Expiry-r16, lbt-Failure-r16, beamFailureRecoveryFailure-r16, bh-RLF-r16, spare1} OPTIONAL,
measResultFreqList-r16The field contains available results of measurements on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the measConfig associated with the MCG.
MeasResultList2NR OPTIONAL,
measResultFreqListEUTRA-r16The field contains available results of measurements on E-UTRA frequencies the UE is configured to measure by measConfig associated with the MCG.
measResultSCG-r16The field contains the MeasResultSCG-Failure IE which includes available measurement results on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the measConfig associated with the SCG.
measResultSCG-EUTRA-r16The field contains the EUTRA MeasResultSCG-FailureMRDC IE which includes available results of measurements on E-UTRA frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message as specified in TS 36.331 [10].
measResultFreqListUTRA-FDD-r16The field contains available results of measurements on UTRA FDD frequencies the UE is configured to measure by measConfig associated with the MCG.
MeasResultList2UTRA OPTIONAL, ... } MeasResultList2UTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2UTRA-FDD-r16 MeasResult2UTRA-FDD-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { carrierFreq-r16 ARFCN-ValueUTRA-FDD-r16, measResultNeighCellList-r16 MeasResultListUTRA-FDD-r16 } MeasResultList2EUTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2EUTRA-r16 -- TAG-MCGFAILUREINFORMATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MCGFailureInformation field descriptions
The field contains available results of measurements on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the measConfig associated with the MCG.
The field contains available results of measurements on E-UTRA frequencies the UE is configured to measure by measConfig associated with the MCG.
The field contains available results of measurements on UTRA FDD frequencies the UE is configured to measure by measConfig associated with the MCG.
The field contains the MeasResultSCG-Failure IE which includes available measurement results on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the measConfig associated with the SCG.
The field contains the EUTRA MeasResultSCG-FailureMRDC IE which includes available results of measurements on E-UTRA frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message as specified in TS 36.331 [10].

The MeasurementReport message is used for the indication of measurement results.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASUREMENTREPORT-START MeasurementReport ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { measurementReport MeasurementReport-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } MeasurementReport-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { measResults MeasResults, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-MEASUREMENTREPORT-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The MeasurementReportAppLayer message is used for sending application layer measurement report.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASUREMENTREPORTAPPLAYER-START MeasurementReportAppLayer-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { measurementReportAppLayer-r17 MeasurementReportAppLayer-r17-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } MeasurementReportAppLayer-r17-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
measurementReportAppLayerList-r17The field contains a list of application layer measurement reports. If measurementReportAppLayerList-v1800is present, it contains the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in measurementReportAppLayerList-r17.
MeasurementReportAppLayerList-r17, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension MeasurementReportAppLayer-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } MeasurementReportAppLayer-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { measurementReportAppLayerList-v1800 MeasurementReportAppLayerList-v1800 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL } MeasurementReportAppLayerList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofAppLayerMeas-r17)) OF MeasReportAppLayer-r17 MeasurementReportAppLayerList-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofAppLayerMeas-r17)) OF MeasReportAppLayer-v1800 MeasReportAppLayer-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { measConfigAppLayerId-r17 MeasConfigAppLayerId-r17,
measReportAppLayerContainer-r17The field contains the application layer measurement report container, see Annex L (normative) in TS 26.247 [68], clause 16.5 in TS 26.114 [69] and clause 9.4 in TS 26.118 [70].
appLayerSessionStatus-r17Indicates that an application layer measurement session in the application layer starts or ends. For application layer measurements applicable to RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE, the UE transmits appLayerSessionStatus upon transfer to RRC_CONNECTED if transmissionOfSessionStartStop is set to true for the application layer measurement configuration.
ran-VisibleMeasurements-r17The field contains the RAN visible application layer measurement report.
RAN-VisibleMeasurements-r17 OPTIONAL } MeasReportAppLayer-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { appLayerIdleInactiveConfig-r18 AppLayerIdleInactiveConfig-r18 OPTIONAL,
measReportAppLayerContainerList-r18The field contains a list of application layer measurement report containers for each measConfigAppLayerId, see Annex L (normative) in TS 26.247 [68], clause 16.5 in TS 26.114 [69] and clause 9.4 in TS 26.118 [70].
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofAppLayerReports-r18)) OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } RAN-VisibleMeasurements-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
appLayerBufferLevelList-r17The field indicates a list of application layer buffer levels, and each AppLayerBufferLevel indicates the application layer buffer level in ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0ms, value 1 corresponds to 10ms, value 2 corresponds to 20 ms and so on. If the buffer level is larger than the maximum value of 30000 (5 minutes), the UE reports 30000.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF AppLayerBufferLevel-r17 OPTIONAL,
playoutDelayForMediaStartup-r17Indicates the application layer playout delay for media start-up in ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0ms, value 1 corresponds to 1ms, value 2 corresponds to 2 ms and so on. If the playout delay for media start-up is larger than the maximum value of 30000ms, the UE reports 30000.
pdu-SessionIdList-r17List of PDU session identities and QoS flow identities per PDU session associated with the application data flows subject to the RAN visible application layer measurements. If pdu-SessionIdListExt-v1800is present, it contains the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in pdu-SessionIdList-r17.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPDU-Sessions-r17)) OF PDU-SessionID OPTIONAL, ..., [[ pdu-SessionIdListExt-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPDU-Sessions-r17)) OF QFI-List-r18 OPTIONAL ]] } AppLayerBufferLevel-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..30000) QFI-List-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofQFIs)) OF QFI -- TAG-MEASUREMENTREPORTAPPLAYER-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MeasurementReportAppLayer field descriptions
The field contains a list of application layer measurement reports. If measurementReportAppLayerList-v1800is present, it contains the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in measurementReportAppLayerList-r17.
MeasReportAppLayer field descriptions
Indicates that an application layer measurement session in the application layer starts or ends. For application layer measurements applicable to RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE, the UE transmits appLayerSessionStatus upon transfer to RRC_CONNECTED if transmissionOfSessionStartStop is set to true for the application layer measurement configuration.
The field contains the application layer measurement report container, see Annex L (normative) in TS 26.247 [68], clause 16.5 in TS 26.114 [69] and clause 9.4 in TS 26.118 [70].
The field contains a list of application layer measurement report containers for each measConfigAppLayerId, see Annex L (normative) in TS 26.247 [68], clause 16.5 in TS 26.114 [69] and clause 9.4 in TS 26.118 [70].
The field contains the RAN visible application layer measurement report.
RAN-VisibleMeasurements field descriptions
The field indicates a list of application layer buffer levels, and each AppLayerBufferLevel indicates the application layer buffer level in ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0ms, value 1 corresponds to 10ms, value 2 corresponds to 20 ms and so on. If the buffer level is larger than the maximum value of 30000 (5 minutes), the UE reports 30000.
Indicates the application layer playout delay for media start-up in ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0ms, value 1 corresponds to 1ms, value 2 corresponds to 2 ms and so on. If the playout delay for media start-up is larger than the maximum value of 30000ms, the UE reports 30000.
List of PDU session identities and QoS flow identities per PDU session associated with the application data flows subject to the RAN visible application layer measurements. If pdu-SessionIdListExt-v1800is present, it contains the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in pdu-SessionIdList-r17.

The MIB includes the system information transmitted on BCH.
systemFrameNumberThe 6 most significant bits (MSB) of the 10-bit System Frame Number (SFN). The 4 LSB of the SFN are conveyed in the PBCH transport block as part of channel coding (i.e. outside the MIBencoding), as defined in clause 7.1 in TS 38.212 [17].
subCarrierSpacingCommonSubcarrier spacing for SIB1, Msg.2/4 and MsgB for initial access, paging and broadcast SI-messages. If the UE acquires this MIB on an FR1 carrier frequency, the value scs15or60 corresponds to 15 kHz and the value scs30or120 corresponds to 30 kHz. If the UE acquires this MIB on an FR2 carrier frequency, the value scs15or60 corresponds to 60 kHz and the value scs30or120 corresponds to 120 kHz. For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1 (see 37.213 [48]) and for operation in FR2-2, the subcarrier spacing for SIB1, Msg.2/4 and MsgB for initial access, paging and broadcast SI-messages is same as that for the corresponding SSB.For operation with shared spectrum channel access, this field instead is used for deriving the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
ENUMERATED {scs15or60, scs30or120},
ssb-SubcarrierOffsetCorresponds to kSSB (see TS 38.213 [13]), which is the frequency domain offset between SSB and the overall resource block grid in number of subcarriers. (See TS 38.211 [16], clause operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1 (see 37.213 [48]), this field corresponds to , and kSSB is obtained from (see TS 38.211 [16], clause; the LSB of this field is used also for deriving the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. The value range of this field may be extended by an additional most significant bit encoded within PBCH as specified in TS 38.213 [13]. This field may indicate that this cell does not provide SIB1 and that there is hence no CORESET#0 configured in MIB (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13). In this case, the field pdcch-ConfigSIB1 may indicate the frequency positions where the UE may (not) find a SS/PBCH with a control resource set and search space for SIB1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13).
INTEGER (0..15),
dmrs-TypeA-PositionPosition of (first) DM-RS for downlink (see TS 38.211 [16], clause and uplink (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {pos2, pos3},
pdcch-ConfigSIB1Determines a common ControlResourceSet (CORESET), a common search space and necessary PDCCH parameters. If the field ssb-SubcarrierOffset indicates that SIB1 is absent, the field pdcch-ConfigSIB1 indicates the frequency positions where the UE may find SS/PBCH block with SIB1 or the frequency range where the network does not provide SS/PBCH block with SIB1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13).
cellBarredValue barred means that the cell is barred, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT. This field is ignored for connectivity to NTN or ATG.
ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred},
intraFreqReselectionControls cell selection/reselection to intra-frequency cells when the highest ranked cell is barred, or treated as barred by the UE, as specified in TS 38.304 [20].This field is ignored by IAB-MT, NCR-MT and (e)RedCap UE.
ENUMERATED {allowed, notAllowed}, spare BIT STRING (SIZE (1)) } -- TAG-MIB-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MIB field descriptions
Value barred means that the cell is barred, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT. This field is ignored for connectivity to NTN or ATG.
Position of (first) DM-RS for downlink (see TS 38.211 [16], clause and uplink (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Controls cell selection/reselection to intra-frequency cells when the highest ranked cell is barred, or treated as barred by the UE, as specified in TS 38.304 [20].This field is ignored by IAB-MT, NCR-MT and (e)RedCap UE.
Determines a common ControlResourceSet (CORESET), a common search space and necessary PDCCH parameters. If the field ssb-SubcarrierOffset indicates that SIB1 is absent, the field pdcch-ConfigSIB1 indicates the frequency positions where the UE may find SS/PBCH block with SIB1 or the frequency range where the network does not provide SS/PBCH block with SIB1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13).
Corresponds to kSSB (see TS 38.213 [13]), which is the frequency domain offset between SSB and the overall resource block grid in number of subcarriers. (See TS 38.211 [16], clause operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1 (see 37.213 [48]), this field corresponds to , and kSSB is obtained from (see TS 38.211 [16], clause; the LSB of this field is used also for deriving the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. The value range of this field may be extended by an additional most significant bit encoded within PBCH as specified in TS 38.213 [13]. This field may indicate that this cell does not provide SIB1 and that there is hence no CORESET#0 configured in MIB (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13). In this case, the field pdcch-ConfigSIB1 may indicate the frequency positions where the UE may (not) find a SS/PBCH with a control resource set and search space for SIB1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13).
Subcarrier spacing for SIB1, Msg.2/4 and MsgB for initial access, paging and broadcast SI-messages. If the UE acquires this MIB on an FR1 carrier frequency, the value scs15or60 corresponds to 15 kHz and the value scs30or120 corresponds to 30 kHz. If the UE acquires this MIB on an FR2 carrier frequency, the value scs15or60 corresponds to 60 kHz and the value scs30or120 corresponds to 120 kHz. For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1 (see 37.213 [48]) and for operation in FR2-2, the subcarrier spacing for SIB1, Msg.2/4 and MsgB for initial access, paging and broadcast SI-messages is same as that for the corresponding SSB.For operation with shared spectrum channel access, this field instead is used for deriving the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
The 6 most significant bits (MSB) of the 10-bit System Frame Number (SFN). The 4 LSB of the SFN are conveyed in the PBCH transport block as part of channel coding (i.e. outside the MIBencoding), as defined in clause 7.1 in TS 38.212 [17].

The MobilityFromNRCommand message is used to command handover from NR to E-UTRA/EPC, E-UTRA/5GC or UTRA-FDD.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MOBILITYFROMNRCOMMAND-START MobilityFromNRCommand ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { mobilityFromNRCommand MobilityFromNRCommand-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } MobilityFromNRCommand-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
targetRAT-TypeIndicates the target RAT type.
ENUMERATED { eutra, utra-fdd-v1610, spare2, spare1, ...},
targetRAT-MessageContainerThe field contains a message specified in another standard, as indicated by the targetRAT-Type, and carries information about the target cell identifier(s) and radio parameters relevant for the target radio access technology. A complete message is included, as specified in the other standard. See NOTE 1
nas-SecurityParamFromNRIf targetRAT-Type is eutra, this field is used to deliver the key synchronisation and Key freshness for the NR to LTE/EPC handovers and a part of the downlink NAS COUNT as specified in TS 33.501 [11] and the content of the parameter is defined in TS 24.501 [23]. If targetRAT-Type is utra-fdd, this field is used to deliver the key synchronisation and Key freshness for the NR to FDD UTRAN handover and a part of the downlink NAS COUNT as specified in TS 33.501 [11] and the content of the parameter is defined in TS 24.501 [23].
OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- Cond HO-ToEPCUTRAN lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension MobilityFromNRCommand-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } MobilityFromNRCommand-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
voiceFallbackIndication-r16Indicates the handover is triggered by EPS fallback for IMS voice as specified in TS 23.502 [43].
MobilityFromNRCommand-IEs field descriptions
If targetRAT-Type is eutra, this field is used to deliver the key synchronisation and Key freshness for the NR to LTE/EPC handovers and a part of the downlink NAS COUNT as specified in TS 33.501 [11] and the content of the parameter is defined in TS 24.501 [23]. If targetRAT-Type is utra-fdd, this field is used to deliver the key synchronisation and Key freshness for the NR to FDD UTRAN handover and a part of the downlink NAS COUNT as specified in TS 33.501 [11] and the content of the parameter is defined in TS 24.501 [23].
The field contains a message specified in another standard, as indicated by the targetRAT-Type, and carries information about the target cell identifier(s) and radio parameters relevant for the target radio access technology. A complete message is included, as specified in the other standard. See NOTE 1
Indicates the target RAT type.
Indicates the handover is triggered by EPS fallback for IMS voice as specified in TS 23.502 [43].
targetRAT-TypeStandard to applytargetRAT-MessageContainer
TS 36.331 [10] (clause 5.4.2)
DL-DCCH-Message including theRRCConnectionReconfiguration
TS 25.331 [45] (clause 10.2.16a)
Handover TO UTRAN command
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present in case of inter system handover to "EPC" or "FDD UTRAN". Otherwise it is absent.

The Paging message is used for the notification of one or more UEs.
pagingRecordListIf the network includes pagingRecordList-v1700, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix). If the network includes pagingRecordList-v1800, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix). The first element in pagingRecordList-v1700 corresponds to the first UE identity in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix). The second element in pagingRecordList-v1700corresponds to the second UE identity in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix), and so on. The first element in pagingRecordList-v1800 corresponds to the first UE identity in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix). The second element in pagingRecordList-v1800 corresponds to the second UE identity in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix), and so on.
PagingRecordList OPTIONAL, -- Need N lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension Paging-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } Paging-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { pagingRecordList-v1700 PagingRecordList-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
pagingGroupList-r17If the network includes pagingGroupList-v1800, it includes the same number of elements, and listed in the same order, as in pagingGroupList-r17. The first element corresponds to the first TMGI in pagingGroupList-r17. The second element corresponds to the second TMGI in pagingGroupList-r17, and so on.
PagingGroupList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension Paging-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } Paging-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { pagingRecordList-v1800 PagingRecordList-v1800 OPTIONAL, -- Need N pagingGroupList-v1800 PagingGroupList-v1800 OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } PagingRecordList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofPageRec)) OF PagingRecord PagingRecordList-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofPageRec)) OF PagingRecord-v1700 PagingGroupList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofPageGroup-r17)) OF TMGI-r17 PagingRecordList-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofPageRec)) OF PagingRecord-v1800 PagingGroupList-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofPageGroup-r17)) OF GroupPaging-r18 PagingRecord ::= SEQUENCE { ue-Identity PagingUE-Identity,
accessTypeIndicates whether the Paging message is originated due to the PDU sessions from the non-3GPP access.
ENUMERATED {non3GPP} OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } PagingRecord-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
pagingCause-r17Indicates whether the Paging message is originated due to IMS voice. If this field is present, it implies that the corresponding paging entry is for IMS voice. If upper layers indicate the support of paging cause and if this field is not present but pagingRecordList-v1700 is present, it implies that the corresponding paging entry is for a service other than IMS voice. Otherwise, paging cause is undetermined.
ENUMERATED {voice} OPTIONAL -- Need N } PagingRecord-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE {
mt-SDTMobile Terminated SDT indication. The network includes mt-SDT indication in paging message only if the UE's I-RNTI is included in the paging message.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need N } PagingUE-Identity ::= CHOICE { ng-5G-S-TMSI NG-5G-S-TMSI, fullI-RNTI I-RNTI-Value, ... } GroupPaging-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
inactiveReceptionAllowed-r18Indicates whether the UE with a valid PTM configuration for a TMGIin the PagingGroupList stays in RRC_INACTIVE to receive the corresponding MBS multicast session.
PagingRecord field descriptions
Indicates whether the Paging message is originated due to the PDU sessions from the non-3GPP access.
Indicates whether the UE with a valid PTM configuration for a TMGIin the PagingGroupList stays in RRC_INACTIVE to receive the corresponding MBS multicast session.
Mobile Terminated SDT indication. The network includes mt-SDT indication in paging message only if the UE's I-RNTI is included in the paging message.
If the network includes pagingRecordList-v1700, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix). If the network includes pagingRecordList-v1800, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix). The first element in pagingRecordList-v1700 corresponds to the first UE identity in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix). The second element in pagingRecordList-v1700corresponds to the second UE identity in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix), and so on. The first element in pagingRecordList-v1800 corresponds to the first UE identity in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix). The second element in pagingRecordList-v1800 corresponds to the second UE identity in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix), and so on.
Indicates whether the Paging message is originated due to IMS voice. If this field is present, it implies that the corresponding paging entry is for IMS voice. If upper layers indicate the support of paging cause and if this field is not present but pagingRecordList-v1700 is present, it implies that the corresponding paging entry is for a service other than IMS voice. Otherwise, paging cause is undetermined.
If the network includes pagingGroupList-v1800, it includes the same number of elements, and listed in the same order, as in pagingGroupList-r17. The first element corresponds to the first TMGI in pagingGroupList-r17. The second element corresponds to the second TMGI in pagingGroupList-r17, and so on.

The RRCReestablishment message is used to re-establish SRB1.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCREESTABLISHMENT-START RRCReestablishment ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { rrcReestablishment RRCReestablishment-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } RRCReestablishment-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { nextHopChainingCount NextHopChainingCount, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCReestablishment-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReestablishment-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17Contains dedicated configurations used for L2 U2N relay related operation.The network configures only the SRAP configuration for local UE ID.
SetupRelease {SL-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Cond L2RemoteUE nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-RRCREESTABLISHMENT-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RRCReestablishment-IEs field descriptions
Contains dedicated configurations used for L2 U2N relay related operation.The network configures only the SRAP configuration for local UE ID.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present for L2 U2N Remote UE; otherwise it is absent.

The RRCReestablishmentComplete message is used to confirm the successful completion of an RRC connection re-establishment.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCREESTABLISHMENTCOMPLETE-START RRCReestablishmentComplete ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { rrcReestablishmentComplete RRCReestablishmentComplete-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } RRCReestablishmentComplete-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCReestablishmentComplete-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReestablishmentComplete-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 UE-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCReestablishmentComplete-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReestablishmentComplete-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { flightPathInfoAvailable-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,
measConfigReportAppLayerAvailable-r18Indication that the UE has at least one application layer measurement configuration with appLayerIdleInactiveConfig configured.
musim-CapRestrictionInd-r18This field indicates the UE temporary capability restriction due to MUSIM operation.
RRCReestablishmentComplete-IEs field descriptions
Indication that the UE has at least one application layer measurement configuration with appLayerIdleInactiveConfig configured.
This field indicates the UE temporary capability restriction due to MUSIM operation.

The RRCReestablishmentRequest message is used to request the reestablishment of an RRC connection.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCREESTABLISHMENTREQUEST-START RRCReestablishmentRequest ::= SEQUENCE { rrcReestablishmentRequest RRCReestablishmentRequest-IEs } RRCReestablishmentRequest-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
ue-IdentityUE identity included to retrieve UE context and to facilitate contention resolution by lower layers.
reestablishmentCauseIndicates the failure cause that triggered the re-establishment procedure. gNB is not expected to reject a RRCReestablishmentRequest due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.
ReestablishmentCause, spare BIT STRING (SIZE (1)) } ReestabUE-Identity ::= SEQUENCE { c-RNTI RNTI-Value,
physCellIdThe Physical Cell Identity of the PCell the UE was connected to prior to the failure.
PhysCellId, shortMAC-I ShortMAC-I } ReestablishmentCause ::= ENUMERATED {reconfigurationFailure, handoverFailure, otherFailure, spare1} -- TAG-RRCREESTABLISHMENTREQUEST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
ReestabUE-Identity field descriptions
The Physical Cell Identity of the PCell the UE was connected to prior to the failure.
RRCReestablishmentRequest-IEs field descriptions
Indicates the failure cause that triggered the re-establishment procedure. gNB is not expected to reject a RRCReestablishmentRequest due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.
UE identity included to retrieve UE context and to facilitate contention resolution by lower layers.

The RRCReconfiguration message is the command to modify an RRC connection. It may convey information for measurement configuration, mobility control, radio resource configuration (including RBs, MAC main configuration and physical channel configuration) and AS security configuration.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCRECONFIGURATION-START RRCReconfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { rrcReconfiguration RRCReconfiguration-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } RRCReconfiguration-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
radioBearerConfigConfiguration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs, multicast MRBs) including SDAP/PDCP. In (NG)EN-DC this field may only be present if the RRCReconfiguration is transmitted over SRB3. SRB4 should not be configured if sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 is configured or not released.
RadioBearerConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M
secondaryCellGroupConfiguration of secondary cell group ((NG)EN-DC or NR-DC).
OCTET STRING (CONTAINING CellGroupConfig) OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCG measConfig MeasConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1530-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfiguration-v1530-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
masterCellGroupConfiguration of master cell group.
fullConfigIndicates that the full configuration option is applicable for the RRCReconfiguration message for intra-system intra-RAT HO. For inter-RAT HO from E-UTRA to NR, fullConfig indicates whether or not delta signalling of SDAP/PDCP from source RAT is applicable. This field is absent if any DAPS bearer is configured or when the RRCReconfiguration message is transmitted on SRB3, and in an RRCReconfiguration message for SCG contained in another RRCReconfiguration message (or RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, see TS 36.331 [10]) transmitted on SRB1.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond FullConfig
dedicatedNAS-MessageListThis field is used to transfer UE specific NAS layer information between the network and the UE. The RRC layer is transparent for each PDU in the list.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxDRB)) OF DedicatedNAS-Message OPTIONAL, -- Cond nonHO masterKeyUpdate MasterKeyUpdate OPTIONAL, -- Cond MasterKeyChange
dedicatedSIB1-DeliveryThis field is used to transfer SIB1 to the UE (including L2 U2N Remote UE).The field has the same values as the corresponding configuration in servingCellConfigCommon.
dedicatedSystemInformationDeliveryThis field is used to transfer SIB6, SIB7, SIB8, SIB19, SIB20, SIB21, SIB25 to the UE with an active BWP with no common search space configured or the L2 U2N Remote UE in RRC_CONNECTED. For UEs in RRC_CONNECTED (including L2 U2N Remote UE), this field is also used to transfer the SIBs requested on-demand.
otherConfigContains configuration related to other configurations. When configured for the SCG, only fields drx-PreferenceConfig, maxBW-PreferenceConfig, maxBW-PreferenceConfigFR2-2, maxCC-PreferenceConfig, maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceConfig,maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceConfigFR2-2,minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceConfig, minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceConfigExt,rlm-RelaxationReportingConfig, bfd-RelaxationReportingConfig, btNameList, wlanNameList, sensorNameList,obtainCommonLocation, idc-AssistanceConfig, multiRx-PreferenceReportingConfigFR2, ul-TrafficInfoReportingConfig, n3c-RelayUE-InfoReportConfig, successPSCell-Config and sn-InitiatedPSCellChangecan be included.
OtherConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1540-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfiguration-v1540-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { otherConfig-v1540 OtherConfig-v1540 OPTIONAL, -- Need M nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1560-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfiguration-v1560-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
mrdc-SecondaryCellGroupConfigThis field is used to configure and release an SCG in NR-DC and NE-DC. In anRRCReconfiguration message within an LTM-Config IE associated with the MCG, if this field is present its value can only be set to release.
SetupRelease { MRDC-SecondaryCellGroupConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
radioBearerConfig2Configuration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs) including SDAP/PDCP. This field can only be used if the UE supports NR-DC or NE-DC.
sk-CounterA counter used upon initial configuration of S-KgNB or S-KeNB, as well as upon refresh of S-KgNB or S-KeNB. This field is always included either upon initial configuration of an NR SCG or upon configuration of the first RB with keyToUse set to secondary, whichever happens first. This field is absent if there is neither any NR SCG nor any RB with keyToUse set to secondary, or if the RRCReconfiguration message is contained in condRRCReconfig for subsequent CPAC.
SK-Counter OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfiguration-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { otherConfig-v1610 OtherConfig-v1610 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
bap-Config-r16This field is used to configure the BAP entity for IAB nodes.
SetupRelease { BAP-Config-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M iab-IP-AddressConfigurationList-r16 IAB-IP-AddressConfigurationList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
conditionalReconfiguration-r16Configuration of candidate target SpCell(s) and execution condition(s) for conditional handover, conditional PSCell addition or conditional PSCell change.The field is absent if any DAPS bearer is configured,if the sl-L2RemoteUE-Config or sl-L2RelayUE-Config is configured, or if the RRCReconfiguration message is contained within condRRCReconfig.When the masterCellGroup and/or secondaryCellGroup includes ReconfigurationWithSync, if this field is present, it only includes configurations/fields specific to subsequent CPAC.The RRCReconfiguration message contained in DLInformationTransferMRDC cannot contain the field conditionalReconfiguration for conditional PSCell changeor for conditional PSCell addition. The network does not include this field in an RRCReconfiguration message contained within a LTM-Config IE.
ConditionalReconfiguration-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
daps-SourceRelease-r16Indicates to UE that the source cell part of DAPS operation is to be stopped and the source cell part of DAPS configuration is to be released.
t316-r16Indicates the value for timer T316 as described in clause 7.1. Value ms50 corresponds to 50 ms, value ms100 corresponds to 100 ms and so on. This field can be configured only if the UE is configured with split SRB1 or SRB3.
SetupRelease {T316-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
needForGapsConfigNR-r16Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
SetupRelease {NeedForGapsConfigNR-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
onDemandSIB-Request-r16Indicates that the UE is allowed to request SIB(s) on-demand while in RRC_CONNECTED according to clause
SetupRelease { OnDemandSIB-Request-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
dedicatedPosSysInfoDelivery-r16This field is used to transfer SIBPos to the UE in RRC_CONNECTED.
OCTET STRING (CONTAINING PosSystemInformation-r16-IEs) OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sl-ConfigDedicatedNR-r16This field is used to provide the dedicated configurations for NR sidelink communication/discovery/positioning.
SetupRelease {SL-ConfigDedicatedNR-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-ConfigDedicatedEUTRA-Info-r16This field includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration as specified in TS 36.331 [10]. In this version of the specification, the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration can only includes sidelink related fields for V2X sidelink communication, i.e. sl-V2X-ConfigDedicated, sl-V2X-SPS-Config, measConfig and/or otherConfig.
SetupRelease {SL-ConfigDedicatedEUTRA-Info-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
targetCellSMTC-SCG-r16The SSB periodicity/offset/duration configuration of target cell for NR PSCell addition and SN change. When UE receives this field, UE applies the configuration based on the timing reference of NR PCell for PSCell addition and PSCell change for the case of no reconfiguration with sync of MCG, and UE applies the configuration based on the timing reference of target NR PCell for the case of reconfiguration with sync of MCG. If both this field and the smtc in secondaryCellGroup -> SpCellConfig -> reconfigurationWithSync are absent, the UE uses the SMTC in the measObjectNR having the same SSB frequency and subcarrier spacing, as configured before the reception of the RRC message.
SSB-MTC OPTIONAL, -- Need S nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfiguration-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { otherConfig-v1700 OtherConfig-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-L2RelayUE-Config-r17Contains L2 U2N relay operation related configurations used by a UE acting as or to be acting as a L2 U2N Relay UEor L2 U2U relay operation related configuration used by a UE acting as a L2 U2U Relay UE. In case of L2 U2N relay operation,the field is absent if conditionalReconfiguration is configured for CHO.
SetupRelease { SL-L2RelayUE-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17Contains L2 U2N relay operation related configurations used by a UE acting as or to be acting as a L2 U2N Remote UEor L2 U2U relay operation related configuration used by a UE acting as a L2 U2U Remote UE.In case of L2 U2N relay operation, the field is absent if conditionalReconfiguration is configured for CHO, or if appLayerMeasConfig or SRB4 is configured/not released.
SetupRelease { SL-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
dedicatedPagingDelivery-r17This field is used to transfer Paging message for the associated L2 U2N Remote UE to the L2 U2N Relay UE in RRC_CONNECTED.
needForGapNCSG-ConfigNR-r17Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
SetupRelease {NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigNR-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
needForGapNCSG-ConfigEUTRA-r17Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of EUTRA target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
SetupRelease {NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigEUTRA-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
musim-GapConfig-r17Indicates the MUSIM gap configuration and controls setup/release of MUSIM gaps. In this version of the specification, the network does not configure MUSIM gap together preconfigured measurement gap for positioning.For the UE not supporting musim-GapPriorityPreference, the network does not configure MUSIM gap together with concurrent measurement gap.
SetupRelease {MUSIM-GapConfig-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ul-GapFR2-Config-r17Indicates the FR2 UL gap configuration to UE. In EN-DC and NGEN-DC, the SN decides and configures the FR2 UL gap pattern. In NE-DC, the MN decides and configures the FR2 UL gap pattern. In NR-DC without FR2-FR2 band combination, the network entity which is configured with FR2 serving cell(s) decides and configures the FR2 UL gap pattern.
SetupRelease { UL-GapFR2-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
scg-State-r17Indicates that the SCG is in deactivated state. This field is not used -in an RRCReconfiguration message received: -within mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup, or -in an E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, or -in an E-UTRA RRCConnectionResume message or -in an RRCReconfiguration message received via SRB3, except if the RRCReconfiguration message is included in DLInformationTransferMRDC. The field is absent if CPA, CPC, or subsequent CPAC is configured for the UE, or if the RRCReconfiguration message is contained in CondRRCReconfig, or PSCell is configured with tag2, or if the RRCReconfiguration message is included within an LTM-Config IE.
ENUMERATED { deactivated } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
appLayerMeasConfig-r17This field is used to configureapplication layer measurements. This field is absent when the UE is configured to operate with shared spectrum channel access or if sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 is configured or not released.
AppLayerMeasConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ue-TxTEG-RequestUL-TDOA-Config-r17Configures the periodicity of UE reporting for the association between Tx TEG and SRS Positioning resources. When configured with oneShot UE reports the association only one time. When configured with periodicReporting UE reports the association periodically and the periodicReporting indicates the periodicity. Value ms160 corresponds to 160ms, value ms320 corresponds to 320ms and so on.
SetupRelease {UE-TxTEG-RequestUL-TDOA-Config-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfiguration-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
needForInterruptionConfigNR-r18Indicates whether the UE shall report interruption requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message. The network sets this field to enabled only if the needForGapsConfigNR is configured. The network sets this field to disabled if the needForGapsConfigNR is released.
ENUMERATED { disabled, enabled } OPTIONAL, -- Need M aerial-Config-r18 SetupRelease { Aerial-Config-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-IndirectPathAddChange-r18 SetupRelease { SL-IndirectPathAddChange-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M n3c-IndirectPathAddChange-r18 SetupRelease { N3C-IndirectPathAddChange-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M n3c-IndirectPathConfigRelay-r18 SetupRelease { N3C-IndirectPathConfigRelay-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M otherConfig-v1800 OtherConfig-v1800 OPTIONAL, -- Need M srs-PosResourceSetAggBW-CombinationList-r18 SetupRelease { SRS-PosResourceSetAggBW-CombinationList-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ltm-Config-r18The network does not configure this field in an RRCReconfiguration message withinan LTM-Config IE and ConditionalReconfiguration IE.
SetupRelease {LTM-Config-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Need M nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1830-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfiguration-v1830-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { otherConfig-v1830 OtherConfig-v1830 OPTIONAL, -- Need M nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } MRDC-SecondaryCellGroupConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
mrdc-ReleaseAndAddThis field indicates that the current SCG configuration is released and a new SCG is added at the same time.
mrdc-SecondaryCellGroupIncludes an RRC message for SCG configuration in NR-DC or NE-DC.For NR-DC (nr-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup contains the RRCReconfiguration message as generated (entirely) by SN gNB. In this version of the specification, the RRC message can only include fields secondaryCellGroup, otherConfig, conditionalReconfiguration,ltm-Config,measConfig,bap-Config,IAB-IP-AddressConfigurationList and appLayerMeasConfig. For NE-DC (eutra-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message as specified in TS 36.331 [10]. In this version of the specification, the E-UTRA RRC message can only include the field scg-Configuration.
bap-Address-r16Indicates the BAP address of an IAB-node. The BAP address of an IAB-node cannot be changed once configured for the cell group to the BAP entity.
defaultUL-BAP-RoutingID-r16This field is used for IAB-node to configure the default uplink Routing ID, which is used by IAB-node during IAB-node bootstrapping, migration, IAB-MT RRC resume and IAB-MT RRC re-establishment for F1-C and non-F1 traffic. The defaultUL-BAP-RoutingID can be (re-)configured when IAB-node IP address for F1-C related traffic changes. This field is mandatory only for IAB-node bootstrapping.
BAP-RoutingID-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
defaultUL-BH-RLC-Channel-r16This field is used for IAB-nodes to configure the default uplink BH RLC channel, which is used by IAB-nodeduring IAB-node bootstrapping, migration, IAB-MT RRC resume and IAB-MT RRC re-establishmentfor F1-C and non-F1 traffic. The defaultUL-BH-RLC-Channel can be (re-)configured when IAB-node IP address for F1-C related traffic changes, and the new IP address is anchored at a different IAB-donor-DU. This field is mandatory for IAB-node bootstrapping. If the IAB-MT is operating in EN-DC, the default uplink BH RLC channel is referring to an RLC channel on the SCG; Otherwise, it is referring to an RLC channel either on the MCG or on the SCG depending on whether the MN or the SN configures this field.
BH-RLC-ChannelID-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
flowControlFeedbackType-r16This field is only used for IAB-node that support hop-by-hop flow control to configure the type of flow control feedback. Value perBH-RLC-Channel indicates that the IAB-node shall provide flow control feedback per BH RLC channel, value perRoutingID indicates that the IAB-node shall provide flow control feedback per routing ID, and value both indicates that the IAB-node shall provide flow control feedback both per BH RLC channel and per routing ID.
ENUMERATED {perBH-RLC-Channel, perRoutingID, both} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } MasterKeyUpdate ::= SEQUENCE {
keySetChangeIndicatorIndicates whether UE shall derive a new KgNB. If reconfigurationWithSync is included, value true indicates that a KgNB key is derived from a KAMF key taken into use through the latest successful NAS SMC procedure, or N2 handover procedure with KAMF change, as described in TS 33.501 [11] for KgNB re-keying. Value false indicates that the new KgNB key is obtained from the current KgNB key or from the NH as described in TS 33.501 [11].
nextHopChainingCountParameter NCC: See TS 33.501 [11]
nas-ContainerThis field is used to transfer UE specific NAS layer information between the network and the UE. The RRC layer is transparent for this field, although it affects activation of AS security after inter-system handover to NR. The content is defined in TS 24.501 [23].
OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- Cond securityNASC ... } OnDemandSIB-Request-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
onDemandSIB-RequestProhibitTimer-r16Prohibit timer for requesting SIB(s) on-demand while in RRC_CONNECTED according to clause Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
ENUMERATED {s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s5, s10, s20, s30} } T316-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {ms50, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000} IAB-IP-AddressConfigurationList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
iab-IP-AddressToAddModList-r16List of IP addresses allocated for IAB-node to be added and modified.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxIAB-IP-Address-r16)) OF IAB-IP-AddressConfiguration-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
iab-IP-AddressToReleaseList-r16List of IP address allocated for IAB-node to be released.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxIAB-IP-Address-r16)) OF IAB-IP-AddressIndex-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } IAB-IP-AddressConfiguration-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
iab-IP-AddressIndex-r16This field is used to identify a configuration of an IP address.
iab-IP-Address-r16This field is used to provide the IP address information for IAB-node.
IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
iab-IP-Usage-r16This field is used to indicate the usage of the assigned IP address. If this field is not configured, the assigned IP address is used for all traffic.
IAB-IP-Usage-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
iab-donor-DU-BAP-Address-r16This field is used to indicate the BAP address of the IAB-donor-DU where the IP address is anchored.
BIT STRING (SIZE(10)) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-ConfigDedicatedEUTRA-Info-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-ConfigDedicatedEUTRA-r16 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-TimeOffsetEUTRA-List-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (8)) OF SL-TimeOffsetEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-TimeOffsetEUTRA-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {ms0, ms0dot25, ms0dot5, ms0dot625, ms0dot75, ms1, ms1dot25, ms1dot5, ms1dot75, ms2, ms2dot5, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20} UE-TxTEG-RequestUL-TDOA-Config-r17 ::= CHOICE { oneShot-r17 NULL, periodicReporting-r17 ENUMERATED { ms160, ms320, ms1280, ms2560, ms61440, ms81920, ms368640, ms737280 } } SRS-PosResourceSetAggBW-CombinationList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxNrOfLinkedSRS-PosResSetComb-r18)) OF SRS-PosResourceSetLinkedForAggBW-List-r18 SRS-PosResourceSetLinkedForAggBW-List-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(2..maxNrOfLinkedSRS-PosResourceSet-r18)) OF SRS-PosResourceSetLinkedForAggBW-r18 -- TAG-RRCRECONFIGURATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RRCReconfiguration-IEs field descriptions
This field is used to configureapplication layer measurements. This field is absent when the UE is configured to operate with shared spectrum channel access or if sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 is configured or not released.
This field is used to configure the BAP entity for IAB nodes.
Indicates the BAP address of an IAB-node. The BAP address of an IAB-node cannot be changed once configured for the cell group to the BAP entity.
Configuration of candidate target SpCell(s) and execution condition(s) for conditional handover, conditional PSCell addition or conditional PSCell change.The field is absent if any DAPS bearer is configured,if the sl-L2RemoteUE-Config or sl-L2RelayUE-Config is configured, or if the RRCReconfiguration message is contained within condRRCReconfig.When the masterCellGroup and/or secondaryCellGroup includes ReconfigurationWithSync, if this field is present, it only includes configurations/fields specific to subsequent CPAC.The RRCReconfiguration message contained in DLInformationTransferMRDC cannot contain the field conditionalReconfiguration for conditional PSCell changeor for conditional PSCell addition. The network does not include this field in an RRCReconfiguration message contained within a LTM-Config IE.
Indicates to UE that the source cell part of DAPS operation is to be stopped and the source cell part of DAPS configuration is to be released.
This field is used to transfer UE specific NAS layer information between the network and the UE. The RRC layer is transparent for each PDU in the list.
This field is used to transfer Paging message for the associated L2 U2N Remote UE to the L2 U2N Relay UE in RRC_CONNECTED.
This field is used to transfer SIBPos to the UE in RRC_CONNECTED.
This field is used to transfer SIB1 to the UE (including L2 U2N Remote UE).The field has the same values as the corresponding configuration in servingCellConfigCommon.
This field is used to transfer SIB6, SIB7, SIB8, SIB19, SIB20, SIB21, SIB25 to the UE with an active BWP with no common search space configured or the L2 U2N Remote UE in RRC_CONNECTED. For UEs in RRC_CONNECTED (including L2 U2N Remote UE), this field is also used to transfer the SIBs requested on-demand.
This field is used for IAB-node to configure the default uplink Routing ID, which is used by IAB-node during IAB-node bootstrapping, migration, IAB-MT RRC resume and IAB-MT RRC re-establishment for F1-C and non-F1 traffic. The defaultUL-BAP-RoutingID can be (re-)configured when IAB-node IP address for F1-C related traffic changes. This field is mandatory only for IAB-node bootstrapping.
This field is used for IAB-nodes to configure the default uplink BH RLC channel, which is used by IAB-nodeduring IAB-node bootstrapping, migration, IAB-MT RRC resume and IAB-MT RRC re-establishmentfor F1-C and non-F1 traffic. The defaultUL-BH-RLC-Channel can be (re-)configured when IAB-node IP address for F1-C related traffic changes, and the new IP address is anchored at a different IAB-donor-DU. This field is mandatory for IAB-node bootstrapping. If the IAB-MT is operating in EN-DC, the default uplink BH RLC channel is referring to an RLC channel on the SCG; Otherwise, it is referring to an RLC channel either on the MCG or on the SCG depending on whether the MN or the SN configures this field.
This field is only used for IAB-node that support hop-by-hop flow control to configure the type of flow control feedback. Value perBH-RLC-Channel indicates that the IAB-node shall provide flow control feedback per BH RLC channel, value perRoutingID indicates that the IAB-node shall provide flow control feedback per routing ID, and value both indicates that the IAB-node shall provide flow control feedback both per BH RLC channel and per routing ID.
Indicates that the full configuration option is applicable for the RRCReconfiguration message for intra-system intra-RAT HO. For inter-RAT HO from E-UTRA to NR, fullConfig indicates whether or not delta signalling of SDAP/PDCP from source RAT is applicable. This field is absent if any DAPS bearer is configured or when the RRCReconfiguration message is transmitted on SRB3, and in an RRCReconfiguration message for SCG contained in another RRCReconfiguration message (or RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, see TS 36.331 [10]) transmitted on SRB1.
This field is used to provide the IP address information for IAB-node.
This field is used to identify a configuration of an IP address.
List of IP addresses allocated for IAB-node to be added and modified.
List of IP address allocated for IAB-node to be released.
This field is used to indicate the usage of the assigned IP address. If this field is not configured, the assigned IP address is used for all traffic.
This field is used to indicate the BAP address of the IAB-donor-DU where the IP address is anchored.
Indicates whether UE shall derive a new KgNB. If reconfigurationWithSync is included, value true indicates that a KgNB key is derived from a KAMF key taken into use through the latest successful NAS SMC procedure, or N2 handover procedure with KAMF change, as described in TS 33.501 [11] for KgNB re-keying. Value false indicates that the new KgNB key is obtained from the current KgNB key or from the NH as described in TS 33.501 [11].
The network does not configure this field in an RRCReconfiguration message withinan LTM-Config IE and ConditionalReconfiguration IE.
Configuration of master cell group.
This field indicates that the current SCG configuration is released and a new SCG is added at the same time.
Includes an RRC message for SCG configuration in NR-DC or NE-DC.For NR-DC (nr-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup contains the RRCReconfiguration message as generated (entirely) by SN gNB. In this version of the specification, the RRC message can only include fields secondaryCellGroup, otherConfig, conditionalReconfiguration,ltm-Config,measConfig,bap-Config,IAB-IP-AddressConfigurationList and appLayerMeasConfig. For NE-DC (eutra-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message as specified in TS 36.331 [10]. In this version of the specification, the E-UTRA RRC message can only include the field scg-Configuration.
This field is used to configure and release an SCG in NR-DC and NE-DC. In anRRCReconfiguration message within an LTM-Config IE associated with the MCG, if this field is present its value can only be set to release.
Indicates the MUSIM gap configuration and controls setup/release of MUSIM gaps. In this version of the specification, the network does not configure MUSIM gap together preconfigured measurement gap for positioning.For the UE not supporting musim-GapPriorityPreference, the network does not configure MUSIM gap together with concurrent measurement gap.
This field is used to transfer UE specific NAS layer information between the network and the UE. The RRC layer is transparent for this field, although it affects activation of AS security after inter-system handover to NR. The content is defined in TS 24.501 [23].
Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of EUTRA target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
Indicates whether the UE shall report interruption requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message. The network sets this field to enabled only if the needForGapsConfigNR is configured. The network sets this field to disabled if the needForGapsConfigNR is released.
Parameter NCC: See TS 33.501 [11]
Indicates that the UE is allowed to request SIB(s) on-demand while in RRC_CONNECTED according to clause
Prohibit timer for requesting SIB(s) on-demand while in RRC_CONNECTED according to clause Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
Contains configuration related to other configurations. When configured for the SCG, only fields drx-PreferenceConfig, maxBW-PreferenceConfig, maxBW-PreferenceConfigFR2-2, maxCC-PreferenceConfig, maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceConfig,maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceConfigFR2-2,minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceConfig, minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceConfigExt,rlm-RelaxationReportingConfig, bfd-RelaxationReportingConfig, btNameList, wlanNameList, sensorNameList,obtainCommonLocation, idc-AssistanceConfig, multiRx-PreferenceReportingConfigFR2, ul-TrafficInfoReportingConfig, n3c-RelayUE-InfoReportConfig, successPSCell-Config and sn-InitiatedPSCellChangecan be included.
Configuration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs, multicast MRBs) including SDAP/PDCP. In (NG)EN-DC this field may only be present if the RRCReconfiguration is transmitted over SRB3. SRB4 should not be configured if sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 is configured or not released.
Configuration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs) including SDAP/PDCP. This field can only be used if the UE supports NR-DC or NE-DC.
Indicates that the SCG is in deactivated state. This field is not used -in an RRCReconfiguration message received: -within mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup, or -in an E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, or -in an E-UTRA RRCConnectionResume message or -in an RRCReconfiguration message received via SRB3, except if the RRCReconfiguration message is included in DLInformationTransferMRDC. The field is absent if CPA, CPC, or subsequent CPAC is configured for the UE, or if the RRCReconfiguration message is contained in CondRRCReconfig, or PSCell is configured with tag2, or if the RRCReconfiguration message is included within an LTM-Config IE.
Contains L2 U2N relay operation related configurations used by a UE acting as or to be acting as a L2 U2N Relay UEor L2 U2U relay operation related configuration used by a UE acting as a L2 U2U Relay UE. In case of L2 U2N relay operation,the field is absent if conditionalReconfiguration is configured for CHO.
Contains L2 U2N relay operation related configurations used by a UE acting as or to be acting as a L2 U2N Remote UEor L2 U2U relay operation related configuration used by a UE acting as a L2 U2U Remote UE.In case of L2 U2N relay operation, the field is absent if conditionalReconfiguration is configured for CHO, or if appLayerMeasConfig or SRB4 is configured/not released.
Configuration of secondary cell group ((NG)EN-DC or NR-DC).
A counter used upon initial configuration of S-KgNB or S-KeNB, as well as upon refresh of S-KgNB or S-KeNB. This field is always included either upon initial configuration of an NR SCG or upon configuration of the first RB with keyToUse set to secondary, whichever happens first. This field is absent if there is neither any NR SCG nor any RB with keyToUse set to secondary, or if the RRCReconfiguration message is contained in condRRCReconfig for subsequent CPAC.
This field is used to provide the dedicated configurations for NR sidelink communication/discovery/positioning.
This field includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration as specified in TS 36.331 [10]. In this version of the specification, the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration can only includes sidelink related fields for V2X sidelink communication, i.e. sl-V2X-ConfigDedicated, sl-V2X-SPS-Config, measConfig and/or otherConfig.
This field indicates the SRS resource sets across two or three carriers which are linked for SRS bandwidth aggregation in RRC_CONNECTED state as defined in clause of TS 38.214 [19].
This field indicates the possible time offset to (de)activation of V2X sidelink transmission after receiving DCI format 3_1 used for scheduling V2X sidelink communication. Value ms0dpt75 corresponds to 0.75ms, ms1 corresponds to 1ms and so on. The network includes this field only when sl-ConfigDedicatedEUTRA is configured.
The SSB periodicity/offset/duration configuration of target cell for NR PSCell addition and SN change. When UE receives this field, UE applies the configuration based on the timing reference of NR PCell for PSCell addition and PSCell change for the case of no reconfiguration with sync of MCG, and UE applies the configuration based on the timing reference of target NR PCell for the case of reconfiguration with sync of MCG. If both this field and the smtc in secondaryCellGroup -> SpCellConfig -> reconfigurationWithSync are absent, the UE uses the SMTC in the measObjectNR having the same SSB frequency and subcarrier spacing, as configured before the reception of the RRC message.
Indicates the value for timer T316 as described in clause 7.1. Value ms50 corresponds to 50 ms, value ms100 corresponds to 100 ms and so on. This field can be configured only if the UE is configured with split SRB1 or SRB3.
Configures the periodicity of UE reporting for the association between Tx TEG and SRS Positioning resources. When configured with oneShot UE reports the association only one time. When configured with periodicReporting UE reports the association periodically and the periodicReporting indicates the periodicity. Value ms160 corresponds to 160ms, value ms320 corresponds to 320ms and so on.
Indicates the FR2 UL gap configuration to UE. In EN-DC and NGEN-DC, the SN decides and configures the FR2 UL gap pattern. In NE-DC, the MN decides and configures the FR2 UL gap pattern. In NR-DC without FR2-FR2 band combination, the network entity which is configured with FR2 serving cell(s) decides and configures the FR2 UL gap pattern.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is absent in case of reconfiguration with sync within NR or to NR; otherwise it is optionally present, need N.
This field is mandatory present in case of inter system handover. Otherwise the field is optionally present, need N.
This field is mandatory present in case masterCellGroup includes ReconfigurationWithSync and RadioBearerConfig includes SecurityConfig with SecurityAlgorithmConfig, indicating a change of the AS security algorithms associated to the master key. If ReconfigurationWithSync is included for other cases, this field is optionally present, need N. If ReconfigurationWithSync is part of an RRCReconfiguration message within an LTM-Config IE associated with the MCG, the field is absent. Otherwise the field is absent.
The field is mandatory present in case of inter-system handover from E-UTRA/EPC to NR. It is optionally present, Need N, during a reconfiguration with sync which is not related to an LTM cell switch or subsequent CPAC, and also in first reconfiguration after reestablishment; or for intra-system handover from E-UTRA/5GC to NR. It is absent otherwise.
The field is mandatory present in:
-an RRCReconfiguration message contained in an RRCResume message (or in an RRCConnectionResume message, see TS 36.331 [10]), -an RRCReconfiguration message contained in an RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, see TS 36.331 [10], which is contained in DLInformationTransferMRDCtransmitted on SRB3 (as a response to ULInformationTransferMRDC including an MCGFailureInformation). The field is optional present, Need M, in: -an RRCReconfiguration message transmitted on SRB3, -an RRCReconfiguration message contained in another RRCReconfiguration message (or in an RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, see TS 36.331 [10]) transmitted on SRB1 -an RRCReconfiguration message contained in another RRCReconfiguration message which is contained in DLInformationTransferMRDCtransmitted on SRB3 (as a response to ULInformationTransferMRDC including an MCGFailureInformation). Otherwise, the field is absent.
For L2 U2N Relay UE, the field is optionally present, Need N. Otherwise, it is absent.

The RRCReconfigurationComplete message is used to confirm the successful completion of an RRC connection reconfiguration.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCRECONFIGURATIONCOMPLETE-START RRCReconfigurationComplete ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { rrcReconfigurationComplete RRCReconfigurationComplete-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } RRCReconfigurationComplete-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1530-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1530-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
uplinkTxDirectCurrentListThe Tx Direct Current locations for the configured serving cells and BWPs if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrent in CellGroupConfig).
UplinkTxDirectCurrentList OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1560-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1560-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
scg-ResponseIn case of NR-DC (nr-SCG-Response), this field includes the RRCReconfigurationComplete message. In case of NE-DC (eutra-SCG-Response), this field includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message as specified in TS 36.331 [10].
CHOICE { nr-SCG-Response OCTET STRING (CONTAINING RRCReconfigurationComplete), eutra-SCG-Response OCTET STRING } OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 UE-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 OPTIONAL,
needForGapsInfoNR-r16This field is used to indicate the measurement gap requirement information of the UE for NR target bands.
NeedForGapsInfoNR-r16 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1640-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1640-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
uplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierList-r16The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured uplink intra-band CA with two carriers if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier-r16 in CellGroupConfig).
UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierList-r16 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
needForGapNCSG-InfoNR-r17This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for NR target bands.
needForGapNCSG-InfoEUTRA-r17This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for EUTRA target bands.
selectedCondRRCReconfig-r17This field indicates the ID of the selected conditional reconfiguration the UE applied upon the execution of CPA or inter-SN CPC.
CondReconfigId-r16 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1720-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1720-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
uplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrierList-r17The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured intra-band CA requested by reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrier-r17.
UplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrierList-r17 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
needForInterruptionInfoNR-r18This field indicates whether interruption is needed while performing measurement on NR target bands without measurement gap.
NeedForInterruptionInfoNR-r18 OPTIONAL, flightPathInfoAvailable-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,
selectedPSCellForCHO-WithSCG-r18This field indicates the information of the selected target PSCell to target MN at execution of a conditional reconfiguration for CHO with candidate SCG(s).
SelectedPSCellForCHO-WithSCG-r18 OPTIONAL,
selectedSK-Counter-r18This field includes the selected sk-counter value for security key update upon the execution of subsequent CPAC.
measConfigReportAppLayerAvailable-r18Indication that the UE has at least one application layer measurement configuration with appLayerIdleInactiveConfig configured.
RRCReconfigurationComplete-IEs field descriptions
Indication that the UE has at least one application layer measurement configuration with appLayerIdleInactiveConfig configured.
This field is used to indicate the measurement gap requirement information of the UE for NR target bands.
This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for EUTRA target bands.
This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for NR target bands.
This field indicates whether interruption is needed while performing measurement on NR target bands without measurement gap.
In case of NR-DC (nr-SCG-Response), this field includes the RRCReconfigurationComplete message. In case of NE-DC (eutra-SCG-Response), this field includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message as specified in TS 36.331 [10].
This field indicates the ID of the selected conditional reconfiguration the UE applied upon the execution of CPA or inter-SN CPC.
This field indicates the information of the selected target PSCell to target MN at execution of a conditional reconfiguration for CHO with candidate SCG(s).
This field includes the selected sk-counter value for security key update upon the execution of subsequent CPAC.
The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured serving cells and BWPs if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrent in CellGroupConfig).
The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured intra-band CA requested by reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrier-r17.
The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured uplink intra-band CA with two carriers if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier-r16 in CellGroupConfig).

The RRCReject message is used to reject an RRC connection establishment or an RRC connection resumption.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCREJECT-START RRCReject ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { rrcReject RRCReject-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } RRCReject-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
waitTimeWait time value in seconds. The field is always included.
RejectWaitTime OPTIONAL, -- Need N lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-RRCREJECT-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RRCReject-IEs field descriptions
Wait time value in seconds. The field is always included.

The RRCRelease message is used to command the release of an RRC connection or the suspension of the RRC connection.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCRELEASE-START RRCRelease ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { rrcRelease RRCRelease-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } RRCRelease-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
redirectedCarrierInfoIndicates a carrier frequency (downlink for FDD) and is used to redirect the UE to an NR or an inter-RAT carrier frequency, by means of cell selection at transition to RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. Based on UE capability, the network may includeredirectedCarrierInfo in RRCRelease message with suspendConfig if this message is sent in response to an RRCResumeRequest or an RRCResumeRequest1 which is triggered by the NAS layer (see in TS 24.501 [23]).
RedirectedCarrierInfo OPTIONAL, -- Need N
cellReselectionPrioritiesDedicated priorities to be used for cell reselection as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. The maximum number of NR carrier frequencies that the network can configure through FreqPriorityListNR and FreqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing together is eight. If the same frequency is configured in both FreqPriorityListNR and FreqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing, the frequency is only counted once.
CellReselectionPriorities OPTIONAL, -- Need R
suspendConfigIndicates configuration for the RRC_INACTIVE state. The network does not configure suspendConfig when the network redirect the UE to an inter-RAT carrier frequencyor if the UE is configured with a DAPS bearer.
SuspendConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need R
deprioritisationReqIndicates whether the current frequency or RAT is to be de-prioritised.
SEQUENCE { deprioritisationType ENUMERATED {frequency, nr},
deprioritisationTimerIndicates the value for timer T325 (see clause and TS 38.304 [20]). Value minN corresponds to N minutes.
ENUMERATED {min5, min10, min15, min30} } OPTIONAL, -- Need N lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCRelease-v1540-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCRelease-v1540-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { waitTime RejectWaitTime OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension RRCRelease-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCRelease-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
voiceFallbackIndication-r16Indicates the RRC release is triggered by EPS fallback for IMS voice as specified in TS 23.502 [43].
measIdleConfig-r16Indicates measurement configuration to be stored and used by the UE while in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
SetupRelease {MeasIdleConfigDedicated-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M nonCriticalExtension RRCRelease-v1650-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCRelease-v1650-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
mpsPriorityIndication-r16Indicates the UE can set the establishment cause to mps-PriorityAccess for a new connection following a redirect to NR or set the resume cause to mps-PriorityAccess for a resume following a redirect to NR. If the target RAT is E-UTRA, see TS 36.331 [10]. The gNB sets the indication only for UEs authorized to receive MPS treatment as indicated by ARP and/or QoS characteristics at the gNB, and it is applicable only for this instance of release with redirection to carrier/RAT included in the redirectedCarrierInfo field in the RRCRelease message.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Redirection2 nonCriticalExtension RRCRelease-v1710-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCRelease-v1710-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
noLastCellUpdate-r17Presence of the field indicates that the last used cell for PEI shall not be updated. When the field is absent, the PEI-capable UE shall update its last used cell with the current cell. The UE shall not update its last used cell with the current cell if the AS security is not activated.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need S nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } RedirectedCarrierInfo ::= CHOICE { nr CarrierInfoNR, eutra RedirectedCarrierInfo-EUTRA, ... } RedirectedCarrierInfo-EUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { eutraFrequency ARFCN-ValueEUTRA,
cnTypeIndicate that the UE is redirected to EPC or 5GC.
ENUMERATED {epc,fiveGC} OPTIONAL -- Need N } CarrierInfoNR ::= SEQUENCE {
carrierFreqIndicates the redirected NR frequency.
ssbSubcarrierSpacingSubcarrier spacing of SSB in the redirected SSB frequency. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
smtcThe SSB periodicity/offset/duration configuration for the redirected SSB frequency. It is based on timing reference of PCell. If the field is absent, the UE uses the SMTC configured in the measObjectNR having the same SSB frequency and subcarrier spacing.
SSB-MTC OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... } SuspendConfig ::= SEQUENCE { fullI-RNTI I-RNTI-Value, shortI-RNTI ShortI-RNTI-Value,
ran-PagingCycleRefers to the UE specific cycle for RAN-initiated paging. Value rf32 corresponds to 32 radio frames, value rf64 corresponds to 64 radio frames and so on.
ran-NotificationAreaInfoNetwork ensures that the UE in RRC_INACTIVE always has a valid ran-NotificationAreaInfo.
RAN-NotificationAreaInfo OPTIONAL, -- Need M
t380Refers to the timer that triggers the periodic RNAU procedure in UE. Value min5 corresponds to 5 minutes, value min10 corresponds to 10 minutes and so on.
PeriodicRNAU-TimerValue OPTIONAL, -- Need R nextHopChainingCount NextHopChainingCount, ..., [[
sl-UEIdentityRemote-r17Indicates the C-RNTI to the L2 U2N Remote UE.
RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Cond L2RemoteUE sdt-Config-r17 SetupRelease { SDT-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
srs-PosRRC-Inactive-r17Contains the SRS for positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state.
SetupRelease { SRS-PosRRC-Inactive-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ran-ExtendedPagingCycle-r17The extended DRX (eDRX) cycle for RAN-initiated paging to be applied by the UE as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Value rf256 corresponds to 256 radio frames, value rf512 corresponds to 512 radio frames and so on. Value of the field indicates an eDRX cycle which is shorter or equal to the IDLE mode eDRX cycle configured for the UE.
ExtendedPagingCycle-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond RANPaging ]], [[
ncd-SSB-RedCapInitialBWP-SDT-r17Indicates that the UE uses the RedCap-specific initial DL BWP associated with the NCD-SSB for SDT. The network configures this field if an(e)RedCap UE is configured with SDT in the RedCap-specific initial DL BWP not associated with CD-SSB. If configured, the NCD-SSB indicated by this field can only be used during the SDT procedure for CG-SDT or RA-SDT. In the MIB associated with this NCD-SSB, the systemFrameNumber field indicates the frame boundary and frame number of the NCD-SSB. The subCarrierSpacingCommon and dmrs-TypeA-Position field in the MIBs associated with CD-SSB and NCD-SSB in the same cell are configured with the same values, respectively.
SetupRelease {NonCellDefiningSSB-r17} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
resumeIndication-r18Indicates that the UE shall trigger the RRC connection resume procedure after receiving this RRCRelease message, as specified in clause The network only includes this field in the RRCRelease message used to terminate an ongoing SDT procedure.
srs-PosRRC-InactiveEnhanced-r18Contains the SRS for positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state that is applicable for a validity area. The fieldalso contains bandwidth aggregation (see TS 38.214 [19], clause and frequency hopping configurations (see TS 38.214 [19], clause for SRS for positioning in RRC_INACTIVE state.
SetupRelease { SRS-PosRRC-InactiveEnhanced-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ran-ExtendedPagingCycleConfig-r18The extended DRX (eDRX) configuraiton for RAN-initiated paging to be applied by the UE when the eDRX cycle for RAN-initiated paging is longer than 10.24s.
ExtendedPagingCycleConfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Cond RANPaging
multicastConfigInactive-r18Indicates whether the UE is configured to receive MBS multicast in RRC_INACTIVE. The presence of this field indicates the UE is configured to receive MBS multicast in RRC_INACTIVE; otherwise, the UE is not configured to receive MBS multicast in RRC_INACTIVE.
SetupRelease { MulticastConfigInactive-r18 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } PeriodicRNAU-TimerValue ::= ENUMERATED { min5, min10, min20, min30, min60, min120, min360, min720} CellReselectionPriorities ::= SEQUENCE { freqPriorityListEUTRA FreqPriorityListEUTRA OPTIONAL, -- Need M freqPriorityListNR FreqPriorityListNR OPTIONAL, -- Need M t320 ENUMERATED {min5, min10, min20, min30, min60, min120, min180, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ freqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing-r17 FreqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } PagingCycle ::= ENUMERATED {rf32, rf64, rf128, rf256} FreqPriorityListEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF FreqPriorityEUTRA FreqPriorityListNR ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF FreqPriorityNR FreqPriorityEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE {
carrierFreqIndicates the redirected NR frequency.
ARFCN-ValueEUTRA, cellReselectionPriority CellReselectionPriority, cellReselectionSubPriority CellReselectionSubPriority OPTIONAL -- Need R } FreqPriorityNR ::= SEQUENCE {
carrierFreqIndicates the redirected NR frequency.
ARFCN-ValueNR, cellReselectionPriority CellReselectionPriority, cellReselectionSubPriority CellReselectionSubPriority OPTIONAL -- Need R } RAN-NotificationAreaInfo ::= CHOICE {
cellListA list of cells configured as RAN area.
ran-AreaConfigListA list of RAN area codes or RA code(s) as RAN area.
PLMN-RAN-AreaConfigList, ... } PLMN-RAN-AreaCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxPLMNIdentities)) OF PLMN-RAN-AreaCell PLMN-RAN-AreaCell ::= SEQUENCE {
plmn-IdentityPLMN Identity to which the cells in ran-AreaCells belong. If the field is absent the UE not in SNPN access mode uses the ID of the registered PLMN. This field is not included for UE in SNPN access mode (for UE in SNPN access mode the ran-AreaCells always belongs to the registered SNPN).
PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Need S
ran-AreaCellsThe total number of cells of all PLMNs does not exceed 32.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF CellIdentity } PLMN-RAN-AreaConfigList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMNIdentities)) OF PLMN-RAN-AreaConfig PLMN-RAN-AreaConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
plmn-IdentityPLMN Identity to which the cells in ran-AreaCells belong. If the field is absent the UE not in SNPN access mode uses the ID of the registered PLMN. This field is not included for UE in SNPN access mode (for UE in SNPN access mode the ran-AreaCells always belongs to the registered SNPN).
PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Need S
ran-AreaIndicates whether TA code(s) or RAN area code(s) are used for the RAN notification area. The network uses only TA code(s) or both TA code(s) and RAN area code(s) to configure a UE. The total number of TACs across all PLMNs does not exceed 16.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF RAN-AreaConfig } RAN-AreaConfig ::= SEQUENCE { trackingAreaCode TrackingAreaCode,
ran-AreaCodeListThe total number of RAN-AreaCodes of all PLMNs does not exceed 32.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF RAN-AreaCode OPTIONAL -- Need R } SDT-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
sdt-DRB-List-r17Indicates the ID(s) of the DRB(s) that are configured for SDT. If size of the sequence is zero, then the UE assumes that none of the DRBs are configured for SDT. The network only configures MN terminated MCG bearers for SDT.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxDRB)) OF DRB-Identity OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sdt-SRB2-Indication-r17Indicates whether SRB2 is configured for SDT or not.
ENUMERATED {allowed} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sdt-MAC-PHY-CG-Config-r17 SetupRelease {SDT-CG-Config-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sdt-DRB-ContinueROHC-r17Indicates whether the PDCP entity of the radio bearers configured for SDT continues or resets the ROHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment during SDT procedure, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value cell indicates that ROHC header compression continues when the UE resumes for SDT in the same cell as the PCell when the RRCRelease message was received. Value rna indicates that ROHC header compression continues when the UE resumes for SDT in a cell belonging to the same RNA as the PCell where the RRCRelease message was received. If the field is absent, the UE releases any stored value for this field and the PDCP entity of the radio bearers configured for SDT always resets the ROHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment when SDT procedure is initiated, as specified in TS 38.323 [5].
ENUMERATED { cell, rna } OPTIONAL -- Need S } SDT-CG-Config-r17 ::= OCTET STRING (CONTAINING SDT-MAC-PHY-CG-Config-r17) SDT-MAC-PHY-CG-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { -- CG-SDT specific configuration cg-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxLC-ID)) OF CG-SDT-ConfigLCH-Restriction-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N cg-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxLC-ID)) OF LogicalChannelIdentity OPTIONAL, -- Need N
cg-SDT-ConfigInitialBWP-NUL-r17UL BWP configuration for CG-SDT on NUL carrier. If a UE is an(e)RedCap UE and if the initialUplinkBWP-RedCap is configured in uplinkConfigCommon in SIB1, this field is configured for initialUplinkBWP-RedCap, otherwise it is configured for initialUplinkBWP for NUL.
SetupRelease {BWP-UplinkDedicatedSDT-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
cg-SDT-ConfigInitialBWP-SUL-r17UL BWP configuration for CG-SDT on SUL carrier configured for the initialUplinkBWP for SUL.
SetupRelease {BWP-UplinkDedicatedSDT-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
cg-SDT-ConfigInitialBWP-DL-r17Downlink BWP configuration for CG-SDT. If a UE is an(e)RedCap UE and if the initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap is configured in downlinkConfigCommon in SIB1, this field is configured for initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap, otherwise it is configured for initialDownlinkBWP.
BWP-DownlinkDedicatedSDT-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M cg-SDT-TimeAlignmentTimer-r17 TimeAlignmentTimer OPTIONAL, -- Need M
cg-SDT-RSRP-ThresholdSSB-r17An RSRP threshold configured for SSB selection for CG-SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need M
cg-SDT-TA-ValidationConfig-r17Configuration for the RSRP based TA validation. If this field is not configured, then the UE does not perform RSRP based TA validation.
SetupRelease { CG-SDT-TA-ValidationConfig-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
cg-SDT-CS-RNTI-r17The CS-RNTI value for CG-SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ cg-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionToAddModListExt-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxLC-ID)) OF CG-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionExt-v1800 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
cg-MT-SDT-MaxDurationToNextCG-Occasion-r18The maximum duration until the next CG-SDT occasion as specified in TS 38.321 [3] for MT-SDT. If configured, the CG-SDT resource can only be used for the initial CG-SDT transmission if the duration between the initiation of the CG-SDT procedure and the next CG-SDT occasion is less than the value configured by this field.
ENUMERATED { ms10, ms100, sec1, sec10, sec60, sec100, sec300, sec600, sec1200, sec1800, sec3600, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } CG-SDT-TA-ValidationConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
cg-SDT-RSRP-ChangeThreshold-r17The RSRP threshold for TA validation for CG-SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value dB2 corresponds to 2 dB, value dB4 corresponds to 4 dB and so on.
ENUMERATED { dB2, dB4, dB6, dB8, dB10, dB14, dB18, dB22, dB26, dB30, dB34, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} } BWP-DownlinkDedicatedSDT-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-Config-r17 SetupRelease { PDCCH-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M pdsch-Config-r17 SetupRelease { PDSCH-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } BWP-UplinkDedicatedSDT-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-Config-r17 SetupRelease { PUSCH-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M configuredGrantConfigToAddModList-r17 ConfiguredGrantConfigToAddModList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N configuredGrantConfigToReleaseList-r17 ConfiguredGrantConfigToReleaseList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } CG-SDT-ConfigLCH-Restriction-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
logicalChannelIdentity-r17ID used commonly for the MAC logical channel and for the RLC bearer associated with a servedRadioBearer configured for SDT.
configuredGrantType1Allowed-r17If present, or if the capability lcp-Restriction as specified in TS 38.306 [26] is not supported, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be transmitted on a configured grant type 1 for CG-SDT. Otherwise, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel cannot be transmitted on a configured grant type 1 for CG-SDT. Corresponds to "configuredGrantType1Allowed" in TS 38.321 [3].
allowedCG-List-r17This restriction applies only when the UL grant is a configured grant for CG-SDT. If present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the indicated CG-SDT configured grant configuration. If the size of the sequence is zero, then UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel cannot be mapped to any CG-SDT configured grant configurations. If the field is not present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any CG-SDT configured grant configurations. If the field configuredGrantType1Allowed is present, only those CG-SDT configured grant type 1 configurations indicated in this sequence are allowed for use by this logical channel; otherwise, this sequence shall not include any CG-SDT configured grant type 1 configuration. Corresponds to "allowedCG-List" as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SEQUENCE (SIZE (0.. maxNrofConfiguredGrantConfigMAC-1-r16)) OF ConfiguredGrantConfigIndexMAC-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R } CG-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionExt-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE {
cg-SDT-MaxDurationToNextCG-Occasion-r18The maximum duration until the next CG-SDT occasion for the logical channel identified by the logicalChannelIdentity as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. If configured, the CG-SDT resource can only be used for the initial CG-SDT transmission if the duration between the initiation of the CG-SDT procedure and the next CG-SDT occasion is less than the value configured by this field as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED { ms10, ms100, sec1, sec10, sec60, sec100, sec300, sec600, sec1200, sec1800, sec3600, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL -- Need R } SRS-PosRRC-Inactive-r17 ::= OCTET STRING (CONTAINING SRS-PosRRC-InactiveConfig-r17) SRS-PosRRC-InactiveConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
srs-PosConfigNUL-r17SRS for Positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state in Normal Uplink Carrier.
SRS-PosConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
srs-PosConfigSUL-r17SRS for Positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state in Supplementary Uplink Carrier.
SRS-PosConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
bwp-NUL-r17BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE state in Normal Uplink Carrier. If the field is absent UE is configured with an SRS for Positioning associated with the initial UL BWP and transmitted, during the RRC_INACTIVE state, inside the initial UL BWP with the same CP and SCS as configured for initial UL BWP.
bwp-SUL-r17BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE state in Supplementary Uplink Carrier. If the field is absent UE is configured with an SRS for Positioning associated with the initial UL BWP and transmitted, during the RRC_INACTIVE state, inside the initial UL BWP with the same CP and SCS as configured for initial UL BWP.
inactivePosSRS-TimeAlignmentTimer-r17TAT value for SRS for positioning transmission during RRC_INACTIVE state as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The network always configures this field whensrs-PosRRC-Inactive is configured.
TimeAlignmentTimer OPTIONAL, -- Need M
inactivePosSRS-RSRP-ChangeThreshold-r17RSRP threshold for the increase/decrease of RSRP for time alignment validation as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
RSRP-ChangeThreshold-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need M } RSRP-ChangeThreshold-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {dB4, dB6, dB8, dB10, dB14, dB18, dB22, dB26, dB30, dB34, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} SRS-PosConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-PosResourceSetToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResourceSets-r16)) OF SRS-PosResourceSetId-r16 OPTIONAL,-- Need N srs-PosResourceSetToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResourceSets-r16)) OF SRS-PosResourceSet-r16 OPTIONAL,-- Need N srs-PosResourceToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResources-r16)) OF SRS-PosResourceId-r16 OPTIONAL,-- Need N srs-PosResourceToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResources-r16)) OF SRS-PosResource-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N } SRS-PosRRC-InactiveEnhanced-r18 ::= OCTET STRING (CONTAINING SRS-PosRRC-InactiveEnhancedConfig-r18) SRS-PosRRC-InactiveEnhancedConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
srs-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-ConfigList-r18SRS for positioning configuration with additional one or two carrier(s) configuration where the primary carrier is provided by srs-PosRRC-Inactive-r17 for bandwidth aggregation and additional carriers are provided by srs-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-AdditionalCarriers-r18and to be used in RRC_INACTIVE state (see TS 38.214 [19], clause This field is included only if srs-PosRRC-Inactive-r17and srs-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-AdditionalCarriers-r18are configured.
SetupRelease { SRS-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-ConfigList-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
srs-PosTx-Hopping-r18Contains configuration related to the SRS for Positioning with frequency hopping for RRC_INACTIVE state (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
SetupRelease { SRS-PosTx-Hopping-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList-r18Contains the SRS for positioning configurations to be applied when a trigger for an event is met and which is valid across a number of cells comprising a validity area during RRC_INACTIVE state. For each validity area, the UE is preconfigured with only one SRS for positioning configuration.
SetupRelease { SRS-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig-r18Contains the SRS for positioning configuration to be applied immediately upon reception. The configuration is valid across a number of cells as indicated in srs-PosConfigValidityAreain RRC_INACTIVE state.
SetupRelease { SRS-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaConfig-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
srs-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-AdditionalCarriers-r18Additional carriers of Positioning SRS resource for carrier agregation for positioning SRS transmission without validity area in RRC_INACTIVE.
SetupRelease {SRS-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-AdditionalCarriers-r18 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } SRS-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-AdditionalCarriers-r18 ::= SEQUENCE{ aggregatedPosSRS-CarrierList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrOfLinkedSRS-CarriersInactive-1-r18)) OF SRS-PosConfigPerULCarrier-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } SRS-PosConfigPerULCarrier-r18 ::= SEQUENCE{ freqInfo-r18 ARFCN-ValueNR, srs-PosConfig-r18 SRS-PosConfig-r17, scs-SpecificCarrier-r18 SCS-SpecificCarrier OPTIONAL, -- Need R bwp-r18 BWP OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } SRS-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrOfVA-r18)) OF SRS-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaConfig-r18 SRS-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-PosConfigValidityArea-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrOfCellsInVA-r18)) OF CellIdentity,
srs-PosConfigNUL-r18SRS for Positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state in Normal Uplink Carrier.
SRS-PosConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
srs-PosConfigSUL-r18SRS for Positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state in Supplementary Uplink Carrier.
SRS-PosConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
bwp-NUL-r18BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE state in Normal Uplink Carrier. If the field is absent UE is configured with an SRS for Positioning associated with the initial UL BWP and transmitted, during the RRC_INACTIVE state, inside the initial UL BWP with the same CP and SCS as configured for initial UL BWP.
bwp-SUL-r18BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE state in Supplementary Uplink Carrier. If the field is absent UE is configured with an SRS for Positioning associated with the initial UL BWP and transmitted, during the RRC_INACTIVE state, inside the initial UL BWP with the same CP and SCS as configured for initial UL BWP.
BWP OPTIONAL, -- Need S areaValidityTA-Config-r18 AreaValidityTA-Config-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ srs-PosConfigValidityAreaExt-v1830 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrOfCellsInVA-Ext-r18)) OF CellIdentity OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
srs-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-AdditionalCarriersPerVA-r18SRS resource configuration on additional one or two carriers in each validity area for positioning SRS transmission for carrier aggregation in RRC_INACTIVE.
SetupRelease {SRS-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-AdditionalCarriers-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
srs-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-ConfigListPerVA-r18Linkage for positioning SRS transmission in RRC_INACTIVE in each validity area. The field is included only if srs-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-AdditionalCarriersPerVA-r18 is configured.
SetupRelease {SRS-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-ConfigList-r18 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } AreaValidityTA-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
inactivePosSRS-ValidityAreaTAT-r18Time alignment timer value for SRS for positioning transmission during RRC_INACTIVE state which is applicable in a validity area.
ENUMERATED {ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, ms5120, ms10240, ms20480, ms40960, infinity},
inactivePosSRS-ValidityAreaRSRP-r18RSRP threshold for the increase/decrease of RSRP for validity area time alignment validation as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
RSRP-ChangeThreshold-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
autonomousTA-AdjustmentEnabled-r18This field indicates that UE may adjust the TA value and stored RSRP autonomously after cell reselection within a validity area, if configured.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } SRS-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-ConfigList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrOfLinkedSRS-PosResSetCombInactive-r18)) OF SRS-InactivePosResourceSetLinkedForAggBW-List-r18 SRS-InactivePosResourceSetLinkedForAggBW-List-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxNrOfLinkedSRS-PosResourceSet-r18)) OF SRS-PosResourceSetLinkedForAggBW-r18 ExtendedPagingCycle-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {rf256, rf512, rf1024, spare1} ExtendedPagingCycleConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
extendedPagingCycle-r18The eDRX cycle longer than 10.24 s for RAN-initiated paging to be applied by the UE. Value hf2 corresponds to 2 hyper frames, value hf4 corresponds to 4 hyper frames and so on. Value of the field is shorter than or equal to the IDLE mode eDRX cycle configured for the UE.
ENUMERATED {hf2, hf4, hf8, hf16, hf32, hf64, hf128,hf256, hf512, hf1024, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1},
pagingPTWLength-r18The length of paging transmission window for RAN-initiated paging to be applied by the UE as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Valuems1280 corresponds to 1280 milliseconds, value ms2560 corresponds to 2560 milliseconds and so on.
ENUMERATED {ms1280, ms2560, ms3840, ms5120, ms6400, ms7680, ms8960, ms10240, ms11520, ms12800, ms14080, ms15360, ms16640, ms17920, ms19200, ms20480, ms21760, ms23040, ms24320, ms25600, ms26880, ms28160, ms29440, ms30720, ms32000, ms33280, ms34560, ms35840, ms37120, ms38400, ms39680, ms40960} } MulticastConfigInactive-r18::= SEQUENCE {
inactivePTM-Config-r18Indicates the multicast session(s) that can be received in RRC_INACTIVE and optionally the corresponding PTM configuration (which includes mrb-ListMulticast, pdsch-ConfigIndex, mtch-SSB-MappingWindowIndex, etc.) for the cell where the multicast session(s) was received in RRC_CONNECTED.If absent, UE considers that all joined multicast sessions can be received in RRC_INACTIVE.
OCTET STRING (CONTAINING MBSMulticastConfiguration-r18) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
inactiveMCCH-Config-r18Indicates multicast MCCH/MTCH configuration for MBS multicast reception in RRC_INACTIVE in the cell where the multicast session(s) was received in RRC_CONNECTED. Only SIB24 is allowed to be included.
RRCRelease-IEs field descriptions
Dedicated priorities to be used for cell reselection as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. The maximum number of NR carrier frequencies that the network can configure through FreqPriorityListNR and FreqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing together is eight. If the same frequency is configured in both FreqPriorityListNR and FreqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing, the frequency is only counted once.
Indicate that the UE is redirected to EPC or 5GC.
Indicates whether the current frequency or RAT is to be de-prioritised.
Indicates the value for timer T325 (see clause and TS 38.304 [20]). Value minN corresponds to N minutes.
Contains the SRS for positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state that is applicable for a validity area. The fieldalso contains bandwidth aggregation (see TS 38.214 [19], clause and frequency hopping configurations (see TS 38.214 [19], clause for SRS for positioning in RRC_INACTIVE state.
Indicates measurement configuration to be stored and used by the UE while in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
Indicates the UE can set the establishment cause to mps-PriorityAccess for a new connection following a redirect to NR or set the resume cause to mps-PriorityAccess for a resume following a redirect to NR. If the target RAT is E-UTRA, see TS 36.331 [10]. The gNB sets the indication only for UEs authorized to receive MPS treatment as indicated by ARP and/or QoS characteristics at the gNB, and it is applicable only for this instance of release with redirection to carrier/RAT included in the redirectedCarrierInfo field in the RRCRelease message.
Indicates whether the UE is configured to receive MBS multicast in RRC_INACTIVE. The presence of this field indicates the UE is configured to receive MBS multicast in RRC_INACTIVE; otherwise, the UE is not configured to receive MBS multicast in RRC_INACTIVE.
Presence of the field indicates that the last used cell for PEI shall not be updated. When the field is absent, the PEI-capable UE shall update its last used cell with the current cell. The UE shall not update its last used cell with the current cell if the AS security is not activated.
Indicates a carrier frequency (downlink for FDD) and is used to redirect the UE to an NR or an inter-RAT carrier frequency, by means of cell selection at transition to RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. Based on UE capability, the network may includeredirectedCarrierInfo in RRCRelease message with suspendConfig if this message is sent in response to an RRCResumeRequest or an RRCResumeRequest1 which is triggered by the NAS layer (see in TS 24.501 [23]).
Contains the SRS for positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state.
Indicates configuration for the RRC_INACTIVE state. The network does not configure suspendConfig when the network redirect the UE to an inter-RAT carrier frequencyor if the UE is configured with a DAPS bearer.
Indicates the RRC release is triggered by EPS fallback for IMS voice as specified in TS 23.502 [43].
CarrierInfoNR field descriptions
Indicates the redirected NR frequency.
Subcarrier spacing of SSB in the redirected SSB frequency. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
The SSB periodicity/offset/duration configuration for the redirected SSB frequency. It is based on timing reference of PCell. If the field is absent, the UE uses the SMTC configured in the measObjectNR having the same SSB frequency and subcarrier spacing.
RAN-NotificationAreaInfo field descriptions
A list of cells configured as RAN area.
A list of RAN area codes or RA code(s) as RAN area.
PLMN-RAN-AreaConfig field descriptions
PLMN Identity to which the cells in ran-Area belong. If the field is absent the UE not in SNPN access mode uses the ID of the registered PLMN. This field is not included for UE in SNPN access mode (for UE in SNPN access mode the ran-Area always belongs to the registered SNPN).
The total number of RAN-AreaCodes of all PLMNs does not exceed 32.
Indicates whether TA code(s) or RAN area code(s) are used for the RAN notification area. The network uses only TA code(s) or both TA code(s) and RAN area code(s) to configure a UE. The total number of TACs across all PLMNs does not exceed 16.
PLMN-RAN-AreaCell field descriptions
PLMN Identity to which the cells in ran-AreaCells belong. If the field is absent the UE not in SNPN access mode uses the ID of the registered PLMN. This field is not included for UE in SNPN access mode (for UE in SNPN access mode the ran-AreaCells always belongs to the registered SNPN).
The total number of cells of all PLMNs does not exceed 32.
SDT-Config field descriptions
Indicates whether the PDCP entity of the radio bearers configured for SDT continues or resets the ROHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment during SDT procedure, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value cell indicates that ROHC header compression continues when the UE resumes for SDT in the same cell as the PCell when the RRCRelease message was received. Value rna indicates that ROHC header compression continues when the UE resumes for SDT in a cell belonging to the same RNA as the PCell where the RRCRelease message was received. If the field is absent, the UE releases any stored value for this field and the PDCP entity of the radio bearers configured for SDT always resets the ROHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment when SDT procedure is initiated, as specified in TS 38.323 [5].
Indicates the ID(s) of the DRB(s) that are configured for SDT. If size of the sequence is zero, then the UE assumes that none of the DRBs are configured for SDT. The network only configures MN terminated MCG bearers for SDT.
Indicates whether SRB2 is configured for SDT or not.
SDT-MAC-PHY-CG-Config field descriptions
The maximum duration until the next CG-SDT occasion as specified in TS 38.321 [3] for MT-SDT. If configured, the CG-SDT resource can only be used for the initial CG-SDT transmission if the duration between the initiation of the CG-SDT procedure and the next CG-SDT occasion is less than the value configured by this field.
Downlink BWP configuration for CG-SDT. If a UE is an(e)RedCap UE and if the initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap is configured in downlinkConfigCommon in SIB1, this field is configured for initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap, otherwise it is configured for initialDownlinkBWP.
UL BWP configuration for CG-SDT on NUL carrier. If a UE is an(e)RedCap UE and if the initialUplinkBWP-RedCap is configured in uplinkConfigCommon in SIB1, this field is configured for initialUplinkBWP-RedCap, otherwise it is configured for initialUplinkBWP for NUL.
UL BWP configuration for CG-SDT on SUL carrier configured for the initialUplinkBWP for SUL.
cg-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionToAddModList, cg-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionToAddModListExt, cg-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionToReleaseList
Lists for adding and releasing logical channel mapping restrictions for CG-SDT. If the network includes cg-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionToAddModListExt, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in cg-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionToAddModList.
The CS-RNTI value for CG-SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
An RSRP threshold configured for SSB selection for CG-SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Configuration for the RSRP based TA validation. If this field is not configured, then the UE does not perform RSRP based TA validation.
TAT value for CG-SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The network always configures this field when sdt-MAC-PHY-CG-Config is configured.This field is associated with the PTAG indicated by tag-Id.
CG-SDT-ConfigLCH-Restriction field descriptions
This restriction applies only when the UL grant is a configured grant for CG-SDT. If present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the indicated CG-SDT configured grant configuration. If the size of the sequence is zero, then UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel cannot be mapped to any CG-SDT configured grant configurations. If the field is not present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any CG-SDT configured grant configurations. If the field configuredGrantType1Allowed is present, only those CG-SDT configured grant type 1 configurations indicated in this sequence are allowed for use by this logical channel; otherwise, this sequence shall not include any CG-SDT configured grant type 1 configuration. Corresponds to "allowedCG-List" as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
The maximum duration until the next CG-SDT occasion for the logical channel identified by the logicalChannelIdentity as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. If configured, the CG-SDT resource can only be used for the initial CG-SDT transmission if the duration between the initiation of the CG-SDT procedure and the next CG-SDT occasion is less than the value configured by this field as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
If present, or if the capability lcp-Restriction as specified in TS 38.306 [26] is not supported, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be transmitted on a configured grant type 1 for CG-SDT. Otherwise, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel cannot be transmitted on a configured grant type 1 for CG-SDT. Corresponds to "configuredGrantType1Allowed" in TS 38.321 [3].
ID used commonly for the MAC logical channel and for the RLC bearer associated with a servedRadioBearer configured for SDT.
CG-SDT-TA-ValidationConfig field descriptions
The RSRP threshold for TA validation for CG-SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value dB2 corresponds to 2 dB, value dB4 corresponds to 4 dB and so on.
SRS-PosRRC-InactiveConfig field descriptions
BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE state in Normal Uplink Carrier. If the field is absent UE is configured with an SRS for Positioning associated with the initial UL BWP and transmitted, during the RRC_INACTIVE state, inside the initial UL BWP with the same CP and SCS as configured for initial UL BWP.
BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE state in Supplementary Uplink Carrier. If the field is absent UE is configured with an SRS for Positioning associated with the initial UL BWP and transmitted, during the RRC_INACTIVE state, inside the initial UL BWP with the same CP and SCS as configured for initial UL BWP.
RSRP threshold for the increase/decrease of RSRP for time alignment validation as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
TAT value for SRS for positioning transmission during RRC_INACTIVE state as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The network always configures this field whensrs-PosRRC-Inactive is configured.
SRS for Positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state in Normal Uplink Carrier.
SRS for Positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state in Supplementary Uplink Carrier.
SRS-PosRRC-InactiveEnhancedConfig field descriptions
SRS for positioning configuration with additional one or two carrier(s) configuration where the primary carrier is provided by srs-PosRRC-Inactive-r17 for bandwidth aggregation and additional carriers are provided by srs-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-AdditionalCarriers-r18and to be used in RRC_INACTIVE state (see TS 38.214 [19], clause This field is included only if srs-PosRRC-Inactive-r17and srs-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-AdditionalCarriers-r18are configured.
Contains the SRS for positioning configuration to be applied immediately upon reception. The configuration is valid across a number of cells as indicated in srs-PosConfigValidityAreain RRC_INACTIVE state.
Contains the SRS for positioning configurations to be applied when a trigger for an event is met and which is valid across a number of cells comprising a validity area during RRC_INACTIVE state. For each validity area, the UE is preconfigured with only one SRS for positioning configuration.
Contains configuration related to the SRS for Positioning with frequency hopping for RRC_INACTIVE state (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Additional carriers of Positioning SRS resource for carrier agregation for positioning SRS transmission without validity area in RRC_INACTIVE.
SRS-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaConfig field descriptions
This field indicates that UE may adjust the TA value and stored RSRP autonomously after cell reselection within a validity area, if configured.
BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE state in Normal Uplink Carrier. If the field is absent UE is configured with an SRS for Positioning associated with the initial UL BWP and transmitted, during the RRC_INACTIVE state, inside the initial UL BWP with the same CP and SCS as configured for initial UL BWP.
BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE state in Supplementary Uplink Carrier. If the field is absent UE is configured with an SRS for Positioning associated with the initial UL BWP and transmitted, during the RRC_INACTIVE state, inside the initial UL BWP with the same CP and SCS as configured for initial UL BWP.
RSRP threshold for the increase/decrease of RSRP for validity area time alignment validation as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Time alignment timer value for SRS for positioning transmission during RRC_INACTIVE state which is applicable in a validity area.
srs-PosConfigValidityArea, srs-PosConfigValidityAreaExt
This field provides list of cells present in the validity area. The maximum number of cells in a validity area is 32 which can be provided by using these two fields srs-PosConfigValidityArea and srs-PosConfigValidityAreaExt.
SRS resource configuration on additional one or two carriers in each validity area for positioning SRS transmission for carrier aggregation in RRC_INACTIVE.
Linkage for positioning SRS transmission in RRC_INACTIVE in each validity area. The field is included only if srs-PosRRC-InactiveAggBW-AdditionalCarriersPerVA-r18 is configured.
Provides a list of cells where SRS Positioning Configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state is valid.
SuspendConfig field descriptions
Indicates that the UE uses the RedCap-specific initial DL BWP associated with the NCD-SSB for SDT. The network configures this field if an(e)RedCap UE is configured with SDT in the RedCap-specific initial DL BWP not associated with CD-SSB. If configured, the NCD-SSB indicated by this field can only be used during the SDT procedure for CG-SDT or RA-SDT. In the MIB associated with this NCD-SSB, the systemFrameNumber field indicates the frame boundary and frame number of the NCD-SSB. The subCarrierSpacingCommon and dmrs-TypeA-Position field in the MIBs associated with CD-SSB and NCD-SSB in the same cell are configured with the same values, respectively.
The extended DRX (eDRX) cycle for RAN-initiated paging to be applied by the UE as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Value rf256 corresponds to 256 radio frames, value rf512 corresponds to 512 radio frames and so on. Value of the field indicates an eDRX cycle which is shorter or equal to the IDLE mode eDRX cycle configured for the UE.
The extended DRX (eDRX) configuraiton for RAN-initiated paging to be applied by the UE when the eDRX cycle for RAN-initiated paging is longer than 10.24s.
Network ensures that the UE in RRC_INACTIVE always has a valid ran-NotificationAreaInfo.
Refers to the UE specific cycle for RAN-initiated paging. Value rf32 corresponds to 32 radio frames, value rf64 corresponds to 64 radio frames and so on.
Indicates that the UE shall trigger the RRC connection resume procedure after receiving this RRCRelease message, as specified in clause The network only includes this field in the RRCRelease message used to terminate an ongoing SDT procedure.
Indicates the C-RNTI to the L2 U2N Remote UE.
Refers to the timer that triggers the periodic RNAU procedure in UE. Value min5 corresponds to 5 minutes, value min10 corresponds to 10 minutes and so on.
MulticastConfigInactive field descriptions
Indicates the multicast session(s) that can be received in RRC_INACTIVE and optionally the corresponding PTM configuration (which includes mrb-ListMulticast, pdsch-ConfigIndex, mtch-SSB-MappingWindowIndex, etc.) for the cell where the multicast session(s) was received in RRC_CONNECTED.If absent, UE considers that all joined multicast sessions can be received in RRC_INACTIVE.
Indicates multicast MCCH/MTCH configuration for MBS multicast reception in RRC_INACTIVE in the cell where the multicast session(s) was received in RRC_CONNECTED. Only SIB24 is allowed to be included.
ExtendedPagingCycleConfigfield descriptions
The eDRX cycle longer than 10.24 s for RAN-initiated paging to be applied by the UE. Value hf2 corresponds to 2 hyper frames, value hf4 corresponds to 4 hyper frames and so on. Value of the field is shorter than or equal to the IDLE mode eDRX cycle configured for the UE.
The length of paging transmission window for RAN-initiated paging to be applied by the UE as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Valuems1280 corresponds to 1280 milliseconds, value ms2560 corresponds to 2560 milliseconds and so on.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present for L2 U2N Remote UE's RNAU; otherwise it is absent.
This field is optionally present, Need R, if the UE is configured with IDLE eDRX, see TS 24.501 [23]; otherwise the field is not present.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if redirectedCarrierInfo is included; otherwise the field is not present.

The RRCResume message is used to resume the suspended RRC connection.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCRESUME-START RRCResume ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { rrcResume RRCResume-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } RRCResume-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
radioBearerConfigConfiguration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs, multicast MRBs) including SDAP/PDCP.
RadioBearerConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M
masterCellGroupConfiguration of the master cell group.
OCTET STRING (CONTAINING CellGroupConfig) OPTIONAL, -- Need M measConfig MeasConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M fullConfig ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCResume-v1560-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCResume-v1560-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
radioBearerConfig2Configuration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs) including SDAP/PDCP. This field can only be used if the UE supports NR-DC or NE-DC.
sk-CounterA counter used to derive S-KgNB or S-KeNB based on the newly derived KgNB during RRC Resume. The field is only included when there is one or more RB with keyToUse set to secondaryor mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup is included.
SK-Counter OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension RRCResume-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCResume-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
idleModeMeasurementReq-r16This field indicates that the UE shall report the idle/inactive measurements, if available, to the network in the RRCResumeComplete message
restoreMCG-SCells-r16Indicates that the UE shall restore the MCG SCells from the UE Inactive AS Context, if stored.
restoreSCG-r16Indicates that the UE shall restore the SCG configurationsfrom the UE Inactive AS Context, if stored.
mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup-r16Includes an RRC message for SCG configuration in NR-DC or NE-DC. For NR-DC (nr-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup contains the RRCReconfiguration message as generated (entirely) by SN gNB. In this version of the specification, the RRC message can only include fields secondaryCellGroup(with at least reconfigurationWithSync),otherConfigand measConfig. For NE-DC (eutra-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message as specified in TS 36.331 [10]. In this version of the specification, the E-UTRA RRC message only include the field scg-Configuration with at least mobilityControlInfoSCG.
CHOICE { nr-SCG-r16 OCTET STRING (CONTAINING RRCReconfiguration), eutra-SCG-r16 OCTET STRING } OPTIONAL, -- Cond RestoreSCG
needForGapsConfigNR-r16Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
SetupRelease {NeedForGapsConfigNR-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M nonCriticalExtension RRCResume-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCResume-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-ConfigDedicatedNR-r17This field is used to provide the dedicated configurations for NR sidelink communication/discovery used by L2 U2N Remote UE.
SetupRelease {SL-ConfigDedicatedNR-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Cond L2RemoteUE
sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17Contains L2 U2N relay operation related configurations used by L2 U2N Remote UE.The field is absent if appLayerMeasConfig or SRB4 is configured/not released.
SetupRelease {SL-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Cond L2RemoteUE
needForGapNCSG-ConfigNR-r17Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
SetupRelease {NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigNR-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
needForGapNCSG-ConfigEUTRA-r17Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of EUTRA target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
SetupRelease {NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigEUTRA-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
scg-State-r17Indicates that the SCG is in deactivated state.
ENUMERATED {deactivated} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
appLayerMeasConfig-r17This field is used to configureapplication layer measurements. This field is absent when the UE is configured to operate with shared spectrum channel access.
AppLayerMeasConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M nonCriticalExtension RRCResume-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCResume-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
needForInterruptionConfigNR-r18Indicates whether the UE shall report interruption requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message. The network sets this field to enabled only if the needForGapsConfigNR is configured. The network sets this field to disabled if the needForGapsConfigNR is released.
ENUMERATED { disabled, enabled } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
reselectionMeasurementReq-r18This field indicates that the UE shall report the reselection measurements, if available, to the network in the RRCResumeComplete message.
ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, -- Need N validatedMeasurementsReq-r18 ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-RRCRESUME-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RRCResume-IEs field descriptions
This field is used to configureapplication layer measurements. This field is absent when the UE is configured to operate with shared spectrum channel access.
This field indicates that the UE shall report the idle/inactive measurements, if available, to the network in the RRCResumeComplete message
Configuration of the master cell group.
Includes an RRC message for SCG configuration in NR-DC or NE-DC. For NR-DC (nr-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup contains the RRCReconfiguration message as generated (entirely) by SN gNB. In this version of the specification, the RRC message can only include fields secondaryCellGroup(with at least reconfigurationWithSync),otherConfigand measConfig. For NE-DC (eutra-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message as specified in TS 36.331 [10]. In this version of the specification, the E-UTRA RRC message only include the field scg-Configuration with at least mobilityControlInfoSCG.
Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of EUTRA target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.
Indicates whether the UE shall report interruption requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message. The network sets this field to enabled only if the needForGapsConfigNR is configured. The network sets this field to disabled if the needForGapsConfigNR is released.
Configuration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs, multicast MRBs) including SDAP/PDCP.
Configuration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs) including SDAP/PDCP. This field can only be used if the UE supports NR-DC or NE-DC.
This field indicates that the UE shall report the reselection measurements, if available, to the network in the RRCResumeComplete message.
Indicates that the UE shall restore the MCG SCells from the UE Inactive AS Context, if stored.
Indicates that the UE shall restore the SCG configurationsfrom the UE Inactive AS Context, if stored.
Indicates that the SCG is in deactivated state.
A counter used to derive S-KgNB or S-KeNB based on the newly derived KgNB during RRC Resume. The field is only included when there is one or more RB with keyToUse set to secondaryor mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup is included.
This field is used to provide the dedicated configurations for NR sidelink communication/discovery used by L2 U2N Remote UE.
Contains L2 U2N relay operation related configurations used by L2 U2N Remote UE.The field is absent if appLayerMeasConfig or SRB4 is configured/not released.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present for L2 U2N Remote UE; otherwise it is absent.
The field is mandatory present if restoreSCG is included. It is optionally present, Need M, otherwise.

The RRCResumeComplete message is used to confirm the successful completion of an RRC connection resumption.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCRESUMECOMPLETE-START RRCResumeComplete ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { rrcResumeComplete RRCResumeComplete-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } RRCResumeComplete-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { dedicatedNAS-Message DedicatedNAS-Message OPTIONAL,
selectedPLMN-IdentityIndex of the PLMN selected by the UE from the plmn-IdentityInfoListor npn-IdentityInfoListfields included in SIB1.
uplinkTxDirectCurrentListThe Tx Direct Current locations for the configured serving cells and BWPs if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrent in CellGroupConfig).
UplinkTxDirectCurrentList OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCResumeComplete-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCResumeComplete-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
idleMeasAvailable-r16Indication that the UE has idle/inactive measurement report available.
measResultIdleEUTRA-r16EUTRA measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE.
MeasResultIdleEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL,
measResultIdleNR-r16NR measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE.
MeasResultIdleNR-r16 OPTIONAL, scg-Response-r16 CHOICE { nr-SCG-Response OCTET STRING (CONTAINING RRCReconfigurationComplete), eutra-SCG-Response OCTET STRING } OPTIONAL, ue-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 UE-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 OPTIONAL, mobilityHistoryAvail-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, mobilityState-r16 ENUMERATED {normal, medium, high, spare} OPTIONAL,
needForGapsInfoNR-r16This field is used to indicate the measurement gap requirement information of the UE for NR target bands.
NeedForGapsInfoNR-r16 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCResumeComplete-v1640-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCResumeComplete-v1640-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
uplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierList-r16The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured uplink intra-band CA with two carriers if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier-r16 in CellGroupConfig).
UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierList-r16 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCResumeComplete-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCResumeComplete-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
needForGapNCSG-InfoNR-r17This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for NR target bands
needForGapNCSG-InfoEUTRA-r17This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for EUTRA target bands
NeedForGapNCSG-InfoEUTRA-r17 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCResumeComplete-v1720-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCResumeComplete-v1720-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
uplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrierList-r17The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured intra-band CA requested by reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrier-r17.
UplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrierList-r17 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCResumeComplete-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCResumeComplete-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
needForInterruptionInfoNR-r18This field indicates whether interruption is needed while performing measurement on NR target bands without measurement gap.
NeedForInterruptionInfoNR-r18 OPTIONAL,
musim-CapRestrictionInd-r18This field indicates the UE temporary capability restriction due to MUSIM operation.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, flightPathInfoAvailable-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,
measConfigReportAppLayerAvailable-r18Indication that the UE has at least one application layer measurement configuration with appLayerIdleInactiveConfig configured.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, measResultReselectionNR-r18 MeasResultIdleNR-r16 OPTIONAL,
reselectionMeasAvailable-r18Indication that the UE has reselection measurement report available.
RRCResumeComplete-IEs field descriptions
Indication that the UE has idle/inactive measurement report available.
Indication that the UE has at least one application layer measurement configuration with appLayerIdleInactiveConfig configured.
EUTRA measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE.
NR measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE.
This field indicates the UE temporary capability restriction due to MUSIM operation.
This field is used to indicate the measurement gap requirement information of the UE for NR target bands.
This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for EUTRA target bands
This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for NR target bands
This field indicates whether interruption is needed while performing measurement on NR target bands without measurement gap.
Indication that the UE has reselection measurement report available.
Index of the PLMN selected by the UE from the plmn-IdentityInfoListor npn-IdentityInfoListfields included in SIB1.
The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured serving cells and BWPs if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrent in CellGroupConfig).
The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured intra-band CA requested by reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrier-r17.
The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured uplink intra-band CA with two carriers if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier-r16 in CellGroupConfig).

The RRCResumeRequest message is used to request the resumption of a suspended RRC connection or perform an RNA update.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCRESUMEREQUEST-START RRCResumeRequest ::= SEQUENCE { rrcResumeRequest RRCResumeRequest-IEs } RRCResumeRequest-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
resumeIdentityUE identity to facilitate UE context retrieval at gNB.
resumeMAC-IAuthentication token to facilitate UE authentication at gNB. The 16 least significant bits of the MAC-I calculated using the AS security configuration as specified in
resumeCauseProvides the resume cause for the RRC connection resume request as provided by the upper layers or RRC. The network is not expected to reject an RRCResumeRequest due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.
RRCResumeRequest-IEs field descriptions
Provides the resume cause for the RRC connection resume request as provided by the upper layers or RRC. The network is not expected to reject an RRCResumeRequest due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.
UE identity to facilitate UE context retrieval at gNB.
Authentication token to facilitate UE authentication at gNB. The 16 least significant bits of the MAC-I calculated using the AS security configuration as specified in

The RRCResumeRequest1 message is used to request the resumption of a suspended RRC connection or perform an RNA update.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCRESUMEREQUEST1-START RRCResumeRequest1 ::= SEQUENCE { rrcResumeRequest1 RRCResumeRequest1-IEs } RRCResumeRequest1-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
resumeIdentityUE identity to facilitate UE context retrieval at gNB.
resumeMAC-IAuthentication token to facilitate UE authentication at gNB. The 16 least significant bits of the MAC-I calculated using the AS security configuration as specified in
resumeCauseProvides the resume cause for the RRCResumeRequest1 as provided by the upper layers or RRC. A gNB is not expected to reject an RRCResumeRequest1 due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.
RRCResumeRequest1-IEs field descriptions
Provides the resume cause for the RRCResumeRequest1 as provided by the upper layers or RRC. A gNB is not expected to reject an RRCResumeRequest1 due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.
UE identity to facilitate UE context retrieval at gNB.
Authentication token to facilitate UE authentication at gNB. The 16 least significant bits of the MAC-I calculated using the AS security configuration as specified in

The RRCSetup message is used to establish SRB1.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCSETUP-START RRCSetup ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { rrcSetup RRCSetup-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } RRCSetup-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
radioBearerConfigOnly SRB1 can be configured in RRC setup.
masterCellGroupThe network configures only the RLC bearer for the SRB1, mac-CellGroupConfig, physicalCellGroupConfig and spCellConfig.
OCTET STRING (CONTAINING CellGroupConfig), lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCSetup-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCSetup-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-ConfigDedicatedNR-r17Contains dedicated configurations for NR sidelink communication.The network configures only the PC5 Relay RLC channel and sl-PHY-MAC-RLC-Configused for the SRB1.
SL-ConfigDedicatedNR-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond L2RemoteUE
sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17Contains dedicated configurations used for L2 U2N relay related operation.The network configures only the SRAP configuration used for the SRB1 and local UE ID.
SL-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond L2RemoteUE nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-RRCSETUP-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RRCSetup-IEs field descriptions
The network configures only the RLC bearer for the SRB1, mac-CellGroupConfig, physicalCellGroupConfig and spCellConfig.
Only SRB1 can be configured in RRC setup.
Contains dedicated configurations for NR sidelink communication.The network configures only the PC5 Relay RLC channel and sl-PHY-MAC-RLC-Configused for the SRB1.
Contains dedicated configurations used for L2 U2N relay related operation.The network configures only the SRAP configuration used for the SRB1 and local UE ID.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present for L2 U2N Remote UE; otherwise it is absent.

The RRCSetupComplete message is used to confirm the successful completion of an RRC connection establishment.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCSETUPCOMPLETE-START RRCSetupComplete ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { rrcSetupComplete RRCSetupComplete-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } RRCSetupComplete-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
selectedPLMN-IdentityIndex of the PLMN or SNPN selected by the UE from the plmn-IdentityInfoList or npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1.
registeredAMFThis field is used to transfer the GUAMI of the AMF where the UE is registered, as provided by upper layers, see TS 23.003 [21].
guami-TypeThis field is used to indicate whether the GUAMI included is native (derived from native 5G-GUTI) or mapped (from EPS, derived from EPS GUTI) as specified in TS 24.501 [23].
ENUMERATED {native, mapped} OPTIONAL, s-NSSAI-List SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofS-NSSAI)) OF S-NSSAI OPTIONAL, dedicatedNAS-Message DedicatedNAS-Message, ng-5G-S-TMSI-Value CHOICE { ng-5G-S-TMSI NG-5G-S-TMSI,
ng-5G-S-TMSI-Part2The leftmost 9 bits of 5G-S-TMSI.
BIT STRING (SIZE (9)) } OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING (CONTAINING RRCSetupComplete-v15s0-IEs) OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCSetupComplete-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } -- Regular non-critical extensions: RRCSetupComplete-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
iab-NodeIndication-r16This field is used to indicate that the connection is being established by an IAB-node as specified in TS 38.300 [2]. If this field is included, the UE shall not include the field mobileIAB-NodeIndication.
idleMeasAvailable-r16Indication that the UE has idle/inactive measurement report available.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ue-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 UE-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 OPTIONAL, mobilityHistoryAvail-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,
mobilityState-r16This field indicates the UE mobility state (as defined in TS 38.304 [20], clause just prior to UE going into RRC_CONNECTED state. The UE indicates the value of medium and high when being in Medium-mobility and High-mobility states respectively. Otherwise the UE indicates the value normal.
ENUMERATED {normal, medium, high, spare} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCSetupComplete-v1690-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCSetupComplete-v1690-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
ul-RRC-Segmentation-r16This field indicates the UE supports uplink RRC segmentationof UECapabilityInformationaccording to the network indication rrc-SegAllowed.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCSetupComplete-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCSetupComplete-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
onboardingRequest-r17This field indicates that the connection is being established for UE onboarding in the selected onboarding SNPN, see TS 23.501 [32].
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCSetupComplete-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCSetupComplete-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
ncr-NodeIndication-r18This field is used to indicate that the connection is being established by an NCR-node as specified in TS 38.300 [2].
musim-CapRestrictionInd-r18This field indicates the UE temporary capability restriction due to MUSIM operation.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, flightPathInfoAvailable-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,
measConfigReportAppLayerAvailable-r18Indication that the UE has at least one application layer measurement configuration with appLayerIdleInactiveConfig configured.
mobileIAB-NodeIndication-r18This field is used to indicate that the connection is being established by a mobile IAB-node as specified in TS 38.300 [2]. If this field is included, the UE shall not include the field iab-NodeIndication.
reselectionMeasAvailable-r18Indication that the UE has reselection measurement report available.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL } -- Late non-critical extensions: RRCSetupComplete-v15s0-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Following field is only for REL-15 late non-critical extensions lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCSetupComplete-v16j0-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCSetupComplete-v16j0-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { -- Following field is only for REL-16 late non-critical extensions lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension RRCSetupComplete-v17b0-IEs OPTIONAL } RRCSetupComplete-v17b0-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
ul-RRC-MaxCapaSegments-r17This field indicates that the UE supports uplink RRC segmentation of UECapabilityInformation according to the network indication rrc-MaxCapaSegAllowed.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL } RegisteredAMF ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, amf-Identifier AMF-Identifier } -- TAG-RRCSETUPCOMPLETE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RRCSetupComplete-IEs field descriptions
This field is used to indicate whether the GUAMI included is native (derived from native 5G-GUTI) or mapped (from EPS, derived from EPS GUTI) as specified in TS 24.501 [23].
This field is used to indicate that the connection is being established by an IAB-node as specified in TS 38.300 [2]. If this field is included, the UE shall not include the field mobileIAB-NodeIndication.
Indication that the UE has idle/inactive measurement report available.
Indication that the UE has at least one application layer measurement configuration with appLayerIdleInactiveConfig configured.
This field is used to indicate that the connection is being established by a mobile IAB-node as specified in TS 38.300 [2]. If this field is included, the UE shall not include the field iab-NodeIndication.
This field indicates the UE mobility state (as defined in TS 38.304 [20], clause just prior to UE going into RRC_CONNECTED state. The UE indicates the value of medium and high when being in Medium-mobility and High-mobility states respectively. Otherwise the UE indicates the value normal.
This field indicates the UE temporary capability restriction due to MUSIM operation.
This field is used to indicate that the connection is being established by an NCR-node as specified in TS 38.300 [2].
The leftmost 9 bits of 5G-S-TMSI.
This field indicates that the connection is being established for UE onboarding in the selected onboarding SNPN, see TS 23.501 [32].
This field is used to transfer the GUAMI of the AMF where the UE is registered, as provided by upper layers, see TS 23.003 [21].
Indication that the UE has reselection measurement report available.
Index of the PLMN or SNPN selected by the UE from the plmn-IdentityInfoList or npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1.
This field indicates that the UE supports uplink RRC segmentation of UECapabilityInformation according to the network indication rrc-MaxCapaSegAllowed.
This field indicates the UE supports uplink RRC segmentationof UECapabilityInformationaccording to the network indication rrc-SegAllowed.

The RRCSetupRequest message is used to request the establishment of an RRC connection.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCSETUPREQUEST-START RRCSetupRequest ::= SEQUENCE { rrcSetupRequest RRCSetupRequest-IEs } RRCSetupRequest-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
ue-IdentityUE identity included to facilitate contention resolution by lower layers.
establishmentCauseProvides the establishment cause for the RRCSetupRequest in accordance with the information received from upper layers. gNB is not expected to reject an RRCSetupRequest due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.
EstablishmentCause, spare BIT STRING (SIZE (1)) } InitialUE-Identity ::= CHOICE {
ng-5G-S-TMSI-Part1The rightmost 39 bits of 5G-S-TMSI.
randomValueInteger value in the range 0 to 239 – 1.
BIT STRING (SIZE (39)) } EstablishmentCause ::= ENUMERATED { emergency, highPriorityAccess, mt-Access, mo-Signalling, mo-Data, mo-VoiceCall, mo-VideoCall, mo-SMS, mps-PriorityAccess, mcs-PriorityAccess, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} -- TAG-RRCSETUPREQUEST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RRCSetupRequest-IEs field descriptions
Provides the establishment cause for the RRCSetupRequest in accordance with the information received from upper layers. gNB is not expected to reject an RRCSetupRequest due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.
UE identity included to facilitate contention resolution by lower layers.
InitialUE-Identity field descriptions
The rightmost 39 bits of 5G-S-TMSI.
Integer value in the range 0 to 239 – 1.

The RRCSystemInfoRequest message is used to request SI message(s) required by the UE as specified in clause and
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RRCSYSTEMINFOREQUEST-START RRCSystemInfoRequest ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { rrcSystemInfoRequest RRCSystemInfoRequest-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture-r16 CHOICE { rrcPosSystemInfoRequest-r16 RRC-PosSystemInfoRequest-r16-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } } RRCSystemInfoRequest-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
requested-SI-ListContains a list of requested SI messageswhich are configured by schedulingInfoList in si-SchedulingInfo and schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 (if present) in SIB1. If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is not present: -According to the order of entry in the list of SI messages configured by schedulingInfoList in si-SchedulingInfo in SIB1, first bit corresponds to first/leftmost listed SI message, second bit corresponds to second listed SI message, and so on. If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present: -The UE generates a list of concatenated SI messages by appending the SI messages containing type1 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 to the SI messages configured by schedulingInfoList in si-SchedulingInfo. -According to the order of entry in the list of concatenated SI messages, first bit corresponds to first/leftmost listed SI message, second bit corresponds to second listed SI message, and so on.
BIT STRING (SIZE (maxSI-Message)), --32bits spare BIT STRING (SIZE (12)) } RRC-PosSystemInfoRequest-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
requestedPosSI-ListContains a list of requested SI messages which are configured by posSchedulingInfoList in posSI-SchedulingInfo and schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 (if present) in SIB1. If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is not present: -According to the order of entry in the list of SI messages configured by posSchedulingInfoList in posSI-SchedulingInfo in SIB1, first bit corresponds to first/leftmost listed SI message, second bit corresponds to second listed SI message, and so on. If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present: -The UE creates a list of concatenated SI messages by appending the SI messages containing type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 to the SI messages configured by posSchedulingInfoList in posSI-SchedulingInfo. -According to the order of entry in the list of concatenated SI messages, first bit corresponds to first/leftmost listed SI message, second bit corresponds to second listed SI message, and so on.
RRCSystemInfoRequest-IEs field descriptions
Contains a list of requested SI messageswhich are configured by schedulingInfoList in si-SchedulingInfo and schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 (if present) in SIB1. If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is not present: -According to the order of entry in the list of SI messages configured by schedulingInfoList in si-SchedulingInfo in SIB1, first bit corresponds to first/leftmost listed SI message, second bit corresponds to second listed SI message, and so on. If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present: -The UE generates a list of concatenated SI messages by appending the SI messages containing type1 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 to the SI messages configured by schedulingInfoList in si-SchedulingInfo. -According to the order of entry in the list of concatenated SI messages, first bit corresponds to first/leftmost listed SI message, second bit corresponds to second listed SI message, and so on.
Contains a list of requested SI messages which are configured by posSchedulingInfoList in posSI-SchedulingInfo and schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 (if present) in SIB1. If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is not present: -According to the order of entry in the list of SI messages configured by posSchedulingInfoList in posSI-SchedulingInfo in SIB1, first bit corresponds to first/leftmost listed SI message, second bit corresponds to second listed SI message, and so on. If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present: -The UE creates a list of concatenated SI messages by appending the SI messages containing type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 to the SI messages configured by posSchedulingInfoList in posSI-SchedulingInfo. -According to the order of entry in the list of concatenated SI messages, first bit corresponds to first/leftmost listed SI message, second bit corresponds to second listed SI message, and so on.

The SCGFailureInformation message is used to provide information regarding NR SCG failures detected by the UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SCGFAILUREINFORMATION-START SCGFailureInformation ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { scgFailureInformation SCGFailureInformation-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } SCGFailureInformation-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { failureReportSCG FailureReportSCG OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SCGFailureInformation-v1590-IEs OPTIONAL } SCGFailureInformation-v1590-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } FailureReportSCG ::= SEQUENCE { failureType ENUMERATED { t310-Expiry, randomAccessProblem, rlc-MaxNumRetx, synchReconfigFailureSCG, scg-ReconfigFailure, srb3-IntegrityFailure, other-r16, spare1},
measResultFreqListThe field contains available results of measurements on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by measConfig.
MeasResultFreqList OPTIONAL,
measResultSCG-FailureThe field contains the MeasResultSCG-Failure IE which includes available results of measurements on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the NR SCG RRCReconfiguration message.
OCTET STRING (CONTAINING MeasResultSCG-Failure) OPTIONAL, ..., [[ locationInfo-r16 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL, failureType-v1610 ENUMERATED {scg-lbtFailure-r16, beamFailureRecoveryFailure-r16, t312-Expiry-r16, bh-RLF-r16, beamFailure-r17, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL ]], [[
previousPSCellId-r17This field indicates the physical cell id and carrier frequency of the cell that is the source PSCell of the last PSCell change. In case of PSCell addition failure, this field is absent.
SEQUENCE { physCellId-r17 PhysCellId, carrierFreq-r17 ARFCN-ValueNR } OPTIONAL,
failedPSCellId-r17This field indicates the physical cell id and carrier frequency of the cell in which SCG failure is detected or the target PSCell of the failed PSCell change or failed PSCell addition.
SEQUENCE { physCellId-r17 PhysCellId, carrierFreq-r17 ARFCN-ValueNR } OPTIONAL,
timeSCGFailure-r17This field is used to indicate the time elapsed since the last execution of RRCReconfiguration with reconfigurationWithSync for the SCG until the SCG failure. Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.
INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, perRAInfoList-r17 PerRAInfoList-r16 OPTIONAL ]], [[ perRAInfoList-v17b0 PerRAInfoList-v1660 OPTIONAL ]], [[ perRAInfoList-v1840 PerRAInfoList-v1800 OPTIONAL ]] } MeasResultFreqList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2NR -- TAG-SCGFAILUREINFORMATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SCGFailureInformation field descriptions
The field contains available results of measurements on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by measConfig.
The field contains the MeasResultSCG-Failure IE which includes available results of measurements on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the NR SCG RRCReconfiguration message.
This field indicates the physical cell id and carrier frequency of the cell that is the source PSCell of the last PSCell change. In case of PSCell addition failure, this field is absent.
This field indicates the physical cell id and carrier frequency of the cell in which SCG failure is detected or the target PSCell of the failed PSCell change or failed PSCell addition.
This field is used to indicate the time elapsed since the last execution of RRCReconfiguration with reconfigurationWithSync for the SCG until the SCG failure. Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.

The SCGFailureInformationEUTRA message is used to provide information regarding E-UTRA SCG failures detected by the UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SCGFAILUREINFORMATIONEUTRA-START SCGFailureInformationEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { scgFailureInformationEUTRA SCGFailureInformationEUTRA-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } SCGFailureInformationEUTRA-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { failureReportSCG-EUTRA FailureReportSCG-EUTRA OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SCGFailureInformationEUTRA-v1590-IEs OPTIONAL } SCGFailureInformationEUTRA-v1590-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } FailureReportSCG-EUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { failureType ENUMERATED { t313-Expiry, randomAccessProblem,rlc-MaxNumRetx, scg-ChangeFailure, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, measResultFreqListMRDC MeasResultFreqListFailMRDC OPTIONAL, measResultSCG-FailureMRDC OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ..., [[ locationInfo-r16 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL ]] } MeasResultFreqListFailMRDC ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2EUTRA -- TAG-SCGFAILUREINFORMATIONEUTRA-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The SecurityModeCommand message is used to command the activation of AS security.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SECURITYMODECOMMAND-START SecurityModeCommand ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { securityModeCommand SecurityModeCommand-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } SecurityModeCommand-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { securityConfigSMC SecurityConfigSMC, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL } SecurityConfigSMC ::= SEQUENCE { securityAlgorithmConfig SecurityAlgorithmConfig, ... } -- TAG-SECURITYMODECOMMAND-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SCGFailureInformationEUTRA field descriptions
The field contains available results of measurements on E-UTRA frequencies the UE is configured to measure by measConfig.
Includes the E-UTRA MeasResultSCG-FailureMRDC IE as specified in TS 36.331 [10]. The field contains available results of measurements on E-UTRA frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message.

The SecurityModeComplete message is used to confirm the successful completion of a security mode command.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SECURITYMODECOMPLETE-START SecurityModeComplete ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { securityModeComplete SecurityModeComplete-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } SecurityModeComplete-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-SECURITYMODECOMPLETE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The SecurityModeFailure message is used to indicate an unsuccessful completion of a security mode command.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SECURITYMODEFAILURE-START SecurityModeFailure ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { securityModeFailure SecurityModeFailure-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } SecurityModeFailure-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-SECURITYMODEFAILURE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

SIB1 contains information relevant when evaluating if a UE is allowed to access a cell and defines the scheduling of other system information. It also contains radio resource configuration information that is common for all UEs and barring information applied to the unified access control.
cellSelectionInfoParameters for cell selection related to the serving cell.
q-RxLevMinParameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for serving cell.
q-RxLevMinOffsetParameter "Qrxlevminoffset" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qrxlevminoffset = field value * 2 [dB]. If absent, the UE applies the (default) value of 0 dB for Qrxlevminoffset. Affects the minimum required Rx level in the cell.
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
q-RxLevMinSULParameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for serving cell.
Q-RxLevMin OPTIONAL, -- Need R
q-QualMinParameter "Qqualmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for serving cell. If the field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of negative infinity for Qqualmin.
Q-QualMin OPTIONAL, -- Need S
q-QualMinOffsetParameter "Qqualminoffset" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qqualminoffset = field value [dB]. If the field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of 0 dB for Qqualminoffset.Affects the minimum required quality level in the cell.
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL -- Need S } OPTIONAL, -- Cond Standalone cellAccessRelatedInfo CellAccessRelatedInfo, connEstFailureControl ConnEstFailureControl OPTIONAL, -- Need R si-SchedulingInfo SI-SchedulingInfo OPTIONAL, -- Need R
servingCellConfigCommonConfiguration of the serving cell.
ServingCellConfigCommonSIB OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ims-EmergencySupportIndicates whether the cell supports IMS emergency bearer services for UEs in limited service mode. If absent, IMS emergency call is not supported by the network in the cell for UEs in limited service mode.
eCallOverIMS-SupportIndicates whether the cell supports eCall over IMS services as defined in TS 23.501 [32]. If absent, eCall over IMS is not supported by the network in the cell.
ue-TimersAndConstantsTimer and constant values to be used by the UE. The cell operating as PCell always provides this field.
UE-TimersAndConstants OPTIONAL, -- Need R uac-BarringInfo SEQUENCE {
uac-BarringForCommonCommon access control parameters for each access category. Common values are used for all PLMNs/SNPNs, unless overwritten by the PLMN/SNPN specific configuration provided in uac-BarringPerPLMN-List. The parameters are specified by providing an index to the set of configurations (uac-BarringInfoSetList). UE behaviour upon absence of this field is specified in clause
UAC-BarringPerCatList OPTIONAL, -- Need S uac-BarringPerPLMN-List UAC-BarringPerPLMN-List OPTIONAL, -- Need S uac-BarringInfoSetList UAC-BarringInfoSetList,
uac-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfoInformation used to determine whether Access Category 1 applies to the UE, as defined in TS 22.261 [25]. If plmnCommon is chosen,the UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo is applicable to all the PLMNs and SNPNs in plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList.If individualPLMNList is chosen, the 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityList and the npn-IdentityInfoList, the 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityListand the npn-IdentityInfoList and so on.If uac-AC1-SelectAssistInfo-r16 is present, the UE shall ignore the uac-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo.
CHOICE { plmnCommon UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo, individualPLMNList SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxPLMN)) OF UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo } OPTIONAL -- Need S } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
useFullResumeIDIndicates which resume identifier and Resume request message should be used. UE uses fullI-RNTI and RRCResumeRequest1 if the field is present, or shortI-RNTI and RRCResumeRequest if the field is absent.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SIB1-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } SIB1-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
idleModeMeasurementsEUTRA-r16This field indicates that a UE that is configured for EUTRA idle/inactive measurements shall perform the measurements while camping in this cell and report availability of these measurements when establishing or resuming a connection in this cell. If absent, a UE is not required to perform EUTRA idle/inactive measurements.
idleModeMeasurementsNR-r16This field indicates that a UE that is configured for NR idle/inactive measurements shall perform the measurements while camping in this cell and report availability of these measurements when establishing or resuming a connection in this cell. If absent, a UE is not required to perform NR idle/inactive measurements.
ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R posSI-SchedulingInfo-r16 PosSI-SchedulingInfo-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R nonCriticalExtension SIB1-v1630-IEs OPTIONAL } SIB1-v1630-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { uac-BarringInfo-v1630 SEQUENCE {
uac-AC1-SelectAssistInfo-r16Information used to determine whether Access Category 1 applies to the UE, as defined in TS 22.261 [25]. The 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityList and npn-IdentityInfoList, the 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityListand the npn-IdentityInfoList and so on.Value notConfigured indicates that Access Category1 isnot configured for the corresponding PLMN/SNPN.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxPLMN)) OF UAC-AC1-SelectAssistInfo-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need R nonCriticalExtension SIB1-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } SIB1-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
hsdn-Cell-r17This field indicates this is a HSDN cell as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R uac-BarringInfo-v1700 SEQUENCE { uac-BarringInfoSetList-v1700 UAC-BarringInfoSetList-v1700 } OPTIONAL, -- Cond MINT sdt-ConfigCommon-r17 SDT-ConfigCommonSIB-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R redCap-ConfigCommon-r17 RedCap-ConfigCommonSIB-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
featurePriorities-r17Indicates priorities for features, such as (e)RedCap, Slicing, SDT, MSG1-Repetitions and MSG3-Repetitions for Coverage Enhancements. These priorities are used to determine which FeatureCombinationPreambles the UE shall use when a feature maps to more than one FeatureCombinationPreambles, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. A lower value means a higher priority. The network does not signal the same priority for more than one feature. The network signals a priority for all feature that map to at least one FeatureCombinationPreambles.
SEQUENCE { redCapPriority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R slicingPriority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R msg3-Repetitions-Priority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sdt-Priority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 SI-SchedulingInfo-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
hyperSFN-r17Indicates hyper SFN which increments by one when the SFN wraps around. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of hyper SFN should not result in system information change notifications.
eDRX-AllowedIdle-r17The presence of this field indicates that extended DRX for CN paging is allowed in the cell for UEs in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE. The UE shall stop using extended DRX for CN paging in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE if eDRX-AllowedIdle is not present.
eDRX-AllowedInactive-r17The presence of eDRX-AllowedInactive-r17 indicates that extended DRX cycle equal to or shorter than 10.24 s for RAN paging is allowed in the cell for UEs in RRC_INACTIVE. The UE shall stop using extended DRX cycle equal to or shorter than 10.24 s for RAN paging in RRC_INACTIVE if eDRX-AllowedInactive-r17 is not present. The presence of eDRX-AllowedInactive-r18 indicates that extended DRX cycle longer than 10.24 s for RAN paging is allowed in the cell for UEs in RRC_INACTIVE. The UE shall stop using extended DRX cycle longer than 10.24 s for RAN paging in RRC_INACTIVE if eDRX-AllowedInactive-r18 is not present.
intraFreqReselectionRedCap-r17Controls cell selection/reselection to intra-frequency cells for RedCap UEs when this cell is barred, or treated as barred by the RedCap UE, as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. If not present, a RedCap UE treats the cell as barred, i.e.,the UE considers that the cell does not support RedCap.
ENUMERATED {allowed, notAllowed} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
cellBarredNTN-r17Value barred means that the cell is barred for connectivity to NTN, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Value notBarred means that the cell is allowed for connectivity to NTN. If not present, the UE considers the cell is not allowed for connectivity to NTN, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is only applicable to NTN-capable UEs.
ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred} OPTIONAL, -- Need S nonCriticalExtension SIB1-v1740-IEs OPTIONAL } SIB1-v1740-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { si-SchedulingInfo-v1740 SI-SchedulingInfo-v1740 OPTIONAL, -- Need R nonCriticalExtension SIB1-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } SIB1-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
ncr-Support-r18This field combines both the support of NCR and the cell status for NCR. If the field is present, the cell supports NCR and the cell is also considered as a candidate for cell (re)selection for NCR-node; if the field is absent, the cell does not support NCR and/or the cell is barred for NCR-node.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need S mt-SDT-ConfigCommonSIB-r18 MT-SDT-ConfigCommonSIB-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
musim-CapRestrictionAllowed-r18Indicates the UE is allowed to send the musim-CapRestrictionInd in RRCSetupComplete,RRCResumeComplete and RRCReestablishmentComplete messages.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R featurePriorities-v1800 SEQUENCE { msg1-Repetitions-Priority-r18 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R eRedCapPriority-r18 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R si-SchedulingInfo-v1800 SI-SchedulingInfo-v1800 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cellBarredATG-r18Value barred means that the cell is barred for connectivity to ATG, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Value notBarred means that the cell is allowed for connectivity to ATG. If not present, the UE considers the cell is not allowed for connectivity to ATG, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is only applicable to ATG-capable UEs.
ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
cellBarredNES-r18This field indicates the cell barring status for UEs supporting nes-CellDTX-DRX as described in
ENUMERATED {notBarred} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mobileIAB-Cell-r18The presence of this field indicates that this is a mobile IAB cell.
eDRX-AllowedInactive-r18The presence of eDRX-AllowedInactive-r17 indicates that extended DRX cycle equal to or shorter than 10.24 s for RAN paging is allowed in the cell for UEs in RRC_INACTIVE. The UE shall stop using extended DRX cycle equal to or shorter than 10.24 s for RAN paging in RRC_INACTIVE if eDRX-AllowedInactive-r17 is not present. The presence of eDRX-AllowedInactive-r18 indicates that extended DRX cycle longer than 10.24 s for RAN paging is allowed in the cell for UEs in RRC_INACTIVE. The UE shall stop using extended DRX cycle longer than 10.24 s for RAN paging in RRC_INACTIVE if eDRX-AllowedInactive-r18 is not present.
intraFreqReselection-eRedCap-r18Controls cell selection/reselection to intra-frequency cells for eRedCap UEs when this cell is barred, or treated as barred by the eRedCap UE, as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. If not present, an eRedCap UE treats the cell as barred, i.e., the UE considers that the cell does not support eRedCap.
ENUMERATED {allowed, notAllowed} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
nonServingCellMII-r18Indicates whether the MBSInterestIndication message for MBS broadcast reception on a non-serving cell is allowed to be transmitted to the serving gNB.
sdt-BeamFailureRecoveryProhibitTimer-r18The value of the prohibit timer used for RACH for beam failure indication during SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value ms50 corresponds to 50 milliseconds, value ms100 corresponds to 100 milliseconds and so on.
ENUMERATED {ms50, ms100, ms200, ms500, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000, ms3000} OPTIONAL, -- Need R eRedCap-ConfigCommon-r18 ERedCap-ConfigCommonSIB-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cellBarredFixedVSAT-r18Valuebarred means that the cell is barred for fixed VSAT UEs, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. If not present, the cell is not allowed for fixed VSAT UEs. This field is ignored by non-VSAT UEs.
ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred} OPTIONAL, -- Cond NTN
cellBarredMobileVSAT-r18Valuebarred means that the cell is barred for mobile VSAT UEs, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. If not present, the cell is not allowed for mobile VSAT UEs. This field is ignored by non-VSAT UEs.
ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred} OPTIONAL, -- Cond NTN
reselectionMeasurementsNR-r18This field indicates that a UE that is configured for NR reselection measurements shall report availability of these measurements when establishing or resuming a connection in this cell.
cellBarred2RxXR-r18Value barred means that the cell is barred for a 2Rx XR UE indicating supportOf2RxXR for the selected frequency band as specified in clause This field is ignored by all UEs not indicating supportOf2RxXR for the selected frequency band. This field may be configured only if the cell operates in a frequency band where 4Rx antenna ports are mandated as specified in TS 38.101-1 [15]. If this field is absent on a cell operating in a frequency band where 4RX antenna ports are mandated, a 2RX XR UE shall treat the cell as not barred, as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
intraFreqReselection2RxXR-r18This field controls cell selection/reselection to intra-frequency cells for 2Rx XR UEs when this cell is barred or treated as barred by the 2Rx XR UE, as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by all UEs that are not 2Rx XR UEs. This field may be configured only if the cell operates in a frequency band where 4Rx antenna ports are mandated, as specified in TS 38.101-1 [15].
ENUMERATED {allowed, notAllowed} OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2RxXR
barringExemptEmergencyCall-r18Indicates whether the cell allows emergency bearer services for UEs who would otherwise consider the cell as barred as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond EM-Barring
n3c-Support-r18This field indicates the support of N3C MP. If the field is present, the UE can perform early detection of candidate N3C relay UEs. If absent, a UE is not required to perform early detection of candidate N3C relay UEs.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo ::= ENUMERATED {a, b, c} UAC-AC1-SelectAssistInfo-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {a, b, c, notConfigured} SDT-ConfigCommonSIB-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
sdt-RSRP-Threshold-r17RSRP threshold used to determine whether SDT procedure can be initiated, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r17The value of logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer applied during SDT for logical channels configured with SDT, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value in number of subframes. Value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes, sf40 corresponds to 40 subframes, and so on. If sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r18 is absent and sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r17 is present then, the UE applies the value configured in sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r17 for this field. If this field is not configured, then logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer is not applied for SDT logical channels.
ENUMERATED { sf20, sf40, sf64, sf128, sf512, sf1024, sf2560, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sdt-DataVolumeThreshold-r17Data volume threshold used to determine whether SDT can be initiated, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value byte32 corresponds to 32 bytes, value byte100 corresponds to 100 bytes, and so on.
ENUMERATED {byte32, byte100, byte200, byte400, byte600, byte800, byte1000, byte2000, byte4000, byte8000, byte9000, byte10000, byte12000, byte24000, byte48000, byte96000},
t319a-r17Initial value of the timer T319a used for detection of SDT failure. Value ms100 corresponds to 100 milliseconds, value ms200 corresponds to 200 milliseconds and so on. If t319a-r18 is absent, the UE applies the value configured in t319a-r17.
ENUMERATED { ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} } RedCap-ConfigCommonSIB-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { halfDuplexRedCapAllowed-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R cellBarredRedCap-r17 SEQUENCE {
cellBarredRedCap1Rx-r17Value barred means that the cell is barred for a RedCap UE supporting 1 Rx branchon the selected frequency bandas specified in clause, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by non-RedCap UEs. A RedCap UE supporting 2 Rx on the selected frequency band as specified in clause shall ignore this field when cellBarredRedCap2Rx is set to notBarred.
ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred},
cellBarredRedCap2Rx-r17Value barred means that the cell is barred for a RedCap UE supporting 2 Rx brancheson the selected frequency bandas specified in clause, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by non-RedCap UEs. A RedCap UE supporting 1 Rx on the selected frequency band as specified in clause shall ignore this field when cellBarredRedCap1Rx is set to notBarred.
ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred} } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } ERedCap-ConfigCommonSIB-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { cellBarredeRedCap-r18 SEQUENCE { cellBarredeRedCap1Rx-r18 ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred}, cellBarredeRedCap2Rx-r18 ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred} } } FeaturePriority-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..7) MT-SDT-ConfigCommonSIB-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
mt-SDT-RSRP-Threshold-r18RSRP threshold used to determine whether MT-SDT procedure can be initiated, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. If the field is absent, and the field sdt-RSRP-Threshold is present, the UE applies the value in the field sdt-RSRP-Threshold.
RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need S
sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r18The value of logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer applied during SDT for logical channels configured with SDT, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value in number of subframes. Value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes, sf40 corresponds to 40 subframes, and so on. If sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r18 is absent and sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r17 is present then, the UE applies the value configured in sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r17 for this field. If this field is not configured, then logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer is not applied for SDT logical channels.
ENUMERATED { sf20, sf40, sf64, sf128, sf512, sf1024, sf2560, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Cond MT-SDT1
t319a-r18Initial value of the timer T319a used for detection of SDT failure. Value ms100 corresponds to 100 milliseconds, value ms200 corresponds to 200 milliseconds and so on. If t319a-r18 is absent, the UE applies the value configured in t319a-r17.
ENUMERATED { ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL -- Cond MT-SDT2 } -- TAG-SIB1-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB1 field descriptions
Indicates whether the cell allows emergency bearer services for UEs who would otherwise consider the cell as barred as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Value barred means that the cell is barred for a 2Rx XR UE indicating supportOf2RxXR for the selected frequency band as specified in clause This field is ignored by all UEs not indicating supportOf2RxXR for the selected frequency band. This field may be configured only if the cell operates in a frequency band where 4Rx antenna ports are mandated as specified in TS 38.101-1 [15]. If this field is absent on a cell operating in a frequency band where 4RX antenna ports are mandated, a 2RX XR UE shall treat the cell as not barred, as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Value barred means that the cell is barred for connectivity to ATG, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Value notBarred means that the cell is allowed for connectivity to ATG. If not present, the UE considers the cell is not allowed for connectivity to ATG, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is only applicable to ATG-capable UEs.
Value barred means that the cell is barred for an eRedCap UE supporting 1 Rx branch on the selected frequency band as specified in clause, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by non-eRedCap UEs. An eRedCap UE supporting 2 Rx on the selected frequency band as specified in clause shall ignore this field when cellBarred-eRedCap2Rx is set to notBarred.
Value barred means that the cell is barred for an eRedCap UE supporting 2 Rx branches on the selected frequency band as specified in clause, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by non-eRedCap UEs.An eRedCap UE supporting 1 Rx on the selected frequency band as specified in clause shall ignore this field when cellBarred-eRedCap1Rx is set to notBarred.
Valuebarred means that the cell is barred for fixed VSAT UEs, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. If not present, the cell is not allowed for fixed VSAT UEs. This field is ignored by non-VSAT UEs.
Valuebarred means that the cell is barred for mobile VSAT UEs, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. If not present, the cell is not allowed for mobile VSAT UEs. This field is ignored by non-VSAT UEs.
This field indicates the cell barring status for UEs supporting nes-CellDTX-DRX as described in
Value barred means that the cell is barred for connectivity to NTN, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Value notBarred means that the cell is allowed for connectivity to NTN. If not present, the UE considers the cell is not allowed for connectivity to NTN, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is only applicable to NTN-capable UEs.
Value barred means that the cell is barred for a RedCap UE supporting 1 Rx branchon the selected frequency bandas specified in clause, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by non-RedCap UEs. A RedCap UE supporting 2 Rx on the selected frequency band as specified in clause shall ignore this field when cellBarredRedCap2Rx is set to notBarred.
Value barred means that the cell is barred for a RedCap UE supporting 2 Rx brancheson the selected frequency bandas specified in clause, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by non-RedCap UEs. A RedCap UE supporting 1 Rx on the selected frequency band as specified in clause shall ignore this field when cellBarredRedCap1Rx is set to notBarred.
Parameters for cell selection related to the serving cell.
Indicates whether the cell supports eCall over IMS services as defined in TS 23.501 [32]. If absent, eCall over IMS is not supported by the network in the cell.
The presence of this field indicates that extended DRX for CN paging is allowed in the cell for UEs in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE. The UE shall stop using extended DRX for CN paging in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE if eDRX-AllowedIdle is not present.
The presence of eDRX-AllowedInactive-r17 indicates that extended DRX cycle equal to or shorter than 10.24 s for RAN paging is allowed in the cell for UEs in RRC_INACTIVE. The UE shall stop using extended DRX cycle equal to or shorter than 10.24 s for RAN paging in RRC_INACTIVE if eDRX-AllowedInactive-r17 is not present. The presence of eDRX-AllowedInactive-r18 indicates that extended DRX cycle longer than 10.24 s for RAN paging is allowed in the cell for UEs in RRC_INACTIVE. The UE shall stop using extended DRX cycle longer than 10.24 s for RAN paging in RRC_INACTIVE if eDRX-AllowedInactive-r18 is not present.
Indicates priorities for features, such as (e)RedCap, Slicing, SDT, MSG1-Repetitions and MSG3-Repetitions for Coverage Enhancements. These priorities are used to determine which FeatureCombinationPreambles the UE shall use when a feature maps to more than one FeatureCombinationPreambles, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. A lower value means a higher priority. The network does not signal the same priority for more than one feature. The network signals a priority for all feature that map to at least one FeatureCombinationPreambles.
The presence of this field indicates that the cell supports half-duplex FDD (e)RedCap UEs.
This field indicates this is a HSDN cell as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Indicates hyper SFN which increments by one when the SFN wraps around. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of hyper SFN should not result in system information change notifications.
This field indicates that a UE that is configured for EUTRA idle/inactive measurements shall perform the measurements while camping in this cell and report availability of these measurements when establishing or resuming a connection in this cell. If absent, a UE is not required to perform EUTRA idle/inactive measurements.
This field indicates that a UE that is configured for NR idle/inactive measurements shall perform the measurements while camping in this cell and report availability of these measurements when establishing or resuming a connection in this cell. If absent, a UE is not required to perform NR idle/inactive measurements.
Indicates whether the cell supports IMS emergency bearer services for UEs in limited service mode. If absent, IMS emergency call is not supported by the network in the cell for UEs in limited service mode.
This field controls cell selection/reselection to intra-frequency cells for 2Rx XR UEs when this cell is barred or treated as barred by the 2Rx XR UE, as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by all UEs that are not 2Rx XR UEs. This field may be configured only if the cell operates in a frequency band where 4Rx antenna ports are mandated, as specified in TS 38.101-1 [15].
Controls cell selection/reselection to intra-frequency cells for eRedCap UEs when this cell is barred, or treated as barred by the eRedCap UE, as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. If not present, an eRedCap UE treats the cell as barred, i.e., the UE considers that the cell does not support eRedCap.
Controls cell selection/reselection to intra-frequency cells for RedCap UEs when this cell is barred, or treated as barred by the RedCap UE, as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. If not present, a RedCap UE treats the cell as barred, i.e.,the UE considers that the cell does not support RedCap.
The presence of this field indicates that this is a mobile IAB cell.
RSRP threshold used to determine whether MT-SDT procedure can be initiated, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. If the field is absent, and the field sdt-RSRP-Threshold is present, the UE applies the value in the field sdt-RSRP-Threshold.
Indicates the UE is allowed to send the musim-CapRestrictionInd in RRCSetupComplete,RRCResumeComplete and RRCReestablishmentComplete messages.
This field indicates the support of N3C MP. If the field is present, the UE can perform early detection of candidate N3C relay UEs. If absent, a UE is not required to perform early detection of candidate N3C relay UEs.
This field combines both the support of NCR and the cell status for NCR. If the field is present, the cell supports NCR and the cell is also considered as a candidate for cell (re)selection for NCR-node; if the field is absent, the cell does not support NCR and/or the cell is barred for NCR-node.
Indicates whether the MBSInterestIndication message for MBS broadcast reception on a non-serving cell is allowed to be transmitted to the serving gNB.
Parameter "Qqualmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for serving cell. If the field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of negative infinity for Qqualmin.
Parameter "Qqualminoffset" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qqualminoffset = field value [dB]. If the field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of 0 dB for Qqualminoffset.Affects the minimum required quality level in the cell.
Parameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for serving cell.
Parameter "Qrxlevminoffset" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qrxlevminoffset = field value * 2 [dB]. If absent, the UE applies the (default) value of 0 dB for Qrxlevminoffset. Affects the minimum required Rx level in the cell.
Parameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for serving cell.
This field indicates that a UE that is configured for NR reselection measurements shall report availability of these measurements when establishing or resuming a connection in this cell.
The value of the prohibit timer used for RACH for beam failure indication during SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value ms50 corresponds to 50 milliseconds, value ms100 corresponds to 100 milliseconds and so on.
Data volume threshold used to determine whether SDT can be initiated, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value byte32 corresponds to 32 bytes, value byte100 corresponds to 100 bytes, and so on.
The value of logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer applied during SDT for logical channels configured with SDT, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value in number of subframes. Value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes, sf40 corresponds to 40 subframes, and so on. If sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r18 is absent and sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r17 is present then, the UE applies the value configured in sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r17 for this field. If this field is not configured, then logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer is not applied for SDT logical channels.
RSRP threshold used to determine whether SDT procedure can be initiated, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Configuration of the serving cell.
Initial value of the timer T319a used for detection of SDT failure. Value ms100 corresponds to 100 milliseconds, value ms200 corresponds to 200 milliseconds and so on. If t319a-r18 is absent, the UE applies the value configured in t319a-r17.
Information used to determine whether Access Category 1 applies to the UE, as defined in TS 22.261 [25]. If plmnCommon is chosen,the UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo is applicable to all the PLMNs and SNPNs in plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList.If individualPLMNList is chosen, the 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityList and the npn-IdentityInfoList, the 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityListand the npn-IdentityInfoList and so on.If uac-AC1-SelectAssistInfo-r16 is present, the UE shall ignore the uac-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo.
Information used to determine whether Access Category 1 applies to the UE, as defined in TS 22.261 [25]. The 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityList and npn-IdentityInfoList, the 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityListand the npn-IdentityInfoList and so on.Value notConfigured indicates that Access Category1 isnot configured for the corresponding PLMN/SNPN.
Common access control parameters for each access category. Common values are used for all PLMNs/SNPNs, unless overwritten by the PLMN/SNPN specific configuration provided in uac-BarringPerPLMN-List. The parameters are specified by providing an index to the set of configurations (uac-BarringInfoSetList). UE behaviour upon absence of this field is specified in clause
Timer and constant values to be used by the UE. The cell operating as PCell always provides this field.
Indicates which resume identifier and Resume request message should be used. UE uses fullI-RNTI and RRCResumeRequest1 if the field is present, or shortI-RNTI and RRCResumeRequest if the field is absent.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present if cellBarred2RxXR is present, otherwise it is absent, Need R.
The field is optionally present, Need R, in a cell that enables eDRX-AllowedIdle, otherwise it is absent.
The field is optionally present, Need R, in a cell that supports (e)RedCap or 2Rx XR UEs, otherwise it is absent.
The field is optionally present, Need R, in a cell that provides a configuration for disaster roaming, otherwise it is absent, Need R.
This field is optionally present, Need S, in a cell that supports MT-SDT if sdt-ConfigCommon-r17 is not present, otherwise it is absent.
This field is mandatory present in a cell that supports MT-SDT if sdt-ConfigCommon-r17 is not present, otherwise it is absent.
The field is optionally present, Need S, in a cell where cellBarredNTN is included with value notBarred, otherwise it is absent.
The field is mandatory present in a cell that supports standalone operation, otherwise it is absent.

The SidelinkUEinformationNR message is used for the indication of NR sidelink UE information to the network.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SIDELINKUEINFORMATIONNR-START SidelinkUEInformationNR-r16::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { sidelinkUEInformationNR-r16 SidelinkUEInformationNR-r16-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } SidelinkUEInformationNR-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-RxInterestedFreqList-r16Indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to receive NR sidelink communication. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
SL-InterestedFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-TxResourceReqList-r16List of parameters to request the transmission resources for NR sidelink communication for the associated destination. If sl-TxResourceReqList-v1700 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in sl-TxResourceReqList-r16.
SL-TxResourceReqList-r16 OPTIONAL, sl-FailureList-r16 SL-FailureList-r16 OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SidelinkUEInformationNR-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } SidelinkUEInformationNR-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { sl-TxResourceReqList-v1700 SL-TxResourceReqList-v1700 OPTIONAL, sl-RxDRX-ReportList-v1700 SL-RxDRX-ReportList-v1700 OPTIONAL,
sl-RxInterestedGC-BC-DestList-r17Indicates the reported QoS profile and associated destination for which UE is interested in reception to the network for NR sidelink groupcast and broadcast communication, or for NR sidelink discoveryor ProSe Direct Link Establishment Request as described in TS 24.554 [72], or for Direct Link Establishment Request (TS 24.587 [57]).
SL-RxInterestedGC-BC-DestList-r17 OPTIONAL, sl-RxInterestedFreqListDisc-r17 SL-InterestedFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL, sl-TxResourceReqListDisc-r17 SL-TxResourceReqListDisc-r17 OPTIONAL, sl-TxResourceReqListCommRelay-r17 SL-TxResourceReqListCommRelay-r17 OPTIONAL,
ue-Type-r17Indicates the UE is acting as U2N Relay UE or U2N Remote UE.
sl-SourceIdentityRemoteUE-r17This field is used to indicate the Source Layer-2 ID to be used to establish PC5 link with the target L2 U2N Relay UE for path switch.
SL-SourceIdentity-r17 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SidelinkUEInformationNR-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } SidelinkUEInformationNR-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { sl-CarrierFailureList-r18 SL-CarrierFailureList-r18 OPTIONAL, sl-TxResourceReqListL2-U2U-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-TxResourceReqL2-U2U-r18 OPTIONAL,
sl-PosRxInterestedFreqList-r18Indicates the index of frequency where dedicated SL-PRS resource pool(s) locates on which the UE is interested to perform SL-PRS measurement. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-PosFreqInfoList broadcast in SIB23, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-PosFreqInfoList broadcast in SIB23 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list.
SL-InterestedFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-PosTxResourceReqList-r18List of parameters to request the transmission resources for NR sidelink positioning for the associated destination.
SL-PosTxResourceReqList-r18 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SidelinkUEInformationNR-v1840-IEs OPTIONAL } SidelinkUEInformationNR-v1840-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-PosRxInterestedFreqList2-r18Indicates the index of frequency where shared SL-PRS resource pool(s) locates on which the UE is interested to perform SL-PRS measurement. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
SL-InterestedFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } SL-InterestedFreqList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF INTEGER (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16) SL-TxResourceReqList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-TxResourceReq-r16 SL-PosTxResourceReqList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-PosTxResourceReq-r18 SL-TxResourceReq-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-DestinationIdentity-r16This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the per-carrier RLF report is concerned.
sl-CastType-r16Indicates the cast type for the corresponding destination for which to request the resource.
ENUMERATED {broadcast, groupcast, unicast, spare1},
sl-RLC-ModeIndicationList-r16Each entry of this field indicates the RLC mode and optionally the related QoS profiles for the sidelink radio bearer, which has not been configured by the network and is initiated by another UE in unicast. The RLC mode for one sidelink radio bearer is aligned between UE and NW by the sl-QoS-FlowIdentity.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofSLRB-r16)) OF SL-RLC-ModeIndication-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-QoS-InfoList-r16Includes the QoS profile of the sidelink QoS flow as specified in TS 23.287 [55]. If sl-QoS-InfoList-v1800 is included, shall include the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in sl-QoS-InfoList-r16.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-QFIsPerDest-r16)) OF SL-QoS-Info-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-TypeTxSyncList-r16A list of synchronization reference used by the UE. The UE shall include the same number of entries, listed in the same order, as in sl-TxInterestedFreqList, i.e. one for each carrier frequency included in sl-TxInterestedFreqList.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-TypeTxSync-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-TxInterestedFreqList-r16Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink communication, for each QoS flow. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
SL-TxInterestedFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-CapabilityInformationSidelink-r16Includes the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message (which can be also included in ueCapabilityInformationSidelink-r16 in UECapabilityEnquirySidelink from the L2 U2U Relay UE) received from the L2 U2U Relay UE.
OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } SL-TxResourceReqList-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-TxResourceReq-v1700 SL-RxDRX-ReportList-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-RxDRX-Report-v1700 SL-TxResourceReq-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-DRX-InfoFromRxList-r17Indicates list of the sidelink DRX configurations as assistance information received from the peer UE for NR sidelink unicast communication.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-RxInfoSet-r17)) OF SL-DRX-ConfigUC-SemiStatic-r17 OPTIONAL,
sl-DRX-Indication-r17Indicates the sidelink DRX is applied (value on) or not applied (value off) for the associated destination. This field is only valid for NR sidelink groupcast communication.
ENUMERATED {on, off} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ sl-QoS-InfoList-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-QFIsPerDest-r16)) OF SL-QoS-Info-v1800 OPTIONAL ]] } SL-RxDRX-Report-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-DRX-ConfigFromTx-r17Indicates the sidelink DRX configuration received from the peer UE for NR sidelink unicast communication.
SL-DRX-ConfigUC-SemiStatic-r17, ... } SL-RxInterestedGC-BC-DestList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-RxInterestedGC-BC-Dest-r17 SL-RxInterestedGC-BC-Dest-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-RxInterestedQoS-InfoList-r17Indicates the QoS profile for which UE reports its interested service to which SL DRX is applied to the network, for NR sidelink groupcast or broadcast reception.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-QFIsPerDest-r16)) OF SL-QoS-Info-r16,
sl-DestinationIdentity-r16This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the per-carrier RLF report is concerned.
SL-DestinationIdentity-r16 } SL-TxResourceReqListDisc-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-TxResourceReqDisc-r17 SL-TxResourceReqDisc-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-DestinationIdentityDisc-r17This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned for relay discovery and non-relay discovery.
sl-SourceIdentityRelayUE-r17This field is used to indicate the source L2 ID of relay-related discovery transmission by L2 U2N Relay UE.
SL-SourceIdentity-r17 OPTIONAL,
sl-CastTypeDisc-r17Indicates the cast type for the NR sidelink discovery messages. Only value broadcast can be set in this release.
ENUMERATED {broadcast, groupcast, unicast, spare1},
sl-TxInterestedFreqListDisc-r17Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink discovery. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list. In this release, only one entry can be included in the list.
SL-TxInterestedFreqList-r16, sl-TypeTxSyncListDisc-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-TypeTxSync-r16, sl-DiscoveryType-r17 ENUMERATED {relay, non-Relay}, ..., [[ ue-TypeU2U-r18 ENUMERATED {relayUE, remoteUE} OPTIONAL ]] } SL-TxResourceReqListCommRelay-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-TxResourceReqCommRelayInfo-r17 SL-TxResourceReqCommRelayInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-RelayDRXConfig-r17This field is used to indicate the applied sidelink DRX configuration for the relay related communication.
SL-TxResourceReq-v1700 OPTIONAL, sl-TxResourceReqCommRelay-r17 SL-TxResourceReqCommRelay-r17 } SL-TxResourceReqCommRelay-r17 ::= CHOICE { sl-TxResourceReqL2U2N-Relay-r17 SL-TxResourceReqL2U2N-Relay-r17, sl-TxResourceReqL3U2N-Relay-r17 SL-TxResourceReq-r16 } SL-TxResourceReqL2U2N-Relay-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-DestinationIdentityL2U2N-r17This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned for the established PC5 link for relay by L2 U2N Relay UE.
SL-DestinationIdentity-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-TxInterestedFreqListL2U2N-r17Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink communication for established PC5 link for relay. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list. In this release, only one entry can be included in the list.
SL-TxInterestedFreqList-r16, sl-TypeTxSyncListL2U2N-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-TypeTxSync-r16,
sl-LocalID-Request-r17This field is used to request local UE ID for the corresponding destination by the L2 U2N Relay UE.
sl-PagingIdentityRemoteUE-r17This field is used to indicate the paging UE ID(s) for the corresponding destination(s) by the L2 U2N Relay UE.
SL-PagingIdentityRemoteUE-r17 OPTIONAL,
sl-CapabilityInformationSidelink-r17Includes the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message (which can be also included in ueCapabilityInformationSidelink-r16 in UECapabilityEnquirySidelink from the L2 U2U Relay UE) received from the L2 U2U Relay UE.
OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } SL-TxResourceReqL2-U2U-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-DestinationIdentityL2-U2U-r18This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned for the established per-hop PC5 link between the L2 U2U Remote UE and L2 U2U Relay UE.
SL-DestinationIdentity-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-TxInterestedFreqListL2-U2U-r18Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink communication for established per-hop PC5 link. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list. In this release, only one entry can be included in the list.
SL-TxInterestedFreqList-r16, sl-TypeTxSyncListL2-U2U-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-TypeTxSync-r16,
sl-CapabilityInformationSidelink-r18Includes the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message (which can be also included in ueCapabilityInformationSidelink-r16 in UECapabilityEnquirySidelink from the L2 U2U Relay UE) received from the L2 U2U Relay UE.
sl-U2U-InfoList-r18This field indicates the information related to a list of end-to-end PC5 links.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofRemoteUE-r17)) OF SL-U2U-Info-r18 OPTIONAL, sl-RLC-ModeIndicationListL2-U2U-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofSLRB-r16)) OF SL-RLC-Mode-r18 OPTIONAL, ... } SL-U2U-Info-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-U2U-Identity-r18This field is to identify an end-to-end PC5 link. For a L2 U2U Remote UE acting as source UE it includes sl-TargetUE-Identity to indicate the target L2 U2U Remote UE on the second hop, and for a L2 U2U Relay UE, it includes sl-SourceUE-Identity to indicate the source L2 U2U Remote UE on the first hop.
CHOICE { sl-TargetUE-Identity-r18 SL-DestinationIdentity-r16, sl-SourceUE-Identity-r18 SL-SourceIdentity-r17 },
sl-E2E-QoS-InfoList-r18This field is used by L2 U2U Remote UE to indicate a list of end-to-end QoS info.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofSL-QFIsPerDest-r16)) OF SL-QoS-Info-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-PerHop-QoS-InfoList-r18This field is used by L2 U2U Remote UE to indicate a list of split QoS info for the first hop.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofSL-QFIsPerDest-r16)) OF SL-SplitQoS-Info-r18 OPTIONAL,
sl-PerSLRB-QoS-InfoList-r18This field is used by L2 U2U Relay UE to indicate a list of split QoS info for the second hop in per-SLRB level, with each entry in accordance with an end-to-end SLRB.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofSLRB-r16)) OF SL-PerSLRB-QoS-Info-r18 OPTIONAL,
sl-CapabilityInformationTargetRemoteUE-r18Includes the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message(which can be also included in ueCapabilityInformationSidelink-r16 in UECapabilityEnquirySidelink from the target L2 U2U Remote UE) received from the target L2 U2U Remote UE. In this version of the specification, only outOfOrderDeliverySidelink-r16 and accessStratumReleaseSidelink-r16 are included in the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message.
sl-PosDestinationIdentity-r18This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned for SL-PRS transmission
sl-PosCastType-r18Indicates the cast type for the SL-PRS transmission.
ENUMERATED {broadcast, groupcast, unicast, spare1},
sl-PosTxInterestedFreqList-r18Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency in SIB23on which the UE is interested to transmit SL-PRS. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-PosFreqInfoList broadcast in SIB23, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-PosFreqInfoList broadcast in SIB23 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list. In this release, only one entry can be included in the list.
SL-TxInterestedFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-PosTypeTxSyncList-r18A list of synchronization references used by the UE. The UE shall include the same number of entries, listed in the same order, as in sl-PosTxInterestedFreqList, i.e. one for each carrier frequency included in sl-PosTxInterestedFreqList.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-TypeTxSync-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-PosQoS-InfoList-r18This field is used to indicate the QoS information for SL-PRS transmission.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-PRS-PerDest-r18)) OF SL-PRS-QoS-Info-r18 OPTIONAL,
sl-CapabilityInformationSidelink-r18Includes the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message (which can be also included in ueCapabilityInformationSidelink-r16 in UECapabilityEnquirySidelink from the L2 U2U Relay UE) received from the L2 U2U Relay UE.
sl-PosTxInterestedFreqList2-r18Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency in SIB12 on which the UE is interested to transmit SL-PRS. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-PosFreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
SL-TxInterestedFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL ]] } SL-TxInterestedFreqList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF INTEGER (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16) SL-QoS-Info-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-QoS-FlowIdentity-r16This identity uniquely identifies one sidelink QoS flow between the UE and the network in the scope of UE, which is unique for different destination and cast type.
SL-QoS-FlowIdentity-r16, sl-QoS-Profile-r16 SL-QoS-Profile-r16 OPTIONAL } SL-QoS-Info-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-TxInterestedFreqList-r18Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink communication, for each QoS flow. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
sl-TxProfile-r18Indicating Tx profile for each QoS flow, i.e., compatibility of supporting SL CA operation. The IE of SL-TxProfile is referred by upper layer signaling as specified TS 24.588 [78].
SL-TxProfile-r18 OPTIONAL, ... } SL-TxProfile-r18 ::= ENUMERATED {backwardsCompatible, backwardsIncompatible} SL-RLC-ModeIndication-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-Mode-r16 CHOICE { sl-AM-Mode-r16 NULL, sl-UM-Mode-r16 NULL },
sl-QoS-InfoList-r16Includes the QoS profile of the sidelink QoS flow as specified in TS 23.287 [55]. If sl-QoS-InfoList-v1800 is included, shall include the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in sl-QoS-InfoList-r16.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-QFIsPerDest-r16)) OF SL-QoS-Info-r16 } SL-FailureList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-Failure-r16 SL-Failure-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-DestinationIdentity-r16This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the per-carrier RLF report is concerned.
sl-Failure-r16Indicates the sidelink cause for the sidelink RLF (value rlf),sidelink AS configuration failure (value configFailure) and the rejection of sidelink DRX configuration (value drxReject-v1710) for the associated destination for unicast.
ENUMERATED {rlf,configFailure, drxReject-v1710, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} } SL-CarrierFailureList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-CarrierFailure-r18 SL-CarrierFailure-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-DestinationIdentity-r18This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the per-carrier RLF report is concerned.
sl-CarrierFailure-r18Indicate the carrier(s) where the Sidelink carrier failure RLF has been indicated by lower layer as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF INTEGER (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16) } SL-SplitQoS-Info-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-QoS-FlowIdentity-r18This identity uniquely identifies one sidelink QoS flow between the UE and the network in the scope of UE, which is unique for different destination and cast type.
SL-QoS-FlowIdentity-r16, sl-SplitPacketDelayBudget-r18 INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, ... } SL-PerSLRB-QoS-Info-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RemoteUE-SLRB-Identity-r18 SLRB-Uu-ConfigIndex-r16, sl-QoS-ProfilePerSLRB-r18 SL-QoS-Profile-r16 OPTIONAL } SL-PRS-QoS-Info-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-PRS-Priority-r18Indicates the priority of SL-PRS provided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]). Value 1 is the highest priority whereas value 8 is the lowest priority.
sl-PRS-DelayBudget-r18Indicates the SL-PRS delay budget provided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]).
sl-PRS-Bandwidth-r18Indicates the desired bandwidth of the requested SL-PRS resources provided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]) in the unit of MHz.
ENUMERATED {mhz5, mhz10, mhz15, mhz20, mhz25, mhz30, mhz35, mhz40, mhz45, mhz50, mhz60, mhz70, mhz80, mhz90, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400, spare15, spare14, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, ... } SL-RLC-Mode-r18 ::= CHOICE { sl-AM-Mode-r18 NULL, sl-UM-Mode-r18 NULL } -- TAG-SIDELINKUEINFORMATIONNR-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SidelinkUEinformationNR field descriptions
Indicates the index of frequency where dedicated SL-PRS resource pool(s) locates on which the UE is interested to perform SL-PRS measurement. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-PosFreqInfoList broadcast in SIB23, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-PosFreqInfoList broadcast in SIB23 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list.
Indicates the index of frequency where shared SL-PRS resource pool(s) locates on which the UE is interested to perform SL-PRS measurement. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
List of parameters to request the transmission resources for NR sidelink positioning for the associated destination.
Indicates the accepted DRX configuration that is received from the peer UE and reported to the network for NR sidelink unicast communication.
Indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to receive NR sidelink communication. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
Indicates the reported QoS profile and associated destination for which UE is interested in reception to the network for NR sidelink groupcast and broadcast communication, or for NR sidelink discoveryor ProSe Direct Link Establishment Request as described in TS 24.554 [72], or for Direct Link Establishment Request (TS 24.587 [57]).
This field is used to indicate the Source Layer-2 ID to be used to establish PC5 link with the target L2 U2N Relay UE for path switch.
Parameters to request the transmission resources for NR sidelink communication to the network in the Sidelink UE Information report.
List of parameters to request the transmission resources for NR sidelink communication for the associated destination. If sl-TxResourceReqList-v1700 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in sl-TxResourceReqList-r16.
Indicates the UE is acting as U2N Relay UE or U2N Remote UE.
SL-TxResourceReq field descriptions
Includes the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message (which can be also included in ueCapabilityInformationSidelink-r16 in UECapabilityEnquirySidelink from peer UE) received from the peer UE.
Indicates the cast type for the corresponding destination for which to request the resource.
Indicates the destination for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned.
Indicates the sidelink DRX is applied (value on) or not applied (value off) for the associated destination. This field is only valid for NR sidelink groupcast communication.
Indicates list of the sidelink DRX configurations as assistance information received from the peer UE for NR sidelink unicast communication.
Includes the QoS profile of the sidelink QoS flow as specified in TS 23.287 [55]. If sl-QoS-InfoList-v1800 is included, shall include the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in sl-QoS-InfoList-r16.
This identity uniquely identifies one sidelink QoS flow between the UE and the network in the scope of UE, which is unique for different destination and cast type.
Each entry of this field indicates the RLC mode and optionally the related QoS profiles for the sidelink radio bearer, which has not been configured by the network and is initiated by another UE in unicast. The RLC mode for one sidelink radio bearer is aligned between UE and NW by the sl-QoS-FlowIdentity.
Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink communication, for each destination. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
A list of synchronization reference used by the UE. The UE shall include the same number of entries, listed in the same order, as in sl-TxInterestedFreqList, i.e. one for each carrier frequency included in sl-TxInterestedFreqList.
SL-Failure field descriptions
Indicates the destination for which the SL failure is reporting for unicast.
Indicates the sidelink cause for the sidelink RLF (value rlf),sidelink AS configuration failure (value configFailure) and the rejection of sidelink DRX configuration (value drxReject-v1710) for the associated destination for unicast.
SL-RxDRX-Report field descriptions
Indicates the sidelink DRX configuration received from the peer UE for NR sidelink unicast communication.
SL-RxInterestedGC-BC-Destfield descriptions
Indicates the QoS profile for which UE reports its interested service to which SL DRX is applied to the network, for NR sidelink groupcast or broadcast reception.
SL-TxResourceReqDisc field descriptions
Indicates the cast type for the NR sidelink discovery messages. Only value broadcast can be set in this release.
This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned for relay discovery and non-relay discovery.
This field is used to indicate the source L2 ID of relay-related discovery transmission by L2 U2N Relay UE.
Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink discovery. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list. In this release, only one entry can be included in the list.
SL-PosTxResourceReqfield descriptions
Includes the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message (which can be also included in ueCapabilityInformationSidelink-r16 in UECapabilityEnquirySidelink from peer UE) received from the peer UE.
Indicates the cast type for the SL-PRS transmission.
This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned for SL-PRS transmission
This field is used to indicate the QoS information for SL-PRS transmission.
Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency in SIB23on which the UE is interested to transmit SL-PRS. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-PosFreqInfoList broadcast in SIB23, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-PosFreqInfoList broadcast in SIB23 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list. In this release, only one entry can be included in the list.
Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency in SIB12 on which the UE is interested to transmit SL-PRS. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-PosFreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
A list of synchronization references used by the UE. The UE shall include the same number of entries, listed in the same order, as in sl-PosTxInterestedFreqList, i.e. one for each carrier frequency included in sl-PosTxInterestedFreqList.
Indicates the SL-PRS delay budget provided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]).
Indicates the priority of SL-PRS provided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]). Value 1 is the highest priority whereas value 8 is the lowest priority.
Indicates the desired bandwidth of the requested SL-PRS resources provided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]) in the unit of MHz.
SL-TxResourceReqCommRelayInfofield descriptions
This field is used to indicate the applied sidelink DRX configuration for the relay related communication.
This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned for the established PC5 link for relay by L2 U2N Relay UE.
This field is used to request local UE ID for the corresponding destination by the L2 U2N Relay UE.
Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink communication for established PC5 link for relay. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list. In this release, only one entry can be included in the list.
This field is used to indicate the paging UE ID(s) for the corresponding destination(s) by the L2 U2N Relay UE.
SL-QoS-Info field descriptions
Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink communication, for each QoS flow. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
Indicating Tx profile for each QoS flow, i.e., compatibility of supporting SL CA operation. The IE of SL-TxProfile is referred by upper layer signaling as specified TS 24.588 [78].
SL-CarrierFailure field descriptions
Indicate the carrier(s) where the Sidelink carrier failure RLF has been indicated by lower layer as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the per-carrier RLF report is concerned.
SL-TxResourceReqL2-U2Ufield descriptions
Includes the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message (which can be also included in ueCapabilityInformationSidelink-r16 in UECapabilityEnquirySidelink from the L2 U2U Relay UE) received from the L2 U2U Relay UE.
This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned for the established per-hop PC5 link between the L2 U2U Remote UE and L2 U2U Relay UE.
Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink communication for established per-hop PC5 link. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list. In this release, only one entry can be included in the list.
This field indicates the information related to a list of end-to-end PC5 links.
SL-U2U-Info field descriptions
Includes the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message(which can be also included in ueCapabilityInformationSidelink-r16 in UECapabilityEnquirySidelink from the target L2 U2U Remote UE) received from the target L2 U2U Remote UE. In this version of the specification, only outOfOrderDeliverySidelink-r16 and accessStratumReleaseSidelink-r16 are included in the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message.
This field is used by L2 U2U Remote UE to indicate a list of end-to-end QoS info.
This field is used by L2 U2U Remote UE to indicate a list of split QoS info for the first hop.
This field is used by L2 U2U Relay UE to indicate a list of split QoS info for the second hop in per-SLRB level, with each entry in accordance with an end-to-end SLRB.
This field is to identify an end-to-end PC5 link. For a L2 U2U Remote UE acting as source UE it includes sl-TargetUE-Identity to indicate the target L2 U2U Remote UE on the second hop, and for a L2 U2U Relay UE, it includes sl-SourceUE-Identity to indicate the source L2 U2U Remote UE on the first hop.

The SystemInformation message is used to convey one or more System Information Blocks or Positioning System Information Blocks. All the SIBs or posSIBs included are transmitted with the same periodicity.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SYSTEMINFORMATION-START SystemInformation ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { systemInformation SystemInformation-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture-r16 CHOICE { posSystemInformation-r16 PosSystemInformation-r16-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } } SystemInformation-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { sib-TypeAndInfo SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF CHOICE { sib2 SIB2, sib3 SIB3, sib4 SIB4, sib5 SIB5, sib6 SIB6, sib7 SIB7, sib8 SIB8, sib9 SIB9, ..., sib10-v1610 SIB10-r16, sib11-v1610 SIB11-r16, sib12-v1610 SIB12-r16, sib13-v1610 SIB13-r16, sib14-v1610 SIB14-r16, sib15-v1700 SIB15-r17, sib16-v1700 SIB16-r17, sib17-v1700 SIB17-r17, sib18-v1700 SIB18-r17, sib19-v1700 SIB19-r17, sib20-v1700 SIB20-r17, sib21-v1700 SIB21-r17, sib22-v1800 SIB22-r18, sib23-v1800 SIB23-r18, sib24-v1800 SIB24-r18, sib25-v1800 SIB25-r18, sib17bis-v1820 SIB17bis-r18 }, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-SYSTEMINFORMATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The UEAssistanceInformation message is used for the indication of UE assistance information to the network.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UEASSISTANCEINFORMATION-START UEAssistanceInformation ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { ueAssistanceInformation UEAssistanceInformation-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } UEAssistanceInformation-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
delayBudgetReportIndicates the UE-preferred adjustment to connected mode DRX.
DelayBudgetReport OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UEAssistanceInformation-v1540-IEs OPTIONAL } DelayBudgetReport::= CHOICE {
type1Indicates the preferred amount of increment/decrement to the long DRX cycle length with respect to the current configuration. Value in number of milliseconds. Value ms40 corresponds to 40 milliseconds, msMinus40 corresponds to -40 milliseconds and so on.
ENUMERATED { msMinus1280, msMinus640, msMinus320, msMinus160,msMinus80, msMinus60, msMinus40, msMinus20, ms0, ms20,ms40, ms60, ms80, ms160, ms320, ms640, ms1280}, ... } UEAssistanceInformation-v1540-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { overheatingAssistance OverheatingAssistance OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UEAssistanceInformation-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } OverheatingAssistance ::= SEQUENCE { reducedMaxCCs ReducedMaxCCs-r16 OPTIONAL,
reducedMaxBW-FR1Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR1, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR1. The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR1 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR1. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR1 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR1. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-Preference IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR1. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR1 of both the NR MCG and the SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR1 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. Value mhz0 is not used when indicated to address overheating. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR1 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16 OPTIONAL,
reducedMaxBW-FR2Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR2-1.The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-Preference IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR2-1. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s)of FR2-1 of both the NR MCG and the NR SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR2-1 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR2-1 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16 OPTIONAL, reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR1 SEQUENCE {
reducedMIMO-LayersFR1-DLIndicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR1. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
reducedMIMO-LayersFR1-ULIndicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving (see NOTE 1). This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR1. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layerscan only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-DLIndicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-1. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-ULIndicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving (see NOTE 1). This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-1. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
MIMO-LayersUL } OPTIONAL } OverheatingAssistance-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
reducedMaxBW-FR2-2-r17Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR2-2.The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-PreferenceFR2-2 IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR2-2. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s)of FR2-2 of both the NR MCG and the NR SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR2-2 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR2-2 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
SEQUENCE { reducedBW-FR2-2-DL-r17 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17, reducedBW-FR2-2-UL-r17 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17 } OPTIONAL, reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR2-2 SEQUENCE {
reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-2-DLIndicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-2 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-2. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-2-ULIndicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-2 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving (see NOTE 1). This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-2. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
MIMO-LayersUL } OPTIONAL } ReducedAggregatedBandwidth ::= ENUMERATED {mhz0, mhz10, mhz20, mhz30, mhz40, mhz50, mhz60, mhz80, mhz100, mhz200, mhz300, mhz400} ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {mhz0, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400, mhz800, mhz1200, mhz1600, mhz2000} UEAssistanceInformation-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { idc-Assistance-r16 IDC-Assistance-r16 OPTIONAL, drx-Preference-r16 DRX-Preference-r16 OPTIONAL, maxBW-Preference-r16 MaxBW-Preference-r16 OPTIONAL, maxCC-Preference-r16 MaxCC-Preference-r16 OPTIONAL, maxMIMO-LayerPreference-r16 MaxMIMO-LayerPreference-r16 OPTIONAL,
minSchedulingOffsetPreference-r16Indicates the UE's preferences on minimumSchedulingOffset of cross-slot scheduling for power saving.
MinSchedulingOffsetPreference-r16 OPTIONAL, releasePreference-r16 ReleasePreference-r16 OPTIONAL,
sl-UE-AssistanceInformationNR-r16Indicates the traffic characteristic of sidelink logical channel(s), specified in the IE SL-TrafficPatternInfo, that are setup for NR sidelink communication.
SL-UE-AssistanceInformationNR-r16 OPTIONAL,
referenceTimeInfoPreference-r16Indicates whether the UE prefers being provisioned with the timing information specified in the IE ReferenceTimeInfo.
BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UEAssistanceInformation-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } UEAssistanceInformation-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ul-GapFR2-Preference-r17 UL-GapFR2-Preference-r17 OPTIONAL, musim-Assistance-r17 MUSIM-Assistance-r17 OPTIONAL, overheatingAssistance-r17 OverheatingAssistance-r17 OPTIONAL, maxBW-PreferenceFR2-2-r17 MaxBW-PreferenceFR2-2-r17 OPTIONAL, maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceFR2-2-r17 MaxMIMO-LayerPreferenceFR2-2-r17 OPTIONAL,
minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceExt-r17Indicates the UE's preferences on minimumSchedulingOffset of cross-slot scheduling for power saving for SCS 480 kHz and/or 960 kHz.
MinSchedulingOffsetPreferenceExt-r17 OPTIONAL,
rlm-MeasRelaxationState-r17Indicates the relaxation state of RLM measurements. Value true indicates that the UE is performing relaxation of RLM measurements, and value false indicates that the UE is not performing relaxation of RLM measurements.
bfd-MeasRelaxationState-r17Indicates the relaxation state of BFD measurements. Each bit corresponds to a serving cell of the cell group. A serving cell is mapped to the (servCellIndex+1)-th bit, starting from MSB. A bit that is set to 1 indicates that the UE is performing BFD measurements relaxation on the serving cell mapped on the bit. A bit that is set to 0 indicates that the UE is not performing BFD measurements relaxation on the serving cell mapped on the bit. If a serving cell is not configured to the UE, the corresponding bit is set to 0.
BIT STRING (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OPTIONAL,
nonSDT-DataIndication-r17Informs the network about the arrival of data and/or signaling mapped to radio bearers not configured for SDT while SDT procedure is ongoing.
resumeCause-r17Provides the resume cause based on the information received from the upper layers.
ResumeCause OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, scg-DeactivationPreference-r17 ENUMERATED { scg-DeactivationPreferred, noPreference } OPTIONAL, uplinkData-r17 ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL,
rrm-MeasRelaxationFulfilment-r17Indicates whether the UE fulfils the relaxed measurement criterion for stationary UE in Value true indicates that the UE fulfils the criterion, and value false indicates that the UE does not fulfil the criterion.
propagationDelayDifference-r17Indicates the one-way service link propagation delay difference between serving cell and each neighbour cell included in neighCellInfoList, defined as neighbour cell's service link propagation delay minus serving cell's service link propagation delay, in number of ms. First entry in propagationDelayDifference corresponds to first entry in neighCellInfoList, second entry in propagationDelayDifference corresponds to second entry in neighCellInfoList, and so on.
PropagationDelayDifference-r17 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UEAssistanceInformation-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } UEAssistanceInformation-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { idc-FDM-Assistance-r18 IDC-FDM-Assistance-r18 OPTIONAL, idc-TDM-Assistance-r18 IDC-TDM-Assistance-r18 OPTIONAL,
multiRx-PreferenceFR2-r18Indicates the UE's preference on single FR2 Rx operation to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2.
ENUMERATED {single, multiple } OPTIONAL, musim-Assistance-v1800 MUSIM-Assistance-v1800 OPTIONAL, flightPathInfoAvailable-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ul-TrafficInfo-r18 UL-TrafficInfo-r18 OPTIONAL,
n3c-RelayUE-InfoList-r18Information of available N3C relay UE(s).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..8)) OF N3C-RelayUE-Info-r18 OPTIONAL, sl-PRS-UE-AssistanceInformationNR-r18 SL-PRS-UE-AssistanceInformationNR-r18 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } IDC-Assistance-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
affectedCarrierFreqList-r16Indicates a list of NR carrier frequencies that are affected by IDC problem.
AffectedCarrierFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL,
affectedCarrierFreqCombList-r16Indicates a list of NR carrier frequency combinations that are affected by IDC problems due to Inter-Modulation Distortion and harmonics from NR when configured with UL CA or NR-DC.
AffectedCarrierFreqCombList-r16 OPTIONAL, ... } AffectedCarrierFreqList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxFreqIDC-r16)) OF AffectedCarrierFreq-r16 AffectedCarrierFreq-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { carrierFreq-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR,
interferenceDirection-r16Indicates the direction of IDC interference. Value nr indicates that only NR is victim of IDC interference, value other indicates that only another radio is victim of IDC interference and value both indicates that both NR and another radio are victims of IDC interference. The other radio refers to either the ISM radio or GNSS (see TR 36.816 [44]).
ENUMERATED {nr, other, both, spare} } AffectedCarrierFreqCombList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCombIDC-r16)) OF AffectedCarrierFreqComb-r16 AffectedCarrierFreqComb-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { affectedCarrierFreqComb-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxNrofServingCells)) OF ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL,
victimSystemType-r16Indicate the list of victim system types to which IDC interference is caused from NR. Value gps, glonass, bds, galileo and navIC indicates the type of GNSS. Value wlan indicates WLAN and value bluetooth indicates Bluetooth. Value uwb indicates Ultra Wide Band.
VictimSystemType-r16 } VictimSystemType-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { gps-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, glonass-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, bds-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, galileo-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, navIC-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, wlan-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, bluetooth-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ uwb-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL ]] } DRX-Preference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
preferredDRX-InactivityTimer-r16Indicates the UE's preferred DRX inactivity timer length for power saving. Value in ms (milliSecond). ms0 corresponds to 0, ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the DRX inactivity timer. If secondary DRX group is configured, the preferredDRX-InactivityTimer only applies to the default DRX group.
ENUMERATED { ms0, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms500, ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL,
preferredDRX-LongCycle-r16Indicates the UE's preferred long DRX cycle length for power saving. Value in ms. ms10 corresponds to 10ms, ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, ms32 corresponds to 32 ms, and so on. If preferredDRX-ShortCycleis provided, the value of preferredDRX-LongCycleshall be a multiple of the preferredDRX-ShortCyclevalue. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the long DRX cycle.
ENUMERATED { ms10, ms20, ms32, ms40, ms60, ms64, ms70, ms80, ms128, ms160, ms256, ms320, ms512, ms640, ms1024, ms1280, ms2048, ms2560, ms5120, ms10240, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } OPTIONAL,
preferredDRX-ShortCycle-r16Indicates the UE's preferred short DRX cycle length for power saving. Value in ms. ms2 corresponds to 2ms, ms3 corresponds to 3 ms, ms4 corresponds to 4 ms, and so on. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the short DRX cycle.
ENUMERATED { ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms7, ms8, ms10, ms14, ms16, ms20, ms30, ms32, ms35, ms40, ms64, ms80, ms128, ms160, ms256, ms320, ms512, ms640, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } OPTIONAL,
preferredDRX-ShortCycleTimer-r16Indicates the UE's preferred short DRX cycle timer for power saving. Value in multiples of preferredDRX-ShortCycle. A value of 1 corresponds to preferredDRX-ShortCycle, a value of 2 corresponds to 2 * preferredDRX-ShortCycle and so on. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the short DRX cycle timer. A preference for the short DRX cycle is indicated when a preference for the short DRX cycle timer is indicated.
INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL } MaxBW-Preference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
reducedMaxBW-FR1-r16Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR1, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR1. The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR1 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR1. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR1 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR1. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-Preference IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR1. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR1 of both the NR MCG and the SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR1 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. Value mhz0 is not used when indicated to address overheating. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR1 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16 OPTIONAL,
reducedMaxBW-FR2-r16Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR2-1.The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-Preference IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR2-1. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s)of FR2-1 of both the NR MCG and the NR SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR2-1 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR2-1 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16 OPTIONAL } MaxBW-PreferenceFR2-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
reducedMaxBW-FR2-2-r17Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR2-2.The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-PreferenceFR2-2 IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR2-2. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s)of FR2-2 of both the NR MCG and the NR SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR2-2 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR2-2 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
SEQUENCE { reducedBW-FR2-2-DL-r17 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL, reducedBW-FR2-2-UL-r17 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } MaxCC-Preference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { reducedMaxCCs-r16 ReducedMaxCCs-r16 OPTIONAL } MaxMIMO-LayerPreference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR1-r16 SEQUENCE {
reducedMIMO-LayersFR1-DL-r16Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR1. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
INTEGER (1..8),
reducedMIMO-LayersFR1-UL-r16Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving (see NOTE 1). This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR1. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layerscan only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
INTEGER (1..4) } OPTIONAL, reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR2-r16 SEQUENCE {
reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-DL-r16Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-1. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
INTEGER (1..8),
reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-UL-r16Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving (see NOTE 1). This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-1. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
INTEGER (1..4) } OPTIONAL } MaxMIMO-LayerPreferenceFR2-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR2-2-r17 SEQUENCE {
reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-2-DL-r17Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-2 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-2. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
INTEGER (1..8),
reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-2-UL-r17Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-2 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving (see NOTE 1). This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-2. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
INTEGER (1..4) } OPTIONAL } MinSchedulingOffsetPreference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
preferredK0-r16Indicates the UE's preferred value of k0 (slot offset between DCI and its scheduled PDSCH - see TS 38.214 [19], clause for cross-slot scheduling for power saving. Value is defined for each subcarrier spacing (numerology) in units of slots. sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, sl4 corresponds to 4 slots, and so on. If a value for a subcarrier spacing is absent, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k0 for cross-slot scheduling for that subcarrier spacing. If the field is absent from the MinSchedulingOffsetPreference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k0 for cross-slot scheduling.
SEQUENCE { preferredK0-SCS-15kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6} OPTIONAL, preferredK0-SCS-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6} OPTIONAL, preferredK0-SCS-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl4, sl8, sl12} OPTIONAL, preferredK0-SCS-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl4, sl8, sl12} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL,
preferredK2-r16Indicates the UE's preferred value of k2 (slot offset between DCI and its scheduled PUSCH - see TS 38.214 [19], clause for cross-slot scheduling for power saving. Value is defined for each subcarrier spacing (numerology) in units of slots. sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, sl4 corresponds to 4 slots, and so on. If a value for a subcarrier spacing is absent, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k2 for cross-slot scheduling for that subcarrier spacing. If the field is absent from the MinSchedulingOffsetPreference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k2 for cross-slot scheduling.
SEQUENCE { preferredK2-SCS-15kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6} OPTIONAL, preferredK2-SCS-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6} OPTIONAL, preferredK2-SCS-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl4, sl8, sl12} OPTIONAL, preferredK2-SCS-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl4, sl8, sl12} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } MinSchedulingOffsetPreferenceExt-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
preferredK0-r17Indicates the UE's preferred value of k0 (slot offset between DCI and its scheduled PDSCH - see TS 38.214 [19], clause for cross-slot scheduling for power saving. Value is defined for each subcarrier spacing (numerology) in units of slots. sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, sl4 corresponds to 4 slots, and so on. If a value for a subcarrier spacing is absent, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k0 for cross-slot scheduling for that subcarrier spacing. If the field is absent from the MinSchedulingOffsetPreference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k0 for cross-slot scheduling.
SEQUENCE { preferredK0-SCS-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sl8, sl16, sl32, sl48} OPTIONAL, preferredK0-SCS-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sl8, sl16, sl32, sl48} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL,
preferredK2-r17Indicates the UE's preferred value of k2 (slot offset between DCI and its scheduled PUSCH - see TS 38.214 [19], clause for cross-slot scheduling for power saving. Value is defined for each subcarrier spacing (numerology) in units of slots. sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, sl4 corresponds to 4 slots, and so on. If a value for a subcarrier spacing is absent, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k2 for cross-slot scheduling for that subcarrier spacing. If the field is absent from the MinSchedulingOffsetPreference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k2 for cross-slot scheduling.
SEQUENCE { preferredK2-SCS-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sl8, sl16, sl32, sl48} OPTIONAL, preferredK2-SCS-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sl8, sl16, sl32, sl48} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } MUSIM-Assistance-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
musim-PreferredRRC-State-r17Indicates the UE's preferred RRC state when leaving RRC_CONNECTED.
ENUMERATED {idle, inactive, outOfConnected} OPTIONAL,
musim-GapPreferenceList-r17Indicates the UE's MUSIM gap preference and related MUSIM gap configuration, as defined in TS 38.133 [14] clause 9.1.10.
MUSIM-GapPreferenceList-r17 OPTIONAL } MUSIM-GapPreferenceList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF MUSIM-GapInfo-r17 MUSIM-Assistance-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE {
musim-GapPriorityPreferenceList-r18Indicates the UE's MUSIM gap priority preference for periodic MUSIM gaps as specified in TS 38.133[14]. If the UE includes musim-GapPriorityPreferenceList-r18, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order for periodic gaps, as in musim-GapPreferenceList-r17.
MUSIM-GapPriorityPreferenceList-r18 OPTIONAL,
musim-GapKeepPreference-r18Indicates the UE's preference to keep all colliding gaps for requested MUSIM gap(s). If the field is absent, the colliding MUSIM gaps with lower priority shall be dropped as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
musim-CapRestriction-r18Indicates the UE's preference on SCell(s) or PSCell to be released, serving cell(s) with restricted capability, band(s) or combination(s) of bands with restricted capability, or band(s) or band combination(s) to be avoidedfor UE temporary capabilities restriction.
MUSIM-CapRestriction-r18 OPTIONAL,
musim-NeedForGapsInfoNR-r18This field is used to indicate the measurement gap requirement information of the UE for NR target bands when in MUSIM operation while NR-DC or NE-DC is not configured.
NeedForGapsInfoNR-r16 OPTIONAL, ... } MUSIM-GapPriorityPreferenceList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF GapPriority-r17 MUSIM-CapRestriction-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
musim-Cell-SCG-ToRelease-r18Indicates the UE's preference on any serving cell(s), except for Pcell, and/or SCG to be releasedfor MUSIM operation.
MUSIM-Cell-SCG-ToRelease-r18 OPTIONAL,
musim-CellToAffectList-r18Indicates the UE's preference on the temporary capability restriction on the serving cell(s) for MUSIM operation.
MUSIM-CellToAffectList-r18 OPTIONAL,
musim-AffectedBandsList-r18Indicates the UE's preference on the band(s) and/or combination(s) of bands with restricted capabilityfor MUSIM operation.If the MUSIM-CapabilityRestrictedBandParameters-r18 with same musim-bandEntryIndex appears more than once in the list of bands in a MUSIM-AffectedBands entry, the UE supports intra-band non-contiguous CA with restricted capability for MUSIM operation for this band. UE explicitly indicates each band and each combination of bands that are affected. The Network should respect these capability restrictions when configuring the UE with bands or band combinations that contain these bands and/or combination of bands.Fields musim-MIMO-Layers-DL/UL and musim-SupportedBandwidth-DL/UL indicate the max number of MIMO layers and max bandwidth on each CC of the band, respectively. The band(s) and/or combination(s) of bands are supported in UE capability, and the musim-MIMO-Layers-DL/UL and musim-SupportedBandwidth-DL/UL range up to the concerned capability of band(s) and/or combination(s) of bands in UE capability.
MUSIM-AffectedBandsList-r18 OPTIONAL,
musim-AvoidedBandsList-r18Indicates the UE's preference on band(s) and/or combination(s) of bands to be avoided for MUSIM purpose. UE explicitly indicates each band and each combination of bands to be avoided. The list may include the band of the PCell. The Network should respect these capability restrictions for theband combinations that contain these bands and/or combination of bands. The band(s) and/or combination(s) of bands is a subset of the band combination(s) in UE capability.
MUSIM-AvoidedBandsList-r18 OPTIONAL,
musim-MaxCC-r18Indicates the UE's preference on the temporary capability restriction on maximum number of CCs per DL/ULin total, and per FR1/FR2-1/F2-2.
MUSIM-MaxCC-r18 OPTIONAL } MUSIM-Cell-SCG-ToRelease-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
musim-CellToRelease-r18Indicates the UE's preference on the temporary capability restriction on the serving cell(s) to release, except PCell, for MUSIM operation.
MUSIM-CellToRelease-r18 OPTIONAL, scg-ReleasePreference-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL } MUSIM-CellToRelease-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF ServCellIndex MUSIM-CellToAffectList-r18::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF MUSIM-CellToAffect-r18 MUSIM-CellToAffect-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { musim-ServCellIndex-r18 ServCellIndex, musim-MIMO-Layers-DL-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, musim-MIMO-Layers-UL-r18 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, musim-SupportedBandwidth-DL-r18 SupportedBandwidth-v1700 OPTIONAL, musim-SupportedBandwidth-UL-r18 SupportedBandwidth-v1700 OPTIONAL } MUSIM-AffectedBandsList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb-MUSIM-r18)) OF MUSIM-AffectedBands-r18 MUSIM-AffectedBands-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCandidateBandIndex-r18)) OF MUSIM-CapabilityRestrictedBandParameters-r18 MUSIM-CapabilityRestrictedBandParameters-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
musim-bandEntryIndex-r18Indicates an NR band by referring to the position of a band entry in musim-CandidateBandList IE. Value 1 identifies the first band in the musim-CandidateBandList IE, value 2 identifies the second band in the musim-CandidateBandList IE, and so on.
musim-CapabilityRestricted-r18Indicates the UE's preference on the temporary capability restriction on the band for MUSIM operation.
SEQUENCE { musim-MIMO-Layers-DL-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, musim-MIMO-Layers-UL-r18 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, musim-SupportedBandwidth-DL-r18 SupportedBandwidth-v1700 OPTIONAL, musim-SupportedBandwidth-UL-r18 SupportedBandwidth-v1700 OPTIONAL } } MUSIM-AvoidedBandsList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb-MUSIM-r18)) OF MUSIM-AvoidedBands-r18 MUSIM-AvoidedBands-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCandidateBandIndex-r18)) OF MUSIM-BandEntryIndex-r18 MUSIM-BandEntryIndex-r18 ::= INTEGER(1..maxCandidateBandIndex-r18) MUSIM-MaxCC-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { musim-MaxCC-TotalDL-r18 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, musim-MaxCC-TotalUL-r18 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, musim-MaxCC-FR1-DL-r18 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, musim-MaxCC-FR1-UL-r18 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, musim-MaxCC-FR2-1-DL-r18 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, musim-MaxCC-FR2-1-UL-r18 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, musim-MaxCC-FR2-2-DL-r18 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, musim-MaxCC-FR2-2-UL-r18 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL } ReleasePreference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
preferredRRC-State-r16Indicates the UE's preferred RRC state. The value idle is indicated if the UE prefers to be released from RRC_CONNECTED and transition to RRC_IDLE. The value inactive is indicated if the UE prefers to be released from RRC_CONNECTED and transition to RRC_INACTIVE. The value connected is indicated if the UE prefers to revert an earlier indication to leave RRC_CONNECTED state. The value outOfConnected is indicated if the UE prefers to be released from RRC_CONNECTED and has no preferred RRC state to transition to.The value connected can only be indicated if the UE is configured with connectedReporting.
ENUMERATED {idle, inactive, connected, outOfConnected} } ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { reducedBW-DL-r16 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth, reducedBW-UL-r16 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth } ReducedMaxCCs-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
reducedCCsDL-r16Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink SCells indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum number includes SCells of the NR MCG, PSCell and SCells of the SCG. This maximum number only includes PSCell and SCells of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum number includes PSCell and SCells of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The maximum number of downlink SCells can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
INTEGER (0..31),
reducedCCsUL-r16Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink SCells indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum number includes SCells of the NR MCG, PSCell and SCells of the SCG. This maximum number only includes PSCell and SCells of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum number includes PSCell and SCells of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The maximum number of uplink SCells can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
INTEGER (0..31) } SL-UE-AssistanceInformationNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTrafficPattern-r16)) OF SL-TrafficPatternInfo-r16 SL-TrafficPatternInfo-r16::= SEQUENCE {
trafficPeriodicity-r16Indicates the average time period between the start times of two data bursts, expressed in the number of microseconds.
ENUMERATED {ms20, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms700, ms800, ms900, ms1000},
timingOffset-r16This field indicates the estimated timing for a packet arrival in a sidelink logical channel. Specifically, the value indicates the timing offset with respect to subframe#0 of SFN#0 in milliseconds.
INTEGER (0..10239),
messageSize-r16Indicates the maximum TB size based on the observed traffic pattern. The value refers to the index of TS 38.321 [3], table
sl-QoS-FlowIdentity-r16This identity uniquely identifies one sidelink QoS flow between the UE and the network in the scope of UE, which is unique for different destination and cast type.
SL-QoS-FlowIdentity-r16 } UL-GapFR2-Preference-r17::= SEQUENCE {
ul-GapFR2-PatternPreference-r17Indicates the UE's preference on FR2 UL gap pattern as defined in TS 38.133 [14].
INTEGER (0..3) OPTIONAL } PropagationDelayDifference-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF INTEGER (-270..270) IDC-FDM-Assistance-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
affectedCarrierFreqRangeList-r18Indicates a list of NR carrier frequency ranges that are affected by IDC problem.
AffectedCarrierFreqRangeList-r18 OPTIONAL,
affectedCarrierFreqRangeCombList-r18Indicates a list of NR carrier frequency range combinations that are affected by IDC problems due to Inter-Modulation Distortion and harmonics from NR when configured with UL CA or NR-DC
AffectedCarrierFreqRangeCombList-r18 OPTIONAL, ... } IDC-TDM-Assistance-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
cycleLength-r18Indicates the UE's preferred cycle length to resolve the IDC problem. Value in ms. Value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, value ms3 corresponds to 3 ms, and so on.
ENUMERATED {ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms7, ms8, ms10, ms14, ms16, ms20, ms30, ms32, ms35, ms40, ms60, ms64, ms70, ms80, ms96, ms100, ms128, ms160, ms256, ms320, ms512, ms640, ms1024, ms1280, ms2048, ms2560, ms5120, ms10240},
startOffset-r18Indicates the UE's preferred start offset to resolve the IDC problem, in multiples of 1 ms.
INTEGER (0..10239),
slotOffset-r18Indicates the UE's preferred slot offset to resolve the IDC problem, in multiples of 1/32 ms.
INTEGER (0..31),
activeDuration-r18Indicates the UE's preferred active duration to resolve the IDC problem. Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSecond). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
CHOICE { subMilliSeconds INTEGER (1..31), milliSeconds ENUMERATED { ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1600, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } }, ... } AffectedCarrierFreqRangeList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIDC-r16)) OF AffectedCarrierFreqRange-r18 AffectedCarrierFreqRange-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { affectedFreqRange-r18 AffectedFreqRange-r18,interferenceDirection-r18 ENUMERATED {nr, other, both, spare},
victimSystemType-r18Indicate the list of victim system types to which IDC interference is caused from NR. Value gps, glonass, bds, galileo and navIC indicates the type of GNSS. Value wlan indicates WLAN and value bluetooth indicates Bluetooth. Value uwb indicates Ultra Wide Band.
VictimSystemType-r16 OPTIONAL } AffectedCarrierFreqRangeCombList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCombIDC-r16)) OF AffectedCarrierFreqRangeComb-r18 AffectedCarrierFreqRangeComb-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { affectedCarrierFreqRangeComb-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxNrofServingCells)) OF AffectedFreqRange-r18,
interferenceDirection-r18Indicates the direction of IDC interference. Value nr indicates that only NR is victim of IDC interference, value other indicates that only another radio is victim of IDC interference and value both indicates that both NR and another radio are victims of IDC interference. The other radio refers to either the ISM radio or GNSS (see TR 36.816 [44]).
ENUMERATED {nr, other, both, spare},
victimSystemType-r18Indicate the list of victim system types to which IDC interference is caused from NR. Value gps, glonass, bds, galileo and navIC indicates the type of GNSS. Value wlan indicates WLAN and value bluetooth indicates Bluetooth. Value uwb indicates Ultra Wide Band.
VictimSystemType-r16 OPTIONAL } AffectedFreqRange-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
centerFreq-r18Indicates the center frequency of the carrier frequency range which is affected by the IDC problem.
affectedBandwidth-r18Indicates the bandwidth around the center frequency of the carrier frequency range which is affected by the IDC problem. Value mhz5 corresponds to 5 MHz, value mhz10 corresponds to 10 MHz and so on. If candidateBandwidth is not configured, the UE is allowed to report the frequency range for any bandwidth as indicated by affectedBandwidth, within the frequency band limitation as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39], TS 38.101-3 [34] and TS 38.101-5 [75].
ENUMERATED {khz200, khz400, khz600, khz800, mhz1, mhz2, mhz3, mhz4, mhz5, mhz6, mhz8, mhz10, mhz20, mhz30, mhz40, mhz50, mhz60, mhz80, mhz100, mhz200, mhz300, mhz400, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} } UL-TrafficInfo-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPDU-Sessions-r17)) OF PDU-SessionUL-TrafficInfo-r18 PDU-SessionUL-TrafficInfo-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { pdu-SessionID-r18 PDU-SessionID, qos-FlowUL-TrafficInfoList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofQFIs)) OF QOS-FlowUL-TrafficInfo-r18 } QOS-FlowUL-TrafficInfo-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
qfi-r18Identity of the QoS flow to which this UL traffic information refers.
jitterRange-r18Indicates the maximum deviation of the arrival time of the first packet of a Data Burst compared to the time indicated with burstArrivalTime and the periodicity of the Data Bursts. lowerBound indicates the negative deviation while upperBound indicates the positive deviation. This field shall only be reported together with the burstArrivalTime or after the burstArrivalTime has been already reported. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, value 0dot5 to 0.5 ms, value ms1 to 1 ms and so on. Value beyondMs7 indicates the jitter bound is higher than 7 ms. Value 0 ms means there is no Data Burst arrival time deviation from the indicated burstArrivalTime.
SEQUENCE { lowerBound-r18 JitterBound-r18, upperBound-r18 JitterBound-r18 } OPTIONAL,
burstArrivalTime-r18Indicates the expected arrival time of the first packet of the Data Burst for the concerned QoS flow. If the UE provides both burstArrivalTime and jitterRange, burstArrivalTime is used as a reference time for the indicated jitter range. If burstArrivalTime is indicated as referenceTime, the indicated time in 10ns unit from the origin is refDays*86400*1000*100000 + refSeconds*1000*100000 + refMilliSeconds*100000 + refTenNanoSeconds. The refDays field specifies the sequential number of days (with day count starting at 0) from 00:00:00 on Gregorian calendar date 6 January, 1980 (start of GPS time). If burstArrivalTime is indicated as referenceSFN-AndSlot, it refers to the UL timing of the closest SFN and slot of the PCell with the indicated number.
CHOICE { referenceTime ReferenceTime-r16, referenceSFN-AndSlot ReferenceSFN-AndSlot-r18 } OPTIONAL,
trafficPeriodicity-r18Indicates the average time period between the start times of two data bursts, expressed in the number of microseconds.
pdu-SetIdentification-r18Indicates whether the UE is able to identify PDU Set(s) for the QoS flow. If set to true, the UE is able to identify PDU Set(s) for the associated QoS flow, otherwise, the UE is not able to do so. Before receiving this indication, the network assumes the value is set to false.
psi-Identification-r18Indicates whether the UE is able to identify PSI(s) for the QoS flow. This field shall only be set to true if pdu-SetIdentification is also set to true (or was set to true previously for the same QoS flow). If set to true, the UE is able to identify PSI(s) for the associated QoS flow, otherwise, the UE is not able to do so. Before receiving this indication, the network assumes the value is set to false.
BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, ... } ReferenceSFN-AndSlot-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { referenceSFN-r18 INTEGER (0..1023), referenceSlot-r18 INTEGER (0..639) } JitterBound-r18 ::= ENUMERATED {ms0, ms0dot5, ms1, ms1dot5, ms2, ms2dot5, ms3, ms3dot5, ms4, ms4dot5, ms5, ms5dot5, ms6, ms6dot5, ms7, beyondMs7} SL-PRS-UE-AssistanceInformationNR-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-PRS-TxConfig-r18)) OF SL-PRS-TxInfo-r18 SL-PRS-TxInfo-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-PRS-Periodicity-r18Indicates the periodicity of SL-PRS transmission.
ENUMERATED {ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms700, ms800, ms900, ms1000, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1},
sl-PRS-Priority-r18Indicates the priority of SL-PRSprovided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]). Value 1 is the highest priority whereas value 8 is the lowest priority.
sl-PRS-DelayBudget-r18Indicates the SL-PRS delay budget provided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]).
sl-PRS-Bandwidth-r18Indicates the desired bandwidth of the requested SL-PRS resources provided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]) in the unit of MHz.
ENUMERATED {mhz5, mhz10, mhz15, mhz20, mhz25, mhz30, mhz35, mhz40, mhz45, mhz50, mhz60, mhz70, mhz80, mhz90, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400, spare15, spare14, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-UEASSISTANCEINFORMATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UEAssistanceInformation field descriptions
Indicates the UE's preferred active duration to resolve the IDC problem. Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSecond). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
Indicates the bandwidth around the center frequency of the carrier frequency range which is affected by the IDC problem. Value mhz5 corresponds to 5 MHz, value mhz10 corresponds to 10 MHz and so on. If candidateBandwidth is not configured, the UE is allowed to report the frequency range for any bandwidth as indicated by affectedBandwidth, within the frequency band limitation as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39], TS 38.101-3 [34] and TS 38.101-5 [75].
Indicates a list of NR carrier frequencies that are affected by IDC problem.
Indicates a list of NR carrier frequency ranges that are affected by IDC problem.
Indicates a list of NR carrier frequency combinations that are affected by IDC problems due to Inter-Modulation Distortion and harmonics from NR when configured with UL CA or NR-DC.
Indicates a list of NR carrier frequency range combinations that are affected by IDC problems due to Inter-Modulation Distortion and harmonics from NR when configured with UL CA or NR-DC
Indicates the relaxation state of BFD measurements. Each bit corresponds to a serving cell of the cell group. A serving cell is mapped to the (servCellIndex+1)-th bit, starting from MSB. A bit that is set to 1 indicates that the UE is performing BFD measurements relaxation on the serving cell mapped on the bit. A bit that is set to 0 indicates that the UE is not performing BFD measurements relaxation on the serving cell mapped on the bit. If a serving cell is not configured to the UE, the corresponding bit is set to 0.
Indicates the center frequency of the carrier frequency range which is affected by the IDC problem.
Indicates the UE's preferred cycle length to resolve the IDC problem. Value in ms. Value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, value ms3 corresponds to 3 ms, and so on.
Indicates the UE-preferred adjustment to connected mode DRX.
Indicates the direction of IDC interference. Value nr indicates that only NR is victim of IDC interference, value other indicates that only another radio is victim of IDC interference and value both indicates that both NR and another radio are victims of IDC interference. The other radio refers to either the ISM radio or GNSS (see TR 36.816 [44]).
Indicates the UE's preferences on minimumSchedulingOffset of cross-slot scheduling for power saving.
Indicates the UE's preferences on minimumSchedulingOffset of cross-slot scheduling for power saving for SCS 480 kHz and/or 960 kHz.
Indicates the UE's preference on single FR2 Rx operation to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2.
Indicates the UE's preference on the band(s) and/or combination(s) of bands with restricted capabilityfor MUSIM operation.If the MUSIM-CapabilityRestrictedBandParameters-r18 with same musim-bandEntryIndex appears more than once in the list of bands in a MUSIM-AffectedBands entry, the UE supports intra-band non-contiguous CA with restricted capability for MUSIM operation for this band. UE explicitly indicates each band and each combination of bands that are affected. The Network should respect these capability restrictions when configuring the UE with bands or band combinations that contain these bands and/or combination of bands.Fields musim-MIMO-Layers-DL/UL and musim-SupportedBandwidth-DL/UL indicate the max number of MIMO layers and max bandwidth on each CC of the band, respectively. The band(s) and/or combination(s) of bands are supported in UE capability, and the musim-MIMO-Layers-DL/UL and musim-SupportedBandwidth-DL/UL range up to the concerned capability of band(s) and/or combination(s) of bands in UE capability.
Indicates the UE's preference on band(s) and/or combination(s) of bands to be avoided for MUSIM purpose. UE explicitly indicates each band and each combination of bands to be avoided. The list may include the band of the PCell. The Network should respect these capability restrictions for theband combinations that contain these bands and/or combination of bands. The band(s) and/or combination(s) of bands is a subset of the band combination(s) in UE capability.
Indicates an NR band by referring to the position of a band entry in musim-CandidateBandList IE. Value 1 identifies the first band in the musim-CandidateBandList IE, value 2 identifies the second band in the musim-CandidateBandList IE, and so on.
Indicates the UE's preference on the temporary capability restriction on the band for MUSIM operation.
Indicates the UE's preference on SCell(s) or PSCell to be released, serving cell(s) with restricted capability, band(s) or combination(s) of bands with restricted capability, or band(s) or band combination(s) to be avoidedfor UE temporary capabilities restriction.
Indicates the UE's preference on any serving cell(s), except for Pcell, and/or SCG to be releasedfor MUSIM operation.
Indicates the UE's preference on the temporary capability restriction on the serving cell(s) for MUSIM operation.
Indicates the UE's preference on the temporary capability restriction on the serving cell(s) to release, except PCell, for MUSIM operation.
Indicates the UE's preference to keep all colliding gaps for requested MUSIM gap(s). If the field is absent, the colliding MUSIM gaps with lower priority shall be dropped as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
Indicates the UE's MUSIM gap preference and related MUSIM gap configuration, as defined in TS 38.133 [14] clause 9.1.10.
Indicates the UE's MUSIM gap priority preference for periodic MUSIM gaps as specified in TS 38.133[14]. If the UE includes musim-GapPriorityPreferenceList-r18, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order for periodic gaps, as in musim-GapPreferenceList-r17.
Indicates the UE's preference on the temporary capability restriction on maximum number of CCs per DL/ULin total, and per FR1/FR2-1/F2-2.
This field is used to indicate the measurement gap requirement information of the UE for NR target bands when in MUSIM operation while NR-DC or NE-DC is not configured.
Indicates the UE's preferred RRC state when leaving RRC_CONNECTED.
Information of available N3C relay UE(s).
Informs the network about the arrival of data and/or signaling mapped to radio bearers not configured for SDT while SDT procedure is ongoing.
Indicates the UE's preferred DRX inactivity timer length for power saving. Value in ms (milliSecond). ms0 corresponds to 0, ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the DRX inactivity timer. If secondary DRX group is configured, the preferredDRX-InactivityTimer only applies to the default DRX group.
Indicates the UE's preferred long DRX cycle length for power saving. Value in ms. ms10 corresponds to 10ms, ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, ms32 corresponds to 32 ms, and so on. If preferredDRX-ShortCycleis provided, the value of preferredDRX-LongCycleshall be a multiple of the preferredDRX-ShortCyclevalue. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the long DRX cycle.
Indicates the UE's preferred short DRX cycle length for power saving. Value in ms. ms2 corresponds to 2ms, ms3 corresponds to 3 ms, ms4 corresponds to 4 ms, and so on. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the short DRX cycle.
Indicates the UE's preferred short DRX cycle timer for power saving. Value in multiples of preferredDRX-ShortCycle. A value of 1 corresponds to preferredDRX-ShortCycle, a value of 2 corresponds to 2 * preferredDRX-ShortCycle and so on. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the short DRX cycle timer. A preference for the short DRX cycle is indicated when a preference for the short DRX cycle timer is indicated.
Indicates the UE's preferred value of k0 (slot offset between DCI and its scheduled PDSCH - see TS 38.214 [19], clause for cross-slot scheduling for power saving. Value is defined for each subcarrier spacing (numerology) in units of slots. sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, sl4 corresponds to 4 slots, and so on. If a value for a subcarrier spacing is absent, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k0 for cross-slot scheduling for that subcarrier spacing. If the field is absent from the MinSchedulingOffsetPreference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k0 for cross-slot scheduling.
Indicates the UE's preferred value of k2 (slot offset between DCI and its scheduled PUSCH - see TS 38.214 [19], clause for cross-slot scheduling for power saving. Value is defined for each subcarrier spacing (numerology) in units of slots. sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, sl4 corresponds to 4 slots, and so on. If a value for a subcarrier spacing is absent, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k2 for cross-slot scheduling for that subcarrier spacing. If the field is absent from the MinSchedulingOffsetPreference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k2 for cross-slot scheduling.
Indicates the UE's preferred RRC state. The value idle is indicated if the UE prefers to be released from RRC_CONNECTED and transition to RRC_IDLE. The value inactive is indicated if the UE prefers to be released from RRC_CONNECTED and transition to RRC_INACTIVE. The value connected is indicated if the UE prefers to revert an earlier indication to leave RRC_CONNECTED state. The value outOfConnected is indicated if the UE prefers to be released from RRC_CONNECTED and has no preferred RRC state to transition to.The value connected can only be indicated if the UE is configured with connectedReporting.
Indicates the one-way service link propagation delay difference between serving cell and each neighbour cell included in neighCellInfoList, defined as neighbour cell's service link propagation delay minus serving cell's service link propagation delay, in number of ms. First entry in propagationDelayDifference corresponds to first entry in neighCellInfoList, second entry in propagationDelayDifference corresponds to second entry in neighCellInfoList, and so on.
Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink SCells indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum number includes SCells of the NR MCG, PSCell and SCells of the SCG. This maximum number only includes PSCell and SCells of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum number includes PSCell and SCells of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The maximum number of downlink SCells can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink SCells indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum number includes SCells of the NR MCG, PSCell and SCells of the SCG. This maximum number only includes PSCell and SCells of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum number includes PSCell and SCells of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The maximum number of uplink SCells can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR1, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR1. The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR1 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR1. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR1 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR1. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-Preference IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR1. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR1 of both the NR MCG and the SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR1 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. Value mhz0 is not used when indicated to address overheating. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR1 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR2-1.The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-Preference IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR2-1. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s)of FR2-1 of both the NR MCG and the NR SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR2-1 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR2-1 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR2-2.The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-PreferenceFR2-2 IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR2-2. When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s)of FR2-2 of both the NR MCG and the NR SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR2-2 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR2-2 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.
Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR1. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving (see NOTE 1). This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR1. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layerscan only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-1. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving (see NOTE 1). This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-1. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-2 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-2. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
Indicates the UE's preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-2 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving (see NOTE 1). This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-2. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.
Indicates whether the UE prefers being provisioned with the timing information specified in the IE ReferenceTimeInfo.
Provides the resume cause based on the information received from the upper layers.
Indicates the relaxation state of RLM measurements. Value true indicates that the UE is performing relaxation of RLM measurements, and value false indicates that the UE is not performing relaxation of RLM measurements.
Indicates whether the UE fulfils the relaxed measurement criterion for stationary UE in Value true indicates that the UE fulfils the criterion, and value false indicates that the UE does not fulfil the criterion.
This identity uniquely identifies one sidelink QoS flow between the UE and the network in the scope of UE, which is unique for different destination and cast type.
Indicates the desired bandwidth of the requested SL-PRS resources provided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]) in the unit of MHz.
Indicates the SL-PRS delay budget provided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]).
Indicates the periodicity of SL-PRS transmission.
Indicates the priority of SL-PRSprovided by upper layers (see TS 38.355 [77]). Value 1 is the highest priority whereas value 8 is the lowest priority.
Indicates the traffic characteristic of sidelink logical channel(s), specified in the IE SL-TrafficPatternInfo, that are setup for NR sidelink communication.
Indicates the UE's preferred slot offset to resolve the IDC problem, in multiples of 1/32 ms.
Indicates the UE's preferred start offset to resolve the IDC problem, in multiples of 1 ms.
Indicates the preferred amount of increment/decrement to the long DRX cycle length with respect to the current configuration. Value in number of milliseconds. Value ms40 corresponds to 40 milliseconds, msMinus40 corresponds to -40 milliseconds and so on.
Indicates the UE's preference on FR2 UL gap pattern as defined in TS 38.133 [14].
Indicate the list of victim system types to which IDC interference is caused from NR. Value gps, glonass, bds, galileo and navIC indicates the type of GNSS. Value wlan indicates WLAN and value bluetooth indicates Bluetooth. Value uwb indicates Ultra Wide Band.
SL-TrafficPatternInfo field descriptions
Indicates the maximum TB size based on the observed traffic pattern. The value refers to the index of TS 38.321 [3], table
This field indicates the estimated timing for a packet arrival in a sidelink logical channel. Specifically, the value indicates the timing offset with respect to subframe#0 of SFN#0 in milliseconds.
This field indicates the estimated data arrival periodicity in a sidelink logical channel. Value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, ms50 corresponds to 50 ms and so on.
UL-TrafficInfo field descriptions
Indicates the expected arrival time of the first packet of the Data Burst for the concerned QoS flow. If the UE provides both burstArrivalTime and jitterRange, burstArrivalTime is used as a reference time for the indicated jitter range. If burstArrivalTime is indicated as referenceTime, the indicated time in 10ns unit from the origin is refDays*86400*1000*100000 + refSeconds*1000*100000 + refMilliSeconds*100000 + refTenNanoSeconds. The refDays field specifies the sequential number of days (with day count starting at 0) from 00:00:00 on Gregorian calendar date 6 January, 1980 (start of GPS time). If burstArrivalTime is indicated as referenceSFN-AndSlot, it refers to the UL timing of the closest SFN and slot of the PCell with the indicated number.
Indicates the maximum deviation of the arrival time of the first packet of a Data Burst compared to the time indicated with burstArrivalTime and the periodicity of the Data Bursts. lowerBound indicates the negative deviation while upperBound indicates the positive deviation. This field shall only be reported together with the burstArrivalTime or after the burstArrivalTime has been already reported. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, value 0dot5 to 0.5 ms, value ms1 to 1 ms and so on. Value beyondMs7 indicates the jitter bound is higher than 7 ms. Value 0 ms means there is no Data Burst arrival time deviation from the indicated burstArrivalTime.
Indicates whether the UE is able to identify PDU Set(s) for the QoS flow. If set to true, the UE is able to identify PDU Set(s) for the associated QoS flow, otherwise, the UE is not able to do so. Before receiving this indication, the network assumes the value is set to false.
Indicates whether the UE is able to identify PSI(s) for the QoS flow. This field shall only be set to true if pdu-SetIdentification is also set to true (or was set to true previously for the same QoS flow). If set to true, the UE is able to identify PSI(s) for the associated QoS flow, otherwise, the UE is not able to do so. Before receiving this indication, the network assumes the value is set to false.
Identity of the QoS flow to which this UL traffic information refers.
Indicates the average time period between the start times of two data bursts, expressed in the number of microseconds.

The UECapabilityEnquiry message is used to request UE radio access capabilities for NR as well as for other RATs.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UECAPABILITYENQUIRY-START UECapabilityEnquiry ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { ueCapabilityEnquiry UECapabilityEnquiry-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } UECapabilityEnquiry-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-CapabilityRAT-RequestList UE-CapabilityRAT-RequestList, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ue-CapabilityEnquiryExt OCTET STRING (CONTAINING UECapabilityEnquiry-v1560-IEs) OPTIONAL -- Need N } UECapabilityEnquiry-v1560-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { capabilityRequestFilterCommon UE-CapabilityRequestFilterCommon OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension UECapabilityEnquiry-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL } UECapabilityEnquiry-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
rrc-SegAllowed-r16This field is used to enable the UL message segment transfer for UECapabilityInformation message. The field is present only if rrc-MaxCapaSegAllowed is not present.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension UECapabilityEnquiry-v17b0-IEs OPTIONAL } UECapabilityEnquiry-v17b0-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
rrc-MaxCapaSegAllowed-r17This field is used to enable the UL message segment transfer for UECapabilityInformation message with the number of segments allowed by the network. The field is present only if rrc-SegAllowed is not present.
UECapabilityEnquiry-IEs field descriptions
This field is used to enable the UL message segment transfer for UECapabilityInformation message with the number of segments allowed by the network. The field is present only if rrc-SegAllowed is not present.
This field is used to enable the UL message segment transfer for UECapabilityInformation message. The field is present only if rrc-MaxCapaSegAllowed is not present.

The IE UECapabilityInformation message is used to transfer UE radio access capabilities requested by the network.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UECAPABILITYINFORMATION-START UECapabilityInformation ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { ueCapabilityInformation UECapabilityInformation-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } UECapabilityInformation-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-UECAPABILITYINFORMATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The UEInformationRequest message is used by the network to retrieve information from the UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UEINFORMATIONREQUEST-START UEInformationRequest-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { ueInformationRequest-r16 UEInformationRequest-r16-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } UEInformationRequest-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
idleModeMeasurementReq-r16This field indicates that the UE shall report the idle/inactive measurement information, if available, to the network in the UEInformationResponse message.
logMeasReportReq-r16This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about logged measurements.
connEstFailReportReq-r16This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the connection failure.
ra-ReportReq-r16This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the random access procedure.
rlf-ReportReq-r16This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the radio link failure.
mobilityHistoryReportReq-r16This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about mobility history information.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UEInformationRequest-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } UEInformationRequest-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
successHO-ReportReq-r17This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the successful handover report.
coarseLocationRequest-r17This field is used to request UE to report coarse location information.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension UEInformationRequest-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } UEInformationRequest-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
flightPathInfoReq-r18This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report the flight path information, if available, and to specify the flight path information report configuration.
FlightPathInfoReportConfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
successPSCell-ReportReq-r18This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the successful PSCell change or addition report.
reselectionMeasurementReq-r18This field indicates that the UE shall report the reselection measurement information, if available, to the network in the UEInformationResponse message.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N validatedMeasurementsReq-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } FlightPathInfoReportConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
maxWayPointNumber-r18Indicates the maximum number of way points UE can include in the flight path information report if this information is available at the UE.
INTEGER (1..maxWayPoint-r18),
includeTimeStamp-r18Indicates whether time stamp of each way point can be reported in the flight path information report if time stamp information is available at the UE.
UEInformationRequest-IEs field descriptions
This field is used to request UE to report coarse location information.
This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the connection failure.
This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report the flight path information, if available, and to specify the flight path information report configuration.
This field indicates that the UE shall report the idle/inactive measurement information, if available, to the network in the UEInformationResponse message.
This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about logged measurements.
This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about mobility history information.
This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the random access procedure.
This field indicates that the UE shall report the reselection measurement information, if available, to the network in the UEInformationResponse message.
This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the radio link failure.
This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the successful handover report.
This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the successful PSCell change or addition report.
FlightPathInfoReportConfig field descriptions
Indicates whether time stamp of each way point can be reported in the flight path information report if time stamp information is available at the UE.
Indicates the maximum number of way points UE can include in the flight path information report if this information is available at the UE.

The UEInformationResponse message is used by the UE to transfer information requested by the network.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UEINFORMATIONRESPONSE-START UEInformationResponse-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier, criticalExtensions CHOICE { ueInformationResponse-r16 UEInformationResponse-r16-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } UEInformationResponse-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
measResultIdleEUTRA-r16EUTRA measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE or RRC_IDLE.
MeasResultIdleEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL,
measResultIdleNR-r16NR measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE or RRC_IDLE.
MeasResultIdleNR-r16 OPTIONAL,
logMeasReport-r16This field is used to provide the measurement results stored by the UE associated to logged MDT.
LogMeasReport-r16 OPTIONAL,
connEstFailReport-r16This field is used to provide connection establishment failure or connection resume failure information.
ConnEstFailReport-r16 OPTIONAL,
ra-ReportList-r16This field is used to provide the list of RA reports that is stored by the UE for upto maxRAReport-r16 number of random access procedures. If the UE is an eRedCap UE, this field is used to provide the list of RA reports that is stored by the UE for up to 2 number of random access procedures.
RA-ReportList-r16 OPTIONAL,
rlf-Report-r16This field is used to indicate the RLF report related contents.
RLF-Report-r16 OPTIONAL, mobilityHistoryReport-r16 MobilityHistoryReport-r16 OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UEInformationResponse-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } UEInformationResponse-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
successHO-Report-r17This field is used to provide the successful handover report if triggered based on the successful handover configuration.
SuccessHO-Report-r17 OPTIONAL,
connEstFailReportList-r17This field is used to provide the list of connEstFailReport that are stored by the UE for the past up to maxCEFReport-r17.
ConnEstFailReportList-r17 OPTIONAL,
coarseLocationInfo-r17Parameter type Ellipsoid-Point defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit. The least significant bits of degreesLatitude and degreesLongitude are set to 0 to meet the accuracy requirement corresponds to a granularity of approximately 2 km. It is up to UE implementation how many LSBs are set to 0 to meet the accuracy requirement.
OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UEInformationResponse-v1800-IEs OPTIONAL } UEInformationResponse-v1800-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
flightPathInfoReport-r18This field is used to provide the flight path information as list of waypoints and, if available, corresponding timestamps. List of size zero indicates the previously provided flight path information is no longer valid.
FlightPathInfoReport-r18 OPTIONAL,
successPSCell-Report-r18This field is used to provide the successful PSCell change or addition report if triggered based on the successful PSCell change or addition report configuration.
SuccessPSCell-Report-r18 OPTIONAL, measResultReselectionNR-r18 MeasResultIdleNR-r16 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } FlightPathInfoReport-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxWayPoint-r18)) OF WayPoint-r18 WayPoint-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
wayPointLocation-r18Location coordinates of the planned waypoint. Parameter type LocationCoordinates defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
timeStamp-r18Time stamp that describes estimated time of arrival, if available, of the UE at the corresponding wayPointLocation.
AbsoluteTimeInfo-r16 OPTIONAL } LogMeasReport-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
absoluteTimeStamp-r16Indicates the absolute time when the logged measurement configuration logging is provided, as indicated by NR within absoluteTimeInfo.
AbsoluteTimeInfo-r16, traceReference-r16 TraceReference-r16,
traceRecordingSessionRef-r16Parameter Trace Recording Session Reference: See TS 32.422 [52].
tce-Id-r16Parameter Trace Collection Entity Id: See TS 32.422 [52].
OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)), logMeasInfoList-r16 LogMeasInfoList-r16, logMeasAvailable-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, logMeasAvailableBT-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, logMeasAvailableWLAN-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ... } LogMeasInfoList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLogMeasReport-r16)) OF LogMeasInfo-r16 LogMeasInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { locationInfo-r16 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,
relativeTimeStamp-r16Indicates the time of logging measurement results, measured relative to the absoluteTimeStamp. Value in seconds.
INTEGER (0..7200), servCellIdentity-r16 CGI-Info-Logging-r16 OPTIONAL,
measResultServingCell-r16This field refers to the log measurement results taken in the Serving cell.
MeasResultServingCell-r16 OPTIONAL,
measResultNeighCells-r16This field refers to the neighbour cell measurements when connection establishment failure or connection resume failure happened.
SEQUENCE { measResultNeighCellListNR MeasResultListLogging2NR-r16 OPTIONAL, measResultNeighCellListEUTRA MeasResultList2EUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL },
anyCellSelectionDetected-r16This field is used to indicate the detection of any cell selection state, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. The UE sets this field when performing the logging of measurement results in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE and there is no suitable cell or no acceptable cell.
inDeviceCoexDetected-r17Indicates that measurement logging is suspended due to IDC problem detection.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL ]] } ConnEstFailReport-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
measResultFailedCell-r16This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the cell, where connection establishment failure or connection resume failure happened.
MeasResultFailedCell-r16, locationInfo-r16 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,
measResultNeighCells-r16This field refers to the neighbour cell measurements when connection establishment failure or connection resume failure happened.
SEQUENCE { measResultNeighCellListNR MeasResultList2NR-r16 OPTIONAL, measResultNeighCellListEUTRA MeasResultList2EUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL },
numberOfConnFail-r16This field is used to indicate the latest number of consecutive failed RRCSetup or RRCResume procedures in the same cell independent of RRC state transition.
INTEGER (1..8), perRAInfoList-r16 PerRAInfoList-r16,
timeSinceFailure-r16This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed since the connection (radio link or handover) failure.Value in seconds. The maximum value 172800 means 172800s or longer. In the case of failure(s) (either at source or at target or at both) associated to DAPS handover, this field indicates the time elapsed since the latest connection (radio link or handover) failure.
TimeSinceFailure-r16, ... } ConnEstFailReportList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCEFReport-r17)) OF ConnEstFailReport-r16 MeasResultServingCell-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { resultsSSB-Cell MeasQuantityResults, resultsSSB SEQUENCE{ best-ssb-Index SSB-Index, best-ssb-Results MeasQuantityResults,
numberOfGoodSSBIndicates the number of good beams (beams that are above absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, if configured by the network) associated to the cells within the R value range (which is configured by network for cell reselection) of the highest ranked cell as part of the beam level measurements. If the UE has no SSB of a neighbour cell whose measurement quantity is above the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation or if the network has not configured the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, then the UE does not include numberOfGoodSSB for the corresponding neighbour cell. If the UE has no SSB of the serving cell whose measurement quantity is above the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation or if the network has not configured the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, then the UE shall set the numberOfGoodSSB for the serving cell to one.
INTEGER (1..maxNrofSSBs-r16) } OPTIONAL } MeasResultFailedCell-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { cgi-Info CGI-Info-Logging-r16, measResult-r16 SEQUENCE { cellResults-r16 SEQUENCE{ resultsSSB-Cell-r16 MeasQuantityResults }, rsIndexResults-r16 SEQUENCE{ resultsSSB-Indexes-r16 ResultsPerSSB-IndexList } } } RA-ReportList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRAReport-r16)) OF RA-Report-r16 RA-Report-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { cellId-r16 CHOICE { cellGlobalId-r16 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, pci-arfcn-r16 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16 },
ra-InformationCommon-r16This field is optionally included when connectionFailureType is set to 'hof' or when connectionFailureType is set to 'rlf' and the rlf-Cause equals to 'randomAccessProblem' or 'beamRecoveryFailure'; otherwise this field is absent.
RA-InformationCommon-r16 OPTIONAL,
raPurpose-r16This field is used to indicate the RA scenario for which the RA report entry is triggered. The RA accesses associated to Initial access from RRC_IDLE, RRC re-establishment procedure, transition from RRC-INACTIVE. The indicator beamFailureRecovery is used in case of successful beam failure recovery related RA procedure in the SpCell [3]. The indicator reconfigurationWithSync is used if the UE executes a reconfiguration with sync. The indicator ulUnSynchronized is used if the random access procedure is initiated in a SpCell by DL or UL data arrival during RRC_CONNECTED when the timeAlignmentTimer is not running in the PTAG or if the RA procedure is initiatedin a serving cell by a PDCCH order [3]. The indicator schedulingRequestFailure is used in case of SR failures [3]. The indicator noPUCCHResourceAvailable is used when the UE has no valid SR PUCCH resources configured [3]. The indicator requestForOtherSI is used for MSG1 based on demand SI request. The indicator msg3RequestForOtherSI is used in case of MSG3 based SI request.The indication lbtFailure is used when the UE initiates RACH in SpCell due to consistent uplink LBT failures [3].The field can also be used for the SCG-related RA-Report when the raPurpose is set to beamFailureRecovery, reconfigurationWithSync, ulUnSynchronized, schedulingRequestFailure,noPUCCHResourceAvailableand lbtFailure.
ENUMERATED {accessRelated, beamFailureRecovery, reconfigurationWithSync, ulUnSynchronized, schedulingRequestFailure, noPUCCHResourceAvailable, requestForOtherSI, msg3RequestForOtherSI-r17, lbt-Failure-r18, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, ..., [[
spCellID-r17This field is used to indicate the CGI of the SpCell of the cell group associated to the SCell in which the associated random access procedure was performed. If the UE performs RA procedure on a SCell associated to the MCG, then this field is set to the CGI of the PCell and if the UE performs RA procedure on a SCell associated to the SCG, then this field is set to the CGI of the PSCell. If the CGI of the PSCell is not available at the UE for the RA procedure performed on a SCell associated to the SCG or for the RA procedure on the PSCell, this field is set to the CGI of the PCell. Otherwise, the field is absent.
CGI-Info-Logging-r16 OPTIONAL ]], [[
sdt-Failed-r18This field is included when the RA report entry is included because of SDT and if the SDT transmission failed. Otherwise, the field is absent.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL ]] } RA-InformationCommon-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
absoluteFrequencyPointA-r16This field indicates the absolute frequency position of the reference resource block (Common RB 0).
locationAndBandwidth-r16Frequency domain location and bandwidth of the bandwidth part associated to the random-access resources used by the UE or of the bandwidth part in which the consistent LBT failures is triggered and not cancelled prior to successful completion of random access procedure (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList) or prior to RLF/HOF (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList or bwp-Info).
INTEGER (0..37949),
subcarrierSpacing-r16Subcarrier spacing used in the bandwidth part associated to the random-access resources used by the UE or of the bandwidth part in which the consistent LBT failures is triggered and not cancelled prior to successful completion of random access procedure (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList) or prior to RLF/HOF (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList or bwp-Info).
SubcarrierSpacing, msg1-FrequencyStart-r16 INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL, msg1-FrequencyStartCFRA-r16 INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL, msg1-SubcarrierSpacing-r16 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, msg1-SubcarrierSpacingCFRA-r16 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, msg1-FDM-r16 ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight} OPTIONAL, msg1-FDMCFRA-r16 ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight} OPTIONAL, perRAInfoList-r16 PerRAInfoList-r16, ..., [[ perRAInfoList-v1660 PerRAInfoList-v1660 OPTIONAL ]], [[
msg1-SCS-From-prach-ConfigurationIndex-r16This field is set by the UE with the corresponding SCS for CBRA as derived from the prach-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGenericwhen the msg1-SubcarrierSpacing is absent; otherwise, this field is absent.
ENUMERATED {kHz1dot25, kHz5, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL ]], [[
msg1-SCS-From-prach-ConfigurationIndexCFRA-r16This field is set by the UE with the corresponding SCS for CFRA as derived from the prach-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGeneric when the msg1-SubcarrierSpacing is absent; otherwise, this field is absent.
ENUMERATED {kHz1dot25, kHz5, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL ]], [[
msgA-RO-FrequencyStart-r17This field indicates the lowest resource block of the contention based random-access resources for 2-step CBRA in the random-access procedure. The indication has the form of the offset of the lowest PRACH transmissions occasion with respect to PRB 0 in the frequency domain.
INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL,
msgA-RO-FrequencyStartCFRA-r17This field indicates the lowest resource block of the contention free random-access resources for the 2-step CFRA in the random-access procedure. The indication has the form of the offset of the lowest PRACH transmissions occasion with respect to PRB 0 in the frequency domain.
INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL, msgA-SubcarrierSpacing-r17 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL,
msgA-RO-FDM-r17This field indicates the number of msgA PRACH transmission occasions Frequency-Division Multiplexed in one time instance for the PRACH resources configured for 2-step CBRA..
ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight} OPTIONAL,
msgA-RO-FDMCFRA-r17This field indicates the number of msgA PRACH transmission occasions Frequency-Division Multiplexed in one time instance for the PRACH resources configured for 2-step CFRA.
ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight} OPTIONAL,
msgA-SCS-From-prach-ConfigurationIndex-r17This field is set by the UE with the corresponding SCS as derived from the msgA-PRACH-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA(see tables Table, Table, Table and Table, TS 38.211 [16]) when the msgA-SubcarrierSpacing is absent and when only 2-step random-access resources are available in the UL BWP used in the random-access procedure; otherwise, this field is absent.
ENUMERATED {kHz1dot25, kHz5, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, msgA-TransMax-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n10, n20, n50, n100, n200} OPTIONAL, msgA-MCS-r17 INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, nrofPRBs-PerMsgA-PO-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation-r17 INTEGER (1..maxNrofUL-Allocations) OPTIONAL, frequencyStartMsgA-PUSCH-r17 INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL, nrofMsgA-PO-FDM-r17 ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight} OPTIONAL,
dlPathlossRSRP-r17Measeured RSRP of the DL pathloss reference obtained at the time of RA_Type selection stage of the RA procedure as captured in TS 38.321 [3].
intendedSIBs-r17This field indicates the SIB(s) the UE wanted to receive as a result of the on demand SI request (when the RA procedure is a used as a SI request) initiated by the UE. That is, it indicates the one(s) of the SIB(s) in the SI message(s) requested to be broadcast that the UE was interested in.
ssbsForSI-Acquisition-r17This field indicates the SSB(s) (in the form of SSB index(es)) that the UE used to receive the requested SI message(s). The field is present if the purpose of the random access procedure was to request on-demand SI (i.e. if the raPurpose is set to requestForOtherSI or msg3RequestForOtherSI). Otherwise, the field is absent.
msgA-PUSCH-PayloadSize-r17This field indicates the size of the overall payload available in the UE buffer at the time of initiating the 2 step RA procedure. The value refers to the index of TS 38.321 [3], table, corresponding to the UE buffer size.
onDemandSISuccess-r17This field is set to true when the RA report entry is included because of either msg1 based on demand SI request or msg3 based on demand SI request and if the on-demand SI request is successful. Otherwise, the field is absent.
usedFeatureCombination-r18The feature or combination of features (e.g., redCap, smallData, nsag and msg3-Repetitions) associated to the used random-access resources as specified in TS 38.321[3].
ReportedFeatureCombination-r18 OPTIONAL,
triggeredFeatureCombination-r18One or more features (e.g., RedCap, Slicing, SDT and MSG3 repetition) that triggers the random-access procedure. When triggered feature is Slicing, UE includes all the S-NSSAIs associated to the slices triggering the access attempt in the random-access procedure.
ReportedFeatureCombination-r18 OPTIONAL,
startPreambleForThisPartition-r18This field indicates the first preamble associated with the used feature or combination of features.
numberOfPreamblesPerSSB-ForThisPartition-r18This field determines how many consecutive preambles are associated to the used feature or combination of features starting from the starting preamble(s) per SSB.
attemptedBWP-InfoList-r18This field indicates locationAndBandwidth and subcarrierSpacingof all the bandwidth parts in which the consistent LBT failures are triggered at the moment of successful RA completion.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofBWPs)) OF AttemptedBWP-Info-r18 OPTIONAL,
numberOfLBT-Failures-r18This field is used to indicate the total number of preamble transmission attempts for which LBT failure indication is received in the RA procedure. If the number of LBT failure indications received from lower layers during the RA procedure exceeds or equals to 128, UE setsthe field to 128.This field is optional present when there is at least one preamble transmission attempt for which LBT failure indication is received during the RA procedure, otherwise it is absent.
INTEGER (1..128) OPTIONAL, perRAInfoList-v1800 PerRAInfoList-v1800 OPTIONAL,
intendedSIBs-r18This field indicates the SIB(s) the UE wanted to receive as a result of the on demand SI request (when the RA procedure is a used as a SI request) initiated by the UE. That is, it indicates the one(s) of the SIB(s) in the SI message(s) requested to be broadcast that the UE was interested in.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF SIB-Type-r18 OPTIONAL ]] } AttemptedBWP-Info-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
locationAndBandwidth-r18Frequency domain location and bandwidth of the bandwidth part associated to the random-access resources used by the UE or of the bandwidth part in which the consistent LBT failures is triggered and not cancelled prior to successful completion of random access procedure (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList) or prior to RLF/HOF (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList or bwp-Info).
INTEGER (0..37949),
subcarrierSpacing-r18Subcarrier spacing used in the bandwidth part associated to the random-access resources used by the UE or of the bandwidth part in which the consistent LBT failures is triggered and not cancelled prior to successful completion of random access procedure (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList) or prior to RLF/HOF (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList or bwp-Info).
SubcarrierSpacing } ReportedFeatureCombination-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { redCap-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, smallData-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, nsag-r18 NSAG-List-r17 OPTIONAL, msg3-Repetitions-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, msg1-Repetitions-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, eRedCap-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, triggered-S-NSSAI-List-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofS-NSSAI)) OF S-NSSAI OPTIONAL } PerRAInfoList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..200)) OF PerRAInfo-r16 PerRAInfoList-v1660 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..200)) OF PerRACSI-RSInfo-v1660 PerRAInfo-r16 ::= CHOICE {
perRASSBInfoList-r16This field provides detailed information about the successive random access attempts associated to the same SS/PBCH block.
perRACSI-RSInfoList-r16This field provides detailed information about the successive random access attempts associated to the same CSI-RS.
PerRACSI-RSInfo-r16 } PerRAInfoList-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..200)) OF PerRAInfo-v1800 PerRAInfo-v1800 ::= CHOICE { perRASSBInfoList-v1800 PerRASSBInfo-v1800, perRACSI-RSInfoList-v1800 PerRACSI-RSInfo-v1800 } PerRASSBInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
ssb-Index-r16This field is used to indicate the SS/PBCH index of the SS/PBCH block corresponding to the random access attempt.
numberOfPreamblesSentOnSSB-r16This field is used to indicate the total number of successive RA preambles that were transmitted on the corresponding SS/PBCH block.
INTEGER (1..200),
perRAAttemptInfoList-r16This field provides detailed information about a random access attempt.
PerRAAttemptInfoList-r16 } PerRASSBInfo-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE {
allPreamblesBlockedThis field is included when the all the preamble transmission attempts in the corresponding beam (SSB or CSI-RS) are blocked by failed LBT.
lbt-Detected-r18This field is included when there is at least one LBT failure indication received prior to change of beam for preamble transmission during RA procedure, otherwise this field is absent.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ... } PerRACSI-RSInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { csi-RS-Index-r16 CSI-RS-Index,
numberOfPreamblesSentOnCSI-RS-r16This field is used to indicate the total number of successive RA preambles that were transmitted on the corresponding CSI-RS.
INTEGER (1..200) } PerRACSI-RSInfo-v1660 ::= SEQUENCE { csi-RS-Index-v1660 INTEGER (1..96) OPTIONAL } PerRACSI-RSInfo-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE {
allPreamblesBlockedThis field is included when the all the preamble transmission attempts in the corresponding beam (SSB or CSI-RS) are blocked by failed LBT.
lbt-Detected-r18This field is included when there is at least one LBT failure indication received prior to change of beam for preamble transmission during RA procedure, otherwise this field is absent.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ... } PerRAAttemptInfoList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..200)) OF PerRAAttemptInfo-r16 PerRAAttemptInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
contentionDetected-r16This field is used to indicate that contention was detected for the transmitted preamble in the given random access attempt or not. This field is not included when the UE performs random access attempt is using contention free random-access resources or when the raPurpose is set to requestForOtherSI or when the RA attempt is a 2-step RA attempt and fallback to 4-step RA did not occur (i.e. fallbackToFourStepRA is not included).
dlRSRPAboveThreshold-r16In 4 step random access procedure,this field is used to indicate whether the DL beam (SSB) quality associated to the random access attempt was above or below the threshold rsrp-ThresholdSSBin beamFailureRecoveryConfig in UL BWP configuration of UL BWP selected for random access procedure initiated for beam failure recovery; Otherwise, if the UE has receivedrsrp-ThresholdSSB in FeatureCombinationPreambles used for the feature specific random access, the field is used to indicate whether DL beam (SSB) quality associated to the random access attempt was above or below this rsrp-ThresholdSSB-r17, else rsrp-ThresholdSSB in rach-ConfigCommon in UL BWP configuration of UL BWP selected for random access procedure. In 2 step random access procedure, if the UE has receivedmsgA-RSRP-ThresholdSSB in FeatureCombinationPreambles used for the feature specific random access, the field is used to indicate whetherDL beam (SSB) quality associated to the random access attempt was above or below this rsrp-ThresholdSSB-r17, else this field is used to indicate whether the DL beam (SSB) quality associated to the random access attempt was above or below the threshold msgA-RSRP-ThresholdSSB in rach-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in UL BWP configuration of UL BWP selected for random access procedure.
fallbackToFourStepRA-r17This field indicates if a fallback indication in MsgB is received (according to TS 38.321 [3]) for the 2-step random access attempt.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL ]] } SIB-Type-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {sibType2, sibType3, sibType4, sibType5, sibType9, sibType10, sibType11, sibType12, sibType13, sibType14, posSIB-v1810, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} SIB-Type-r18 ::= ENUMERATED {sibType15, sibType16, sibType17, sibType18, sibType19, sibType20, sibType21, sibType22, sibType23, sibType24, sibType25, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} RLF-Report-r16 ::= CHOICE { nr-RLF-Report-r16 SEQUENCE {
measResultLastServCell-r16This field refers to the log measurement results taken in the PCell upon detecting radio link failure or the source PCell upon handover failure.
measResultNeighCells-r16This field refers to the neighbour cell measurements when connection establishment failure or connection resume failure happened.
measResultListNR-r16This field refers to the last measurement results according to the initiating node configuration taken in the neighboring NR Cells when a successful PSCell change/addition is executed.
MeasResultList2NR-r16 OPTIONAL,
measResultListEUTRA-r16This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the neighboring EUTRA Cells, when the radio link failure or handover failure happened.
c-RNTI-r16This field indicates the C-RNTI assigned by the target PCell of the handover for which the successful HO report was generated.
previousPCellId-r16This field is used to indicate the source PCell of the last handover (source PCell when the last executed RRCReconfiguration message including reconfigurationWithSync was received). For intra-NR handover nrPreviousCell is included and for the handover from EUTRA to NR eutraPreviousCell is included.
CHOICE { nrPreviousCell-r16 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, eutraPreviousCell-r16 CGI-InfoEUTRALogging } OPTIONAL,
failedPCellId-r16This field is used to indicate the PCell in which RLF is detected or the target PCell of the failed handover. For intra-NR handover nrFailedPCellId is included and for the handover from NR to EUTRA eutraFailedPCellId is included. The UE sets the ARFCN according to the frequency band used for transmission/ reception when the failure occurred.
CHOICE { nrFailedPCellId-r16 CHOICE { cellGlobalId-r16 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, pci-arfcn-r16 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16 }, eutraFailedPCellId-r16 CHOICE { cellGlobalId-r16 CGI-InfoEUTRALogging, pci-arfcn-r16 PCI-ARFCN-EUTRA-r16 } },
reconnectCellId-r16This field is used to indicate the cell in which the UE comes back to connected after connection failure and after failing to perform reestablishment, or to indicate the suitable cell in which the UE reconnects after failure in performing MobilityFromNRCommand for voice fallback (without initiating re-establishment procedure). If the UE comes back to RRC CONNECTED in an NR cell then nrReconnectCellID is included and if the UE comes back to RRC CONNECTED in an LTE cell then eutraReconnectCellID is included.
CHOICE { nrReconnectCellId-r16 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, eutraReconnectCellId-r16 CGI-InfoEUTRALogging } OPTIONAL,
timeUntilReconnection-r16This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed between the connection (radio link or handover) failure and the next time the UE comes to RRC CONNECTED in an NR or EUTRA cell, after failing to perform reestablishment.Value in seconds. The maximum value 172800 means 172800s or longer.
TimeUntilReconnection-r16 OPTIONAL,
reestablishmentCellId-r16If the UE was not configured with conditionalReconfiguration at the time of re-establishment attempt, or if the cell selected for the re-establishment attempt is not a candidate target cell for conditional reconfiguration, this field is used to indicate the cell in which the re-establishment attempt was made after connection failure.
CGI-Info-Logging-r16 OPTIONAL,
timeConnFailure-r16This field is used to indicate the time elapsed since the last HO execution until connection failure. Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.
timeSinceFailure-r16This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed since the connection (radio link or handover) failure.Value in seconds. The maximum value 172800 means 172800s or longer. In the case of failure(s) (either at source or at target or at both) associated to DAPS handover, this field indicates the time elapsed since the latest connection (radio link or handover) failure.
connectionFailureType-r16This field is used to indicate whether the connection failure is due to radio link failure or handover failure.
ENUMERATED {rlf, hof},
rlf-Cause-r16This field is used to indicate the cause of the last radio link failure that was detected. In case of handover failure information reporting (i.e., the connectionFailureType is set to 'hof'), the UE is allowed to set this field to any value, except for the case in which a radio link failure was detected in the source PCell while performing a DAPS handover.
ENUMERATED {t310-Expiry, randomAccessProblem, rlc-MaxNumRetx, beamFailureRecoveryFailure, lbtFailure-r16, bh-rlfRecoveryFailure, t312-expiry-r17, spare1}, locationInfo-r16 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,
noSuitableCellFound-r16This field is set by the UE when the T311 expires.
ra-InformationCommon-r16This field is optionally included when connectionFailureType is set to 'hof' or when connectionFailureType is set to 'rlf' and the rlf-Cause equals to 'randomAccessProblem' or 'beamRecoveryFailure'; otherwise this field is absent.
RA-InformationCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, ..., [[ csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-v1650 BIT STRING (SIZE (96)) OPTIONAL ]], [[
lastHO-Type-r17This field is used to indicate the type of the last executed handover before the last detected connection failure. The field is set to cho if the last executed handover was initiated by a conditional reconfiguration execution. The field is set to daps if the last executed handover was a DAPS handover.
ENUMERATED {cho, daps, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL,
timeConnSourceDAPS-Failure-r17This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed between the last DAPS handover execution and the radio link failure detected in the source cell while T304 is running. Value in milliseconds. The maximum value 1023 means 1023ms or longer.
TimeConnSourceDAPS-Failure-r17 OPTIONAL,
timeSinceCHO-Reconfig-r17This field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the initiation of the last conditional reconfiguration execution towards the target cell and the reception of the latest conditional reconfiguration for this target cell.Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.
TimeSinceCHO-Reconfig-r17 OPTIONAL,
choCellId-r17This field is used to indicate the candidate target cell for conditional handover included in condRRCReconfig that the UE selected for CHO based recovery while T311 is running.
CHOICE { cellGlobalId-r17 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, pci-arfcn-r17 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16 } OPTIONAL,
choCandidateCellList-r17This field is used to indicate the list of candidate target cells for conditional handover included in condRRCReconfig at the time of connection failure. The field does not include the candidate target cells included in measResultNeighCells.
ChoCandidateCellList-r17 OPTIONAL ]], [[
pSCellId-r18This field is used to indicate the PSCell in which the UE failed to perform fast MCG recovery procedure or the UE successfully performed fast MCG recovery procedure.
CHOICE { cellGlobalId-r18 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, pci-arfcn-r18 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16 } OPTIONAL,
mcg-RecoveryFailureCause-r18This field is used to indicate the cause of the fast MCG recovery failure.
ENUMERATED {t316-Expiry, scg-Deactivated, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, scg-FailureCause-r18 ENUMERATED {t310-Expiry, randomAccessProblem, rlc-MaxNumRetx, synchReconfigFailureSCG, scg-ReconfigFailure, srb3-IntegrityFailure, scg-lbtFailure, beamFailureRecoveryFailure, t312-Expiry, bh-RLF, beamFailure, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } OPTIONAL,
elapsedTimeSCG-Failure-r18This field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the SCG failure and the MCG failure. The maximum value 1023 means 1023ms or longer.
ElapsedTimeSCG-Failure-r18 OPTIONAL,
voiceFallbackHO-r18This field is set if for the failed mobility from NR, the voiceFallbackIndication was included in the MobilityFromNRCommandmessage.
measResultLastServCellRSSI-r18This field refers to the log RSSI measurement results in dBm (see TS 38.215 [9]) taken for the frequency of the PCell upon detecting radio link failure or source PCell upon detecting handover failure.
measResultNeighFreqListRSSI-r18This field is used to log the RSSI measurement results in dBm (see TS 38.215 [9]) taken for the neighbouring frequencies upon successful handover execution.
MeasResultNeighFreqListRSSI-r18 OPTIONAL,
bwp-Info-r18This field is used to indicate the BWP information in which the UE detected consistent uplink LBT failure. This field is set only when the detected consistent uplink LBT failure did not trigger the random access procedure.
AttemptedBWP-Info-r18 OPTIONAL,
elapsedTimeT316-r18This field is used to indicate the value of the elapsed time of the timer T316.Value in milliseconds.
ElapsedTimeT316-r18 OPTIONAL,
scg-FailedAfterMCG-r18This field is set if for the SCG failure is detected after MCG failure while T316 is running.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL ]] }, eutra-RLF-Report-r16 SEQUENCE {
failedPCellId-EUTRAThis field is used to indicate the PCell in which RLF is detected or the source PCell of the failed handover in an E-UTRA RLF report.
measResult-RLF-Report-EUTRA-r16Includes the E-UTRA RLF-Report-r9 IE as specified in TS 36.331 [10].
measResult-RLF-Report-EUTRA-v1690Includes the E-UTRA RLF-Report-v9e0 IE as specified in TS 36.331 [10].
OCTET STRING OPTIONAL ]] } } SuccessHO-Report-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sourceCellInfo-r17 SEQUENCE {
sourcePCellId-r17This field is used to indicate the source PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
sourceCellMeas-r17This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the source PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
MeasResultSuccessHONR-r17 OPTIONAL,
rlf-InSourceDAPS-r17This field indicates whether a radio link failure occurred at the source cell while T304 was running.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL }, targetCellInfo-r17 SEQUENCE {
targetPCellId-r17This field is used to indicate the target PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
targetCellMeas-r17This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the target PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
MeasResultSuccessHONR-r17 OPTIONAL },
measResultNeighCells-r17This field refers to the neighbour cell measurements when connection establishment failure or connection resume failure happened.
measResultListNR-r17This field refers to the last measurement results according to the initiating node configuration taken in the neighboring NR Cells when a successful PSCell change/addition is executed.
MeasResultList2NR-r16 OPTIONAL,
measResultListEUTRA-r17This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the neighboring EUTRA Cells, when the radio link failure or handover failure happened.
MeasResultList2EUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, locationInfo-r17 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,
timeSinceCHO-Reconfig-r17This field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the initiation of the last conditional reconfiguration execution towards the target cell and the reception of the latest conditional reconfiguration for this target cell.Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.
TimeSinceCHO-Reconfig-r17 OPTIONAL,
shr-Cause-r17This field is used to indicate the cause of the successful HO report.
ra-InformationCommon-r17This field is optionally included when connectionFailureType is set to 'hof' or when connectionFailureType is set to 'rlf' and the rlf-Cause equals to 'randomAccessProblem' or 'beamRecoveryFailure'; otherwise this field is absent.
RA-InformationCommon-r16 OPTIONAL,
upInterruptionTimeAtHO-r17This field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the time of arrival of the last PDCP PDU received from the source cell for any data radio bearer and the time of arrival of the first non-duplicate PDCP PDU received from the target cell for any data radio bearer, and it is measured at the time of arrival of the first non-duplicate PDCP PDU received from the target cell for any data radio bearer. The field is set only in case of DAPS handover.Value in milliseconds. The maximum value 1023 means 1023ms or longer.
UPInterruptionTimeAtHO-r17 OPTIONAL,
c-RNTI-r17This field indicates the C-RNTI assigned by the target PCell of the handover for which the successful HO report was generated.
RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, ..., [[ targetCell-PCI-ARFCN-r17 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16 OPTIONAL ]], [[
eutra-TargetCellInfo-r18This field is used to indicate the target EUTRA PCell and the last measurement results of the target PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
targetPCellId-r18This field is used to indicate the target PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
CHOICE { cellGlobalId-r18 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, pci-arfcn-r18 PCI-ARFCN-EUTRA-r16 },
targetCellMeas-r18This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the target PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
measResultServCellRSSI-r18This field refers to the log RSSI measurement results in dBm (see TS 38.215 [9]) taken for the frequency of the source PCell upon successful handover execution.
measResultNeighFreqListRSSI-r18This field is used to log the RSSI measurement results in dBm (see TS 38.215 [9]) taken for the neighbouring frequencies upon successful handover execution.
MeasResultNeighFreqListRSSI-r18 OPTIONAL,
eutra-C-RNTI-r18This field indicates the C-RNTI assigned by the E-UTRA target PCell of the mobility from NR command for which the successful HO report was generated.
timeSinceSHR-r18This field is used to indicate the time elapsed since the execution of the last MobilityFromNRCommand towards the target EUTRA cell. Value in seconds. The maximum value 172800 means 172800s or longer.
TimeSinceSHR-r18 OPTIONAL ]] } SuccessPSCell-Report-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
pCellId-r18This field is used to indicate the PCell to which the UE was connected when the successful PSCell change or addition triggers the SuccessPSCell-Report.
CGI-Info-Logging-r16, sourcePSCellInfo-r18 SEQUENCE {
sourcePSCellId-r18This field is used to indicate the source PSCell of a PSCell change in which the successful PSCell change triggers the SuccessPSCell-Report.
CHOICE { cellGlobalId-r18 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, pci-arfcn-r18 PCI-ARFCN-EUTRA-r16 },
sourcePSCellMeas-r18This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the source PSCell of a PSCell change in which the successful PSCell change triggers the SuccessPSCell-Report.
MeasResultSuccessHONR-r17 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, targetPSCellInfo-r18 SEQUENCE {
targetPSCellId-r18This field is used to indicate the target PSCell of a PSCell change/addition in which the successful PSCell change or addition triggers the SuccessPSCell-Report.
CHOICE { cellGlobalId-r18 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, pci-arfcn-r18 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16 },
targetPSCellMeas-r18This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the target PSCell of a PSCell change/addition in which the successful PSCell change or addition triggers the SuccessPSCell-Report.
MeasResultSuccessHONR-r17 OPTIONAL },
measResultNeighCells-r18This field refers to the neighbour cell measurements when connection establishment failure or connection resume failure happened.
measResultListNR-r18This field refers to the last measurement results according to the initiating node configuration taken in the neighboring NR Cells when a successful PSCell change/addition is executed.
MeasResultList2NR-r16 OPTIONAL,
measResultListEUTRA-r18This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the neighboring EUTRA Cells, when the radio link failure or handover failure happened.
spr-Cause-r18This field is used to indicate the cause of the successful PSCell change or addition report.
timeSinceCPAC-Reconfig-r18This field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the initiation of the last conditional reconfiguration execution towards the target PSCell and the reception of the latest conditional reconfiguration for this target PSCell.Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.
TimeSinceCPAC-Reconfig-r18 OPTIONAL, locationInfo-r18 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,
ra-InformationCommon-r18This field is optionally included when connectionFailureType is set to 'hof' or when connectionFailureType is set to 'rlf' and the rlf-Cause equals to 'randomAccessProblem' or 'beamRecoveryFailure'; otherwise this field is absent.
RA-InformationCommon-r16 OPTIONAL,
sn-InitiatedPSCellChange-r18This field indicates whether the PSCell change procedure for which the successful PSCell change report is logged is SN initiated or not.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ... } MeasResultNeighFreqListRSSI-r18 ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResultNeighFreqRSSI-r18 MeasResultNeighFreqRSSI-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { ssbFrequency-r18 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, ssbSubcarrierSpacing-r18 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, refFreqCSI-RS-r18 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, measResult-RSSI-r18 RSSI-Range-r16 OPTIONAL } MeasResultList2NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2NR-r16 MeasResultList2EUTRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2EUTRA-r16 MeasResult2NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { ssbFrequency-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, refFreqCSI-RS-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, measResultList-r16 MeasResultListNR } MeasResultListLogging2NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResultLogging2NR-r16 MeasResultLogging2NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { carrierFreq-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR, measResultListLoggingNR-r16 MeasResultListLoggingNR-r16 } MeasResultListLoggingNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellReport)) OF MeasResultLoggingNR-r16 MeasResultLoggingNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { physCellId-r16 PhysCellId, resultsSSB-Cell-r16 MeasQuantityResults,
numberOfGoodSSB-r16Indicates the number of good beams (beams that are above absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, if configured by the network) associated to the cells within the R value range (which is configured by network for cell reselection) of the highest ranked cell as part of the beam level measurements. If the UE has no SSB of a neighbour cell whose measurement quantity is above the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation or if the network has not configured the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, then the UE does not include numberOfGoodSSB for the corresponding neighbour cell. If the UE has no SSB of the serving cell whose measurement quantity is above the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation or if the network has not configured the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, then the UE shall set the numberOfGoodSSB for the serving cell to one.
INTEGER (1..maxNrofSSBs-r16) OPTIONAL } MeasResult2EUTRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { carrierFreq-r16 ARFCN-ValueEUTRA, measResultList-r16 MeasResultListEUTRA } MeasResultRLFNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { measResult-r16 SEQUENCE { cellResults-r16 SEQUENCE{ resultsSSB-Cell-r16 MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL, resultsCSI-RS-Cell-r16 MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL }, rsIndexResults-r16 SEQUENCE{ resultsSSB-Indexes-r16 ResultsPerSSB-IndexList OPTIONAL,
ssbRLMConfigBitmap-r16This field is used to indicate the SS/PBCH block indexes configured in the RLM configurations for the active BWP when the UE declares RLF or HOF.The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SSB index 0, the second bit corresponds to SSB index 1. This field is included only if the RadioLinkMonitoringConfig for the respective BWP is configured.
BIT STRING (SIZE (64)) OPTIONAL, resultsCSI-RS-Indexes-r16 ResultsPerCSI-RS-IndexList OPTIONAL, csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (96)) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } } MeasResultSuccessHONR-r17::= SEQUENCE { measResult-r17 SEQUENCE { cellResults-r17 SEQUENCE{ resultsSSB-Cell-r17 MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL, resultsCSI-RS-Cell-r17 MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL }, rsIndexResults-r17 SEQUENCE{ resultsSSB-Indexes-r17 ResultsPerSSB-IndexList OPTIONAL, resultsCSI-RS-Indexes-r17 ResultsPerCSI-RS-IndexList OPTIONAL } } } ChoCandidateCellList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofCondCells-r16)) OF ChoCandidateCell-r17 ChoCandidateCell-r17 ::= CHOICE { cellGlobalId-r17 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, pci-arfcn-r17 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16 } SHR-Cause-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { t304-cause-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, t310-cause-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, t312-cause-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, sourceDAPS-Failure-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ... } SPR-Cause-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { t304-cause-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, t310-cause-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, t312-cause-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ... } TimeSinceFailure-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..172800) MobilityHistoryReport-r16 ::= VisitedCellInfoList-r16 TimeUntilReconnection-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..172800) TimeSinceCHO-Reconfig-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..1023) TimeSinceCPAC-Reconfig-r18 ::= INTEGER (0.. 1023) TimeConnSourceDAPS-Failure-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..1023) UPInterruptionTimeAtHO-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..1023) ElapsedTimeT316-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..2000) ElapsedTimeSCG-Failure-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..1023) TimeSinceSHR-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..172800) -- TAG-UEINFORMATIONRESPONSE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UEInformationResponse-IEs field descriptions
Parameter type Ellipsoid-Point defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit. The least significant bits of degreesLatitude and degreesLongitude are set to 0 to meet the accuracy requirement corresponds to a granularity of approximately 2 km. It is up to UE implementation how many LSBs are set to 0 to meet the accuracy requirement.
This field is used to provide connection establishment failure or connection resume failure information.
This field is used to provide the list of connEstFailReport that are stored by the UE for the past up to maxCEFReport-r17.
This field is used to provide the flight path information as list of waypoints and, if available, corresponding timestamps. List of size zero indicates the previously provided flight path information is no longer valid.
This field is used to provide the measurement results stored by the UE associated to logged MDT.
EUTRA measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE or RRC_IDLE.
NR measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE or RRC_IDLE.
This field is used to provide the list of RA reports that is stored by the UE for upto maxRAReport-r16 number of random access procedures. If the UE is an eRedCap UE, this field is used to provide the list of RA reports that is stored by the UE for up to 2 number of random access procedures.
This field is used to indicate the RLF report related contents.
This field is used to provide the successful handover report if triggered based on the successful handover configuration.
This field is used to provide the successful PSCell change or addition report if triggered based on the successful PSCell change or addition report configuration.
LogMeasReport field descriptions
Indicates the absolute time when the logged measurement configuration logging is provided, as indicated by NR within absoluteTimeInfo.
This field is used to indicate the detection of any cell selection state, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. The UE sets this field when performing the logging of measurement results in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE and there is no suitable cell or no acceptable cell.
Indicates that measurement logging is suspended due to IDC problem detection.
This field refers to the log measurement results taken in the Serving cell.
Indicates the number of good beams (beams that are above absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, if configured by the network) associated to the cells within the R value range (which is configured by network for cell reselection) of the highest ranked cell as part of the beam level measurements. If the UE has no SSB of a neighbour cell whose measurement quantity is above the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation or if the network has not configured the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, then the UE does not include numberOfGoodSSB for the corresponding neighbour cell. If the UE has no SSB of the serving cell whose measurement quantity is above the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation or if the network has not configured the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, then the UE shall set the numberOfGoodSSB for the serving cell to one.
Indicates the time of logging measurement results, measured relative to the absoluteTimeStamp. Value in seconds.
Parameter Trace Collection Entity Id: See TS 32.422 [52].
Parameter Trace Recording Session Reference: See TS 32.422 [52].
ConnEstFailReport field descriptions
This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the cell, where connection establishment failure or connection resume failure happened.
This field refers to the neighbour cell measurements when connection establishment failure or connection resume failure happened.
This field is used to indicate the latest number of consecutive failed RRCSetup or RRCResume procedures in the same cell independent of RRC state transition.
This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed since the connection (establishment or resume) failure.Value in seconds. The maximum value 172800 means 172800s or longer.
RA-InformationCommon field descriptions
This field indicates the absolute frequency position of the reference resource block (Common RB 0).
This field is included when the all the preamble transmission attempts in the corresponding beam (SSB or CSI-RS) are blocked by failed LBT.
This field indicates locationAndBandwidth and subcarrierSpacingof all the bandwidth parts in which the consistent LBT failures are triggered at the moment of successful RA completion.
Frequency domain location and bandwidth of the bandwidth part associated to the random-access resources used by the UE or of the bandwidth part in which the consistent LBT failures is triggered and not cancelled prior to successful completion of random access procedure (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList) or prior to RLF/HOF (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList or bwp-Info).
This field is used to indicate the total number of preamble transmission attempts for which LBT failure indication is received in the RA procedure. If the number of LBT failure indications received from lower layers during the RA procedure exceeds or equals to 128, UE setsthe field to 128.This field is optional present when there is at least one preamble transmission attempt for which LBT failure indication is received during the RA procedure, otherwise it is absent.
This field determines how many consecutive preambles are associated to the used feature or combination of features starting from the starting preamble(s) per SSB.
perRAInfoList, perRAInfoList-v1660
This field provides detailed information about each of the random access attempts in the chronological order of the random access attempts. IfperRAInfoList-v1660 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in perRAInfoList-r16.
This field indicates the first preamble associated with the used feature or combination of features.
Subcarrier spacing used in the bandwidth part associated to the random-access resources used by the UE or of the bandwidth part in which the consistent LBT failures is triggered and not cancelled prior to successful completion of random access procedure (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList) or prior to RLF/HOF (if this field is included in attemptedBWP-InfoList or bwp-Info).
One or more features (e.g., RedCap, Slicing, SDT and MSG3 repetition) that triggers the random-access procedure. When triggered feature is Slicing, UE includes all the S-NSSAIs associated to the slices triggering the access attempt in the random-access procedure.
The feature or combination of features (e.g., redCap, smallData, nsag and msg3-Repetitions) associated to the used random-access resources as specified in TS 38.321[3].
RA-Report field descriptions
This field indicates the CGI of the cell in which the associated random access procedure was performed.
This field is used to indicate that contention was detected for the transmitted preamble in the given random access attempt or not. This field is not included when the UE performs random access attempt is using contention free random-access resources or when the raPurpose is set to requestForOtherSI or when the RA attempt is a 2-step RA attempt and fallback to 4-step RA did not occur (i.e. fallbackToFourStepRA is not included).
csi-RS-Index, csi-RS-Index-v1660
This field is used to indicate the CSI-RS index corresponding to the random access attempt. If the random access procedure is for beam failure recovery, the field indicates the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId. For CSI-RS index larger than maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesRRM-1, the index value is the sum of csi-RS-Index (without suffix) and csi-RS-Index-v1660.
Measeured RSRP of the DL pathloss reference obtained at the time of RA_Type selection stage of the RA procedure as captured in TS 38.321 [3].
In 4 step random access procedure,this field is used to indicate whether the DL beam (SSB) quality associated to the random access attempt was above or below the threshold rsrp-ThresholdSSBin beamFailureRecoveryConfig in UL BWP configuration of UL BWP selected for random access procedure initiated for beam failure recovery; Otherwise, if the UE has receivedrsrp-ThresholdSSB in FeatureCombinationPreambles used for the feature specific random access, the field is used to indicate whether DL beam (SSB) quality associated to the random access attempt was above or below this rsrp-ThresholdSSB-r17, else rsrp-ThresholdSSB in rach-ConfigCommon in UL BWP configuration of UL BWP selected for random access procedure. In 2 step random access procedure, if the UE has receivedmsgA-RSRP-ThresholdSSB in FeatureCombinationPreambles used for the feature specific random access, the field is used to indicate whetherDL beam (SSB) quality associated to the random access attempt was above or below this rsrp-ThresholdSSB-r17, else this field is used to indicate whether the DL beam (SSB) quality associated to the random access attempt was above or below the threshold msgA-RSRP-ThresholdSSB in rach-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in UL BWP configuration of UL BWP selected for random access procedure.
This field indicates if a fallback indication in MsgB is received (according to TS 38.321 [3]) for the 2-step random access attempt.
This field indicates the SIB(s) the UE wanted to receive as a result of the on demand SI request (when the RA procedure is a used as a SI request) initiated by the UE. That is, it indicates the one(s) of the SIB(s) in the SI message(s) requested to be broadcast that the UE was interested in.
This field is included when there is at least one LBT failure indication received prior to change of beam for preamble transmission during RA procedure, otherwise this field is absent.
This field is set by the UE with the corresponding SCS for CBRA as derived from the prach-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGenericwhen the msg1-SubcarrierSpacing is absent; otherwise, this field is absent.
This field is set by the UE with the corresponding SCS for CFRA as derived from the prach-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGeneric when the msg1-SubcarrierSpacing is absent; otherwise, this field is absent.
This field indicates the size of the overall payload available in the UE buffer at the time of initiating the 2 step RA procedure. The value refers to the index of TS 38.321 [3], table, corresponding to the UE buffer size.
This field indicates the number of msgA PRACH transmission occasions Frequency-Division Multiplexed in one time instance for the PRACH resources configured for 2-step CBRA..
This field indicates the number of msgA PRACH transmission occasions Frequency-Division Multiplexed in one time instance for the PRACH resources configured for 2-step CFRA.
This field indicates the lowest resource block of the contention based random-access resources for 2-step CBRA in the random-access procedure. The indication has the form of the offset of the lowest PRACH transmissions occasion with respect to PRB 0 in the frequency domain.
This field indicates the lowest resource block of the contention free random-access resources for the 2-step CFRA in the random-access procedure. The indication has the form of the offset of the lowest PRACH transmissions occasion with respect to PRB 0 in the frequency domain.
This field is set by the UE with the corresponding SCS as derived from the msgA-PRACH-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA(see tables Table, Table, Table and Table, TS 38.211 [16]) when the msgA-SubcarrierSpacing is absent and when only 2-step random-access resources are available in the UL BWP used in the random-access procedure; otherwise, this field is absent.
This field is used to indicate the total number of successive RA preambles that were transmitted on the corresponding CSI-RS.
This field is used to indicate the total number of successive RA preambles that were transmitted on the corresponding SS/PBCH block.
This field is set to true when the RA report entry is included because of either msg1 based on demand SI request or msg3 based on demand SI request and if the on-demand SI request is successful. Otherwise, the field is absent.
This field provides detailed information about a random access attempt.
This field provides detailed information about the successive random access attempts associated to the same CSI-RS.
This field provides detailed information about the successive random access attempts associated to the same SS/PBCH block.
This field is used to provide information on random access attempts. This field is mandatory present.
This field is used to indicate the RA scenario for which the RA report entry is triggered. The RA accesses associated to Initial access from RRC_IDLE, RRC re-establishment procedure, transition from RRC-INACTIVE. The indicator beamFailureRecovery is used in case of successful beam failure recovery related RA procedure in the SpCell [3]. The indicator reconfigurationWithSync is used if the UE executes a reconfiguration with sync. The indicator ulUnSynchronized is used if the random access procedure is initiated in a SpCell by DL or UL data arrival during RRC_CONNECTED when the timeAlignmentTimer is not running in the PTAG or if the RA procedure is initiatedin a serving cell by a PDCCH order [3]. The indicator schedulingRequestFailure is used in case of SR failures [3]. The indicator noPUCCHResourceAvailable is used when the UE has no valid SR PUCCH resources configured [3]. The indicator requestForOtherSI is used for MSG1 based on demand SI request. The indicator msg3RequestForOtherSI is used in case of MSG3 based SI request.The indication lbtFailure is used when the UE initiates RACH in SpCell due to consistent uplink LBT failures [3].The field can also be used for the SCG-related RA-Report when the raPurpose is set to beamFailureRecovery, reconfigurationWithSync, ulUnSynchronized, schedulingRequestFailure,noPUCCHResourceAvailableand lbtFailure.
This field is included when the RA report entry is included because of SDT and if the SDT transmission failed. Otherwise, the field is absent.
This field is used to indicate the CGI of the SpCell of the cell group associated to the SCell in which the associated random access procedure was performed. If the UE performs RA procedure on a SCell associated to the MCG, then this field is set to the CGI of the PCell and if the UE performs RA procedure on a SCell associated to the SCG, then this field is set to the CGI of the PSCell. If the CGI of the PSCell is not available at the UE for the RA procedure performed on a SCell associated to the SCG or for the RA procedure on the PSCell, this field is set to the CGI of the PCell. Otherwise, the field is absent.
This field is used to indicate the SS/PBCH index of the SS/PBCH block corresponding to the random access attempt.
This field indicates the SSB(s) (in the form of SSB index(es)) that the UE used to receive the requested SI message(s). The field is present if the purpose of the random access procedure was to request on-demand SI (i.e. if the raPurpose is set to requestForOtherSI or msg3RequestForOtherSI). Otherwise, the field is absent.
RLF-Report field descriptions
This field is used to indicate the BWP information in which the UE detected consistent uplink LBT failure. This field is set only when the detected consistent uplink LBT failure did not trigger the random access procedure.
This field is used to indicate the list of candidate target cells for conditional handover included in condRRCReconfig at the time of connection failure. The field does not include the candidate target cells included in measResultNeighCells.
This field is used to indicate the candidate target cell for conditional handover included in condRRCReconfig that the UE selected for CHO based recovery while T311 is running.
This field is used to indicate whether the connection failure is due to radio link failure or handover failure.
These fields are used to indicate the CSI-RS indexes configured in the RLM configurations for the active BWP when the UE declares RLF or HOF. The UE first fills in the csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-r16 to indicate the first 96 CSI-RS indexes and then csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-v1650 to indicate the latter 96 CSI-RS indexes. The first/leftmost bit in csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-r16 corresponds to CSI-RS index 0, the second bit corresponds to CSI-RS index 1. The first/leftmost bit in csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-v1650 corresponds to CSI-RS index 96, the second bit corresponds to CSI-RS index 97. These fields are included only if the RadioLinkMonitoringConfig for the respective BWP is configured.
This field indicates the C-RNTI used in the PCell upon detecting radio link failure or the C-RNTI used in the source PCell upon handover failure.
This field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the SCG failure and the MCG failure. The maximum value 1023 means 1023ms or longer.
This field is used to indicate the value of the elapsed time of the timer T316.Value in milliseconds.
This field is used to indicate the PCell in which RLF is detected or the target PCell of the failed handover. For intra-NR handover nrFailedPCellId is included and for the handover from NR to EUTRA eutraFailedPCellId is included. The UE sets the ARFCN according to the frequency band used for transmission/ reception when the failure occurred.
This field is used to indicate the PCell in which RLF is detected or the source PCell of the failed handover in an E-UTRA RLF report.
This field is used to indicate the type of the last executed handover before the last detected connection failure. The field is set to cho if the last executed handover was initiated by a conditional reconfiguration execution. The field is set to daps if the last executed handover was a DAPS handover.
This field is used to indicate the cause of the fast MCG recovery failure.
This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the neighboring EUTRA Cells, when the radio link failure or handover failure happened.
This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the neighboring NR Cells, when the radio link failure or handover failure happened.
This field refers to the log measurement results taken in the PCell upon detecting radio link failure or the source PCell upon handover failure.
This field refers to the log RSSI measurement results in dBm (see TS 38.215 [9]) taken for the frequency of the PCell upon detecting radio link failure or source PCell upon detecting handover failure.
This field is used to log the RSSI measurement results in dBm (see TS 38.215 [9]) taken for the neighbouring frequencies upon detecting radio link failure or handover failure, when UE operates in shared spectrum.
Includes the E-UTRA RLF-Report-r9 IE as specified in TS 36.331 [10].
Includes the E-UTRA RLF-Report-v9e0 IE as specified in TS 36.331 [10].
This field is set by the UE when the T311 expires.
This field is used to indicate the source PCell of the last handover (source PCell when the last executed RRCReconfiguration message including reconfigurationWithSync was received). For intra-NR handover nrPreviousCell is included and for the handover from EUTRA to NR eutraPreviousCell is included.
This field is used to indicate the PSCell in which the UE failed to perform fast MCG recovery procedure or the UE successfully performed fast MCG recovery procedure.
This field is optionally included when connectionFailureType is set to 'hof' or when connectionFailureType is set to 'rlf' and the rlf-Cause equals to 'randomAccessProblem' or 'beamRecoveryFailure'; otherwise this field is absent.
This field is used to indicate the cell in which the UE comes back to connected after connection failure and after failing to perform reestablishment, or to indicate the suitable cell in which the UE reconnects after failure in performing MobilityFromNRCommand for voice fallback (without initiating re-establishment procedure). If the UE comes back to RRC CONNECTED in an NR cell then nrReconnectCellID is included and if the UE comes back to RRC CONNECTED in an LTE cell then eutraReconnectCellID is included.
If the UE was not configured with conditionalReconfiguration at the time of re-establishment attempt, or if the cell selected for the re-establishment attempt is not a candidate target cell for conditional reconfiguration, this field is used to indicate the cell in which the re-establishment attempt was made after connection failure.
This field is used to indicate the cause of the last radio link failure that was detected. In case of handover failure information reporting (i.e., the connectionFailureType is set to 'hof'), the UE is allowed to set this field to any value, except for the case in which a radio link failure was detected in the source PCell while performing a DAPS handover.
This field is set if for the SCG failure is detected after MCG failure while T316 is running.
This field is used to indicate the SS/PBCH block indexes configured in the RLM configurations for the active BWP when the UE declares RLF or HOF.The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SSB index 0, the second bit corresponds to SSB index 1. This field is included only if the RadioLinkMonitoringConfig for the respective BWP is configured.
This field is used to indicate the time elapsed since the last HO execution until connection failure. Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.
This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed between the last DAPS handover execution and the radio link failure detected in the source cell while T304 is running. Value in milliseconds. The maximum value 1023 means 1023ms or longer.
This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed since the connection (radio link or handover) failure.Value in seconds. The maximum value 172800 means 172800s or longer. In the case of failure(s) (either at source or at target or at both) associated to DAPS handover, this field indicates the time elapsed since the latest connection (radio link or handover) failure.
In case of handover failure, this field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the initiation of the last handover execution towards the target cell and the reception of the latest conditional reconfiguration.In case of radio link failure, this field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the radio link failure and the reception of the latest conditional reconfiguration while connected to the source PCell. Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.
This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed between the connection (radio link or handover) failure and the next time the UE comes to RRC CONNECTED in an NR or EUTRA cell, after failing to perform reestablishment.Value in seconds. The maximum value 172800 means 172800s or longer.
This field is set if for the failed mobility from NR, the voiceFallbackIndication was included in the MobilityFromNRCommandmessage.
SuccessHO-Report field descriptions
This field indicates the C-RNTI assigned by the target PCell of the handover for which the successful HO report was generated.
This field is used to indicate the target EUTRA PCell and the last measurement results of the target PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
This field indicates the C-RNTI assigned by the E-UTRA target PCell of the mobility from NR command for which the successful HO report was generated.
This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the neighboring NR Cells when a successful handover is executed.
This field is used to log the RSSI measurement results in dBm (see TS 38.215 [9]) taken for the neighbouring frequencies upon successful handover execution.
This field refers to the log RSSI measurement results in dBm (see TS 38.215 [9]) taken for the frequency of the source PCell upon successful handover execution.
This field indicates whether a radio link failure occurred at the source cell while T304 was running.
This field is used to indicate the cause of the successful HO report.
This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the source PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
This field is used to indicate the source PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
This field is used to indicate the target PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the target PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.
This field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the initiation of the last conditional reconfiguration execution towards the target cell and the reception of the latest conditional reconfiguration for this target cell.Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.
This field is used to indicate the time elapsed since the execution of the last MobilityFromNRCommand towards the target EUTRA cell. Value in seconds. The maximum value 172800 means 172800s or longer.
This field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the time of arrival of the last PDCP PDU received from the source cell for any data radio bearer and the time of arrival of the first non-duplicate PDCP PDU received from the target cell for any data radio bearer, and it is measured at the time of arrival of the first non-duplicate PDCP PDU received from the target cell for any data radio bearer. The field is set only in case of DAPS handover.Value in milliseconds. The maximum value 1023 means 1023ms or longer.
FlightPathInfoReport field descriptions
Time stamp that describes estimated time of arrival, if available, of the UE at the corresponding wayPointLocation.
Location coordinates of the planned waypoint. Parameter type LocationCoordinates defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
SuccessPSCell-Report field descriptions
This field refers to the last measurement results according to the initiating node configuration taken in the neighboring NR Cells when a successful PSCell change/addition is executed.
This field is used to indicate the PCell to which the UE was connected when the successful PSCell change or addition triggers the SuccessPSCell-Report.
This field indicates whether the PSCell change procedure for which the successful PSCell change report is logged is SN initiated or not.
This field is used to indicate the cause of the successful PSCell change or addition report.
This field is used to indicate the source PSCell of a PSCell change in which the successful PSCell change triggers the SuccessPSCell-Report.
This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the source PSCell of a PSCell change in which the successful PSCell change triggers the SuccessPSCell-Report.
This field is used to indicate the target PSCell of a PSCell change/addition in which the successful PSCell change or addition triggers the SuccessPSCell-Report.
This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the target PSCell of a PSCell change/addition in which the successful PSCell change or addition triggers the SuccessPSCell-Report.
This field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the initiation of the last conditional reconfiguration execution towards the target PSCell and the reception of the latest conditional reconfiguration for this target PSCell.Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.

The UEPositioningAssistanceInfo message is used to provide positioning assistance information as requested by the Network.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UEPOSITIONINGASSISTANCEINFO-START UEPositioningAssistanceInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { uePositioningAssistanceInfo-r17 UEPositioningAssistanceInfo-r17-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } UEPositioningAssistanceInfo-r17-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ue-TxTEG-AssociationList-r17 UE-TxTEG-AssociationList-r17 OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UEPositioningAssistanceInfo-v1720-IEs OPTIONAL } UEPositioningAssistanceInfo-v1720-IEs::= SEQUENCE {
ue-TxTEG-TimingErrorMarginValue-r17This field specifies the UE Tx TEG timing error margin value of all the UE Tx TEGs within one UEPositioningAssistanceInfo. Value tc0 corresponds to 0 Tc, tc2 corresponds to 2 Tc and so on (see TS 37.355 [49]).
ENUMERATED {tc0, tc2, tc4, tc6, tc8, tc12, tc16, tc20, tc24, tc32, tc40, tc48, tc56, tc64, tc72, tc80} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } UE-TxTEG-AssociationList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfTxTEGReport-r17)) OF UE-TxTEG-Association-r17 UE-TxTEG-Association-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
ue-TxTEG-ID-r17Identifies the ID of UE Tx TEG.
INTEGER (0..maxNrOfTxTEG-ID-1-r17),
nr-TimeStamp-r17This field specifies the latest time instance at which the association is valid prior to the reporting.
associatedSRS-PosResourceIdList-r17This field indicates list of SRS for Positioning Resources which are associated to the ue-TxTEG-ID.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResources-r16)) OF SRS-PosResourceId-r16, servCellId-r17 ServCellIndex OPTIONAL } NR-TimeStamp-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { nr-SFN-r17 INTEGER (0..1023), nr-Slot-r17 CHOICE { scs15-r17 INTEGER (0..9), scs30-r17 INTEGER (0..19), scs60-r17 INTEGER (0..39), scs120-r17 INTEGER (0..79) }, ... } -- TAG-UEPOSITIONINGASSISTANCEINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UEPositioningAssistanceInfo field descriptions
This field indicates list of SRS for Positioning Resources which are associated to the ue-TxTEG-ID.
This field specifies the latest time instance at which the association is valid prior to the reporting.
This field indicates the serving cell information of SRS for positioning resources associated to the UE Tx TEG report.
Identifies the ID of UE Tx TEG.
This field specifies the UE Tx TEG timing error margin value of all the UE Tx TEGs within one UEPositioningAssistanceInfo. Value tc0 corresponds to 0 Tc, tc2 corresponds to 2 Tc and so on (see TS 37.355 [49]).

The ULDedicatedMessageSegment message is used to transfer segments of the UECapabilityInformation or MeasurementReportAppLayer message. SRB1 is used at transfer of segments of UECapabilityInformation and SRB4 or SRB5 is used at transfer of segments of MeasurementReportAppLayer.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-ULDEDICATEDMESSAGESEGMENT-START ULDedicatedMessageSegment-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { ulDedicatedMessageSegment-r16 ULDedicatedMessageSegment-r16-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } ULDedicatedMessageSegment-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {
segmentNumber-r16Identifies the sequence number of a segment within the encoded UL DCCH message.
INTEGER (0..15),
rrc-MessageSegmentContainer-r16Includes a segment of the encoded UL DCCH message. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough that the resulting encoded RRC message PDU is less than or equal to the PDCP SDU size limit.
rrc-MessageSegmentType-r16Indicates whether the included UL DCCH message segment is the last segment or not.
ULDedicatedMessageSegment field descriptions
Identifies the sequence number of a segment within the encoded UL DCCH message.
Includes a segment of the encoded UL DCCH message. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough that the resulting encoded RRC message PDU is less than or equal to the PDCP SDU size limit.
Indicates whether the included UL DCCH message segment is the last segment or not.

The ULInformationTransfer message is used for the uplink transfer of NAS or non-3GPP dedicated information, or IAB-DU specific F1-C related information.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-ULINFORMATIONTRANSFER-START ULInformationTransfer ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { ulInformationTransfer ULInformationTransfer-IEs, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } ULInformationTransfer-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { dedicatedNAS-Message DedicatedNAS-Message OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension ULInformationTransfer-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL } ULInformationTransfer-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { dedicatedInfoF1c-r17 DedicatedInfoF1c-r17 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-ULINFORMATIONTRANSFER-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The ULInformationTransferIRAT message is used for the uplink transfer of information terminated at NR MCG but specified by another RAT. In this version of the specification, the message is used for V2X sidelink communication messages specified in TS 36.331 [10].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-ULINFORMATIONTRANSFERIRAT-START ULInformationTransferIRAT-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { ulInformationTransferIRAT-r16 ULInformationTransferIRAT-r16-IEs, spare3 NULL,spare2 NULL,spare1 NULL }, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } ULInformationTransferIRAT-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { ul-DCCH-MessageEUTRA-r16 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-ULINFORMATIONTRANSFERIRAT-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The ULInformationTransferMRDC message is used for the uplink transfer of MR-DC dedicated information (e.g. for transferring the NR or E-UTRA RRC MeasurementReport message, the FailureInformation message, the UEAssistanceInformation message, the RRCReconfigurationComplete message, the IABOtherInformation message or the NR or E-UTRA RRC MCGFailureInformation message).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-ULINFORMATIONTRANSFERMRDC-START ULInformationTransferMRDC ::= SEQUENCE { criticalExtensions CHOICE { c1 CHOICE { ulInformationTransferMRDC ULInformationTransferMRDC-IEs, spare3 NULL,spare2 NULL,spare1 NULL }, criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {} } } ULInformationTransferMRDC-IEs::= SEQUENCE {
ul-DCCH-MessageNRIncludes the UL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the NR RRC MeasurementReport, RRCReconfigurationComplete, UEAssistanceInformation,FailureInformation, and IABOtherInformation messages when sent via SRB1 and to transfer the NR MCGFailureInformation message when sent via SRB3.
ul-DCCH-MessageEUTRAIncludes the UL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the E-UTRA RRC MeasurementReport message when sent via SRB1 and to transfer the E-UTRA MCGFailureInformation message when sent via SRB3.
ULInformationTransferIRAT field descriptions
Includes the UL-DCCH-Message as defined in TS 36.331 [10]. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the E-UTRA RRC MeasurementReport, E-UTRA RRC SidelinkUEInformation and the E-UTRA RRC UEAssistanceInformation messages.
ULInformationTransferMRDC field descriptions
Includes the UL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the NR RRC MeasurementReport, RRCReconfigurationComplete, UEAssistanceInformation,FailureInformation, and IABOtherInformation messages when sent via SRB1 and to transfer the NR MCGFailureInformation message when sent via SRB3.
Includes the UL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the E-UTRA RRC MeasurementReport message when sent via SRB1 and to transfer the E-UTRA MCGFailureInformation message when sent via SRB3.

6.3 RRC information elements
6.3.0 Parameterized types
SetupRelease allows the ElementTypeParam to be used as the referenced data type for the setup and release entries. See A.3.8 for guidelines.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SETUPRELEASE-START SetupRelease { ElementTypeParam } ::= CHOICE { release NULL, setup ElementTypeParam } -- TAG-SETUPRELEASE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

6.3.1 System information blocks
SIB2 contains cell re-selection information common for intra-frequency, inter-frequency and/or inter-RAT cell re-selection (i.e. applicable for more than one type of cell re-selection but not necessarily all) as well as intra-frequency cell re-selection information other than neighbouring cell related.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SIB2-START SIB2 ::= SEQUENCE { cellReselectionInfoCommon SEQUENCE { nrofSS-BlocksToAverage INTEGER (2..maxNrofSS-BlocksToAverage) OPTIONAL, -- Need S absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation ThresholdNR OPTIONAL, -- Need S rangeToBestCell RangeToBestCell OPTIONAL, -- Need R q-Hyst ENUMERATED { dB0, dB1, dB2, dB3, dB4, dB5, dB6, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB14, dB16, dB18, dB20, dB22, dB24}, speedStateReselectionPars SEQUENCE { mobilityStateParameters MobilityStateParameters, q-HystSF SEQUENCE { sf-Medium ENUMERATED {dB-6, dB-4, dB-2, dB0}, sf-High ENUMERATED {dB-6, dB-4, dB-2, dB0} } } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... }, cellReselectionServingFreqInfo SEQUENCE { s-NonIntraSearchP ReselectionThreshold OPTIONAL, -- Need S s-NonIntraSearchQ ReselectionThresholdQ OPTIONAL, -- Need S threshServingLowP ReselectionThreshold, threshServingLowQ ReselectionThresholdQ OPTIONAL, -- Need R cellReselectionPriority CellReselectionPriority, cellReselectionSubPriority CellReselectionSubPriority OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... }, intraFreqCellReselectionInfo SEQUENCE { q-RxLevMin Q-RxLevMin, q-RxLevMinSUL Q-RxLevMin OPTIONAL, -- Need R q-QualMin Q-QualMin OPTIONAL, -- Need S s-IntraSearchP ReselectionThreshold, s-IntraSearchQ ReselectionThresholdQ OPTIONAL, -- Need S t-ReselectionNR T-Reselection, frequencyBandList MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB OPTIONAL, -- Need S frequencyBandListSUL MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB OPTIONAL, -- Need R p-Max P-Max OPTIONAL, -- Need S smtc SSB-MTC OPTIONAL, -- Need S ss-RSSI-Measurement SS-RSSI-Measurement OPTIONAL, -- Need R ssb-ToMeasure SSB-ToMeasure OPTIONAL, -- Need S deriveSSB-IndexFromCell BOOLEAN, ..., [[ t-ReselectionNR-SF SpeedStateScaleFactors OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ smtc2-LP-r16 SSB-MTC2-LP-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ssb-PositionQCL-Common-r16 SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r16 OPTIONAL -- Cond SharedSpectrum ]], [[ ssb-PositionQCL-Common-r17 SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 ]], [[ smtc4list-r17 SSB-MTC4List-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ frequencyBandList-v1760 MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB-v1760 OPTIONAL, -- Need R frequencyBandListSUL-v1760 MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB-v1760 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ frequencyBandListAerial-r18 MultiFrequencyBandListNR-Aerial-SIB-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need S ]] }, ..., [[ relaxedMeasurement-r16 SEQUENCE { lowMobilityEvaluation-r16 SEQUENCE { s-SearchDeltaP-r16 ENUMERATED { dB3, dB6, dB9, dB12, dB15, spare3, spare2, spare1}, t-SearchDeltaP-r16 ENUMERATED { s5, s10, s20, s30, s60, s120, s180, s240, s300, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} } OPTIONAL, -- Need R cellEdgeEvaluation-r16 SEQUENCE { s-SearchThresholdP-r16 ReselectionThreshold, s-SearchThresholdQ-r16 ReselectionThresholdQ OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R combineRelaxedMeasCondition-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R highPriorityMeasRelax-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ cellEquivalentSize-r17 INTEGER(2..16) OPTIONAL, -- Cond HSDN relaxedMeasurement-r17 SEQUENCE { stationaryMobilityEvaluation-r17 SEQUENCE { s-SearchDeltaP-Stationary-r17 ENUMERATED {dB2, dB3, dB6, dB9, dB12, dB15, spare2, spare1}, t-SearchDeltaP-Stationary-r17 ENUMERATED {s5, s10, s20, s30, s60, s120, s180, s240, s300, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} }, cellEdgeEvaluationWhileStationary-r17 SEQUENCE { s-SearchThresholdP2-r17 ReselectionThreshold, s-SearchThresholdQ2-r17 ReselectionThresholdQ OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R combineRelaxedMeasCondition2-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } RangeToBestCell ::= Q-OffsetRange -- TAG-SIB2-STOP -- ASN1STOP

SIB3 contains neighbouring cell related information relevant only for intra-frequency cell re-selection. The IE includes cells with specific re-selection parameters as well as exclude-listed cells.
intraFreqNeighCellListList of intra-frequency neighbouring cells with specific cell re-selection parameters. If intraFreqNeighCellList-v1610 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in intraFreqNeighCellList (without suffix).
IntraFreqNeighCellList OPTIONAL, -- Need R
intraFreqExcludedCellListList of exclude-listed intra-frequency neighbouring cells.
IntraFreqExcludedCellList OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ..., [[ intraFreqNeighCellList-v1610 IntraFreqNeighCellList-v1610 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
intraFreqAllowedCellList-r16List of allow-listed intra-frequency neighbouring cells, see TS 38.304 [20], clause 5.2.4.
IntraFreqAllowedCellList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum2
intraFreqCAG-CellList-r16List of intra-frequency neighbouring CAG cells (as defined in TS 38.304 [20]) per PLMN.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMN)) OF IntraFreqCAG-CellListPerPLMN-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
intraFreqNeighHSDN-CellList-r17List of intra-frequency neighbouring HSDN cells as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
IntraFreqNeighHSDN-CellList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R intraFreqNeighCellList-v1710 IntraFreqNeighCellList-v1710 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
channelAccessMode2-r17If present, this field indicates that intra-frequency neighbor cells apply channel access mode procedures for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4 for FR2-2. If absent, the intra-frequency neighbor cells do not apply any channel access procedure.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } IntraFreqNeighCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellIntra)) OF IntraFreqNeighCellInfo IntraFreqNeighCellList-v1610::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellIntra)) OF IntraFreqNeighCellInfo-v1610 IntraFreqNeighCellList-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellIntra)) OF IntraFreqNeighCellInfo-v1710 IntraFreqNeighCellInfo ::= SEQUENCE { physCellId PhysCellId,
q-OffsetCellParameter "Qoffsets,n" in TS 38.304 [20].
q-RxLevMinOffsetCellParameter "Qrxlevminoffsetcell" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qrxlevminoffsetcell = field value * 2 [dB].
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
q-RxLevMinOffsetCellSULParameter "QrxlevminoffsetcellSUL" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value QrxlevminoffsetcellSUL = field value * 2 [dB].
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
q-QualMinOffsetCellParameter "Qqualminoffsetcell" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qqualminoffsetcell = field value [dB].
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } IntraFreqNeighCellInfo-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE {
ssb-PositionQCL-r16Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for a specific intra-frequency neighbor cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. If provided, the cell specific value overwrites the value signalled by ssb-PositionQCL-Common in SIB2 for the indicated cell.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r16 OPTIONAL -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 } IntraFreqNeighCellInfo-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE {
ssb-PositionQCL-r17Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for a specific intra-frequency neighbor cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. If provided, the cell specific value overwrites the value signalled by ssb-PositionQCL-Common in SIB2 for the indicated cell.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 } IntraFreqExcludedCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellExcluded)) OF PCI-Range IntraFreqAllowedCellList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellAllowed)) OF PCI-Range IntraFreqCAG-CellListPerPLMN-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
plmn-IdentityIndex-r16Index of the PLMN across the plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1.
INTEGER (1..maxPLMN), cag-CellList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCAG-Cell-r16)) OF PCI-Range } IntraFreqNeighHSDN-CellList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellIntra)) OF PCI-Range -- TAG-SIB3-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB2 field descriptions
Threshold for consolidation of L1 measurements per RS index. If the field is absent, the UE uses the measurement quantity as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Indicates the criteria for a UE to detect that it is not at cell edge, in order to relax measurement requirements for cell reselection (see TS 38.304 [20], clause
Indicates the criteria for a UE to detect that it is not at cell edge while stationary, in order to relax measurement requirements for cell reselection (see TS 38.304 [20], clause
The number of cell count used for mobility state estimation for this cell as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Cell re-selection information common for intra-frequency, inter-frequency and/ or inter-RAT cell re-selection.
Information common for non-intra-frequency cell re-selection i.e. cell re-selection to inter-frequency and inter-RAT cells.
When both lowMobilityEvaluation and cellEdgeEvaluation criteria are present in SIB2, this parameter configures the UE to fulfil both criteria in order to relax measurement requirements for cell reselection. If the field is absent, the UE is allowed to relax measurement requirements for cell reselection when either or both of the criteria are met. (See TS 38.304 [20], clause
When both stationaryMobilityEvaluation and cellEdgeEvaluationWhileStationary criteria are present in SIB2, this parameter configures the UE to fulfil both criteria in order to relax measurement requirements for cell reselection. If the field is absent, the UE is allowed to relax measurement requirements for cell reselection when only the stationary criteria is met. (See TS 38.304 [20], clause
This field indicates whether the UE can utilize serving cell timing to derive the index of SS block transmitted by neighbour cell. If this field is set to true, the UE assumes SFN and frame boundary alignment across cells on the serving frequency as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
Indicates the list of frequency bands for which the NR cell reselection parameters apply. The UE behaviour in case the field is absent is described in clause
Indicates the list of frequency bands for aerial operation for which the NR cell reselection parameters apply. The UE behaviour in case the field is absent is described in clause
Indicates whether measurements can be relaxed on high priority frequencies. If the field is absent, the UE shall not relax measurements on high priority frequenciesbeyond "Thigher_priority_search" unless both low mobility and not at cell edge criteria are fulfilled (see TS 38.133 [14], clauses, and
Cell re-selection information common for intra-frequency cells.
Indicates the criteria for a UE to detect low mobility, in order to relax measurement requirements for cell reselection (see TS 38.304 [20], clause
Number of SS blocks to average for cell measurement derivation. If the field is absent the UE uses the measurement quantity as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Value in dBm applicable for the intra-frequency neighbouring NR cells. If absent the UE applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-1 [15] in case of an FR1 cell, TS 38.101-2 [39] in case of an FR2 cell or TS 38.101-5 [75] in case of an NTN cell. In this release of the specification, if p-Max is present on a carrier frequency in FR2, the UE shall ignore the field and applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-2 [39] for FR2-1/2 or according to TS 38.101-5 [75] for FR2-NTN. This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT. The IAB-MT applies output power and emissions requirements, as specified in TS 38.174 [63]. The NCR-MT applies output power and emissions requirements as specified in TS 38.106 [79].
Parameter "Qhyst" in TS 38.304 [20], Value in dB. Value dB1 corresponds to 1 dB, dB2 corresponds to 2 dB and so on.
Parameter "Speed dependent ScalingFactor for Qhyst" in TS 38.304 [20]. The sf-Medium and sf-High concern the additional hysteresis to be applied, in Medium and High Mobility state respectively, to Qhyst as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. In dB. Value dB-6 corresponds to -6dB, dB-4 corresponds to -4dB and so on.
Parameter "Qqualmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for intra-frequency neighbour cells. If the field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of negative infinity for Qqualmin.
Parameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for intra-frequency neighbour cells.
Parameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for intra-frequency neighbour cells.
Parameter "rangeToBestCell" in TS 38.304 [20]. The network configures only non-negative (in dB) values.
Configuration to allow relaxation of RRM measurement requirements for cell reselection (see TS 38.304 [20], clause In NTN, this field is only applicable for GSO neighbour cells.
Parameter "SIntraSearchP" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "SIntraSearchQ" in TS 38.304 [20]. If the field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of 0 dB for SIntraSearchQ.
Parameter "SnonIntraSearchP" in TS 38.304 [20]. If this field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of infinity for SnonIntraSearchP.
Parameter "SnonIntraSearchQ" in TS 38.304 [20]. If the field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of 0 dB for SnonIntraSearchQ.
Parameter "SSearchDeltaP" in TS 38.304 [20]. Value dB3 corresponds to 3 dB, dB6 corresponds to 6 dB and so on.
Parameter "SSearchDeltaP-Stationary" in TS 38.304 [20]. Value dB2 corresponds to 2 dB, dB3 corresponds to 3 dB and so on.
s-SearchThresholdP, s-SearchThresholdP2
Parameters "SSearchThresholdP" and "SSearchThresholdP2" in TS 38.304 [20]. The network configures s-SearchThresholdPand s-SearchThresholdP2 to be less than or equal to s-IntraSearchP and s-NonIntraSearchP.
s-SearchThresholdQ, s-SearchThresholdQ2
Parameters "SSearchThresholdQ" and "SSearchThresholdQ2" in TS 38.304 [20]. The network configures s-SearchThresholdQand s-SearchThresholdQ2to be less than or equal to s-IntraSearchQ and s-NonIntraSearchQ.
Measurement timing configuration for intra-frequency measurement. If this field is absent, the UE assumes that SSB periodicity is 5 ms for the intra-frequnecy cells. If the field is broadcast by an NTN cell, the offset (derived from parameter periodicityAndOffset) is based on the assumption that the gNB-UE propagation delay difference between the serving cell and neighbour cells equals to 0 ms, and UE can adjust the actual offset based on the actual propagation delay difference.
Measurement timing configuration for intra-frequency neighbour cells with a Long Periodicity (LP) indicated by periodicity in smtc2-LP. The timing offset and duration are equal to the offset and duration indicated in smtc in intraFreqCellReselectionInfo. The periodicity in smtc2-LP can only be set to a value strictly larger than the periodicity in smtc in intraFreqCellReselectionInfo (e.g. if smtc indicates sf20 the Long Periodicity can only be set to sf40, sf80 or sf160, if smtc indicates sf160, smtc2-LP cannot be configured). The pci-List, if present, includes the physical cell identities of the intra-frequency neighbour cells with Long Periodicity. If smtc2-LP is absent, the UE assumes that there are no intra-frequency neighbour cells with a Long Periodicity.
Measurement timing configuration list for NTN deployments, see clause The offset of each SSB-MTC4 in smtc4list is based on the assumption that the gNB-UE propagation delay difference between the serving cell and neighbour cells equals to 0 ms, and UE can adjust the actual offset based on the actual propagation delay difference. For a UE that supports less SMTCs than what is included in this list, it is up to the UE to select which SMTCs to consider.
Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for intra-frequency neighbor cells as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
The set of SS blocks to be measured within the SMTC measurement duration (see TS 38.215 [9]). When the field is absent the UE measures on all SS-blocks.
Indicates the criteria for a UE to detect stationary mobility, in order to relax measurement requirements for cell reselection (see TS 38.304 [20], clause
Parameter "TreselectionNR" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "Speed dependent ScalingFactor for TreselectionNR" in TS 38.304 [20]. If the field is absent, the UE behaviour is specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "ThreshServing, LowP" inTS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "ThreshServing, LowQ" inTS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "TSearchDeltaP" in TS 38.304 [20]. Value in seconds. Value s5 means 5 seconds, value s10 means 10 seconds and so on.
Parameter "TSearchDeltaP-Stationary" in TS 38.304 [20]. Value in seconds. Value s5 means 5 seconds, value s10 means 10 seconds and so on.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need R, if speedStateReselectionPars is present; otherwise the field is not present.
This field is mandatory present if this intra-frequency operates with shared spectrum channel access in FR1. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
This field is optionally present if this intra-frequency operates with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2, Need R. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
SIB3field descriptions
If present, this field indicates that intra-frequency neighbor cells apply channel access mode procedures for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4 for FR2-2. If absent, the intra-frequency neighbor cells do not apply any channel access procedure.
List of allow-listed intra-frequency neighbouring cells, see TS 38.304 [20], clause 5.2.4.
List of intra-frequency neighbouring CAG cells (as defined in TS 38.304 [20]) per PLMN.
List of exclude-listed intra-frequency neighbouring cells.
List of intra-frequency neighbouring cells with specific cell re-selection parameters. If intraFreqNeighCellList-v1610 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in intraFreqNeighCellList (without suffix).
List of intra-frequency neighbouring HSDN cells as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Index of the PLMN across the plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1.
Parameter "Qoffsets,n" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "Qqualminoffsetcell" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qqualminoffsetcell = field value [dB].
Parameter "Qrxlevminoffsetcell" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qrxlevminoffsetcell = field value * 2 [dB].
Parameter "QrxlevminoffsetcellSUL" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value QrxlevminoffsetcellSUL = field value * 2 [dB].
Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for a specific intra-frequency neighbor cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. If provided, the cell specific value overwrites the value signalled by ssb-PositionQCL-Common in SIB2 for the indicated cell.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optional present, Need R, if this intra-frequency or neighbor cell operates with shared spectrum channel access. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.

SIB4 contains information relevant for inter-frequency cell re-selection (i.e. information about other NR frequencies and inter-frequency neighbouring cells relevant for cell re-selection), which can also be used for NR idle/inactive measurements. The IE includes cell re-selection parameters common for a frequency as well as cell specific re-selection parameters.
interFreqCarrierFreqListList of neighbouring carrier frequencies and frequency specific cell re-selection information. If interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1610, interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1700, interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1720,interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1730,interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1760or interFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1800 are present, they shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in interFreqCarrierFreqList (without suffix).
InterFreqCarrierFreqList, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ..., [[ interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1610 InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1610 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1700 InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1700 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1720 InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1720 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1730 InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1730 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1760 InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1760 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1800 InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1800 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } InterFreqCarrierFreqList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1610 InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1700 InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1720 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1720 InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1730 InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1760 InterFreqCarrierFreqList-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1800 InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
dl-CarrierFreqThis field indicates center frequency of the SS block of the neighbour cells, where the frequency corresponds to a GSCN value as specified in TS 38.101-1 [15] or TS 38.101-5 [75]. For a neighbouring carrier frequency when dl-CarrierFreq-r18 is included, the network sets the corresponding value of dl-CarrierFreq (without suffix) to 250, and the UE applies dl-CarrierFreq-r18 instead of dl-CarrierFreq (without suffix). In such case, if the UE doesnot support the GSCN value corresponding to the dl-CarrierFreq-r18, it ignores the corresponding neighbour cell.
frequencyBandListIndicates the list of frequency bands for which the NR cell reselection parameters apply.For a neighbouring carrier frequency when frequencyBandList-r18 is included, the network sets the corresponding value of freqBandIndicatorNR in frequencyBandList (without suffix) to 200, and the UE applies frequencyBandList-r18 instead of frequencyBandList (without suffix).
MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB OPTIONAL, -- Cond Mandatory frequencyBandListSUL MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB OPTIONAL, -- Need R
nrofSS-BlocksToAverageNumber of SS blocks to average for cell measurement derivation. If the field is absent, the UE uses the measurement quantity as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
INTEGER (2..maxNrofSS-BlocksToAverage) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidationThreshold for consolidation of L1 measurements per RS index. If the field is absent, the UE uses the measurement quantity as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
ThresholdNR OPTIONAL, -- Need S
smtcMeasurement timing configuration for inter-frequency measurement. If this field is absent, the UE assumes that SSB periodicity is 5 ms in this frequency. If the field is broadcast by an NTN cell, the offset (derived from parameter periodicityAndOffset) is based on the assumption that the gNB-UE propagation delay difference between the serving cell and neighbour cells equals to 0 ms, and UE can adjust the actual offset based on the actual propagation delay difference.
ssbSubcarrierSpacingSubcarrier spacing of SSB. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
ssb-ToMeasureThe set of SS blocks to be measured within the SMTC measurement duration (see TS 38.215 [9]). When the field is absent the UE measures on all SS-blocks.
SSB-ToMeasure OPTIONAL, -- Need S
deriveSSB-IndexFromCellThis field indicates whether the UE may use the timing of any detected cell on that frequency to derive the SSB index of all neighbour cells on that frequency. If this field is set to true, the UE assumes SFN and frame boundary alignment across cells on the neighbor frequency as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
BOOLEAN, ss-RSSI-Measurement SS-RSSI-Measurement OPTIONAL, -- Need R
q-RxLevMinParameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20].
q-RxLevMinSULParameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20].
Q-RxLevMin OPTIONAL, -- Need R
q-QualMinParameter "Qqualmin" in TS 38.304 [20]. If the field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of negative infinity for Qqualmin.
Q-QualMin OPTIONAL, -- Need S
p-MaxValue in dBm applicable for the neighbouring NR cells on this carrier frequency. If absent the UE applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-1 [15] in case of an FR1 cell, TS 38.101-2 [39] in case of an FR2 cell or TS 38.101-5 [75] in case of an NTN cell. In this release of the specification, if p-Max is present on a carrier frequency in FR2, the UE shall ignore the field and applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-2 [39] for FR2-1/2 or according to TS 38.101-5 [75] for FR2-NTN. This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT. The IAB-MT applies output power and emissions requirements, as specified in TS 38.174 [63]. The NCR-MT applies output power and emissions requirements as specified in TS 38.106 [79].
P-Max OPTIONAL, -- Need S
t-ReselectionNRParameter "TreselectionNR" in TS 38.304 [20].
t-ReselectionNR-SFParameter "Speed dependent ScalingFactor for TreselectionNR" in TS 38.304 [20]. If the field is absent, the UE behaviour is specified in TS 38.304 [20].
SpeedStateScaleFactors OPTIONAL, -- Need S
threshX-HighPParameter "ThreshX, HighP" in TS 38.304 [20].
threshX-LowPParameter "ThreshX, LowP" in TS 38.304 [20].
ReselectionThreshold, threshX-Q SEQUENCE {
threshX-HighQParameter "ThreshX, HighQ" in TS 38.304 [20].
threshX-LowQParameter "ThreshX, LowQ" in TS 38.304 [20].
ReselectionThresholdQ } OPTIONAL, -- Cond RSRQ cellReselectionPriority CellReselectionPriority OPTIONAL, -- Need R cellReselectionSubPriority CellReselectionSubPriority OPTIONAL, -- Need R
q-OffsetFreqParameter "Qoffsetfrequency" in TS 38.304 [20].
Q-OffsetRange DEFAULT dB0,
interFreqNeighCellListList of inter-frequency neighbouring cells with specific cell re-selection parameters. If interFreqNeighCellList-v1610 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in interFreqNeighCellList (without suffix).
InterFreqNeighCellList OPTIONAL, -- Need R
interFreqExcludedCellListList of exclude-listed inter-frequency neighbouring cells.
InterFreqExcludedCellList OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { interFreqNeighCellList-v1610 InterFreqNeighCellList-v1610 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
smtc2-LP-r16Measurement timing configuration for inter-frequency neighbour cells with a Long Periodicity (LP) indicated by periodicity in smtc2-LP. The timing offset and duration are equal to the offset and duration indicated in smtc in InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo. The periodicity in smtc2-LP can only be set to a value strictly larger than the periodicity in smtc in InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo (e.g. if smtc indicates sf20 the Long Periodicity can only be set to sf40, sf80 or sf160, if smtc indicates sf160, smtc2-LP cannot be configured). The pci-List, if present, includes the physical cell identities of the inter-frequency neighbour cells with Long Periodicity. If smtc2-LP is absent, the UE assumes that there are no inter-frequency neighbour cells with a Long Periodicity.
interFreqAllowedCellList-r16List of allow-listed inter-frequency neighbouring cells, see TS 38.304 [20], clause 5.2.4.
InterFreqAllowedCellList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum2
ssb-PositionQCL-Common-r16Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for inter-frequency neighbor cells as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum
interFreqCAG-CellList-r16List of inter-frequency neighbouring CAG cells (as defined in TS 38.304 [20] per PLMN.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMN)) OF InterFreqCAG-CellListPerPLMN-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R } InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
interFreqNeighHSDN-CellList-r17List of inter-frequency neighbouring HSDN cells as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
InterFreqNeighHSDN-CellList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
highSpeedMeasInterFreq-r17If the field is set to trueandUE supportshigh speed inter-frequency IDLE/INACTIVE measurements, the UE shall apply the enhanced inter-frequency RRM requirements on the inter-frequency carrier to support high speed up to 500 km/h in RRC_IDLE/RRC_INACTIVE as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
redCapAccessAllowed-r17Indicates whether RedCap UEs are allowed to access cells on the frequency.
ssb-PositionQCL-Common-r17Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for inter-frequency neighbor cells as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum interFreqNeighCellList-v1710 InterFreqNeighCellList-v1710 OPTIONAL -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 } InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1720 ::= SEQUENCE {
smtc4list-r17Measurement timing configuration list for NTN deployments, see clause The offset of each SSB-MTC4 in smtc4list is based on the assumption that the gNB-UE propagation delay difference between the serving cell and neighbour cells equals to 0 ms, and UE can adjust the actual offset based on the actual propagation delay difference. For a UE that supports less SMTCs than what is included in this list, it is up to the UE to select which SMTCs to consider.
SSB-MTC4List-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE {
channelAccessMode2-r17If present, this field indicates that the neighbor cells on the inter-frequency apply channel access mode procedures for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4 for FR2-2. If absent, the neighbor cells on the inter-frequency do not apply any channel access procedure.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R } InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyBandList-v1760 MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB-v1760 OPTIONAL, -- Need R frequencyBandListSUL-v1760 MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB-v1760 OPTIONAL -- Need R } InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE {
dl-CarrierFreq-r18This field indicates center frequency of the SS block of the neighbour cells, where the frequency corresponds to a GSCN value as specified in TS 38.101-1 [15] or TS 38.101-5 [75]. For a neighbouring carrier frequency when dl-CarrierFreq-r18 is included, the network sets the corresponding value of dl-CarrierFreq (without suffix) to 250, and the UE applies dl-CarrierFreq-r18 instead of dl-CarrierFreq (without suffix). In such case, if the UE doesnot support the GSCN value corresponding to the dl-CarrierFreq-r18, it ignores the corresponding neighbour cell.
ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, -- Cond LessThan5MHz
frequencyBandList-r18Indicates the list of frequency bands for which the NR cell reselection parameters apply.For a neighbouring carrier frequency when frequencyBandList-r18 is included, the network sets the corresponding value of freqBandIndicatorNR in frequencyBandList (without suffix) to 200, and the UE applies frequencyBandList-r18 instead of frequencyBandList (without suffix).
MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB OPTIONAL, -- Cond LessThan5MHz
frequencyBandListAerial-r18Indicates the list of frequency bands for aerial operation for which the NR cell reselection parameters apply. The UE behaviour in case the field is absent is described in clause
MultiFrequencyBandListNR-Aerial-SIB-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need S
mobileIAB-CellList-r18Contains a PCI range on which mobile IAB cells may be deployed.
PCI-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mobileIAB-Freq-r18If present, it indicates that a mobile IAB node may be deployed on the inter-frequency carrier.
eRedCapAccessAllowed-r18Indicates whether eRedCap UEs are allowed to access cells on the frequency.
tn-AreaIdList-r18List of TN area identifiers. The associated coverage information is provided in SIB25.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTN-AreaInfo-r18)) OF TN-AreaId-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
accessAllowed2RxXR-r18Indicates if the cells on the frequency support 2Rx XR UEs. If present, 2Rx XR UEs shall consider only these NR frequencies in cell reselection evaluation.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } InterFreqNeighHSDN-CellList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellInter)) OF PCI-Range InterFreqNeighCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellInter)) OF InterFreqNeighCellInfo InterFreqNeighCellList-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellInter)) OF InterFreqNeighCellInfo-v1610 InterFreqNeighCellList-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellInter)) OF InterFreqNeighCellInfo-v1710 InterFreqNeighCellInfo ::= SEQUENCE { physCellId PhysCellId,
q-OffsetCellParameter "Qoffsets,n" in TS 38.304 [20].
q-RxLevMinOffsetCellParameter "Qrxlevminoffsetcell" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qrxlevminoffsetcell = field value * 2 [dB].
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
q-RxLevMinOffsetCellSULParameter "QrxlevminoffsetcellSUL" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value QrxlevminoffsetcellSUL = field value * 2 [dB].
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
q-QualMinOffsetCellParameter "Qqualminoffsetcell" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qqualminoffsetcell = field value [dB].
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } InterFreqNeighCellInfo-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE {
ssb-PositionQCL-r16Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for a specific neighbor cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. If provided, the cell specific value overwrites the common value signalled by ssb-PositionQCL-Common in SIB4 for the indicated cell.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r16 OPTIONAL -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 } InterFreqNeighCellInfo-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE {
ssb-PositionQCL-r17Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for a specific neighbor cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. If provided, the cell specific value overwrites the common value signalled by ssb-PositionQCL-Common in SIB4 for the indicated cell.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 } InterFreqExcludedCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellExcluded)) OF PCI-Range InterFreqAllowedCellList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellAllowed)) OF PCI-Range InterFreqCAG-CellListPerPLMN-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
plmn-IdentityIndex-r16Index of the PLMN across the plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1.
INTEGER (1..maxPLMN), cag-CellList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCAG-Cell-r16)) OF PCI-Range } -- TAG-SIB4-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB4 field descriptions
Threshold for consolidation of L1 measurements per RS index. If the field is absent, the UE uses the measurement quantity as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Indicates if the cells on the frequency support 2Rx XR UEs. If present, 2Rx XR UEs shall consider only these NR frequencies in cell reselection evaluation.
If present, this field indicates that the neighbor cells on the inter-frequency apply channel access mode procedures for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4 for FR2-2. If absent, the neighbor cells on the inter-frequency do not apply any channel access procedure.
This field indicates whether the UE may use the timing of any detected cell on that frequency to derive the SSB index of all neighbour cells on that frequency. If this field is set to true, the UE assumes SFN and frame boundary alignment across cells on the neighbor frequency as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
This field indicates center frequency of the SS block of the neighbour cells, where the frequency corresponds to a GSCN value as specified in TS 38.101-1 [15] or TS 38.101-5 [75]. For a neighbouring carrier frequency when dl-CarrierFreq-r18 is included, the network sets the corresponding value of dl-CarrierFreq (without suffix) to 250, and the UE applies dl-CarrierFreq-r18 instead of dl-CarrierFreq (without suffix). In such case, if the UE doesnot support the GSCN value corresponding to the dl-CarrierFreq-r18, it ignores the corresponding neighbour cell.
Indicates whether eRedCap UEs are allowed to access cells on the frequency.
Indicates the list of frequency bands for which the NR cell reselection parameters apply.For a neighbouring carrier frequency when frequencyBandList-r18 is included, the network sets the corresponding value of freqBandIndicatorNR in frequencyBandList (without suffix) to 200, and the UE applies frequencyBandList-r18 instead of frequencyBandList (without suffix).
Indicates the list of frequency bands for aerial operation for which the NR cell reselection parameters apply. The UE behaviour in case the field is absent is described in clause
If the field is set to trueandUE supportshigh speed inter-frequency IDLE/INACTIVE measurements, the UE shall apply the enhanced inter-frequency RRM requirements on the inter-frequency carrier to support high speed up to 500 km/h in RRC_IDLE/RRC_INACTIVE as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
List of allow-listed inter-frequency neighbouring cells, see TS 38.304 [20], clause 5.2.4.
List of inter-frequency neighbouring CAG cells (as defined in TS 38.304 [20] per PLMN.
List of neighbouring carrier frequencies and frequency specific cell re-selection information. If interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1610, interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1700, interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1720,interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1730,interFreqCarrierFreqList-v1760or interFreqCarrierFreqInfo-v1800 are present, they shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in interFreqCarrierFreqList (without suffix).
List of exclude-listed inter-frequency neighbouring cells.
List of inter-frequency neighbouring cells with specific cell re-selection parameters. If interFreqNeighCellList-v1610 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in interFreqNeighCellList (without suffix).
List of inter-frequency neighbouring HSDN cells as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Contains a PCI range on which mobile IAB cells may be deployed.
If present, it indicates that a mobile IAB node may be deployed on the inter-frequency carrier.
Number of SS blocks to average for cell measurement derivation. If the field is absent, the UE uses the measurement quantity as specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Index of the PLMN across the plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1.
Value in dBm applicable for the neighbouring NR cells on this carrier frequency. If absent the UE applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-1 [15] in case of an FR1 cell, TS 38.101-2 [39] in case of an FR2 cell or TS 38.101-5 [75] in case of an NTN cell. In this release of the specification, if p-Max is present on a carrier frequency in FR2, the UE shall ignore the field and applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-2 [39] for FR2-1/2 or according to TS 38.101-5 [75] for FR2-NTN. This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT. The IAB-MT applies output power and emissions requirements, as specified in TS 38.174 [63]. The NCR-MT applies output power and emissions requirements as specified in TS 38.106 [79].
Parameter "Qoffsets,n" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "Qoffsetfrequency" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "Qqualmin" in TS 38.304 [20]. If the field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of negative infinity for Qqualmin.
Parameter "Qqualminoffsetcell" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qqualminoffsetcell = field value [dB].
Parameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "Qrxlevminoffsetcell" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qrxlevminoffsetcell = field value * 2 [dB].
Parameter "QrxlevminoffsetcellSUL" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value QrxlevminoffsetcellSUL = field value * 2 [dB].
Parameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20].
Indicates whether RedCap UEs are allowed to access cells on the frequency.
Measurement timing configuration for inter-frequency measurement. If this field is absent, the UE assumes that SSB periodicity is 5 ms in this frequency. If the field is broadcast by an NTN cell, the offset (derived from parameter periodicityAndOffset) is based on the assumption that the gNB-UE propagation delay difference between the serving cell and neighbour cells equals to 0 ms, and UE can adjust the actual offset based on the actual propagation delay difference.
Measurement timing configuration for inter-frequency neighbour cells with a Long Periodicity (LP) indicated by periodicity in smtc2-LP. The timing offset and duration are equal to the offset and duration indicated in smtc in InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo. The periodicity in smtc2-LP can only be set to a value strictly larger than the periodicity in smtc in InterFreqCarrierFreqInfo (e.g. if smtc indicates sf20 the Long Periodicity can only be set to sf40, sf80 or sf160, if smtc indicates sf160, smtc2-LP cannot be configured). The pci-List, if present, includes the physical cell identities of the inter-frequency neighbour cells with Long Periodicity. If smtc2-LP is absent, the UE assumes that there are no inter-frequency neighbour cells with a Long Periodicity.
Measurement timing configuration list for NTN deployments, see clause The offset of each SSB-MTC4 in smtc4list is based on the assumption that the gNB-UE propagation delay difference between the serving cell and neighbour cells equals to 0 ms, and UE can adjust the actual offset based on the actual propagation delay difference. For a UE that supports less SMTCs than what is included in this list, it is up to the UE to select which SMTCs to consider.
Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for a specific neighbor cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. If provided, the cell specific value overwrites the common value signalled by ssb-PositionQCL-Common in SIB4 for the indicated cell.
Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for inter-frequency neighbor cells as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
The set of SS blocks to be measured within the SMTC measurement duration (see TS 38.215 [9]). When the field is absent the UE measures on all SS-blocks.
Subcarrier spacing of SSB. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
Parameter "ThreshX, HighP" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "ThreshX, HighQ" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "ThreshX, LowP" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "ThreshX, LowQ" in TS 38.304 [20].
List of TN area identifiers. The associated coverage information is provided in SIB25.
Parameter "TreselectionNR" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "Speed dependent ScalingFactor for TreselectionNR" in TS 38.304 [20]. If the field is absent, the UE behaviour is specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if the carrierBandwidth in SIB1 indicates UL or DL transmission bandwidth other than 15 PRB and the corresponding neighbour cell(s) support(s) 12 PRB, 15 PRB or 20 PRB transmission bandwidth configuration as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.211 [16] and TS 38.213 [13]. Otherwise, the field is optional, Need R.
The field is mandatory present in SIB4.
The field is mandatory present if threshServingLowQ is present in SIB2; otherwise it is absent.
This field is mandatory present if this inter-frequency operates with shared spectrum channel access. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
The field is optional present, Need R, if this inter-frequency or neighbor cell operates with shared spectrum channel access. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.

SIB5 contains information relevant only for inter-RAT cell re-selection i.e. information about E-UTRA frequencies and E-UTRAs neighbouring cells relevant for cell re-selection. The IE includes cell re-selection parameters common for a frequency.
carrierFreqListEUTRAList of carrier frequencies of E-UTRA. If the carrierFreqListEUTRA-v1610/ carrierFreqListEUTRA-v1700/ carrierFreqListEUTRA-v1800 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in the carrierFreqListEUTRA (without suffix).
CarrierFreqListEUTRA OPTIONAL, -- Need R
t-ReselectionEUTRAParameter "TreselectionEUTRA" in TS 38.304 [20].
t-ReselectionEUTRA-SFParameter "Speed dependent ScalingFactor for TreselectionEUTRA" in TS 38.304 [20]. If the field is absent, the UE behaviour is specified in TS 38.304 [20].
SpeedStateScaleFactors OPTIONAL, -- Need S lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ..., [[ carrierFreqListEUTRA-v1610 CarrierFreqListEUTRA-v1610 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ carrierFreqListEUTRA-v1700 CarrierFreqListEUTRA-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
idleModeMeasVoiceFallback-r17Indicates whether E-UTRA idle/inactive measurements and reporting for EPS fallback can be used.
ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ carrierFreqListEUTRA-v1800 CarrierFreqListEUTRA-v1800 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } CarrierFreqListEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxEUTRA-Carrier)) OF CarrierFreqEUTRA CarrierFreqListEUTRA-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxEUTRA-Carrier)) OF CarrierFreqEUTRA-v1610 CarrierFreqListEUTRA-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxEUTRA-Carrier)) OF CarrierFreqEUTRA-v1700 CarrierFreqListEUTRA-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxEUTRA-Carrier)) OF CarrierFreqEUTRA-v1800 CarrierFreqEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { carrierFreq ARFCN-ValueEUTRA,
eutra-multiBandInfoListIndicates the list of frequency bands in addition to the band represented by carrierFreq for which cell reselection parameters are common, and a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission values, as defined in TS 36.101 [22], table 6.2.4-1, for the frequency bands in eutra-multiBandInfoList
EUTRA-MultiBandInfoList OPTIONAL, -- Need R eutra-FreqNeighCellList EUTRA-FreqNeighCellList OPTIONAL, -- Need R
eutra-ExcludedCellListList of exclude-listed E-UTRA neighbouring cells.
EUTRA-FreqExcludedCellList OPTIONAL, -- Need R allowedMeasBandwidth EUTRA-AllowedMeasBandwidth, presenceAntennaPort1 EUTRA-PresenceAntennaPort1, cellReselectionPriority CellReselectionPriority OPTIONAL, -- Need R cellReselectionSubPriority CellReselectionSubPriority OPTIONAL, -- Need R
threshX-HighParameter "ThreshX, HighP" in TS 38.304 [20].
threshX-LowParameter "ThreshX, LowP" in TS 38.304 [20].
q-RxLevMinParameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 36.304 [27]. Actual value Qrxlevmin = field value * 2 [dBm].
INTEGER (-70..-22),
q-QualMinParameter "Qqualmin" in TS 36.304 [27]. Actual value Qqualmin = field value [dB].
INTEGER (-34..-3),
p-MaxEUTRAThe maximum allowed transmission power in dBm on the (uplink) carrier frequency, see TS 36.304 [27].
INTEGER (-30..33), threshX-Q SEQUENCE {
threshX-HighQParameter "ThreshX, HighQ" in TS 38.304 [20].
threshX-LowQParameter "ThreshX, LowQ" in TS 38.304 [20].
ReselectionThresholdQ } OPTIONAL -- Cond RSRQ } CarrierFreqEUTRA-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE {
highSpeedEUTRACarrier-r16If the field is present, the UE shall apply the enhanced NR-EUTRA inter-RAT measurement requirements to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14] to the E-UTRA carrier.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } CarrierFreqEUTRA-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
eutra-FreqNeighHSDN-CellList-r17List of neighbouring EUTRA HSDN cells as specified in TS 36.304 [27].
EUTRA-FreqNeighHSDN-CellList-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } CarrierFreqEUTRA-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { eutra-MultiBandInfoListAerial-r18 EUTRA-MultiBandInfoListAerial-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
tn-AreaIdList-r18List of TN area identifiers. The associated coverage information is provided in SIB25.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTN-AreaInfo-r18)) OF TN-AreaId-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need R } EUTRA-FreqNeighHSDN-CellList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellEUTRA)) OF EUTRA-PhysCellIdRange EUTRA-FreqExcludedCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxEUTRA-CellExcluded)) OF EUTRA-PhysCellIdRange EUTRA-FreqNeighCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellEUTRA)) OF EUTRA-FreqNeighCellInfo EUTRA-FreqNeighCellInfo ::= SEQUENCE { physCellId EUTRA-PhysCellId,
dummyThis field is not used in the specification. If received it shall be ignored by the UE.
q-RxLevMinOffsetCellParameter "Qrxlevminoffsetcell" in TS 36.304 [27]. Actual value Qrxlevminoffsetcell = field value * 2 [dB].
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
q-QualMinOffsetCellParameter "Qqualminoffsetcell" in TS 36.304 [27]. Actual value Qqualminoffsetcell = field value [dB].
SIB5 field descriptions
List of carrier frequencies of E-UTRA. If the carrierFreqListEUTRA-v1610/ carrierFreqListEUTRA-v1700/ carrierFreqListEUTRA-v1800 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in the carrierFreqListEUTRA (without suffix).
This field is not used in the specification. If received it shall be ignored by the UE.
List of exclude-listed E-UTRA neighbouring cells.
List of neighbouring EUTRA HSDN cells as specified in TS 36.304 [27].
Indicates the list of frequency bands in addition to the band represented by carrierFreq for which cell reselection parameters are common, and a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission values, as defined in TS 36.101 [22], table 6.2.4-1, for the frequency bands in eutra-multiBandInfoList
If the field is present, the UE shall apply the enhanced NR-EUTRA inter-RAT measurement requirements to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14] to the E-UTRA carrier.
Indicates whether E-UTRA idle/inactive measurements and reporting for EPS fallback can be used.
The maximum allowed transmission power in dBm on the (uplink) carrier frequency, see TS 36.304 [27].
Parameter "Qqualmin" in TS 36.304 [27]. Actual value Qqualmin = field value [dB].
Parameter "Qqualminoffsetcell" in TS 36.304 [27]. Actual value Qqualminoffsetcell = field value [dB].
Parameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 36.304 [27]. Actual value Qrxlevmin = field value * 2 [dBm].
Parameter "Qrxlevminoffsetcell" in TS 36.304 [27]. Actual value Qrxlevminoffsetcell = field value * 2 [dB].
Parameter "TreselectionEUTRA" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "ThreshX, HighP" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "ThreshX, HighQ" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "ThreshX, LowP" in TS 38.304 [20].
Parameter "ThreshX, LowQ" in TS 38.304 [20].
List of TN area identifiers. The associated coverage information is provided in SIB25.
Parameter "Speed dependent ScalingFactor for TreselectionEUTRA" in TS 38.304 [20]. If the field is absent, the UE behaviour is specified in TS 38.304 [20].
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if the threshServingLowQ is present in SIB2; otherwise it is absent.

SIB6 contains an ETWS primary notification.
messageIdentifierIdentifies the source and type of ETWS notification.
serialNumberIdentifies variations of an ETWS notification.
warningTypeIdentifies the warning type of the ETWS primary notification and provides information on emergency user alert and UE popup.
SIB6 field descriptions
Identifies the source and type of ETWS notification.
Identifies variations of an ETWS notification.
Identifies the warning type of the ETWS primary notification and provides information on emergency user alert and UE popup.

SIB7 contains an ETWS secondary notification.
messageIdentifierIdentifies the source and type of ETWS notification.
serialNumberIdentifies variations of an ETWS notification.
warningMessageSegmentTypeIndicates whether the included ETWS warning message segment is the last segment or not.
ENUMERATED {notLastSegment, lastSegment},
warningMessageSegmentNumberSegment number of the ETWS warning message segment contained in the SIB. A segment number of zero corresponds to the first segment, A segment number of one corresponds to the second segment, and so on.
INTEGER (0..63),
warningMessageSegmentCarries a segment of the Warning Message Contents IE.
dataCodingSchemeIdentifies the alphabet/coding and the language applied variations of an ETWS notification.
OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL, -- Cond Segment1 lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-SIB7-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB7 field descriptions
Identifies the alphabet/coding and the language applied variations of an ETWS notification.
Identifies the source and type of ETWS notification.
Identifies variations of an ETWS notification.
Carries a segment of the Warning Message Contents IE.
Segment number of the ETWS warning message segment contained in the SIB. A segment number of zero corresponds to the first segment, A segment number of one corresponds to the second segment, and so on.
Indicates whether the included ETWS warning message segment is the last segment or not.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present in the first segment of SIB7, otherwise it is absent.

SIB8 contains a CMAS notification.
messageIdentifierIdentifies the source and type of CMAS notification.
serialNumberIdentifies variations of a CMAS notification.
warningMessageSegmentTypeIndicates whether the included CMAS warning message segment is the last segment or not. If warning area coordinates are provided for the warning message, then this field applies to both warning message segment and warning area coordinates segment.
ENUMERATED {notLastSegment, lastSegment},
warningMessageSegmentNumberSegment number of the CMAS warning message segment contained in the SIB. A segment number of zero corresponds to the first segment, one corresponds to the second segment, and so on. If warning area coordinates are provided for the warning message, then this field applies to both warning message segment and warning area coordinates segment.
INTEGER (0..63),
warningMessageSegmentCarries a segment, with one or more octets, of the Warning Message Contents IE defined in TS 38.413 [42]. The first octet of the Warning Message Contents IE is equivalent to the first octet of the CB data IE defined in and encoded according to TS 23.041 [29], clause, and so on.
dataCodingSchemeIdentifies the alphabet/coding and the language applied variations of a CMAS notification.
OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL, -- Cond Segment1
warningAreaCoordinatesSegmentIf present, carries a segment, with one or more octets, of the geographical area where the CMAS warning message is valid as defined in [28]. The first octet of the first warningAreaCoordinatesSegment is equivalent to the first octet of Warning Area Coordinates IE defined in and encoded according to TS 23.041 [29] and so on.
SIB8 field descriptions
Identifies the alphabet/coding and the language applied variations of a CMAS notification.
Identifies the source and type of CMAS notification.
Identifies variations of a CMAS notification.
If present, carries a segment, with one or more octets, of the geographical area where the CMAS warning message is valid as defined in [28]. The first octet of the first warningAreaCoordinatesSegment is equivalent to the first octet of Warning Area Coordinates IE defined in and encoded according to TS 23.041 [29] and so on.
Carries a segment, with one or more octets, of the Warning Message Contents IE defined in TS 38.413 [42]. The first octet of the Warning Message Contents IE is equivalent to the first octet of the CB data IE defined in and encoded according to TS 23.041 [29], clause, and so on.
Segment number of the CMAS warning message segment contained in the SIB. A segment number of zero corresponds to the first segment, one corresponds to the second segment, and so on. If warning area coordinates are provided for the warning message, then this field applies to both warning message segment and warning area coordinates segment.
Indicates whether the included CMAS warning message segment is the last segment or not. If warning area coordinates are provided for the warning message, then this field applies to both warning message segment and warning area coordinates segment.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present in the first segment of SIB8, otherwise it is absent.

SIB9 contains information related to GPS time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The UE may use the parameters provided in this system information block to obtain the UTC,the GPS and the local time.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SIB9-START SIB9 ::= SEQUENCE { timeInfo SEQUENCE { timeInfoUTC INTEGER (0..549755813887), dayLightSavingTime BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL, -- Need R leapSeconds INTEGER (-127..128) OPTIONAL, -- Need R localTimeOffset INTEGER (-63..64) OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ..., [[ referenceTimeInfo-r16 ReferenceTimeInfo-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ eventID-TSS-r18 INTEGER (0..63) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-SIB9-STOP -- ASN1STOP

SIB10 contains the HRNNs of the NPNs listed in SIB1. SIB10 information element
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SIB10-START SIB10-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { hrnn-List-r16 HRNN-List-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } HRNN-List-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF HRNN-r16 HRNN-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { hrnn-r16 OCTET STRING (SIZE(1.. maxHRNN-Len-r16)) OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-SIB10-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB9 field descriptions
Indicates if and how daylight-saving time (DST) is applied to obtain the local time.The semantics are the same as the semantics of the Daylight Saving Time IE in TS 24.501 [23] and TS 24.008 [38]. The first/leftmost bit of the bit string contains the b2 of octet 3 and the second bit of the bit string contains b1 of octet 3 in the value part of theDaylight Saving Time IE in TS 24.008 [38].
This field indicates the status of the 5G access stratum time distribution parameter Clock Quality Reporting Control Information as defined in TS 23.501 [32].
Number of leap seconds offset between GPS Time and UTC. UTC and GPS time are related i.e. GPS time -leapSeconds = UTC time.
Offset between UTC and local time in units of 15 minutes. Actual value = field value * 15 minutes. Local time of the day is calculated as UTC time + localTimeOffset.
Coordinated Universal Time corresponding to the SFN boundary at or immediately after the ending boundary of the SI-window in which SIB9 is transmitted. In an NTN cell, the indicated time is referenced at the uplink time synchronization reference point (RP), i.e., UE should take into account the propagation delay between UE and RP when determining the UTC time at the UE. The field counts the number of UTC seconds in 10 ms units since 00:00:00 on Gregorian calendar date 1 January, 1900 (midnight between Sunday, December 31, 1899 and Monday, January 1, 1900). See NOTE 1. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of timeInfoUTC should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1.
SIB10 field descriptions
The same amount of HRNN (see TS 23.003 [21]) elements as the number of NPNs in SIB 1 are included. The n-th entry of HRNN-List contains the human readable network name of the n-th NPN of SIB1. The hrnn in the corresponding entry in HRNN-List is absent if there is no HRNN associated with the given NPN.

SIB11 contains information related to idle/inactive measurements.
measIdleConfigSIB-r16Indicates measurement configuration to be stored and used by the UE while in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
MeasIdleConfigSIB-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need S lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-SIB11-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB11 field descriptions
Indicates measurement configuration to be stored and used by the UE while in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.

SIB12 contains NR sidelink communication/discovery configuration.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SIB12-START SIB12-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { segmentNumber-r16 INTEGER (0..63), segmentType-r16 ENUMERATED {notLastSegment, lastSegment}, segmentContainer-r16 OCTET STRING } SIB12-IEs-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-ConfigCommonNR-r16 SL-ConfigCommonNR-r16, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ..., [[ sl-DRX-ConfigCommonGC-BC-r17 SL-DRX-ConfigGC-BC-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-DiscConfigCommon-r17 SL-DiscConfigCommon-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-L2U2N-Relay-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-NonRelayDiscovery-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-L3U2N-RelayDiscovery-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-TimersAndConstantsRemoteUE-r17 UE-TimersAndConstantsRemoteUE-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-1-r18)) OF SL-FreqConfigCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-RLC-BearerConfigListSizeExt-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-LCID-r16)) OF SL-RLC-BearerConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SyncFreqList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-Freq-Id-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SyncTxMultiFreq-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need S sl-MaxTransPowerCA-r18 P-Max OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-DiscConfigCommon-v1800 SL-DiscConfigCommon-v1800 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-L2-U2U-Relay-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-L3-U2U-RelayDiscovery-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R t400-U2U-r18 ENUMERATED {ms200, ms400, ms600, ms800, ms1200, ms2000, ms3000, ms4000} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ sl-DiscConfigCommon-v1840 SL-DiscConfigCommon-v1840 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } SL-ConfigCommonNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-FreqInfoList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-FreqConfigCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-UE-SelectedConfig-r16 SL-UE-SelectedConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-NR-AnchorCarrierFreqList-r16 SL-NR-AnchorCarrierFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-EUTRA-AnchorCarrierFreqList-r16 SL-EUTRA-AnchorCarrierFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-RadioBearerConfigList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSLRB-r16)) OF SL-RadioBearerConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-RLC-BearerConfigList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-LCID-r16)) OF SL-RLC-BearerConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-MeasConfigCommon-r16 SL-MeasConfigCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-CSI-Acquisition-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-OffsetDFN-r16 INTEGER (1..1000) OPTIONAL, -- Need R t400-r16 ENUMERATED {ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-MaxNumConsecutiveDTX-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n6, n8, n16, n32} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SSB-PriorityNR-r16 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL -- Need R } SL-NR-AnchorCarrierFreqList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqSL-NR-r16)) OF ARFCN-ValueNR SL-EUTRA-AnchorCarrierFreqList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqSL-EUTRA-r16)) OF ARFCN-ValueEUTRA SL-DiscConfigCommon-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RelayUE-ConfigCommon-r17 SL-RelayUE-Config-r17, sl-RemoteUE-ConfigCommon-r17 SL-RemoteUE-Config-r17 } SL-DiscConfigCommon-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RelayUE-ConfigCommonU2U-r18 SL-RelayUE-ConfigU2U-r18, sl-RemoteUE-ConfigCommonU2U-r18 SL-RemoteUE-ConfigU2U-r18 } SL-DiscConfigCommon-v1840 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RelayUE-ConfigCommonU2U-v1840 SL-RelayUE-ConfigU2U-v1840, sl-RemoteUE-ConfigCommonU2U-v1840 SL-RemoteUE-ConfigU2U-v1830 } -- TAG-SIB12-STOP -- ASN1STOP

SIB13 contains configurations of V2X sidelink communication defined in TS 36.331 [10].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SIB13-START SIB13-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-V2X-ConfigCommon-r16 OCTET STRING, dummy OCTET STRING, tdd-Config-r16 OCTET STRING, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-SIB13-STOP -- ASN1STOP

SIB14 contains configurations of V2X sidelink communication defined in TS 36.331 [10], which can be used jointly with that included in SIB13.
sl-V2X-ConfigCommonExt-r16This field includes the E-UTRA SystemInformationBlockType26 message as specified in TS 36.331 [10].
SIB12field descriptions
This field includes a segment of the encoded SIB12-IEs. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough that the SIB message size is less than or equal to the maximum size of a NR SI, i.e. 2976 bits when SIB12 is broadcast.
This field identifies the sequence number of a segment of SIB12-IEs. A segment number of zero corresponds to the first segment, A segment number of one corresponds to the second segment, and so on.
This field indicates whether the included segment is the last segment or not.
This field indicates whether CSI reporting is enabled in sidelink unicast. If not set, SL CSI reporting is disabled.
This field indicates the sidelink DRX configuration for groupcast and broadcast communication, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].This field, if present, also indicates the gNB is capable of sidelink DRX.
This field indicates the EUTRA anchor carrier frequency list, which can provide the NR sidelink communication configurations.
sl-FreqInfoList, sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt
This field indicates the NR sidelink communication/discovery configuration on some carrier frequency (ies). In this release, only one entry can be configured in sl-FreqInfoList. More entries can be configured in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt.
This field indicates the support of NR sidelink Layer-2 U2N relay operation.
This field indicates the support of NR sidelink Layer-2 U2U relay operation.
This field indicates the support of L3 U2N relay AS-layer capability, i.e. NR sidelink L3 U2N relay discovery.
This field indicates the support of L3 U2U relay AS-layer capability, i.e. NR sidelink L3 U2U relay discovery.
This field indicates the maximum number of consecutive HARQ DTX before triggering sidelink RLF. Value n1 corresponds to 1, value n2 corresponds to 2, and so on.
The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE across all sidelink carriers.
This field indicates the measurement configurations (e.g. RSRP) for NR sidelink communication.
This field indicates the support of NR sidelink non-relay discovery.
This field indicates the NR anchor carrier frequency list, which can provide the NR sidelink communication/discovery configurations.
Indicates the timing offset for the UE to determine DFN timing when GNSS is used for timing reference. Value 1 corresponds to 0.001 milliseconds, value 2 corresponds to 0.002 milliseconds, and so on.
This field indicates one or multiple sidelink radio bearer configurations.
sl-RLC-BearerConfigList, sl-RLC-BearerConfigListSizeExt
This field indicates one or multiple sidelink RLC bearer configurations. For L2 U2U operation, sl-RLC-BearerConfigList also indicates the PC5 Relay RLC Channel configurations.
This field indicates the priority of NR sidelink SSB transmission and reception.
Indicates a list of candidate carrier frequencies that can be used for the synchronisation of NR sidelink communication. For SL-Freq-Id-r16, the value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
Indicates that the UE transmits S-SSB on multiple carrier frequencies for NR sidelink communication. If this field is absent, the UE transmits S-SSB only on the synchronisation carrier frequency.
Indicates the value for timer T400 as described in clause 7.1. Value ms100 corresponds to 100 ms, value ms200 corresponds to 200 ms and so on.
Indicates the value for timer T400 to be applied for end-to-end PC5 connection in sidelink U2U relay operation as described in clause 7.1. Value ms200 corresponds to 200 ms, value ms400 corresponds to 400 ms and so on.
SIB13field descriptions
This field is not used in the specification and the UE ignores the received value.
This field includes the E-UTRA SystemInformationBlockType21 message as specified in TS 36.331 [10].
This field includes the tdd-Config in E-UTRA SystemInformationBlockType1 message as specified in TS 36.331 [10].
SIB14field descriptions
This field includes the E-UTRA SystemInformationBlockType26 message as specified in TS 36.331 [10].

SIB15 contains configurations of disaster roaming information.
commonPLMNsWithDisasterCondition-r17A list of PLMN(s) for which disaster condition applies and that disaster inbound roaming is accepted, which can be commonly applicable to the PLMNs sharing the cell.
applicableDisasterInfoList-r17A list indicating the applicable disaster roaming information for the networks indicated in plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList-r16. The network indicates in this list one entry for each entry of plmn-IdentityInfoList, followed by one entry for each entry of npn-IdentityInfoList-r16, meaning that this list will have as many entries as the number of entries of the combination of plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList-r16. The first entry in this list indicates the disaster roaming information applicable for the network(s) in the first entry of plmn-IdentityInfoList/npn-IdentityInfoList-r16, the second entry in this list indicates the disaster roaming information applicable for the network(s) in the second entry of plmn-IdentityInfoList/npn-IdentityInfoList-r16, and so on. Each entry in this list can either be having the value noDisasterRoaming, disasterRelatedIndication, commonPLMNs, or dedicatedPLMNs. If an entry in this list takes the value noDisasterRoaming, disaster inbound roaming is not allowed in this network(s). If an entry in this list takes the value disasterRelatedIndication, the meaning of this field for this network(s) is as specified for "disaster related indication" in TS 23.122 [74], clause If an entry in this list takes the value commonPLMNs, the PLMN(s) with disaster conditions indicated in the field commonPLMNsWithDisasterCondition apply for this network(s). If an entry in this list contains the value dedicatedPLMNs, the listed PLMN(s) are the PLMN(s) with disaster conditions that the network(s) corresponding to this entry accepts disaster inbound roamers from. For SNPNs, the network indicates the value noDisasterRoaming.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMN)) OF ApplicableDisasterInfo-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } ApplicableDisasterInfo-r17 ::= CHOICE { noDisasterRoaming-r17 NULL, disasterRelatedIndication-r17 NULL, commonPLMNs-r17 NULL, dedicatedPLMNs-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMN)) OF PLMN-Identity } -- TAG-SIB15-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB15field descriptions
A list of PLMN(s) for which disaster condition applies and that disaster inbound roaming is accepted, which can be commonly applicable to the PLMNs sharing the cell.
A list indicating the applicable disaster roaming information for the networks indicated in plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList-r16. The network indicates in this list one entry for each entry of plmn-IdentityInfoList, followed by one entry for each entry of npn-IdentityInfoList-r16, meaning that this list will have as many entries as the number of entries of the combination of plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList-r16. The first entry in this list indicates the disaster roaming information applicable for the network(s) in the first entry of plmn-IdentityInfoList/npn-IdentityInfoList-r16, the second entry in this list indicates the disaster roaming information applicable for the network(s) in the second entry of plmn-IdentityInfoList/npn-IdentityInfoList-r16, and so on. Each entry in this list can either be having the value noDisasterRoaming, disasterRelatedIndication, commonPLMNs, or dedicatedPLMNs. If an entry in this list takes the value noDisasterRoaming, disaster inbound roaming is not allowed in this network(s). If an entry in this list takes the value disasterRelatedIndication, the meaning of this field for this network(s) is as specified for "disaster related indication" in TS 23.122 [74], clause If an entry in this list takes the value commonPLMNs, the PLMN(s) with disaster conditions indicated in the field commonPLMNsWithDisasterCondition apply for this network(s). If an entry in this list contains the value dedicatedPLMNs, the listed PLMN(s) are the PLMN(s) with disaster conditions that the network(s) corresponding to this entry accepts disaster inbound roamers from. For SNPNs, the network indicates the value noDisasterRoaming.

SIB16 contains configurations of slice-based cell reselection information.
freqPriorityListSlicing-r17This field indicates cell reselection priorities for slicing.
FreqPriorityListSlicing-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-SIB16-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB16field descriptions
This field indicates cell reselection priorities for slicing.

SIB17 contains configurations of TRS resources for idle/inactive UEs.
segmentNumber-r17This field identifies the sequence number of a segment of SIB17-IEs. A segment number of zero corresponds to the first segment, a segment number of one corresponds to the second segment, and so on.
INTEGER (0..63),
segmentType-r17This field indicates whether the included segment is the last segment or not.
ENUMERATED {notLastSegment, lastSegment},
segmentContainer-r17This field includes a segment of the encoded SIB17-IEs. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough that the SIB message size is less than or equal to the maximum size of a NR SI, i.e. 2976 bits when SIB17 is broadcast.
trs-ResourceSetConfig-r17RS configuration of TRS occasion(s) for idle/inactive UE(s), in terms of a list of N>=1 NZP TRS resource set(s). The maximum number of TRS resource sets configured by higher layer is 64. If a TRS resource is configured, the L1 based availability indication is always enabled based on that configuration. A UE which acquired SIB17 with a TRS configuration but did not yet receive an associated L1-based availability indication considers the configured TRS as unavailable. If SIB scheduling indicates that SIB17 has changed, the UE considers its configured TRS(s) as unavailable until it receives the associated L1-based availability indication(s).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTRS-ResourceSets-r17)) OF TRS-ResourceSet-r17,
validityDuration-r17The valid time duration for L1 availability indication, time unit is one default paging cycle. When the field is absent, UE assumes a default time duration to be 2 default paging cycles.The field is only valid while the UE has a valid SIB17.
ENUMERATED {t1, t2, t4, t8, t16, t32, t64, t128, t256, t512, infinity, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need S lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } TRS-ResourceSet-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
powerControlOffsetSS-r17Power offset (dB) of NZP CSI-RS RE to SSS RE.
ENUMERATED {db-3, db0, db3, db6},
scramblingID-Info-r17One or more scrambling IDs are configured for a TRS resource set. If a common scrambling ID is configured, it applies to all the TRS resources within the TRS resource set. Otherwise, each TRS resource within the TRS resource set is provided with a scrambling ID. If the number of TRS resources for the TRS resource set is 2, scramblingIDperResourceListWith2-r17 is configured, while scramblingIDperResourceListWith4-r17 is configured for the case that the number of TRS resources for the TRS resource set is 4.
CHOICE { scramblingIDforCommon-r17 ScramblingId, scramblingIDperResourceListWith2-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (2)) OF ScramblingId, scramblingIDperResourceListWith4-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (4)) OF ScramblingId, ... },
firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain-r17The index of the first OFDM symbol in the PRB used for TRS in a slot. The field indicates the first symbol in a slotfor the first TRS resource within the slot, and the symbol for the second TRS resource in the same slot can be derived implicitly with symbol index as firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain+4.
INTEGER (0..9),
startingRB-r17The PRB index where corresponding TRS resource starts in relation to common resource block #0 (CRB#0) on the common resource block grid.
INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1),
nrofRBs-r17Number of PRBs across which corresponding TRS resource spans.
INTEGER (24..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocksPlus1),
ssb-Index-r17The index of reference SSB with which quasi-collocation information is provided as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
periodicityAndOffset-r17The periodicity and slot offset (slot) for periodicTRS. It is used to determine the location of the first slot of TRS resource set. The periodicity value slots10 corresponds to 10 slots, value slots20 corresponds to 20 slots, and so on. Only the following values of the periodicity are used: 10 slots (SCS 15 kHz), 20 slots (SCS 15 and 30 kHz) and 40 slots (SCS 15, 30 and 60 kHz) and 80 slots (SCS 15, 30, 60, 120 kHz).
CHOICE { slots10 INTEGER (0..9), slots20 INTEGER (0..19), slots40 INTEGER (0..39), slots80 INTEGER (0..79) },
frequencyDomainAllocation-r17Indicates the offset of the first RE to RE#0 in a RB in row1 in table for frequency domain allocation within a physical resource block (TS 38.211 [16], clause
indBitID-r17The index of the associatedbit in TRS availability indication field in DCI. Each TRS resource set is configured with an ID i for the association with (i+1)-th indication bit in TRS availability indication field in DCI.
INTEGER (0..5),
nrofResources-r17The number of TRS resources for a TRS resource set.
SIB17field descriptions
This field includes a segment of the encoded SIB17-IEs. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough that the SIB message size is less than or equal to the maximum size of a NR SI, i.e. 2976 bits when SIB17 is broadcast.
This field identifies the sequence number of a segment of SIB17-IEs. A segment number of zero corresponds to the first segment, a segment number of one corresponds to the second segment, and so on.
This field indicates whether the included segment is the last segment or not.
RS configuration of TRS occasion(s) for idle/inactive UE(s), in terms of a list of N>=1 NZP TRS resource set(s). The maximum number of TRS resource sets configured by higher layer is 64. If a TRS resource is configured, the L1 based availability indication is always enabled based on that configuration. A UE which acquired SIB17 with a TRS configuration but did not yet receive an associated L1-based availability indication considers the configured TRS as unavailable. If SIB scheduling indicates that SIB17 has changed, the UE considers its configured TRS(s) as unavailable until it receives the associated L1-based availability indication(s).
The valid time duration for L1 availability indication, time unit is one default paging cycle. When the field is absent, UE assumes a default time duration to be 2 default paging cycles.The field is only valid while the UE has a valid SIB17.
TRS-ResourceSetfield descriptions
The index of the first OFDM symbol in the PRB used for TRS in a slot. The field indicates the first symbol in a slotfor the first TRS resource within the slot, and the symbol for the second TRS resource in the same slot can be derived implicitly with symbol index as firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain+4.
Indicates the offset of the first RE to RE#0 in a RB in row1 in table for frequency domain allocation within a physical resource block (TS 38.211 [16], clause
The index of the associatedbit in TRS availability indication field in DCI. Each TRS resource set is configured with an ID i for the association with (i+1)-th indication bit in TRS availability indication field in DCI.
Number of PRBs across which corresponding TRS resource spans.
The number of TRS resources for a TRS resource set.
The periodicity and slot offset (slot) for periodicTRS. It is used to determine the location of the first slot of TRS resource set. The periodicity value slots10 corresponds to 10 slots, value slots20 corresponds to 20 slots, and so on. Only the following values of the periodicity are used: 10 slots (SCS 15 kHz), 20 slots (SCS 15 and 30 kHz) and 40 slots (SCS 15, 30 and 60 kHz) and 80 slots (SCS 15, 30, 60, 120 kHz).
Power offset (dB) of NZP CSI-RS RE to SSS RE.
One or more scrambling IDs are configured for a TRS resource set. If a common scrambling ID is configured, it applies to all the TRS resources within the TRS resource set. Otherwise, each TRS resource within the TRS resource set is provided with a scrambling ID. If the number of TRS resources for the TRS resource set is 2, scramblingIDperResourceListWith2-r17 is configured, while scramblingIDperResourceListWith4-r17 is configured for the case that the number of TRS resources for the TRS resource set is 4.
The index of reference SSB with which quasi-collocation information is provided as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
The PRB index where corresponding TRS resource starts in relation to common resource block #0 (CRB#0) on the common resource block grid.

SIB17bis contains configurations of TRS resources for idle/inactive UEs. SIB17bis is optionally scheduled if SIB17 is not scheduled.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SIB17bis-START SIB17bis-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
segmentNumber-r18This field identifies the sequence number of a segment of SIB17bis-IEs. A segment number of zero corresponds to the first segment, a segment number of one corresponds to the second segment, and so on.
INTEGER (0..63),
segmentType-r18This field indicates whether the included segment is the last segment or not.
ENUMERATED {notLastSegment, lastSegment},
segmentContainer-r18This field includes a segment of the encoded SIB17bis-IEs. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough that the SIB message size is less than or equal to the maximum size of a NR SI, i.e. 2976 bits when SIB17bis is broadcast.
trs-ResourceSetConfig-r18RS configuration of TRS occasion(s) for idle/inactive UE(s), in terms of a list of N>=1 NZP TRS resource set(s). The maximum number of TRS resource sets configured by higher layer is 64. If a TRS resource is configured, the L1 based availability indication is always enabled based on that configuration. A UE which acquired SIB17bis with a TRS configuration but did not yet receive an associated L1-based availability indication considers the configured TRS as unavailable. If SIB scheduling indicates that SIB17bis has changed, the UE considers its configured TRS(s) from SIB17bisas unavailable until it receives the associated L1-based availability indication(s).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTRS-ResourceSets-r17)) OF TRS-ResourceSet-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
validityDuration-r18The valid time duration for L1 availability indication, time unit is one default paging cycle. When the field is absent, UE assumes a default time duration to be 2 default paging cycles.The field is only valid while the UE has a valid SIB17bis.
ENUMERATED {t1, t2, t4, t8, t16, t32, t64, t128, t256, t512, infinity, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need S lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } TRS-ResourceSet-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
powerControlOffsetSS-r18Power offset (dB) of NZP CSI-RS RE to SSS RE.
ENUMERATED {db-3, db0, db3, db6},
scramblingID-Info-r18One or more scrambling IDs are configured for a TRS resource set. If a common scrambling ID is configured, it applies to all the TRS resources within the TRS resource set. Otherwise, each TRS resource within the TRS resource set is provided with a scrambling ID. If the number of TRS resources for the TRS resource set is 2, scramblingIDperResourceListWith2-r18 is configured, while scramblingIDperResourceListWith4-r18 is configured for the case that the number of TRS resources for the TRS resource set is 4.
CHOICE { scramblingIDforCommon-r18 ScramblingId, scramblingIDperResourceListWith2-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (2)) OF ScramblingId, scramblingIDperResourceListWith4-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (4)) OF ScramblingId, ... },
firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain-r18The index of the first OFDM symbol in the PRB used for TRS in a slot. The field indicates the first symbol in a slotfor the first TRS resource within the slot, and the symbol for the second TRS resource in the same slot can be derived implicitly with symbol index as firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain+4.
INTEGER (0..9),
startingRB-r18The PRB index where corresponding TRS resource starts in relation to common resource block #0 (CRB#0) on the common resource block grid.
INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1),
nrofRBs-r18Number of PRBs across which corresponding TRS resource spans.
INTEGER (24..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocksPlus1),
ssb-Index-r18The index of reference SSB with which quasi-collocation information is provided as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
periodicityAndOffset-r18The periodicity and slot offset (slot) for periodic TRS. It is used to determine the location of the first slot of TRS resource set. The periodicity value slots10 corresponds to 10 slots, value slots20 corresponds to 20 slots, and so on. Only the following values of the periodicity are used: 10 slots (SCS 15 kHz), 20 slots (SCS 15 and 30 kHz), 40 slots (SCS 15, 30 and 60 kHz), 80 slots (SCS 15, 30, 60 and 120 kHz), 160 slots (SCS 30, 60 and 120 kHz), 320 slots (SCS 60 and 120 kHz), and 640 slots (SCS 120 kHz).
CHOICE { slots10 INTEGER (0..9), slots20 INTEGER (0..19), slots40 INTEGER (0..39), slots80 INTEGER (0..79), slots160 INTEGER (0..159), slots320 INTEGER (0..319), slots640 INTEGER (0..639) },
frequencyDomainAllocation-r18Indicates the offset of the first RE to RE#0 in a RB in row1 in table for frequency domain allocation within a physical resource block (TS 38.211 [16], clause
indBitID-r18The index of the associatedbit in TRS availability indication field in DCI. Each TRS resource set is configured with an ID i for the association with (i+1)-th indication bit in TRS availability indication field in DCI.
INTEGER (0..5),
nrofResources-r18The number of TRS resources for a TRS resource set.
ENUMERATED {n2, n4} } -- TAG-SIB17bis-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB17bisfield descriptions
This field includes a segment of the encoded SIB17bis-IEs. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough that the SIB message size is less than or equal to the maximum size of a NR SI, i.e. 2976 bits when SIB17bis is broadcast.
This field identifies the sequence number of a segment of SIB17bis-IEs. A segment number of zero corresponds to the first segment, a segment number of one corresponds to the second segment, and so on.
This field indicates whether the included segment is the last segment or not.
RS configuration of TRS occasion(s) for idle/inactive UE(s), in terms of a list of N>=1 NZP TRS resource set(s). The maximum number of TRS resource sets configured by higher layer is 64. If a TRS resource is configured, the L1 based availability indication is always enabled based on that configuration. A UE which acquired SIB17bis with a TRS configuration but did not yet receive an associated L1-based availability indication considers the configured TRS as unavailable. If SIB scheduling indicates that SIB17bis has changed, the UE considers its configured TRS(s) from SIB17bisas unavailable until it receives the associated L1-based availability indication(s).
The valid time duration for L1 availability indication, time unit is one default paging cycle. When the field is absent, UE assumes a default time duration to be 2 default paging cycles.The field is only valid while the UE has a valid SIB17bis.
TRS-ResourceSetfield descriptions
The index of the first OFDM symbol in the PRB used for TRS in a slot. The field indicates the first symbol in a slotfor the first TRS resource within the slot, and the symbol for the second TRS resource in the same slot can be derived implicitly with symbol index as firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain+4.
Indicates the offset of the first RE to RE#0 in a RB in row1 in table for frequency domain allocation within a physical resource block (TS 38.211 [16], clause
The index of the associatedbit in TRS availability indication field in DCI. Each TRS resource set is configured with an ID i for the association with (i+1)-th indication bit in TRS availability indication field in DCI.
Number of PRBs across which corresponding TRS resource spans.
The number of TRS resources for a TRS resource set.
The periodicity and slot offset (slot) for periodic TRS. It is used to determine the location of the first slot of TRS resource set. The periodicity value slots10 corresponds to 10 slots, value slots20 corresponds to 20 slots, and so on. Only the following values of the periodicity are used: 10 slots (SCS 15 kHz), 20 slots (SCS 15 and 30 kHz), 40 slots (SCS 15, 30 and 60 kHz), 80 slots (SCS 15, 30, 60 and 120 kHz), 160 slots (SCS 30, 60 and 120 kHz), 320 slots (SCS 60 and 120 kHz), and 640 slots (SCS 120 kHz).
Power offset (dB) of NZP CSI-RS RE to SSS RE.
One or more scrambling IDs are configured for a TRS resource set. If a common scrambling ID is configured, it applies to all the TRS resources within the TRS resource set. Otherwise, each TRS resource within the TRS resource set is provided with a scrambling ID. If the number of TRS resources for the TRS resource set is 2, scramblingIDperResourceListWith2-r18 is configured, while scramblingIDperResourceListWith4-r18 is configured for the case that the number of TRS resources for the TRS resource set is 4.
The index of reference SSB with which quasi-collocation information is provided as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
The PRB index where corresponding TRS resource starts in relation to common resource block #0 (CRB#0) on the common resource block grid.

SIB18 contains Group IDs for Network selection (GINs) to support access using credentials from a Credentials Holder or to support UE onboarding. SIB18 information element
gin-ElementList-r17Thegin-ElementList contains one or more GIN elements. Each GIN element contains either one GIN, which is identified by a PLMN ID and a NID, or multiple GINs that share the same PLMN ID. The total number of GINs indicated does not exceed maxGIN-r17. The GIN index m is defined as d1+d2+…+d(n-1)+i for the GIN included in the n-th entry of the gin-ElementList and the i-th entry of its corresponding GIN-Element, where d(k) is the number of GIN index values used in the k-th gin-ElementList entry.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxGIN-r17)) OF GIN-Element-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
gins-PerSNPN-List-r17Indicates the supported GINs for each SNPN. The network includes the same number of entries as the number of SNPNs in snpn-AccessInfoList in provided in SIB1, and the n-th entry in this list corresponds to the n-th SNPN listed in snpn-AccessInfoList provided in SIB1.The network configures this field only if the cell broadcasts more than one SNPN in SIB1. If this field is absent, as in case of a single SNPN broadcasted in SIB1, the UE shall associate all GINs in gin-ElementList to that SNPN.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF GINs-PerSNPN-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } GIN-Element-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity-r17 PLMN-Identity, nid-List-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxGIN-r17)) OF NID-r16 } GINs-PerSNPN-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
supportedGINs-r17Indicates the GINs which are supported by the given SNPN. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to the GIN with GIN index 1, the second bit corresponds to the GIN with GIN index 2 and so on. A bit set to 1 indicates that the GIN is supported by the SNPN. If the field is not present, then the corresponding SNPN does not support any GINs.
SIB18field descriptions
Thegin-ElementList contains one or more GIN elements. Each GIN element contains either one GIN, which is identified by a PLMN ID and a NID, or multiple GINs that share the same PLMN ID. The total number of GINs indicated does not exceed maxGIN-r17. The GIN index m is defined as d1+d2+…+d(n-1)+i for the GIN included in the n-th entry of the gin-ElementList and the i-th entry of its corresponding GIN-Element, where d(k) is the number of GIN index values used in the k-th gin-ElementList entry.
Indicates the supported GINs for each SNPN. The network includes the same number of entries as the number of SNPNs in snpn-AccessInfoList in provided in SIB1, and the n-th entry in this list corresponds to the n-th SNPN listed in snpn-AccessInfoList provided in SIB1.The network configures this field only if the cell broadcasts more than one SNPN in SIB1. If this field is absent, as in case of a single SNPN broadcasted in SIB1, the UE shall associate all GINs in gin-ElementList to that SNPN.
GINs-PerSNPN field descriptions
Indicates the GINs which are supported by the given SNPN. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to the GIN with GIN index 1, the second bit corresponds to the GIN with GIN index 2 and so on. A bit set to 1 indicates that the GIN is supported by the SNPN. If the field is not present, then the corresponding SNPN does not support any GINs.

SIB19 contains satellite assistance information for NTN access. SIB19 information element
ntn-Config-r17Provides parameters needed for the UE to access NR via NTN access such as Ephemeris data, common TA parameters, k_offset, validity duration for UL sync information and epoch time. In a TN cell, this field is only present in ntn-NeighCellConfigList and ntn-NeighCellConfigListExt.
NTN-Config-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
t-Service-r17Indicates the time information on when a cell provided via NTN is going to stop serving the area it is currently covering. This field applies for both service link switches in NTN quasi-Earth fixed cell and feeder link switches for both NTN quasi-Earth fixed and Earth-moving cell. The field indicates a time in multiples of 10 ms after 00:00:00 on Gregorian calendar date 1 January, 1900 (midnight between Sunday, December 31, 1899 and Monday, January 1, 1900). The exact stop time is between the time indicated by the value of this field minus 1 and the time indicated by the value of this field. The reference point for t-Service is the uplink time synchronization reference point of the cell. This field is only present in an NTN cell.
INTEGER (0..549755813887) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
referenceLocation-r17Reference location of the serving cell provided via NTN (quasi)-Earth fixed cell and is used in location-based measurement initiation in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is only present in an NTN cell.
ReferenceLocation-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
distanceThresh-r17Distance from the serving cell reference location and is used in location-based measurement initiation in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Each step represents 50m. This field is only present in an NTN cell.
INTEGER(0..65525) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ntn-NeighCellConfigList-r17 NTN-NeighCellConfigList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ..., [[ ntn-NeighCellConfigListExt-v1720 NTN-NeighCellConfigList-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
movingReferenceLocation-r18Reference location of the serving cell of an NTN Earth-moving cell at a time reference. It is used in the evaluation of eventD2 and condEventD2 criteria for the serving cell in RRC_CONNECTED, and location-based measurement initiation in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE when distanceThresh is also configured, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. The time reference of this field is indicated by epochTime in ntn-Config of the serving cell. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e., changes to movingReferenceLocation should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1. This field is only present in an NTN cell.
ReferenceLocation-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ntnCovEnh-r18 NTN-CovEnh-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
satSwitchWithReSync-r18Provides parameters for the target satellite required to perform satellite switch with resynchronization. This field is only present in an NTN cell and its presence indicates that satellite switch without PCI change is supported in the cell.
SatSwitchWithReSync-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } NTN-NeighCellConfigList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxCellNTN-r17)) OF NTN-NeighCellConfig-r17 NTN-NeighCellConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
ntn-Config-r17Provides parameters needed for the UE to access NR via NTN access such as Ephemeris data, common TA parameters, k_offset, validity duration for UL sync information and epoch time. In a TN cell, this field is only present in ntn-NeighCellConfigList and ntn-NeighCellConfigListExt.
NTN-Config-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R carrierFreq-r17 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, -- Need R physCellId-r17 PhysCellId OPTIONAL -- Need R } NTN-CovEnh-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
numberOfMsg4HARQ-ACK-Repetitions-r18The number of repetition slots for PUCCH transmission with HARQ-ACK information for Msg4, see clause 9.2.6 in TS 38.213 [13]. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to the repetition factor 1, the second bit corresponds to repetition factor 2, the third bit corresponds to the repetition factor 4, and the last/rightmost bit corresponds to the repetition factor 8. The repetition factor 1 shall be indicated together with at least one otherrepetition factor.
rsrp-ThresholdMsg4HARQ-ACK-r18This threshold is used by the UE for determining the configuration of the MAC entity for PUCCH repetition for Msg4 HARQ-ACK, as specified in clause 6.2.1 in TS 38.321 [3].
RSRP-Range OPTIONAL -- Need R } SatSwitchWithReSync-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
ntn-Config-r18Provides parameters needed for the UE to access NR via NTN access such as Ephemeris data, common TA parameters, k_offset, validity duration for UL sync information and epoch time. In a TN cell, this field is only present in ntn-NeighCellConfigList and ntn-NeighCellConfigListExt.
t-ServiceStart-r18Indicates the time information on when the target satellite is going to start serving the area currently covered by the serving satellite. The field indicates a time in multiples of 10 ms after 00:00:00 on Gregorian calendar date 1st January 1900 (midnight between Sunday, December 31, 1899, and Monday, January 1, 1900). The exact start time is between the time indicated by the value of this field minus 1 and the time indicated by the value of this field.The reference point for t-ServiceStart is the uplink time synchronization reference point of the serving satellite.
INTEGER (0..549755813887) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ssb-TimeOffset-r18Indicates the time offset of the SSB from target satellite at its uplink time synchronization reference point with respect to the SSB from source satellite at its uplink time synchronization reference point. It is given in number of subframes.
SIB19 field descriptions
Distance from the serving cell reference location and is used in location-based measurement initiation in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Each step represents 50m. This field is only present in an NTN cell.
Reference location of the serving cell of an NTN Earth-moving cell at a time reference. It is used in the evaluation of eventD2 and condEventD2 criteria for the serving cell in RRC_CONNECTED, and location-based measurement initiation in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE when distanceThresh is also configured, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. The time reference of this field is indicated by epochTime in ntn-Config of the serving cell. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e., changes to movingReferenceLocation should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1. This field is only present in an NTN cell.
Provides parameters needed for the UE to access NR via NTN access such as Ephemeris data, common TA parameters, k_offset, validity duration for UL sync information and epoch time. In a TN cell, this field is only present in ntn-NeighCellConfigList and ntn-NeighCellConfigListExt.
ntn-NeighCellConfigList, ntn-NeighCellConfigListExt
Provides a list of NTN neighbour cells including their ntn-Config, carrier frequency and PhysCellId. This set includes all elements of ntn-NeighCellConfigList and all elements of ntn-NeighCellConfigListExt. If ntn-Config is absent for an entry in ntn-NeighCellConfigListExt, the ntn-Config provided in the entry at the same position in ntn-NeighCellConfigList applies. Network provides ntn-Config for the first entry of ntn-NeighCellConfigList. If the ntn-Config is absent for any other entry in ntn-NeighCellConfigList, the ntn-Config provided in the previous entry in ntn-NeighCellConfigList applies.
Reference location of the serving cell provided via NTN (quasi)-Earth fixed cell and is used in location-based measurement initiation in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is only present in an NTN cell.
Provides parameters for the target satellite required to perform satellite switch with resynchronization. This field is only present in an NTN cell and its presence indicates that satellite switch without PCI change is supported in the cell.
Indicates the time information on when a cell provided via NTN is going to stop serving the area it is currently covering. This field applies for both service link switches in NTN quasi-Earth fixed cell and feeder link switches for both NTN quasi-Earth fixed and Earth-moving cell. The field indicates a time in multiples of 10 ms after 00:00:00 on Gregorian calendar date 1 January, 1900 (midnight between Sunday, December 31, 1899 and Monday, January 1, 1900). The exact stop time is between the time indicated by the value of this field minus 1 and the time indicated by the value of this field. The reference point for t-Service is the uplink time synchronization reference point of the cell. This field is only present in an NTN cell.
NTN-CovEnh field descriptions
The number of repetition slots for PUCCH transmission with HARQ-ACK information for Msg4, see clause 9.2.6 in TS 38.213 [13]. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to the repetition factor 1, the second bit corresponds to repetition factor 2, the third bit corresponds to the repetition factor 4, and the last/rightmost bit corresponds to the repetition factor 8. The repetition factor 1 shall be indicated together with at least one otherrepetition factor.
This threshold is used by the UE for determining the configuration of the MAC entity for PUCCH repetition for Msg4 HARQ-ACK, as specified in clause 6.2.1 in TS 38.321 [3].
SatSwitchWithReSyncfield descriptions
Indicates the time offset of the SSB from target satellite at its uplink time synchronization reference point with respect to the SSB from source satellite at its uplink time synchronization reference point. It is given in number of subframes.
Indicates the time information on when the target satellite is going to start serving the area currently covered by the serving satellite. The field indicates a time in multiples of 10 ms after 00:00:00 on Gregorian calendar date 1st January 1900 (midnight between Sunday, December 31, 1899, and Monday, January 1, 1900). The exact start time is between the time indicated by the value of this field minus 1 and the time indicated by the value of this field.The reference point for t-ServiceStart is the uplink time synchronization reference point of the serving satellite.

SIB20 contains the information required to acquire the MCCH/MTCH configuration for MBS broadcast.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SIB20-START SIB20-r17 ::=SEQUENCE { mcch-Config-r17 MCCH-Config-r17, cfr-ConfigMCCH-MTCH-r17 CFR-ConfigMCCH-MTCH-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ..., [[ cfr-ConfigMCCH-MTCH-RedCap-r18 CFR-ConfigMCCH-MTCH-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S mcch-ConfigRedCap-r18 MCCH-Config-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need S ]] } MCCH-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { mcch-RepetitionPeriodAndOffset-r17 MCCH-RepetitionPeriodAndOffset-r17, mcch-WindowStartSlot-r17 INTEGER (0..79), mcch-WindowDuration-r17 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl4, sl8, sl10, sl20, sl40,sl80, sl160} OPTIONAL, -- Need S mcch-ModificationPeriod-r17 ENUMERATED {rf2, rf4, rf8, rf16, rf32, rf64, rf128, rf256, rf512, rf1024, rf2048, rf4096, rf8192, rf16384, rf32768, rf65536} } MCCH-RepetitionPeriodAndOffset-r17 ::= CHOICE { rf1-r17 INTEGER(0), rf2-r17 INTEGER(0..1), rf4-r17 INTEGER(0..3), rf8-r17 INTEGER(0..7), rf16-r17 INTEGER(0..15), rf32-r17 INTEGER(0..31), rf64-r17 INTEGER(0..63), rf128-r17 INTEGER(0..127), rf256-r17 INTEGER(0..255) } -- TAG-SIB20-STOP -- ASN1STOP

SIB21 contains the mapping between the current and/or neighbouring carrier frequencies and MBS Frequency Selection Area Identities (FSAI).
mbs-FSAI-IntraFreq-r17Contains the list of MBS FSAIs for the current frequency. For MBS service continuity, the UE shall use all MBS FSAIs listed in mbs-FSAI-IntraFreq to derive the MBS frequencies of interest.
MBS-FSAI-List-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mbs-FSAI-InterFreqList-r17Contains a list of neighboring frequencies including additional bands, if any, that provide MBS services and the corresponding MBS FSAIs.
MBS-FSAI-InterFreqList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } MBS-FSAI-List-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFSAI-MBS-r17)) OF MBS-FSAI-r17 MBS-FSAI-InterFreqList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF MBS-FSAI-InterFreq-r17 MBS-FSAI-InterFreq-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-CarrierFreq-r17 ARFCN-ValueNR, mbs-FSAI-List-r17 MBS-FSAI-List-r17 } MBS-FSAI-r17 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) -- TAG-SIB21-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB20field descriptions
Common frequency resource used for MCCH and MTCH reception. If the field is absent, the CFR for broadcast has the same location and size as CORESET#0 and PDSCH configuration of MCCH is the same as PDSCH configuration provided in initialDownlinkBWP in SIB1.
Common frequency resource used for MCCH and MTCH reception for (e)RedCap UEs. If the field is absent, the (e)RedCap UE can use cfr-ConfigMCCH-MTCHif the UE supports the configured bandwidth.
Indicates MBS broadcast MCCH configuration for (e)Redcap UEs. If the field is absent, the (e)RedCap UE can use mcch-Configif the UE supports the bandwidth configured by cfr-ConfigMCCH-MTCH.
Defines periodically appearing boundaries, i.e. radio frames for which SFN mod mcch-ModificationPeriod = 0. The contents of different transmissions of MCCH information can only be different if there is at least one such boundary in-between them. Value rf2 corresponds to two radio frames, value rf4 corresponds to four radio frames and so on.
Defines the length and the offset of the MCCH repetition period. rf1 corresponds to a repetition period length of one radio frame, rf2 corresponds to a repetition period length of two radio frames and so on. The corresponding integer value indicates the offset of the repetition period in the number of radio frames. MCCH is scheduled in the MCCH transmission window starting from each radio frame for which: SFN mod repetition period length = offset of the repetition period.
Indicates, starting from the slot indicated by mcch-WindowStartSlot, the duration in slots during which MCCH may be scheduled. Absence of this field means that MCCH is only scheduled in the slot indicated by mcch-WindowStartSlot. The network always configures mcch-WindowDuration to be shorter or equal to the length of MCCH repetition period.
Indicates the slot in which MCCH transmission window starts.
SIB21field descriptions
Contains a list of neighboring frequencies including additional bands, if any, that provide MBS services and the corresponding MBS FSAIs.
Contains the list of MBS FSAIs for the current frequency. For MBS service continuity, the UE shall use all MBS FSAIs listed in mbs-FSAI-IntraFreq to derive the MBS frequencies of interest.

SIB22 contains ATG assistance information for ATG access.
atg-Config-r18Provides parameters needed for ATG access such as ATG gNB location information, cell Specific Koffset, TA Report indication.
ATG-Config-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
hs-ATG-cellReselectionSet-r18Indicates whether the UE applies high speed inter-frequency measurements requirements for inter-frequency cell reselection in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE states as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. If the field is absent UE applies only the NR cell reselection requirements as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
atg-NeighCellConfigList-r18Provides ATG assistance information of ATG neighbour cells.
ATG-NeighCellConfigList-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } ATG-NeighCellConfigList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxCellATG-r18)) OF ATG-NeighCellConfig-r18 ATG-NeighCellConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { atg-gNB-Location-r18 ReferenceLocation-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R heightgNB-r18 INTEGER (-16384..16383) OPTIONAL, -- Need R carrierFreq-r18 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, -- Need R physCellId-r18 PhysCellId OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-SIB22-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB22field descriptions
Provides parameters needed for ATG access such as ATG gNB location information, cell Specific Koffset, TA Report indication.
Provides ATG assistance information of ATG neighbour cells.
Indicates whether the UE applies high speed inter-frequency measurements requirements for inter-frequency cell reselection in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE states as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. If the field is absent UE applies only the NR cell reselection requirements as specified in TS 38.133 [14].

SIB23 contains NR sidelink Positioning configuration for dedicated SL-PRS resource pool.
segmentNumber-r18This field identifies the sequence number of a segment of SIB23-IEs. A segment number of zero corresponds to the first segment, A segment number of one corresponds to the second segment, and so on.
INTEGER (0..63),
segmentType-r18This field indicates whether the included segment is the last segment or not.
ENUMERATED {notLastSegment, lastSegment},
segmentContainer-r18This field includes a segment of the encoded SIB23-IEs. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough that the SI message size is less than or equal to the maximum size of a NR SI, i.e. 2976 bits when SIB23 is broadcast.
sl-PosConfigCommonNR-r18This field indicates the NR sidelink positioning configuration.
SL-PosConfigCommonNR-r18, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } SL-PosConfigCommonNR-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-PosFreqInfoList-r18This field indicates the NR sidelink positioning carrier frequencies for SL-PRS transmission and reception. In this release, only one entry of SL-FreqConfigCommon is included in the list.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-FreqConfigCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-PosUE-SelectedConfig-r18Indicates the configuration used for UE autonomous resource selection.
SL-UE-SelectedConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-PosNR-AnchorCarrierFreqList-r18This field indicates the NR anchor carrier frequency list, which can provide the NR sidelink positioning configurations.
SL-NR-AnchorCarrierFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-PosMeasConfigCommon-r18This field indicates the measurement configurations (e.g. RSRP) for NR sidelink positioning.
SL-MeasConfigCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-PosOffsetDFN-r18Indicates the timing offset for the UE to determine DFN timing when GNSS is used for timing reference. Value 1 corresponds to 0.001 milliseconds, value 2 corresponds to 0.002 milliseconds, and so on.
INTEGER (1..1000) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-PosSSB-PriorityNR-r18This field indicates the priority of NR sidelink SSB transmission and reception.
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-SIB23-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB23field descriptions
This field includes a segment of the encoded SIB23-IEs. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough that the SI message size is less than or equal to the maximum size of a NR SI, i.e. 2976 bits when SIB23 is broadcast.
This field identifies the sequence number of a segment of SIB23-IEs. A segment number of zero corresponds to the first segment, A segment number of one corresponds to the second segment, and so on.
This field indicates whether the included segment is the last segment or not.
This field indicates the NR sidelink positioning configuration.
SL-PosConfigCommonNR field descriptions
This field indicates the NR sidelink positioning carrier frequencies for SL-PRS transmission and reception. In this release, only one entry of SL-FreqConfigCommon is included in the list.
This field indicates the measurement configurations (e.g. RSRP) for NR sidelink positioning.
This field indicates the NR anchor carrier frequency list, which can provide the NR sidelink positioning configurations.
Indicates the timing offset for the UE to determine DFN timing when GNSS is used for timing reference. Value 1 corresponds to 0.001 milliseconds, value 2 corresponds to 0.002 milliseconds, and so on.
This field indicates the priority of NR sidelink SSB transmission and reception.
Indicates the configuration used for UE autonomous resource selection.

SIB24 contains the information required to acquire the multicast MCCH/MTCH configuration for MBS multicast reception in RRC_INACTIVE.
multicastMCCH-Config-r18Indicates MCCH configuration for MBS multicast reception in RRC_INACTIVE. This field is always included if itis provided via broadcast signalling in SIB24.
MCCH-Config-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S
cfr-ConfigMCCH-MTCH-r18Common frequency resource used for multicast MCCH and/or multicast MTCH reception. If the field is absent, the CFR for multicast has the same location and size as CORESET#0 and PDSCH configuration of multicast MCCH, if present, is the same as PDSCH configuration provided in initialDownlinkBWP in SIB1.
CFR-ConfigMCCH-MTCH-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-SIB24-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB24 field descriptions
Common frequency resource used for multicast MCCH and/or multicast MTCH reception. If the field is absent, the CFR for multicast has the same location and size as CORESET#0 and PDSCH configuration of multicast MCCH, if present, is the same as PDSCH configuration provided in initialDownlinkBWP in SIB1.
Indicates MCCH configuration for MBS multicast reception in RRC_INACTIVE. This field is always included if itis provided via broadcast signalling in SIB24.

SIB25 contains TN coverage information to assist neighbour cell measurements for the UEs in an NTN cell.
coverageAreaInfoList-r18Contains a list of TN coverage area's information to assist skipping TN measurements for NTN UEs in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE, as defined in TS 38.304 [20].
CoverageAreaInfoList-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, ... } CoverageAreaInfoList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTN-AreaInfo-r18)) OF CoverageAreaInfo-r18 CoverageAreaInfo-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { tn-AreaId-r18 TN-AreaId-r18, tn-ReferenceLocation-r18 ReferenceLocation-r17,
tn-DistanceRadius-r18Distance from the TN coverage area reference location. It is used for skipping TN measurements in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Each step represents 1m.
INTEGER(0..65535) } -- TAG-SIB25-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SIB25field descriptions
Contains a list of TN coverage area's information to assist skipping TN measurements for NTN UEs in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE, as defined in TS 38.304 [20].
Distance from the TN coverage area reference location. It is used for skipping TN measurements in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Each step represents 1m.

6.3.1a Positioning System information blocks
-- ASN1START -- TAG-POSSYSTEMINFORMATION-R16-IES-START PosSystemInformation-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE { posSIB-TypeAndInfo-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF CHOICE { posSib1-1-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib1-2-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib1-3-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib1-4-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib1-5-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib1-6-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib1-7-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib1-8-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-1-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-2-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-3-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-4-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-5-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-6-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-7-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-8-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-9-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-10-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-11-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-12-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-13-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-14-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-15-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-16-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-17-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-18-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-19-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-20-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-21-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-22-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-23-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib3-1-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib4-1-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib5-1-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib6-1-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib6-2-r16 SIBpos-r16, posSib6-3-r16 SIBpos-r16, ... , posSib1-9-v1700 SIBpos-r16, posSib1-10-v1700 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-24-v1700 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-25-v1700 SIBpos-r16, posSib6-4-v1700 SIBpos-r16, posSib6-5-v1700 SIBpos-r16, posSib6-6-v1700 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-17a-v1770 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-18a-v1770 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-20a-v1770 SIBpos-r16, posSib1-11-v1800 SIBpos-r16, posSib1-12-v1800 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-26-v1800 SIBpos-r16, posSib2-27-v1800 SIBpos-r16, posSib6-7-v1800 SIBpos-r16, posSib7-1-v1800 SIBpos-r16, posSib7-2-v1800 SIBpos-r16, posSib7-3-v1800 SIBpos-r16, posSib7-4-v1800 SIBpos-r16 }, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-POSSYSTEMINFORMATION-R16-IES-STOP -- ASN1STOP

-- ASN1START -- TAG-POSSI-SCHEDULINGINFO-START PosSI-SchedulingInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { posSchedulingInfoList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSI-Message)) OF PosSchedulingInfo-r16, posSI-RequestConfig-r16 SI-RequestConfig OPTIONAL, -- Cond MSG-1 posSI-RequestConfigSUL-r16 SI-RequestConfig OPTIONAL, -- Cond SUL-MSG-1 ..., [[ posSI-RequestConfigRedCap-r17 SI-RequestConfig OPTIONAL -- Cond REDCAP-MSG-1 ]], [[ posSI-RequestConfigMSG1-Repetition-r18 SI-RequestConfigRepetition-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Cond MSG-1 posSI-RequestConfigSUL-MSG1-Repetition-r18 SI-RequestConfigRepetition-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SUL-MSG-1 posSI-RequestConfigRedCap-MSG1-Repetition-r18 SI-RequestConfigRepetition-r18 OPTIONAL -- Cond REDCAP-MSG-1 ]] } PosSchedulingInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { offsetToSI-Used-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R posSI-Periodicity-r16 ENUMERATED {rf8, rf16, rf32, rf64, rf128, rf256, rf512}, posSI-BroadcastStatus-r16 ENUMERATED {broadcasting, notBroadcasting}, posSIB-MappingInfo-r16 PosSIB-MappingInfo-r16, ... } PosSIB-MappingInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF PosSIB-Type-r16 PosSIB-Type-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { encrypted-r16 ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, -- Need R gnss-id-r16 GNSS-ID-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sbas-id-r16 SBAS-ID-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond GNSS-ID-SBAS posSibType-r16 ENUMERATED { posSibType1-1, posSibType1-2, posSibType1-3, posSibType1-4, posSibType1-5, posSibType1-6, posSibType1-7, posSibType1-8, posSibType2-1, posSibType2-2, posSibType2-3, posSibType2-4, posSibType2-5, posSibType2-6, posSibType2-7, posSibType2-8, posSibType2-9, posSibType2-10, posSibType2-11, posSibType2-12, posSibType2-13, posSibType2-14, posSibType2-15, posSibType2-16, posSibType2-17, posSibType2-18, posSibType2-19, posSibType2-20, posSibType2-21, posSibType2-22, posSibType2-23, posSibType3-1, posSibType4-1, posSibType5-1,posSibType6-1, posSibType6-2, posSibType6-3,... }, areaScope-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need S } GNSS-ID-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { gnss-id-r16 ENUMERATED{gps, sbas, qzss, galileo, glonass, bds, ..., navic-v1760}, ... } SBAS-ID-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sbas-id-r16 ENUMERATED { waas, egnos, msas, gagan, ...}, ... } -- TAG-POSSI-SCHEDULINGINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SIBpos contains positioning assistance data as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
assistanceDataSIB-Element-r16Parameter AssistanceDataSIBelement defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
PosSI-SchedulingInfo field descriptions
Indicates that a posSIB is area specific. If the field is absent, the posSIB is cell specific.
The presence of this field indicates that the pos-sib-type is encrypted as specified in TS 37.355 [49].
The presence of this field indicates that the positioning SIB type is for a specific GNSS. Indicates a specific GNSS (see also TS 37.355 [49])
List of scheduling information for SI messages. If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present, the network ensures that the total number of SI messages in the concatenated list of SI messages configured by posSchedulingInfoList in posSI-SchedulingInfo and SI messages containing type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700does not exceed the limit of maxSI-Message.
Indicates if the SI message is being broadcasted or not.Change of posSI-BroadcastStatus should not result in system information change notifications in Short Message transmitted with P-RNTI over DCI (see clause 6.5). The value of the indication is valid until the end of the BCCH modification period when set to broadcasting.
Configuration of Msg1 resources that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which posSI-BroadcastStatusor si-BroadcastStatus of the type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700, if present,is set to notBroadcasting.
Configuration of Msg1 repetition resources on NUL that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which posSI-BroadcastStatus or si-BroadcastStatus of the type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700, if present, is set to notBroadcasting. This field is only applicable when Msg1 repetition resources can be used for requesting SI-messages.
Configuration of Msg1 resources for initialUplinkBWP-RedCapthat the (e)RedCap UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which posSI-BroadcastStatusor si-BroadcastStatus of the type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700, if present,is set to notBroadcasting.
Configuration of Msg1 repetition resources for initialUplinkBWP-RedCapthat the (e)RedCap UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which posSI-BroadcastStatusor si-BroadcastStatus of the type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700, if present,is set to notBroadcasting. This field is only applicable when Msg1 repetition resources can be used for requesting SI-messages.
Configuration of Msg1 resources that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which posSI-BroadcastStatusor si-BroadcastStatus of the type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700, if present,is set to notBroadcasting.
Configuration of Msg1 repetition resources on SUL that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which posSI-BroadcastStatusor si-BroadcastStatus of the type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700, if present, is set to notBroadcasting. This field is only applicable when Msg1 repetition resources can be used for requesting SI-messages.
List of the posSIBs mapped to this SystemInformation message.
The positioning SIB type is defined in TS 37.355 [49].
Periodicity of the SI-message in radio frames, such that rf8 denotes 8 radio frames, rf16 denotes 16 radio frames, and so on. If the offsetToSI-Used is configured, the posSI-Periodicity of rf8 cannot be used.
This field, if present, indicates that all the SI messages in posSchedulingInfoList are scheduled with an offset of 8 radio frames compared to SI messages in schedulingInfoList. offsetToSI-Used may be present only if the shortest configured SI message periodicity for SI messages in schedulingInfoList is 80ms. If SI offset is used, this field is present in each of the SI messages in the posSchedulingInfoList.
The presence of this field indicates that the positioning SIB type is for a specific SBAS. Indicates a specific SBAS (see also TS 37.355 [49]).
Conditional presenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if gnss-id is set to sbas. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if posSI-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcastingfor any SI-message included in posSchedulingInfoListorif si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcastingfor anySI-message containing type2 SIB included inschedulingInfoList2. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if supplementaryUplink is configured in ServingCellConfigCommonSIB, and if posSI-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting for any SI-message included in posSchedulingInfoListor ifsi-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting for anySI-message containing type2 SIB included inschedulingInfoList2. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if initialUplinkBWP-RedCap is configured in UplinkConfigCommonSIB, and if posSI-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting for any SI-message included in posSchedulingInfoListor ifsi-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting for anySI-message containing type2 SIB included inschedulingInfoList2. It is absent otherwise.
SIBpos field descriptions
Parameter AssistanceDataSIBelement defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.

6.3.2 Radio resource control information elements
The IE AdditionalPCIIndex identifies an additional physical cell identity (PCI) configured with additionalPCI-ToAddModList-r17 in ServingCellConfig.

The IE AdditionalSpectrumEmission is used to indicate emission requirements to be fulfilled by the UE (see TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 6.2.3/6.2A.3, TS 38.101-2 [39], clause 6.2.3/6.2A.3, and TS 38.101-5 [75], clause 6.2.3). If an extension is signalled using the extended value range (as defined by the IE AdditionalSpectrumEmission-v1760), the corresponding original field, using the value range as defined by the IE AdditionalSpectrumEmission (without suffix) shall be set to value 7.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-ADDITIONALSPECTRUMEMISSION-START AdditionalSpectrumEmission ::= INTEGER (0..7) AdditionalSpectrumEmission-v1760 ::= INTEGER (8..39) AdditionalSpectrumEmission-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..39) -- TAG-ADDITIONALSPECTRUMEMISSION-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE AdvancedReceiver-MU-MIMO is used to provide a set of assistance information for R-ML (reduced complexity ML) receivers with enhanced inter-user interference suppression for MU-MIMO transmissions.
precodingAndResourceAllocation-r18If the field is set to true, the UE can assume the precoding and resource allocation of the co-scheduled UE are the same in the PRG-level grid configured to the target UE when PRG=2 or 4, when the target UE and any co-scheduled UEs are in different CDM groups and with the same DMRS sequence. If the field is set to false, the UE can not assume the precoding or resource allocation of the co-scheduled UE is the same in the PRG-level grid configured to the target UE when PRG=2 or 4, when the target UE and any co-scheduled UEs are in different CDM groups and with the same DMRS sequence.
pdsch-TimeDomainAllocation-r18If the field is set to true, the UE can assume the time domain resource assignment for PDSCH symbols of all the co-scheduled UE(s), which has the same DMRS sequence as the target UE, is same as the target UE. If the field is set to false, the UE can not assume the time domain resource assignment for PDSCH symbols of all the co-scheduled UE(s), which has the same DMRS sequence as the target UE, is same as the target UE.
mcs-Table-r18Indicates the MCS table with the highest modulation order among all MCS tables configured to the co-scheduled UE(s), which has the same DMRS sequence as the target UE.
ENUMERATED {qam1024, qam256, qam64, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
advReceiver-MU-MIMO-DCI-1-1-r18Configure the presence of the co-scheduled UE information field in DCI format 1_1 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause
AdvancedReceiver-MU-MIMO field descriptions
Configure the presence of the co-scheduled UE information field in DCI format 1_1 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause
Indicates the MCS table with the highest modulation order among all MCS tables configured to the co-scheduled UE(s), which has the same DMRS sequence as the target UE.
If the field is set to true, the UE can assume the time domain resource assignment for PDSCH symbols of all the co-scheduled UE(s), which has the same DMRS sequence as the target UE, is same as the target UE. If the field is set to false, the UE can not assume the time domain resource assignment for PDSCH symbols of all the co-scheduled UE(s), which has the same DMRS sequence as the target UE, is same as the target UE.
If the field is set to true, the UE can assume the precoding and resource allocation of the co-scheduled UE are the same in the PRG-level grid configured to the target UE when PRG=2 or 4, when the target UE and any co-scheduled UEs are in different CDM groups and with the same DMRS sequence. If the field is set to false, the UE can not assume the precoding or resource allocation of the co-scheduled UE is the same in the PRG-level grid configured to the target UE when PRG=2 or 4, when the target UE and any co-scheduled UEs are in different CDM groups and with the same DMRS sequence.

The IE Aerial-Config provides configuration parameters for aerial UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-AERIAL-CONFIG-START Aerial-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { flightPathUpdateThrConfig-r18 SEQUENCE {
flightPathUpdateDistanceThr-r18Distance threshold for triggering flight path update indication. Actual value is 5 x field value in meters.
SetupRelease { FlightPathUpdateDistanceThr-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
flightPathUpdateTimeThr-r18Time threshold for triggering flight path update indication. Value in seconds.
SetupRelease { FlightPathUpdateTimeThr-r18 } OPTIONAL -- Need M } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } FlightPathUpdateDistanceThr-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..1023) FlightPathUpdateTimeThr-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..16383) -- TAG-AERIAL-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
Aerial-Config field descriptions
Distance threshold for triggering flight path update indication. Actual value is 5 x field value in meters.
Time threshold for triggering flight path update indication. Value in seconds.

The IE Alpha defines possible values of a the pathloss compensation coefficient for uplink power control. Value alpha0 corresponds to the value 0, Value alpha04 corresponds to the value 0.4, Value alpha05 corresponds to the value 0.5 and so on. Value alpha1 corresponds to value 1. See also clause 7.1 of TS 38.213 [13].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-ALPHA-START Alpha ::= ENUMERATED {alpha0, alpha04, alpha05, alpha06, alpha07, alpha08, alpha09, alpha1} -- TAG-ALPHA-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE Altitude is used to indicate altitude relative to sea level. The actual value is the field value in meters.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-ALTITUDE-START Altitude-r18 ::= INTEGER (minAltitude-r18..maxAltitude-r18) -- TAG-ALTITUDE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE AMF-Identifier (AMFI) comprises of an AMF Region ID,an AMF Set ID and an AMF Pointer as specified in TS 23.003 [21], clause 2.10.1.

The IE ARFCN-ValueEUTRA is used to indicate the ARFCN applicable for a downlink, uplink or bi-directional (TDD) E-UTRA carrier frequency, as defined in TS 36.101 [22].

The IE ARFCN-ValueNR is used to indicate the ARFCN applicable for a downlink, uplink or bi-directional (TDD) NR global frequency raster, as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39] and TS 38.101-5 [75], clause 5.4.2.

The IE ARFCN-ValueUTRA-FDD is used to indicate the ARFCN applicable for a downlink (Nd, FDD) UTRA-FDD carrier frequency, as defined in TS 25.331 [45].

The IE ATG-Config provides parameters needed for the UE to access NR via ATG access.
atg-gNB-Location-r18Indicates the BS location for ATG access.
ReferenceLocation-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
heightgNB-r18Indicates the height of the BS for ATG accessrelative to the sea level.Unit in meter.
INTEGER (-16384..16383) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cellSpecificKoffset-r18Scheduling offset used for the timing relationships that are modified for ATG.Unit in slot.
ta-ReportATG-r18When this field is included in SIB22, it indicates reporting of timing advanced is enabled during Random Access due to RRC connection establishment or RRC connection resume, and during RRC connection reestablishment. When this field is included in ServingCellConfigCommon within dedicated signalling, it indicates TA reporting is enabled during Random Access due to reconfiguration with sync (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.8).
ATG-Configfield descriptions
Indicates the BS location for ATG access.
Scheduling offset used for the timing relationships that are modified for ATG.Unit in slot.
Indicates the height of the BS for ATG accessrelative to the sea level.Unit in meter.
When this field is included in SIB22, it indicates reporting of timing advanced is enabled during Random Access due to RRC connection establishment or RRC connection resume, and during RRC connection reestablishment. When this field is included in ServingCellConfigCommon within dedicated signalling, it indicates TA reporting is enabled during Random Access due to reconfiguration with sync (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.8).

The IE AvailabilityCombinationsPerCell is used to configure the AvailabilityCombinations applicable for a cell of the IAB DU (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 14). Note that the IE AvailabilityCombinationsPerCellIndex can only be configured up to 511.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-AVAILABILITYCOMBINATIONSPERCELL-START AvailabilityCombinationsPerCell-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { availabilityCombinationsPerCellIndex-r16 AvailabilityCombinationsPerCellIndex-r16,
iab-DU-CellIdentity-r16The ID of the IAB-DU cell for which the availabilityCombinations are applicable.
positionInDCI-AI-r16The (starting) position (bit) of the availabilityCombinationId for the indicated IAB-DU cell (iab-DU-CellIdentity) within the DCI payload. If positionInDCI-AI-RBGroups is not configured, it applies to the availabilityCombinationId included in availabilityCombinations and in availabilityCombinationsRB-Groups. If positionInDCI-AI-RBGroups is configured, it applies to the availabilityCombinationId included in availabilityCombinations.
INTEGER(0..maxAI-DCI-PayloadSize-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- Need M availabilityCombinations-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofAvailabilityCombinationsPerSet-r16)) OF AvailabilityCombination-r16, ..., [[ availabilityCombinationsRB-Groups-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofAvailabilityCombinationsPerSet-r16)) OF AvailabilityCombinationRB-Groups-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ positionInDCI-AI-RBGroups-v1720 INTEGER(0..maxAI-DCI-PayloadSize-1-r16) OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } AvailabilityCombinationsPerCellIndex-r16 ::= INTEGER(0..maxNrofDUCells-r16) AvailabilityCombination-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
availabilityCombinationId-r16This ID is used in the DCI Format 2_5 payload to dynamically select this AvailabilityCombination, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 14.
resourceAvailability-r16Indicates the resource availability of soft symbols for a set of consecutive slots in the time domain. The meaning of this fieldis described in TS 38.213 [13], Table 14.3. If included in RB-SetGroup within AvailabilityCombinationRB-Groups-r17, it indicates the availability of soft resources for an RB set group. If included in AvailabilityCombinationRB-Groups-r17 when the rb-SetGroups is not configured, it indicates the availability of soft resources in one or multiple slots for all RB sets of a DU cell.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofResourceAvailabilityPerCombination-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..7) } AvailabilityCombinationId-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofAvailabilityCombinationsPerSet-1-r16) AvailabilityCombinationRB-Groups-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
availabilityCombinationId-r17This ID is used in the DCI Format 2_5 payload to dynamically select this AvailabilityCombination, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 14.
rb-SetGroups-r17Indicates the RB set groups configured for the availability combination. Each group includes consecutive RB sets.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRB-SetGroups-r17)) OF RB-SetGroup-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
resourceAvailability-r17Indicates the resource availability of soft symbols for a set of consecutive slots in the time domain. The meaning of this fieldis described in TS 38.213 [13], Table 14.3. If included in RB-SetGroup within AvailabilityCombinationRB-Groups-r17, it indicates the availability of soft resources for an RB set group. If included in AvailabilityCombinationRB-Groups-r17 when the rb-SetGroups is not configured, it indicates the availability of soft resources in one or multiple slots for all RB sets of a DU cell.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofResourceAvailabilityPerCombination-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..7) OPTIONAL -- Need R } RB-SetGroup-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
resourceAvailability-r17Indicates the resource availability of soft symbols for a set of consecutive slots in the time domain. The meaning of this fieldis described in TS 38.213 [13], Table 14.3. If included in RB-SetGroup within AvailabilityCombinationRB-Groups-r17, it indicates the availability of soft resources for an RB set group. If included in AvailabilityCombinationRB-Groups-r17 when the rb-SetGroups is not configured, it indicates the availability of soft resources in one or multiple slots for all RB sets of a DU cell.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofResourceAvailabilityPerCombination-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..7) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
rb-Sets-r17Indicates the one or more RB set indexes associated to one or more RB sets configured for one RB set group.
AvailabilityCombination field descriptions
This ID is used in the DCI Format 2_5 payload to dynamically select this AvailabilityCombination, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 14.
Indicates the resource availability of soft symbols for a set of consecutive slots in the time domain. The meaning of this fieldis described in TS 38.213 [13], Table 14.3. If included in RB-SetGroup within AvailabilityCombinationRB-Groups-r17, it indicates the availability of soft resources for an RB set group. If included in AvailabilityCombinationRB-Groups-r17 when the rb-SetGroups is not configured, it indicates the availability of soft resources in one or multiple slots for all RB sets of a DU cell.
AvailabilityCombinationsPerCell field descriptions
The ID of the IAB-DU cell for which the availabilityCombinations are applicable.
The (starting) position (bit) of the availabilityCombinationId for the indicated IAB-DU cell (iab-DU-CellIdentity) within the DCI payload. If positionInDCI-AI-RBGroups is not configured, it applies to the availabilityCombinationId included in availabilityCombinations and in availabilityCombinationsRB-Groups. If positionInDCI-AI-RBGroups is configured, it applies to the availabilityCombinationId included in availabilityCombinations.
The (starting) position (bit) of the availabilityCombinationId associated to the availabilityCombinationsRB-Groups for the indicated IAB-DU cell (iab-DU-CellIdentity) within the DCI payload.
AvailabilityCombinationRB-Groups field descriptions
Indicates the RB set groups configured for the availability combination. Each group includes consecutive RB sets.
Indicates the one or more RB set indexes associated to one or more RB sets configured for one RB set group.

The IE AvailabilityIndicator is used to configure monitoring a PDCCH for Availability Indicators (AI).
ai-RNTI-r16Used by an IAB-MT for detection of DCI format 2_5 indicating AvailabilityCombinationId for an IAB-DU's cells.
dci-PayloadSizeAI-r16Total length of the DCI payload scrambled with ai-RNTI (see TS 38.213 [13]).
INTEGER (1..maxAI-DCI-PayloadSize-r16),
availableCombToAddModList-r16A list of availabilityCombinations to add for the IAB-DU's cells. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 14).
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofDUCells-r16)) OF AvailabilityCombinationsPerCell-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
availableCombToReleaseList-r16A list of availabilityCombinations to release for the IAB-DU's cells. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 14).
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofDUCells-r16)) OF AvailabilityCombinationsPerCellIndex-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } AI-RNTI-r16 ::= RNTI-Value -- TAG-AVAILABILITYINDICATOR-STOP -- ASN1STOP
AvailabilityIndicator field descriptions
Used by an IAB-MT for detection of DCI format 2_5 indicating AvailabilityCombinationId for an IAB-DU's cells.
A list of availabilityCombinations to add for the IAB-DU's cells. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 14).
A list of availabilityCombinations to release for the IAB-DU's cells. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 14).
Total length of the DCI payload scrambled with ai-RNTI (see TS 38.213 [13]).

The IE BAP-RoutingID is used for IAB-node to configure the BAP Routing ID.
bap-Address-r16The ID of a destination IAB-node or IAB-donor-DU used in the BAP header.
bap-PathId-r16The ID of a path used in the BAP header.
BAP-RoutingID field descriptions
The ID of a destination IAB-node or IAB-donor-DU used in the BAP header.
The ID of a path used in the BAP header.

The IE BeamFailureRecoveryConfig is used to configure the UE with RACH resources and candidate beams for beam failure recovery in case of beam failure detection. See also TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1.
rootSequenceIndex-BFRPRACH root sequence index (see TS 38.211 [16], clause for beam failure recovery.
INTEGER (0..137) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
rach-ConfigBFRConfiguration of random access parameters for BFR.
RACH-ConfigGeneric OPTIONAL, -- Need M
rsrp-ThresholdSSBL1-RSRP threshold used for determining whether a candidate beam may be used by the UE to attempt contention free random access to recover from beam failure (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 6).
RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need M candidateBeamRSList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofCandidateBeams)) OF PRACH-ResourceDedicatedBFR OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ssb-perRACH-OccasionNumber of SSBs per RACH occasion for CF-BFR, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1.
ENUMERATED {oneEighth, oneFourth, oneHalf, one, two, four, eight, sixteen} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ra-ssb-OccasionMaskIndexExplicitly signalled PRACH Mask Index for RA Resource selection in TS 38.321 [3]. The mask is valid for all SSB resources.
INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
recoverySearchSpaceIdSearch space to use for BFR RAR. The network configures this search space to be within the linked DL BWP (i.e., within the DL BWP with the same bwp-Id) of the UL BWP in which the BeamFailureRecoveryConfig is provided. The CORESET associated with the recovery search space cannot be associated with another search space. Network always configures the UE with a value for this field when contention free random access resources for BFR are configured.
SearchSpaceId OPTIONAL, -- Need R ra-Prioritization RA-Prioritization OPTIONAL, -- Need R
beamFailureRecoveryTimerTimer for beam failure recovery timer. Upon expiration of the timer the UE does not use CFRA for BFR. Value in ms. Value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, and so on.
ENUMERATED {ms10, ms20, ms40, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms150, ms200} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
msg1-SubcarrierSpacingSubcarrier spacing for contention free beam failure recovery (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3.2). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
ra-PrioritizationTwoStep-r16Parameters which apply for prioritized 2-step random access procedure for BFR (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1).
RA-Prioritization OPTIONAL, -- Need R candidateBeamRSListExt-v1610 SetupRelease{ CandidateBeamRSListExt-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
spCell-BFR-CBRA-r16Indicates that UE is configured to send MAC CE for SpCell BFR as specified in TS38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } PRACH-ResourceDedicatedBFR ::= CHOICE {
ssbThe ID of an SSB transmitted by this serving cell. It determines a candidate beam for beam failure recovery (BFR).
csi-RSThe ID of a NZP-CSI-RS-Resource configured in the CSI-MeasConfig of this serving cell. This reference signal determines a candidate beam for beam failure recovery (BFR).
BFR-CSIRS-Resource } BFR-SSB-Resource ::= SEQUENCE {
ssbThe ID of an SSB transmitted by this serving cell. It determines a candidate beam for beam failure recovery (BFR).
ra-PreambleIndexThe preamble index that the UE shall use when performing BFR upon selecting the candidate beams identified by this SSB.
INTEGER (0..63), ... } BFR-CSIRS-Resource ::= SEQUENCE {
csi-RSThe ID of a NZP-CSI-RS-Resource configured in the CSI-MeasConfig of this serving cell. This reference signal determines a candidate beam for beam failure recovery (BFR).
ra-OccasionListRA occasions that the UE shall use when performing BFR upon selecting the candidate beam identified by this CSI-RS.The network ensures that the RA occasion indexes provided herein are also configured by prach-ConfigurationIndex and msg1-FDM. Each RACH occasion is sequentially numbered, first, in increasing order of frequency resource indexes for frequency multiplexed PRACH occasions; second, in increasing order of time resource indexes for time multiplexed PRACH occasions within a PRACH slot and Third, in increasing order of indexes for PRACH slots. If the field is absent the UE uses the RA occasion associated with the SSB that is QCLed with this CSI-RS.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxRA-OccasionsPerCSIRS)) OF INTEGER (0..maxRA-Occasions-1) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ra-PreambleIndexThe preamble index that the UE shall use when performing BFR upon selecting the candidate beams identified by this SSB.
INTEGER (0..63) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } CandidateBeamRSListExt-r16::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxNrofCandidateBeamsExt-r16)) OF PRACH-ResourceDedicatedBFR -- TAG-BEAMFAILURERECOVERYCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
BeamFailureRecoveryConfig field descriptions
Timer for beam failure recovery timer. Upon expiration of the timer the UE does not use CFRA for BFR. Value in ms. Value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, and so on.
candidateBeamRSList, candidateBeamRSListExt-v1610
Set of reference signals (CSI-RS and/or SSB) identifying the candidate beams for recovery and the associated RA parameters. This set includes all elements of candidateBeamRSList (without suffix) and all elements of candidateBeamRSListExt-v1610.The UE maintains candidateBeamRSList and candidateBeamRSListExt-v1610 separately: Receiving candidateBeamRSListExt-v1610 set to release releases only the entries that were configured by candidateBeamRSListExt-v1610, and receiving candidateBeamRSListExt-v1610 set to setup replaces only the entries that were configured by candidateBeamRSListExt-v1610 with the newly signalled entries. The network configures these reference signals to be within the linked DL BWP (i.e., within the DL BWP with the same bwp-Id) of the UL BWP in which the BeamFailureRecoveryConfig is provided.
Subcarrier spacing for contention free beam failure recovery (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3.2). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
L1-RSRP threshold used for determining whether a candidate beam may be used by the UE to attempt contention free random access to recover from beam failure (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 6).
Parameters which apply for prioritized random access procedure for BFR (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1).
Parameters which apply for prioritized 2-step random access procedure for BFR (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1).
Explicitly signalled PRACH Mask Index for RA Resource selection in TS 38.321 [3]. The mask is valid for all SSB resources.
Configuration of random access parameters for BFR.
Search space to use for BFR RAR. The network configures this search space to be within the linked DL BWP (i.e., within the DL BWP with the same bwp-Id) of the UL BWP in which the BeamFailureRecoveryConfig is provided. The CORESET associated with the recovery search space cannot be associated with another search space. Network always configures the UE with a value for this field when contention free random access resources for BFR are configured.
PRACH root sequence index (see TS 38.211 [16], clause for beam failure recovery.
Indicates that UE is configured to send MAC CE for SpCell BFR as specified in TS38.321 [3].
Number of SSBs per RACH occasion for CF-BFR, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1.
BFR-CSIRS-Resource field descriptions
The ID of a NZP-CSI-RS-Resource configured in the CSI-MeasConfig of this serving cell. This reference signal determines a candidate beam for beam failure recovery (BFR).
RA occasions that the UE shall use when performing BFR upon selecting the candidate beam identified by this CSI-RS.The network ensures that the RA occasion indexes provided herein are also configured by prach-ConfigurationIndex and msg1-FDM. Each RACH occasion is sequentially numbered, first, in increasing order of frequency resource indexes for frequency multiplexed PRACH occasions; second, in increasing order of time resource indexes for time multiplexed PRACH occasions within a PRACH slot and Third, in increasing order of indexes for PRACH slots. If the field is absent the UE uses the RA occasion associated with the SSB that is QCLed with this CSI-RS.
The RA preamble index to use in the RA occasions associated with this CSI-RS. If the field is absent, the UE uses the preamble index associated with the SSB that is QCLed with this CSI-RS.
BFR-SSB-Resource field descriptions
The preamble index that the UE shall use when performing BFR upon selecting the candidate beams identified by this SSB.
The ID of an SSB transmitted by this serving cell. It determines a candidate beam for beam failure recovery (BFR).

The IE BeamFailureRecoveryRSConfig is used to configure the UE with candidate beams for beam failure recovery in case of beam failure detection. See also TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.17.
rsrp-ThresholdBFR-r16L1-RSRP threshold used for determining whether a candidate beam may be included by the UE in MAC CE for BFR(see TS 38.321 [3] and TS 38.213 [13], clause 6).The network always configures this parameter in every instance of this IE.
RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need M
candidateBeamRS-List-r16A list of reference signals (CSI-RS and/or SSB) identifying the candidate beams for recovery. The network always configures this parameter in every instance of this IE.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofCandidateBeams-r16)) OF CandidateBeamRS-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
candidateBeamRS-List2-r17A list of reference signals (CSI-RS and/or SSB) identifying the candidate beams for recovery.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofCandidateBeams-r16)) OF CandidateBeamRS-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-BEAMFAILURERECOVERYRSCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
BeamFailureRecoveryRSConfig field descriptions
A list of reference signals (CSI-RS and/or SSB) identifying the candidate beams for recovery. The network always configures this parameter in every instance of this IE.
A list of reference signals (CSI-RS and/or SSB) identifying the candidate beams for recovery.
L1-RSRP threshold used for determining whether a candidate beam may be included by the UE in MAC CE for BFR(see TS 38.321 [3] and TS 38.213 [13], clause 6).The network always configures this parameter in every instance of this IE.

The IE BetaOffsets is used to configure beta-offset values, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3.
betaOffsetACK-Index1Up to 2 bits HARQ-ACK (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 11.
INTEGER(0..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
betaOffsetACK-Index2Up to 11 bits HARQ-ACK (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 11.
INTEGER(0..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
betaOffsetACK-Index3Above 11 bits HARQ-ACK (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 11.
INTEGER(0..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
betaOffsetCSI-Part1-Index1Up to 11 bits of CSI part 1 bits (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 13.
INTEGER(0..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
betaOffsetCSI-Part1-Index2Above 11 bits of CSI part 1 bits (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 13.
INTEGER(0..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
betaOffsetCSI-Part2-Index1Up to 11 bits of CSI part 2 bits (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 13.
INTEGER(0..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
betaOffsetCSI-Part2-Index2Above 11 bits of CSI part 2 bits (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 13.
BetaOffsets field descriptions
Up to 2 bits HARQ-ACK (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 11.
Up to 11 bits HARQ-ACK (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 11.
Above 11 bits HARQ-ACK (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 11.
Up to 11 bits of CSI part 1 bits (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 13.
Above 11 bits of CSI part 1 bits (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 13.
Up to 11 bits of CSI part 2 bits (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 13.
Above 11 bits of CSI part 2 bits (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 13.

The IE BetaOffsetsCrossPri is used to configure beta-offset values for cross-priority HARQ-ACK multiplexing on PUSCH.

The IE BH-LogicalChannelIdentity is used to identify a logical channel between an IAB-node and its parent IAB-node or IAB-donor-DU.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-BHLOGICALCHANNELIDENTITY-START BH-LogicalChannelIdentity-r16 ::= CHOICE { bh-LogicalChannelIdentity-r16 LogicalChannelIdentity, bh-LogicalChannelIdentityExt-r16 BH-LogicalChannelIdentity-Ext-r16 } -- TAG-BHLOGICALCHANNELIDENTITY-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE BH-LogicalChannelIdentity-Ext is used to identify a logical channel between an IAB-node and its parent node.
BH-LogicalChannelIdentityfield descriptions
ID used for the MAC logical channel.
ID used for the MAC logical channel.

The IE BH-RLC-ChannelConfig is used to configure an RLC entity, a corresponding logical channel in MAC for BH RLC channel between IAB-node and its parent node.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-BHRLCCHANNELCONFIG-START BH-RLC-ChannelConfig-r16::= SEQUENCE { bh-LogicalChannelIdentity-r16 BH-LogicalChannelIdentity-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-SetupOnly bh-RLC-ChannelID-r16 BH-RLC-ChannelID-r16, reestablishRLC-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N rlc-Config-r16 RLC-Config OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-Setup mac-LogicalChannelConfig-r16 LogicalChannelConfig OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-Setup ... } -- TAG-BHRLCCHANNELCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE BH-RLC-ChannelID is used to identify a BH RLC channel in the link between IAB-MT of the IAB-node and IAB-DU of the parent IAB-node or IAB-donor-DU.
BH-RLC-ChannelConfigfield descriptions
Indicates the logical channel id for BH RLC channel of the IAB-node.
Indicates the BH RLC channel in the link between IAB-MT of the IAB-node and IAB-DU of the parent IAB-nodeor IAB-donor-DU.
Indicates that RLC should be re-established.
Determines the RLC mode (UM, AM) and provides corresponding parameters.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a new logical channel for a BH RLC channel. It is optionally present, Need M, otherwise.
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a new logical channel for aBH RLC channel. It is absent, Need M otherwise.

The IE BSR-Config is used to configure buffer status reporting.
periodicBSR-TimerValue in number of subframes. Value sf1 corresponds to 1 subframe, value sf5 corresponds to 5 subframes and so on.
ENUMERATED { sf1, sf5, sf10, sf16, sf20, sf32, sf40, sf64, sf80, sf128, sf160, sf320, sf640, sf1280, sf2560, infinity },
retxBSR-TimerValue in number of subframes. Value sf10 corresponds to 10 subframes, value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes and so on.
ENUMERATED { sf10, sf20, sf40, sf80, sf160, sf320, sf640, sf1280, sf2560, sf5120, sf10240, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1},
logicalChannelSR-DelayTimerValue in number of subframes. Value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes, sf40 corresponds to 40 subframes, and so on.
ENUMERATED { sf20, sf40, sf64, sf128, sf512, sf1024, sf2560, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-BSR-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
BSR-Config field descriptions
Value in number of subframes. Value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes, sf40 corresponds to 40 subframes, and so on.
Value in number of subframes. Value sf1 corresponds to 1 subframe, value sf5 corresponds to 5 subframes and so on.
Value in number of subframes. Value sf10 corresponds to 10 subframes, value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes and so on.

The IE BWP is used to configure generic parameters of a bandwidth part as defined in TS 38.211 [16], clause 4.5, and TS 38.213 [13], clause 12. For each serving cell the network configures at least an initial downlink bandwidth part and one (if the serving cell is configured with an uplink) or two (if using supplementary uplink (SUL)) initial uplink bandwidth parts. Furthermore, the network may configure additional uplink and downlink bandwidth parts for a serving cell. The uplink and downlink bandwidth part configurations are divided into common and dedicated parameters.
locationAndBandwidthFrequency domain location and bandwidth of this bandwidth part. The value of the field shall be interpreted as resource indicator value (RIV) as defined TS 38.214 [19] with assumptions as described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 12, i.e. setting =275. The first PRB is a PRB determined by subcarrierSpacing of this BWP and offsetToCarrier (configured in SCS-SpecificCarrier contained within FrequencyInfoDL / FrequencyInfoUL / FrequencyInfoUL-SIB / FrequencyInfoDL-SIB within ServingCellConfigCommon / ServingCellConfigCommonSIB) corresponding to this subcarrier spacing. In case of TDD, a BWP-pair (UL BWP and DL BWP with the same bwp-Id) must have the same center frequency (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 12)
INTEGER (0..37949),
subcarrierSpacingSubcarrier spacing to be used in this BWP for all channels and reference signals unless explicitly configured elsewhere. Corresponds to subcarrier spacing according to TS 38.211 [16], table 4.2-1. The value kHz15 corresponds to µ=0, value kHz30 corresponds to µ=1, and so on. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz For the initial DL BWP and operation in licensed spectrum this field has the same value as the field subCarrierSpacingCommon in MIB of the same serving cell. Except for SUL, the network ensures the same subcarrier spacing is used in active DL BWP and active UL BWP within a serving cell. For the initial DL BWP and operation with shared spectrum channel access, the value of this field corresponds to the subcarrier spacing of the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP.
cyclicPrefixIndicates whether to use the extended cyclic prefix for this bandwidth part. If not set, the UE uses the normal cyclic prefix. Normal CP is supported for all subcarrier spacings and slot formats. Extended CP is supported only for 60 kHz subcarrier spacing. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 4.2). Except for SUL, the network ensures the same cyclic prefix length is used in active DL BWP and active UL BWP within a serving cell.
BWP field descriptions
Indicates whether to use the extended cyclic prefix for this bandwidth part. If not set, the UE uses the normal cyclic prefix. Normal CP is supported for all subcarrier spacings and slot formats. Extended CP is supported only for 60 kHz subcarrier spacing. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 4.2). Except for SUL, the network ensures the same cyclic prefix length is used in active DL BWP and active UL BWP within a serving cell.
Frequency domain location and bandwidth of this bandwidth part. The value of the field shall be interpreted as resource indicator value (RIV) as defined TS 38.214 [19] with assumptions as described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 12, i.e. setting =275. The first PRB is a PRB determined by subcarrierSpacing of this BWP and offsetToCarrier (configured in SCS-SpecificCarrier contained within FrequencyInfoDL / FrequencyInfoUL / FrequencyInfoUL-SIB / FrequencyInfoDL-SIB within ServingCellConfigCommon / ServingCellConfigCommonSIB) corresponding to this subcarrier spacing. In case of TDD, a BWP-pair (UL BWP and DL BWP with the same bwp-Id) must have the same center frequency (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 12)
Subcarrier spacing to be used in this BWP for all channels and reference signals unless explicitly configured elsewhere. Corresponds to subcarrier spacing according to TS 38.211 [16], table 4.2-1. The value kHz15 corresponds to µ=0, value kHz30 corresponds to µ=1, and so on. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz For the initial DL BWP and operation in licensed spectrum this field has the same value as the field subCarrierSpacingCommon in MIB of the same serving cell. Except for SUL, the network ensures the same subcarrier spacing is used in active DL BWP and active UL BWP within a serving cell. For the initial DL BWP and operation with shared spectrum channel access, the value of this field corresponds to the subcarrier spacing of the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP.

The IE BWP-Downlink is used to configure an additional downlink bandwidth part (not for the initial BWP).
bwp-IdAn identifier for this bandwidth part. Other parts of the RRC configuration use the BWP-Id to associate themselves with a particular bandwidth part. The network configures the BWPs with consecutive IDs from 1. The Network does not include the value 0, since value 0 is reserved for the initial BWP.
BWP-Id, bwp-Common BWP-DownlinkCommon OPTIONAL, -- Cond SetupOtherBWP bwp-Dedicated BWP-DownlinkDedicated OPTIONAL, -- Cond SetupOtherBWP ... } -- TAG-BWP-DOWNLINK-STOP -- ASN1STOP
BWP-Downlink field descriptions
An identifier for this bandwidth part. Other parts of the RRC configuration use the BWP-Id to associate themselves with a particular bandwidth part. The network configures the BWPs with consecutive IDs from 1. The Network does not include the value 0, since value 0 is reserved for the initial BWP.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present upon configuration of a new DL BWP. The field is optionally present, Need M, otherwise.

The IE BWP-DownlinkCommon is used to configure the common parameters of a downlink BWP. They are "cell specific" and the network ensures the necessary alignment with corresponding parameters of other UEs. The common parameters of the initial bandwidth part of the PCell are also provided via system information. For all other serving cells, the network provides the common parameters via dedicated signalling.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-BWP-DOWNLINKCOMMON-START BWP-DownlinkCommon ::= SEQUENCE { genericParameters BWP,
pdcch-ConfigCommonCell specific parameters for the PDCCH of this BWP. This field is absent for a dormant BWP.
SetupRelease { PDCCH-ConfigCommon } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pdsch-ConfigCommonCell specific parameters for the PDSCH of this BWP.
SetupRelease { PDSCH-ConfigCommon } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } -- TAG-BWP-DOWNLINKCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP
BWP-DownlinkCommon field descriptions
Cell specific parameters for the PDCCH of this BWP. This field is absent for a dormant BWP.
Cell specific parameters for the PDSCH of this BWP.

The IE BWP-DownlinkDedicated is used to configure the dedicated (UE specific) parameters of a downlink BWP.
pdcch-ConfigUE specific PDCCH configuration for one BWP.
SetupRelease { PDCCH-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pdsch-ConfigUE specific PDSCH configuration for one BWP.
SetupRelease { PDSCH-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sps-ConfigUE specific SPS (Semi-Persistent Scheduling) configuration for one BWP. Except for reconfiguration with sync, the NW does not reconfigure sps-Config when there is an active configured downlink assignment (see TS 38.321 [3]). However, the NW may release the sps-Config at any time. Network can only configure SPS in one BWP using either this field or sps-ConfigToAddModList. Network does not configure SPS in one BWP using this field and sps-ConfigMulticastToAddModList-r17 simultaneously.
SetupRelease { SPS-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
radioLinkMonitoringConfigUE specific configuration of radio link monitoring for detecting cell- and beam radio link failure occasions.The maximum number of failure detection resources should be limited up to 8 for both cell and beam radio link failure detection. For SCells, only periodic 1-port CSI-RS can be configured in IE RadioLinkMonitoringConfig.
SetupRelease { RadioLinkMonitoringConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
sps-ConfigToAddModList-r16Indicates a list of one or more DL SPS configurations to be added or modified in one BWP. Except for reconfiguration with sync, the NW does not reconfigure a SPS configuration when it is active (see TS 38.321 [3]).
SPS-ConfigToAddModList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sps-ConfigToReleaseList-r16Indicates a list of one or more DL SPS configurations to be released. The NW may release a SPS configuration at any time.
SPS-ConfigToReleaseList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sps-ConfigDeactivationStateList-r16Indicates a list of the deactivation states in which each state can be mapped to a single or multiple SPS configurations to be deactivated, see clause 10.2 in TS 38.213 [13]. If a state is mapped to multiple SPS configurations, each of these SPS configurations is configured with the same harq-CodebookID.
SPS-ConfigDeactivationStateList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
beamFailureRecoverySCellConfig-r16Configuration of candidate RS for beam failure recovery on SCells.
SetupRelease {BeamFailureRecoveryRSConfig-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCellOnly
sl-PDCCH-Config-r16Indicates the UE specific PDCCH configurations for receiving the SL grants (via SL-RNTI or SL-CS-RNTI) for NR sidelink communication/discovery.
SetupRelease { PDCCH-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-V2X-PDCCH-Config-r16Indicates the UE specific PDCCH configurations for receiving SL grants (i.e. sidelink SPS) for V2X sidelink communication.
SetupRelease { PDCCH-Config } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
preConfGapStatus-r17Indicates whether the pre-configured measurement gaps (i.e. the gaps configured with preConfigInd) are activated or deactivated upon the switch to this BWP. If this field is configured, the UE shall apply network-controlled mechanism for activation and deactivation of the pre-configured measurement gaps, otherwise the UE shall apply the autonomous activation/deactivation mechanism, as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to the measurement gap with gap ID 1, the second bit corresponds to measurement gap with gap ID 2, and so on. Value 0 indicates that the corresponding pre-configured measurement gap is deactivated while value 1 indicates that the corresponding pre-configured measurement gap is activated. The UE shall ignore the bit if the corresponding measurement gap is not a pre-configured measurement gap.
BIT STRING (SIZE (maxNrofGapId-r17)) OPTIONAL, -- Cond PreConfigMG
beamFailureRecoverySpCellConfig-r17Configuration of candidate RS for beam failure recovery on the SpCell.This field can only be configured when beamFailure-r17 is configured in RadioLinkMonitoringConfig.
SetupRelease { BeamFailureRecoveryRSConfig-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SpCellOnly
harq-FeedbackEnablingforSPSactive-r17If enabled, UE reports ACK/NACK for the first SPS PDSCH after activation, regardless of if HARQ feedback is enabled or disabled for the HARQ process corresponding to the first SPS PDSCH after activation. Otherwise, UE follows configuration of HARQ feedback enabled/disabled for the HARQ process corresponding to the first SPS PDSCH after activation.
cfr-ConfigMulticast-r17UE specific common frequency resource configuration for MBS multicast for one dedicated BWP. This field can be configured within at most one serving cell.
SetupRelease { CFR-ConfigMulticast-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
dl-PPW-PreConfigToAddModList-r17Indicates a list of DL-PRS processing window configurations to be added or modified for the dedicated DL BWP.
DL-PPW-PreConfigToAddModList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
dl-PPW-PreConfigToReleaseList-r17Indicates a list of DL-PRS processing window configurations to be released for the dedicated DL BWP.
DL-PPW-PreConfigToReleaseList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
nonCellDefiningSSB-r17If configured, the UE operating in this BWP uses this SSB for the purposes for which it would otherwise have used the CD-SSB of the serving cell (e.g. obtaining sync, measurements, RLM, BFD, beam management). Furthermore, other parts of the BWP configuration that refer to an SSB (e.g. the "SSB" configured in the QCL-Info IE; the "ssb-Index" configured in the RadioLinkMonitoringRS; CFRA-SSB-Resource; PRACH-ResourceDedicatedBFR) refer implicitly to this NCD-SSB. The NCD-SSB has the same values for the properties (e.g., ssb-PositionsInBurst, PCI, ssb-PBCH-BlockPower) of the corresponding CD-SSB apart from the values of the properties configured in the NonCellDefiningSSB-r17 IE. In the MIB associated with this NCD-SSB, the systemFrameNumber field indicates the frame boundary and frame number of the NCD-SSB. The subCarrierSpacingCommon and dmrs-TypeA-Position field in the MIBs associated with CD-SSB and NCD-SSB in the same cell are configured with the same values, respectively.
NonCellDefiningSSB-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
servingCellMO-r17measObjectId of the MeasObjectNR in MeasConfig which is associated to the serving cell. For this MeasObjectNR, the following relationship applies between this MeasObjectNR and nonCellDefiningSSB in BWP-DownlinkDedicated of the associated downlink BWP: if ssbFrequency is configured, its value is the same as the absoluteFrequencySSB in the nonCellDefiningSSB. If the field is present in a downlink BWP and the BWP is activated, the UE uses this measurement object for serving cell measurements (e.g., including those used in measurement report triggering events), otherwise, the UE uses the servingCellMO in ServingCellConfig IE.
MeasObjectId OPTIONAL -- Cond MeasObject-NCD-SSB ]], [[ tci-InDCI-r18 SetupRelease {TCI-InDCI-r18} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } SPS-ConfigToAddModList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSPS-Config-r16)) OF SPS-Config SPS-ConfigToReleaseList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSPS-Config-r16)) OF SPS-ConfigIndex-r16 SPS-ConfigDeactivationState-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSPS-Config-r16)) OF SPS-ConfigIndex-r16 SPS-ConfigDeactivationStateList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSPS-DeactivationState)) OF SPS-ConfigDeactivationState-r16 DL-PPW-PreConfigToAddModList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPPW-Config-r17)) OF DL-PPW-PreConfig-r17 DL-PPW-PreConfigToReleaseList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPPW-Config-r17)) OF DL-PPW-ID-r17 TCI-InDCI-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
tci-SelectionPresentInDCI-r18Used as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5 and TS 38.212 [17] clauses and
ENUMERATED { enabled } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
applyIndicatedTCI-StateDCI-1-0-r18This field indicates, for PDSCH reception scheduled or activated by DCI format 1_0, if the UE applies the first, the second or both "indicated" DL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5.
BWP-DownlinkDedicated field descriptions
Configuration of candidate RS for beam failure recovery on SCells.
Configuration of candidate RS for beam failure recovery on the SpCell.This field can only be configured when beamFailure-r17 is configured in RadioLinkMonitoringConfig.
UE specific common frequency resource configuration for MBS multicast for one dedicated BWP. This field can be configured within at most one serving cell.
Indicates a list of DL-PRS processing window configurations to be added or modified for the dedicated DL BWP.
Indicates a list of DL-PRS processing window configurations to be released for the dedicated DL BWP.
If enabled, UE reports ACK/NACK for the first SPS PDSCH after activation, regardless of if HARQ feedback is enabled or disabled for the HARQ process corresponding to the first SPS PDSCH after activation. Otherwise, UE follows configuration of HARQ feedback enabled/disabled for the HARQ process corresponding to the first SPS PDSCH after activation.
If configured, the UE operating in this BWP uses this SSB for the purposes for which it would otherwise have used the CD-SSB of the serving cell (e.g. obtaining sync, measurements, RLM, BFD, beam management). Furthermore, other parts of the BWP configuration that refer to an SSB (e.g. the "SSB" configured in the QCL-Info IE; the "ssb-Index" configured in the RadioLinkMonitoringRS; CFRA-SSB-Resource; PRACH-ResourceDedicatedBFR) refer implicitly to this NCD-SSB. The NCD-SSB has the same values for the properties (e.g., ssb-PositionsInBurst, PCI, ssb-PBCH-BlockPower) of the corresponding CD-SSB apart from the values of the properties configured in the NonCellDefiningSSB-r17 IE. In the MIB associated with this NCD-SSB, the systemFrameNumber field indicates the frame boundary and frame number of the NCD-SSB. The subCarrierSpacingCommon and dmrs-TypeA-Position field in the MIBs associated with CD-SSB and NCD-SSB in the same cell are configured with the same values, respectively.
UE specific PDCCH configuration for one BWP.
UE specific PDSCH configuration for one BWP.
Indicates whether the pre-configured measurement gaps (i.e. the gaps configured with preConfigInd) are activated or deactivated upon the switch to this BWP. If this field is configured, the UE shall apply network-controlled mechanism for activation and deactivation of the pre-configured measurement gaps, otherwise the UE shall apply the autonomous activation/deactivation mechanism, as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to the measurement gap with gap ID 1, the second bit corresponds to measurement gap with gap ID 2, and so on. Value 0 indicates that the corresponding pre-configured measurement gap is deactivated while value 1 indicates that the corresponding pre-configured measurement gap is activated. The UE shall ignore the bit if the corresponding measurement gap is not a pre-configured measurement gap.
measObjectId of the MeasObjectNR in MeasConfig which is associated to the serving cell. For this MeasObjectNR, the following relationship applies between this MeasObjectNR and nonCellDefiningSSB in BWP-DownlinkDedicated of the associated downlink BWP: if ssbFrequency is configured, its value is the same as the absoluteFrequencySSB in the nonCellDefiningSSB. If the field is present in a downlink BWP and the BWP is activated, the UE uses this measurement object for serving cell measurements (e.g., including those used in measurement report triggering events), otherwise, the UE uses the servingCellMO in ServingCellConfig IE.
UE specific SPS (Semi-Persistent Scheduling) configuration for one BWP. Except for reconfiguration with sync, the NW does not reconfigure sps-Config when there is an active configured downlink assignment (see TS 38.321 [3]). However, the NW may release the sps-Config at any time. Network can only configure SPS in one BWP using either this field or sps-ConfigToAddModList. Network does not configure SPS in one BWP using this field and sps-ConfigMulticastToAddModList-r17 simultaneously.
Indicates a list of the deactivation states in which each state can be mapped to a single or multiple SPS configurations to be deactivated, see clause 10.2 in TS 38.213 [13]. If a state is mapped to multiple SPS configurations, each of these SPS configurations is configured with the same harq-CodebookID.
Indicates a list of one or more DL SPS configurations to be added or modified in one BWP. Except for reconfiguration with sync, the NW does not reconfigure a SPS configuration when it is active (see TS 38.321 [3]).
Indicates a list of one or more DL SPS configurations to be released. The NW may release a SPS configuration at any time.
UE specific configuration of radio link monitoring for detecting cell- and beam radio link failure occasions.The maximum number of failure detection resources should be limited up to 8 for both cell and beam radio link failure detection. For SCells, only periodic 1-port CSI-RS can be configured in IE RadioLinkMonitoringConfig.
Indicates the UE specific PDCCH configurations for receiving the SL grants (via SL-RNTI or SL-CS-RNTI) for NR sidelink communication/discovery.
Indicates the UE specific PDCCH configurations for receiving SL grants (i.e. sidelink SPS) for V2X sidelink communication.
TCI-InDCI field descriptions
This field indicates, for PDSCH reception scheduled or activated by DCI format 1_0, if the UE applies the first, the second or both "indicated" DL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5.
Used as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5 and TS 38.212 [17] clauses and
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, Need S, if nonCellDefiningSSB is configured in this DL BWP. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if there is at least one per UE gap configured with preConfigInd or there is at least one per FR gap of the same FR which the BWP belongs to and configured with preConfigInd. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need M, in the BWP-DownlinkDedicated of an Scell. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need M, in the BWP-DownlinkDedicated of an Spcell. It is absent otherwise.

The IE BWP-Id is used to refer to Bandwidth Parts (BWP). The initial BWP (including RedCap-specific initial BWP,if configured) is referred to by BWP-Id 0. The other BWPs are referred to by BWP-Id 1 to maxNrofBWPs.

The IE BWP-Uplink is used to configure an additional uplink bandwidth part (not for the initial BWP).
bwp-IdAn identifier for this bandwidth part. Other parts of the RRC configuration use the BWP-Id to associate themselves with a particular bandwidth part. The network configures the BWPs with consecutive IDs from 1. The Network does not include the value 0, since value 0 is reserved for the initial BWP.
BWP-Id, bwp-Common BWP-UplinkCommon OPTIONAL, -- Cond SetupOtherBWP bwp-Dedicated BWP-UplinkDedicated OPTIONAL, -- Cond SetupOtherBWP ... } -- TAG-BWP-UPLINK-STOP -- ASN1STOP
BWP-Uplink field descriptions
An identifier for this bandwidth part. Other parts of the RRC configuration use the BWP-Id to associate themselves with a particular bandwidth part. The network configures the BWPs with consecutive IDs from 1. The Network does not include the value 0, since value 0 is reserved for the initial BWP.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present upon configuration of a new UL BWP. The field is optionally present, Need M, otherwise.

The IE BWP-UplinkCommon is used to configure the common parameters of an uplink BWP. They are "cell specific" and the network ensures the necessary alignment with corresponding parameters of other UEs. The common parameters of the initial bandwidth part of the PCell, excluding additionalRACH-perPCI-ToAddModList and additionalRACH-perPCI-ToReleaseList, are also provided via system information. For all other serving cells, the network provides the common parameters via dedicated signalling.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-BWP-UPLINKCOMMON-START BWP-UplinkCommon ::= SEQUENCE { genericParameters BWP,
rach-ConfigCommonConfiguration of cell specific random access parameters which the UE uses for contention based and contention free random access as well as for contention based beam failure recovery in this BWP. The NW configures SSB-based RA (and hence RACH-ConfigCommon) only for UL BWPs if the linked DL BWPs (same bwp-Id as UL-BWP) are the initial DL BWPs or DL BWPs containing the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP or DL BWPs associated with nonCellDefiningSSB or, for (e)RedCap UEs, the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP. The network configures rach-ConfigCommon (without suffix) and/orrach-ConfigCommon-r17, whenever it configures contention free 4-step random access (e.g. for reconfiguration with sync or for beam failure recovery or PDCCH order), the UE then applies the corresponding configuration depending on the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. For RedCap-specific initial uplink BWP, rach-ConfigCommonis always configured when msgA-ConfigCommon is configured in this BWP.
SetupRelease { RACH-ConfigCommon } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pusch-ConfigCommonCell specific parameters for the PUSCH of this BWP.
SetupRelease { PUSCH-ConfigCommon } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pucch-ConfigCommonCell specific parameters for the PUCCH of this BWP.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-ConfigCommon } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
rach-ConfigCommonIAB-r16Configuration of cell specific random access parameters for the IAB-MT. The IAB specific IAB RACH configuration is used by IAB-MT, if configured.
SetupRelease { RACH-ConfigCommon } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
useInterlacePUCCH-PUSCH-r16If the field is present, the UE uses uplink frequency domain resource allocation Type 2 for cell-specific PUSCH, e.g., PUSCH scheduled by RAR UL grant (see TS 38.213 [13] clause 8.3 and TS 38.214 [19], clause and uses interlaced PUCCH Format 0 and 1 for cell-specific PUCCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
msgA-ConfigCommon-r16Configuration of the cell specific PRACH and PUSCH resource parameters for transmission of MsgA in 2-step random access type procedure. The NW can configure msgA-ConfigCommon only for UL BWPs if the linked DL BWPs (same bwp-Id as UL-BWP) are the initial DL BWPs or DL BWPs containing the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP or DL BWPs associated with nonCellDefiningSSB or, for (e)RedCap UEs, the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP.The network configures msgA-ConfigCommon (without suffix) and/or msgA-ConfigCommon-r17, whenever it configures contention free 2-step random access, the UE then applies the corresponding configuration depending on the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SetupRelease { MsgA-ConfigCommon-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Cond SpCellOnly2 ]], [[
enableRA-PrioritizationForSlicing-r17Indicates whether or not the ra-PrioritizationForSlicing/ra-PrioritizationForSlicingTwoStep should override the ra-PrioritizationForAccessIdentity. The field is applicable only when the UE is configured by upper layers with both NSAG and Access Identity 1 or 2. If value TRUE is configured, the UE should only apply the ra-PrioritizationForSlicing/ra-PrioritizationForSlicingTwoStep. If value FALSE is configured, the UE should only apply ra-PrioritizationForAccessIdentity. If the field is absent, whether to use ra-PrioritizationForSlicing/ra-PrioritizationForSlicingTwoStep or ra-PrioritizationForAccessIdentity is up to UE implementation.
additionalRACH-ConfigList-r17List of feature or feature combination-specific RACH configurations, i.e. the RACH configurations configured in addition to the one configured by rach-ConfigCommon and by msgA-ConfigCommon. The network associates all possible preambles of an additional RACH configuration to one or more feature(s) or feature combination(s). The network does not configure this list to have more than 16 entries.If both rach-ConfigCommon and msgA-ConfigCommon are configured for a specific FeatureCombination, the network always provides them in the same additionalRACH-Config.
SetupRelease { AdditionalRACH-ConfigList-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Cond SpCellOnly2
rsrp-ThresholdMsg3-r17Threshold used by the UE for determining whether to select resources indicating Msg3 repetition in this BWP, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The field is mandatory if both set(s) of Random Access resources with MSG3 repetition indication and set(s) of Random Access resources without MSG3 repetition indication are configured in the BWP. It is absent otherwise.
RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R
numberOfMsg3-RepetitionsList-r17The number of repetitions for PUSCH transmission scheduled by RAR UL grant and DCI format 0_0 with CRC scrambled by TC-RNTI. This field is only applicable when the UE selects Random Access resources indicating Msg3 repetition in this BWP. If this field is absent when the set(s) of Random Access resources with MSG3 repetition indication are configured in the BWP-UplinkCommon, the UE shall apply the values {n1, n2, n3, n4} (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
SEQUENCE (SIZE (4)) OF NumberOfMsg3-Repetitions-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond Msg3Rep
mcs-Msg3-Repetitions-r17Configuration of eight candidate MCS indexes for PUSCH transmission scheduled by RAR UL grant and DCI format 0_0 with CRC scrambled by TC-RNTI. Only the first 4 configured or default MCS indexes are used for PUSCH transmission scheduled by RAR UL grant. This field is only applicable when the UE selects Random Access resources indicating Msg3 repetition in this BWP. If this field is absent when the set(s) of Random Access resources with MSG3 repetition indication are configured in the BWP-UplinkCommon, the UE shall apply the values {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.4).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (8)) OF INTEGER (0..31) OPTIONAL -- Cond Msg3Rep ]], [[ additionalRACH-perPCI-ToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofAdditionalPRACHConfigs-r18)) OF RACH-ConfigTwoTA-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2TA-Only additionalRACH-perPCI-ToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofAdditionalPRACHConfigs-r18)) OF AdditionalPCIIndex-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N rsrp-ThresholdMsg1-RepetitionNum2-r18 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R rsrp-ThresholdMsg1-RepetitionNum4-r18 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R rsrp-ThresholdMsg1-RepetitionNum8-r18 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R
preambleTransMax-Msg1-Repetition-r18Max number of transmissions of MSG1 repetitions number (2, 4 and 8) performed before switching to higher repetition number (see TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.1). This field is only applicable when more than one repetition numbers are configured in shared RO. If the field is absent, switching from lower repetition number to higher repetition number is not allowed.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n10, n20, n50, n100, n200} OPTIONAL -- Cond Msg1Rep1 ]] } AdditionalRACH-ConfigList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxAdditionalRACH-r17)) OF AdditionalRACH-Config-r17 AdditionalRACH-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
rach-ConfigCommon-r17Configuration of cell specific random access parameters which the UE uses for contention based and contention free random access as well as for contention based beam failure recovery in this BWP. The NW configures SSB-based RA (and hence RACH-ConfigCommon) only for UL BWPs if the linked DL BWPs (same bwp-Id as UL-BWP) are the initial DL BWPs or DL BWPs containing the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP or DL BWPs associated with nonCellDefiningSSB or, for (e)RedCap UEs, the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP. The network configures rach-ConfigCommon (without suffix) and/orrach-ConfigCommon-r17, whenever it configures contention free 4-step random access (e.g. for reconfiguration with sync or for beam failure recovery or PDCCH order), the UE then applies the corresponding configuration depending on the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. For RedCap-specific initial uplink BWP, rach-ConfigCommonis always configured when msgA-ConfigCommon is configured in this BWP.
RACH-ConfigCommon OPTIONAL, -- Need R
msgA-ConfigCommon-r17Configuration of the cell specific PRACH and PUSCH resource parameters for transmission of MsgA in 2-step random access type procedure. The NW can configure msgA-ConfigCommon only for UL BWPs if the linked DL BWPs (same bwp-Id as UL-BWP) are the initial DL BWPs or DL BWPs containing the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP or DL BWPs associated with nonCellDefiningSSB or, for (e)RedCap UEs, the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP.The network configures msgA-ConfigCommon (without suffix) and/or msgA-ConfigCommon-r17, whenever it configures contention free 2-step random access, the UE then applies the corresponding configuration depending on the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
MsgA-ConfigCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } NumberOfMsg3-Repetitions-r17::= ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n7, n8, n12, n16} -- TAG-BWP-UPLINKCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP
BWP-UplinkCommon field descriptions
List of feature or feature combination-specific RACH configurations, i.e. the RACH configurations configured in addition to the one configured by rach-ConfigCommon and by msgA-ConfigCommon. The network associates all possible preambles of an additional RACH configuration to one or more feature(s) or feature combination(s). The network does not configure this list to have more than 16 entries.If both rach-ConfigCommon and msgA-ConfigCommon are configured for a specific FeatureCombination, the network always provides them in the same additionalRACH-Config.
additionalRACH-perPCI-ToAddModList, additionalRACH-perPCI-ToReleaseList
List of RACH configurations for the additional PCIs. The RACH configuration for an additional PCI is applied for Random Access procedure initiated by PDCCH order towards to the additional PCI, as specified in TS 38.321 clause 5.1.1b. This list includes the same number of elements like additionalPCI-ToAddModList for this serving cell and the n-th element of this list is for the PCI in the n-th element of additionalPCI-ToAddModList. Either the network does not configure any RACH configuration for any additional PCI, or the network configures a RACH configuration for each additional PCI. When the network releases an additional PCI of a serving cell, the network also explicitly releases the associated random access configuration in every UL BWP of the serving cell. This configuration may be different for different UEs.
Indicates whether or not the ra-PrioritizationForSlicing/ra-PrioritizationForSlicingTwoStep should override the ra-PrioritizationForAccessIdentity. The field is applicable only when the UE is configured by upper layers with both NSAG and Access Identity 1 or 2. If value TRUE is configured, the UE should only apply the ra-PrioritizationForSlicing/ra-PrioritizationForSlicingTwoStep. If value FALSE is configured, the UE should only apply ra-PrioritizationForAccessIdentity. If the field is absent, whether to use ra-PrioritizationForSlicing/ra-PrioritizationForSlicingTwoStep or ra-PrioritizationForAccessIdentity is up to UE implementation.
Configuration of eight candidate MCS indexes for PUSCH transmission scheduled by RAR UL grant and DCI format 0_0 with CRC scrambled by TC-RNTI. Only the first 4 configured or default MCS indexes are used for PUSCH transmission scheduled by RAR UL grant. This field is only applicable when the UE selects Random Access resources indicating Msg3 repetition in this BWP. If this field is absent when the set(s) of Random Access resources with MSG3 repetition indication are configured in the BWP-UplinkCommon, the UE shall apply the values {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.4).
Configuration of the cell specific PRACH and PUSCH resource parameters for transmission of MsgA in 2-step random access type procedure. The NW can configure msgA-ConfigCommon only for UL BWPs if the linked DL BWPs (same bwp-Id as UL-BWP) are the initial DL BWPs or DL BWPs containing the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP or DL BWPs associated with nonCellDefiningSSB or, for (e)RedCap UEs, the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP.The network configures msgA-ConfigCommon (without suffix) and/or msgA-ConfigCommon-r17, whenever it configures contention free 2-step random access, the UE then applies the corresponding configuration depending on the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
The number of repetitions for PUSCH transmission scheduled by RAR UL grant and DCI format 0_0 with CRC scrambled by TC-RNTI. This field is only applicable when the UE selects Random Access resources indicating Msg3 repetition in this BWP. If this field is absent when the set(s) of Random Access resources with MSG3 repetition indication are configured in the BWP-UplinkCommon, the UE shall apply the values {n1, n2, n3, n4} (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Max number of transmissions of MSG1 repetitions number (2, 4 and 8) performed before switching to higher repetition number (see TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.1). This field is only applicable when more than one repetition numbers are configured in shared RO. If the field is absent, switching from lower repetition number to higher repetition number is not allowed.
Cell specific parameters for the PUCCH of this BWP.
Cell specific parameters for the PUSCH of this BWP.
Configuration of cell specific random access parameters which the UE uses for contention based and contention free random access as well as for contention based beam failure recovery in this BWP. The NW configures SSB-based RA (and hence RACH-ConfigCommon) only for UL BWPs if the linked DL BWPs (same bwp-Id as UL-BWP) are the initial DL BWPs or DL BWPs containing the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP or DL BWPs associated with nonCellDefiningSSB or, for (e)RedCap UEs, the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP. The network configures rach-ConfigCommon (without suffix) and/orrach-ConfigCommon-r17, whenever it configures contention free 4-step random access (e.g. for reconfiguration with sync or for beam failure recovery or PDCCH order), the UE then applies the corresponding configuration depending on the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. For RedCap-specific initial uplink BWP, rach-ConfigCommonis always configured when msgA-ConfigCommon is configured in this BWP.
Configuration of cell specific random access parameters for the IAB-MT. The IAB specific IAB RACH configuration is used by IAB-MT, if configured.
rsrp-ThresholdMsg1-RepetitionNum2, rsrp-ThresholdMsg1-RepetitionNum4, rsrp-ThresholdMsg1-RepetitionNum8
Threshold used by the UE for determining whether to select resources indicating Msg1 repetition number 2, 4 or 8 in this BWP, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The value applies to all the BWPs and all RACH configurations. For a given MSG1 repetition number, this corresponding field is mandatory if both set(s) of Random Access resources with MSG1 repetition indication associated with this MSG1 repetition number and set(s) of Random Access resources without MSG1 repetition indication are configured in the BWP, or if the set(s) of Random Access resources with MSG1 repetition indication associated with this MSG1 repetition number and set(s) of Random Access resources with MSG1 repetition indication associated with a lower repetition number are configured in the BWP. It is absent otherwise.
Threshold used by the UE for determining whether to select resources indicating Msg3 repetition in this BWP, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The field is mandatory if both set(s) of Random Access resources with MSG3 repetition indication and set(s) of Random Access resources without MSG3 repetition indication are configured in the BWP. It is absent otherwise.
If the field is present, the UE uses uplink frequency domain resource allocation Type 2 for cell-specific PUSCH, e.g., PUSCH scheduled by RAR UL grant (see TS 38.213 [13] clause 8.3 and TS 38.214 [19], clause and uses interlaced PUCCH Format 0 and 1 for cell-specific PUCCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, Need R, if the set(s) of Random Access resources with MSG1 repetition indication are configured in the BWP-UplinkCommon. It is absent otherwise.
This field is optionally present, Need S, if the set(s) of Random Access resources with MSG3 repetition indication are configured in the BWP-UplinkCommon. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present in SIB1, Need R, if both parameters ra-PrioritizationForAccessIdentity and the ra-PrioritizationForSlicing/ra-PrioritizationForSlicingTwoStepare present in SIB1. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need M, in the BWP-UplinkCommon of an SpCell. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need N in the BWP-UplinkCommon if additionalPCI-ToAddModList is present in ServingCellConfigand if tag2 is present in ServingCellConfig. It is absent otherwise.

The IE BWP-UplinkDedicated is used to configure the dedicated (UE specific) parameters of an uplink BWP.
pucch-ConfigPUCCH configuration for one BWP of the normal UL or SUL of a serving cell. If the UE is configured with SUL, the network configures PUCCH only on the BWPs of one of the uplinks (normal UL or SUL). The network configures PUCCH-Config at least on non-initial BWP(s) for SpCell and on all BWP(s) for PUCCH SCell. If supported by the UE, the network may configure at most one additional SCell of a cell group with PUCCH-Config (i.e. PUCCH SCell).If PUCCH cell switching is supported by the UE, the network may configure two TDD serving cells with PUCCH-Config within each PUCCH group.For supporting PUCCH cell switching in the PUCCH group with the SpCell, the TDD SpCell and one TDD SCell shall have PUCCH-Config on their normal UL.For supporting PUCCH cell switching in the PUCCH group with only SCells, two TDD SCells shall have PUCCH-Config on their normal UL. In (NG)EN-DC and NE-DC, the NW configures at most one serving cell per frequency range with PUCCH. In (NG)EN-DC and NE-DC, if two PUCCH groups are configured, the serving cells of the NR PUCCH group in FR2 use the same numerology. For NR-DC, the maximum number of PUCCH groups in each cell group is one, and only the same numerology is supported for the cell group with carriers only in FR2. The NW may configure PUCCH for a BWP when setting up the BWP. The network may also add/remove the pucch-Config in an RRCReconfiguration with reconfigurationWithSync (for SpCell or PUCCH SCell) or with SCell release and add (for PUCCH SCell) to move the PUCCH between the UL and SUL carrier of one serving cell. In other cases, only modifications of a previously configured pucch-Config are allowed. If one (S)UL BWP of a serving cell is configured with PUCCH, all other (S)UL BWPs must be configured with PUCCH, too.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pusch-ConfigPUSCH configuration for one BWP of the normal UL or SUL of a serving cell. If the UE is configured with SUL and if it has a PUSCH-Config for both UL and SUL, an UL/SUL indicator field in DCI indicates which of the two to use. See TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1.
SetupRelease { PUSCH-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
configuredGrantConfigA Configured-Grant of type1 or type2. It may be configured for UL or SUL but in case of type1 not for both at a time. Except for reconfiguration with sync, the NW does not reconfigure configuredGrantConfigwhen there is an active configured uplink grant Type 2 (see TS 38.321 [3]). However, the NW may release the configuredGrantConfigat any time.Network can only configure configured grant in one BWP using either this field or configuredGrantConfigToAddModList.
SetupRelease { ConfiguredGrantConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
srs-ConfigUplink sounding reference signal configuration.
SetupRelease { SRS-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
beamFailureRecoveryConfigConfiguration of beam failure recovery. If supplementaryUplink is present, the field is present only in one of the uplink carriers, either UL or SUL.
SetupRelease { BeamFailureRecoveryConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Cond SpCellOnly ..., [[
sl-PUCCH-Config-r16Indicates the UE specific PUCCH configurations used for the HARQ-ACK feedback reporting for NR sidelink communication.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M cp-ExtensionC2-r16 INTEGER (1..28) OPTIONAL, -- Need R cp-ExtensionC3-r16 INTEGER (1..28) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
useInterlacePUCCH-PUSCH-r16If the field is present, the UE uses uplink frequency domain resource allocation Type 2 for PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.3 and TS 38.214 [19], clause and uses interlaced PUCCH Format 0, 1, 2, and 3 for PUCCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pucch-ConfigurationList-r16PUCCH configurations for two simultaneously constructed HARQ-ACK codebooks (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1). Different PUCCH Resource IDs are configured in different PUCCH-Config within the pucch-ConfigurationList if configured.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-ConfigurationList-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
lbt-FailureRecoveryConfig-r16Configures parameters used for detection of consistent uplink LBT failures for operationwith shared spectrum channel access, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SetupRelease { LBT-FailureRecoveryConfig-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
configuredGrantConfigToAddModList-r16Indicates a list of one or more configured grant configurations to be added or modified for one BWP. Except for reconfiguration with sync, the NW does not reconfigure a Type 2 configured grant configuration when it is active (see TS 38.321 [3]). The network configures multiple CG configurations for one BWP with either all configurations or no configuration configured with cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16.
ConfiguredGrantConfigToAddModList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
configuredGrantConfigToReleaseList-r16Indicates a list of one or more UL Configured Grant configurations to be released. The NW may release a configured grant configuration at any time.
ConfiguredGrantConfigToReleaseList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
configuredGrantConfigType2DeactivationStateList-r16Indicates a list of the deactivation states in which each state can be mapped to a single or multiple Configured Grant type 2 configurations to be deactivated when the corresponding deactivation DCI is received, see clause 7.3.1 in TS 38.212 [17] and clause 10.2 in TS 38.213 [13].
ConfiguredGrantConfigType2DeactivationStateList-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
ul-TCI-StateList-r17Indicates the applicable UL TCI states for PUCCH, PUSCH and SRS.
CHOICE { explicitlist SEQUENCE {
ul-TCI-ToAddModList-r17Indicates a list of UL TCI states.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUL-TCI-r17)) OF TCI-UL-State-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ul-TCI-ToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUL-TCI-r17)) OF TCI-UL-StateId-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need N },
unifiedTCI-StateRef-r17Provides the serving cell and UL BWP where UL TCI states applicable to this UL BWP are defined. The value of unifiedTCI-StateTypeof current serving cell is the same in the serving cell indicated by unifiedTCI-StateRef.
ServingCellAndBWP-Id-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ul-powerControl-r17Configures power control parameters for PUCCH, PUSCH and SRS when UE is configured with unifiedTCI-StateTypefor this serving cell.For each serving cell, ul-powerControl is either configured in all BWP-UplinkDedicated or it is not configured in any BWP-UplinkDedicated. When unifiedTCI-StateRef in the BWP-UplinkDedicatedorin the PDSCH-Config if the unifiedTCI-StateType is set to joint,of a serving cell refers to another serving cell, ul-powerControl is either configured in all BWP-UplinkDedicated of these two serving cells or it is not configured in any BWP-UplinkDedicated of these two serving cells.
Uplink-powerControlId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond NoTCI-PC
pucch-ConfigurationListMulticast1-r17PUCCH configurations for two simultaneously constructed HARQ-ACK codebooks for MBS multicast (see TS 38.213, clause 9).
SetupRelease { PUCCH-ConfigurationList-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pucch-ConfigurationListMulticast2-r17PUCCH configurations for two simultaneously constructed NACK-only feedback for MBS multicast (see TS 38.213, clause 9).
SetupRelease { PUCCH-ConfigurationList-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
pucch-ConfigMulticast1-r17PUCCH configuration for the HARQ-ACK codebook for MBS multicast when multicast feedback is not configured with a priority value (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9). If the field is not configured, pucch-Config applies.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pucch-ConfigMulticast2-r17PUCCH configuration for the NACK-only feedback for MBS multicast when multicast feedback is not configured with a priority value (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9). If the field is not configured, pucch-Config applies.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-Config } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
pathlossReferenceRSToAddModList-r17A list of Reference Signals (e.g. a CSI-RS config or a SS block) to be used for path loss estimationfor PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS for unified TCI state operation. If unifiedTCI-StateType is not configured for the serving cell, no element in this list is configured.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPathlossReferenceRSs-r17)) OF PathlossReferenceRS-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N pathlossReferenceRSToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPathlossReferenceRSs-r17)) OF PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } ConfiguredGrantConfigToAddModList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofConfiguredGrantConfig-r16)) OF ConfiguredGrantConfig ConfiguredGrantConfigToReleaseList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofConfiguredGrantConfig-r16)) OF ConfiguredGrantConfigIndex-r16 ConfiguredGrantConfigType2DeactivationState-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofConfiguredGrantConfig-r16)) OF ConfiguredGrantConfigIndex-r16 ConfiguredGrantConfigType2DeactivationStateList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCG-Type2DeactivationState)) OF ConfiguredGrantConfigType2DeactivationState-r16 -- TAG-BWP-UPLINKDEDICATED-STOP -- ASN1STOP
BWP-UplinkDedicated field descriptions
Configuration of beam failure recovery. If supplementaryUplink is present, the field is present only in one of the uplink carriers, either UL or SUL.
A Configured-Grant of type1 or type2. It may be configured for UL or SUL but in case of type1 not for both at a time. Except for reconfiguration with sync, the NW does not reconfigure configuredGrantConfigwhen there is an active configured uplink grant Type 2 (see TS 38.321 [3]). However, the NW may release the configuredGrantConfigat any time.Network can only configure configured grant in one BWP using either this field or configuredGrantConfigToAddModList.
Indicates a list of one or more configured grant configurations to be added or modified for one BWP. Except for reconfiguration with sync, the NW does not reconfigure a Type 2 configured grant configuration when it is active (see TS 38.321 [3]). The network configures multiple CG configurations for one BWP with either all configurations or no configuration configured with cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16.
Indicates a list of one or more UL Configured Grant configurations to be released. The NW may release a configured grant configuration at any time.
Indicates a list of the deactivation states in which each state can be mapped to a single or multiple Configured Grant type 2 configurations to be deactivated when the corresponding deactivation DCI is received, see clause 7.3.1 in TS 38.212 [17] and clause 10.2 in TS 38.213 [13].
cp-ExtensionC2, cp-ExtensionC3
Configures the cyclic prefix (CP) extension (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3.1). For 15 kHz SCS, {1..28} are validfor both cp-ExtensionC2 and cp-ExtensionC3. For 30 kHz SCS, {1..28} are valid for cp-ExtensionC2 and {2..28} are valid for cp-ExtensionC3.For 60 kHz SCS, {2..28} are validfor cp-ExtensionC2 and {3..28} are valid for cp-ExtensionC3.
Configures parameters used for detection of consistent uplink LBT failures for operationwith shared spectrum channel access, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
A list of Reference Signals (e.g. a CSI-RS config or a SS block) to be used for path loss estimationfor PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS for unified TCI state operation. If unifiedTCI-StateType is not configured for the serving cell, no element in this list is configured.
PUCCH configuration for one BWP of the normal UL or SUL of a serving cell. If the UE is configured with SUL, the network configures PUCCH only on the BWPs of one of the uplinks (normal UL or SUL). The network configures PUCCH-Config at least on non-initial BWP(s) for SpCell and on all BWP(s) for PUCCH SCell. If supported by the UE, the network may configure at most one additional SCell of a cell group with PUCCH-Config (i.e. PUCCH SCell).If PUCCH cell switching is supported by the UE, the network may configure two TDD serving cells with PUCCH-Config within each PUCCH group.For supporting PUCCH cell switching in the PUCCH group with the SpCell, the TDD SpCell and one TDD SCell shall have PUCCH-Config on their normal UL.For supporting PUCCH cell switching in the PUCCH group with only SCells, two TDD SCells shall have PUCCH-Config on their normal UL. In (NG)EN-DC and NE-DC, the NW configures at most one serving cell per frequency range with PUCCH. In (NG)EN-DC and NE-DC, if two PUCCH groups are configured, the serving cells of the NR PUCCH group in FR2 use the same numerology. For NR-DC, the maximum number of PUCCH groups in each cell group is one, and only the same numerology is supported for the cell group with carriers only in FR2. The NW may configure PUCCH for a BWP when setting up the BWP. The network may also add/remove the pucch-Config in an RRCReconfiguration with reconfigurationWithSync (for SpCell or PUCCH SCell) or with SCell release and add (for PUCCH SCell) to move the PUCCH between the UL and SUL carrier of one serving cell. In other cases, only modifications of a previously configured pucch-Config are allowed. If one (S)UL BWP of a serving cell is configured with PUCCH, all other (S)UL BWPs must be configured with PUCCH, too.
PUCCH configurations for two simultaneously constructed HARQ-ACK codebooks (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1). Different PUCCH Resource IDs are configured in different PUCCH-Config within the pucch-ConfigurationList if configured.
PUCCH configurations for two simultaneously constructed HARQ-ACK codebooks for MBS multicast (see TS 38.213, clause 9).
PUCCH configurations for two simultaneously constructed NACK-only feedback for MBS multicast (see TS 38.213, clause 9).
PUSCH configuration for one BWP of the normal UL or SUL of a serving cell. If the UE is configured with SUL and if it has a PUSCH-Config for both UL and SUL, an UL/SUL indicator field in DCI indicates which of the two to use. See TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1.
PUCCH configuration for the HARQ-ACK codebook for MBS multicast when multicast feedback is not configured with a priority value (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9). If the field is not configured, pucch-Config applies.
PUCCH configuration for the NACK-only feedback for MBS multicast when multicast feedback is not configured with a priority value (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9). If the field is not configured, pucch-Config applies.
Indicates the UE specific PUCCH configurations used for the HARQ-ACK feedback reporting for NR sidelink communication.
Uplink sounding reference signal configuration.
Configures power control parameters for PUCCH, PUSCH and SRS when UE is configured with unifiedTCI-StateTypefor this serving cell.For each serving cell, ul-powerControl is either configured in all BWP-UplinkDedicated or it is not configured in any BWP-UplinkDedicated. When unifiedTCI-StateRef in the BWP-UplinkDedicatedorin the PDSCH-Config if the unifiedTCI-StateType is set to joint,of a serving cell refers to another serving cell, ul-powerControl is either configured in all BWP-UplinkDedicated of these two serving cells or it is not configured in any BWP-UplinkDedicated of these two serving cells.
Indicates the applicable UL TCI states for PUCCH, PUSCH and SRS.
Indicates a list of UL TCI states.
Provides the serving cell and UL BWP where UL TCI states applicable to this UL BWP are defined. The value of unifiedTCI-StateTypeof current serving cell is the same in the serving cell indicated by unifiedTCI-StateRef.
If the field is present, the UE uses uplink frequency domain resource allocation Type 2 for PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.3 and TS 38.214 [19], clause and uses interlaced PUCCH Format 0, 1, 2, and 3 for PUCCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need R, if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for this serving cell and ul-powerControl is not configured for any UL TCI state or joint TCI state of this serving cell. Otherwise it is absent, Need R
The field is optionally present, Need M, in the BWP-UplinkDedicated of an SpCell. It is absent otherwise.

The IE CandidateBeamRS inlcudes candidate beams for beam failure recovery in case of beam failure detection. See also TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.17.
candidateBeamConfig-r16Indicates the resource (i.e. SSB or CSI-RS) defining this beam resource.
CHOICE { ssb-r16 SSB-Index, csi-RS-r16 NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId },
servingCellIdIf the field is absent, the RS belongs to the serving cell in which BeamFailureRecoveryRSConfig is configured.
CandidateBeamRS field descriptions
Indicates the resource (i.e. SSB or CSI-RS) defining this beam resource.
If the field is absent, the RS belongs to the serving cell in which BeamFailureRecoveryRSConfig is configured.

The IE CandidateTCI-State defines a TCI states configuration which associate one or more reference signal with a corresponding quasi-colocation (QCL) type.
tci-StateId-r18The ID number of the TCI state.
TCI-StateId, qcl-Type1-r18 LTM-QCL-Info-r18, qcl-Type2-r18 LTM-QCL-Info-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pathlossReferenceRS-Id-r18Indicates a PathlossReferenceRS of the candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-State and it refers to one of the PathlossReferenceRS configured within LTM-TCI-Info. In this version of the specification only SSB can be included as reference signal when PathlossReferenceRS is included within a CandidateTCI-State IE.
PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond Joint tag-Id-ptr-r18 ENUMERATED {n0,n1} OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2TA
ul-PowerControl-r18Indicates the UL power control parameters for PUSCH, PUCCH, and SRS of the candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-State. The field is present only if ul-powerControl is not configured in any BWP-Uplink-Dedicated of the SpCellConfig in ltm-CandidateConfig. This field refers to an element in the list configured using uplink-PowerControlToAddModList in the SpCellConfig of the ltm-CandidateConfig in the LTM-Candidate where the ltm-TCI-Info is configured.
Uplink-powerControlId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond Joint2 ... } LTM-QCL-Info-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
referenceSignal-r18The field csi-RS-Index refers to one of the NZP-CSI-RS-Resource configured within LTM-TCI-Info.
CHOICE { ssb-Index SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId }, qcl-Type-r18 ENUMERATED {typeA, typeB, typeC, typeD}, ... } -- TAG-CANDIDATETCI-STATE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CandidateTCI-State field descriptions
Indicates a PathlossReferenceRS of the candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-State and it refers to one of the PathlossReferenceRS configured within LTM-TCI-Info. In this version of the specification only SSB can be included as reference signal when PathlossReferenceRS is included within a CandidateTCI-State IE.
qcl-Type1, qcl-Type2
QCL information for the TCI state.
The ID number of the TCI state.
Indicates the UL power control parameters for PUSCH, PUCCH, and SRS of the candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-State. The field is present only if ul-powerControl is not configured in any BWP-Uplink-Dedicated of the SpCellConfig in ltm-CandidateConfig. This field refers to an element in the list configured using uplink-PowerControlToAddModList in the SpCellConfig of the ltm-CandidateConfig in the LTM-Candidate where the ltm-TCI-Info is configured.
LTM-QCL-Info field descriptions
The field csi-RS-Index refers to one of the NZP-CSI-RS-Resource configured within LTM-TCI-Info.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present if tag2 is present in the SpCellConfig in ltm-CandidateConfigand unifiedTCI-StateType in the ltm-TCI-Info within LTM-Candidate is set to joint. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.
This field is mandatory present, if unifiedTCI-StateType in the ltm-TCI-Info withinLTM-Candidateis set to joint. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.
This field is optionally present, Need R, if unifiedTCI-StateType in the ltm-TCI-Info withinLTM-Candidate is set to joint. It is absent, otherwise.

The IE CandidateTCI-UL-State defines an uplink TCI states configuration.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CANDIDATETCI-UL-STATE-START CandidateTCI-UL-State-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { tci-UL-StateId-r18 TCI-UL-StateId-r17,
referenceSignal-r18Reference signal with which spatial relation information is provided. The field csi-RS-Index refers to one of the NZP-CSI-RS-Resource configured within LTM-TCI-Info.
ssb-IndexThe index of a SSB/PBCH block as indicated in ltm-SSB-Config of the LTM candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-UL-State.
csi-RS-IndexIndicates an NZP-CSI-RS-Resource of the LTM candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-UL-State.
NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId },
pathlossReferenceRS-Id-r18Indicates a PathlossReferenceRS of the LTM candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-UL-State and it refers to one of the PathlossReferenceRS configured within LTM-TCI-Info. In this version of the specification, only SSB can be included as reference signal when PathlossReferenceRS is included within a CandidateTCI-UL-State IE.
PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R tag-Id-ptr-r18 ENUMERATED {n0,n1} OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2TA
ul-PowerControl-r18Indicates the UL power control parameters for PUSCH, PUCCH, and SRS of the candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-UL-State. The field is present only if ul-powerControl is not configured in any BWP-Uplink-Dedicated of the SpCellConfig in ltm-CandidateConfig. This field refers to an element in the list configured using uplink-PowerControlToAddModList in the SpCellConfig of the ltm-CandidateConfig in the LTM-Candidate where the ltm-TCI-Info is configured.
Uplink-powerControlId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-CANDIDATETCI-UL-STATE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CandidateTCI-UL-State field descriptions
Indicates an NZP-CSI-RS-Resource of the LTM candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-UL-State.
Indicates a PathlossReferenceRS of the LTM candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-UL-State and it refers to one of the PathlossReferenceRS configured within LTM-TCI-Info. In this version of the specification, only SSB can be included as reference signal when PathlossReferenceRS is included within a CandidateTCI-UL-State IE.
Reference signal with which spatial relation information is provided. The field csi-RS-Index refers to one of the NZP-CSI-RS-Resource configured within LTM-TCI-Info.
The index of a SSB/PBCH block as indicated in ltm-SSB-Config of the LTM candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-UL-State.
The ID number of the uplink TCI state.
Indicates the UL power control parameters for PUSCH, PUCCH, and SRS of the candidate that includes this CandidateTCI-UL-State. The field is present only if ul-powerControl is not configured in any BWP-Uplink-Dedicated of the SpCellConfig in ltm-CandidateConfig. This field refers to an element in the list configured using uplink-PowerControlToAddModList in the SpCellConfig of the ltm-CandidateConfig in the LTM-Candidate where the ltm-TCI-Info is configured.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present if tag2 is present in the SpCellConfig in ltm-CandidateConfig. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.

The IE CellAccessRelatedInfo indicates cell access related information for this cell.
plmn-IdentityInfoListThe plmn-IdentityInfoList is used to configure a set of PLMN-IdentityInfo elements. Each of those elements contains a list of one or more PLMN Identities and additional information associated with those PLMNs. A PLMN-identity can be included only once, and in only one entry of the PLMN-IdentityInfoList. The PLMN index is defined as b1+b2+…+b(n-1)+i for the PLMN included at the n-th entry of PLMN-IdentityInfoList and the i-th entry of its corresponding PLMN-IdentityInfo, where b(j) is the number of PLMN-Identity entries in each PLMN-IdentityInfo, respectively.
cellReservedForOtherUseIndicates whether the cell is reserved, as defined in 38.304 [20]. The field is applicable to all PLMNs.This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT for cell barring determination, but still considered by NPN capable IAB-MT and NPN capable NCR-MT for determination of an NPN-only cell.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[
cellReservedForFutureUse-r16Indicates whether the cell is reserved, as defined in 38.304 [20] for future use. The field is applicable to all PLMNs and NPNs.This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT.
npn-IdentityInfoList-r16The npn-IdentityInfoList is used to configure a set of NPN-IdentityInfo elements. Each of those elements contains a list of one or more NPN Identities and additional information associated with those NPNs. The total number of PLMNs (identified by a PLMN identity in plmn -IdentityList), PNI-NPNs (identified by a PLMN identity and a CAG-ID), and SNPNs (identified by a PLMN identity and a NID) together in the PLMN-IdentityInfoList and NPN-IdentityInfoList does not exceed 12, except for the NPN-only cells. A PNI-NPN and SNPN can be included only once, and in only one entry of the NPN-IdentityInfoList. In case of NPN-only cells the PLMN-IdentityList contains a single element that does not count to the limit of 12 and the cellIdentity of the first entry of the PLMN-IdentityInfoList is set to the same value as the cellIdentity-r16 of the first entry of the NPN-IdentityInfoList. The NPN index is defined as B+c1+c2+…+c(n-1)+d1+d2+…+d(m-1)+e(i) for the NPN identity included in the n-th entry of NPN-IdentityInfoList and in the m-th entry of npn-Identitylist within that NPN-IdentityInfoList entry, and the i-th entry of its corresponding NPN-Identity, where - B is the index used for the last PLMN in the PLMN-IdentittyInfoList; in NPN-only cells B is considered 0; - c(j) is the number of NPN index values used in the j-th NPN-IdentityInfoList entry; - d(k) is the number of NPN index values used in the k-th npn-IdentityList entry within the n-th NPN-IdentityInfoList entry; - e(i) is - i if the n-th entry of NPN-IdentityInfoList entry is for SNPN(s); - 1 if the n-th entry of NPN-IdentityInfoList entry is for PNI-NPN(s).
NPN-IdentityInfoList-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
snpn-AccessInfoList-r17This list provides access related information for each SNPN in npn-IdentityInfoList, see TS 23.501 [32]. The n-th entry of the list contains the access related information of the n-th SNPN in npn-IdentityInfoList.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF SNPN-AccessInfo-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } SNPN-AccessInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
extCH-Supported-r17Indicates whether the SNPN supports access using credentials from a Credentials Holder as specified in TS 23.501 [32].
extCH-WithoutConfigAllowed-r17Indicates whether the SNPN allows registration attempts with credentials from a Credentials Holder from UEs that are not explicitly configured to select the SNPN as specified in TS 23.501 [32].
onboardingEnabled-r17Indicates whether the onboarding SNPN allows registration for onboarding in the cell as specified in TS 23.501 [32].
imsEmergencySupportForSNPN-r17Indicates whether the SNPN supports IMS emergency bearer services for UEs in limited service mode in the cell. If absent, IMS emergency call is not supported by the SNPN in the cell for UEs in limited service mode.
CellAccessRelatedInfo field descriptions
Indicates whether the cell is reserved, as defined in 38.304 [20] for future use. The field is applicable to all PLMNs and NPNs.This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT.
Indicates whether the cell is reserved, as defined in 38.304 [20]. The field is applicable to all PLMNs.This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT for cell barring determination, but still considered by NPN capable IAB-MT and NPN capable NCR-MT for determination of an NPN-only cell.
The npn-IdentityInfoList is used to configure a set of NPN-IdentityInfo elements. Each of those elements contains a list of one or more NPN Identities and additional information associated with those NPNs. The total number of PLMNs (identified by a PLMN identity in plmn -IdentityList), PNI-NPNs (identified by a PLMN identity and a CAG-ID), and SNPNs (identified by a PLMN identity and a NID) together in the PLMN-IdentityInfoList and NPN-IdentityInfoList does not exceed 12, except for the NPN-only cells. A PNI-NPN and SNPN can be included only once, and in only one entry of the NPN-IdentityInfoList. In case of NPN-only cells the PLMN-IdentityList contains a single element that does not count to the limit of 12 and the cellIdentity of the first entry of the PLMN-IdentityInfoList is set to the same value as the cellIdentity-r16 of the first entry of the NPN-IdentityInfoList. The NPN index is defined as B+c1+c2+…+c(n-1)+d1+d2+…+d(m-1)+e(i) for the NPN identity included in the n-th entry of NPN-IdentityInfoList and in the m-th entry of npn-Identitylist within that NPN-IdentityInfoList entry, and the i-th entry of its corresponding NPN-Identity, where - B is the index used for the last PLMN in the PLMN-IdentittyInfoList; in NPN-only cells B is considered 0; - c(j) is the number of NPN index values used in the j-th NPN-IdentityInfoList entry; - d(k) is the number of NPN index values used in the k-th npn-IdentityList entry within the n-th NPN-IdentityInfoList entry; - e(i) is - i if the n-th entry of NPN-IdentityInfoList entry is for SNPN(s); - 1 if the n-th entry of NPN-IdentityInfoList entry is for PNI-NPN(s).
The plmn-IdentityInfoList is used to configure a set of PLMN-IdentityInfo elements. Each of those elements contains a list of one or more PLMN Identities and additional information associated with those PLMNs. A PLMN-identity can be included only once, and in only one entry of the PLMN-IdentityInfoList. The PLMN index is defined as b1+b2+…+b(n-1)+i for the PLMN included at the n-th entry of PLMN-IdentityInfoList and the i-th entry of its corresponding PLMN-IdentityInfo, where b(j) is the number of PLMN-Identity entries in each PLMN-IdentityInfo, respectively.
This list provides access related information for each SNPN in npn-IdentityInfoList, see TS 23.501 [32]. The n-th entry of the list contains the access related information of the n-th SNPN in npn-IdentityInfoList.
SNPN-AccessInfo field descriptions
Indicates whether the SNPN supports access using credentials from a Credentials Holder as specified in TS 23.501 [32].
Indicates whether the SNPN allows registration attempts with credentials from a Credentials Holder from UEs that are not explicitly configured to select the SNPN as specified in TS 23.501 [32].
Indicates whether the SNPN supports IMS emergency bearer services for UEs in limited service mode in the cell. If absent, IMS emergency call is not supported by the SNPN in the cell for UEs in limited service mode.
Indicates whether the onboarding SNPN allows registration for onboarding in the cell as specified in TS 23.501 [32].

The IE CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-5GC indicates cell access related information for an LTE cell connected to 5GC.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CELLACCESSRELATEDINFOEUTRA-5GC-START CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-5GC ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-IdentityList-eutra-5gc PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-5GC, trackingAreaCode-eutra-5gc TrackingAreaCode, ranac-5gc RAN-AreaCode OPTIONAL, cellIdentity-eutra-5gc CellIdentity-EUTRA-5GC } PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-5GC::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMN)) OF PLMN-Identity-EUTRA-5GC PLMN-Identity-EUTRA-5GC ::= CHOICE { plmn-Identity-EUTRA-5GC PLMN-Identity, plmn-index INTEGER (1..maxPLMN) } CellIdentity-EUTRA-5GC ::= CHOICE { cellIdentity-EUTRA BIT STRING (SIZE (28)), cellId-index INTEGER (1..maxPLMN) } -- TAG-CELLACCESSRELATEDINFOEUTRA-5GC-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-EPC indicates cell access related information for an LTE cell connected to EPC.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CELLACCESSRELATEDINFOEUTRA-EPC-START CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-EPC ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-IdentityList-eutra-epc PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-EPC, trackingAreaCode-eutra-epc BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), cellIdentity-eutra-epc BIT STRING (SIZE (28)) } PLMN-IdentityList-EUTRA-EPC::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMN)) OF PLMN-Identity -- TAG-CELLACCESSRELATEDINFOEUTRA-EPC-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE CellDTX-DRX-Config is used to configure cell DTX/DRX related parameters.
cellDTX-DRX-onDurationTimer-r18Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSecond). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
CHOICE { subMilliSeconds INTEGER (1..31), milliSeconds ENUMERATED { ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1600, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } },
cellDTX-DRX-CycleStartOffset-r18Indicates cellDTX-DRX-Cycle in ms and cellDTX-DRX-StartOffset in multiples of 1 ms. The configured cellDTX-DRX-Cycle is an integer multiple of configured drx-longCycle or vice versa.
CHOICE { ms10 INTEGER(0..9), ms20 INTEGER(0..19), ms32 INTEGER(0..31), ms40 INTEGER(0..39), ms60 INTEGER(0..59), ms64 INTEGER(0..63), ms70 INTEGER(0..69), ms80 INTEGER(0..79), ms128 INTEGER(0..127), ms160 INTEGER(0..159), ms256 INTEGER(0..255), ms320 INTEGER(0..319), ms512 INTEGER(0..511), ms640 INTEGER(0..639), ms1024 INTEGER(0..1023), ms1280 INTEGER(0..1279), ms2048 INTEGER(0..2047), ms2560 INTEGER(0..2559), ms5120 INTEGER(0..5119), ms10240 INTEGER(0..10239) },
cellDTX-DRX-SlotOffset-r18Value in 1/32 ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0 ms, value 1 corresponds to 1/32 ms, value 2 corresponds to 2/32 ms, and so on.
INTEGER (0..31),
cellDTX-DRX-ConfigType-r18Indicates whether the configuration is for cell DTX only, cell DRX only, or joint cell DTX/DRX configuration.
ENUMERATED {dtx, drx, dtxdrx},
cellDTX-DRX-ActivationStatus-r18Initial activation status of cell DTX/DRX indicating whether the UE shall activate the configuration according to the received parameters. This field is only used upon setup of a cell DTX/DRX configuration.
CellDTX-DRX-Config field descriptions
Indicates cellDTX-DRX-Cycle in ms and cellDTX-DRX-StartOffset in multiples of 1 ms. The configured cellDTX-DRX-Cycle is an integer multiple of configured drx-longCycle or vice versa.
Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSecond). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
Value in 1/32 ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0 ms, value 1 corresponds to 1/32 ms, value 2 corresponds to 2/32 ms, and so on.
Initial activation status of cell DTX/DRX indicating whether the UE shall activate the configuration according to the received parameters. This field is only used upon setup of a cell DTX/DRX configuration.
Indicates whether the configuration is for cell DTX only, cell DRX only, or joint cell DTX/DRX configuration.

The CellGroupConfig IE is used to configure a master cell group (MCG) or secondary cell group (SCG). A cell group comprises of one MAC entity, a set of logical channels with associated RLC entities and of a primary cell (SpCell) and one or more secondary cells (SCells). For an NCR-MT, the CellGroupConfig IE is also used to provide the configuration of side control information for the NCR-Fwd access link.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CELLGROUPCONFIG-START -- Configuration of one Cell-Group: CellGroupConfig ::= SEQUENCE { cellGroupId CellGroupId,
rlc-BearerToAddModListConfiguration of the MAC Logical Channel, the corresponding RLC entities and association with radio bearers.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxLC-ID)) OF RLC-BearerConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need N rlc-BearerToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxLC-ID)) OF LogicalChannelIdentity OPTIONAL, -- Need N
mac-CellGroupConfigMAC parameters applicable for the entire cell group.
MAC-CellGroupConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M physicalCellGroupConfig PhysicalCellGroupConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M
spCellConfigParameters for the SpCell of this cell group (PCell of MCG or PSCell of SCG).
SpCellConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sCellToAddModListList of secondary serving cells (SCells) to be added or modified.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSCells)) OF SCellConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sCellToReleaseListList of secondary serving cells (SCells) to be released.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSCells)) OF SCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need N ..., [[
reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentEnables reporting of uplink and supplementary uplink Direct Current location information upon BWP configuration and reconfiguration. This field is only present when the BWP configuration is modified or any serving cell is added or removed. This field is absent in the IE CellGroupConfig when provided as part of RRCSetup message. If UE is configured with SUL carrier, UE reports both UL and SUL Direct Current locations.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Cond BWP-Reconfig ]], [[
bap-Address-r16BAP address of the parent node in cell group.
bh-RLC-ChannelToAddModList-r16Configuration of the backhaul RLC entities and the corresponding MAC Logical Channels to be added and modified.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxBH-RLC-ChannelID-r16)) OF BH-RLC-ChannelConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
bh-RLC-ChannelToReleaseList-r16List of the backhaul RLC entities and the corresponding MAC Logical Channels to be released.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxBH-RLC-ChannelID-r16)) OF BH-RLC-ChannelID-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
f1c-TransferPath-r16The F1-C transfer path that an EN-DC IAB-MT should use for transferring F1-C packets to the IAB-donor-CU. If IAB-MT is configured with lte, IAB-MT can only use LTE leg for F1-C transfer. If IAB-MT is configured with nr, IAB-MT can only use NR leg for F1-C transfer. If IAB-MT is configured with both, it is up to IAB-MT to select an LTE leg or a NR leg for F1-C transfer. If the field is not configured, the IAB node uses the NR leg as the default one.
ENUMERATED {lte, nr, both} OPTIONAL, -- Need M simultaneousTCI-UpdateList1-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCellsTCI-r16)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R simultaneousTCI-UpdateList2-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCellsTCI-r16)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R simultaneousSpatial-UpdatedList1-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCellsTCI-r16)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R simultaneousSpatial-UpdatedList2-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCellsTCI-r16)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R
uplinkTxSwitchingOption-r16Indicates which option is configured for dynamic UL Tx switching for inter-band UL CA or (NG)EN-DC. The field is set to switchedUL if network configures option 1 as specified in TS 38.214 [19], or dualUL if network configures option 2 as specified in TS 38.214 [19]. Network always configures UE with a value for this field in inter-band UL CA case and (NG)EN-DC case where UE supports dynamic UL Tx switching.
ENUMERATED {switchedUL, dualUL} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
uplinkTxSwitchingPowerBoosting-r16Indicates whether the UE is allowed to enable 3dB boosting on the maximum output power for transmission on carrier2 under the operation state in which 2-port transmission can be supported on carrier2 for inter-band UL CA case with dynamic UL Tx switching as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15]. Network can only configure this field for dynamic UL Tx switching in inter-band UL CA case with power Class 3 as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier-r16Enables reporting of uplink Direct Current location information when the UE is configured with uplink intra-band CA with two carriers. This field is absent in the IE CellGroupConfig when provided as part of RRCSetup message.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
f1c-TransferPathNRDC-r17The F1-C transfer path that an NR-DC IAB-MT should use for transferring F1-C packets to the IAB-donor-CU. If IAB-MT is configured with mcg, IAB-MT can only use the MCG for F1-C transfer. If IAB-MT is configured with scg, IAB-MT can only use the SCG for F1-C transfer. If IAB-MT is configured with both, it is up to IAB-MT to select the MCG or the SCG for F1-C transfer.
ENUMERATED {mcg, scg, both} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
uplinkTxSwitching-2T-Mode-r17Indicates 2Tx-2Tx switching mode is configured for inter-band UL CA or SUL, in which the switching gap duration for a triggered uplink switching (as specified in TS 38.214 [19]) is equal to the switching time capability value reported for the switching mode. If this field is absent and uplinkTxSwitching is configured, it is interpreted that 1Tx-2Tx UL Tx switching is configured as specified in TS 38.214 [19]. In this case, there is one uplink (or one uplink band in case of intra-band) configured with uplinkTxSwitching, on which the maximum number of antenna ports among all configured P-SRS/A-SRS and activated SP-SRS resources should be 1 and non-codebook based UL MIMO is not configured.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2Tx
uplinkTxSwitching-DualUL-TxState-r17Indicates the state of Tx chains if the state of Tx chains after the UL Tx switching is not unique (as specified in TS 38.214 [19]) in case of 2Tx-2Tx switching is configured and uplinkTxSwitchingOption is set to dualUL. Value oneT indicates 1Tx is assumed to be supported on the carriers on each band, value twoT indicates 2Tx is assumed to be supported on that carrier. This field applies for all band pairs if uplinkTxSwitchingMoreBands is configured.
ENUMERATED {oneT, twoT} OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2Tx
uu-RelayRLC-ChannelToAddModList-r17List of the Uu RLC entities and the corresponding MAC Logical Channels to be added or modified.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxUu-RelayRLC-ChannelID-r17)) OF Uu-RelayRLC-ChannelConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
uu-RelayRLC-ChannelToReleaseList-r17List of the Uu RLC entities and the corresponding MAC Logical Channels to be released.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxUu-RelayRLC-ChannelID-r17)) OF Uu-RelayRLC-ChannelID-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N simultaneousU-TCI-UpdateList1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCellsTCI-r16)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R simultaneousU-TCI-UpdateList2-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCellsTCI-r16)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R simultaneousU-TCI-UpdateList3-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCellsTCI-r16)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R simultaneousU-TCI-UpdateList4-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCellsTCI-r16)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R
rlc-BearerToReleaseListExt-r17List of the RLC entities and the corresponding MAC Logical Channels to be released for multicast MRBs.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxLC-ID)) OF LogicalChannelIdentityExt-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N iab-ResourceConfigToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofIABResourceConfig-r17)) OF IAB-ResourceConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N iab-ResourceConfigToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofIABResourceConfig-r17)) OF IAB-ResourceConfigID-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrier-r17Enables reporting of uplink Direct Current location information when the UE is configured with intra-band CA. This field is absent in the IE CellGroupConfig when provided as part of RRCSetup message. The UE only reports the uplink Direct Current location information that are related to the indicated cc-CombinationList. The network does not include carriers which locate in DL only spectrum described in TS 38.101-2 [39], clause 5.3A.4 and defined by Fsd according to Table 5.3A.4-3 in FR2 in the IntraBandCC-CombinationReqList. I.e. DL-only carrier in FR2 frequency spectrum is not used to calculate the default DC location.
ReportUplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrier-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
prioSCellPRACH-OverSP-PeriodicSRS-r17When configured, the UE applies UL power control prioritization by prioritizing PRACH transmission on SCell over semi-persistent and/or periodic SRS transmission as defined in clause 7.5 of TS 38.213 [13].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
ncr-FwdConfig-r18Configuration of side control information for the NCR-Fwd access link.
SetupRelease { NCR-FwdConfig-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Cond NCR autonomousDenialParameters-r18 SetupRelease {AutonomousDenialParameters-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
nonCollocatedTypeMRDC-r18This field is only present for a UE configured with maxMIMO-Layers with value less than or equal to 2 for all corresponding serving cells, in case of TDD-TDD inter-band (NG) EN-DC with overlapping or partially overlapping bands. If this field is present, the UE applies (NG)EN-DC MTTD/MRTD according to clause 7.5.3/7.6.3 in TS 38.133 [14] and inter-band RF requirements. If this field is absent, the UE applies (NG)EN-DC MTTD/MRTD according to clause 7.5.2/7.6.2 in TS 38.133 [14] and inter-band RF requirements when indicating support of interBandMRDC-WithOverlapDL-Bands-r16.
nonCollocatedTypeNR-CA-r18This field is only present for a UE configured with maxMIMO-Layers with value less than or equal to 2 for all corresponding serving cells, in case of TDD-TDD intra-band NR-CA. If this field is present, the UE applies MRTD according to Table 7.6.4-1 in TS 38.133 [14] and UE RF requirements for intra-band NR-CA except for 7.10A in TS 38.101-1 [15]. If this field is absent, the UE applies MTTD/MRTD requirements according to Table 7.5.4-1/Table 7.6.4-2 in TS 38.133 [14] and UE RF requirements for intra-band non-collocated NR-CA including 7.10A in TS 38.101-1 [15] when indicating support of intraBandNR-CA-non-collocated-r18.
uplinkTxSwitchingMoreBands-r18Indicates UL band list, band pair list and other configurations for ULTx switching.
SetupRelease { UplinkTxSwitchingMoreBands-r18 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } -- Serving cell specific MAC and PHY parameters for a SpCell: SpCellConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
servCellIndexServing cell ID of a PSCell. The PCell of the Master Cell Group uses ID = 0.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCG
reconfigurationWithSyncParameters for the synchronous reconfiguration to the target SpCell.
ReconfigurationWithSync OPTIONAL, -- Cond ReconfWithSync
rlf-TimersAndConstantsTimers and constants for detecting and triggering cell-level radio link failure. For the SCG, rlf-TimersAndConstants can only be set to setup and is always included at SCG addition.
SetupRelease { RLF-TimersAndConstants } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
rlmInSyncOutOfSyncThresholdBLER threshold pair index for IS/OOS indication generation, see TS 38.133 [14]. n1 corresponds to the value 1. When the field is absent, the UE applies the value 0. Whenever this is reconfigured, UE resets N310 and N311, and stops T310, if running. Network does not include this field.
ENUMERATED {n1} OPTIONAL, -- Need S spCellConfigDedicated ServingCellConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
lowMobilityEvaluationConnected-r17Indicates the criterion for a UE to detect low mobility in RRC_CONNECTED in an SpCell. The s-SearchDeltaP-Connected is the parameter "SSearchDeltaP-connected". Value dB3 corresponds to 3 dB, dB6 corresponds to 6 dB and so on. The t-SearchDeltaP-Connected is the parameter "TSearchDeltaP-Connected". Value s5 means 5 seconds, value s10 means 10 seconds and so on. Low mobility criterion is configured in NR PCell for the case of NR SA/ NR CA/ NE-DC/NR-DC, and in the NR PSCell for the case of EN-DC.
SEQUENCE { s-SearchDeltaP-Connected-r17 ENUMERATED {dB3, dB6, dB9, dB12, dB15, spare3, spare2, spare1}, t-SearchDeltaP-Connected-r17 ENUMERATED {s5, s10, s20, s30, s60, s120, s180, s240, s300, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
goodServingCellEvaluationRLM-r17Indicates the criterion for a UE to detect the good serving cell quality for RLM relaxation in the SpCell in RRC_CONNECTED. The field is always configured when the network enables RLM relaxation for the UE in this SpCell.
GoodServingCellEvaluation-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
goodServingCellEvaluationBFD-r17Indicates the criterion for a UE to detect the good serving cell quality for BFD relaxation in the SpCell in RRC_CONNECTED. The field is always configured when the network enables BFD relaxation for the UE in this SpCell. This field is absent if failureDetectionSetN is present for the SpCell.
GoodServingCellEvaluation-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
deactivatedSCG-Config-r17Configuration applicable when the SCG is deactivated. The network always configures this field before or when indicating that the SCG is deactivated in an RRCReconfiguration, RRCResume, E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration or E-UTRA RRCConnectionResume message.
SetupRelease { DeactivatedSCG-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL -- Cond SCG-Opt ]] } ReconfigurationWithSync ::= SEQUENCE { spCellConfigCommon ServingCellConfigCommon OPTIONAL, -- Need M newUE-Identity RNTI-Value, t304 ENUMERATED {ms50, ms100, ms150, ms200, ms500, ms1000, ms2000, ms10000},
rach-ConfigDedicatedRandom access configuration to be used for the reconfiguration with sync (e.g. handover). The UE performs the RA according to these parameters in the firstActiveUplinkBWP (see UplinkConfig).
CHOICE { uplink RACH-ConfigDedicated, supplementaryUplink RACH-ConfigDedicated } OPTIONAL, -- Need N ..., [[
smtcThe SSB periodicity/offset/duration configuration of target cell for NR SCell addition. The network sets the periodicityAndOffset to indicate the same periodicity as ssb-periodicityServingCell in sCellConfigCommon. The smtc is based on the timing of the SpCell of associated cell group. In case of inter-RAT handover to NR, the timing reference is the NR PCell. In case of intra-NR PCell change (standalone NR) or NR PSCell change (EN-DC), the timing reference is the target SpCell. If the field is absent and absoluteFrequencySSB is included, the UE uses the SMTC in the measObjectNR having the same SSB frequency and subcarrier spacing, as configured before the reception of the RRC message. If the SCell is an SSB-less SCell (i.e., the IE absoluteFrequencySSB in ServingCellConfigCommon is absent), this field is absent.
SSB-MTC OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[ daps-UplinkPowerConfig-r16 DAPS-UplinkPowerConfig-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[ sl-PathSwitchConfig-r17 SL-PathSwitchConfig-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond DirectToIndirect-PathSwitch ]], [[ rach-LessHO-r18 RACH-LessHO-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sl-IndirectPathMaintain-r18Indicates that the L2 U2N Remote UE keeps the PC5 connection with its connected L2 U2N Relay UE.
ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL -- Cond MP ]] } DAPS-UplinkPowerConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
p-DAPS-Source-r16The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE in the source cell group during DAPS handover.
p-DAPS-Target-r16The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE in the target cell group during DAPS handover.
uplinkPowerSharingDAPS-Mode-r16Indicates the uplink power sharing mode that the UE uses in DAPS handover (see TS 38.213 [13]).
ENUMERATED {semi-static-mode1, semi-static-mode2, dynamic } } SCellConfig ::= SEQUENCE { sCellIndex SCellIndex, sCellConfigCommon ServingCellConfigCommon OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCellAdd sCellConfigDedicated ServingCellConfig OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCellAddMod ..., [[
smtcThe SSB periodicity/offset/duration configuration of target cell for NR SCell addition. The network sets the periodicityAndOffset to indicate the same periodicity as ssb-periodicityServingCell in sCellConfigCommon. The smtc is based on the timing of the SpCell of associated cell group. In case of inter-RAT handover to NR, the timing reference is the NR PCell. In case of intra-NR PCell change (standalone NR) or NR PSCell change (EN-DC), the timing reference is the target SpCell. If the field is absent and absoluteFrequencySSB is included, the UE uses the SMTC in the measObjectNR having the same SSB frequency and subcarrier spacing, as configured before the reception of the RRC message. If the SCell is an SSB-less SCell (i.e., the IE absoluteFrequencySSB in ServingCellConfigCommon is absent), this field is absent.
SSB-MTC OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[
sCellState-r16Indicates whether the SCell shall be considered to be in activated state upon SCell configuration. If the field is included for an SCell configured with TRS for fast activation of the SCell, such TRS is not used for the corresponding SCell.
ENUMERATED {activated} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCellAddSync
secondaryDRX-GroupConfig-r16The field is used to indicate whether the SCell belongs to the secondary DRX group. All serving cells in the secondary DRX group shall belong to one Frequency Range and all serving cells in the default DRX group shall belong to another Frequency Range. If drx-ConfigSecondaryGroup is configured, the field is optionally present. The network always includes the field if the field was previously configured for this SCell and the SCell remains in the secondary DRX group. Removal of an individual SCell from the secondary DRX group is supported by using an SCell release and addition. Otherwise, if drx-ConfigSecondaryGroup is not configured, the field is absent and the UE shall release the field. The UE shall also release the field if drx-ConfigSecondaryGroup is released without including sCellToAddModList.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[
preConfGapStatus-r17Indicates whether the pre-configured measurement gaps (i.e. the gaps configured with preConfigInd) are activated or deactivated while this SCell is deactivated. If this field is configured, the UE shall apply network-controlled mechanism for activation and deactivation of the pre-configured measurement gaps, otherwise the UE shall apply the autonomous activation/deactivation mechanism, as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to the measurement gap with gap ID 1, the second bit corresponds to measurement gap with gap ID 2, and so on. Value 0 indicates that the corresponding pre-configured measurement gap is deactivated while value 1 indicates that the corresponding pre-configured measurement gap is activated. The UE shall ignore the bitif the corresponding measurement gap is not a pre-configured measurement gap.
BIT STRING (SIZE (maxNrofGapId-r17)) OPTIONAL, -- Cond PreConfigMG
goodServingCellEvaluationBFD-r17Indicates the criterion for a UE to detect the good serving cell quality for BFD relaxation in the SpCell in RRC_CONNECTED. The field is always configured when the network enables BFD relaxation for the UE in this SpCell. This field is absent if failureDetectionSetN is present for the SpCell.
GoodServingCellEvaluation-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sCellSIB20-r17This field is used to transfer SIB20 of the SCell in order to allow the UE for MBS broadcast reception on SCell. The network configures this field only for a single SCell at a time.
SetupRelease { SCellSIB20-r17 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
plmn-IdentityInfoList-r17This field is used to transfer plmn-IdentityInfoList in SIB1 of the SCell. The UE uses this field to translate the plmn-Index in MCCH of SCell to PLMN Identity.If this field and npn-IdentityInfoList are bothabsent, the UE uses the plmn-IdentityInfoList in SIB1 of the PCell.
SetupRelease {PLMN-IdentityInfoList} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCellSIB20-Opt
npn-IdentityInfoList-r17This field is used to transfer npn-IdentityInfoList in SIB1 of the SCell. The UE uses this field to translate the plmn-Index in MCCH of SCell to SNPN Identity.If this field and plmn-IdentityInfoList are both absent, the UE uses the npn-IdentityInfoList in SIB1 of the PCell.
SetupRelease {NPN-IdentityInfoList-r16} OPTIONAL -- Cond SCellSIB20-Opt ]] } SCellSIB20-r17 ::= OCTET STRING (CONTAINING SystemInformation) DeactivatedSCG-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
bfd-and-RLM-r17If the field is set to true, the UE shall perform RLM and BFD on the PSCell when the SCG is deactivated and the network ensures that beamFailure-r17 is not configured in the radioLinkMonitoringConfig of the DL BWP of the PSCell in which the UE performs BFD. If set to false, the UE is not required to perform RLM and BFD on the PSCell when the SCG is deactivated.
BOOLEAN, ... } GoodServingCellEvaluation-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
offset-r17The parameter "X" (dB) for the good serving cell quality criterion in RRC_CONNECTED, for a cell operating in FR1 and FR2, respectively. If this field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of 0 dB for "X".
ENUMERATED {db2, db4, db6, db8} OPTIONAL -- Need S } SL-PathSwitchConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
targetRelayUE-Identity-r17Indicates the L2 source ID of the target L2 U2N Relay UE during path switch.
t420-r17Indicates the timer value of T420 to be used during path switch.
ENUMERATED {ms50, ms100, ms150, ms200, ms500, ms1000, ms2000, ms10000}, ... } IAB-ResourceConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
iab-ResourceConfigID-r17This ID is used to indicate the specific resource configuration addressed by the MAC CEs specified in TS 38.321 [3].
slotList-r17Indicates the list of slot indexes to which the information indicated in the specific MAC CE applies to, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The values of the entries in the slotList are strictly less than the value of the periodicitySlotList.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..5120)) OF INTEGER (0..5119) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
periodicitySlotList-r17Indicates the periodicity in ms of the list of slot indexes indicated in slotList.
ENUMERATED {ms0p5, ms0p625, ms1, ms1p25, ms2, ms2p5, ms5, ms10, ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
slotListSubcarrierSpacing-r17Subcarrier spacing used as reference for the slotList configuration. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120 or 480 kHz
SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } IAB-ResourceConfigID-r17 ::= INTEGER(0..maxNrofIABResourceConfig-1-r17) ReportUplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrier-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxSimultaneousBands)) OF IntraBandCC-CombinationReqList-r17 IntraBandCC-CombinationReqList-r17::= SEQUENCE {
servCellIndexList-r17indicates the list of cell index for an intra-band CA component.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxNrofServingCells)) OF ServCellIndex, cc-CombinationList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxNrofReqComDC-Location-r17)) OF IntraBandCC-Combination-r17 } IntraBandCC-Combination-r17::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxNrofServingCells)) OF CC-State-r17 CC-State-r17::= SEQUENCE {
dlCarrier-r17Indicates DL carrier activation state for this carrier and the related active BWP Index, if activated.
CarrierState-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
ulCarrier-r17Indicates UL carrier activation state for this carrier and the related active BWP Index, if activated.
CarrierState-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need N } CarrierState-r17::= CHOICE { deActivated-r17 NULL, activeBWP-r17 INTEGER (0..maxNrofBWPs) } AutonomousDenialParameters-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
autonomousDenialSlots-r18Indicates the maximum number of the UL slots for which the UE is allowed to deny any UL transmission. Value n2 corresponds to 2 slots, value n5 to 5 slots and so on.
ENUMERATED {n2, n5, n10, n15, n20, n30, spare2, spare1},
autonomousDenialValidity-r18Indicates the validity period over which the UL autonomous denial slots shall be counted. Value n200 corresponds to 200 slots, value n500 corresponds to 500 slots and so on.
ENUMERATED {n200, n500, n1000, n2000} } RACH-LessHO-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
targetNTA-r18This field refers to the timing adjustment, see TS 38.213 [13] and TS 38.321 [3], indicating the NTA value which the UE shall use for the target PTAG of handover. The value zero corresponds to NTA=0, while the value source corresponds to the NTA value of the source PTAG indicated by the tag-Id. Only value source is configured by the network in case source cell is a mobile IAB cell. In this version of the specification, the network shall always configure this field if rach-LessHO is part of an RRCReconfiguration message.
ENUMERATED {zero, source} OPTIONAL, -- Need N beamIndication-r18 CHOICE {
tci-StateID-r18This field indicates a beam that the UE should use in the target cell to monitor PDCCH for initial uplink transmissionand also indicates the TCI state information to be used in the target cell. The network configures this field in case this cell is not a NTN cell.
ssb-Index-r18This field indicates a beam that the UE should use in the target cell to monitor PDCCH for initial uplink transmission, see TS 38.321 [3].The network configures this field when cg-RRC-Configuration is not configured for the initial uplink transmission in RACH-less handover in NTN or in case this cell is not a mobile IAB cell.
SSB-Index } OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } UplinkTxSwitchingMoreBands-r18::= SEQUENCE {
uplinkTxSwitchingBandList-r18Indicates the NR frequency band number of the UL bands for UL Tx switching. If the UE needs to determine location of switching period as specified in TS 38.101-1 [15], the UE considers that the bands are listed in decreasing order of priority, i.e. the first/leftmost entry corresponds to the band with the highest priority, the next entry corresponds to the band with the second highest priority, and so on. The last entry corresponds the band with the lowest priority.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF FreqBandIndicatorNR OPTIONAL, -- Need M
uplinkTxSwitchingBandPairList-r18Indicates the band pairs involved in UL Tx switching, as well as the per band pair configurations.
UplinkTxSwitchingBandPairList-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
uplinkTxSwitchingAssociatedBandDualUL-List-r18Indicates the associated band for the transmitting band indicated by transmitBand which the transmitting carrier(s) is on as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.6. The network ensures that each band pair of a transmitting band and an associated band supports the dualUL switching option.
UplinkTxSwitchingAssociatedBandDualUL-List-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } UplinkTxSwitchingBandPairList-r18::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxULTxSwitchingBandPairs)) OF UplinkTxSwitchingBandPairConfig-r18 UplinkTxSwitchingBandPairConfig-r18::= SEQUENCE { bandInfoUL1-r18 UplinkTxSwitchingBandIndex-r18, bandInfoUL2-r18 UplinkTxSwitchingBandIndex-r18,
switchingOptionConfigForBandPair-r18Indicates the switching option for the band pair as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.6.
ENUMERATED {switchedUL, dualUL},
switching2T-Mode-r18Indicates 2Tx-2Tx switching mode is configured to the band pair. If this field is absent when uplink Tx switching is configured, it is interpreted that 1Tx-2Tx/1Tx-1Tx UL Tx switching is configured as specified in TS 38.214 [19].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
switchingPeriodConfigForBandPair-r18Indicates the value of switching period for the band pair as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.6. Valuen35us represents 35 us, n140us represents 140us. If the field is absent, 210 us is applied.
ENUMERATED {n35us, n140us} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... } UplinkTxSwitchingAssociatedBandDualUL-List-r18::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF UplinkTxSwitchingAssociatedBandDualUL-r18 UplinkTxSwitchingAssociatedBandDualUL-r18::= SEQUENCE { transmitBand-r18 UplinkTxSwitchingBandIndex-r18, associatedBand-r18 UplinkTxSwitchingBandIndex-r18 } UplinkTxSwitchingBandIndex-r18::= INTEGER (1..maxSimultaneousBands) -- TAG-CELLGROUPCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
AutonomousDenialParamters field descriptions
Indicates the maximum number of the UL slots for which the UE is allowed to deny any UL transmission. Value n2 corresponds to 2 slots, value n5 to 5 slots and so on.
Indicates the validity period over which the UL autonomous denial slots shall be counted. Value n200 corresponds to 200 slots, value n500 corresponds to 500 slots and so on.
CC-State field descriptions
Indicates DL carrier activation state for this carrier and the related active BWP Index, if activated.
Indicates UL carrier activation state for this carrier and the related active BWP Index, if activated.
CellGroupConfig field descriptions
BAP address of the parent node in cell group.
Configuration of the backhaul RLC entities and the corresponding MAC Logical Channels to be added and modified.
List of the backhaul RLC entities and the corresponding MAC Logical Channels to be released.
The F1-C transfer path that an EN-DC IAB-MT should use for transferring F1-C packets to the IAB-donor-CU. If IAB-MT is configured with lte, IAB-MT can only use LTE leg for F1-C transfer. If IAB-MT is configured with nr, IAB-MT can only use NR leg for F1-C transfer. If IAB-MT is configured with both, it is up to IAB-MT to select an LTE leg or a NR leg for F1-C transfer. If the field is not configured, the IAB node uses the NR leg as the default one.
The F1-C transfer path that an NR-DC IAB-MT should use for transferring F1-C packets to the IAB-donor-CU. If IAB-MT is configured with mcg, IAB-MT can only use the MCG for F1-C transfer. If IAB-MT is configured with scg, IAB-MT can only use the SCG for F1-C transfer. If IAB-MT is configured with both, it is up to IAB-MT to select the MCG or the SCG for F1-C transfer.
MAC parameters applicable for the entire cell group.
Configuration of side control information for the NCR-Fwd access link.
This field is only present for a UE configured with maxMIMO-Layers with value less than or equal to 2 for all corresponding serving cells, in case of TDD-TDD inter-band (NG) EN-DC with overlapping or partially overlapping bands. If this field is present, the UE applies (NG)EN-DC MTTD/MRTD according to clause 7.5.3/7.6.3 in TS 38.133 [14] and inter-band RF requirements. If this field is absent, the UE applies (NG)EN-DC MTTD/MRTD according to clause 7.5.2/7.6.2 in TS 38.133 [14] and inter-band RF requirements when indicating support of interBandMRDC-WithOverlapDL-Bands-r16.
This field is only present for a UE configured with maxMIMO-Layers with value less than or equal to 2 for all corresponding serving cells, in case of TDD-TDD intra-band NR-CA. If this field is present, the UE applies MRTD according to Table 7.6.4-1 in TS 38.133 [14] and UE RF requirements for intra-band NR-CA except for 7.10A in TS 38.101-1 [15]. If this field is absent, the UE applies MTTD/MRTD requirements according to Table 7.5.4-1/Table 7.6.4-2 in TS 38.133 [14] and UE RF requirements for intra-band non-collocated NR-CA including 7.10A in TS 38.101-1 [15] when indicating support of intraBandNR-CA-non-collocated-r18.
This field is used to transfer npn-IdentityInfoList in SIB1 of the SCell. The UE uses this field to translate the plmn-Index in MCCH of SCell to SNPN Identity.If this field and plmn-IdentityInfoList are both absent, the UE uses the npn-IdentityInfoList in SIB1 of the PCell.
This field is used to transfer plmn-IdentityInfoList in SIB1 of the SCell. The UE uses this field to translate the plmn-Index in MCCH of SCell to PLMN Identity.If this field and npn-IdentityInfoList are bothabsent, the UE uses the plmn-IdentityInfoList in SIB1 of the PCell.
When configured, the UE applies UL power control prioritization by prioritizing PRACH transmission on SCell over semi-persistent and/or periodic SRS transmission as defined in clause 7.5 of TS 38.213 [13].
Configuration of the MAC Logical Channel, the corresponding RLC entities and association with radio bearers.
Enables reporting of uplink and supplementary uplink Direct Current location information upon BWP configuration and reconfiguration. This field is only present when the BWP configuration is modified or any serving cell is added or removed. This field is absent in the IE CellGroupConfig when provided as part of RRCSetup message. If UE is configured with SUL carrier, UE reports both UL and SUL Direct Current locations.
Enables reporting of uplink Direct Current location information when the UE is configured with intra-band CA. This field is absent in the IE CellGroupConfig when provided as part of RRCSetup message. The UE only reports the uplink Direct Current location information that are related to the indicated cc-CombinationList. The network does not include carriers which locate in DL only spectrum described in TS 38.101-2 [39], clause 5.3A.4 and defined by Fsd according to Table 5.3A.4-3 in FR2 in the IntraBandCC-CombinationReqList. I.e. DL-only carrier in FR2 frequency spectrum is not used to calculate the default DC location.
Enables reporting of uplink Direct Current location information when the UE is configured with uplink intra-band CA with two carriers. This field is absent in the IE CellGroupConfig when provided as part of RRCSetup message.
List of the RLC entities and the corresponding MAC Logical Channels to be released for multicast MRBs.
BLER threshold pair index for IS/OOS indication generation, see TS 38.133 [14]. n1 corresponds to the value 1. When the field is absent, the UE applies the value 0. Whenever this is reconfigured, UE resets N310 and N311, and stops T310, if running. Network does not include this field.
This field is used to transfer SIB20 of the SCell in order to allow the UE for MBS broadcast reception on SCell. The network configures this field only for a single SCell at a time.
List of secondary serving cells (SCells) to be added or modified.
List of secondary serving cells (SCells) to be released.
simultaneousSpatial-UpdatedList1, simultaneousSpatial-UpdatedList2
List of serving cells which can be updated simultaneously for spatial relation with a MAC CE. The simultaneousSpatial-UpdatedList1 and simultaneousSpatial-UpdatedList2 shall not contain same serving cells. Network should not configure serving cells that are configured with a BWP with two different values for the coresetPoolIndex in these lists.
simultaneousTCI-UpdateList1, simultaneousTCI-UpdateList2
List of serving cells which can be updated simultaneously for TCI relation with a MAC CE. The simultaneousTCI-UpdateList1 and simultaneousTCI-UpdateList2 shall not contain same serving cells. Network should not configure serving cells that are configured with a BWP with two different values for the coresetPoolIndex in these lists.
simultaneousU-TCI-UpdateList1, simultaneousU-TCI-UpdateList2, simultaneousU-TCI-UpdateList3, simultaneousU-TCI-UpdateList4
List of serving cells for which the Unified TCI States Activation/Deactivation MAC CE applies simultaneously, as specified in TS 38.321 [3] clause The different lists shall not contain same serving cells. Network only configures in these lists serving cells that are configured with unifiedTCI-StateType. Network should not configure serving cells that are configured with a BWP with different number of coresetPoolIndexes in these lists.
Parameters for the SpCell of this cell group (PCell of MCG or PSCell of SCG).
Indicates which option is configured for dynamic UL Tx switching for inter-band UL CA or (NG)EN-DC. The field is set to switchedUL if network configures option 1 as specified in TS 38.214 [19], or dualUL if network configures option 2 as specified in TS 38.214 [19]. Network always configures UE with a value for this field in inter-band UL CA case and (NG)EN-DC case where UE supports dynamic UL Tx switching.
Indicates whether the UE is allowed to enable 3dB boosting on the maximum output power for transmission on carrier2 under the operation state in which 2-port transmission can be supported on carrier2 for inter-band UL CA case with dynamic UL Tx switching as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15]. Network can only configure this field for dynamic UL Tx switching in inter-band UL CA case with power Class 3 as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15].
Indicates 2Tx-2Tx switching mode is configured for inter-band UL CA or SUL, in which the switching gap duration for a triggered uplink switching (as specified in TS 38.214 [19]) is equal to the switching time capability value reported for the switching mode. If this field is absent and uplinkTxSwitching is configured, it is interpreted that 1Tx-2Tx UL Tx switching is configured as specified in TS 38.214 [19]. In this case, there is one uplink (or one uplink band in case of intra-band) configured with uplinkTxSwitching, on which the maximum number of antenna ports among all configured P-SRS/A-SRS and activated SP-SRS resources should be 1 and non-codebook based UL MIMO is not configured.
Indicates the state of Tx chains if the state of Tx chains after the UL Tx switching is not unique (as specified in TS 38.214 [19]) in case of 2Tx-2Tx switching is configured and uplinkTxSwitchingOption is set to dualUL. Value oneT indicates 1Tx is assumed to be supported on the carriers on each band, value twoT indicates 2Tx is assumed to be supported on that carrier. This field applies for all band pairs if uplinkTxSwitchingMoreBands is configured.
Indicates UL band list, band pair list and other configurations for ULTx switching.
List of the Uu RLC entities and the corresponding MAC Logical Channels to be added or modified.
List of the Uu RLC entities and the corresponding MAC Logical Channels to be released.
DeactivatedSCG-Config field descriptions
If the field is set to true, the UE shall perform RLM and BFD on the PSCell when the SCG is deactivated and the network ensures that beamFailure-r17 is not configured in the radioLinkMonitoringConfig of the DL BWP of the PSCell in which the UE performs BFD. If set to false, the UE is not required to perform RLM and BFD on the PSCell when the SCG is deactivated.
DAPS-UplinkPowerConfigfield descriptions
The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE in the source cell group during DAPS handover.
The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE in the target cell group during DAPS handover.
Indicates the uplink power sharing mode that the UE uses in DAPS handover (see TS 38.213 [13]).
GoodServingCellEvaluation field descriptions
The parameter "X" (dB) for the good serving cell quality criterion in RRC_CONNECTED, for a cell operating in FR1 and FR2, respectively. If this field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of 0 dB for "X".
IAB-ResourceConfig field descriptions
This ID is used to indicate the specific resource configuration addressed by the MAC CEs specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Indicates the periodicity in ms of the list of slot indexes indicated in slotList.
Indicates the list of slot indexes to which the information indicated in the specific MAC CE applies to, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The values of the entries in the slotList are strictly less than the value of the periodicitySlotList.
Subcarrier spacing used as reference for the slotList configuration. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120 or 480 kHz
RACH-LessHO field descriptions
This field indicates a beam that the UE should use in the target cell to monitor PDCCH for initial uplink transmission, see TS 38.321 [3].The network configures this field when cg-RRC-Configuration is not configured for the initial uplink transmission in RACH-less handover in NTN or in case this cell is not a mobile IAB cell.
This field refers to the timing adjustment, see TS 38.213 [13] and TS 38.321 [3], indicating the NTA value which the UE shall use for the target PTAG of handover. The value zero corresponds to NTA=0, while the value source corresponds to the NTA value of the source PTAG indicated by the tag-Id. Only value source is configured by the network in case source cell is a mobile IAB cell. In this version of the specification, the network shall always configure this field if rach-LessHO is part of an RRCReconfiguration message.
This field indicates a beam that the UE should use in the target cell to monitor PDCCH for initial uplink transmissionand also indicates the TCI state information to be used in the target cell. The network configures this field in case this cell is not a NTN cell.
ReconfigurationWithSync field descriptions
Random access configuration to be used for the reconfiguration with sync (e.g. handover). The UE performs the RA according to these parameters in the firstActiveUplinkBWP (see UplinkConfig).
Indicates that the L2 U2N Remote UE keeps the PC5 connection with its connected L2 U2N Relay UE.
The SSB periodicity/offset/duration configuration of target cell for NR PSCell change and NR PCell change. The network sets the periodicityAndOffset to indicate the same periodicity as ssb-periodicityServingCell in spCellConfigCommon or sets to the same periodicity as ssb-Periodicity-r17 in nonCellDefiningSSB-r17 if the first active DL BWP included in this RRC message is configured with nonCellDefiningSSB-r17. For case of NR PCell change, the smtc is based on the timing reference of (source) PCell. For case of NR PSCell change, it is based on the timing reference of source PSCell. If both this field and targetCellSMTC-SCG are absent, the UE uses the SMTC in the measObjectNR having the same SSB frequency and subcarrier spacing,as configured before the reception of the RRC message.If the first active DL BWP included in this RRC message is configured with nonCellDefiningSSB-r17, this field corresponds to the NCD-SSB indicated by nonCellDefiningSSB-r17, otherwise, this field corresponds to the CD-SSB indicated by absoluteFrequencySSB in frequencyInfoDL.
ReportUplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrier field descriptions
Indicates the state of the carriers and BWPs indexes of the carriers in a CC combination, each carrier in this combination corresponds to an entry in servCellIndexList with same order. This IE shall have the same size as servCellIndexList.
Indicates the list of the requested carriers/BWPs combinations for an intra-band CA component.
indicates the list of cell index for an intra-band CA component.
SCellConfig field descriptions
Indicates the criterion for a UE to detect the good serving cell quality for BFD relaxation in an SCell in RRC_CONNECTED. This field is always configured when the network enables BFD relaxation for the UE in this SCell. This field is absent if failureDetectionSetN is present for the SCell.
Indicates whether the pre-configured measurement gaps (i.e. the gaps configured with preConfigInd) are activated or deactivated while this SCell is deactivated. If this field is configured, the UE shall apply network-controlled mechanism for activation and deactivation of the pre-configured measurement gaps, otherwise the UE shall apply the autonomous activation/deactivation mechanism, as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to the measurement gap with gap ID 1, the second bit corresponds to measurement gap with gap ID 2, and so on. Value 0 indicates that the corresponding pre-configured measurement gap is deactivated while value 1 indicates that the corresponding pre-configured measurement gap is activated. The UE shall ignore the bitif the corresponding measurement gap is not a pre-configured measurement gap.
Indicates whether the SCell shall be considered to be in activated state upon SCell configuration. If the field is included for an SCell configured with TRS for fast activation of the SCell, such TRS is not used for the corresponding SCell.
The field is used to indicate whether the SCell belongs to the secondary DRX group. All serving cells in the secondary DRX group shall belong to one Frequency Range and all serving cells in the default DRX group shall belong to another Frequency Range. If drx-ConfigSecondaryGroup is configured, the field is optionally present. The network always includes the field if the field was previously configured for this SCell and the SCell remains in the secondary DRX group. Removal of an individual SCell from the secondary DRX group is supported by using an SCell release and addition. Otherwise, if drx-ConfigSecondaryGroup is not configured, the field is absent and the UE shall release the field. The UE shall also release the field if drx-ConfigSecondaryGroup is released without including sCellToAddModList.
The SSB periodicity/offset/duration configuration of target cell for NR SCell addition. The network sets the periodicityAndOffset to indicate the same periodicity as ssb-periodicityServingCell in sCellConfigCommon. The smtc is based on the timing of the SpCell of associated cell group. In case of inter-RAT handover to NR, the timing reference is the NR PCell. In case of intra-NR PCell change (standalone NR) or NR PSCell change (EN-DC), the timing reference is the target SpCell. If the field is absent and absoluteFrequencySSB is included, the UE uses the SMTC in the measObjectNR having the same SSB frequency and subcarrier spacing, as configured before the reception of the RRC message. If the SCell is an SSB-less SCell (i.e., the IE absoluteFrequencySSB in ServingCellConfigCommon is absent), this field is absent.
SpCellConfig field descriptions
Configuration applicable when the SCG is deactivated. The network always configures this field before or when indicating that the SCG is deactivated in an RRCReconfiguration, RRCResume, E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration or E-UTRA RRCConnectionResume message.
Indicates the criterion for a UE to detect the good serving cell quality for BFD relaxation in the SpCell in RRC_CONNECTED. The field is always configured when the network enables BFD relaxation for the UE in this SpCell. This field is absent if failureDetectionSetN is present for the SpCell.
Indicates the criterion for a UE to detect the good serving cell quality for RLM relaxation in the SpCell in RRC_CONNECTED. The field is always configured when the network enables RLM relaxation for the UE in this SpCell.
Indicates the criterion for a UE to detect low mobility in RRC_CONNECTED in an SpCell. The s-SearchDeltaP-Connected is the parameter "SSearchDeltaP-connected". Value dB3 corresponds to 3 dB, dB6 corresponds to 6 dB and so on. The t-SearchDeltaP-Connected is the parameter "TSearchDeltaP-Connected". Value s5 means 5 seconds, value s10 means 10 seconds and so on. Low mobility criterion is configured in NR PCell for the case of NR SA/ NR CA/ NE-DC/NR-DC, and in the NR PSCell for the case of EN-DC.
Parameters for the synchronous reconfiguration to the target SpCell.
Timers and constants for detecting and triggering cell-level radio link failure. For the SCG, rlf-TimersAndConstants can only be set to setup and is always included at SCG addition.
Serving cell ID of a PSCell. The PCell of the Master Cell Group uses ID = 0.
SL-PathSwitchConfig field descriptions
Indicates the L2 source ID of the target L2 U2N Relay UE during path switch.
Indicates the timer value of T420 to be used during path switch.
UplinkTxSwitchingMoreBands field descriptions
Indicates the NR frequency band number of the UL bands for UL Tx switching. If the UE needs to determine location of switching period as specified in TS 38.101-1 [15], the UE considers that the bands are listed in decreasing order of priority, i.e. the first/leftmost entry corresponds to the band with the highest priority, the next entry corresponds to the band with the second highest priority, and so on. The last entry corresponds the band with the lowest priority.
Indicates the band pairs involved in UL Tx switching, as well as the per band pair configurations.
Indicates the associated band for the transmitting band indicated by transmitBand which the transmitting carrier(s) is on as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.6. The network ensures that each band pair of a transmitting band and an associated band supports the dualUL switching option.
The value n indicates the band included at the n-th entry of uplinkTxSwitchingBandList.
UplinkTxSwitchingBandPairConfig field descriptions
bandInfoUL1, bandInfoUL2
Indicates the band index for a band pair. The value n indicates the band included at the n-th entry of uplinkTxSwitchingBandList.
Indicates 2Tx-2Tx switching mode is configured to the band pair. If this field is absent when uplink Tx switching is configured, it is interpreted that 1Tx-2Tx/1Tx-1Tx UL Tx switching is configured as specified in TS 38.214 [19].
Indicates the switching option for the band pair as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.6.
Indicates the value of switching period for the band pair as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.6. Valuen35us represents 35 us, n140us represents 140us. If the field is absent, 210 us is applied.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need R, if uplinkTxSwitching is configured; otherwise it is absent, Need R.
The field is optionally present, Need N, if the BWPs are reconfigured or if serving cells are added or removed. Otherwise it is absent.
The field is mandatory present for the L2 U2N remote UE at path switch to the target L2 U2N Relay UE (including direct to indirect path switch and indirect to indirect path switch). It is absent otherwise.
Note:the target L2 U2N Relay UE should not be the same as serving L2 U2N Relay UE for inter-gNB indirect to indirect path switch.
This field is optionally present, Need N, if a L2 U2N remote UE is configured to perform MP direct path addition during indirect-to-direct path swith procedure, or to perform MP direct path release during direct-to-indirect path switch procedure. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need M, for NCR-MT. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if there is at least one per UE gap configured with preConfigInd or there is at least one per FR gap of the same FR which the SCell belongs to and configured with preConfigInd. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.
The field is mandatory present in the RRCReconfiguration message:
-in each configured CellGroupConfig for which the SpCell changes, -in the masterCellGroup: -at change of AS security key derived from KgNB, -in an RRCReconfiguration message contained in a DLInformationTransferMRDC message, -path switch of L2 U2N remote UE to the target PCell, -path switch of L2 U2N remote UE to the target L2 U2N Relay UE, -in the secondaryCellGroup at: -PSCell addition, -SCG resume with NR-DC or (NG)EN-DC, -update of required SI for PSCell, -change of AS security key derived from S-KgNB in NR-DC while the UE is configured with at least one radio bearer with keyToUse set to secondary and that is not released by this RRCReconfiguration message, -MN handover in (NG)EN-DC. Otherwise, it is optionally present, need M. The field is absent in the masterCellGroup in RRCResume and RRCSetup messages and is absent in the masterCellGroup in RRCReconfiguration messages if source configuration is not released during DAPS handover.
The field is mandatory present upon SCell addition; otherwise it is absent, Need M.
The field is mandatory present upon SCell addition; otherwise it is optionally present, need M.
The field is optionally present, Need N:
-in the masterCellGroup at -SCell addition, -reconfiguration with sync, -resume of an RRC connection. -in the secondaryCellGroup, when the SCG is not indicated as deactivated at: -SCG activation while the SCG was previously deactivated, -SCell addition, -reconfiguration with sync. It is absent otherwise.
The field is mandatory present in an SpCellConfig for the PSCell. It is absent otherwise.
This field is optionally present, Need M, if the field sCellSIB20 is configured. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need M, in an SpCellConfig for the PSCell. It is absent otherwise.

The IE CellGroupId is used to identify a cell group. Value 0 identifies the master cell group. Other values identify secondary cell groups. In this version of the specification only values 0 and 1 are supported.

The IE CellIdentity is used to unambiguously identify a cell within a PLMN/SNPN.

The IE CellReselectionPriority concerns the absolute priority of the concerned carrier frequency, as used by the cell reselection procedure. Corresponds to parameter "priority" in TS 38.304 [20]. Value 0 means lowest priority. The UE behaviour for the case the field is absent, if applicable, is specified in TS 38.304 [20].

The IE CellReselectionSubPriority indicates a fractional value to be added to the value of cellReselectionPriority to obtain the absolute priority of the concerned carrier frequency for E-UTRA and NR. Value oDot2 corresponds to 0.2, value oDot4 corresponds to 0.4 and so on.

The IE CFR-ConfigMulticast indicates UE specific common frequency resource configuration for multicast for one dedicated BWP.
locationAndBandwidthMulticast-r17Frequency domain location and bandwidth for MBS multicast. The value of the field shall be interpreted as resource indicator value (RIV) as defined in TS 38.214 [19] with assumptions as described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 12, i.e. setting N^size_BWP=275. The first PRB is a PRB determined by subcarrierSpacing of the associated BWP and offsetToCarrier corresponding to this subcarrier spacing. If not configured, the UE applies the value of locationAndBandwidth of the DL BWP in which the cfr-ConfigMulticast is configured.
INTEGER (0..37949) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
pdcch-ConfigMulticast-r17UE specific group-common PDCCH configuration for MBS multicast for one CFR.
PDCCH-Config OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pdsch-ConfigMulticast-r17UE specific group-common PDSCH configuration for MBS multicast for one CFR.
PDSCH-Config OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sps-ConfigMulticastToAddModList-r17Indicates a list of one or more DL SPS configurations for MBS multicast.
SPS-ConfigMulticastToAddModList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sps-ConfigMulticastToReleaseList-r17Indicates a list of one or more DL SPS configurations to be released. The NW may release a SPS configuration at any time.
SPS-ConfigMulticastToReleaseList-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need N } SPS-ConfigMulticastToAddModList-r17 ::=SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SPS-Config SPS-ConfigMulticastToReleaseList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SPS-ConfigIndex-r16 -- TAG-CFR-CONFIGMULTICAST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CFR-ConfigMulticast field descriptions
Frequency domain location and bandwidth for MBS multicast. The value of the field shall be interpreted as resource indicator value (RIV) as defined in TS 38.214 [19] with assumptions as described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 12, i.e. setting N^size_BWP=275. The first PRB is a PRB determined by subcarrierSpacing of the associated BWP and offsetToCarrier corresponding to this subcarrier spacing. If not configured, the UE applies the value of locationAndBandwidth of the DL BWP in which the cfr-ConfigMulticast is configured.
UE specific group-common PDCCH configuration for MBS multicast for one CFR.
UE specific group-common PDSCH configuration for MBS multicast for one CFR.
Indicates a list of one or more DL SPS configurations for MBS multicast.
Indicates a list of one or more DL SPS configurations to be released. The NW may release a SPS configuration at any time.

The IE CGI-InfoEUTRA indicates EUTRA cell access related information, which is reported by the UE as part of E-UTRA report CGI procedure.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CGI-INFOEUTRA-START CGI-InfoEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { cgi-info-EPC SEQUENCE { cgi-info-EPC-legacy CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-EPC, cgi-info-EPC-list SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMN)) OF CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-EPC OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, cgi-info-5GC SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMN)) OF CellAccessRelatedInfo-EUTRA-5GC OPTIONAL, freqBandIndicator FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA, multiBandInfoList MultiBandInfoListEUTRA OPTIONAL, freqBandIndicatorPriority ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-CGI-INFOEUTRA-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE CGI-InfoEUTRALogging indicates EUTRA cell related information, which is reported by the UE as part of RLF reporting procedure.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CGI-INFOEUTRALOGGING-START CGI-InfoEUTRALogging ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity-eutra-5gc PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, trackingAreaCode-eutra-5gc TrackingAreaCode OPTIONAL, cellIdentity-eutra-5gc BIT STRING (SIZE (28)) OPTIONAL, plmn-Identity-eutra-epc PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, trackingAreaCode-eutra-epc BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, cellIdentity-eutra-epc BIT STRING (SIZE (28)) OPTIONAL } -- TAG-CGI-INFOEUTRALOGGING-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CGI-InfoEUTRALogging field descriptions
cellIdentity-eutra-epc, cellIdentity-eutra-5GC
Unambiguously identify a cell within the context of the PLMN. It belongs the first PLMN entry of plmn-IdentityList (when connected to EPC) or of plmn-IdentityList-r15 (when connected to 5GC) in SystemInformationBlockType1.
plmn-Identity-eutra-epc, plmn-Identity-eutra-5GC
Identifies the PLMN of the cell for the reported cellIdentity: the first PLMN entry of plmn-IdentityList (when connected to EPC) or of plmn-IdentityList-r15 (when connected to 5GC) in SystemInformationBlockType1 that contained the reported cellIdentity.
trackingAreaCode-eutra-epc, trackingAreaCode-eutra-5gc
Indicates Tracking Area Code to which the cell indicated by cellIdentity-eutra-epc, cellIdentity-eutra-5GC belongs.

The IE CGI-InfoNR indicates cell access related information, which is reported by the UE as part of report CGI procedure.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CGI-INFO-NR-START CGI-InfoNR ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-IdentityInfoList PLMN-IdentityInfoList OPTIONAL, frequencyBandList MultiFrequencyBandListNR OPTIONAL, noSIB1 SEQUENCE { ssb-SubcarrierOffset INTEGER (0..15), pdcch-ConfigSIB1 PDCCH-ConfigSIB1 } OPTIONAL, ..., [[ npn-IdentityInfoList-r16 NPN-IdentityInfoList-r16 OPTIONAL ]], [[ cellReservedForOtherUse-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL ]] } -- TAG-CGI-INFO-NR-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE CGI-Info-Logging indicates the NR Cell Global Identifier (NCGI) for logging purposes (e.g. RLF report), the globally unique identity, and the TAC information of a cell in NR.
plmn-Identity-r16Identifies the PLMN of the cell for the reported cellIdentity: the first PLMN entry of plmn-IdentityList (in SIB1) in the instance of PLMN-IdentityInfoList that contained the reported cellIdentity.
cellIdentity-r16Unambiguously identify a cell within the context of the PLMN. It belongs the first PLMN-IdentityInfo IE of PLMN-IdentityInfoList in SIB1.
trackingAreaCode-r16Indicates Tracking Area Code to which the cell indicated by cellIdentity field belongs.
CGI-InfoNR field descriptions
Contains ssb-SubcarrierOffset and pdcch-ConfigSIB1 fields acquired by the UE from MIB of the cell for which report CGI procedure was requested by the network in case SIB1 was not broadcast by the cell.
Contains cellReservedForOtherUse field acquired by the UE that supports nr-CGI-Reporting-NPN from SIB1 of the cell for which report CGI procedure was requested by the network.
CGI-Info-Logging field descriptions
Unambiguously identify a cell within the context of the PLMN. It belongs the first PLMN-IdentityInfo IE of PLMN-IdentityInfoList in SIB1.
Identifies the PLMN of the cell for the reported cellIdentity: the first PLMN entry of plmn-IdentityList (in SIB1) in the instance of PLMN-IdentityInfoList that contained the reported cellIdentity.
Indicates Tracking Area Code to which the cell indicated by cellIdentity field belongs.

The IE CLI-RSSI-Range specifies the value range used in CLI-RSSI measurements and thresholds. The integer value for CLI-RSSI measurements is according to Table in TS 38.133 [14].

The IE ClockQualityMetrics is used to configure RAN timing synchronisation status information as specified in TS 38.473 [36]
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CLOCKQUALITYMETRICS-START ClockQualityMetrics-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { synchronisationState-r18 ENUMERATED {locked, holdover, freerun, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need N tracebilityToUTC-r18 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- Need N tracebilityToGNSS-r18 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- Need N clockFrequencyStability-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE(16)) OPTIONAL, -- Need N clockAccuracy-r18 CHOICE { value INTEGER (1..40000000), index INTEGER (32..47) } OPTIONAL, -- Need N parentTimeSource-r18 ENUMERATED {syncE, pTP, gNSS,atomicClock, terrestialRadio, serialTimeCode, nTP, handset, other, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } -- TAG-CLOCKQUALITYMETRICS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE CodebookConfig is used to configure codebooks of Type-I and Type-II (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CODEBOOKCONFIG-START CodebookConfig ::= SEQUENCE { codebookType CHOICE { type1 SEQUENCE { subType CHOICE { typeI-SinglePanel SEQUENCE { nrOfAntennaPorts CHOICE { two SEQUENCE { twoTX-CodebookSubsetRestriction BIT STRING (SIZE (6)) }, moreThanTwo SEQUENCE { n1-n2 CHOICE { two-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), two-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (64)), four-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), three-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (96)), six-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), four-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (128)), eight-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), four-three-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (192)), six-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (192)), twelve-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (48)), four-four-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (256)), eight-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (256)), sixteen-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (64)) }, typeI-SinglePanel-codebookSubsetRestriction-i2 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL -- Need R } }, typeI-SinglePanel-ri-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) }, typeI-MultiPanel SEQUENCE { ng-n1-n2 CHOICE { two-two-one-TypeI-MultiPanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), two-four-one-TypeI-MultiPanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), four-two-one-TypeI-MultiPanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), two-two-two-TypeI-MultiPanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (64)), two-eight-one-TypeI-MultiPanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), four-four-one-TypeI-MultiPanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), two-four-two-TypeI-MultiPanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (128)), four-two-two-TypeI-MultiPanel-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (64)) }, ri-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (4)) } }, codebookMode INTEGER (1..2) }, type2 SEQUENCE { subType CHOICE { typeII SEQUENCE { n1-n2-codebookSubsetRestriction CHOICE { two-one BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), two-two BIT STRING (SIZE (43)), four-one BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), three-two BIT STRING (SIZE (59)), six-one BIT STRING (SIZE (48)), four-two BIT STRING (SIZE (75)), eight-one BIT STRING (SIZE (64)), four-three BIT STRING (SIZE (107)), six-two BIT STRING (SIZE (107)), twelve-one BIT STRING (SIZE (96)), four-four BIT STRING (SIZE (139)), eight-two BIT STRING (SIZE (139)), sixteen-one BIT STRING (SIZE (128)) }, typeII-RI-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) }, typeII-PortSelection SEQUENCE { portSelectionSamplingSize ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need R typeII-PortSelectionRI-Restriction BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) } }, phaseAlphabetSize ENUMERATED {n4, n8}, subbandAmplitude BOOLEAN, numberOfBeams ENUMERATED {two, three, four} } } } CodebookConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { codebookType CHOICE { type2 SEQUENCE { subType CHOICE { typeII-r16 SEQUENCE { n1-n2-codebookSubsetRestriction-r16 CHOICE { two-one BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), two-two BIT STRING (SIZE (43)), four-one BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), three-two BIT STRING (SIZE (59)), six-one BIT STRING (SIZE (48)), four-two BIT STRING (SIZE (75)), eight-one BIT STRING (SIZE (64)), four-three BIT STRING (SIZE (107)), six-two BIT STRING (SIZE (107)), twelve-one BIT STRING (SIZE (96)), four-four BIT STRING (SIZE (139)), eight-two BIT STRING (SIZE (139)), sixteen-one BIT STRING (SIZE (128)) }, typeII-RI-Restriction-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE(4)) }, typeII-PortSelection-r16 SEQUENCE { portSelectionSamplingSize-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4}, typeII-PortSelectionRI-Restriction-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)) } }, numberOfPMI-SubbandsPerCQI-Subband-r16 INTEGER (1..2), paramCombination-r16 INTEGER (1..8) } } } CodebookConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { codebookType CHOICE { type1 SEQUENCE { typeI-SinglePanel-Group1-r17 SEQUENCE { nrOfAntennaPorts CHOICE { two SEQUENCE { twoTX-CodebookSubsetRestriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (6)) }, moreThanTwo SEQUENCE { n1-n2 CHOICE { two-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), two-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (64)), four-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), three-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (96)), six-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), four-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (128)), eight-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), four-three-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (192)), six-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (192)), twelve-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (48)), four-four-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (256)), eight-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (256)), sixteen-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (64)) } } } } OPTIONAL, -- Need R typeI-SinglePanel-Group2-r17 SEQUENCE { nrOfAntennaPorts CHOICE { two SEQUENCE { twoTX-CodebookSubsetRestriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (6)) }, moreThanTwo SEQUENCE { n1-n2 CHOICE { two-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), two-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (64)), four-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), three-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (96)), six-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), four-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (128)), eight-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), four-three-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (192)), six-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (192)), twelve-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (48)), four-four-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (256)), eight-two-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (256)), sixteen-one-TypeI-SinglePanel-Restriction2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (64)) } } } } OPTIONAL, -- Need R typeI-SinglePanel-ri-RestrictionSTRP-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, -- Need R typeI-SinglePanel-ri-RestrictionSDM-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)) OPTIONAL -- Need R }, type2 SEQUENCE { typeII-PortSelection-r17 SEQUENCE { paramCombination-r17 INTEGER (1..8), valueOfN-r17 ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need R numberOfPMI-SubbandsPerCQI-Subband-r17 INTEGER(1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R typeII-PortSelectionRI-Restriction-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)) } } } } CodebookConfig-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE { codebookType CHOICE { type1 SEQUENCE { codebookMode INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL -- Need R } } } CodebookConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { codebookType CHOICE { type2 CHOICE { typeII-CJT-r18 SEQUENCE { n1-n2-codebookSubsetRestrictionList-r18 N1-N2-CBSR-List-r18, paramCombination-CJT-r18 INTEGER (1..7), paramCombination-CJT-L-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF INTEGER (1..5), restrictedCMR-Selection-r18 ENUMERATED {enable}, valueOfO3-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need R numberOfPMI-SubbandsPerCQI-Subband-r18 INTEGER(1..2), typeII-RI-Restriction-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), codebookMode-r18 INTEGER (1..2) }, typeII-CJT-PortSelection-r18 SEQUENCE { paramCombination-CJT-PS-r18 INTEGER (1..5), paramCombination-CJT-PS-alpha-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF INTEGER (1..8), restrictedCMR-Selection-r18 ENUMERATED {enable}, valueOfO3-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need R valueOfN-CJT-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need R numberOfPMI-SubbandsPerCQI-Subband-r18 INTEGER(1..2), typeII-PortSelectionRI-Restriction-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), codebookMode-r18 INTEGER (1..2) }, typeII-Doppler-r18 SEQUENCE { n1-n2-codebookSubsetRestriction-r18 N1-N2-CBSR-r18, paramCombination-Doppler-r18 INTEGER (1..9), td-dd-config-r18 TD-DD-Config-r18, numberOfPMI-SubbandsPerCQI-Subband-r18 INTEGER(1..2), predictionDelay-r18 ENUMERATED {m0,n0,n1,n2 }, typeII-RI-Restriction-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)) }, typeII-DopplerPortSelection-r18 SEQUENCE { paramCombinationDoppler-PS-r18 INTEGER (1..8), td-dd-config-r18 TD-DD-Config-r18, valueOfN-Doppler-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need R numberOfPMI-SubbandsPerCQI-Subband-r18 INTEGER(1..2), predictionDelay-r18 ENUMERATED {m0,n0,n1,n2 }, typeII-PortSelectionRI-Restriction-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)) } } } } N1-N2-CBSR-List-r18 ::= CHOICE { two-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (8))}, two-two-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (27))}, four-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (16))}, three-two-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (35))}, six-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (24))}, four-two-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (43))}, eight-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (32))}, four-three-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (59))}, twelve-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (48))}, four-four-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (75))}, eight-two-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (75))}, sixteen-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-list-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (64))} } N1-N2-CBSR-r18 ::= CHOICE { two-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (8))}, two-two-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (27))}, four-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (16))}, three-two-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (35))}, six-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (24))}, four-two-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (43))}, eight-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (32))}, four-three-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (59))}, twelve-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (48))}, four-four-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (75))}, eight-two-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (75))}, sixteen-one-r18 CHOICE {no-cbsr-r18 NULL,cbsr-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (64))} } TD-DD-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { vectorLengthDD-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4,n8}, unitDurationDD-r18 ENUMERATED {m1,m2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aperiodicResourceOffset-r18 INTEGER(1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R tdCQI-r18 ENUMERATED {n11,n12,n2, spare1} OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-CODEBOOKCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE CommonLocationInfo is used to transfer detailed location information available at the UE to correlate measurements and UE position information.
gnss-TOD-msec-r16Parameter type gnss-TOD-msec defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
locationCoordinate-r16Parameter type LocationCoordinates defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
locationError-r16Parameter LocationError defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
locationSource-r16Parameter LocationSource defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
velocityEstimate-r16Parameter type Velocity defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
CodebookConfig field descriptions
CodebookMode as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 8 and
CodebookType including possibly sub-types and the corresponding parameters for each (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Number of antenna ports in first (n1) and second (n2) dimension and codebook subset restriction (see TS 38.214 [19] clause Value no-cbsr means no codebook subset restriction is configured for the n1-n2 pair. If a codebook subset restriction is configured for the n1-n2 pair, the number of elements in cbsr-list in n1-n2-codebookSubSetRestrictionList is up to the number of elements of nzp-CSI-RS-Resources in NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet(s) indicated by nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetList in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by resourcesForChannelMeasurement in the CSI-ReportConfig in which the CodebookConfig is included.An element in the list corresponds to the element at the same position in nzp-CSI-RS-Resources.
Number of antenna ports in first (n1) and second (n2) dimension and codebook subset restriction (see TS 38.214 [19] clause
Codebook subset restriction for Type I Multi-panel codebook (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Number of beams, L, used for linear combination.
Field indicates how PMI subbands are defined per CQI subband according to TS 38.214 [19], clause, and
paramCombination,paramCombination-CJT-r18,paramCombination-CJT-L-r18,paramCombination-CJT-PS-r18,paramCombination-CJT-PS-alpha, paramCombinationDoppler-r18, paramCombinationDoppler-PS-r18
Field describes supported parameter combination (M, , )as specified in TS 38.214 [19] Clause 5.2.2. For fields paramCombination-CJT-L-r18 or paramCombination-CJT-PS-alpha the number of elements is 1, 2 or 4, and the values are configured according to the number of nzp-CSI-RS-Resources in NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet elements from Tables and in TS 38.214 [19], respectively. The allowed configuration combinations for paramCombination-CJT-r18 and paramCombination-CJT-L-r18 are given in Table in TS 38.214 [19]. The allowed configuration combinations for paramCombination-CJT-PS-r18 and paramCombination-CJT-PS-alpha-r18 are given in Table in TS 38.214 [19].
The size of the PSK alphabet, QPSK or 8-PSK.
The size of the port selection codebook (parameter d), see TS 38.214 [19] clause
Prediction delay for Doppler and Doppler port selection codebooks see TS 38.214 [19], Clause The first value m0 means that the first slot for which the CSI corresponds to is the slot where the CSI reference resource is located at. For the other three candidate values (n0, n1, n2), then the first slot for which the CSI corresponds to is given by l= n+delta, where delta can take on values of 0, 1, 2 and n the slot in which CSI is reported.
Enabling CSI-RS resource (CMR) restriction, (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Restriction for RI for TypeI-MultiPanel-RI-Restriction (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
If subband amplitude reporting is activated (true).
Codebook subset restriction for 2TX codebook (see TS 38.214 [19] clause
i2 codebook subset restriction for Type I Single-panel codebook used when reportQuantity is CRI/Ri/i1/CQI (see TS 38.214 [19] clause
Restriction for RI for TypeI-SinglePanel-RI-Restriction (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
typeI-SinglePanel-Group1, typeI-SinglePanel-Group2
Configures codebooks for CSI calculation when UE is configured with two CMR Groups with CMRGroupingAndPairingin the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet associated with the CSI-ReportConfig. Network configures the same number of ports for both codebooks.
typeI-SinglePanel-ri-RestrictionSDM, typeI-SinglePanel-ri-RestrictionSTRP
Restriction for RI for N Resource Pairs when two CMR Groups are configured with CMRGroupingAndPairing in the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet associated with the CSI-ReportConfig (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Restriction for RI for TypeII-PortSelection-RI-Restriction (see TS 38.214 [19], clauses, and
Restriction for RI for TypeII-RI-Restriction (see TS 38.214 [19], clauses and
Field provides the value of parameter N as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause The field is present only when M=2 set by paramCombination, see TS 38.214 [19].
O3: oversampling factor for frequency-domain basis selection offset Only applicable when CodebookMode = 'Mode1'.
Field describes the size of the window of FD basis for FeType-II port selection codebook for multi-TRP CJT. For M=2, N=2,4 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Field describes the size of the window of FD basis for FeType-II port selection codebook for Doppler CSI. For M=2, N=2,4 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
TD-DD-Config field descriptions
Offset m between two consecutive aperiodic CSI-RS resources. See TS 38.214 [19], clause
Number of TD CQIs (X) in each SB and ref slot(s) + ref W2(s). 1-1: 1 TD CQI, ref = 1st slot and 1st W2 1-2: 1 TD CQI, ref = 1st and last slots, and 1st and last W2 2: 2 TC CQIs (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
DD/TD unit duration (in slots), for AP-CSI-RS only. Note: For P/SP-CSI-RS, d is set to CSI-RS periodicity (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If the value of aperiodicResourceOffset is '1', network configures value 'm1' for this field.
Doppler-/time-domain (DD/TD) basis vector length; See TS 38.214 [19], clause
CommonLocationInfo field descriptions
Parameter type gnss-TOD-msec defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
Parameter type DisplacementTimeStamp defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
Parameter type LocationCoordinates defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
Parameter LocationError defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
Parameter LocationSource defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
Parameter type Velocity defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.

The IE CondReconfigId is used to identify a CHO,CPA,CPC,subsequent CPAC,or CHO with candidate SCG(s)configuration.

The IE CondReconfigToAddModList concerns a list of conditional reconfigurations to add or modify, with for each entry the condReconfigId and the associated fields.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CONDRECONFIGTOADDMODLIST-START CondReconfigToAddModList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCondCells-r16)) OF CondReconfigToAddMod-r16 CondReconfigToAddMod-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { condReconfigId-r16 CondReconfigId-r16,
condExecutionCond-r16The execution condition that needs to be fulfilled in order to trigger the execution of a conditional reconfiguration for CHO, CPA, intra-SN CPC without MN involvement, MN initiated inter-SN CPC, MN initiated subsequent CPAC, or SN initiated intra-SN subsequent CPAC without MN involvement. When configuring 2 triggering events (Meas Ids) for a candidate cell, the network ensures that both refer to the same measObject.The network configures at most one fromcondEventD1, condEventD2or condEventT1 for the same candidate cell. For CPA, MN-initiated inter-SN CPC, and for MN initiated subsequent CPAC, the network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA4. For intra-SN CPC and for SN initiated intra-SN subsequent CPAC without MN involvement, the network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA3 or condEventA5.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF MeasId OPTIONAL, -- Need M
condRRCReconfig-r16The RRCReconfiguration message to be applied when the condition(s) are fulfilled. The RRCReconfiguration message contained in condRRCReconfig cannot contain the field conditionalReconfigurationor the field daps-Config.
OCTET STRING (CONTAINING RRCReconfiguration) OPTIONAL, -- Cond condReconfigAdd ..., [[
condExecutionCondSCG-r17Contains execution condition that needs to be fulfilled in order to trigger the execution of a conditional reconfiguration for SN initiated inter-SN CPC, SN initiated inter-SN subsequent CPAC, or SN initiated intra-SN subsequent CPAC with MN involvement. The Meas Ids refer to the measConfig associated with the SCG. When configuring 2 triggering events (Meas Ids) for a candidate cell, network ensures that both refer to the same measObject. For each condReconfigId, the network always configures either condExecutionCond or condExecutionCondSCG (not both). The network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA3 or condEventA5.
OCTET STRING (CONTAINING CondReconfigExecCondSCG-r17) OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
condExecutionCondPSCell-r18The execution condition that needs to be fulfilled for the associated PSCell in order to trigger the execution of a conditional reconfiguration for CHO with candidate SCG(s). The Meas Ids refer to the measConfig associated with the MCG. When configuring 2 triggering events (Meas Ids) for a candidate cell, network ensures that both refer to the same measObject. The network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA4.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF MeasId OPTIONAL, -- Cond condReconfigCHO-WithSCG
subsequentCondReconfig-r18Contains the execution conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to trigger the execution of a subsequent CPAC. If the field is configured, the configuration of candidate PSCells for subsequent CPAC is supported. The subsequent execution condition is used for conditional reconfiguration evaluation for other candidate cells when the RRCReconfiguration message contained in condRRCReconfig has been applied.
SubsequentCondReconfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
securityCellSetId-r18This field is used to determine whether the UE should perform security update when conditional reconfiguration containing subsequentCondReconfig is executed. If the field servingSecurityCellSetId is configured in conditionalReconfiguration, this field is configured for all the candidate configurations for subsequent CPAC.
SecurityCellSetId-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M scpac-ConfigComplete-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Cond CPAC ]] } CondReconfigExecCondSCG-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF MeasId SubsequentCondReconfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { condExecutionCondToReleaseList-r18 CondExecutionCondToReleaseList-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N condExecutionCondToAddModList-r18 CondExecutionCondToAddModList-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } CondExecutionCondToAddModList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCondCells-r16)) OF CondExecutionCondToAddMod-r18 CondExecutionCondToAddMod-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { subsequentCondReconfigId-r18 CondReconfigId-r16,
subsequentCondExecutionCond-r18The execution condition that needs to be fulfilled in order to trigger the subsequent execution of a conditional reconfiguration for SN initiated intra-SN subsequent CPAC without MN involvement. When configuring 2 triggering events (Meas Ids) for a candidate cell, the network ensures that both refer to the same measObject. The network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA3 or condEventA5.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF MeasId OPTIONAL, -- Need M
subsequentCondExecutionCondSCG-r18Contains execution condition that needs to be fulfilled in order to trigger the subsequent execution of a conditional reconfiguration for SN initiated inter-SN subsequent CPAC, SN initiated intra-SN subsequent CPAC with MN involvement, or MN initiated subsequent CPAC. The Meas Ids refer to the measConfig associated with the SCG. When configuring 2 triggering events (Meas Ids) for a candidate cell, network ensures that both refer to the same measObject. The network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA3 or condEventA5.
OCTET STRING (CONTAINING CondReconfigExecCondSCG-r17) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } CondExecutionCondToReleaseList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCondCells-r16)) OF CondReconfigId-r16 -- TAG-CONDRECONFIGTOADDMODLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CondReconfigToAddMod field descriptions
The execution condition that needs to be fulfilled in order to trigger the execution of a conditional reconfiguration for CHO, CPA, intra-SN CPC without MN involvement, MN initiated inter-SN CPC, MN initiated subsequent CPAC, or SN initiated intra-SN subsequent CPAC without MN involvement. When configuring 2 triggering events (Meas Ids) for a candidate cell, the network ensures that both refer to the same measObject.The network configures at most one fromcondEventD1, condEventD2or condEventT1 for the same candidate cell. For CPA, MN-initiated inter-SN CPC, and for MN initiated subsequent CPAC, the network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA4. For intra-SN CPC and for SN initiated intra-SN subsequent CPAC without MN involvement, the network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA3 or condEventA5.
The execution condition that needs to be fulfilled for the associated PSCell in order to trigger the execution of a conditional reconfiguration for CHO with candidate SCG(s). The Meas Ids refer to the measConfig associated with the MCG. When configuring 2 triggering events (Meas Ids) for a candidate cell, network ensures that both refer to the same measObject. The network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA4.
Contains execution condition that needs to be fulfilled in order to trigger the execution of a conditional reconfiguration for SN initiated inter-SN CPC, SN initiated inter-SN subsequent CPAC, or SN initiated intra-SN subsequent CPAC with MN involvement. The Meas Ids refer to the measConfig associated with the SCG. When configuring 2 triggering events (Meas Ids) for a candidate cell, network ensures that both refer to the same measObject. For each condReconfigId, the network always configures either condExecutionCond or condExecutionCondSCG (not both). The network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA3 or condEventA5.
The RRCReconfiguration message to be applied when the condition(s) are fulfilled. The RRCReconfiguration message contained in condRRCReconfig cannot contain the field conditionalReconfigurationor the field daps-Config.
This field is used to determine whether the UE should perform security update when conditional reconfiguration containing subsequentCondReconfig is executed. If the field servingSecurityCellSetId is configured in conditionalReconfiguration, this field is configured for all the candidate configurations for subsequent CPAC.
Contains the execution conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to trigger the execution of a subsequent CPAC. If the field is configured, the configuration of candidate PSCells for subsequent CPAC is supported. The subsequent execution condition is used for conditional reconfiguration evaluation for other candidate cells when the RRCReconfiguration message contained in condRRCReconfig has been applied.
CondExecutionCondToAddMod field descriptions
The execution condition that needs to be fulfilled in order to trigger the subsequent execution of a conditional reconfiguration for SN initiated intra-SN subsequent CPAC without MN involvement. When configuring 2 triggering events (Meas Ids) for a candidate cell, the network ensures that both refer to the same measObject. The network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA3 or condEventA5.
Contains execution condition that needs to be fulfilled in order to trigger the subsequent execution of a conditional reconfiguration for SN initiated inter-SN subsequent CPAC, SN initiated intra-SN subsequent CPAC with MN involvement, or MN initiated subsequent CPAC. The Meas Ids refer to the measConfig associated with the SCG. When configuring 2 triggering events (Meas Ids) for a candidate cell, network ensures that both refer to the same measObject. The network only indicates MeasId(s) associated with condEventA3 or condEventA5.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present when a condReconfigId is being added. Otherwise the field is optional, need M.
This field is optional present, need M, if the RRCReconfiguration message contained in corresponding condRRCReconfig includes the nr-SCG and condExecutionCond is configured. Otherwise, it is absent.
The field is optionally present, need M, when the conditional reconfiguration includes at least one candidate PSCell supporting subsequent CPAC. Otherwise, the field is absent, need R.

The IE ConditionalReconfiguration is used to add, modify and release the configuration of conditional reconfiguration.
attemptCondReconfig-r16If present, the UE shall perform conditional reconfiguration if selected cell is a target candidate cell and it is the first cell selection after failure as described in clause
condReconfigToRemoveList-r16List of the configuration of candidate SpCells to be removed.
CondReconfigToRemoveList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
condReconfigToAddModList-r16List of the configuration of candidate SpCells to be added or modified for CHO, CPA or CPC.
CondReconfigToAddModList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ..., [[
scpac-ReferenceConfiguration-r18Includes the reference configuration for the candidate supporting subsequent CPAC.
SetupRelease {ReferenceConfiguration-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
servingSecurityCellSetId-r18This field identifies the security cell set for serving PSCell. The network does not provide this field for the conditional reconfiguration(s) generated by the SN.
SecurityCellSetId-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sk-CounterConfiguration-r18 SK-CounterConfiguration-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } CondReconfigToRemoveList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCondCells-r16)) OF CondReconfigId-r16 SK-CounterConfiguration-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sk-CounterConfigToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSecurityCellSet-r18)) OF SecurityCellSetId-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sk-CounterConfigToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSecurityCellSet-r18)) OF SK-CounterConfig-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need N } SK-CounterConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { securityCellSetId-r18 SecurityCellSetId-r18, sk-CounterList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSK-Counter-r18)) OF SK-Counter } SecurityCellSetId-r18 ::= INTEGER (1.. maxSecurityCellSet-r18) -- TAG-CONDITIONALRECONFIGURATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
ConditionalReconfiguration field descriptions
If present, the UE shall perform conditional reconfiguration if selected cell is a target candidate cell and it is the first cell selection after failure as described in clause
List of the configuration of candidate SpCells to be added or modified for CHO, CPA or CPC.
List of the configuration of candidate SpCells to be removed.
Includes the reference configuration for the candidate supporting subsequent CPAC.
This field identifies the security cell set for serving PSCell. The network does not provide this field for the conditional reconfiguration(s) generated by the SN.
Includes a list of sk-Counterfrom which the UE should select the sk-counterused to derive S-KgNB for inter-SN subsequent CPAC. The network does not provide this field for the conditional reconfiguration(s) generated by the SN.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optional present, Need R, if the UE is configured with at least a candidate SpCell for CHO. Otherwise the field is not present.

The IE ConfiguredGrantConfig is used to configure uplink transmission without dynamic grant according to two possible schemes. The actual uplink grant may either be configured via RRC (type1) or provided via the PDCCH (addressed to CS-RNTI) (type2). Multiple Configured Grant configurations may be configured in one BWP of a serving cell.
frequencyHoppingThe value intraSlot enables 'Intra-slot frequency hopping' and the value interSlot enables 'Inter-slot frequency hopping'. If the field is absent, frequency hopping is not configured. The field frequencyHoppingapplies to configured grant for 'pusch-RepTypeA' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.3.1).
ENUMERATED {intraSlot, interSlot} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
cg-DMRS-ConfigurationDMRS configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
mcs-TableIndicates the MCS table the UE shall use for PUSCH without transform precoding. If the field is absent the UE applies the value qam64.
ENUMERATED {qam256, qam64LowSE} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
mcs-TableTransformPrecoderIndicates the MCS table the UE shall use for PUSCH with transform precoding. If the field is absent the UE applies the value qam64.
ENUMERATED {qam256, qam64LowSE} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
uci-OnPUSCHSelection between and configuration of dynamic and semi-static beta-offset. For Type 1 UL data transmission without grant, uci-OnPUSCH should be set to semiStatic. The network does not configure this for CG-SDT.
SetupRelease { CG-UCI-OnPUSCH } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
resourceAllocationConfiguration of resource allocation type 0 and resource allocation type 1. For Type 1 UL data transmission without grant, resourceAllocation should be resourceAllocationType0 or resourceAllocationType1.
ENUMERATED { resourceAllocationType0, resourceAllocationType1, dynamicSwitch },
rbg-SizeSelection between configuration 1 and configuration 2 for RBG size for PUSCH. The UE does not apply this field if resourceAllocation is set to resourceAllocationType1. Otherwise, the UE applies the value config1 when the field is absent. Note: rbg-Size is used when the transformPrecoder parameter is disabled.
ENUMERATED {config2} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
powerControlLoopToUseClosed control loop to apply (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1.1).
ENUMERATED {n0, n1},
p0-PUSCH-AlphaIndex of the P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet to be used for this configuration.
transformPrecoderEnables or disables transform precoding for type1 and type2. If the field is absent, the UE enables or disables transform precoding in accordance with the field msg3-transformPrecoder in RACH-ConfigCommon from rach-ConfigCommon included directly within BWP configuration (i.e., not included in additionalRACH-ConfigList), see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.3.
ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
nrofHARQ-ProcessesThe number of HARQ processes configured. It applies for both Type 1 and Type 2. See TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.1. If the UE is configured with nrofHARQ-Processes-v1700, the UE shall ignore nrofHARQ-Processes (without suffix). The network sets the value of this field to 1 whencg-LTM-Configuration is configured.
repKNumber of repetitions K, see TS 38.214 [19]. If the field repK-v1710 is present, the UE shall ignore the repK (without suffix).
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8},
repK-RVThe redundancy version (RV) sequence to use. See TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2. The network configures this field if repetitions are used, i.e., if repK is set to n2, n4 or n8. This field is not configured when cg-RetransmissionTimer is configured. Otherwise, the field is absent.
ENUMERATED {s1-0231, s2-0303, s3-0000} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
periodicityPeriodicity for UL transmission without UL grant for type 1 and type 2 (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2). The following periodicities are supported depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [symbols]: 15 kHz:2, 7, n*14, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 320, 640} 30 kHz:2, 7, n*14, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 256, 320, 640, 1280} 60 kHz with normal CP2, 7, n*14, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 256, 320, 512, 640, 1280, 2560} 60 kHz with ECP:2, 6, n*12, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 256, 320, 512, 640, 1280, 2560} 120 kHz:2, 7, n*14, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 256, 320, 512, 640, 1024, 1280, 2560, 5120} 480 and 960 kHz:n*14, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 256, 320, 512, 640, 1024, 1280, 2560, 5120} In case of SDT, the network does not configure periodicity values less than 5ms.
ENUMERATED { sym2, sym7, sym1x14, sym2x14, sym4x14, sym5x14, sym8x14, sym10x14, sym16x14, sym20x14, sym32x14, sym40x14, sym64x14, sym80x14, sym128x14, sym160x14, sym256x14, sym320x14, sym512x14, sym640x14, sym1024x14, sym1280x14, sym2560x14, sym5120x14, sym6, sym1x12, sym2x12, sym4x12, sym5x12, sym8x12, sym10x12, sym16x12, sym20x12, sym32x12, sym40x12, sym64x12, sym80x12, sym128x12, sym160x12, sym256x12, sym320x12, sym512x12, sym640x12, sym1280x12, sym2560x12 },
configuredGrantTimerIndicates the initial value of the configured grant timer (see TS 38.321 [3]) in multiples of periodicity. When cg-RetransmissonTimer is configured, if HARQ processes are shared among different configured grants on the same BWP, configuredGrantTimer * periodicity is set to the same value for the configurations that share HARQ processes on this BWP. The value of the extension configuredGrantTimer is 2 times the configured value.
INTEGER (1..64) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
rrc-ConfiguredUplinkGrantConfiguration for "configured grant" transmission with fully RRC-configured UL grant (Type1). If this field is absent the UE uses UL grant configured by DCI addressed to CS-RNTI (Type2).
timeDomainOffsetOffset related to the reference SFN indicated by timeReferenceSFN, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2.timeDomainOffset-r17 is only applicable to 480 kHz and 960 kHz. If timeDomainOffset-r17 is present, the UE shall ignore timeDomainOffset (without suffix).
INTEGER (0..5119), timeDomainAllocation INTEGER (0..15),
frequencyDomainAllocationIndicates the frequency domain resource allocation, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2, and TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
antennaPortIndicates the antenna port(s) to be used for this configuration, and the maximum bitwidth is 5. See TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2, and TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1. The UE ignores this field in case of CG-SDT or if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
INTEGER (0..31),
dmrs-SeqInitializationThe network configures this field if transformPrecoder is disabled or when the value of sdt-NrofDMRS-Sequences is set to 1. Otherwise, the field is absent.
INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
precodingAndNumberOfLayersIndicates the precoding and number of layers (see TS 38.212 [17], clause, and TS 38.214 [19], clause In case of CG-SDT or if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured, network sets this field to 1.
INTEGER (0..63),
srs-ResourceIndicatorIndicates the SRS resource to be used. The network does not configure this for CG-SDT or if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mcsAndTBSThe modulation order, target code rate and TB size (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2). The NW does not configure the values 28~31 in this version of the specification.
INTEGER (0..31),
frequencyHoppingOffsetFrequency hopping offset used when frequency hopping is enabled (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2 and clause 6.3).
INTEGER (1.. maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pathlossReferenceIndexIndicates the reference signal index used as PUSCH pathloss reference (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1.1). In case of CG-SDT or if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured, the UE does not use this field.
INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1), ..., [[
pusch-RepTypeIndicator-r16Indicates whether UE follows the behavior for PUSCH repetition type A or the behavior for PUSCH repetition type B for each Type 1 configured grant configuration. The value pusch-RepTypeA enables the 'PUSCH repetition type A' and the value pusch-RepTypeB enables the 'PUSCH repetition type B' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause value pusch-RepTypeB is not configured simultaneously with nrofSlotsInCG-Period-r18. The network does not configure this field if cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16 is configured for CG operation with shared spectrum channel access.
ENUMERATED {pusch-RepTypeA,pusch-RepTypeB} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
frequencyHoppingPUSCH-RepTypeB-r16Indicates the frequency hopping scheme for Type 1 CG when pusch-RepTypeIndicator is set to 'pusch-RepTypeB' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1). The value interRepetition enables 'Inter-repetition frequency hopping', and the value interSlot enables 'Inter-slot frequency hopping'. If the field is absent, the frequency hopping is not enabled for Type 1 CG.
ENUMERATED {interRepetition, interSlot} OPTIONAL, -- Cond RepTypeB
timeReferenceSFN-r16Indicates SFN used for determination of the offset of a resource in time domain. The UE uses the closest SFN with the indicated number preceding the reception of the configured grant configuration, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2. If the field timeReferenceSFN is not present, the reference SFN is 0.
ENUMERATED {sfn512} OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[
pathlossReferenceIndex2-r17Indicates the reference signal used as PUSCH pathloss reference for the second SRS resource set. When this field is present, pathlossReferenceIndex indicates the reference signal used as PUSCH pathloss reference for the first SRS resource set. Network does not configure this field if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
srs-ResourceIndicator2-r17Indicates the SRS resource to be used for the second SRS resource set. When this field is present, the srs-ResourceIndicator is used for the first SRS resource set. Network does not configure this field if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
precodingAndNumberOfLayers2-r17Indicates the precoding and number of layers for the second SRS resource set. When this field is present, precodingAndNumberOfLayers indicated the precoding and number of layers for the first SRS resource set. Network does not configure this field if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
INTEGER (0..63) OPTIONAL, -- Need R timeDomainAllocation-v1710 INTEGER (16..63) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
timeDomainOffset-r17Offset related to the reference SFN indicated by timeReferenceSFN, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2.timeDomainOffset-r17 is only applicable to 480 kHz and 960 kHz. If timeDomainOffset-r17 is present, the UE shall ignore timeDomainOffset (without suffix).
INTEGER (0..40959) OPTIONAL, -- Need R cg-SDT-Configuration-r17 CG-SDT-Configuration-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
srs-ResourceSetId-r18Indicates the associated SRS resource set for PUSCH+PUSCH simultaneous uplink transmsision for CG-type 1 PUSCH. Network does not configure this field if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
SRS-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need R cg-LTM-Configuration-r18 CG-RRC-Configuration-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Cond LTM
cg-SDT-PeriodicityExt-r18This field is used to calculate the periodicity for UL transmission without UL grant for type 1 (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2) for extended CG-SDT periodicities. If this field is present, the fields periodicity and periodicityExt are ignored. The following periodicities are supported depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [symbols]: 15 kHz:n*14*1280, where n={1, 2, 4, 8, 48, 96, 240, 472, 944, 1408, 2816} 30 kHz:n*14*1280, where n={2, 4, 8, 16, 96, 192, 480, 944, 1888, 2816, 5632} 60 kHz with normal CPn*14*1280, where n={4, 8, 16, 32, 192, 384, 960, 1888, 3776, 5632,11264} 60 kHz with ECP:n*12*1280, where n={4, 8, 16, 32, 192, 384, 960, 1888, 3776, 5632,11264} 120 kHz:n*14*1280, where n={8, 16, 32, 64, 384, 768, 1920, 3776, 7552, 11264, 22528} 480 kHz:n*14*1280, where n={32, 64, 128, 256, 1536, 3072, 7680, 15104, 30208, 45056, 90112} 960 kHz:n*14*1280, where n={64, 128, 256, 512, 3072, 6144, 15360, 30208, 60416, 90112, 180224}
ENUMERATED { sym1x14x1280, sym2x14x1280, sym4x14x1280 , sym8x14x1280, sym16x14x1280, sym32x14x1280, sym48x14x1280, sym64x14x1280, sym96x14x1280, sym128x14x1280, sym192x14x1280, sym240x14x1280, sym256x14x1280, sym384x14x1280, sym472x14x1280, sym480x14x1280, sym512x14x1280, sym768x14x1280, sym944x14x1280, sym960x14x1280, sym1408x14x1280, sym1536x14x1280, sym1888x14x1280, sym1920x14x1280, sym2816x14x1280, sym3072x14x1280, sym3776x14x1280, sym5632x14x1280, sym6144x14x1280, sym7552x14x1280, sym7680x14x1280, sym11264x14x1280, sym15104x14x1280, sym15360x14x1280, sym22528x14x1280, sym30208x14x1280, sym45056x14x1280, sym60416x14x1280, sym90112x14x1280, sym180224x14x1280, sym4x12x1280, sym8x12x1280, sym16x12x1280, sym32x12x1280, sym192x12x1280, sym384x12x1280, sym960x12x1280, sym1888x12x1280, sym3776x12x1280, sym5632x12x1280, sym11264x12x1280, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } OPTIONAL, -- Cond CG-SDT1
timeReferenceHyperSFN-r18Indicates H-SFN used for determination of the offset of a resource in time domain. The UE uses the closest H-SFN with the indicated number preceding the reception of the configured grant configuration, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2. If the field timeReferenceHyperSFN is not present, the reference hyper SFN is 0.
INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Cond CG-SDT2 cg-RRC-Configuration-r18 CG-RRC-Configuration-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Cond RACH-LessHO
applyIndicatedTCI-State-r18This field indicates, for PUSCH transmission(s) corresponding a Type1-CG configuration, if UE applies the first, the second or both "indicated" UL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1. Network does not configure this field if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
ENUMERATED {first, second, both, spare1} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[
cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16Indicates the initial value of the configured retransmission timer (see TS 38.321 [3]) in multiples of periodicity. The value of cg-RetransmissionTimer is always less than or equal to the value of configuredGrantTimer. This field is always configured together with harq-ProcID-Offset. This field is not configured for operation in licensed spectrum or simultaneously with harq-ProcID-Offset2.The network does not configure this field for CG-SDT.
INTEGER (1..64) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cg-minDFI-Delay-r16Indicates the minimum duration (in unit of symbols) from the ending symbol of the PUSCH to the starting symbol of the PDCCH containing the downlink feedback indication (DFI) carrying HARQ-ACK for this PUSCH. The HARQ-ACK received before this minimum duration is not considered as valid for this PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.5). The following minimum duration values are supported, depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [symbols]: 15 kHz:7, m*14, where m = {1, 2, 3, 4} 30 kHz:7, m*14, where m = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} 60 kHz:7, m*14, where m = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16} 120 kHz:7, m*14, where m = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32} 480 kHz:m*14, where m = {2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128} 960 kHz:m*14, where m = {4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128, 136, 144, 152, 160, 168, 176, 184, 192, 200, 208, 216, 224, 232, 240, 248, 256}
ENUMERATED {sym7, sym1x14, sym2x14, sym3x14, sym4x14, sym5x14, sym6x14, sym7x14, sym8x14, sym9x14, sym10x14, sym11x14, sym12x14, sym13x14, sym14x14,sym15x14, sym16x14 } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cg-nrofPUSCH-InSlot-r16Indicates the number of consecutive PUSCH configured to CG within a slot where the SLIV indicating the first PUSCH and additional PUSCH appended with the same length (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The network can only configure this field if cg-RetransmissionTimer is configured.
INTEGER (1..7) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cg-nrofSlots-r16Indicates the number of allocated slots in a configured grant periodicity following the time instance of configured grant offset (see TS 38.214 [19], clause is only applicable for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2. When cg-nrofSlots-r17 is configured, the UE shall ignore cg-nrofSlots-r16. The network can only configure this field if cg-RetransmissionTimer is configured.
INTEGER (1..40) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cg-StartingOffsets-r16This field is not applicable for a UE which is allowed to operate as an initiating device in semi-static channel access mode, i.e., not applicable for a UE configured with UE FFP parameters (e.g. period, offset) regardless whether the UE would initiate its own COT or would share gNB's COT.
CG-StartingOffsets-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cg-UCI-Multiplexing-r16If present, this field indicates that in the case of PUCCH overlapping with CG-PUSCH(s) including CG-UCI within a PUCCH group, HARQ-ACK is multiplexed on the CG-PUSCH including CG-UCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cg-COT-SharingOffset-r16Indicates the offset from the end of the slot where the COT sharing indication in UCI is enabled where the offset in symbols is equal to 14*n, where n is the signaled value for cg-COT-SharingOffset. Applicable when ul-toDL-COT-SharingED-Threshold-r16 is not configured (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3).
INTEGER (1..39) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
betaOffsetCG-UCI-r16Beta offset for CG-UCI in CG-PUSCH, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3
INTEGER (0..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cg-COT-SharingList-r16Indicates a table for COT sharing combinations (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3). One row of the table can be set to noCOT-Sharing to indicate that there is no channel occupancy sharing.If the cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16 is configured and the UE operates as an initiating device in semi-static channel access mode (see TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.3), then cg-COT-SharingList-r16 is configured.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..1709)) OF CG-COT-Sharing-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
harq-ProcID-Offset-r16For operation with shared spectrum channel access configured with cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16, this configures the range of HARQ process IDs which can be used for this configured grant where the UE can select a HARQ process ID within [harq-procID-offset, .., (harq-procID-offset + nrofHARQ-Processes – 1)]. harq-ProcID-Offset-v1730 is only applicable for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2. If the field harq-ProcID-Offset-v1730 is present, the UE shall ignore the harq-ProcID-Offset-r16. The network does not configure this field for CG-SDT.
INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
harq-ProcID-Offset2-r16Indicates the offset used in deriving the HARQ process IDs, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.1. This field is not configured together with cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16. If the field harq-ProcID-Offset2-v1700 is present, the UE shall ignore the harq-ProcID-Offset2-r16.
INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
configuredGrantConfigIndex-r16Indicates the index of the Configured Grant configurations within the BWP.
ConfiguredGrantConfigIndex-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond CG-List
configuredGrantConfigIndexMAC-r16Indicates the index of the Configured Grant configurations within the MAC entity.
ConfiguredGrantConfigIndexMAC-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond CG-IndexMAC
periodicityExt-r16This field is used to calculate the periodicity for UL transmission without UL grant for type 1 and type 2 (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2). If this field is present, the UE shall ignore field periodicity(without suffix). Network does not configure periodicityExt-r17 together with periodicityExt-r16. The following periodicites are supported depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [symbols]: 15 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 640. 30 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 1280. 60 kHz with normal CP:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 60 kHz with ECP:periodicityExt*12, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 120 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 5120. 480 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 20480. 960 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 40960. In case of SDT, the network does not configure periodicity values less than 5ms.
INTEGER (1..5120) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
startingFromRV0-r16This field is used to determine the initial transmission occasion of a transport block for a given RV sequence, see TS 38.214 [19], clause network does not configure this field if cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16 is configured for CG operation.
ENUMERATED {on, off} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
phy-PriorityIndex-r16Indicates the PHY priority of CG PUSCH at least for PHY-layer collision handling. Value p0 indicates low priority and value p1 indicates high priority. The network does not configure this for CG-SDT.
autonomousTx-r16If this field is present, the Configured Grant configuration is configured with autonomous transmission, see TS 38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Cond LCH-BasedPrioritization ]], [[ cg-betaOffsetsCrossPri0-r17 SetupRelease { BetaOffsetsCrossPriSelCG-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M cg-betaOffsetsCrossPri1-r17 SetupRelease { BetaOffsetsCrossPriSelCG-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
mappingPattern-r17Indicates whether the UE should follow Cyclical mapping pattern or Sequential mapping pattern when two SRS resource sets are configured in srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook'for PUSCH transmission with a Type 1 configured grant and/or a Type 2 configured grant as described in clause of TS 38.214 [19]
ENUMERATED {cyclicMapping, sequentialMapping} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SRSsets
sequenceOffsetForRV-r17Configures the RV offset for the starting RV for the first repetition (first actual repetition in PUSCH repetition Type B) towards the second 'SRS resource set' for PUSCHconfigured in either srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook'.
INTEGER (0..3) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
p0-PUSCH-Alpha2-r17Index of the P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet to be used for second SRS resource set. If this field is present, the p0-PUSCH-Alpha provides index for the P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet to be used for first SRS resource set.
P0-PUSCH-AlphaSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
powerControlLoopToUse2-r17Closed control loop to apply to second SRS resource set (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1.1). If this field is present, the powerControlLoopToUse applies to the first SRS resource set.
cg-COT-SharingList-r17Indicates a table for COT sharing combinations (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3). One row of the table can be set to noCOT-Sharing to indicate that there is no channel occupancy sharing.If the cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16 is configured and the UE operates as an initiating device in semi-static channel access mode (see TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.3), then cg-COT-SharingList-r16 is configured.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..50722)) OF CG-COT-Sharing-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
periodicityExt-r17This field is used to calculate the periodicity for UL transmission without UL grant for type 1 and type 2 (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2). If this field is present, the UE shall ignore field periodicity(without suffix). Network does not configure periodicityExt-r17 together with periodicityExt-r16. The following periodicites are supported depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [symbols]: 15 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 640. 30 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 1280. 60 kHz with normal CP:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 60 kHz with ECP:periodicityExt*12, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 120 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 5120. 480 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 20480. 960 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 40960. In case of SDT, the network does not configure periodicity values less than 5ms.
INTEGER (1..40960) OPTIONAL, -- Need R repK-v1710 ENUMERATED {n12, n16, n24, n32} OPTIONAL, -- Need R nrofHARQ-Processes-v1700 INTEGER(17..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need M harq-ProcID-Offset2-v1700 INTEGER (16..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need R configuredGrantTimer-v1700 INTEGER(33..288) OPTIONAL, -- Need R cg-minDFI-Delay-v1710 INTEGER (238..3584) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ harq-ProcID-Offset-v1730 INTEGER (16..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cg-nrofSlots-r17Indicates the number of allocated slots in a configured grant periodicity following the time instance of configured grant offset (see TS 38.214 [19], clause is only applicable for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2. When cg-nrofSlots-r17 is configured, the UE shall ignore cg-nrofSlots-r16. The network can only configure this field if cg-RetransmissionTimer is configured.
INTEGER (1..320) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
disableCG-RetransmissionMonitoring-r18Indicates that the UE shall disable waking-up to monitor possible grants for retransmissions corresponding to this ConfiguredGrantConfig when DRX is configured. When this field is configured, the UE does not start the drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerUL for PUSCH transmissions using configured uplink grants corresponding to this ConfiguredGrantConfig. See TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.7.
nrofSlotsInCG-Period-r18Number of consecutive slots for CG PUSCH transmission occasions in a period of a single CG PUSCH configuration, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1. The network does not configure this field for operation on shared spectrum.
INTEGER (2..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need R uto-UCI-Config-r18 SEQUENCE {
nrofBitsInUTO-UCI-r18Indicates the number of bits in the UTO-UCI bitmap (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 6.2.7, 6.3.2, TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3.1, TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.3). When this field is configured, UTO-UCI is enabled for the UE.
INTEGER (3..8),
betaOffsetUTO-UCI-r18Beta offset value for UTO-UCI multiplexing on CG PUSCH, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3.
INTEGER (0..31), ... } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } CG-UCI-OnPUSCH ::= CHOICE { dynamic SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BetaOffsets, semiStatic BetaOffsets } CG-COT-Sharing-r16 ::= CHOICE { noCOT-Sharing-r16 NULL, cot-Sharing-r16 SEQUENCE {
duration-r16Indicates the number of DL transmission slots within UE initiated COT (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3).
INTEGER (1..39),
offset-r16Indicates the number of DL transmission slots from the end of the slot where CG-UCI is detected after which COT sharing can be used (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3).
INTEGER (1..39),
channelAccessPriority-r16Indicates the Channel Access Priority Class that the gNB can assume when sharing the UE initiated COT (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3).
INTEGER (1..4) } } CG-COT-Sharing-r17 ::= CHOICE { noCOT-Sharing-r17 NULL, cot-Sharing-r17 SEQUENCE {
duration-r17Indicates the number of DL transmission slots within UE initiated COT (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3).
INTEGER (1..319),
offset-r17Indicates the number of DL transmission slots from the end of the slot where CG-UCI is detected after which COT sharing can be used (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3).
INTEGER (1..319) } } CG-StartingOffsets-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
cg-StartingFullBW-InsideCOT-r16A set of configured grant PUSCH transmission starting offsets (see TS 38.211[16], Table 5.3.1-2) which indicates the length of a CP extension of the first symbol that is located before the configured resource when frequency domain resource allocation includes all interlaces in the allocated RB set(s) and the CG PUSCH resource is inside gNB COT (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
cg-StartingFullBW-OutsideCOT-r16A set of configured grant PUSCH transmission starting offset indices (see TS 38.211[16], Table 5.3.1-2) which indicates the length of a CP extension of the first symbol that is located before the configured resource when frequency domain resource allocation includes all interlaces in the allocated RB set(s) and the CG PUSCH resource is outside gNB COT (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
cg-StartingPartialBW-InsideCOT-r16A set of configured grant PUSCH transmission starting offset index (see TS 38.211[16], Table 5.3.1-2) which indicates the length of a CP extension of the first symbol that is located before the configured resource when frequency domain resource allocation does not include all interlaces in the allocated RB set(s) and the CG PUSCH resource is inside gNB COT (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..6) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cg-StartingPartialBW-OutsideCOT-r16A set of configured grant PUSCH transmission starting offset index (see TS 38.211[16], Table 5.3.1-2) which indicates the length of a CP extension of the first symbol that is located before the configured resource when frequency domain resource allocation does not include all interlaces in the allocated RB set(s) and the CG PUSCH resource is outside gNB COT (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..6) OPTIONAL -- Need R } BetaOffsetsCrossPriSelCG-r17 ::= CHOICE { dynamic-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BetaOffsetsCrossPri-r17, semiStatic-r17 BetaOffsetsCrossPri-r17 } CG-SDT-Configuration-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { cg-SDT-RetransmissionTimer INTEGER (1..64) OPTIONAL, -- Need R sdt-SSB-Subset-r17 CHOICE { shortBitmap-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), mediumBitmap-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), longBitmap-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (64)) } OPTIONAL, -- Need S sdt-SSB-PerCG-PUSCH-r17 ENUMERATED {oneEighth, oneFourth, half, one, two, four, eight, sixteen} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sdt-P0-PUSCH-r17 INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sdt-Alpha-r17 ENUMERATED {alpha0, alpha04, alpha05, alpha06, alpha07, alpha08, alpha09, alpha1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sdt-DMRS-Ports-r17 CHOICE { dmrsType1-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), dmrsType2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (12)) } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sdt-NrofDMRS-Sequences-r17 INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL -- Need M } CG-RRC-Configuration-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { cg-RRC-RetransmissionTimer-r18 INTEGER (1..288) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cg-RRC-RSRP-ThresholdSSB-r18An RSRP threshold configured for SSB selection for the CG as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. This field is absent in cg-LTM-Configuration.
RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R rrc-SSB-Subset-r18 CHOICE { shortBitmap-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), mediumBitmap-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), longBitmap-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (64)) } OPTIONAL, -- Need S rrc-SSB-PerCG-PUSCH-r18 ENUMERATED {oneEighth, oneFourth, half, one, two, four, eight, sixteen} OPTIONAL, -- Need M rrc-P0-PUSCH-r18 INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M rrc-Alpha-r18 ENUMERATED {alpha0, alpha04, alpha05, alpha06, alpha07, alpha08, alpha09, alpha1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M rrc-DMRS-Ports-r18 CHOICE { dmrsType1-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), dmrsType2-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (12)) } OPTIONAL, -- Need M rrc-NrofDMRS-Sequences-r18 INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } -- TAG-CONFIGUREDGRANTCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
ConfiguredGrantConfig field descriptions
Indicates the antenna port(s) to be used for this configuration, and the maximum bitwidth is 5. See TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2, and TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1. The UE ignores this field in case of CG-SDT or if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
This field indicates, for PUSCH transmission(s) corresponding a Type1-CG configuration, if UE applies the first, the second or both "indicated" UL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1. Network does not configure this field if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
If this field is present, the Configured Grant configuration is configured with autonomous transmission, see TS 38.321 [3].
Beta offset for CG-UCI in CG-PUSCH, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3
Beta offset value for UTO-UCI multiplexing on CG PUSCH, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3.
cg-betaOffsetsCrossPri0, cg-betaOffsetsCrossPri1
Selection between and configuration of dynamic and semi-static beta-offset for multiplexing HARQ-ACK in CG-PUSCH with different priorities. The field cg-betaOffsetsCrossPri0 indicates multiplexing LP HARQ-ACK in HP CG-PUSCH. This field is configured only if phy-PriorityIndex-r16 is configured with value p1. The field cg-betaOffsetsCrossPri1 indicates multiplexing HP HARQ-ACK in LP CG-PUSCH. This field is configured only if phy-PriorityIndex-r16 is configured with value p0.
Indicates a table for COT sharing combinations (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3). One row of the table can be set to noCOT-Sharing to indicate that there is no channel occupancy sharing.If the cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16 is configured and the UE operates as an initiating device in semi-static channel access mode (see TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.3), then cg-COT-SharingList-r16 is configured.
Indicates the offset from the end of the slot where the COT sharing indication in UCI is enabled where the offset in symbols is equal to 14*n, where n is the signaled value for cg-COT-SharingOffset. Applicable when ul-toDL-COT-SharingED-Threshold-r16 is not configured (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3).
DMRS configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates the minimum duration (in unit of symbols) from the ending symbol of the PUSCH to the starting symbol of the PDCCH containing the downlink feedback indication (DFI) carrying HARQ-ACK for this PUSCH. The HARQ-ACK received before this minimum duration is not considered as valid for this PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.5). The following minimum duration values are supported, depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [symbols]: 15 kHz:7, m*14, where m = {1, 2, 3, 4} 30 kHz:7, m*14, where m = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} 60 kHz:7, m*14, where m = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16} 120 kHz:7, m*14, where m = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32} 480 kHz:m*14, where m = {2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128} 960 kHz:m*14, where m = {4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128, 136, 144, 152, 160, 168, 176, 184, 192, 200, 208, 216, 224, 232, 240, 248, 256}
Indicates the number of consecutive PUSCH configured to CG within a slot where the SLIV indicating the first PUSCH and additional PUSCH appended with the same length (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The network can only configure this field if cg-RetransmissionTimer is configured.
Indicates the number of allocated slots in a configured grant periodicity following the time instance of configured grant offset (see TS 38.214 [19], clause is only applicable for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2. When cg-nrofSlots-r17 is configured, the UE shall ignore cg-nrofSlots-r16. The network can only configure this field if cg-RetransmissionTimer is configured.
Indicates the initial value of the configured retransmission timer (see TS 38.321 [3]) in multiples of periodicity. The value of cg-RetransmissionTimer is always less than or equal to the value of configuredGrantTimer. This field is always configured together with harq-ProcID-Offset. This field is not configured for operation in licensed spectrum or simultaneously with harq-ProcID-Offset2.The network does not configure this field for CG-SDT.
This field is used to calculate the periodicity for UL transmission without UL grant for type 1 (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2) for extended CG-SDT periodicities. If this field is present, the fields periodicity and periodicityExt are ignored. The following periodicities are supported depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [symbols]: 15 kHz:n*14*1280, where n={1, 2, 4, 8, 48, 96, 240, 472, 944, 1408, 2816} 30 kHz:n*14*1280, where n={2, 4, 8, 16, 96, 192, 480, 944, 1888, 2816, 5632} 60 kHz with normal CPn*14*1280, where n={4, 8, 16, 32, 192, 384, 960, 1888, 3776, 5632,11264} 60 kHz with ECP:n*12*1280, where n={4, 8, 16, 32, 192, 384, 960, 1888, 3776, 5632,11264} 120 kHz:n*14*1280, where n={8, 16, 32, 64, 384, 768, 1920, 3776, 7552, 11264, 22528} 480 kHz:n*14*1280, where n={32, 64, 128, 256, 1536, 3072, 7680, 15104, 30208, 45056, 90112} 960 kHz:n*14*1280, where n={64, 128, 256, 512, 3072, 6144, 15360, 30208, 60416, 90112, 180224}
This field is not applicable for a UE which is allowed to operate as an initiating device in semi-static channel access mode, i.e., not applicable for a UE configured with UE FFP parameters (e.g. period, offset) regardless whether the UE would initiate its own COT or would share gNB's COT.
If present, this field indicates that in the case of PUCCH overlapping with CG-PUSCH(s) including CG-UCI within a PUCCH group, HARQ-ACK is multiplexed on the CG-PUSCH including CG-UCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9).
Indicates the index of the Configured Grant configurations within the BWP.
Indicates the index of the Configured Grant configurations within the MAC entity.
Indicates that the UE shall disable waking-up to monitor possible grants for retransmissions corresponding to this ConfiguredGrantConfig when DRX is configured. When this field is configured, the UE does not start the drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerUL for PUSCH transmissions using configured uplink grants corresponding to this ConfiguredGrantConfig. See TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.7.
Indicates the initial value of the configured grant timer (see TS 38.321 [3]) in multiples of periodicity. When cg-RetransmissonTimer is configured, if HARQ processes are shared among different configured grants on the same BWP, configuredGrantTimer * periodicity is set to the same value for the configurations that share HARQ processes on this BWP. The value of the extension configuredGrantTimer is 2 times the configured value.
The network configures this field if transformPrecoder is disabled or when the value of sdt-NrofDMRS-Sequences is set to 1. Otherwise, the field is absent.
Indicates the frequency domain resource allocation, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2, and TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
The value intraSlot enables 'Intra-slot frequency hopping' and the value interSlot enables 'Inter-slot frequency hopping'. If the field is absent, frequency hopping is not configured. The field frequencyHoppingapplies to configured grant for 'pusch-RepTypeA' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.3.1).
Frequency hopping offset used when frequency hopping is enabled (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2 and clause 6.3).
Indicates the frequency hopping scheme for Type 1 CG when pusch-RepTypeIndicator is set to 'pusch-RepTypeB' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1). The value interRepetition enables 'Inter-repetition frequency hopping', and the value interSlot enables 'Inter-slot frequency hopping'. If the field is absent, the frequency hopping is not enabled for Type 1 CG.
For operation with shared spectrum channel access configured with cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16, this configures the range of HARQ process IDs which can be used for this configured grant where the UE can select a HARQ process ID within [harq-procID-offset, .., (harq-procID-offset + nrofHARQ-Processes – 1)]. harq-ProcID-Offset-v1730 is only applicable for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2. If the field harq-ProcID-Offset-v1730 is present, the UE shall ignore the harq-ProcID-Offset-r16. The network does not configure this field for CG-SDT.
Indicates the offset used in deriving the HARQ process IDs, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.1. This field is not configured together with cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16. If the field harq-ProcID-Offset2-v1700 is present, the UE shall ignore the harq-ProcID-Offset2-r16.
Indicates whether the UE should follow Cyclical mapping pattern or Sequential mapping pattern when two SRS resource sets are configured in srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook'for PUSCH transmission with a Type 1 configured grant and/or a Type 2 configured grant as described in clause of TS 38.214 [19]
Indicates the MCS table the UE shall use for PUSCH without transform precoding. If the field is absent the UE applies the value qam64.
Indicates the MCS table the UE shall use for PUSCH with transform precoding. If the field is absent the UE applies the value qam64.
The modulation order, target code rate and TB size (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2). The NW does not configure the values 28~31 in this version of the specification.
Indicates the number of bits in the UTO-UCI bitmap (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 6.2.7, 6.3.2, TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3.1, TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.3). When this field is configured, UTO-UCI is enabled for the UE.
The number of HARQ processes configured. It applies for both Type 1 and Type 2. See TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.1. If the UE is configured with nrofHARQ-Processes-v1700, the UE shall ignore nrofHARQ-Processes (without suffix). The network sets the value of this field to 1 whencg-LTM-Configuration is configured.
Number of consecutive slots for CG PUSCH transmission occasions in a period of a single CG PUSCH configuration, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1. The network does not configure this field for operation on shared spectrum.
Indicates the reference signal index used as PUSCH pathloss reference (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1.1). In case of CG-SDT or if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured, the UE does not use this field.
Indicates the reference signal used as PUSCH pathloss reference for the second SRS resource set. When this field is present, pathlossReferenceIndex indicates the reference signal used as PUSCH pathloss reference for the first SRS resource set. Network does not configure this field if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
Index of the P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet to be used for this configuration.
Index of the P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet to be used for second SRS resource set. If this field is present, the p0-PUSCH-Alpha provides index for the P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet to be used for first SRS resource set.
Periodicity for UL transmission without UL grant for type 1 and type 2 (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2). The following periodicities are supported depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [symbols]: 15 kHz:2, 7, n*14, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 320, 640} 30 kHz:2, 7, n*14, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 256, 320, 640, 1280} 60 kHz with normal CP2, 7, n*14, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 256, 320, 512, 640, 1280, 2560} 60 kHz with ECP:2, 6, n*12, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 256, 320, 512, 640, 1280, 2560} 120 kHz:2, 7, n*14, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 256, 320, 512, 640, 1024, 1280, 2560, 5120} 480 and 960 kHz:n*14, where n={1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 128, 160, 256, 320, 512, 640, 1024, 1280, 2560, 5120} In case of SDT, the network does not configure periodicity values less than 5ms.
This field is used to calculate the periodicity for UL transmission without UL grant for type 1 and type 2 (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2). If this field is present, the UE shall ignore field periodicity(without suffix). Network does not configure periodicityExt-r17 together with periodicityExt-r16. The following periodicites are supported depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [symbols]: 15 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 640. 30 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 1280. 60 kHz with normal CP:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 60 kHz with ECP:periodicityExt*12, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 120 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 5120. 480 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 20480. 960 kHz:periodicityExt*14, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 40960. In case of SDT, the network does not configure periodicity values less than 5ms.
Indicates the PHY priority of CG PUSCH at least for PHY-layer collision handling. Value p0 indicates low priority and value p1 indicates high priority. The network does not configure this for CG-SDT.
Closed control loop to apply (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1.1).
Closed control loop to apply to second SRS resource set (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1.1). If this field is present, the powerControlLoopToUse applies to the first SRS resource set.
Indicates the precoding and number of layers (see TS 38.212 [17], clause, and TS 38.214 [19], clause In case of CG-SDT or if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured, network sets this field to 1.
Indicates the precoding and number of layers for the second SRS resource set. When this field is present, precodingAndNumberOfLayers indicated the precoding and number of layers for the first SRS resource set. Network does not configure this field if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
Indicates whether UE follows the behavior for PUSCH repetition type A or the behavior for PUSCH repetition type B for each Type 1 configured grant configuration. The value pusch-RepTypeA enables the 'PUSCH repetition type A' and the value pusch-RepTypeB enables the 'PUSCH repetition type B' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause value pusch-RepTypeB is not configured simultaneously with nrofSlotsInCG-Period-r18. The network does not configure this field if cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16 is configured for CG operation with shared spectrum channel access.
Selection between configuration 1 and configuration 2 for RBG size for PUSCH. The UE does not apply this field if resourceAllocation is set to resourceAllocationType1. Otherwise, the UE applies the value config1 when the field is absent. Note: rbg-Size is used when the transformPrecoder parameter is disabled.
The redundancy version (RV) sequence to use. See TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2. The network configures this field if repetitions are used, i.e., if repK is set to n2, n4 or n8. This field is not configured when cg-RetransmissionTimer is configured. Otherwise, the field is absent.
Number of repetitions K, see TS 38.214 [19]. If the field repK-v1710 is present, the UE shall ignore the repK (without suffix).
Configuration of resource allocation type 0 and resource allocation type 1. For Type 1 UL data transmission without grant, resourceAllocation should be resourceAllocationType0 or resourceAllocationType1.
Configuration for "configured grant" transmission with fully RRC-configured UL grant (Type1). If this field is absent the UE uses UL grant configured by DCI addressed to CS-RNTI (Type2).
Configures the RV offset for the starting RV for the first repetition (first actual repetition in PUSCH repetition Type B) towards the second 'SRS resource set' for PUSCHconfigured in either srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook'.
Indicates the associated SRS resource set for PUSCH+PUSCH simultaneous uplink transmsision for CG-type 1 PUSCH. Network does not configure this field if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
Indicates the SRS resource to be used. The network does not configure this for CG-SDT or if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
Indicates the SRS resource to be used for the second SRS resource set. When this field is present, the srs-ResourceIndicator is used for the first SRS resource set. Network does not configure this field if cg-RRC-Configuration is configured.
This field is used to determine the initial transmission occasion of a transport block for a given RV sequence, see TS 38.214 [19], clause network does not configure this field if cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16 is configured for CG operation.
timeDomainAllocation, timeDomainAllocation-v1710
Indicates a combination of start symbol and length and PUSCH mapping type, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2 and TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1. If the field timeDomainAllocation-v1710 is present, the UE shall ignore timeDomainAllocation field (without suffix).
Offset related to the reference SFN indicated by timeReferenceSFN, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2.timeDomainOffset-r17 is only applicable to 480 kHz and 960 kHz. If timeDomainOffset-r17 is present, the UE shall ignore timeDomainOffset (without suffix).
Indicates H-SFN used for determination of the offset of a resource in time domain. The UE uses the closest H-SFN with the indicated number preceding the reception of the configured grant configuration, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2. If the field timeReferenceHyperSFN is not present, the reference hyper SFN is 0.
Indicates SFN used for determination of the offset of a resource in time domain. The UE uses the closest SFN with the indicated number preceding the reception of the configured grant configuration, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.2. If the field timeReferenceSFN is not present, the reference SFN is 0.
Enables or disables transform precoding for type1 and type2. If the field is absent, the UE enables or disables transform precoding in accordance with the field msg3-transformPrecoder in RACH-ConfigCommon from rach-ConfigCommon included directly within BWP configuration (i.e., not included in additionalRACH-ConfigList), see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.3.
Selection between and configuration of dynamic and semi-static beta-offset. For Type 1 UL data transmission without grant, uci-OnPUSCH should be set to semiStatic. The network does not configure this for CG-SDT.
CG-COT-Sharing field descriptions
Indicates the Channel Access Priority Class that the gNB can assume when sharing the UE initiated COT (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3).
Indicates the number of DL transmission slots within UE initiated COT (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3).
Indicates the number of DL transmission slots from the end of the slot where CG-UCI is detected after which COT sharing can be used (see 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3).
CG-StartingOffsets field descriptions
A set of configured grant PUSCH transmission starting offsets (see TS 38.211[16], Table 5.3.1-2) which indicates the length of a CP extension of the first symbol that is located before the configured resource when frequency domain resource allocation includes all interlaces in the allocated RB set(s) and the CG PUSCH resource is inside gNB COT (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
A set of configured grant PUSCH transmission starting offset indices (see TS 38.211[16], Table 5.3.1-2) which indicates the length of a CP extension of the first symbol that is located before the configured resource when frequency domain resource allocation includes all interlaces in the allocated RB set(s) and the CG PUSCH resource is outside gNB COT (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
A set of configured grant PUSCH transmission starting offset index (see TS 38.211[16], Table 5.3.1-2) which indicates the length of a CP extension of the first symbol that is located before the configured resource when frequency domain resource allocation does not include all interlaces in the allocated RB set(s) and the CG PUSCH resource is inside gNB COT (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
A set of configured grant PUSCH transmission starting offset index (see TS 38.211[16], Table 5.3.1-2) which indicates the length of a CP extension of the first symbol that is located before the configured resource when frequency domain resource allocation does not include all interlaces in the allocated RB set(s) and the CG PUSCH resource is outside gNB COT (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
CG-SDT-Configurationand CG-RRC-Configurationfield descriptions
An RSRP threshold configured for SSB selection for the CG as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. This field is absent in cg-LTM-Configuration.
cg-SDT-RetransmissionTimer, cg-RRC-RetransmissionTimer
Indicates the initial value of the configured grant retransmission timer used for the initial transmission of CG with CCCH (for CG-SDT) or DCCH message (see TS 38.321 [3]) in multiples of periodicity. The field cg-RRC-RetransmissionTimer is not configured together with the field harq-ProcID-Offset for operations in unlicensed spectrum.
sdt-DMRS-Ports, rrc-DMRS-Ports
Indicates the set of DMRS ports for SSB to PUSCH mapping (see TS 38.213 [13]).The first (left-most / most significant) bit corresponds to DMRS port 0, the second most significant bitcorresponds to DMRS port 1, and so on.A bit set to 1 indicates that this DMRS port is used for mapping. In case of an RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP that is associated with NCD-SSB, the SSB is the NCD-SSB. Otherwise, the SSB is the CD-SSB.
sdt-NrofDMRS-Sequences, rrc-NrofDMRS-Sequences
Indicates the number of DMRS sequences for SSB to PUSCH mapping (see TS 38.213 [13]).In case of an RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP that is associated with NCD-SSB, the SSB is the NCD-SSB. Otherwise, the SSB is the CD-SSB.
sdt-SSB-Subset, rrc-SSB-Subset
Indicates SSB subset for SSB to CG PUSCH mapping within one CG configuration. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 1, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is not included in the SSB subset for SSB to CG PUSCH mapping while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is included in SSB subset for SSB to CG PUSCH mapping. If this field is absent, UE assumes the SSB set includes all actually transmitted SSBs. In case of an RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP that is associated with NCD-SSB, the SSB is the NCD-SSB. Otherwise, the SSB is the CD-SSB.
The number of SSBs per CG PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13]). Value one corresponds to 1 SSBs per CG PUSCH, value two corresponds to 2 SSBs per CG PUSCH and so on.In case of an RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP that is associated with NCD-SSB, the SSB is the NCD-SSB. Otherwise, the SSB is the CD-SSB.
sdt-P0-PUSCH, rrc-P0-PUSCH
Indicates P0 value for PUSCH in steps of 1dB (see TS 38.213 [13]). When this field is configured, the UE ignores the p0-PUSCH-Alpha.This field is absent in cg-LTM-Configuration.
sdt-Alpha, rrc-Alpha
Indicates alpha value for PUSCH. alpha0 indicates value 0 is used,alpha04 indicates value 4 is used and so on (see TS 38.213 [13]). When this field is configured, the UE ignores the p0-PUSCH-Alpha.This field is absent in cg-LTM-Configuration.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, Need R, if lch-BasedPrioritization is configured in the MAC entity. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need N, if rach-LessHO is present in reconfigurationWithSync. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present if pusch-RepTypeIndicator is set to pusch-RepTypeB, Need S, and absent otherwise.
The field is mandatory present when included in configuredGrantConfigToAddModList-r16, otherwise the field is absent.
The field is mandatory present if at least one configured grant is configured by configuredGrantConfigToAddModList-r16 in any BWP of this MAC entity, otherwise it is optionally present, need R.
This field is optionally present, Need R, if cg-SDT-Configuration is configured, otherwise it is absent.
This field is optionally present, Need S, if cg-SDT-PeriodicityExt is configured, otherwise it is absent.
The field is optionally present, Need R, in an RRCReconfiguration message within the LTM-Config IE. Otherwise, the field is absent.
This field is mandatory present when UE is configured with two SRS sets configured in either srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage codebook or non-codebook and none of multipanelSchemeSDM or multipanelSchemeSFN or sTx-2Panel is configured. Otherwise it is absent, Need R

The IE ConfiguredGrantConfigIndex is used to indicate the index of one of multiple UL Configured Grant configurations in one BWP.

The IE ConfiguredGrantConfigIndexMAC is used to indicate the unique Configured Grant configurations index per MAC entity.

The IE ConnEstFailureControl is used to configure parameters for connection establishment failure control.
connEstFailCountNumber of times that the UE detects T300 expiry on the same cell before applying connEstFailOffset.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4},
connEstFailOffsetValidityAmount of time that the UE applies connEstFailOffset before removing the offset from evaluation of the cell. Value s30 corresponds to 30 seconds, value s60 corresponds to 60 seconds, and so on.
ENUMERATED {s30, s60, s120, s240, s300, s420, s600, s900},
connEstFailOffsetParameter "Qoffsettemp" in TS 38.304 [20]. If the field is absent, the value of infinity shall be used for "Qoffsettemp".
ConnEstFailureControl field descriptions
Number of times that the UE detects T300 expiry on the same cell before applying connEstFailOffset.
Parameter "Qoffsettemp" in TS 38.304 [20]. If the field is absent, the value of infinity shall be used for "Qoffsettemp".
Amount of time that the UE applies connEstFailOffset before removing the offset from evaluation of the cell. Value s30 corresponds to 30 seconds, value s60 corresponds to 60 seconds, and so on.

The IE ControlResourceSet is used to configure a time/frequency control resource set (CORESET) in which to search for downlink control information (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). For the UE not supporting multipleCORESET in FR1, in order to receive MBS multicast in CFR within the UE's active BWP,if a CORESET is not configured within the PDCCH-ConfigMulticast, the CORESET other than CORESET#0 configured within the UE's active BWP for scheduling unicast can be used for scheduling MBS multicast, and the CORESET is expected to be included completely within the CFR and the parameters configured in the CORESET are expected to be supported by the UE for MBS multicast.
controlResourceSetIdIdentifies the instance of the ControlResourceSet IE. Value 0 identifies the common CORESET configured in MIB and in ServingCellConfigCommon (controlResourceSetZero) and is hence not used here in the ControlResourceSet IE. Other values identify CORESETs configured by dedicated signalling or in SIB1or SIB20. The controlResourceSetId is unique among the BWPs of a serving cell. If the field controlResourceSetId-v1610 is present, the UE shall ignore the controlResourceSetId field (without suffix).
frequencyDomainResourcesFrequency domain resources for the CORESET. Each bit corresponds a group of 6 RBs, with grouping starting from the first RB group in the BWP or MBS CFR where the CORESET is configured. When at least one search space is configured with freqMonitorLocation-r16, only the first bits are valid (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). The first (left-most / most significant) bit corresponds to the first RB group in the BWP or MBS CFR where the CORESET is configured, and so on. A bit that is set to 1 indicates that this RB group belongs to the frequency domain resource of this CORESET. Bits corresponding to a group of RBs not fully contained in the bandwidth part within which the CORESET is configured are set to zero (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
durationContiguous time duration of the CORESET in number of symbols (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER (1..maxCoReSetDuration),
cce-REG-MappingTypeMapping of Control Channel Elements (CCE) to Resource Element Groups (REG) (see TS 38.211 [16], clauses and
CHOICE { interleaved SEQUENCE {
reg-BundleSizeResource Element Groups (REGs) can be bundled to create REG bundles. This parameter defines the size of such bundles (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n6},
interleaverSizeInterleaver-size (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n6},
shiftIndexWhen the field is absent the UE applies the value of the physCellIdconfigured for this serving cell (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER(0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL -- Need S }, nonInterleaved NULL },
precoderGranularityPrecoder granularity in frequency domain (see TS 38.211 [16], clauses and
ENUMERATED {sameAsREG-bundle, allContiguousRBs},
tci-StatesPDCCH-ToAddListA subset of the TCI states defined in pdsch-Config, either with tci-StatesToAddModList or dl-OrJointTCI-StateList, included in the BWP-DownlinkDedicated corresponding to the serving cell and to the DL BWP to which the ControlResourceSet belong to. They are used for providing QCL relationships between the DL RS(s) in one RS Set (TCI-State) and the PDCCH DMRS ports (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 6.). The network configures at most maxNrofTCI-StatesPDCCH entries.The QCL relationships defined herein do not apply to MBS broadcast.
SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofTCI-StatesPDCCH)) OF TCI-StateId OPTIONAL, -- Cond NotSIB-initialBWP tci-StatesPDCCH-ToReleaseList SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofTCI-StatesPDCCH)) OF TCI-StateId OPTIONAL, -- Cond NotSIB-initialBWP
tci-PresentInDCIThis field indicates if TCI field is present or absent in DCI format 1_1, DCI format 1_3 and DCI format 4_2. When the field is absent the UE considers the TCI to be absent/disabled. In case of cross carrier scheduling, the network sets this field to enabled for the ControlResourceSet used for cross carrier scheduling in DCI format 1_1 in the scheduling cell if enableDefaultBeamForCCS is not configured (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
pdcch-DMRS-ScramblingIDPDCCH DMRS scrambling initialization (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value of the physCellId configured for this serving cell.
INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
rb-Offset-r16Indicates the RB level offset in units of RB from the first RB of the first 6RB group to the first RB of BWP (see 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
INTEGER (0..5) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
tci-PresentDCI-1-2-r16Configures the number of bits for "Transmission configuration indicator" in DCI format 1_2. When the field is absent the UE applies the value of 0 bit for the "Transmission configuration indicator" in DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5). In case of cross carrier scheduling, the network configures this field for the ControlResourceSet used for cross carrier scheduling in DCI format 1_2 in the scheduling cell if enableDefaultBeamForCCS is not configured (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5).
INTEGER (1..3) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
coresetPoolIndex-r16The index of the CORESET pool for this CORESET as specified in TS 38.213 [13] (clauses 9 and 10) and TS 38.214 [19] (clauses 5.1 and 6.1). If the field is absent, the UE applies the value 0.
INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Need S controlResourceSetId-v1610 ControlResourceSetId-v1610 OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[
followUnifiedTCI-State-r17When set to enabled, for PDCCH reception on this CORESET, the UE applies the "indicated" DL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
applyIndicatedTCI-State-r18This field indicates, for PDCCH reception on this CORESET, if UE applies the first, the second, both or none "indicated" DL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1.
ENUMERATED {first, second, both, none} OPTIONAL -- Cond FollowUTCI ]] } -- TAG-CONTROLRESOURCESET-STOP -- ASN1STOP
ControlResourceSet field descriptions
This field indicates, for PDCCH reception on this CORESET, if UE applies the first, the second, both or none "indicated" DL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1.
Mapping of Control Channel Elements (CCE) to Resource Element Groups (REG) (see TS 38.211 [16], clauses and
Identifies the instance of the ControlResourceSet IE. Value 0 identifies the common CORESET configured in MIB and in ServingCellConfigCommon (controlResourceSetZero) and is hence not used here in the ControlResourceSet IE. Other values identify CORESETs configured by dedicated signalling or in SIB1or SIB20. The controlResourceSetId is unique among the BWPs of a serving cell. If the field controlResourceSetId-v1610 is present, the UE shall ignore the controlResourceSetId field (without suffix).
The index of the CORESET pool for this CORESET as specified in TS 38.213 [13] (clauses 9 and 10) and TS 38.214 [19] (clauses 5.1 and 6.1). If the field is absent, the UE applies the value 0.
Contiguous time duration of the CORESET in number of symbols (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
When set to enabled, for PDCCH reception on this CORESET, the UE applies the "indicated" DL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5.
Frequency domain resources for the CORESET. Each bit corresponds a group of 6 RBs, with grouping starting from the first RB group in the BWP or MBS CFR where the CORESET is configured. When at least one search space is configured with freqMonitorLocation-r16, only the first bits are valid (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). The first (left-most / most significant) bit corresponds to the first RB group in the BWP or MBS CFR where the CORESET is configured, and so on. A bit that is set to 1 indicates that this RB group belongs to the frequency domain resource of this CORESET. Bits corresponding to a group of RBs not fully contained in the bandwidth part within which the CORESET is configured are set to zero (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Interleaver-size (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
PDCCH DMRS scrambling initialization (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value of the physCellId configured for this serving cell.
Precoder granularity in frequency domain (see TS 38.211 [16], clauses and
Indicates the RB level offset in units of RB from the first RB of the first 6RB group to the first RB of BWP (see 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
Resource Element Groups (REGs) can be bundled to create REG bundles. This parameter defines the size of such bundles (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
When the field is absent the UE applies the value of the physCellIdconfigured for this serving cell (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
This field indicates if TCI field is present or absent in DCI format 1_1, DCI format 1_3 and DCI format 4_2. When the field is absent the UE considers the TCI to be absent/disabled. In case of cross carrier scheduling, the network sets this field to enabled for the ControlResourceSet used for cross carrier scheduling in DCI format 1_1 in the scheduling cell if enableDefaultBeamForCCS is not configured (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5).
Configures the number of bits for "Transmission configuration indicator" in DCI format 1_2. When the field is absent the UE applies the value of 0 bit for the "Transmission configuration indicator" in DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5). In case of cross carrier scheduling, the network configures this field for the ControlResourceSet used for cross carrier scheduling in DCI format 1_2 in the scheduling cell if enableDefaultBeamForCCS is not configured (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5).
A subset of the TCI states defined in pdsch-Config, either with tci-StatesToAddModList or dl-OrJointTCI-StateList, included in the BWP-DownlinkDedicated corresponding to the serving cell and to the DL BWP to which the ControlResourceSet belong to. They are used for providing QCL relationships between the DL RS(s) in one RS Set (TCI-State) and the PDCCH DMRS ports (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 6.). The network configures at most maxNrofTCI-StatesPDCCH entries.The QCL relationships defined herein do not apply to MBS broadcast.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is absent if the field followUnifiedTCI-State is present or if more than one value for the field coresetPoolIndex is configured in controlResourceSet for the same bandwidthpart. Otherwise, it is optionally present, Need R.
The field is absent in SIB1/SIB20 and in the PDCCH-ConfigCommon of the initial BWP in ServingCellConfigCommon, if SIB1/SIB20 is broadcasted. Otherwise, it is optionally present, Need N.

The ControlResourceSetId IE concerns a short identity, used to identify a control resource set within a serving cell. The ControlResourceSetId = 0 identifies the ControlResourceSet#0 configured via PBCH (MIB) and in controlResourceSetZero (ServingCellConfigCommon). The ID space is used across the BWPs and MBS CFRs of a Serving Cell.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CONTROLRESOURCESETID-START ControlResourceSetId ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofControlResourceSets-1) ControlResourceSetId-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofControlResourceSets-1-r16) ControlResourceSetId-v1610 ::= INTEGER (maxNrofControlResourceSets..maxNrofControlResourceSets-1-r16) -- TAG-CONTROLRESOURCESETID-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE ControlResourceSetZero is used to configure CORESET#0 of the initial BWP (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13).

The IE CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig is used to specify the configuration when the cross-carrier scheduling is used in a cell.
ownParameters for self-scheduling, i.e., a serving cell is scheduled by its own PDCCH.
SEQUENCE { -- Cross carrier scheduling: scheduling cell
cif-PresenceThe field is used to indicate whether carrier indicator field is present (value true) or not (value false) in PDCCH DCI formats, see TS 38.213 [13]. If cif-Presence is set to true, the CIF value indicating a grant or assignment for this cell is 0.
otherParameters for cross-carrier scheduling. If configured for an SpCell, the SpCell can be scheduled by the PDCCH on another SCell as well as by the PDCCH on the SpCell. If configured for an SCell, the SCell is scheduled by a PDDCH on another cell.
SEQUENCE { -- Cross carrier scheduling: scheduled cell
schedulingCellIdIf configured for an SpCell, this field indicates which SCell, in addition to the SpCell, signals the downlink allocations and uplink grants, if applicable, for the concerned SpCell. If configured for an Scell, this field indicates which cell signals the downlink allocations and uplink grants, if applicable, for the concerned SCell. In case the UE is configured with DC, the scheduling cell is part of the same cell group (i.e. MCG or SCG) as the scheduled cell.In case the UE is configured with two PUCCH groups, the scheduling cell and the scheduled cell are within the same PUCCH group. If drx-ConfigSecondaryGroup is configured in the MAC-CellGroupConfig associated with this serving cell, the scheduling cell and the scheduled cell belong to the same Frequency Range. In addition, the serving cell with an aperiodic CSI trigger and the PUSCH resource scheduled for the report are on the same carrier and serving cell, but the cell for which CSI is reported may belong to the same or a different Frequency Range. The network should not trigger a CSI request for a serving cell in the other Frequency Range when that serving cell is outside Active Time.
cif-InSchedulingCellThe field indicates the CIF value used in the scheduling cell to indicate a grant or assignment applicable for this cell, see TS 38.213 [13]. If configured for an SpCell, the non-fallback DCI formats on the SpCell include same number of CIF bits as the corresponding non-fallback DCI formats on the scheduling cell, and the CIF bits are considered reserved.
INTEGER (1..7) } }, ..., [[ carrierIndicatorSize-r16 SEQUENCE { carrierIndicatorSizeDCI-1-2-r16 INTEGER (0..3), carrierIndicatorSizeDCI-0-2-r16 INTEGER (0..3) } OPTIONAL, -- Cond CIF-PRESENCE
enableDefaultBeamForCCS-r16This field indicates whether default beam selection for cross-carrier scheduled PDSCH or aperiodic CSI-RS is enabled, see TS 38.214 [19]. If not present, the default beam selection behaviour is not applied, i.e. Rel-15 behaviour is applied. This field can only be configured in the cross-scheduled SCell or SpCell.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[
ccs-BlindDetectionSplit-r17Indicates the share of blind detection candidates and non-overlapping CCEs for PDCCH monitoring on an SpCell and an SCell when cross-carrier scheduling is configured from the SCell for the SpCell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1.1). The network only configures this field when it sets the field other for an SpCell, i.e., when it configures cross-carrier scheduling of the SpCell by a PDCCH on an Scell.
ENUMERATED {oneSeventh, threeFourteenth, twoSeventh, threeSeventh, oneHalf, fourSeventh, fiveSeventh, spare1} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-CROSSCARRIERSCHEDULINGCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig field descriptions
carrierIndicatorSizeDCI-0-2, carrierIndicatorSizeDCI-1-2
Configures the number of bits for the field of carrier indicator in PDCCH DCI format 0_2/1_2. The field carrierIndicatorSizeDCI-0-2 refers to DCI format 0_2 and the field carrierIndicatorSizeDCI-1-2 refers to DCI format 1_2, respectively (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
Indicates the share of blind detection candidates and non-overlapping CCEs for PDCCH monitoring on an SpCell and an SCell when cross-carrier scheduling is configured from the SCell for the SpCell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1.1). The network only configures this field when it sets the field other for an SpCell, i.e., when it configures cross-carrier scheduling of the SpCell by a PDCCH on an Scell.
The field is used to indicate whether carrier indicator field is present (value true) or not (value false) in PDCCH DCI formats, see TS 38.213 [13]. If cif-Presence is set to true, the CIF value indicating a grant or assignment for this cell is 0.
The field indicates the CIF value used in the scheduling cell to indicate a grant or assignment applicable for this cell, see TS 38.213 [13]. If configured for an SpCell, the non-fallback DCI formats on the SpCell include same number of CIF bits as the corresponding non-fallback DCI formats on the scheduling cell, and the CIF bits are considered reserved.
This field indicates whether default beam selection for cross-carrier scheduled PDSCH or aperiodic CSI-RS is enabled, see TS 38.214 [19]. If not present, the default beam selection behaviour is not applied, i.e. Rel-15 behaviour is applied. This field can only be configured in the cross-scheduled SCell or SpCell.
Parameters for cross-carrier scheduling. If configured for an SpCell, the SpCell can be scheduled by the PDCCH on another SCell as well as by the PDCCH on the SpCell. If configured for an SCell, the SCell is scheduled by a PDDCH on another cell.
Parameters for self-scheduling, i.e., a serving cell is scheduled by its own PDCCH.
If configured for an SpCell, this field indicates which SCell, in addition to the SpCell, signals the downlink allocations and uplink grants, if applicable, for the concerned SpCell. If configured for an Scell, this field indicates which cell signals the downlink allocations and uplink grants, if applicable, for the concerned SCell. In case the UE is configured with DC, the scheduling cell is part of the same cell group (i.e. MCG or SCG) as the scheduled cell.In case the UE is configured with two PUCCH groups, the scheduling cell and the scheduled cell are within the same PUCCH group. If drx-ConfigSecondaryGroup is configured in the MAC-CellGroupConfig associated with this serving cell, the scheduling cell and the scheduled cell belong to the same Frequency Range. In addition, the serving cell with an aperiodic CSI trigger and the PUSCH resource scheduled for the report are on the same carrier and serving cell, but the cell for which CSI is reported may belong to the same or a different Frequency Range. The network should not trigger a CSI request for a serving cell in the other Frequency Range when that serving cell is outside Active Time.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if the cif-Presence is set to true. The field is absent otherwise.

The CSI-AperiodicTriggerStateList IE is used to configure the UE with a list of aperiodic trigger states. Each codepoint of the DCI field "CSI request" is associated with one trigger state (see TS 38.321 [3], clause Upon reception of the value associated with a trigger state, the UE will perform measurement of CSI-RS, CSI-IM and/or SSB (reference signals) and aperiodic reporting on L1 according to all entries in the associatedReportConfigInfoList for that trigger state.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CSI-APERIODICTRIGGERSTATELIST-START CSI-AperiodicTriggerStateList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfCSI-AperiodicTriggers)) OF CSI-AperiodicTriggerState CSI-AperiodicTriggerState ::= SEQUENCE { associatedReportConfigInfoList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofReportConfigPerAperiodicTrigger)) OF CSI-AssociatedReportConfigInfo, ..., [[
ap-CSI-MultiplexingMode-r17Indicates if the behavior of transmitting aperiodic CSI on the first PUSCH repetitions corresponding to two SRS resource sets configured in srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook'is enabled or not.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
ltm-AssociatedReportConfigInfo-r18This field configures the aperiodic CSI reports of LTM candidate cells. If ltm-associatedReportConfigInfo is configured the UE shall ignore the field associatedReportConfigInfoList.
LTM-CSI-ReportConfigId-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } CSI-AssociatedReportConfigInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
reportConfigIdThe reportConfigId of one of the CSI-ReportConfigToAddMod configured in CSI-MeasConfig
CSI-ReportConfigId, resourcesForChannel CHOICE { nzp-CSI-RS SEQUENCE {
resourceSetNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet for channel measurements. Entry number in nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetList in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by resourcesForChannelMeasurement in the CSI-ReportConfig indicated by reportConfigId above (value 1 corresponds to the first entry, value 2 to the second entry, and so on).
INTEGER (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsPerConfig), qcl-info SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerSet)) OF TCI-StateId OPTIONAL -- Cond Aperiodic }, csi-SSB-ResourceSet INTEGER (1..maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourceSetsPerConfig) },
csi-IM-ResourcesForInterferenceCSI-IM-ResourceSet for interference measurement. Entry number in csi-IM-ResourceSetList in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by csi-IM-ResourcesForInterference in the CSI-ReportConfig indicated by reportConfigId above (value 1 corresponds to the first entry, value 2 to the second entry, and so on). The indicated CSI-IM-ResourceSet should have exactly the same number of resources like the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet indicated in resourceSetwithin nzp-CSI-RS.
INTEGER(1..maxNrofCSI-IM-ResourceSetsPerConfig) OPTIONAL, -- Cond CSI-IM-ForInterference
nzp-CSI-RS-ResourcesForInterferenceNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet for interference measurement. Entry number in nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetList in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by nzp-CSI-RS-ResourcesForInterference in the CSI-ReportConfig indicated by reportConfigId above (value 1 corresponds to the first entry, value 2 to the second entry, and so on).
INTEGER (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsPerConfig) OPTIONAL, -- Cond NZP-CSI-RS-ForInterference ..., [[
resourcesForChannel2-r17Configures reference signals for channel measurement corresponding to the second resource set for L1-RSRP measurement as configured in IE CSI-ResourceConfig when nrofReportedGroups-r17 is configured in IE CSI-ReportConfig. If this is present, network configures csi-SSB-ResourceSetExt instead of csi-SSB-ResourceSet and the UE ignores csi-SSB-ResourceSet in resourcesForChannel, and the resourcesForChannel configures the reference signals for channel measurement corresponding to the first resource set for L1-RSRP measurement (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
CHOICE { nzp-CSI-RS2-r17 SEQUENCE { resourceSet2-r17 INTEGER (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsPerConfig), qcl-info2-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerSet)) OF TCI-StateId OPTIONAL -- Cond Aperiodic }, csi-SSB-ResourceSet2-r17 INTEGER (1..maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourceSetsPerConfigExt) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R csi-SSB-ResourceSetExt INTEGER (1..maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourceSetsPerConfigExt) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
resourcesForChannelTDCP-r18Configures reference signals for channel measurement corresponding to the second resource set and third resource set for TDCP reporting. All CSI resources of these two resource sets always share the same QCL-info with the resource sets indicated by resourcesForChannel as spcified in TS 38.214 [19].
SEQUENCE { resourceSet2TDCP-r18 INTEGER (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsPerConfig), resourceSet3TDCP-r18 INTEGER (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsPerConfig) OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Cond TDCP applyIndicatedTCI-State-r18 CHOICE { perSet-r18 ENUMERATED {first, second}, perResource-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerSet)) OF ENUMERATED {first, second} } OPTIONAL, -- Cond ApplyIndicatedTCI applyIndicatedTCI-State2-r18 CHOICE { perSet-r18 ENUMERATED {first, second}, perResource-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerSet)) OF ENUMERATED {first, second} } OPTIONAL, -- Cond SecondCSICMR
csi-ReportSubConfigTriggerList-r18A list of sub-configuration ID(s) of N sub-configurations out of L configured sub-configurations within a CSI-ReportConfig associated with a triggering state for aperiodic CSI reporting on PUSCH.
CSI-AperiodicTriggerState field descriptions
This field configures the aperiodic CSI reports of LTM candidate cells. If ltm-associatedReportConfigInfo is configured the UE shall ignore the field associatedReportConfigInfoList.
CSI-AssociatedReportConfigInfo field descriptions
Indicates if the behavior of transmitting aperiodic CSI on the first PUSCH repetitions corresponding to two SRS resource sets configured in srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook'is enabled or not.
This field indicates, for an aperiodic CSI-RS resource set (perSet) or for CSI-RS resource (perResource), if UE applies the first or the second "indicated" DL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause The applyIndicatedTCI-State is for ResourcesForChannel, and applyIndicatedTCI-State2 is for ResourcesForChannels2. When applyIndicatedTCI-State and applyIndicatedTCI-State2 are absent, the UE shall use qcl-info for ResourcesForChannel and use qcl-info2 for ResourcesForChannel2.
CSI-IM-ResourceSet for interference measurement. Entry number in csi-IM-ResourceSetList in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by csi-IM-ResourcesForInterference in the CSI-ReportConfig indicated by reportConfigId above (value 1 corresponds to the first entry, value 2 to the second entry, and so on). The indicated CSI-IM-ResourceSet should have exactly the same number of resources like the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet indicated in resourceSetwithin nzp-CSI-RS.
A list of sub-configuration ID(s) of N sub-configurations out of L configured sub-configurations within a CSI-ReportConfig associated with a triggering state for aperiodic CSI reporting on PUSCH.
CSI-SSB-ResourceSet for channel measurements. Entry number in csi-SSB-ResourceSetList in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by resourcesForChannelMeasurement in the CSI-ReportConfig indicated by reportConfigId above (value 1 corresponds to the first entry, value 2 to the second entry, and so on).
NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet for interference measurement. Entry number in nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetList in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by nzp-CSI-RS-ResourcesForInterference in the CSI-ReportConfig indicated by reportConfigId above (value 1 corresponds to the first entry, value 2 to the second entry, and so on).
qcl-info, qcl-info2
List of references to TCI-States for providing the QCL source and QCL type for each NZP-CSI-RS-Resource listed in nzp-CSI-RS-Resources of the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet indicated by resourceSetwithin nzp-CSI-RS. Each TCI-StateId refers to the TCI-State which has this value for tci-StateId and is defined in tci-StatesToAddModListor in dl-OrJointTCI-StateListin the PDSCH-Config included in the BWP-Downlink corresponding to the serving cell and to the DL BWP to which the resourcesForChannelMeasurement (in the CSI-ReportConfig indicated by reportConfigId above) belong to. First entry in qcl-info corresponds to first entry in nzp-CSI-RS-Resources of that NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet, second entry in qcl-info corresponds to second entry in nzp-CSI-RS-Resources, and so on (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When this field is absent for aperiodic CSI RS, and applyIndicatedTCI-Stateor applyIndicatedTCI-State2is not configured, the UE shall use QCL information included in the "indicated" DL only/Joint TCI state as specified in TS 38.214 [19].
The reportConfigId of one of the CSI-ReportConfigToAddMod configured in CSI-MeasConfig
Configures reference signals for channel measurement corresponding to the second resource set for L1-RSRP measurement as configured in IE CSI-ResourceConfig when nrofReportedGroups-r17 is configured in IE CSI-ReportConfig. If this is present, network configures csi-SSB-ResourceSetExt instead of csi-SSB-ResourceSet and the UE ignores csi-SSB-ResourceSet in resourcesForChannel, and the resourcesForChannel configures the reference signals for channel measurement corresponding to the first resource set for L1-RSRP measurement (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Configures reference signals for channel measurement corresponding to the second resource set and third resource set for TDCP reporting. All CSI resources of these two resource sets always share the same QCL-info with the resource sets indicated by resourcesForChannel as spcified in TS 38.214 [19].
NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet for channel measurements. Entry number in nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetList in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by resourcesForChannelMeasurement in the CSI-ReportConfig indicated by reportConfigId above (value 1 corresponds to the first entry, value 2 to the second entry, and so on).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if the NZP-CSI-RS-Resources in the associated resourceSet have the resourceType aperiodic and unifiedTCI-StateType is not configured. The field is optionally present, Need R, if the NZP-CSI-RS-Resources in the associated resourceSet have the resourceType aperiodicand unifiedTCI-StateType is configured.The field is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, need R, if resourceForChannel has aperiodic CSI-RS and unifiedTCI-StateType is configured. This field is absent otherwise.
This field is mandatory present if the CSI-ReportConfig identified by reportConfigId is configured with csi-IM-ResourcesForInterference; otherwise it is absent.
This field is mandatory present if the CSI-ReportConfig identified by reportConfigId is configured with nzp-CSI-RS-ResourcesForInterference; otherwise it is absent.
This field is mandatory present if resourcesForChannel2 is configured with aperiodic CSI-RS and applyIndicatedTCI-State is configured. It is absent otherwise.
This field is absent if resourcesForChannel2 is configured. It is optionally present, Need R, otherwise.

The IE CSI-FrequencyOccupation is used to configure the frequency domain occupation of a channel state information measurement resource (e.g. NZP-CSI-RS-Resource, CSI-IM-Resource).
startingRBPRB where this CSI resource starts in relation to common resource block #0 (CRB#0) on the common resource block grid. Only multiples of 4 are allowed (0, 4, ...)
INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1),
nrofRBsNumber of PRBs across which this CSI resource spans. Only multiples of 4 are allowed. The smallest configurable number is the minimum of 24 and the width of the associated BWP. If the configured value is larger than the width of the corresponding BWP, the UE shall assume that the actual CSI-RS bandwidth is equal to the width of the BWP.
INTEGER (24..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocksPlus1), ... } -- TAG-CSI-FREQUENCYOCCUPATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CSI-FrequencyOccupation field descriptions
Number of PRBs across which this CSI resource spans. Only multiples of 4 are allowed. The smallest configurable number is the minimum of 24 and the width of the associated BWP. If the configured value is larger than the width of the corresponding BWP, the UE shall assume that the actual CSI-RS bandwidth is equal to the width of the BWP.
PRB where this CSI resource starts in relation to common resource block #0 (CRB#0) on the common resource block grid. Only multiples of 4 are allowed (0, 4, ...)

The IE CSI-IM-Resource is used to configure one CSI Interference Management (IM) resource.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CSI-IM-RESOURCE-START CSI-IM-Resource ::= SEQUENCE { csi-IM-ResourceId CSI-IM-ResourceId,
csi-IM-ResourceElementPatternThe resource element pattern (Pattern0 (2,2) or Pattern1 (4,1)) with corresponding parameters (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
CHOICE { pattern0 SEQUENCE {
subcarrierLocation-p0OFDM subcarrier occupancy of the CSI-IM resource for Pattern0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED { s0, s2, s4, s6, s8, s10 },
symbolLocation-p0OFDM symbol location of the CSI-IM resource for Pattern0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..12) }, pattern1 SEQUENCE {
subcarrierLocation-p1OFDM subcarrier occupancy of the CSI-IM resource for Pattern1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED { s0, s4, s8 },
symbolLocation-p1OFDM symbol location of the CSI-IM resource for Pattern1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..13) } } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
freqBandFrequency-occupancy of CSI-IM (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
CSI-FrequencyOccupation OPTIONAL, -- Need M
periodicityAndOffsetPeriodicity and slot offset for periodic/semi-persistent CSI-IM. Network always configures the UE with a value for this field for periodic and semi-persistent CSI-IM-Resources (as indicated in CSI-ResourceConfig). A change of configuration between periodic or semi-persistent and aperiodic for a CSI-IM-Resource is not supported without a release and add.
CSI-ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset OPTIONAL, -- Cond PeriodicOrSemiPersistent ... } -- TAG-CSI-IM-RESOURCE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CSI-IM-Resource field descriptions
The resource element pattern (Pattern0 (2,2) or Pattern1 (4,1)) with corresponding parameters (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Frequency-occupancy of CSI-IM (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Periodicity and slot offset for periodic/semi-persistent CSI-IM. Network always configures the UE with a value for this field for periodic and semi-persistent CSI-IM-Resources (as indicated in CSI-ResourceConfig). A change of configuration between periodic or semi-persistent and aperiodic for a CSI-IM-Resource is not supported without a release and add.
OFDM subcarrier occupancy of the CSI-IM resource for Pattern0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
OFDM subcarrier occupancy of the CSI-IM resource for Pattern1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
OFDM symbol location of the CSI-IM resource for Pattern0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
OFDM symbol location of the CSI-IM resource for Pattern1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need M, for periodic and semi-persistent CSI-IM-Resources (as indicated in CSI-ResourceConfig). The field is absent otherwise.

The IE CSI-IM-ResourceId is used to identify one CSI-IM-Resource.

The IE CSI-IM-ResourceSet is used to configure a set of one or more CSI Interference Management (IM) resources (their IDs) and set-specific parameters.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CSI-IM-RESOURCESET-START CSI-IM-ResourceSet ::= SEQUENCE { csi-IM-ResourceSetId CSI-IM-ResourceSetId,
csi-IM-ResourcesCSI-IM-Resources associated with this CSI-IM-ResourceSet (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2).
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofCSI-IM-ResourcesPerSet)) OF CSI-IM-ResourceId, ... } -- TAG-CSI-IM-RESOURCESET-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CSI-IM-ResourceSet field descriptions
CSI-IM-Resources associated with this CSI-IM-ResourceSet (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2).

The IE CSI-IM-ResourceSetId is used to identify CSI-IM-ResourceSets.

The IE CSI-MeasConfig is used to configure CSI-RS (reference signals) belonging to the serving cell in which CSI-MeasConfig is included, channel state information reports to be transmitted on PUCCH on the serving cell in which CSI-MeasConfig is included and channel state information reports on PUSCH triggered by DCI received on the serving cell in which CSI-MeasConfig is included. See also TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.
nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceToAddModListPool of NZP-CSI-RS-Resource which can be referred to from NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-Resources)) OF NZP-CSI-RS-Resource OPTIONAL, -- Need N nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-Resources)) OF NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetToAddModListPool of NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet which can be referred to from CSI-ResourceConfig or from MAC CEs.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets)) OF NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets)) OF NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
csi-IM-ResourceToAddModListPool of CSI-IM-Resource which can be referred to from CSI-IM-ResourceSet.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-IM-Resources)) OF CSI-IM-Resource OPTIONAL, -- Need N csi-IM-ResourceToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-IM-Resources)) OF CSI-IM-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
csi-IM-ResourceSetToAddModListPool of CSI-IM-ResourceSet which can be referred to from CSI-ResourceConfig or from MAC CEs.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-IM-ResourceSets)) OF CSI-IM-ResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N csi-IM-ResourceSetToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-IM-ResourceSets)) OF CSI-IM-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
csi-SSB-ResourceSetToAddModListPool of CSI-SSB-ResourceSet which can be referred to from CSI-ResourceConfig.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourceSets)) OF CSI-SSB-ResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N csi-SSB-ResourceSetToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourceSets)) OF CSI-SSB-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
csi-ResourceConfigToAddModListConfigured CSI resource settings as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-ResourceConfigurations)) OF CSI-ResourceConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need N csi-ResourceConfigToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-ResourceConfigurations)) OF CSI-ResourceConfigId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
csi-ReportConfigToAddModListConfigured CSI report settings as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-ReportConfigurations)) OF CSI-ReportConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need N csi-ReportConfigToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-ReportConfigurations)) OF CSI-ReportConfigId OPTIONAL, -- Need N reportTriggerSize INTEGER (0..6) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
aperiodicTriggerStateListContains trigger states for dynamically selecting one or more aperiodic and semi-persistent reporting configurations and/or triggering one or more aperiodic CSI-RS resource sets for channel and/or interference measurement (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.1).
SetupRelease { CSI-AperiodicTriggerStateList } OPTIONAL, -- Need M semiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerStateList SetupRelease { CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerStateList } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ reportTriggerSizeDCI-0-2-r16 INTEGER (0..6) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ sCellActivationRS-ConfigToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSCellActRS-r17)) OF SCellActivationRS-Config-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sCellActivationRS-ConfigToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSCellActRS-r17)) OF SCellActivationRS-ConfigId-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
ltm-CSI-ReportConfigToAddModList-r18Configured CSI report settings for LTM as specified in TS 38.214 [19].
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofLTM-CSI-ReportConfigurations-r18)) OF LTM-CSI-ReportConfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-CSI-ReportConfigToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofLTM-CSI-ReportConfigurations-r18)) OF LTM-CSI-ReportConfigId-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } -- TAG-CSI-MEASCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CSI-MeasConfig field descriptions
Contains trigger states for dynamically selecting one or more aperiodic and semi-persistent reporting configurations and/or triggering one or more aperiodic CSI-RS resource sets for channel and/or interference measurement (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.1).
Pool of CSI-IM-ResourceSet which can be referred to from CSI-ResourceConfig or from MAC CEs.
Pool of CSI-IM-Resource which can be referred to from CSI-IM-ResourceSet.
Configured CSI report settings as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause
Configured CSI resource settings as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause
Pool of CSI-SSB-ResourceSet which can be referred to from CSI-ResourceConfig.
Configured CSI report settings for LTM as specified in TS 38.214 [19].
Pool of NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet which can be referred to from CSI-ResourceConfig or from MAC CEs.
Pool of NZP-CSI-RS-Resource which can be referred to from NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet.
reportTriggerSize, reportTriggerSizeDCI-0-2
Size of CSI request field in DCI (bits) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The field reportTriggerSizeapplies to DCI format 0_1 and the field reportTriggerSizeDCI-0-2applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Configured RS for fast SCell activation as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause

The IE CSI-ReportConfig is used to configure a periodic or semi-persistent report sent on PUCCH on the cell in which the CSI-ReportConfig is included, or to configure a semi-persistent or aperiodic report sent on PUSCH triggered by DCI received on the cell in which the CSI-ReportConfig is included (in this case, the cell on which the report is sent is determined by the received DCI). See TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.1.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CSI-REPORTCONFIG-START CSI-ReportConfig ::= SEQUENCE { reportConfigId CSI-ReportConfigId,
carrierIndicates in which serving cell the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated below are to be found. If the field is absent, the resources are on the same serving cell as this report configuration.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need S
resourcesForChannelMeasurementResources for channel measurement. csi-ResourceConfigId of a CSI-ResourceConfig included in the configuration of the serving cell indicated with the field "carrier" above. The CSI-ResourceConfig indicated here contains only NZP-CSI-RS resources and/or SSB resources. This CSI-ReportConfig is associated with the DL BWP indicated by bwp-Id in that CSI-ResourceConfig.
csi-IM-ResourcesForInterferenceCSI IM resources for interference measurement. csi-ResourceConfigId of a CSI-ResourceConfig included in the configuration of the serving cell indicated with the field "carrier" above. The CSI-ResourceConfig indicated here contains only CSI-IM resources. The bwp-Id in that CSI-ResourceConfig is the same value as the bwp-Id in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by resourcesForChannelMeasurement.
CSI-ResourceConfigId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
nzp-CSI-RS-ResourcesForInterferenceNZP CSI RS resources for interference measurement. csi-ResourceConfigId of a CSI-ResourceConfig included in the configuration of the serving cell indicated with the field "carrier" above. The CSI-ResourceConfig indicated here contains only NZP-CSI-RS resources. The bwp-Id in that CSI-ResourceConfig is the same value as the bwp-Id in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by resourcesForChannelMeasurement.
CSI-ResourceConfigId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
reportConfigTypeTime domain behavior of reporting configuration.
CHOICE { periodic SEQUENCE {
reportSlotConfigPeriodicity and slot offset (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If the field reportSlotConfig-v1530 is present, the UE shall ignore the value provided in reportSlotConfig (without suffix).
pucch-CSI-ResourceListIndicates which PUCCH resource to use for reporting on PUCCH.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofBWPs)) OF PUCCH-CSI-Resource }, semiPersistentOnPUCCH SEQUENCE {
reportSlotConfigPeriodicity and slot offset (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If the field reportSlotConfig-v1530 is present, the UE shall ignore the value provided in reportSlotConfig (without suffix).
pucch-CSI-ResourceListIndicates which PUCCH resource to use for reporting on PUCCH.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofBWPs)) OF PUCCH-CSI-Resource }, semiPersistentOnPUSCH SEQUENCE {
reportSlotConfigPeriodicity and slot offset (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If the field reportSlotConfig-v1530 is present, the UE shall ignore the value provided in reportSlotConfig (without suffix).
ENUMERATED {sl5, sl10, sl20, sl40, sl80, sl160, sl320}, reportSlotOffsetList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations)) OF INTEGER(0..32),
p0alphaIndex of the p0-alpha set determining the power control for this CSI report transmission (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
P0-PUSCH-AlphaSetId }, aperiodic SEQUENCE { reportSlotOffsetList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofUL-Allocations)) OF INTEGER(0..32) } },
reportQuantityThe CSI related quantities to report. see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.1. If the field reportQuantity-r16,reportQuantity-r17 or reportQuantity-r18is present, UE shall ignore reportQuantity (without suffix). Network does not configure reportQuantity-r17 or reportQuantity-r18together with reportQuantity-r16.
pdsch-BundleSizeForCSIPRB bundling size to assume for CQI calculation when reportQuantity is CRI/RI/i1/CQI. If the field is absent, the UE assumes that no PRB bundling is applied (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL -- Need S }, cri-RI-CQI NULL, cri-RSRP NULL, ssb-Index-RSRP NULL, cri-RI-LI-PMI-CQI NULL },
reportFreqConfigurationReporting configuration in the frequency domain. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
cqi-FormatIndicatorIndicates whether the UE shall report a single (wideband) or multiple (subband) CQI (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED { widebandCQI, subbandCQI } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pmi-FormatIndicatorIndicates whether the UE shall report a single (wideband) or multiple (subband) PMI. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED { widebandPMI, subbandPMI } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
csi-ReportingBandIndicates a contiguous or non-contiguous subset of subbands in the bandwidth part which CSI shall be reported for. Each bit in the bit-string represents one subband in order of frequency position in the BWP. The right-most bit in the bit string represents the lowest subband with the lowest frequency position in the BWP. The choice determines the number of subbands (subbands3 for 3 subbands, subbands4 for 4 subbands, and so on) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause This field is absent if there are less than 24 PRBs (no sub band) and present otherwise(see TS 38.214 [19], clause NOTE:In TS 38.212 [17] clause and TS 38.214 [19] clause, only subbands to be reported are numbered, e.g. subband #0 is the subband corresponding to the right-most bit set to 1.
CHOICE { subbands3 BIT STRING(SIZE(3)), subbands4 BIT STRING(SIZE(4)), subbands5 BIT STRING(SIZE(5)), subbands6 BIT STRING(SIZE(6)), subbands7 BIT STRING(SIZE(7)), subbands8 BIT STRING(SIZE(8)), subbands9 BIT STRING(SIZE(9)), subbands10 BIT STRING(SIZE(10)), subbands11 BIT STRING(SIZE(11)), subbands12 BIT STRING(SIZE(12)), subbands13 BIT STRING(SIZE(13)), subbands14 BIT STRING(SIZE(14)), subbands15 BIT STRING(SIZE(15)), subbands16 BIT STRING(SIZE(16)), subbands17 BIT STRING(SIZE(17)), subbands18 BIT STRING(SIZE(18)), ..., subbands19-v1530 BIT STRING(SIZE(19)) } OPTIONAL -- Need S } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
timeRestrictionForChannelMeasurementsTime domain measurement restriction for the channel (signal) measurements (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {configured, notConfigured},
timeRestrictionForInterferenceMeasurementsTime domain measurement restriction for interference measurements (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {configured, notConfigured},
codebookConfigCodebook configuration for Type-1 or Type-2 including codebook subset restriction. Network can only configure one of codebookConfig,codebookConfig-r16 or codebookConfig-r17or codebookConfig-r18in a CSI-ReportConfig.The network includes codebookConfig-v1730 only if codebookConfig-r17 is configured.
CodebookConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dummyThis field is not used in the specification. If received it shall be ignored by the UE.
groupBasedBeamReportingTurning on/off group beam based reporting (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If groupBasedBeamReporting (without suffix) is set to disabled, groupBasedBeamReporting-v1710and groupBasedBeamReporting-v1800is absent.
CHOICE { enabled NULL, disabled SEQUENCE {
nrofReportedRSThe number (N) of measured RS resources to be reported per report setting in a non-group-based report. N <= N_max, where N_max is either 2 or 4 depending on UE capability. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4} OPTIONAL -- Need S } },
cqi-TableWhich CQI table to use for CQI calculation (see TS 38.214 [19], clause For an(e)RedCap UE, CQI table 2 is only supported if the UE indicates support of 256QAM for PDSCH.
ENUMERATED {table1, table2, table3, table4-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
subbandSizeIndicates one out of two possible BWP-dependent values for the subband size as indicated in TS 38.214 [19], table . If csi-ReportingBand is absent, the UE shall ignore this field.
ENUMERATED {value1, value2},
non-PMI-PortIndicationPort indication for RI/CQI calculation applicable only for non-PMI feedback. The field shall be configured only if the portSubsetIndicator-r18 is configured. For each CSI-RS resource in the linked CSI-ResourceConfig for channel measurement, a port indication for each rank R, indicating which R ports out of P ports to use within the sub-configuration. P corresponds to the number of bits with value 1 in the bitmap portSubsetIndicator-r18.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerConfig)) OF PortIndexFor8Ranks OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ semiPersistentOnPUSCH-v1530 SEQUENCE { reportSlotConfig-v1530 ENUMERATED {sl4, sl8, sl16} } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ semiPersistentOnPUSCH-v1610 SEQUENCE { reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-2-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER(0..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need R reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-1-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER(0..32) OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R aperiodic-v1610 SEQUENCE { reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-2-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER(0..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need R reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-1-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER(0..32) OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
reportQuantity-r16The CSI related quantities to report. see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.1. If the field reportQuantity-r16,reportQuantity-r17 or reportQuantity-r18is present, UE shall ignore reportQuantity (without suffix). Network does not configure reportQuantity-r17 or reportQuantity-r18together with reportQuantity-r16.
CHOICE { cri-SINR-r16 NULL, ssb-Index-SINR-r16 NULL } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
codebookConfig-r16Codebook configuration for Type-1 or Type-2 including codebook subset restriction. Network can only configure one of codebookConfig,codebookConfig-r16 or codebookConfig-r17or codebookConfig-r18in a CSI-ReportConfig.The network includes codebookConfig-v1730 only if codebookConfig-r17 is configured.
CodebookConfig-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
cqi-BitsPerSubband-r17This field can only be present if cqi-FormatIndicator is set to subbandCQI. If the field is configured with bits4, the UE uses 4-bit sub-band CQI. If the field is not present and cqi-FormatIndicator is set to subbandCQI, the UE uses 2-bit sub-band differential CQI.
ENUMERATED {bits4} OPTIONAL, -- Need R groupBasedBeamReporting-v1710 SEQUENCE {
nrofReportedGroups-r17Number of reported resource groups per CSI-report.Value n1 means one resource group, n2 means 2 resource groups, and so on. If nrofReportedGroups is configured, the UE ignores groupBasedBeamReporting (without suffix).
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4} } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
codebookConfig-r17Codebook configuration for Type-1 or Type-2 including codebook subset restriction. Network can only configure one of codebookConfig,codebookConfig-r16 or codebookConfig-r17or codebookConfig-r18in a CSI-ReportConfig.The network includes codebookConfig-v1730 only if codebookConfig-r17 is configured.
CodebookConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sharedCMR-r17Enables sharing of channel measurement resources between different CSI measurement hypotheses when (1) csi-ReportMode is set to 'Mode1' and numberOfSingleTRP-CSI-Mode1 is set to 1 or 2; or (2) csi-ReportMode is set to 'Mode2' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
csi-ReportMode-r17Configures the CSI report modes Mode1 or Mode 2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {mode1, mode2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
numberOfSingleTRP-CSI-Mode1-r17Configures the number of reported X CSIs when csi-ReportMode is set to 'Mode 1' as described in TS 38.214 [19], clause The field is present only if csi-ReportMode configures Mode 1.
ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
reportQuantity-r17The CSI related quantities to report. see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.1. If the field reportQuantity-r16,reportQuantity-r17 or reportQuantity-r18is present, UE shall ignore reportQuantity (without suffix). Network does not configure reportQuantity-r17 or reportQuantity-r18together with reportQuantity-r16.
CHOICE { cri-RSRP-Index-r17 NULL, ssb-Index-RSRP-Index-r17 NULL, cri-SINR-Index-r17 NULL, ssb-Index-SINR-Index-r17 NULL } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ semiPersistentOnPUSCH-v1720 SEQUENCE { reportSlotOffsetList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER(0..128) OPTIONAL, -- Need R reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-2-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER(0..128) OPTIONAL, -- Need R reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER(0..128) OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R aperiodic-v1720 SEQUENCE { reportSlotOffsetList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER(0..128) OPTIONAL, -- Need R reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-2-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER(0..128) OPTIONAL, -- Need R reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER(0..128) OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ codebookConfig-v1730 CodebookConfig-v1730 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ groupBasedBeamReporting-v1800 SEQUENCE {
reportingMode-r18Configures the UE with reporting mode for group based reporting.(see TS 38.214 [19] clause
ENUMERATED {jointULDL, onlyUL} } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
reportQuantity-r18The CSI related quantities to report. see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.1. If the field reportQuantity-r16,reportQuantity-r17 or reportQuantity-r18is present, UE shall ignore reportQuantity (without suffix). Network does not configure reportQuantity-r17 or reportQuantity-r18together with reportQuantity-r16.
TDCP-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
codebookConfig-r18Codebook configuration for Type-1 or Type-2 including codebook subset restriction. Network can only configure one of codebookConfig,codebookConfig-r16 or codebookConfig-r17or codebookConfig-r18in a CSI-ReportConfig.The network includes codebookConfig-v1730 only if codebookConfig-r17 is configured.
CodebookConfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
csi-ReportSubConfigToAddModList-r18List of CSI-ReportSubConfiguration(s) in a CSI report configuration to add or modify. No simultaneous configuration of portSubsetIndicator and a list of nzp-CSI-RS-resources in a same CSI report sub-configuration. The number of elements in a list is at least 2.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-ReportSubconfigPerCSI-ReportConfig-r18)) OF CSI-ReportSubConfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
csi-ReportSubConfigToReleaseList-r18List of CSI-ReportSubConfiguration(s) in a CSI report configuration to release.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-ReportSubconfigPerCSI-ReportConfig-r18)) OF CSI-ReportSubConfigId-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } CSI-ReportPeriodicityAndOffset ::= CHOICE { slots4 INTEGER(0..3), slots5 INTEGER(0..4), slots8 INTEGER(0..7), slots10 INTEGER(0..9), slots16 INTEGER(0..15), slots20 INTEGER(0..19), slots40 INTEGER(0..39), slots80 INTEGER(0..79), slots160 INTEGER(0..159), slots320 INTEGER(0..319) } PortIndexFor8Ranks ::= CHOICE {
portIndex8Port-Index configuration for up to rank 8. If present, the network configures port indexes for at least one of the ranks.
SEQUENCE{ rank1-8 PortIndex8 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rank2-8 SEQUENCE(SIZE(2))OF PortIndex8 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rank3-8 SEQUENCE(SIZE(3))OF PortIndex8 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rank4-8 SEQUENCE(SIZE(4))OF PortIndex8 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rank5-8 SEQUENCE(SIZE(5))OF PortIndex8 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rank6-8 SEQUENCE(SIZE(6))OF PortIndex8 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rank7-8 SEQUENCE(SIZE(7))OF PortIndex8 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rank8-8 SEQUENCE(SIZE(8))OF PortIndex8 OPTIONAL -- Need R },
portIndex4Port-Index configuration for up to rank 4. If present, the network configures port indexes for at least one of the ranks.
SEQUENCE{ rank1-4 PortIndex4 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rank2-4 SEQUENCE(SIZE(2))OF PortIndex4 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rank3-4 SEQUENCE(SIZE(3))OF PortIndex4 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rank4-4 SEQUENCE(SIZE(4))OF PortIndex4 OPTIONAL -- Need R },
portIndex2Port-Index configuration for up to rank 2. If present, the network configures port indexes for at least one of the ranks.
SEQUENCE{ rank1-2 PortIndex2 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rank2-2 SEQUENCE(SIZE(2))OF PortIndex2 OPTIONAL -- Need R },
portIndex1Port-Index configuration for rank 1.
NULL } PortIndex8::= INTEGER (0..7) PortIndex4::= INTEGER (0..3) PortIndex2::= INTEGER (0..1) TDCP-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
delayDSetofLengthY-r18Configures a set of Y delay values for TDCP reporting, see reference TS38.214 clause The symb4 denotes 4 symbols, the slot1 denotes 1 slot, the slot2 denotes 2 slots and so on. The value slot10 is applicable only to SCS >=30kHz. The parameter Y, see reference TS38.214 clause, is given by the length of the set of D values.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofdelayD-r18)) OF DelayD,
phaseReporting-r18Configures the UE for phase reporting for TDCP reporting see reference TS 38.214 clause
ENUMERATED {enable} OPTIONAL -- Need R } DelayD ::= ENUMERATED { symb4, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot10 } CSI-ReportSubConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { reportSubConfigId-r18 CSI-ReportSubConfigId-r18,
reportSubConfigParams-r18Indicates the parameters to be used for the CSI report sub-configuration, which includes eithera1-parameters that contain the antenna port subset and the associated parameters relevant to the sub-configuration or a2-parameters that contain the list of NZP CSI-RS resources for the sub-configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
CHOICE { a1-parameters SEQUENCE {
codebookSubConfig-r18Applicable codebook parameters for the ports indicated by portSubsetIndicator. Applicable value ranges for codebook subset restriction, rank restriction, N1, N2, and Ng and twoTX-CodebookSubsetRestriction follow existing specification according to the codebookConfig configured within the CSI-ReportConfig, and apply for the number of ports determined by portSubsetIndicator (see TS 38.214 [19], clause In this field, the network always sets the codebookType to type1. When reportQuantity is set to 'cri-RI-i1-CQI', the parameter typeISinglePanel-codebookSubsetRestriction-i2 is mandatory to be configured in the codebookSubConfig for each sub-configuration that includes portSubsetIndicator.
CodebookConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need R
portSubsetIndicator-r18Indicates the (sub)set of CSI-RS antenna ports used for CSI calculation of the sub-configuration. In the bit string, each bit corresponds to an antenna port. When a bit is set to 1, the corresponding port is enabled for CSI calculation corresponding to the sub-configuration. When the bit is set to zero, the corresponding port is not enabled for CSI calculation corresponding to the sub-configuration. The size of the bit string equals P bits, where P=2/4/8/12/16/24/32 represents the number of ports of the NZP CSI-RS resource(s) in the resource set for channel measurement associated with the CSI-ReportConfig.
CHOICE { p2 BIT STRING (SIZE (2)), p4 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), p8 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), p12 BIT STRING (SIZE (12)), p16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), p24 BIT STRING (SIZE (24)), p32 BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
non-PMI-PortIndication-r18Port indication for RI/CQI calculation applicable only for non-PMI feedback. The field shall be configured only if the portSubsetIndicator-r18 is configured. For each CSI-RS resource in the linked CSI-ResourceConfig for channel measurement, a port indication for each rank R, indicating which R ports out of P ports to use within the sub-configuration. P corresponds to the number of bits with value 1 in the bitmap portSubsetIndicator-r18.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerConfig)) OF PortIndexFor8Ranks OPTIONAL -- Need R }, a2-parameters SEQUENCE {
nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceList-r18List of NZP CSI RS resources for the sub-configuration that is a (sub)set of NZP CSI-RS resource(s) of the CSI-RS resource set for channel measurement associated with the sub-configuration in the CSI report configuration. Value 0 refers to the first NZP CSI RS resource of the CSI-RS resource set, value 1 refers to the second NZP CSI RS resource of the CSI-RS resource set, and so on.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerSet)) OF NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceIndex-r18 } } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
powerOffset-r18When powerControlOffset is configured in NZP CSI-RS resources in the resource set for channel measurement associated with the CSI-ReportConfig, the power offset of PDSCH EPRE to NZP CSI-RS EPRE is equal to powerControlOffset - powerOffset.
INTEGER(0..23) OPTIONAL -- Need R } NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceIndex-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerSet-1-r18) -- TAG-CSI-REPORTCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CSI-ReportConfig field descriptions
Indicates in which serving cell the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated below are to be found. If the field is absent, the resources are on the same serving cell as this report configuration.
Codebook configuration for Type-1 or Type-2 including codebook subset restriction. Network can only configure one of codebookConfig,codebookConfig-r16 or codebookConfig-r17or codebookConfig-r18in a CSI-ReportConfig.The network includes codebookConfig-v1730 only if codebookConfig-r17 is configured.
This field can only be present if cqi-FormatIndicator is set to subbandCQI. If the field is configured with bits4, the UE uses 4-bit sub-band CQI. If the field is not present and cqi-FormatIndicator is set to subbandCQI, the UE uses 2-bit sub-band differential CQI.
Indicates whether the UE shall report a single (wideband) or multiple (subband) CQI (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Which CQI table to use for CQI calculation (see TS 38.214 [19], clause For an(e)RedCap UE, CQI table 2 is only supported if the UE indicates support of 256QAM for PDSCH.
CSI IM resources for interference measurement. csi-ResourceConfigId of a CSI-ResourceConfig included in the configuration of the serving cell indicated with the field "carrier" above. The CSI-ResourceConfig indicated here contains only CSI-IM resources. The bwp-Id in that CSI-ResourceConfig is the same value as the bwp-Id in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by resourcesForChannelMeasurement.
Indicates a contiguous or non-contiguous subset of subbands in the bandwidth part which CSI shall be reported for. Each bit in the bit-string represents one subband in order of frequency position in the BWP. The right-most bit in the bit string represents the lowest subband with the lowest frequency position in the BWP. The choice determines the number of subbands (subbands3 for 3 subbands, subbands4 for 4 subbands, and so on) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause This field is absent if there are less than 24 PRBs (no sub band) and present otherwise(see TS 38.214 [19], clause NOTE:In TS 38.212 [17] clause and TS 38.214 [19] clause, only subbands to be reported are numbered, e.g. subband #0 is the subband corresponding to the right-most bit set to 1.
Configures the CSI report modes Mode1 or Mode 2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
List of CSI-ReportSubConfiguration(s) in a CSI report configuration to add or modify. No simultaneous configuration of portSubsetIndicator and a list of nzp-CSI-RS-resources in a same CSI report sub-configuration. The number of elements in a list is at least 2.
List of CSI-ReportSubConfiguration(s) in a CSI report configuration to release.
This field is not used in the specification. If received it shall be ignored by the UE.
Turning on/off group beam based reporting (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If groupBasedBeamReporting (without suffix) is set to disabled, groupBasedBeamReporting-v1710and groupBasedBeamReporting-v1800is absent.
Port indication for RI/CQI calculation. For each CSI-RS resource in the linked ResourceConfig for channel measurement, a port indication for each rank R, indicating which R ports to use. Applicable only for non-PMI feedback (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The first entry in non-PMI-PortIndication corresponds to the NZP-CSI-RS-Resource indicated by the first entry in nzp-CSI-RS-Resources in the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet indicated in the first entry of nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetList of the CSI-ResourceConfig whose CSI-ResourceConfigId is indicated in a CSI-MeasId together with the above CSI-ReportConfigId; the second entry in non-PMI-PortIndication corresponds to the NZP-CSI-RS-Resource indicated by the second entry in nzp-CSI-RS-Resources in the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet indicated in the first entry of nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetList of the same CSI-ResourceConfig, and so on until the NZP-CSI-RS-Resource indicated by the last entry in nzp-CSI-RS-Resources in the in the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet indicated in the first entry of nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetList of the same CSI-ResourceConfig. Then the next entry corresponds to the NZP-CSI-RS-Resource indicated by the first entry in nzp-CSI-RS-Resources in the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet indicated in the second entry of nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetList of the same CSI-ResourceConfig and so on.
Number of reported resource groups per CSI-report.Value n1 means one resource group, n2 means 2 resource groups, and so on. If nrofReportedGroups is configured, the UE ignores groupBasedBeamReporting (without suffix).
The number (N) of measured RS resources to be reported per report setting in a non-group-based report. N <= N_max, where N_max is either 2 or 4 depending on UE capability. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
Configures the number of reported X CSIs when csi-ReportMode is set to 'Mode 1' as described in TS 38.214 [19], clause The field is present only if csi-ReportMode configures Mode 1.
NZP CSI RS resources for interference measurement. csi-ResourceConfigId of a CSI-ResourceConfig included in the configuration of the serving cell indicated with the field "carrier" above. The CSI-ResourceConfig indicated here contains only NZP-CSI-RS resources. The bwp-Id in that CSI-ResourceConfig is the same value as the bwp-Id in the CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by resourcesForChannelMeasurement.
Index of the p0-alpha set determining the power control for this CSI report transmission (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
PRB bundling size to assume for CQI calculation when reportQuantity is CRI/RI/i1/CQI. If the field is absent, the UE assumes that no PRB bundling is applied (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates whether the UE shall report a single (wideband) or multiple (subband) PMI. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates which PUCCH resource to use for reporting on PUCCH.
Time domain behavior of reporting configuration.
Reporting configuration in the frequency domain. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
The CSI related quantities to report. see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.1. If the field reportQuantity-r16,reportQuantity-r17 or reportQuantity-r18is present, UE shall ignore reportQuantity (without suffix). Network does not configure reportQuantity-r17 or reportQuantity-r18together with reportQuantity-r16.
Configures the UE with reporting mode for group based reporting.(see TS 38.214 [19] clause
Periodicity and slot offset (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If the field reportSlotConfig-v1530 is present, the UE shall ignore the value provided in reportSlotConfig (without suffix).
reportSlotOffsetList, reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-1, reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-2
Timing offset Y for semi persistent reporting using PUSCH. This field lists the allowed offset values. This list must have the same number of entries as the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationList in PUSCH-Config. A particular value is indicated in DCI. The network indicates in the DCI field of the UL grant, which of the configured report slot offsets the UE shall apply. The DCI value 0 corresponds to the first report slot offset in this list, the DCI value 1 corresponds to the second report slot offset in this list, and so on. The first report is transmitted in slot n+Y, second report in n+Y+P, where P is the configured periodicity. Timing offset Y for aperiodic reporting using PUSCH. This field lists the allowed offset values. This list must have the same number of entries as the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationList in PUSCH-Config. A particular value is indicated in DCI. The network indicates in the DCI field of the UL grant, which of the configured report slot offsets the UE shall apply. The DCI value 0 corresponds to the first report slot offset in this list, the DCI value 1 corresponds to the second report slot offset in this list, and so on (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The field reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-1applies to DCI format 0_1 and the field reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-2applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The fieldsreportSlotOffsetList-r17, reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-1-r17 and reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-2-r17 are only applicable for SCS 480 kHz and 960 kHz and if they are configured, the UE shall ignore the fieldsreportSlotOffsetList (without suffix), reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-1 (without suffix)and reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-2(without suffix) for SCS 480 kHz and 960 kHz.
Resources for channel measurement. csi-ResourceConfigId of a CSI-ResourceConfig included in the configuration of the serving cell indicated with the field "carrier" above. The CSI-ResourceConfig indicated here contains only NZP-CSI-RS resources and/or SSB resources. This CSI-ReportConfig is associated with the DL BWP indicated by bwp-Id in that CSI-ResourceConfig.
Enables sharing of channel measurement resources between different CSI measurement hypotheses when (1) csi-ReportMode is set to 'Mode1' and numberOfSingleTRP-CSI-Mode1 is set to 1 or 2; or (2) csi-ReportMode is set to 'Mode2' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates one out of two possible BWP-dependent values for the subband size as indicated in TS 38.214 [19], table . If csi-ReportingBand is absent, the UE shall ignore this field.
Time domain measurement restriction for the channel (signal) measurements (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Time domain measurement restriction for interference measurements (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
CSI-ReportSubConfig field descriptions
Applicable codebook parameters for the ports indicated by portSubsetIndicator. Applicable value ranges for codebook subset restriction, rank restriction, N1, N2, and Ng and twoTX-CodebookSubsetRestriction follow existing specification according to the codebookConfig configured within the CSI-ReportConfig, and apply for the number of ports determined by portSubsetIndicator (see TS 38.214 [19], clause In this field, the network always sets the codebookType to type1. When reportQuantity is set to 'cri-RI-i1-CQI', the parameter typeISinglePanel-codebookSubsetRestriction-i2 is mandatory to be configured in the codebookSubConfig for each sub-configuration that includes portSubsetIndicator.
Port indication for RI/CQI calculation applicable only for non-PMI feedback. The field shall be configured only if the portSubsetIndicator-r18 is configured. For each CSI-RS resource in the linked CSI-ResourceConfig for channel measurement, a port indication for each rank R, indicating which R ports out of P ports to use within the sub-configuration. P corresponds to the number of bits with value 1 in the bitmap portSubsetIndicator-r18.
List of NZP CSI RS resources for the sub-configuration that is a (sub)set of NZP CSI-RS resource(s) of the CSI-RS resource set for channel measurement associated with the sub-configuration in the CSI report configuration. Value 0 refers to the first NZP CSI RS resource of the CSI-RS resource set, value 1 refers to the second NZP CSI RS resource of the CSI-RS resource set, and so on.
Indicates the (sub)set of CSI-RS antenna ports used for CSI calculation of the sub-configuration. In the bit string, each bit corresponds to an antenna port. When a bit is set to 1, the corresponding port is enabled for CSI calculation corresponding to the sub-configuration. When the bit is set to zero, the corresponding port is not enabled for CSI calculation corresponding to the sub-configuration. The size of the bit string equals P bits, where P=2/4/8/12/16/24/32 represents the number of ports of the NZP CSI-RS resource(s) in the resource set for channel measurement associated with the CSI-ReportConfig.
When powerControlOffset is configured in NZP CSI-RS resources in the resource set for channel measurement associated with the CSI-ReportConfig, the power offset of PDSCH EPRE to NZP CSI-RS EPRE is equal to powerControlOffset - powerOffset.
Indicates the parameters to be used for the CSI report sub-configuration, which includes eithera1-parameters that contain the antenna port subset and the associated parameters relevant to the sub-configuration or a2-parameters that contain the list of NZP CSI-RS resources for the sub-configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
PortIndexFor8Ranks field descriptions
Port-Index configuration for up to rank 8. If present, the network configures port indexes for at least one of the ranks.
Port-Index configuration for up to rank 4. If present, the network configures port indexes for at least one of the ranks.
Port-Index configuration for up to rank 2. If present, the network configures port indexes for at least one of the ranks.
Port-Index configuration for rank 1.
TDCP field descriptions
Configures a set of Y delay values for TDCP reporting, see reference TS38.214 clause The symb4 denotes 4 symbols, the slot1 denotes 1 slot, the slot2 denotes 2 slots and so on. The value slot10 is applicable only to SCS >=30kHz. The parameter Y, see reference TS38.214 clause, is given by the length of the set of D values.
Configures the UE for phase reporting for TDCP reporting see reference TS 38.214 clause

The IE CSI-ReportConfigId is used to identify one CSI-ReportConfig.

The IE CSI-ReportSubConfigId is used to indicate the index of one CSI-ReportSubConfig within a CSI report configuration.

The IE CSI-ReportSubConfigTriggerList is used to configure a list of sub-configuration ID(s)of N sub-configurations out of L configured sub-configurations within a CSI-ReportConfig associated with a triggering state for semi-persistent CSI reporting on PUSCH and aperiodic CSI reporting.

The IE CSI-ResourceConfig defines a group of one or more NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet, CSI-IM-ResourceSet and/or CSI-SSB-ResourceSet.
csi-ResourceConfigIdUsed in CSI-ReportConfig to refer to an instance of CSI-ResourceConfig.
CSI-ResourceConfigId, csi-RS-ResourceSetList CHOICE { nzp-CSI-RS-SSB SEQUENCE {
nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceSetListList of references to NZP CSI-RS resources used for beam measurement and reporting in a CSI-RS resource set. If resourceType is set to 'aperiodic', the network configures up to maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsPerConfig resource sets.If resourceType is is set to 'periodic' or 'semiPersistent' andgroupBasedBeamReporting-v1710 is not configured in IE CSI-ReportConfig, the network configures1 resource set. If resourceType is set to 'periodic' or 'semiPersistent' andgroupBasedBeamReporting-v1710 is configured, the network configures 2 resource sets, which may be two NZP CSI-RS resource sets(see TS 38.214 [19], clause and In this case, in TS 38.212 [17] Table, the first resource set is indicated by a resource set indicator set to 0 and the second resource set by a resource set indicator set to 1. If resourceType is set to 'periodic' and reportQuantity is set to 'TDCP', the network configures up to 3 resource sets, see TS 38.214 [19] clause
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsPerConfig)) OF NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need R csi-SSB-ResourceSetList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourceSetsPerConfig)) OF CSI-SSB-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL -- Need R },
csi-IM-ResourceSetListList of references to CSI-IM resources used for CSI measurement and reporting in a CSI-RS resource set. Contains up to maxNrofCSI-IM-ResourceSetsPerConfig resource sets if resourceType is 'aperiodic' and 1 otherwise (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-IM-ResourceSetsPerConfig)) OF CSI-IM-ResourceSetId },
bwp-IdThe DL BWP which the CSI-RS associated with this CSI-ResourceConfig are located in (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
resourceTypeTime domain behavior of resource configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause It does not apply to resources provided in the csi-SSB-ResourceSetList.
ENUMERATED { aperiodic, semiPersistent, periodic }, ..., [[ csi-SSB-ResourceSetListExt-r17 CSI-SSB-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-CSI-RESOURCECONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CSI-ResourceConfig field descriptions
The DL BWP which the CSI-RS associated with this CSI-ResourceConfig are located in (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
List of references to CSI-IM resources used for CSI measurement and reporting in a CSI-RS resource set. Contains up to maxNrofCSI-IM-ResourceSetsPerConfig resource sets if resourceType is 'aperiodic' and 1 otherwise (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Used in CSI-ReportConfig to refer to an instance of CSI-ResourceConfig.
csi-SSB-ResourceSetList, csi-SSB-ResourceSetListExt
List of references to SSB resources used for CSI measurement and reporting in a CSI-RS resource set (see TS 38.214 [19], clause csi-SSB-ResourceSetListExt provides additional references and can only be configured if csi-SSB-ResourceSetList is configured and groupBasedBeamReporting-v1710 is configured in the CSI-ReportConfig that indicates this CSI-ResourceConfig as resourcesForChannelMeasurement. If groupBasedBeamReporting-v1710 is configured in the IE CSI-ReportConfig that indicates this CSI-ResourceConfig as resourcesForChannelMeasurement, the network configures 2 resource sets, which may be two CSI SSB resource sets (see TS 38.214 [19], clause and In this case, in TS 38.212 [17] Table,the first resource set is indicated by a resource set indicator set to 0 and the second resource set by a resource set indicator set to 1.
List of references to NZP CSI-RS resources used for beam measurement and reporting in a CSI-RS resource set. If resourceType is set to 'aperiodic', the network configures up to maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsPerConfig resource sets.If resourceType is is set to 'periodic' or 'semiPersistent' andgroupBasedBeamReporting-v1710 is not configured in IE CSI-ReportConfig, the network configures1 resource set. If resourceType is set to 'periodic' or 'semiPersistent' andgroupBasedBeamReporting-v1710 is configured, the network configures 2 resource sets, which may be two NZP CSI-RS resource sets(see TS 38.214 [19], clause and In this case, in TS 38.212 [17] Table, the first resource set is indicated by a resource set indicator set to 0 and the second resource set by a resource set indicator set to 1. If resourceType is set to 'periodic' and reportQuantity is set to 'TDCP', the network configures up to 3 resource sets, see TS 38.214 [19] clause
Time domain behavior of resource configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause It does not apply to resources provided in the csi-SSB-ResourceSetList.

The IE CSI-ResourceConfigId is used to identify a CSI-ResourceConfig.

The IE CSI-ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset is used to configure a periodicity and a corresponding offset for periodic and semi-persistent CSI resources, and for periodic and semi-persistent reporting on PUCCH. both, the periodicity and the offset are given in number of slots. The periodicity value slots4 corresponds to 4 slots, value slots5 corresponds to 5 slots, and so on.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CSI-RESOURCEPERIODICITYANDOFFSET-START CSI-ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset ::= CHOICE { slots4 INTEGER (0..3), slots5 INTEGER (0..4), slots8 INTEGER (0..7), slots10 INTEGER (0..9), slots16 INTEGER (0..15), slots20 INTEGER (0..19), slots32 INTEGER (0..31), slots40 INTEGER (0..39), slots64 INTEGER (0..63), slots80 INTEGER (0..79), slots160 INTEGER (0..159), slots320 INTEGER (0..319), slots640 INTEGER (0..639) } -- TAG-CSI-RESOURCEPERIODICITYANDOFFSET-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE CSI-RS-ResourceConfigMobility is used to configure CSI-RS based RRM measurements.
subcarrierSpacingSubcarrier spacing of CSI-RS. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
csi-RS-CellList-MobilityList of cells for CSI-RS based RRM measurements.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-CellsRRM)) OF CSI-RS-CellMobility, ..., [[
refServCellIndexIndicates the serving cell providing the timing reference for CSI-RS resources without associatedSSB. The field may be present only if there is at least one CSI-RS resource configured without associatedSSB. If this field is absent, the UE shall use the timing of the PCell for measurements on the CSI-RS resources without associatedSSB. The CSI-RS resources and the serving cell indicated by refServCellIndex for timing reference should be located in the same band.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL -- Need S ]] } CSI-RS-CellMobility ::= SEQUENCE { cellId PhysCellId, csi-rs-MeasurementBW SEQUENCE {
nrofPRBsAllowed size of the measurement BW in PRBs. See TS 38.211 [16], clause 7.4.1.
ENUMERATED { size24, size48, size96, size192, size264},
startPRBStarting PRB index of the measurement bandwidth. See TS 38.211 [16], clause 7.4.1.
INTEGER(0..2169) },
densityFrequency domain density for the 1-port CSI-RS for L3 mobility. See TS 38.211 [16], clause 7.4.1.
csi-rs-ResourceList-MobilityList of CSI-RS resources for mobility. The maximum number of CSI-RS resources that can be configured per measObjectNR depends on the configuration of associatedSSB and the support of increasedNumberofCSIRSPerMO capability (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesRRM)) OF CSI-RS-Resource-Mobility } CSI-RS-Resource-Mobility ::= SEQUENCE {
csi-RS-IndexCSI-RS resource index associated to the CSI-RS resource to be measured (and used for reporting).
slotConfigIndicates the CSI-RS periodicity (in milliseconds) and for each periodicity the offset (in number of slots). When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz15, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 3/4/9/19/39 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz30, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 7/9/19/39/79 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz60, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 15/19/39/79/159 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set kHz120, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 31/39/79/159/319 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz480, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 127/159/319/639/1279 slots.When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz960, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 255/319/639/1279/2559 slots. If slotConfig-r17 is present, UE shall ignore the slotConfig (without suffix).
CHOICE { ms4 INTEGER (0..31), ms5 INTEGER (0..39), ms10 INTEGER (0..79), ms20 INTEGER (0..159), ms40 INTEGER (0..319) },
associatedSSBIf this field is present, the UE may base the timing of the CSI-RS resource indicated in CSI-RS-Resource-Mobility on the timing of the cell indicated by the cellId in the CSI-RS-CellMobility. In this case, the UE is not required to monitor that CSI-RS resource if the UE cannot detect the SS/PBCH block indicated by this associatedSSB and cellId. If this field is absent, the UE shall base the timing of the CSI-RS resource indicated in CSI-RS-Resource-Mobility on the timing of the serving cell indicated by refServCellIndex. In this case, the UE is required to measure the CSI-RS resource even if SS/PBCH block(s) with cellId in the CSI-RS-CellMobility are not detected. CSI-RS resources with and without associatedSSB may be configured in accordance with the rules in TS 38.214 [19], clause
SEQUENCE { ssb-Index SSB-Index,
isQuasiColocatedIndicates that the CSI-RS resource is quasi co-located with the associated SS/PBCH block, see TS 38.214 [19], clause
frequencyDomainAllocationFrequency domain allocation within a physical resource block in accordance with TS 38.211 [16], clause including table The number of bits that may be set to one depend on the chosen row in that table.
CHOICE { row1 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), row2 BIT STRING (SIZE (12)) },
firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomainTime domain allocation within a physical resource block. The field indicates the first OFDM symbol in the PRB used for CSI-RS, see TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER (0..13),
sequenceGenerationConfigScrambling ID for CSI-RS (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER (0..1023), ..., [[
slotConfig-r17Indicates the CSI-RS periodicity (in milliseconds) and for each periodicity the offset (in number of slots). When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz15, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 3/4/9/19/39 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz30, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 7/9/19/39/79 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz60, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 15/19/39/79/159 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set kHz120, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 31/39/79/159/319 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz480, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 127/159/319/639/1279 slots.When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz960, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 255/319/639/1279/2559 slots. If slotConfig-r17 is present, UE shall ignore the slotConfig (without suffix).
CHOICE { ms4 INTEGER (0..255), ms5 INTEGER (0..319), ms10 INTEGER (0..639), ms20 INTEGER (0..1279), ms40 INTEGER (0..2559) } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } CSI-RS-Index ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesRRM-1) -- TAG-CSI-RS-RESOURCECONFIGMOBILITY-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CSI-RS-CellMobility field descriptions
List of CSI-RS resources for mobility. The maximum number of CSI-RS resources that can be configured per measObjectNR depends on the configuration of associatedSSB and the support of increasedNumberofCSIRSPerMO capability (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Frequency domain density for the 1-port CSI-RS for L3 mobility. See TS 38.211 [16], clause 7.4.1.
Allowed size of the measurement BW in PRBs. See TS 38.211 [16], clause 7.4.1.
Starting PRB index of the measurement bandwidth. See TS 38.211 [16], clause 7.4.1.
CSI-RS-ResourceConfigMobility field descriptions
List of cells for CSI-RS based RRM measurements.
Indicates the serving cell providing the timing reference for CSI-RS resources without associatedSSB. The field may be present only if there is at least one CSI-RS resource configured without associatedSSB. If this field is absent, the UE shall use the timing of the PCell for measurements on the CSI-RS resources without associatedSSB. The CSI-RS resources and the serving cell indicated by refServCellIndex for timing reference should be located in the same band.
Subcarrier spacing of CSI-RS. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
CSI-RS-Resource-Mobility field descriptions
If this field is present, the UE may base the timing of the CSI-RS resource indicated in CSI-RS-Resource-Mobility on the timing of the cell indicated by the cellId in the CSI-RS-CellMobility. In this case, the UE is not required to monitor that CSI-RS resource if the UE cannot detect the SS/PBCH block indicated by this associatedSSB and cellId. If this field is absent, the UE shall base the timing of the CSI-RS resource indicated in CSI-RS-Resource-Mobility on the timing of the serving cell indicated by refServCellIndex. In this case, the UE is required to measure the CSI-RS resource even if SS/PBCH block(s) with cellId in the CSI-RS-CellMobility are not detected. CSI-RS resources with and without associatedSSB may be configured in accordance with the rules in TS 38.214 [19], clause
CSI-RS resource index associated to the CSI-RS resource to be measured (and used for reporting).
Time domain allocation within a physical resource block. The field indicates the first OFDM symbol in the PRB used for CSI-RS, see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Frequency domain allocation within a physical resource block in accordance with TS 38.211 [16], clause including table The number of bits that may be set to one depend on the chosen row in that table.
Indicates that the CSI-RS resource is quasi co-located with the associated SS/PBCH block, see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Scrambling ID for CSI-RS (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Indicates the CSI-RS periodicity (in milliseconds) and for each periodicity the offset (in number of slots). When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz15, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 3/4/9/19/39 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz30, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 7/9/19/39/79 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz60, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 15/19/39/79/159 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set kHz120, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 31/39/79/159/319 slots. When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz480, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 127/159/319/639/1279 slots.When subcarrierSpacing is set to kHz960, the maximum offset values for periodicities ms4/ms5/ms10/ms20/ms40 are 255/319/639/1279/2559 slots. If slotConfig-r17 is present, UE shall ignore the slotConfig (without suffix).

The IE CSI-RS-ResourceMapping is used to configure the resource element mapping of a CSI-RS resource in time- and frequency domain.
frequencyDomainAllocationFrequency domain allocation within a physical resource block in accordance with TS 38.211 [16], clause The applicable row number in table is determined by the frequencyDomainAllocation for rows 1, 2 and 4, and for other rows by matching the values in the column Ports, Density and CDMtype in table with the values of nrofPorts, cdm-Type and density below and, when more than one row has the 3 values matching, by selecting the row where the column (k bar, l bar) in table has indexes for k ranging from 0 to 2*n-1 where n is the number of bits set to 1 in frequencyDomainAllocation.
CHOICE { row1 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), row2 BIT STRING (SIZE (12)), row4 BIT STRING (SIZE (3)), other BIT STRING (SIZE (6)) },
nrofPortsNumber of ports (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {p1,p2,p4,p8,p12,p16,p24,p32},
firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomainTime domain allocation within a physical resource block. The field indicates the first OFDM symbol in the PRB used for CSI-RS. See TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER (0..13),
firstOFDMSymbolInTimeDomain2Time domain allocation within a physical resource block. See TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER (2..12) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cdm-TypeCDM type (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {noCDM, fd-CDM2, cdm4-FD2-TD2, cdm8-FD2-TD4},
densityDensity of CSI-RS resource measured in RE/port/PRB (see TS 38.211 [16], clause Values 0.5 (dot5), 1 (one) and 3 (three) are allowed for X=1, values 0.5 (dot5) and 1 (one) are allowed for X=2, 16, 24 and 32, value 1 (one) is allowed for X=4, 8, 12. For density = 1/2, includes 1-bit indication for RB level comb offset indicating whether odd or even RBs are occupied by CSI-RS.
CHOICE { dot5 ENUMERATED {evenPRBs, oddPRBs}, one NULL, three NULL, spare NULL },
freqBandWideband or partial band CSI-RS, (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
CSI-RS-ResourceMapping field descriptions
CDM type (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Density of CSI-RS resource measured in RE/port/PRB (see TS 38.211 [16], clause Values 0.5 (dot5), 1 (one) and 3 (three) are allowed for X=1, values 0.5 (dot5) and 1 (one) are allowed for X=2, 16, 24 and 32, value 1 (one) is allowed for X=4, 8, 12. For density = 1/2, includes 1-bit indication for RB level comb offset indicating whether odd or even RBs are occupied by CSI-RS.
Time domain allocation within a physical resource block. See TS 38.211 [16], clause
Time domain allocation within a physical resource block. The field indicates the first OFDM symbol in the PRB used for CSI-RS. See TS 38.211 [16], clause
Wideband or partial band CSI-RS, (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Frequency domain allocation within a physical resource block in accordance with TS 38.211 [16], clause The applicable row number in table is determined by the frequencyDomainAllocation for rows 1, 2 and 4, and for other rows by matching the values in the column Ports, Density and CDMtype in table with the values of nrofPorts, cdm-Type and density below and, when more than one row has the 3 values matching, by selecting the row where the column (k bar, l bar) in table has indexes for k ranging from 0 to 2*n-1 where n is the number of bits set to 1 in frequencyDomainAllocation.
Number of ports (see TS 38.214 [19], clause

The CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerStateList IE is used to configure the UE with list of trigger states for semi-persistent reporting of channel state information on L1. See also TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CSI-SEMIPERSISTENTONPUSCHTRIGGERSTATELIST-START CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerStateList ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrOfSemiPersistentPUSCH-Triggers)) OF CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerState CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerState ::= SEQUENCE { associatedReportConfigInfo CSI-ReportConfigId, ..., [[
sp-CSI-MultiplexingMode-r17Indicates if the behavior of transmitting SP-CSI on the first PUSCH repetitions corresponding to two SRS resource sets configured in srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook'is enabled or not.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
csi-ReportSubConfigTriggerList-r18A list of sub-configuration ID(s) of N sub-configurations out of L configured sub-configurations within a CSI-ReportConfig associated with a triggering state for semi-persistent CSI reporting on PUSCH.
CSI-ReportSubConfigTriggerList-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ltm-AssociatedReportConfigInfo-r18This field configures semi-persistent CSI reports on PUSCH of LTM candidate cells. If ltm-associatedReportConfigInfo is configured the UE shall ignore the field associatedReportConfigInfo.
CSI-SemiPersistentOnPUSCH-TriggerStateList field descriptions
A list of sub-configuration ID(s) of N sub-configurations out of L configured sub-configurations within a CSI-ReportConfig associated with a triggering state for semi-persistent CSI reporting on PUSCH.
This field configures semi-persistent CSI reports on PUSCH of LTM candidate cells. If ltm-associatedReportConfigInfo is configured the UE shall ignore the field associatedReportConfigInfo.
Indicates if the behavior of transmitting SP-CSI on the first PUSCH repetitions corresponding to two SRS resource sets configured in srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook'is enabled or not.

The IE CSI-SSB-ResourceSet is used to configure one SS/PBCH block resource set which refers to SS/PBCH as indicated in ServingCellConfigCommon and ServingCellConfig.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CSI-SSB-RESOURCESET-START CSI-SSB-ResourceSet ::= SEQUENCE { csi-SSB-ResourceSetId CSI-SSB-ResourceSetId, csi-SSB-ResourceList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourcePerSet)) OF SSB-Index, ..., [[
servingAdditionalPCIList-r17Indicates the physical cell IDs (PCI) of the SSBs in the csi-SSB-ResourceList. If present, the list has the same number of entries as csi-SSB-ResourceList.The first entry of the list indicates the value of the PCI for the first entry of csi-SSB-ResourceList, the second entry of this list indicates the value of the PCI for the second entry of csi-SSB-ResourceList, and so on. For each entry, the following applies: - If the value is zero, the PCI is the PCI of the serving cell in which this CSI-SSB-ResourceSet is defined; - otherwise, the value is additionalPCIIndex-r17 of an SSB-MTC-AdditionalPCI-r17configured using the additionalPCI-ToAddModList-r17 in ServingCellConfig, and the PCI is the additionalPCI-r17 in this SSB-MTC-AdditionalPCI-r17.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourcePerSet)) OF ServingAdditionalPCIIndex-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } ServingAdditionalPCIIndex-r17 ::= INTEGER(0..maxNrofAdditionalPCI-r17) -- TAG-CSI-SSB-RESOURCESET-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CSI-SSB-ResourceSetfield descriptions
Indicates the physical cell IDs (PCI) of the SSBs in the csi-SSB-ResourceList. If present, the list has the same number of entries as csi-SSB-ResourceList.The first entry of the list indicates the value of the PCI for the first entry of csi-SSB-ResourceList, the second entry of this list indicates the value of the PCI for the second entry of csi-SSB-ResourceList, and so on. For each entry, the following applies: - If the value is zero, the PCI is the PCI of the serving cell in which this CSI-SSB-ResourceSet is defined; - otherwise, the value is additionalPCIIndex-r17 of an SSB-MTC-AdditionalPCI-r17configured using the additionalPCI-ToAddModList-r17 in ServingCellConfig, and the PCI is the additionalPCI-r17 in this SSB-MTC-AdditionalPCI-r17.

The IE CSI-SSB-ResourceSetId is used to identify one SS/PBCH block resource set.

The IE DedicatedNAS-Message is used to transfer UE specific NAS layer information between the 5GC CN and the UE. The RRC layer is transparent for this information.

The IE DL-PPW-PreConfig provides configuration for a measurement window where a UE is expected to measure the DL PRS,if it is inside the active DL BWP and with the same numerology as the active DL BWP. Based upon the indication received in the configuration, the UE identifies whether the DL PRS priority is higher than that of the other DL signals or channels and accordingly determines, for example, the UE is expected to measure the DL PRS and is not expected to receive other DL signals and channels.
dl-PPW-ID-r17Indicates the pre-configured ID for DL-PRS processing window configuration.
dl-PPW-PeriodicityAndStartSlot-r17Indicates the periodicity in slots and the offset of the starting slot with respect to SFN #0 slot #0 of the serving cell where the DL-PRS processing window is configured.
length-r17Indicates the length of DL-PRSprocessing window in slots. Value 1 indicates length of one slot, value 2 indicates length of two slots and so on.
INTEGER (1..160),
type-r17Indicates the DL-PRS processing window type as specified in TS 38.214 [19].
ENUMERATED {type1A, type1B, type2} OPTIONAL, -- Cond MultiType
priority-r17Indicates the priority between PDCCH/PDSCH/CSI-RS and PRS as specified in TS 38.214 [19].
ENUMERATED {st1, st2, st3} OPTIONAL -- Cond MultiState } DL-PPW-ID-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPPW-ID-1-r17) DL-PPW-PeriodicityAndStartSlot-r17 ::= CHOICE { scs15 CHOICE { n4 INTEGER (0..3), n5 INTEGER (0..4), n8 INTEGER (0..7), n10 INTEGER (0..9), n16 INTEGER (0..15), n20 INTEGER (0..19), n32 INTEGER (0..31), n40 INTEGER (0..39), n64 INTEGER (0..63), n80 INTEGER (0..79), n160 INTEGER (0..159), n320 INTEGER (0..319), n640 INTEGER (0..639), n1280 INTEGER (0..1279), n2560 INTEGER (0..2559), n5120 INTEGER (0..5119), n10240 INTEGER (0..10239), ... }, scs30 CHOICE { n8 INTEGER (0..7), n10 INTEGER (0..9), n16 INTEGER (0..15), n20 INTEGER (0..19), n32 INTEGER (0..31), n40 INTEGER (0..39), n64 INTEGER (0..63), n80 INTEGER (0..79), n128 INTEGER (0..127), n160 INTEGER (0..159), n320 INTEGER (0..319), n640 INTEGER (0..639), n1280 INTEGER (0..1279), n2560 INTEGER (0..2559), n5120 INTEGER (0..5119), n10240 INTEGER (0..10239), n20480 INTEGER (0..20479), ... }, scs60 CHOICE { n16 INTEGER (0..15), n20 INTEGER (0..19), n32 INTEGER (0..31), n40 INTEGER (0..39), n64 INTEGER (0..63), n80 INTEGER (0..79), n128 INTEGER (0..127), n160 INTEGER (0..159), n256 INTEGER (0..255), n320 INTEGER (0..319), n640 INTEGER (0..639), n1280 INTEGER (0..1279), n2560 INTEGER (0..2559), n5120 INTEGER (0..5119), n10240 INTEGER (0..10239), n20480 INTEGER (0..20479), n40960 INTEGER (0..40959), ... }, scs120 CHOICE { n32 INTEGER (0..31), n40 INTEGER (0..39), n64 INTEGER (0..63), n80 INTEGER (0..79), n128 INTEGER (0..127), n160 INTEGER (0..159), n256 INTEGER (0..255), n320 INTEGER (0..319), n512 INTEGER (0..511), n640 INTEGER (0..639), n1280 INTEGER (0..1279), n2560 INTEGER (0..2559), n5120 INTEGER (0..5119), n10240 INTEGER (0..10239), n20480 INTEGER (0..20479), n40960 INTEGER (0..40959), n81920 INTEGER (0..81919), ... }, ... } -- TAG-DL-PPW-PRECONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
DL-PPW-PreConfig field descriptions
Indicates the pre-configured ID for DL-PRS processing window configuration.
Indicates the periodicity in slots and the offset of the starting slot with respect to SFN #0 slot #0 of the serving cell where the DL-PRS processing window is configured.
Indicates the length of DL-PRSprocessing window in slots. Value 1 indicates length of one slot, value 2 indicates length of two slots and so on.
Indicates the priority between PDCCH/PDSCH/CSI-RS and PRS as specified in TS 38.214 [19].
Indicates the DL-PRS processing window type as specified in TS 38.214 [19].
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present when the UE reports its capability on supporting multiple processing types, otherwise it is absent.
The field is mandatory present when the UE reports its capability on supporting option 1 or option 2 for the configured type, otherwise it is absent.

The IE DMRS-BundlingPUCCH-Config-r17 is used to configure DMRS bundling for PUCCH.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DMRS-BUNDLINGPUCCH-CONFIG-START DMRS-BundlingPUCCH-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pucch-DMRS-Bundling-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R pucch-TimeDomainWindowLength-r17 INTEGER (2..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need S pucch-WindowRestart-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R pucch-FrequencyHoppingInterval-r17 ENUMERATED {s2, s4, s5, s10} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... } -- TAG-DMRS-BUNDLINGPUCCH-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE DMRS-BundlingPUSCH-Config-r17 is used to configure DMRS bundling for PUSCH.
pusch-DMRS-Bundling-r17Indicates whether DMRS bundling and time domain window for PUSCH are jointly enabled.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pusch-TimeDomainWindowLength-r17Configures the length of a nominal time domain window in number of consecutive slots for DMRS bundling for PUSCH. The value shall not exceed the maximum duration for DMRS bundling for PUSCH as specified in TS 38.306 [26]. For PUSCH repetition type A/B, if this field is absent, the UE shall apply the default value that is the minimum value in the unit of consecutive slots of the time duration for the transmission of all PUSCH repetitions and the maximum duration for DMRS bundling for PUSCH as specified in TS 38.306 [26]. For TBoMS, if this field is absent, the UE shall apply the default value that is the minimum value in the unit of consecutive slots of the duration of TBoMS transmission (including repetition of TBoMS) and the maximum duration for DMRS bundling for PUSCH as specified in TS 38.306 [26].
INTEGER (2..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
pusch-WindowRestart-r17Indicates whether UE bundles PUSCH DMRS remaining in a nominal time domain window after event(s) triggered by DCI or MAC CE that violate power consistency and phase continuity requirements is enabled(see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.7). NOTE:Events, which are triggered by DCI or MAC CE, but do not require UE capability to resume maintaining power consistency and/or phase continuity as specified in clause 6.1.7 of TS 38.214 [19], are excluded.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pusch-FrequencyHoppingInterval-r17Configures the number of consecutive slots for the UE to perform inter-slot frequency hopping with inter-slot bundling for PUSCH. When both inter-frequency hopping and DMRS bundling are enabled for PUSCH repetitions, the UE is expected to be configured with at least one pusch-FrequencyHoppingInterval-r17 and pusch-TimeDomainWindowLength-r17. Thisparameter is shared for both DG-PUSCH and CG-PUSCH. When DMRS bundling for PUSCH is enabled by pusch-DMRS-Bundling-r17, PUSCH frequency hopping interval is only determined by the configuration of PUSCH hopping interval if PUSCH hopping interval is configured. If the field is absent, the number of consecutive slots for the UE to perform inter-slot PUSCH frequency hopping is indicated by pusch-TimeDomainWindowLength-r17. Note: For unpaired spectrum, the UE is not expected to be configured the value of s6, s8, s12, s14 and s16.
ENUMERATED {s2, s4, s5, s6, s8, s10, s12, s14, s16, s20} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... } -- TAG-DMRS-BUNDLINGPUSCH-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
DMRS-BundlingPUCCH-Config field descriptions
Indicates whether DMRS bundling and time domain window for PUCCH are jointly enabled.
Configures the number of consecutive slots for the UE to perform inter-slot frequency hopping with inter-slot bundling for PUCCH. When both inter-frequency hopping and DMRS bundling are enabled for PUCCH repetitions, the UE is expected to be configured with at least one pucch-FrequencyHoppingInterval-r17 and pucch-TimeDomainWindowLength-r17. When DMRS bundling for PUCCH is enabled by pucch-DMRS-Bundling-r17, PUCCH frequency hopping interval is only determined by the configuration of PUCCH hopping interval if PUCCH hopping interval is configured. If the field is absent, the number of consecutive slots for the UE to perform inter-slot PUCCH frequency hopping is indicated by pucch-TimeDomainWindowLength-r17.
Configures the length of a nominal time domain window in slots for DMRS bundling for PUCCH. The value shall not exceed the maximum durationfor DMRS bundling for PUCCH as specified in TS 38.306 [26]. If this field is absent, the UE shall apply the default value that is the minimum value in the unit of consecutive slots of the time duration for the transmission of all PUCCH repetitions and the maximum duration for DMRS bundling for PUCCH as specified in TS 38.306 [26].
Indicates whether UE bundles PUCCH DMRS remaining in a nominal time domain window after event(s) triggered by DCI or MAC CE that violate power consistency and phase continuity requirements is enabled(see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.7). NOTE:Events, which are triggered by DCI or MAC CE, but do not require UE capability to resume maintaining power consistency and/or phase continuity as specified in clause 6.1.7 of TS 38.214 [19], are excluded.
DMRS-BundlingPUSCH-Config field descriptions
Indicates whether DMRS bundling and time domain window for PUSCH are jointly enabled.
Configures the number of consecutive slots for the UE to perform inter-slot frequency hopping with inter-slot bundling for PUSCH. When both inter-frequency hopping and DMRS bundling are enabled for PUSCH repetitions, the UE is expected to be configured with at least one pusch-FrequencyHoppingInterval-r17 and pusch-TimeDomainWindowLength-r17. Thisparameter is shared for both DG-PUSCH and CG-PUSCH. When DMRS bundling for PUSCH is enabled by pusch-DMRS-Bundling-r17, PUSCH frequency hopping interval is only determined by the configuration of PUSCH hopping interval if PUSCH hopping interval is configured. If the field is absent, the number of consecutive slots for the UE to perform inter-slot PUSCH frequency hopping is indicated by pusch-TimeDomainWindowLength-r17. Note: For unpaired spectrum, the UE is not expected to be configured the value of s6, s8, s12, s14 and s16.
Configures the length of a nominal time domain window in number of consecutive slots for DMRS bundling for PUSCH. The value shall not exceed the maximum duration for DMRS bundling for PUSCH as specified in TS 38.306 [26]. For PUSCH repetition type A/B, if this field is absent, the UE shall apply the default value that is the minimum value in the unit of consecutive slots of the time duration for the transmission of all PUSCH repetitions and the maximum duration for DMRS bundling for PUSCH as specified in TS 38.306 [26]. For TBoMS, if this field is absent, the UE shall apply the default value that is the minimum value in the unit of consecutive slots of the duration of TBoMS transmission (including repetition of TBoMS) and the maximum duration for DMRS bundling for PUSCH as specified in TS 38.306 [26].
Indicates whether UE bundles PUSCH DMRS remaining in a nominal time domain window after event(s) triggered by DCI or MAC CE that violate power consistency and phase continuity requirements is enabled(see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.7). NOTE:Events, which are triggered by DCI or MAC CE, but do not require UE capability to resume maintaining power consistency and/or phase continuity as specified in clause 6.1.7 of TS 38.214 [19], are excluded.

The IE DMRS-DownlinkConfig is used to configure downlink demodulation reference signals for PDSCH.
dmrs-TypeSelection of the DMRS type to be used for DL (see TS 38.211 [16], clause If the field is absent, the UE uses DMRS type 1.
dmrs-AdditionalPositionPosition for additional DM-RS in DL, see Tables and in TS 38.211 [16]. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value pos2.See also clause for additional constraints on how the network may set this field depending on the setting of other fields.
ENUMERATED {pos0, pos1, pos3} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
maxLengthThe maximum number of OFDM symbols for DL front loaded DMRS. len1 corresponds to value 1. len2 corresponds to value 2. If the field is absent, the UE applies value len1. If set to len2, the UE determines the actual number of DM-RS symbols by the associated DCI. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
scramblingID0DL DMRS scrambling initialization (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value physCellId configured for this serving cell.
INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
scramblingID1DL DMRS scrambling initialization (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value physCellId configured for this serving cell.
INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
phaseTrackingRSConfigures downlink PTRS. If the field is not configured, the UE assumes that downlink PTRS are absent. See TS 38.214 [19] clause
SetupRelease { PTRS-DownlinkConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
dmrs-Downlink-r16This field indicates whether low PAPR DMRS is used, as specified in TS38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
dmrs-TypeEnh-r18This field is used in TS 38.211 [16], clause
DMRS-DownlinkConfig field descriptions
Position for additional DM-RS in DL, see Tables and in TS 38.211 [16]. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value pos2.See also clause for additional constraints on how the network may set this field depending on the setting of other fields.
This field indicates whether low PAPR DMRS is used, as specified in TS38.211 [16], clause
Selection of the DMRS type to be used for DL (see TS 38.211 [16], clause If the field is absent, the UE uses DMRS type 1.
This field is used in TS 38.211 [16], clause
The maximum number of OFDM symbols for DL front loaded DMRS. len1 corresponds to value 1. len2 corresponds to value 2. If the field is absent, the UE applies value len1. If set to len2, the UE determines the actual number of DM-RS symbols by the associated DCI. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Configures downlink PTRS. If the field is not configured, the UE assumes that downlink PTRS are absent. See TS 38.214 [19] clause
DL DMRS scrambling initialization (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value physCellId configured for this serving cell.
DL DMRS scrambling initialization (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value physCellId configured for this serving cell.

The IE DMRS-UplinkConfig is used to configure uplink demodulation reference signals for PUSCH.
dmrs-TypeSelection of the DMRS type to be used for UL (see TS 38.211 [16], clause If the field is absent, the UE uses DMRS type 1.
dmrs-AdditionalPositionPosition for additional DM-RS in UL (see TS 38.211 [16], clause If the field is absent, the UE applies the value pos2. See also clause for additional constraints on how the network may set this field depending on the setting of other fields.
ENUMERATED {pos0, pos1, pos3} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
phaseTrackingRSConfigures uplink PTRS (see TS 38.211 [16]).
SetupRelease { PTRS-UplinkConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
maxLengthThe maximum number of OFDM symbols for UL front loaded DMRS. len1 corresponds to value 1. len2 corresponds to value 2. If the field is absent, the UE applies value len1. If set to len2, the UE determines the actual number of DM-RS symbols by the associated DCI. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
transformPrecodingDisabledDMRS related parameters for Cyclic Prefix OFDM.
scramblingID0UL DMRS scrambling initialization for CP-OFDM (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value Physical cell ID (physCellId).
INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
scramblingID1UL DMRS scrambling initialization for CP-OFDM. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value Physical cell ID (physCellId).
INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
dmrs-Uplink-r16This field indicates whether low PAPR DMRS is used, as specified in TS38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
transformPrecodingEnabledDMRS related parameters for DFT-s-OFDM (Transform Precoding).
nPUSCH-IdentityParameter: N_ID^(PUSCH) for DFT-s-OFDM DMRS. If the value is absent or released, the UE uses the value Physical cell ID (physCellId). See TS 38.211 [16].
INTEGER(0..1007) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
sequenceGroupHoppingFor DMRS transmission with transform precoder the NW may configure group hopping by the cell-specific parameter groupHoppingEnabledTransformPrecoding in PUSCH-ConfigCommon. In this case, the NW may include this UE specific field to disable group hopping for PUSCH transmission except for Msg3, i.e., to override the configuration in PUSCH-ConfigCommon (see TS 38.211 [16]). If the field is absent, the UE uses the same hopping mode as for Msg3.
ENUMERATED {disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
sequenceHoppingDetermines if sequence hopping is enabled for DMRS transmission with transform precoderfor PUSCH transmission other than Msg3 (sequence hopping is always disabled for Msg3). If the field is absent, the UE uses the same hopping mode as for msg3. The network does not configure simultaneous group hopping and sequence hopping. See TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
dmrs-UplinkTransformPrecoding-r16This field indicates whether low PAPR DMRS is used for PUSCH with pi/2 BPSK modulation, as specified in TS38.211 [16], clause The network configures this field only if tp-pi2BPSK is configured in PUSCH-Config.
SetupRelease {DMRS-UplinkTransformPrecoding-r16} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[
dmrs-TypeEnh-r18This field is used in TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } DMRS-UplinkTransformPrecoding-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { pi2BPSK-ScramblingID0 INTEGER(0..65535) OPTIONAL, -- Need S pi2BPSK-ScramblingID1 INTEGER(0..65535) OPTIONAL -- Need S } -- TAG-DMRS-UPLINKCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
DMRS-UplinkConfig field descriptions
Position for additional DM-RS in UL (see TS 38.211 [16], clause If the field is absent, the UE applies the value pos2. See also clause for additional constraints on how the network may set this field depending on the setting of other fields.
Selection of the DMRS type to be used for UL (see TS 38.211 [16], clause If the field is absent, the UE uses DMRS type 1.
This field is used in TS 38.211 [16], clause
This field indicates whether low PAPR DMRS is used, as specified in TS38.211 [16], clause
This field indicates whether low PAPR DMRS is used for PUSCH with pi/2 BPSK modulation, as specified in TS38.211 [16], clause The network configures this field only if tp-pi2BPSK is configured in PUSCH-Config.
The maximum number of OFDM symbols for UL front loaded DMRS. len1 corresponds to value 1. len2 corresponds to value 2. If the field is absent, the UE applies value len1. If set to len2, the UE determines the actual number of DM-RS symbols by the associated DCI. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Parameter: N_ID^(PUSCH) for DFT-s-OFDM DMRS. If the value is absent or released, the UE uses the value Physical cell ID (physCellId). See TS 38.211 [16].
Configures uplink PTRS (see TS 38.211 [16]).
pi2BPSK-ScramblingID0, pi2BPSK-ScramblingID1
UL DMRS scrambling initialization for pi/2 BPSK DMRS for PUSCH (see TS 38.211 [16], Clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value Physical cell ID (physCellId) of the serving cell.
UL DMRS scrambling initialization for CP-OFDM (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value Physical cell ID (physCellId).
UL DMRS scrambling initialization for CP-OFDM. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value Physical cell ID (physCellId).
For DMRS transmission with transform precoder the NW may configure group hopping by the cell-specific parameter groupHoppingEnabledTransformPrecoding in PUSCH-ConfigCommon. In this case, the NW may include this UE specific field to disable group hopping for PUSCH transmission except for Msg3, i.e., to override the configuration in PUSCH-ConfigCommon (see TS 38.211 [16]). If the field is absent, the UE uses the same hopping mode as for Msg3.
Determines if sequence hopping is enabled for DMRS transmission with transform precoderfor PUSCH transmission other than Msg3 (sequence hopping is always disabled for Msg3). If the field is absent, the UE uses the same hopping mode as for msg3. The network does not configure simultaneous group hopping and sequence hopping. See TS 38.211 [16], clause
DMRS related parameters for Cyclic Prefix OFDM.
DMRS related parameters for DFT-s-OFDM (Transform Precoding).

The IE DownlinkConfigCommon provides common downlink parameters of a cell.
frequencyInfoDLBasic parameters of a downlink carrier and transmission thereon.
FrequencyInfoDL OPTIONAL, -- Cond InterFreqHOAndServCellAdd
initialDownlinkBWPThe initial downlink BWP configuration for a serving cell.The network configures the locationAndBandwidth so that the initial downlink BWP contains the entire CORESET#0 of this serving cell in the frequency domain.
BWP-DownlinkCommon OPTIONAL, -- Cond ServCellAdd ..., [[
initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap-r17If present, (e)RedCap UEs use this DL BWP instead of initialDownlinkBWP. If absent, (e)RedCap UEs use initialDownlinkBWP provided that it does not exceed the (e)RedCap UE maximum bandwidth (see also clause
DownlinkConfigCommon field descriptions
Basic parameters of a downlink carrier and transmission thereon.
The initial downlink BWP configuration for a serving cell.The network configures the locationAndBandwidth so that the initial downlink BWP contains the entire CORESET#0 of this serving cell in the frequency domain.
If present, (e)RedCap UEs use this DL BWP instead of initialDownlinkBWP. If absent, (e)RedCap UEs use initialDownlinkBWP provided that it does not exceed the (e)RedCap UE maximum bandwidth (see also clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present for inter-frequency handover, and upon serving cell (PSCell/SCell) addition. Otherwise, the field is optionally present, Need M.
This field is mandatory present upon serving cell addition (for PSCell and SCell) and upon handover from E-UTRA to NR. It is optionally present, Need M otherwise.

The IE DownlinkConfigCommonSIB provides common downlink parameters of a cell.
initialDownlinkBWPThe initial downlink BWP configuration for a PCell. The network configures the locationAndBandwidth so that the initial downlink BWP contains the entire CORESET#0 of this serving cell in the frequency domain. The UE applies the locationAndBandwidthupon reception of this field (e.g. to determine the frequency position of signals described in relation to this locationAndBandwidth) but it keeps CORESET#0 until after reception of RRCSetup/RRCResume/RRCReestablishment.
bcch-ConfigThe modification period related configuration.
pcch-ConfigThe paging related configuration.
PCCH-Config, ..., [[
pei-Config-r17The PEI related configuration.
PEI-Config-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap-r17If present, (e)RedCap UEs use this DL BWP instead of initialDownlinkBWP. If the locationAndBandwidth of this BWP contains the entire CORESET#0, the UE applies the locationAndBandwidthupon reception of this field (e.g. to determine the frequency position of signals described in relation to this locationAndBandwidth) but it keeps CORESET#0 until after reception of RRCSetup/RRCResume/RRCReestablishment. Otherwise, i.e., if the locationAndBandwidth of this BWP does not contain the entire CORESET#0, the UE uses this BWP for receiving DL messages during initial access (Msg2, MsgB, Msg4) and after initial access. If absent, (e)RedCap UEs use initialDownlinkBWP provided that it does not exceed the (e)RedCap UE maximum bandwidth (see also clause
BWP-DownlinkCommon OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ frequencyInfoDL-v1800 FrequencyInfoDL-SIB-v1800 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } DownlinkConfigCommonSIB-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyInfoDL-v1760 FrequencyInfoDL-SIB-v1760 } BCCH-Config ::= SEQUENCE {
modificationPeriodCoeffActual modification period, expressed in number of radio frames m = modificationPeriodCoeff * defaultPagingCycle, see clause n2 corresponds to value 2, n4 corresponds to value 4, and so on.
ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n16}, ... } PCCH-Config ::= SEQUENCE {
defaultPagingCycleDefault paging cycle, used to derive 'T' in TS 38.304 [20]. Value rf32 corresponds to 32 radio frames, value rf64 corresponds to 64 radio frames and so on.
nAndPagingFrameOffsetUsed to derive the number of total paging frames in T (corresponding to parameter N in TS 38.304 [20]) and paging frame offset (corresponding to parameter PF_offset in TS 38.304 [20]). A value of oneSixteenthT corresponds to T / 16, a value of oneEighthT corresponds to T / 8, and so on. If pagingSearchSpace is set to zero and if SS/PBCH block and CORESET multiplexing pattern is 2 or 3 (as specified in TS 38.213 [13]): -for ssb-periodicityServingCell of 5 or 10 ms, N can be set to one of {oneT, halfT, quarterT, oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT} -for ssb-periodicityServingCell of 20 ms, N can be set to one of {halfT, quarterT, oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT} -for ssb-periodicityServingCell of 40 ms, N can be set to one of {quarterT, oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT} -for ssb-periodicityServingCell of 80 ms, N can be set to one of {oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT} -for ssb-periodicityServingCell of 160 ms, N can be set to oneSixteenthT If pagingSearchSpace is set to zero and if SS/PBCH block and CORESET multiplexing pattern is 1 (as specified in TS 38.213 [13]), N can be set to one of {halfT, quarterT, oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT} If pagingSearchSpace is not set to zero, N can be configured to one of {oneT, halfT, quarterT, oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT}
CHOICE { oneT NULL, halfT INTEGER (0..1), quarterT INTEGER (0..3), oneEighthT INTEGER (0..7), oneSixteenthT INTEGER (0..15) },
nsNumber of paging occasions per paging frame.
ENUMERATED {four, two, one},
firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPOPoints out the first PDCCH monitoring occasion for paging of each PO of the PF, see TS 38.304 [20].
CHOICE { sCS15KHZoneT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..139), sCS30KHZoneT-SCS15KHZhalfT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..279), sCS60KHZoneT-SCS30KHZhalfT-SCS15KHZquarterT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..559), sCS120KHZoneT-SCS60KHZhalfT-SCS30KHZquarterT-SCS15KHZoneEighthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..1119), sCS120KHZhalfT-SCS60KHZquarterT-SCS30KHZoneEighthT-SCS15KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..2239), sCS480KHZoneT-SCS120KHZquarterT-SCS60KHZoneEighthT-SCS30KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..4479), sCS480KHZhalfT-SCS120KHZoneEighthT-SCS60KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..8959), sCS480KHZquarterT-SCS120KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..17919) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[
nrofPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionPerSSB-InPO-r16The number of PDCCH monitoring occasions corresponding to an SSB within a Paging Occasion, see TS 38.304 [20], clause 7.1.
INTEGER (2..4) OPTIONAL -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 ]], [[
ranPagingInIdlePO-r17Indicates that the network supports to send RAN paging in PO that corresponds to the i_s as determined by UE in RRC_IDLE state, see TS38.304 [20].
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPO-v1710 CHOICE { sCS480KHZoneEighthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..35839), sCS480KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..71679) } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } PEI-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
po-NumPerPEI-r17The number of PO(s) associated with one PEI monitoring occasion. It is a factor of the total PO number in a paging cycle, i.e N x Ns, as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. The maximum number of PF associated with one PEI monitoring occasion is 2.The number of PO mapping to one PEI should be multiple of Ns when po-NumPerPEI is larger than Ns.
ENUMERATED {po1, po2, po4, po8},
payloadSizeDCI-2-7-r17Payload size of PEI DCI, i.e., DCI format 2_7. The size is no larger than the payload size of paging DCI which has maximum of 41 bits and 43 bits for licensed and unlicensed spectrums, respectively.
INTEGER (1..maxDCI-2-7-Size-r17),
pei-FrameOffset-r17Offset, in number of frames from the start of a reference frame for PEI-Oto the start of a first paging frame of the paging frames associated with the PEI-O, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4A.
INTEGER (0..16),
subgroupConfig-r17The paging subgroup related configuration.
lastUsedCellOnly-r17When present, the field indicates that the UE monitors PEI only if the latest received RRCRelease without noLastCellUpdate is from this cell. A PEI-capable UE stores its last used cell information.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } SubgroupConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
subgroupsNumPerPO-r17Total number of subgroups per Paging Occasion (PO) for UE to read subgroups indication from physical-layer signaling. The field represents the sum of CN-assigned and UEID-based subgroups supported by the network. When PEI-Config is configured, there is always at least one subgroup (UEID-based subgroup or CN-assigned subgroup) configured.
INTEGER (1.. maxNrofPagingSubgroups-r17),
subgroupsNumForUEID-r17Number of subgroups per Paging Occasion (PO) for UE to read subgroups indication from physical-layer signaling, for UEID-based subgrouping method. When present, the fieldis set to an integer smaller than or equal to subgroupsNumPerPO. subgroupsNumPerPO equals to subgroupsNumForUEID when the network does not configure CN-assigned subgrouping. When pei-Config is configured, the field is absent when the network only configures CN-assigned subgrouping. Both this field and subgroupsNumPerPO are equal to 1 when the network does not configure subgrouping. When pei-Config is configured, if the field is absent, the UE uses subgrouping according to TS 38.304 [20], clause 7.3.0.
INTEGER (1.. maxNrofPagingSubgroups-r17) OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... } -- TAG-DOWNLINKCONFIGCOMMONSIB-STOP -- ASN1STOP
DownlinkConfigCommonSIB field descriptions
The modification period related configuration.
Basic parameters of a downlink carrier and transmission thereon.
The initial downlink BWP configuration for a PCell. The network configures the locationAndBandwidth so that the initial downlink BWP contains the entire CORESET#0 of this serving cell in the frequency domain. The UE applies the locationAndBandwidthupon reception of this field (e.g. to determine the frequency position of signals described in relation to this locationAndBandwidth) but it keeps CORESET#0 until after reception of RRCSetup/RRCResume/RRCReestablishment.
If present, (e)RedCap UEs use this DL BWP instead of initialDownlinkBWP. If the locationAndBandwidth of this BWP contains the entire CORESET#0, the UE applies the locationAndBandwidthupon reception of this field (e.g. to determine the frequency position of signals described in relation to this locationAndBandwidth) but it keeps CORESET#0 until after reception of RRCSetup/RRCResume/RRCReestablishment. Otherwise, i.e., if the locationAndBandwidth of this BWP does not contain the entire CORESET#0, the UE uses this BWP for receiving DL messages during initial access (Msg2, MsgB, Msg4) and after initial access. If absent, (e)RedCap UEs use initialDownlinkBWP provided that it does not exceed the (e)RedCap UE maximum bandwidth (see also clause
When present, the field indicates that the UE monitors PEI only if the latest received RRCRelease without noLastCellUpdate is from this cell. A PEI-capable UE stores its last used cell information.
The paging related configuration.
The PEI related configuration.
The paging subgroup related configuration.
BCCH-Config field descriptions
Actual modification period, expressed in number of radio frames m = modificationPeriodCoeff * defaultPagingCycle, see clause n2 corresponds to value 2, n4 corresponds to value 4, and so on.
PCCH-Config field descriptions
Default paging cycle, used to derive 'T' in TS 38.304 [20]. Value rf32 corresponds to 32 radio frames, value rf64 corresponds to 64 radio frames and so on.
Points out the first PDCCH monitoring occasion for paging of each PO of the PF, see TS 38.304 [20].
Used to derive the number of total paging frames in T (corresponding to parameter N in TS 38.304 [20]) and paging frame offset (corresponding to parameter PF_offset in TS 38.304 [20]). A value of oneSixteenthT corresponds to T / 16, a value of oneEighthT corresponds to T / 8, and so on. If pagingSearchSpace is set to zero and if SS/PBCH block and CORESET multiplexing pattern is 2 or 3 (as specified in TS 38.213 [13]): -for ssb-periodicityServingCell of 5 or 10 ms, N can be set to one of {oneT, halfT, quarterT, oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT} -for ssb-periodicityServingCell of 20 ms, N can be set to one of {halfT, quarterT, oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT} -for ssb-periodicityServingCell of 40 ms, N can be set to one of {quarterT, oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT} -for ssb-periodicityServingCell of 80 ms, N can be set to one of {oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT} -for ssb-periodicityServingCell of 160 ms, N can be set to oneSixteenthT If pagingSearchSpace is set to zero and if SS/PBCH block and CORESET multiplexing pattern is 1 (as specified in TS 38.213 [13]), N can be set to one of {halfT, quarterT, oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT} If pagingSearchSpace is not set to zero, N can be configured to one of {oneT, halfT, quarterT, oneEighthT, oneSixteenthT}
The number of PDCCH monitoring occasions corresponding to an SSB within a Paging Occasion, see TS 38.304 [20], clause 7.1.
Number of paging occasions per paging frame.
Indicates that the network supports to send RAN paging in PO that corresponds to the i_s as determined by UE in RRC_IDLE state, see TS38.304 [20].
PEI-Config field descriptions
Payload size of PEI DCI, i.e., DCI format 2_7. The size is no larger than the payload size of paging DCI which has maximum of 41 bits and 43 bits for licensed and unlicensed spectrums, respectively.
Offset, in number of frames from the start of a reference frame for PEI-Oto the start of a first paging frame of the paging frames associated with the PEI-O, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4A.
The number of PO(s) associated with one PEI monitoring occasion. It is a factor of the total PO number in a paging cycle, i.e N x Ns, as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. The maximum number of PF associated with one PEI monitoring occasion is 2.The number of PO mapping to one PEI should be multiple of Ns when po-NumPerPEI is larger than Ns.
SubgroupConfig field descriptions
Total number of subgroups per Paging Occasion (PO) for UE to read subgroups indication from physical-layer signaling. The field represents the sum of CN-assigned and UEID-based subgroups supported by the network. When PEI-Config is configured, there is always at least one subgroup (UEID-based subgroup or CN-assigned subgroup) configured.
Number of subgroups per Paging Occasion (PO) for UE to read subgroups indication from physical-layer signaling, for UEID-based subgrouping method. When present, the fieldis set to an integer smaller than or equal to subgroupsNumPerPO. subgroupsNumPerPO equals to subgroupsNumForUEID when the network does not configure CN-assigned subgrouping. When pei-Config is configured, the field is absent when the network only configures CN-assigned subgrouping. Both this field and subgroupsNumPerPO are equal to 1 when the network does not configure subgrouping. When pei-Config is configured, if the field is absent, the UE uses subgrouping according to TS 38.304 [20], clause 7.3.0.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optional present, Need R, if this cell operates with shared spectrum channel access. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.

The IE DownlinkPreemption is used to configure the UE to monitor PDCCH for the INT-RNTI (interruption).
int-RNTIRNTI used for indication pre-emption in DL (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10).
timeFrequencySetSet selection for DL-preemption indication (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2) The set determines how the UE interprets the DL preemption DCI payload.
ENUMERATED {set0, set1},
dci-PayloadSizeTotal length of the DCI payload scrambled with INT-RNTI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2).
INTEGER (0..maxINT-DCI-PayloadSize),
int-ConfigurationPerServingCellIndicates (per serving cell) the position of the 14 bit INT values inside the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF INT-ConfigurationPerServingCell, ... } INT-ConfigurationPerServingCell ::= SEQUENCE { servingCellId ServCellIndex,
positionInDCIStarting position (in number of bit) of the 14 bit INT value applicable for this serving cell (servingCellId) within the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2). Must be multiples of 14 (bit).
DownlinkPreemption field descriptions
Total length of the DCI payload scrambled with INT-RNTI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2).
Indicates (per serving cell) the position of the 14 bit INT values inside the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2).
RNTI used for indication pre-emption in DL (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10).
Set selection for DL-preemption indication (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2) The set determines how the UE interprets the DL preemption DCI payload.
INT-ConfigurationPerServingCell field descriptions
Starting position (in number of bit) of the 14 bit INT value applicable for this serving cell (servingCellId) within the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2). Must be multiples of 14 (bit).

The IE DRB-Identity is used to identify a DRB used by a UE.

The IE DRX-Config is used to configure DRX related parameters.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DRX-CONFIG-START DRX-Config ::= SEQUENCE { drx-onDurationTimer CHOICE { subMilliSeconds INTEGER (1..31), milliSeconds ENUMERATED { ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1600, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } }, drx-InactivityTimer ENUMERATED { ms0, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms500, ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerDL INTEGER (0..56), drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerUL INTEGER (0..56), drx-RetransmissionTimerDL ENUMERATED { sl0, sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6, sl8, sl16, sl24, sl33, sl40, sl64, sl80, sl96, sl112, sl128, sl160, sl320, spare15, spare14, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, drx-RetransmissionTimerUL ENUMERATED { sl0, sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6, sl8, sl16, sl24, sl33, sl40, sl64, sl80, sl96, sl112, sl128, sl160, sl320, spare15, spare14, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 }, drx-LongCycleStartOffset CHOICE { ms10 INTEGER(0..9), ms20 INTEGER(0..19), ms32 INTEGER(0..31), ms40 INTEGER(0..39), ms60 INTEGER(0..59), ms64 INTEGER(0..63), ms70 INTEGER(0..69), ms80 INTEGER(0..79), ms128 INTEGER(0..127), ms160 INTEGER(0..159), ms256 INTEGER(0..255), ms320 INTEGER(0..319), ms512 INTEGER(0..511), ms640 INTEGER(0..639), ms1024 INTEGER(0..1023), ms1280 INTEGER(0..1279), ms2048 INTEGER(0..2047), ms2560 INTEGER(0..2559), ms5120 INTEGER(0..5119), ms10240 INTEGER(0..10239) }, shortDRX SEQUENCE { drx-ShortCycle ENUMERATED { ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms7, ms8, ms10, ms14, ms16, ms20, ms30, ms32, ms35, ms40, ms64, ms80, ms128, ms160, ms256, ms320, ms512, ms640, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 }, drx-ShortCycleTimer INTEGER (1..16) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R drx-SlotOffset INTEGER (0..31) } DRX-ConfigExt-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerDL-r17 INTEGER (0..448), drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerUL-r17 INTEGER (0..448) } DRX-ConfigExt2-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { drx-NonIntegerLongCycleStartOffset-r18 CHOICE { ms1001over240 INTEGER(0..3), ms25over6 INTEGER(0..3), ms25over3 INTEGER(0..7), ms1001over120 INTEGER(0..7), ms100over9 INTEGER(0..10), ms25over2 INTEGER(0..11), ms40over3 INTEGER(0..12), ms125over9 INTEGER(0..12), ms50over3 INTEGER(0..15), ms1001over60 INTEGER(0..15), ms125over6 INTEGER(0..19), ms200over9 INTEGER(0..21), ms250over9 INTEGER(0..26), ms100over3 INTEGER(0..32), ms1001over30 INTEGER(0..32), ms75over2 INTEGER(0..36), ms125over3 INTEGER(0..40), ms1001over24 INTEGER(0..40), ms200over3 INTEGER(0..65), ms1001over15 INTEGER(0..65), ms250over3 INTEGER(0..82), ms1001over12 INTEGER(0..82), ms400over3 INTEGER(0..132), ... }, shortDRX-r18 SEQUENCE { drx-NonIntegerShortCycle-r18 ENUMERATED {ms1001over240, ms25over6, ms25over3, ms1001over120, ms100over9, ms25over2, ms40over3, ms125over9, ms50over3, ms1001over60, ms125over6, ms200over9, ms100over3, ms1001over30, ms125over3, ms1001over24, ms200over3, spare15, spare14, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, drx-ShortCycleTimer-r18 INTEGER (1..16) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R drx-TimeReferenceSFN-r18 ENUMERATED {sfn512} OPTIONAL -- Need N } -- TAG-DRX-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE DRX-ConfigSecondaryGroup is used to configure DRX related parameters for the second DRX group as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DRX-CONFIGSECONDARYGROUP-START DRX-ConfigSecondaryGroup-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { drx-onDurationTimer-r16 CHOICE { subMilliSeconds INTEGER (1..31), milliSeconds ENUMERATED { ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1600, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } }, drx-InactivityTimer-r16 ENUMERATED { ms0, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms500, ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} } -- TAG-DRX-CONFIGSECONDARYGROUP-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE DRX-ConfigSL is used to configure additional DRX parameters for the UE performing sidelink operation with resource allocation mode 1, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DRX-CONFIGSL-START DRX-ConfigSL-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerSL-r17 INTEGER (0..56), drx-RetransmissionTimerSL-r17 ENUMERATED {sl0, sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6, sl8, sl16, sl24, sl33, sl40, sl64, sl80, sl96, sl112, sl128, sl160, sl320, spare15, spare14, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} } -- TAG-DRX-CONFIGSL-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE EarlyUL-SyncConfig is used to configure random access resources for the early UL synchronization procedure.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-EARLYUL-SYNCCONFIG-START EarlyUL-SyncConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyInfoUL-r18 FrequencyInfoUL, rach-ConfigGeneric-r18 RACH-ConfigGeneric, bwp-GenericParameters-r18 BWP, ssb-PerRACH-Occasion-r18 ENUMERATED {oneEighth, oneFourth, oneHalf, one, two, four, eight, sixteen} OPTIONAL, -- Need R prach-RootSequenceIndex-r18 CHOICE { l839 INTEGER (0..837), l139 INTEGER (0..137) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ltm-PRACH-SubcarrierSpacing-r18 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Cond L139 n-TimingAdvanceOffset-r18 ENUMERATED { n0, n25600, n39936, spare1 } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ ltm-tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon-r18 TDD-UL-DL-ConfigCommon OPTIONAL, -- Cond TDD ltm-restrictedSetConfig-r18 ENUMERATED {unrestrictedSet, restrictedSetTypeA, restrictedSetTypeB} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-EARLYUL-SYNCCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
DRX-Config field descriptions
Value in number of symbols of the BWP where the transport block was received.drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerDL-r17 is only applicable for SCS 480 kHz and 960 kHz. If configured, the UE shall ignore drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerDL (without suffix) for SCS 480 kHz and 960 kHz.
Value in number of symbols of the BWP where the transport block was transmitted.drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerUL-r17 is only applicable for SCS 480 kHz and 960 kHz. If configured, the UE shall ignore drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerUL (without suffix) for SCS 480 kHz and 960 kHz.
Value in multiple integers of 1 ms. ms0 corresponds to 0, ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
drx-LongCycle in ms and drx-StartOffset in multiples of 1 ms. If drx-ShortCycle is configured, the value of drx-LongCycle shall be a multiple of the drx-ShortCycle value.
drx-NonIntegerLongCycle in non-integer number of ms (e.g. ms1001over240 corresponds to 1001/240 ms,ms25over6 corresponds to 25/6 ms and so on) and drx-StartOffset in multiples of 1 ms. If drx-NonIntegerShortCycle is configured, the value of drx-NonIntegerLongCycle shall be a multiple of the drx-NonIntegerShortCycle value. If drx-NonIntegerLongCycleStartOffset-r18 is configured, the UE shall ignore drx-LongCycleStartOffset.
Value in non-integer number of ms, e.g. ms1001over240 corresponds to 1001/240 ms, ms25over6 corresponds to 25/6 ms and so on.
Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSecond). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
Value in number of slot lengths of the BWP where the transport block was received. value sl0 corresponds to 0 slots, sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, and so on.
Value in number of slot lengths of the BWP where the transport block was transmitted. sl0 corresponds to 0 slots, sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, and so on.
Value in multiples of drx-ShortCycle or drx-NonIntegerShortCycle (depending on which one is configured). A value of 1 corresponds to drx-ShortCycle or drx-NonIntegerShortCycle, a value of 2 corresponds to 2 * drx-ShortCycleor 2 * drx-NonIntegerShortCycleand so on.
Value in ms. ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
Value in 1/32 ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0 ms, value 1 corresponds to 1/32 ms, value 2 corresponds to 2/32 ms, and so on.
Indicates how the UE initializes the counter DRX_SFN_COUNTER, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.7.
Configuration of a short DRX cycle. The network configures only one of shortDRX (without a suffix) or shortDRX-r18.
DRX-ConfigSecondaryGroup field descriptions
Value in multiple integers of 1 ms. ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The network configures a drx-InactivityTimer value for the second DRX group that is smaller than the drx-InactivityTimer configured for the default DRX group in IE DRX-Config.
Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSeconds). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The network configures a drx-onDurationTimer value for the second DRX group that is smaller than the drx-onDurationTimer configured for the default DRX group in IE DRX-Config.
DRX-ConfigSL field descriptions
For sidelink configured grant Type 1, value in number of symbols of the activated DL BWP of PCell. For other cases, value in number of symbols of the BWP where the PDCCH was transmitted. Value 0 is used in case sl-PUCCH-Config is not configured and the corresponding resource pool is not configured with PSFCH.
For sidelink configured grant Type 1, value in number of slot lengths of the activated DL BWP of PCell. For other cases, value in number of slot lengths of the BWP where the PDCCH was transmitted. sl0 corresponds to 0 slots, sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, and so on.

The IE EphemerisInfo provides satellite ephemeris. Ephemeris may be expressed either in format of position and velocity state vector in ECEF or in format of orbital parameters in ECI. Note: The ECI and ECEF coincide at epochTime, i.e., x,y,z axis in ECEF are aligned with x,y,z axis in ECI at epochTime.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-EPHEMERISINFO-START EphemerisInfo-r17 ::= CHOICE { positionVelocity-r17 PositionVelocity-r17, orbital-r17 Orbital-r17 } PositionVelocity-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { positionX-r17 PositionStateVector-r17, positionY-r17 PositionStateVector-r17, positionZ-r17 PositionStateVector-r17, velocityVX-r17 VelocityStateVector-r17, velocityVY-r17 VelocityStateVector-r17, velocityVZ-r17 VelocityStateVector-r17 } Orbital-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { semiMajorAxis-r17 INTEGER (0..8589934591), eccentricity-r17 INTEGER (0..1048575), periapsis-r17 INTEGER (0..268435455), longitude-r17 INTEGER (0..268435455), inclination-r17 INTEGER (-67108864..67108863), meanAnomaly-r17 INTEGER (0..268435455) } PositionStateVector-r17 ::= INTEGER (-33554432..33554431) VelocityStateVector-r17 ::= INTEGER (-131072..131071) -- TAG-EPHEMERISINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP
EarlyUL-SyncConfig field descriptions
This field provides basic parameters of an uplink carrier for PRACH transmission on a candidate cell.
Indicates subcarrier spacing of PRACH for LTM (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3.2). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz If absent, the UE applies the SCS as derived from the prach-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGeneric (see tables Table, Table, Table and Table, TS 38.211 [16]).
The N_TA-Offset to be applied for all uplink transmissions on a candidate cell.If the field is absent, the UE applies the value as defined in TS 38.133 [14], table 7.1.2-2.
RACH parameters for performing a random access procedure on a candidate cell.
This field indicated the number of SSBs for RACH occasion.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if prach-RootSequenceIndex L=139, otherwise the field is absent, Need S.
This field is optionally present, Need R, for TDD LTM candidate cells. It is absent otherwise.

The IE EpochTime is used to indicate the epoch time for the NTN assistance information, and it is defined as the starting time of a DL sub-frame, indicated by a SFN and a sub-frame number signaled together with the assistance information. The reference point for EpochTime of the serving or neighbour NTN payload ephemeris and Common TA parameters is the uplink time synchronization reference point of the serving cell when this field is provided in an NTN cell and the gNB when this field is provided in a TN cell. In case of handover or conditional handover, the reference point for EpochTime of the target NTN payload ephemeris and Common TA parameters is the uplink time synchronization reference point of the target cell. In case of handover or conditional handover, EpochTime is based on the timing of the target cell, i.e. the SFN and sub-frame number indicated refers to the SFN and sub-frame of the target cell. Otherwise, EpochTime is used based on the timing of the serving cell, i.e. the SFN and sub-frame number indicated refers to the SFN and sub-frame of the serving cell.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-EPOCHTIME-START EpochTime-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sfn-r17 INTEGER(0..1023), subFrameNR-r17 INTEGER(0..9) } -- TAG-EPOCHTIME-STOP -- ASN1STOP
EphemerisInfo field descriptions
Satellite orbital parameter: eccentricity e, see NIMA TR 8350.2 [71]. Unit is radian. Step of 1.431 * 10-8. Actual value = field value * (1.431 * 10-8).
Satellite orbital parameter: inclination i, see NIMA TR 8350.2 [71]. Unit is radian. Step of 2.341* 10-8 rad. Actual value = field value * (2.341* 10-8).
Satellite orbital parameter: longitude of ascending node , see NIMA TR 8350.2 [71]. Unit is radian. Step of 2.341* 10-8 rad. Actual value = field value * (2.341* 10-8).
Satellite orbital parameter: Mean anomaly M at epoch time, see NIMA TR 8350.2 [71]. Unit is radian. Step of 2.341* 10-8 rad. Actual value = field value * (2.341* 10-8).
Satellite orbital parameter: argument of periapsis , see NIMA TR 8350.2 [71]. Unit is radian. Step of 2.341* 10-8 rad. Actual value = field value * (2.341* 10-8).
positionX, positionY, positionZ
X, Y, Z coordinate of satellite position state vector in ECEF. Unit is meter. Step of 1.3 m. Actual value = field value * 1.3.
Satellite orbital parameter: semi major axis , see NIMA TR 8350.2 [71]. Unit is meter. Stepof 4.249 * 10-3 m. Actual value = 6500000 + field value * (4.249 * 10-3).
velocityVX, velocityVY, velocityVZ
X, Y, Z coordinate of satellite velocity state vector in ECEF. Unit is meter/second. Step of 0.06 m/s. Actual value = field value * 0.06.

The IE EUTRA-C-RNTI identifies a UE having a RRC connection within an E-UTRA cell.

The IE FeatureCombination indicates a feature or a combination of features to be associated with a set of Random Access resources (i.e. an instance of FeatureCombinationPreambles).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FEATURECOMBINATION-START FeatureCombination-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { redCap-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R smallData-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R nsag-r17 NSAG-List-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R msg3-Repetitions-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R msg1-Repetitions-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R eRedCap-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R spare2 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R spare1 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } NSAG-List-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxSliceInfo-r17)) OF NSAG-ID-r17 -- TAG-FEATURECOMBINATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
EpochTime field descriptions
For serving cell, it indicates the current SFN or the next upcoming SFN after the frame where the message indicating the epochTime is received. For neighbour or target cell, it indicates the SFN nearest to the frame where the message indicating the epochTime is received.

The IE FeatureCombinationPreambles associates a set of preambles with a feature combination. For parameters which can be provided in this IE,the UE applies this field value when performing Random Access using a preamble in this featureCombinationPreambles, otherwise the UE applies the corresponding value as determined by applicable Need Code, e.g. Need S. On a specific BWP,there can be at most one set of preambles associated with a given feature combination per RA Type (i.e. 4-step RACH or 2-step RACH) per MSG1 repetition number.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FEATURECOMBINATIONPREAMBLES-START FeatureCombinationPreambles-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { featureCombination-r17 FeatureCombination-r17, startPreambleForThisPartition-r17 INTEGER (0..63), numberOfPreamblesPerSSB-ForThisPartition-r17 INTEGER (1..64), ssb-SharedRO-MaskIndex-r17 INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need S groupBconfigured-r17 SEQUENCE { ra-SizeGroupA-r17 ENUMERATED {b56, b144, b208, b256, b282, b480, b640, b800, b1000, b72, spare6, spare5,spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, messagePowerOffsetGroupB-r17 ENUMERATED { minusinfinity, dB0, dB5, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB15, dB18}, numberOfRA-PreamblesGroupA-r17 INTEGER (1..64) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R separateMsgA-PUSCH-Config-r17 MsgA-PUSCH-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond MsgAConfigCommon msgA-RSRP-Threshold-r17 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R rsrp-ThresholdSSB-r17 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R deltaPreamble-r17 INTEGER (-1..6) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ msg1-RepetitionNum-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Msg1Rep2 msg1-RepetitionTimeOffsetROGroup-r18 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, spare1} OPTIONAL -- Cond Msg1Rep3 ]] } -- TAG-FEATURECOMBINATIONPREAMBLES-STOP -- ASN1STOP
FeatureCombination field descriptions
If present, this field indicates that eRedCap is part of this feature combination. The fieldsredCap and eRedCap shall not be both set to true. If the UE is an eRedCap UE and there is no set of configured RA resources with eRedCap set to true among all sets of configured RA resources, the UE considers redCap to be applicable for random access procedure. This field is not configured in a set of preambles that is configured with 2-step random-access type.
If present, this field indicates that signalling of msg1 repetition is part of this feature combination. This field is not configured in a set of preambles that is configured with 2-step random-access type.
If present, this field indicates that signalling of msg3 repetition is part of this feature combination. This field is not configured in a set of preambles that is configured with 2-step random-access type.
If present, this field indicates NSAG(s) that are part of this feature combination.
If present, this field indicates that RedCap is part of this feature combination.
If present, this field indicates that Small Data is part of this feature combination.

The IE FilterCoefficient specifies the measurement filtering coefficient. Value fc0 corresponds to k = 0, fc1 corresponds to k = 1, and so on.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FILTERCOEFFICIENT-START FilterCoefficient ::= ENUMERATED { fc0, fc1, fc2, fc3, fc4, fc5, fc6, fc7, fc8, fc9, fc11, fc13, fc15, fc17, fc19, spare1, ...} -- TAG-FILTERCOEFFICIENT-STOP -- ASN1STOP
FeatureCombinationPreamblesfield descriptions
Power offset between msg3 or msgA-PUSCH and RACH preamble transmission. If configured, this parameter overrides msg3-DeltaPreamble or msgA-DeltaPreamble, Actual value = field value * 2 [dB] (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). If msgA-DeltaPreamble is configured in separateMsgA-PUSCH-Config-r17, this field is absent. This field is set to the same value for all FeatureCombinationPreambles for MSG1 repetitions.
Indicates which combination of features that the preambles indicated by this IE are associated with.Network ensures that at least one field within the featureCombination is configured. The UE ignores a RACH resource defined by this FeatureCombinationPreambles if any feature within the featureCombination is not supported by the UEor if any of the spare fields within the featureCombination is set to true.
Threshold for preamble selection. Value is in dB. Value minusinfinity corresponds to –infinity. Value dB0 corresponds to 0 dB, dB5 corresponds to 5 dB and so on (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.2).
Indicates which MSG1-repetition number that this FeatureCombinationPreambles is associated with.
Indicates a time offset of the starting ROs between two successive RO groups for a given repetition number (2, 4 or 8) associated with this FeatureCombinationPreambles for each frequency resource index within a time period (see TS 38.213 [13]). If this field is absent, the time offset is implicitly determined (see TS 38.213 [13]). For each MSG1 repetition number, the following values are applicable. •{n16}, for RO groups for MSG1 repetition number 8 •{n8, n16}, for RO groups for MSG1 repetition number 4 •{n4, n8, n16}, for RO groups for MSG1 repetition number 2
The UE selects 2-step random access type to perform random access based on this threshold (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1). This field is only present if both 2-step and 4-step RA type are configured for the concerned feature combination in the BWP. If configured, this parameter overrides msgA-RSRP-Threshold-r16. If absent, the UE applies msgA-RSRP-Threshold-r16, if configured
It determines how many consecutive preambles are associated to the Feature Combination starting from the starting preamble(s) per SSB.
It determines how many consecutive preambles per SSB are associated to Group A starting from the starting preamble(s). The remaining preambles associated to the Feature Combination are associated to Group B
Transport Blocks size threshold in bits below which the UE shall use a contention-based RA preamble of group A. (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.2). If this feature combination preambles are associated to a RACH-ConfigCommon-twostepRA, this field correspond to ra-MsgA-SizeGroupA, otherwise it corresponds to ra-Msg3SizeGroupA.
UE may select the SS block and corresponding PRACH resource for path-loss estimation and (re)transmission based on SS blocks that satisfy the threshold (see TS 38.213 [13]).If this parameter is included in FeatureCombinationPreambles which is included in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA, it corresponds to msgA-RSRP-ThresholdSSB, as defined in TS 38.321 [3]. If this parameter is included in FeatureCombinationPreambles which is included in RACH-ConfigCommon, it it corresponds to rsrp-ThresholdSSB, as defined in TS 38.321 [3].
If present, it specifies how the 2-step RACH preambles identified by this FeatureCombinationPreambles are mapped to a PUSCH slot separate from the one defined in MsgA-ConfigCommon-r16. If the field is absent, the UE should apply the corresponding parameter in the RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA of the BWP which includes the FeatureCombinationPreambles IE.
Mask index (see TS 38.321 [3]). Indicates a subset of ROs where preambles are allocated for this feature combination. If this field is configured within FeatureCombinationPreambles which is included in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA: -in case of separate ROs are configured for 4-step and 2-step random access, this field indicates a subset of ROs configured within this RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA; -in case shared ROs are used for 4-step and 2-step random access, it indicates the subset of ROs configured within RACH-ConfigCommon, which are the subset of ROs configured for 2-step random access. This field is configured when there is more than one RO per SSB. If the field is absent, all ROs configured in RACH-ConfigCommon or RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA containing this FeatureCombinationPreamblesare shared. The network does not configure this field, if the field msg1-RepetitionNum is configured.
It defines the first preamble associated with the Feature Combination. If the UE is provided with a number N of SSB block indexes associated with one PRACH occasion, and N<1, the first preamble in each PRACH occasion is the one having the same index as indicated by this field. If N>=1, N blocks of preambles associated with the Feature Combination are defined, each having start index + startPreambleForThisPartition, where n refers to SSB block index (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need S, if FeatureCombinationPreambles is included in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA. Otherwise, it is absent. If the field is absent in FeatureCombinationPreambles included in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA, the UE applies MsgA-PUSCH-Config included in the corresponding MsgA-ConfigCommon.
The field is mandatory present, if msg1-Repetitions is included in FeatureCombination for this concerned FeatureCombinationPreambles. Otherwise, it is absent.
The field is optionally present, Need S, if msg1-Repetitions is included in FeatureCombination for this concerned FeatureCombinationPreambles. Otherwise, it is absent.

The IE FreqBandIndicatorNR is used to convey an NR frequency band number as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39] and TS 38.101-5 [75].

The IE FreqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing provides dedicated cell reselection priorities for slicing in RRCRelease.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FREQPRIORITYLISTDEDICATEDSLICING-START FreqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxFreq)) OF FreqPriorityDedicatedSlicing-r17 FreqPriorityDedicatedSlicing-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
dl-ExplicitCarrierFreq-r17Indicates the downlink carrier frequency to which SliceInfoListDedicated is associated.
ARFCN-ValueNR, sliceInfoListDedicated-r17 SliceInfoListDedicated-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond Mandatory } SliceInfoListDedicated-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSliceInfo-r17)) OF SliceInfoDedicated-r17 SliceInfoDedicated-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { nsag-IdentityInfo-r17 NSAG-IdentityInfo-r17, nsag-CellReselectionPriority-r17 CellReselectionPriority OPTIONAL, -- Need R nsag-CellReselectionSubPriority-r17 CellReselectionSubPriority OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-FREQPRIORITYLISTDEDICATEDSLICING-STOP -- ASN1STOP
FreqPriorityDedicatedSlicing field descriptions
Indicates the downlink carrier frequency to which SliceInfoListDedicated is associated.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present.

The IE FreqPriorityListSlicing indicates cell reselection priorities for slicing in SIB16.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FREQPRIORITYLISTSLICING-START FreqPriorityListSlicing-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqPlus1)) OF FreqPrioritySlicing-r17 FreqPrioritySlicing-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
dl-ImplicitCarrierFreq-r17Indicates the downlink carrier frequency to which sliceInfoList is associated with. The frequency is signalled implicitly, value 0 corresponds to the serving frequency, value 1 corresponds to the first frequency indicated by the InterFreqCarrierFreqList in SIB4, and value 2 corresponds to the second frequency indicated by the InterFreqCarrierFreqList in SIB4, and so on.
INTEGER (0..maxFreq), sliceInfoList-r17 SliceInfoList-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond Mandatory } SliceInfoList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSliceInfo-r17)) OF SliceInfo-r17 SliceInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { nsag-IdentityInfo-r17 NSAG-IdentityInfo-r17, nsag-CellReselectionPriority-r17 CellReselectionPriority OPTIONAL, -- Need R nsag-CellReselectionSubPriority-r17 CellReselectionSubPriority OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sliceCellListNR-r17Contains either the list of allow-listed or exclude-listed cells for slicing. If absent, it implies all the cells support the corresponding nsag-frequency pair, according to 38.304 [20], clause
sliceAllowedCellListNR-r17List of allow-listed cells for slicing. If present, the cells listed in this list support the corresponding nsag-frequency pair, and the cells not listed in this list do not support the corresponding nsag-frequency pair, according to TS 38.304 [20], clause
sliceExcludedCellListNR-r17List of exclude-listed cells for slicing. If present, the cells listed in this list do not support the corresponding nsag-frequency pair, and the cells not listed in this list support the corresponding nsag-frequency pair, according to TS 38.304 [20], clause
SliceCellListNR-r17 } OPTIONAL -- Need R } SliceCellListNR-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellSlice-r17)) OF PCI-Range -- TAG-FREQPRIORITYLISTSLICING-STOP -- ASN1STOP
FreqPriorityListSlicingfield descriptions
Indicates the downlink carrier frequency to which sliceInfoList is associated with. The frequency is signalled implicitly, value 0 corresponds to the serving frequency, value 1 corresponds to the first frequency indicated by the InterFreqCarrierFreqList in SIB4, and value 2 corresponds to the second frequency indicated by the InterFreqCarrierFreqList in SIB4, and so on.
SliceInfofield descriptions
List of allow-listed cells for slicing. If present, the cells listed in this list support the corresponding nsag-frequency pair, and the cells not listed in this list do not support the corresponding nsag-frequency pair, according to TS 38.304 [20], clause
Contains either the list of allow-listed or exclude-listed cells for slicing. If absent, it implies all the cells support the corresponding nsag-frequency pair, according to 38.304 [20], clause
List of exclude-listed cells for slicing. If present, the cells listed in this list do not support the corresponding nsag-frequency pair, and the cells not listed in this list support the corresponding nsag-frequency pair, according to TS 38.304 [20], clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present.

The IE FrequencyInfoDL provides basic parameters of a downlink carrier and transmission thereon.
absoluteFrequencySSBFrequency of the SSB to be used for this serving cell. SSB related parameters (e.g. SSB index) provided for a serving cell refer to this SSB frequency unless mentioned otherwise. The CD-SSB of the PCell is always on the sync raster. Frequencies are considered to be on the sync raster if they are also identifiable with a GSCN value (see TS 38.101-1 [15] or TS 38.101-5 [75]). If the field is absent, the SSB related parameters should be absent, e.g. ssb-PositionsInBurst, ssb-periodicityServingCell and subcarrierSpacing in ServingCellConfigCommon IE. If the field is absent, the UE obtains timing reference from the intra-band SpCellor intra-band SCell if applicable as described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1, or from the SpCell or an SCell indicated by referenceCell, or from the reference serving cell defined in TS 38.133 [14]. This is supported in case the SCell for which the UE obtains the timing reference is in the same or different frequency band as the cell (i.e. the SpCell or the SCell, respectively) from which the UE obtains the timing reference. For PCell, this field corresponds to the CD-SSB.
ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, -- Cond SpCellAdd
frequencyBandListList containing only one frequency band to which this carrier(s) belongs. Multiple values are not supported.
absoluteFrequencyPointAAbsolute frequency position of the reference resource block (Common RB 0). Its lowest subcarrier is also known as Point A (see TS 38.211 [16], clause Note that the lower edge of the actual carrier is not defined by this field but rather in the scs-SpecificCarrierList.
scs-SpecificCarrierListA set of carriers for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A. The network configures a scs-SpecificCarrier at least for each numerology (SCS) that is used e.g. in a BWP (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF SCS-SpecificCarrier, ..., [[
referenceCell-r18Indicates the reference cell, i.e. the cell which provides the timing reference and AGC source for the inter-band SSB-less SCell. If the reference cell is an SCell or PSCell, it should be an activated SCell or activated PSCell. If this field is absent for an inter-band SSB-less SCell, the reference serving cell is defined in TS 38.133 [14].
FrequencyInfoDL field descriptions
Absolute frequency position of the reference resource block (Common RB 0). Its lowest subcarrier is also known as Point A (see TS 38.211 [16], clause Note that the lower edge of the actual carrier is not defined by this field but rather in the scs-SpecificCarrierList.
Frequency of the SSB to be used for this serving cell. SSB related parameters (e.g. SSB index) provided for a serving cell refer to this SSB frequency unless mentioned otherwise. The CD-SSB of the PCell is always on the sync raster. Frequencies are considered to be on the sync raster if they are also identifiable with a GSCN value (see TS 38.101-1 [15] or TS 38.101-5 [75]). If the field is absent, the SSB related parameters should be absent, e.g. ssb-PositionsInBurst, ssb-periodicityServingCell and subcarrierSpacing in ServingCellConfigCommon IE. If the field is absent, the UE obtains timing reference from the intra-band SpCellor intra-band SCell if applicable as described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1, or from the SpCell or an SCell indicated by referenceCell, or from the reference serving cell defined in TS 38.133 [14]. This is supported in case the SCell for which the UE obtains the timing reference is in the same or different frequency band as the cell (i.e. the SpCell or the SCell, respectively) from which the UE obtains the timing reference. For PCell, this field corresponds to the CD-SSB.
List containing only one frequency band to which this carrier(s) belongs. Multiple values are not supported.
Indicates the reference cell, i.e. the cell which provides the timing reference and AGC source for the inter-band SSB-less SCell. If the reference cell is an SCell or PSCell, it should be an activated SCell or activated PSCell. If this field is absent for an inter-band SSB-less SCell, the reference serving cell is defined in TS 38.133 [14].
A set of carriers for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A. The network configures a scs-SpecificCarrier at least for each numerology (SCS) that is used e.g. in a BWP (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if this FrequencyInfoDL is for SpCell. Otherwise the field is optionally present, Need S.
The field is optionally present, Need S, if the inter-band SSB-less SCell is configured for this cell and absoluteFrequencySSB is absent. It is absent otherwise, Need R.

The IE FrequencyInfoDL-SIB provides basic parameters of a downlink carrier and transmission thereon.
frequencyBandListList of one or multiple frequency bands to which this carrier(s) belongs. If frequencyBandList-v1760 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in frequencyBandList (without suffix).
offsetToPointARepresents the offset to Point A as defined in TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER (0..2199),
scs-SpecificCarrierListA set of carriers for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3). The network configures this for all SCSs that are used in DL BWPs in this serving cell.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF SCS-SpecificCarrier } FrequencyInfoDL-SIB-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyBandList-v1760 MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB-v1760 } FrequencyInfoDL-SIB-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyBandListAerial-r18 MultiFrequencyBandListNR-Aerial-SIB-r18 } -- TAG-FREQUENCYINFODL-SIB-STOP -- ASN1STOP
FrequencyInfoDL-SIB field descriptions
Represents the offset to Point A as defined in TS 38.211 [16], clause
List of one or multiple frequency bands to which this carrier(s) belongs. If frequencyBandList-v1760 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in frequencyBandList (without suffix).
A set of carriers for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3). The network configures this for all SCSs that are used in DL BWPs in this serving cell.

The IE FrequencyInfoUL provides basic parameters of an uplink carrier and transmission thereon.
frequencyBandListList containing only one frequency band to which this carrier(s) belongs. Multiple values are not supported.
MultiFrequencyBandListNR OPTIONAL, -- Cond FDD-OrSUL
absoluteFrequencyPointAAbsolute frequency of the reference resource block (Common RB 0). Its lowest subcarrier is also known as Point A (see TS 38.211 [16], clause Note that the lower edge of the actual carrier is not defined by this field but rather in the scs-SpecificCarrierList.
scs-SpecificCarrierListA set of carriers for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A. The network configures a scs-SpecificCarrier at least for each numerology (SCS) that is used e.g. in a BWP (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF SCS-SpecificCarrier,
additionalSpectrumEmissionThe additional spectrum emission requirements to be applied by the UE on this uplink. If bothadditionalSpectrumEmission (without suffix) and additionalSpectrumEmission-v1760 are absent, the UE uses value 0 for the additionalSpectrumEmission (see TS 38.101-1 [15], tables, 6.2A.3.1.1-2 and 6.2A.3.1.2-2, TS 38.101-2 [39], tables and 6.2A.3.1-2, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table configures the same value in additionalSpectrumEmission for all uplink carrier(s) of the same band with UL configured and if signalled, the same vaue in additionalSpectrumEmission-v1760 for all uplink carrier(s) of the same band with UL configured, except for additionalSpectrumEmission value corresponding to NS_55/NS_57. If NS_55/NS_57 (see TS 38.101-1 [15], table is applicable for at least one uplink carrier, the network may configure either NS_55/NS_57 or NS_01 for these uplink carriers, and NS_01 for the remaining uplink carrier(s) of band n77. The additionalSpectrumEmission is applicable for all uplink carriers of the same band with UL configured.
AdditionalSpectrumEmission OPTIONAL, -- Need S
p-MaxMaximum transmit power allowed in this serving cell. The maximum transmit power that the UE may use on this serving cell may be additionally limited by p-NR-FR1 (configured for the cell group) and by p-UE-FR1 (configured total for all serving cells operating on FR1). If absent, the UE applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-1 [15]in case of an FR1 cell, TS 38.101-2 [39] in case of an FR2 cell or TS 38.101-5 [75] in case of an NTN cell. In this release of the specification, if p-Max is present on a carrier frequency in FR2, the UE shall ignore the field and applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-2 [39] for FR2-1/2 or according to TS 38.101-5 [75] for FR2-NTN. Value in dBm.This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT.The IAB-MT applies output power and emissions requirements, as specified in TS 38.174 [63]. The NCR-MT applies output power and emission requirements as specified in TS 38.106 [79].
P-Max OPTIONAL, -- Need S
frequencyShift7p5khzEnable the NR UL transmission with a 7.5 kHz shift to the LTE raster. If the field is absent, the frequency shift is disabled.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond FDD-TDD-OrSUL-Optional ..., [[ additionalSpectrumEmission-v1760 AdditionalSpectrumEmission-v1760 OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[
additionalSpectrumEmissionAerial-r18The additional spectrum emission requirements to be applied by the aerial UE on this uplink (see TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 6.2K). If the field is absent, the aerial UE uses value indicated by the field additionalSpectrumEmission/ additionalSpectrumEmission-v1760.
AdditionalSpectrumEmission-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need S ]] } -- TAG-FREQUENCYINFOUL-STOP -- ASN1STOP
FrequencyInfoUL field descriptions
Absolute frequency of the reference resource block (Common RB 0). Its lowest subcarrier is also known as Point A (see TS 38.211 [16], clause Note that the lower edge of the actual carrier is not defined by this field but rather in the scs-SpecificCarrierList.
The additional spectrum emission requirements to be applied by the UE on this uplink. If bothadditionalSpectrumEmission (without suffix) and additionalSpectrumEmission-v1760 are absent, the UE uses value 0 for the additionalSpectrumEmission (see TS 38.101-1 [15], tables, 6.2A.3.1.1-2 and 6.2A.3.1.2-2, TS 38.101-2 [39], tables and 6.2A.3.1-2, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table configures the same value in additionalSpectrumEmission for all uplink carrier(s) of the same band with UL configured and if signalled, the same vaue in additionalSpectrumEmission-v1760 for all uplink carrier(s) of the same band with UL configured, except for additionalSpectrumEmission value corresponding to NS_55/NS_57. If NS_55/NS_57 (see TS 38.101-1 [15], table is applicable for at least one uplink carrier, the network may configure either NS_55/NS_57 or NS_01 for these uplink carriers, and NS_01 for the remaining uplink carrier(s) of band n77. The additionalSpectrumEmission is applicable for all uplink carriers of the same band with UL configured.
The additional spectrum emission requirements to be applied by the aerial UE on this uplink (see TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 6.2K). If the field is absent, the aerial UE uses value indicated by the field additionalSpectrumEmission/ additionalSpectrumEmission-v1760.
List containing only one frequency band to which this carrier(s) belongs. Multiple values are not supported.
Enable the NR UL transmission with a 7.5 kHz shift to the LTE raster. If the field is absent, the frequency shift is disabled.
Maximum transmit power allowed in this serving cell. The maximum transmit power that the UE may use on this serving cell may be additionally limited by p-NR-FR1 (configured for the cell group) and by p-UE-FR1 (configured total for all serving cells operating on FR1). If absent, the UE applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-1 [15]in case of an FR1 cell, TS 38.101-2 [39] in case of an FR2 cell or TS 38.101-5 [75] in case of an NTN cell. In this release of the specification, if p-Max is present on a carrier frequency in FR2, the UE shall ignore the field and applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-2 [39] for FR2-1/2 or according to TS 38.101-5 [75] for FR2-NTN. Value in dBm.This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT.The IAB-MT applies output power and emissions requirements, as specified in TS 38.174 [63]. The NCR-MT applies output power and emission requirements as specified in TS 38.106 [79].
A set of carriers for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A. The network configures a scs-SpecificCarrier at least for each numerology (SCS) that is used e.g. in a BWP (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if this FrequencyInfoUL is for the paired UL for a DL (defined in a FrequencyInfoDL) or if this FrequencyInfoUL is for a supplementary uplink (SUL). It is absent, Need R, otherwise (if this FrequencyInfoUL is for an unpaired UL (TDD).
The field is optionally present, Need R, if this FrequencyInfoUL is for the paired UL for a DL (defined in a FrequencyInfoDL), or if this FrequencyInfoUL is for an unpaired UL (TDD) in certain bands (as defined in clause of TS 38.101-1 and in clause of TS 38.104 [12]), or if this FrequencyInfoUL is for a supplementary uplink (SUL). It is absent, Need R, otherwise.

The IE FrequencyInfoUL-SIB provides basic parameters of an uplink carrier and transmission thereon.
frequencyBandListProvides the frequency band indicator and a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission values as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], table, TS 38.101-2 [39], table, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table The UE shall apply the first listed band which it supports in the frequencyBandList field. If frequencyBandList-v1760 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in frequencyBandList (without suffix).
MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB OPTIONAL, -- Cond FDD-OrSUL
absoluteFrequencyPointAAbsolute frequency of the reference resource block (Common RB 0). Its lowest subcarrier is also known as Point A (see TS 38.211 [16], clause Note that the lower edge of the actual carrier is not defined by this field but rather in the scs-SpecificCarrierList.
scs-SpecificCarrierListA set of carriers for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3). The network configures this for all SCSs that are used in UL BWPs configured in this serving cell.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF SCS-SpecificCarrier,
p-MaxValue in dBm applicable for the cell. If absent the UE applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-1 [15] in case of an FR1 cell, TS 38.101-2 [39] in case of an FR2 cell or TS 38.101-5 [75] in case of an NTN cell. In this release of the specification, if p-Max is present on a carrier frequency in FR2, the UE shall ignore the field and applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-2 [39] for FR2-1/2 or according to TS 38.101-5 [75] for FR2-NTN. This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT.The IAB-MT applies output power and emissions requirements, as specified in TS 38.174 [63]. The NCR-MT applies output power and emission requirements as specified in TS 38.106 [79].
P-Max OPTIONAL, -- Need S
frequencyShift7p5khzEnable the NR UL transmission with a 7.5 kHz shift to the LTE raster. If the field is absent, the frequency shift is disabled.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond FDD-TDD-OrSUL-Optional ..., [[
frequencyBandListAerial-r18Provides the frequency band indicator and a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission values for aerial UE as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 6.2K. If the field is present, the aerial UE shall apply the first listed band which it supports in the frequencyBandListAerial field. If the field is absent, frequencyBandList applies.
MultiFrequencyBandListNR-Aerial-SIB-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need S ]] } FrequencyInfoUL-SIB-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyBandList-v1760 MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB-v1760 } -- TAG-FREQUENCYINFOUL-SIB-STOP -- ASN1STOP
FrequencyInfoUL-SIB field descriptions
Absolute frequency of the reference resource block (Common RB 0). Its lowest subcarrier is also known as Point A (see TS 38.211 [16], clause Note that the lower edge of the actual carrier is not defined by this field but rather in the scs-SpecificCarrierList.
Provides the frequency band indicator and a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission values as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], table, TS 38.101-2 [39], table, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table The UE shall apply the first listed band which it supports in the frequencyBandList field. If frequencyBandList-v1760 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in frequencyBandList (without suffix).
Provides the frequency band indicator and a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission values for aerial UE as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 6.2K. If the field is present, the aerial UE shall apply the first listed band which it supports in the frequencyBandListAerial field. If the field is absent, frequencyBandList applies.
Enable the NR UL transmission with a 7.5 kHz shift to the LTE raster. If the field is absent, the frequency shift is disabled.
Value in dBm applicable for the cell. If absent the UE applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-1 [15] in case of an FR1 cell, TS 38.101-2 [39] in case of an FR2 cell or TS 38.101-5 [75] in case of an NTN cell. In this release of the specification, if p-Max is present on a carrier frequency in FR2, the UE shall ignore the field and applies the maximum power according to TS 38.101-2 [39] for FR2-1/2 or according to TS 38.101-5 [75] for FR2-NTN. This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT.The IAB-MT applies output power and emissions requirements, as specified in TS 38.174 [63]. The NCR-MT applies output power and emission requirements as specified in TS 38.106 [79].
A set of carriers for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3). The network configures this for all SCSs that are used in UL BWPs configured in this serving cell.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if this FrequencyInfoUL-SIB is for the paired UL for a DL (defined in a FrequencyInfoDL-SIB) or if this FrequencyInfoUL-SIB is for a supplementary uplink (SUL). It is absent otherwise (if this FrequencyInfoUL-SIB is for an unpaired UL (TDD).
The field is optionally present, Need R, if this FrequencyInfoUL-SIB is for the paired UL for a DL (defined in a FrequencyInfoDL-SIB), or if this FrequencyInfoUL-SIB is for an unpaired UL (TDD) in certain bands (as defined in clause of TS 38.101-1 and in clause of TS 38.104 [12]), or if this FrequencyInfoUL-SIB is for a supplementary uplink (SUL). It is absent otherwise.

The IE GapPriority is used to identify the priority of a gap configuration.

The IE HighSpeedConfig is used to configure parameters for high speed scenarios.
highSpeedMeasFlag-r16If the field is presentandUE supportsmeasurementEnhancement-r16, the UE shall apply the enhanced intra-NR and inter-RAT EUTRANRRM requirements to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. If the field is present and UE supports intraNR-MeasurementEnhancement-r16, the UE shall apply enhanced intra-NR RRM requirement to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. If the field is present and UE supports interRAT-MeasurementEnhancement-r16, the UE shall apply enhanced inter-RAT EUTRAN RRM requirement to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. This parameter only applies to the serving frequency of SpCell.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SpCellOnly
highSpeedDemodFlag-r16If the field is present and UE supports demodulationEnhancement-r16, the UE shall apply the enhanced demodulation processing for HST-SFN joint transmission scheme with velocity up to 500km/h as specified in TS 38.101-4 [59]. This parameter only applies to SpCell.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } HighSpeedConfig-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
highSpeedMeasCA-Scell-r17If the field is present andUE supportsmeasurementEnhancementCA-r17, the UE shall apply the enhanced RRM requirements to the serving frequency of SCell for carrier aggregation to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCellOnly
highSpeedMeasInterFreq-r17If the field is present andUE supportsmeasurementEnhancementInterFreq-r17, the UE shall apply the enhanced RRM requirements for inter-frequency measurement in RRC_CONNECTED to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SpCellOnly2 highSpeedDemodCA-Scell-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } HighSpeedConfigFR2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
highSpeedMeasFlagFR2-r17If the field is present and UE supports ue-PowerClass-v1700 set to pc6, the UE shall apply enhanced intra-frequency RRM requirement to the serving frequency of SpCell to support high speed up to 350 km/h for FR2 as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. If the field is present and the UE supports enhanced inter-frequency RRM requirements for FR2 HST in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE, the UE shall apply enhanced inter-frequency RRM requirement to support high speed up to 350 km/h for FR2 as specified in TS 38.133 [14] in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE. If the field is present for SpCell and the UE supports measEnhCAInterFreqFR2-r18, the UE shall apply enhanced inter-frequency RRM requirement to support high speed up to 350 km/h for FR2 as specified in TS 38.133 [14] in RRC_CONNECTED. If the field is present for SCell(s) and and the UE supports measEnhCAInterFreqFR2-r18, the UE shall apply enhanced intra-frequency RRM requirements to the serving frequency of the corresponding SCell to support high speed up to 350 km/h for FR2 as specified in TS 38.133 [14] in RRC_CONNECTED. If the UE is configured with intra-band CA and the field highSpeedMeasFlagFR2 is present, the network configures the same value for all serving cells. The field value, set1 or set2, is applied as specified in TS38.133 [14].
ENUMERATED {set1, set2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
highSpeedDeploymentTypeFR2-r17If the field is present, and field value is unidirectional, the UE shall assume uni-directional deployment or if field value is birectional the UE shall assume bidirectional deployment for FR2 up to 350km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
ENUMERATED {unidirectional, bidirectional} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
highSpeedLargeOneStepUL-TimingFR2-r17If the field is present, large one step UE autonomous uplink transmit timing adjustment for FR2 up to 350km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14] is enabled.
HighSpeedConfig field descriptions
If the field is present and UE supports demodulationEnhancementCA-r17, the UE shall apply the enhanced demodulation processing for HST-SFN joint transmission scheme with velocity up to 500km/h as specified in TS 38.101-4 [59]. This parameter only applies to SCell.
If the field is present and UE supports demodulationEnhancement-r16, the UE shall apply the enhanced demodulation processing for HST-SFN joint transmission scheme with velocity up to 500km/h as specified in TS 38.101-4 [59]. This parameter only applies to SpCell.
If the field is present, and field value is unidirectional, the UE shall assume uni-directional deployment or if field value is birectional the UE shall assume bidirectional deployment for FR2 up to 350km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
If the field is present, large one step UE autonomous uplink transmit timing adjustment for FR2 up to 350km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14] is enabled.
If the field is present andUE supportsmeasurementEnhancementCA-r17, the UE shall apply the enhanced RRM requirements to the serving frequency of SCell for carrier aggregation to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
If the field is presentandUE supportsmeasurementEnhancement-r16, the UE shall apply the enhanced intra-NR and inter-RAT EUTRANRRM requirements to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. If the field is present and UE supports intraNR-MeasurementEnhancement-r16, the UE shall apply enhanced intra-NR RRM requirement to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. If the field is present and UE supports interRAT-MeasurementEnhancement-r16, the UE shall apply enhanced inter-RAT EUTRAN RRM requirement to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. This parameter only applies to the serving frequency of SpCell.
If the field is present and UE supports ue-PowerClass-v1700 set to pc6, the UE shall apply enhanced intra-frequency RRM requirement to the serving frequency of SpCell to support high speed up to 350 km/h for FR2 as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. If the field is present and the UE supports enhanced inter-frequency RRM requirements for FR2 HST in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE, the UE shall apply enhanced inter-frequency RRM requirement to support high speed up to 350 km/h for FR2 as specified in TS 38.133 [14] in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE. If the field is present for SpCell and the UE supports measEnhCAInterFreqFR2-r18, the UE shall apply enhanced inter-frequency RRM requirement to support high speed up to 350 km/h for FR2 as specified in TS 38.133 [14] in RRC_CONNECTED. If the field is present for SCell(s) and and the UE supports measEnhCAInterFreqFR2-r18, the UE shall apply enhanced intra-frequency RRM requirements to the serving frequency of the corresponding SCell to support high speed up to 350 km/h for FR2 as specified in TS 38.133 [14] in RRC_CONNECTED. If the UE is configured with intra-band CA and the field highSpeedMeasFlagFR2 is present, the network configures the same value for all serving cells. The field value, set1 or set2, is applied as specified in TS38.133 [14].
If the field is present andUE supportsmeasurementEnhancementInterFreq-r17, the UE shall apply the enhanced RRM requirements for inter-frequency measurement in RRC_CONNECTED to support high speed up to 500 km/h as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need R, in ServingCellConfigCommon of an SCell. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need R, in ServingCellConfigCommonSIB or in the ServingCellConfigCommon of an SpCell. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need R, in ServingCellConfigCommon of an SpCell. It is absent otherwise.

The IE Hysteresis is a parameter used within the entry and leave condition of an event triggered reporting condition. The actual value is field value * 0.5 dB.

The IE HysteresisAltitude is a parameter used within the entry and leave condition of an altitude-based event triggered reporting condition and within altitude range based parameter configuration. The actual value is field value in meters.

The IE HysteresisLocation is a parameter used within entry and leave condition of a location based event triggered reporting condition. The actual value is field value * 10 meters.

The IE InvalidSymbolPattern is used to configure one invalid symbol pattern for PUSCH transmission repetition type B applicable for both DCI format 0_1 and 0_2, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.
symbols-r16A symbol level bitmap in time domain (see TS 38.214[19], clause 6.1). For oneSlot, if ECP is configured, the first 12 bits represent the symbols within the slot and the last two bits within the bitstring are ignored by the UE; Otherwise, the 14 bits represent the symbols within the slot. For twoSlots, if ECP is configured, the first 12 bits represent the symbols within the first slot and the next 12 bits represent the symbols in the second slot and the last four bits within the bit string are ignored by the UE; Otherwise, the first 14 bits represent the symbols within the first slot and the next 14 bits represent the symbols in the second slot. For the bits representing symbols in a slot, the most significant bit of the bit string represents the first symbol in the slot and the second most significant bit represents the second symbol in the slot and so on. This pattern recurs (in time domain) with the configured periodicityAndPattern.
CHOICE { oneSlot BIT STRING (SIZE (14)), twoSlots BIT STRING (SIZE (28)) },
periodicityAndPattern-r16A time domain repetition pattern at which the pattern defined by symbols recurs. This slot pattern repeats itself continuously. When the field is not configured, the UE uses the value n1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
InvalidSymbolPattern field descriptions
A time domain repetition pattern at which the pattern defined by symbols recurs. This slot pattern repeats itself continuously. When the field is not configured, the UE uses the value n1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
A symbol level bitmap in time domain (see TS 38.214[19], clause 6.1). For oneSlot, if ECP is configured, the first 12 bits represent the symbols within the slot and the last two bits within the bitstring are ignored by the UE; Otherwise, the 14 bits represent the symbols within the slot. For twoSlots, if ECP is configured, the first 12 bits represent the symbols within the first slot and the next 12 bits represent the symbols in the second slot and the last four bits within the bit string are ignored by the UE; Otherwise, the first 14 bits represent the symbols within the first slot and the next 14 bits represent the symbols in the second slot. For the bits representing symbols in a slot, the most significant bit of the bit string represents the first symbol in the slot and the second most significant bit represents the second symbol in the slot and so on. This pattern recurs (in time domain) with the configured periodicityAndPattern.

The IE I-RNTI-Value is used to identify the suspended UE context of a UE in RRC_INACTIVE.

The IE LBT-FailureRecoveryConfig-r16 is used to configure the parameters used for detection of consistent uplink LBT failures for operation with shared spectrum channel access, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LBT-FAILURERECOVERYCONFIG-START LBT-FailureRecoveryConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { lbt-FailureInstanceMaxCount-r16 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, n32, n64, n128}, lbt-FailureDetectionTimer-r16 ENUMERATED {ms10, ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160, ms320}, ... } -- TAG-LBT-FAILURERECOVERYCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE LocationInfo is used to transfer available detailed location information, Bluetooth, WLAN and sensor available measurement results at the UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LOCATIONINFO-START LocationInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { commonLocationInfo-r16 CommonLocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL, bt-LocationInfo-r16 LogMeasResultListBT-r16 OPTIONAL, wlan-LocationInfo-r16 LogMeasResultListWLAN-r16 OPTIONAL, sensor-LocationInfo-r16 Sensor-LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-LOCATIONINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP
LBT-FailureRecoveryConfig field descriptions
Timer for consistent uplink LBT failure detection (see TS 38.321 [3]). Value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, and so on.
This field determines after how many LBT failure indications received from the physical layer the UE triggers uplink LBT failure recovery (see TS 38.321 [3]). Value n4 corresponds to 4, value n8 corresponds to 8, and so on.

The IE LocationMeasurementInfo defines the information sent by the UE to the network to assist with the configuration of measurement gaps for location related measurements.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LOCATIONMEASUREMENTINFO-START LocationMeasurementInfo ::= CHOICE { eutra-RSTD EUTRA-RSTD-InfoList, ..., eutra-FineTimingDetection NULL, nr-PRS-Measurement-r16 NR-PRS-MeasurementInfoList-r16 } EUTRA-RSTD-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxInterRAT-RSTD-Freq)) OF EUTRA-RSTD-Info EUTRA-RSTD-Info ::= SEQUENCE {
carrierFreqThe EARFCN value of the carrier received from upper layers for which the UE needs to perform the inter-RAT RSTD measurements.
measPRS-OffsetIndicates the requested gap offset for performing RSTD measurements towards E-UTRA. It is the smallest subframe offset from the beginning of subframe 0 of SFN=0 of the serving cell of the requested gap for measuring PRS positioning occasions in the carrier frequency carrierFreq for which the UE needs to perform the inter-RAT RSTD measurements. The PRS positioning occasion information is received from upper layers. The value of measPRS-Offset is obtained by mapping the starting subframe of the PRS positioning occasion in the measured cell onto the corresponding subframe in the serving cell and is calculated as the serving cell's number of subframes from SFN=0 mod 40. The UE shall take into account any additional time required by the UE to start PRS measurements on the other carrier when it does this mapping for determining the measPRS-Offset. NOTE:Figure 6.2.2-1 in TS 36.331[10] illustrates the measPRS-Offset field.
INTEGER (0..39), ... } NR-PRS-MeasurementInfoList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqLayers)) OF NR-PRS-MeasurementInfo-r16 NR-PRS-MeasurementInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
dl-PRS-PointA-r16The ARFCN value of the carrier received from upper layers for which the UE needs to perform the NR DL-PRS measurements.
nr-MeasPRS-RepetitionAndOffset-r16Indicates the gap periodicity in ms and offset in number of subframes of the requested measurement gap for performing NR DL-PRS measurements.
CHOICE { ms20-r16 INTEGER (0..19), ms40-r16 INTEGER (0..39), ms80-r16 INTEGER (0..79), ms160-r16 INTEGER (0..159), ... },
nr-MeasPRS-length-r16Indicates measurement gap length in ms of the requested measurement gap for performing NR DL-PRS measurements. The measurement gap length is according to in Table 9.1.2-1 in TS 38.133 [14].
ENUMERATED {ms1dot5, ms3, ms3dot5, ms4, ms5dot5, ms6, ms10, ms20}, ... } -- TAG-LOCATIONMEASUREMENTINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP
LocationMeasurementInfo field descriptions
The EARFCN value of the carrier received from upper layers for which the UE needs to perform the inter-RAT RSTD measurements.
Indicates the requested gap offset for performing RSTD measurements towards E-UTRA. It is the smallest subframe offset from the beginning of subframe 0 of SFN=0 of the serving cell of the requested gap for measuring PRS positioning occasions in the carrier frequency carrierFreq for which the UE needs to perform the inter-RAT RSTD measurements. The PRS positioning occasion information is received from upper layers. The value of measPRS-Offset is obtained by mapping the starting subframe of the PRS positioning occasion in the measured cell onto the corresponding subframe in the serving cell and is calculated as the serving cell's number of subframes from SFN=0 mod 40. The UE shall take into account any additional time required by the UE to start PRS measurements on the other carrier when it does this mapping for determining the measPRS-Offset. NOTE:Figure 6.2.2-1 in TS 36.331[10] illustrates the measPRS-Offset field.
The ARFCN value of the carrier received from upper layers for which the UE needs to perform the NR DL-PRS measurements.
Indicates the gap periodicity in ms and offset in number of subframes of the requested measurement gap for performing NR DL-PRS measurements.
Indicates measurement gap length in ms of the requested measurement gap for performing NR DL-PRS measurements. The measurement gap length is according to in Table 9.1.2-1 in TS 38.133 [14].

The IE LogicalChannelConfig is used to configure the logical channel parameters.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LOGICALCHANNELCONFIG-START LogicalChannelConfig ::= SEQUENCE { ul-SpecificParameters SEQUENCE {
priorityLogical channel priority, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
INTEGER (1..16),
prioritisedBitRateValue in kiloBytes/s. Value kBps0 corresponds to 0 kiloBytes/s, value kBps8 corresponds to 8 kiloBytes/s, value kBps16 corresponds to 16 kiloBytes/s, and so on. For SRBs, the value can only be set to infinity.
ENUMERATED {kBps0, kBps8, kBps16, kBps32, kBps64, kBps128, kBps256, kBps512, kBps1024, kBps2048, kBps4096, kBps8192, kBps16384, kBps32768, kBps65536, infinity},
bucketSizeDurationValue in ms. ms5 corresponds to 5 ms, value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, and so on.
ENUMERATED {ms5, ms10, ms20, ms50, ms100, ms150, ms300, ms500, ms1000, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3,spare2, spare1},
allowedServingCellsIf present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the serving cells indicated in this list. Otherwise, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any configured serving cell of this cell group. Corresponds to 'allowedServingCells' in TS 38.321 [3].
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells-1)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Cond PDCP-CADuplication
allowedSCS-ListIf present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the indicated numerology. Otherwise, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any configured numerology. Corresponds to 'allowedSCS-List' as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Need R
maxPUSCH-DurationIf present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be transmitted using uplink grants that result in a PUSCH duration shorter than or equal to the duration indicated by this field. Otherwise, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be transmitted using an uplink grant resulting in any PUSCH duration. Corresponds to "maxPUSCH-Duration" in TS 38.321 [3]. The PUSCH duration is calculated based on the same length of all symbols, and the shortest length applies if the symbol lengths are different.
ENUMERATED {ms0p02, ms0p04, ms0p0625, ms0p125, ms0p25, ms0p5, ms0p01-v1700, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
configuredGrantType1AllowedIf present, or if the capability lcp-Restriction as specified in TS 38.306 [26] is not supported, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be transmitted on a configured grant type 1. Otherwise, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel cannot be transmitted on a configured grant type 1. Corresponds to 'configuredGrantType1Allowed' in TS 38.321 [3]. This field is ignored when SDT procedure is ongoing.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R logicalChannelGroup INTEGER (0..maxLCG-ID) OPTIONAL, -- Need R schedulingRequestID SchedulingRequestId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
logicalChannelSR-MaskControls SR triggering when a configured uplink grant of type1 or type2 is configured. true indicates that SR masking is configured for this logical channelas specified in TS 38.321 [3].
logicalChannelSR-DelayTimerAppliedIndicates whether to apply the delay timer for SR transmission for this logical channel. Set to false if logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer is not included in BSR-Config.
bitRateQueryProhibitTimerThe timer is used for bit rate recommendation query in TS 38.321 [3], in seconds. Value s0 means 0 s, s0dot4 means 0.4 s and so on.
ENUMERATED {s0, s0dot4, s0dot8, s1dot6, s3, s6, s12, s30} OPTIONAL, -- Need R [[
allowedCG-List-r16This restriction applies only when the UL grant is a configured grant. If present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the indicated configured grant configuration. If the size of the sequence is zero, then UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel cannot be mapped to any configured grant configurations. If the field is not present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any configured grant configurations. If the field configuredGrantType1Allowed is present, only those configured grant type 1 configuration indicated in this sequence are allowed for use by this logical channel; otherwise, this sequence shall not include any configured grant type 1 configuration. Corresponds to "allowedCG-List" as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. This field is ignored when SDT procedure is ongoing.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (0.. maxNrofConfiguredGrantConfigMAC-1-r16)) OF ConfiguredGrantConfigIndexMAC-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need S
allowedPHY-PriorityIndex-r16This restriction applies only when the UL grant is a dynamic grant. If the field is present and the dynamic grant has a PHY-priority index, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the dynamic grants indicating PHY-priority index equal to the values configured by this field. If the field is present and the dynamic grant does not have a PHY-priority index, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to this dynamic grant if the value of the field is p0, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9. If the field is not present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any dynamic grants. Corresponds to "allowedPHY-PriorityIndex" as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED {p0, p1} OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[ logicalChannelGroupIAB-Ext-r17 INTEGER (0..maxLCG-ID-IAB-r17) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
allowedHARQ-mode-r17Indicates the allowed HARQ mode of a HARQ process mapped to this logical channel. If the parameter is absent, there is no restriction for HARQ mode for the mapping. This field applies to SRB1, SRB2, SRB4and DRBs.
ENUMERATED {harqModeA, harqModeB} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } OPTIONAL, -- Cond UL ..., [[
channelAccessPriority-r16Indicates the Channel Access Priority Class (CAPC), as specified in TS 38.300 [2], to be used on uplink transmissions for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1. The network configures this field only for SRB2 and DRBs.
INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
bitRateMultiplier-r16Bit rate multiplier for recommended bit rate MAC CE as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value x40 indicates bit rate multiplier 40, value x70 indicates bit rate multiplier 70 and so on.
LogicalChannelConfig field descriptions
This restriction applies only when the UL grant is a configured grant. If present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the indicated configured grant configuration. If the size of the sequence is zero, then UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel cannot be mapped to any configured grant configurations. If the field is not present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any configured grant configurations. If the field configuredGrantType1Allowed is present, only those configured grant type 1 configuration indicated in this sequence are allowed for use by this logical channel; otherwise, this sequence shall not include any configured grant type 1 configuration. Corresponds to "allowedCG-List" as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. This field is ignored when SDT procedure is ongoing.
Indicates the allowed HARQ mode of a HARQ process mapped to this logical channel. If the parameter is absent, there is no restriction for HARQ mode for the mapping. This field applies to SRB1, SRB2, SRB4and DRBs.
This restriction applies only when the UL grant is a dynamic grant. If the field is present and the dynamic grant has a PHY-priority index, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the dynamic grants indicating PHY-priority index equal to the values configured by this field. If the field is present and the dynamic grant does not have a PHY-priority index, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to this dynamic grant if the value of the field is p0, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9. If the field is not present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any dynamic grants. Corresponds to "allowedPHY-PriorityIndex" as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
If present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the indicated numerology. Otherwise, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any configured numerology. Corresponds to 'allowedSCS-List' as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
If present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the serving cells indicated in this list. Otherwise, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any configured serving cell of this cell group. Corresponds to 'allowedServingCells' in TS 38.321 [3].
Bit rate multiplier for recommended bit rate MAC CE as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value x40 indicates bit rate multiplier 40, value x70 indicates bit rate multiplier 70 and so on.
The timer is used for bit rate recommendation query in TS 38.321 [3], in seconds. Value s0 means 0 s, s0dot4 means 0.4 s and so on.
Value in ms. ms5 corresponds to 5 ms, value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, and so on.
Indicates the Channel Access Priority Class (CAPC), as specified in TS 38.300 [2], to be used on uplink transmissions for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1. The network configures this field only for SRB2 and DRBs.
If present, or if the capability lcp-Restriction as specified in TS 38.306 [26] is not supported, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be transmitted on a configured grant type 1. Otherwise, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel cannot be transmitted on a configured grant type 1. Corresponds to 'configuredGrantType1Allowed' in TS 38.321 [3]. This field is ignored when SDT procedure is ongoing.
logicalChannelGroup, logicalChannelGroupIAB-Ext
ID of the logical channel group, as specified in TS 38.321 [3], which the logical channel belongs to. The logicalChannelGroupIAB-Ext is only applicable to the IAB-MT. When logicalChannelGroupIAB-Ext is configured, logicalChannelGroup shall be ignored.
Controls SR triggering when a configured uplink grant of type1 or type2 is configured. true indicates that SR masking is configured for this logical channelas specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Indicates whether to apply the delay timer for SR transmission for this logical channel. Set to false if logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer is not included in BSR-Config.
If present, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be transmitted using uplink grants that result in a PUSCH duration shorter than or equal to the duration indicated by this field. Otherwise, UL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be transmitted using an uplink grant resulting in any PUSCH duration. Corresponds to "maxPUSCH-Duration" in TS 38.321 [3]. The PUSCH duration is calculated based on the same length of all symbols, and the shortest length applies if the symbol lengths are different.
Logical channel priority, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Value in kiloBytes/s. Value kBps0 corresponds to 0 kiloBytes/s, value kBps8 corresponds to 8 kiloBytes/s, value kBps16 corresponds to 16 kiloBytes/s, and so on. For SRBs, the value can only be set to infinity.
If present, it indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for this logical channel, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if the DRB/SRB associated with this logical channel is configured with PDCP CA duplication in UL in the cell group in which this IE is included (i.e. the PDCP entity is associated with multiple RLC entities belonging to this cell group). Otherwise the field is optionally present, need R.
The field is mandatory present for a logical channel with uplink if it serves DRB or multicast MRB. It is optionally present, Need R, for a logical channel with uplink if it serves an SRB. Otherwise it is absent.

The IE LogicalChannelIdentity is used to identify one logical channel (LogicalChannelConfig) and the corresponding RLC bearer (RLC-BearerConfig) or BH RLC channel (BH-RLC-ChannelConfig) or Uu Relay RLC channel (Uu-RelayRLC-ChannelConfig) or PC5 Relay RLC channel (SL-RLC-ChannelConfigPC5).

The IE LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList-r17 is used to provide configuration information of neighbour LTE cells to assist the UE to perform CRS interference mitigation (CRS-IM) in scenarios with overlapping spectrum for LTE and NR.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LTE-NEIGHCELLSCRS-ASSISTINFOLIST-START LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCRS-IM-InterfCell-r17)) OF LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfo-r17 LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
neighCarrierBandwidthDL-r17Indicates the channel bandwidth of the neighbour LTE cell in number of PRBs.If the field is absent, the UE applies the value of carrierBandwidthDL indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS for this serving cell, if configured.
ENUMERATED {n6, n15, n25, n50, n75, n100, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Cond CRS-IM
neighCarrierFreqDL-r17Indicates the downlink centre frequency of the neighbour LTE cell. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value of carrierFreqDL indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS for this serving cell, if configured.
INTEGER (0..16383) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
neighCellId-r17Indicates the physical cell ID of the neighbour LTE cell for which the other fields within the same LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfo apply. If the IE LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList contains multiple list entries, either this field or neighV-Shift is included in each instance. If the IE LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList contains multiple list entries, the entry with neighV-Shift is only used for neighbour LTE cells for which neighCellId is not provided (i.e. the entry with neighCellId takes precedence over the entry with neighV-Shift, if provided). If the IE LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList contains one list entry with neither this field nor neighV-Shift, the information within the entry applies to all neighbour LTE cells.
EUTRA-PhysCellId OPTIONAL, -- Need S
neighCRS-muting-r17Indicates whether the CRS interference mitigation is enabled in the neighbour LTE cell, as specified in TS 36.133 [40], clause
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
neighMBSFN-SubframeConfigList-r17Indicates the MBSFN subframe configuration of the neighbour LTE cell. If RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is configured for this serving cell and the field is absent, the UE applies the value of mbsfn-SubframeConfigList indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS for this serving cell if configured; otherwise,if the field is absent, the UE assumes MBSFN is not configured in the neighbour LTE cell.
EUTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfigList OPTIONAL, -- Need S
neighNrofCRS-Ports-r17Indicates the CRS antenna ports number of the neighbour LTE cell. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value of nrofCRS-Ports indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS for this serving cell, if configured. If RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is not configured for this serving cell and the field is absent, the UE applies the default value n4.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
neighV-Shift-r17Indicates the shifting value v-shift of neighbour LTE cells for which the other fields within the same LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfo apply.
LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfo field descriptions
Indicates the channel bandwidth of the neighbour LTE cell in number of PRBs.If the field is absent, the UE applies the value of carrierBandwidthDL indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS for this serving cell, if configured.
Indicates the downlink centre frequency of the neighbour LTE cell. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value of carrierFreqDL indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS for this serving cell, if configured.
Indicates the physical cell ID of the neighbour LTE cell for which the other fields within the same LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfo apply. If the IE LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList contains multiple list entries, either this field or neighV-Shift is included in each instance. If the IE LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList contains multiple list entries, the entry with neighV-Shift is only used for neighbour LTE cells for which neighCellId is not provided (i.e. the entry with neighCellId takes precedence over the entry with neighV-Shift, if provided). If the IE LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList contains one list entry with neither this field nor neighV-Shift, the information within the entry applies to all neighbour LTE cells.
Indicates whether the CRS interference mitigation is enabled in the neighbour LTE cell, as specified in TS 36.133 [40], clause
Indicates the MBSFN subframe configuration of the neighbour LTE cell. If RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is configured for this serving cell and the field is absent, the UE applies the value of mbsfn-SubframeConfigList indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS for this serving cell if configured; otherwise,if the field is absent, the UE assumes MBSFN is not configured in the neighbour LTE cell.
Indicates the CRS antenna ports number of the neighbour LTE cell. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value of nrofCRS-Ports indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS for this serving cell, if configured. If RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is not configured for this serving cell and the field is absent, the UE applies the default value n4.
Indicates the shifting value v-shift of neighbour LTE cells for which the other fields within the same LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfo apply.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
For the serving cell with 15kHz SCS, this field is mandatory present for the UE supporting the capability of crs-IM-nonDSS-NWA-15kHzSCS-r17, but not supporting crs-IM-nonDSS-15kHzSCS-r17, if RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is not configured for this serving cell. Otherwise it is optionally present, Need S if RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is configured for this serving cell; Need M otherwise.
For the serving cell with 30kHz SCS, this field is mandatory present for the UE supporting the capability of crs-IM-nonDSS-NWA-30kHzSCS-r17, but not supporting crs-IM-nonDSS-30kHzSCS-r17, if RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is not configured for this serving cell. Otherwise it is optionally present, Need S if RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is configured for this serving cell; Need M otherwise.
If the field neighCellId is present, this field shall be absent; otherwise, it is optionally present if the IE LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList contains one list entry, Need S, or it is mandatory present if the IE LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList contains multiple list entries.

The IE LTM-CandidateId is used to identify an LTM candidate configuration.

The IE LTM-Candidate concerns a LTM candidate configuration to add or modify.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LTM-CANDIDATE-START LTM-Candidate-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { ltm-CandidateId-r18 LTM-CandidateId-r18,
ltm-CandidatePCI-r18This field identifies the PCI of the SpCell of the LTM candidate configuration contained in ltm-CandidateConfig.
PhysCellId OPTIONAL, -- Need M ltm-SSB-Config-r18 LTM-SSB-Config-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ltm-CandidateConfig-r18This field includes an RRCReconfiguration message used to configure an LTM candidate configuration.
OCTET STRING (CONTAINING RRCReconfiguration) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ltm-ConfigComplete-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ltm-EarlyUL-SyncConfig-r18 OCTET STRING (CONTAINING EarlyUL-SyncConfig-r18) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ltm-EarlyUL-SyncConfigSUL-r18 OCTET STRING (CONTAINING EarlyUL-SyncConfig-r18) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ltm-TCI-Info-r18 LTM-TCI-Info-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ltm-NoResetID-r18If the network configures this field for one LTM candidate configuration, the network configures also for all LTM candidate configurations withinltm-CandidateToAddModList in LTM-Configand ensures that the UE has stored a value for ltm-ServingCellNoResetID within VarLTM-ServingCellNoResetID.
INTEGER (1..maxNrofLTM-Configs-plus1-r18) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ltm-UE-MeasuredTA-ID-r18If the network configures this field for one LTM candidate configuration, the network configures also for all LTM candidate configurations withinltm-CandidateToAddModList in LTM-Config and ensures that the UE has stored a value for ltm-ServingCellUE-MeasuredTA-ID within VarLTM-ServingCellUE-MeasuredTA-ID. This field is absent if tag2 is present for this LTM candidate configuration.
INTEGER (1..maxNrofLTM-Configs-plus1-r18) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } LTM-SSB-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { ssb-Frequency-r18 ARFCN-ValueNR, subcarrierSpacing-r18 SubcarrierSpacing, ssb-Periodicity-r18 ENUMERATED {ms5, ms10, ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ssb-PositionsInBurst-r18 CHOICE { shortBitmap BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), mediumBitmap BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), longBitmap BIT STRING (SIZE (64)) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ss-PBCH-BlockPower-r18 INTEGER (-60..50) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-LTM-CANDIDATE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
LTM-Candidate field descriptions
This field includes an RRCReconfiguration message used to configure an LTM candidate configuration.
This field identifies the PCI of the SpCell of the LTM candidate configuration contained in ltm-CandidateConfig.
ltm-EarlyUL-SyncConfig, ltm-EarlyUL-SyncConfigSUL
A configuration used to perform the early UL synchronization procedure over an UL or SUL carrier.
If the network configures this field for one LTM candidate configuration, the network configures also for all LTM candidate configurations withinltm-CandidateToAddModList in LTM-Configand ensures that the UE has stored a value for ltm-ServingCellNoResetID within VarLTM-ServingCellNoResetID.
If the network configures this field for one LTM candidate configuration, the network configures also for all LTM candidate configurations withinltm-CandidateToAddModList in LTM-Config and ensures that the UE has stored a value for ltm-ServingCellUE-MeasuredTA-ID within VarLTM-ServingCellUE-MeasuredTA-ID. This field is absent if tag2 is present for this LTM candidate configuration.

The IE LTM-Config is used to provide LTM configurations.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LTM-CONFIG-START LTM-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { ltm-ReferenceConfiguration-r18 SetupRelease {ReferenceConfiguration-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ltm-CandidateToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofLTM-Configs-r18)) OF LTM-CandidateId-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-CandidateToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofLTM-Configs-r18)) OF LTM-Candidate-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-ServingCellNoResetID-r18 INTEGER (1..maxNrofLTM-Configs-plus1-r18) OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-CSI-ResourceConfigToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofLTM-CSI-ResourceConfigurations-r18)) OF LTM-CSI-ResourceConfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-CSI-ResourceConfigToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofLTM-CSI-ResourceConfigurations-r18)) OF LTM-CSI-ResourceConfigId-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N attemptLTM-Switch-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond LTM-MCG ltm-ServingCellUE-MeasuredTA-ID-r18 INTEGER (1..maxNrofLTM-Configs-plus1-r18) OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } -- TAG-LTM-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optional present for the MCG, Need R, if the UE is configured with at least an LTM candidate configuration associated to the MCG. Otherwise, the field absent.

The IE LTM-CSI-ReportConfig is used to configure report on the cell in which the LTM-CSI-ReportConfig is included.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LTM-CSI-REPORTCONFIG-START LTM-CSI-ReportConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { ltm-CSI-ReportConfigId-r18 LTM-CSI-ReportConfigId-r18, ltm-ResourcesForChannelMeasurement-r18 LTM-CSI-ResourceConfigId-r18, ltm-ReportConfigType-r18 CHOICE { periodic-r18 SEQUENCE {
reportSlotConfig-r18Periodicity and slot offset (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
CSI-ReportPeriodicityAndOffset, pucch-CSI-ResourceList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofBWPs)) OF PUCCH-CSI-Resource }, semiPersistentOnPUCCH-r18 SEQUENCE {
reportSlotConfig-r18Periodicity and slot offset (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
CSI-ReportPeriodicityAndOffset, pucch-CSI-ResourceList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofBWPs)) OF PUCCH-CSI-Resource }, semiPersistentOnPUSCH-r18 SEQUENCE {
reportSlotConfig-r18Periodicity and slot offset (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
CSI-ReportPeriodicityAndOffset, reportSlotOffsetList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..128), reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-2-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..128), reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-1-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..128), p0alpha P0-PUSCH-AlphaSetId }, aperiodic-r18 SEQUENCE { reportSlotOffsetList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..128), reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-2-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..128), reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-1-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..128) }, ... },
ltm-ReportContent-r18This field defines the content of the LTM L1 measurement report.
LTM-ReportContent-r18, ... } LTM-ReportContent-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
nrOfReportedCells-r18This field defines how many cells are reported within a single L1 measurement report instance.
ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4},
nrOfReportedRS-PerCell-r18This field defines how many RSs per cell are reported within a single L1 measurement report instance.
ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4},
spCellInclusion-r18This field indicates whether the UE shall include a L1 measurement report associated to the current SpCell. This field can only be configured if the current SpCell is configured as an SpCell of an LTM candidate configuration and the LTM-CSI-ResourceConfig IE associated to the LTM-CSI-ReportConfig IE includes resources for the current SpCell.
LTM-CSI-ReportConfig field descriptions
This field defines the content of the LTM L1 measurement report.
Periodicity and slot offset (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
reportSlotOffsetList, reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-1, reportSlotOffsetListDCI-0-2
Timing offset Y for semi persistent reporting using PUSCH and aperiodic reporting.
LTM-ReportContent field descriptions
This field defines how many cells are reported within a single L1 measurement report instance.
This field defines how many RSs per cell are reported within a single L1 measurement report instance.
This field indicates whether the UE shall include a L1 measurement report associated to the current SpCell. This field can only be configured if the current SpCell is configured as an SpCell of an LTM candidate configuration and the LTM-CSI-ResourceConfig IE associated to the LTM-CSI-ReportConfig IE includes resources for the current SpCell.

The IE LTM-CSI-ReportConfigId is used to identify an LTM-CSI-ReportConfig.

The IE LTM-CSI-ResourceConfig defines a group of one or more CSI resources for one or more LTM candidate configurations.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LTM-CSI-RESOURCECONFIG-START LTM-CSI-ResourceConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { ltm-CSI-ResourceConfigId-r18 LTM-CSI-ResourceConfigId-r18, ltm-CSI-SSB-ResourceSet-r18 LTM-CSI-SSB-ResourceSet-r18, ... } LTM-CSI-SSB-ResourceSet-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
ltm-CSI-SSB-ResourceList-r18This field is used to indicate on SS/PBCH block resources from one or more LTM candidate cells.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofLTM-CSI-SSB-ResourcesPerSet-r18)) OF SSB-Index,
ltm-CandidateIdList-r18This field indicates the LTM candidate configuration IDs related to the SSBs in the ltm-CSI-SSB-ResourceList. The list has the same number of entries as ltm-CSI-SSB-ResourceList. The first entry in this list shall be associated to the first entry in ltm-CSI-SSB-ResourceList, the second entry of this list shall be associated to the second entry in ltm-CSI-SSB-ResourceList, and so on.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofLTM-CSI-SSB-ResourcesPerSet-r18)) OF LTM-CandidateId-r18, ... } -- TAG-LTM-CSI-RESOURCECONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
LTM-CSI-SSB-ResourceSet field descriptions
This field indicates the LTM candidate configuration IDs related to the SSBs in the ltm-CSI-SSB-ResourceList. The list has the same number of entries as ltm-CSI-SSB-ResourceList. The first entry in this list shall be associated to the first entry in ltm-CSI-SSB-ResourceList, the second entry of this list shall be associated to the second entry in ltm-CSI-SSB-ResourceList, and so on.
This field is used to indicate on SS/PBCH block resources from one or more LTM candidate cells.

The IE LTM-CSI-ResourceConfigId is used to identify an LTM-CSI-ResourceConfig.

The IE LTM-TCI-Info is used to configure TCI related information for an LTM candidate configuration to be used during activation of TCI state(s) and/or upon the reception of the LTM Cell Switch procedure.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LTM-TCI-INFO-START LTM-TCI-Info-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { ltm-DL-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCandidateTCI-State-r18)) OF CandidateTCI-State-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-DL-OrJointTCI-StateToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCandidateTCI-State-r18)) OF TCI-StateId OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-UL-TCI-StateToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCandidateUL-TCI-r18)) OF CandidateTCI-UL-State-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-UL-TCI-StateToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCandidateUL-TCI-r18)) OF TCI-UL-StateId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-Resources)) OF NZP-CSI-RS-Resource OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-Resources)) OF NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets)) OF NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N ltm-NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets)) OF NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need N pathlossReferenceRS-ToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPathlossReferenceRSs-r17)) OF PathlossReferenceRS-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N pathlossReferenceRS-ToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPathlossReferenceRSs-r17)) OF PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
unifiedTCI-StateType-r18Indicates the unified TCI states type the UE is configured for this LTM candidate configuration. The value separate means this LTM candidate configuration is configured with ltm-DL-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList for DL TCI states and ltm-UL-TCI-StateToAddModList for UL TCI states. The value joint means this LTM candidate configuration is configured with ltm-DL-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList for joint TCI states for UL and DL operation. The network always configures this field.
ENUMERATED {separate, joint} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-LTM-TCI-INFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP
LTM-TCI-Info field descriptions
Indicates the unified TCI states type the UE is configured for this LTM candidate configuration. The value separate means this LTM candidate configuration is configured with ltm-DL-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList for DL TCI states and ltm-UL-TCI-StateToAddModList for UL TCI states. The value joint means this LTM candidate configuration is configured with ltm-DL-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList for joint TCI states for UL and DL operation. The network always configures this field.

The IE MAC-CellGroupConfig is used to configure MAC parameters for a cell group, including DRX.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MAC-CELLGROUPCONFIG-START MAC-CellGroupConfig ::= SEQUENCE { drx-Config SetupRelease { DRX-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M schedulingRequestConfig SchedulingRequestConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M bsr-Config BSR-Config OPTIONAL, -- Need M
tag-ConfigThe field is used to configure parameters for a time-alignment group. The field is not present if any DAPS bearer is configured.
TAG-Config OPTIONAL, -- Need M phr-Config SetupRelease { PHR-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Need M skipUplinkTxDynamic BOOLEAN, ..., [[
csi-MaskIf set to true, the UE limits CSI reports to the on-duration period of the DRX cycle, see TS 38.321 [3].
dataInactivityTimerReleases the RRC connection upon data inactivity as specified in clause and in TS 38.321 [3]. Value s1 corresponds to 1 second, value s2 corresponds to 2 seconds, and so on.
SetupRelease { DataInactivityTimer } OPTIONAL -- Cond MCG-Only ]], [[
usePreBSR-r16If set to true, the MAC entity of the IAB-MT may use the Pre-emptive BSR, see TS 38.321 [3].
schedulingRequestID-LBT-SCell-r16Indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for consistent uplink LBT recovery on SCell, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SchedulingRequestId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
lch-BasedPrioritization-r16If this field is present, the corresponding MAC entity of the UE is configured with prioritization between overlapping grants and between scheduling request and overlapping grants based on LCH priority, see TS 38.321 [3].The network does not configure lch-BasedPrioritization with enhancedSkipUplinkTxDynamicsimultaneously nor lch-BasedPrioritization withenhancedSkipUplinkTxConfiguredsimultaneously.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
schedulingRequestID-BFR-SCell-r16Indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for BFR on SCell, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SchedulingRequestId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
drx-ConfigSecondaryGroup-r16Used to configure DRX related parameters for the second DRX group as specified in TS 38.321 [3].The network does not configure secondary DRX group with DCP simultaneously nor secondary DRX group with a dormant BWP simultaneously.
SetupRelease { DRX-ConfigSecondaryGroup-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ enhancedSkipUplinkTxDynamic-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R enhancedSkipUplinkTxConfigured-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
intraCG-Prioritization-r17Used to enable HARQ process ID selection based on LCH-priority for one CG as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-PrioWithReTxTimer
drx-ConfigSL-r17Used to configure additional DRX parameters for the UE performing sidelink operation with resource allocation mode 1, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].Network only configures this field if sl-ScheduledConfig is configured and drx-Config is configured.
SetupRelease { DRX-ConfigSL-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M drx-ConfigExt-v1700 SetupRelease { DRX-ConfigExt-v1700 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
schedulingRequestID-BFR-r17Indicates the scheduling request configuration (SchedulingRequestConfig) that the UE shall use upon detecting a beam failure on the detection resources configured in failureDetectionSet1 of a serving cell while beam failure is not detected on resources configured in failureDetectionSet2 of the same serving cell.
SchedulingRequestId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
schedulingRequestID-BFR2-r17Indicates the scheduling request configuration (SchedulingRequestConfig) that the UE shall use upon detecting a beam failure on the detection resources configured in failureDetectionSet2 of a serving cell while beam failure is not detected on resources configured in failureDetectionSet1 of the same serving cell.
SchedulingRequestId OPTIONAL, -- Need R schedulingRequestConfig-v1700 SchedulingRequestConfig-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- Need M tar-Config-r17 SetupRelease { TAR-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
g-RNTI-ConfigToAddModList-r17List of G-RNTI configurations to add or modify. Up to 8 G-RNTIs can be configured in total in this release based on the UE capability.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxG-RNTI-r17)) OF MBS-RNTI-SpecificConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
g-RNTI-ConfigToReleaseList-r17List of G-RNTI configurations to release.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxG-RNTI-r17)) OF MBS-RNTI-SpecificConfigId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
g-CS-RNTI-ConfigToAddModList-r17List of G-CS-RNTI configurations to add or modify. Up to 8 G-CS-RNTIs can be configured in total in this release based on the UE capability.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxG-CS-RNTI-r17)) OF MBS-RNTI-SpecificConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
g-CS-RNTI-ConfigToReleaseList-r17List of G-CS-RNTI configurations to release.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxG-CS-RNTI-r17)) OF MBS-RNTI-SpecificConfigId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
allowCSI-SRS-Tx-MulticastDRX-Active-r17Used to control the CSI/SRS transmission during MBS multicast DRX ActiveTime, see TS 38.321 [3].
schedulingRequestID-PosMG-Request-r17Indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for Positioning Measurement Gap Activation/Deactivation Request, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SchedulingRequestId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
drx-LastTransmissionUL-r17If this field is present, the start of the drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerUL is after the last transmission within a bundle, see TS 38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
posMG-Request-r17Indicates whether UE is configured to send UL MAC CE for Positioning Measurement Gap Activation/Deactivation Request, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ drx-ConfigExt2-v1800 SetupRelease { DRX-ConfigExt2-v1800 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
additionalBS-TableAllowed-r18Indicates whether a UE is allowed to utilize the refined buffer size levels, as specified in TS 38.321 [3], for a certain Logical Channel Group. The leftmost bit corresponds to LCG ID=0, second leftmost bit to LCG ID=1 and so on. The UE is allowed to utilize the refined buffer size levels for a Logical Channel Group only when the corresponding bit is set to 1.
BIT STRING (SIZE (maxNrofLCGs-r18)) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dsr-ConfigToAddModList-r18List of LCG-specific DSR configurations to add or modify.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofLCGs-r18)) OF LCG-DSR-Config-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
dsr-ConfigToReleaseList-r18List of LCG-specific DSR configurations to release.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofLCGs-r18)) OF LCG-Id-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N tar-Config-r18 SetupRelease { TAR-Config-r18 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } DataInactivityTimer ::= ENUMERATED {s1, s2, s3, s5, s7, s10, s15, s20, s40, s50, s60, s80, s100, s120, s150, s180} MBS-RNTI-SpecificConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
mbs-RNTI-SpecificConfigId-r17An identifier of the RNTI specific configuration for MBS multicast.
groupCommon-RNTI-r17Used to configure g-RNTI or g-CS-RNTI.
g-RNTIUsed to scramble the scheduling and transmission of PTM for one or more MBS multicast services.
g-CS-RNTIUsed to scramble the SPS group-common PDSCH and activation/deactivation of SPS group-common PDSCH for one or more MBS multicast services.
RNTI-Value },
drx-ConfigPTM-r17Used to configure DRX for PTM transmission as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SetupRelease { DRX-ConfigPTM-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
harq-FeedbackEnablerMulticast-r17Indicates whether the UE shall provide HARQ feedback for MBS multicast. Value dci-enabler means that whether the UE shall provide HARQ feedback for MBS multicast is indicated by DCIas specified in TS 38.213 [13]. Value enabled means the UE shall always provide HARQ feedback for MBS multicast. When the field is absent, the UE behavior is specified in TS 38.213 [13].
ENUMERATED {dci-enabler, enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
harq-FeedbackOptionMulticast-r17Indicates the feedback mode for MBS multicast dynamically scheduled PDSCH or SPS PDSCH.
ENUMERATED {ack-nack, nack-only} OPTIONAL, -- Cond HARQFeedback
pdsch-AggregationFactor-r17Number of repetitions for dynamically scheduled MBS multicast data (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent and groupCommon-RNTI is set to g-RNTI, the UE applies the value 1.
ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8} OPTIONAL -- Cond G-RNTI } MBS-RNTI-SpecificConfigId-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..maxG-RNTI-1-r17) LCG-DSR-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
lcg-Id-r18Identifier of the Logical Channel Group which the DSR configuration refers to.
remainingTimeThreshold-r18Remaining time threshold used for triggering DSR for the logical channels belonging to this Logical Channel Group, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value in number of milliseconds.
MAC-CellGroupConfig field descriptions
Indicates whether a UE is allowed to utilize the refined buffer size levels, as specified in TS 38.321 [3], for a certain Logical Channel Group. The leftmost bit corresponds to LCG ID=0, second leftmost bit to LCG ID=1 and so on. The UE is allowed to utilize the refined buffer size levels for a Logical Channel Group only when the corresponding bit is set to 1.
Used to control the CSI/SRS transmission during MBS multicast DRX ActiveTime, see TS 38.321 [3].
If set to true, the UE limits CSI reports to the on-duration period of the DRX cycle, see TS 38.321 [3].
Releases the RRC connection upon data inactivity as specified in clause and in TS 38.321 [3]. Value s1 corresponds to 1 second, value s2 corresponds to 2 seconds, and so on.
drx-Config, drx-ConfigExt, drx-ConfigExt2
Used to configure DRX as specified in TS 38.321 [3].Network only configures drx-ConfigExtor drx-ConfigExt2when drx-Config is configured.
Used to configure DRX related parameters for the second DRX group as specified in TS 38.321 [3].The network does not configure secondary DRX group with DCP simultaneously nor secondary DRX group with a dormant BWP simultaneously.
Used to configure additional DRX parameters for the UE performing sidelink operation with resource allocation mode 1, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].Network only configures this field if sl-ScheduledConfig is configured and drx-Config is configured.
If this field is present, the start of the drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerUL is after the last transmission within a bundle, see TS 38.321 [3].
List of LCG-specific DSR configurations to add or modify.
List of LCG-specific DSR configurations to release.
List of G-RNTI configurations to add or modify. Up to 8 G-RNTIs can be configured in total in this release based on the UE capability.
List of G-RNTI configurations to release.
List of G-CS-RNTI configurations to add or modify. Up to 8 G-CS-RNTIs can be configured in total in this release based on the UE capability.
List of G-CS-RNTI configurations to release.
Used to enable HARQ process ID selection based on LCH-priority for one CG as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
If this field is present, the corresponding MAC entity of the UE is configured with prioritization between overlapping grants and between scheduling request and overlapping grants based on LCH priority, see TS 38.321 [3].The network does not configure lch-BasedPrioritization with enhancedSkipUplinkTxDynamicsimultaneously nor lch-BasedPrioritization withenhancedSkipUplinkTxConfiguredsimultaneously.
Indicates whether UE is configured to send UL MAC CE for Positioning Measurement Gap Activation/Deactivation Request, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for BFR on SCell, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Indicates the scheduling request configuration (SchedulingRequestConfig) that the UE shall use upon detecting a beam failure on the detection resources configured in failureDetectionSet1 of a serving cell while beam failure is not detected on resources configured in failureDetectionSet2 of the same serving cell.
Indicates the scheduling request configuration (SchedulingRequestConfig) that the UE shall use upon detecting a beam failure on the detection resources configured in failureDetectionSet2 of a serving cell while beam failure is not detected on resources configured in failureDetectionSet1 of the same serving cell.
Indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for consistent uplink LBT recovery on SCell, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for Positioning Measurement Gap Activation/Deactivation Request, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
skipUplinkTxDynamic, enhancedSkipUplinkTxDynamic, enhancedSkipUplinkTxConfigured
If set to true, the UE skips UL transmissions as described in TS 38.321 [3].If the UE is configured with enhancedSkipUplinkTxDynamic or enhancedSkipUplinkTxConfigured with value true, REPETITION_NUMBER (as specified in TS 38.321 [3], clause of the corresponding PUSCH transmission of the uplink grant shall be equal to 1. The network does not configure enhancedSkipUplinkTxDynamic or enhancedSkipUplinkTxConfigured with value true together with numberOfSlotsTBoMS-r17.
The field is used to configure parameters for a time-alignment group. The field is not present if any DAPS bearer is configured.
If set to true, the MAC entity of the IAB-MT may use the Pre-emptive BSR, see TS 38.321 [3].
MBS-RNTI-SpecificConfigfield descriptions
Used to configure DRX for PTM transmission as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Used to scramble the SPS group-common PDSCH and activation/deactivation of SPS group-common PDSCH for one or more MBS multicast services.
Used to scramble the scheduling and transmission of PTM for one or more MBS multicast services.
Used to configure g-RNTI or g-CS-RNTI.
Indicates whether the UE shall provide HARQ feedback for MBS multicast. Value dci-enabler means that whether the UE shall provide HARQ feedback for MBS multicast is indicated by DCIas specified in TS 38.213 [13]. Value enabled means the UE shall always provide HARQ feedback for MBS multicast. When the field is absent, the UE behavior is specified in TS 38.213 [13].
Indicates the feedback mode for MBS multicast dynamically scheduled PDSCH or SPS PDSCH.
An identifier of the RNTI specific configuration for MBS multicast.
Number of repetitions for dynamically scheduled MBS multicast data (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent and groupCommon-RNTI is set to g-RNTI, the UE applies the value 1.
LCG-DSR-Config field descriptions
Identifier of the Logical Channel Group which the DSR configuration refers to.
Remaining time threshold used for triggering DSR for the logical channels belonging to this Logical Channel Group, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value in number of milliseconds.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, Need S, if groupCommon-RNTI is set to g-RNTI. The field is absent when groupCommon-RNTI is set to g-CS-RNTI.
The field is mandatory present when harq-FeedbackEnablerMulticast is present. It is absent otherwise.
This field is optionally present, Need M, for the MAC-CellGroupConfig of the MCG. It is absent otherwise.
This field is optionally present, Need R, if lch-BasedPrioritization-r16 is configured in this MAC entity and cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16 is configured for any configured grant configuration associated with this MAC entity. It is absent otherwise, Need R.

The IE MeasConfig specifies measurements to be performed by the UE,and covers intra-frequency, inter-frequency and inter-RAT mobility as well as configuration of measurement gaps.
measObjectToRemoveListList of measurement objects to remove.
MeasObjectToRemoveList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
measObjectToAddModListList of measurement objects to add and/or modify.
MeasObjectToAddModList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
reportConfigToRemoveListList of measurement reporting configurations to remove.
ReportConfigToRemoveList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
reportConfigToAddModListList of measurement reporting configurations to add and/or modify.
ReportConfigToAddModList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
measIdToRemoveListList of measurement identities to remove.
MeasIdToRemoveList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
measIdToAddModListList of measurement identities to add and/or modify.
MeasIdToAddModList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
s-MeasureConfigThreshold for NR SpCell RSRP measurement controlling when the UE is required to perform measurements on non-serving cells. Choice of ssb-RSRP corresponds to cell RSRP based on SS/PBCH block and choice of csi-RSRP corresponds to cell RSRP of CSI-RS. This field is also applicable to L1 measurements configured with ltm-CSI-ResourceConfigToAddModList-r18. This field is not configured to a UE configured with event(s) related to the L2 U2N Relay UE.
CHOICE { ssb-RSRP RSRP-Range, csi-RSRP RSRP-Range } OPTIONAL, -- Need M quantityConfig QuantityConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M
measGapConfigUsed to setup and release measurement gaps in NR.
MeasGapConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M
measGapSharingConfigSpecifies the measurement gap sharing scheme and controls setup/ release of measurement gap sharing.
MeasGapSharingConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
interFrequencyConfig-NoGap-r16If the field is set to true, UE is configured to perform SSB based inter-frequency measurement without measurement gaps when the inter-frequency SSB is completely contained in the active DL BWP of the UE, as specified in TS 38.133 [14], clause 9.3. Otherwise, the SSB based inter-frequency measurement is performed within measurement gaps.In NR-DC, the field can only be configured in the measConfig associated with MCG, and when configured, it applies to all the inter-frequency measurements configured by MN and SN.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
effectiveMeasWindowConfig-r18Used to setup and release effective measurement window in NR for E-UTRA measurements.
SetupRelease {MeasWindowConfig-r18} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } MeasObjectToRemoveList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofObjectId)) OF MeasObjectId MeasIdToRemoveList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofMeasId)) OF MeasId ReportConfigToRemoveList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxReportConfigId)) OF ReportConfigId -- TAG-MEASCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MeasConfig field descriptions
Used to setup and release effective measurement window in NR for E-UTRA measurements.
If the field is set to true, UE is configured to perform SSB based inter-frequency measurement without measurement gaps when the inter-frequency SSB is completely contained in the active DL BWP of the UE, as specified in TS 38.133 [14], clause 9.3. Otherwise, the SSB based inter-frequency measurement is performed within measurement gaps.In NR-DC, the field can only be configured in the measConfig associated with MCG, and when configured, it applies to all the inter-frequency measurements configured by MN and SN.
Used to setup and release measurement gaps in NR.
List of measurement identities to add and/or modify.
List of measurement identities to remove.
List of measurement objects to add and/or modify.
List of measurement objects to remove.
List of measurement reporting configurations to add and/or modify.
List of measurement reporting configurations to remove.
Threshold for NR SpCell RSRP measurement controlling when the UE is required to perform measurements on non-serving cells. Choice of ssb-RSRP corresponds to cell RSRP based on SS/PBCH block and choice of csi-RSRP corresponds to cell RSRP of CSI-RS. This field is also applicable to L1 measurements configured with ltm-CSI-ResourceConfigToAddModList-r18. This field is not configured to a UE configured with event(s) related to the L2 U2N Relay UE.
Specifies the measurement gap sharing scheme and controls setup/ release of measurement gap sharing.

The IE MeasGapConfig specifies the measurement gap configuration and controls setup/release of measurement gaps.
gapFR2Indicates measurement gap configuration applies to FR2 only. In (NG)EN-DC or NE-DC, gapFR2 can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure FR2 gap). In NR-DC, gapFR2 can only be set up in the measConfig associated with MCG. gapFR2 cannot be configured together with gapUE. The applicability of the FR2 measurement gap is according to Table 9.1.2-2 and Table 9.1.2-3 in TS 38.133 [14].
SetupRelease { GapConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
gapFR1Indicates measurement gap configuration that applies to FR1 only. In (NG)EN-DC, gapFR1 cannot be set up by NR RRC (i.e. only LTE RRC can configure FR1 measurement gap). In NE-DC, gapFR1 can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure FR1 gap). In NR-DC, gapFR1 can only be set up in the measConfig associated with MCG. gapFR1 can not be configured together with gapUE. The applicability of the FR1 measurement gap is according to Table 9.1.2-2 and Table 9.1.2-3 in TS 38.133 [14].
SetupRelease { GapConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
gapUEIndicates measurement gap configuration that applies to all frequencies (FR1 and FR2). In (NG)EN-DC, gapUE cannot be set up by NR RRC (i.e. only LTE RRC can configure per UE measurement gap). In NE-DC, gapUE can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure per UE gap). In NR-DC, gapUE can only be set up in the measConfig associated with MCG. If gapUE is configured, then neither gapFR1 nor gapFR2 can be configured.For TN, the applicability of the per UE measurement gap is according to Table 9.1.2-2 and Table 9.1.2-3 for non-RedCap UEs, and Table 9.1A.2-2 for RedCap UEs in TS 38.133 [14]. For NTN, the applicability of per UE measurement gap is according to subclause 9.1C.2 in TS 38.133 [14].
SetupRelease { GapConfig } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
gapToAddModList-r17A list of of measurement gap configuration to be added or modified. If more than one measurement gap is configured (i.e. concurrent measurement gap as specified in TS 38.133[14], clause 9.1.8 for TN or clause 9.1C.8 for NTN), the maximum number of configured measurement gap is limited by the gap combinations defined in Table 9.1.8-1 in TS 38.133 [14] for TN.For NTN the maximum number of configured measurement gap is limited by UE capability indicated in parallelMeasurementGap. In this version of the specification, the network configures this field only in NR standalone. This field is used only for a UE that supports pre-configured measurement gap, concurrent measurement gap, or NCSG.In this version of the specification, the network does not configure concurrent measurement gap together with preconfigured measurement gap for positioning.For the UE not supporting the capability of musim-GapPriorityPreference,the network does not configure concurrent measurement gap together with MUSIM gap.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofGapId-r17)) OF GapConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
gapToReleaseList-r17A list of measurement gap configuration to be released.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofGapId-r17)) OF MeasGapId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
posMeasGapPreConfigToAddModList-r17List of preconfigured measurement gap for positioning to add and/or modify. All the gaps configured are associated with the measurement of PRS for RSTD, UE-RxTx Time Difference, PRS-RSRP and PRS-RSRPP as defined in TS 38.215 [9].In this version of the specification, the network does not configure preconfigured measurement gap for positioning together with concurrent measurement gap or MUSIM gap.
PosMeasGapPreConfigToAddModList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
posMeasGapPreConfigToReleaseList-r17List of preconfigured measurement gap for positioning to release.
PosMeasGapPreConfigToReleaseList-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } GapConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
gapOffsetValue gapOffset is the gap offset of the gap pattern with MGRP indicated in the field mgrp. The value range is from 0 to mgrp-1. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, this offset value refers to the starting point of VIL1 (the visible interruption length before the ML).
INTEGER (0..159),
mglValue mgl is the measurement gap length in ms of the measurement gap. If ncsgInd-r17 is not present, the measurement gap length is according to Table 9.1.2-1 for non-RedCap UEs in TN, Table 9.1A.2-1 for RedCap UEs in TN, and Table 9.1C.2-1 for NTN in TS 38.133 [14]. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, this field indicates the measurement length (ML) in NCSG pattern and is configured according to Table in TS 38.133 [14]. Value ms1dot5 corresponds to 1.5 ms, ms3 corresponds to 3 ms and so on. If mgl-r16 is present, UE shall ignore the mgl (without suffix). Value ms1, ms2, and ms5 can only be configured if ncsgInd is present.
ENUMERATED {ms1dot5, ms3, ms3dot5, ms4, ms5dot5, ms6},
mgrpIf ncsgInd-r17 is not present, the mgrpfield indicates the measurement gap repetition period in (ms) of the measurement gap according to Table 9.1.2-1 for non-RedCap UEs in TN, Table 9.1A.2-1 for RedCap UEs in TN, and Table 9.1C.2-1 for NTN in TS 38.133 [14]. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, the mgrp field indicates the Visible Interruption Repetition Period (VIRP) of NCSG pattern and is configured according to Table in TS 38.133 [14].
ENUMERATED {ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160},
mgtaValue mgta is the measurement gap timing advance in ms. The applicability of the measurement gap timing advance is according to clause 9.1.2for non-RedCap UEs in TN, clause 9.1A.2for RedCap UEs in TN, and clause 9.1C.2for NTN of TS 38.133 [14], or according to clause 9.1.9 of TS 38.133 [14] if ncsgInd is present. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, ms0dot25 corresponds to 0.25 ms,ms0dot5 corresponds to 0.5 ms and ms0dot75 corresponds to 0.75 ms. For FR2, the network only configures 0 ms and 0.25 ms if ncsgInd is not present. If ncsgInd is present, the network only configures 0ms for per-UE NCSG and FR1 NCSG and only configures 0ms or 0.75ms for FR2 NCSG. Value ms0dot75can only be configured if ncsgInd is present.
ENUMERATED {ms0, ms0dot25, ms0dot5}, ..., [[
refServCellIndicatorIndicates the serving cell whose SFN and subframe are used for gap calculation for this gap pattern. Value pCell corresponds to the PCell, pSCell corresponds to the PSCell, and mcg-FR2 corresponds to a serving cell on FR2 frequency in MCG.
ENUMERATED {pCell, pSCell, mcg-FR2} OPTIONAL -- Cond NEDCorNRDC ]], [[
refFR2ServCellAsyncCA-r16Indicates the FR2 serving cell identifier whose SFN and subframe is used for FR2 gap calculation for this gap pattern with asynchronous CA involving FR2 carrier(s).
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Cond AsyncCA
mgl-r16Value mgl is the measurement gap length in ms of the measurement gap. If ncsgInd-r17 is not present, the measurement gap length is according to Table 9.1.2-1 for non-RedCap UEs in TN, Table 9.1A.2-1 for RedCap UEs in TN, and Table 9.1C.2-1 for NTN in TS 38.133 [14]. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, this field indicates the measurement length (ML) in NCSG pattern and is configured according to Table in TS 38.133 [14]. Value ms1dot5 corresponds to 1.5 ms, ms3 corresponds to 3 ms and so on. If mgl-r16 is present, UE shall ignore the mgl (without suffix). Value ms1, ms2, and ms5 can only be configured if ncsgInd is present.
ENUMERATED {ms10, ms20} OPTIONAL -- Cond PRS ]] } GapConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
measGapId-r17The ID of this measurement gap configuration.
gapType-r17Indicates the type of this measurement gap. Value perUE indicates that it is a per UE measurement gap, value perFR1 indicates that it is an FR1 measurement gap, and value perFR2 indicates that it is an FR2 measurement gap.
ENUMERATED {perUE, perFR1, perFR2},
gapOffset-r17Value gapOffset is the gap offset of the gap pattern with MGRP indicated in the field mgrp. The value range is from 0 to mgrp-1. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, this offset value refers to the starting point of VIL1 (the visible interruption length before the ML).
INTEGER (0..159),
mgl-r17Value mgl is the measurement gap length in ms of the measurement gap. If ncsgInd-r17 is not present, the measurement gap length is according to Table 9.1.2-1 for non-RedCap UEs in TN, Table 9.1A.2-1 for RedCap UEs in TN, and Table 9.1C.2-1 for NTN in TS 38.133 [14]. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, this field indicates the measurement length (ML) in NCSG pattern and is configured according to Table in TS 38.133 [14]. Value ms1dot5 corresponds to 1.5 ms, ms3 corresponds to 3 ms and so on. If mgl-r16 is present, UE shall ignore the mgl (without suffix). Value ms1, ms2, and ms5 can only be configured if ncsgInd is present.
ENUMERATED {ms1, ms1dot5, ms2, ms3, ms3dot5, ms4, ms5, ms5dot5, ms6, ms10, ms20},
mgrp-r17If ncsgInd-r17 is not present, the mgrpfield indicates the measurement gap repetition period in (ms) of the measurement gap according to Table 9.1.2-1 for non-RedCap UEs in TN, Table 9.1A.2-1 for RedCap UEs in TN, and Table 9.1C.2-1 for NTN in TS 38.133 [14]. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, the mgrp field indicates the Visible Interruption Repetition Period (VIRP) of NCSG pattern and is configured according to Table in TS 38.133 [14].
ENUMERATED {ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160},
mgta-r17Value mgta is the measurement gap timing advance in ms. The applicability of the measurement gap timing advance is according to clause 9.1.2for non-RedCap UEs in TN, clause 9.1A.2for RedCap UEs in TN, and clause 9.1C.2for NTN of TS 38.133 [14], or according to clause 9.1.9 of TS 38.133 [14] if ncsgInd is present. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, ms0dot25 corresponds to 0.25 ms,ms0dot5 corresponds to 0.5 ms and ms0dot75 corresponds to 0.75 ms. For FR2, the network only configures 0 ms and 0.25 ms if ncsgInd is not present. If ncsgInd is present, the network only configures 0ms for per-UE NCSG and FR1 NCSG and only configures 0ms or 0.75ms for FR2 NCSG. Value ms0dot75can only be configured if ncsgInd is present.
ENUMERATED {ms0, ms0dot25, ms0dot5, ms0dot75},
refServCellIndicator-r17Indicates the serving cell whose SFN and subframe are used for gap calculation for this gap pattern. Value pCell corresponds to the PCell, pSCell corresponds to the PSCell, and mcg-FR2 corresponds to a serving cell on FR2 frequency in MCG.
ENUMERATED {pCell, pSCell, mcg-FR2} OPTIONAL, -- Cond NEDCorNRDC refFR2-ServCellAsyncCA-r17 ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Cond AsyncCA
preConfigInd-r17Indicates whether the measurement gap is a pre-configured measurement gap.
ncsgInd-r17Indicates that the measurement gap is a NCSG as specified in 38.133 [14].
gapAssociationPRS-r17Indicates that PRS measurement is associated with this measurement gap. The network only includes this field for one per-UE gap or for one per-FR gap.If concurrent gap (i.e. one of the gap combination as defined in Table 9.1.8-1 in TS 38.133 [14]) is configured and no gap is configured with this field, the PRS measurement is associated with the gap configured via GapConfig (without suffix), if available. If both per-UE gap and per-FR gap are configured via GapConfig and/or GapConfig-r17, the PRS measurement is always associated with the per-UE gap.
gapSharing-r17Indicates the measurement gap sharing scheme that applies to this GapConfig. For applicability of the different gap sharing schemes, see TS 38.133 [14]. Value scheme00 corresponds to scheme "00", value scheme01 corresponds to scheme "01", and so on.
MeasGapSharingScheme OPTIONAL, -- Need R
gapPriority-r17Indicates the priority of this measurement gap (see TS 38.133 [14]). Value 1 indicates highest priority, value 2 indicates second level priority, and so on.
GapPriority-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } PosMeasGapPreConfigToAddModList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPreConfigPosGapId-r17)) OF PosGapConfig-r17 PosMeasGapPreConfigToReleaseList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPreConfigPosGapId-r17)) OF MeasPosPreConfigGapId-r17 PosGapConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { measPosPreConfigGapId-r17 MeasPosPreConfigGapId-r17,
gapOffset-r17Value gapOffset is the gap offset of the gap pattern with MGRP indicated in the field mgrp. The value range is from 0 to mgrp-1. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, this offset value refers to the starting point of VIL1 (the visible interruption length before the ML).
INTEGER (0..159),
mgl-r17Value mgl is the measurement gap length in ms of the measurement gap. If ncsgInd-r17 is not present, the measurement gap length is according to Table 9.1.2-1 for non-RedCap UEs in TN, Table 9.1A.2-1 for RedCap UEs in TN, and Table 9.1C.2-1 for NTN in TS 38.133 [14]. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, this field indicates the measurement length (ML) in NCSG pattern and is configured according to Table in TS 38.133 [14]. Value ms1dot5 corresponds to 1.5 ms, ms3 corresponds to 3 ms and so on. If mgl-r16 is present, UE shall ignore the mgl (without suffix). Value ms1, ms2, and ms5 can only be configured if ncsgInd is present.
ENUMERATED {ms1dot5, ms3, ms3dot5, ms4, ms5dot5, ms6, ms10, ms20},
mgrp-r17If ncsgInd-r17 is not present, the mgrpfield indicates the measurement gap repetition period in (ms) of the measurement gap according to Table 9.1.2-1 for non-RedCap UEs in TN, Table 9.1A.2-1 for RedCap UEs in TN, and Table 9.1C.2-1 for NTN in TS 38.133 [14]. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, the mgrp field indicates the Visible Interruption Repetition Period (VIRP) of NCSG pattern and is configured according to Table in TS 38.133 [14].
ENUMERATED {ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160},
mgta-r17Value mgta is the measurement gap timing advance in ms. The applicability of the measurement gap timing advance is according to clause 9.1.2for non-RedCap UEs in TN, clause 9.1A.2for RedCap UEs in TN, and clause 9.1C.2for NTN of TS 38.133 [14], or according to clause 9.1.9 of TS 38.133 [14] if ncsgInd is present. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, ms0dot25 corresponds to 0.25 ms,ms0dot5 corresponds to 0.5 ms and ms0dot75 corresponds to 0.75 ms. For FR2, the network only configures 0 ms and 0.25 ms if ncsgInd is not present. If ncsgInd is present, the network only configures 0ms for per-UE NCSG and FR1 NCSG and only configures 0ms or 0.75ms for FR2 NCSG. Value ms0dot75can only be configured if ncsgInd is present.
ENUMERATED {ms0, ms0dot25, ms0dot5},
gapType-r17Indicates the type of this measurement gap. Value perUE indicates that it is a per UE measurement gap, value perFR1 indicates that it is an FR1 measurement gap, and value perFR2 indicates that it is an FR2 measurement gap.
ENUMERATED {perUE, perFR1, perFR2}, ... } MeasPosPreConfigGapId-r17 ::= INTEGER (1..maxNrofPreConfigPosGapId-r17) -- TAG-MEASGAPCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MeasGapConfig field descriptions
Indicates that PRS measurement is associated with this measurement gap. The network only includes this field for one per-UE gap or for one per-FR gap.If concurrent gap (i.e. one of the gap combination as defined in Table 9.1.8-1 in TS 38.133 [14]) is configured and no gap is configured with this field, the PRS measurement is associated with the gap configured via GapConfig (without suffix), if available. If both per-UE gap and per-FR gap are configured via GapConfig and/or GapConfig-r17, the PRS measurement is always associated with the per-UE gap.
Indicates measurement gap configuration that applies to FR1 only. In (NG)EN-DC, gapFR1 cannot be set up by NR RRC (i.e. only LTE RRC can configure FR1 measurement gap). In NE-DC, gapFR1 can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure FR1 gap). In NR-DC, gapFR1 can only be set up in the measConfig associated with MCG. gapFR1 can not be configured together with gapUE. The applicability of the FR1 measurement gap is according to Table 9.1.2-2 and Table 9.1.2-3 in TS 38.133 [14].
Indicates measurement gap configuration applies to FR2 only. In (NG)EN-DC or NE-DC, gapFR2 can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure FR2 gap). In NR-DC, gapFR2 can only be set up in the measConfig associated with MCG. gapFR2 cannot be configured together with gapUE. The applicability of the FR2 measurement gap is according to Table 9.1.2-2 and Table 9.1.2-3 in TS 38.133 [14].
Value gapOffset is the gap offset of the gap pattern with MGRP indicated in the field mgrp. The value range is from 0 to mgrp-1. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, this offset value refers to the starting point of VIL1 (the visible interruption length before the ML).
Indicates the priority of this measurement gap (see TS 38.133 [14]). Value 1 indicates highest priority, value 2 indicates second level priority, and so on.
Indicates the measurement gap sharing scheme that applies to this GapConfig. For applicability of the different gap sharing schemes, see TS 38.133 [14]. Value scheme00 corresponds to scheme "00", value scheme01 corresponds to scheme "01", and so on.
A list of of measurement gap configuration to be added or modified. If more than one measurement gap is configured (i.e. concurrent measurement gap as specified in TS 38.133[14], clause 9.1.8 for TN or clause 9.1C.8 for NTN), the maximum number of configured measurement gap is limited by the gap combinations defined in Table 9.1.8-1 in TS 38.133 [14] for TN.For NTN the maximum number of configured measurement gap is limited by UE capability indicated in parallelMeasurementGap. In this version of the specification, the network configures this field only in NR standalone. This field is used only for a UE that supports pre-configured measurement gap, concurrent measurement gap, or NCSG.In this version of the specification, the network does not configure concurrent measurement gap together with preconfigured measurement gap for positioning.For the UE not supporting the capability of musim-GapPriorityPreference,the network does not configure concurrent measurement gap together with MUSIM gap.
A list of measurement gap configuration to be released.
Indicates the type of this measurement gap. Value perUE indicates that it is a per UE measurement gap, value perFR1 indicates that it is an FR1 measurement gap, and value perFR2 indicates that it is an FR2 measurement gap.
Indicates measurement gap configuration that applies to all frequencies (FR1 and FR2). In (NG)EN-DC, gapUE cannot be set up by NR RRC (i.e. only LTE RRC can configure per UE measurement gap). In NE-DC, gapUE can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure per UE gap). In NR-DC, gapUE can only be set up in the measConfig associated with MCG. If gapUE is configured, then neither gapFR1 nor gapFR2 can be configured.For TN, the applicability of the per UE measurement gap is according to Table 9.1.2-2 and Table 9.1.2-3 for non-RedCap UEs, and Table 9.1A.2-2 for RedCap UEs in TS 38.133 [14]. For NTN, the applicability of per UE measurement gap is according to subclause 9.1C.2 in TS 38.133 [14].
The ID of this measurement gap configuration.
Value mgl is the measurement gap length in ms of the measurement gap. If ncsgInd-r17 is not present, the measurement gap length is according to Table 9.1.2-1 for non-RedCap UEs in TN, Table 9.1A.2-1 for RedCap UEs in TN, and Table 9.1C.2-1 for NTN in TS 38.133 [14]. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, this field indicates the measurement length (ML) in NCSG pattern and is configured according to Table in TS 38.133 [14]. Value ms1dot5 corresponds to 1.5 ms, ms3 corresponds to 3 ms and so on. If mgl-r16 is present, UE shall ignore the mgl (without suffix). Value ms1, ms2, and ms5 can only be configured if ncsgInd is present.
If ncsgInd-r17 is not present, the mgrpfield indicates the measurement gap repetition period in (ms) of the measurement gap according to Table 9.1.2-1 for non-RedCap UEs in TN, Table 9.1A.2-1 for RedCap UEs in TN, and Table 9.1C.2-1 for NTN in TS 38.133 [14]. If ncsgInd-r17 is present, the mgrp field indicates the Visible Interruption Repetition Period (VIRP) of NCSG pattern and is configured according to Table in TS 38.133 [14].
Value mgta is the measurement gap timing advance in ms. The applicability of the measurement gap timing advance is according to clause 9.1.2for non-RedCap UEs in TN, clause 9.1A.2for RedCap UEs in TN, and clause 9.1C.2for NTN of TS 38.133 [14], or according to clause 9.1.9 of TS 38.133 [14] if ncsgInd is present. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, ms0dot25 corresponds to 0.25 ms,ms0dot5 corresponds to 0.5 ms and ms0dot75 corresponds to 0.75 ms. For FR2, the network only configures 0 ms and 0.25 ms if ncsgInd is not present. If ncsgInd is present, the network only configures 0ms for per-UE NCSG and FR1 NCSG and only configures 0ms or 0.75ms for FR2 NCSG. Value ms0dot75can only be configured if ncsgInd is present.
Indicates that the measurement gap is a NCSG as specified in 38.133 [14].
List of preconfigured measurement gap for positioning to add and/or modify. All the gaps configured are associated with the measurement of PRS for RSTD, UE-RxTx Time Difference, PRS-RSRP and PRS-RSRPP as defined in TS 38.215 [9].In this version of the specification, the network does not configure preconfigured measurement gap for positioning together with concurrent measurement gap or MUSIM gap.
List of preconfigured measurement gap for positioning to release.
Indicates whether the measurement gap is a pre-configured measurement gap.
Indicates the FR2 serving cell identifier whose SFN and subframe is used for FR2 gap calculation for this gap pattern with asynchronous CA involving FR2 carrier(s).
Indicates the serving cell whose SFN and subframe are used for gap calculation for this gap pattern. Value pCell corresponds to the PCell, pSCell corresponds to the PSCell, and mcg-FR2 corresponds to a serving cell on FR2 frequency in MCG.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present when configuring and reconfiguring FR2 gap pattern to UE in:
- (NG)EN-DC or NR SA with asynchronous CA involving FR2 carrier(s); - NE-DC or NR-DC with asynchronous CA involving FR2 carrier(s), if the fieldrefServCellIndicator is set to mcg-FR2. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
This field is mandatory present when configuring and reconfiguring gap pattern to UE in NE-DC or NR-DC. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
This field is optionally present, Need R, when configuring gap pattern to UE for measurements of DL-PRS configured via LPP (TS 37.355 [49]).Otherwise, it is absent.

The IE MeasGapId used to identify a per UE or per FR measurement gap configuration.

The IE MeasGapSharingConfig specifies the measurement gap sharing scheme and controls setup/ release of measurement gap sharing.
gapSharingFR2Indicates the measurement gap sharing scheme that applies to the gap set via gapFR2. In (NG)EN-DC or NE-DC, gapSharingFR2 can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure FR2 gap sharing). In NR-DC, gapSharingFR2 can only be set up by MCG in the measConfig associated with MCG. gapSharingFR2 cannot be configured together with gapSharingUE. For applicability of the different gap sharing schemes, see TS 38.133 [14]. Value scheme00 corresponds to scheme "00", value scheme01 corresponds to scheme "01", and so on.
SetupRelease { MeasGapSharingScheme } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
gapSharingFR1Indicates the measurement gap sharing scheme that applies to the gap set via gapFR1. In (NG)EN-DC, gapSharingFR1 cannot be set up by NR RRC (i.e. only LTE RRC can configure FR1 gap sharing). In NE-DC, gapSharingFR1 can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure FR1 gap sharing). In NR-DC, gapSharingFR1 can only be set up in the measConfig associated with MCG. gapSharingFR1 can not be configured together with gapSharingUE. For the applicability of the different gap sharing schemes, see TS 38.133 [14]. Value scheme00 corresponds to scheme "00", value scheme01 corresponds to scheme "01", and so on.
SetupRelease { MeasGapSharingScheme } OPTIONAL, --Need M
gapSharingUEIndicates the measurement gap sharing scheme that applies to the gap set via gapUE. In (NG)EN-DC, gapSharingUE cannot be set up by NR RRC (i.e. only LTE RRC can configure per UE gap sharing). In NE-DC, gapSharingUE can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure per UE gap sharing). In NR-DC, gapSharingUE can only be set up in the measConfig associated with MCG. If gapSharingUE is configured, then neither gapSharingFR1 nor gapSharingFR2 can be configured. For the applicability of the different gap sharing schemes, see TS 38.133 [14]. Value scheme00 corresponds to scheme "00", value scheme01 corresponds to scheme "01", and so on.
SetupRelease { MeasGapSharingScheme } OPTIONAL --Need M ]] } MeasGapSharingScheme::= ENUMERATED {scheme00, scheme01, scheme10, scheme11} -- TAG-MEASGAPSHARINGCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MeasGapSharingConfig field descriptions
Indicates the measurement gap sharing scheme that applies to the gap set via gapFR1. In (NG)EN-DC, gapSharingFR1 cannot be set up by NR RRC (i.e. only LTE RRC can configure FR1 gap sharing). In NE-DC, gapSharingFR1 can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure FR1 gap sharing). In NR-DC, gapSharingFR1 can only be set up in the measConfig associated with MCG. gapSharingFR1 can not be configured together with gapSharingUE. For the applicability of the different gap sharing schemes, see TS 38.133 [14]. Value scheme00 corresponds to scheme "00", value scheme01 corresponds to scheme "01", and so on.
Indicates the measurement gap sharing scheme that applies to the gap set via gapFR2. In (NG)EN-DC or NE-DC, gapSharingFR2 can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure FR2 gap sharing). In NR-DC, gapSharingFR2 can only be set up by MCG in the measConfig associated with MCG. gapSharingFR2 cannot be configured together with gapSharingUE. For applicability of the different gap sharing schemes, see TS 38.133 [14]. Value scheme00 corresponds to scheme "00", value scheme01 corresponds to scheme "01", and so on.
Indicates the measurement gap sharing scheme that applies to the gap set via gapUE. In (NG)EN-DC, gapSharingUE cannot be set up by NR RRC (i.e. only LTE RRC can configure per UE gap sharing). In NE-DC, gapSharingUE can only be set up by NR RRC (i.e. LTE RRC cannot configure per UE gap sharing). In NR-DC, gapSharingUE can only be set up in the measConfig associated with MCG. If gapSharingUE is configured, then neither gapSharingFR1 nor gapSharingFR2 can be configured. For the applicability of the different gap sharing schemes, see TS 38.133 [14]. Value scheme00 corresponds to scheme "00", value scheme01 corresponds to scheme "01", and so on.

The IE MeasId is used to identify a measurement configuration, i.e., linking of a measurement object and a reporting configuration.

The IE MeasIdleConfig is used to convey information to UE about measurements requested to be done while in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
measIdleCarrierListNR-r16Indicates the NR carriers to be measured during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIdle-r16)) OF MeasIdleCarrierNR-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need S
measIdleCarrierListEUTRA-r16Indicates the E-UTRA carriers to be measured during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIdle-r16)) OF MeasIdleCarrierEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
measIdleCarrierListNR-LessThan5MHz-r18Indicates the NR carriers to be measured during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE for the cell(s) supporting 12 PRB, 15 PRB or 20 PRB transmission bandwidth configuration as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.211 [16] and TS 38.213 [13]. Total number of MeasIdleCarrierNR included in measIdleCarrierListNR and measIdleCarrierListNR-LessThan5MHz does not exceed maxFreqIdle-r16.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIdle-r16)) OF MeasIdleCarrierNR-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond LessThan5MHz
measReselectionCarrierListNR-r18Indicates the NR carriers for reselection measurement reporting.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIdle-r16)) OF MeasReselectionCarrierNR-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need S
measReselectionCarrierListNR-LessThan5MHz-r18Indicates the NR carriers for reselection measurement reporting for the cell(s) supporting 12 PRB, 15 PRB or 20 PRB transmission bandwidth configuration as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.211 [16] and TS 38.213 [13]. Total number of MeasReselectionCarrierNR included in measReselectionCarrierListNR and measReselectionCarrierListNR-LessThan5MHz does not exceed maxFreqIdle-r16.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIdle-r16)) OF MeasReselectionCarrierNR-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Cond LessThan5MHz measIdleValidityDuration-r18 MeasurementValidityDuration-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need S measReselectionValidityDuration-r18 MeasurementValidityDuration-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need S ]] } MeasIdleConfigDedicated-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
measIdleCarrierListNR-r16Indicates the NR carriers to be measured during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIdle-r16)) OF MeasIdleCarrierNR-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
measIdleCarrierListEUTRA-r16Indicates the E-UTRA carriers to be measured during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIdle-r16)) OF MeasIdleCarrierEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
measIdleDuration-r16Indicates the duration for performing idle/inactive measurements while in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE. Value sec10 correspond to 10 seconds, value sec30 to 30 seconds and so on.
ENUMERATED{sec10, sec30, sec60, sec120, sec180, sec240, sec300, spare},
validityAreaList-r16Indicates the list of frequencies and optionally, for each frequency, a list of cells within which the UE is required to perform measurements while in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE.
ValidityAreaList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ..., [[
measReselectionCarrierListNR-r18Indicates the NR carriers for reselection measurement reporting.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIdle-r16)) OF MeasReselectionCarrierNR-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need S measIdleValidityDuration-r18 MeasurementValidityDuration-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need S measReselectionValidityDuration-r18 MeasurementValidityDuration-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need S ]] } ValidityAreaList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIdle-r16)) OF ValidityArea-r16 ValidityArea-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
carrierFreq-r16Indicates the NR carrier frequency to be used for measurements during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
ARFCN-ValueNR, validityCellList-r16 ValidityCellList OPTIONAL -- Need N } ValidityCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxCellMeasIdle-r16)) OF PCI-Range MeasIdleCarrierNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
carrierFreq-r16Indicates the NR carrier frequency to be used for measurements during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
ssbSubcarrierSpacing-r16Indicates subcarrier spacing of SSB. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
frequencyBandListIndicates the list of frequency bands for which the NR idle/inactive measurement parameters apply. The UE shall select the first listed band which it supports in the frequencyBandList field to represent the NR neighbour carrier frequency.
MultiFrequencyBandListNR OPTIONAL, -- Need R
measCellListNR-r16Indicates the list of NR cells which the UE is requested to measure and report for idle/inactive measurements.
CellListNR-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
reportQuantities-r16Indicates which measurement quantities UE is requested to report in the idle/inactive measurement report.
ENUMERATED {rsrp, rsrq, both},
qualityThreshold-r16Indicates the quality thresholds for reporting the measured cells for idle/inactive NR measurements.
SEQUENCE { idleRSRP-Threshold-NR-r16 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R idleRSRQ-Threshold-NR-r16 RSRQ-Range OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ssb-MeasConfig-r16 SEQUENCE {
nrofSS-BlocksToAverage-r16Number of SS blocks to average for cell measurement derivation.
INTEGER (2..maxNrofSS-BlocksToAverage) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation-r16Threshold for consolidation of L1 measurements per RS index.
ThresholdNR OPTIONAL, -- Need S
smtc-r16Indicates the measurement timing configuration for inter-frequency measurement. If this field is absent in VarMeasIdleConfig, the UE assumes that SSB periodicity is 5 ms in this frequency.
ssb-ToMeasure-r16The set of SS blocks to be measured within the SMTC measurement duration (see TS 38.215 [9]). When the field is absent in VarMeasIdleConfig, the UE measures on all SS-blocks.
SSB-ToMeasure OPTIONAL, -- Need S
deriveSSB-IndexFromCell-r16This field indicates whether the UE may use the timing of any detected cell on that frequency to derive the SSB index of all neighbour cells on that frequency. If this field is set to true, the UE assumes SFN and frame boundary alignment across cells on the neighbor frequency as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
ss-RSSI-Measurement-r16Indicates the SSB-based RSSI measurement configuration. If the field is absent in VarMeasIdleConfig, the UE behaviour is defined in TS 38.215 [89], clause 5.1.3.
SS-RSSI-Measurement OPTIONAL -- Need S } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
beamMeasConfigIdle-r16Indicates the beam level measurement configuration.
BeamMeasConfigIdle-NR-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } MeasIdleCarrierEUTRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
carrierFreqEUTRA-r16Indicates the E-UTRA carrier frequency to be used for measurements during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
ARFCN-ValueEUTRA, allowedMeasBandwidth-r16 EUTRA-AllowedMeasBandwidth,
measCellListEUTRA-r16Indicates the list of E-UTRA cells which the UE is requested to measure and report for idle/inactive measurements.
CellListEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
reportQuantitiesEUTRA-r16Indicates which E-UTRA measurement quantities the UE is requested to report in the idle/inactive measurement report.
ENUMERATED {rsrp, rsrq, both},
qualityThresholdEUTRA-r16Indicates the quality thresholds for reporting the measured cells for idle/inactive E-UTRA measurements.
SEQUENCE { idleRSRP-Threshold-EUTRA-r16 RSRP-RangeEUTRA OPTIONAL, -- Need R idleRSRQ-Threshold-EUTRA-r16 RSRQ-RangeEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... } MeasReselectionCarrierNR-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
carrierFreq-r18Indicates the NR carrier frequency to be used for measurements during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
ARFCN-ValueNR, ... } CellListNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeasIdle-r16)) OF PCI-Range CellListEUTRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeasIdle-r16)) OF EUTRA-PhysCellIdRange BeamMeasConfigIdle-NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
reportQuantityRS-Indexes-r16Indicates which measurement information per beam index the UE shall include in the NR idle/inactive measurement results.
ENUMERATED {rsrp, rsrq, both},
maxNrofRS-IndexesToReport-r16Max number of beam indices to include in the idle/inactive measurement result.
INTEGER (1.. maxNrofIndexesToReport),
includeBeamMeasurements-r16Indicates whether or not the UE shall include beam measurements in the NR idle/inactive measurement results.
MeasIdleConfig field descriptions
Threshold for consolidation of L1 measurements per RS index.
Indicates the beam level measurement configuration.
Indicates the NR carrier frequency to be used for measurements during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
Indicates the E-UTRA carrier frequency to be used for measurements during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
This field indicates whether the UE may use the timing of any detected cell on that frequency to derive the SSB index of all neighbour cells on that frequency. If this field is set to true, the UE assumes SFN and frame boundary alignment across cells on the neighbor frequency as specified in TS 38.133 [14].
Indicates the list of frequency bands for which the NR idle/inactive measurement parameters apply. The UE shall select the first listed band which it supports in the frequencyBandList field to represent the NR neighbour carrier frequency.
Indicates whether or not the UE shall include beam measurements in the NR idle/inactive measurement results.
Max number of beam indices to include in the idle/inactive measurement result.
Indicates the list of E-UTRA cells which the UE is requested to measure and report for idle/inactive measurements.
Indicates the list of NR cells which the UE is requested to measure and report for idle/inactive measurements.
Indicates the E-UTRA carriers to be measured during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
Indicates the NR carriers to be measured during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.
Indicates the NR carriers to be measured during RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE for the cell(s) supporting 12 PRB, 15 PRB or 20 PRB transmission bandwidth configuration as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.211 [16] and TS 38.213 [13]. Total number of MeasIdleCarrierNR included in measIdleCarrierListNR and measIdleCarrierListNR-LessThan5MHz does not exceed maxFreqIdle-r16.
Indicates the duration for performing idle/inactive measurements while in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE. Value sec10 correspond to 10 seconds, value sec30 to 30 seconds and so on.
measIdleValidityDuration, measReselectionValidityDuration
Indicates time values for UE to determine validity of reported idle/inactive and reselection measurements as defined in TS 38.133[14]. Value s5 correspond to 5 seconds, value s10 correspond to 10 seconds and so on.
Indicates the NR carriers for reselection measurement reporting.
Indicates the NR carriers for reselection measurement reporting for the cell(s) supporting 12 PRB, 15 PRB or 20 PRB transmission bandwidth configuration as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.211 [16] and TS 38.213 [13]. Total number of MeasReselectionCarrierNR included in measReselectionCarrierListNR and measReselectionCarrierListNR-LessThan5MHz does not exceed maxFreqIdle-r16.
Number of SS blocks to average for cell measurement derivation.
Indicates the quality thresholds for reporting the measured cells for idle/inactive NR measurements.
Indicates the quality thresholds for reporting the measured cells for idle/inactive E-UTRA measurements.
Indicates which measurement quantities UE is requested to report in the idle/inactive measurement report.
Indicates which E-UTRA measurement quantities the UE is requested to report in the idle/inactive measurement report.
Indicates which measurement information per beam index the UE shall include in the NR idle/inactive measurement results.
Indicates the measurement timing configuration for inter-frequency measurement. If this field is absent in VarMeasIdleConfig, the UE assumes that SSB periodicity is 5 ms in this frequency.
Indicates subcarrier spacing of SSB. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
The set of SS blocks to be measured within the SMTC measurement duration (see TS 38.215 [9]). When the field is absent in VarMeasIdleConfig, the UE measures on all SS-blocks.
Indicates the SSB-based RSSI measurement configuration. If the field is absent in VarMeasIdleConfig, the UE behaviour is defined in TS 38.215 [89], clause 5.1.3.
Indicates the list of frequencies and optionally, for each frequency, a list of cells within which the UE is required to perform measurements while in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if the carrierBandwidth in SIB1 indicates UL or DL transmission bandwidth other than 15 PRB and the corresponding neighbour cell(s) support(s) 12 PRB, 15 PRB or 20 PRB transmission bandwidth configuration as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.211 [16] and TS 38.213 [13]. Otherwise, the field is optional, Need R.

The IE MeasIdToAddModList concerns a list of measurement identities to add or modify, with for each entry the measId, the associated measObjectId and the associated reportConfigId.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASIDTOADDMODLIST-START MeasIdToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofMeasId)) OF MeasIdToAddMod MeasIdToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE { measId MeasId, measObjectId MeasObjectId, reportConfigId ReportConfigId } -- TAG-MEASIDTOADDMODLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MeasObjectCLI specifies information applicable for SRS-RSRP measurements and/or CLI-RSSI measurements.
cli-ResourceConfig-r16SRS and/or CLI-RSSI resource configuration for CLI measurement.
CLI-ResourceConfig-r16, ... } CLI-ResourceConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
srs-ResourceConfig-r16SRS resources to be used for CLI measurements.
SetupRelease { SRS-ResourceListConfigCLI-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
rssi-ResourceConfig-r16CLI-RSSI resources to be used for CLI measurements.
SetupRelease { RSSI-ResourceListConfigCLI-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M } SRS-ResourceListConfigCLI-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCLI-SRS-Resources-r16)) OF SRS-ResourceConfigCLI-r16 RSSI-ResourceListConfigCLI-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCLI-RSSI-Resources-r16)) OF RSSI-ResourceConfigCLI-r16 SRS-ResourceConfigCLI-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-Resource-r16 SRS-Resource,
srs-SCS-r16Subcarrier spacing for SRS. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-1: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
refServCellIndex-r16The index of the reference serving cell. Frequency reference point of the RSSI resource is subcarrier 0 of CRB0 of the reference serving cell. If this field is absent, the reference serving cell is PCell.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need S
refBWP-r16DL BWP id that is used to derive the reference point of the SRS resource (see TS 38.211[16], clause
BWP-Id, ... } RSSI-ResourceConfigCLI-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { rssi-ResourceId-r16 RSSI-ResourceId-r16,
rssi-SCS-r16Reference subcarrier spacing for CLI-RSSI measurement. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-1: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz UE performs CLI-RSSI measurement with the SCS of the active bandwidth part within the configured CLI-RSSI resource in the active BWP regardless of the reference SCS of the measurement resource.
startPRB-r16Starting PRB index of the measurement bandwidth. For the case where the reference subcarrier spacing is smaller than subcarrier spacing of active DL BWP(s), network configures startPRB and nrofPRBs are as a multiple of active BW SCS divided by reference SCS.
INTEGER (0..2169),
nrofPRBs-r16Allowed size of the measurement BW. Only multiples of 4 are allowed. The smallest configurable number is the minimum of 4 and the width of the active DL BWP. If the configured value is larger than the width of the active DL BWP, the UE shall assume that the actual CLI-RSSI resource bandwidth is within the active DL BWP.
INTEGER (4..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocksPlus1),
startPosition-r16OFDM symbol location of the CLI-RSSI resource within a slot.
INTEGER (0..13),
nrofSymbols-r16Within a slot that is configured for CLI-RSSI measurement (see slotConfiguration), the UE measures the RSSI from startPosition to startPosition + nrofSymbols - 1. The configured CLI-RSSI resource does not exceed the slot boundary of the reference SCS. If the SCS of configured DL BWP(s) is larger than the reference SCS, network configures startPosition and nrofSymbols such that the configured CLI-RSSI resource not to exceed the slot boundary corresponding to the configured BWP SCS. If the reference SCS is larger than SCS of configured DL BWP(s), network ensures startPosition and nrofSymbols are integer multiple of reference SCS divided by configured BWP SCS.
INTEGER (1..14),
rssi-PeriodicityAndOffset-r16Periodicity and slot offset for this CLI-RSSI resource.All values are in "number of slots". Value sl1 corresponds to a periodicity of 1 slot, value sl2 corresponds to a periodicity of 2 slots, and so on. For each periodicity the corresponding offset is given in number of slots.
refServCellIndex-r16The index of the reference serving cell. Frequency reference point of the RSSI resource is subcarrier 0 of CRB0 of the reference serving cell. If this field is absent, the reference serving cell is PCell.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... } RSSI-ResourceId-r16 ::= INTEGER (0.. maxNrofCLI-RSSI-Resources-1-r16) RSSI-PeriodicityAndOffset-r16 ::= CHOICE { sl10 INTEGER(0..9), sl20 INTEGER(0..19), sl40 INTEGER(0..39), sl80 INTEGER(0..79), sl160 INTEGER(0..159), sl320 INTEGER(0..319), s1640 INTEGER(0..639), ... } -- TAG-MEASOBJECTCLI-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CLI-ResourceConfig field descriptions
SRS resources to be used for CLI measurements.
CLI-RSSI resources to be used for CLI measurements.
MeasObjectCLI field descriptions
SRS and/or CLI-RSSI resource configuration for CLI measurement.
SRS-ResourceConfigCLI field descriptions
DL BWP id that is used to derive the reference point of the SRS resource (see TS 38.211[16], clause
The index of the reference serving cell that the refBWP belongs to. If this field is absent, the reference serving cell is PCell.
Subcarrier spacing for SRS. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-1: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
RSSI-ResourceConfigCLI field descriptions
Allowed size of the measurement BW. Only multiples of 4 are allowed. The smallest configurable number is the minimum of 4 and the width of the active DL BWP. If the configured value is larger than the width of the active DL BWP, the UE shall assume that the actual CLI-RSSI resource bandwidth is within the active DL BWP.
Within a slot that is configured for CLI-RSSI measurement (see slotConfiguration), the UE measures the RSSI from startPosition to startPosition + nrofSymbols - 1. The configured CLI-RSSI resource does not exceed the slot boundary of the reference SCS. If the SCS of configured DL BWP(s) is larger than the reference SCS, network configures startPosition and nrofSymbols such that the configured CLI-RSSI resource not to exceed the slot boundary corresponding to the configured BWP SCS. If the reference SCS is larger than SCS of configured DL BWP(s), network ensures startPosition and nrofSymbols are integer multiple of reference SCS divided by configured BWP SCS.
The index of the reference serving cell. Frequency reference point of the RSSI resource is subcarrier 0 of CRB0 of the reference serving cell. If this field is absent, the reference serving cell is PCell.
Periodicity and slot offset for this CLI-RSSI resource.All values are in "number of slots". Value sl1 corresponds to a periodicity of 1 slot, value sl2 corresponds to a periodicity of 2 slots, and so on. For each periodicity the corresponding offset is given in number of slots.
Reference subcarrier spacing for CLI-RSSI measurement. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-1: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz UE performs CLI-RSSI measurement with the SCS of the active bandwidth part within the configured CLI-RSSI resource in the active BWP regardless of the reference SCS of the measurement resource.
OFDM symbol location of the CLI-RSSI resource within a slot.
Starting PRB index of the measurement bandwidth. For the case where the reference subcarrier spacing is smaller than subcarrier spacing of active DL BWP(s), network configures startPRB and nrofPRBs are as a multiple of active BW SCS divided by reference SCS.

The IE MeasObjectEUTRA specifies information applicable for EUTRA cells.
carrierFreqIdentifies EUTRA carrier frequency for which this configuration is valid. Network does not configure more than one MeasObjectEUTRA for the same physical frequency, regardless of the E-ARFCN used to indicate this.
allowedMeasBandwidthThe maximum allowed measurement bandwidth on a carrier frequency as defined by the parameter Transmission Bandwidth Configuration "NRB" TS 36.104 [33].
cellsToRemoveListEUTRANList of cells to remove from the cell list.
EUTRA-CellIndexList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
cellsToAddModListEUTRANList of cells to add/ modify in the cell list.
excludedCellsToRemoveListEUTRANList of cells to remove from the exclude-list of cells.
EUTRA-CellIndexList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
excludedCellsToAddModListEUTRANList of cells to add/ modify in the exclude-list of cells.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeasEUTRA)) OF EUTRA-ExcludedCell OPTIONAL, -- Need N
eutra-PresenceAntennaPort1When set to true, the UE may assume that at least two cell-specific antenna ports are used in all neighbouring cells.
eutra-Q-OffsetRangeUsed to indicate a cell, or frequency specific offset to be applied when evaluating triggering conditions for measurement reporting. The value is in dB. Value dB-24 corresponds to -24 dB, value dB-22 corresponds to -22 dB and so on.
EUTRA-Q-OffsetRange OPTIONAL, -- Need R
widebandRSRQ-MeasIf set to true, the UE shall, when performing RSRQ measurements, use a wider bandwidth in accordance with TS 36.133 [40]. The network may set the field to trueif the measurement bandwidth indicated by allowedMeasBandwidth is 50 resource blocks or larger; otherwise the network sets this field to false.
BOOLEAN, ..., [[
associatedMeasGap-r17Indicates the associated measurement gap for measuring this EUTRA frequency. If this field is absent, the associated meaurment gap is the gap configured via gapFR1 or gapUE.
MeasGapId-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
measSequence-r18Indicates the recommended sequence for intra/inter-RAT intra/inter-frequency measurement. Value 1 means the corresponding frequency is measured firstly. Value 2 means the corresponding frequency is measured secondly and so on. If more than one frequency is configured with the same value, it means no recommended sequence among these frequencies. If not configured, it means there is no recommended sequencefor the corresponding frequency. This field is only configured for NR standalone or if the measObject is associated to the MCG.
MeasSequence-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } EUTRA-CellIndexList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeasEUTRA)) OF EUTRA-CellIndex EUTRA-CellIndex ::= INTEGER (1..maxCellMeasEUTRA) EUTRA-Cell ::= SEQUENCE {
cellIndexEUTRAEntry index in the cell list.
EUTRA-CellIndex, physCellId EUTRA-PhysCellId,
cellIndividualOffsetCell individual offset applicable to a specific cell. Value dB-24 corresponds to -24 dB, dB-22 corresponds to -22 dB and so on.
EUTRA-Q-OffsetRange } EUTRA-ExcludedCell ::= SEQUENCE {
cellIndexEUTRAEntry index in the cell list.
EUTRA-CellIndex, physCellIdRange EUTRA-PhysCellIdRange } -- TAG-MEASOBJECTEUTRA-STOP -- ASN1STOP
EUTRAN-ExcludedCell field descriptions
Entry index in the cell list.
Physical cell identity or a range of physical cell identities.
EUTRAN-Cell field descriptions
Physical cell identity of a cell in the cell list.
Cell individual offset applicable to a specific cell. Value dB-24 corresponds to -24 dB, dB-22 corresponds to -22 dB and so on.
MeasObjectEUTRA field descriptions
The maximum allowed measurement bandwidth on a carrier frequency as defined by the parameter Transmission Bandwidth Configuration "NRB" TS 36.104 [33].
Indicates the associated measurement gap for measuring this EUTRA frequency. If this field is absent, the associated meaurment gap is the gap configured via gapFR1 or gapUE.
Identifies EUTRA carrier frequency for which this configuration is valid. Network does not configure more than one MeasObjectEUTRA for the same physical frequency, regardless of the E-ARFCN used to indicate this.
List of cells to add/ modify in the cell list.
List of cells to remove from the cell list.
When set to true, the UE may assume that at least two cell-specific antenna ports are used in all neighbouring cells.
Used to indicate a cell, or frequency specific offset to be applied when evaluating triggering conditions for measurement reporting. The value is in dB. Value dB-24 corresponds to -24 dB, value dB-22 corresponds to -22 dB and so on.
List of cells to add/ modify in the exclude-list of cells.
List of cells to remove from the exclude-list of cells.
Indicates the recommended sequence for intra/inter-RAT intra/inter-frequency measurement. Value 1 means the corresponding frequency is measured firstly. Value 2 means the corresponding frequency is measured secondly and so on. If more than one frequency is configured with the same value, it means no recommended sequence among these frequencies. If not configured, it means there is no recommended sequencefor the corresponding frequency. This field is only configured for NR standalone or if the measObject is associated to the MCG.
If set to true, the UE shall, when performing RSRQ measurements, use a wider bandwidth in accordance with TS 36.133 [40]. The network may set the field to trueif the measurement bandwidth indicated by allowedMeasBandwidth is 50 resource blocks or larger; otherwise the network sets this field to false.

The IE MeasObjectId used to identify a measurement object configuration.

The IE MeasObjectNR specifies information applicable for SS/PBCH block(s) intra/inter-frequency measurements and/or CSI-RS intra/inter-frequency measurements.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASOBJECTNR-START MeasObjectNR ::= SEQUENCE { ssbFrequency ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, -- Cond SSBorAssociatedSSB
ssbSubcarrierSpacingSubcarrier spacing of SSB. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Cond SSBorAssociatedSSB
smtc1Primary measurement timing configuration. (see clause
SSB-MTC OPTIONAL, -- Cond SSBorAssociatedSSB
smtc2Secondary measurement timing configuration for SS corresponding to this MeasObjectNR with PCI listed in pci-List. For these SS, the periodicity is indicated by periodicity in smtc2 and the timing offset is equal to the offset indicated in periodicityAndOffset modulo periodicity. periodicity in smtc2 can only be set to a value strictly shorter than the periodicity indicated by periodicityAndOffset in smtc1 (e.g. if periodicityAndOffset indicates sf10, periodicity can only be set of sf5, if periodicityAndOffset indicates sf5, smtc2 cannot be configured).
SSB-MTC2 OPTIONAL, -- Cond IntraFreqConnected
refFreqCSI-RSPoint A which is used for mapping of CSI-RS to physical resources according to TS 38.211 [16] clause
referenceSignalConfigRS configuration for SS/PBCH block and CSI-RS.
absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidationAbsolute threshold for the consolidation of measurement results per SS/PBCH block(s) from L1 filter(s). The field is used for the derivation of cell measurement results as described in and the reporting of beam measurement information per SS/PBCH block index as described in
ThresholdNR OPTIONAL, -- Need R
absThreshCSI-RS-ConsolidationAbsolute threshold for the consolidation of measurement results per CSI-RS resource(s) from L1 filter(s). The field is used for the derivation of cell measurement results as described in and the reporting of beam measurement information per CSI-RS resource as described in
ThresholdNR OPTIONAL, -- Need R
nrofSS-BlocksToAverageIndicates the maximum number of measurement results per beam based on SS/PBCH blocks to be averaged. The same value applies for each detected cell associated with this MeasObject.
INTEGER (2..maxNrofSS-BlocksToAverage) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
nrofCSI-RS-ResourcesToAverageIndicates the maximum number of measurement results per beam based on CSI-RS resources to be averaged. The same value applies for each detected cell associated with this MeasObjectNR.
INTEGER (2..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesToAverage) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
quantityConfigIndexIndicates the n-th element of quantityConfigNR-List provided in MeasConfig.
INTEGER (1..maxNrofQuantityConfig),
offsetMOOffset values applicable to all measured cells with reference signal(s) indicated in this MeasObjectNR.
cellsToRemoveListList of cells to remove from the cell list.
PCI-List OPTIONAL, -- Need N
cellsToAddModListList of cells to add/modify in the cell list. If the network includes cellsToAddModListExt-v1710 and/or cellsToAddModListExt-v1800, it contains the same number of entries listed in the same order as in cellsToAddModList (i.e without suffix).
CellsToAddModList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
excludedCellsToRemoveListList of cells to remove from the exclude-list of cells.
PCI-RangeIndexList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
excludedCellsToAddModListList of cells to add/modify in the exclude-list of cells. It applies only to SSB resources.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPCI-Ranges)) OF PCI-RangeElement OPTIONAL, -- Need N
allowedCellsToRemoveListList of cells to remove from the allow-list of cells.
PCI-RangeIndexList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
allowedCellsToAddModListList of cells to add/modify in the allow-list of cells.It applies only to SSB resources.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPCI-Ranges)) OF PCI-RangeElement OPTIONAL, -- Need N ..., [[
freqBandIndicatorNRThe frequency band in which the SSB and/or CSI-RS indicated in this MeasObjectNR are located and according to which the UE shall perform the RRM measurements. This field is always provided when the network configures measurements with this MeasObjectNR.
FreqBandIndicatorNR OPTIONAL, -- Need R
measCycleSCellThe parameter is used only when an SCell is configured on the frequency indicated by the measObjectNR and is in deactivated state, see TS 38.133 [14]. gNB configures the parameter whenever an SCell is configured on the frequency indicated by the measObjectNR, but the field may also be signalled when an SCell is not configured. Value sf160 corresponds to 160 sub-frames, valuesf256 corresponds to 256 sub-frames and so on.
ENUMERATED {sf160, sf256, sf320, sf512, sf640, sf1024, sf1280} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
smtc3list-r16Measurement timing configuration list for SS corresponding to IAB-MT. This is used for the IAB-node's discovery of other IAB-nodes and the IAB-Donor-DUs.
SSB-MTC3List-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R rmtc-Config-r16 SetupRelease {RMTC-Config-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
t312-r16The value of timer T312. Value ms0 represents 0 ms, ms50 represents 50 ms and so on.
SetupRelease { T312-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
associatedMeasGapSSB-r17Indicates the associated measurement gap for SSB measuring identified by ssb-ConfigMobility in this measurement object.When multiple MeasObjectNR with the same SSB frequency are configured, the network configures the same measurement gap ID in this field for each MeasObjectNR. If this field is absent, the associated measurement gap is the gap configured via gapFR1, gapFR2, or gapUE.
MeasGapId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
associatedMeasGapCSIRS-r17Indicates the associated measurement gap for CSI-RS measuring identified by csi-rs-ResourceConfigMobility in this measurement object.If this field is absent, the associated measurement gap is the gap configured via gapFR1, gapFR2, or gapUE.
MeasGapId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
smtc4list-r17Measurement timing configuration list for NTN deployments, see clause
SSB-MTC4List-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
measCyclePSCell-r17The parameter is used only when the PSCell is configured on the frequency indicated by the measObjectNR and the SCG is deactivated, see TS 38.133 [14]. The field may also be configured when the PSCell is not configured on that frequency.The network always configures measCyclePSCell for the measObjectNR associated with the PSCell if bfd-and-RLM is set to true and the SCG is deactivated. Value ms160 corresponds to 160 ms, valuems256 corresponds to 256 ms and so on.
ENUMERATED {ms160, ms256, ms320, ms512, ms640, ms1024, ms1280, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCG cellsToAddModListExt-v1710 CellsToAddModListExt-v1710 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[ associatedMeasGapSSB2-v1720 MeasGapId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond AssociatedGapSSB associatedMeasGapCSIRS2-v1720 MeasGapId-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond AssociatedGapCSIRS ]], [[
measSequence-r18Indicates the recommended sequence for intra/inter-RAT intra/inter-frequency measurement. Value 1 means the corresponding frequency is measured firstly. Value 2 means the corresponding frequency is measured secondly and so on. If more than one frequency is configured with the same value, it means no recommended sequence among these frequencies. If not provided, it means there is no recommended sequencefor the corresponding frequency.This field is only configured for NR standalone or if the measObject is associated to the MCG.
MeasSequence-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R cellsToAddModListExt-v1800 CellsToAddModListExt-v1800 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } SSB-MTC3List-r16::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF SSB-MTC3-r16 SSB-MTC4List-r17::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..3)) OF SSB-MTC4-r17 T312-r16 ::= ENUMERATED { ms0, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms1000} ReferenceSignalConfig::= SEQUENCE {
ssb-ConfigMobilitySSB configuration for mobility (nominal SSBs, timing configuration).
SSB-ConfigMobility OPTIONAL, -- Need M
csi-rs-ResourceConfigMobilityCSI-RS resources to be used for CSI-RS based RRM measurements.
SetupRelease { CSI-RS-ResourceConfigMobility } OPTIONAL -- Need M } SSB-ConfigMobility::= SEQUENCE {
ssb-ToMeasureThe set of SS blocks to be measured within the SMTC measurement duration. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 1, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is not to be measured while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is to be measured (see TS 38.215 [9]). When the field is not configured the UE measures on all SS blocks. Regardless of the value of this field, SS/PBCH blocks outside of the applicable smtc are not to be measured. See TS 38.215 [9] clause 5.1.1.
SetupRelease { SSB-ToMeasure } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
deriveSSB-IndexFromCellIf this field is set to true, UE assumes SFN and frame boundary alignment across cells on the same frequency carrier as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. Hence, if the UE is configured with a serving cell for which (absoluteFrequencySSB, subcarrierSpacing) in ServingCellConfigCommon is equal to (ssbFrequency, ssbSubcarrierSpacing) in this MeasObjectNR, this field indicates whether the UE can utilize the timing of this serving cell to derive the index of SS block transmitted by neighbour cell. Otherwise, this field indicates whether the UE may use the timing of any detected cell on that target frequency to derive the SSB index of all neighbour cells on that frequency.
BOOLEAN, ss-RSSI-Measurement SS-RSSI-Measurement OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
ssb-PositionQCL-Common-r16Indicates the QCL relationship between SS/PBCH blocks for all measured cells as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum ssb-PositionQCL-CellsToAddModList-r16 SSB-PositionQCL-CellsToAddModList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ssb-PositionQCL-CellsToRemoveList-r16 PCI-List OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
deriveSSB-IndexFromCellInter-r17If this field is present, UE assumes SFN and frame boundary alignment between the reference serving cell indicated by ServCellIndex and all neighbour cells in this MeasObjectNR as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. This field also indicates that the UE can utilize the timing of the reference serving cell indicated by ServCellIndex to derive the index of SS block transmitted by all inter-frequency neighbour cells on the frequency indicated by theMeasObjectNR. When this field is included, the network should set deriveSSB-IndexFromCell to true.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ssb-PositionQCL-Common-r17Indicates the QCL relationship between SS/PBCH blocks for all measured cells as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 ssb-PositionQCL-Cells-r17 SetupRelease {SSB-PositionQCL-CellList-r17} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ cca-CellsToAddModList-r17 PCI-List OPTIONAL, -- Need N cca-CellsToRemoveList-r17 PCI-List OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
ssb-ToMeasureAltitudeBasedList-r18List of altitude-dependent ssb-ToMeasure. When the UE is within an altitude range indicated by altitudeRange,it ignores the ssb-ToMeasure (without suffix), and applies the corresponding ssb-ToMeasure-r18 if present, otherwise (i.e., the UE is within an altitude range indicated by altitudeRange and ssb-ToMeasure-r18is absent) it measures on all SS-blocks. When the UE is outside all the altitude ranges indicated by altitudeRange (if any), ssb-ToMeasure (without suffix) applies. For each altitude range, altitudeMin indicates the minimum altitude in meters relative to sea level, altitudeMax indicates the maximum altitude in meters relative to sea level, and if included, altitudeHyst indicates hysteresis in meters for determination of the altitude range. I.e., when altitudeHyst is configured for an altitude range, the UE considers itself to have entered the range if altitudeMin≤ UE altitude ≤altitudeMax and after entering the range considers itself to be in the range while (altitudeMin – altitudeHyst) ≤ UE altitude ≤ (altitudeMax + altitudeHyst). For eachaltitudeRange, if altitudeMin is absent, value minAltitude-r18 is used and if altitudeMax is absent, value maxAltitude-r18 is used.
SetupRelease { SSB-ToMeasureAltitudeBasedList-r18 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } Q-OffsetRangeList ::= SEQUENCE { rsrpOffsetSSB Q-OffsetRange DEFAULT dB0, rsrqOffsetSSB Q-OffsetRange DEFAULT dB0, sinrOffsetSSB Q-OffsetRange DEFAULT dB0, rsrpOffsetCSI-RS Q-OffsetRange DEFAULT dB0, rsrqOffsetCSI-RS Q-OffsetRange DEFAULT dB0, sinrOffsetCSI-RS Q-OffsetRange DEFAULT dB0 } ThresholdNR ::= SEQUENCE{ thresholdRSRP RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R thresholdRSRQ RSRQ-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R thresholdSINR SINR-Range OPTIONAL -- Need R } CellsToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCellMeas)) OF CellsToAddMod CellsToAddModListExt-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCellMeas)) OF CellsToAddModExt-v1710 CellsToAddModListExt-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCellMeas)) OF CellsToAddModExt-v1800 CellsToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE {
physCellIdPhysical cell identity of a cell in the cell list.
cellIndividualOffsetCell individual offsets applicable to a specific cell.
Q-OffsetRangeList } CellsToAddModExt-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE {
ntn-PolarizationDL-r17If present, this parameter indicates polarization information for downlink transmission on service link: including Right hand, Left hand circular polarizations (RHCP, LHCP) and Linear polarization.
ENUMERATED {rhcp,lhcp,linear} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ntn-PolarizationUL-r17If present, this parameter indicates polarization information for uplink transmission on service link. If not present and ntn-PolarizationDL is present, UE assumes the same polarization for UL and DL.
ENUMERATED {rhcp,lhcp,linear} OPTIONAL -- Need S } CellsToAddModExt-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE {
ntn-NeighbourCellInfo-r18Includes satellite assistance information of an NTN neighbour cell.
NTN-NeighbourCellInfo-r18 OPTIONAL -- Cond NeighbourCell } RMTC-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
rmtc-Periodicity-r16Indicates the RSSI measurement timing configuration (RMTC) periodicity (see TS 38.215 [9], clause 5.1.21).
ENUMERATED {ms40, ms80, ms160, ms320, ms640},
rmtc-SubframeOffset-r16Indicates the RSSI measurement timing configuration (RMTC) subframe offset for this frequency (see TS 38.215 [9], clause 5.1.21). For inter-frequency measurements, this field is optional present and if it is not configured, the UE chooses a random value as rmtc-SubframeOffset for measDurationSymbols which shall be selected to be between 0 and the configured rmtc-Periodicity with equal probability.
INTEGER(0..639) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
measDurationSymbols-r16Number of consecutive symbols for which the Physical Layer reports samples of RSSI (see TS 38.215 [9], clause 5.1.21). Value sym1 corresponds to one symbol, sym14or12 corresponds to 14 symbolsof the reference numerology for NCP and 12 symbols for ECP, and so on. If measDurationSymbols-v1700 is signalled, the UE ignores measDurationSymbols-r16.
ENUMERATED {sym1, sym14or12, sym28or24, sym42or36, sym70or60},
rmtc-Frequency-r16Indicates the center frequency of the measured bandwidth for a frequency which operates with shared spectrum channel access(see TS 38. 215 [9], clause 5.1.21).
ref-SCS-CP-r16Indicates a reference subcarrier spacing and cyclic prefix to be used for RSSI measurements (see TS 38.215 [9]). Value kHz15 corresponds to 15kHz, kHz30 corresponds to 30 kHz, value kHz60-NCP corresponds to 60 kHz using normal cyclic prefix (NCP), and kHz60-ECP corresponds to 60 kHz using extended cyclic prefix (ECP). If ref-SCS-CP-v1700 is signalled, the UE ignores ref-SCS-CP-r16.
ENUMERATED {kHz15, kHz30, kHz60-NCP, kHz60-ECP}, ..., [[
rmtc-Bandwidth-r17Indicates the bandwidth for the RSSI measurement (see TS 38. 215 [9], clause 5.1.21).
ENUMERATED {mhz100, mhz400, mhz800, mhz1600, mhz2000} OPTIONAL, -- Need R measDurationSymbols-v1700 ENUMERATED {sym140, sym560, sym1120} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ref-SCS-CP-v1700 ENUMERATED {kHz120, kHz480, kHz960} OPTIONAL, -- Need R tci-StateInfo-r17 SEQUENCE {
tci-StateId-r17Indicates the TCI state to be used for RSSI measurements. This field is only applicable for shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2. Network does not configure this if the UE does not have any serving cells in FR2-2 and in such a case, it is up to UE implementation how to determine the spatial domain filter for the inter-frequency RSSI measurement in FR2-2.
ref-ServCellId-r17Indicates the FR2-2 reference serving cell index for the TCI state. Network includes this field if tci-StateInfo is present.This field is only applicable for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2 and network does not configure this if the UE does not have any serving cells in FR2-2.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
ref-BWPId-r17Indicates the reference BWP for the TCI state indicated in tci-StateInfo. Network includes this field if tci-StateInfo is present. This field is only applicable for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2 and network does not configure this if the UE does not have any serving cells in FR2-2.
BWP-Id OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } SSB-PositionQCL-CellsToAddModList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCellMeas)) OF SSB-PositionQCL-CellsToAddMod-r16 SSB-PositionQCL-CellsToAddMod-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
physCellId-r16Physical cell identity of a cell in the cell list.
ssb-PositionQCL-r16Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for a specific cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. If provided, the cell specific value overwrites the value signalled by ssb-PositionQCL-Common.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r16 } SSB-PositionQCL-CellList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCellMeas)) OF SSB-PositionQCL-Cell-r17 SSB-PositionQCL-Cell-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
physCellId-r17Physical cell identity of a cell in the cell list.
ssb-PositionQCL-r17Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for a specific cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. If provided, the cell specific value overwrites the value signalled by ssb-PositionQCL-Common.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r17 } SSB-ToMeasureAltitudeBasedList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofAltitudeRanges-r18)) OF SSB-ToMeasureAltitudeBased-r18 SSB-ToMeasureAltitudeBased-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { altitudeRange-r18 SEQUENCE { altitudeMin-r18 Altitude-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need S altitudeMax-r18 Altitude-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need S altitudeHyst-r18 HysteresisAltitude-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need R },
ssb-ToMeasure-r18The set of SS blocks to be measured within the SMTC measurement duration. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 1, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is not to be measured while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is to be measured (see TS 38.215 [9]). When the field is not configured the UE measures on all SS blocks. Regardless of the value of this field, SS/PBCH blocks outside of the applicable smtc are not to be measured. See TS 38.215 [9] clause 5.1.1.
SSB-ToMeasure OPTIONAL -- Need S } NTN-NeighbourCellInfo-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { epochTime-r18 EpochTime-r17, ephemerisInfo-r18 EphemerisInfo-r17,
referenceLocation-r18Reference location of a neighbor NTN Earth-moving cell for the evaluation of the trigger criteria of an associated ReportConfig which contains EventD2 or condEventD2.
ReferenceLocation-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-MEASOBJECTNR-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CellsToAddMod field descriptions
Cell individual offsets applicable to a specific cell.
Includes satellite assistance information of an NTN neighbour cell.
Physical cell identity of a cell in the cell list.
Reference location of a neighbor NTN Earth-moving cell for the evaluation of the trigger criteria of an associated ReportConfig which contains EventD2 or condEventD2.
MeasObjectNR field descriptions
Absolute threshold for the consolidation of measurement results per CSI-RS resource(s) from L1 filter(s). The field is used for the derivation of cell measurement results as described in and the reporting of beam measurement information per CSI-RS resource as described in
Absolute threshold for the consolidation of measurement results per SS/PBCH block(s) from L1 filter(s). The field is used for the derivation of cell measurement results as described in and the reporting of beam measurement information per SS/PBCH block index as described in
List of cells to add/modify in the allow-list of cells.It applies only to SSB resources.
List of cells to remove from the allow-list of cells.
Indicates the associated measurement gap for SSB measuring identified by ssb-ConfigMobility in this measurement object.When multiple MeasObjectNR with the same SSB frequency are configured, the network configures the same measurement gap ID in this field for each MeasObjectNR. If this field is absent, the associated measurement gap is the gap configured via gapFR1, gapFR2, or gapUE.
Indicates the associated additional measurement gap for SSB measuring identified by ssb-ConfigMobility in this measurement object for NTN deployments.When multiple MeasObjectNR with the same SSB frequency are configured, the network configures the same measurement gap ID in this field for each MeasObjectNR. If this field is absent, the associated measurement gap is the gap indicated by associatedMeasGapSSB.
Indicates the associated measurement gap for CSI-RS measuring identified by csi-rs-ResourceConfigMobility in this measurement object.If this field is absent, the associated measurement gap is the gap configured via gapFR1, gapFR2, or gapUE.
Indicates the associated additional measurement gap for CSI-RS measuring identified by csi-rs-ResourceConfigMobility in this measurement object for NTN deployments. If this field is absent, the associated measurement gap is the gap indicated by associatedMeasGapCSIRS.In this release of the specification, this field is not configured for NTN deployments.
List of cells to add/modify in the cell list. If the network includes cellsToAddModListExt-v1710 and/or cellsToAddModListExt-v1800, it contains the same number of entries listed in the same order as in cellsToAddModList (i.e without suffix).
List of cells to remove from the cell list.
List of cells to add/modify in the exclude-list of cells. It applies only to SSB resources.
List of cells to remove from the exclude-list of cells.
The frequency band in which the SSB and/or CSI-RS indicated in this MeasObjectNR are located and according to which the UE shall perform the RRM measurements. This field is always provided when the network configures measurements with this MeasObjectNR.
The parameter is used only when the PSCell is configured on the frequency indicated by the measObjectNR and the SCG is deactivated, see TS 38.133 [14]. The field may also be configured when the PSCell is not configured on that frequency.The network always configures measCyclePSCell for the measObjectNR associated with the PSCell if bfd-and-RLM is set to true and the SCG is deactivated. Value ms160 corresponds to 160 ms, valuems256 corresponds to 256 ms and so on.
The parameter is used only when an SCell is configured on the frequency indicated by the measObjectNR and is in deactivated state, see TS 38.133 [14]. gNB configures the parameter whenever an SCell is configured on the frequency indicated by the measObjectNR, but the field may also be signalled when an SCell is not configured. Value sf160 corresponds to 160 sub-frames, valuesf256 corresponds to 256 sub-frames and so on.
Indicates the recommended sequence for intra/inter-RAT intra/inter-frequency measurement. Value 1 means the corresponding frequency is measured firstly. Value 2 means the corresponding frequency is measured secondly and so on. If more than one frequency is configured with the same value, it means no recommended sequence among these frequencies. If not provided, it means there is no recommended sequencefor the corresponding frequency.This field is only configured for NR standalone or if the measObject is associated to the MCG.
Indicates the maximum number of measurement results per beam based on CSI-RS resources to be averaged. The same value applies for each detected cell associated with this MeasObjectNR.
Indicates the maximum number of measurement results per beam based on SS/PBCH blocks to be averaged. The same value applies for each detected cell associated with this MeasObject.
If present, this parameter indicates polarization information for downlink transmission on service link: including Right hand, Left hand circular polarizations (RHCP, LHCP) and Linear polarization.
If present, this parameter indicates polarization information for uplink transmission on service link. If not present and ntn-PolarizationDL is present, UE assumes the same polarization for UL and DL.
Offset values applicable to all measured cells with reference signal(s) indicated in this MeasObjectNR.
Indicates the n-th element of quantityConfigNR-List provided in MeasConfig.
RS configuration for SS/PBCH block and CSI-RS.
Point A which is used for mapping of CSI-RS to physical resources according to TS 38.211 [16] clause
Primary measurement timing configuration. (see clause
Secondary measurement timing configuration for SS corresponding to this MeasObjectNR with PCI listed in pci-List. For these SS, the periodicity is indicated by periodicity in smtc2 and the timing offset is equal to the offset indicated in periodicityAndOffset modulo periodicity. periodicity in smtc2 can only be set to a value strictly shorter than the periodicity indicated by periodicityAndOffset in smtc1 (e.g. if periodicityAndOffset indicates sf10, periodicity can only be set of sf5, if periodicityAndOffset indicates sf5, smtc2 cannot be configured).
Measurement timing configuration list for SS corresponding to IAB-MT. This is used for the IAB-node's discovery of other IAB-nodes and the IAB-Donor-DUs.
Measurement timing configuration list for NTN deployments, see clause
ssbFrequencyIndicates the frequency of the SS associated to this MeasObjectNR. For operation with shared spectrum channel access, this field is a k*30 kHz shift from the sync raster where k = 0,1,2, and so on if the reportType within the corresponding ReportConfigNR is set to reportCGI (see TS 38.211 [16], clause Frequencies are considered to be on the sync raster if they are also identifiable with a GSCN value (see TS 38.101-1 [15], or TS 38.101-5 [75]).
Indicates the QCL relationship between SS/PBCH blocks for all measured cells as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
Subcarrier spacing of SSB. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
The value of timer T312. Value ms0 represents 0 ms, ms50 represents 50 ms and so on.
ReferenceSignalConfig field descriptions
CSI-RS resources to be used for CSI-RS based RRM measurements.
SSB configuration for mobility (nominal SSBs, timing configuration).
RMTC-Configfield descriptions
Number of consecutive symbols for which the Physical Layer reports samples of RSSI (see TS 38.215 [9], clause 5.1.21). Value sym1 corresponds to one symbol, sym14or12 corresponds to 14 symbolsof the reference numerology for NCP and 12 symbols for ECP, and so on. If measDurationSymbols-v1700 is signalled, the UE ignores measDurationSymbols-r16.
Indicates the reference BWP for the TCI state indicated in tci-StateInfo. Network includes this field if tci-StateInfo is present. This field is only applicable for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2 and network does not configure this if the UE does not have any serving cells in FR2-2.
Indicates a reference subcarrier spacing and cyclic prefix to be used for RSSI measurements (see TS 38.215 [9]). Value kHz15 corresponds to 15kHz, kHz30 corresponds to 30 kHz, value kHz60-NCP corresponds to 60 kHz using normal cyclic prefix (NCP), and kHz60-ECP corresponds to 60 kHz using extended cyclic prefix (ECP). If ref-SCS-CP-v1700 is signalled, the UE ignores ref-SCS-CP-r16.
Indicates the FR2-2 reference serving cell index for the TCI state. Network includes this field if tci-StateInfo is present.This field is only applicable for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2 and network does not configure this if the UE does not have any serving cells in FR2-2.
Indicates the bandwidth for the RSSI measurement (see TS 38. 215 [9], clause 5.1.21).
Indicates the center frequency of the measured bandwidth for a frequency which operates with shared spectrum channel access(see TS 38. 215 [9], clause 5.1.21).
Indicates the RSSI measurement timing configuration (RMTC) periodicity (see TS 38.215 [9], clause 5.1.21).
Indicates the RSSI measurement timing configuration (RMTC) subframe offset for this frequency (see TS 38.215 [9], clause 5.1.21). For inter-frequency measurements, this field is optional present and if it is not configured, the UE chooses a random value as rmtc-SubframeOffset for measDurationSymbols which shall be selected to be between 0 and the configured rmtc-Periodicity with equal probability.
Indicates the TCI state to be used for RSSI measurements. This field is only applicable for shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2. Network does not configure this if the UE does not have any serving cells in FR2-2 and in such a case, it is up to UE implementation how to determine the spatial domain filter for the inter-frequency RSSI measurement in FR2-2.
SSB-ConfigMobility field descriptions
cca-CellsToAddModList, cca-CellsToRemoveList
Lists of cells to be added or removed from the list of neighbor cells that apply channel access mode procedures for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4 for FR2-2.
If this field is set to true, UE assumes SFN and frame boundary alignment across cells on the same frequency carrier as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. Hence, if the UE is configured with a serving cell for which (absoluteFrequencySSB, subcarrierSpacing) in ServingCellConfigCommon is equal to (ssbFrequency, ssbSubcarrierSpacing) in this MeasObjectNR, this field indicates whether the UE can utilize the timing of this serving cell to derive the index of SS block transmitted by neighbour cell. Otherwise, this field indicates whether the UE may use the timing of any detected cell on that target frequency to derive the SSB index of all neighbour cells on that frequency.
If this field is present, UE assumes SFN and frame boundary alignment between the reference serving cell indicated by ServCellIndex and all neighbour cells in this MeasObjectNR as specified in TS 38.133 [14]. This field also indicates that the UE can utilize the timing of the reference serving cell indicated by ServCellIndex to derive the index of SS block transmitted by all inter-frequency neighbour cells on the frequency indicated by theMeasObjectNR. When this field is included, the network should set deriveSSB-IndexFromCell to true.
The set of SS blocks to be measured within the SMTC measurement duration. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 1, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is not to be measured while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is to be measured (see TS 38.215 [9]). When the field is not configured the UE measures on all SS blocks. Regardless of the value of this field, SS/PBCH blocks outside of the applicable smtc are not to be measured. See TS 38.215 [9] clause 5.1.1.
List of altitude-dependent ssb-ToMeasure. When the UE is within an altitude range indicated by altitudeRange,it ignores the ssb-ToMeasure (without suffix), and applies the corresponding ssb-ToMeasure-r18 if present, otherwise (i.e., the UE is within an altitude range indicated by altitudeRange and ssb-ToMeasure-r18is absent) it measures on all SS-blocks. When the UE is outside all the altitude ranges indicated by altitudeRange (if any), ssb-ToMeasure (without suffix) applies. For each altitude range, altitudeMin indicates the minimum altitude in meters relative to sea level, altitudeMax indicates the maximum altitude in meters relative to sea level, and if included, altitudeHyst indicates hysteresis in meters for determination of the altitude range. I.e., when altitudeHyst is configured for an altitude range, the UE considers itself to have entered the range if altitudeMin≤ UE altitude ≤altitudeMax and after entering the range considers itself to be in the range while (altitudeMin – altitudeHyst) ≤ UE altitude ≤ (altitudeMax + altitudeHyst). For eachaltitudeRange, if altitudeMin is absent, value minAltitude-r18 is used and if altitudeMax is absent, value maxAltitude-r18 is used.
SSB-PositionQCL-CellsToAddMod field descriptions
Physical cell identity of a cell in the cell list.
Indicates the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks for a specific cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. If provided, the cell specific value overwrites the value signalled by ssb-PositionQCL-Common.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, Need R if associatedMeasGapCSIRSis configured, otherwise, it is absent.
This field is optionally present, Need R if associatedMeasGapSSBis configured, otherwise, it is absent.
This field is mandatory present if csi-rs-ResourceConfigMobility is configured, otherwise, it is absent.
This field is optionally present, Need R if the UE is configured with a serving cell for which (absoluteFrequencySSB, subcarrierSpacing) in ServingCellConfigCommon is equal to (ssbFrequency, ssbSubcarrierSpacing) in this MeasObjectNR, otherwise, it is absent.
This field is optionallly present, Need R, in the measConfig associated with the SCG. It is absent in the measConfig associated with the MCG.
This field is mandatory present if this MeasObject is configured by the serving cell for a neighbour cell served by a NTN Earth-moving cell and is associated with a ReportConfig which contains EventD2 or condEventD2. Otherwise, it is optional, Need R.
This field is mandatory present if this MeasObject is for a frequency which operates with shared spectrum channel access in FR1. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
This field is optionally present if this MeasObject is for a frequency which operates with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2, Need R. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
This field is mandatory present if ssb-ConfigMobility is configured or associatedSSB is configured in at least one cell. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.

The IE MeasObjectNR-SL concerns a measurement object including a list of transmission resource pool(s) for which CBR measurement is performed for NR sidelink communication/discovery.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASOBJECTNR-SL-START MeasObjectNR-SL-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { tx-PoolMeasToRemoveList-r16 Tx-PoolMeasList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N tx-PoolMeasToAddModList-r16 Tx-PoolMeasList-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N } MeasObjectNR-SL-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-Frequency-r18Indicates the sidelink frequency associated to this MeasObjectNR-SL. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
INTEGER (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16), tx-PoolMeasToRemoveList-r18 Tx-PoolMeasList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N tx-PoolMeasToAddModList-r18 Tx-PoolMeasList-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N } Tx-PoolMeasList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-PoolToMeasureNR-r16)) OF SL-ResourcePoolID-r16 -- TAG-MEASOBJECTNR-SL-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MeasObjectNR-SL field descriptions
Indicates the sidelink frequency associated to this MeasObjectNR-SL. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.

The IE MeasObjectRxTxDiff is used to configure the measurement object for UE Rx-Tx time difference measurement.
dl-Ref-r17configures the DL references signals to measure Rx-Tx time difference. prs-Ref-r17 indicates PRS is chosen, and csi-RS-Ref-r17 indicates that CSI-RS for tracking is chosen. Only one PRS resource set is configured by the network. Only one NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet can be configured with pdc-Info-r17 set to true and it is used for UE Rx-Tx time difference measurement. Only reference signals from the PCell of the MCG can be configured by the network.
CHOICE { prs-Ref-r17 NULL, csi-RS-Ref-r17 NULL, ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-MEASOBJECTRXTXDIFF-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MeasObjectRxTxDiff field descriptions
configures the DL references signals to measure Rx-Tx time difference. prs-Ref-r17 indicates PRS is chosen, and csi-RS-Ref-r17 indicates that CSI-RS for tracking is chosen. Only one PRS resource set is configured by the network. Only one NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet can be configured with pdc-Info-r17 set to true and it is used for UE Rx-Tx time difference measurement. Only reference signals from the PCell of the MCG can be configured by the network.

The IE MeasObjectToAddModList concerns a list of measurement objects to add or modify.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASOBJECTTOADDMODLIST-START MeasObjectToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofObjectId)) OF MeasObjectToAddMod MeasObjectToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE { measObjectId MeasObjectId, measObject CHOICE { measObjectNR MeasObjectNR, ..., measObjectEUTRA MeasObjectEUTRA, measObjectUTRA-FDD-r16 MeasObjectUTRA-FDD-r16, measObjectNR-SL-r16 MeasObjectNR-SL-r16, measObjectCLI-r16 MeasObjectCLI-r16, measObjectRxTxDiff-r17 MeasObjectRxTxDiff-r17, measObjectRelay-r17 SL-MeasObject-r16, measObjectNR-SL-r18 MeasObjectNR-SL-r18 } } -- TAG-MEASOBJECTTOADDMODLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MeasObjectUTRA-FDD specifies information applicable for inter-RAT UTRA-FDD neighbouring cells.
carrierFreq-r16Identifies UTRA-FDD carrier frequency for which this configuration is valid.NR does not configure more than one measurement object for the same physical frequency regardless of the ARFCN used to indicate this.
utra-FDD-Q-OffsetRange-r16Used to indicate a frequency specific offset to be applied when evaluating triggering conditions for measurement reporting. The value is in dB.
UTRA-FDD-Q-OffsetRange-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cellsToRemoveList-r16List of cells to remove from the neighbouring cell list.
UTRA-FDD-CellIndexList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
cellsToAddModList-r16List of UTRA-FDD cells to add/modify in the neighbouring cell list.
CellsToAddModListUTRA-FDD-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } CellsToAddModListUTRA-FDD-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeasUTRA-FDD-r16)) OF CellsToAddModUTRA-FDD-r16 CellsToAddModUTRA-FDD-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
cellIndexUTRA-FDD-r16Entry index in the neighbouring cell list.
UTRA-FDD-CellIndex-r16, physCellId-r16 PhysCellIdUTRA-FDD-r16 } UTRA-FDD-CellIndexList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeasUTRA-FDD-r16)) OF UTRA-FDD-CellIndex-r16 UTRA-FDD-CellIndex-r16 ::= INTEGER (1..maxCellMeasUTRA-FDD-r16) -- TAG-MEASOBJECTUTRA-FDD-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MeasObjectUTRA-FDD field descriptions
Identifies UTRA-FDD carrier frequency for which this configuration is valid.NR does not configure more than one measurement object for the same physical frequency regardless of the ARFCN used to indicate this.
Entry index in the neighbouring cell list.
List of UTRA-FDD cells to add/modify in the neighbouring cell list.
List of cells to remove from the neighbouring cell list.
Used to indicate a frequency specific offset to be applied when evaluating triggering conditions for measurement reporting. The value is in dB.

The IE MeasResultCellListSFTD-NR consists of SFN and radio frame boundary difference between the PCell and an NR cell as specified in TS 38.215 [9] and TS 38.133 [14].
sfn-OffsetResultIndicates the SFN difference between the PCell and the NR cell as an integer value according to TS 38.215 [9].
INTEGER (0..1023),
frameBoundaryOffsetResultIndicates the frame boundary difference between the PCell and the NR cell as an integer value according to TS 38.215 [9].
MeasResultCellSFTD-NR field descriptions
Indicates the SFN difference between the PCell and the NR cell as an integer value according to TS 38.215 [9].
Indicates the frame boundary difference between the PCell and the NR cell as an integer value according to TS 38.215 [9].

The IE MeasResultCellListSFTD-EUTRA consists of SFN and radio frame boundary difference between the PCell and an E-UTRA PSCell.
eutra-PhysCellIdIdentifies the physical cell identity of the E-UTRA cell for which the reporting is being performed.
sfn-OffsetResultIndicates the SFN difference between the PCell and the E-UTRA cell as an integer value according to TS 38.215 [9].
INTEGER (0..1023),
frameBoundaryOffsetResultIndicates the frame boundary difference between the PCell and the E-UTRA cell as an integer value according to TS 38.215 [9].
MeasResultSFTD-EUTRA field descriptions
Identifies the physical cell identity of the E-UTRA cell for which the reporting is being performed.
Indicates the SFN difference between the PCell and the E-UTRA cell as an integer value according to TS 38.215 [9].
Indicates the frame boundary difference between the PCell and the E-UTRA cell as an integer value according to TS 38.215 [9].

The IE MeasResults covers measured results for intra-frequency, inter-frequency, inter-RAT mobility and measured results for NR sidelink communication/discovery/positioning.
measIdIdentifies the measurement identity for which the reporting is being performed.
measResultServingMOListMeasured results of measured cells with reference signals indicated in the serving cell measurement objects including measurement results of SpCell, configured SCell(s) and best neighbouring cell within measured cells with reference signals indicated in on each serving cell measurement object. If the sending of the MeasurementReport message is triggered by a measurement configured by the field sl-ConfigDedicatedForNR received within an E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message (i.e. CBR measurements), this field is not applicable and its contents is ignored by the network.
MeasResultServMOList, measResultNeighCells CHOICE {
measResultListNRList of measured results for the maximum number of reported best cells for an NR measurement identity.
MeasResultListNR, ...,
measResultListEUTRAList of measured results for the maximum number of reported best cells for an E-UTRA measurement identity.
measResultListUTRA-FDD-r16List of measured results for the maximum number of reported best cells for a UTRA-FDD measurement identity.
sl-MeasResultsCandRelay-r17Measurement result(s) of candiate L2 U2N relay UE(s).
OCTET STRING -- Contains PC5 SL-MeasResultListRelay-r17 } OPTIONAL, ..., [[
measResultServFreqListEUTRA-SCGMeasured results of the E-UTRA SCG serving frequencies: the measurement result of PSCell and each SCell, if any, and of the best neighbouring cell on each E-UTRA SCG serving frequency.
measResultServFreqListNR-SCGMeasured results of the NR SCG serving frequencies: the measurement result of PSCell and each SCell, if any, and of the best neighbouring cell on each NR SCG serving frequency.
MeasResultServFreqListNR-SCG OPTIONAL,
measResultSFTD-EUTRASFTD measurement results between the PCell and the E-UTRA PScell in NE-DC.
measResultSFTD-NRSFTD measurement results between the PCell and the NR PScell in NR-DC.
MeasResultCellSFTD-NR OPTIONAL ]], [[
measResultCellListSFTD-NRSFTD measurement results between the PCell and the NR neighbour cell(s) in NR standalone.
MeasResultCellListSFTD-NR OPTIONAL ]], [[
measResultForRSSI-r16Includes measured RSSI result in dBm (see TS 38.215 [9]) and channelOccupancy which is the percentage of samples when the RSSI was above the configured channelOccupancyThreshold for the associated reportConfig.
MeasResultForRSSI-r16 OPTIONAL,
locationInfo-r16Positioning related information and measurements.
LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL, ul-PDCP-DelayValueResultList-r16 UL-PDCP-DelayValueResultList-r16 OPTIONAL,
measResultsSL-r16CBR measurements results for NR sidelink communication/discovery/positioning.
MeasResultsSL-r16 OPTIONAL,
measResultCLI-r16CLI measurement results.
MeasResultCLI-r16 OPTIONAL ]], [[ measResultRxTxTimeDiff-r17 MeasResultRxTxTimeDiff-r17 OPTIONAL,
sl-MeasResultServingRelay-r17Measurement result of serving L2 U2N relay UE.
OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- Contains PC5 SL-MeasResultRelay-r17 ul-PDCP-ExcessDelayResultList-r17 UL-PDCP-ExcessDelayResultList-r17 OPTIONAL,
coarseLocationInfo-r17This field indicates the coarse location information reported by the UE. This field is coded as the Ellipsoid-Point defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit. The least significant bits of degreesLatitude and degreesLongitude are set to 0 to meet the accuracy requirement corresponds to a granularity of approximately 2 km. It is up to UE implementation how many LSBs are set to 0 to meet the accuracy requirement
OCTET STRING OPTIONAL ]], [[ altitudeUE-r18 Altitude-r18 OPTIONAL,
cellsMetReportOnLeaveList-r18This field indicates the list of cells which met the event leaving condition.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellReport)) OF PhysCellId OPTIONAL ]] } MeasResultServMOList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF MeasResultServMO MeasResultServMO ::= SEQUENCE { servCellId ServCellIndex, measResultServingCell MeasResultNR, measResultBestNeighCell MeasResultNR OPTIONAL, ... } MeasResultListNR ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellReport)) OF MeasResultNR MeasResultNR ::= SEQUENCE {
physCellIdThe physical cell identity of the UTRA-FDD cell for which the reporting is being performed.
PhysCellId OPTIONAL, measResult SEQUENCE {
cellResultsCell level measurement results.
resultsSSB-CellCell level measurement results based on SS/PBCH related measurements.
MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL,
resultsCSI-RS-CellCell level measurement results based on CSI-RS related measurements.
MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL },
rsIndexResultsBeam level measurement results.
resultsSSB-IndexesBeam level measurement results based on SS/PBCH related measurements.
ResultsPerSSB-IndexList OPTIONAL,
resultsCSI-RS-IndexesBeam level measurement results based on CSI-RS related measurements.
ResultsPerCSI-RS-IndexList OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL }, ..., [[ cgi-Info CGI-InfoNR OPTIONAL ]], [[
choCandidate-r17This field indicates whether the associated cell is a candidate target cell for conditional handover or conditional PSCell change or addition. This field may be included only in the SuccessHO-Reportor SuccessPSCell-ReportwithinUEInformationResponse message.
choConfig-r17If the associated cell is a candidate target cell for conditional handover, this field indicates the conditional handover execution condition for each measId within condTriggerConfig associated to the cell. This field may be included only in the rlf-reportwithinUEInformationResponse message.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF CondTriggerConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, triggeredEvent-r17 SEQUENCE {
timeBetweenEvents-r17Indicates the time elapsed between fulfilling the conditional execution conditions included in choConfig. Value in milliseconds. The maximum value 1023 means 1023ms or longer. This field may be included in the reports associated to UEInformationResponse message, e.g., rlf-Reportor in the SCGFailureInformation message.
TimeBetweenEvent-r17 OPTIONAL,
firstTriggeredEvent-r17This field is set to condFirstEvent if the execution condition associated to the first entry of choConfig was fulfilled first in time. This field is set to condSecondEvent if the execution condition associated to the second entry of choConfig was fulfilled first in time. This field may be included in rlf-report within UEInformationResponse message or in SCGFailureInformation message.
ENUMERATED {condFirstEvent, condSecondEvent} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL ]], [[
entering-r18This field indicates if the event entering condition for the cell is satisfied and the cell has been just added within cellsTriggeredList.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL ]] } MeasResultListEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellReport)) OF MeasResultEUTRA MeasResultEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE {
eutra-PhysCellIdIdentifies the physical cell identity of the E-UTRA cell for which the reporting is being performed. The UE reports a value in the range 0..503, other values are reserved.
PhysCellId, measResult MeasQuantityResultsEUTRA, cgi-Info CGI-InfoEUTRA OPTIONAL, ... } MultiBandInfoListEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMultiBands)) OF FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA MeasQuantityResults ::= SEQUENCE { rsrp RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, rsrq RSRQ-Range OPTIONAL, sinr SINR-Range OPTIONAL } MeasQuantityResultsEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { rsrp RSRP-RangeEUTRA OPTIONAL, rsrq RSRQ-RangeEUTRA OPTIONAL, sinr SINR-RangeEUTRA OPTIONAL } ResultsPerSSB-IndexList::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofIndexesToReport2)) OF ResultsPerSSB-Index ResultsPerSSB-Index ::= SEQUENCE { ssb-Index SSB-Index, ssb-Results MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL } ResultsPerCSI-RS-IndexList::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofIndexesToReport2)) OF ResultsPerCSI-RS-Index ResultsPerCSI-RS-Index ::= SEQUENCE { csi-RS-Index CSI-RS-Index, csi-RS-Results MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL } MeasResultServFreqListEUTRA-SCG ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCellsEUTRA)) OF MeasResult2EUTRA MeasResultServFreqListNR-SCG ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF MeasResult2NR MeasResultListUTRA-FDD-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellReport)) OF MeasResultUTRA-FDD-r16 MeasResultUTRA-FDD-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
physCellId-r16The physical cell identity of the UTRA-FDD cell for which the reporting is being performed.
PhysCellIdUTRA-FDD-r16, measResult-r16 SEQUENCE {
utra-FDD-RSCP-r16According to CPICH_RSCP in TS 25.133 [46]for FDD.
utra-FDD-EcN0-r16According to CPICH_Ec/No in TS 25.133 [46]for FDD.
INTEGER (0..49) OPTIONAL } } MeasResultForRSSI-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { rssi-Result-r16 RSSI-Range-r16, channelOccupancy-r16 INTEGER (0..100) } MeasResultCLI-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { measResultListSRS-RSRP-r16 MeasResultListSRS-RSRP-r16 OPTIONAL, measResultListCLI-RSSI-r16 MeasResultListCLI-RSSI-r16 OPTIONAL } MeasResultListSRS-RSRP-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxCLI-Report-r16)) OF MeasResultSRS-RSRP-r16 MeasResultSRS-RSRP-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-ResourceId-r16 SRS-ResourceId, srs-RSRP-Result-r16 SRS-RSRP-Range-r16 } MeasResultListCLI-RSSI-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxCLI-Report-r16)) OF MeasResultCLI-RSSI-r16 MeasResultCLI-RSSI-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { rssi-ResourceId-r16 RSSI-ResourceId-r16, cli-RSSI-Result-r16 CLI-RSSI-Range-r16 } UL-PDCP-DelayValueResultList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDRB)) OF UL-PDCP-DelayValueResult-r16 UL-PDCP-DelayValueResult-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
drb-Id-r16Indicates DRB value for which uplink PDCP delay ratio or value is provided, according to TS 38.314 [53].
averageDelay-r16Indicates average delay for the packets during the reporting period, as specified in TS 38.314 [53]. Value 0 corresponds to 0 millisecond, value 1 corresponds to 0.1 millisecond, value 2 corresponds to 0.2 millisecond, and so on.
INTEGER (0..10000), ... } UL-PDCP-ExcessDelayResultList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDRB)) OF UL-PDCP-ExcessDelayResult-r17 UL-PDCP-ExcessDelayResult-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
drb-Id-r17Indicates DRB value for which uplink PDCP delay ratio or value is provided, according to TS 38.314 [53].
excessDelay-r17Indicates the ratio of packets in UL per DRB exceeding the configured delay threshold among the UL PDCP SDUs, according to the UL PDCP Excess Packet Delay per DRB mapping table, as defined in TS 38.314 [53], Table 4.3.1.e-1.
INTEGER (0..31), ... } TimeBetweenEvent-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..1023) -- TAG-MEASRESULTS-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MeasResultEUTRA field descriptions
Identifies the physical cell identity of the E-UTRA cell for which the reporting is being performed. The UE reports a value in the range 0..503, other values are reserved.
MeasResultNR field descriptions
Indicates average delay for the packets during the reporting period, as specified in TS 38.314 [53]. Value 0 corresponds to 0 millisecond, value 1 corresponds to 0.1 millisecond, value 2 corresponds to 0.2 millisecond, and so on.
Cell level measurement results.
This field indicates the list of cells which met the event leaving condition.
This field indicates whether the associated cell is a candidate target cell for conditional handover or conditional PSCell change or addition. This field may be included only in the SuccessHO-Reportor SuccessPSCell-ReportwithinUEInformationResponse message.
If the associated cell is a candidate target cell for conditional handover, this field indicates the conditional handover execution condition for each measId within condTriggerConfig associated to the cell. This field may be included only in the rlf-reportwithinUEInformationResponse message.
Indicates DRB value for which uplink PDCP delay ratio or value is provided, according to TS 38.314 [53].
This field indicates if the event entering condition for the cell is satisfied and the cell has been just added within cellsTriggeredList.
This field is set to condFirstEvent if the execution condition associated to the first entry of choConfig was fulfilled first in time. This field is set to condSecondEvent if the execution condition associated to the second entry of choConfig was fulfilled first in time. This field may be included in rlf-report within UEInformationResponse message or in SCGFailureInformation message.
Positioning related information and measurements.
The physical cell identity of the NR cell for which the reporting is being performed.
Cell level measurement results based on SS/PBCH related measurements.
Beam level measurement results based on SS/PBCH related measurements.
Cell level measurement results based on CSI-RS related measurements.
Beam level measurement results based on CSI-RS related measurements.
Beam level measurement results.
Indicates the time elapsed between fulfilling the conditional execution conditions included in choConfig. Value in milliseconds. The maximum value 1023 means 1023ms or longer. This field may be included in the reports associated to UEInformationResponse message, e.g., rlf-Reportor in the SCGFailureInformation message.
MeasResultUTRA-FDD field descriptions
The physical cell identity of the UTRA-FDD cell for which the reporting is being performed.
According to CPICH_Ec/No in TS 25.133 [46]for FDD.
According to CPICH_RSCP in TS 25.133 [46]for FDD.
MeasResults field descriptions
This field indicates the coarse location information reported by the UE. This field is coded as the Ellipsoid-Point defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit. The least significant bits of degreesLatitude and degreesLongitude are set to 0 to meet the accuracy requirement corresponds to a granularity of approximately 2 km. It is up to UE implementation how many LSBs are set to 0 to meet the accuracy requirement
Indicates the ratio of packets in UL per DRB exceeding the configured delay threshold among the UL PDCP SDUs, according to the UL PDCP Excess Packet Delay per DRB mapping table, as defined in TS 38.314 [53], Table 4.3.1.e-1.
Identifies the measurement identity for which the reporting is being performed.
The value sinr is not included when it is used for LogMeasReport-r16.
SFTD measurement results between the PCell and the NR neighbour cell(s) in NR standalone.
CLI measurement results.
Measured results of an E-UTRA cell.
Includes measured RSSI result in dBm (see TS 38.215 [9]) and channelOccupancy which is the percentage of samples when the RSSI was above the configured channelOccupancyThreshold for the associated reportConfig.
List of measured results for the maximum number of reported best cells for an E-UTRA measurement identity.
List of measured results for the maximum number of reported best cells for an NR measurement identity.
List of measured results for the maximum number of reported best cells for a UTRA-FDD measurement identity.
Measured results of an NR cell.
Measured results of the E-UTRA SCG serving frequencies: the measurement result of PSCell and each SCell, if any, and of the best neighbouring cell on each E-UTRA SCG serving frequency.
Measured results of the NR SCG serving frequencies: the measurement result of PSCell and each SCell, if any, and of the best neighbouring cell on each NR SCG serving frequency.
Measured results of measured cells with reference signals indicated in the serving cell measurement objects including measurement results of SpCell, configured SCell(s) and best neighbouring cell within measured cells with reference signals indicated in on each serving cell measurement object. If the sending of the MeasurementReport message is triggered by a measurement configured by the field sl-ConfigDedicatedForNR received within an E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message (i.e. CBR measurements), this field is not applicable and its contents is ignored by the network.
SFTD measurement results between the PCell and the E-UTRA PScell in NE-DC.
SFTD measurement results between the PCell and the NR PScell in NR-DC.
CBR measurements results for NR sidelink communication/discovery/positioning.
Measured result of a UTRA-FDD cell.
Measurement result(s) of candiate L2 U2N relay UE(s).
Measurement result of serving L2 U2N relay UE.

The IE MeasResult2EUTRA contains measurements on E-UTRA frequencies.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASRESULT2EUTRA-START MeasResult2EUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { carrierFreq ARFCN-ValueEUTRA, measResultServingCell MeasResultEUTRA OPTIONAL, measResultBestNeighCell MeasResultEUTRA OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-MEASRESULT2EUTRA-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MeasResult2NR contains measurements on NR frequencies.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASRESULT2NR-START MeasResult2NR ::= SEQUENCE { ssbFrequency ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, refFreqCSI-RS ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, measResultServingCell MeasResultNR OPTIONAL, measResultNeighCellListNR MeasResultListNR OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-MEASRESULT2NR-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MeasResultIdleEUTRA covers the E-UTRA measurement results performed in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASRESULTIDLEEUTRA-START MeasResultIdleEUTRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { measResultsPerCarrierListIdleEUTRA-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxFreqIdle-r16)) OF MeasResultsPerCarrierIdleEUTRA-r16, ... } MeasResultsPerCarrierIdleEUTRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { carrierFreqEUTRA-r16 ARFCN-ValueEUTRA, measResultsPerCellListIdleEUTRA-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeasIdle-r16)) OF MeasResultsPerCellIdleEUTRA-r16, ... } MeasResultsPerCellIdleEUTRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { eutra-PhysCellId-r16 EUTRA-PhysCellId, measIdleResultEUTRA-r16 SEQUENCE { rsrp-ResultEUTRA-r16 RSRP-RangeEUTRA OPTIONAL, rsrq-ResultEUTRA-r16 RSRQ-RangeEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL }, ... } -- TAG-MEASRESULTIDLEEUTRA-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MeasResultIdleNR covers the NR measurement results performed in RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE.
measResultServingCell-r16Measured results of the serving cell (i.e., PCell) from idle/inactive measurements.
SEQUENCE { rsrp-Result-r16 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, rsrq-Result-r16 RSRQ-Range OPTIONAL,
resultsSSB-Indexes-r16Beam level measurement results (indexes and optionally, beam measurements).
ResultsPerSSB-IndexList-r16 OPTIONAL }, measResultsPerCarrierListIdleNR-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxFreqIdle-r16)) OF MeasResultsPerCarrierIdleNR-r16 OPTIONAL, ... } MeasResultsPerCarrierIdleNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
carrierFreq-r16Indicates the NR carrier frequency.
measResultsPerCellListIdleNR-r16List of idle/inactive measured results for the maximum number of reported best cells for a given NR carrier.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeasIdle-r16)) OF MeasResultsPerCellIdleNR-r16, ... } MeasResultsPerCellIdleNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { physCellId-r16 PhysCellId,
measIdleResultNR-r16Idle/inactive measurement results for an NR cell (optionally including beam level measurements).
SEQUENCE { rsrp-Result-r16 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, rsrq-Result-r16 RSRQ-Range OPTIONAL,
resultsSSB-Indexes-r16Beam level measurement results (indexes and optionally, beam measurements).
ResultsPerSSB-IndexList-r16 OPTIONAL }, ..., [[ validityStatus-r18 MeasurementValidityDuration-r18 OPTIONAL ]] } ResultsPerSSB-IndexList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofIndexesToReport)) OF ResultsPerSSB-IndexIdle-r16 ResultsPerSSB-IndexIdle-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { ssb-Index-r16 SSB-Index, ssb-Results-r16 SEQUENCE { ssb-RSRP-Result-r16 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, ssb-RSRQ-Result-r16 RSRQ-Range OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } -- TAG-MEASRESULTIDLENR-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MeasResultIdleEUTRA field descriptions
Indicates the E-UTRA carrier frequency.
Indicates the physical cell identity of an E-UTRA cell.
Idle/inactive measurement results for an E-UTRA cell.
List of idle/inactive measured results for the maximum number of reported E-UTRA carriers.
List of idle/inactive measured results for the maximum number of reported best cells for a given E-UTRA carrier.
MeasResultIdleNR field descriptions
Indicates the NR carrier frequency.
Idle/inactive measurement results for an NR cell (optionally including beam level measurements).
Measured results of the serving cell (i.e., PCell) from idle/inactive measurements.
List of idle/inactive measured results for the maximum number of reported best cells for a given NR carrier.
Beam level measurement results (indexes and optionally, beam measurements).

The IE MeasResultRxTxTimeDiff is used to provide Rx-Tx time difference measurement result.
rxTxTimeDiff-ue-r17indicates the Rx-Tx Time difference measurement at the UE (see clause 5.1.30, TS 38.215 [9]).
MeasResultRxTxTimeDiff field descriptions
indicates the Rx-Tx Time difference measurement at the UE (see clause 5.1.30, TS 38.215 [9]).

The IE MeasResultSCG-Failure is used to provide information regarding failures detected by the UE in (NG)EN-DC and NR-DC.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASRESULTSCG-FAILURE-START MeasResultSCG-Failure ::= SEQUENCE { measResultPerMOList MeasResultList2NR, ..., [[ locationInfo-r16 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL ]] } MeasResultList2NR ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2NR -- TAG-MEASRESULTSCG-FAILURE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MeasResultsSL covers measured results for NR sidelink communication/discovery/positioning.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASRESULTSSL-START MeasResultsSL-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { measResultsListSL-r16 CHOICE {
measResultNR-SL-r16Include the measured results for NR sidelink communication/discovery/positioning.
MeasResultNR-SL-r16, ..., [[
measResultNR-SL-r18Include the measured results for NR sidelink communication/discovery/positioning.
MeasResultNR-SL-r18 ]] }, ... } MeasResultNR-SL-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
measResultListCBR-NR-r16CBR measurement results for NR sidelink communication/discovery.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofSL-PoolToMeasureNR-r16)) OF MeasResultCBR-NR-r16, ... } MeasResultCBR-NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-poolReportIdentity-r16The identity of the transmission resource pool which is corresponding to the sl-ResourcePoolID configured in a resource pool for NR sidelink communication/discovery.
SL-ResourcePoolID-r16, sl-CBR-ResultsNR-r16 SL-CBR-r16, ... } MeasResultNR-SL-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
measResultListCBR-DedicatedSL-PRS-r18CBR measurement results for NR sidelink positioning for dedicated SL PRS resource pool.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofDedicatedSL-PRS-PoolToMeas-r18)) OF MeasResultCBR-DedicatedSL-PRS-r18, ... } MeasResultCBR-DedicatedSL-PRS-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-PRS-ResourcePoolID-r18The ID of the transmission resource pool which is corresponding to the sl-PRS-ResourcePoolID configured in a resource pool for NR sidelink positioning.
SL-PRS-ResourcePoolID-r18, sL-CBR-ResultsDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 SL-CBR-r16, ... } -- TAG-MEASRESULTSSL-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MeasResultsSL field descriptions
Include the measured results for NR sidelink communication/discovery/positioning.
MeasResultNR-SL field descriptions
CBR measurement results for NR sidelink positioning for dedicated SL PRS resource pool.
CBR measurement results for NR sidelink communication/discovery.
The identity of the transmission resource pool which is corresponding to the sl-ResourcePoolID configured in a resource pool for NR sidelink communication/discovery.
The ID of the transmission resource pool which is corresponding to the sl-PRS-ResourcePoolID configured in a resource pool for NR sidelink positioning.

The IE MeasSequence is used to configure a recommended sequence for intra/inter-RAT intra/inter-frequency measurement.

The IE MeasTriggerQuantityEUTRA is used to configure the trigger quantity and reporting range for E-UTRA measurements. The RSRP,RSRQ and SINR ranges correspond to RSRP-Range, RSRQ-Range and RS-SINR-Range in TS 36.331 [10], respectively.

The IE MeasurementValidityDuration indicates time values for validation of reported idle/inactive and reselection measurements as defined in TS 38.133[14]. Value s5 correspond to 5 seconds, value s10 correspond to 10 seconds and so on.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASUREMENTVALIDITYDURATION-START MeasurementValidityDuration-r18 ::= ENUMERATED {s5, s10, s20, s50, s100, spare3, spare2, spare1} -- TAG-MEASUREMENTVALIDITYDURATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MeasWindowConfig specifies the effective measurement window configuration for inter-RAT E-UTRA measurement.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASWINDOWCONFIG-START MeasWindowConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { windowOffsetPeriodicity CHOICE { periodicityMs40 INTEGER (0..39), periodicityMs80 INTEGER (0..79), ... }, windowDuration ENUMERATED {ms2, ms5, ms5dot5, spare1}, ... } -- TAG-MEASWINDOWCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MobilityStateParameters contains parameters to determine UE mobility state.
t-EvaluationThe duration for evaluating criteria to enter mobility states. Corresponds to TCRmax in TS 38.304 [20]. Value in seconds, s30 corresponds to 30 s and so on.
ENUMERATED { s30, s60, s120, s180, s240, spare3, spare2, spare1},
t-HystNormalThe additional duration for evaluating criteria to enter normal mobility state. Corresponds to TCRmaxHyst in TS 38.304 [20]. Value in seconds, value s30 corresponds to 30 seconds and so on.
ENUMERATED { s30, s60, s120, s180, s240, spare3, spare2, spare1},
n-CellChangeMediumThe number of cell changes to enter medium mobility state. Corresponds to NCR_M in TS 38.304 [20].
INTEGER (1..16),
n-CellChangeHighThe number of cell changes to enter high mobility state. Corresponds to NCR_H in TS 38.304 [20].
MeasWindowConfig field descriptions
Value windowDuration is the measurement window length in ms of effective measurement window. Value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, value ms5 corresponds to 5 ms, and Value ms5dot5 corresponds to 5.5 ms.
Indicates the periodicity and offset of effective measurement window. The choice determines the periodicity (periodicityMs40 for 40ms and periodicityMs80 for 80 ms). The field value indicates the offset in ms.
MobilityStateParameters field descriptions
The number of cell changes to enter high mobility state. Corresponds to NCR_H in TS 38.304 [20].
The number of cell changes to enter medium mobility state. Corresponds to NCR_M in TS 38.304 [20].
The duration for evaluating criteria to enter mobility states. Corresponds to TCRmax in TS 38.304 [20]. Value in seconds, s30 corresponds to 30 s and so on.
The additional duration for evaluating criteria to enter normal mobility state. Corresponds to TCRmaxHyst in TS 38.304 [20]. Value in seconds, value s30 corresponds to 30 seconds and so on.

The IE MRB-Identity is used to identify a multicast MRB used by a UE.

The IE MsgA-ConfigCommon is used to configure the PRACH and PUSCH resource for transmission of MsgA in 2-step random access type procedure.
rach-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA-r16Configuration of cell specific random access parameters which the UE uses for contention based and contention free 2-step random access type procedure as well as for 2-step RA type contention based beam failure recovery in this BWP.
msgA-PUSCH-Config-r16Configuration of cell-specific MsgA PUSCH parameters which the UE uses for contention-based MsgA PUSCH transmission of this BWP. If the field is not configured for the selected UL BWP, the UE shall use the MsgA PUSCH configuration of initial UL BWP.
MsgA-ConfigCommon field descriptions
Configuration of cell-specific MsgA PUSCH parameters which the UE uses for contention-based MsgA PUSCH transmission of this BWP. If the field is not configured for the selected UL BWP, the UE shall use the MsgA PUSCH configuration of initial UL BWP.
Configuration of cell specific random access parameters which the UE uses for contention based and contention free 2-step random access type procedure as well as for 2-step RA type contention based beam failure recovery in this BWP.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present when MsgA-ConfigCommon is configured for the initial uplink BWP, or when MsgA-ConfigCommon is configured for a non-initial uplink BWP and MsgA-ConfigCommon is not configured for the initial uplink BWP, otherwise the field is optionally present, Need S.

The IE MsgA-PUSCH-Config is used to specify the PUSCH allocation for MsgA in 2-step random access type procedure.
msgA-PUSCH-ResourceGroupA-r16MsgA PUSCH resources that the UE shall use when performing MsgA transmission using preambles group A. If field is not configured for the selected UL BWP, the UE shall use the MsgA PUSCH configuration for group A of initial UL BWP or RedCap-specific initial UL BWP (if configured) for (e)RedCap UEs.
MsgA-PUSCH-Resource-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond InitialBWPConfig
msgA-PUSCH-ResourceGroupB-r16MsgA PUSCH resources that the UE shall use when performing MsgA transmission using preambles group B.
MsgA-PUSCH-Resource-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond GroupBConfigured
msgA-TransformPrecoder-r16Enables or disables the transform precoder for MsgA transmission (see clause 6.1.3 of TS 38.214 [19]).
ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
msgA-DataScramblingIndex-r16Identifier used to initiate data scrambling (c_init) for msgA PUSCH. If the field is absent the UE applies the value Physical cell ID (physCellID).
INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
msgA-DeltaPreamble-r16Power offset of msgA PUSCH relative to the preamble received target power.Actual value = field value * 2 [dB] (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).
INTEGER (-1..6) OPTIONAL -- Need R } MsgA-PUSCH-Resource-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
msgA-MCS-r16Indicates the MCS index for msgA PUSCH from the Table for DFT-s-OFDM and Table for CP-OFDM in TS 38.214 [19].
INTEGER (0..15),
nrofSlotsMsgA-PUSCH-r16Number of slots (in active UL BWP numerology) containing one or multiple PUSCH occasions, each slot has the same time domain resource allocation (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
INTEGER (1..4),
nrofMsgA-PO-PerSlot-r16Number of time domain PUSCH occasions in each slot. PUSCH occasions including guard period are contiguous in time domain within a slot (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
ENUMERATED {one, two, three, six},
msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainOffset-r16A single time offset with respect to the start of each PRACH slot (with at least one valid RO), counted as the number of slots (based on the numerology of active UL BWP). See TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A.
INTEGER (1..32),
msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation-r16Indicates a combination of start symbol and length and PUSCH mapping type from the TDRA table (PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList if provided in PUSCH-ConfigCommon, or else the default Table in 38.214 [19] is used if pusch-TimeDomainAllocationList is not provided in PUSCH-ConfigCommon). The parameter K2 in the table is not used for msgA PUSCH. The network configures one of msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation and startSymbolAndLengthMsgA-PO, but not both. If the field is absent, the UE shall use the value of startSymbolAndLenghtMsgA-PO.
INTEGER (1..maxNrofUL-Allocations) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
startSymbolAndLengthMsgA-PO-r16An index giving valid combinations of start symbol, length and mapping type as start and length indicator (SLIV) for the first msgA PUSCH occasion, for RRC_CONNECTED UEs in non-initial BWP as described in TS 38.214 [19] clause 6.1.2. The network configures the field so that the allocation does not cross the slot boundary. The number of occupied symbols excludes the guard period. If the field is absent, the UE shall use the value in msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A). The network configures one of msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation and startSymbolAndLengthMsgA-PO, but not both. If the field is absent, the UE shall use the value of msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation.
INTEGER (0..127) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
mappingTypeMsgA-PUSCH-r16PUSCH mapping type A or B. If the field is absent, the UE shall use the parameter msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
ENUMERATED {typeA, typeB} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
guardPeriodMsgA-PUSCH-r16Guard period between PUSCH occasions in the unit of symbols (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
INTEGER (0..3) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
guardBandMsgA-PUSCH-r16PRB-level guard band between FDMed PUSCH occasions (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A). If interlaced PUSCH is configured, value 0 is applied.
INTEGER (0..1),
frequencyStartMsgA-PUSCH-r16Offset of lowest PUSCH occasion in frequency domain with respect to PRB 0 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1),
nrofPRBs-PerMsgA-PO-r16Number of PRBs per PUSCH occasion (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).An eRedcap UE ignores the PRACH and PUSCH resource parameters for transmission of MsgA in 2-step random access type procedure if configured number of PRBs per PUSCH occasion for Preambles group A is larger than the maximum number of PRBs that can be configured per slot or per hop. If configured number of PRBs per PUSCH occasion for Preambles group B is larger than the maximum number of PRBs that can be configured per slot or per hop, an eRedCap UE ignores the PRACH and PUSCH resource parameters for transmission of MsgA using Preambles group B.
INTEGER (1..32),
nrofMsgA-PO-FDM-r16The number of msgA PUSCH occasions FDMed in one time instance (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight},
msgA-IntraSlotFrequencyHopping-r16Intra-slot frequency hopping per PUSCH occasion (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
msgA-HoppingBits-r16Value of hopping bits to indicate which frequency offset to be used for second hop. See Table 8.3-1 in TS 38.213 [13].
BIT STRING (SIZE(2)) OPTIONAL, -- Cond FreqHopConfigured
msgA-DMRS-Config-r16DMRS configuration for msgA PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A and TS 38.214 [19] clause 6.2.2).
nrofDMRS-Sequences-r16Number of DMRS sequences for MsgA PUSCH for CP-OFDM. In case of single PUSCH configuration or if the DMRS symbols of multiple configurations are not overlapped, if the DMRS resources configured in one PUSCH occasion is no larger than 8 (for len2) or 4 (for len1), then only DMRS port is configured.
INTEGER (1..2),
msgA-Alpha-r16Dedicated alpha value for MsgA PUSCH. If the field is absent, the UE shall use the value of msg3-Alpha if configured, else UE applies value 1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1.1).
ENUMERATED {alpha0, alpha04, alpha05, alpha06, alpha07, alpha08, alpha09, alpha1} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
interlaceIndexFirstPO-MsgA-PUSCH-r16Interlace index of the first PUSCH occasion in frequency domain if interlaced PUSCH is configured. For 30kHz SCS only the integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are applicable (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
INTEGER (1..10) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
nrofInterlacesPerMsgA-PO-r16Number of consecutive interlaces per PUSCH occasion if interlaced PUSCH is configured. For 30kHz SCS only the integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are applicable (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
INTEGER (1..10) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } MsgA-DMRS-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
msgA-DMRS-AdditionalPosition-r16Indicates the position for additional DM-RS. If the field is absent, the UE applies value pos2.
ENUMERATED {pos0, pos1, pos3} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
msgA-MaxLength-r16indicates single-symbol or double-symbol DMRS. If the field is absent, the UE applies value len1.
msgA-PUSCH-DMRS-CDM-Group-r161-bit indication of indices of CDM group(s). If the field is absent, then both CDM groups are used.
INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
msgA-PUSCH-NrofPorts-r160 indicates 1 port per CDM group, 1 indicates 2 ports per CDM group. If the field is absent then 4 ports per CDM group are used (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
msgA-ScramblingID0-r16UL DMRS scrambling initialization for CP-OFDM. If the field is absent the UE applies the value Physical cell ID (physCellID).
INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
msgA-ScramblingID1-r16UL DMRS scrambling initialization for CP-OFDM. If the field is absent the UE applies the value Physical cell ID (physCellID).
MsgA-PUSCH-Config field descriptions
Identifier used to initiate data scrambling (c_init) for msgA PUSCH. If the field is absent the UE applies the value Physical cell ID (physCellID).
Power offset of msgA PUSCH relative to the preamble received target power.Actual value = field value * 2 [dB] (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).
MsgA PUSCH resources that the UE shall use when performing MsgA transmission using preambles group A. If field is not configured for the selected UL BWP, the UE shall use the MsgA PUSCH configuration for group A of initial UL BWP or RedCap-specific initial UL BWP (if configured) for (e)RedCap UEs.
MsgA PUSCH resources that the UE shall use when performing MsgA transmission using preambles group B.
Enables or disables the transform precoder for MsgA transmission (see clause 6.1.3 of TS 38.214 [19]).
MsgA-PUSCH-Resource field descriptions
PRB-level guard band between FDMed PUSCH occasions (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A). If interlaced PUSCH is configured, value 0 is applied.
Guard period between PUSCH occasions in the unit of symbols (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
Offset of lowest PUSCH occasion in frequency domain with respect to PRB 0 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
Interlace index of the first PUSCH occasion in frequency domain if interlaced PUSCH is configured. For 30kHz SCS only the integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are applicable (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
PUSCH mapping type A or B. If the field is absent, the UE shall use the parameter msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
Dedicated alpha value for MsgA PUSCH. If the field is absent, the UE shall use the value of msg3-Alpha if configured, else UE applies value 1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1.1).
DMRS configuration for msgA PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A and TS 38.214 [19] clause 6.2.2).
Value of hopping bits to indicate which frequency offset to be used for second hop. See Table 8.3-1 in TS 38.213 [13].
Intra-slot frequency hopping per PUSCH occasion (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
Indicates the MCS index for msgA PUSCH from the Table for DFT-s-OFDM and Table for CP-OFDM in TS 38.214 [19].
Indicates a combination of start symbol and length and PUSCH mapping type from the TDRA table (PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList if provided in PUSCH-ConfigCommon, or else the default Table in 38.214 [19] is used if pusch-TimeDomainAllocationList is not provided in PUSCH-ConfigCommon). The parameter K2 in the table is not used for msgA PUSCH. The network configures one of msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation and startSymbolAndLengthMsgA-PO, but not both. If the field is absent, the UE shall use the value of startSymbolAndLenghtMsgA-PO.
A single time offset with respect to the start of each PRACH slot (with at least one valid RO), counted as the number of slots (based on the numerology of active UL BWP). See TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A.
Number of DMRS sequences for MsgA PUSCH for CP-OFDM. In case of single PUSCH configuration or if the DMRS symbols of multiple configurations are not overlapped, if the DMRS resources configured in one PUSCH occasion is no larger than 8 (for len2) or 4 (for len1), then only DMRS port is configured.
Number of consecutive interlaces per PUSCH occasion if interlaced PUSCH is configured. For 30kHz SCS only the integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are applicable (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
The number of msgA PUSCH occasions FDMed in one time instance (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
Number of time domain PUSCH occasions in each slot. PUSCH occasions including guard period are contiguous in time domain within a slot (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
Number of PRBs per PUSCH occasion (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).An eRedcap UE ignores the PRACH and PUSCH resource parameters for transmission of MsgA in 2-step random access type procedure if configured number of PRBs per PUSCH occasion for Preambles group A is larger than the maximum number of PRBs that can be configured per slot or per hop. If configured number of PRBs per PUSCH occasion for Preambles group B is larger than the maximum number of PRBs that can be configured per slot or per hop, an eRedCap UE ignores the PRACH and PUSCH resource parameters for transmission of MsgA using Preambles group B.
Number of slots (in active UL BWP numerology) containing one or multiple PUSCH occasions, each slot has the same time domain resource allocation (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
An index giving valid combinations of start symbol, length and mapping type as start and length indicator (SLIV) for the first msgA PUSCH occasion, for RRC_CONNECTED UEs in non-initial BWP as described in TS 38.214 [19] clause 6.1.2. The network configures the field so that the allocation does not cross the slot boundary. The number of occupied symbols excludes the guard period. If the field is absent, the UE shall use the value in msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A). The network configures one of msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation and startSymbolAndLengthMsgA-PO, but not both. If the field is absent, the UE shall use the value of msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation.
MsgA-DMRS-Config field descriptions
Indicates the position for additional DM-RS. If the field is absent, the UE applies value pos2.
indicates single-symbol or double-symbol DMRS. If the field is absent, the UE applies value len1.
1-bit indication of indices of CDM group(s). If the field is absent, then both CDM groups are used.
0 indicates 1 port per CDM group, 1 indicates 2 ports per CDM group. If the field is absent then 4 ports per CDM group are used (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A).
UL DMRS scrambling initialization for CP-OFDM. If the field is absent the UE applies the value Physical cell ID (physCellID).
UL DMRS scrambling initialization for CP-OFDM. If the field is absent the UE applies the value Physical cell ID (physCellID).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present when the field msgA-IntraSlotFrequencyHopping is configured. Otherwise, the field is absent.
The field is mandatory present if groupB-ConfiguredTwoStepRA is configured in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA, otherwise the field is absent.
The field is mandatory present when MsgA-ConfigCommon is configured for the initial uplink BWP, or when MsgA-ConfigCommon is configured for a non-initial uplink BWP and MsgA-ConfigCommon is not configured for the initial uplink BWP, otherwise the field is optionally present, Need S.

The IE MultiFrequencyBandListNR is used to configure a list of one or multiple NR frequency bands.

The IE MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB indicates the list of frequency bands, for which cell (re-)selection parameters are common, and a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MULTIFREQUENCYBANDLISTNR-SIB-START MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofMultiBands)) OF NR-MultiBandInfo NR-MultiBandInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
freqBandIndicatorNRProvides an NR frequency band number as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39], table 5.2-1, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table 5.2.2-1.
FreqBandIndicatorNR OPTIONAL, -- Cond OptULNotSIB2
nr-NS-PmaxListProvides a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission values. If the field is absent the UE uses value 0 for the additionalSpectrumEmission (see TS 38.101-1 [15] table, TS 38.101-2 [39], table, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table This field is ignored by IAB-MT and wide area NCR-MT (see TS 38.106 [79]).The IAB-MT applies output power and emissions requirements, as specified in TS 38.174 [63]. The wide area NCR-MT applies output power and emissions requirements as specified in TS 38.106 [79]. If nr-NS-PmaxList-v1760 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in nr-NS-PmaxList (without suffix).
NR-NS-PmaxList OPTIONAL -- Need S } MultiFrequencyBandListNR-SIB-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofMultiBands)) OF NR-MultiBandInfo-v1760 NR-MultiBandInfo-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE { nr-NS-PmaxList-v1760 NR-NS-PmaxList-v1760 OPTIONAL -- Need S } MultiFrequencyBandListNR-Aerial-SIB-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofMultiBands)) OF NR-MultiBandInfoAerial-r18 NR-MultiBandInfoAerial-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
freqBandIndicatorNR-Aerial-r18Provides an NR frequency band number for aerial UE(s), as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39], table 5.2-1, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table 5.2.2-1.
FreqBandIndicatorNR OPTIONAL, -- Cond OptULNotSIB2
nr-NS-PmaxListAerial-r18Provides a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission values for aerial UE(s) as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 6.2K. If the field is absent, the value indicated by the corresponding field within frequencyBandList for the same NR frequency band number applies, if present. Otherwise (i.e. the field is not present for the same NR frequency band number in any of the nr-NS-PmaxList, nr-NS-PmaxList-v1760 or nr-NS-PmaxListAerial), the UE uses value 0 for the additionalSpectrumEmission (see TS 38.101-1 [15] table, TS 38.101-2 [39], table, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table This field is ignored by IAB-MT and wide area NCR-MT (see TS 38.106 [79]).The IAB-MT applies output power and emissions requirements, as specified in TS 38.174 [63]. The wide area NCR-MT applies output power and emissions requirements as specified in TS 38.106 [79].
NR-MultiBandInfo field descriptions
Provides an NR frequency band number as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39], table 5.2-1, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table 5.2.2-1.
Provides an NR frequency band number for aerial UE(s), as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39], table 5.2-1, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table 5.2.2-1.
Provides a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission values. If the field is absent the UE uses value 0 for the additionalSpectrumEmission (see TS 38.101-1 [15] table, TS 38.101-2 [39], table, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table This field is ignored by IAB-MT and wide area NCR-MT (see TS 38.106 [79]).The IAB-MT applies output power and emissions requirements, as specified in TS 38.174 [63]. The wide area NCR-MT applies output power and emissions requirements as specified in TS 38.106 [79]. If nr-NS-PmaxList-v1760 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in nr-NS-PmaxList (without suffix).
Provides a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission values for aerial UE(s) as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 6.2K. If the field is absent, the value indicated by the corresponding field within frequencyBandList for the same NR frequency band number applies, if present. Otherwise (i.e. the field is not present for the same NR frequency band number in any of the nr-NS-PmaxList, nr-NS-PmaxList-v1760 or nr-NS-PmaxListAerial), the UE uses value 0 for the additionalSpectrumEmission (see TS 38.101-1 [15] table, TS 38.101-2 [39], table, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table This field is ignored by IAB-MT and wide area NCR-MT (see TS 38.106 [79]).The IAB-MT applies output power and emissions requirements, as specified in TS 38.174 [63]. The wide area NCR-MT applies output power and emissions requirements as specified in TS 38.106 [79].
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is absent for SIB2 and is mandatory present if the parent IE is included in SIB4orfrequencyInfoDL-SIB. Otherwise, if the field is absent in frequencyInfoUL-SIB in UplinkConfigCommonSIB, the UE will use the frequency band indicated in frequencyInfoDL-SIB in DownlinkConfigCommonSIB.

The IE MUSIM-GapConfig specifies the MUSIM gap configuration and controls setup/release of MUSIM gaps.
musim-GapToReleaseList-r17List of MUSIM periodic gap patterns to release.
musim-GapToAddModList-r17List of MUSIM periodic gap patterns to add or modify.
musim-AperiodicGap-r17Indicates the MUSIM aperiodic gap as specified in TS 38.133 [14] clause 9.1.10. If UE indicates the musim-Starting-SFN-AndSubframe when requesting aperiodic gap the network can only configure the aperiodic gap with the same start point or no aperiodic gap. If the field musim-Starting-SFN-AndSubframe is absent for aperiodic gap, network can configure any timing as the starting point for aperiodic gap or configure no aperiodic gap.
MUSIM-GapInfo-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ..., [[ musim-GapToAddModListExt-v1820 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF MUSIM-GapExt-v1820 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
musim-GapKeep-r18Indicates the UE is allowed to use "keep solution" for colliding MUSIM periodic/aperiodic gaps. If "keep solution" is not granted, collisions between MUSIM periodic gaps are resolved based on the assigned MUSIM gap prioritiesas specified in TS 38.133[14].
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } MUSIM-Gap-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { musim-GapId-r17 MUSIM-GapId-r17,
musim-GapInfo-r17Indicates the values for musim-GapLengthandmusim-GapRepetitionAndOffset. When network provides periodic gap, network always signals the musim-GapLength and musim-GapRepetitionAndOffset as indicated by the UE's preferred MUSIM gap configuration.
MUSIM-GapInfo-r17 } MUSIM-GapExt-v1820 ::= SEQUENCE { gapPriority-r18 GapPriority-r17 } -- TAG-MUSIM-GAPCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MUSIM-GapConfig field descriptions
Indicates the MUSIM aperiodic gap as specified in TS 38.133 [14] clause 9.1.10. If UE indicates the musim-Starting-SFN-AndSubframe when requesting aperiodic gap the network can only configure the aperiodic gap with the same start point or no aperiodic gap. If the field musim-Starting-SFN-AndSubframe is absent for aperiodic gap, network can configure any timing as the starting point for aperiodic gap or configure no aperiodic gap.
Indicates the values for musim-GapLengthandmusim-GapRepetitionAndOffset. When network provides periodic gap, network always signals the musim-GapLength and musim-GapRepetitionAndOffset as indicated by the UE's preferred MUSIM gap configuration.
Indicates the UE is allowed to use "keep solution" for colliding MUSIM periodic/aperiodic gaps. If "keep solution" is not granted, collisions between MUSIM periodic gaps are resolved based on the assigned MUSIM gap prioritiesas specified in TS 38.133[14].
Indicates the priority of MUSIM periodic gap(s). If the network includes musim-GapToAddModListExt-v1820, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in musim-GapToAddModList-r17. For the priority of MUSIM aperiodic gap, the MUSIM aperiodic gap is always kept (not dropped) from UE perspective in case of collisions with other gaps (i.e. all gaps including MUSIM gaps, etc).
List of MUSIM periodic gap patterns to add or modify.
List of MUSIM periodic gap patterns to release.

The IE MUSIM-GapId is used to identify UE periodic MUSIM gap(s) to add, modify or release.

The IE MUSIM-GapInfo is used to indicate MUSIM gap parameters.
musim-Starting-SFN-AndSubframe-r17Indicates gap starting position for the aperiodic MUSIM gap. This field is optionally present for the aperiodic MUSIM gap preference indication.
MUSIM-Starting-SFN-AndSubframe-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond aperiodic
musim-GapLength-r17Indicates the length of the UE's MUSIM gap as specified in TS 38.133 [14] clause 9.1.10. This field is mandatory present for both periodic gap and aperiodic gap preference indication.
ENUMERATED {ms3, ms4, ms6, ms10, ms20} OPTIONAL, -- Cond gapSetup
musim-GapRepetitionAndOffset-r17Indicates the gap repetition period in ms and gap offset in number of subframes for the periodic MUSIM gap as specified in TS 38.133 [14] clause 9.1.10. This field is mandatory present for the periodic MUSIM gap preference indication.
CHOICE { ms20-r17 INTEGER (0..19), ms40-r17 INTEGER (0..39), ms80-r17 INTEGER (0..79), ms160-r17 INTEGER (0..159), ms320-r17 INTEGER (0..319), ms640-r17 INTEGER (0..639), ms1280-r17 INTEGER (0..1279), ms2560-r17 INTEGER (0..2559), ms5120-r17 INTEGER (0..5119), ... } OPTIONAL -- Cond periodic } MUSIM-Starting-SFN-AndSubframe-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
starting-SFN-r17Indicates gap starting SFN number for the aperiodic MUSIM gap.
INTEGER (0..1023),
startingSubframe-r17Indicates gap starting subframe number for the aperiodic MUSIM gap.
MUSIM-GapInfo field descriptions
Indicates the length of the UE's MUSIM gap as specified in TS 38.133 [14] clause 9.1.10. This field is mandatory present for both periodic gap and aperiodic gap preference indication.
Indicates the gap repetition period in ms and gap offset in number of subframes for the periodic MUSIM gap as specified in TS 38.133 [14] clause 9.1.10. This field is mandatory present for the periodic MUSIM gap preference indication.
Indicates gap starting position for the aperiodic MUSIM gap. This field is optionally present for the aperiodic MUSIM gap preference indication.
Indicates gap starting SFN number for the aperiodic MUSIM gap.
Indicates gap starting subframe number for the aperiodic MUSIM gap.

The IE N3C-IndirectPathConfigRelay indicates the N3C indirect path related configuration used by N3C relay UE in MP.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-N3C-INDIRECTPATHCONFIGRELAY-START N3C-IndirectPathConfigRelay-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { n3c-MappingToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLC-ID)) OF SL-RemoteUE-RB-Identity-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N n3c-MappingToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLC-ID)) OF N3C-MappingConfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } N3C-MappingConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { n3c-RemoteUE-RB-Identity-r18 SL-RemoteUE-RB-Identity-r17, n3c-RLC-ChannelUu-r18 Uu-RelayRLC-ChannelID-r17, ... } -- TAG-N3C-INDIRECTPATHCONFIGRELAY-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE N3C-IndirectPathAddChange indicates the N3C indirect path related configuration used by N3C remote UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-N3C-INDIRECTPATHADDCHANGE-START N3C-IndirectPathAddChange-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { n3c-RelayIdentification-r18 N3C-RelayUE-Info-r18, ... } -- TAG-N3C-INDIRECTPATHADDCHANGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE N3C-RelayUE-Info includes the information of N3C relay UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-N3CRELAYUEINFO-START N3C-RelayUE-Info-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { n3c-CellGlobalId-r18 SEQUENCE { n3c-PLMN-Id-r18 PLMN-Identity, n3c-CellIdentity-r18 CellIdentity }, n3c-C-RNTI-r18 RNTI-Value } -- TAG-N3CRELAYUEINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE NCR-AperiodicFwdConfig is used to configure a list of aperiodic forwarding time resources for NCR-Fwd access link (see TS 38.212 [17], clause and TS 38.213 [13], clause 20).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NCR-APERIODICFWDCONFIG-START NCR-AperiodicFwdConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { aperiodicFwdTimeRsrcToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofAperiodicFwdTimeResource-r18)) OF NCR-AperiodicFwdTimeResource-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N aperiodicFwdTimeRsrcToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofAperiodicFwdTimeResource-r18)) OF NCR-AperiodicFwdTimeResourceId-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N referenceSCS-r18 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Need M aperiodicBeamFieldWidth-r18 INTEGER (1..6) OPTIONAL, -- Need M numberOfFields-r18 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } NCR-AperiodicFwdTimeResource-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { aperiodicFwdTimeRsrcId-r18 NCR-AperiodicFwdTimeResourceId-r18, slotOffsetAperiodic-r18 INTEGER (0..14), symbolOffset-r18 INTEGER (0..maxNrofSymbols-1), durationInSymbols-r18 INTEGER (1..28), ... } NCR-AperiodicFwdTimeResourceId-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofAperiodicFwdTimeResource-1-r18) -- TAG-NCR-APERIODICFWDCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE NCR-FwdConfig contains configuration related to periodic, aperiodic and semi-persistent beam indication for NCR-Fwd access link.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NCR-FWDCONFIG-START NCR-FwdConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { periodicFwdRsrcSetToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPeriodicFwdResourceSet-r18)) OF NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceSet-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N periodicFwdRsrcSetToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPeriodicFwdResourceSet-r18)) OF NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceSetId-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N aperiodicFwdConfig-r18 SetupRelease {NCR-AperiodicFwdConfig-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Need M semiPersistentFwdRsrcSetToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSemiPersistentFwdResourceSet-r18)) OF NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceSet-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N semiPersistentFwdRsrcSetToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSemiPersistentFwdResourceSet-r18)) OF NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceSetId-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } -- TAG-NCR-FWDCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present in case of aperiodic MUSIM gap configuration. Otherwise it is absent.
The field is mandatory present upon configuration of a new MUSIM gap. The field is optionally present, Need M, otherwise.
This field is mandatory present in case of periodic MUSIM gap configuration. Otherwise it is absent.
N3C-IndirectPathConfigRelay field descriptions
Indicates the list of mappings between the bearer identity of the N3C remote UE and the Uu Relay RLC channel to be added or modified. The Uu Relay RLC channel is associated to only one N3C remote UE's end-to-end bearer.
Indicates the list of mappings between the bearer identity of the N3C remote UE and the Uu Relay RLC channel to be released.
N3C-IndirectPathAddChangefield descriptions
Indicates the NCGI and C-RNTI of N3C relay UE.
NCR-AperiodicFwdConfig field descriptions
Indicates the bitwidth of each beam index field in DCI carrying aperiodic beam indication.
List of aperiodic forwarding time resources to be added or modified.
Indicates the time duration in number of symbols.
Indicates the number of time resource fields in DCI carrying aperiodic beam indication.
Indicates the reference subcarrier spacing for all the time resources in the list. Only values kHz15, kHz30, kHz60, kHz120 and kHz240 are applicable.
Indicates the slot offset used to define the start slot of aperiodic time resource.
Indicates the symbol offset in one slot.

The IE NCR-PeriodicityAndOffset is used to indicate the periodicity (in slot or ms) and offset (in slot) for periodic forwarding resource and semi-persistent forwarding resource.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NCR-PERIODICITYANDOFFSET-START NCR-PeriodicityAndOffset-r18 ::= CHOICE { slot NCR-SlotPeriodicityAndSlotOffset-r18, ms NCR-MsPeriodicityAndSlotOffset-r18 } NCR-SlotPeriodicityAndSlotOffset-r18 ::= CHOICE { sl1 NULL, sl2 INTEGER(0..1), sl4 INTEGER(0..3), sl5 INTEGER(0..4), sl8 INTEGER(0..7), sl10 INTEGER(0..9), sl16 INTEGER(0..15), sl20 INTEGER(0..19), sl32 INTEGER(0..31), sl40 INTEGER(0..39), sl64 INTEGER(0..63), sl80 INTEGER(0..79), sl128 INTEGER(0..127), sl160 INTEGER(0..159), sl256 INTEGER(0..255), sl320 INTEGER(0..319), sl512 INTEGER(0..511), sl640 INTEGER(0..639), sl1024 INTEGER(0..1023), sl1280 INTEGER(0..1279), sl2560 INTEGER(0..2559), sl5120 INTEGER(0..5119), sl10240 INTEGER(0..10239), ... } NCR-MsPeriodicityAndSlotOffset-r18 ::= CHOICE { ms1 INTEGER(0..15), ms2 INTEGER(0..31), ms4 INTEGER(0..63), ms5 INTEGER(0..79), ms8 INTEGER(0..127), ms10 INTEGER(0..159), ms16 INTEGER(0..255), ms20 INTEGER(0..319), ms32 INTEGER(0..511), ms40 INTEGER(0..639), ms64 INTEGER(0..1023), ms80 INTEGER(0..1279), ms128 INTEGER(0..2047), ms160 INTEGER(0..2559), ms256 INTEGER(0..4095), ms320 INTEGER(0..5119), ms512 INTEGER(0..8191), ms640 INTEGER(0..10239), ms1024 INTEGER(0..16383), ms1280 INTEGER(0..20479), ms2560 INTEGER(0..40959), ms5120 INTEGER(0..81919), ms10240 INTEGER(0..163839), ... } -- TAG-NCR-PERIODICITYANDOFFSET-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceSet is used to configure a list of periodic forwarding resources for NCR-Fwd access link (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 20). Each periodic forwarding configuration includes a list of periodic forwarding resources, a common periodicity and a common reference SCS.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NCR-PERIODICFWDRESOURCESET-START NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceSet-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { periodicFwdRsrcSetId-r18 NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceSetId-r18, periodicFwdRsrcToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPeriodicFwdResource-r18)) OF NCR-PeriodicFwdResource-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N periodicFwdRsrcToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPeriodicFwdResource-r18)) OF NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceId-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N referenceSCS-r18 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Need M priorityFlag-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } NCR-PeriodicFwdResource-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { periodicFwdRsrcId-r18 NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceId-r18, beamIndex-r18 INTEGER (0..63), periodicTimeRsrc-r18 SEQUENCE { periodicityAndOffset-r18 NCR-PeriodicityAndOffset-r18, symbolOffset-r18 INTEGER (0..maxNrofSymbols-1), durationInSymbols-r18 INTEGER (1..112) }, ... } NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceId-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPeriodicFwdResource-1-r18) -- TAG-NCR-PERIODICFWDRESOURCESET-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceSetId is used to identify one NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceSet. –NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceSet The IE NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceSet is used to configure a list of semi-persistent forwarding resources for NCR-Fwd access link (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 20). Each semi-persistent forwarding resource configuration includes a list of semi-persistent forwarding resources, a common periodicity and a common reference SCS.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NCR-PERIODICFWDRESOURCESETID-START NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceSetId-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPeriodicFwdResourceSet-1-r18) -- TAG-NCR-PERIODICFWDRESOURCESETID-STOP -- ASN1STOP -- ASN1START -- TAG-NCR-SEMIPERSISTENTFWDRESOURCESET-START NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceSet-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { semiPersistentFwdRsrcSetId-r18 NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceSetId-r18, semiPersistentFwdRsrcToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSemiPersistentFwdResource-r18)) OF NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResource-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N semiPersistentFwdRsrcToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSemiPersistentFwdResource-r18)) OF NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceId-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N referenceSCS-r18 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Need M priorityFlag-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResource-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { semiPersistentFwdRsrcId-r18 NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceId-r18, beamIndex-r18 INTEGER (0..63), semiPersistentTimeRsrc-r18 SEQUENCE { periodicityAndOffset-r18 NCR-PeriodicityAndOffset-r18, symbolOffset-r18 INTEGER (0..maxNrofSymbols-1), durationInSymbols-r18 INTEGER (1..112) }, ... } NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceId-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSemiPersistentFwdResource-1-r18) -- TAG-NCR-SEMIPERSISTENTFWDRESOURCESET-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceSetId is used to identify one NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceSet.
NCR-FwdConfig field descriptions
Aperiodic time resource configuration for beam indication for NCR. The configuration includes a list of time domain resources that can be selected for aperiodic forwarding.
List of periodic forwarding resource configurations tobe added or modified.
List of periodic forwarding resource configurations to be released.
List of semi-persistent forwarding resource configurations to be added or modified.
NCR-PeriodicFwdResourceSet field descriptions
Indicates the logical beam index for NCR-Fwd access link. NCR-Fwd is assumed to be ON over the indicated time domain resource if there is beam indication.
Indicates the time duration in number of symbols.
List of periodic forwarding resources to be added or modified.
Indicates the periodicity and slot offset for the periodic forwarding resource. All the periodic forwarding resources configured within the same resource set should have the same periodicity. If the periodicity is expressed in [ms], the value range of slot offset is from 0 to Periodicity[ms] * referenceSCS[kHz]/15 -1.
Indicatesthepriorityforthelistofperiodic forwardingresources, as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 20.
Indicates the reference subcarrier spacing for all the time resources in the list. Only values kHz15, kHz30, kHz60, kHz120 and kHz240 are applicable.
Indicates the symbol offset in one slot.
NCR-SemiPersistentFwdResourceSet field descriptions
Indicates logical beam index for NCR-Fwd access link. NCR-Fwd is assumed to be ON over the indicated time domain resource if there is beam indication.
Indicates the time duration in number of symbols.
Indicates the periodicity and slot offset for the semi-persistent forwarding resource. All the semi-persistent forwarding resources configured within the same resource set should have the same periodicity.If the periodicity is expressed in [ms], the value range of slot offset is from 0 to Periodicity[ms] * referenceSCS[kHz]/15 -1.
Indicatesthepriorityforthelistofsemi-persistent forwardingresources, as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 20.
Indicates the reference subcarrier spacing for all the time resources in the list. Only values kHz15, kHz30, kHz60, kHz120 and kHz240 are applicable.
List of semi-persistent forwarding resources to be added or modified.
Indicates the symbol offset in one slot.

The IE NeedForGapsConfigNR contains configuration related to the reporting of measurement gap requirement information. –NeedForGapsInfoNR The IE NeedForGapsInfoNR indicates whether measurement gap is required for the UE to perform SSB based measurements on an NR target band while NR-DC or NE-DC is not configured.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NeedForGapsConfigNR-START NeedForGapsConfigNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
requestedTargetBandFilterNR-r16Indicates the target NR bands that the UE is requested to report the gap requirement information.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF FreqBandIndicatorNR OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-NeedForGapsConfigNR-STOP -- ASN1STOP -- ASN1START -- TAG-NeedForGapsInfoNR-START NeedForGapsInfoNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
intraFreq-needForGap-r16Indicates the measurement gap requirement information for NR intra-frequency measurement.
interFreq-needForGap-r16Indicates the measurement gap requirement information for NR inter-frequency measurement.
NeedForGapsBandListNR-r16 } NeedForGapsIntraFreqList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofServingCells)) OF NeedForGapsIntraFreq-r16 NeedForGapsBandListNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF NeedForGapsNR-r16 NeedForGapsIntraFreq-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
servCellId-r16Indicates the serving cell which contains the target SSB (associated with the initial DL BWP) to be measured.
gapIndicationIntra-r16Indicates whether measurement gap is required for the UE to perform intra-frequency SSB based measurements on the concerned serving cell. Value gap indicates that a measurement gap is needed if any of the UE configured BWPs (except the BWP(s) configured with servingCellMO associated with NCD-SSB) do not contain the frequency domain resources of the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP (CD-SSB). Value no-gap indicates a measurement gap is not needed to measure the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP (CD-SSB) for all configured BWPs(except the BWP(s) configured with servingCellMO associated with NCD-SSB), no matter the SSB is within the configured BWP or not. This field shall be set to 'no-gap' for the serving cell(s) belonging to the corresponding band(s) where bwpOperationMeasWithoutInterrupt-r18 is supported by the UE.
ENUMERATED {gap, no-gap} } NeedForGapsNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
bandNR-r16Indicates the NR target band to be measured.
gapIndication-r16Indicates whether measurement gap is required for the UE to perform SSB based measurements on the concerned NR target band while NR-DC or NE-DC is not configured. The UE determines this information based on the resultant configuration of the RRCReconfiguration or RRCResumemessage that triggers this response. Value gap indicates that a measurement gap is needed, value no-gap indicates a measurement gap is not needed.
ENUMERATED {gap, no-gap} } -- TAG-NeedForGapsInfoNR-STOP -- ASN1STOP
NeedForGapsConfigNR field descriptions
Indicates the target NR bands that the UE is requested to report the gap requirement information.
NeedForGapsInfoNR field descriptions
Indicates the measurement gap requirement information for NR intra-frequency measurement.
Indicates the measurement gap requirement information for NR inter-frequency measurement.
NeedForGapsIntraFreq field descriptions
Indicates the serving cell which contains the target SSB (associated with the initial DL BWP) to be measured.
Indicates whether measurement gap is required for the UE to perform intra-frequency SSB based measurements on the concerned serving cell. Value gap indicates that a measurement gap is needed if any of the UE configured BWPs (except the BWP(s) configured with servingCellMO associated with NCD-SSB) do not contain the frequency domain resources of the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP (CD-SSB). Value no-gap indicates a measurement gap is not needed to measure the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP (CD-SSB) for all configured BWPs(except the BWP(s) configured with servingCellMO associated with NCD-SSB), no matter the SSB is within the configured BWP or not. This field shall be set to 'no-gap' for the serving cell(s) belonging to the corresponding band(s) where bwpOperationMeasWithoutInterrupt-r18 is supported by the UE.
NeedForGapsNR field descriptions
Indicates the NR target band to be measured.
Indicates whether measurement gap is required for the UE to perform SSB based measurements on the concerned NR target band while NR-DC or NE-DC is not configured. The UE determines this information based on the resultant configuration of the RRCReconfiguration or RRCResumemessage that triggers this response. Value gap indicates that a measurement gap is needed, value no-gap indicates a measurement gap is not needed.

The IE NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigEUTRA contains configuration related to the reporting of measurement gap and NCSG requirement information.
requestedTargetBandFilterNCSG-EUTRA-r17Indicates the target E-UTRA bands that the UE is requested to report the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandsEUTRA)) OF FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigEUTRA-STOP -- ASN1STOP
NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigEUTRA field descriptions
Indicates the target E-UTRA bands that the UE is requested to report the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information.

The IE NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigNR contains configuration related to the reporting of measurement gap and NCSG requirement information.
requestedTargetBandFilterNCSG-NR-r17Indicates the target NR bands that the UE is requested to report the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information.
NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigNR field descriptions
Indicates the target NR bands that the UE is requested to report the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information.

The IE NeedForGapNCSG-InfoEUTRA indicates whether measurement gap or NCSG is required for the UE to perform measurements on an EUTRA target band while NR-DC or NE-DC is not configured.

The IE NeedForGapNCSG-InfoNR indicates whether measurement gap or NCSG is required for the UE to perform SSB based measurements on an NR target band while NR-DC or NE-DC is not configured.
intraFreq-needForNCSG-r17Indicates the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information for NR intra-frequency measurement.
interFreq-needForNCSG-r17Indicates the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information for NR inter-frequency measurement.
NeedForNCSG-BandListNR-r17 } NeedForNCSG-IntraFreqList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofServingCells)) OF NeedForNCSG-IntraFreq-r17 NeedForNCSG-BandListNR-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF NeedForNCSG-NR-r17 NeedForNCSG-IntraFreq-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { servCellId-r17 ServCellIndex, gapIndicationIntra-r17 ENUMERATED {gap, ncsg, nogap-noncsg} } NeedForNCSG-NR-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { bandNR-r17 FreqBandIndicatorNR,
gapIndication-r17Indicates whether measurement gap or NCSG is required for the UE to perform measurements on the concerned EUTRA target band while NR-DC or NE-DC is not configured. The UE determines this information based on the resultant configuration of the RRCReconfigurationmessage or RRCResumemessage that triggers this response. Value gap indicates that a measurement gap is needed, value ncsg indicates that NCSG is needed, value nogap-noncsg indicates neither a measurement gap nor a NCSG is needed. Value nogap-noncsg also indicates interruption is not needed.
NeedForGapNCSG-InfoEUTRA field descriptions
Indicates the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information for E-UTRA measurement.
NeedForNCSG-EUTRA field descriptions
Indicates the EUTRA target band to be measured.
Indicates whether measurement gap or NCSG is required for the UE to perform measurements on the concerned EUTRA target band while NR-DC or NE-DC is not configured. The UE determines this information based on the resultant configuration of the RRCReconfigurationmessage or RRCResumemessage that triggers this response. Value gap indicates that a measurement gap is needed, value ncsg indicates that NCSG is needed, value nogap-noncsg indicates neither a measurement gap nor a NCSG is needed. Value nogap-noncsg also indicates interruption is not needed.
NeedForGapNCSG-InfoNR field descriptions
Indicates the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information for NR intra-frequency measurement.
Indicates the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information for NR inter-frequency measurement.

The IE NeedForInterruptionInfoNR indicates whether interruption is needed for the UE to perform SSB based measurements on an NR target band without measurement gap while NR-DC or NE-DC is not configured.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NeedForInterruptionInfoNR-START NeedForInterruptionInfoNR-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
intraFreq-needForInterruption-r18Indicates the interruption requirement information for NR intra-frequency measurement. Each entry in the list is associated to the entry in list intraFreq-needForGap-r16 with the same index. This field shall be set to no-gap-no-interruption for the serving cell(s) belonging to the corresponding band(s) where bwpOperationMeasWithoutInterrupt-r18 is supported by the UE.
interFreq-needForInterruption-r18Indicates the interruption requirement information for NR inter-frequency measurement. Each entry in the list is associated to the entry in list interFreq-needForGap-r16 with the same index.
NeedForInterruptionBandListNR-r18, ... } NeedForInterruptionIntraFreqList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofServingCells)) OF NeedForInterruptionNR-r18 NeedForInterruptionBandListNR-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF NeedForInterruptionNR-r18 NeedForInterruptionNR-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
interruptionIndication-r18Indicates whether interruption is needed for the UE to perform SSB based measurements without measurement gap. Value no-gap-with-interruption indicates that interruption is needed. Value no-gap-no-interruption indicates interruption is not needed.
ENUMERATED {no-gap-with-interruption, no-gap-no-interruption} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-NeedForInterruptionInfoNR-STOP -- ASN1STOP
NeedForNCSG-IntraFreq field descriptions
Indicates the serving cell which contains the target SSB (associated with the initial DL BWP) to be measured.
Indicates whether measurement gap or NCSG is required for the UE to perform intra-frequency SSB based measurements on the concerned serving cell. Value gap indicates that a measurement gap is needed if any of the UE configured BWPs (except the BWP(s) configured with servingCellMO associated with NCD-SSB) do not contain the frequency domain resources of the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP (CD-SSB). Value ncsg indicates that a NCSG is needed if any of the UE configured BWPs do not contain the frequency domain resources of the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP. Value nogap-noncsg indicates that neither a measurement gap nor a NCSG is needed to measure the SSB associated to the initial DL BWP (CD-SSB) for all configured BWPs(except the BWP(s) configured with servingCellMO associated with NCD-SSB), no matter the SSB is within the configured BWP or not. This field shall be set to 'nogap-noncsg' for the serving cell cell(s) belonging to the corresponding band(s) where bwpOperationMeasWithoutInterrupt-r18 is supported by the UE. Value nogap-noncsg also indicates interruption is not needed.
NeedForNCSG-NR field descriptions
Indicates the NR target band to be measured.
Indicates whether measurement gap or NCSG is required for the UE to perform SSB based measurements on the concerned NR target band while NR-DC or NE-DC is not configured. The UE determines this information based on the resultant configuration of the RRCReconfiguration or RRCResumemessage that triggers this response. Value gap indicates that a measurement gap is needed, value ncsg indicates that a NCSG is needed, and value nogap-noncsg indicates neither a measurement gap nor a NCSG is needed. Value nogap-noncsg also indicates interruption is not needed.
NeedForInterruptionInfoNR field descriptions
Indicates the interruption requirement information for NR intra-frequency measurement. Each entry in the list is associated to the entry in list intraFreq-needForGap-r16 with the same index. This field shall be set to no-gap-no-interruption for the serving cell(s) belonging to the corresponding band(s) where bwpOperationMeasWithoutInterrupt-r18 is supported by the UE.
Indicates the interruption requirement information for NR inter-frequency measurement. Each entry in the list is associated to the entry in list interFreq-needForGap-r16 with the same index.
NeedForInterruptionNR field descriptions
Indicates whether interruption is needed for the UE to perform SSB based measurements without measurement gap. Value no-gap-with-interruption indicates that interruption is needed. Value no-gap-no-interruption indicates interruption is not needed.

The IE NextHopChainingCount is used to update the KgNB key and corresponds to parameter NCC: See TS 33.501 [11].

The IE NG-5G-S-TMSI contains a 5G S-Temporary Mobile Subscription Identifier (5G-S-TMSI), a temporary UE identity provided by the 5GC which uniquely identifies the UE within the tracking area, see TS 23.003 [21].

The IE NonCellDefiningSSB is used to configure a NCD-SSB to be used while the UE operates in an RedCap-specific initial BWP that does not contain the CD-SSB or a dedicated BWP that does not contain the CD-SSB.
absoluteFrequencySSB-r17Frequency of the NCD-SSB. The network configures this field so that the SSB is within the bandwidth of the BWP configured in BWP-DownlinkCommon.
ssb-Periodicity-r17The periodicity of this NCD-SSB. The network configures only periodicities that are larger than the periodicity of serving cell's CD-SSB. If the field is absent, the UE applies the SSB periodicity of the CD-SSB (ssb-periodicityServingCell configured in ServingCellConfigCommon or ServingCellConfigCommonSIB).
ENUMERATED { ms5, ms10, ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160, spare2, spare1 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
ssb-TimeOffset-r17The time offset between CD-SSB of the serving cell and this NCD-SSB. Value ms5 means the first burst of NCD-SSB is transmitted 5ms later than the first burst of CD-SSB transmitted after the first symbol of SFN=0 of the serving cell, value ms10 means the first burst of NCD-SSB is transmitted 10ms later than the first burst of CD-SSB transmitted after the first symbol in SFN=0 of the serving cell, and so on. If the field is absent, UE considers that the time offset between the first burst of CD-SSB transmitted in the serving cell and the first burst of this NCD-SSB transmitted is zero. For UEs in TDD cells, the network configures this time offset to be an integer multiple of the periodicity of the serving cell's CD-SSB.
ENUMERATED { ms5, ms10, ms15, ms20, ms40, ms80, spare2, spare1 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... } -- TAG-NONCELLDEFININGSSB-STOP -- ASN1STOP
NonCellDefiningSSB field descriptions
Frequency of the NCD-SSB. The network configures this field so that the SSB is within the bandwidth of the BWP configured in BWP-DownlinkCommon.
The periodicity of this NCD-SSB. The network configures only periodicities that are larger than the periodicity of serving cell's CD-SSB. If the field is absent, the UE applies the SSB periodicity of the CD-SSB (ssb-periodicityServingCell configured in ServingCellConfigCommon or ServingCellConfigCommonSIB).
The time offset between CD-SSB of the serving cell and this NCD-SSB. Value ms5 means the first burst of NCD-SSB is transmitted 5ms later than the first burst of CD-SSB transmitted after the first symbol of SFN=0 of the serving cell, value ms10 means the first burst of NCD-SSB is transmitted 10ms later than the first burst of CD-SSB transmitted after the first symbol in SFN=0 of the serving cell, and so on. If the field is absent, UE considers that the time offset between the first burst of CD-SSB transmitted in the serving cell and the first burst of this NCD-SSB transmitted is zero. For UEs in TDD cells, the network configures this time offset to be an integer multiple of the periodicity of the serving cell's CD-SSB.

The IE NPN-Identity includes either a list of CAG-IDs or a list of NIDs per PLMN Identity. Further information regarding how to set the IE is specified in TS 23.003 [21].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NPN-IDENTITY-START NPN-Identity-r16 ::= CHOICE { pni-npn-r16 SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity-r16 PLMN-Identity,
cag-IdentityList-r16The cag-IdentityList contains one or more CAG IDs. All CAG IDs associated to the same PLMN ID are listed in the same cag-IdentityList entry.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF CAG-IdentityInfo-r16 }, snpn-r16 SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity-r16 PLMN-Identity,
nid-List-r16The nid-List contains one or more NID.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF NID-r16 } } CAG-IdentityInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
cag-Identity-r16A CAG-ID as specified in TS 23.003 [21]. The PLMN ID and a CAG ID in the NPN-Identity identifies a PNI-NPN.
manualCAGselectionAllowed-r16The manualCAGselectionAllowed indicates that the CAG ID can be selected manually even if it is outside the UE's allowed CAG list.
NPN-Identity field descriptions
A CAG-ID as specified in TS 23.003 [21]. The PLMN ID and a CAG ID in the NPN-Identity identifies a PNI-NPN.
The cag-IdentityList contains one or more CAG IDs. All CAG IDs associated to the same PLMN ID are listed in the same cag-IdentityList entry.
The manualCAGselectionAllowed indicates that the CAG ID can be selected manually even if it is outside the UE's allowed CAG list.
A NID as specified in TS 23.003 [21]. The PLMN ID and a NID in the NPN-Identity identifies a SNPN.
The nid-List contains one or more NID.

The IE NPN-IdentityInfoList includes a list of NPN identity information.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NPN-IDENTITYINFOLIST-START NPN-IdentityInfoList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF NPN-IdentityInfo-r16 NPN-IdentityInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
npn-IdentityList-r16The npn-IdentityList contains one or more NPN Identity elements.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF NPN-Identity-r16,
trackingAreaCode-r16Indicates the Tracking Area Code to which the cell indicated by cellIdentity field belongs.
ranac-r16Indicates the RAN Area Code to which the cell indicated by cellIdentity field belongs.
RAN-AreaCode OPTIONAL, -- Need R cellIdentity-r16 CellIdentity,
cellReservedForOperatorUse-r16Indicates whether the cell is reserved for operator use (for the NPN(s) identified in the npn-IdentityList) as defined in TS 38.304 [20].This field is ignored by NPN capable IAB-MT and NPN capable NCR-MT.
ENUMERATED {reserved, notReserved},
iab-Support-r16This field combines both the support of IAB and the cell status for IAB. If the field is present, the cell supports IAB and the cell is also considered as a candidate for cell (re)selection for IAB-nodes; if the field is absent, the cell does not support IAB and/or the cell is barred for IAB-node.This field is absent if mobileIAB-Cell is broadcasted in the cell.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
gNB-ID-Length-r17Indicates the length of the gNB ID out of the 36-bit long cellIdentity. This field is always present if the mobileIAB-Support is broadcasted.
INTEGER (22..32) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
mobileIAB-Support-r18This field indicates the support of mobile IAB and whether the cell can be considered as a candidate for cell (re)selection for mobile IAB-node. This field is absent if mobileIAB-Cell is broadcasted in the cell. If the field is absent, the cell is barred for mobile IAB-node.
NPN-IdentityInfoList field descriptions
This field combines both the support of IAB and the cell status for IAB. If the field is present, the cell supports IAB and the cell is also considered as a candidate for cell (re)selection for IAB-nodes; if the field is absent, the cell does not support IAB and/or the cell is barred for IAB-node.This field is absent if mobileIAB-Cell is broadcasted in the cell.
Indicates the length of the gNB ID out of the 36-bit long cellIdentity. This field is always present if the mobileIAB-Support is broadcasted.
This field indicates the support of mobile IAB and whether the cell can be considered as a candidate for cell (re)selection for mobile IAB-node. This field is absent if mobileIAB-Cell is broadcasted in the cell. If the field is absent, the cell is barred for mobile IAB-node.
The NPN-IdentityInfo contains one or more NPN identities and additional information associated with those NPNs. Only the same type of NPNs (either SNPNs or PNI-NPNs) can be listed in a NPN-IdentityInfo element.
The npn-IdentityList contains one or more NPN Identity elements.
Indicates the Tracking Area Code to which the cell indicated by cellIdentity field belongs.
Indicates the RAN Area Code to which the cell indicated by cellIdentity field belongs.
Indicates whether the cell is reserved for operator use (for the NPN(s) identified in the npn-IdentityList) as defined in TS 38.304 [20].This field is ignored by NPN capable IAB-MT and NPN capable NCR-MT.

The IE NR-DL-PRS-PDC-Info defines downlink PRS configuration for PDC.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NR-DL-PRS-PDC-INFO-START NR-DL-PRS-PDC-Info-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { nr-DL-PRS-PDC-ResourceSet-r17 NR-DL-PRS-PDC-ResourceSet-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } NR-DL-PRS-PDC-ResourceSet-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
periodicityAndOffset-r17This field specifies the periodicity of DL-PRS allocation in slots and the slot offset with respect to SFN #0 slot #0 in the PCell where the DL-PRS-PDC Resource Set is configured (i.e., slot where the first DL-PRS Resource of DL-PRS-PDC Resource Set occurs).
numSymbols-r17This field specifies the number of symbols per DL-PRS Resource within a slot. The UE does not expect to be configured for PDC with a PRS with numSymbols equals to n1 unless an SSB index is provided as a typeC or typeC-plus-typeD QCL source, or another PRS resource with numSymbols more than n1 is provided as QCL source.
ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n6, n12, n1-v1800, spare3, spare2, spare1},
dl-PRS-ResourceBandwidth-r17This field specifies the number of PRBs allocated for all the DL-PRS Resource (allocated DL-PRS bandwidth) in multiples of 4 PRBs in this resource set. All DL-PRS Resources of the DL-PRS-PDC Resource Set have the same bandwidth. Integer value 1 corresponds to 24 PRBs, value 2 corresponds to 28 PRBs, value 3 corresponds to 32 PRBs and so on.
INTEGER (1..63),
dl-PRS-StartPRB-r17This field specifies the start PRB index defined as offset with respect tosubcarrier 0 in common resource block 0 for the DL-PRS Resource. All DL-PRS Resources of the DL-PRS-PDC Resource Set have the same value of dl-PRS-StartPRB.
INTEGER (0..2176), resourceList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPRS-ResourcesPerSet-r17)) OF NR-DL-PRS-Resource-r17,
repFactorAndTimeGap-r17If this field is absent, the value for repetitionFactor is 1 (i.e., no resource repetition).
RepFactorAndTimeGap-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... } NR-DL-PRS-Periodicity-and-ResourceSetSlotOffset-r17 ::= CHOICE { scs15-r17 CHOICE { n4-r17 INTEGER (0..3), n5-r17 INTEGER (0..4), n8-r17 INTEGER (0..7), n10-r17 INTEGER (0..9), n16-r17 INTEGER (0..15), n20-r17 INTEGER (0..19), n32-r17 INTEGER (0..31), n40-r17 INTEGER (0..39), n64-r17 INTEGER (0..63), n80-r17 INTEGER (0..79), n160-r17 INTEGER (0..159), n320-r17 INTEGER (0..319), n640-r17 INTEGER (0..639), n1280-r17 INTEGER (0..1279), n2560-r17 INTEGER (0..2559), n5120-r17 INTEGER (0..5119), n10240-r17 INTEGER (0..10239), ... }, scs30-r17 CHOICE { n8-r17 INTEGER (0..7), n10-r17 INTEGER (0..9), n16-r17 INTEGER (0..15), n20-r17 INTEGER (0..19), n32-r17 INTEGER (0..31), n40-r17 INTEGER (0..39), n64-r17 INTEGER (0..63), n80-r17 INTEGER (0..79), n128-r17 INTEGER (0..127), n160-r17 INTEGER (0..159), n320-r17 INTEGER (0..319), n640-r17 INTEGER (0..639), n1280-r17 INTEGER (0..1279), n2560-r17 INTEGER (0..2559), n5120-r17 INTEGER (0..5119), n10240-r17 INTEGER (0..10239), n20480-r17 INTEGER (0..20479), ... }, scs60-r17 CHOICE { n16-r17 INTEGER (0..15), n20-r17 INTEGER (0..19), n32-r17 INTEGER (0..31), n40-r17 INTEGER (0..39), n64-r17 INTEGER (0..63), n80-r17 INTEGER (0..79), n128-r17 INTEGER (0..127), n160-r17 INTEGER (0..159), n256-r17 INTEGER (0..255), n320-r17 INTEGER (0..319), n640-r17 INTEGER (0..639), n1280-r17 INTEGER (0..1279), n2560-r17 INTEGER (0..2559), n5120-r17 INTEGER (0..5119), n10240-r17 INTEGER (0..10239), n20480-r17 INTEGER (0..20479), n40960-r17 INTEGER (0..40959), ... }, scs120-r17 CHOICE { n32-r17 INTEGER (0..31), n40-r17 INTEGER (0..39), n64-r17 INTEGER (0..63), n80-r17 INTEGER (0..79), n128-r17 INTEGER (0..127), n160-r17 INTEGER (0..159), n256-r17 INTEGER (0..255), n320-r17 INTEGER (0..319), n512-r17 INTEGER (0..511), n640-r17 INTEGER (0..639), n1280-r17 INTEGER (0..1279), n2560-r17 INTEGER (0..2559), n5120-r17 INTEGER (0..5119), n10240-r17 INTEGER (0..10239), n20480-r17 INTEGER (0..20479), n40960-r17 INTEGER (0..40959), n81920-r17 INTEGER (0..81919), ... }, ... } NR-DL-PRS-Resource-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { nr-DL-PRS-ResourceID-r17 NR-DL-PRS-ResourceID-r17, dl-PRS-SequenceID-r17 INTEGER (0..4095), dl-PRS-CombSizeN-AndReOffset-r17 CHOICE { n2-r17 INTEGER (0..1), n4-r17 INTEGER (0..3), n6-r17 INTEGER (0..5), n12-r17 INTEGER (0..11), ... }, dl-PRS-ResourceSlotOffset-r17 INTEGER (0..maxNrofPRS-ResourceOffsetValue-1-r17),
dl-PRS-ResourceSymbolOffset-r17This field specifies the starting symbol of the DL-PRS Resource within a slot. If dl-PRS-ResourceSymbolOffset-v1800 is present, the UE shall ignoredl-PRS-ResourceSymbolOffset-r17.
INTEGER (0..12), dl-PRS-QCL-Info-r17 DL-PRS-QCL-Info-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ..., [[ dl-PRS-ResourceSymbolOffset-v1800 INTEGER (13) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } DL-PRS-QCL-Info-r17 ::= CHOICE { ssb-r17 SEQUENCE { ssb-Index-r17 INTEGER (0..63), rs-Type-r17 ENUMERATED {typeC, typeD, typeC-plus-typeD}, ... }, dl-PRS-r17 SEQUENCE { qcl-DL-PRS-ResourceID-r17 NR-DL-PRS-ResourceID-r17, ... }, ... } NR-DL-PRS-ResourceID-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPRS-ResourcesPerSet-1-r17) RepFactorAndTimeGap-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
repetitionFactor-r17This field specifies how many times each DL-PRS Resource is repeated for a single instance of the DL-PRS Resource Set. It is applied to all resources of the DL-PRS Resource Set. Enumerated values n2, n4, n6, n8, n16, n32 correspond to 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32 resource repetitions, respectively.
ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n6, n8, n16, n32, spare2, spare1},
timeGap-r17This field specifies the offset in units of slots between two repeated instances of a DL-PRS Resource corresponding to the same DL-PRS Resource ID within a single instance of the DL-PRS Resource Set. The time duration spanned by one DL-PRS Resource Set containing repeated DL-PRS Resources should not exceed the periodicity configured by periodicityAndOffset.
ENUMERATED {s1, s2, s4, s8, s16, s32, spare2, spare1} } -- TAG-NR-DL-PRS-PDC-INFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP
NR-DL-PRS-PDC-ResourceSetfield descriptions
This field specifies the number of PRBs allocated for all the DL-PRS Resource (allocated DL-PRS bandwidth) in multiples of 4 PRBs in this resource set. All DL-PRS Resources of the DL-PRS-PDC Resource Set have the same bandwidth. Integer value 1 corresponds to 24 PRBs, value 2 corresponds to 28 PRBs, value 3 corresponds to 32 PRBs and so on.
This field specifies the start PRB index defined as offset with respect tosubcarrier 0 in common resource block 0 for the DL-PRS Resource. All DL-PRS Resources of the DL-PRS-PDC Resource Set have the same value of dl-PRS-StartPRB.
This field specifies the number of symbols per DL-PRS Resource within a slot. The UE does not expect to be configured for PDC with a PRS with numSymbols equals to n1 unless an SSB index is provided as a typeC or typeC-plus-typeD QCL source, or another PRS resource with numSymbols more than n1 is provided as QCL source.
This field specifies the periodicity of DL-PRS allocation in slots and the slot offset with respect to SFN #0 slot #0 in the PCell where the DL-PRS-PDC Resource Set is configured (i.e., slot where the first DL-PRS Resource of DL-PRS-PDC Resource Set occurs).
If this field is absent, the value for repetitionFactor is 1 (i.e., no resource repetition).
RepFactorAndTimeGap field descriptions
This field specifies how many times each DL-PRS Resource is repeated for a single instance of the DL-PRS Resource Set. It is applied to all resources of the DL-PRS Resource Set. Enumerated values n2, n4, n6, n8, n16, n32 correspond to 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32 resource repetitions, respectively.
This field specifies the offset in units of slots between two repeated instances of a DL-PRS Resource corresponding to the same DL-PRS Resource ID within a single instance of the DL-PRS Resource Set. The time duration spanned by one DL-PRS Resource Set containing repeated DL-PRS Resources should not exceed the periodicity configured by periodicityAndOffset.
NR-DL-PRS-Resource field description
This field specifies the starting symbol of the DL-PRS Resource within a slot. If dl-PRS-ResourceSymbolOffset-v1800 is present, the UE shall ignoredl-PRS-ResourceSymbolOffset-r17.

The IE NR-NS-PmaxList is used to configure a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission, as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], table, TS 38.101-2 [39], table, and TS 38.101-5 [75], table for a given frequency band.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NR-NS-PMAXLIST-START NR-NS-PmaxList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNR-NS-Pmax)) OF NR-NS-PmaxValue NR-NS-PmaxValue ::= SEQUENCE { additionalPmax P-Max OPTIONAL, -- Need N additionalSpectrumEmission AdditionalSpectrumEmission } NR-NS-PmaxList-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNR-NS-Pmax)) OF NR-NS-PmaxValue-v1760 NR-NS-PmaxValue-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE { additionalSpectrumEmission-v1760 AdditionalSpectrumEmission-v1760 OPTIONAL -- Need N } NR-NS-PmaxListAerial-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNR-NS-Pmax)) OF NR-NS-PmaxValueAerial-r18 NR-NS-PmaxValueAerial-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { additionalPmax-r18 P-Max OPTIONAL, -- Need N additionalSpectrumEmission-r18 AdditionalSpectrumEmission-r18 } -- TAG-NR-NS-PMAXLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE NSAG-ID is used to identify an NSAG (TS 23.501 [32]) for slice-based cell reselection or slice-based random access.

The IE NSAG-IdentityInfo is used to identify an NSAG (TS 23.501 [32]) for slice-based cell reselection.
trackingAreaCode-r17If absent, UE assumes the trackingAreaCodeof the serving cell.
NSAG-IdentityInfofield descriptions
If absent, UE assumes the trackingAreaCodeof the serving cell.

The IE NTN-Config provides parameters needed for the UE to access NR via NTN access.
epochTime-r17If this field is absent for the NTN serving cell, the epoch time is the end of SI window where this SIB19 is scheduled. This field is mandatory present when ntn-Config is provided in dedicated configuration. If this field is absent in ntn-Config provided via NTN-NeighCellConfigor SatSwitchWithReSyncin an NTN cell,the UE uses epoch time of the serving cell, otherwise the field is based on the timing of the serving cell, i.e. the SFN and sub-frame number indicated in this field refers to the SFN and sub-frame of the serving cell. If this field is absent in ntn-Config provided via NTN-NeighCellConfig in a TN cell, the epoch time is the end of SI window where this SIB19 is scheduled. In case of satellite switch with resynchronization, this field is based on the timing of the cell served by the source satellite. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes toepochTime should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1.
EpochTime-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ntn-UlSyncValidityDuration-r17A validity duration configured by the network for assistance information (i.e. Serving and/or neighbour satellite ephemeris and Common TA parameters) which indicates the maximum time duration (from epochTime) during which the UE can apply assistance information without having acquired new assistance information. The unit of ntn-UlSyncValidityDuration is second. Value s5 corresponds to 5 s, value s10 indicate 10 s and so on. If this field is absent in ntn-Config provided via NTN-NeighCellConfig or SatSwitchWithReSyncin an NTN cell, the UE uses validity duration from the serving cell assistance information. If this field is absent in ntn-Config provided via NTN-NeighCellConfig in a TN cell, how the UE sets the validity duration is left to UE implementation. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of ntn-UlSyncValidityDuration should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1. ntn-UlSyncValidityDuration is only updated when at least one of epochTime, ta-Info, ephemerisInfo is updated.
ENUMERATED{ s5, s10, s15, s20, s25, s30, s35, s40, s45, s50, s55, s60, s120, s180, s240, s900} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SIB19
cellSpecificKoffset-r17Scheduling offset used for the timing relationships that are modified for NTN (see TS 38.213 [13]). The unit of the field K_offset is number of slots for a given subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz. If the field is absent UE assumes value 0.
INTEGER(1..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
kmac-r17Scheduling offset provided by network if downlink and uplink frame timing are not aligned at gNB. If the field is absent UE assumes value 0.The unit of kmac is number of slots for a given subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz.
INTEGER(1..512) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ta-Info-r17 TA-Info-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ntn-PolarizationDL-r17If present, this parameter indicates polarization information for downlink transmission on service link: including Right hand, Left hand circular polarizations (RHCP, LHCP) and Linear polarization.
ENUMERATED {rhcp,lhcp,linear} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ntn-PolarizationUL-r17If present, this parameter indicates Polarization information for uplink service link. If not present and ntn-PolarizationDL is present, UE assumes the same polarization for UL and DL.
ENUMERATED {rhcp,lhcp,linear} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ephemerisInfo-r17This field provides satellite ephemeris either in format of position and velocity state vector or in format of orbital parameters. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes to ephemerisInfoshould neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1.
EphemerisInfo-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ta-Report-r17When this field is included in SIB19, it indicates reporting of timing advanced is enabled during Random Access due to RRC connection establishment or RRC connection resume, and during RRC connection reestablishment. When this field is included in ServingCellConfigCommon within dedicated signalling, it indicates TA reporting is enabled during reconfiguration with sync (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.8).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } TA-Info-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
ta-Common-r17Network-controlled common timing advanced value and it may include any timing offset considered necessary by the network. ta-Common with value of 0 is supported. The granularity of ta-Common is 4.072 × 10^(-3) μs. Values are given in unit of corresponding granularity. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of ta-Common should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1.
ta-CommonDrift-r17Indicate drift rate of the common TA. The granularity of ta-CommonDrift is 0.2 × 10^(-3) μs⁄s. Values are given in unit of corresponding granularity.This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of ta-CommonDrift should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1.
INTEGER(-257303..257303) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ta-CommonDriftVariant-r17Indicate drift rate variation of the common TA. The granularity of ta-CommonDriftVariant is 0.2×10^(-4) μs⁄s^2. Values are given in unit of corresponding granularity. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of ta-CommonDriftVariant should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1.
NTN-Config field descriptions
This field provides satellite ephemeris either in format of position and velocity state vector or in format of orbital parameters. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes to ephemerisInfoshould neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1.
If this field is absent for the NTN serving cell, the epoch time is the end of SI window where this SIB19 is scheduled. This field is mandatory present when ntn-Config is provided in dedicated configuration. If this field is absent in ntn-Config provided via NTN-NeighCellConfigor SatSwitchWithReSyncin an NTN cell,the UE uses epoch time of the serving cell, otherwise the field is based on the timing of the serving cell, i.e. the SFN and sub-frame number indicated in this field refers to the SFN and sub-frame of the serving cell. If this field is absent in ntn-Config provided via NTN-NeighCellConfig in a TN cell, the epoch time is the end of SI window where this SIB19 is scheduled. In case of satellite switch with resynchronization, this field is based on the timing of the cell served by the source satellite. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes toepochTime should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1.
Scheduling offset used for the timing relationships that are modified for NTN (see TS 38.213 [13]). The unit of the field K_offset is number of slots for a given subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz. If the field is absent UE assumes value 0.
Scheduling offset provided by network if downlink and uplink frame timing are not aligned at gNB. If the field is absent UE assumes value 0.The unit of kmac is number of slots for a given subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz.
If present, this parameter indicates polarization information for downlink transmission on service link: including Right hand, Left hand circular polarizations (RHCP, LHCP) and Linear polarization.
If present, this parameter indicates Polarization information for uplink service link. If not present and ntn-PolarizationDL is present, UE assumes the same polarization for UL and DL.
A validity duration configured by the network for assistance information (i.e. Serving and/or neighbour satellite ephemeris and Common TA parameters) which indicates the maximum time duration (from epochTime) during which the UE can apply assistance information without having acquired new assistance information. The unit of ntn-UlSyncValidityDuration is second. Value s5 corresponds to 5 s, value s10 indicate 10 s and so on. If this field is absent in ntn-Config provided via NTN-NeighCellConfig or SatSwitchWithReSyncin an NTN cell, the UE uses validity duration from the serving cell assistance information. If this field is absent in ntn-Config provided via NTN-NeighCellConfig in a TN cell, how the UE sets the validity duration is left to UE implementation. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of ntn-UlSyncValidityDuration should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1. ntn-UlSyncValidityDuration is only updated when at least one of epochTime, ta-Info, ephemerisInfo is updated.
Network-controlled common timing advanced value and it may include any timing offset considered necessary by the network. ta-Common with value of 0 is supported. The granularity of ta-Common is 4.072 × 10^(-3) μs. Values are given in unit of corresponding granularity. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of ta-Common should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1.
Indicate drift rate of the common TA. The granularity of ta-CommonDrift is 0.2 × 10^(-3) μs⁄s. Values are given in unit of corresponding granularity.This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of ta-CommonDrift should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1.
Indicate drift rate variation of the common TA. The granularity of ta-CommonDriftVariant is 0.2×10^(-4) μs⁄s^2. Values are given in unit of corresponding granularity. This field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of ta-CommonDriftVariant should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1.
When this field is included in SIB19, it indicates reporting of timing advanced is enabled during Random Access due to RRC connection establishment or RRC connection resume, and during RRC connection reestablishment. When this field is included in ServingCellConfigCommon within dedicated signalling, it indicates TA reporting is enabled during reconfiguration with sync (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.8).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present for the serving cell in SIB19. The field is optionally present, Need R, otherwise.

The IE NZP-CSI-RS-Resource is used to configure Non-Zero-Power (NZP) CSI-RS transmitted in the cell where the IE is included, which the UE may be configured to measure on (see TS 38.214 [19], clause A change of configuration between periodic, semi-persistent or aperiodic for an NZP-CSI-RS-Resource is not supported without a release and add.
resourceMappingOFDM symbol location(s) in a slot and subcarrier occupancy in a PRB of the CSI-RS resource.
powerControlOffsetPower offset of PDSCH EPRE to NZP CSI-RS EPRE. Value in dB (see TS 38.214 [19], clauses and 4.1). The UE shall ignore this field in case NZP-CSI-RS-Resources is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE.
INTEGER (-8..15),
powerControlOffsetSSPower offset of NZP CSI-RS EPRE to SS/PBCH blockEPRE. Value in dB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED{db-3, db0, db3, db6} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
scramblingIDScrambling ID (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
periodicityAndOffsetPeriodicity and slot offset sl1 corresponds to a periodicity of 1 slot, sl2 to a periodicity of two slots, and so on. The corresponding offset is also given in number of slots (see TS 38.214 [19], clause Network always configures the UE with a value for this field for periodic and semi-persistent NZP-CSI-RS-Resource (as indicated in CSI-ResourceConfig).
CSI-ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset OPTIONAL, -- Cond PeriodicOrSemiPersistent
qcl-InfoPeriodicCSI-RSFor a target periodic CSI-RS, contains a reference to one TCI-State in TCI-States for providing the QCL source and QCL type. For periodic CSI-RS, the source can be SSB or another periodic-CSI-RS. Refers to the TCI-Stateor dl-OrJoint-TCI-Statewhich has this value for tci-StateId and is defined in tci-StatesToAddModListor in dl-OrJointTCI-StateListin the PDSCH-Config included in the BWP-Downlink corresponding to the serving cell and to the DL BWP to which the resource belongs to (see TS 38.214 [19], clause In case NZP-CSI-RS-Resources is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE, it refers to the TCI state identifier in CandidateTCI-State and is defined in ltm-DL-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList within the LTM-Candidate IE.
TCI-StateId OPTIONAL, -- Cond Periodic ..., [[ subcarrierSpacing-r18 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Cond LTM absoluteFrequencyPointA-r18 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, -- Cond LTM cyclicPrefix-r18 ENUMERATED {extended} OPTIONAL -- Cond LTM ]] } -- TAG-NZP-CSI-RS-RESOURCE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
NZP-CSI-RS-Resource field descriptions
Periodicity and slot offset sl1 corresponds to a periodicity of 1 slot, sl2 to a periodicity of two slots, and so on. The corresponding offset is also given in number of slots (see TS 38.214 [19], clause Network always configures the UE with a value for this field for periodic and semi-persistent NZP-CSI-RS-Resource (as indicated in CSI-ResourceConfig).
Power offset of PDSCH EPRE to NZP CSI-RS EPRE. Value in dB (see TS 38.214 [19], clauses and 4.1). The UE shall ignore this field in case NZP-CSI-RS-Resources is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE.
Power offset of NZP CSI-RS EPRE to SS/PBCH blockEPRE. Value in dB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
For a target periodic CSI-RS, contains a reference to one TCI-State in TCI-States for providing the QCL source and QCL type. For periodic CSI-RS, the source can be SSB or another periodic-CSI-RS. Refers to the TCI-Stateor dl-OrJoint-TCI-Statewhich has this value for tci-StateId and is defined in tci-StatesToAddModListor in dl-OrJointTCI-StateListin the PDSCH-Config included in the BWP-Downlink corresponding to the serving cell and to the DL BWP to which the resource belongs to (see TS 38.214 [19], clause In case NZP-CSI-RS-Resources is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE, it refers to the TCI state identifier in CandidateTCI-State and is defined in ltm-DL-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList within the LTM-Candidate IE.
OFDM symbol location(s) in a slot and subcarrier occupancy in a PRB of the CSI-RS resource.
Scrambling ID (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present in an LTM-Candidate IE. Otherwise, the field is absent.
The field is optionally present, Need M, for periodic NZP-CSI-RS-Resources (as indicated in CSI-ResourceConfig). The field is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need M, for periodic and semi-persistent NZP-CSI-RS-Resources (as indicated in CSI-ResourceConfig). The field is absent otherwise.

The IE NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId is used to identify one NZP-CSI-RS-Resource.

The IE NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet is a set of Non-Zero-Power (NZP) CSI-RS resources (their IDs) and set-specific parameters.
nzp-CSI-RS-ResourcesNZP-CSI-RS-Resources associated with this NZP-CSI-RS resource set (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2). For CSI, there are at most 8 NZP CSI RS resources per resource set.If the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet is indicated in a CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by resourcesForChannelMeasurement in a CSI-ReportConfig, if the codebookType in the codebookConfig in the CSI-ReportConfig is typeII-Doppler-r18 or typeII-DopplerPortSelection-r18, there are at most 1 periodic or semi-persistent NZP CSI-RS resource and 4, 8 or 12 aperiodic NZP CSI-RS resources and if the codebookType is typeII-CJT-r18 or typeII-CJT-PortSelection-r18, there are 1, 2, 3, or 4 aperiodic, periodic or semi-persistent NZP-CSI-RS resources, see TS 38.214
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerSet)) OF NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId,
repetitionIndicates whether repetition is on/off. If the field is set to off or if the field is absent, the UE may not assume that the NZP-CSI-RS resources within the resource set are transmitted with the same downlink spatial domain transmission filter (see TS 38.214 [19], clauses and It can only be configured for CSI-RS resource sets which are associated with CSI-ReportConfig with report of L1 RSRP, L1 SINR or "no report". This field is not present in case NZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesSet is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE.
ENUMERATED { on, off } OPTIONAL, -- Need S aperiodicTriggeringOffset INTEGER(0..6) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
trs-InfoIndicates that the antenna port for all NZP-CSI-RS resources in the CSI-RS resource set is same. If the field is absent or released the UE applies the value false (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ aperiodicTriggeringOffset-r16 INTEGER(0..31) OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[
pdc-Info-r17Indicates that this NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet, if configured also with trs-Info, is used for propagation delay compensation. The field can be present only if trs-info is present. The field can be present in only one NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet. If network configures this field for an NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet, the UE measures the UE Rx-Tx time difference based on resources configured in this resource set. This field is not present in case NZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesSet is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE.
cmrGroupingAndPairing-r17Configures CMR groups and pairs. The first nrofResourcesGroup1 resources in the NZP-CSI-RS resource set belong to Group 1 and the remaining resources in the NZP-CSI-RS resource set belong to Group 2. nrofResourcesGroup1is and the number of remaining resources in the NZP-CSI-RS resource set belonging to Group 2 is as specified in TS 38.214 clause Maximum total number in Group 1 and Group 2 is 8 (see TS 38.214 [19], clauses and This field is not present in case NZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesSet is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE.
CMRGroupingAndPairing-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R aperiodicTriggeringOffset-r17 INTEGER (0..124) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
aperiodicTriggeringOffsetL2-r17Indicates triggering offset of aperiodic NZP CSI-RS resources used for fast activation of the SCell (see clause of TS 38.214 [19]), when the NZP CSI-RS resources are activated by the MAC CE (see clause 5.9 of TS 38.321 [3]). The value indicates the number of slots. This field is not present in case NZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesSet is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE.
INTEGER(0..31) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
resourceType-r18Time domain behavior of resource configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {periodic} OPTIONAL -- Cond LTM ]] } CMRGroupingAndPairing-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { nrofResourcesGroup1-r17 INTEGER (1..7), pair1OfNZP-CSI-RS-r17 NZP-CSI-RS-Pairing-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R pair2OfNZP-CSI-RS-r17 NZP-CSI-RS-Pairing-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } NZP-CSI-RS-Pairing-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceId1-r17 INTEGER (1..7), nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceId2-r17 INTEGER (1..7) } -- TAG-NZP-CSI-RS-RESOURCESET-STOP -- ASN1STOP
NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet field descriptions
aperiodicTriggeringOffset, aperiodicTriggeringOffset-r16, aperiodicTriggeringOffset-r17
Offset X between the slot containing the DCI that triggers a set of aperiodic NZP CSI-RS resources and the slot in which the CSI-RS resource set is transmitted. For aperiodicTriggeringOffset, the value 0 corresponds to 0 slots, value 1 corresponds to 1 slot, value 2 corresponds to 2 slots, value 3 corresponds to 3 slots, value 4 corresponds to 4 slots, value 5 corresponds to 16 slots, value 6 corresponds to 24 slots. For aperiodicTriggeringOffset-r16 and aperiodicTriggeringOffset-r17, the value indicates the number of slots. aperiodicTriggeringOffset-r17 is applicable to SCS 480 kHz and 960 kHz, andonly the values of integer multiples of 4 are valid, i.e. 0, 4, 8, and so on. The network configures only one of the fields. When neither field is included, the UE applies the value 0. This field is not present in case NZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesSet is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE.
Indicates triggering offset of aperiodic NZP CSI-RS resources used for fast activation of the SCell (see clause of TS 38.214 [19]), when the NZP CSI-RS resources are activated by the MAC CE (see clause 5.9 of TS 38.321 [3]). The value indicates the number of slots. This field is not present in case NZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesSet is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE.
Configures CMR groups and pairs. The first nrofResourcesGroup1 resources in the NZP-CSI-RS resource set belong to Group 1 and the remaining resources in the NZP-CSI-RS resource set belong to Group 2. nrofResourcesGroup1is and the number of remaining resources in the NZP-CSI-RS resource set belonging to Group 2 is as specified in TS 38.214 clause Maximum total number in Group 1 and Group 2 is 8 (see TS 38.214 [19], clauses and This field is not present in case NZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesSet is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE.
pair1OfNZP-CSI-RS, pair2OfNZP-CSI-RS
A pair of NZP CSI-RS resources. In one pair, one resource shall belong to group 1 and the other resource shall belong to group 2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
NZP-CSI-RS-Resources associated with this NZP-CSI-RS resource set (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.2). For CSI, there are at most 8 NZP CSI RS resources per resource set.If the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet is indicated in a CSI-ResourceConfig indicated by resourcesForChannelMeasurement in a CSI-ReportConfig, if the codebookType in the codebookConfig in the CSI-ReportConfig is typeII-Doppler-r18 or typeII-DopplerPortSelection-r18, there are at most 1 periodic or semi-persistent NZP CSI-RS resource and 4, 8 or 12 aperiodic NZP CSI-RS resources and if the codebookType is typeII-CJT-r18 or typeII-CJT-PortSelection-r18, there are 1, 2, 3, or 4 aperiodic, periodic or semi-persistent NZP-CSI-RS resources, see TS 38.214
nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceId1, nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceId2
The nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceId1-r17 represents the index of the NZP CSI-RS resource in Resource Group 1, and nzp-CSI-RS-ResourceId2-r17 represents the index of the NZP CSI-RS resource in Resource Group 2.
Indicates that this NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet, if configured also with trs-Info, is used for propagation delay compensation. The field can be present only if trs-info is present. The field can be present in only one NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet. If network configures this field for an NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet, the UE measures the UE Rx-Tx time difference based on resources configured in this resource set. This field is not present in case NZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesSet is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE.
Indicates whether repetition is on/off. If the field is set to off or if the field is absent, the UE may not assume that the NZP-CSI-RS resources within the resource set are transmitted with the same downlink spatial domain transmission filter (see TS 38.214 [19], clauses and It can only be configured for CSI-RS resource sets which are associated with CSI-ReportConfig with report of L1 RSRP, L1 SINR or "no report". This field is not present in case NZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesSet is received as part of an LTM-Candidate IE.
Time domain behavior of resource configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates that the antenna port for all NZP-CSI-RS resources in the CSI-RS resource set is same. If the field is absent or released the UE applies the value false (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need R, in an LTM-Candidate IE. Otherwise, the field is absent.

The IE NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId is used to identify one NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet.

The IE P-Max is used to limit the UE's uplink transmission power on a carrier frequency, in TS 38.101-1 [15] and in TS 38.101-5 [75], and is used to calculate the parameter Pcompensation defined in TS 38.304 [20]. In ATG cell, actual value of P-Max = 9 + field value [dBm].

The IE PathlossReferenceRS is used to configure a Reference Signal (e.g. a CSI-RS config or a SS block) to be used for path loss estimation for PUSCH,PUCCH and SRS for unified TCI state operation.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PATHLOSSREFERENCERS-START PathlossReferenceRS-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17, referenceSignal-r17 CHOICE { ssb-Index SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId },
additionalPCI-r17Indicates the physical cell ID (PCI) of the SSB for the referenceSignal.
PathlossReferenceRS field descriptions
Indicates the physical cell ID (PCI) of the SSB for the referenceSignal.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need R, if ssb-Index is configured for referenceSignal. Otherwise it is absent, Need R.

The IE PathlossReferenceRS-Id is an ID for a reference signal (RS) configured as PUSCH,PUCCH and SRS pathloss reference RS for unified TCI state operation.

The IE PCI-ARFCN-EUTRA is used to encode EUTRA PCI and ARFCN.

The IE PCI-ARFCN-NR is used to encode NR PCI and ARFCN.

The IE PCI-List concerns a list of physical cell identities, which may be used for different purposes.

The IE PCI-Range is used to encode either a single or a range of physical cell identities. The range is encoded by using a start value and by indicating the number of consecutive physical cell identities (including start) in the range. For fields comprising multiple occurrences of PCI-Range, the Network may configure overlapping ranges of physical cell identities.
startIndicates the lowest physical cell identity in the range.
rangeIndicates the number of physical cell identities in the range (including start). Value n4 corresponds with 4, value n8 corresponds with 8 and so on. The UE shall apply value 1 in case the field is absent, in which case only the physical cell identity value indicated by start applies.
ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64, n84, n96, n128, n168, n252, n504, n1008,spare1} OPTIONAL -- Need S } -- TAG-PCI-RANGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PCI-Range field descriptions
Indicates the number of physical cell identities in the range (including start). Value n4 corresponds with 4, value n8 corresponds with 8 and so on. The UE shall apply value 1 in case the field is absent, in which case only the physical cell identity value indicated by start applies.
Indicates the lowest physical cell identity in the range.

The IE PCI-RangeElement is used to define a PCI-Range as part of a list (e.g. AddMod list).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PCI-RANGEELEMENT-START PCI-RangeElement ::= SEQUENCE { pci-RangeIndex PCI-RangeIndex,
pci-RangePhysical cell identity or a range of physical cell identities.
PCI-RangeElement field descriptions
Physical cell identity or a range of physical cell identities.

The IE PCI-RangeIndex identifies a physical cell id range, which may be used for different purposes.

The IE PCI-RangeIndexList concerns a list of indexes of physical cell id ranges, which may be used for different purposes.

The IE PDCCH-Config is used to configure UE specific PDCCH parameters or MBS multicast PDCCH parameters such as control resource sets (CORESET), search spaces and additional parameters for acquiring the PDCCH. If this IE is used for the scheduled SCell in case of cross carrier scheduling, the fields other than searchSpacesToAddModList and searchSpacesToReleaseList are absent. If the IE is used for a dormant BWP,the fields other than controlResourceSetToAddModList and controlResourceSetToReleaseList are absent. If this IE is used for MBS CFR,the field downlinkPreemptiom,tpc-PUSCH, tpc-SRS, uplinkCancellation, monitoringCapabilityConfig, and searchSpaceSwitchConfig are absent.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PDCCH-CONFIG-START PDCCH-Config ::= SEQUENCE { controlResourceSetToAddModList SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..3)) OF ControlResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N controlResourceSetToReleaseList SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..3)) OF ControlResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need N searchSpacesToAddModList SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..10)) OF SearchSpace OPTIONAL, -- Need N searchSpacesToReleaseList SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..10)) OF SearchSpaceId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
downlinkPreemptionConfiguration of downlink preemption indications to be monitored in this cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2).
SetupRelease { DownlinkPreemption } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
tpc-PUSCHEnable and configure reception of group TPC commands for PUSCH.
SetupRelease { PUSCH-TPC-CommandConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
tpc-PUCCHEnable and configure reception of group TPC commands for PUCCH.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-TPC-CommandConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
tpc-SRSEnable and configure reception of group TPC commands for SRS.
SetupRelease { SRS-TPC-CommandConfig} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ controlResourceSetToAddModListSizeExt-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF ControlResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N controlResourceSetToReleaseListSizeExt-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..5)) OF ControlResourceSetId-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N searchSpacesToAddModListExt-r16 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..10)) OF SearchSpaceExt-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
uplinkCancellation-r16Configuration of uplink cancellation indications to be monitored in this cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
SetupRelease { UplinkCancellation-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
monitoringCapabilityConfig-r16Configures either Rel-15 PDCCH monitoring capability, Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability or Rel-17 PDCCH monitoring capability for PDCCH monitoring on a serving cell(see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). Value r15monitoringcapability enables the Rel-15 monitoring capability, and value r16monitoringcapability enables the Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability.r17monitoringcapability enables the Rel-17 PDCCH multi-slot monitoring capability. For 480 and 960 kHz SCS, only value r17monitoringcapability is applicable.
ENUMERATED { r15monitoringcapability,r16monitoringcapability } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
searchSpaceSwitchConfig-r16Configuration to control the UE behavior to switch from search space group X back to search space group 0, as specified in clause 10 of TS 38.213 [13]. The network only configures either searchSpaceSwitchConfig-r16 or searchSpaceSwitchConfig-r17 for a UE.
SearchSpaceSwitchConfig-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ searchSpacesToAddModListExt-v1700 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..10)) OF SearchSpaceExt-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- Need N monitoringCapabilityConfig-v1710 ENUMERATED { r17monitoringcapability } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
searchSpaceSwitchConfig-r17Configuration to control the UE behavior to switch from search space group X back to search space group 0, as specified in clause 10 of TS 38.213 [13]. The network only configures either searchSpaceSwitchConfig-r16 or searchSpaceSwitchConfig-r17 for a UE.
SearchSpaceSwitchConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdcch-SkippingDurationList-r17Provides one or more values to derive the skipping duration in unit of slots, as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4. The DCI which schedules data indicates which of the values is to be applied (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4). For the 15kHz SCS, for each entry, only the first 26 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100}. For the 30kHz SCS, for each entry, only the first 46 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200}. For the 60kHz SCS, for each entry, only the first 86 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 400}. For the 120kHz SCS, for each entry, the 166 values correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 160, 240, 320, 400, 480, 640, 800}. For the 480kHz SCS, for each entry, the 166 values correspond to {4, 8, 12, …, 640, 960, 1280, 1600, 1920, 2560, 3200}. For the 960kHz SCS, for each entry, the 166 values correspond to {8, 16, 24, …, 1280, 1920, 2560, 3200, 3840, 5120, 6400}.
SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..3)) OF SCS-SpecificDuration-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
pdcch-MonitoringResumptionAfterNack-r18This field is used to enable UE PDCCH monitoring resumption after PDCCH skipping has started, if the UE transmits a NACK due to incorrectly decoding a PDSCH scheduled by a DCI format received from the serving cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4).
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R searchSpacesToAddModListExt-v1800 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..10)) OF SearchSpaceExt-v1800 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } SearchSpaceSwitchConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
cellGroupsForSwitchList-r16The list of serving cells which are bundled for the search space group switching purpose (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4). A serving cell can belong to only one CellGroupForSwitch. The network configures the same list for all BWPs of serving cells in the same CellGroupForSwitch.
SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..4)) OF CellGroupForSwitch-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
searchSpaceSwitchDelay-r16Indicates the value to be applied by a UE for Search Space Set Group switching; corresponds to the P value in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4. The network configures the same value for all BWPs of serving cells in the same CellGroupForSwitch. For 120/480/960 kHz SCS, only values 40,41, ... 52 are valid and the actual value = field value * SCS/120 kHz i.e. field value 40 corresponds to 40 with 120 kHz SCS, 160 with 480 kHz SCS and 320 with 960 kHz SCS, and so on.
INTEGER (10..52) OPTIONAL -- Need R } SearchSpaceSwitchConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
searchSpaceSwitchTimer-r17Timer (in unit of slots) to control the UE behavior to switch from search space group X back to search space group 0, as specified in clause 10 of TS 38.213 [13]. For the 15kHz SCS, only the first 26 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100}. For the 30kHz SCS, only the first 46 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200}. For the 60kHz SCS, only the first 86 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 400}. For the 120kHz SCS, the 166 values correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 160, 240, 320, 400, 480, 640, 800}. For the 480kHz SCS, the 166 values correspond to {4, 8, 12, …, 640, 960, 1280, 1600, 1920, 2560, 3200}. For the 960kHz SCS, the 166 values correspond to {8, 16, 24, …, 1280, 1920, 2560, 3200, 3840, 5120, 6400}.
SCS-SpecificDuration-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
searchSpaceSwitchDelay-r17Indicates the value to be applied by a UE for Search Space Set Group switching; corresponds to the P value in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4. The network configures the same value for all BWPs of serving cells in the same CellGroupForSwitch. For 120/480/960 kHz SCS, only values 40,41, ... 52 are valid and the actual value = field value * SCS/120 kHz i.e. field value 40 corresponds to 40 with 120 kHz SCS, 160 with 480 kHz SCS and 320 with 960 kHz SCS, and so on.
INTEGER (10..52) OPTIONAL -- Need R } CellGroupForSwitch-r16 ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..16)) OF ServCellIndex SCS-SpecificDuration-r17 ::= INTEGER (1..166) -- TAG-PDCCH-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PDCCH-Config field descriptions
controlResourceSetToAddModList, controlResourceSetToAddModListSizeExt
List of UE specifically configured Control Resource Sets (CORESETs) to be used by the UE. The network restrictions on configuration of CORESETs per DL BWP are specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1 and TS 38.306 [26]. The UE shall consider entries in controlResourceSetToAddModList and in controlResourceSetToAddModListSizeExt as a single list, i.e. an entry created using controlResourceSetToAddModList can be modified using controlResourceSetToAddModListSizeExt(or deleted using controlResourceSetToReleaseListSizeExt) and vice-versa. In case network reconfigures control resource set with the same ControlResourceSetId as used for commonControlResourceSetorcommonControlResourceSetExtconfigured via PDCCH-ConfigCommon or via SIB20, the configuration from PDCCH-Config always takes precedence and should not be updated by the UE based on servingCellConfigCommon or based on SIB20.
controlResourceSetToReleaseList, controlResourceSetToReleaseListSizeExt
List of UE specifically configured Control Resource Sets (CORESETs) to be released by the UE. This field only applies to CORESETs configured by controlResourceSetToAddModListor controlResourceSetToAddModListSizeExt and does not release the field commonControlResourceSet configured by PDCCH-ConfigCommonand commonControlResourceSetExt configured by SIB20.
Configuration of downlink preemption indications to be monitored in this cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2).
Configures either Rel-15 PDCCH monitoring capability, Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability or Rel-17 PDCCH monitoring capability for PDCCH monitoring on a serving cell(see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). Value r15monitoringcapability enables the Rel-15 monitoring capability, and value r16monitoringcapability enables the Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability.r17monitoringcapability enables the Rel-17 PDCCH multi-slot monitoring capability. For 480 and 960 kHz SCS, only value r17monitoringcapability is applicable.
This field is used to enable UE PDCCH monitoring resumption after PDCCH skipping has started, if the UE transmits a NACK due to incorrectly decoding a PDSCH scheduled by a DCI format received from the serving cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4).
Provides one or more values to derive the skipping duration in unit of slots, as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4. The DCI which schedules data indicates which of the values is to be applied (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4). For the 15kHz SCS, for each entry, only the first 26 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100}. For the 30kHz SCS, for each entry, only the first 46 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200}. For the 60kHz SCS, for each entry, only the first 86 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 400}. For the 120kHz SCS, for each entry, the 166 values correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 160, 240, 320, 400, 480, 640, 800}. For the 480kHz SCS, for each entry, the 166 values correspond to {4, 8, 12, …, 640, 960, 1280, 1600, 1920, 2560, 3200}. For the 960kHz SCS, for each entry, the 166 values correspond to {8, 16, 24, …, 1280, 1920, 2560, 3200, 3840, 5120, 6400}.
searchSpacesToAddModList, searchSpacesToAddModListExt
List of UE specifically configured Search Spaces or MBS multicast Search Spaces. The network configures at most 10 Search Spaces per BWP per cell (including UE-specific and common Search Spaces). If the network includes searchSpacesToAddModListExt, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in searchSpacesToAddModList in each of them.
Configuration to control the UE behavior to switch from search space group X back to search space group 0, as specified in clause 10 of TS 38.213 [13]. The network only configures either searchSpaceSwitchConfig-r16 or searchSpaceSwitchConfig-r17 for a UE.
Enable and configure reception of group TPC commands for PUCCH.
Enable and configure reception of group TPC commands for PUSCH.
Enable and configure reception of group TPC commands for SRS.
Configuration of uplink cancellation indications to be monitored in this cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
SearchSpaceSwitchConfig field descriptions
The list of serving cells which are bundled for the search space group switching purpose (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4). A serving cell can belong to only one CellGroupForSwitch. The network configures the same list for all BWPs of serving cells in the same CellGroupForSwitch.
Indicates the value to be applied by a UE for Search Space Set Group switching; corresponds to the P value in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4. The network configures the same value for all BWPs of serving cells in the same CellGroupForSwitch. For 120/480/960 kHz SCS, only values 40,41, ... 52 are valid and the actual value = field value * SCS/120 kHz i.e. field value 40 corresponds to 40 with 120 kHz SCS, 160 with 480 kHz SCS and 320 with 960 kHz SCS, and so on.
Timer (in unit of slots) to control the UE behavior to switch from search space group X back to search space group 0, as specified in clause 10 of TS 38.213 [13]. For the 15kHz SCS, only the first 26 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100}. For the 30kHz SCS, only the first 46 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200}. For the 60kHz SCS, only the first 86 values are valid and correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 400}. For the 120kHz SCS, the 166 values correspond to {1, 2, 3, …, 160, 240, 320, 400, 480, 640, 800}. For the 480kHz SCS, the 166 values correspond to {4, 8, 12, …, 640, 960, 1280, 1600, 1920, 2560, 3200}. For the 960kHz SCS, the 166 values correspond to {8, 16, 24, …, 1280, 1920, 2560, 3200, 3840, 5120, 6400}.

The IE PDCCH-ConfigCommon is used to configure cell specific PDCCH parameters provided in SIB as well as in dedicated signalling.
controlResourceSetZeroParameters of the common CORESET#0 which can be used in any common or UE-specific search spaces. The values are interpreted like the corresponding bits in MIBpdcch-ConfigSIB1. Even though this field is only configured in the initial BWP (BWP#0) controlResourceSetZero can be used in search spaces configured in other DL BWP(s) than the initial DL BWP if the conditions defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10 are satisfied.
ControlResourceSetZero OPTIONAL, -- Cond InitialBWP-Only
commonControlResourceSetAn additional common control resource set which may be configured and used for any common or UE-specific search space. If the network configures this field, it uses a ControlResourceSetId other than 0 for this ControlResourceSet. The network configures the commonControlResourceSet in SIB1 so that it is contained in the bandwidth of CORESET#0. If the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP does not contain the entire CORESET#0, the network configures the commonControlResourceSetin the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP in SIB1 for (e)RedCap such that it does not have to be contained in the bandwidth of CORESET#0.
ControlResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need R
searchSpaceZeroParameters of the common SearchSpace#0. The values are interpreted like the corresponding bits in MIBpdcch-ConfigSIB1. Even though this field is only configured in the initial BWP (BWP#0), searchSpaceZero can be used in search spaces configured in other DL BWP(s) than the initial DL BWP if the conditions described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10, are satisfied.
SearchSpaceZero OPTIONAL, -- Cond InitialBWP-Only commonSearchSpaceList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF SearchSpace OPTIONAL, -- Need R
searchSpaceSIB1ID of the search space for SIB1 message. In the initial DL BWP of the UE′s PCell, the network sets this field to 0. If the field is absent, the UE does not receive SIB1 in this BWP. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial DL BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0. In that case, an(e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE shall monitor PDCCH to receive SIB1 using searchSpaceSIB1 in the initial DL BWP that includes CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
SearchSpaceId OPTIONAL, -- Need S
searchSpaceOtherSystemInformationID of the Search space for other system information, i.e., SIB2 and beyond (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). If the field is absent, the UE does not receive other system information in this BWP.This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial DL BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0. In that case, an(e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE shall monitor PDCCH to receive other system information using searchSpaceOtherSystemInformation in the initial DL BWP that includes CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
SearchSpaceId OPTIONAL, -- Need S
pagingSearchSpaceID of the search space for paging (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). If the field is absent, the UE does not receive paging in this BWP (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10).This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0. In that case, an (e)RedCap UE in RRC_INACTIVE while SDT procedure is ongoing and T319a is not running, if CG-SDT is selected and if extended CG-SDT periodicity is configured (i.e. cg-SDT-PeriodicityExt is configured), or an(e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE while SDT procedure is not ongoing, shall monitor paging in the initial DL BWP that includes CORESET#0.
SearchSpaceId OPTIONAL, -- Need S
ra-SearchSpaceID of the Search space for random access procedure (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). If the field is absent, the UE does not receive RAR in this BWP.This field is mandatory present in the DL BWP(s) if the conditions described in TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.15 are met.
SearchSpaceId OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPOIndicates the first PDCCH monitoring occasion of each PO of the PF on this BWP, see TS 38.304 [20].The field sCS120KHZquarterT-SCS60KHZoneEighthT-SCS30KHZoneSixteenthT, sCS120KHZoneEighthT-SCS60KHZoneSixteenthT and sCS120KHZoneSixteenthT can be applied for SCS 480kHz, corresponding to sCS480KHZoneT-SCS120KHZquarterT-SCS60KHZoneEighthT-SCS30KHZoneSixteenthT, sCS480KHZhalfT-SCS120KHZoneEighthT-SCS60KHZoneSixteenthT and sCS480KHZquarterT-SCS120KHZoneSixteenthT in IE DownlinkConfigCommonSIB respectively.
CHOICE { sCS15KHZoneT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..139), sCS30KHZoneT-SCS15KHZhalfT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..279), sCS60KHZoneT-SCS30KHZhalfT-SCS15KHZquarterT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..559), sCS120KHZoneT-SCS60KHZhalfT-SCS30KHZquarterT-SCS15KHZoneEighthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..1119), sCS120KHZhalfT-SCS60KHZquarterT-SCS30KHZoneEighthT-SCS15KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..2239), sCS120KHZquarterT-SCS60KHZoneEighthT-SCS30KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..4479), sCS120KHZoneEighthT-SCS60KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..8959), sCS120KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..17919) } OPTIONAL -- Cond OtherBWP ]], [[ commonSearchSpaceListExt-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF SearchSpaceExt-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
sdt-SearchSpace-r17Common search space for CG-SDT and RA-SDT (see TS 38.213 [13]). If an existingSearchSpace is used, the network only signals the search space ID of the ra-SearchSpace.
CHOICE { newSearchSpace SearchSpace, existingSearchSpace SearchSpaceId } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
searchSpaceMCCH-r17ID of the search space for MCCH. If the field is absent, the UE does not receive MCCH in this BWP (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10).This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0. In that case, the (e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE may receive MCCH using searchSpaceMCCH in the initial DL BWP that includes CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
SearchSpaceId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
searchSpaceMTCH-r17ID of the search space for MTCH of MBS broadcast. If the field is absent, the UE applies searchSpaceMCCHalso for MTCH, (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10).This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0. In that case, the (e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE may receive MTCH using searchSpaceMTCH in the initial DL BWP that includes CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
SearchSpaceId OPTIONAL, -- Need S commonSearchSpaceListExt2-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF SearchSpaceExt-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- Need R firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPO-v1710 CHOICE { sCS480KHZoneEighthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..35839), sCS480KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPO-perPF)) OF INTEGER (0..71679) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pei-ConfigBWP-r17Provides the configuration for PEI reception in this BWP. If the field is absent, the UE does not receive PEI in this BWP.For the initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap not including CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0, an(e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE while SDT procedure is not ongoing monitors PEI in the initialDownlinkBWP that includes CORESET#0, if the initialDownlinkBWP is configured with pei-ConfigBWP.
pei-SearchSpace-r17ID of dedicated search space for PEI. It can be configured to one of up to 4 common SS sets configured by commonSearchSpaceList with SearchSpaceId > 0. The CCE aggregation levels and maximum number of PDCCH candidates per CCE aggregation level follows Table 10.1-1 of TS38.213 [13]. SearchSpaceId = 0 can be configured for the case of SS/PBCH block and CORESET multiplexing pattern 2 or 3.
firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPEI-O-r17Offset, in number of symbols, from the start of the reference frame for PEI-O to the start of the first PDCCH monitoring occasion of PEI-O on this BWP,see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4A. For the case po-NumPerPEI is smaller than Ns, UE applies the (floor(i_s/po-NumPerPEI)+1)-th value out of (N_s/po-NumPerPEI) configured values in firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPEI-O for the symbol-level offset. When po-NumPerPEI is one or multiple of Ns, UE applies the first configured value in firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPEI-O for the symbol-level offset.
CHOICE { sCS15KHZoneT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPEI-perPF-r17)) OF INTEGER (0..139), sCS30KHZoneT-SCS15KHZhalfT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPEI-perPF-r17)) OF INTEGER (0..279), sCS60KHZoneT-SCS30KHZhalfT-SCS15KHZquarterT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPEI-perPF-r17)) OF INTEGER (0..559), sCS120KHZoneT-SCS60KHZhalfT-SCS30KHZquarterT-SCS15KHZoneEighthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPEI-perPF-r17)) OF INTEGER (0..1119), sCS120KHZhalfT-SCS60KHZquarterT-SCS30KHZoneEighthT-SCS15KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPEI-perPF-r17)) OF INTEGER (0..2239), sCS480KHZoneT-SCS120KHZquarterT-SCS60KHZoneEighthT-SCS30KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPEI-perPF-r17)) OF INTEGER (0..4479), sCS480KHZhalfT-SCS120KHZoneEighthT-SCS60KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPEI-perPF-r17)) OF INTEGER (0..8959), sCS480KHZquarterT-SCS120KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPEI-perPF-r17)) OF INTEGER (0..17919), sCS480KHZoneEighthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPEI-perPF-r17)) OF INTEGER (0..35839), sCS480KHZoneSixteenthT SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPEI-perPF-r17)) OF INTEGER (0..71679) } } OPTIONAL -- Cond InitialBWP-Paging ]], [[ followUnifiedTCI-State-v1720 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
applyIndicatedTCI-State-r18This field indicates, for PDCCH reception in CORESET #0, if UE applies the first, the second, both or none of the "indicated" DL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1.
ENUMERATED {first, second, both, none} OPTIONAL, -- Cond FollowUTCI commonSearchSpaceListExt-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF SearchSpaceExt-v1800 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
searchSpaceMulticastMCCH-r18ID of the search space for multicast MCCH. If the field is absent, the UE does not receive multicast MCCH in this BWP (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
SearchSpaceId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
searchSpaceMulticastMTCH-r18ID of the search space for multicast MTCH. If the field is absent, the UE applies searchSpaceMulticastMCCHalso for multicast MTCH, (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
PDCCH-ConfigCommon field descriptions
This field indicates, for PDCCH reception in CORESET #0, if UE applies the first, the second, both or none of the "indicated" DL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1.
An additional common control resource set which may be configured and used for any common or UE-specific search space. If the network configures this field, it uses a ControlResourceSetId other than 0 for this ControlResourceSet. The network configures the commonControlResourceSet in SIB1 so that it is contained in the bandwidth of CORESET#0. If the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP does not contain the entire CORESET#0, the network configures the commonControlResourceSetin the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP in SIB1 for (e)RedCap such that it does not have to be contained in the bandwidth of CORESET#0.
commonSearchSpaceList, commonSearchSpaceListExt,commonSearchSpaceListExt2
A list of additional common search spaces. If the network configures this field, it uses the SearchSpaceIds other than 0. If the field is included, it replaces any previous list, i.e. all the entries of the list are replaced and each of the SearchSpace entries is considered to be newly created and the conditions and Need codes for setup of the entry apply. If the network includes commonSearchSpaceListExt/commonSearchSpaceListExt2, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in commonSearchSpaceList.
Parameters of the common CORESET#0 which can be used in any common or UE-specific search spaces. The values are interpreted like the corresponding bits in MIBpdcch-ConfigSIB1. Even though this field is only configured in the initial BWP (BWP#0) controlResourceSetZero can be used in search spaces configured in other DL BWP(s) than the initial DL BWP if the conditions defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10 are satisfied.
Offset, in number of symbols, from the start of the reference frame for PEI-O to the start of the first PDCCH monitoring occasion of PEI-O on this BWP,see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4A. For the case po-NumPerPEI is smaller than Ns, UE applies the (floor(i_s/po-NumPerPEI)+1)-th value out of (N_s/po-NumPerPEI) configured values in firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPEI-O for the symbol-level offset. When po-NumPerPEI is one or multiple of Ns, UE applies the first configured value in firstPDCCH-MonitoringOccasionOfPEI-O for the symbol-level offset.
Indicates the first PDCCH monitoring occasion of each PO of the PF on this BWP, see TS 38.304 [20].The field sCS120KHZquarterT-SCS60KHZoneEighthT-SCS30KHZoneSixteenthT, sCS120KHZoneEighthT-SCS60KHZoneSixteenthT and sCS120KHZoneSixteenthT can be applied for SCS 480kHz, corresponding to sCS480KHZoneT-SCS120KHZquarterT-SCS60KHZoneEighthT-SCS30KHZoneSixteenthT, sCS480KHZhalfT-SCS120KHZoneEighthT-SCS60KHZoneSixteenthT and sCS480KHZquarterT-SCS120KHZoneSixteenthT in IE DownlinkConfigCommonSIB respectively.
When set to enabled, for PDCCH reception in CORESET #0, the UE applies the "indicated" DL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5.
ID of the search space for paging (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). If the field is absent, the UE does not receive paging in this BWP (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10).This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0. In that case, an (e)RedCap UE in RRC_INACTIVE while SDT procedure is ongoing and T319a is not running, if CG-SDT is selected and if extended CG-SDT periodicity is configured (i.e. cg-SDT-PeriodicityExt is configured), or an(e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE while SDT procedure is not ongoing, shall monitor paging in the initial DL BWP that includes CORESET#0.
Provides the configuration for PEI reception in this BWP. If the field is absent, the UE does not receive PEI in this BWP.For the initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap not including CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0, an(e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE while SDT procedure is not ongoing monitors PEI in the initialDownlinkBWP that includes CORESET#0, if the initialDownlinkBWP is configured with pei-ConfigBWP.
ID of dedicated search space for PEI. It can be configured to one of up to 4 common SS sets configured by commonSearchSpaceList with SearchSpaceId > 0. The CCE aggregation levels and maximum number of PDCCH candidates per CCE aggregation level follows Table 10.1-1 of TS38.213 [13]. SearchSpaceId = 0 can be configured for the case of SS/PBCH block and CORESET multiplexing pattern 2 or 3.
ID of the Search space for random access procedure (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). If the field is absent, the UE does not receive RAR in this BWP.This field is mandatory present in the DL BWP(s) if the conditions described in TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.15 are met.
Common search space for CG-SDT and RA-SDT (see TS 38.213 [13]). If an existingSearchSpace is used, the network only signals the search space ID of the ra-SearchSpace.
ID of the search space for MCCH. If the field is absent, the UE does not receive MCCH in this BWP (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10).This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0. In that case, the (e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE may receive MCCH using searchSpaceMCCH in the initial DL BWP that includes CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
ID of the search space for MTCH of MBS broadcast. If the field is absent, the UE applies searchSpaceMCCHalso for MTCH, (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10).This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0. In that case, the (e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE may receive MTCH using searchSpaceMTCH in the initial DL BWP that includes CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
ID of the search space for multicast MCCH. If the field is absent, the UE does not receive multicast MCCH in this BWP (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
ID of the search space for multicast MTCH. If the field is absent, the UE applies searchSpaceMulticastMCCHalso for multicast MTCH, (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial downlink BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
ID of the Search space for other system information, i.e., SIB2 and beyond (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). If the field is absent, the UE does not receive other system information in this BWP.This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial DL BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0. In that case, an(e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE shall monitor PDCCH to receive other system information using searchSpaceOtherSystemInformation in the initial DL BWP that includes CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
ID of the search space for SIB1 message. In the initial DL BWP of the UE′s PCell, the network sets this field to 0. If the field is absent, the UE does not receive SIB1 in this BWP. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). This field is absent for the RedCap-specific initial DL BWP, if it does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0. In that case, an(e)RedCap UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE shall monitor PDCCH to receive SIB1 using searchSpaceSIB1 in the initial DL BWP that includes CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0.
Parameters of the common SearchSpace#0. The values are interpreted like the corresponding bits in MIBpdcch-ConfigSIB1. Even though this field is only configured in the initial BWP (BWP#0), searchSpaceZero can be used in search spaces configured in other DL BWP(s) than the initial DL BWP if the conditions described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 10, are satisfied.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is absent if the field followUnifiedTCI-State is present or if more than one value for the field coresetPoolIndex is configured in controlResourceSet for the same bandwidthpart. Otherwise, it is optionally present, Need R.
If SIB1 is broadcast the field is mandatory present in the PDCCH-ConfigCommon of the initial BWP (BWP#0) in ServingCellConfigCommon except it is the RedCap-specific initial BWP not including CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0 in which case the field is absent, Need R; it is absent in other BWPs and when sent in system information. If SIB1 is not broadcast and there is an SSB associated to the cell, the field is optionally present, Need M, in the PDCCH-ConfigCommon of the initial BWP (BWP#0) in ServingCellConfigCommon (still with the same setting for all UEs). In other cases, the field is absent.
This field is optionally present, Need R, if this BWP is the initialDownlinkBWP or initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap including CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0, and pei-Config is configured in DownlinkConfigCommonSIB. Otherwise, this field is absent.
This field is optionally present, Need R, if this BWP is not the initialDownlinkBWP and pagingSearchSpace is configured in this BWP. Otherwise this field is absent.

The IE PDCCH-ConfigSIB1 is used to configure CORESET#0 and search space#0.
controlResourceSetZeroDetermines a common ControlResourceSet (CORESET) with ID #0, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13.
searchSpaceZeroDetermines a common search space with ID #0, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13.
PDCCH-ConfigSIB1 field descriptions
Determines a common ControlResourceSet (CORESET) with ID #0, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13.
Determines a common search space with ID #0, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13.

The IE PDCCH-ServingCellConfig is used to configure UE specific PDCCH parameters applicable across all bandwidth parts of a serving cell.
slotFormatIndicatorConfiguration of Slot-Format-Indicators to be monitored in the correspondingly configured PDCCHs of this serving cell.
SetupRelease { SlotFormatIndicator } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
availabilityIndicator-r16Use to configure monitoring a PDCCH for Availability Indicators (AI).
SetupRelease {AvailabilityIndicator-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
searchSpaceSwitchTimer-r16The value of the timer in slots for monitoring PDCCH in the active DL BWP of the serving cell before moving to the default search space group (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4). For 15 kHz SCS, {1..20} are valid. For 30 kHz SCS, {1..40} are valid. For 60kHz SCS, {1..80} are valid. For 120 kHz SCS, {1..160} are valid. For 480 kHz SCS, {1..640} are valid. For 960 kHz SCS, {1..1280} are valid. The network configures the same value for all serving cells in the same CellGroupForSwitch.
INTEGER (1..80) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ searchSpaceSwitchTimer-v1710 INTEGER (81..1280) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-PDCCH-SERVINGCELLCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PDCCH-ServingCellConfig field descriptions
Use to configure monitoring a PDCCH for Availability Indicators (AI).
The value of the timer in slots for monitoring PDCCH in the active DL BWP of the serving cell before moving to the default search space group (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4). For 15 kHz SCS, {1..20} are valid. For 30 kHz SCS, {1..40} are valid. For 60kHz SCS, {1..80} are valid. For 120 kHz SCS, {1..160} are valid. For 480 kHz SCS, {1..640} are valid. For 960 kHz SCS, {1..1280} are valid. The network configures the same value for all serving cells in the same CellGroupForSwitch.
Configuration of Slot-Format-Indicators to be monitored in the correspondingly configured PDCCHs of this serving cell.

The IE PDCP-Config is used to set the configurable PDCP parameters for signalling, MBS multicast and data radio bearers.
discardTimerValue in ms of discardTimer specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms and so on. The value for this field cannot be changed in case of reconfiguration with sync, if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer.
ENUMERATED {ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms75, ms100, ms150, ms200, ms250, ms300, ms500, ms750, ms1500, infinity} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup
pdcp-SN-SizeULPDCP sequence number size for uplink, 12 or 18 bits, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. For SRBs only the value len12bits is applicable. The value for this field cannot be changed in case of reconfiguration with sync, if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer.
ENUMERATED {len12bits, len18bits} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup1
pdcp-SN-SizeDLPDCP sequence number size for downlink, 12 or 18 bits, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. For SRBs only the value len12bits is applicable. The value for this field cannot be changed in case of reconfiguration with sync, if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer.
ENUMERATED {len12bits, len18bits} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup2
headerCompressionIf rohc is configured, the UE shall apply the configured ROHC profile(s) in both uplink and downlink. If uplinkOnlyROHC is configured, the UE shall apply the configured ROHC profile(s) in uplink (there is no header compression in downlink). ROHC can be configured for any bearer type. ROHC and EHC can be both configured simultaneously for a DRB or a multicast MRB. The network reconfigures headerCompression only upon reconfiguration involving PDCP re-establishmentor involving PDCP entity reconfiguration to configure DAPS bearer(s), and without any drb-ContinueROHC. Network configures headerCompression to notUsed when outOfOrderDelivery is configured. Network only configures this field when uplinkDataCompression is not configured.
CHOICE { notUsed NULL, rohc SEQUENCE {
maxCIDIndicates the value of the MAX_CID parameter as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The total value of MAX_CIDs across all bearers for the UE should be less than or equal to the value of maxNumberROHC-ContextSessions parameter as indicated by the UE.
INTEGER (1..16383) DEFAULT 15, profiles SEQUENCE { profile0x0001 BOOLEAN, profile0x0002 BOOLEAN, profile0x0003 BOOLEAN, profile0x0004 BOOLEAN, profile0x0006 BOOLEAN, profile0x0101 BOOLEAN, profile0x0102 BOOLEAN, profile0x0103 BOOLEAN, profile0x0104 BOOLEAN },
drb-ContinueROHCIndicates whether the PDCP entity continues or resets the ROHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. This field is configured only in case of resuming an RRC connection or reconfiguration with sync, where the PDCP termination point is not changed and the fullConfig is not indicated. The network does not include the field if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer. This field can be configured for both DRB and multicast MRB.
ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL -- Need N }, uplinkOnlyROHC SEQUENCE {
maxCIDIndicates the value of the MAX_CID parameter as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The total value of MAX_CIDs across all bearers for the UE should be less than or equal to the value of maxNumberROHC-ContextSessions parameter as indicated by the UE.
INTEGER (1..16383) DEFAULT 15, profiles SEQUENCE { profile0x0006 BOOLEAN },
drb-ContinueROHCIndicates whether the PDCP entity continues or resets the ROHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. This field is configured only in case of resuming an RRC connection or reconfiguration with sync, where the PDCP termination point is not changed and the fullConfig is not indicated. The network does not include the field if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer. This field can be configured for both DRB and multicast MRB.
ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL -- Need N }, ... },
integrityProtectionIndicates whether or not integrity protection is configured for this radio bearer. The network configures all DRBs with the same PDU-session ID with same value for this field. The value for this field cannot be changed after the DRB is set up.
ENUMERATED { enabled } OPTIONAL, -- Cond ConnectedTo5GC1
statusReportRequiredFor AM DRBs, AM MRBs and DAPS UM DRBs, indicates whether the DRB or the multicast MRB is configured to send a PDCP status report in the uplink, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. For DAPS AM DRBs, it also indicates whether the DRB is configured to send a second PDCP status report in the uplink, as specified in TS 38.323 [5].
outOfOrderDeliveryIndicates whether or not outOfOrderDelivery specified in TS 38.323 [5] is configured.This field should be either always present or always absent, after the radio bearer is established.
moreThanOneRLCThis field configures UL data transmission when more than one RLC entity is associated with the PDCP entity. This field is not present if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer.
primaryPathIndicates the cell group ID and LCID of the primary RLC entity as specified in TS 38.323 [5], clause 5.2.1 for UL data transmission when more than one RLC entity is associated with the PDCP entity. In this version of the specification, only cell group ID corresponding to MCG is supported for SRBs, except for the split SRB2 of the IAB-MT, and except when the UE is required to set the primaryPath to refer to the SCG or indirect pathas specified in clause 5.7.3b.4. In this last case, if the network sends an RRCReconfiguration message (in NR-DC) or an EUTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message (in (NG)EN-DC) keeping SRB1 as split SRB, the network explicitly configures the primaryPath for the PDCP entity of SRB1 to refer to the MCG. In this version of the specification, only cell group ID corresponding to MCG is supported for DRBs when the SCG is deactivated. In MR-DC, the NW indicates cellGroup for split bearers using logical channels in different cell groups. The NW always indicates logicalChannel if CA based PDCP duplication is configured in the cell group indicated by cellGroup of this field.This field is also used for configuring Multi-path Primary Path defined in [5] for MP operation. In MP, when the primary path is indirect path, the field cellGroup and logicalChannel are absent, and the field primaryPathOnIndirectPath is set to true.
SEQUENCE { cellGroup CellGroupId OPTIONAL, -- Need R logicalChannel LogicalChannelIdentity OPTIONAL -- Need R },
ul-DataSplitThresholdParameter specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value b0 corresponds to 0 bytes, value b100 corresponds to 100 bytes, value b200 corresponds to 200 bytes, and so on. The network sets this field to infinity for UEs not supporting splitDRB-withUL-Both-MCG-SCG and when the SCG is deactivated or for multi-path U2N Remote UEs not supporting splitDRB-WithUL-BothDirectIndirect. If the field is absent when the split bearer is configured for the radio bearer first time, then the default value infinity is applied.
UL-DataSplitThreshold OPTIONAL, -- Cond SplitBearer
pdcp-DuplicationIndicates whether or not uplink duplication status at the time of receiving this IE is configured and activated as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The presence of this field indicates that duplication is configured. PDCP duplication is not configured for CA packet duplication of LTE RLC bearer. The value of this field, when the field is present, indicates the state of the duplication at the time of receiving this IE. If set to true, duplication is activated. The value of this field is always true, when configured for a SRB. For PDCP entity with more than two associated RLC entities for UL transmission, this field is always present. If the field moreThanTwoRLC-DRB is present, the value of this field is ignored and the state of the duplication is indicated by duplicationState. For PDCP entity with more than two associated RLC entities, only NR RLC bearer is supported.
t-ReorderingValue in ms of t-Reordering specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, value ms40 corresponds to 40 ms, and so on. When the field is absent the UE applies the value infinity. The value for this field cannot be changed in case of reconfiguration with sync, if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer.
ENUMERATED { ms0, ms1, ms2, ms4, ms5, ms8, ms10, ms15, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms120, ms140, ms160, ms180, ms200, ms220, ms240, ms260, ms280, ms300, ms500, ms750, ms1000, ms1250, ms1500, ms1750, ms2000, ms2250, ms2500, ms2750, ms3000, spare28, spare27, spare26, spare25, spare24, spare23, spare22, spare21, spare20, spare19, spare18, spare17, spare16, spare15, spare14, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare09, spare08, spare07, spare06, spare05, spare04, spare03, spare02, spare01 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
cipheringDisabledIf included, ciphering is disabled for this DRB regardless of which ciphering algorithm is configured for the SRB/DRBs. The field may only be included if the UE is connected to 5GC. Otherwise the field is absent. The network configures all DRBs with the same PDU-session ID with same value for this field. The value for this field cannot be changed after the DRB is set up.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Cond ConnectedTo5GC ]], [[
discardTimerExt-r16Value in ms of discardTimer specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms0dot5 corresponds to 0.5 ms, value ms1 corresponds to 1ms and so on. If this field is present, the field discardTimer is ignored and discardTimerExt is used instead.
SetupRelease { DiscardTimerExt-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Cond DRB2
moreThanTwoRLC-DRB-r16This field configures UL data transmission when more than two RLC entities are associated with the PDCP entity for DRBs.
splitSecondaryPath-r16Indicates the LCID of the split secondary RLC entity as specified in TS 38.323 [5] for fallback to split bearer operation when UL data transmission with more than two RLC entities is associated with the PDCP entity. This RLC entity belongs to a cell group that is different from the cell group indicated by cellGroup in the field primaryPath. This RLC entity belongs to the cell group of the direct path if primaryPathOnIndirectPath is set to true in MP case.
LogicalChannelIdentity OPTIONAL, -- Cond SplitBearer2
duplicationState-r16This field indicates the uplink PDCP duplication state for the associated RLC entities at the time of receiving this IE. If set to true, the PDCP duplication state is activated for the associated RLC entity. The index for the indication is determined by ascending order of logical channel ID of all RLC entities other than the primary RLC entityindicated by primaryPath in the order of MCG and SCG, as in clause of TS 38.321 [3]. For MP, the index for the indication is determined by ascending order of direct path (where i is ascending order of logical channel ID of secondary RLC entities) and indirect path, as in clause of TS 38.321 [3]. If the number of associated RLC entities other than the primary RLC entity is two, UE ignores the value in the largest index of this field. If the field is absent, the PDCP duplication states are deactivated for all associated RLC entities.
ethernetHeaderCompression-r16This fields configures Ethernet Header Compression. This field can only be configured for a bi-directional DRB or a bi-directional multicast MRB. The network reconfigures ethernetHeaderCompression only upon reconfiguration involving PDCP re-establishment and with neither drb-ContinueEHC-DL nor drb-ContinueEHC-UL configured. Network only configures this field when uplinkDataCompression is not configured.
SetupRelease { EthernetHeaderCompression-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
survivalTimeStateSupport-r17Indicates whether the DRB associated with this PDCP entity has survival time state support. If this field is configured to be true, all associated RLC entities are activated for PDCP duplication upon reception of a retransmission grant addressed to CS-RNTI, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Drb-Duplication
uplinkDataCompression-r17Indicates the UDC configuration that the UE shall apply. Network does not configure uplinkDataCompression for a DRB, if headerCompression or ethernetHeaderCompression is already configured or outOfOrderDelivery or DAPS is configured for the DRB. The maximum number of DRBs where uplinkDataCompression can be applied is two. The network reconfigures uplinkDataCompression only upon reconfiguration involving PDCP re-establishment.If the field is set to drb-ContinueUDC, the PDCP entity continues the uplink data compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The field is set to drb-ContinueUDC only in case of resuming an RRC connection or reconfiguration with sync, where the PDCP termination point is not changed and the fullConfig is not indicated.
SetupRelease { UplinkDataCompression-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Cond Rlc-AM
discardTimerExt2-r17Value in ms of discardTimerExt specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms2000 corresponds to 2000 ms. If this field is present, the field discardTimer and discardTimerExt are ignored and discardTimerExt2 is used instead.
SetupRelease { DiscardTimerExt2-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
initialRX-DELIV-r17Indicates the initial value of RX_DELIV during PDCP window initialization for multicast MRB as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The first/leftmost bit of the bit string contains the most significant bit.
BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) OPTIONAL -- Cond MRB-Initialization ]], [[
pdu-SetDiscard-r18If set to true, the UE shall perform PDU Set based discarding for this PDCP entity, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. This field is only configured for a DRB.
discardTimerForLowImportance-r18Value in ms of discardTimerForLowImportance specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms and so on. The value of this timer for a PDCP entity is always configured shorter than discardTimer, discardTimerExt or discardTimerExt2, whichever is used for the PDCP entity.The presence of this field indicates that PSI-based SDU discard is configured for a DRB. The network configures at most 8 DRBs with discardTimerForLowImportance.
SetupRelease { DiscardTimerForLowImportance-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Cond DRB2
primaryPathOnIndirectPath-r18Indicates that the primary path is SL indirect path, or primary path is associated with the N3C indirect path, for DRB when MP is configured.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SplitBearerMP
sn-GapReport-r18Indicates whether the PDCP entity is configured to send a PDCP SN gap report in the uplink, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. This field is only configured for DRBs. This field can be included only if outOfOrderDelivery is not configured.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } EthernetHeaderCompression-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
ehc-Common-r16Indicates the configurations that apply for both downlink and uplink.
ehc-CID-Length-r16Indicates the length of the CID field for EHC packet. The value bits7 indicates the length is 7 bits, and the value bits15 indicates the length is 15 bits. Once the field ethernetHeaderCompression-r16 is configured for a DRB or a multicast MRB, the value of the field ehc-CID-Length for this DRB or multicast MRB is not reconfigured to a different value.
ENUMERATED { bits7, bits15 }, ... },
ehc-Downlink-r16Indicates the configurations that apply for only downlink. If the field is configured, then Ethernet header compression is configured for downlink. Otherwise, it is not configured for downlink.
drb-ContinueEHC-DL-r16Indicates whether the PDCP entity continues or resets the downlink EHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The field is configured only in case of resuming an RRC connection or reconfiguration with sync, where the PDCP termination point is not changed and the fullConfig is not indicated.
ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ehc-Uplink-r16Indicates the configurations that apply for only uplink. If the field is configured, then Ethernet header compression is configured for uplnik. Otherwise, it is not configured for uplink.
maxCID-EHC-UL-r16Indicates the value of the MAX_CID_EHC_UL parameter as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The total value of MAX_CID_EHC_UL across all bearers for the UE should be less than or equal to the value of maxNumberEHC-Contexts parameter as indicated by the UE.
INTEGER (1..32767),
drb-ContinueEHC-UL-r16Indicates whether the PDCP entity continues or resets the uplink EHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The field is configured only in case of resuming an RRC connection or reconfiguration with sync, where the PDCP termination point is not changed and the fullConfig is not indicated.
ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } OPTIONAL -- Need M } UL-DataSplitThreshold ::= ENUMERATED { b0, b100, b200, b400, b800, b1600, b3200, b6400, b12800, b25600, b51200, b102400, b204800, b409600, b819200, b1228800, b1638400, b2457600, b3276800, b4096000, b4915200, b5734400, b6553600, infinity, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} DiscardTimerExt-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {ms0dot5, ms1, ms2, ms4, ms6, ms8, spare2, spare1} DiscardTimerExt2-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {ms2000, spare3, spare2, spare1} UplinkDataCompression-r17 ::= CHOICE { newSetup SEQUENCE {
bufferSize-r17This field indicates the buffer size applied for UDC as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value kbyte2 means 2048 bytes, kbyte4 means 4096 bytes and so on.
ENUMERATED {kbyte2, kbyte4, kbyte8, spare1},
dictionary-r17This field indicates which pre-defined dictionary is usedfor UDC as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The value sip-SDP means that UE shall prefill the buffer with standard dictionary for SIP and SDP defined in TS 38.323 [5], and the value operatormeans that UE shall prefill the buffer with operator-defined dictionary.
ENUMERATED {sip-SDP, operator} OPTIONAL -- Need N }, drb-ContinueUDC NULL } DiscardTimerForLowImportance-r18 ::= ENUMERATED {ms0, ms2, ms4, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms12, ms14, ms18, ms22, ms26, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms75, ms100} -- TAG-PDCP-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PDCP-Config field descriptions
If included, ciphering is disabled for this DRB regardless of which ciphering algorithm is configured for the SRB/DRBs. The field may only be included if the UE is connected to 5GC. Otherwise the field is absent. The network configures all DRBs with the same PDU-session ID with same value for this field. The value for this field cannot be changed after the DRB is set up.
Value in ms of discardTimer specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms and so on. The value for this field cannot be changed in case of reconfiguration with sync, if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer.
Value in ms of discardTimer specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms0dot5 corresponds to 0.5 ms, value ms1 corresponds to 1ms and so on. If this field is present, the field discardTimer is ignored and discardTimerExt is used instead.
Value in ms of discardTimerExt specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms2000 corresponds to 2000 ms. If this field is present, the field discardTimer and discardTimerExt are ignored and discardTimerExt2 is used instead.
Value in ms of discardTimerForLowImportance specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms and so on. The value of this timer for a PDCP entity is always configured shorter than discardTimer, discardTimerExt or discardTimerExt2, whichever is used for the PDCP entity.The presence of this field indicates that PSI-based SDU discard is configured for a DRB. The network configures at most 8 DRBs with discardTimerForLowImportance.
Indicates whether the PDCP entity continues or resets the ROHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. This field is configured only in case of resuming an RRC connection or reconfiguration with sync, where the PDCP termination point is not changed and the fullConfig is not indicated. The network does not include the field if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer. This field can be configured for both DRB and multicast MRB.
This field indicates the uplink PDCP duplication state for the associated RLC entities at the time of receiving this IE. If set to true, the PDCP duplication state is activated for the associated RLC entity. The index for the indication is determined by ascending order of logical channel ID of all RLC entities other than the primary RLC entityindicated by primaryPath in the order of MCG and SCG, as in clause of TS 38.321 [3]. For MP, the index for the indication is determined by ascending order of direct path (where i is ascending order of logical channel ID of secondary RLC entities) and indirect path, as in clause of TS 38.321 [3]. If the number of associated RLC entities other than the primary RLC entity is two, UE ignores the value in the largest index of this field. If the field is absent, the PDCP duplication states are deactivated for all associated RLC entities.
This fields configures Ethernet Header Compression. This field can only be configured for a bi-directional DRB or a bi-directional multicast MRB. The network reconfigures ethernetHeaderCompression only upon reconfiguration involving PDCP re-establishment and with neither drb-ContinueEHC-DL nor drb-ContinueEHC-UL configured. Network only configures this field when uplinkDataCompression is not configured.
If rohc is configured, the UE shall apply the configured ROHC profile(s) in both uplink and downlink. If uplinkOnlyROHC is configured, the UE shall apply the configured ROHC profile(s) in uplink (there is no header compression in downlink). ROHC can be configured for any bearer type. ROHC and EHC can be both configured simultaneously for a DRB or a multicast MRB. The network reconfigures headerCompression only upon reconfiguration involving PDCP re-establishmentor involving PDCP entity reconfiguration to configure DAPS bearer(s), and without any drb-ContinueROHC. Network configures headerCompression to notUsed when outOfOrderDelivery is configured. Network only configures this field when uplinkDataCompression is not configured.
Indicates the initial value of RX_DELIV during PDCP window initialization for multicast MRB as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The first/leftmost bit of the bit string contains the most significant bit.
Indicates whether or not integrity protection is configured for this radio bearer. The network configures all DRBs with the same PDU-session ID with same value for this field. The value for this field cannot be changed after the DRB is set up.
Indicates the value of the MAX_CID parameter as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The total value of MAX_CIDs across all bearers for the UE should be less than or equal to the value of maxNumberROHC-ContextSessions parameter as indicated by the UE.
This field configures UL data transmission when more than one RLC entity is associated with the PDCP entity. This field is not present if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer.
This field configures UL data transmission when more than two RLC entities are associated with the PDCP entity for DRBs.
Indicates whether or not outOfOrderDelivery specified in TS 38.323 [5] is configured.This field should be either always present or always absent, after the radio bearer is established.
Indicates whether or not uplink duplication status at the time of receiving this IE is configured and activated as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The presence of this field indicates that duplication is configured. PDCP duplication is not configured for CA packet duplication of LTE RLC bearer. The value of this field, when the field is present, indicates the state of the duplication at the time of receiving this IE. If set to true, duplication is activated. The value of this field is always true, when configured for a SRB. For PDCP entity with more than two associated RLC entities for UL transmission, this field is always present. If the field moreThanTwoRLC-DRB is present, the value of this field is ignored and the state of the duplication is indicated by duplicationState. For PDCP entity with more than two associated RLC entities, only NR RLC bearer is supported.
PDCP sequence number size for downlink, 12 or 18 bits, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. For SRBs only the value len12bits is applicable. The value for this field cannot be changed in case of reconfiguration with sync, if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer.
PDCP sequence number size for uplink, 12 or 18 bits, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. For SRBs only the value len12bits is applicable. The value for this field cannot be changed in case of reconfiguration with sync, if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer.
If set to true, the UE shall perform PDU Set based discarding for this PDCP entity, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. This field is only configured for a DRB.
Indicates the cell group ID and LCID of the primary RLC entity as specified in TS 38.323 [5], clause 5.2.1 for UL data transmission when more than one RLC entity is associated with the PDCP entity. In this version of the specification, only cell group ID corresponding to MCG is supported for SRBs, except for the split SRB2 of the IAB-MT, and except when the UE is required to set the primaryPath to refer to the SCG or indirect pathas specified in clause 5.7.3b.4. In this last case, if the network sends an RRCReconfiguration message (in NR-DC) or an EUTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message (in (NG)EN-DC) keeping SRB1 as split SRB, the network explicitly configures the primaryPath for the PDCP entity of SRB1 to refer to the MCG. In this version of the specification, only cell group ID corresponding to MCG is supported for DRBs when the SCG is deactivated. In MR-DC, the NW indicates cellGroup for split bearers using logical channels in different cell groups. The NW always indicates logicalChannel if CA based PDCP duplication is configured in the cell group indicated by cellGroup of this field.This field is also used for configuring Multi-path Primary Path defined in [5] for MP operation. In MP, when the primary path is indirect path, the field cellGroup and logicalChannel are absent, and the field primaryPathOnIndirectPath is set to true.
Indicates that the primary path is SL indirect path, or primary path is associated with the N3C indirect path, for DRB when MP is configured.
Indicates whether the PDCP entity is configured to send a PDCP SN gap report in the uplink, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. This field is only configured for DRBs. This field can be included only if outOfOrderDelivery is not configured.
Indicates the LCID of the split secondary RLC entity as specified in TS 38.323 [5] for fallback to split bearer operation when UL data transmission with more than two RLC entities is associated with the PDCP entity. This RLC entity belongs to a cell group that is different from the cell group indicated by cellGroup in the field primaryPath. This RLC entity belongs to the cell group of the direct path if primaryPathOnIndirectPath is set to true in MP case.
For AM DRBs, AM MRBs and DAPS UM DRBs, indicates whether the DRB or the multicast MRB is configured to send a PDCP status report in the uplink, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. For DAPS AM DRBs, it also indicates whether the DRB is configured to send a second PDCP status report in the uplink, as specified in TS 38.323 [5].
Indicates whether the DRB associated with this PDCP entity has survival time state support. If this field is configured to be true, all associated RLC entities are activated for PDCP duplication upon reception of a retransmission grant addressed to CS-RNTI, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Value in ms of t-Reordering specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, value ms40 corresponds to 40 ms, and so on. When the field is absent the UE applies the value infinity. The value for this field cannot be changed in case of reconfiguration with sync, if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer.
Parameter specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value b0 corresponds to 0 bytes, value b100 corresponds to 100 bytes, value b200 corresponds to 200 bytes, and so on. The network sets this field to infinity for UEs not supporting splitDRB-withUL-Both-MCG-SCG and when the SCG is deactivated or for multi-path U2N Remote UEs not supporting splitDRB-WithUL-BothDirectIndirect. If the field is absent when the split bearer is configured for the radio bearer first time, then the default value infinity is applied.
Indicates the UDC configuration that the UE shall apply. Network does not configure uplinkDataCompression for a DRB, if headerCompression or ethernetHeaderCompression is already configured or outOfOrderDelivery or DAPS is configured for the DRB. The maximum number of DRBs where uplinkDataCompression can be applied is two. The network reconfigures uplinkDataCompression only upon reconfiguration involving PDCP re-establishment.If the field is set to drb-ContinueUDC, the PDCP entity continues the uplink data compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The field is set to drb-ContinueUDC only in case of resuming an RRC connection or reconfiguration with sync, where the PDCP termination point is not changed and the fullConfig is not indicated.
EthernetHeaderCompression field descriptions
Indicates whether the PDCP entity continues or resets the downlink EHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The field is configured only in case of resuming an RRC connection or reconfiguration with sync, where the PDCP termination point is not changed and the fullConfig is not indicated.
Indicates whether the PDCP entity continues or resets the uplink EHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The field is configured only in case of resuming an RRC connection or reconfiguration with sync, where the PDCP termination point is not changed and the fullConfig is not indicated.
Indicates the length of the CID field for EHC packet. The value bits7 indicates the length is 7 bits, and the value bits15 indicates the length is 15 bits. Once the field ethernetHeaderCompression-r16 is configured for a DRB or a multicast MRB, the value of the field ehc-CID-Length for this DRB or multicast MRB is not reconfigured to a different value.
Indicates the configurations that apply for both downlink and uplink.
Indicates the configurations that apply for only downlink. If the field is configured, then Ethernet header compression is configured for downlink. Otherwise, it is not configured for downlink.
Indicates the configurations that apply for only uplink. If the field is configured, then Ethernet header compression is configured for uplnik. Otherwise, it is not configured for uplink.
Indicates the value of the MAX_CID_EHC_UL parameter as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The total value of MAX_CID_EHC_UL across all bearers for the UE should be less than or equal to the value of maxNumberEHC-Contexts parameter as indicated by the UE.
UplinkDataCompression field descriptions
This field indicates the buffer size applied for UDC as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value kbyte2 means 2048 bytes, kbyte4 means 4096 bytes and so on.
This field indicates which pre-defined dictionary is usedfor UDC as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. The value sip-SDP means that UE shall prefill the buffer with standard dictionary for SIP and SDP defined in TS 38.323 [5], and the value operatormeans that UE shall prefill the buffer with operator-defined dictionary.
Conditional presenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present when the corresponding DRB/multicast MRB is being set up, absent for SRBs. Otherwise this field is optionally present, need M.
This field is optionally present in case of DRB, need M. Otherwise, it is absent for SRBs and MRBs.
For SRBs, this field is absent. For DRBs, this field is absent if duplication is not configured. Otherwise, this field is optional, need R.
This field is mandatory present upon RRC reconfiguration with setup of a PDCP entity for a radio bearer (except for multicast MRB) with more than one associated logical channel and upon RRC reconfiguration with the association of additional logical channels to the PDCP entity.
The field is also mandatory present in case the field moreThanTwoRLC-DRB is included in PDCP-Config. Upon RRC reconfiguration when a PDCP entity is associated with multiple logical channels, this field is optionally present need M. Otherwise, this field is absent. Need R.
For SRBs, this field is absent.
For DRBs, this field is mandatory present upon RRC reconfiguration with setup of a PDCP entity for a radio bearer with more than two associated logical channels and upon RRC reconfiguration with the association of one or more additional logical channel(s) to the PDCP entity so that the PDCP entity has more than two associated logical channels. Upon RRC reconfiguration when a PDCP entity is associated with more than two logical channels, this field is optionally present, Need M. Otherwise, the field is absent, Need R.
For RLC AM, the field is optionally present, need M. Otherwise, the field is absent.
In case of DRB, forRLC UM (if the UE supports DAPS handover) or RLC AM, the field is optionally present, need R. In case of multicast MRB, if multicast MRB is associated with at least one RLC AM entity, the field is optionally present, need R. Otherwise, the field is absent.
The field is mandatory present in case of DRB setup. Otherwise the field is optionally present, need M.
The field is absent for SRBs. Otherwise, the field is optional present, need M, in case of radio bearer with more than one associated RLC mapped to different cell groups.
The field is mandatory present, in case of a split bearer. Otherwise the field is absent.
The field is absent for SRBs. Otherwise, the field is optionally present, need R, when MP is configured.
The field is optionally present, need R, if the UE is connected to 5GC. Otherwise the field is absent.
The field is optionally present, need R, if the UE is connected to NR/5GC or if the UE supports user plane integrity protection when connected to E-UTRA/EPC (as specified in TS 33.401 [30]). Otherwise the field is absent.
This field is mandatory present in case of DRB setup for RLC-AM and RLC-UM. Otherwise, this field is absent, Need M.
This field is mandatory present in case for radio bearer setup for RLC-AM and RLC-UM. Otherwise, this field is absent, Need M.
This field is mandatory present in case of multicast MRB setup or in case UE configured with multicast reception in RRC_INACTIVE resumes the RRC connection. In case of PDCP re-establishment for multicast MRB, this field is optionally present, Need N. Otherwise, this field is absent, Need N.

The PDSCH-Config IE is used to configure the UE specific PDSCH parameters. If this IE is used for MBS CFR,the following fields shall be absent: tci-StatesToAddModList, tci-StatesToReleaseList, zp-CSI-RS-ResourceToAddModList, minimumSchedulingOffsetK0, antennaPortsFieldPresenceDCI-1-2, aperiodicZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToAddModListDCI-1-2, aperiodicZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToReleaseListDCI-1-2, dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeA-DCI-1-2, dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeB-DCI-1-2, dmrs-SequenceInitializationDCI-1-2, harq-ProcessNumberSizeDCI-1-2, mcs-TableDCI-1-2, numberOfBitsForRV-DCI-1-2, pdsch-AggregationFactor, pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-1-2, prb-BundlingTypeDCI-1-2, priorityIndicatorDCI-1-2, rateMatchPatternGroup1DCI-1-2, rateMatchPatternGroup2DCI-1-2, resourceAllocationType1GranularityDCI-1-2, vrb-ToPRB-InterleaverDCI-1-2, referenceOfSLIVDCI-1-2, resourceAllocationDCI-1-2, dataScramblingIdentityPDSCH2-r16, repetitionSchemeConfig, pdsch-ConfigDCI-1-3.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PDSCH-CONFIG-START PDSCH-Config ::= SEQUENCE { dataScramblingIdentityPDSCH INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need S dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeA SetupRelease { DMRS-DownlinkConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeB SetupRelease { DMRS-DownlinkConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
tci-StatesToAddModListA list of Transmission Configuration Indicator (TCI) states indicating a transmission configuration which includes QCL-relationships between the DL RSs in one RS set and the PDSCH DMRS ports (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5). If unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell, no element in this list is configured.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofTCI-States)) OF TCI-State OPTIONAL, -- Need N tci-StatesToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofTCI-States)) OF TCI-StateId OPTIONAL, -- Need N vrb-ToPRB-Interleaver ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need S resourceAllocation ENUMERATED { resourceAllocationType0, resourceAllocationType1, dynamicSwitch}, pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationList SetupRelease { PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pdsch-AggregationFactorNumber of repetitions for data (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent in PDSCH-Config which is not used for MBS CFR, the UE applies the value 1.
ENUMERATED { n2, n4, n8 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
rateMatchPatternToAddModListResources patterns which the UE should rate match PDSCH around. The UE rate matches around the union of all resources indicated in the rate match patterns (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If a RateMatchPattern with the same RateMatchPatternId is configured in both MBS CFR and its associated BWP, the entire RateMatchPattern configuration, including the set of RBs/REs indicated by the patterns for the rate matching around, shall be the same and they are counted as a single rate match pattern in the total configured rate match patterns as defined in TS 38.214 [19].
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRateMatchPatterns)) OF RateMatchPattern OPTIONAL, -- Need N rateMatchPatternToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRateMatchPatterns)) OF RateMatchPatternId OPTIONAL, -- Need N rateMatchPatternGroup1 RateMatchPatternGroup OPTIONAL, -- Need R rateMatchPatternGroup2 RateMatchPatternGroup OPTIONAL, -- Need R
rbg-SizeSelection between config 1 and config 2 for RBG size for PDSCH except PDSCH scheduled by DCI format 1_3. The UE ignores this field if resourceAllocation is set to resourceAllocationType1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {config1, config2},
mcs-TableIndicates which MCS table the UE shall use for PDSCH for DCI formats 1_0, 1_1 and 1_3 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If all fields are absent the UE applies the value 64QAM. If the field mcs-Table-r17 is present for DCI formats 1_1 and 1_3, the network does not configure the field mcs-Table(without suffix). For an(e)RedCap UE, the 256QAM MCS table for PDSCH is only supported if the UE indicates support of 256QAM for PDSCH.
ENUMERATED {qam256, qam64LowSE} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
maxNrofCodeWordsScheduledByDCIMaximum number of code words that a single DCI may schedule. This changes the number of MCS/RV/NDI bits in the DCI message from 1 to 2.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R prb-BundlingType CHOICE { staticBundling SEQUENCE { bundleSize ENUMERATED { n4, wideband } OPTIONAL -- Need S }, dynamicBundling SEQUENCE { bundleSizeSet1 ENUMERATED { n4, wideband, n2-wideband, n4-wideband } OPTIONAL, -- Need S bundleSizeSet2 ENUMERATED { n4, wideband } OPTIONAL -- Need S } },
zp-CSI-RS-ResourceToAddModListA list of Zero-Power (ZP) CSI-RS resources used for PDSCH rate-matching. Each resource in this list may be referred to from only one type of resource set, i.e., aperiodic, semi-persistent or periodic (see TS 38.214 [19]).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-Resources)) OF ZP-CSI-RS-Resource OPTIONAL, -- Need N zp-CSI-RS-ResourceToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-Resources)) OF ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Need N aperiodic-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToAddModList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets)) OF ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N aperiodic-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets)) OF ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sp-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToAddModListAddMod/Release lists for configuring semi-persistent zero-power CSI-RS resource sets. Each set contains a ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId and the IDs of one or more ZP-CSI-RS-Resources (the actual resources are defined in the zp-CSI-RS-ResourceToAddModList) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets)) OF ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N sp-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets)) OF ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
p-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetA set of periodically occurring ZP-CSI-RS-Resources (the actual resources are defined in the zp-CSI-RS-ResourceToAddModList). The network uses the ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId=0 for this set. If p-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet is configured in both PDSCH-Config for MBS CFR and PDSCH-Config for the assoicated BWP, it is subject to UE capability whether the p-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet configured in PDSCH-Config for MBS CFR can be different from the p-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet configured in PDSCH-Config for the assoicated BWP.
SetupRelease { ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
maxMIMO-Layers-r16Indicates the maximum number of MIMO layers to be used for PDSCH in this DL BWP. If not configured, the UE uses the maxMIMO-Layers configuration in IE PDSCH-ServingCellConfig of the serving cell to which this BWP belongs, when the UE operates in this BWP. The value of maxMIMO-Layers for a DL BWP shall be smaller than or equal to the value of maxMIMO-Layers configured in IE PDSCH-ServingCellConfig of the serving cell to which this BWP belongs. For MBS multicast, indicates the maximum number of MIMO layers to be used for group-common PDSCH of MBS multicast in this CFR. If not configured for CFR, the UE applies value 1. The value of maxMIMO-Layers for a CFR shall be smaller than or equal to the value of maxMIMO-Layers configured in PDSCH-ServingCellConfig IE of the serving cell to which this CFR belongs.
SetupRelease { MaxMIMO-LayersDL-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
minimumSchedulingOffsetK0-r16List of minimum K0 values.Minimum K0 parameter denotes minimum applicable value(s) for the TDRA table for PDSCH and for A-CSI RS triggering Offset(s) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.3.1).
SetupRelease { MinSchedulingOffsetK0-Values-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M -- Start of the parameters for DCI format 1_2 introduced in V16.1.0
antennaPortsFieldPresenceDCI-1-2-r16Configure the presence of "Antenna ports" field in DCI format 1_2. When the field is configured, then the "Antenna ports" field is present in DCI format 1_2. Otherwise, the field size is set to 0 for DCI format 1_2 (See TS 38.212 [17], clause If neither dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeA-DCI-1-2 nor dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeB-DCI-1-2 is configured, this field is absent.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S aperiodicZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToAddModListDCI-1-2-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets)) OF ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N aperiodicZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToReleaseListDCI-1-2-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets)) OF ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need N dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeA-DCI-1-2-r16 SetupRelease { DMRS-DownlinkConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeB-DCI-1-2-r16 SetupRelease { DMRS-DownlinkConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M dmrs-SequenceInitializationDCI-1-2-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
harq-ProcessNumberSizeDCI-1-2-r16Configure the number of bits for the field "HARQ process number" in DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
INTEGER (0..4) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mcs-TableDCI-1-2-r16Indicates which MCS table the UE shall use for PDSCH for DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If all fields are absent the UE applies the value 64QAM. If the field mcs-TableDCI-1-2-r17is present, the network does not configure the field mcs-TableDCI-1-2-r16. For an(e)RedCap UE, the 256QAM MCS table for PDSCH is only supported if the UE indicates support of 256QAM for PDSCH.
ENUMERATED {qam256, qam64LowSE} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
numberOfBitsForRV-DCI-1-2-r16Configures the number of bits for "Redundancy version" in the DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-1-2-r16 SetupRelease { PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M prb-BundlingTypeDCI-1-2-r16 CHOICE { staticBundling-r16 SEQUENCE { bundleSize-r16 ENUMERATED { n4, wideband } OPTIONAL -- Need S }, dynamicBundling-r16 SEQUENCE { bundleSizeSet1-r16 ENUMERATED { n4, wideband, n2-wideband, n4-wideband } OPTIONAL, -- Need S bundleSizeSet2-r16 ENUMERATED { n4, wideband } OPTIONAL -- Need S } } OPTIONAL, -- Need R priorityIndicatorDCI-1-2-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S rateMatchPatternGroup1DCI-1-2-r16 RateMatchPatternGroup OPTIONAL, -- Need R rateMatchPatternGroup2DCI-1-2-r16 RateMatchPatternGroup OPTIONAL, -- Need R
resourceAllocationType1GranularityDCI-1-2-r16Configure the scheduling granularity applicable for both the starting point and length indication for resource allocation type 1 in DCI format 1_2. If this field is absent, the granularity is 1 PRB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {n2,n4,n8,n16} OPTIONAL, -- Need S vrb-ToPRB-InterleaverDCI-1-2-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
referenceOfSLIVDCI-1-2-r16Enable using the starting symbol of the PDCCH monitoring occasion in which the DL assignment is detected as the reference of the SLIV for DCI format 1_2. When the RRC parameter enables the utilization of the new reference, the new reference is applied for TDRA entries with K0=0. For other entries (if any) in the same TDRA table, the reference is slot boundary as in Rel-15. PDSCH mapping type A is not supported with the new reference. The new reference of SLIV is not configured for a serving cell configured to be scheduled by cross-carrier scheduling on a scheduling cell with different numerology (see TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19] clause
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S resourceAllocationDCI-1-2-r16 ENUMERATED { resourceAllocationType0, resourceAllocationType1, dynamicSwitch} OPTIONAL, -- Need M -- End of the parameters for DCI format 1_2 introduced in V16.1.0 priorityIndicatorDCI-1-1-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S dataScramblingIdentityPDSCH2-r16 INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need R pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationList-r16 SetupRelease { PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
repetitionSchemeConfig-r16Configure the UE with repetition schemes. The network does not configure repetitionSchemeConfig-r16 and repetitionSchemeConfig-v1630 simultaneously to setup in the same PDSCH-Config.The network does not configure this parameter and sfnSchemePDSCH in MIMOParam-r17 simultaneously in the same serving cell.
SetupRelease { RepetitionSchemeConfig-r16} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ repetitionSchemeConfig-v1630 SetupRelease { RepetitionSchemeConfig-v1630} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-OneShotFeedbackDCI-1-2-r17When configured, DCI format 1_2 can request the UE to report A/N for all HARQ processes and all component carriers configured in the PUCCH group (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3DCI-1-2-r17When configured, enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook triggering by DCI format 1_2 is enabled.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3DCI-Field-1-2-r17Enables the enhanced Type 3 codebook through a new DCI field to indicate the enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook in DCI format 1_2 if the more than one enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook is configured for the primary PUCCH cell group.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-RetxDCI-1-2-r17When configured, DCI format 1_2 can request the UE to perform a HARQ-ACK re-transmission on a PUCCH resource (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.5).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pucch-sSCellDynDCI-1-2-r17When configured, PUCCH cell switching based on dynamic indication in DCI format 1_2 is enabled (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.A).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R dl-OrJointTCI-StateList-r17 CHOICE { explicitlist SEQUENCE {
dl-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList-r17A list of Transmission Configuration Indicator (TCI) states indicating a transmission configuration which includes QCL-relationships between the DL RSs in one RS set and the PDSCH DMRS ports, PDCCH DMRS ports, and CSI-RS, and in case of join mode, also the PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTCI-States)) OF TCI-State OPTIONAL, -- Need N dl-OrJointTCI-StateToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTCI-States)) OF TCI-StateId OPTIONAL -- Need N },
unifiedTCI-StateRef-r17Provides the serving cell and BWP where the configuration for dl-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList-r17are defined. When this field is present, dl-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList and dl-OrJointTCI-StateToReleaseList are not present. The value of unifiedTCI-StateTypeof current serving cell is the same in the serving cell indicated by unifiedTCI-StateRef.
ServingCellAndBWP-Id-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
beamAppTime-r17Indicates the first slot to apply the unified TCI indicated by DCI as specified in TS 38.214 Clause 5.1.5. The value n1 means 1 symbol, n2 two symbols and so on. The first slot is at least Y symbols indicated by beamAppTime parameter after the last symbol of the acknowledgment of the joint or separate DL/UL beam indication. The same value shall be configured for all serving cells in any one of the simultaneousU-TCI-UpdateListN configured in IE CellGroupConfig based on the smallest SCS of the active BWP.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n7, n14, n28, n42, n56, n70, n84, n98, n112, n224, n336, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dummyThis field is not used in the specification. If received it shall be ignored by the UE.
SetupRelease { Dummy-TDRA-List } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
dmrs-FD-OCC-DisabledForRank1-PDSCH-r17If configured, the UE may assume that the set of remaining orthogonal antenna ports, which are within the same code division multiplexing (CDM) group and have different frequency domain orthogonal cover codes (FD-OCC), are not associated with the PDSCH of another UE (see TS 38.214 [19], clause It is applicable for PDSCH SCS of 480 and 960 kHz when rank 1 PDSCH with type-1 or type-2 DMRS is scheduled. If dmrs-TypeEnh-r18 is configured, this field is not configured.
minimumSchedulingOffsetK0-r17List of minimum K0 values.Minimum K0 parameter denotes minimum applicable value(s) for the TDRA table for PDSCH and for A-CSI RS triggering Offset(s) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.3.1).
SetupRelease { MinSchedulingOffsetK0-Values-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M harq-ProcessNumberSizeDCI-1-2-v1700 INTEGER (0..5) OPTIONAL, -- Need R harq-ProcessNumberSizeDCI-1-1-r17 INTEGER (5) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mcs-Table-r17Indicates which MCS table the UE shall use for PDSCH for DCI formats 1_0, 1_1 and 1_3 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If all fields are absent the UE applies the value 64QAM. If the field mcs-Table-r17 is present for DCI formats 1_1 and 1_3, the network does not configure the field mcs-Table(without suffix). For an(e)RedCap UE, the 256QAM MCS table for PDSCH is only supported if the UE indicates support of 256QAM for PDSCH.
ENUMERATED {qam1024} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mcs-TableDCI-1-2-r17Indicates which MCS table the UE shall use for PDSCH for DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If all fields are absent the UE applies the value 64QAM. If the field mcs-TableDCI-1-2-r17is present, the network does not configure the field mcs-TableDCI-1-2-r16. For an(e)RedCap UE, the 256QAM MCS table for PDSCH is only supported if the UE indicates support of 256QAM for PDSCH.
ENUMERATED {qam1024} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
xOverheadMulticast-r17Accounts for an overhead from CSI-RS, CORESET etc. If the field is absent, the UE applies value xOh0 (see TS 38.214 [19]).
ENUMERATED {xOh6, xOh12, xOh18} OPTIONAL, -- Need S priorityIndicatorDCI-4-2-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
sizeDCI-4-2-r17Indicates the size of DCI format 4-2 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
INTEGER (20..maxDCI-4-2-Size-r17) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPDSCH-r17 SetupRelease { MultiPDSCH-TDRA-List-r17 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
advancedReceiver-MU-MIMO-r18A set of assistance information for R-ML (reduced complexity ML) receivers with enhanced inter-user interference suppression for MU-MIMO transmissions.
SetupRelease { AdvancedReceiver-MU-MIMO-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M pdsch-ConfigDCI-1-3-r18 SetupRelease { PDSCH-ConfigDCI-1-3-r18 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } RateMatchPatternGroup ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRateMatchPatternsPerGroup)) OF CHOICE { cellLevel RateMatchPatternId, bwpLevel RateMatchPatternId } MinSchedulingOffsetK0-Values-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfMinSchedulingOffsetValues-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxK0-SchedulingOffset-r16) MinSchedulingOffsetK0-Values-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfMinSchedulingOffsetValues-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxK0-SchedulingOffset-r17) MaxMIMO-LayersDL-r16 ::= INTEGER (1..8) PDSCH-ConfigDCI-1-3-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
resourceAllocationDCI-1-3-r18Configuration of resource allocation type 0 and resource allocation type 1 for DCI format 1_3 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {resourceAllocationType0, resourceAllocationType1, dynamicSwitch} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
rbg-SizeDCI-1-3-r18Selection among config 1, config 2 and config 3 for RBG size for PDSCH scheduled by DCI format 1_3. The UE ignores this field if resourceAllocationDCI-1-3 is set to resourceAllocationType1. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {config1, config2, config3, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Cond DCI-1-3
resourceAllocationType1GranularityDCI-1-3-r18Configure the scheduling granularity applicable for both the starting point and length indication for resource allocation type 1 in DCI format 1_3. If this field is absent, the granularity is 1 PRB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {n2,n4,n8,n16} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
numberOfBitsForRV-DCI-1-3-r18Configures the number of bits for "Redundancy version" in the DCI format 1_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
harq-ProcessNumberSizeDCI-1-3-r18Configure the number of bits for the field "HARQ process number" in DCI format 1_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
PDSCH-Config field descriptions
A set of assistance information for R-ML (reduced complexity ML) receivers with enhanced inter-user interference suppression for MU-MIMO transmissions.
Configure the presence of "Antenna ports" field in DCI format 1_2. When the field is configured, then the "Antenna ports" field is present in DCI format 1_2. Otherwise, the field size is set to 0 for DCI format 1_2 (See TS 38.212 [17], clause If neither dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeA-DCI-1-2 nor dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeB-DCI-1-2 is configured, this field is absent.
aperiodic-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToAddModList, aperiodic-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToAddModListDCI-1-2
AddMod/Release lists for configuring aperiodically triggered zero-power CSI-RS resource sets. Each set contains a ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId and the IDs of one or more ZP-CSI-RS-Resources (the actual resources are defined in the zp-CSI-RS-ResourceToAddModList). The network configures the UE with at most 3 aperiodic ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets and it uses only the ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId 1 to 3. The network triggers a set by indicating its ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId in the DCI payload. The DCI codepoint '01' triggers the resource set with ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId 1, the DCI codepoint '10' triggers the resource set with ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId 2, and the DCI codepoint '11' triggers the resource set with ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId 3 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The field aperiodic-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToAddModList applies to DCI format 1_1 and the field aperiodic-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToAddModListDCI-1-2applies to DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause and TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1).
Indicates the first slot to apply the unified TCI indicated by DCI as specified in TS 38.214 Clause 5.1.5. The value n1 means 1 symbol, n2 two symbols and so on. The first slot is at least Y symbols indicated by beamAppTime parameter after the last symbol of the acknowledgment of the joint or separate DL/UL beam indication. The same value shall be configured for all serving cells in any one of the simultaneousU-TCI-UpdateListN configured in IE CellGroupConfig based on the smallest SCS of the active BWP.
dataScramblingIdentityPDSCH, dataScramblingIdentityPDSCH2
Identifier(s) used to initialize data scrambling (c_init) for PDSCH as specified in TS 38.211 [16], clause dataScramblingIdentityPDSCH2 is configured if coresetPoolIndex is configured with 1 for at least one CORESET in the same BWP.
A list of Transmission Configuration Indicator (TCI) states indicating a transmission configuration which includes QCL-relationships between the DL RSs in one RS set and the PDSCH DMRS ports, PDCCH DMRS ports, and CSI-RS, and in case of join mode, also the PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5).
dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeA, dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeA-DCI-1-2
DMRS configuration for PDSCH transmissions using PDSCH mapping type A (chosen dynamically via PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation). Only the fields dmrs-Type, dmrs-AdditionalPosition and maxLength may be set differently for mapping type A and B. The field dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeA applies to DCI formats 1_1 and 1_3, and the field dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeA-DCI-1-2applies to DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeB, dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeB-DCI-1-2
DMRS configuration for PDSCH transmissions using PDSCH mapping type B (chosen dynamically via PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation). Only the fields dmrs-Type, dmrs-AdditionalPosition and maxLength may be set differently for mapping type A and B. The field dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeB applies to DCI formats 1_1 and 1_3, and the field dmrs-DownlinkForPDSCH-MappingTypeB-DCI-1-2applies to DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
If configured, the UE may assume that the set of remaining orthogonal antenna ports, which are within the same code division multiplexing (CDM) group and have different frequency domain orthogonal cover codes (FD-OCC), are not associated with the PDSCH of another UE (see TS 38.214 [19], clause It is applicable for PDSCH SCS of 480 and 960 kHz when rank 1 PDSCH with type-1 or type-2 DMRS is scheduled. If dmrs-TypeEnh-r18 is configured, this field is not configured.
Configure whether the field "DMRS Sequence Initialization" is present or not in DCI format 1_2 If the field is absent, then the UE applies the value of 0 bit for the field "DMRS Sequence Initialization" in DCI format 1_2. If the field is present, then the UE applies the value of 1 bit as in DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
This field is not used in the specification. If received it shall be ignored by the UE.
Configure the number of bits for the field "HARQ process number" in DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
Indicates the maximum number of MIMO layers to be used for PDSCH in this DL BWP. If not configured, the UE uses the maxMIMO-Layers configuration in IE PDSCH-ServingCellConfig of the serving cell to which this BWP belongs, when the UE operates in this BWP. The value of maxMIMO-Layers for a DL BWP shall be smaller than or equal to the value of maxMIMO-Layers configured in IE PDSCH-ServingCellConfig of the serving cell to which this BWP belongs. For MBS multicast, indicates the maximum number of MIMO layers to be used for group-common PDSCH of MBS multicast in this CFR. If not configured for CFR, the UE applies value 1. The value of maxMIMO-Layers for a CFR shall be smaller than or equal to the value of maxMIMO-Layers configured in PDSCH-ServingCellConfig IE of the serving cell to which this CFR belongs.
Maximum number of code words that a single DCI may schedule. This changes the number of MCS/RV/NDI bits in the DCI message from 1 to 2.
Indicates which MCS table the UE shall use for PDSCH for DCI formats 1_0, 1_1 and 1_3 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If all fields are absent the UE applies the value 64QAM. If the field mcs-Table-r17 is present for DCI formats 1_1 and 1_3, the network does not configure the field mcs-Table(without suffix). For an(e)RedCap UE, the 256QAM MCS table for PDSCH is only supported if the UE indicates support of 256QAM for PDSCH.
Indicates which MCS table the UE shall use for PDSCH for DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If all fields are absent the UE applies the value 64QAM. If the field mcs-TableDCI-1-2-r17is present, the network does not configure the field mcs-TableDCI-1-2-r16. For an(e)RedCap UE, the 256QAM MCS table for PDSCH is only supported if the UE indicates support of 256QAM for PDSCH.
List of minimum K0 values.Minimum K0 parameter denotes minimum applicable value(s) for the TDRA table for PDSCH and for A-CSI RS triggering Offset(s) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.3.1).
Configures the number of bits for "Redundancy version" in the DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause
Number of repetitions for data (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent in PDSCH-Config which is not used for MBS CFR, the UE applies the value 1.
When configured, enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook triggering by DCI format 1_2 is enabled.
Enables the enhanced Type 3 codebook through a new DCI field to indicate the enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook in DCI format 1_2 if the more than one enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook is configured for the primary PUCCH cell group.
When configured, DCI format 1_2 can request the UE to report A/N for all HARQ processes and all component carriers configured in the PUCCH group (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
When configured, DCI format 1_2 can request the UE to perform a HARQ-ACK re-transmission on a PUCCH resource (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.5).
pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationList, pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-1-2, pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPDSCH
List of time-domain configurations for timing of DL assignment to DL data. The field pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationList (with or without suffix) applies to DCI format 1_0, DCI format 1_1and DCI format 1_3 (see table in TS 38.214 [19]), and if the field pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-1-2 is not configured, to DCI format 1_2. If the field pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-1-2is configured, it applies to DCI format 1_2 (see table in TS 38.214 [19]). The field pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPDSCH applies to DCI format 1_1. The network does not configure the pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationList-r16 simultaneously with the pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationList (without suffix) in the same PDSCH-Config.
Indicates the PRB bundle type and bundle size(s) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If dynamic is chosen, the actual bundleSizeSet1 or bundleSizeSet2 to use is indicated via DCI. Constraints on bundleSize(Set) setting depending on vrb-ToPRB-Interleaver and rbg-Size settings are described in TS 38.214 [19], clause If a bundleSize(Set) value is absent, the UE applies the value n2. The field prb-BundlingType applies to DCI formats 1_1 and 1_3, and the field prb-BundlingTypeDCI-1-2applies to DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause
priorityIndicatorDCI-1-1, priorityIndicatorDCI-1-2, priorityIndicatorDCI-4-2
Configure the presence of "priority indicator" in DCI format 1_1/1_2/4_2. When the field is absent in the IE, then 0 bit for "priority indicator" in DCI format 1_1/1_2/4_2. The field priorityIndicatorDCI-1-1 applies to DCI format 1_1, the field priorityIndicatorDCI-1-2applies to DCI format 1_2 and the field priorityIndicatorDCI-4-2 applies to DCI format 4_2, respectively (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13] clause 9).
When configured, PUCCH cell switching based on dynamic indication in DCI format 1_2 is enabled (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.A).
A set of periodically occurring ZP-CSI-RS-Resources (the actual resources are defined in the zp-CSI-RS-ResourceToAddModList). The network uses the ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId=0 for this set. If p-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet is configured in both PDSCH-Config for MBS CFR and PDSCH-Config for the assoicated BWP, it is subject to UE capability whether the p-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet configured in PDSCH-Config for MBS CFR can be different from the p-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet configured in PDSCH-Config for the assoicated BWP.
rateMatchPatternGroup1, rateMatchPatternGroup1DCI-1-2
The IDs of a first group of RateMatchPatterns defined in PDSCH-Config->rateMatchPatternToAddModList (BWP level) or in ServingCellConfig ->rateMatchPatternToAddModList (cell level). These patterns can be activated dynamically by DCI (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The field rateMatchPatternGroup1 applies to DCI formats 1_1 and 1_3, and the field rateMatchPatternGroup1DCI-1-2applies to DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
rateMatchPatternGroup2, rateMatchPatternGroup2DCI-1-2
The IDs of a second group of RateMatchPatterns defined in PDSCH-Config->rateMatchPatternToAddModList (BWP level) or in ServingCellConfig ->rateMatchPatternToAddModList (cell level). These patterns can be activated dynamically by DCI (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The field rateMatchPatternGroup2 applies to DCI formats 1_1 and 1_3, and the field rateMatchPatternGroup2DCI-1-2applies to DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Resources patterns which the UE should rate match PDSCH around. The UE rate matches around the union of all resources indicated in the rate match patterns (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If a RateMatchPattern with the same RateMatchPatternId is configured in both MBS CFR and its associated BWP, the entire RateMatchPattern configuration, including the set of RBs/REs indicated by the patterns for the rate matching around, shall be the same and they are counted as a single rate match pattern in the total configured rate match patterns as defined in TS 38.214 [19].
Selection between config 1 and config 2 for RBG size for PDSCH except PDSCH scheduled by DCI format 1_3. The UE ignores this field if resourceAllocation is set to resourceAllocationType1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Enable using the starting symbol of the PDCCH monitoring occasion in which the DL assignment is detected as the reference of the SLIV for DCI format 1_2. When the RRC parameter enables the utilization of the new reference, the new reference is applied for TDRA entries with K0=0. For other entries (if any) in the same TDRA table, the reference is slot boundary as in Rel-15. PDSCH mapping type A is not supported with the new reference. The new reference of SLIV is not configured for a serving cell configured to be scheduled by cross-carrier scheduling on a scheduling cell with different numerology (see TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19] clause
Configure the UE with repetition schemes. The network does not configure repetitionSchemeConfig-r16 and repetitionSchemeConfig-v1630 simultaneously to setup in the same PDSCH-Config.The network does not configure this parameter and sfnSchemePDSCH in MIMOParam-r17 simultaneously in the same serving cell.
resourceAllocation, resourceAllocationDCI-1-2
Configuration of resource allocation type 0 and resource allocation type 1 for non-fallback DCI (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The field resourceAllocation applies to DCI format 1_1, and the field resourceAllocationDCI-1-2 applies to DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Configure the scheduling granularity applicable for both the starting point and length indication for resource allocation type 1 in DCI format 1_2. If this field is absent, the granularity is 1 PRB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates the size of DCI format 4-2 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
AddMod/Release lists for configuring semi-persistent zero-power CSI-RS resource sets. Each set contains a ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId and the IDs of one or more ZP-CSI-RS-Resources (the actual resources are defined in the zp-CSI-RS-ResourceToAddModList) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
A list of Transmission Configuration Indicator (TCI) states indicating a transmission configuration which includes QCL-relationships between the DL RSs in one RS set and the PDSCH DMRS ports (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5). If unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell, no element in this list is configured.
Provides the serving cell and BWP where the configuration for dl-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList-r17are defined. When this field is present, dl-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModList and dl-OrJointTCI-StateToReleaseList are not present. The value of unifiedTCI-StateTypeof current serving cell is the same in the serving cell indicated by unifiedTCI-StateRef.
vrb-ToPRB-Interleaver, vrb-ToPRB-InterleaverDCI-1-2
Interleaving unit configurable between 2 and 4 PRBs (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent, the UE performs non-interleaved VRB-to-PRB mapping.
Accounts for an overhead from CSI-RS, CORESET etc. If the field is absent, the UE applies value xOh0 (see TS 38.214 [19]).
A list of Zero-Power (ZP) CSI-RS resources used for PDSCH rate-matching. Each resource in this list may be referred to from only one type of resource set, i.e., aperiodic, semi-persistent or periodic (see TS 38.214 [19]).
PDSCH-ConfigDCI-1-3field descriptions
Configure the number of bits for the field "HARQ process number" in DCI format 1_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
Configures the number of bits for "Redundancy version" in the DCI format 1_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause
Selection among config 1, config 2 and config 3 for RBG size for PDSCH scheduled by DCI format 1_3. The UE ignores this field if resourceAllocationDCI-1-3 is set to resourceAllocationType1. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Configuration of resource allocation type 0 and resource allocation type 1 for DCI format 1_3 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Configure the scheduling granularity applicable for both the starting point and length indication for resource allocation type 1 in DCI format 1_3. If this field is absent, the granularity is 1 PRB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present when ScheduledCellListDCI-1-3 is configured to the serving cell. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.

The IE PDSCH-ConfigCommon is used to configure cell specific PDSCH parameters.
pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListList of time-domain configurations for timing of DL assignment to DL data (see table in TS 38.214 [19]).
PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-PDSCH-CONFIGCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PDSCH-ConfigCommon field descriptions
List of time-domain configurations for timing of DL assignment to DL data (see table in TS 38.214 [19]).

The IE PDSCH-ServingCellConfig is used to configure UE specific PDSCH parameters that are common across the UE's BWPs of one serving cell.
codeBlockGroupTransmissionEnables and configures code-block-group (CBG) based transmission (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.1).Network does not configure for a UE both spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs and codeBlockGroupTransmission within the same cell group. The network does not configure this field if - the SCS of at least one DL BWP configured in the cellis 480 or 960 kHz - Type-1 HARQ-ACK codebook is configured and pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPDSCH-r17 for this serving cell contains pdsch-AllocationList with multiple entries (multiple PDSCH) - Type-2 HARQ-ACK codebook is configured and pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPDSCH-r17for any cell in the same PUCCH cell group associated with this serving cell contains pdsch-AllocationList with multiple entries (multiple PDSCH)
SetupRelease { PDSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
xOverheadAccounts for overhead from CSI-RS, CORESET, etc. If the field is absent, the UE applies value xOh0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED { xOh6, xOh12, xOh18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
nrofHARQ-ProcessesForPDSCHThe number of HARQ processes to be used on the PDSCH of a serving cell. Value n2 corresponds to 2 HARQ processes, value n4 to 4 HARQ processes, and so on. If both nrofHARQ-ProcessesForPDSCH and nrofHARQ-ProcessesForPDSCH-v1700 are absent, the UE uses 8 HARQ processes (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1).
ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n6, n10, n12, n16} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
pucch-CellThe ID of the serving cell (of the same cell group) to use for PUCCH. If the field is absent, the UE sends the HARQ feedback on the PUCCH of the SpCell of this cell group, or on this serving cell if it is a PUCCH SCell.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCellAddOnly ..., [[
maxMIMO-LayersIndicates the maximum number of MIMO layers to be used for PDSCH in all BWPs of this serving cell. (see TS 38.212 [17], clause
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
processingType2EnabledEnables configuration of advanced processing time capability 2 for PDSCH (see 38.214 [19], clause 5.3).
pdsch-CodeBlockGroupTransmissionList-r16A list of configurations for up to two simultaneously constructed HARQ-ACK codebooks (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3).
SetupRelease { PDSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmissionList-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
downlinkHARQ-FeedbackDisabled-r17Used to disable the DL HARQ feedback, sent in the uplink, per HARQ process ID. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to HARQ process ID 0, the next bit to HARQ process ID 1 and so on. Bits corresponding to HARQ process IDs that are not configured shall be ignored. The bit(s) set to one identify HARQ processes with disabled DL HARQ feedback and the bit(s) set to zero identify HARQ processes with enabled DL HARQ feedback.
SetupRelease { DownlinkHARQ-FeedbackDisabled-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M nrofHARQ-ProcessesForPDSCH-v1700 ENUMERATED {n32} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } PDSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission ::= SEQUENCE {
maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlockMaximum number of code-block-groups (CBGs) per TB. In case of multiple CW, the maximum CBG is 4 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.1).
ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n6, n8},
codeBlockGroupFlushIndicatorIndicates whether CBGFI for CBG based (re)transmission in DL is enabled (true). (see TS 38.212 [17], clause
BOOLEAN, ... } PDSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmissionList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF PDSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission DownlinkHARQ-FeedbackDisabled-r17 ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) -- TAG-PDSCH-SERVINGCELLCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PDSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission field descriptions
Indicates whether CBGFI for CBG based (re)transmission in DL is enabled (true). (see TS 38.212 [17], clause
Maximum number of code-block-groups (CBGs) per TB. In case of multiple CW, the maximum CBG is 4 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.1).
PDSCH-ServingCellConfig field descriptions
Enables and configures code-block-group (CBG) based transmission (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.1).Network does not configure for a UE both spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs and codeBlockGroupTransmission within the same cell group. The network does not configure this field if - the SCS of at least one DL BWP configured in the cellis 480 or 960 kHz - Type-1 HARQ-ACK codebook is configured and pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPDSCH-r17 for this serving cell contains pdsch-AllocationList with multiple entries (multiple PDSCH) - Type-2 HARQ-ACK codebook is configured and pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPDSCH-r17for any cell in the same PUCCH cell group associated with this serving cell contains pdsch-AllocationList with multiple entries (multiple PDSCH)
Used to disable the DL HARQ feedback, sent in the uplink, per HARQ process ID. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to HARQ process ID 0, the next bit to HARQ process ID 1 and so on. Bits corresponding to HARQ process IDs that are not configured shall be ignored. The bit(s) set to one identify HARQ processes with disabled DL HARQ feedback and the bit(s) set to zero identify HARQ processes with enabled DL HARQ feedback.
Indicates the maximum number of MIMO layers to be used for PDSCH in all BWPs of this serving cell. (see TS 38.212 [17], clause
The number of HARQ processes to be used on the PDSCH of a serving cell. Value n2 corresponds to 2 HARQ processes, value n4 to 4 HARQ processes, and so on. If both nrofHARQ-ProcessesForPDSCH and nrofHARQ-ProcessesForPDSCH-v1700 are absent, the UE uses 8 HARQ processes (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1).
A list of configurations for up to two simultaneously constructed HARQ-ACK codebooks (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3).
Enables configuration of advanced processing time capability 2 for PDSCH (see 38.214 [19], clause 5.3).
The ID of the serving cell (of the same cell group) to use for PUCCH. If the field is absent, the UE sends the HARQ feedback on the PUCCH of the SpCell of this cell group, or on this serving cell if it is a PUCCH SCell.
Accounts for overhead from CSI-RS, CORESET, etc. If the field is absent, the UE applies value xOh0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
It is optionally present, Need S, for (non-PUCCH) SCells when adding a new SCell. The field is absent, Need M, when reconfiguring SCells. The field is also absent for the SpCells as well as for a PUCCH SCell.

The IE PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation is used to configure a time domain relation between PDCCH and PDSCH. The PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList contains one or more of such PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocations. The network indicates in the DL assignment which of the configured time domain allocations the UE shall apply for that DL assignment. The UE determines the bit width of the DCI field based on the number of entries in the PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList. Value 0 in the DCI field refers to the first element in this list, value 1 in the DCI field refers to the second element in this list, and so on.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PDSCH-TIMEDOMAINRESOURCEALLOCATIONLIST-START PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofDL-Allocations)) OF PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation ::= SEQUENCE {
k0Slot offset between DCI and its scheduled PDSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause k0-v1710 is only applicable for PDSCH SCS of 480 kHz and 960 kHz.If multiple PDSCHs are configured per PDCCH, the network always configures this field. Otherwise, when the field is absent and only one PDSCH is configured per PDCCH, the UE applies the value 0.
INTEGER(0..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
mappingTypePDSCH mapping type (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.3).
ENUMERATED {typeA, typeB},
startSymbolAndLengthAn index giving valid combinations of start symbol and length (jointly encoded) as start and length indicator (SLIV). The network configures the field so that the allocation does not cross the slot boundary (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..127) } PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofDL-Allocations)) OF PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation-r16 PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
k0-r16Slot offset between DCI and its scheduled PDSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause k0-v1710 is only applicable for PDSCH SCS of 480 kHz and 960 kHz.If multiple PDSCHs are configured per PDCCH, the network always configures this field. Otherwise, when the field is absent and only one PDSCH is configured per PDCCH, the UE applies the value 0.
INTEGER(0..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
mappingType-r16PDSCH mapping type (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.3).
ENUMERATED {typeA, typeB},
startSymbolAndLength-r16An index giving valid combinations of start symbol and length (jointly encoded) as start and length indicator (SLIV). The network configures the field so that the allocation does not cross the slot boundary (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..127),
repetitionNumber-r16Indicates the number of PDSCH transmission occasions for slot-based repetition scheme in IE RepetitionSchemeConfig. The parameter is used as specified in 38.214 [19].
ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n16} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Formats1-0_1-1_4-0_4-1_4-2 ..., [[ k0-v1710 INTEGER(33..128) OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[ repetitionNumber-v1730 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n16} OPTIONAL -- Cond Format1-2 ]] } Dummy-TDRA-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxNrofDL-Allocations)) OF MultiPDSCH-TDRA-r17 MultiPDSCH-TDRA-List-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxNrofDL-AllocationsExt-r17)) OF MultiPDSCH-TDRA-r17 MultiPDSCH-TDRA-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
pdsch-TDRA-List-r17One or multiple PDSCHs which can be in consecutive or non-consecutive slots (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation field descriptions
Slot offset between DCI and its scheduled PDSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause k0-v1710 is only applicable for PDSCH SCS of 480 kHz and 960 kHz.If multiple PDSCHs are configured per PDCCH, the network always configures this field. Otherwise, when the field is absent and only one PDSCH is configured per PDCCH, the UE applies the value 0.
PDSCH mapping type (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.3).
Indicates the number of PDSCH transmission occasions for slot-based repetition scheme in IE RepetitionSchemeConfig. The parameter is used as specified in 38.214 [19].
An index giving valid combinations of start symbol and length (jointly encoded) as start and length indicator (SLIV). The network configures the field so that the allocation does not cross the slot boundary (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
MultiPDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation field descriptions
One or multiple PDSCHs which can be in consecutive or non-consecutive slots (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
In pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-1-2, this field is optionally present, Need R. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.
In pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-1-2, pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPDSCH, and SIB20, this field is absent.
Otherwise, in pdsch-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-r16, this field is optionally present, Need R.

The IE PDU-SessionID identifies the PDU Session.

The IE PHR-Config is used to configure parameters for power headroom reporting.
phr-PeriodicTimerValue in number of subframes for PHR reporting as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value sf10 corresponds to 10 subframes, value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes, and so on.
ENUMERATED {sf10, sf20, sf50, sf100, sf200,sf500, sf1000, infinity},
phr-ProhibitTimerValue in number of subframes for PHR reporting as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value sf0 corresponds to 0 subframe, value sf10 corresponds to 10 subframes, value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes, and so on.
ENUMERATED {sf0, sf10, sf20, sf50, sf100,sf200, sf500, sf1000},
phr-Tx-PowerFactorChangeValue in dB for PHR reporting as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value dB1 corresponds to 1 dB, dB3 corresponds to 3 dB and so on. The same value applies for each serving cell (although the associated functionality is performed independently for each cell).
ENUMERATED {dB1, dB3, dB6, infinity},
multiplePHRIndicates if power headroom shall be reported using the Single Entry PHR MAC control element or Multiple Entry PHR MAC control element defined in TS 38.321 [3]. True means to use Multiple Entry PHR MAC control element and False means to use the Single Entry PHR MAC control element defined in TS 38.321 [3]. The network configures this field to true for MR-DC and UL CA for NR, and to false in all other cases.
dummyThis field is not used in this version of the specification and the UE ignores the received value.
phr-Type2OtherCellIf set to true, the UE shall report a PHR type 2 for the SpCell of the other MAC entity. See TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.6. Network sets this field to false if the UE is not configured with an E-UTRA MAC entity.
phr-ModeOtherCGIndicates the mode (i.e. real or virtual) used for the PHR of the activated cells that are part of the other Cell Group (i.e. MCG or SCG), when DC is configured. If the UE is configured with only one cell group (no DC), it ignores the field.
ENUMERATED {real, virtual}, ..., [[
mpe-Reporting-FR2-r16Indicates whether the UE shall report MPE P-MPR in the PHR MAC control element, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SetupRelease { MPE-Config-FR2-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
mpe-Reporting-FR2-r17Indicates whether the UE shall report MPE P-MPR in the PHR MAC control element, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SetupRelease { MPE-Config-FR2-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
twoPHRMode-r17Indicates if the power headroom shall be reported as two PHRs (each PHR associated with a SRS resource set) is enabled or not. The network ensures phr-AssumedPUSCH-Reporting-r18 and twoPHRMode-r17 are not configured at the same time for a UE.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
phr-AssumedPUSCH-Reporting-r18Indicatesif the PHR with an assumed PUSCH is reported, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The network ensures phr-AssumedPUSCH-Reporting-r18 and twoPHRMode-r17 are not configured at the same time for a UE.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dpc-Reporting-FR1-r18Indicatesif the delta power class (DPC) is reported, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } MPE-Config-FR2-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
mpe-ProhibitTimer-r16Value in number of subframes for MPE reporting, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value sf10 corresponds to 10 subframes, and so on.
ENUMERATED {sf0, sf10, sf20, sf50, sf100, sf200, sf500, sf1000},
mpe-Threshold-r16Value of the P-MPR threshold in dB for reporting MPE P-MPR when FR2 is configured, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The same value applies for each serving cell (although the associated functionality is performed independently for each cell).
ENUMERATED {dB3, dB6, dB9, dB12} } MPE-Config-FR2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
mpe-ProhibitTimer-r17Value in number of subframes for MPE reporting, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value sf10 corresponds to 10 subframes, and so on.
ENUMERATED {sf0, sf10, sf20, sf50, sf100, sf200, sf500, sf1000},
mpe-Threshold-r17Value of the P-MPR threshold in dB for reporting MPE P-MPR when FR2 is configured, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The same value applies for each serving cell (although the associated functionality is performed independently for each cell).
ENUMERATED {dB3, dB6, dB9, dB12},
numberOfN-r17Number of reported P-MPR values in a PHR MAC CE.
PHR-Config field descriptions
Indicatesif the delta power class (DPC) is reported, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
This field is not used in this version of the specification and the UE ignores the received value.
Value in number of subframes for MPE reporting, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value sf10 corresponds to 10 subframes, and so on.
Indicates whether the UE shall report MPE P-MPR in the PHR MAC control element, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Value of the P-MPR threshold in dB for reporting MPE P-MPR when FR2 is configured, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The same value applies for each serving cell (although the associated functionality is performed independently for each cell).
Indicates if power headroom shall be reported using the Single Entry PHR MAC control element or Multiple Entry PHR MAC control element defined in TS 38.321 [3]. True means to use Multiple Entry PHR MAC control element and False means to use the Single Entry PHR MAC control element defined in TS 38.321 [3]. The network configures this field to true for MR-DC and UL CA for NR, and to false in all other cases.
Number of reported P-MPR values in a PHR MAC CE.
Indicatesif the PHR with an assumed PUSCH is reported, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The network ensures phr-AssumedPUSCH-Reporting-r18 and twoPHRMode-r17 are not configured at the same time for a UE.
Indicates the mode (i.e. real or virtual) used for the PHR of the activated cells that are part of the other Cell Group (i.e. MCG or SCG), when DC is configured. If the UE is configured with only one cell group (no DC), it ignores the field.
Value in number of subframes for PHR reporting as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value sf10 corresponds to 10 subframes, value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes, and so on.
Value in number of subframes for PHR reporting as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value sf0 corresponds to 0 subframe, value sf10 corresponds to 10 subframes, value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes, and so on.
Value in dB for PHR reporting as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value dB1 corresponds to 1 dB, dB3 corresponds to 3 dB and so on. The same value applies for each serving cell (although the associated functionality is performed independently for each cell).
If set to true, the UE shall report a PHR type 2 for the SpCell of the other MAC entity. See TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.6. Network sets this field to false if the UE is not configured with an E-UTRA MAC entity.
Indicates if the power headroom shall be reported as two PHRs (each PHR associated with a SRS resource set) is enabled or not. The network ensures phr-AssumedPUSCH-Reporting-r18 and twoPHRMode-r17 are not configured at the same time for a UE.

The PhysCellId identifies the physical cell identity (PCI).

The IE PhysicalCellGroupConfig is used to configure cell-group specific L1 parameters.
harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUCCHEnables spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs. It is configured per cell group (i.e. for all the cells within the cell group) for PUCCH reporting of HARQ-ACK. It is only applicable when more than 4 layers are possible to schedule. When the field is absent, the spatial bundling of PUCCH HARQ ACKs for the primary PUCCH group is disabled (see TS 38.213 [13], clause If the field harq-ACK SpatialBundlingPUCCH-secondaryPUCCHgroup is present, harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUCCH is only applied to primary PUCCH group. Network does not configure for a UE both spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs and codeBlockGroupTransmission within the same cell group.
harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUSCHEnables spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs. It is configured per cell group (i.e. for all the cells within the cell group) for PUSCH reporting of HARQ-ACK. It is only applicable when more than 4 layers are possible to schedule. When the field is absent, the spatial bundling of PUSCH HARQ ACKs for the primary PUCCH group is disabled (see TS 38.213 [13], clauses and If the field harq-ACK SpatialBundlingPUSCH-secondaryPUCCHgroup is present, harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUSCH is only applied to primary PUCCH group. Network does not configure for a UE both spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs and codeBlockGroupTransmission within the same cell group.
p-NR-FR1The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE in this NR cell group across all serving cells in frequency range 1 (FR1). The maximum transmit power that the UE may use may be additionally limited by p-Max (configured in FrequencyInfoUL) and by p-UE-FR1 (configured total for all serving cells operating on FR1).
P-Max OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-CodebookThe PDSCH HARQ-ACK codebook is either semi-static or dynamic. This is applicable to both CA and non-CA operation (see TS 38.213 [13], clauses 9.1.2 and 9.1.3). If pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16 is signalled, UE shall ignore the pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook (without suffix). For the HARQ-ACK for sidelink, if pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16 is signalled, the UE uses pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook (without suffix) and ignores pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16. If the field pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-secondaryPUCCHgroup is present, pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is applied to primary PUCCH group. Otherwise, this field is applied to the cell group (i.e. for all the cells within the cell group). For the HARQ-ACK for sidelink, if the field pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-secondaryPUCCHgroup is present, pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is applied to primary and secondary PUCCH group and the UE ignores pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-secondaryPUCCHgroup.
ENUMERATED {semiStatic, dynamic},
tpc-SRS-RNTIRNTI used for SRS TPC commands on DCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Need R
tpc-PUCCH-RNTIRNTI used for PUCCH TPC commands on DCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Need R
tpc-PUSCH-RNTIRNTI used for PUSCH TPC commands on DCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sp-CSI-RNTIRNTI for Semi-Persistent CSI reporting on PUSCH (see CSI-ReportConfig) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause Network always configures the UE with a value for this field when at least one CSI-ReportConfig with reportConfigType set to semiPersistentOnPUSCH is configured.
RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cs-RNTIRNTI value for downlink SPS (see SPS-Config) and uplink configured grant (see ConfiguredGrantConfig).
SetupRelease { RNTI-Value } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
mcs-C-RNTIRNTI to indicate use of qam64LowSE for grant-based transmissions. When the mcs-C-RNTI is configured, RNTI scrambling of DCI CRC is used to choose the corresponding MCS table.
RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Need R
p-UE-FR1The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE across all serving cells in frequency range 1 (FR1) across all cell groups. The maximum transmit power that the UE may use may be additionally limited by p-Max (configured in FrequencyInfoUL) and by p-NR-FR1 (configured for the cell group).
P-Max OPTIONAL -- Cond MCG-Only ]], [[
xScaleThe UE is allowed to drop NR only if the power scaling applied to NR results in a difference between scaled and unscaled NR UL of more than xScale dB (see TS 38.213 [13]). If the value is not configured for dynamic power sharing, the UE assumes default value of 6 dB.
ENUMERATED {dB0, dB6, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL -- Cond SCG-Only ]], [[ pdcch-BlindDetection SetupRelease { PDCCH-BlindDetection } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ dcp-Config-r16 SetupRelease { DCP-Config-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUCCH-secondaryPUCCHgroup-r16Indicates whether spatial bundling of PUCCH HARQ ACKs for the secondary PUCCH group is enabled or disabled. The field is only applicable when more than 4 layers are possible to schedule (see TS 38.213 [13], clause When the field is absent, the use of spatial bundling of PUCCH HARQ ACKs for the secondary PUCCH group is indicated by harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUCCH. See TS 38.213 [13], clause Network does not configure for a UE both spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs and codeBlockGroupTransmission within the same cell group.
ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup
harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUSCH-secondaryPUCCHgroup-r16Indicates whether spatial bundling of PUSCH HARQ ACKs for the secondary PUCCH group is enabled or disabled. The field is only applicable when more than 4 layers are possible to schedule (see TS 38.213 [13], clauses and When the field is absent, the use of spatial bundling of PUSCH HARQ ACKs for the secondary PUCCH group is indicated by harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUSCH. See TS 38.213 [13], clauses and Network does not configure for a UE both spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs and codeBlockGroupTransmission within the same cell group.
ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-secondaryPUCCHgroup-r16The PDSCH HARQ-ACK codebook is either semi-static or dynamic. This is applicable to CA operation (see TS 38.213 [13], clauses 9.1.2 and 9.1.3). It is configured for secondary PUCCH group.
ENUMERATED {semiStatic, dynamic} OPTIONAL, -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup
p-NR-FR2-r16The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE in this NR cell group across all serving cells in frequency range 2 (FR2). The maximum transmit power that the UE may use may be additionally limited by p-Max (configured in FrequencyInfoUL) and by p-UE-FR2 (configured total for all serving cells operating on FR2). This field is only used in NR-DC. A UE does not expect to be configured with this parameter in this release of the specification.
P-Max OPTIONAL, -- Need R
p-UE-FR2-r16The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE across all serving cells in frequency range 2 (FR2) across all cell groups. The maximum transmit power that the UE may use may be additionally limited by p-Max (configured in FrequencyInfoUL) and by p-NR-FR2 (configured for the cell group).A UE does not expect to be configured with this parameter in this release of the specification.
P-Max OPTIONAL, -- Cond MCG-Only
nrdc-PCmode-FR1-r16Indicates the uplink power sharing mode that the UE uses in NR-DC in frequency range 1 (FR1) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.6).
ENUMERATED {semi-static-mode1, semi-static-mode2, dynamic} OPTIONAL, -- Cond MCG-Only
nrdc-PCmode-FR2-r16Indicates the uplink power sharing mode that the UE uses in NR-DC in frequency range 2 (FR2) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.6).
ENUMERATED {semi-static-mode1, semi-static-mode2, dynamic} OPTIONAL, -- Cond MCG-Only
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16The PDSCH HARQ-ACK codebook is either semi-static or dynamic. This is applicable to both CA and non-CA operation (see TS 38.213 [13], clauses 9.1.2 and 9.1.3). If pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16 is signalled, UE shall ignore the pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook (without suffix). For the HARQ-ACK for sidelink, if pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16 is signalled, the UE uses pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook (without suffix) and ignores pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16. If the field pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-secondaryPUCCHgroup is present, pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is applied to primary PUCCH group. Otherwise, this field is applied to the cell group (i.e. for all the cells within the cell group). For the HARQ-ACK for sidelink, if the field pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-secondaryPUCCHgroup is present, pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is applied to primary and secondary PUCCH group and the UE ignores pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-secondaryPUCCHgroup.
ENUMERATED {enhancedDynamic} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
nfi-TotalDAI-Included-r16Indicates whether the NFI and total DAI fields of the non-scheduled PDSCH group is included in the non-fallback DL grant DCI (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1). The network configures this only when enhanced dynamic codebook is configured (pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is set to enhancedDynamic).
ul-TotalDAI-Included-r16Indicates whether the total DAI fields of the additional PDSCH group is included in the non-fallback UL grant DCI (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1). The network configures this only when enhanced dynamic codebook is configured (pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is set to enhancedDynamic).
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-OneShotFeedback-r16When configured, the DCI format 1_1 can request the UE to report A/N for all HARQ processes and all CCs configured in the PUCCH group (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-OneShotFeedbackNDI-r16When configured, the DCI format 1_1 can request the UE to include NDI for each A/N reported.The network configures this only when pdsch-HARQ-ACK-OneShotFeedback is configured.
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-OneShotFeedbackCBG-r16When configured, the DCI format 1_1 can request the UE to include CBG level A/N for each CC with CBG level transmission configured. When not configured, the UE will report TB level A/N even if CBG level transmission is configured for a CC.The network configures this only when pdsch-HARQ-ACK-OneShotFeedback is configured.
downlinkAssignmentIndexDCI-0-2-r16Indicates if "Downlink assignment index" is present or absent in DCI format 0_2. If the field "downlinkAssignmentIndexDCI-0-2" is absent, then 0 bit for "Downlink assignment index" in DCI format 0_2. If the field "downlinkAssignmentIndexDCI-0-2" is present, then the bitwidth of "Downlink assignment index" in DCI format 0_2 is defined in the same was as that in DCI format 0_1 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1).
ENUMERATED { enabled } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
downlinkAssignmentIndexDCI-1-2-r16Configures the number of bits for "Downlink assignment index" in DCI format 1_2. If the field is absent, then 0 bit is applied for "Downlink assignment index" in DCI format 1_2. Note that 1 bit and 2 bits are applied if only one serving cell is configured in the DL and pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is set to dynamic. 4 bits is applied if more than one serving cell are configured in the DL and pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is set to dynamic (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1).
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-CodebookList-r16A list of configurations for one or two HARQ-ACK codebooks. Each configuration in the list is defined in the same way as pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook (see TS 38.212 [17], clause and TS 38.213 [13], clauses 7.2.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3 and 9.2.1). If this field is present, the field pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is ignored. If this field is present, the value of this field is applied for primary PUCCH group and for secondary PUCCH group (if configured). For the HARQ-ACK for sidelink, the UE uses pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook and ignores pdsch-HARQ-ACK-CodebookList if this field is present.
SetupRelease {PDSCH-HARQ-ACK-CodebookList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ackNackFeedbackMode-r16Indicates which among the joint and separate ACK/NACK feedback modes to use within a slot as specified in TS 38.213 [13] (clause 9).
ENUMERATED {joint, separate} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r16Configure one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 (for R15) and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 (for R16) for UE to use for scaling PDCCH monitoring capability if the number of serving cells configured to a UE is larger than the reported capability, and if UE reports more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 as UE capability. The combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 configured by pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator is from the more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 reported by UE (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17 is used to configure one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 (for R15), pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 (for R16) and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 (for R17) for UE to use for scaling PDCCH monitoring capability if the number of serving cells configured to a UE is larger than the reported capability, and if UE reports more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 as UE capability. The combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 configured by pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17 is from the more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 reported by UE (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r16 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17 are not configured simultaneously.
SetupRelease { PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M pdcch-BlindDetection2-r16 SetupRelease { PDCCH-BlindDetection2-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M pdcch-BlindDetection3-r16 SetupRelease { PDCCH-BlindDetection3-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
bdFactorR-r16Parameter for determining and distributing the maximum numbers of BD/CCE for mPDCCH based mPDSCH transmission as specified in TS 38.213 [13] Clause 10.1.
ENUMERATED {n1} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ -- start of enhanced Type3 feedback pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3ToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofEnhType3HARQ-ACK-r17)) OF PDSCH-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3ToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofEnhType3HARQ-ACK-r17)) OF PDSCH-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3Index-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3SecondaryToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofEnhType3HARQ-ACK-r17)) OF PDSCH-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3SecondaryToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofEnhType3HARQ-ACK-r17)) OF PDSCH-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3Index-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3DCI-FieldSecondaryPUCCHgroup-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3DCI-Field-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R -- end of enhanced Type3 feedback -- start of triggering of HARQ-ACK re-transmission on a PUCCH resource pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Retx-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R pdsch-HARQ-ACK-RetxSecondaryPUCCHgroup-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup -- end of triggering of HARQ-ACK re-transmission on a PUCCH resource -- start of PUCCH Cell switching pucch-sSCell-r17 SCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R pucch-sSCellSecondaryPUCCHgroup-r17 SCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup pucch-sSCellDyn-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R pucch-sSCellDynSecondaryPUCCHgroup-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup pucch-sSCellPattern-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSlots)) OF INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Need R pucch-sSCellPatternSecondaryPUCCHgroup-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSlots)) OF INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup -- end of PUCCH Cell switching uci-MuxWithDiffPrio-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R uci-MuxWithDiffPrioSecondaryPUCCHgroup-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup simultaneousPUCCH-PUSCH-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R simultaneousPUCCH-PUSCH-SecondaryPUCCHgroup-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup
prioLowDG-HighCG-r17Enable PHY prioritization for the case where low-priority dynamic grant-PUSCH collides with high-priority configured grant-PUSCH on a BWP of a serving cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9), when the UE has generated transport blocks for both DG-PUSCH and CG-PUSCH as described in TS 38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
prioHighDG-LowCG-r17Enable PHY prioritization for the case where high-priority dynamic grant PUSCH collides with low-priority configured grant PUSCH on a BWP of a serving cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9), when the UE has generated transport blocks for both DG-PUSCH and CG-PUSCH as described in TS 38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
twoQCLTypeDforPDCCHRepetition-r17Indicates whether a UE is expected UE to identify and monitor two QCL-TypeD properties for multiple overlapping CORESETs in the case of PDCCH repetition.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R multicastConfig-r17 SetupRelease { MulticastConfig-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17Configure one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 (for R15) and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 (for R16) for UE to use for scaling PDCCH monitoring capability if the number of serving cells configured to a UE is larger than the reported capability, and if UE reports more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 as UE capability. The combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 configured by pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator is from the more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 reported by UE (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17 is used to configure one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 (for R15), pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 (for R16) and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 (for R17) for UE to use for scaling PDCCH monitoring capability if the number of serving cells configured to a UE is larger than the reported capability, and if UE reports more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 as UE capability. The combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 configured by pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17 is from the more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 reported by UE (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r16 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17 are not configured simultaneously.
SetupRelease { PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
simultaneousSR-PUSCH-diffPUCCH-Groups-r17Enables simultaneous SR and PUSCH transmissions in different PUCCH groups (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.1, clause 5.4.4).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup ]], [[
intraBandNC-PRACH-simulTx-r17Enables parallel PRACH and SRS/PUCCH/PUSCH transmissions across CCs in intra-band non-contiguous CA (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). This field is absent in the IE CellGroupConfig when provided as part of RRCSetup message.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ pdcch-BlindDetection4-r17 SetupRelease { PDCCH-BlindDetection4-r17 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ simultaneousPUCCH-PUSCH-SamePriority-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R simultaneousPUCCH-PUSCH-SamePriority-SecondaryPUCCHgroup-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup ]], [[
ncr-RNTI-r18RNTI value for NCR-MT, used to scramble the PDCCHs carrying side control information (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Cond NCR cellDTRX-DCI-config-r18 SetupRelease { CellDTRX-DCI-config-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
twoQCL-TypeD-ForMultiDCI-r18Indicates whether a UE is expected to identify and monitor two QCL-TypeD properties for multiple overlapping CORESETs, where the first QCL-TypeD is associated with coresetPoolIndex value 0, and the second QCL-TypeD is associated with coresetPoolIndex value 1. (See TS 38,213 [13], clause 10).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
enableType1HARQ-ACK-MuxForDL-AssignmentAfterUL-Grant-r18If enabled, UE multiplexes Type-1 HARQ-ACK codebook on a repetition of a PUSCH transmission other than a first repetition, where the HARQ-ACK codebook includes HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled after the UL grant scheduling the PUSCH transmission. See clause 9 in TS 38.213 [13]. This feature is not simultaneously enabled with PUCCH cell switching.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
enableType2HARQ-ACK-MuxForDL-AssignmentAfterUL-Grant-r18If enabled, UE multiplexes Type-2 HARQ-ACK codebook on a repetition of a PUSCH transmission other than a first repetition, where the HARQ-ACK codebook includes HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled after the UL grant scheduling the PUSCH transmission. See clause 9 in TS 38.213 [13]. This feature is not simultaneously enabled with PUCCH cell switching.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
enableType3HARQ-ACK-MuxForDL-AssignmentAfterUL-Grant-r18If enabled, UE multiplexes Type-3 HARQ-ACK codebook on a repetition of a PUSCH transmission other than a first repetition, where the HARQ-ACK codebook includes HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled after the UL grant scheduling the PUSCH transmission. See clause 9 in TS 38.213 [13]. This feature is not simultaneously enabled with PUCCH cell switching.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
enableDiffPUCCH-Resource-r18This field indicates whether a different PUCCH resource in time domain in a slot from the PUCCH resource indicated by the last DCI format before a UL grant in the slot, is determined or not to include HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled after a UL grant scheduling a PUSCH transmission with repetitions and the HARQ-ACK information are multiplexed on a repetition of the PUSCH transmission other than a first repetition in the same slot. If enabled, a different PUCCH resource in time domain might be determined. See clause 9 in TS 38.213 [13].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
enableDiffCB-Size-r18This field indicates whether a different codebook size from the size determined based on HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled before a UL grant, is determined or not to include HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled after a UL grant scheduling a PUSCH transmission with repetitions and the HARQ-ACK information are multiplexed on a repetition of the PUSCH transmission other than a first repetition. If enabled, a different HARQ codebook size might be determined. See clause 9 in TS 38.213 [13].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } PDSCH-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3Index-r17 PDSCH-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3Index-r17, applicable-r17 CHOICE {
perCCConfigures enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook using per CC configuration.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF INTEGER (0..1), perHARQ SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) },
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3NDI-r17When configured, the DCIformat 1_1 or DCI format 1_2 can request the UE to include NDI for each A/N reported of the enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook.
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3CBG-r17When configured, the DCIformat 1_1 or DCI format 1_2 can request the UE to include CBG level A/N for each CC with CBG level transmission configured of the enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook. When not configured, the UE will report TB level A/N even if CBG level transmission is configured for a CC.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[ perHARQ-Ext-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } PDSCH-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3Index-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofEnhType3HARQ-ACK-1-r17) PDCCH-BlindDetection ::= INTEGER (1..15) DCP-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
ps-RNTI-r16RNTI value for scrambling CRC of DCI format 2-6 used for power saving (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
ps-Offset-r16The start of the search-time of DCI format 2-6 with CRC scrambled by PS-RNTI relative to the start of the drx-onDurationTimer of Long DRX (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.3). Value in multiples of 0.125ms (milliseconds). 1 corresponds to 0.125 ms, 2corresponds to 0.25 ms, 3 corresponds to 0.375 ms and so on.
INTEGER (1..120),
sizeDCI-2-6-r16Size of DCI format 2-6 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.3).
INTEGER (1..maxDCI-2-6-Size-r16),
ps-PositionDCI-2-6-r16Starting position of UE wakeup and SCell dormancy indication in DCI format 2-6 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.3).
INTEGER (0..maxDCI-2-6-Size-1-r16),
ps-WakeUp-r16Indicates the UE to wake-up if DCI format 2-6 is not detected outside active time (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.7). If the field is absent, the UE does not wake-up if DCI format 2-6 is not detected outside active time.
ps-TransmitPeriodicL1-RSRP-r16Indicates the UE to transmit periodic L1-RSRP report(s) when the drx-onDurationTimer does not start (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.7). If the field is absent, the UE does not transmit periodic L1-RSRP report(s) when the drx-onDurationTimer does not start.
ps-TransmitOtherPeriodicCSI-r16Indicates the UE to transmit periodic CSI report(s) other than L1-RSRP reports when the drx-onDurationTimer does not start (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.7). If the field is absent, the UE does not transmit periodic CSI report(s) other than L1-RSRP reports when the drx-onDurationTimer does not start.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need S } PDSCH-HARQ-ACK-CodebookList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF ENUMERATED {semiStatic, dynamic} PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1-r16 INTEGER (1..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2-r16 INTEGER (1..15) } PDCCH-BlindDetection2-r16 ::= INTEGER (1..15) PDCCH-BlindDetection3-r16 ::= INTEGER (1..15) PDCCH-BlindDetection4-r17 ::= INTEGER (1..15) MulticastConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-CodebookListMulticast-r17A list of configurations for one or two HARQ-ACK codebooks for MBS multicast. Each configuration in the list is defined in the same way as pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook (see TS 38.212 [17], clause and TS 38.213 [13], clauses 7.2.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3 and 9.2.1). If this field is present, the field pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is ignored. If this field is present, the value of this field is applied for primary PUCCH group and for secondary PUCCH group (if configured).
SetupRelease { PDSCH-HARQ-ACK-CodebookList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
type1CodebookGenerationMode-r17Indicates the mode of Type-1 HARQ-ACK codebook generation, as specified in TS 38.213 [13]. Mode 1 is based on the k1 values that are in the intersection of K1 set for unicast and K1 set for multicast. Mode 2 is based on the k1 values that are in the union of K1 set for unicast and K1 set for multicast.
ENUMERATED { mode1, mode2} OPTIONAL -- Need M } PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1-r17 INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2-r17 INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3-r17 INTEGER (1..15) } CellDTRX-DCI-config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
cellDTRX-RNTI-r18The RNTI value for scrambling CRC of DCI format 2_9 for activating and/or deactivating Cell DTX and/or Cell DRX and/or NES mode for CHO indication.
sizeDCI-2-9-r18The size of DCI format 2_9.
PhysicalCellGroupConfig field descriptions
Indicates which among the joint and separate ACK/NACK feedback modes to use within a slot as specified in TS 38.213 [13] (clause 9).
Parameter for determining and distributing the maximum numbers of BD/CCE for mPDCCH based mPDSCH transmission as specified in TS 38.213 [13] Clause 10.1.
RNTI value for downlink SPS (see SPS-Config) and uplink configured grant (see ConfiguredGrantConfig).
Indicates if "Downlink assignment index" is present or absent in DCI format 0_2. If the field "downlinkAssignmentIndexDCI-0-2" is absent, then 0 bit for "Downlink assignment index" in DCI format 0_2. If the field "downlinkAssignmentIndexDCI-0-2" is present, then the bitwidth of "Downlink assignment index" in DCI format 0_2 is defined in the same was as that in DCI format 0_1 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1).
Configures the number of bits for "Downlink assignment index" in DCI format 1_2. If the field is absent, then 0 bit is applied for "Downlink assignment index" in DCI format 1_2. Note that 1 bit and 2 bits are applied if only one serving cell is configured in the DL and pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is set to dynamic. 4 bits is applied if more than one serving cell are configured in the DL and pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is set to dynamic (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1).
This field indicates whether a different codebook size from the size determined based on HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled before a UL grant, is determined or not to include HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled after a UL grant scheduling a PUSCH transmission with repetitions and the HARQ-ACK information are multiplexed on a repetition of the PUSCH transmission other than a first repetition. If enabled, a different HARQ codebook size might be determined. See clause 9 in TS 38.213 [13].
This field indicates whether a different PUCCH resource in time domain in a slot from the PUCCH resource indicated by the last DCI format before a UL grant in the slot, is determined or not to include HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled after a UL grant scheduling a PUSCH transmission with repetitions and the HARQ-ACK information are multiplexed on a repetition of the PUSCH transmission other than a first repetition in the same slot. If enabled, a different PUCCH resource in time domain might be determined. See clause 9 in TS 38.213 [13].
If enabled, UE multiplexes Type-1 HARQ-ACK codebook on a repetition of a PUSCH transmission other than a first repetition, where the HARQ-ACK codebook includes HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled after the UL grant scheduling the PUSCH transmission. See clause 9 in TS 38.213 [13]. This feature is not simultaneously enabled with PUCCH cell switching.
If enabled, UE multiplexes Type-2 HARQ-ACK codebook on a repetition of a PUSCH transmission other than a first repetition, where the HARQ-ACK codebook includes HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled after the UL grant scheduling the PUSCH transmission. See clause 9 in TS 38.213 [13]. This feature is not simultaneously enabled with PUCCH cell switching.
If enabled, UE multiplexes Type-3 HARQ-ACK codebook on a repetition of a PUSCH transmission other than a first repetition, where the HARQ-ACK codebook includes HARQ-ACK information associated with PDSCH reception(s) scheduled after the UL grant scheduling the PUSCH transmission. See clause 9 in TS 38.213 [13]. This feature is not simultaneously enabled with PUCCH cell switching.
Enables spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs. It is configured per cell group (i.e. for all the cells within the cell group) for PUCCH reporting of HARQ-ACK. It is only applicable when more than 4 layers are possible to schedule. When the field is absent, the spatial bundling of PUCCH HARQ ACKs for the primary PUCCH group is disabled (see TS 38.213 [13], clause If the field harq-ACK SpatialBundlingPUCCH-secondaryPUCCHgroup is present, harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUCCH is only applied to primary PUCCH group. Network does not configure for a UE both spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs and codeBlockGroupTransmission within the same cell group.
Indicates whether spatial bundling of PUCCH HARQ ACKs for the secondary PUCCH group is enabled or disabled. The field is only applicable when more than 4 layers are possible to schedule (see TS 38.213 [13], clause When the field is absent, the use of spatial bundling of PUCCH HARQ ACKs for the secondary PUCCH group is indicated by harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUCCH. See TS 38.213 [13], clause Network does not configure for a UE both spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs and codeBlockGroupTransmission within the same cell group.
Enables spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs. It is configured per cell group (i.e. for all the cells within the cell group) for PUSCH reporting of HARQ-ACK. It is only applicable when more than 4 layers are possible to schedule. When the field is absent, the spatial bundling of PUSCH HARQ ACKs for the primary PUCCH group is disabled (see TS 38.213 [13], clauses and If the field harq-ACK SpatialBundlingPUSCH-secondaryPUCCHgroup is present, harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUSCH is only applied to primary PUCCH group. Network does not configure for a UE both spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs and codeBlockGroupTransmission within the same cell group.
Indicates whether spatial bundling of PUSCH HARQ ACKs for the secondary PUCCH group is enabled or disabled. The field is only applicable when more than 4 layers are possible to schedule (see TS 38.213 [13], clauses and When the field is absent, the use of spatial bundling of PUSCH HARQ ACKs for the secondary PUCCH group is indicated by harq-ACK-SpatialBundlingPUSCH. See TS 38.213 [13], clauses and Network does not configure for a UE both spatial bundling of HARQ ACKs and codeBlockGroupTransmission within the same cell group.
Enables parallel PRACH and SRS/PUCCH/PUSCH transmissions across CCs in intra-band non-contiguous CA (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). This field is absent in the IE CellGroupConfig when provided as part of RRCSetup message.
RNTI to indicate use of qam64LowSE for grant-based transmissions. When the mcs-C-RNTI is configured, RNTI scrambling of DCI CRC is used to choose the corresponding MCS table.
RNTI value for NCR-MT, used to scramble the PDCCHs carrying side control information (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
Indicates whether the NFI and total DAI fields of the non-scheduled PDSCH group is included in the non-fallback DL grant DCI (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1). The network configures this only when enhanced dynamic codebook is configured (pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is set to enhancedDynamic).
Indicates the uplink power sharing mode that the UE uses in NR-DC in frequency range 1 (FR1) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.6).
Indicates the uplink power sharing mode that the UE uses in NR-DC in frequency range 2 (FR2) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.6).
pdcch-BlindDetection, pdcch-BlindDetection2, pdcch-BlindDetection3, pdcch-BlindDetection4
Indicates the reference number of cells for PDCCH blind detection for the CG. Network configures the field for each CG when the UE is in NR DC and sets the value in accordance with the constraints specified in TS 38.213 [13]. The network configures pdcch-BlindDetection only if the UE is in NR-DC. The network configures pdcch-BlindDetection2 only if the UE is in NR-DC with at least one downlink cell using Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability. The network configures pdcch-BlindDetection3 only if the UE is in NR-DC with at least one downlink cell using Rel-15 PDCCH monitoring capability. The network configures pdcch-BlindDetection4 only if the UE is in NR-DC with at least one downlink cell using Rel-17 PDCCH monitoring capability.
Configure one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 (for R15) and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 (for R16) for UE to use for scaling PDCCH monitoring capability if the number of serving cells configured to a UE is larger than the reported capability, and if UE reports more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 as UE capability. The combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 configured by pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator is from the more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 reported by UE (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17 is used to configure one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1 (for R15), pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 (for R16) and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 (for R17) for UE to use for scaling PDCCH monitoring capability if the number of serving cells configured to a UE is larger than the reported capability, and if UE reports more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 as UE capability. The combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 configured by pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17 is from the more than one combination of pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3 reported by UE (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r16 and pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-CombIndicator-r17 are not configured simultaneously.
The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE in this NR cell group across all serving cells in frequency range 1 (FR1). The maximum transmit power that the UE may use may be additionally limited by p-Max (configured in FrequencyInfoUL) and by p-UE-FR1 (configured total for all serving cells operating on FR1).
The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE in this NR cell group across all serving cells in frequency range 2 (FR2). The maximum transmit power that the UE may use may be additionally limited by p-Max (configured in FrequencyInfoUL) and by p-UE-FR2 (configured total for all serving cells operating on FR2). This field is only used in NR-DC. A UE does not expect to be configured with this parameter in this release of the specification.
Enable PHY prioritization for the case where low-priority dynamic grant-PUSCH collides with high-priority configured grant-PUSCH on a BWP of a serving cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9), when the UE has generated transport blocks for both DG-PUSCH and CG-PUSCH as described in TS 38.321 [3].
Enable PHY prioritization for the case where high-priority dynamic grant PUSCH collides with low-priority configured grant PUSCH on a BWP of a serving cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9), when the UE has generated transport blocks for both DG-PUSCH and CG-PUSCH as described in TS 38.321 [3].
RNTI value for scrambling CRC of DCI format 2-6 used for power saving (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
The start of the search-time of DCI format 2-6 with CRC scrambled by PS-RNTI relative to the start of the drx-onDurationTimer of Long DRX (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.3). Value in multiples of 0.125ms (milliseconds). 1 corresponds to 0.125 ms, 2corresponds to 0.25 ms, 3 corresponds to 0.375 ms and so on.
Indicates the UE to wake-up if DCI format 2-6 is not detected outside active time (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.7). If the field is absent, the UE does not wake-up if DCI format 2-6 is not detected outside active time.
Starting position of UE wakeup and SCell dormancy indication in DCI format 2-6 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.3).
Indicates the UE to transmit periodic L1-RSRP report(s) when the drx-onDurationTimer does not start (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.7). If the field is absent, the UE does not transmit periodic L1-RSRP report(s) when the drx-onDurationTimer does not start.
Indicates the UE to transmit periodic CSI report(s) other than L1-RSRP reports when the drx-onDurationTimer does not start (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.7). If the field is absent, the UE does not transmit periodic CSI report(s) other than L1-RSRP reports when the drx-onDurationTimer does not start.
The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE across all serving cells in frequency range 1 (FR1) across all cell groups. The maximum transmit power that the UE may use may be additionally limited by p-Max (configured in FrequencyInfoUL) and by p-NR-FR1 (configured for the cell group).
The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE across all serving cells in frequency range 2 (FR2) across all cell groups. The maximum transmit power that the UE may use may be additionally limited by p-Max (configured in FrequencyInfoUL) and by p-NR-FR2 (configured for the cell group).A UE does not expect to be configured with this parameter in this release of the specification.
The PDSCH HARQ-ACK codebook is either semi-static or dynamic. This is applicable to both CA and non-CA operation (see TS 38.213 [13], clauses 9.1.2 and 9.1.3). If pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16 is signalled, UE shall ignore the pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook (without suffix). For the HARQ-ACK for sidelink, if pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16 is signalled, the UE uses pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook (without suffix) and ignores pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16. If the field pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-secondaryPUCCHgroup is present, pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is applied to primary PUCCH group. Otherwise, this field is applied to the cell group (i.e. for all the cells within the cell group). For the HARQ-ACK for sidelink, if the field pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-secondaryPUCCHgroup is present, pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is applied to primary and secondary PUCCH group and the UE ignores pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-secondaryPUCCHgroup.
A list of configurations for one or two HARQ-ACK codebooks. Each configuration in the list is defined in the same way as pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook (see TS 38.212 [17], clause and TS 38.213 [13], clauses 7.2.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3 and 9.2.1). If this field is present, the field pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is ignored. If this field is present, the value of this field is applied for primary PUCCH group and for secondary PUCCH group (if configured). For the HARQ-ACK for sidelink, the UE uses pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook and ignores pdsch-HARQ-ACK-CodebookList if this field is present.
The PDSCH HARQ-ACK codebook is either semi-static or dynamic. This is applicable to CA operation (see TS 38.213 [13], clauses 9.1.2 and 9.1.3). It is configured for secondary PUCCH group.
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3DCI-Field, pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3DCI-FieldSecondaryPUCCHgroup
Indicates the enhanced Type 3 codebook through a new DCI field to indicate the enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook in the primary PUCCH group if the more than one enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook is configured for the primary PUCCH group, or in the secondary PUCCH group if the more than one enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK code is configured for the secondary PUCCH group, respectively.
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3ToAddModList, pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3SecondaryToAddModList
Configure the list of enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebooks for the primary PUCCH group and the secondary PUCCH group, respectively. When configured, DCI format 1_1 can request the UE to report A/N for one of the configured enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebooks in the corresponding PUCCH group (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.4). The network can configure pdsch-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3SecondaryToAddModList only if secondary PUCCH group is configured.
When configured, the DCI format 1_1 can request the UE to report A/N for all HARQ processes and all CCs configured in the PUCCH group (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
When configured, the DCI format 1_1 can request the UE to include CBG level A/N for each CC with CBG level transmission configured. When not configured, the UE will report TB level A/N even if CBG level transmission is configured for a CC.The network configures this only when pdsch-HARQ-ACK-OneShotFeedback is configured.
When configured, the DCI format 1_1 can request the UE to include NDI for each A/N reported.The network configures this only when pdsch-HARQ-ACK-OneShotFeedback is configured.
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Retx, pdsch-HARQ-ACK-RetxSecondaryPUCCHgroup
When configured, the DCI format 1_1 can request the UE to perform a HARQ-ACK re-transmission on a PUCCH resource in the primary PUCCH group and the secondary PUCCH group, respectively (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.5).
pucch-sSCell, pucch-sSCellSecondaryPUCCHgroup
indictates the alternative PUCCH cells for PUCCH cell switching in the primary and the secondary PUCCH group, respectively. For the primary PUCCH group, it is configured for cells on top of SpCell. For the secondary PUCCH group, it is configured for cell on top of the PUCCH SCell.
pucch-sSCellDyn, pucch-sSCellDynsecondaryPUCCHgroup
When configured, PUCCH cell switching based on dynamic indication in DCI format 1_1 is enabled (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.A, clause 9.1.5), respectively for the primary PUCCH group and the secondary PUCCH group.
pucch-sSCellPattern, pucch-sSCellPatternSecondaryPUCCHgroup
When configured, the UE applies the semi-static PUCCH cell switching (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.A) using the time domain pattern of applicable PUCCH cells indicated by this field, respectively for the primary PUCCH group and the secondary PUCCH group.
simultaneousPUCCH-PUSCH, simultaneousPUCCH-PUSCH-SecondaryPUCCHgroup
Enables simultaneous PUCCH and PUSCH transmissions with different priorities for the primary PUCCH group and the secondary PUCCH group, respectively.
simultaneousPUCCH-PUSCH-SamePriority, simultaneousPUCCH-PUSCH-SamePriority-SecondaryPUCCHgroup
Enables simultaneous PUCCH and PUSCH transmissions on different cells in different bandswith same prioritiy for the primary PUCCH group and the secondary PUCCH group, respectively, as specified in clause 9 of TS 38.213 [13].
Enables simultaneous SR and PUSCH transmissions in different PUCCH groups (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.4.1, clause 5.4.4).
Size of DCI format 2-6 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.3).
RNTI for Semi-Persistent CSI reporting on PUSCH (see CSI-ReportConfig) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause Network always configures the UE with a value for this field when at least one CSI-ReportConfig with reportConfigType set to semiPersistentOnPUSCH is configured.
RNTI used for PUCCH TPC commands on DCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
RNTI used for PUSCH TPC commands on DCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
RNTI used for SRS TPC commands on DCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
Indicates whether a UE is expected to identify and monitor two QCL-TypeD properties for multiple overlapping CORESETs, where the first QCL-TypeD is associated with coresetPoolIndex value 0, and the second QCL-TypeD is associated with coresetPoolIndex value 1. (See TS 38,213 [13], clause 10).
Indicates whether a UE is expected UE to identify and monitor two QCL-TypeD properties for multiple overlapping CORESETs in the case of PDCCH repetition.
uci-MuxWithDiffPrio, uci-MuxWithDiffPrio-secondaryPUCCHgroup
When configured, enables multiplexing a high-priority (HP) HARQ-ACK UCI and a low-priority (LP) HARQ-ACK UCI into a PUCCH or PUSCH for the primary PUCCH group and the secondary PUCCH group, respectively.
Indicates whether the total DAI fields of the additional PDSCH group is included in the non-fallback UL grant DCI (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1). The network configures this only when enhanced dynamic codebook is configured (pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is set to enhancedDynamic).
The UE is allowed to drop NR only if the power scaling applied to NR results in a difference between scaled and unscaled NR UL of more than xScale dB (see TS 38.213 [13]). If the value is not configured for dynamic power sharing, the UE assumes default value of 6 dB.
MulticastConfig field descriptions
A list of configurations for one or two HARQ-ACK codebooks for MBS multicast. Each configuration in the list is defined in the same way as pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook (see TS 38.212 [17], clause and TS 38.213 [13], clauses 7.2.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3 and 9.2.1). If this field is present, the field pdsch-HARQ-ACK-Codebook is ignored. If this field is present, the value of this field is applied for primary PUCCH group and for secondary PUCCH group (if configured).
Indicates the mode of Type-1 HARQ-ACK codebook generation, as specified in TS 38.213 [13]. Mode 1 is based on the k1 values that are in the intersection of K1 set for unicast and K1 set for multicast. Mode 2 is based on the k1 values that are in the union of K1 set for unicast and K1 set for multicast.
PDSCH-HARQ-ACK-EnhType3 field descriptions
When configured, the DCIformat 1_1 or DCI format 1_2 can request the UE to include CBG level A/N for each CC with CBG level transmission configured of the enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook. When not configured, the UE will report TB level A/N even if CBG level transmission is configured for a CC.
When configured, the DCIformat 1_1 or DCI format 1_2 can request the UE to include NDI for each A/N reported of the enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook.
Configures enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook using per CC configuration.
perHARQ, perHARQ-Ext
Configures enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook using per HARQ process and CC configuration.perHARQ-Ext is present only when nrofHARQ-ProcessesForPDSCH-v1700 is present in pdsch-ServingCellConfig of at least one serving cell in the PUCCH group. If perHARQ-Ext is present, the UE ignores perHARQ.
CellDTRX-DCI-config field descriptions
The RNTI value for scrambling CRC of DCI format 2_9 for activating and/or deactivating Cell DTX and/or Cell DRX and/or NES mode for CHO indication.
The size of DCI format 2_9.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, Need R, in the PhysicalCellGroupConfig of the MCG. It is absent otherwise.
This field is optionally present, Need M for NCR-MT. It is absent otherwise.
This field is optionally present, Need S, in the PhysicalCellGroupConfig of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC as defined in TS 38.213 [13]. It is absent otherwise.
This field is optionally present, Need R, if secondary PUCCH group is configured. It is absent otherwise, Need R.

The IE PLMN-Identity identifies a Public Land Mobile Network. Further information regarding how to set the IE is specified in TS 23.003 [21].
mccThe first element contains the first MCC digit, the second element the second MCC digit and so on. If the field is absent, it takes the same value as the mcc of the immediately preceding IE PLMN-Identity. See TS 23.003 [21].
mncThe first element contains the first MNC digit, the second element the second MNC digit and so on. See TS 23.003 [21].
PLMN-Identity field descriptions
The first element contains the first MCC digit, the second element the second MCC digit and so on. If the field is absent, it takes the same value as the mcc of the immediately preceding IE PLMN-Identity. See TS 23.003 [21].
The first element contains the first MNC digit, the second element the second MNC digit and so on. See TS 23.003 [21].
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present when PLMN-Identity is not used in a list or if it is the first entry of PLMN-Identity in a list. Otherwise it is optionally present, Need S.

The IE PLMN-IdentityInfoList includes a list of PLMN identity information.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PLMN-IDENTITYINFOLIST-START PLMN-IdentityInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMN)) OF PLMN-IdentityInfo PLMN-IdentityInfo ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-IdentityList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMN)) OF PLMN-Identity, trackingAreaCode TrackingAreaCode OPTIONAL, -- Need R ranac RAN-AreaCode OPTIONAL, -- Need R cellIdentity CellIdentity, cellReservedForOperatorUse ENUMERATED {reserved, notReserved}, ..., [[ iab-Support-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[ trackingAreaList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTAC-r17)) OF TrackingAreaCode OPTIONAL, -- Need R gNB-ID-Length-r17 INTEGER (22..32) OPTIONAL -- Cond eventID-TSS ]], [[ mobileIAB-Support-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need S ]] } -- TAG-PLMN-IDENTITYINFOLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

Includes a list of PLMN identities.
PLMN-IdentityInfo field descriptions
Indicates whether the cell is reserved for operator use (per PLMN), as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by IAB-MT and NCR-MT.
Indicates the length of the gNB ID out of the 36-bit long cellIdentity. This field is always present if the mobileIAB-Support is broadcasted.
This field combines both the support of IAB and the cell status for IAB. If the field is present, the cell supports IAB and the cell is also considered as a candidate for cell (re)selection for IAB-node; if the field is absent, the cell does not support IAB and/or the cell is barred for IAB-node.This field is absent if mobileIAB-Cell is broadcasted in the cell.
This field indicates the support of mobile IAB and whether the cell can be considered as a candidate for cell (re)selection for mobile IAB-node. This field is absent if mobileIAB-Cell is broadcasted in the cell. If the field is absent, the cell is barred for mobile IAB-node.
Indicates Tracking Area Code to which the cell indicated by cellIdentity field belongs. The absence of the field indicates that the cell only supports PSCell/SCell functionality (per PLMN) or is an NTN cell.
List of Tracking Areas to which the cell indicated by cellIdentity field belongs. If this field is present, network does not configuretrackingAreaCode. Total number of different TACs across different PLMN-IdentityInfos shall not exceed maxTAC.This field is only present in an NTN cell.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
If eventID-TSS is present in SIB9, this field is mandatory present in the PLMN-IdentityInfo IE of PLMN-IdentityInfoList in SIB1. Otherwise, the field is optionally present, Need R.

The IE PRB-Id identifies a Physical Resource Block (PRB) position within a carrier.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PRB-ID-START PRB-Id ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) -- TAG-PRB-ID-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PTRS-DownlinkConfig is used to configure downlink phase tracking reference signals (PTRS) (see TS 38.214 [19] clause
frequencyDensityPresence and frequency density of DL PT-RS as a function of Scheduled BW. If the field is absent, the UE uses K_PT-RS = 2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause, table
timeDensityPresence and time density of DL PT-RS as a function of MCS. The value 29 is only applicable for MCS Table (TS 38.214 [19]). If the field is absent, the UE uses L_PT-RS = 1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause, table
epre-RatioEPRE ratio between PTRS and PDSCH. Value 0 corresponds to the codepoint "00" in table 4.1-2. Value 1 corresponds to codepoint "01", and so on. If the field is not provided, the UE applies value 0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 4.1).
INTEGER (0..3) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
resourceElementOffsetIndicates the subcarrier offset for DL PTRS. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value offset00 (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED { offset01, offset10, offset11 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
maxNrofPorts-r16The maximum number of DL PTRS ports specified in TS 38.214 [19] (clause 2 PT-RS ports can only be configured for a DL BWP that is configured, as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1, with a mode where a single PDSCH has association between the DM-RS ports and the TCI states as defined in TS 38.214 [19] clause
PTRS-DownlinkConfig field descriptions
EPRE ratio between PTRS and PDSCH. Value 0 corresponds to the codepoint "00" in table 4.1-2. Value 1 corresponds to codepoint "01", and so on. If the field is not provided, the UE applies value 0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 4.1).
Presence and frequency density of DL PT-RS as a function of Scheduled BW. If the field is absent, the UE uses K_PT-RS = 2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause, table
The maximum number of DL PTRS ports specified in TS 38.214 [19] (clause 2 PT-RS ports can only be configured for a DL BWP that is configured, as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1, with a mode where a single PDSCH has association between the DM-RS ports and the TCI states as defined in TS 38.214 [19] clause
Indicates the subcarrier offset for DL PTRS. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value offset00 (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Presence and time density of DL PT-RS as a function of MCS. The value 29 is only applicable for MCS Table (TS 38.214 [19]). If the field is absent, the UE uses L_PT-RS = 1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause, table

The IE PTRS-UplinkConfig is used to configure uplink Phase-Tracking-Reference-Signals (PTRS).
transformPrecoderDisabledConfiguration of UL PTRS without transform precoder (with CP-OFDM).
frequencyDensityPresence and frequency density of UL PT-RS for CP-OFDM waveform as a function of scheduled BW If the field is absent, the UE uses K_PT-RS = 2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
timeDensityPresence and time density of UL PT-RS for CP-OFDM waveform as a function of MCS If the field is absent, the UE uses L_PT-RS = 1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (3)) OF INTEGER (0..29) OPTIONAL, -- Need S maxNrofPorts ENUMERATED {n1, n2},
resourceElementOffsetIndicates the subcarrier offset for UL PTRS for CP-OFDM. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value offset00 (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {offset01, offset10, offset11 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
ptrs-PowerUL PTRS power boosting factor per PTRS port (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1, table
ENUMERATED {p00, p01, p10, p11} } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
transformPrecoderEnabledConfiguration of UL PTRS with transform precoder (DFT-S-OFDM).
sampleDensitySample density of PT-RS for DFT-s-OFDM, pre-DFT, indicating a set of thresholds T={NRBn, n=0,1,2,3,4}, that indicates dependency between presence of PT-RS and scheduled BW and the values of X and K the UE should use depending on the scheduled BW, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1, table
timeDensityTransformPrecodingTime density (OFDM symbol level) of PT-RS for DFT-s-OFDM. If the field is absent, the UE applies value d1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
ENUMERATED {d2} OPTIONAL -- Need S } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ maxNrofPorts-SDM-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-PTRS-UPLINKCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PTRS-UplinkConfig field descriptions
Presence and frequency density of UL PT-RS for CP-OFDM waveform as a function of scheduled BW If the field is absent, the UE uses K_PT-RS = 2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
The maximum number of UL PTRS ports for CP-OFDM (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
UL PTRS power boosting factor per PTRS port (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1, table
Indicates the subcarrier offset for UL PTRS for CP-OFDM. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value offset00 (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Sample density of PT-RS for DFT-s-OFDM, pre-DFT, indicating a set of thresholds T={NRBn, n=0,1,2,3,4}, that indicates dependency between presence of PT-RS and scheduled BW and the values of X and K the UE should use depending on the scheduled BW, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1, table
Presence and time density of UL PT-RS for CP-OFDM waveform as a function of MCS If the field is absent, the UE uses L_PT-RS = 1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
Time density (OFDM symbol level) of PT-RS for DFT-s-OFDM. If the field is absent, the UE applies value d1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
Configuration of UL PTRS without transform precoder (with CP-OFDM).
Configuration of UL PTRS with transform precoder (DFT-S-OFDM).

The IE PUCCH-Config is used to configure UE specific PUCCH parameters (per BWP).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PUCCH-CONFIG-START PUCCH-Config ::= SEQUENCE { resourceSetToAddModList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceSets)) OF PUCCH-ResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N resourceSetToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceSets)) OF PUCCH-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need N resourceToAddModList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-Resources)) OF PUCCH-Resource OPTIONAL, -- Need N resourceToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-Resources)) OF PUCCH-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
format1Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 1.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
format2Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 2.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
format3Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 3.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
format4Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 4.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M schedulingRequestResourceToAddModList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSR-Resources)) OF SchedulingRequestResourceConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need N schedulingRequestResourceToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSR-Resources)) OF SchedulingRequestResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Need N multi-CSI-PUCCH-ResourceList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF PUCCH-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Need M dl-DataToUL-ACK SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M spatialRelationInfoToAddModList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos)) OF PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Need N spatialRelationInfoToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos)) OF PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
pucch-PowerControlConfigures power control parameters PUCCH transmission.
PUCCH-PowerControl OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ resourceToAddModListExt-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-Resources)) OF PUCCH-ResourceExt-v1610 OPTIONAL, -- Need N dl-DataToUL-ACK-r16 SetupRelease { DL-DataToUL-ACK-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ul-AccessConfigListDCI-1-1-r16 SetupRelease { UL-AccessConfigListDCI-1-1-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
subslotLengthForPUCCH-r16Indicates the sub-slot length for sub-slot based PUCCH feedback in number of symbols (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9). Value n2 corresponds to 2 symbols, value n6 corresponds to 6 symbols, value n7 corresponds to 7 symbols. For normal CP, the value is either n2 or n7. For extended CP, the value is either n2 or n6.
CHOICE { normalCP-r16 ENUMERATED {n2,n7}, extendedCP-r16 ENUMERATED {n2,n6} } OPTIONAL, -- Need R dl-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2-r16 SetupRelease { DL-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
numberOfBitsForPUCCH-ResourceIndicatorDCI-1-2-r16Configuration of the number of bits for "PUCCH resource indicator" in DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3).
INTEGER (0..3) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dmrs-UplinkTransformPrecodingPUCCH-r16This field is used for PUCCH formats 3 and 4 according to TS 38.211, Clause
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond PI2-BPSK spatialRelationInfoToAddModListSizeExt-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfosDiff-r16)) OF PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Need N spatialRelationInfoToReleaseListSizeExt-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfosDiff-r16)) OF PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId OPTIONAL, -- Need N spatialRelationInfoToAddModListExt-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos-r16)) OF PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoExt-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N spatialRelationInfoToReleaseListExt-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos-r16)) OF PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N resourceGroupToAddModList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceGroups-r16)) OF PUCCH-ResourceGroup-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N resourceGroupToReleaseList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceGroups-r16)) OF PUCCH-ResourceGroupId-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sps-PUCCH-AN-List-r16Indicates a list of PUCCH resources for DL SPS HARQ ACK. The field maxPayloadSize is absent for the first and the last SPS-PUCCH-AN in the list. If configured, this overrides n1PUCCH-AN in SPS-config.
SetupRelease { SPS-PUCCH-AN-List-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M schedulingRequestResourceToAddModListExt-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSR-Resources)) OF SchedulingRequestResourceConfigExt-v1610 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
format0-r17Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 0.
SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M format2Ext-r17 SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfigExt-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M format3Ext-r17 SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfigExt-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M format4Ext-r17 SetupRelease { PUCCH-FormatConfigExt-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ul-AccessConfigListDCI-1-2-r17 SetupRelease { UL-AccessConfigListDCI-1-2-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
mappingPattern-r17Indicates whether the UE should follow Cyclical mapping pattern or Sequential mapping pattern for when a PUCCH resource used for repetitions of a PUCCH transmission includes first and second spatial settings for FR2, or first and second sets of power control parameters for FR1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.6).
ENUMERATED {cyclicMapping, sequentialMapping} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
powerControlSetInfoToAddModList-r17Configures power control sets for repetition of a PUCCH transmission in FR1. This field is not configured if ul-powerControl is configured in the BWP-UplinkDedicated in which the PUCCH-Config is included.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPowerControlSetInfos-r17)) OF PUCCH-PowerControlSetInfo-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N powerControlSetInfoToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPowerControlSetInfos-r17)) OF PUCCH-PowerControlSetInfoId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N secondTPCFieldDCI-1-1-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R secondTPCFieldDCI-1-2-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R dl-DataToUL-ACK-r17 SetupRelease { DL-DataToUL-ACK-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M dl-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2-r17 SetupRelease { DL-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ul-AccessConfigListDCI-1-1-r17 SetupRelease { UL-AccessConfigListDCI-1-1-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M schedulingRequestResourceToAddModListExt-v1700 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSR-Resources)) OF SchedulingRequestResourceConfigExt-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
dmrs-BundlingPUCCH-Config-r17Configuration of the parameters for DMRS bundling for PUCCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.7). DMRS bundling for PUCCH is not supported for PUCCH format 0/2. In this release, this is not applicable to FR2-2.
SetupRelease { DMRS-BundlingPUCCH-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M dl-DataToUL-ACK-v1700 SetupRelease { DL-DataToUL-ACK-v1700 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
dl-DataToUL-ACK-MulticastDCI-Format4-1-r17List of timing for given group-common PDSCH to the DL ACK (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.2). The field dl-DataToUL-ACK-MulticastDciFormat4-1 applies to DCI format 4_1 for MBS multicast (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3).
SetupRelease { DL-DataToUL-ACK-MulticastDCI-Format4-1-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sps-PUCCH-AN-ListMulticast-r17The field is used to configure the list of PUCCH resources per HARQ ACK codebook for MBS multicast.
SetupRelease { SPS-PUCCH-AN-List-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } PUCCH-FormatConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
interslotFrequencyHoppingIf the field is present, the UE enables inter-slot frequency hopping when PUCCH Format 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 is repeated over multiple slots. For a PUCCH over multiple slots, the intra and inter slot frequency hopping cannot be enabled at the same time for a UE. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.6.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
additionalDMRSIf the field is present, the UE enables 2 DMRS symbols per hop of a PUCCH Format 3 or 4 if both hops are more than X symbols when FH is enabled (X=4). And it enables 4 DMRS symbols for a PUCCH Format 3 or 4 with more than 2X+1 symbols when FH is disabled (X=4). The field is not applicable for format 0, 1 and 2. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.2.
maxCodeRateMax coding rate to determine how to feedback UCI on PUCCH for format 2, 3 or 4. The field is not applicable for format 0 and 1. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.5.
PUCCH-MaxCodeRate OPTIONAL, -- Need R
nrofSlotsNumber of slots with the same PUCCH. When the field is absent the UE applies the value n1. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.6.
ENUMERATED {n2,n4,n8} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
pi2BPSKIf the field is present, the UE uses pi/2 BPSK for UCI symbols instead of QPSK for PUCCH. The field is not applicable for format 0, 1 and 2. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.5.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
simultaneousHARQ-ACK-CSIIf the field is present, the UE uses simultaneous transmission of CSI and HARQ-ACK feedback with or without SR with PUCCH Format 2, 3 or 4. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.5. When the field is absent the UE applies the value off. The field is not applicable for format 0 and 1.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } PUCCH-FormatConfigExt-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
maxCodeRateLP-r17Max coding rate to determine how to feedback UCI on PUCCH for format 2, 3 or 4. The field is not applicable for format 0 and 1. This field configures additional max code rate in the second entry of PUCCH-ConfigurationList-r16 for multiplexing low-priority (LP) HARQ-ACK and high-priority (HP) UCI in a PUCCH as described Clause of TS 38.213 [13]. The field is absent for the first entry of PUCCH-ConfigurationList-r16.
PUCCH-MaxCodeRate OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } PUCCH-MaxCodeRate ::= ENUMERATED {zeroDot08, zeroDot15, zeroDot25, zeroDot35, zeroDot45, zeroDot60, zeroDot80} -- A set with one or more PUCCH resources PUCCH-ResourceSet ::= SEQUENCE { pucch-ResourceSetId PUCCH-ResourceSetId,
resourceListPUCCH resources of format0 and format1 are only allowed in the first PUCCH resource set, i.e., in a PUCCH-ResourceSet with pucch-ResourceSetId = 0. This set may contain between 1 and 32 resources. PUCCH resources of format2, format3 and format4 are only allowed in a PUCCH-ResourceSet with pucch-ResourceSetId > 0. If present, these sets contain between 1 and 8 resources each. The UE chooses a PUCCH-Resource from this list as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3. Note that this list contains only a list of resource IDs. The actual resources are configured in PUCCH-Config.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourcesPerSet)) OF PUCCH-ResourceId,
maxPayloadSizeMaximum number of UCI information bits that the UE may transmit using this PUCCH resource set (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1). In a PUCCH occurrence, the UE chooses the first of its PUCCH-ResourceSet which supports the number of bits that the UE wants to transmit. The field is absent in the first set (Set0) and in the last configured set since the UE derives the maximum number of UCI information bits as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1. This field can take integer values that are multiples of 4.
INTEGER (4..256) OPTIONAL -- Need R } PUCCH-ResourceSetId ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceSets-1) PUCCH-Resource ::= SEQUENCE {
pucch-ResourceIdIdentifier of the PUCCH resource.
PUCCH-ResourceId, startingPRB PRB-Id,
intraSlotFrequencyHoppingEnabling intra-slot frequency hopping, applicable for all types of PUCCH formats. For long PUCCH over multiple slots, the intra and inter slot frequency hopping cannot be enabled at the same time for a UE. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1.
ENUMERATED { enabled } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
secondHopPRBIndex of first PRB after frequency hopping of PUCCH. This value is applicable for intra-slot frequency hopping (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1) or inter-slot frequency hopping (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.6).
formatSelection of the PUCCH format (format 0 – 4) and format-specific parameters, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2. format0 and format1 are only allowed for a resource in a first PUCCH resource set. format2, format3 and format4 are only allowed for a resource in non-first PUCCH resource set. The network can only configure format-v1610 when format is set to format2 or format3. The network only configures format-v1700 when format is set to format0, format1 or format4.
format0Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 0.
format1Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 1.
format2Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 2.
format3Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 3.
format4Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 4.
PUCCH-format4 } } PUCCH-ResourceExt-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { interlaceAllocation-r16 SEQUENCE {
rb-SetIndex-r16Indicates the RB set where PUCCH resource is allocated.
INTEGER (0..4),
interlace0-r16This is the only interlace of interlaced PUCCH Format 0 and 1 and the first interlace for interlaced PUCCH Format 2 and 3.
CHOICE { scs15 INTEGER (0..9), scs30 INTEGER (0..4) } } OPTIONAL, --Need R format-v1610 CHOICE { interlace1-v1610 INTEGER (0..9), occ-v1610 SEQUENCE { occ-Length-v1610 ENUMERATED {n2,n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need M occ-Index-v1610 ENUMERATED {n0,n1,n2,n3} OPTIONAL -- Need M } } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ format-v1700 SEQUENCE {
nrofPRBs-r17Indicates the number of PRBs used per PUCCH resource for the PUCCH format, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1. This field is applicable for PUCCH format0, format1, and format4 in FR2-2. The supported values for format4 are 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,15 and 16.
INTEGER (1..16) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pucch-RepetitionNrofSlots-r17Configuration of PUCCH repetition factor per PUCCH resource with associated scheduling DCI corresponding to Rel-17 dynamic PUCCH repetition. For a PUCCH resource, if both the field pucch-RepetitionNrofSlots and the field nrofSlots are present, the field nrofSlots is ignored and apply the value of pucch-RepetitionNrofSlots corresponding to Rel-17 dynamic PUCCH repetition. If this field is absent in a PUCCH resource with associated scheduling DCI, the UE applies the value of field nrofSlots.
ENUMERATED { n1,n2,n4,n8 } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
applyIndicatedTCI-State-r18This field indicates, for PUCCH transmission(s) corresponding to this PUCCH resource, if UE applies the first, the second or both "indicated" UL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.213 9.2.2. For PUCCH resources belonging to a PUCCH group, network configures same value.
ENUMERATED {first, second, both, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
multipanelSFN-Scheme-r18Parameter to configure multiple panel simultaneous uplink transmission SFN scheme for PUCCH resources,see TS 38.214 [19] clause 6.1.1.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R dl-DataToUL-ACK-r18 SetupRelease { DL-DataToUL-ACK-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M dl-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2-r18 SetupRelease { DL-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2-r18} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } PUCCH-ResourceId ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUCCH-Resources-1) PUCCH-format0 ::= SEQUENCE { initialCyclicShift INTEGER(0..11), nrofSymbols INTEGER (1..2), startingSymbolIndex INTEGER(0..13) } PUCCH-format1 ::= SEQUENCE { initialCyclicShift INTEGER(0..11), nrofSymbols INTEGER (4..14), startingSymbolIndex INTEGER(0..10), timeDomainOCC INTEGER(0..6) } PUCCH-format2 ::= SEQUENCE {
nrofPRBsIndicates the number of PRBs used per PUCCH resource for the PUCCH format, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1. This field is applicable for PUCCH format0, format1, and format4 in FR2-2. The supported values for format4 are 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,15 and 16.
INTEGER (1..16), nrofSymbols INTEGER (1..2), startingSymbolIndex INTEGER(0..13) } PUCCH-format3 ::= SEQUENCE {
nrofPRBsIndicates the number of PRBs used per PUCCH resource for the PUCCH format, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1. This field is applicable for PUCCH format0, format1, and format4 in FR2-2. The supported values for format4 are 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,15 and 16.
INTEGER (1..16), nrofSymbols INTEGER (4..14), startingSymbolIndex INTEGER(0..10) } PUCCH-format4 ::= SEQUENCE { nrofSymbols INTEGER (4..14),
occ-LengthIndicates the orthogonal cover code length (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1). This field is applicable when useInterlacePUCCH-PUSCH-16 is configured.
occ-IndexIndicates the orthogonal cover code index (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1). This field is applicable when useInterlacePUCCH-PUSCH-16 is configured.
ENUMERATED {n0,n1,n2,n3}, startingSymbolIndex INTEGER(0..10) } PUCCH-ResourceGroup-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { pucch-ResourceGroupId-r16 PUCCH-ResourceGroupId-r16, resourcePerGroupList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourcesPerGroup-r16)) OF PUCCH-ResourceId } PUCCH-ResourceGroupId-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceGroups-1-r16) DL-DataToUL-ACK-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (-1..15) DL-DataToUL-ACK-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (-1..127) DL-DataToUL-ACK-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (16..31) DL-DataToUL-ACK-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (0..31) DL-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (0..15) DL-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (0..127) DL-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (0..31) UL-AccessConfigListDCI-1-1-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF INTEGER (0..15) UL-AccessConfigListDCI-1-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF INTEGER (0..15) UL-AccessConfigListDCI-1-1-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF INTEGER (0..2) DL-DataToUL-ACK-MulticastDCI-Format4-1-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (0..15) -- TAG-PUCCH-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PUCCH-Config field descriptions
dl-DataToUL-ACK, dl-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2
List of timing for given PDSCH to the DL ACK (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.2). The field dl-DataToUL-ACKapplies to DCI format 1_1 and the field dl-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2applies to DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3).The dl-DataToUL-ACK-v1700 is applicable for NTN and dl-DataToUL-ACK-r17 is applicable for FR2-2.The dl-DataToUL-ACK-r18 is applicable for ATG. If dl-DataToUL-ACK-r16or dl-DataToUL-ACK-r17or dl-DataToUL-ACK-v1700or dl-DataToUL-ACK-r18 is signalled, UE shall ignore the dl-DataToUL-ACK(without suffix). The value -1 corresponds to "inapplicable value" for the case where the A/N feedback timing is not explicitly included at the time of scheduling PDSCH.The fields dl-DataToUL-ACK-r17 and dl-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2-r17 are only applicable for SCS of 480 kHz or 960 kHz. The field dl-DataToUL-ACK-r18applies to DCI format 1_1 and the field dl-DataToUL-ACK-DCI-1-2-r18applies to DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3).
List of timing for given group-common PDSCH to the DL ACK (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.2). The field dl-DataToUL-ACK-MulticastDciFormat4-1 applies to DCI format 4_1 for MBS multicast (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3).
Configuration of the parameters for DMRS bundling for PUCCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.7). DMRS bundling for PUCCH is not supported for PUCCH format 0/2. In this release, this is not applicable to FR2-2.
This field is used for PUCCH formats 3 and 4 according to TS 38.211, Clause
Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 0.
Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 1.
Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 2.
Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 3.
Parameters that are common for all PUCCH resources of format 4.
Indicates whether the UE should follow Cyclical mapping pattern or Sequential mapping pattern for when a PUCCH resource used for repetitions of a PUCCH transmission includes first and second spatial settings for FR2, or first and second sets of power control parameters for FR1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.6).
Configuration of the number of bits for "PUCCH resource indicator" in DCI format 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3).
Configures power control sets for repetition of a PUCCH transmission in FR1. This field is not configured if ul-powerControl is configured in the BWP-UplinkDedicated in which the PUCCH-Config is included.
Configures power control parameters PUCCH transmission.
resourceGroupToAddModList, resourceGroupToReleaseList
Lists for adding and releasing groups of PUCCH resources that can be updated simultaneously for spatial relations with a MAC CE.
resourceSetToAddModList, resourceSetToReleaseList
Lists for adding and releasing PUCCH resource sets (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2).
resourceToAddModList, resourceToAddModListExt, resourceToReleaseList
Lists for adding and releasing PUCCH resources applicable for the UL BWP and serving cell in which the PUCCH-Config is defined. The resources defined herein are referred to from other parts of the configuration to determine which resource the UE shall use for which report. If the network includes of resourceToAddModListExt, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in resourceToAddModList.
secondTPCFieldDCI-1-1, secondTPCFieldDCI-1-2
A second TPC field can be configured via RRC for DCI-1-1 and DCI-1-2. Each TPC field is for each closed-loop index value respectively (i.e., 1st /2nd TPC fields correspond to "closedLoopIndex" value = 0 and 1.
spatialRelationInfoToAddModList, spatialRelationInfoToAddModListSizeExt , spatialRelationInfoToAddModListExt
Configuration of the spatial relation between a reference RS and PUCCH. Reference RS can be SSB/CSI-RS/SRS. If the list has more than one element, MAC-CE selects a single element (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.18.8 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.2). The UE shall consider entries in spatialRelationInfoToAddModList and in spatialRelationInfoToAddModListSizeExt as a single list, i.e. an entry created using spatialRelationInfoToAddModList can be modified using spatialRelationInfoToAddModListSizeExt (or deleted using spatialRelationInfoToReleaseListSizeExt) and vice-versa. If the network includes spatialRelationInfoToAddModListExt, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in the concatenation of spatialRelationInfoToAddModList and of spatialRelationInfoToAddModListSizeExt. If unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell, no element in this list is configured.
spatialRelationInfoToReleaseList, spatialRelationInfoToReleaseListSizeExt, spatialRelationInfoToReleaseListExt
Lists of spatial relation configurations between a reference RS and PUCCH to be released by the UE.
Indicates a list of PUCCH resources for DL SPS HARQ ACK. The field maxPayloadSize is absent for the first and the last SPS-PUCCH-AN in the list. If configured, this overrides n1PUCCH-AN in SPS-config.
The field is used to configure the list of PUCCH resources per HARQ ACK codebook for MBS multicast.
Indicates the sub-slot length for sub-slot based PUCCH feedback in number of symbols (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9). Value n2 corresponds to 2 symbols, value n6 corresponds to 6 symbols, value n7 corresponds to 7 symbols. For normal CP, the value is either n2 or n7. For extended CP, the value is either n2 or n6.
ul-AccessConfigListDCI-1-1, ul-AccessConfigListDCI-1-2
List of the combinations of cyclic prefix extension and UL channel access type (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1) applicable, respectively, to DCI format 1_1 and DCI format 1_2.The fields ul-AccessConfigListDCI-1-1-r16 and ul-AccessConfigListDCI-1-2-r17 are only applicable for FR1 (see TS 38.212 [17], Table The field ul-AccessConfigListDCI-1-1-r17 indicates a list which only contains UL channel access types and is only applicable for FR2-2 (see TS 38.212 [17], Table
PUCCH-format3 field descriptions
The supported values are 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,15 and 16. The UE shall ignore this field when format-v1610 is configured.
PUCCH-FormatConfig, PUCCH-FormatConfigExtfield descriptions
If the field is present, the UE enables 2 DMRS symbols per hop of a PUCCH Format 3 or 4 if both hops are more than X symbols when FH is enabled (X=4). And it enables 4 DMRS symbols for a PUCCH Format 3 or 4 with more than 2X+1 symbols when FH is disabled (X=4). The field is not applicable for format 0, 1 and 2. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.2.
If the field is present, the UE enables inter-slot frequency hopping when PUCCH Format 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 is repeated over multiple slots. For a PUCCH over multiple slots, the intra and inter slot frequency hopping cannot be enabled at the same time for a UE. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.6.
Max coding rate to determine how to feedback UCI on PUCCH for format 2, 3 or 4. The field is not applicable for format 0 and 1. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.5.
Max coding rate to determine how to feedback UCI on PUCCH for format 2, 3 or 4. The field is not applicable for format 0 and 1. This field configures additional max code rate in the second entry of PUCCH-ConfigurationList-r16 for multiplexing low-priority (LP) HARQ-ACK and high-priority (HP) UCI in a PUCCH as described Clause of TS 38.213 [13]. The field is absent for the first entry of PUCCH-ConfigurationList-r16.
Number of slots with the same PUCCH. When the field is absent the UE applies the value n1. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.6.
If the field is present, the UE uses pi/2 BPSK for UCI symbols instead of QPSK for PUCCH. The field is not applicable for format 0, 1 and 2. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.5.
Indicates the RB set where PUCCH resource is allocated.
If the field is present, the UE uses simultaneous transmission of CSI and HARQ-ACK feedback with or without SR with PUCCH Format 2, 3 or 4. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.5. When the field is absent the UE applies the value off. The field is not applicable for format 0 and 1.
PUCCH-Resource, PUCCH-ResourceExtfield descriptions
This field indicates, for PUCCH transmission(s) corresponding to this PUCCH resource, if UE applies the first, the second or both "indicated" UL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.213 9.2.2. For PUCCH resources belonging to a PUCCH group, network configures same value.
Selection of the PUCCH format (format 0 – 4) and format-specific parameters, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2. format0 and format1 are only allowed for a resource in a first PUCCH resource set. format2, format3 and format4 are only allowed for a resource in non-first PUCCH resource set. The network can only configure format-v1610 when format is set to format2 or format3. The network only configures format-v1700 when format is set to format0, format1 or format4.
This is the only interlace of interlaced PUCCH Format 0 and 1 and the first interlace for interlaced PUCCH Format 2 and 3.
A second interlace, in addition to interlace 0, as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1. For 15kHz SCS, values {0..9} are applicable; for 30kHz SCS, values {0..4} are applicable. For 15kHz SCS, the values of interlace1 shall satisfy interlace1=mod(interlace0+X,10) where X=1, -1, or 5.
Enabling intra-slot frequency hopping, applicable for all types of PUCCH formats. For long PUCCH over multiple slots, the intra and inter slot frequency hopping cannot be enabled at the same time for a UE. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1.
Indicates the number of PRBs used per PUCCH resource for the PUCCH format, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1. This field is applicable for PUCCH format0, format1, and format4 in FR2-2. The supported values for format4 are 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,15 and 16.
Parameter to configure multiple panel simultaneous uplink transmission SFN scheme for PUCCH resources,see TS 38.214 [19] clause 6.1.1.
Indicates the orthogonal cover code index (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1). This field is applicable when useInterlacePUCCH-PUSCH-16 is configured.
Indicates the orthogonal cover code length (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1). This field is applicable when useInterlacePUCCH-PUSCH-16 is configured.
Configuration of PUCCH repetition factor per PUCCH resource with associated scheduling DCI corresponding to Rel-17 dynamic PUCCH repetition. For a PUCCH resource, if both the field pucch-RepetitionNrofSlots and the field nrofSlots are present, the field nrofSlots is ignored and apply the value of pucch-RepetitionNrofSlots corresponding to Rel-17 dynamic PUCCH repetition. If this field is absent in a PUCCH resource with associated scheduling DCI, the UE applies the value of field nrofSlots.
Identifier of the PUCCH resource.
Index of first PRB after frequency hopping of PUCCH. This value is applicable for intra-slot frequency hopping (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1) or inter-slot frequency hopping (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.6).
PUCCH-ResourceSet field descriptions
Maximum number of UCI information bits that the UE may transmit using this PUCCH resource set (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1). In a PUCCH occurrence, the UE chooses the first of its PUCCH-ResourceSet which supports the number of bits that the UE wants to transmit. The field is absent in the first set (Set0) and in the last configured set since the UE derives the maximum number of UCI information bits as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1. This field can take integer values that are multiples of 4.
PUCCH resources of format0 and format1 are only allowed in the first PUCCH resource set, i.e., in a PUCCH-ResourceSet with pucch-ResourceSetId = 0. This set may contain between 1 and 32 resources. PUCCH resources of format2, format3 and format4 are only allowed in a PUCCH-ResourceSet with pucch-ResourceSetId > 0. If present, these sets contain between 1 and 8 resources each. The UE chooses a PUCCH-Resource from this list as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3. Note that this list contains only a list of resource IDs. The actual resources are configured in PUCCH-Config.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need R, if format3 and/or format4 are configured and pi2BPSK is configured in each of them. It is absent, Need R otherwise.

The IE PUCCH-ConfigCommon is used to configure the cell specific PUCCH parameters.
pucch-ResourceCommonAn entry into a 16-row table where each row configures a set of cell-specific PUCCH resources/parameters. The UE uses those PUCCH resources until it is provided with a dedicated PUCCH-Config (e.g. during initial access) on the initial uplink BWP. Once the network provides a dedicated PUCCH-Config for that bandwidth part the UE applies that one instead of the one provided in this field (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2).
INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Cond InitialBWP-Only
pucch-GroupHoppingConfiguration of group- and sequence hopping for all the PUCCH formats 0, 1, 3 and 4. Value neither implies neither group or sequence hopping is enabled. Value enable enables group hopping and disables sequence hopping. Value disable disables group hopping and enables sequence hopping (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED { neither, enable, disable },
hoppingIdCell-specific scrambling ID for group hopping and sequence hopping if enabled, see TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
p0-nominalPower control parameter P0 for PUCCH transmissions. Value in dBm. Only even values (step size 2) allowed (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
INTEGER (-202..24) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[
nrofPRBsIndicates the number of PRBs used per PUCCH resource for PUCCH format 0 and format 1 in FR2-2, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1.
INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
intra-SlotFH-r17In case a separate initial UL BWP is configured for (e)RedCap UEs, the presence of this parameter indicates whether intra-slot PUCCH frequency hopping within the separate initial UL BWP in the common PUCCH resource is enabled for (e)RedCap UEs. If this field is absent, intra-slot PUCCH frequency hopping within RedCap-specific initial UL BWP is enabled. If this field is present, intra-slot PUCCH frequency hopping within RedCap-specific initial UL BWP is disabled and each PUCCH resource is mapped to a single PRB on one side of the UL BWP and this parameter determines whether the PRB index in the PRB mapping is counted in increasing order from the lower edge or in decreasing order from the upper edge of the UL BWP.
ENUMERATED {fromLowerEdge, fromUpperEdge} OPTIONAL, -- Cond InitialBWP-RedCapOnly
pucch-ResourceCommonRedCap-r17An entry into a 16-row table where each row configures a set of cell-specific PUCCH resources/parameters for (e)RedCap UEs. The UE uses those PUCCH resources until it is provided with a dedicated PUCCH-Config (e.g. during initial access) on the initial uplink BWP. Once the network provides a dedicated PUCCH-Config for that bandwidth part the UE applies that one instead of the one provided in this field (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2).
INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Cond InitialBWP-RedCap
additionalPRBOffset-r17When intra-slot PUCCH frequency hopping within RedCap-specific initial UL BWP is disabled, each common PUCCH resource is mapped to a single PRBon one side of the UL BWP. This parameter determines an additional PRB offset in the PRB mapping for the PUCCH resource. If the field is not configured, the UE shall assume an additional PRB offset of zero.
ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n6, n8, n9, n10, n12} OPTIONAL -- Cond InitialBWP-RedCapOnly ]] } -- TAG-PUCCH-CONFIGCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PUCCH-ConfigCommon field descriptions
When intra-slot PUCCH frequency hopping within RedCap-specific initial UL BWP is disabled, each common PUCCH resource is mapped to a single PRBon one side of the UL BWP. This parameter determines an additional PRB offset in the PRB mapping for the PUCCH resource. If the field is not configured, the UE shall assume an additional PRB offset of zero.
Cell-specific scrambling ID for group hopping and sequence hopping if enabled, see TS 38.211 [16], clause
In case a separate initial UL BWP is configured for (e)RedCap UEs, the presence of this parameter indicates whether intra-slot PUCCH frequency hopping within the separate initial UL BWP in the common PUCCH resource is enabled for (e)RedCap UEs. If this field is absent, intra-slot PUCCH frequency hopping within RedCap-specific initial UL BWP is enabled. If this field is present, intra-slot PUCCH frequency hopping within RedCap-specific initial UL BWP is disabled and each PUCCH resource is mapped to a single PRB on one side of the UL BWP and this parameter determines whether the PRB index in the PRB mapping is counted in increasing order from the lower edge or in decreasing order from the upper edge of the UL BWP.
Indicates the number of PRBs used per PUCCH resource for PUCCH format 0 and format 1 in FR2-2, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.1.
Power control parameter P0 for PUCCH transmissions. Value in dBm. Only even values (step size 2) allowed (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
Configuration of group- and sequence hopping for all the PUCCH formats 0, 1, 3 and 4. Value neither implies neither group or sequence hopping is enabled. Value enable enables group hopping and disables sequence hopping. Value disable disables group hopping and enables sequence hopping (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
An entry into a 16-row table where each row configures a set of cell-specific PUCCH resources/parameters. The UE uses those PUCCH resources until it is provided with a dedicated PUCCH-Config (e.g. during initial access) on the initial uplink BWP. Once the network provides a dedicated PUCCH-Config for that bandwidth part the UE applies that one instead of the one provided in this field (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2).
An entry into a 16-row table where each row configures a set of cell-specific PUCCH resources/parameters for (e)RedCap UEs. The UE uses those PUCCH resources until it is provided with a dedicated PUCCH-Config (e.g. during initial access) on the initial uplink BWP. Once the network provides a dedicated PUCCH-Config for that bandwidth part the UE applies that one instead of the one provided in this field (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present in the PUCCH-ConfigCommon of the initial BWP (BWP#0) in SIB1. It is absent in other BWPs including the RedCap-specific initial uplink BWP, if configured.
The field is mandatory present in the PUCCH-ConfigCommon of the RedCap-specific initial BWP. It is optional present, Need R, in the PUCCH-ConfigCommon of the initial BWP configured by initialUplinkBWP. It is absent in other BWPs.
The field is optional present, Need S, in the PUCCH-ConfigCommon of the RedCap-specific initial BWP. It is absent in other BWPs.

The IE PUCCH-ConfigurationList is used to configure UE specific PUCCH parameters (per BWP) for two simultaneously constructed HARQ-ACK codebooks. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.

The IE PUCCH-CSI-Resource is used to indicate a PUCCH resource to use for reporting on PUCCH.
pucch-ResourcePUCCH resource for the associated uplink BWP. Only PUCCH-Resource of format 2, 3 and 4 is supported. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in PUCCH-Config and referred to by its ID. When two PUCCH-Config are configured within PUCCH-ConfigurationList, PUCCH-ResourceId in a PUCCH-CSI-Resource refers to a PUCCH-Resource in the PUCCH-Config used for HARQ-ACK with low priority.
PUCCH-CSI-Resource field descriptions
PUCCH resource for the associated uplink BWP. Only PUCCH-Resource of format 2, 3 and 4 is supported. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in PUCCH-Config and referred to by its ID. When two PUCCH-Config are configured within PUCCH-ConfigurationList, PUCCH-ResourceId in a PUCCH-CSI-Resource refers to a PUCCH-Resource in the PUCCH-Config used for HARQ-ACK with low priority.

The IE PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id is an ID for a reference signal (RS) configured as PUCCH pathloss reference (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PUCCH-PATHLOSSREFERENCERS-ID-START PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1) PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-v1610 ::= INTEGER (maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs..maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1-r16) PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1-r17) -- TAG-PUCCH-PATHLOSSREFERENCERS-ID-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PUCCH-PowerControl is used to configure UE-specific parameters for the power control of PUCCH.
deltaF-PUCCH-f0deltaF for PUCCH format 0 with 1dB step size (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
deltaF-PUCCH-f1deltaF for PUCCH format 1 with 1dB step size (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
deltaF-PUCCH-f2deltaF for PUCCH format 2 with 1dB step size (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
deltaF-PUCCH-f3deltaF for PUCCH format 3 with 1dB step size (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
deltaF-PUCCH-f4deltaF for PUCCH format 4 with 1dB step size (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
p0-SetA set with dedicated P0 values for PUCCH, i.e., {P01, P02,... } (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).This field is not configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-P0-PerSet)) OF P0-PUCCH OPTIONAL, -- Need M pathlossReferenceRSs SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs)) OF PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS OPTIONAL, -- Need M
twoPUCCH-PC-AdjustmentStatesNumber of PUCCH power control adjustment states maintained by the UE (i.e., g(i)). If the field is present (n2) the UE maintains two power control states (i.e., g(i,0) and g(i,1)). If the field is absent, it maintains one power control state (i.e., g(i,0)) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
ENUMERATED {twoStates} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[ pathlossReferenceRSs-v1610 SetupRelease { PathlossReferenceRSs-v1610 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } P0-PUCCH ::= SEQUENCE { p0-PUCCH-Id P0-PUCCH-Id,
p0-PUCCH-ValueP0 value for PUCCH with 1dB step size.
INTEGER (-16..15) } P0-PUCCH-Id ::= INTEGER (1..8) PathlossReferenceRSs-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSsDiff-r16)) OF PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-r16 PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS ::= SEQUENCE { pucch-PathlossReferenceRS-Id PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id, referenceSignal CHOICE { ssb-Index SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId } } PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { pucch-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r16 PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-v1610, referenceSignal-r16 CHOICE { ssb-Index-r16 SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index-r16 NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId } } PUCCH-PowerControlSetInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pucch-PowerControlSetInfoId-r17 PUCCH-PowerControlSetInfoId-r17, p0-PUCCH-Id-r17 P0-PUCCH-Id, pucch-ClosedLoopIndex-r17 ENUMERATED { i0, i1 }, pucch-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 } PUCCH-PowerControlSetInfoId-r17 ::= INTEGER (1.. maxNrofPowerControlSetInfos-r17) -- TAG-PUCCH-POWERCONTROL-STOP -- ASN1STOP
P0-PUCCH field descriptions
P0 value for PUCCH with 1dB step size.
PUCCH-PowerControl field descriptions
deltaF for PUCCH format 0 with 1dB step size (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
deltaF for PUCCH format 1 with 1dB step size (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
deltaF for PUCCH format 2 with 1dB step size (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
deltaF for PUCCH format 3 with 1dB step size (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
deltaF for PUCCH format 4 with 1dB step size (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).
A set with dedicated P0 values for PUCCH, i.e., {P01, P02,... } (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).This field is not configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
pathlossReferenceRSs, pathlossReferenceRSs-v1610
A set of Reference Signals (e.g. a CSI-RS config or a SS block) to be used for PUCCH pathloss estimation. Up to maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReference-RSs may be configured. If the field is not configured, the UE uses the SSB as reference signal (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).The set includes Reference Signals indicated in pathlossReferenceRSs (without suffix) and in pathlossReferenceRSs-v1610. The UE maintains pathlossReferenceRSs and pathlossReferenceRSs-v1610 separately: Receiving pathlossReferenceRSs-v1610 set to release releases only the entries that were configured by pathlossReferenceRSs-v1610, and receiving pathlossReferenceRSs-v1610 set to setup replaces only the entries that were configured by pathlossReferenceRSs-v1610 with the newly signalled entries. Neither the field pathlossReferenceRSs (without suffix) nor pathlossReferenceRSs-v1610are configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
Number of PUCCH power control adjustment states maintained by the UE (i.e., g(i)). If the field is present (n2) the UE maintains two power control states (i.e., g(i,0) and g(i,1)). If the field is absent, it maintains one power control state (i.e., g(i,0)) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2).

The IE PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo is used to configure the spatial setting for PUCCH transmission and the parameters for PUCCH power control, see TS 38.213, [13], clause 9.2.2.
pucch-SpatialRelationInfoIdWhen pucch-SpatialRelationInfoId-v1610 is configured, the UE shall ignore pucch-SpatialRelationInfoId (without suffix). If pucch-SpatialRelationInfoId-v1610 is absent, the UE shall use the pucch-SpatialRelationInfoId (without suffix).
servingCellIdIf the field is absent, the UE applies the ServCellId of the serving cell in which this PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo is configured
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need S referenceSignal CHOICE { ssb-Index SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId, srs PUCCH-SRS }, pucch-PathlossReferenceRS-Id PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id, p0-PUCCH-Id P0-PUCCH-Id, closedLoopIndex ENUMERATED { i0, i1 } } PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoExt-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { pucch-SpatialRelationInfoId-v1610 PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId-v1610 OPTIONAL, -- Need S pucch-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-v1610 PUCCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-v1610 OPTIONAL, --Need R ... } PUCCH-SRS ::= SEQUENCE { resource SRS-ResourceId, uplinkBWP BWP-Id } -- TAG-PUCCH-SPATIALRELATIONINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo field descriptions
When pucch-PathLossReferenceRS-Id-v1610 is configured, the UE shall ignore pucch-PathLossReferenceRS-Id (without suffix).
When pucch-SpatialRelationInfoId-v1610 is configured, the UE shall ignore pucch-SpatialRelationInfoId (without suffix). If pucch-SpatialRelationInfoId-v1610 is absent, the UE shall use the pucch-SpatialRelationInfoId (without suffix).
If the field is absent, the UE applies the ServCellId of the serving cell in which this PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo is configured

The IE PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo-Id is used to identify a PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfo
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PUCCH-SPATIALRELATIONINFO-START PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId ::= INTEGER (1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos) PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId-r16 ::= INTEGER (1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos-r16) PUCCH-SpatialRelationInfoId-v1610::= INTEGER (maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos-plus-1..maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos-r16) -- TAG-PUCCH-SPATIALRELATIONINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PUCCH-TPC-CommandConfig is used to configure the UE for extracting TPC commands for PUCCH from a group-TPC messages on DCI.
tpc-IndexPCellAn index determining the position of the first bit of TPC command (applicable to the SpCell) inside the DCI format 2-2 payload.
INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL, -- Cond PDCCH-OfSpcell
tpc-IndexPUCCH-SCellAn index determining the position of the first bit of TPC command (applicable to the PUCCH SCell) inside the DCI format 2-2 payload.
INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL, -- Cond PDCCH-ofSpCellOrPUCCH-SCell ..., [[ tpc-IndexPUCCH-sSCell-r17 INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R tpc-IndexPUCCH-sScellSecondaryPUCCHgroup-r17 INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL -- Cond twoPUCCHgroup ]] } -- TAG-PUCCH-TPC-COMMANDCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PUCCH-TPC-CommandConfig field descriptions
An index determining the position of the first bit of TPC command (applicable to the SpCell) inside the DCI format 2-2 payload.
An index determining the position of the first bit of TPC command (applicable to the PUCCH SCell) inside the DCI format 2-2 payload.
tpc-IndexPUCCH-sSCell, tpc-IndexPUCCH-sSCellSecondaryPUCCHgroup
An index determining the position of the first bit of TPC command (applicable to the alternative PUCCH cell for PUCCH cell switching) inside the DCI format 2-2 payload, for the primary PUCCH group and the secondary PUCCH group respectively.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if the PUCCH-TPC-CommandConfig is provided in the PDCCH-Config for the SpCell. Otherwise, the field is absent, Need R.
The field is mandatory present if the PUCCH-TPC-CommandConfig is provided in the PDCCH-Config for the PUCCH-SCell.
The field is optionally present, need R, if the UE is configured with a PUCCH SCell in this cell group and if the PUCCH-TPC-CommandConfig is provided in the PDCCH-Config for the SpCell. Otherwise, the field is absent, Need R.
This field is optionally present, Need R, if secondary PUCCH group is configured. It is absent otherwise.

The IE PUSCH-Config is used to configure the UE specific PUSCH parameters applicable to a particular BWP.
dataScramblingIdentityPUSCHIdentifier used to initialise data scrambling (c_init) for PUSCH. If the field is absent, the UE applies the physical cell ID. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
txConfigWhether UE uses codebook based or non-codebook based transmission (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.1). If the field is absent, the UE transmits PUSCH on one antenna port, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.1.
ENUMERATED {codebook, nonCodebook} OPTIONAL, -- Need S dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeA SetupRelease { DMRS-UplinkConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeB SetupRelease { DMRS-UplinkConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pusch-PowerControlConfigures power control parameters PUSCH transmission.
PUSCH-PowerControl OPTIONAL, -- Need M
frequencyHoppingThe value intraSlot enables 'Intra-slot frequency hopping' and the value interSlot enables 'Inter-slot frequency hopping'. If the field is absent, frequency hopping is not configured for 'pusch-RepTypeA' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.3). The field frequencyHopping applies to DCI formats 0_0, 0_1 and 0_3 for 'pusch-RepTypeA'.
ENUMERATED {intraSlot, interSlot} OPTIONAL, -- Need S frequencyHoppingOffsetLists SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF INTEGER (1.. maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL, -- Need M resourceAllocation ENUMERATED { resourceAllocationType0, resourceAllocationType1, dynamicSwitch},
pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListList of time domain allocations for timing of UL assignment to UL data (see TS 38.214 [19], table The field pusch-TimeDomainAllocationList applies to DCI format 0_0, or DCI formats 0_1 and 0_3 when the field pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1 is not configured (see TS 38.214 [19], table and tables and The network does not configure the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationList (without suffix) simultaneously with the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-2-r16orpusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1-r16 or pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16.
SetupRelease { PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pusch-AggregationFactorNumber of repetitions for data (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
ENUMERATED { n2, n4, n8 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S mcs-Table ENUMERATED {qam256, qam64LowSE} OPTIONAL, -- Need S mcs-TableTransformPrecoder ENUMERATED {qam256, qam64LowSE} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
transformPrecoderThe UE specific selection of transformer precoder for PUSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value of the field msg3-transformPrecoderfrom rach-ConfigCommon included directly within BWP configuration (i.e., not included in additionalRACH-ConfigList).
ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S codebookSubset ENUMERATED {fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent, partialAndNonCoherent,nonCoherent} OPTIONAL, -- Cond codebookBased maxRank INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- Cond codebookBased
rbg-SizeSelection between configuration 1 and configuration 2 for RBG size for PUSCH except PUSCH scheduled by DCI format 0_3. The UE does not apply this field if resourceAllocation is set to resourceAllocationType1. Otherwise, the UE applies the value config1 when the field is absent (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED { config2} OPTIONAL, -- Need S uci-OnPUSCH SetupRelease { UCI-OnPUSCH} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
tp-pi2BPSKEnables pi/2-BPSK modulation with transform precoding if the field is present and disables it otherwise.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
minimumSchedulingOffsetK2-r16List of minimum K2 values.Minimum K2 parameter denotes minimum applicable value(s) for the Time domain resource assignment table for PUSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
SetupRelease { MinSchedulingOffsetK2-Values-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ul-AccessConfigListDCI-0-1-r16 SetupRelease { UL-AccessConfigListDCI-0-1-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M -- Start of the parameters for DCI format 0_2 introduced in V16.1.0
harq-ProcessNumberSizeDCI-0-2-r16Configure the number of bits for the field "HARQ process number" in DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
INTEGER (0..4) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dmrs-SequenceInitializationDCI-0-2-r16Configure whether the field "DMRS Sequence Initialization" is present or not in DCI format 0_2. If the field is absent, then 0 bit for the field "DMRS Sequence Initialization" in DCI format 0_2. If the field is present, then the number of bits is determined in the same way as DCI format 0_1 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
numberOfBitsForRV-DCI-0-2-r16Configures the number of bits for "Redundancy version" in the DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
antennaPortsFieldPresenceDCI-0-2-r16Configure the presence of "Antenna ports" field in DCI format 0_2. When the field is configured, then the "Antenna ports" field is present in DCI format 0_2. Otherwise, the field size is set to 0 for DCI format 0_2 (See TS 38.212 [17], clause If neither dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeA-DCI-0-2 nor dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeB-DCI-0-2 is configured, this field is absent.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeA-DCI-0-2-r16 SetupRelease { DMRS-UplinkConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeB-DCI-0-2-r16 SetupRelease { DMRS-UplinkConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
frequencyHoppingDCI-0-2-r16Indicate the frequency hopping scheme for DCI format 0_2. The value intraSlot enables 'intra-slot frequency hopping', and the value interRepetition enables 'Inter-repetition frequency hopping', and the value interSlot enables 'Inter-slot frequency hopping'. When pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2 is not set to 'pusch-RepTypeB', the frequency hopping scheme can be chosen between 'intra-slot frequency hopping and 'inter-slot frequency hopping' if enabled. When pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2 is set to 'pusch-RepTypeB', the frequency hopping scheme can be chosen between 'inter-repetition frequency hopping' and 'inter-slot frequency hopping' if enabled. If the field is absent, frequency hopping is not configured for DCI format 0_2(see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.3).
CHOICE { pusch-RepTypeA ENUMERATED {intraSlot, interSlot}, pusch-RepTypeB ENUMERATED {interRepetition, interSlot} } OPTIONAL, -- Need S frequencyHoppingOffsetListsDCI-0-2-r16 SetupRelease { FrequencyHoppingOffsetListsDCI-0-2-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M codebookSubsetDCI-0-2-r16 ENUMERATED {fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent, partialAndNonCoherent,nonCoherent} OPTIONAL, -- Cond codebookBased invalidSymbolPatternIndicatorDCI-0-2-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S maxRankDCI-0-2-r16 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- Cond codebookBased mcs-TableDCI-0-2-r16 ENUMERATED {qam256, qam64LowSE} OPTIONAL, -- Need S mcs-TableTransformPrecoderDCI-0-2-r16 ENUMERATED {qam256, qam64LowSE} OPTIONAL, -- Need S priorityIndicatorDCI-0-2-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2-r16 ENUMERATED { pusch-RepTypeA, pusch-RepTypeB} OPTIONAL, -- Need R resourceAllocationDCI-0-2-r16 ENUMERATED { resourceAllocationType0, resourceAllocationType1, dynamicSwitch} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
resourceAllocationType1GranularityDCI-0-2-r16Configures the scheduling granularity applicable for both the starting point and length indication for resource allocation type 1 in DCI format 0_2. If this field is absent, the granularity is 1 PRB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED { n2,n4,n8,n16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S uci-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-2-r16 SetupRelease { UCI-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-2-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-2-r16Configuration of the time domain resource allocation (TDRA) table for DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2, table
SetupRelease { PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M -- End of the parameters for DCI format 0_2 introduced in V16.1.0 -- Start of the parameters for DCI format 0_1 introduced in V16.1.0
pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1-r16Configuration of the time domain resource allocation (TDRA) table for DCI formats 0_1 and 0_3 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1, tables and
SetupRelease { PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M invalidSymbolPatternIndicatorDCI-0-1-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S priorityIndicatorDCI-0-1-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1-r16 ENUMERATED { pusch-RepTypeA, pusch-RepTypeB} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
frequencyHoppingDCI-0-1-r16Indicates the frequency hopping scheme for DCI format 0_1 when pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1 is set to 'pusch-RepTypeB', The value interRepetition enables 'Inter-repetition frequency hopping', and the value interSlot enables 'Inter-slot frequency hopping'. If the field is absent, frequency hopping is not configured for DCI format 0_1 for 'pusch-RepTypeB'(see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
ENUMERATED {interRepetition, interSlot} OPTIONAL, -- Cond RepTypeB uci-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-1-r16 SetupRelease { UCI-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-1-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M -- End of the parameters for DCI format 0_1 introduced in V16.1.0
invalidSymbolPattern-r16Indicates one pattern for invalid symbols for PUSCH transmission repetition type B applicable to both DCI format 0_1 and 0_2. If InvalidSymbolPattern is not configured, semi-static flexible symbols are used for PUSCH. Segmentation occurs only around semi-static DL symbols (see TS 38.214 [19] clause 6.1).
InvalidSymbolPattern-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need S pusch-PowerControl-v1610 SetupRelease {PUSCH-PowerControl-v1610} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ul-FullPowerTransmission-r16Configures the UE with UL full power transmission mode as specified in TS 38.213 [13]. This field is not configured if ul-powerControl is configured in the BWP-UplinkDedicated in which the PUCCH-Config is included.
ENUMERATED {fullpower, fullpowerMode1, fullpowerMode2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16Configuration of the time domain resource allocation (TDRA) table for multiple PUSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2). The network configures at most 64 rows in this TDRA table in PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-r16 configured by this field. This field is not configured simultaneously with pusch-AggregationFactor.The network does not configure the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16 simultaneously with the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1-r16.The network does not configure the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16 simultaneously with the numberOfSlotsTBoMS-r17.
SetupRelease { PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
numberOfInvalidSymbolsForDL-UL-Switching-r16Indicates the number of symbols after the last semi-static DL symbol that are invalid symbols for PUSCH repetition Type B. If it is absent, no symbol is explicitly defined for DL-to-UL switching (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL -- Cond RepTypeB2 ]], [[ ul-AccessConfigListDCI-0-2-r17 SetupRelease { UL-AccessConfigListDCI-0-2-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M betaOffsetsCrossPri0-r17 SetupRelease { BetaOffsetsCrossPriSel-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M betaOffsetsCrossPri1-r17 SetupRelease { BetaOffsetsCrossPriSel-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M betaOffsetsCrossPri0DCI-0-2-r17 SetupRelease { BetaOffsetsCrossPriSelDCI-0-2-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M betaOffsetsCrossPri1DCI-0-2-r17 SetupRelease { BetaOffsetsCrossPriSelDCI-0-2-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
mappingPattern-r17Indicates whether the UE should follow Cyclical mapping pattern or Sequential mapping pattern for when two SRS resource sets are configured in srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook' for PUSCH transmission and the PUSCH transmission occasions are associated with both SRS resource sets.
ENUMERATED {cyclicMapping, sequentialMapping} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SRSsets secondTPCFieldDCI-0-1-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R secondTPCFieldDCI-0-2-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sequenceOffsetForRV-r17Configures the RV offset for the starting RV for the first repetition (first actual repetition in PUSCH repetition Type B) towards the second 'SRS resource set' for PUSCH configured in either srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook'.
INTEGER (0..3) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ul-AccessConfigListDCI-0-1-r17 SetupRelease { UL-AccessConfigListDCI-0-1-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
minimumSchedulingOffsetK2-r17List of minimum K2 values.Minimum K2 parameter denotes minimum applicable value(s) for the Time domain resource assignment table for PUSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
SetupRelease { MinSchedulingOffsetK2-Values-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
availableSlotCounting-r17Indicate whether PUSCH repetitions counted on the basis of available slots is enabled. If the field is absent, PUSCH repetitions counted on the basis of available slots is disabled.
ENUMERATED { enabled } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
dmrs-BundlingPUSCH-Config-r17Configure the parameters for DMRS bundling for PUSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.7). In this release, this is not applicable to FR2-2.
SetupRelease { DMRS-BundlingPUSCH-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M harq-ProcessNumberSizeDCI-0-2-v1700 INTEGER (5) OPTIONAL, -- Need R harq-ProcessNumberSizeDCI-0-1-r17 INTEGER (5) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mpe-ResourcePoolToAddModList-r17List of SSB/CSI-RS resources for P-MPR reporting. Each resource is configured with serving cell index where the resource is configured for the UE. The additionalPCI is configured only if the resource is SSB. For each resource, if neither cell nor additionalPCI is present, the SSB/CSI-RS resource is from the serving cell where the PUSCH-Config is configured.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxMPE-Resources-r17)) OF MPE-Resource-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N mpe-ResourcePoolToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxMPE-Resources-r17)) OF MPE-ResourceId-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[ maxRank-v1810 INTEGER (5..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sTx-2Panel-r18Parameter to enable PUSCH+PUSCH multiple panel simultaneous uplink transmission, as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
multipanelSchemeSDM-r18Configures UE with a multiple panel simultaneous uplink transmission SDM scheme for PUSCH, as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1. Network does not configure multipanelSchemeSDM with multipanelSchemeSFN.When this parameter is configured, two SRS resource sets with usage for codebook or noncodebook are configuredin srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2.
SDM-Scheme-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
multipanelSchemeSFN-r18Configures UE with a multiple panel simultaneous uplink transmission SFN scheme for PUSCH, as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1. Network does not configure multipanelSchemeSFN with multipanelSchemeSDM.When this parameter is configured, two SRS resource sets with usage for codebook or noncodebook are configuredin srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2.
SFN-Scheme-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
codebookTypeUL-r18Configures a codebook and the corresponding number of antenna port groups for codebook-based transmission of PUSCH with 8 antenna ports, see TS 38.211 [16], tables to, and table respectively). The values ng1n4n1 and ng1n2n2 correspond to codebooks with one antenna port group (Ng=1), while ng2, ng4, and ng8 correspond to codebooks with Ng=2, 4, and 8 antenna port groups, respectively.
SetupRelease { CodebookTypeUL-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
applyIndicatedTCI-State-r18This field indicates, for a PUSCH transmission, if UE applies the first or the second "indicated" UL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.
ENUMERATED {first, second} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dynamicTransformPrecoderFieldPresenceDCI-0-1-r18Configure the presence of "Dynamic Transform Precoder" field in DCI format 0_1. When the field is configured, then the "Dynamic Transform Precoder" field is present in DCI format 0_1. Otherwise, the field size is set to 0 for DCI format 0_1 (See TS 38.212 [17]). The network ensures dynamicTransformPrecoderFieldPresenceDCI-0-1-r18 and twoPHRMode-r17 cannot be configured at the same time for a UE.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dynamicTransformPrecoderFieldPresenceDCI-0-2-r18Configure the presence of "Dynamic Transform Precoder" field in DCI format 0_2. When the field is configured, then the "Dynamic Transform Precoder" field is present in DCI format 0_2. Otherwise, the field size is set to 0 for DCI format 0_2 (See TS 38.212 [17]). The network ensures dynamicTransformPrecoderFieldPresenceDCI-0-2-r18 and twoPHRMode-r17 cannot be configured at the same time for a UE.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R pusch-ConfigDCI-0-3-r18 SetupRelease { PUSCH-ConfigDCI-0-3-r18 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } UCI-OnPUSCH ::= SEQUENCE {
betaOffsetsSelection between and configuration of dynamic and semi-static beta-offset for DCI formats other than DCI format 0_2. If the field is not configured, the UE applies the value 'semiStatic' (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3).
CHOICE { dynamic SEQUENCE (SIZE (4)) OF BetaOffsets, semiStatic BetaOffsets } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
scalingIndicates a scaling factor to limit the number of resource elements assigned to UCI on PUSCH for DCI formats other than DCI format 0_2. Value f0p5 corresponds to 0.5, value f0p65 corresponds to 0.65, and so on. The value configured herein is applicable for PUSCH with configured grant (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 6.3).
ENUMERATED { f0p5, f0p65, f0p8, f1 } } MinSchedulingOffsetK2-Values-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfMinSchedulingOffsetValues-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxK2-SchedulingOffset-r16) MinSchedulingOffsetK2-Values-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfMinSchedulingOffsetValues-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxK2-SchedulingOffset-r17) UCI-OnPUSCH-DCI-0-2-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
betaOffsetsDCI-0-2-r16Configuration of beta-offset for DCI format 0_2. If semiStaticDCI-0-2 is chosen, the UE shall apply the value of 0 bit for the field of beta offset indicator in DCI format 0_2. If dynamicDCI-0-2 is chosen, the UE shall apply the value of 1 bit or 2 bits for the field of beta offset indicator in DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13] clause 9.3).
dynamicDCI-0-2-r16Indicates the UE applies the value 'dynamic' for DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3).
CHOICE { oneBit-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (2)) OF BetaOffsets, twoBits-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (4)) OF BetaOffsets },
semiStaticDCI-0-2-r16Indicates the UE applies the value 'semiStatic' for DCI format 0_2. (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3).
BetaOffsets } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
scalingDCI-0-2-r16Indicates a scaling factor to limit the number of resource elements assigned to UCI on PUSCH for DCI format 0_2. Value f0p5 corresponds to 0.5, value f0p65 corresponds to 0.65, and so on (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 6.3).
ENUMERATED { f0p5, f0p65, f0p8, f1 } } FrequencyHoppingOffsetListsDCI-0-2-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF INTEGER (1.. maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) UCI-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-2-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF UCI-OnPUSCH-DCI-0-2-r16 UCI-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-1-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF UCI-OnPUSCH UL-AccessConfigListDCI-0-1-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..64)) OF INTEGER (0..63) UL-AccessConfigListDCI-0-1-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF INTEGER (0..2) UL-AccessConfigListDCI-0-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..64)) OF INTEGER (0..63) BetaOffsetsCrossPriSel-r17 ::= CHOICE { dynamic-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (4)) OF BetaOffsetsCrossPri-r17, semiStatic-r17 BetaOffsetsCrossPri-r17 } BetaOffsetsCrossPriSelDCI-0-2-r17 ::= CHOICE {
dynamicDCI-0-2-r17Indicates the UE applies the value 'dynamic' for DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3).
CHOICE { oneBit-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (2)) OF BetaOffsetsCrossPri-r17, twoBits-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (4)) OF BetaOffsetsCrossPri-r17 },
semiStaticDCI-0-2-r17Indicates the UE applies the value 'semiStatic' for DCI format 0_2. (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3).
BetaOffsetsCrossPri-r17 } MPE-Resource-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { mpe-ResourceId-r17 MPE-ResourceId-r17, cell-r17 ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R additionalPCI-r17 AdditionalPCIIndex-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R mpe-ReferenceSignal-r17 CHOICE { csi-RS-Resource-r17 NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId, ssb-Resource-r17 SSB-Index } } MPE-ResourceId-r17 ::= INTEGER (1..maxMPE-Resources-r17) SDM-Scheme-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { maxRankSDM-r18 INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R maxRankSDM-DCI-0-2-r18 INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL -- Need R } SFN-Scheme-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { maxRankSFN-r18 INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R maxRankSFN-DCI-0-2-r18 INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL -- Need R } CodebookTypeUL-r18 ::= CHOICE { codebook1-r18 ENUMERATED {ng1n4n1, ng1n2n2}, codebook2-r18 ENUMERATED {ng2}, codebook3-r18 ENUMERATED {ng4}, codebook4-r18 ENUMERATED {ng8} } PUSCH-ConfigDCI-0-3-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
resourceAllocationDCI-0-3-r18Configuration of resource allocation type 0 and resource allocation type 1 for DCI format 0_3 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2).
ENUMERATED {resourceAllocationType0, resourceAllocationType1, dynamicSwitch} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
rbg-SizeDCI-0-3-r18Selection among configuration 1, configuration 2 and configuration 3 for RBG size for PUSCH scheduled by DCI format 0_3. The UE does not apply this field if resourceAllocationDCI-0-3 is set to resourceAllocationType1. Otherwise, the UE applies the value config1 when the field is absent (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {config2, config3} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
resourceAllocationType1GranularityDCI-0-3-r18Configures the scheduling granularity applicable for both the starting point and length indication for resource allocation type 1 in DCI format 0_3. If this field is absent, the granularity is 1 PRB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {n2,n4,n8,n16} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
numberOfBitsForRV-DCI-0-3-r18Configures the number of bits for "Redundancy version" in the DCI format 0_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
harq-ProcessNumberSizeDCI-0-3-r18Configure the number of bits for the field "HARQ process number" in DCI format 0_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
INTEGER (0..5) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
uci-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-3-r18Configuration for up to 2 HARQ-ACK codebooks specific to DCI format 0_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13] clause 9.3).
SetupRelease { UCI-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-1-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M } -- TAG-PUSCH-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PUSCH-Config field descriptions
Configure the presence of "Antenna ports" field in DCI format 0_2. When the field is configured, then the "Antenna ports" field is present in DCI format 0_2. Otherwise, the field size is set to 0 for DCI format 0_2 (See TS 38.212 [17], clause If neither dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeA-DCI-0-2 nor dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeB-DCI-0-2 is configured, this field is absent.
This field indicates, for a PUSCH transmission, if UE applies the first or the second "indicated" UL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.
Indicate whether PUSCH repetitions counted on the basis of available slots is enabled. If the field is absent, PUSCH repetitions counted on the basis of available slots is disabled.
betaOffsetsCrossPri0, betaOffsetsCrossPri1,betaOffsetsCrossPri0DCI-0-2, betaOffsetsCrossPri1DCI-0-2
Selection between and configuration of dynamic and semi-static beta-offset for multiplexing HARQ-ACK on dynamically scheduled PUSCH with different priorities, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3. The field betaOffsetsCrossPrio0 indicates multiplexing low priority (LP) HARQ-ACK on dynamically scheduled high priority (HP) PUSCH. The field betaOffsetsCrossPrio1 indicates multiplexing HP HARQ-ACK on dynamically scheduled LP PUSCH. The field betaOffsetsCrossPrio0DCI-0-2 indicates multiplexing LP HARQ-ACK on dynamically scheduled HP PUSCH by DCI format 0_2. The field betaOffsetsCrossPrio1DCI-0-2 indicates multiplexing HP HARQ-ACK on dynamically scheduled LP PUSCH by DCI format 0_2.
codebookSubset, codebookSubsetDCI-0-2
Subset of PMIs addressed by TPMI, where PMIs are those supported by UEs with maximum coherence capabilities (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The field codebookSubset applies to DCI formats 0_1 and 0_3, and the field codebookSubsetDCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Configures a codebook and the corresponding number of antenna port groups for codebook-based transmission of PUSCH with 8 antenna ports, see TS 38.211 [16], tables to, and table respectively). The values ng1n4n1 and ng1n2n2 correspond to codebooks with one antenna port group (Ng=1), while ng2, ng4, and ng8 correspond to codebooks with Ng=2, 4, and 8 antenna port groups, respectively.
Identifier used to initialise data scrambling (c_init) for PUSCH. If the field is absent, the UE applies the physical cell ID. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Configure the parameters for DMRS bundling for PUSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.7). In this release, this is not applicable to FR2-2.
Configure whether the field "DMRS Sequence Initialization" is present or not in DCI format 0_2. If the field is absent, then 0 bit for the field "DMRS Sequence Initialization" in DCI format 0_2. If the field is present, then the number of bits is determined in the same way as DCI format 0_1 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeA, dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeA-DCI-0-2
DMRS configuration for PUSCH transmissions using PUSCH mapping type A (chosen dynamically via PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation). Only the fields dmrs-Type, dmrs-AdditionalPosition and maxLength may be set differently for mapping type A and B. The field dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeA applies to DCI formats 0_1 and 0_3, and the field dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeA-DCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeB, dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeB-DCI-0-2
DMRS configuration for PUSCH transmissions using PUSCH mapping type B (chosen dynamically via PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation). Only the fields dmrs-Type, dmrs-AdditionalPosition and maxLength may be set differently for mapping type A and B. The field dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeB applies to DCI formats 0_1 and 0_3, and the field dmrs-UplinkForPUSCH-MappingTypeB-DCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
Configure the presence of "Dynamic Transform Precoder" field in DCI format 0_1. When the field is configured, then the "Dynamic Transform Precoder" field is present in DCI format 0_1. Otherwise, the field size is set to 0 for DCI format 0_1 (See TS 38.212 [17]). The network ensures dynamicTransformPrecoderFieldPresenceDCI-0-1-r18 and twoPHRMode-r17 cannot be configured at the same time for a UE.
Configure the presence of "Dynamic Transform Precoder" field in DCI format 0_2. When the field is configured, then the "Dynamic Transform Precoder" field is present in DCI format 0_2. Otherwise, the field size is set to 0 for DCI format 0_2 (See TS 38.212 [17]). The network ensures dynamicTransformPrecoderFieldPresenceDCI-0-2-r18 and twoPHRMode-r17 cannot be configured at the same time for a UE.
The value intraSlot enables 'Intra-slot frequency hopping' and the value interSlot enables 'Inter-slot frequency hopping'. If the field is absent, frequency hopping is not configured for 'pusch-RepTypeA' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.3). The field frequencyHopping applies to DCI formats 0_0, 0_1 and 0_3 for 'pusch-RepTypeA'.
Indicates the frequency hopping scheme for DCI format 0_1 when pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1 is set to 'pusch-RepTypeB', The value interRepetition enables 'Inter-repetition frequency hopping', and the value interSlot enables 'Inter-slot frequency hopping'. If the field is absent, frequency hopping is not configured for DCI format 0_1 for 'pusch-RepTypeB'(see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
Indicate the frequency hopping scheme for DCI format 0_2. The value intraSlot enables 'intra-slot frequency hopping', and the value interRepetition enables 'Inter-repetition frequency hopping', and the value interSlot enables 'Inter-slot frequency hopping'. When pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2 is not set to 'pusch-RepTypeB', the frequency hopping scheme can be chosen between 'intra-slot frequency hopping and 'inter-slot frequency hopping' if enabled. When pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2 is set to 'pusch-RepTypeB', the frequency hopping scheme can be chosen between 'inter-repetition frequency hopping' and 'inter-slot frequency hopping' if enabled. If the field is absent, frequency hopping is not configured for DCI format 0_2(see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.3).
frequencyHoppingOffsetLists, frequencyHoppingOffsetListsDCI-0-2
Set of frequency hopping offsets used when frequency hopping is enabled for granted transmission (not msg3) and type 2 configured grant activation (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.3).The field frequencyHoppingOffsetLists applies to DCI formats 0_0, 0_1 and 0_3, and the field frequencyHoppingOffsetListsDCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.3).
Configure the number of bits for the field "HARQ process number" in DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
Indicates one pattern for invalid symbols for PUSCH transmission repetition type B applicable to both DCI format 0_1 and 0_2. If InvalidSymbolPattern is not configured, semi-static flexible symbols are used for PUSCH. Segmentation occurs only around semi-static DL symbols (see TS 38.214 [19] clause 6.1).
invalidSymbolPatternIndicatorDCI-0-1, invalidSymbolPatternIndicatorDCI-0-2
Indicates the presence of an additional bit in the DCI format 0_1/0_2. If invalidSymbolPattern is absent, then both invalidSymbolPatternIndicatorDCI-0-1 and invalidSymbolPatternIndicatorDCI-0-2 are absent. The field invalidSymbolPatternIndicatorDCI-0-1 applies to the DCI format 0_1 and the field invalidSymbolPatternIndicatorDCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19] clause 6.1). If the field is absent, the UE behaviour is specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates whether the UE should follow Cyclical mapping pattern or Sequential mapping pattern for when two SRS resource sets are configured in srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook' for PUSCH transmission and the PUSCH transmission occasions are associated with both SRS resource sets.
maxRank, maxRankDCI-0-2
Subset of PMIs addressed by TRIs from 1 to ULmaxRank (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The field maxRank applies to DCI formats 0_1 and 0_3, and the field maxRankDCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If network configures maxRank-v1810 UE ignores maxRank (without suffix).
mcs-Table, mcs-TableFormat0-2
Indicates which MCS table the UE shall use for PUSCH without transform precoder (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If the field is absent the UE applies the value 64QAM. The field mcs-Table applies to DCI formats 0_0, 0_1 and 0_3, and the field mcs-TableDCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
mcs-TableTransformPrecoder, mcs-TableTransformPrecoderDCI-0-2
Indicates which MCS table the UE shall use for PUSCH with transform precoding (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If the field is absent the UE applies the value 64QAM. The field mcs-TableTransformPrecoder applies to DCI formats 0_0, 0_1 and 0_3, and the field mcs-TableTransformPrecoderDCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
List of minimum K2 values.Minimum K2 parameter denotes minimum applicable value(s) for the Time domain resource assignment table for PUSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
List of SSB/CSI-RS resources for P-MPR reporting. Each resource is configured with serving cell index where the resource is configured for the UE. The additionalPCI is configured only if the resource is SSB. For each resource, if neither cell nor additionalPCI is present, the SSB/CSI-RS resource is from the serving cell where the PUSCH-Config is configured.
Configures UE with a multiple panel simultaneous uplink transmission SDM scheme for PUSCH, as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1. Network does not configure multipanelSchemeSDM with multipanelSchemeSFN.When this parameter is configured, two SRS resource sets with usage for codebook or noncodebook are configuredin srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2.
Configures UE with a multiple panel simultaneous uplink transmission SFN scheme for PUSCH, as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1. Network does not configure multipanelSchemeSFN with multipanelSchemeSDM.When this parameter is configured, two SRS resource sets with usage for codebook or noncodebook are configuredin srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2.
Configures the number of bits for "Redundancy version" in the DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates the number of symbols after the last semi-static DL symbol that are invalid symbols for PUSCH repetition Type B. If it is absent, no symbol is explicitly defined for DL-to-UL switching (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
priorityIndicatorDCI-0-1, priorityIndicatorDCI-0-2
Configures the presence of "priority indicator" in DCI format 0_1/0_2. When the field is absent in the IE, then the UE shall apply 0 bit for "Priority indicator" in DCI format 0_1/0_2. The field priorityIndicatorDCI-0-1 applies to DCI format 0_1 and the field priorityIndicatorDCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13] clause 9).
Number of repetitions for data (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
Configures power control parameters PUSCH transmission.
pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1, pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2
Indicates whether UE follows the behavior for "PUSCH repetition type A" or the behavior for "PUSCH repetition type B" for the PUSCH scheduled by DCI format 0_1/0_2 and for Type 2 CG associated with the activating DCI format 0_1/0_2.The value pusch-RepTypeA enables the 'PUSCH repetition type A' and the value pusch-RepTypeB enables the 'PUSCH repetition type B'. The field pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1 applies to DCI format 0_1 and the field pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
List of time domain allocations for timing of UL assignment to UL data (see TS 38.214 [19], table The field pusch-TimeDomainAllocationList applies to DCI format 0_0, or DCI formats 0_1 and 0_3 when the field pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1 is not configured (see TS 38.214 [19], table and tables and The network does not configure the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationList (without suffix) simultaneously with the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-2-r16orpusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1-r16 or pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16.
Configuration of the time domain resource allocation (TDRA) table for DCI formats 0_1 and 0_3 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1, tables and
Configuration of the time domain resource allocation (TDRA) table for DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2, table
Configuration of the time domain resource allocation (TDRA) table for multiple PUSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2). The network configures at most 64 rows in this TDRA table in PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-r16 configured by this field. This field is not configured simultaneously with pusch-AggregationFactor.The network does not configure the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16 simultaneously with the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1-r16.The network does not configure the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16 simultaneously with the numberOfSlotsTBoMS-r17.
Selection between configuration 1 and configuration 2 for RBG size for PUSCH except PUSCH scheduled by DCI format 0_3. The UE does not apply this field if resourceAllocation is set to resourceAllocationType1. Otherwise, the UE applies the value config1 when the field is absent (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
resourceAllocation, resourceAllocationDCI-0-2
Configuration of resource allocation type 0 and resource allocation type 1 for non-fallback DCI (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2). The field resourceAllocation applies to DCI format 0_1 and the field resourceAllocationDCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2).
Configures the scheduling granularity applicable for both the starting point and length indication for resource allocation type 1 in DCI format 0_2. If this field is absent, the granularity is 1 PRB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
secondTPCFieldDCI-0-1, secondTPCFieldDCI-0-2
A second TPC field can be configured via RRC for DCI-0-1 and DCI-0-2. Each TPC field is for each closed-loop index value respectively (i.e., 1st /2nd TPC fields correspond to "closedLoopIndex" value = 0 and 1,
Configures the RV offset for the starting RV for the first repetition (first actual repetition in PUSCH repetition Type B) towards the second 'SRS resource set' for PUSCH configured in either srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage 'codebook' or 'noncodebook'.
Parameter to enable PUSCH+PUSCH multiple panel simultaneous uplink transmission, as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.
Enables pi/2-BPSK modulation with transform precoding if the field is present and disables it otherwise.
The UE specific selection of transformer precoder for PUSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value of the field msg3-transformPrecoderfrom rach-ConfigCommon included directly within BWP configuration (i.e., not included in additionalRACH-ConfigList).
Whether UE uses codebook based or non-codebook based transmission (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.1). If the field is absent, the UE transmits PUSCH on one antenna port, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.1.
uci-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-1, uci-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-2
Configuration for up to 2 HARQ-ACK codebooks specific to DCI format 0_1/0_2. The field uci-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-1 applies to DCI format 0_1 and the field uci-OnPUSCH-ListDCI-0-2 applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13] clause 9.3).
ul-AccessConfigListDCI-0-1, ul-AccessConfigListDCI-0-2
List of the combinations of cyclic prefix extension, channel access priority class (CAPC), and UL channel access type (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1) applicable for DCI format 0_1 and DCI format 0_2, respectively.The fields ul-AccessConfigListDCI-0-1-r16 and ul-AccessConfigListDCI-0-2-r17 are only applicable for FR1 (see TS 38.212 [17], Table The field ul-AccessConfigListDCI-0-1-r17 only contains a list of UL channel access types and is only applicable for FR2-2 (see TS 38.212 [17], Table
Configures the UE with UL full power transmission mode as specified in TS 38.213 [13]. This field is not configured if ul-powerControl is configured in the BWP-UplinkDedicated in which the PUCCH-Config is included.
PUSCH-ConfigDCI-0-3 field descriptions
Configure the number of bits for the field "HARQ process number" in DCI format 0_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
Configures the number of bits for "Redundancy version" in the DCI format 0_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.214 [19], clause
Selection among configuration 1, configuration 2 and configuration 3 for RBG size for PUSCH scheduled by DCI format 0_3. The UE does not apply this field if resourceAllocationDCI-0-3 is set to resourceAllocationType1. Otherwise, the UE applies the value config1 when the field is absent (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Configuration of resource allocation type 0 and resource allocation type 1 for DCI format 0_3 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.2).
Configures the scheduling granularity applicable for both the starting point and length indication for resource allocation type 1 in DCI format 0_3. If this field is absent, the granularity is 1 PRB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Configuration for up to 2 HARQ-ACK codebooks specific to DCI format 0_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13] clause 9.3).
SDM-Scheme field descriptions
configure maximal number of MIMO layers of each panel in SDM scheme for codebook based PUSCH or for DCI 0_2 for codebook based PUSCH.
SFN-Scheme field descriptions
configure maximal number of MIMO layers of each panel in SFN scheme for codebook based PUSCH or for DCI 0_2 for codebook based PUSCH.
UCI-OnPUSCH field descriptions
Selection between and configuration of dynamic and semi-static beta-offset for DCI formats other than DCI format 0_2. If the field is not configured, the UE applies the value 'semiStatic' (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3).
Indicates a scaling factor to limit the number of resource elements assigned to UCI on PUSCH for DCI formats other than DCI format 0_2. Value f0p5 corresponds to 0.5, value f0p65 corresponds to 0.65, and so on. The value configured herein is applicable for PUSCH with configured grant (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 6.3).
UCI-OnPUSCH-DCI-0-2 field descriptions
Configuration of beta-offset for DCI format 0_2. If semiStaticDCI-0-2 is chosen, the UE shall apply the value of 0 bit for the field of beta offset indicator in DCI format 0_2. If dynamicDCI-0-2 is chosen, the UE shall apply the value of 1 bit or 2 bits for the field of beta offset indicator in DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13] clause 9.3).
Indicates the UE applies the value 'dynamic' for DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3).
Indicates the UE applies the value 'semiStatic' for DCI format 0_2. (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.3).
Indicates a scaling factor to limit the number of resource elements assigned to UCI on PUSCH for DCI format 0_2. Value f0p5 corresponds to 0.5, value f0p65 corresponds to 0.65, and so on (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 6.3).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if txConfig is set to codebook and absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need S, if pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1 is set to pusch-RepTypeB. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need S, if pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1 or pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2 is set to pusch-RepTypeB. It is absent otherwise.
This field is mandatory present when UE is configured with two SRS sets in either srs-ResourceSetToAddModList or srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2 with usage codebook or non-codebook and none of multipanelSchemeSDM or multipanelSchemeSFN or sTx-2Panel is configured. It is absent otherwise.

The IE PUSCH-ConfigCommon is used to configure the cell specific PUSCH parameters.
groupHoppingEnabledTransformPrecodingFor DMRS transmission with transform precoder, the NW may configure group hopping by this cell-specific parameter, see TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListList of time domain allocations for timing of UL assignment to UL data (see TS 38.214 [19], table
PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList OPTIONAL, -- Need R
msg3-DeltaPreamblePower offset between msg3 and RACH preamble transmission. Actual value = field value * 2 [dB] (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1)
INTEGER (-1..6) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
p0-NominalWithGrantP0 value for PUSCH with grant (except msg3). Value in dBm. Only even values (step size 2) allowed (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1) This field is cell specific
PUSCH-ConfigCommon field descriptions
For DMRS transmission with transform precoder, the NW may configure group hopping by this cell-specific parameter, see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Power offset between msg3 and RACH preamble transmission. Actual value = field value * 2 [dB] (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1)
P0 value for PUSCH with grant (except msg3). Value in dBm. Only even values (step size 2) allowed (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1) This field is cell specific
List of time domain allocations for timing of UL assignment to UL data (see TS 38.214 [19], table

The IE PUSCH-PowerControl is used to configure UE specific power control parameter for PUSCH.
tpc-AccumulationIf enabled, UE applies TPC commands via accumulation. If not enabled, UE applies the TPC command without accumulation. If the field is absent, TPC accumulation is enabled (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).
ENUMERATED { disabled } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
msg3-AlphaDedicated alpha value for msg3 PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
Alpha OPTIONAL, -- Need S
p0-NominalWithoutGrantP0 value for UL grant-free/SPS based PUSCH. Value in dBm. Only even values (step size 2) allowed (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).
INTEGER (-202..24) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
p0-AlphaSetsConfiguration {p0-pusch, alpha} sets for PUSCH (except msg3 and msgA PUSCH), i.e., { {p0,alpha,index1}, {p0,alpha,index2},...} (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). When no set is configured, the UE uses the P0-nominal for msg3/msgA PUSCH, P0-UE is set to 0 and alpha is set according to either msg3-Alpha or msgA-Alpha (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).This field is not configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofP0-PUSCH-AlphaSets)) OF P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet OPTIONAL, -- Need M pathlossReferenceRSToAddModList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs)) OF PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS OPTIONAL, -- Need N pathlossReferenceRSToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs)) OF PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id OPTIONAL, -- Need N
twoPUSCH-PC-AdjustmentStatesNumber of PUSCH power control adjustment states maintained by the UE (i.e., fc(i)). If the field is present (n2) the UE maintains two power control states (i.e., fc(i,0) and fc(i,1)). If the field is absent, it maintains one power control state (i.e., fc(i,0)) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).
ENUMERATED {twoStates} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
deltaMCSIndicates whether to apply delta MCS. When the field is absent, the UE applies Ks = 0 in delta_TFC formula for PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
sri-PUSCH-MappingToAddModListA list of SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl elements among which one is selected by the SRI field in DCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). No elements in this list are configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSRI-PUSCH-Mappings)) OF SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl OPTIONAL, -- Need N sri-PUSCH-MappingToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSRI-PUSCH-Mappings)) OF SRI-PUSCH-PowerControlId OPTIONAL -- Need N } P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet ::= SEQUENCE { p0-PUSCH-AlphaSetId P0-PUSCH-AlphaSetId,
p0P0 value for PUSCH with grant (except msg3) in steps of 1dB (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 0.
INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
alphaalpha value for PUSCH with grant (except msg3) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
Alpha OPTIONAL -- Need S } P0-PUSCH-AlphaSetId ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofP0-PUSCH-AlphaSets-1) PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-PathlossReferenceRS-Id PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id, referenceSignal CHOICE { ssb-Index SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId } } PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r16 PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-v1610, referenceSignal-r16 CHOICE { ssb-Index-r16 SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index-r16 NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId } } DummyPathlossReferenceRS-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17, additionalPCI-r17 AdditionalPCIIndex-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1) PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-v1610 ::= INTEGER (maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs..maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1-r16) PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1-r16) SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl ::= SEQUENCE {
sri-PUSCH-PowerControlIdThe ID of this SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl configuration. It is used as the codepoint (payload) in the SRI DCI field.
sri-PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-IdThe ID of PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS as configured in the pathlossReferenceRSToAddModList in PUSCH-PowerControl.
sri-P0-PUSCH-AlphaSetIdThe ID of a P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet as configured in p0-AlphaSetsin PUSCH-PowerControl.
sri-PUSCH-ClosedLoopIndexThe index of the closed power control loop associated with this SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl.
ENUMERATED { i0, i1 } } SRI-PUSCH-PowerControlId ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSRI-PUSCH-Mappings-1) PUSCH-PowerControl-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { pathlossReferenceRSToAddModListSizeExt-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSsDiff-r16)) OF PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N pathlossReferenceRSToReleaseListSizeExt-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSsDiff-r16)) OF PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-v1610 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
p0-PUSCH-SetList-r16Configure one additional P0-PUSCH-Set per SRI. If present, the one bit or 2 bits in the DCI is used to dynamically indicate among the P0 value from the existing P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet and the P0 value(s) from the P0-PUSCH-Set (See TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 17).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSRI-PUSCH-Mappings)) OF P0-PUSCH-Set-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R olpc-ParameterSet SEQUENCE { olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-1-r16 INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-2-r16 INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
sri-PUSCH-MappingToAddModList2-r17A list of SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl elements for second SRS-resource set, among which one is selected by the SRI field in DCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). When this field is present the sri-PUSCH-MappingToAddModList corresponds to the first SRS resource set for PUSCH. No elements in this list are configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSRI-PUSCH-Mappings)) OF SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl OPTIONAL, -- Need N sri-PUSCH-MappingToReleaseList2-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSRI-PUSCH-Mappings)) OF SRI-PUSCH-PowerControlId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
p0-PUSCH-SetList2-r17For indicating per-TRP OLPC set in DCI format 0_1/0_2 with the open-loop power control parameter set indication field, a second p0-PUSCH-SetList-r16 is used. When this field is present the p0-PUSCH-SetList-r16 corresponds to the first SRS resource set (see TS 38.213 [13]).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSRI-PUSCH-Mappings)) OF P0-PUSCH-Set-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dummyThis field is not used in the specification. If received it shall be ignored by the UE.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-r16)) OF DummyPathlossReferenceRS-v1710 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } P0-PUSCH-Set-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
p0-PUSCH-SetId-r16Configure the index of a p0-PUSCH-Set (see TS 38.213 [13] clause 7 and TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1).
p0-List-r16Configuration of {p0-PUSCH, p0-PUSCH} sets for PUSCH. If SRI is present in the DCI, then one p0-PUSCH can be configured in P0-PUSCH-Set. If SRI is not present in the DCI, and both olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-1 and olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-2 are configured to be 1 bit, then one p0-PUSCH can be configured in P0-PUSCH-Set. If SRI is not present in the DCI, and if any of olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-1 and olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-2 is configured to be 2 bits, then two p0-PUSCH values can be configured in P0-PUSCH-Set (see TS 38.213 [13] clause 7 and TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofP0-PUSCH-Set-r16)) OF P0-PUSCH-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } P0-PUSCH-SetId-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSRI-PUSCH-Mappings-1) P0-PUSCH-r16 ::= INTEGER (-16..15) -- TAG-PUSCH-POWERCONTROL-STOP -- ASN1STOP
P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet field descriptions
alpha value for PUSCH with grant (except msg3) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
P0 value for PUSCH with grant (except msg3) in steps of 1dB (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 0.
P0-PUSCH-Set field descriptions
Configuration of {p0-PUSCH, p0-PUSCH} sets for PUSCH. If SRI is present in the DCI, then one p0-PUSCH can be configured in P0-PUSCH-Set. If SRI is not present in the DCI, and both olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-1 and olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-2 are configured to be 1 bit, then one p0-PUSCH can be configured in P0-PUSCH-Set. If SRI is not present in the DCI, and if any of olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-1 and olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-2 is configured to be 2 bits, then two p0-PUSCH values can be configured in P0-PUSCH-Set (see TS 38.213 [13] clause 7 and TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1).
Configure the index of a p0-PUSCH-Set (see TS 38.213 [13] clause 7 and TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1).
PUSCH-PowerControl field descriptions
Indicates whether to apply delta MCS. When the field is absent, the UE applies Ks = 0 in delta_TFC formula for PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).
This field is not used in the specification. If received it shall be ignored by the UE.
Dedicated alpha value for msg3 PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-1, olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-2
Configures the number of bits for Open-loop power control parameter set indication for DCI format 0_1/0_2 in case SRI is not configured in the DCI. 2 bits is applicable only if SRI is not present in the DCI format 0_1. The field olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-1 applies to DCI format 0_1 and the field olpc-ParameterSetDCI-0-2applies to DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 11).
Configuration {p0-pusch, alpha} sets for PUSCH (except msg3 and msgA PUSCH), i.e., { {p0,alpha,index1}, {p0,alpha,index2},...} (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). When no set is configured, the UE uses the P0-nominal for msg3/msgA PUSCH, P0-UE is set to 0 and alpha is set according to either msg3-Alpha or msgA-Alpha (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).This field is not configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
P0 value for UL grant-free/SPS based PUSCH. Value in dBm. Only even values (step size 2) allowed (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).
Configure one additional P0-PUSCH-Set per SRI. If present, the one bit or 2 bits in the DCI is used to dynamically indicate among the P0 value from the existing P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet and the P0 value(s) from the P0-PUSCH-Set (See TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 17).
For indicating per-TRP OLPC set in DCI format 0_1/0_2 with the open-loop power control parameter set indication field, a second p0-PUSCH-SetList-r16 is used. When this field is present the p0-PUSCH-SetList-r16 corresponds to the first SRS resource set (see TS 38.213 [13]).
pathlossReferenceRSToAddModList, pathlossReferenceRSToAddModListSizeExt
A set of Reference Signals (e.g. a CSI-RS config or a SS block) to be used for PUSCH path loss estimation. The set consists of Reference Signals configured using pathLossReferenceRSToAddModList and Reference Signals configured using pathlossReferenceRSToAddModListSizeExt.Up to maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs may be configured (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).No elements in the list pathLossReferenceRSToAddModList nor pathlossReferenceRSToAddModListSizeExt are configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
pathlossReferenceRSToReleaseList, pathlossReferenceRSToReleaseListSizeExt
Lists of reference signals for PUSCH path loss estimation to be released by the UE.
A list of SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl elements among which one is selected by the SRI field in DCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). No elements in this list are configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
A list of SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl elements for second SRS-resource set, among which one is selected by the SRI field in DCI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1). When this field is present the sri-PUSCH-MappingToAddModList corresponds to the first SRS resource set for PUSCH. No elements in this list are configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
If enabled, UE applies TPC commands via accumulation. If not enabled, UE applies the TPC command without accumulation. If the field is absent, TPC accumulation is enabled (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).
Number of PUSCH power control adjustment states maintained by the UE (i.e., fc(i)). If the field is present (n2) the UE maintains two power control states (i.e., fc(i,0) and fc(i,1)). If the field is absent, it maintains one power control state (i.e., fc(i,0)) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1).
SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl field descriptions
The ID of a P0-PUSCH-AlphaSet as configured in p0-AlphaSetsin PUSCH-PowerControl.
The index of the closed power control loop associated with this SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl.
The ID of PUSCH-PathlossReferenceRS as configured in the pathlossReferenceRSToAddModList in PUSCH-PowerControl.
The ID of this SRI-PUSCH-PowerControl configuration. It is used as the codepoint (payload) in the SRI DCI field.

The IE PUSCH-ServingCellConfig is used to configure UE specific PUSCH parameters that are common across the UE's BWPs of one serving cell.
codeBlockGroupTransmissionEnables and configures code-block-group (CBG) based transmission (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.5). The network does not configure this field if the SCS of at least one UL BWP configured in the cellis 480 or 960 kHz.
SetupRelease { PUSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
rateMatchingEnables LBRM (Limited buffer rate-matching). When the field is absent the UE applies FBRM (Full buffer rate-matchingLBRM) (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 5.4.2).
ENUMERATED {limitedBufferRM} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
xOverheadIf the field is absent, the UE applies the value 0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {xoh6, xoh12, xoh18} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
maxMIMO-LayersIndicates the maximum MIMO layer to be used for PUSCH in all BWPs of the correspondingUL of this serving cell (see TS 38.212 [17], clause If present, the network sets maxRank to the same value. The field maxMIMO-Layers refers to DCI format 0_1. If network configures maxMIMO-Layers-v1810 the UE ignores maxMIMO-Layers (without suffix).
INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
processingType2EnabledEnables configuration of advanced processing time capability 2 for PUSCH (see 38.214 [19], clause 6.4).
maxMIMO-LayersDCI-0-2-r16Indicates the maximum MIMO layer to be used for PUSCH for DCI format 0_2 in all BWPs of the correspondingUL of this serving cell (see TS 38.212 [17], clause If present, the network sets maxRankDCI-0-2 to the same value.
SetupRelease { MaxMIMO-LayersDCI-0-2-r16} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
nrofHARQ-ProcessesForPUSCH-r17The number of HARQ processes to be used on the PUSCH of a serving cell. Value n32 corresponds to 32 HARQ processes. If the field is absent, the UE uses 16HARQ processes (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
uplinkHARQ-mode-r17Used to set the HARQ mode per HARQ process ID, see TS 38.321 [3]. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to HARQ process ID 0, the next bit to HARQ process ID 1 and so on. Bits corresponding to HARQ process IDs that are not configured shall be ignored. A bit set to one identifies a HARQ process with HARQmodeA and a bit set to zero identifies a HARQ process with HARQ modeB. This field applies for SRBs and DRBs.
SetupRelease { UplinkHARQ-mode-r17} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ maxMIMO-Layers-v1810 INTEGER (5..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
maxMIMO-LayersforSDM-r18Parameter to indicate maximal number of MIMO layers of each panel for PUSCH with SDM scheme for NCB PUSCH
INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
maxMIMO-LayersforSDM-DCI-0-2-r18Parameter to indicate maximal number of MIMO layers of each panel for PUSCH with SDM scheme for DCI format 0_2 for NCB PUSCH
INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
maxMIMO-LayersforSFN-r18Parameter to indicate maximal number of MIMO layers of each panel for PUSCH with SFN scheme for NCB PUSCH
INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
maxMIMO-LayersforSFN-DCI-0-2-r18Parameter to indicate maximal number of MIMO layers of each panel for PUSCH with SFN scheme for DCI format 0_2 for NCB PUSCH
INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } PUSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission ::= SEQUENCE {
maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlockMaximum number of code-block-groups (CBGs) per TB (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1).
ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n6, n8}, ... } MaxMIMO-LayersDCI-0-2-r16 ::= INTEGER (1..4) UplinkHARQ-mode-r17 ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) -- TAG-PUSCH-SERVINGCELLCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PUSCH-CodeBlockGroupTransmission field descriptions
Maximum number of code-block-groups (CBGs) per TB (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1).
PUSCH-ServingCellConfig field descriptions
Enables and configures code-block-group (CBG) based transmission (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1.5). The network does not configure this field if the SCS of at least one UL BWP configured in the cellis 480 or 960 kHz.
Indicates the maximum MIMO layer to be used for PUSCH in all BWPs of the correspondingUL of this serving cell (see TS 38.212 [17], clause If present, the network sets maxRank to the same value. The field maxMIMO-Layers refers to DCI format 0_1. If network configures maxMIMO-Layers-v1810 the UE ignores maxMIMO-Layers (without suffix).
Parameter to indicate maximal number of MIMO layers of each panel for PUSCH with SDM scheme for NCB PUSCH
Parameter to indicate maximal number of MIMO layers of each panel for PUSCH with SDM scheme for DCI format 0_2 for NCB PUSCH
Parameter to indicate maximal number of MIMO layers of each panel for PUSCH with SFN scheme for NCB PUSCH
Parameter to indicate maximal number of MIMO layers of each panel for PUSCH with SFN scheme for DCI format 0_2 for NCB PUSCH
The number of HARQ processes to be used on the PUSCH of a serving cell. Value n32 corresponds to 32 HARQ processes. If the field is absent, the UE uses 16HARQ processes (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.1).
Enables configuration of advanced processing time capability 2 for PUSCH (see 38.214 [19], clause 6.4).
Enables LBRM (Limited buffer rate-matching). When the field is absent the UE applies FBRM (Full buffer rate-matchingLBRM) (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 5.4.2).
If the field is absent, the UE applies the value 0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates the maximum MIMO layer to be used for PUSCH for DCI format 0_2 in all BWPs of the correspondingUL of this serving cell (see TS 38.212 [17], clause If present, the network sets maxRankDCI-0-2 to the same value.
Used to set the HARQ mode per HARQ process ID, see TS 38.321 [3]. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to HARQ process ID 0, the next bit to HARQ process ID 1 and so on. Bits corresponding to HARQ process IDs that are not configured shall be ignored. A bit set to one identifies a HARQ process with HARQmodeA and a bit set to zero identifies a HARQ process with HARQ modeB. This field applies for SRBs and DRBs.

The IE PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation is used to configure a time domain relation between PDCCH and PUSCH. PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList contains one or more of such PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocations. The network indicates in the UL grant which of the configured time domain allocations the UE shall apply for that UL grant. The UE determines the bit width of the DCI field based on the number of entries in the PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList. Value 0 in the DCI field refers to the first element in this list, value 1 in the DCI field refers to the second element in this list, and so on.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PUSCH-TIMEDOMAINRESOURCEALLOCATIONLIST-START PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofUL-Allocations)) OF PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation ::= SEQUENCE {
k2Corresponds to L1 parameter 'K2' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1 when PUSCH SCS is 15/30 kHz; the value 2 when PUSCH SCS is 60 kHz, and the value 3 when PUSCH SCS is 120 kHz. k2 is absent/ignored if extendedK2 is present.
INTEGER(0..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
mappingTypeMapping type (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {typeA, typeB},
startSymbolAndLengthAn index giving valid combinations of start symbol and length (jointly encoded) as start and length indicator (SLIV). The network configures the field so that the allocation does not cross the slot boundary. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..127) } PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16)) OF PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation-r16 PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
k2-r16Corresponds to L1 parameter 'K2' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1 when PUSCH SCS is 15/30 kHz; the value 2 when PUSCH SCS is 60 kHz, and the value 3 when PUSCH SCS is 120 kHz. k2 is absent/ignored if extendedK2 is present.
INTEGER(0..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
puschAllocationList-r16The fieldpuschAllocationList-r16 indicates one or multiple PUSCH continuous in time domain which share a common k2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause In this release, this field configures one or multiple PUSCH that may be in consecutive or non-consecutive slots (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The puschAllocationList-r16 only has one element in pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1-r16 and in pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-2-r16.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofMultiplePUSCHs-r16)) OF PUSCH-Allocation-r16, ... } PUSCH-Allocation-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
mappingType-r16Mapping type (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {typeA, typeB} OPTIONAL, -- Cond NotFormat01-02-Or-TypeA
startSymbolAndLength-r16An index giving valid combinations of start symbol and length (jointly encoded) as start and length indicator (SLIV). The network configures the field so that the allocation does not cross the slot boundary. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..127) OPTIONAL, -- Cond NotFormat01-02-Or-TypeA
startSymbol-r16Indicates the index of start symbol for PUSCH for DCI format 0_1/0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..13) OPTIONAL, -- Cond RepTypeB
length-r16Indicates the length allocated for PUSCH for DCI format 0_1/0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (1..14) OPTIONAL, -- Cond RepTypeB
numberOfRepetitions-r16Number of repetitions for DCI format 0_1/0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When numberOfSlotsTBoMS-r17 is set to 2, 4 or 8 (i.e. TB processing over multi-slot (TBoMS) PUSCH is enabled), it indicates the number of repetitions of a single TBoMS.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n7, n8, n12, n16} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Format01-02 ..., [[
numberOfRepetitionsExt-r17Number of repetitions for DCI format 0_1/0_2 if pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1/pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2is not set to pusch-RepTypeB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause this field is present, the field numberOfRepeitions-r16 is ignored for PUSCH repetition Type A.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n7, n8, n12, n16, n20, n24, n28, n32, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Format01-02-For-TypeA
numberOfSlotsTBoMS-r17Number of slots allocated for TB processing over multi-slot PUSCH for DCI format 0_1/0_2. If a number of repetitions K is configured by numberOfRepetitions or numberOfRepetitionsExt, the network configuresnumberOfSlotsTBoMS(N) and K such that N*K ≤ 32 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The network does not configure the numberOfSlotsTBoMS-r17 simultaneously with the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16.The network does not configure numberOfSlotsTBoMS-r17 together with enhancedSkipUplinkTxDynamic or enhancedSkipUplinkTxConfigured with value true.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
extendedK2-r17Corresponds to L1 parameter 'K2' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause configurable per PUSCH allocation. Only values {0..32} are applicable for PUSCH SCS of 120 kHz and for FR1. When the field is absent for the first PUSCH if multiple PUSCH are configured per PDCCH and k2-r16 is absent, or when the field is absent and only one PUSCH is configured per PDCCH and k2-r16 is absent, the UE applies the value 1 when PUSCH SCS is 15/30 kHz; the value 2 when PUSCH SCS is 60 kHz, the value 3 when PUSCH SCS is 120 kHz, the value 11 when PUSCH SCS is 480 kHz, and the value 21 when PUSCH SCS is 960 kHz.If multiple contiguous PUSCHs are configured per PDCCH, when the field extendedK2(n) corresponding to k2 of the PUSCH(s) in the n-th slot (n>1), or of the PUSCH(s) except the first PUSCH in the first slot (n=1), is absent, the UE applies k2 of the first PUSCH plus n-1.
PUSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList field descriptions
Corresponds to L1 parameter 'K2' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause configurable per PUSCH allocation. Only values {0..32} are applicable for PUSCH SCS of 120 kHz and for FR1. When the field is absent for the first PUSCH if multiple PUSCH are configured per PDCCH and k2-r16 is absent, or when the field is absent and only one PUSCH is configured per PDCCH and k2-r16 is absent, the UE applies the value 1 when PUSCH SCS is 15/30 kHz; the value 2 when PUSCH SCS is 60 kHz, the value 3 when PUSCH SCS is 120 kHz, the value 11 when PUSCH SCS is 480 kHz, and the value 21 when PUSCH SCS is 960 kHz.If multiple contiguous PUSCHs are configured per PDCCH, when the field extendedK2(n) corresponding to k2 of the PUSCH(s) in the n-th slot (n>1), or of the PUSCH(s) except the first PUSCH in the first slot (n=1), is absent, the UE applies k2 of the first PUSCH plus n-1.
Corresponds to L1 parameter 'K2' (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1 when PUSCH SCS is 15/30 kHz; the value 2 when PUSCH SCS is 60 kHz, and the value 3 when PUSCH SCS is 120 kHz. k2 is absent/ignored if extendedK2 is present.
Indicates the length allocated for PUSCH for DCI format 0_1/0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Mapping type (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Number of repetitions for DCI format 0_1/0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When numberOfSlotsTBoMS-r17 is set to 2, 4 or 8 (i.e. TB processing over multi-slot (TBoMS) PUSCH is enabled), it indicates the number of repetitions of a single TBoMS.
Number of repetitions for DCI format 0_1/0_2 if pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1/pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2is not set to pusch-RepTypeB (see TS 38.214 [19], clause this field is present, the field numberOfRepeitions-r16 is ignored for PUSCH repetition Type A.
Number of slots allocated for TB processing over multi-slot PUSCH for DCI format 0_1/0_2. If a number of repetitions K is configured by numberOfRepetitions or numberOfRepetitionsExt, the network configuresnumberOfSlotsTBoMS(N) and K such that N*K ≤ 32 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The network does not configure the numberOfSlotsTBoMS-r17 simultaneously with the pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16.The network does not configure numberOfSlotsTBoMS-r17 together with enhancedSkipUplinkTxDynamic or enhancedSkipUplinkTxConfigured with value true.
The fieldpuschAllocationList-r16 indicates one or multiple PUSCH continuous in time domain which share a common k2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause In this release, this field configures one or multiple PUSCH that may be in consecutive or non-consecutive slots (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The puschAllocationList-r16 only has one element in pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1-r16 and in pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-2-r16.
Indicates the index of start symbol for PUSCH for DCI format 0_1/0_2 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
An index giving valid combinations of start symbol and length (jointly encoded) as start and length indicator (SLIV). The network configures the field so that the allocation does not cross the slot boundary. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
In pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16, the field is absent.
In pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1 and in pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-2, the field is mandatory present.
In pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16, the field is absent.
In pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1, the field is optionally present if pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1 is not set to pusch-RepTypeB, Need R. It is absent otherwise, Need R. In pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-2, the field is optionally present if pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2 is not set to pusch-RepTypeB, Need R. It is absent otherwise, Need R.
In pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16, the field is mandatory present.
In pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1, the field is mandatory present if pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1 is not set to pusch-RepTypeB. It is absent otherwise, Need R. In pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-2, the field is mandatory present if pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2 is not set to pusch-RepTypeB. It is absent otherwise, Need R.
In pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListForMultiPUSCH-r16, the field is absent.
In pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-1, the field is mandatory present if pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-1 is set to pusch-RepTypeB. It is absent otherwise, Need R. In pusch-TimeDomainAllocationListDCI-0-2, the field is mandatory present if pusch-RepTypeIndicatorDCI-0-2 is set to pusch-RepTypeB. It is absent otherwise, Need R.
In case size of puschAllocationList is higher than 1, the field extendedK2(n) corresponding to k2 of the n-th PUSCH, n>1, is mandatory present for all n, if any two consecutive PUSCHs are non-contiguous. Otherwise, it is optionally present, Need S.

The IE PUSCH-TPC-CommandConfig is used to configure the UE for extracting TPC commands for PUSCH from a group-TPC messages on DCI.
tpc-IndexAn index determining the position of the first bit of TPC command inside the DCI format 2-2 payload.
tpc-IndexSULAn index determining the position of the first bit of TPC command inside the DCI format 2-2 payload.
INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL, -- Cond SUL-Only
targetCellThe serving cell to which the acquired power control commands are applicable. If the value is absent, the UE applies the TPC commands to the serving cell on which the command has been received.
PUSCH-TPC-CommandConfig field descriptions
The serving cell to which the acquired power control commands are applicable. If the value is absent, the UE applies the TPC commands to the serving cell on which the command has been received.
An index determining the position of the first bit of TPC command inside the DCI format 2-2 payload.
An index determining the position of the first bit of TPC command inside the DCI format 2-2 payload.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need R, if supplementaryUplink is configured within ServingCellConfig. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if supplementaryUplink is configured within ServingCellConfig. It is mandatory present otherwise.

The IE QFI is used to indicate the QoS Flow Identifier.

The IE Q-OffsetRange is used to indicate a cell, beam or measurement object specific offset to be applied when evaluating candidates for cell re-selection or when evaluating triggering conditions for measurement reporting. The value is in dB. Value dB-24 corresponds to -24 dB, dB-22 corresponds to -22 dB and so on.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-Q-OFFSETRANGE-START Q-OffsetRange ::= ENUMERATED { dB-24, dB-22, dB-20, dB-18, dB-16, dB-14, dB-12, dB-10, dB-8, dB-6, dB-5, dB-4, dB-3, dB-2, dB-1, dB0, dB1, dB2, dB3, dB4, dB5, dB6, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB14, dB16, dB18, dB20, dB22, dB24} -- TAG-Q-OFFSETRANGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE Q-QualMin is used to indicate for cell selection/ re-selection the required minimum received RSRQ level in the (NR) cell. Corresponds to parameter Qqualmin in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qqualmin = field value [dB].

The IE Q-RxLevMin is used to indicate for cell selection/ re-selection the required minimum received RSRP level in the (NR) cell. Corresponds to parameter Qrxlevmin in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qrxlevmin = field value * 2 [dBm].

The IE QuantityConfig specifies the measurement quantities and layer 3 filtering coefficients for NR and inter-RAT measurements.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-QUANTITYCONFIG-START QuantityConfig ::= SEQUENCE { quantityConfigNR-List SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofQuantityConfig)) OF QuantityConfigNR OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ quantityConfigEUTRA FilterConfig OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ quantityConfigUTRA-FDD-r16 QuantityConfigUTRA-FDD-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M quantityConfigCLI-r16 FilterConfigCLI-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } QuantityConfigNR::= SEQUENCE {
quantityConfigCellSpecifies L3 filter configurations for cell measurement results for the configurable RS Types (e.g. SS/PBCH block and CSI-RS) and the configurable measurement quantities (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ and SINR).
quantityConfigRS-IndexSpecifies L3 filter configurations for measurement results per RS index for the configurable RS Types (e.g. SS/PBCH block and CSI-RS) and the configurable measurement quantities (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ and SINR).
QuantityConfigRS OPTIONAL -- Need M } QuantityConfigRS ::= SEQUENCE {
ssb-FilterConfigSS Block based L3 filter configurations: Specifies L3 filter configurations for SS-RSRP, SS-RSRQ and SS-SINR measurement results from the L1 filter(s), as defined in TS 38.215 [9].
csi-RS-FilterConfigCSI-RS based L3 filter configurations: Specifies L3 filter configurations for CSI-RSRP, CSI-RSRQ and CSI-SINR measurement results from the L1 filter(s), as defined in TS 38.215 [9].
FilterConfig } FilterConfig ::= SEQUENCE { filterCoefficientRSRP FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc4, filterCoefficientRSRQ FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc4, filterCoefficientRS-SINR FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc4 } FilterConfigCLI-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { filterCoefficientSRS-RSRP-r16 FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc4, filterCoefficientCLI-RSSI-r16 FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc4 } QuantityConfigUTRA-FDD-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
filterCoefficientRSCP-r16Specifies L3 filter coefficient for FDD UTRAN CPICH_RSCP measuement results from L1 filter.
FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc4, filterCoefficientEcNO-r16 FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc4 } -- TAG-QUANTITYCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
QuantityConfigNR field descriptions
Specifies L3 filter configurations for cell measurement results for the configurable RS Types (e.g. SS/PBCH block and CSI-RS) and the configurable measurement quantities (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ and SINR).
Specifies L3 filter configurations for measurement results per RS index for the configurable RS Types (e.g. SS/PBCH block and CSI-RS) and the configurable measurement quantities (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ and SINR).
QuantityConfigRS field descriptions
CSI-RS based L3 filter configurations: Specifies L3 filter configurations for CSI-RSRP, CSI-RSRQ and CSI-SINR measurement results from the L1 filter(s), as defined in TS 38.215 [9].
SS Block based L3 filter configurations: Specifies L3 filter configurations for SS-RSRP, SS-RSRQ and SS-SINR measurement results from the L1 filter(s), as defined in TS 38.215 [9].
QuantityConfigUTRA-FDD field descriptions
Specifies L3 filter coefficient for FDD UTRAN CPICH_RSCP measuement results from L1 filter.
Specifies L3 filter coefficient for FDD UTRAN CPICH_EcN0 measuement results from L1 filter.

The IE RACH-ConfigCommon is used to specify the cell specific random-access parameters.
rach-ConfigGenericRACH parameters for both regular random access and beam failure recovery.
totalNumberOfRA-PreamblesTotal number of preambles used for contention based and contention free 4-step or 2-step random access in the RACH resources defined in RACH-ConfigCommon, excluding preambles used for other purposes (e.g. for SI request). If the field is absent, all 64 preambles are available for RA. The setting should be consistent with the setting of ssb-perRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB, i.e. it should be a multiple of the number of SSBs per RACH occasion.
INTEGER (1..63) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
ssb-perRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSBThe meaning of this field is twofold: the CHOICE conveys the information about the number of SSBs per RACH occasion. Value oneEighth corresponds to one SSB associated with 8 RACH occasions, value oneFourth corresponds to one SSB associated with 4 RACH occasions, and so on. The ENUMERATED part indicates the number of Contention Based preambles per SSB. Value n4 corresponds to 4 Contention Based preambles per SSB, value n8 corresponds to 8 Contention Based preambles per SSB, and so on. The total number of CB preambles in a RACH occasion is given by CB-preambles-per-SSB * max(1, SSB-per-rach-occasion). See TS 38.213 [13].
CHOICE { oneEighth ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n20,n24,n28,n32,n36,n40,n44,n48,n52,n56,n60,n64}, oneFourth ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n20,n24,n28,n32,n36,n40,n44,n48,n52,n56,n60,n64}, oneHalf ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n20,n24,n28,n32,n36,n40,n44,n48,n52,n56,n60,n64}, one ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n20,n24,n28,n32,n36,n40,n44,n48,n52,n56,n60,n64}, two ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n20,n24,n28,n32}, four INTEGER (1..16), eight INTEGER (1..8), sixteen INTEGER (1..4) } OPTIONAL, -- Need M groupBconfigured SEQUENCE {
ra-Msg3SizeGroupATransport Blocks size threshold in bits below which the UE shall use a contention-based RA preamble of group A (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.2). This field is set to the same value for different repetition numbers associated with a specific FeatureCombination.
ENUMERATED {b56, b144, b208, b256, b282, b480, b640, b800, b1000, b72, spare6, spare5,spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1},
messagePowerOffsetGroupBThreshold for preamble selection. Value is in dB. Value minusinfinity corresponds to –infinity. Value dB0 corresponds to 0 dB, dB5 corresponds to 5 dB and so on (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.2). This field is set to the same value for different repetition numbers associated with a specific FeatureCombination.
ENUMERATED { minusinfinity, dB0, dB5, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB15, dB18},
numberOfRA-PreamblesGroupAThe number of CB preambles per SSB in group A. This determines implicitly the number of CB preambles per SSB available in group B. (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1). The setting should be consistent with the setting of ssb-perRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB.
INTEGER (1..64) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ra-ContentionResolutionTimerThe initial value for the contention resolution timer (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.5). Value sf8 corresponds to 8 subframes, value sf16 corresponds to 16 subframes, and so on.
ENUMERATED { sf8, sf16, sf24, sf32, sf40, sf48, sf56, sf64},
rsrp-ThresholdSSBUE may select the SS block and corresponding PRACH resource for path-loss estimation and (re)transmission based on SS blocks that satisfy the threshold (see TS 38.213 [13]).
RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R
rsrp-ThresholdSSB-SULThe UE selects SUL carrier to perform random access based on this threshold (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1). The value applies to all the BWPs and all RACH configurations.
prach-RootSequenceIndexPRACH root sequence index (see TS 38.211 [16], clause The value range depends on whether L=839 or L=139 or L=571 or L=1151. The length of the root sequence corresponding with the index indicated in this IE should be consistent with the one indicated in prach-ConfigurationIndex in the RACH-ConfigDedicated (if configured). If prach-RootSequenceIndex-r16 is signalled, UE shall ignore the prach-RootSequenceIndex (without suffix). For FR2-2, only the following values are applicable depending on the used subcarrier spacing: 120 kHz: L=139, L=571, and L=1151 480 kHz: L=139, and L=571 960 kHz: L=139
CHOICE { l839 INTEGER (0..837), l139 INTEGER (0..137) },
msg1-SubcarrierSpacingSubcarrier spacing of PRACH (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3.2). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz If absent, the UE applies the SCS as derived from the prach-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGeneric (see tables Table, Table, Table and Table, TS 38.211 [16]). The value also applies to contention free random access (RACH-ConfigDedicated), to SI-request and to contention-based beam failure recovery (CB-BFR). But it does not apply for contention free beam failure recovery (CF-BFR) (see BeamFailureRecoveryConfig).
SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Cond L139
restrictedSetConfigConfiguration of an unrestricted set or one of two types of restricted sets, see TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {unrestrictedSet, restrictedSetTypeA, restrictedSetTypeB},
msg3-transformPrecoderEnables the transform precoder for Msg3 transmission according to clause 6.1.3 of TS 38.214 [19]. If the field is absent, the UE disables the transformer precoder (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.3).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ ra-PrioritizationForAccessIdentity-r16 SEQUENCE {
ra-Prioritization-r16Parameters which apply for prioritized random access procedure on any UL BWP of SpCell for specific Access Identities (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1a).
ra-PrioritizationForAI-r16Indicates whether the field ra-Prioritization-r16 applies for Access Identities. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to Access Identity 1, the next bit corresponds to Access Identity 2. Value 1 indicates that the field ra-Prioritization-r16 applies otherwise the field does not apply (see TS 23.501 [32]).
BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) } OPTIONAL, -- Cond InitialBWP-Only
prach-RootSequenceIndex-r16PRACH root sequence index (see TS 38.211 [16], clause The value range depends on whether L=839 or L=139 or L=571 or L=1151. The length of the root sequence corresponding with the index indicated in this IE should be consistent with the one indicated in prach-ConfigurationIndex in the RACH-ConfigDedicated (if configured). If prach-RootSequenceIndex-r16 is signalled, UE shall ignore the prach-RootSequenceIndex (without suffix). For FR2-2, only the following values are applicable depending on the used subcarrier spacing: 120 kHz: L=139, L=571, and L=1151 480 kHz: L=139, and L=571 960 kHz: L=139
CHOICE { l571 INTEGER (0..569), l1151 INTEGER (0..1149) } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
ra-PrioritizationForSlicing-r17Parameters which apply to configure prioritized CBRA 4-step random access type for slicing.
RA-PrioritizationForSlicing-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond InitialBWP-Only
featureCombinationPreamblesList-r17Specifies a series of preamble partitions each associated to a combination of features and 4-step RA. The network does not configure this list to have more than 16entries.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxFeatureCombPreamblesPerRACHResource-r17)) OF FeatureCombinationPreambles-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond AdditionalRACH ]] } -- TAG-RACH-CONFIGCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RACH-ConfigCommon field descriptions
Specifies a series of preamble partitions each associated to a combination of features and 4-step RA. The network does not configure this list to have more than 16entries.
Threshold for preamble selection. Value is in dB. Value minusinfinity corresponds to –infinity. Value dB0 corresponds to 0 dB, dB5 corresponds to 5 dB and so on (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.2). This field is set to the same value for different repetition numbers associated with a specific FeatureCombination.
Subcarrier spacing of PRACH (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3.2). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz If absent, the UE applies the SCS as derived from the prach-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGeneric (see tables Table, Table, Table and Table, TS 38.211 [16]). The value also applies to contention free random access (RACH-ConfigDedicated), to SI-request and to contention-based beam failure recovery (CB-BFR). But it does not apply for contention free beam failure recovery (CF-BFR) (see BeamFailureRecoveryConfig).
Enables the transform precoder for Msg3 transmission according to clause 6.1.3 of TS 38.214 [19]. If the field is absent, the UE disables the transformer precoder (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.3).
The number of CB preambles per SSB in group A. This determines implicitly the number of CB preambles per SSB available in group B. (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1). The setting should be consistent with the setting of ssb-perRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB.
PRACH root sequence index (see TS 38.211 [16], clause The value range depends on whether L=839 or L=139 or L=571 or L=1151. The length of the root sequence corresponding with the index indicated in this IE should be consistent with the one indicated in prach-ConfigurationIndex in the RACH-ConfigDedicated (if configured). If prach-RootSequenceIndex-r16 is signalled, UE shall ignore the prach-RootSequenceIndex (without suffix). For FR2-2, only the following values are applicable depending on the used subcarrier spacing: 120 kHz: L=139, L=571, and L=1151 480 kHz: L=139, and L=571 960 kHz: L=139
The initial value for the contention resolution timer (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.5). Value sf8 corresponds to 8 subframes, value sf16 corresponds to 16 subframes, and so on.
Transport Blocks size threshold in bits below which the UE shall use a contention-based RA preamble of group A (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.2). This field is set to the same value for different repetition numbers associated with a specific FeatureCombination.
Parameters which apply for prioritized random access procedure on any UL BWP of SpCell for specific Access Identities (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1a).
Indicates whether the field ra-Prioritization-r16 applies for Access Identities. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to Access Identity 1, the next bit corresponds to Access Identity 2. Value 1 indicates that the field ra-Prioritization-r16 applies otherwise the field does not apply (see TS 23.501 [32]).
Parameters which apply to configure prioritized CBRA 4-step random access type for slicing.
RACH parameters for both regular random access and beam failure recovery.
Configuration of an unrestricted set or one of two types of restricted sets, see TS 38.211 [16], clause
UE may select the SS block and corresponding PRACH resource for path-loss estimation and (re)transmission based on SS blocks that satisfy the threshold (see TS 38.213 [13]).
The UE selects SUL carrier to perform random access based on this threshold (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1). The value applies to all the BWPs and all RACH configurations.
The meaning of this field is twofold: the CHOICE conveys the information about the number of SSBs per RACH occasion. Value oneEighth corresponds to one SSB associated with 8 RACH occasions, value oneFourth corresponds to one SSB associated with 4 RACH occasions, and so on. The ENUMERATED part indicates the number of Contention Based preambles per SSB. Value n4 corresponds to 4 Contention Based preambles per SSB, value n8 corresponds to 8 Contention Based preambles per SSB, and so on. The total number of CB preambles in a RACH occasion is given by CB-preambles-per-SSB * max(1, SSB-per-rach-occasion). See TS 38.213 [13].
Total number of preambles used for contention based and contention free 4-step or 2-step random access in the RACH resources defined in RACH-ConfigCommon, excluding preambles used for other purposes (e.g. for SI request). If the field is absent, all 64 preambles are available for RA. The setting should be consistent with the setting of ssb-perRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB, i.e. it should be a multiple of the number of SSBs per RACH occasion.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if the RACH-ConfigCommon is included in an AdditionalRACH-Config. When included in initialUplinkBWP-RedCap to indicate other feature(s) than redcap and eRedCap, this field is mandatory present with at least FeatureCombinationPreambles list entries: the list entry/entries indicating only redcapor eRedCap and the other(s) indicating both redcapor eRedCap and one or multiple other feature(s) (e.g.,smallData, nsag or msg3-Repetitions). When included in initialUplinkBWP-RedCap to indicate eRedCap and RedCap separately, this field is mandatory present with at least two FeatureCombinationPreambles list entries: one list entry indicating only redcap and the other list entry indicating only eRedCap.
Otherwise, it is optional, Need R.
This field is optionally present, Need R, if this BWP is the initial BWP of SpCell. Otherwise, the field is absent.
The field is mandatory present if prach-RootSequenceIndex L=139, or if L=571 for FR2-2, otherwise the field is absent, Need S.
The field is mandatory presentin rach-ConfigCommonin initialUplinkBWP if supplementaryUplink is configured in ServingCellConfigCommonSIB or if supplementaryUplinkConfig is configured in ServingCellConfigCommon; otherwise, the field is absent. This field is not configured in additionalRACH-Config.

The IE RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA is used to specify cell specific 2-step random-access type parameters.
rach-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA-r162-step random access type parameters for both regular random access and beam failure recovery.
msgA-TotalNumberOfRA-Preambles-r16Indicates the total number of preambles used for contention-based and contention-free 2-step random access type when ROs for 2-step are not shared with 4-step. If the field is absent, and 2-step and 4-step does not have shared ROs, all 64 preambles are available for 2-step random access type.
INTEGER (1..63) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
msgA-SSB-PerRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB-r16The meaning of this field is twofold: the CHOICE conveys the information about the number of SSBs per RACH occasion. Value oneEight corresponds to one SSB associated with 8 RACH occasions, value oneFourth corresponds to one SSB associated with 4 RACH occasions, and so on. The ENUMERATED part indicates the number of Contention Based preambles per SSB. Value n4 corresponds to 4 Contention Based preambles per SSB, value n8 corresponds to 8 Contention Based preambles per SSB, and so on. The total number of CB preambles in a RACH occasion is given by CB-preambles-per-SSB * max(1, SSB-per-rach-occasion). If the field is not configured in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e. not within AdditionalRACH-Config) and both 2-step and 4-step are configured for the BWP, the UE applies the value in the field ssb-perRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB in RACH-ConfigCommon. If the field is not configured in AdditionalRACH-Config and both 2-step and 4-step are configured in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE applies the value in the field ssb-perRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. The field is not present when RACH occasions are shared between 2-step and 4-step type random access in the BWP.
CHOICE { oneEighth ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n20,n24,n28,n32,n36,n40,n44,n48,n52,n56,n60,n64}, oneFourth ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n20,n24,n28,n32,n36,n40,n44,n48,n52,n56,n60,n64}, oneHalf ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n20,n24,n28,n32,n36,n40,n44,n48,n52,n56,n60,n64}, one ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n20,n24,n28,n32,n36,n40,n44,n48,n52,n56,n60,n64}, two ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n20,n24,n28,n32}, four INTEGER (1..16), eight INTEGER (1..8), sixteen INTEGER (1..4) } OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnly
msgA-CB-PreamblesPerSSB-PerSharedRO-r16Number of contention-based preambles used for 2-step RA type from the non-CBRA 4-step type preambles associated with each SSB for RO shared with 4-step type RA. The number of preambles for 2-step RA type shall not exceed the number of preambles per SSB minus the number of contention-based preambles per SSB for 4-step type RA. The possible value range for this parameter needs to be aligned with value range for the configured SSBs per RACH occasion in ssb-perRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB in RACH-ConfigCommon. The field is only applicable for the case of shared ROs with 4-step type random access.
INTEGER (1..60) OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedRO
msgA-SSB-SharedRO-MaskIndex-r16Indicates the subset of 4-step type ROs shared with 2-step random access type for each SSB. This field is configured when there is more than one RO per SSB. If the field is absent, and 4-step and 2-step has shared ROs, then all ROs are shared.
INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
groupB-ConfiguredTwoStepRA-r16Preamble grouping for 2-step random access type. If the field is absent then there is only one preamble group configured and only one msgA PUSCH configuration.
GroupB-ConfiguredTwoStepRA-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need S
msgA-PRACH-RootSequenceIndex-r16PRACH root sequence index. If the field is not configured in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e., not within AdditionalRACH-Config), the UE applies the value in field prach-RootSequenceIndex in RACH-ConfigCommon in the configured BWP. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE applies the corresponding value of prach-RootSequenceIndex in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. When both 2-step and 4-step type random access is configured, this field is only configured for the case of separate ROs between 2-step and 4-step type random access. For FR2-2, only the following values are applicable depending on the used subcarrier spacing: 120 kHz: L=139, L=571, and L=1151 480 kHz: L=139, and L=571 960 kHz: L=139
CHOICE { l839 INTEGER (0..837), l139 INTEGER (0..137), l571 INTEGER (0..569), l1151 INTEGER (0..1149) } OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnly
msgA-TransMax-r16Max number of MsgA preamble transmissions performed before switching to 4-step random access (see TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.1). This field is only applicable when 2-step and 4-step RA type are configured and switching to 4-step type RA is supported. If the field is absent, switching from 2-step RA type to 4-step RA type is not allowed.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n10, n20, n50, n100, n200} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
msgA-RSRP-Threshold-r16The UE selects 2-step random access type to perform random access based on this threshold (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1). This field is only present if both 2-step and 4-step RA type are configured for the BWP.
RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2Step4Step
msgA-RSRP-ThresholdSSB-r16UE may select the SS block and corresponding PRACH resource for path-loss estimation and (re)transmission based on SS blocks that satisfy the threshold (see TS 38.213 [13]).
RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R
msgA-SubcarrierSpacing-r16Subcarrier spacing of PRACH (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3.2). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz. If the field is absent, the UE applies the SCS as derived from the msgA-PRACH-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA (see tables Table, Table, Table and Table, TS 38.211 [16]) in case of 2-step only BWP, otherwise the UE applies the same SCS as Msg1 derived from RACH-ConfigCommon. The value also applies to contention free 2-step random access type (RACH-ConfigDedicated).
SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnlyL139
msgA-RestrictedSetConfig-r16Configuration of an unrestricted set or one of two types of restricted sets for 2-step random access type preamble. If the field is not configured in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e. not within AdditionalRACH-Config), the UE applies the value in field restrictedSetConfigin RACH-ConfigCommon in the configured BWP. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE applies the value of restrictedSetConfig in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config.When both 2-step and 4-step type random access is configured, this field is only configured for the case of separate ROs between 2-step and 4-step type random access.
ENUMERATED {unrestrictedSet, restrictedSetTypeA, restrictedSetTypeB} OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnly ra-PrioritizationForAccessIdentityTwoStep-r16 SEQUENCE {
ra-Prioritization-r16Parameters which apply for prioritized random access procedure on any UL BWP of SpCell for specific Access Identities (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1a).
ra-PrioritizationForAI-r16Indicates whether the field ra-Prioritization-r16 applies for Access Identities. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to Access Identity 1, the next bit corresponds to Access Identity 2. Value 1 for an Access Identity indicates that the field ra-Prioritization-r16 applies, otherwise the field does not apply.
BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) } OPTIONAL, -- Cond InitialBWP-Only
ra-ContentionResolutionTimer-r16The initial value for the contention resolution timer for fallback RAR in case no 4-step random access type is configured (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.5). Value sf8 corresponds to 8 subframes, value sf16 corresponds to 16 subframes, and so on. If both 2-step and 4-step random access type resources are configured on the BWP, then this field is absent. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the corresponding value in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config.
ENUMERATED {sf8, sf16, sf24, sf32, sf40, sf48, sf56, sf64} OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnly ..., [[
ra-PrioritizationForSlicingTwoStep-r17Parameters which apply to configure prioritized CBRA 2-step random access type for slicing.
RA-PrioritizationForSlicing-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond InitialBWP-Only
featureCombinationPreamblesList-r17Specifies a series of preamble partitions each associated to a combination of features and 2-step RA. The network does not configure this list to have more than 16 entries.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxFeatureCombPreamblesPerRACHResource-r17)) OF FeatureCombinationPreambles-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond AdditionalRACH ]] } GroupB-ConfiguredTwoStepRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
ra-MsgA-SizeGroupA-r16Transport block size threshold in bits below which the UE shall use a contention-based RA preamble of group A. (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1).
ENUMERATED {b56, b144, b208, b256, b282, b480, b640, b800, b1000, b72, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1},
messagePowerOffsetGroupB-r16Threshold for preamble selection. Value is in dB. Value minusinfinity corresponds to –infinity. Value dB0 corresponds to 0 dB, dB5 corresponds to 5 dB and so on. (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1).
ENUMERATED {minusinfinity, dB0, dB5, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB15, dB18},
numberOfRA-PreamblesGroupA-r16The number of CB preambles per SSB in group A for idle/inactive or connected mode. The setting of the number of preambles for each group should be consistent with msgA-SSB-PerRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB or msgA-CB-PreamblesPerSSB-PerSharedRO if configured.
RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA field descriptions
Specifies a series of preamble partitions each associated to a combination of features and 2-step RA. The network does not configure this list to have more than 16 entries.
Preamble grouping for 2-step random access type. If the field is absent then there is only one preamble group configured and only one msgA PUSCH configuration.
Number of contention-based preambles used for 2-step RA type from the non-CBRA 4-step type preambles associated with each SSB for RO shared with 4-step type RA. The number of preambles for 2-step RA type shall not exceed the number of preambles per SSB minus the number of contention-based preambles per SSB for 4-step type RA. The possible value range for this parameter needs to be aligned with value range for the configured SSBs per RACH occasion in ssb-perRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB in RACH-ConfigCommon. The field is only applicable for the case of shared ROs with 4-step type random access.
PRACH root sequence index. If the field is not configured in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e., not within AdditionalRACH-Config), the UE applies the value in field prach-RootSequenceIndex in RACH-ConfigCommon in the configured BWP. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE applies the corresponding value of prach-RootSequenceIndex in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. When both 2-step and 4-step type random access is configured, this field is only configured for the case of separate ROs between 2-step and 4-step type random access. For FR2-2, only the following values are applicable depending on the used subcarrier spacing: 120 kHz: L=139, L=571, and L=1151 480 kHz: L=139, and L=571 960 kHz: L=139
Configuration of an unrestricted set or one of two types of restricted sets for 2-step random access type preamble. If the field is not configured in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e. not within AdditionalRACH-Config), the UE applies the value in field restrictedSetConfigin RACH-ConfigCommon in the configured BWP. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE applies the value of restrictedSetConfig in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config.When both 2-step and 4-step type random access is configured, this field is only configured for the case of separate ROs between 2-step and 4-step type random access.
The UE selects 2-step random access type to perform random access based on this threshold (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1). This field is only present if both 2-step and 4-step RA type are configured for the BWP.
UE may select the SS block and corresponding PRACH resource for path-loss estimation and (re)transmission based on SS blocks that satisfy the threshold (see TS 38.213 [13]).
The meaning of this field is twofold: the CHOICE conveys the information about the number of SSBs per RACH occasion. Value oneEight corresponds to one SSB associated with 8 RACH occasions, value oneFourth corresponds to one SSB associated with 4 RACH occasions, and so on. The ENUMERATED part indicates the number of Contention Based preambles per SSB. Value n4 corresponds to 4 Contention Based preambles per SSB, value n8 corresponds to 8 Contention Based preambles per SSB, and so on. The total number of CB preambles in a RACH occasion is given by CB-preambles-per-SSB * max(1, SSB-per-rach-occasion). If the field is not configured in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e. not within AdditionalRACH-Config) and both 2-step and 4-step are configured for the BWP, the UE applies the value in the field ssb-perRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB in RACH-ConfigCommon. If the field is not configured in AdditionalRACH-Config and both 2-step and 4-step are configured in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE applies the value in the field ssb-perRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. The field is not present when RACH occasions are shared between 2-step and 4-step type random access in the BWP.
Indicates the subset of 4-step type ROs shared with 2-step random access type for each SSB. This field is configured when there is more than one RO per SSB. If the field is absent, and 4-step and 2-step has shared ROs, then all ROs are shared.
Subcarrier spacing of PRACH (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3.2). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz. If the field is absent, the UE applies the SCS as derived from the msgA-PRACH-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA (see tables Table, Table, Table and Table, TS 38.211 [16]) in case of 2-step only BWP, otherwise the UE applies the same SCS as Msg1 derived from RACH-ConfigCommon. The value also applies to contention free 2-step random access type (RACH-ConfigDedicated).
Indicates the total number of preambles used for contention-based and contention-free 2-step random access type when ROs for 2-step are not shared with 4-step. If the field is absent, and 2-step and 4-step does not have shared ROs, all 64 preambles are available for 2-step random access type.
Max number of MsgA preamble transmissions performed before switching to 4-step random access (see TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.1). This field is only applicable when 2-step and 4-step RA type are configured and switching to 4-step type RA is supported. If the field is absent, switching from 2-step RA type to 4-step RA type is not allowed.
The initial value for the contention resolution timer for fallback RAR in case no 4-step random access type is configured (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.5). Value sf8 corresponds to 8 subframes, value sf16 corresponds to 16 subframes, and so on. If both 2-step and 4-step random access type resources are configured on the BWP, then this field is absent. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the corresponding value in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config.
Parameters which apply for prioritized random access procedure on any UL BWP of SpCell for specific Access Identities (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1a).
Indicates whether the field ra-Prioritization-r16 applies for Access Identities. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to Access Identity 1, the next bit corresponds to Access Identity 2. Value 1 for an Access Identity indicates that the field ra-Prioritization-r16 applies, otherwise the field does not apply.
Parameters which apply to configure prioritized CBRA 2-step random access type for slicing.
2-step random access type parameters for both regular random access and beam failure recovery.
GroupB-ConfiguredTwoStepRA field descriptions
Threshold for preamble selection. Value is in dB. Value minusinfinity corresponds to –infinity. Value dB0 corresponds to 0 dB, dB5 corresponds to 5 dB and so on. (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1).
The number of CB preambles per SSB in group A for idle/inactive or connected mode. The setting of the number of preambles for each group should be consistent with msgA-SSB-PerRACH-OccasionAndCB-PreamblesPerSSB or msgA-CB-PreamblesPerSSB-PerSharedRO if configured.
Transport block size threshold in bits below which the UE shall use a contention-based RA preamble of group A. (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if both 2-step random access type and 4-step random access type are configured in the BWP, otherwise the field is not present.
The field is mandatory present in msgA-ConfigCommon field in AdditionalRACH-Config if both 2-step random access type and 4-step random access type are configured for the same feature combination in the BWP.
The field is mandatory present if msgA-PRACH-RootSequenceIndex L=139 and no 4-step random access type is configured, or if L=571 for FR2-2 and no 4-step random access type is configured, otherwise the field is absent, Need S.
The field is mandatory present in msgA-ConfigCommon field in BWP-UplinkCommon if rach-ConfigCommon field is absent in this BWP-UplinkCommon, otherwise the field is optionally present in msgA-ConfigCommon field in BWP-UplinkCommon, Need S.
The field is mandatory present in msgA-ConfigCommon field in AdditionalRACH-Config if rach-ConfigCommon field is absent in this AdditionalRACH-Config, otherwise the field is optionally present in msgA-ConfigCommon field in AdditionalRACH-Config, Need S.
The field is mandatory present if the msgA-ConfigCommon is included in an AdditionalRACH-Config. When included in initialUplinkBWP-RedCap to indicate other feature(s) than redcap, this field is mandatory present with at least two FeatureCombinationPreambles list entries: one list entry indicating only redcap and the other(s) indicating both redcap and one or multiple other feature(s) (e.g. smallData, nsag or msg3-Repetitions).
Otherwise, it is optional, Need R.
This field is optionally present, Need R, if this BWP is the initial BWP of SpCell. Otherwise, the field is absent.
The field is mandatory present if the 2-step random access type occasions are shared with 4-step random access type, otherwise the field is not present.

The IE RACH-ConfigDedicated is used to specify the dedicated random access parameters.
cfraParameters for contention free random access to a given target cell. If this field and cfra-TwoStep are absent, the UE performs contention based random access.
CFRA OPTIONAL, -- Need S ra-Prioritization RA-Prioritization OPTIONAL, -- Need N ..., [[
ra-PrioritizationTwoStep-r16Parameters which apply for prioritized 2-step random access type procedure to a given target cell (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1).
RA-Prioritization OPTIONAL, -- Need N
cfra-TwoStep-r16Parameters for contention free 2-step random access type to a given target cell. Network ensures that cfra and cfra-TwoStep are not configured at the same time.If this field and cfra are absent, the UE performs contention based random access.
CFRA-TwoStep-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need S ]] } CFRA ::= SEQUENCE {
occasionsRA occasions for contention free random access. If the field is absent, the UE uses the RA occasions configured in RACH-ConfigCommon in the first active UL BWP.
rach-ConfigGenericConfiguration of contention free random access occasions for CFRA. The UE shall ignore preambleReceivedTargetPower, preambleTransMax, powerRampingStep, ra-ResponseWindow signaled within this field and use the corresponding values provided in RACH-ConfigCommon.
ssb-perRACH-OccasionNumber of SSBs per RACH occasion.
ENUMERATED {oneEighth, oneFourth, oneHalf, one, two, four, eight, sixteen} OPTIONAL -- Cond Mandatory } OPTIONAL, -- Need S resources CHOICE {
ssbThe ID of an SSB transmitted by this serving cell.
SEQUENCE { ssb-ResourceList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxRA-SSB-Resources)) OF CFRA-SSB-Resource,
ra-ssb-OccasionMaskIndexExplicitly signalled PRACH Mask Index for RA Resource selection in TS 38.321 [3]. The mask is valid for all SSB resources signalled in ssb-ResourceList. The UE shall ignore this field if the field msg1-RepetitionNum included in CFRA is configured.
INTEGER (0..15) }, csirs SEQUENCE { csirs-ResourceList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxRA-CSIRS-Resources)) OF CFRA-CSIRS-Resource, rsrp-ThresholdCSI-RS RSRP-Range } }, ..., [[
totalNumberOfRA-PreamblesTotal number of preambles used for contention free random access in the RACH resources defined in CFRA, excluding preambles used for other purposes (e.g. for SI request). If the field is absent but the field occasions is present, the UE may assume all the 64 preambles are for RA. The setting should be consistent with the setting of ssb-perRACH-Occasion, if present, i.e. it should be a multiple of the number of SSBs per RACH occasion.
INTEGER (1..63) OPTIONAL -- Cond Occasions ]], [[
msg1-RepetitionNum-r18Indicates the MSG1 repetition number used for contention free 4-step random access type in TS 38.321 [3]. If this field is absent, the UE performs contention free 4-step random access without MSG1-Repetitions.
ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, spare1} OPTIONAL -- Cond 4StepCFRArep ]] } CFRA-TwoStep-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
occasionsTwoStepRA-r16RA occasions for contention free random access. If the field is absent, the UE uses the RA occasions configured in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in the first active UL BWP.
rach-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA-r16Configuration of contention free random access occasions for CFRA 2-step random access type.
RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA-r16, ssb-PerRACH-OccasionTwoStepRA-r16 ENUMERATED {oneEighth, oneFourth, oneHalf, one, two, four, eight, sixteen} } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
msgA-CFRA-PUSCH-r16PUSCH resource configuration(s) for msgA CFRA.
msgA-TransMax-r16Max number of MsgA preamble transmissions performed before switching to 4-step type random access (see TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.1). This field is only applicable when 2-step and 4-step RA type are configured and switching to 4-step type RA is supported. If the field is absent in cfra-TwoStep, switching from 2-step RA type to 4-step RA type is not allowed.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n10, n20, n50, n100, n200} OPTIONAL, -- Need S resourcesTwoStep-r16 SEQUENCE { ssb-ResourceList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxRA-SSB-Resources)) OF CFRA-SSB-Resource,
ra-ssb-OccasionMaskIndexExplicitly signalled PRACH Mask Index for RA Resource selection in TS 38.321 [3]. The mask is valid for all SSB resources signalled in ssb-ResourceList. The UE shall ignore this field if the field msg1-RepetitionNum included in CFRA is configured.
INTEGER (0..15) }, ... } CFRA-SSB-Resource ::= SEQUENCE {
ssbThe ID of an SSB transmitted by this serving cell.
ra-PreambleIndexThe preamble index that the UE shall use when performing CF-RA upon selecting the candidate beams identified by this SSB.
INTEGER (0..63), ..., [[
msgA-PUSCH-Resource-Index-r16Identifies the index of the PUSCH resource used for MSGA CFRA. The PUSCH resource index indicates a valid PUSCH occasion (as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A) and the associated DMRS resources corresponding to a PRACH slot. The PUSCH resource indexes are sequentially numbered and are mapped to valid PUSCH occasions corresponding to a PRACH slot which are ordered, first, in increasing order of frequency resource indexes for frequency multiplexed PUSCH occasions; second, in increasing order of DMRS resource indexes within a PUSCH occasion, where a DMR resource index is determined first in an ascending order of a DMRS port index and then in an ascending order of a DMRS sequence index, third in increasing order of time resource indexes for time multiplexed PUSCH occasions within a PUSCH slot and fourth, in increasing order of indexes for PUSCH slots. For the case of contention free 2-step random access type, if this field is absent, the UE shall use the value 0.
INTEGER (0..3071) OPTIONAL -- Cond 2StepCFRA ]] } CFRA-CSIRS-Resource ::= SEQUENCE {
csi-RSThe ID of a CSI-RS resource defined in the measurement object associated with this serving cell.
ra-OccasionListRA occasions that the UE shall use when performing CF-RA upon selecting the candidate beam identified by this CSI-RS. The network ensures that the RA occasion indexes provided herein are also configured by prach-ConfigurationIndex and msg1-FDM. Each RACH occasion is sequentially numbered, first, in increasing order of frequency resource indexes for frequency multiplexed PRACH occasions; second, in increasing order of time resource indexes for time multiplexed PRACH occasions within a PRACH slot and Third, in increasing order of indexes for PRACH slots.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxRA-OccasionsPerCSIRS)) OF INTEGER (0..maxRA-Occasions-1),
ra-PreambleIndexThe preamble index that the UE shall use when performing CF-RA upon selecting the candidate beams identified by this SSB.
CFRA-CSIRS-Resource field descriptions
The ID of a CSI-RS resource defined in the measurement object associated with this serving cell.
RA occasions that the UE shall use when performing CF-RA upon selecting the candidate beam identified by this CSI-RS. The network ensures that the RA occasion indexes provided herein are also configured by prach-ConfigurationIndex and msg1-FDM. Each RACH occasion is sequentially numbered, first, in increasing order of frequency resource indexes for frequency multiplexed PRACH occasions; second, in increasing order of time resource indexes for time multiplexed PRACH occasions within a PRACH slot and Third, in increasing order of indexes for PRACH slots.
The RA preamble index to use in the RA occasions associated with this CSI-RS.
CFRA field descriptions
Indicates the MSG1 repetition number used for contention free 4-step random access type in TS 38.321 [3]. If this field is absent, the UE performs contention free 4-step random access without MSG1-Repetitions.
RA occasions for contention free random access. If the field is absent, the UE uses the RA occasions configured in RACH-ConfigCommon in the first active UL BWP.
Explicitly signalled PRACH Mask Index for RA Resource selection in TS 38.321 [3]. The mask is valid for all SSB resources signalled in ssb-ResourceList. The UE shall ignore this field if the field msg1-RepetitionNum included in CFRA is configured.
Configuration of contention free random access occasions for CFRA. The UE shall ignore preambleReceivedTargetPower, preambleTransMax, powerRampingStep, ra-ResponseWindow signaled within this field and use the corresponding values provided in RACH-ConfigCommon.
Number of SSBs per RACH occasion.
Total number of preambles used for contention free random access in the RACH resources defined in CFRA, excluding preambles used for other purposes (e.g. for SI request). If the field is absent but the field occasions is present, the UE may assume all the 64 preambles are for RA. The setting should be consistent with the setting of ssb-perRACH-Occasion, if present, i.e. it should be a multiple of the number of SSBs per RACH occasion.
CFRA-SSB-Resource field descriptions
Identifies the index of the PUSCH resource used for MSGA CFRA. The PUSCH resource index indicates a valid PUSCH occasion (as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 8.1A) and the associated DMRS resources corresponding to a PRACH slot. The PUSCH resource indexes are sequentially numbered and are mapped to valid PUSCH occasions corresponding to a PRACH slot which are ordered, first, in increasing order of frequency resource indexes for frequency multiplexed PUSCH occasions; second, in increasing order of DMRS resource indexes within a PUSCH occasion, where a DMR resource index is determined first in an ascending order of a DMRS port index and then in an ascending order of a DMRS sequence index, third in increasing order of time resource indexes for time multiplexed PUSCH occasions within a PUSCH slot and fourth, in increasing order of indexes for PUSCH slots. For the case of contention free 2-step random access type, if this field is absent, the UE shall use the value 0.
The preamble index that the UE shall use when performing CF-RA upon selecting the candidate beams identified by this SSB.
The ID of an SSB transmitted by this serving cell.
CFRA-TwoStep field descriptions
PUSCH resource configuration(s) for msgA CFRA.
Max number of MsgA preamble transmissions performed before switching to 4-step type random access (see TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.1). This field is only applicable when 2-step and 4-step RA type are configured and switching to 4-step type RA is supported. If the field is absent in cfra-TwoStep, switching from 2-step RA type to 4-step RA type is not allowed.
RA occasions for contention free random access. If the field is absent, the UE uses the RA occasions configured in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in the first active UL BWP.
Explicitly signalled PRACH Mask Index for RA Resource selection in TS 38.321 [3]. The mask is valid for all SSB resources signalled in ssb-ResourceList.
Configuration of contention free random access occasions for CFRA 2-step random access type.
Number of SSBs per RACH occasion for 2-step random access type.
RACH-ConfigDedicated field descriptions
Parameters for contention free random access to a given target cell. If this field and cfra-TwoStep are absent, the UE performs contention based random access.
Parameters for contention free 2-step random access type to a given target cell. Network ensures that cfra and cfra-TwoStep are not configured at the same time.If this field and cfra are absent, the UE performs contention based random access.
Parameters which apply for prioritized random access procedure to a given target cell (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1).
Parameters which apply for prioritized 2-step random access type procedure to a given target cell (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present.
The field is optionally present, Need S, if the field occasions is present, otherwise it is absent.
The field is optionally present for the case of 2-step RA type contention free random access, Need S, otherwise it is absent.
For non-(e)RedCap UEs, the field is optionally present, Need S, if resources is set to ssb and there is one FeatureCombinationPreambles entry indicating only msg1-Repetitions which is associated with the same Msg1 repetition number.
For RedCap UEs or if RedCap is considered to be applicable for this Random Access procedure for eRedCap UEs, the field is optionally present, Need S, if resources is set to ssb and there is one FeatureCombinationPreambles entry indicating only redCap and msg1-Repetitions which is associated with the same Msg1 repetition number. For eRedCap UEs, if eRedCap is considered to be applicable for this Random Access procedure, the field is optional present, Need S, if resource is set to ssb and there is one FeatureCombinationPreambles entry indicating only eRedCap and msg1-Repetitions which is associated with the same Msg1 repetition number. Otherwise, it is absent.

The IE RACH-ConfigGeneric is used to specify the random-access parameters both for regular random access as well as for beam failure recovery.
prach-ConfigurationIndexPRACH configuration index. For prach-ConfigurationIndex configured under beamFailureRecoveryConfig, the prach-ConfigurationIndex can only correspond to the short preamble format, (see TS 38.211 [16], clause If the field prach-ConfigurationIndex-v1610 is present, the UE shall ignore the value provided in prach-ConfigurationIndex (without suffix).
INTEGER (0..255),
msg1-FDMThe number of PRACH transmission occasions FDMed in one time instance. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight},
msg1-FrequencyStartOffset of lowest PRACH transmission occasion in frequency domain with respective to PRB 0. The value is configured so that the corresponding RACH resource is entirely within the bandwidth of the UL BWP. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1),
zeroCorrelationZoneConfigN-CS configuration, see Table in TS 38.211 [16].
preambleReceivedTargetPowerThe target power level at the network receiver side (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.4, TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.2, 5.1.3). Only multiples of 2 dBm may be chosen (e.g. -202, -200, -198, ...). This field is set to the same value for different repetition numbers associated with a specific FeatureCombination.
INTEGER (-202..-60),
preambleTransMaxMax number of RA preamble transmission performed before declaring a failure (see TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.4, 5.1.5).The UE shall ignore this field in case rach-ConfigGeneric is included within an EarlyUL-SyncConfig IE.
ENUMERATED {n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n10, n20, n50, n100, n200},
powerRampingStepPower ramping steps for PRACH (see TS 38.321 [3],5.1.3). This field is set to the same value for different repetition numbers associated with a specific FeatureCombination.
ENUMERATED {dB0, dB2, dB4, dB6},
ra-ResponseWindowMsg2 (RAR) window length in number of slots. The network configures a value lower than or equal to 10 ms when Msg2 is transmitted in licensed spectrum and a value lower than or equal to 40 ms when Msg2 is transmitted with shared spectrum channel access (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.4). UE ignores the field if included in SCellConfig. If ra-ResponseWindow-v1610or ra-ResponseWindow-v1700is signalled, UE shall ignore the ra-ResponseWindow (without suffix).The field ra-ResponseWindow-v1700 is applicable to SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz.The UE shall ignore this field in case rach-ConfigGeneric is included within an EarlyUL-SyncConfig IE.
ENUMERATED {sl1, sl2, sl4, sl8, sl10, sl20, sl40, sl80}, ..., [[
prach-ConfigurationPeriodScaling-IAB-r16Scaling factor to extend the periodicity of the baseline configuration indicated by prach-ConfigurationIndex and is used only by the IAB-MT. Value scf1 corresponds to scaling factor of 1 and so on. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {scf1,scf2,scf4,scf8,scf16,scf32,scf64} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
prach-ConfigurationFrameOffset-IAB-r16Frame offset for ROs defined in the baseline configuration indicated by prach-ConfigurationIndex and is used only by the IAB-MT. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER (0..63) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
prach-ConfigurationSOffset-IAB-r16Subframe/Slot offset for ROs defined in the baseline configuration indicated by prach-ConfigurationIndex and is used only by the IAB-MT. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
INTEGER (0..39) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ra-ResponseWindow-v1610 ENUMERATED { sl60, sl160} OPTIONAL, -- Need R prach-ConfigurationIndex-v1610 INTEGER (256..262) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ ra-ResponseWindow-v1700 ENUMERATED {sl240, sl320, sl640, sl960, sl1280, sl1920, sl2560} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-RACH-CONFIGGENERIC-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RACH-ConfigGeneric field descriptions
The number of PRACH transmission occasions FDMed in one time instance. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Offset of lowest PRACH transmission occasion in frequency domain with respective to PRB 0. The value is configured so that the corresponding RACH resource is entirely within the bandwidth of the UL BWP. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Power ramping steps for PRACH (see TS 38.321 [3],5.1.3). This field is set to the same value for different repetition numbers associated with a specific FeatureCombination.
Frame offset for ROs defined in the baseline configuration indicated by prach-ConfigurationIndex and is used only by the IAB-MT. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
PRACH configuration index. For prach-ConfigurationIndex configured under beamFailureRecoveryConfig, the prach-ConfigurationIndex can only correspond to the short preamble format, (see TS 38.211 [16], clause If the field prach-ConfigurationIndex-v1610 is present, the UE shall ignore the value provided in prach-ConfigurationIndex (without suffix).
Scaling factor to extend the periodicity of the baseline configuration indicated by prach-ConfigurationIndex and is used only by the IAB-MT. Value scf1 corresponds to scaling factor of 1 and so on. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Subframe/Slot offset for ROs defined in the baseline configuration indicated by prach-ConfigurationIndex and is used only by the IAB-MT. (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
The target power level at the network receiver side (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.4, TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.2, 5.1.3). Only multiples of 2 dBm may be chosen (e.g. -202, -200, -198, ...). This field is set to the same value for different repetition numbers associated with a specific FeatureCombination.
Max number of RA preamble transmission performed before declaring a failure (see TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.4, 5.1.5).The UE shall ignore this field in case rach-ConfigGeneric is included within an EarlyUL-SyncConfig IE.
Msg2 (RAR) window length in number of slots. The network configures a value lower than or equal to 10 ms when Msg2 is transmitted in licensed spectrum and a value lower than or equal to 40 ms when Msg2 is transmitted with shared spectrum channel access (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.4). UE ignores the field if included in SCellConfig. If ra-ResponseWindow-v1610or ra-ResponseWindow-v1700is signalled, UE shall ignore the ra-ResponseWindow (without suffix).The field ra-ResponseWindow-v1700 is applicable to SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz.The UE shall ignore this field in case rach-ConfigGeneric is included within an EarlyUL-SyncConfig IE.
N-CS configuration, see Table in TS 38.211 [16].

The IE RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA is used to specify the 2-step random access type parameters.
msgA-PRACH-ConfigurationIndex-r16Cell-specific PRACH configuration index for 2-step RA type. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e. not within AdditionalRACH-Config), the UE shall use the value of corresponding 4-step random access parameter in the configured BWP. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the corresponding value in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. If the value is in the range of 256 to 262, the field prach-ConfigurationIndex-v1610 should be considered configured (see TS 38.211 [16], clause This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP or in the case of separate ROs with 4-step type RA.
INTEGER (0..262) OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnly
msgA-RO-FDM-r16The number of msgA PRACH transmission occasions Frequency-Division Multiplexed in one time instance. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e. not within AdditionalRACH-Config), UE shall use value of msg1-FDM in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the value of msg1-FDM in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config (see TS 38.211 [16], clause This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP or in the case of separate ROs with 4-step type RA.
ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight} OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnly
msgA-RO-FrequencyStart-r16Offset of lowest PRACH transmissions occasion in frequency domain with respect to PRB 0. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e. not within AdditionalRACH-Config), UE shall use value of msg1-FrequencyStart in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the value of msg1-FrequencyStart in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config (see TS 38.211 [16], clauses 5.3.2 and This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP or in the case of separate ROs with 4-step type RA.
INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnly
msgA-ZeroCorrelationZoneConfig-r16N-CS configuration for msgA preamble, see Table in TS 38.211 [16].If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the corresponding value in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. If the field is absent in other cases, UE shall use value zeroCorrelationZoneConfig in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP. This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP or in the case of separate ROs with 4-step type RA.
INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnly
msgA-PreamblePowerRampingStep-r16Power ramping steps for msgA PRACH. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the corresponding value in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. If the field is absent in other cases, UE shall use the value of powerRampingStep in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP (see TS 38.321 [3], 5.1.3). This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP or in the case of separate ROs with 4-step type RA. The field is absent if RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA is included in CFRA-TwoStep in RACH-ConfigDedicated and thenthe UE uses the value of msgA-PreamblePowerRampingStep in RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA configured forCBRA.
ENUMERATED {dB0, dB2, dB4, dB6} OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnlyNoCFRA
msgA-PreambleReceivedTargetPower-r16The target power level at the network receiver side (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1.1 and TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1). Only multiples of 2 dBm may be chosen (e.g -202, -200, -198, …). If the field is absent, UE shall use the value of preambleReceivedTargetPower in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP. This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP. The field is absent if RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA is included in CFRA-TwoStep in RACH-ConfigDedicated and thenthe UE uses the value of msgA-PreambleReceivedTargetPowerin RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA configured forCBRA.
INTEGER (-202..-60) OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnlyNoCFRA
msgB-ResponseWindow-r16MsgB monitoring window length in number of slots. The network configures a value lower than or equal to 40ms (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1). The network does not configure msgB-ResponseWindow-r16 simultaneously with msgB-ResponseWindow-v1700, and if both fields are absent,the UE uses the value of msgB-ResponseWindow in RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA configured for CBRA.
ENUMERATED {sl1, sl2, sl4, sl8, sl10, sl20, sl40, sl80, sl160, sl320} OPTIONAL, -- Cond NoCFRA
preambleTransMax-r16Max number of RA preamble transmission performed before declaring a failure (see TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.4, 5.1.5). If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the corresponding value in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. If the field is absent in other cases, UE shall use the value of preambleTransMax in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP. The field is absent if RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA is included in CFRA-TwoStep in RACH-ConfigDedicated and thenthe UE uses the value of preambleTransMaxin RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA configured forCBRA.
ENUMERATED {n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n10, n20, n50, n100, n200} OPTIONAL, -- Cond 2StepOnlyNoCFRA ..., [[ msgB-ResponseWindow-v1700 ENUMERATED {sl240, sl640, sl960, sl1280, sl1920, sl2560} OPTIONAL -- Cond NoCFRA2 ]] } -- TAG-RACH-CONFIGGENERICTWOSTEPRA-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA field descriptions
Power ramping steps for msgA PRACH. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the corresponding value in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. If the field is absent in other cases, UE shall use the value of powerRampingStep in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP (see TS 38.321 [3], 5.1.3). This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP or in the case of separate ROs with 4-step type RA. The field is absent if RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA is included in CFRA-TwoStep in RACH-ConfigDedicated and thenthe UE uses the value of msgA-PreamblePowerRampingStep in RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA configured forCBRA.
The target power level at the network receiver side (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1.1 and TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1). Only multiples of 2 dBm may be chosen (e.g -202, -200, -198, …). If the field is absent, UE shall use the value of preambleReceivedTargetPower in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP. This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP. The field is absent if RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA is included in CFRA-TwoStep in RACH-ConfigDedicated and thenthe UE uses the value of msgA-PreambleReceivedTargetPowerin RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA configured forCBRA.
Cell-specific PRACH configuration index for 2-step RA type. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e. not within AdditionalRACH-Config), the UE shall use the value of corresponding 4-step random access parameter in the configured BWP. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the corresponding value in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. If the value is in the range of 256 to 262, the field prach-ConfigurationIndex-v1610 should be considered configured (see TS 38.211 [16], clause This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP or in the case of separate ROs with 4-step type RA.
The number of msgA PRACH transmission occasions Frequency-Division Multiplexed in one time instance. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e. not within AdditionalRACH-Config), UE shall use value of msg1-FDM in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the value of msg1-FDM in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config (see TS 38.211 [16], clause This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP or in the case of separate ROs with 4-step type RA.
Offset of lowest PRACH transmissions occasion in frequency domain with respect to PRB 0. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA which is configured directly within a BWP (i.e. not within AdditionalRACH-Config), UE shall use value of msg1-FrequencyStart in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP. If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the value of msg1-FrequencyStart in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config (see TS 38.211 [16], clauses 5.3.2 and This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP or in the case of separate ROs with 4-step type RA.
N-CS configuration for msgA preamble, see Table in TS 38.211 [16].If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the corresponding value in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. If the field is absent in other cases, UE shall use value zeroCorrelationZoneConfig in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP. This field may only be present if no 4-step type RA is configured in the BWP or in the case of separate ROs with 4-step type RA.
MsgB monitoring window length in number of slots. The network configures a value lower than or equal to 40ms (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1). The network does not configure msgB-ResponseWindow-r16 simultaneously with msgB-ResponseWindow-v1700, and if both fields are absent,the UE uses the value of msgB-ResponseWindow in RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA configured for CBRA.
Max number of RA preamble transmission performed before declaring a failure (see TS 38.321 [3], clauses 5.1.4, 5.1.5). If the field is absent in RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in AdditionalRACH-Config, the UE shall apply the corresponding value in RACH-ConfigCommon in the same AdditionalRACH-Config. If the field is absent in other cases, UE shall use the value of preambleTransMax in RACH-ConfigGeneric in the configured BWP. The field is absent if RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA is included in CFRA-TwoStep in RACH-ConfigDedicated and thenthe UE uses the value of preambleTransMaxin RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA configured forCBRA.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present in msgA-ConfigCommon fieldin BWP-UplinkCommon if rach-ConfigCommon field is absent in this BWP-UplinkCommon, otherwise the field is optionally present in msgA-ConfigCommon fieldin BWP-UplinkCommon, Need S.
The field is mandatory present in msgA-ConfigCommon in AdditionalRACH-Config if rach-ConfigCommon field is absent in this AdditionalRACH-Config, otherwise the field is optionally present in msgA-ConfigCommon fieldin AdditionalRACH-Config, Need S.
The field is mandatory present if RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA is included in the RACH-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA and there are no 4-step random access configurations configured in the BWP (i.e only 2-step random access type configured in the BWP), otherwise (i.e. 4-step random access configuration also exists in the BWP) the field is optionally present, Need S. When RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA is included in the RACH-ConfigDedicated, this field is absent.
The field is mandatory present if msgB-ResponseWindow-r17 is absent and RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA is not included in CFRA-TwoStep in RACH-ConfigDedicated, otherwise the field is absent, Need S.
The field is mandatory present if msgB-ResponseWindow-r16 is absent and RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA is not included in CFRA-TwoStep in RACH-ConfigDedicated, otherwise the field is absent, Need S.

The IE RACH-ConfigTwoTA is used to specify random access parameters for each additional PCI configured for the serving cell.
additionalPCI-andRACH-Index-r18Indicates the associated PCI to this random access configuration.
rach-ConfigGeneric-r18RACH parameters forfor contention free random access occasions for CFRA.
ssb-perRACH-Occasion-r18Number of SSBs per RACH occasion.
ENUMERATED {oneEighth, oneFourth, oneHalf, one, two, four, eight, sixteen} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
prach-RootSequenceIndex-r18PRACH root sequence index (see TS 38.211 [16], clause The value range depends on whether L=839, L=139, L=571 or L=1151. For FR2-2, only the following values are applicable depending on the used subcarrier spacing: 120 kHz: L=139, L=571, and L=1151 480 kHz: L=139, and L=571 960 kHz: L=139
CHOICE { l839 INTEGER (0..837), l139 INTEGER (0..137), l571 INTEGER (0..569), l1151 INTEGER (0..1149) },
msg1-SubcarrierSpacing-r18Subcarrier spacing of PRACH when prach-RootSequenceIndex has value set to l139 (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3.2). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz. If absent, the UE applies the SCS as derived from the prach-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGeneric (see tables Table, Table, Table and Table, TS 38.211 [16]).
SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Cond L139 ... } -- TAG-RACH-CONFIGTWOTA-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RACH-ConfigTwoTA field descriptions
Indicates the associated PCI to this random access configuration.
Subcarrier spacing of PRACH when prach-RootSequenceIndex has value set to l139 (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 5.3.2). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz. If absent, the UE applies the SCS as derived from the prach-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGeneric (see tables Table, Table, Table and Table, TS 38.211 [16]).
PRACH root sequence index (see TS 38.211 [16], clause The value range depends on whether L=839, L=139, L=571 or L=1151. For FR2-2, only the following values are applicable depending on the used subcarrier spacing: 120 kHz: L=139, L=571, and L=1151 480 kHz: L=139, and L=571 960 kHz: L=139
RACH parameters forfor contention free random access occasions for CFRA.
Number of SSBs per RACH occasion.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if prach-RootSequenceIndex L=139, or if L=571 for FR2-2, otherwise the field is absent, Need S.

The IE RA-Prioritization is used to configure prioritized random access.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RA-PRIORITIZATION-START RA-Prioritization ::= SEQUENCE { powerRampingStepHighPriority ENUMERATED {dB0, dB2, dB4, dB6},
scalingFactorBIScaling factor for the backoff indicator (BI) for the prioritized random access procedure. (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.4). Value zero corresponds to 0, value dot25 corresponds to 0.25 and so on.
ENUMERATED {zero, dot25, dot5, dot75} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-RA-PRIORITIZATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RA-Prioritization field descriptions
Power ramping step applied for prioritized random access procedure.
Scaling factor for the backoff indicator (BI) for the prioritized random access procedure. (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.4). Value zero corresponds to 0, value dot25 corresponds to 0.25 and so on.

The IE RA-PrioritizationForSlicing is used to configure prioritized random access for slicing.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RA-PRIORITIZATIONFORSLICING-START RA-PrioritizationForSlicing-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { ra-PrioritizationSliceInfoList-r17 RA-PrioritizationSliceInfoList-r17, ... } RA-PrioritizationSliceInfoList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSliceInfo-r17)) OF RA-PrioritizationSliceInfo-r17 RA-PrioritizationSliceInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { nsag-ID-List-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSliceInfo-r17)) OF NSAG-ID-r17, ra-Prioritization-r17 RA-Prioritization, ... } -- TAG-RA-PRIORITIZATIONFORSLICING-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE RadioBearerConfig is used to add, modify and release signalling, multicast MRBs and/or data radio bearers. Specifically, this IE carries the parameters for PDCP and, if applicable, SDAP entities for the radio bearers.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RADIOBEARERCONFIG-START RadioBearerConfig ::= SEQUENCE { srb-ToAddModList SRB-ToAddModList OPTIONAL, -- Cond HO-Conn
srb3-ToReleaseRelease SRB3. SRB3 release can only be done over SRB1 and only at SCG release and reconfiguration with sync.
ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N drb-ToAddModList DRB-ToAddModList OPTIONAL, -- Cond HO-toNR drb-ToReleaseList DRB-ToReleaseList OPTIONAL, -- Need N
securityConfigIndicates the security algorithm and key to use for the signalling and data radio bearers configured with the list in this IE RadioBearerConfig. When the field is not included after AS security has been activated, the UE shall continue to use the currently configured keyToUse and security algorithm for the radio bearers reconfigured with the lists in this IE RadioBearerConfig. The field is not included when configuring SRB1 before AS security is activated.
SecurityConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ mrb-ToAddModList-r17 MRB-ToAddModList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N mrb-ToReleaseList-r17 MRB-ToReleaseList-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N srb4-ToAddMod-r17 SRB-ToAddMod OPTIONAL, -- Need N srb4-ToRelease-r17 ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[ srb5-ToAddMod-r18 SRB-ToAddMod OPTIONAL, -- Need N srb5-ToRelease-r18 ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } SRB-ToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..2)) OF SRB-ToAddMod SRB-ToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE { srb-Identity SRB-Identity,
reestablishPDCPIndicates that PDCP should be re-established. Network sets this to true whenever the security key used for this radio bearer changes. Key change could for example be due to reconfiguration with sync, for SRB2 when resuming an RRC connection, or at the first reconfiguration after RRC connection reestablishment in NR. For SRB1, when resuming an RRC connection, or at the first reconfiguration after RRC connection reestablishment in NR, the network does not set this field to true. For LTE SRBs using NR PDCP, it could be for handover, RRC connection reestablishment or resume. Network doesn't include this field if any DAPS bearer is configured or if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message within the LTM-Config IE. For SRB3, network doesn't include this field if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE.
discardOnPDCPIndicates that PDCP should discard stored SDU and PDU according to TS 38.323 [5]. Network doesn't include this field if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE which is received within a MCG RRCReconfiguration message via SRB1.
ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N pdcp-Config PDCP-Config OPTIONAL, -- Cond PDCP ..., [[ srb-Identity-v1700 SRB-Identity-v1700 OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ srb-Identity-v1800 SRB-Identity-v1800 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
n3c-BearerAssociated-r18Indicates that the radio bearer is associated with the N3C indirect path.
ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL -- Cond N3C MP ]] } DRB-ToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDRB)) OF DRB-ToAddMod DRB-ToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE {
cnAssociationIndicates if the bearer is associated with the eps-bearerIdentity (when connected to EPC) or sdap-Config (when connected to 5GC).
eps-BearerIdentityThe EPS bearer ID determines the EPS bearer.
INTEGER (0..15),
sdap-ConfigThe SDAP configuration determines how to map QoS flows to DRBs when NR or E-UTRA connects to the 5GC and presence/absence of UL/DL SDAP headers.
SDAP-Config } OPTIONAL, -- Cond DRBSetup
drb-IdentityIn case of DC, the DRB identity is unique within the scope of the UE, i.e. an MCG DRB cannot use the same value as a split DRB. For a split DRB the same identity is used for the MCG and SCG parts/indirect path of the configuration.
reestablishPDCPIndicates that PDCP should be re-established. Network sets this to true whenever the security key used for this radio bearer changes. Key change could for example be due to reconfiguration with sync, for SRB2 when resuming an RRC connection, or at the first reconfiguration after RRC connection reestablishment in NR. For SRB1, when resuming an RRC connection, or at the first reconfiguration after RRC connection reestablishment in NR, the network does not set this field to true. For LTE SRBs using NR PDCP, it could be for handover, RRC connection reestablishment or resume. Network doesn't include this field if any DAPS bearer is configured or if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message within the LTM-Config IE. For SRB3, network doesn't include this field if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE.
recoverPDCPIndicates that PDCP should perform recovery according to TS 38.323 [5]. Network doesn't include this field if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer, if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message within the LTM-Config IE, or if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE.
ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N pdcp-Config PDCP-Config OPTIONAL, -- Cond PDCP ..., [[
daps-Config-r16Indicates that the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer. The network does not include this field in an RRCReconfiguration message contained within a LTM-Config IE.
n3c-BearerAssociated-r18Indicates that the radio bearer is associated with the N3C indirect path.
ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL -- Cond N3C MP ]] } DRB-ToReleaseList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDRB)) OF DRB-Identity SecurityConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
securityAlgorithmConfigIndicates the security algorithm for the signalling and data radio bearers configured with the list in this IE RadioBearerConfig. When the field is not included, the UE shall continue to use the currently configured security algorithm for the radio bearers reconfigured with the lists in this IE RadioBearerConfig.
SecurityAlgorithmConfig OPTIONAL, -- Cond RBTermChange1
keyToUseIndicates if the bearers configured with the list in this IE RadioBearerConfig are using the master key or the secondary key for deriving ciphering and/or integrity protection keys. For MR-DC, network should not configure SRB1 and SRB2 with secondary key and SRB3 with the master key. When the field is not included, the UE shall continue to use the currently configured keyToUse for the radio bearers reconfigured with the lists in this IE RadioBearerConfig.
ENUMERATED{master, secondary} OPTIONAL, -- Cond RBTermChange ... } MRB-ToAddModList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMRB-r17)) OF MRB-ToAddMod-r17 MRB-ToAddMod-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
mbs-SessionId-r17Indicates which multicast MBS session the bearer is associated with.
TMGI-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond MRBSetup
mrb-Identity-r17Identification of the multicast MRB.
mrb-IdentityNew-r17New identity of the multicast MRB when mrb-Identity needs to be changed, e.g. as a result of a handover.
MRB-Identity-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
reestablishPDCP-r17Indicates that PDCP should be re-established. Network sets this to true whenever the security key used for this radio bearer changes. Key change could for example be due to reconfiguration with sync, for SRB2 when resuming an RRC connection, or at the first reconfiguration after RRC connection reestablishment in NR. For SRB1, when resuming an RRC connection, or at the first reconfiguration after RRC connection reestablishment in NR, the network does not set this field to true. For LTE SRBs using NR PDCP, it could be for handover, RRC connection reestablishment or resume. Network doesn't include this field if any DAPS bearer is configured or if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message within the LTM-Config IE. For SRB3, network doesn't include this field if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE.
recoverPDCP-r17Indicates that PDCP should perform recovery according to TS 38.323 [5]. Network doesn't include this field if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer, if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message within the LTM-Config IE, or if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE.
ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N pdcp-Config-r17 PDCP-Config OPTIONAL, -- Cond PDCP ... } MRB-ToReleaseList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMRB-r17)) OF MRB-Identity-r17 -- TAG-RADIOBEARERCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
DRB-ToAddMod and MRB-ToAddModfield descriptions
Indicates if the bearer is associated with the eps-bearerIdentity (when connected to EPC) or sdap-Config (when connected to 5GC).
Indicates that the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer. The network does not include this field in an RRCReconfiguration message contained within a LTM-Config IE.
In case of DC, the DRB identity is unique within the scope of the UE, i.e. an MCG DRB cannot use the same value as a split DRB. For a split DRB the same identity is used for the MCG and SCG parts/indirect path of the configuration.
The EPS bearer ID determines the EPS bearer.
Indicates which multicast MBS session the bearer is associated with.
Identification of the multicast MRB.
New identity of the multicast MRB when mrb-Identity needs to be changed, e.g. as a result of a handover.
Indicates that the radio bearer is associated with the N3C indirect path.
Indicates that PDCP should be re-established. Network sets this to true whenever the security key used for this radio bearer changes. Key change could for example be due to termination point change for the bearer,reconfiguration with sync, resuming an RRC connection, or the first reconfiguration after reestablishment. It is also applicable for LTE procedures when NR PDCP is configured. Network doesn't include this field for DRB if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer, if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message within the LTM-Config IE, or if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE
Indicates that PDCP should perform recovery according to TS 38.323 [5]. Network doesn't include this field if the bearer is configured as DAPS bearer, if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message within the LTM-Config IE, or if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE.
The SDAP configuration determines how to map QoS flows to DRBs when NR or E-UTRA connects to the 5GC and presence/absence of UL/DL SDAP headers.
RadioBearerConfig field descriptions
Indicates the security algorithm and key to use for the signalling and data radio bearers configured with the list in this IE RadioBearerConfig. When the field is not included after AS security has been activated, the UE shall continue to use the currently configured keyToUse and security algorithm for the radio bearers reconfigured with the lists in this IE RadioBearerConfig. The field is not included when configuring SRB1 before AS security is activated.
Release SRB3. SRB3 release can only be done over SRB1 and only at SCG release and reconfiguration with sync.
SecurityConfig field descriptions
Indicates if the bearers configured with the list in this IE RadioBearerConfig are using the master key or the secondary key for deriving ciphering and/or integrity protection keys. For MR-DC, network should not configure SRB1 and SRB2 with secondary key and SRB3 with the master key. When the field is not included, the UE shall continue to use the currently configured keyToUse for the radio bearers reconfigured with the lists in this IE RadioBearerConfig.
Indicates the security algorithm for the signalling and data radio bearers configured with the list in this IE RadioBearerConfig. When the field is not included, the UE shall continue to use the currently configured security algorithm for the radio bearers reconfigured with the lists in this IE RadioBearerConfig.
SRB-ToAddMod field descriptions
Indicates that PDCP should discard stored SDU and PDU according to TS 38.323 [5]. Network doesn't include this field if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE which is received within a MCG RRCReconfiguration message via SRB1.
Indicates that PDCP should be re-established. Network sets this to true whenever the security key used for this radio bearer changes. Key change could for example be due to reconfiguration with sync, for SRB2 when resuming an RRC connection, or at the first reconfiguration after RRC connection reestablishment in NR. For SRB1, when resuming an RRC connection, or at the first reconfiguration after RRC connection reestablishment in NR, the network does not set this field to true. For LTE SRBs using NR PDCP, it could be for handover, RRC connection reestablishment or resume. Network doesn't include this field if any DAPS bearer is configured or if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message within the LTM-Config IE. For SRB3, network doesn't include this field if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE.
srb-Identity, srb-Identity-v1700, srb-Identity-v1800
Value 1 is applicable for SRB1 only. Value 2 is applicable for SRB2 only. Value 3 is applicable for SRB3 only. Value 4 is applicable for SRB4 only. Value 5 is applicable for SRB5 only. If srb-Identity-v1700or srb-Identity-v1800is received for an SRB, the UE shall ignore srb-Identity (i.e. without suffix) for this SRB.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present in case of:
-set up of signalling and data radio bearer, -change of termination point for the radio bearer between MN and SN. It is optionally present otherwise, Need S.
The field is mandatory present in case of:
-set up of signalling and data radio bearer, -change of termination point for the radio bearer between MN and SN, -handover from E-UTRA/EPC or E-UTRA/5GC to NR, -handover from NR or E-UTRA/EPC to E-UTRA/5GC if the UE supports NGEN-DC. It is optionally present otherwise, Need S.
The field is mandatory present if the corresponding DRB/multicast MRB is being setup or corresponding DRB/multicast MRB is reconfigured with NR PDCP or corresponding SRB associated with two RLC entities is being setup or if the number of RLC bearers associated with the DRB/multicast MRB or SRB is changed. The field is optionally present, Need S, if the corresponding SRB associated with one RLC entity is being setup or corresponding SRB is reconfigured with NR PDCP; otherwise the field is optionally present, need M.
The field is mandatory present if the corresponding DRB is being setup; otherwise the field is optionally present, need M.
The field is mandatory present
-in case of inter-system handover from E-UTRA/EPC to E-UTRA/5GC or NR, -or when the fullConfig is included in the RRCReconfiguration messageand NE-DC/NR-DC is not configured, -or in case of RRCSetup. Otherwise the field is optionally present, need N. Upon RRCSetup, only SRB1 can be present.
If mrb-ToAddModList is not included, the field is mandatory present for UEs other than NCR-MT
-in case of inter-system handover from E-UTRA/EPC to E-UTRA/5GC or NR, -or when the fullConfig is included in the RRCReconfiguration message and NE-DC/NR-DC is not configured. In case of RRCSetup, the field is absent; otherwise the field is optionally present, need N.
The field is optionally present, need N, in case masterCellGroup includes ReconfigurationWithSync, SCell(s) and SCG are not configured, multi-DCI/single-DCI based multi-TRP are not configured in any DL BWP, supplementaryUplink is not configured, ethernetHeaderCompression is not configured for the DRB, conditionalReconfiguration is not configured, and NR sidelink and V2X sidelinkare not configured. Otherwise the field is absent.
The field is mandatory present if the corresponding multicast MRB is being setup; otherwise the field is optionally present, need M.
The field is optionally present if the corresponding radio bearer is being setup for MP with N3C indirect path, need R. It is absent otherwise.

The IE RadioLinkMonitoringConfig is used to configure radio link monitoring for detection of beam- and/or cell radio link failure. See also TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.1.1.
failureDetectionResourcesToAddModListA list of reference signals for detecting beam failure and/or cell level radio link failure (RLF). The limits of the reference signals that the network can configure are specified in TS 38.213 [13], table 5-1. The network configures at most two detectionResources per BWP for the purpose beamFailure or both. If no RSs are provided for the purpose of beam failure detection, the UE performs beam monitoring based on the activated TCI-State for PDCCH as described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 6. If no RSs are provided in this list for the purpose of RLF detection, the UE performs Cell-RLM based on the activated TCI-State of PDCCH as described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 5. The network ensures that the UE has a suitable set of reference signals for performing cell-RLM. If failureDetectionSet1-r17 and failureDetectionSet2-r17 are present, the purpose of RadioLinkMonitoringRS in failureDetectionResourcesToAddModList only can be set to rlf.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofFailureDetectionResources)) OF RadioLinkMonitoringRS OPTIONAL, -- Need N failureDetectionResourcesToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofFailureDetectionResources)) OF RadioLinkMonitoringRS-Id OPTIONAL, -- Need N
beamFailureInstanceMaxCountThis field determines after how many beam failure events the UE triggers beam failure recovery (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.17). Value n1 corresponds to 1 beam failure instance, value n2 corresponds to 2 beam failure instances and so on.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
beamFailureDetectionTimerTimer for beam failure detection (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.17). See also the BeamFailureRecoveryConfig IE. Value in number of "Qout,LR reporting periods of Beam Failure Detection" Reference Signal (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 6). Value pbfd1 corresponds to 1 Qout,LR reporting period of Beam Failure Detection Reference Signal, value pbfd2 corresponds to 2 Qout,LR reporting periods of Beam Failure Detection Reference Signal and so on.
ENUMERATED {pbfd1, pbfd2, pbfd3, pbfd4, pbfd5, pbfd6, pbfd8, pbfd10} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ beamFailure-r17 BeamFailureDetection-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } BeamFailureDetection-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { failureDetectionSet1-r17 BeamFailureDetectionSet-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R failureDetectionSet2-r17 BeamFailureDetectionSet-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
additionalPCI-r17Indicates the physical cell IDs (PCI) of the SSBs in the failureDetectionSet2. If candidateBeamRS-List2 is configured in IE BeamFailureRecoveryRSConfig the field indicates the physical cell IDs (PCI) of the SSBs in the candidateBeamRS-List2.
AdditionalPCIIndex-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } RadioLinkMonitoringRS ::= SEQUENCE { radioLinkMonitoringRS-Id RadioLinkMonitoringRS-Id,
purposeDetermines whether the UE shall monitor the associated reference signal for the purpose of cell- and/or beam failure detection. For SCell, network only configures the value to beamFailure.
ENUMERATED {beamFailure, rlf, both},
detectionResourceA reference signal that the UE shall use for radio link monitoring or beam failure detection (depending on the indicated purpose). Only periodic 1-port CSI-RS can be configured on SCell for beam failure detection purpose.
CHOICE { ssb-Index SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId }, ... } BeamFailureDetectionSet-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { bfdResourcesToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofBFDResourcePerSet-r17)) OF BeamLinkMonitoringRS-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N bfdResourcesToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofBFDResourcePerSet-r17)) OF BeamLinkMonitoringRS-Id-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
beamFailureInstanceMaxCount-r17This field determines after how many beam failure events the UE triggers beam failure recovery (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.17). Value n1 corresponds to 1 beam failure instance, value n2 corresponds to 2 beam failure instances and so on.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
beamFailureDetectionTimer-r17Timer for beam failure detection (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.17). See also the BeamFailureRecoveryConfig IE. Value in number of "Qout,LR reporting periods of Beam Failure Detection" Reference Signal (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 6). Value pbfd1 corresponds to 1 Qout,LR reporting period of Beam Failure Detection Reference Signal, value pbfd2 corresponds to 2 Qout,LR reporting periods of Beam Failure Detection Reference Signal and so on.
ENUMERATED {pbfd1, pbfd2, pbfd3, pbfd4, pbfd5, pbfd6, pbfd8, pbfd10} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } BeamLinkMonitoringRS-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { beamLinkMonitoringRS-Id-r17 BeamLinkMonitoringRS-Id-r17,
detectionResource-r17A reference signal that the UE shall use for radio link monitoring or beam failure detection (depending on the indicated purpose). Only periodic 1-port CSI-RS can be configured on SCell for beam failure detection purpose.
CHOICE { ssb-Index SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId }, ... } BeamLinkMonitoringRS-Id-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofFailureDetectionResources-1-r17) -- TAG-RADIOLINKMONITORINGCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RadioLinkMonitoringConfig field descriptions
Indicates the physical cell IDs (PCI) of the SSBs in the failureDetectionSet2. If candidateBeamRS-List2 is configured in IE BeamFailureRecoveryRSConfig the field indicates the physical cell IDs (PCI) of the SSBs in the candidateBeamRS-List2.
Timer for beam failure detection (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.17). See also the BeamFailureRecoveryConfig IE. Value in number of "Qout,LR reporting periods of Beam Failure Detection" Reference Signal (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 6). Value pbfd1 corresponds to 1 Qout,LR reporting period of Beam Failure Detection Reference Signal, value pbfd2 corresponds to 2 Qout,LR reporting periods of Beam Failure Detection Reference Signal and so on.
This field determines after how many beam failure events the UE triggers beam failure recovery (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.17). Value n1 corresponds to 1 beam failure instance, value n2 corresponds to 2 beam failure instances and so on.
A list of reference signals for detecting beam failure and/or cell level radio link failure (RLF). The limits of the reference signals that the network can configure are specified in TS 38.213 [13], table 5-1. The network configures at most two detectionResources per BWP for the purpose beamFailure or both. If no RSs are provided for the purpose of beam failure detection, the UE performs beam monitoring based on the activated TCI-State for PDCCH as described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 6. If no RSs are provided in this list for the purpose of RLF detection, the UE performs Cell-RLM based on the activated TCI-State of PDCCH as described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 5. The network ensures that the UE has a suitable set of reference signals for performing cell-RLM. If failureDetectionSet1-r17 and failureDetectionSet2-r17 are present, the purpose of RadioLinkMonitoringRS in failureDetectionResourcesToAddModList only can be set to rlf.
failureDetectionSet1, failureDetectionSet2
Configures parameters for beamfailure detection towards beam failure detection resources configured in the set. If additional PCIs are configured using additionalPCI-ToAddModList for the serving cell, each RS in one set can be associated only with one PCI. Network always configures the failureDetectionSet1 and failureDetectionSet2 together. failureDetectionSetN is present if and only if candidateBeamRS-List2-r17 is configured. When a failureDetectionSetN is present, after the reconfiguration, the UE shall consider all the reference signals for this failure detection set as activated if at most maxBFD-RS-resourcesPerSetPerBWP-r17 reference signals are configured for each failure detection set, otherwise the UE shall consider all the reference signals in this failure detection set as deactivated.If bfdResourcesToAddModList-r17 infailureDetectionSetNis not present, the UE determines the RS(es) in each failureDetectionSetNas described in TS 38.213 [13], clause 6.
RadioLinkMonitoringRS field descriptions
A reference signal that the UE shall use for radio link monitoring or beam failure detection (depending on the indicated purpose). Only periodic 1-port CSI-RS can be configured on SCell for beam failure detection purpose.
Determines whether the UE shall monitor the associated reference signal for the purpose of cell- and/or beam failure detection. For SCell, network only configures the value to beamFailure.

The IE RadioLinkMonitoringRS-Id is used to identify one RadioLinkMonitoringRS.

The IE RAN-AreaCode is used to identify a RAN area within the scope of a tracking area.

The IE RateMatchPattern is used to configure one rate matching pattern for PDSCH,see TS 38.214 [19], clause
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RATEMATCHPATTERN-START RateMatchPattern ::= SEQUENCE { rateMatchPatternId RateMatchPatternId, patternType CHOICE {
bitmapsIndicates rate matching pattern by a pair of bitmaps resourceBlocks and symbolsInResourceBlock to define the rate match pattern within one or two slots, and a third bitmap periodicityAndPattern to define the repetition pattern with which the pattern defined by the above bitmap pair occurs.
resourceBlocksA resource block level bitmap in the frequency domain. A bit in the bitmap set to 1 indicates that the UE shall apply rate matching in the corresponding resource block in accordance with the symbolsInResourceBlock bitmap. If used as cell-level rate matching pattern, the bitmap identifies "common resource blocks (CRB)". If used for MBS broadcast CFR, the bitmap identifies "physical resource blocks" inside the MBS broadcast CFR. If used as BWP-level rate matching pattern, the bitmap identifies "physical resource blocks" inside the BWP or MBS multicast CFR. The first/ leftmost bit corresponds to resource block 0, and so on (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
symbolsInResourceBlockA symbol level bitmap in time domain. It indicates with a bit set to true that the UE shall rate match around the corresponding symbol. This pattern recurs (in time domain) with the configured periodicityAndPattern (see TS 38.214 [19], clause For oneSlot, if ECP is configured, the first 12 bits represent the symbols within the slot and the last two bits within the bitstring are ignored by the UE; Otherwise, the 14 bits represent the symbols within the slot. For twoSlots, if ECP is configured, the first 12 bits represent the symbols within the first slot and the next 12 bits represent the symbols in the second slot and the last four bits within the bit string are ignored by the UE; Otherwise, the first 14 bits represent the symbols within the first slot and the next 14 bits represent the symbols in the second slot. For the bits representing symbols in a slot, the most significant bit of the bit string represents the first symbol in the slot and the second most significant bit represents the second symbol in the slot and so on.
CHOICE { oneSlot BIT STRING (SIZE (14)), twoSlots BIT STRING (SIZE (28)) },
periodicityAndPatternA time domain repetition pattern at which the pattern defined by symbolsInResourceBlock and resourceBlocks recurs. This slot pattern repeats itself continuously. Absence of this field indicates the value n1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
CHOICE { n2 BIT STRING (SIZE (2)), n4 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), n5 BIT STRING (SIZE (5)), n8 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), n10 BIT STRING (SIZE (10)), n20 BIT STRING (SIZE (20)), n40 BIT STRING (SIZE (40)) } OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... },
controlResourceSetThis ControlResourceSet is used as a PDSCH rate matching pattern, i.e., PDSCH reception rate matches around it. In frequency domain, the resource is determined by the frequency domain resource of the CORESET with the corresponding CORESET ID. Time domain resource is determined by the parameters of the associated search space of the CORESET. If the field controlResourceSetId-r16 is present, UE shall ignore the controlResourceSetId (without suffix).
ControlResourceSetId },
subcarrierSpacingThe SubcarrierSpacing for this resource pattern. If the field is absent, the UE applies the SCS of the associated BWP. The value kHz15 corresponds to µ=0, the value kHz30 corresponds to µ=1, and so on. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency (see TS 38.214 [19], clause FR1: 15, 30 or 60 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Cond CellLevel dummy ENUMERATED { dynamic, semiStatic }, ..., [[
controlResourceSet-r16This ControlResourceSet is used as a PDSCH rate matching pattern, i.e., PDSCH reception rate matches around it. In frequency domain, the resource is determined by the frequency domain resource of the CORESET with the corresponding CORESET ID. Time domain resource is determined by the parameters of the associated search space of the CORESET. If the field controlResourceSetId-r16 is present, UE shall ignore the controlResourceSetId (without suffix).
ControlResourceSetId-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-RATEMATCHPATTERN-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RateMatchPattern field descriptions
Indicates rate matching pattern by a pair of bitmaps resourceBlocks and symbolsInResourceBlock to define the rate match pattern within one or two slots, and a third bitmap periodicityAndPattern to define the repetition pattern with which the pattern defined by the above bitmap pair occurs.
This ControlResourceSet is used as a PDSCH rate matching pattern, i.e., PDSCH reception rate matches around it. In frequency domain, the resource is determined by the frequency domain resource of the CORESET with the corresponding CORESET ID. Time domain resource is determined by the parameters of the associated search space of the CORESET. If the field controlResourceSetId-r16 is present, UE shall ignore the controlResourceSetId (without suffix).
A time domain repetition pattern at which the pattern defined by symbolsInResourceBlock and resourceBlocks recurs. This slot pattern repeats itself continuously. Absence of this field indicates the value n1 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
A resource block level bitmap in the frequency domain. A bit in the bitmap set to 1 indicates that the UE shall apply rate matching in the corresponding resource block in accordance with the symbolsInResourceBlock bitmap. If used as cell-level rate matching pattern, the bitmap identifies "common resource blocks (CRB)". If used for MBS broadcast CFR, the bitmap identifies "physical resource blocks" inside the MBS broadcast CFR. If used as BWP-level rate matching pattern, the bitmap identifies "physical resource blocks" inside the BWP or MBS multicast CFR. The first/ leftmost bit corresponds to resource block 0, and so on (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
The SubcarrierSpacing for this resource pattern. If the field is absent, the UE applies the SCS of the associated BWP. The value kHz15 corresponds to µ=0, the value kHz30 corresponds to µ=1, and so on. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency (see TS 38.214 [19], clause FR1: 15, 30 or 60 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
A symbol level bitmap in time domain. It indicates with a bit set to true that the UE shall rate match around the corresponding symbol. This pattern recurs (in time domain) with the configured periodicityAndPattern (see TS 38.214 [19], clause For oneSlot, if ECP is configured, the first 12 bits represent the symbols within the slot and the last two bits within the bitstring are ignored by the UE; Otherwise, the 14 bits represent the symbols within the slot. For twoSlots, if ECP is configured, the first 12 bits represent the symbols within the first slot and the next 12 bits represent the symbols in the second slot and the last four bits within the bit string are ignored by the UE; Otherwise, the first 14 bits represent the symbols within the first slot and the next 14 bits represent the symbols in the second slot. For the bits representing symbols in a slot, the most significant bit of the bit string represents the first symbol in the slot and the second most significant bit represents the second symbol in the slot and so on.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if the RateMatchPattern is defined on cell level. The field is absent when the RateMatchPattern is defined on BWP level or defined for MBS broadcast CFR. If the RateMatchPattern is defined on BWP level, the UE applies the SCS of the BWP and if RateMatchPattern is defined for MBS broadcast CFR, the UE applies the SCS of the initial BWP or RedCap-specific initial BWP (if configured) for (e)RedCap UEs.

The IE RateMatchPatternId identifies one RateMatchPattern (see TS 38.214 [19], clause

The IE RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is used to configure a pattern to rate match around LTE CRS. See TS 38.214 [19], clause
carrierFreqDLCenter of the LTE carrier (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..16383),
carrierBandwidthDLBW of the LTE carrier in number of PRBs (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {n6, n15, n25, n50, n75, n100, spare2, spare1},
mbsfn-SubframeConfigListLTE MBSFN subframe configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
EUTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfigList OPTIONAL, -- Need M
nrofCRS-PortsNumber of LTE CRS antenna port to rate-match around (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4},
v-ShiftShifting value v-shift in LTE to rate match around LTE CRS (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5} } LTE-CRS-PatternList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLTE-CRS-Patterns-r16)) OF RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS -- TAG-RATEMATCHPATTERNLTE-CRS-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS field descriptions
BW of the LTE carrier in number of PRBs (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Center of the LTE carrier (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
LTE MBSFN subframe configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Number of LTE CRS antenna port to rate-match around (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Shifting value v-shift in LTE to rate match around LTE CRS (see TS 38.214 [19], clause

The IE ReferenceConfiguration is used provide a configuration that is common, within the same cell group, to all configured non-complete candidate configurations.

The IE ReferenceLocation contains location information used as a reference location. The value of the field is same as Ellipsoid-Point defined in TS37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.

The IE ReferenceTimeInfo contains timing information for 5G internal system clock used for, e.g., time stamping, see TS 23.501 [32], clause
time-r16This field indicates time reference with 10ns granularity. If included in DLInformationTransfer and if UE-side TA PDC is de-activated, the indicated time may not be referenced at the network, i.e., gNB may pre-compensate for RF propagation delay. If included in DLInformationTransfer and if UE is requested to transmit UE Rx-Tx time difference measurement, the indicated time may not be referenced at the network, i.e., gNB may pre-compensate for RF propagation delay. Otherwise, the indicated time is referenced at the network, i.e., without compensating for RF propagation delay. In an NTN cell, the indicated time is referenced at the uplink time synchronization reference point (RP), i.e., UE should take into account the propagation delay between UE and RP when determining the UTC time at the UE. The indicated time in 10ns unit from the origin is refDays*86400*1000*100000 + refSeconds*1000*100000 + refMilliSeconds*100000 + refTenNanoSeconds. The refDays field specifies the sequential number of days (with day count starting at 0) from the origin of the time field. If the referenceTimeInfo field is received in DLInformationTransfer message, the time field indicates the time at the ending boundary of the system frame indicated by referenceSFN. The UE considers this frame (indicated by referenceSFN) to be the frame which is nearest to the frame where the message is received (which can be either in the past or in the future). If the referenceTimeInfo field is received in SIB9, the time field indicates the time at the SFN boundary at or immediately after the ending boundary of the SI-window in which SIB9 is transmitted. If referenceTimeInfo field is received in SIB9, this field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of time should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1. NOTE:The estimated time in an NTN-cell may be less accurate than the estimated time in a TN-cell.
uncertainty-r16This field indicates the uncertainty of the reference time information provided by the time field. The uncertainty is 25ns multiplied by this field. If this field is absent, the uncertainty is unspecified.
INTEGER (0..32767) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
timeInfoType-r16If timeInfoType is not included, the time indicates the GPS time and the origin of the time field is 00:00:00 on Gregorian calendar date 6 January, 1980 (start of GPS time). If timeInfoType is set to localClock, the origin of the time is unspecified.
ENUMERATED {localClock} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
referenceSFN-r16This field indicates the reference SFN corresponding to the reference time information. If referenceTimeInfo field is received in DLInformationTransfer message, this field indicates the SFN of PCell.
INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL -- Cond RefTime } ReferenceTime-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { refDays-r16 INTEGER (0..72999), refSeconds-r16 INTEGER (0..86399), refMilliSeconds-r16 INTEGER (0..999), refTenNanoSeconds-r16 INTEGER (0..99999) } -- TAG-REFERENCETIMEINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP
ReferenceTimeInfo field descriptions
This field indicates the reference SFN corresponding to the reference time information. If referenceTimeInfo field is received in DLInformationTransfer message, this field indicates the SFN of PCell.
This field indicates time reference with 10ns granularity. If included in DLInformationTransfer and if UE-side TA PDC is de-activated, the indicated time may not be referenced at the network, i.e., gNB may pre-compensate for RF propagation delay. If included in DLInformationTransfer and if UE is requested to transmit UE Rx-Tx time difference measurement, the indicated time may not be referenced at the network, i.e., gNB may pre-compensate for RF propagation delay. Otherwise, the indicated time is referenced at the network, i.e., without compensating for RF propagation delay. In an NTN cell, the indicated time is referenced at the uplink time synchronization reference point (RP), i.e., UE should take into account the propagation delay between UE and RP when determining the UTC time at the UE. The indicated time in 10ns unit from the origin is refDays*86400*1000*100000 + refSeconds*1000*100000 + refMilliSeconds*100000 + refTenNanoSeconds. The refDays field specifies the sequential number of days (with day count starting at 0) from the origin of the time field. If the referenceTimeInfo field is received in DLInformationTransfer message, the time field indicates the time at the ending boundary of the system frame indicated by referenceSFN. The UE considers this frame (indicated by referenceSFN) to be the frame which is nearest to the frame where the message is received (which can be either in the past or in the future). If the referenceTimeInfo field is received in SIB9, the time field indicates the time at the SFN boundary at or immediately after the ending boundary of the SI-window in which SIB9 is transmitted. If referenceTimeInfo field is received in SIB9, this field is excluded when determining changes in system information, i.e. changes of time should neither result in system information change notifications nor in a modification of valueTag in SIB1. NOTE:The estimated time in an NTN-cell may be less accurate than the estimated time in a TN-cell.
If timeInfoType is not included, the time indicates the GPS time and the origin of the time field is 00:00:00 on Gregorian calendar date 6 January, 1980 (start of GPS time). If timeInfoType is set to localClock, the origin of the time is unspecified.
This field indicates the uncertainty of the reference time information provided by the time field. The uncertainty is 25ns multiplied by this field. If this field is absent, the uncertainty is unspecified.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if referenceTimeInfo is included in DLInformationTransfer message; otherwise the field is absent.

The IE RejectWaitTime is used to provide the value in seconds for timer T302.

The IE RepetitionSchemeConfig is used to configure the UE with repetition schemes as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.
fdm-TDM-r16Configures UE with a repetition scheme among fdmSchemeA, fdmSchemeB and tdmSchemeA as specified in clause 5.1 of TS 38.214 [19]. The network does not set this field to release. Upon reception of this field in RepetitionSchemeConfig-r16, the UE shall release slotBased if previously configured in the same instance of RepetitionSchemeConfig-r16.
SetupRelease { FDM-TDM-r16 },
slotBased-r16Configures UE with slot-based repetition scheme. Network always configures this field when the parameter repetitionNumber is present in IE PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList. The network does not set this field to release. Upon reception of this field in RepetitionSchemeConfig-r16, the UE shall release fdm-TDM if previously configured in the same instance of RepetitionSchemeConfig-r16.
SetupRelease { SlotBased-r16 } } RepetitionSchemeConfig-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE { slotBased-v1630 SetupRelease { SlotBased-v1630 } } FDM-TDM-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { repetitionScheme-r16 ENUMERATED {fdmSchemeA, fdmSchemeB,tdmSchemeA },
startingSymbolOffsetK-r16The starting symbol of the second transmission occasion has K symbol offset relative to the last symbol of the first transmission occasion. When UE is configured with tdmSchemeA, the parameter startingSymbolOffsetK is present, otherwise absent.
INTEGER (0..7) OPTIONAL -- Need R } SlotBased-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
tciMapping-r16Enables TCI state mapping method to PDSCH transmission occasions.
ENUMERATED {cyclicMapping, sequentialMapping},
sequenceOffsetForRV-r16For slot-based repetition scheme, selected RV sequence is applied to transmission occasions associated to the first TCI state. The RV sequence associated to the second TCI state is determined by a RV offset from that selected RV sequence.
INTEGER (1..3) } SlotBased-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE {
tciMapping-r16Enables TCI state mapping method to PDSCH transmission occasions.
ENUMERATED {cyclicMapping, sequentialMapping},
sequenceOffsetForRV-r16For slot-based repetition scheme, selected RV sequence is applied to transmission occasions associated to the first TCI state. The RV sequence associated to the second TCI state is determined by a RV offset from that selected RV sequence.
RepetitionSchemeConfig field descriptions
Configures UE with a repetition scheme among fdmSchemeA, fdmSchemeB and tdmSchemeA as specified in clause 5.1 of TS 38.214 [19]. The network does not set this field to release. Upon reception of this field in RepetitionSchemeConfig-r16, the UE shall release slotBased if previously configured in the same instance of RepetitionSchemeConfig-r16.
For slot-based repetition scheme, selected RV sequence is applied to transmission occasions associated to the first TCI state. The RV sequence associated to the second TCI state is determined by a RV offset from that selected RV sequence.
Configures UE with slot-based repetition scheme. Network always configures this field when the parameter repetitionNumber is present in IE PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList. The network does not set this field to release. Upon reception of this field in RepetitionSchemeConfig-r16, the UE shall release fdm-TDM if previously configured in the same instance of RepetitionSchemeConfig-r16.
The starting symbol of the second transmission occasion has K symbol offset relative to the last symbol of the first transmission occasion. When UE is configured with tdmSchemeA, the parameter startingSymbolOffsetK is present, otherwise absent.
Enables TCI state mapping method to PDSCH transmission occasions.

The IE ReportConfigId is used to identify a measurement reporting configuration.

The IE ReportConfigInterRAT specifies criteria for triggering of an inter-RAT measurement reporting event, or an L2 U2N relay measurement reporting event. The inter-RAT measurement reporting events for E-UTRA and UTRA-FDD are labelled BN with N equal to 1, 2 and so on. The measurement reporting events for L2 U2N relay UE are labelled YN with N equal to 1, 2 and so on, and Z1.
reportTypeType of the configured measurement report. In (NG)EN-DC, and NR-DC, network does not configure report of type ReportCGI-EUTRAfor SCG.
CHOICE { periodical PeriodicalReportConfigInterRAT, eventTriggered EventTriggerConfigInterRAT, reportCGI ReportCGI-EUTRA, ..., reportSFTD ReportSFTD-EUTRA } } ReportCGI-EUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { cellForWhichToReportCGI EUTRA-PhysCellId, ..., [[
useAutonomousGaps-r16Indicates whether or not the UE is allowed to use autonomous gaps in acquiring system information from the E-UTRAN neighbour cell. When the field is included, the UE applies the corresponding value for T321.
ENUMERATED {setup} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } ReportSFTD-EUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { reportSFTD-Meas BOOLEAN, reportRSRP BOOLEAN, ... } EventTriggerConfigInterRAT ::= SEQUENCE {
eventIdChoice of inter RAT event triggered reporting criteria.
CHOICE { eventB1 SEQUENCE { b1-ThresholdEUTRA MeasTriggerQuantityEUTRA,
reportOnLeaveIndicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a cell in cellsTriggeredList or for a L2 U2N Relay UE inrelaysTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis Hysteresis,
timeToTriggerTime during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger, ... }, eventB2 SEQUENCE {
b2-Threshold1NR threshold to be used in inter RAT measurement report triggering condition for event B2.
MeasTriggerQuantity, b2-Threshold2EUTRA MeasTriggerQuantityEUTRA,
reportOnLeaveIndicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a cell in cellsTriggeredList or for a L2 U2N Relay UE inrelaysTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis Hysteresis,
timeToTriggerTime during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger, ... }, ..., [[ eventB1-UTRA-FDD-r16 SEQUENCE { b1-ThresholdUTRA-FDD-r16 MeasTriggerQuantityUTRA-FDD-r16,
reportOnLeave-r16Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a cell in cellsTriggeredList or for a L2 U2N Relay UE inrelaysTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis-r16 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r16Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger, ... }, eventB2-UTRA-FDD-r16 SEQUENCE {
b2-Threshold1-r16NR threshold to be used in inter RAT measurement report triggering condition for event B2.
MeasTriggerQuantity, b2-Threshold2UTRA-FDD-r16 MeasTriggerQuantityUTRA-FDD-r16,
reportOnLeave-r16Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a cell in cellsTriggeredList or for a L2 U2N Relay UE inrelaysTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis-r16 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r16Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger, ... } ]], [[ eventY1-Relay-r17 SEQUENCE {
y1-Threshold1-r17NR threshold to be used in measurement report triggering condition for event Y1.
y1-Threshold2-Relay-r17L2 U2N Relay threshold value associated with the selected trigger quantity (i.e. RSRP) to be used in measurement report triggering condition for event Y1.
reportOnLeave-r17Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a cell in cellsTriggeredList or for a L2 U2N Relay UE inrelaysTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis-r17 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r17Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger, ... }, eventY2-Relay-r17 SEQUENCE {
y2-Threshold-Relay-r17L2 U2N Relay threshold value associated with the selected trigger quantity (i.e. RSRP) to be used in measurement report triggering condition for event Y2.
reportOnLeave-r17Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a cell in cellsTriggeredList or for a L2 U2N Relay UE inrelaysTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis-r17 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r17Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger, ... } ]], [[ eventZ1-Relay-r18 SEQUENCE {
z1-Threshold1-Relay-r18L2 U2N Relay threshold value associated with the selected trigger quantity (i.e. SL-RSRP and/or SD-RSRP) to be used in measurement report triggering condition for serving Relay UE in event Z1. If the field sd-RSRP is not included, the UE considers it to be equal to sl-RSRP.
SEQUENCE { sl-RSRP-r18 SL-MeasTriggerQuantity-r16, sd-RSRP-r18 SL-MeasTriggerQuantity-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need S },
z1-Threshold2-Relay-r18L2 U2N Relay threshold value associated with the selected trigger quantity (i.e. SD-RSRP) to be used in measurement report triggering condition for candidate Relay UE in event Z1.
reportOnLeave-r18Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a cell in cellsTriggeredList or for a L2 U2N Relay UE inrelaysTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis-r18 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r18Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger, ... } ]] }, rsType NR-RS-Type, reportInterval ReportInterval,
reportAmountNumber of measurement reports applicable for eventTriggered as well as for periodical report types
ENUMERATED {r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity}, reportQuantity MeasReportQuantity,
maxReportCellsMax number of non-serving cells/candidate L2 U2N Relay UEs to include in the measurement report.
INTEGER (1..maxCellReport), ..., [[ reportQuantityUTRA-FDD-r16 MeasReportQuantityUTRA-FDD-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ includeCommonLocationInfo-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R includeBT-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {BT-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M includeWLAN-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {WLAN-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M includeSensor-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {Sensor-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
reportQuantityRelay-r17The L2 U2N Relay UE measurement quantity to be included in measuremet report.
SL-MeasReportQuantity-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ cellIndividualOffsetList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellMeasEUTRA)) OF CellIndividualOffsetList-EUTRA-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } PeriodicalReportConfigInterRAT ::= SEQUENCE { reportInterval ReportInterval,
reportAmountNumber of measurement reports applicable for eventTriggered as well as for periodical report types
ENUMERATED {r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity}, reportQuantity MeasReportQuantity,
maxReportCellsMax number of non-serving cells/candidate L2 U2N Relay UEs to include in the measurement report.
INTEGER (1..maxCellReport), ..., [[ reportQuantityUTRA-FDD-r16 MeasReportQuantityUTRA-FDD-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ includeCommonLocationInfo-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R includeBT-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {BT-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M includeWLAN-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {WLAN-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M includeSensor-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {Sensor-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
reportQuantityRelay-r17The L2 U2N Relay UE measurement quantity to be included in measuremet report.
SL-MeasReportQuantity-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } MeasTriggerQuantityUTRA-FDD-r16 ::= CHOICE{ utra-FDD-RSCP-r16 INTEGER (-5..91), utra-FDD-EcN0-r16 INTEGER (0..49) } MeasReportQuantityUTRA-FDD-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { cpich-RSCP BOOLEAN, cpich-EcN0 BOOLEAN } CellIndividualOffsetList-EUTRA-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { physCellId-r18 EUTRA-PhysCellId, cellIndividualOffset-r18 EUTRA-Q-OffsetRange, carrierFreq-r18 ARFCN-ValueEUTRA OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-REPORTCONFIGINTERRAT-STOP -- ASN1STOP
ReportConfigInterRAT field descriptions
Type of the configured measurement report. In (NG)EN-DC, and NR-DC, network does not configure report of type ReportCGI-EUTRAfor SCG.
ReportCGI-EUTRA field descriptions
Indicates whether or not the UE is allowed to use autonomous gaps in acquiring system information from the E-UTRAN neighbour cell. When the field is included, the UE applies the corresponding value for T321.
EventTriggerConfigInterRATfield descriptions
NR threshold to be used in inter RAT measurement report triggering condition for event B2.
E-UTRA threshold value associated with the selected trigger quantity (RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) to be used in inter RAT measurement report triggering condition for event number bN. In the same eventB2, the network configures the same CHOICE name (rsrp, rsrq or sinr) for the MeasTriggerQuantity of the b2-Threshold1 and for the MeasTriggerQuantityEUTRA of the b2-Threshold2EUTRA.
Choice of inter RAT event triggered reporting criteria.
Max number of non-serving cells/candidate L2 U2N Relay UEs to include in the measurement report.
Number of measurement reports applicable for eventTriggered as well as for periodical report types
Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a cell in cellsTriggeredList or for a L2 U2N Relay UE inrelaysTriggeredList, as specified in
reportQuantity, reportQuantityUTRA-FDD
The cell measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report. If the field eventB1-UTRA-FDD or eventB2-UTRA-FDD is present, the UE shall ignore the value(s) provided in reportQuantity.
The L2 U2N Relay UE measurement quantity to be included in measuremet report.
Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
UTRA-FDD threshold value associated with the selected trigger quantity (RSCP, EcN0) to be used in inter RAT measurement report triggering condition for event number bN. utra-FDD-RSCP corresponds to CPICH_RSCP in TS 25.133 [46] for FDD. utra-FDD-EcN0 corresponds to CPICH_Ec/No in TS 25.133 [46] for FDD. For utra-FDD-RSCP: The actual value is field value – 115 dBm. For utra-FDD-EcN0: The actual value is (field value – 49)/2 dB.
NR threshold to be used in measurement report triggering condition for event Y1.
L2 U2N Relay threshold value associated with the selected trigger quantity (i.e. RSRP) to be used in measurement report triggering condition for event Y1.
L2 U2N Relay threshold value associated with the selected trigger quantity (i.e. RSRP) to be used in measurement report triggering condition for event Y2.
L2 U2N Relay threshold value associated with the selected trigger quantity (i.e. SL-RSRP and/or SD-RSRP) to be used in measurement report triggering condition for serving Relay UE in event Z1. If the field sd-RSRP is not included, the UE considers it to be equal to sl-RSRP.
L2 U2N Relay threshold value associated with the selected trigger quantity (i.e. SD-RSRP) to be used in measurement report triggering condition for candidate Relay UE in event Z1.

The IE ReportConfigNR specifies criteria for triggering of an NR measurement reporting event or of a CHO,CPA or CPC event or of an L2 U2N relay measurement reporting event. For events labelled AN with N equal to 1, 2 and so on, measurement reporting events and CHO,CPA or CPC events are based on cell measurement results, which can either be derived based on SS/PBCH block or CSI-RS. For event I1, measurement reporting event is based on CLI measurement results, which can either be derived based on SRS-RSRP or CLI-RSSI. Event I1:Interference becomes higher than absolute threshold; The reporting events concerning Aerial UE altitude are labelled HN with N equal to 1 and 2. Additionally, the reporting events concerning Aerial UE altitude and the neighboring cell measurements simultaneously are labelled AMHN with M equal to 3, 4, 5 and N equal to 1, 2.
reportTypeType of the configured measurement report. In MR-DC, network does not configure report of type reportCGI using SRB3. ThecondTriggerConfig is used for CHO, CPA or CPC configuration.
CHOICE { periodical PeriodicalReportConfig, eventTriggered EventTriggerConfig, ..., reportCGI ReportCGI, reportSFTD ReportSFTD-NR, condTriggerConfig-r16 CondTriggerConfig-r16, cli-Periodical-r16 CLI-PeriodicalReportConfig-r16, cli-EventTriggered-r16 CLI-EventTriggerConfig-r16, rxTxPeriodical-r17 RxTxPeriodical-r17, reportOnScellActivation-r18 ReportOnScellActivation-r18 } } ReportCGI ::= SEQUENCE { cellForWhichToReportCGI PhysCellId, ..., [[
useAutonomousGaps-r16Indicates whether or not the UE is allowed to use autonomous gaps in acquiring system information from the NR neighbour cell. When the field is included, the UE applies the corresponding value for T321.
ENUMERATED {setup} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } ReportSFTD-NR ::= SEQUENCE {
reportSFTD-MeasIndicates whether UE is required to perform SFTD measurement between PCell and NR PSCell in NR-DC.
reportRSRPIndicates whether UE is required to include RSRP result of NR PSCell or NR neighbour cells in SFTD measurement result, derived based on SSB. If it is set to true, the network should ensure that ssb-ConfigMobilityis included in the measurement object for NR PSCell or NR neighbour cells.
BOOLEAN, ..., [[
reportSFTD-NeighMeasIndicates whether UE is required to perform SFTD measurement between PCell and NR neighbour cells in NR standalone. The network does not include this field if reportSFTD-Meas is set to true.
drx-SFTD-NeighMeasIndicates that the UE shall use available idle periods (i.e. DRX off periods) for the SFTD measurement in NR standalone. The network only includes drx-SFTD-NeighMeas field when reprtSFTD-NeighMeas is set to true.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R cellsForWhichToReportSFTD SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellSFTD)) OF PhysCellId OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } CondTriggerConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
condEventIdChoice of NR conditional reconfiguration event triggered criteria.
a3-OffsetOffset value(s) to be used in NR conditional reconfiguration triggering condition for cond event a3. The actual value is field value * 0.5 dB.
MeasTriggerQuantityOffset, hysteresis Hysteresis,
timeToTriggerTime during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger }, condEventA5 SEQUENCE { a5-Threshold1 MeasTriggerQuantity, a5-Threshold2 MeasTriggerQuantity, hysteresis Hysteresis,
timeToTriggerTime during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger }, ..., condEventA4-r17 SEQUENCE {
a4-Threshold-r17Threshold value associated to the selected trigger quantity (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) per RS Type (e.g. SS/PBCH block, CSI-RS) to be used in NR conditional reconfiguration triggering condition for cond event a4.
MeasTriggerQuantity, hysteresis-r17 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r17Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger }, condEventD1-r17 SEQUENCE { distanceThreshFromReference1-r17 INTEGER(0..65525), distanceThreshFromReference2-r17 INTEGER(0..65525), referenceLocation1-r17 ReferenceLocation-r17, referenceLocation2-r17 ReferenceLocation-r17, hysteresisLocation-r17 HysteresisLocation-r17,
timeToTrigger-r17Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger }, condEventT1-r17 SEQUENCE {
t1-Threshold-r17The field counts the number of UTC seconds in 10 ms units since 00:00:00 on Gregorian calendar date 1 January, 1900 (midnight between Sunday, December 31, 1899 and Monday, January 1, 1900).
INTEGER (0..549755813887),
duration-r17This field is used for defining the leaving condition T1-2 for conditional HO event condEventT1. Each step represents 100ms.
INTEGER (1..6000) }, condEventD2-r18 SEQUENCE { distanceThreshFromReference1-r18 INTEGER(0..65535), distanceThreshFromReference2-r18 INTEGER(0..65535), hysteresisLocation-r18 HysteresisLocation-r17,
timeToTrigger-r18Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger } },
rsType-r16Indicates which RS is used to provide the measurement result. Only value ssb can be set in this release.
NR-RS-Type, ..., [[
nesEvent-r18Indicates the event is a NES-specific CHO event and the event is only considered to be satisfied if indication from lower layers is received indicating the applicability of NES-specific CHO event and the related entry condition(s) is fulfilled. This field can only be configured for condEventA3, condEventA4 or condEventA5. This field cannot be configured for CPAC.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } EventTriggerConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
eventIdChoice of CLI event triggered reporting criteria.
CHOICE { eventA1 SEQUENCE { a1-Threshold MeasTriggerQuantity,
reportOnLeaveIndicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis Hysteresis,
timeToTriggerTime during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger }, eventA2 SEQUENCE { a2-Threshold MeasTriggerQuantity,
reportOnLeaveIndicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis Hysteresis,
timeToTriggerTime during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger }, eventA3 SEQUENCE {
a3-OffsetOffset value(s) to be used in NR conditional reconfiguration triggering condition for cond event a3. The actual value is field value * 0.5 dB.
reportOnLeaveIndicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis Hysteresis,
timeToTriggerTime during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
useAllowedCellListIndicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
a4-ThresholdThreshold value associated to the selected trigger quantity (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) per RS Type (e.g. SS/PBCH block, CSI-RS) to be used in NR conditional reconfiguration triggering condition for cond event a4.
reportOnLeaveIndicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis Hysteresis,
timeToTriggerTime during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
useAllowedCellListIndicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
BOOLEAN }, eventA5 SEQUENCE { a5-Threshold1 MeasTriggerQuantity, a5-Threshold2 MeasTriggerQuantity,
reportOnLeaveIndicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis Hysteresis,
timeToTriggerTime during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
useAllowedCellListIndicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
BOOLEAN }, eventA6 SEQUENCE { a6-Offset MeasTriggerQuantityOffset,
reportOnLeaveIndicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis Hysteresis,
timeToTriggerTime during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
useAllowedCellListIndicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
BOOLEAN }, ..., [[ eventX1-r17 SEQUENCE { x1-Threshold1-Relay-r17 SL-MeasTriggerQuantity-r16, x1-Threshold2-r17 MeasTriggerQuantity,
reportOnLeave-r17Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis-r17 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r17Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
useAllowedCellList-r17Indicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
BOOLEAN }, eventX2-r17 SEQUENCE { x2-Threshold-Relay-r17 SL-MeasTriggerQuantity-r16,
reportOnLeave-r17Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis-r17 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r17Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger }, eventD1-r17 SEQUENCE { distanceThreshFromReference1-r17 INTEGER(1..65525), distanceThreshFromReference2-r17 INTEGER(1..65525), referenceLocation1-r17 ReferenceLocation-r17, referenceLocation2-r17 ReferenceLocation-r17,
reportOnLeave-r17Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresisLocation-r17 HysteresisLocation-r17,
timeToTrigger-r17Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger } ]], [[ eventH1-r18 SEQUENCE { h1-Threshold-r18 Altitude-r18, h1-Hysteresis-r18 HysteresisAltitude-r18,
reportOnLeave-r18Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
timeToTrigger-r18Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
includeAltitudeUE-r18This field is used to request UE to report altitude information.
simulMultiTriggerSingleMeasReport-r18Indicates when multiple events with the same eventIDsatisfy the measurement report triggering condition(s), whether to consider only the event with the smallest value between the altitude of the UE and the configured altitude threshold.
BOOLEAN }, eventH2-r18 SEQUENCE { h2-Threshold-r18 Altitude-r18, h2-Hysteresis-r18 HysteresisAltitude-r18,
reportOnLeave-r18Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
timeToTrigger-r18Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
includeAltitudeUE-r18This field is used to request UE to report altitude information.
simulMultiTriggerSingleMeasReport-r18Indicates when multiple events with the same eventIDsatisfy the measurement report triggering condition(s), whether to consider only the event with the smallest value between the altitude of the UE and the configured altitude threshold.
BOOLEAN }, eventA3H1-r18 SEQUENCE {
a3-Offset-r18Offset value(s) to be used in NR conditional reconfiguration triggering condition for cond event a3. The actual value is field value * 0.5 dB.
reportOnLeave-r18Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, a3-Hysteresis-r18 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r18Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
useAllowedCellList-r18Indicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
BOOLEAN, h1-Threshold-r18 Altitude-r18, h1-Hysteresis-r18 HysteresisAltitude-r18,
includeAltitudeUE-r18This field is used to request UE to report altitude information.
simulMultiTriggerSingleMeasReport-r18Indicates when multiple events with the same eventIDsatisfy the measurement report triggering condition(s), whether to consider only the event with the smallest value between the altitude of the UE and the configured altitude threshold.
BOOLEAN }, eventA3H2-r18 SEQUENCE {
a3-Offset-r18Offset value(s) to be used in NR conditional reconfiguration triggering condition for cond event a3. The actual value is field value * 0.5 dB.
reportOnLeave-r18Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, a3-Hysteresis-r18 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r18Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
useAllowedCellList-r18Indicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
BOOLEAN, h2-Threshold-r18 Altitude-r18, h2-Hysteresis-r18 HysteresisAltitude-r18,
includeAltitudeUE-r18This field is used to request UE to report altitude information.
simulMultiTriggerSingleMeasReport-r18Indicates when multiple events with the same eventIDsatisfy the measurement report triggering condition(s), whether to consider only the event with the smallest value between the altitude of the UE and the configured altitude threshold.
BOOLEAN }, eventA4H1-r18 SEQUENCE {
a4-Threshold-r18Threshold value associated to the selected trigger quantity (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) per RS Type (e.g. SS/PBCH block, CSI-RS) to be used in NR conditional reconfiguration triggering condition for cond event a4.
reportOnLeave-r18Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, a4-Hysteresis-r18 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r18Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
useAllowedCellList-r18Indicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
BOOLEAN, h1-Threshold-r18 Altitude-r18, h1-Hysteresis-r18 HysteresisAltitude-r18,
includeAltitudeUE-r18This field is used to request UE to report altitude information.
simulMultiTriggerSingleMeasReport-r18Indicates when multiple events with the same eventIDsatisfy the measurement report triggering condition(s), whether to consider only the event with the smallest value between the altitude of the UE and the configured altitude threshold.
BOOLEAN }, eventA4H2-r18 SEQUENCE {
a4-Threshold-r18Threshold value associated to the selected trigger quantity (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) per RS Type (e.g. SS/PBCH block, CSI-RS) to be used in NR conditional reconfiguration triggering condition for cond event a4.
reportOnLeave-r18Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, a4-Hysteresis-r18 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r18Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
useAllowedCellList-r18Indicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
BOOLEAN, h2-Threshold-r18 Altitude-r18, h2-Hysteresis-r18 HysteresisAltitude-r18,
includeAltitudeUE-r18This field is used to request UE to report altitude information.
simulMultiTriggerSingleMeasReport-r18Indicates when multiple events with the same eventIDsatisfy the measurement report triggering condition(s), whether to consider only the event with the smallest value between the altitude of the UE and the configured altitude threshold.
BOOLEAN }, eventA5H1-r18 SEQUENCE { a5-Threshold1-r18 MeasTriggerQuantity, a5-Threshold2-r18 MeasTriggerQuantity,
reportOnLeave-r18Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, a5-Hysteresis-r18 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r18Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
useAllowedCellList-r18Indicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
BOOLEAN, h1-Threshold-r18 Altitude-r18, h1-Hysteresis-r18 HysteresisAltitude-r18,
includeAltitudeUE-r18This field is used to request UE to report altitude information.
simulMultiTriggerSingleMeasReport-r18Indicates when multiple events with the same eventIDsatisfy the measurement report triggering condition(s), whether to consider only the event with the smallest value between the altitude of the UE and the configured altitude threshold.
BOOLEAN }, eventA5H2-r18 SEQUENCE { a5-Threshold1-r18 MeasTriggerQuantity, a5-Threshold2-r18 MeasTriggerQuantity,
reportOnLeave-r18Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, a5-Hysteresis-r18 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r18Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
useAllowedCellList-r18Indicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
BOOLEAN, h2-Threshold-r18 Altitude-r18, h2-Hysteresis-r18 HysteresisAltitude-r18,
includeAltitudeUE-r18This field is used to request UE to report altitude information.
simulMultiTriggerSingleMeasReport-r18Indicates when multiple events with the same eventIDsatisfy the measurement report triggering condition(s), whether to consider only the event with the smallest value between the altitude of the UE and the configured altitude threshold.
BOOLEAN }, eventD2-r18 SEQUENCE { distanceThreshFromReference1-r18 INTEGER(1..65535), distanceThreshFromReference2-r18 INTEGER(1..65535),
reportOnLeave-r18Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresisLocation-r18 HysteresisLocation-r17,
timeToTrigger-r18Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger } ]] },
rsTypeIndicates which RS is used to provide the measurement result. Only value ssb can be set in this release.
NR-RS-Type, reportInterval ReportInterval,
reportAmountThis field indicates the number of UE Rx-Tx time difference measurement reports. If configured to r1, the network does not configure rxTxReportInterval and only one measurement is reported. If configured to infinity, UE periodically reports measurements according to the periodicity configured by rxTxReportInterval.
ENUMERATED {r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity},
reportQuantityCellThe cell measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report.
maxReportCellsMax number of non-serving cells to include in the measurement report.
INTEGER (1..maxCellReport),
reportQuantityRS-IndexesIndicates which measurement information per RS index is used to sort the reported measurement results and is included in the measurement report.
MeasReportQuantity OPTIONAL, -- Need R
maxNrofRS-IndexesToReportMax number of RS indexes to include in the measurement report.
INTEGER (1..maxNrofIndexesToReport) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
includeBeamMeasurementsIndicates whether to include the measurement result per RS index in the measurement report.
reportAddNeighMeasIndicates that the UE shall include the best neighbour cells per serving frequency.
ENUMERATED {setup} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ measRSSI-ReportConfig-r16 MeasRSSI-ReportConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
useT312-r16If value TRUE is configured, the UE shall use the timer T312 with the value t312 as specified in the corresponding measObjectNR. If value FALSE is configured, the timer T312 is considered as disabled. Network configures value TRUEonly if reportTypeis set to eventTriggered.
BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- Need M includeCommonLocationInfo-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R includeBT-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {BT-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M includeWLAN-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {WLAN-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M includeSensor-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {Sensor-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
coarseLocationRequest-r17This field is used to request UE to report coarse location information.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R reportQuantityRelay-r17 SL-MeasReportQuantity-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
numberOfTriggeringCells-r18Indicates the number of cells detected that are required to fulfill an event for a measurement report to be triggered. This field is applicable only for the events concerning neighbor cells, i.e.eventA3,eventA4, eventA5, eventA3H1, eventA3H2, eventA4H1, eventA4H2, eventA5H1, eventA5H2.
INTEGER (2..maxCellReport) OPTIONAL, -- Need R cellIndividualOffsetList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCellMeas)) OF CellIndividualOffsetList-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R eventX1-SD-Threshold1-r18 SL-MeasTriggerQuantity-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need S eventX2-SD-Threshold-r18 SL-MeasTriggerQuantity-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need S
reportOnBestCellChange-r18Indicates whether the UE shall only send measurement report if the measured best cell (when configured to n1) or two best cells (when configured to n2) have changed. In this release of the specification, this field is applicable only for the events concerning neighbor cells. This field can only be configured when the value of the field reportAmount is set to any other value than r1.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R enteringLeavingReport-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } PeriodicalReportConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
rsTypeIndicates which RS is used to provide the measurement result. Only value ssb can be set in this release.
NR-RS-Type, reportInterval ReportInterval,
reportAmountThis field indicates the number of UE Rx-Tx time difference measurement reports. If configured to r1, the network does not configure rxTxReportInterval and only one measurement is reported. If configured to infinity, UE periodically reports measurements according to the periodicity configured by rxTxReportInterval.
ENUMERATED {r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity},
reportQuantityCellThe cell measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report.
maxReportCellsMax number of non-serving cells to include in the measurement report.
INTEGER (1..maxCellReport),
reportQuantityRS-IndexesIndicates which measurement information per RS index is used to sort the reported measurement results and is included in the measurement report.
MeasReportQuantity OPTIONAL, -- Need R
maxNrofRS-IndexesToReportMax number of RS indexes to include in the measurement report.
INTEGER (1..maxNrofIndexesToReport) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
includeBeamMeasurementsIndicates whether to include the measurement result per RS index in the measurement report.
useAllowedCellListIndicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
BOOLEAN, ..., [[ measRSSI-ReportConfig-r16 MeasRSSI-ReportConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R includeCommonLocationInfo-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R includeBT-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {BT-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M includeWLAN-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {WLAN-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M includeSensor-Meas-r16 SetupRelease {Sensor-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ul-DelayValueConfig-r16Indicates that the UE shall perform the actual UL PDCP Packet Average Delay measurement per DRB as specified in TS 38.314 [53] and the UE shall ignore the fields reportQuantityCell and maxReportCells. The applicable values for the corresponding reportInterval are (one of the) {ms120, ms240, ms480, ms640, ms1024, ms2048, ms5120, ms10240, ms20480, ms40960, min1,min6, min12, min30}. The reportInterval indicates the periodicity for performing and reporting of UL PDCP Packet Average Delay per DRB measurement as specified in TS 38.314 [53].
SetupRelease { UL-DelayValueConfig-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
reportAddNeighMeas-r16Indicates that the UE shall include the best neighbour cells per serving frequency.
ENUMERATED {setup} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
ul-ExcessDelayConfig-r17Indicates that the UE shall perform the actual UL PDCP Excess Packet Delay per DRB measurement as specified in TS 38.314 [53] and the UE shall ignore the fields reportQuantityCell and maxReportCells. The applicable values for the corresponding reportInterval are (one of the) {ms120, ms240, ms480, ms640, ms1024, ms2048, ms5120, ms10240, ms20480, ms40960, min1,min6, min12, min30}. The reportInterval indicates the periodicity for performing and reporting of UL PDCP Excess Packet Delay per DRB measurement as specified in TS 38.314 [53].
SetupRelease { UL-ExcessDelayConfig-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
coarseLocationRequest-r17This field is used to request UE to report coarse location information.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R reportQuantityRelay-r17 SL-MeasReportQuantity-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } NR-RS-Type ::= ENUMERATED {ssb, csi-rs} MeasTriggerQuantity ::= CHOICE { rsrp RSRP-Range, rsrq RSRQ-Range, sinr SINR-Range } MeasTriggerQuantityOffset ::= CHOICE { rsrp INTEGER (-30..30), rsrq INTEGER (-30..30), sinr INTEGER (-30..30) } MeasReportQuantity ::= SEQUENCE { rsrp BOOLEAN, rsrq BOOLEAN, sinr BOOLEAN } MeasRSSI-ReportConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
channelOccupancyThreshold-r16RSSI threshold which is used for channel occupancy evaluation.
RSSI-Range-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R } CLI-EventTriggerConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
eventId-r16Choice of CLI event triggered reporting criteria.
CHOICE { eventI1-r16 SEQUENCE {
i1-Threshold-r16Threshold value associated to the selected trigger quantity (e.g. SRS-RSRP, CLI-RSSI) to be used in CLI measurement report triggering condition for event i1.
reportOnLeave-r16Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
BOOLEAN, hysteresis-r16 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r16Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger }, ... }, reportInterval-r16 ReportInterval,
reportAmount-r16This field indicates the number of UE Rx-Tx time difference measurement reports. If configured to r1, the network does not configure rxTxReportInterval and only one measurement is reported. If configured to infinity, UE periodically reports measurements according to the periodicity configured by rxTxReportInterval.
ENUMERATED {r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity},
maxReportCLI-r16Max number of CLI measurement resource to include in the measurement report.
INTEGER (1..maxCLI-Report-r16), ... } CLI-PeriodicalReportConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { reportInterval-r16 ReportInterval,
reportAmount-r16This field indicates the number of UE Rx-Tx time difference measurement reports. If configured to r1, the network does not configure rxTxReportInterval and only one measurement is reported. If configured to infinity, UE periodically reports measurements according to the periodicity configured by rxTxReportInterval.
ENUMERATED {r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity},
reportQuantityCLI-r16The CLI measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report.
maxReportCLI-r16Max number of CLI measurement resource to include in the measurement report.
INTEGER (1..maxCLI-Report-r16), ... } RxTxPeriodical-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
rxTxReportInterval-r17This field indicates the measurement reporting periodicity of UE Rx-Tx time difference.
RxTxReportInterval-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
reportAmount-r17This field indicates the number of UE Rx-Tx time difference measurement reports. If configured to r1, the network does not configure rxTxReportInterval and only one measurement is reported. If configured to infinity, UE periodically reports measurements according to the periodicity configured by rxTxReportInterval.
ENUMERATED {r1, infinity, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, ... } RxTxReportInterval-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {ms80,ms120,ms160,ms240,ms320,ms480,ms640,ms1024,ms1280,ms2048,ms2560,ms5120,spare4,spare3,spare2,spare1} MeasTriggerQuantityCLI-r16 ::= CHOICE { srs-RSRP-r16 SRS-RSRP-Range-r16, cli-RSSI-r16 CLI-RSSI-Range-r16 } MeasReportQuantityCLI-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {srs-rsrp, cli-rssi} ReportOnScellActivation-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
rsType-r18Indicates which RS is used to provide the measurement result. Only value ssb can be set in this release.
reportQuantityRS-Indexes-r18Indicates which measurement information per RS index is used to sort the reported measurement results and is included in the measurement report.
maxNrofRS-IndexesToReport-r18Max number of RS indexes to include in the measurement report.
INTEGER (1..maxNrofIndexesToReport),
includeBeamMeasurements-r18Indicates whether to include the measurement result per RS index in the measurement report.
BOOLEAN } CellIndividualOffsetList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
physCellId-r18Physical cell identity of a cell in the cell list.
cellIndividualOffset-r18Cell individual offsets applicable to a specific measurement event. If this field is present, the UE, for the same cell, shall ignore the cell individual offset configured within the MeasObjectNR of the measID associated with this ReportConfigNR.
ssbFrequency-r18Indicates the NR frequency of SS for which cellIndividualOffset is applicable. If the field is not configured, the NR frequency of SS indicated by ssbFrequency indicated within the MeasObjectNR of the measID associated with this ReportConfigNR applies.
PeriodicalReportConfigInterRAT field descriptions
Max number of non-serving cells/candidate L2 U2N Relay UEs to include in the measurement report.
Number of measurement reports applicable for eventTriggered as well as for periodical report types
reportQuantity, reportQuantityUTRA-FDD
The cell measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report. If the field reportQuantityUTRA-FDD is present, the UE shall ignore the value(s) provided in reportQuantity.
CellIndividualOffsetList-EUTRAfield descriptions
Indicates the EUTRA frequency for which cellIndividualOffset is applicable. If the field is not configured, the EUTRA frequency indicated by carrierFreq within the MeasObjectEUTRA of the measID associated with this ReportConfigInterRAT applies.
Cell individual offsets applicable to a specific measurement event. If this field is present, the UE, for the same cell, shall ignore the cell individual offset configured within the MeasObjectEUTRA of the measID associated with this ReportConfigInterRAT.
Physical cell identity of a E-UTRAN cell in the cell list.
CondTriggerConfig field descriptions
Offset value(s) to be used in NR conditional reconfiguration triggering condition for cond event a3. The actual value is field value * 0.5 dB.
Threshold value associated to the selected trigger quantity (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) per RS Type (e.g. SS/PBCH block, CSI-RS) to be used in NR conditional reconfiguration triggering condition for cond event a4.
a5-Threshold1/ a5-Threshold2
Threshold value associated to the selected trigger quantity (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) per RS Type (e.g. SS/PBCH block, CSI-RS) to be used in NR conditional reconfiguration triggering condition for cond event a5. In the same condeventA5, the network configures the same quantity for the MeasTriggerQuantity of the a5-Threshold1 and for the MeasTriggerQuantity of the a5-Threshold2.
Choice of NR conditional reconfiguration event triggered criteria.
distanceThreshFromReference1, distanceThreshFromReference2
Distance from a fixed reference location configured with referenceLocation1 or referenceLocation2for condEventD1. Distance from a moving reference location determined by the UE based on the serving cell movingReferenceLocation broadcast in SIB19 or referenceLocationand the corresponding epoch time and satellite ephemeris configured within the MeasObjectNR associated to the event for condEventD2. Each step represents 50m.
This field is used for defining the leaving condition T1-2 for conditional HO event condEventT1. Each step represents 100ms.
Indicates the event is a NES-specific CHO event and the event is only considered to be satisfied if indication from lower layers is received indicating the applicability of NES-specific CHO event and the related entry condition(s) is fulfilled. This field can only be configured for condEventA3, condEventA4 or condEventA5. This field cannot be configured for CPAC.
referenceLocation1, referenceLocation2
The referenceLocation1 is associated to serving cell and referenceLocation2 is associated to candidate target cell.
The field counts the number of UTC seconds in 10 ms units since 00:00:00 on Gregorian calendar date 1 January, 1900 (midnight between Sunday, December 31, 1899 and Monday, January 1, 1900).
Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to execute the conditional reconfiguration evaluation.
ReportConfigNRfield descriptions
Type of the configured measurement report. In MR-DC, network does not configure report of type reportCGI using SRB3. ThecondTriggerConfig is used for CHO, CPA or CPC configuration.
ReportCGIfield descriptions
Indicates whether or not the UE is allowed to use autonomous gaps in acquiring system information from the NR neighbour cell. When the field is included, the UE applies the corresponding value for T321.
EventTriggerConfig field descriptions
Offset value(s) to be used in NR measurement report triggering condition for event a3/a6. The actual value is field value * 0.5 dB.
Threshold value associated to the selected trigger quantity (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) per RS Type (e.g. SS/PBCH block, CSI-RS) to be used in NR measurement report triggering condition for event number aN. If multiple thresholds are defined for event number aN, the thresholds are differentiated by M. In the same eventA5, eventA5H1, eventA5H2,the network configures the same quantity for the MeasTriggerQuantity of the a5-Threshold1 and for the MeasTriggerQuantity of the a5-Threshold2.
RSSI threshold which is used for channel occupancy evaluation.
This field is used to request UE to report coarse location information.
distanceThreshFromReference1, distanceThreshFromReference2
Distance from a fixed reference location configured with referenceLocation1 or referenceLocation2 for eventD1. Distance from a moving reference location determined by the UE based on the serving cell movingReferenceLocation broadcast in SIB19 or referenceLocation and the corresponding epoch time and satellite ephemeris configured within the MeasObjectNR associated to the event for eventD2. Each step represents 50m.
Choice of NR event triggered reporting criteria.
Indicates the SD-RSRP threshold value for the serving L2 U2N Relay UE in event XN (N equals 1 or 2). If this field is not included, the UE considers the SD-RSRP threshold value equals to the one indicated by x1-Threshold1-Relay/ x2-Threshold-Relay.
This field is used to request UE to report altitude information.
Max number of RS indexes to include in the measurement report for A1-A6 events.
Max number of non-serving cells to include in the measurement report.
Indicates the number of cells detected that are required to fulfill an event for a measurement report to be triggered. This field is applicable only for the events concerning neighbor cells, i.e.eventA3,eventA4, eventA5, eventA3H1, eventA3H2, eventA4H1, eventA4H2, eventA5H1, eventA5H2.
referenceLocation1, referenceLocation2
The referenceLocation1 is associated to serving cell and referenceLocation2 is associated to neighbour cell.
Indicates that the UE shall include the best neighbour cells per serving frequency.
Number of measurement reports applicable for eventTriggered as well as for periodical report types.
Indicates whether the UE shall only send measurement report if the measured best cell (when configured to n1) or two best cells (when configured to n2) have changed. In this release of the specification, this field is applicable only for the events concerning neighbor cells. This field can only be configured when the value of the field reportAmount is set to any other value than r1.
Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a cell in cellsTriggeredList or for a L2 U2N Relay UE inrelaysTriggeredList, as specified in Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met if configured in eventD1, eventD2, eventH1, eventH2 as specified in
The cell measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report.
Indicates which measurement information per RS index the UE shall include in the measurement report.
Indicates when multiple events with the same eventIDsatisfy the measurement report triggering condition(s), whether to consider only the event with the smallest value between the altitude of the UE and the configured altitude threshold.
Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
Indicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
If value TRUE is configured, the UE shall use the timer T312 with the value t312 as specified in the corresponding measObjectNR. If value FALSE is configured, the timer T312 is considered as disabled. Network configures value TRUEonly if reportTypeis set to eventTriggered.
Threshold value associated to the selected trigger quantity (e.g. RSRP, RSRQ, SINR) per RS Type (e.g. SS/PBCH block, CSI-RS) to be used in NR measurement report triggering condition for event xN. If multiple thresholds are defined for event number xN, the thresholds are differentiated by M. x1-Threshold1 and x2-Threshold indicates the threshold value for the serving L2 U2N Relay UE, x1-Threshold2 indicates the threshold value for the NR Cells.
CLI-EventTriggerConfig field descriptions
Threshold value associated to the selected trigger quantity (e.g. SRS-RSRP, CLI-RSSI) to be used in CLI measurement report triggering condition for event i1.
Choice of CLI event triggered reporting criteria.
Max number of CLI measurement resource to include in the measurement report.
Number of measurement reports.
Indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a CLI measurement resource in srsTriggeredList or rssiTriggeredList, as specified in
Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
CLI-PeriodicalReportConfig field descriptions
Max number of CLI measurement resource to include in the measurement report.
Number of measurement reports.
The CLI measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report.
PeriodicalReportConfig field descriptions
This field is used to request UE to report coarse location information.
Max number of RS indexes to include in the measurement report.
Max number of non-serving cells to include in the measurement report.
Indicates that the UE shall include the best neighbour cells per serving frequency.
Number of measurement reports applicable for eventTriggered as well as for periodical report types
The cell measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report.
Indicates which measurement information per RS index the UE shall include in the measurement report.
Indicates that the UE shall perform the actual UL PDCP Packet Average Delay measurement per DRB as specified in TS 38.314 [53] and the UE shall ignore the fields reportQuantityCell and maxReportCells. The applicable values for the corresponding reportInterval are (one of the) {ms120, ms240, ms480, ms640, ms1024, ms2048, ms5120, ms10240, ms20480, ms40960, min1,min6, min12, min30}. The reportInterval indicates the periodicity for performing and reporting of UL PDCP Packet Average Delay per DRB measurement as specified in TS 38.314 [53].
Indicates that the UE shall perform the actual UL PDCP Excess Packet Delay per DRB measurement as specified in TS 38.314 [53] and the UE shall ignore the fields reportQuantityCell and maxReportCells. The applicable values for the corresponding reportInterval are (one of the) {ms120, ms240, ms480, ms640, ms1024, ms2048, ms5120, ms10240, ms20480, ms40960, min1,min6, min12, min30}. The reportInterval indicates the periodicity for performing and reporting of UL PDCP Excess Packet Delay per DRB measurement as specified in TS 38.314 [53].
Indicates whether only the cells included in the allow-list of the associated measObject are applicable as specified in
ReportSFTD-NR field descriptions
Indicates the target NR neighbour cells for SFTD measurement between PCell and NR neighbour cells.
Indicates that the UE shall use available idle periods (i.e. DRX off periods) for the SFTD measurement in NR standalone. The network only includes drx-SFTD-NeighMeas field when reprtSFTD-NeighMeas is set to true.
Indicates whether UE is required to perform SFTD measurement between PCell and NR PSCell in NR-DC.
Indicates whether UE is required to perform SFTD measurement between PCell and NR neighbour cells in NR standalone. The network does not include this field if reportSFTD-Meas is set to true.
Indicates whether UE is required to include RSRP result of NR PSCell or NR neighbour cells in SFTD measurement result, derived based on SSB. If it is set to true, the network should ensure that ssb-ConfigMobilityis included in the measurement object for NR PSCell or NR neighbour cells.
RxTxPeriodical field descriptions
This field indicates the number of UE Rx-Tx time difference measurement reports. If configured to r1, the network does not configure rxTxReportInterval and only one measurement is reported. If configured to infinity, UE periodically reports measurements according to the periodicity configured by rxTxReportInterval.
This field indicates the measurement reporting periodicity of UE Rx-Tx time difference.
otherfield descriptions
SINR is applicable only for CONNECTED mode events.
ReportOnScellActivation field descriptions
Indicates which RS is used to provide the measurement result. Only value ssb can be set in this release.
Indicates which measurement information per RS index is used to sort the reported measurement results and is included in the measurement report.
Max number of RS indexes to include in the measurement report.
Indicates whether to include the measurement result per RS index in the measurement report.
CellIndividualOffsetList field descriptions
Cell individual offsets applicable to a specific measurement event. If this field is present, the UE, for the same cell, shall ignore the cell individual offset configured within the MeasObjectNR of the measID associated with this ReportConfigNR.
Physical cell identity of a cell in the cell list.
Indicates the NR frequency of SS for which cellIndividualOffset is applicable. If the field is not configured, the NR frequency of SS indicated by ssbFrequency indicated within the MeasObjectNR of the measID associated with this ReportConfigNR applies.

The IE ReportConfigNR-SL specifies criteria for triggering of a CBR measurement reporting event for NR sidelink communication/discovery. Measurement reporting events are based on CBR measurement results on the corresponding transmission resource pools. These events are labelled CN with N equal to 1 and 2. Event C1:CBR of NR sidelink communication/discovery is above a threshold; Event C2:CBR of NR sidelink communication/discovery is below a threshold;
reportType-r16Type of the configured CBR measurement report for NR sidelink communication/discovery.
CHOICE { periodical-r16 PeriodicalReportConfigNR-SL-r16, eventTriggered-r16 EventTriggerConfigNR-SL-r16 } } EventTriggerConfigNR-SL-r16::= SEQUENCE {
eventId-r16Choice of NR event triggered reporting criteria.
CHOICE { eventC1 SEQUENCE { c1-Threshold-r16 SL-CBR-r16, hysteresis-r16 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r16Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger }, eventC2-r16 SEQUENCE { c2-Threshold-r16 SL-CBR-r16, hysteresis-r16 Hysteresis,
timeToTrigger-r16Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
TimeToTrigger }, ... }, reportInterval-r16 ReportInterval,
reportAmount-r16Number of measurement reports applicable for eventTriggered as well as for periodical report types.
ENUMERATED {r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity},
reportQuantity-r16The sidelink measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report. In this release, this is set as the CBR measurement result.
MeasReportQuantity-r16, ... } PeriodicalReportConfigNR-SL-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { reportInterval-r16 ReportInterval,
reportAmount-r16Number of measurement reports applicable for eventTriggered as well as for periodical report types.
ENUMERATED {r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity},
reportQuantity-r16The sidelink measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report. In this release, this is set as the CBR measurement result.
MeasReportQuantity-r16, ... } MeasReportQuantity-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { cbr-r16 BOOLEAN, ... } -- TAG-REPORTCONFIGNR-SL-STOP -- ASN1STOP
ReportConfigNR-SL field descriptions
Type of the configured CBR measurement report for NR sidelink communication/discovery.
EventTriggerConfigNR-SL field descriptions
Threshold used for events C1 and C2 specified in clauses and, respectively.
Choice of NR event triggered reporting criteria.
Number of measurement reports applicable for eventTriggered as well as for periodical report types.
The sidelink measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report. In this release, this is set as the CBR measurement result.
Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report.
PeriodicalReportConfigNR-SL field descriptions
Number of measurement reports applicable for eventTriggered as well as for periodical report types.
The sidelink measurement quantities to be included in the measurement report. In this release, this is set as the CBR measurement result.

The IE ReportConfigToAddModList concerns a list of reporting configurations to add or modify.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-REPORTCONFIGTOADDMODLIST-START ReportConfigToAddModList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxReportConfigId)) OF ReportConfigToAddMod ReportConfigToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE { reportConfigId ReportConfigId, reportConfig CHOICE { reportConfigNR ReportConfigNR, ..., reportConfigInterRAT ReportConfigInterRAT, reportConfigNR-SL-r16 ReportConfigNR-SL-r16 } } -- TAG-REPORTCONFIGTOADDMODLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE ReportInterval indicates the interval between periodical reports. The ReportInterval is applicable if the UE performs periodical reporting (i.e. when reportAmount exceeds 1) when reportType is set to either eventTriggered, periodical, cli-EventTriggered or cli-Periodical. Value ms120 corresponds to 120 ms, value ms240 corresponds to 240 ms and so on, while value min1 corresponds to 1 min, min6 corresponds to 6 min and so on.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-REPORTINTERVAL-START ReportInterval ::= ENUMERATED {ms120, ms240, ms480, ms640, ms1024, ms2048, ms5120, ms10240, ms20480, ms40960, min1,min6, min12, min30 } -- TAG-REPORTINTERVAL-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE ReselectionThreshold is used to indicate an Rx level threshold for cell reselection. Actual value of threshold = field value * 2 [dB].

The IE ReselectionThresholdQ is used to indicate a quality level threshold for cell reselection. Actual value of threshold = field value [dB].

The IE ResumeCause is used to indicate the resume cause in RRCResumeRequest, RRCResumeRequest1 and UEAssistanceInformation.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RESUMECAUSE-START ResumeCause ::= ENUMERATED {emergency, highPriorityAccess, mt-Access, mo-Signalling, mo-Data, mo-VoiceCall, mo-VideoCall, mo-SMS, rna-Update, mps-PriorityAccess, mcs-PriorityAccess, mt-SDT-v1810, srs-PosConfigOrActivationReq-v1800, spare3, spare2, spare1 } -- TAG-RESUMECAUSE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE RLC-BearerConfig is used to configure an RLC entity, a corresponding logical channel in MAC and the linking to a PDCP entity (served radio bearer).
logicalChannelIdentityID used commonly for the MAC logical channel and for the RLC bearer.Value 4 is not configured for DRBs if SRB4 is configured.
LogicalChannelIdentity, servedRadioBearer CHOICE { srb-Identity SRB-Identity, drb-Identity DRB-Identity } OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-SetupOnly
reestablishRLCIndicates that RLC should be re-established. Network sets this to true at least whenever the security key used for the radio bearer associated with this RLC entity changes. For SRB2, multicast MRBs and DRBs, unless full configuration is used, it is also set to true during the resumption of the RRC connection or the first reconfiguration after reestablishment.For SRB1, when resuming an RRC connection, or at the first reconfiguration after RRC connection reestablishment, the network does not set this field to true.The network does not include this field if servedRadioBearer is set to drb-Identity and the RLC-BearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message within the LTM-Config IE. For DRBs, network doesn't include this field if the RLC-BearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE. Network doesn't include this field if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE which is received within a MCG RRCReconfiguration message via SRB1.
rlc-ConfigDetermines the RLC mode (UM, AM) and provides corresponding parameters. RLC mode reconfiguration can only be performed by DRB/multicast MRB release/addition or full configuration. The network may configure rlc-Config-v1610 only when rlc-Config (without suffix) is set to am.
RLC-Config OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-Setup mac-LogicalChannelConfig LogicalChannelConfig OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-Setup ..., [[ rlc-Config-v1610 RLC-Config-v1610 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ rlc-Config-v1700 RLC-Config-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
logicalChannelIdentityExt-r17Extended logical channel ID used commonly for the MAC logical channel and for the RLC bearer for PTM reception. If this field is configured, the UE shall ignore logicalChannelIdentity.
LogicalChannelIdentityExt-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-SetupModMRB multicastRLC-BearerConfig-r17 MulticastRLC-BearerConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-SetupOnlyMRB servedRadioBearerSRB4-r17 SRB-Identity-v1700 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } MulticastRLC-BearerConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
servedMBS-RadioBearer-r17Associates the RLC Bearer with a multicast MRB. The UE shall deliver DL RLC SDUs received via the RLC entity of this RLC bearer to the PDCP entity of the servedMBS-RadioBearer.
isPTM-Entity-r17If configured, indicates that the RLC entity is used for PTM reception. When the field is absent the RLC entity is used for PTP transmission/reception.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need S } LogicalChannelIdentityExt-r17 ::= INTEGER (320..65855) -- TAG-RLC-BEARERCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RLC-BearerConfig field descriptions
If configured, indicates that the RLC entity is used for PTM reception. When the field is absent the RLC entity is used for PTP transmission/reception.
ID used commonly for the MAC logical channel and for the RLC bearer.Value 4 is not configured for DRBs if SRB4 is configured.
Extended logical channel ID used commonly for the MAC logical channel and for the RLC bearer for PTM reception. If this field is configured, the UE shall ignore logicalChannelIdentity.
Indicates that RLC should be re-established. Network sets this to true at least whenever the security key used for the radio bearer associated with this RLC entity changes. For SRB2, multicast MRBs and DRBs, unless full configuration is used, it is also set to true during the resumption of the RRC connection or the first reconfiguration after reestablishment.For SRB1, when resuming an RRC connection, or at the first reconfiguration after RRC connection reestablishment, the network does not set this field to true.The network does not include this field if servedRadioBearer is set to drb-Identity and the RLC-BearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message within the LTM-Config IE. For DRBs, network doesn't include this field if the RLC-BearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE. Network doesn't include this field if the RadioBearerConfig IE is part of an RRCReconfiguration message associated with subsequent CPAC within the ConditionalReconfiguration IE which is received within a MCG RRCReconfiguration message via SRB1.
Determines the RLC mode (UM, AM) and provides corresponding parameters. RLC mode reconfiguration can only be performed by DRB/multicast MRB release/addition or full configuration. The network may configure rlc-Config-v1610 only when rlc-Config (without suffix) is set to am.
Associates the RLC Bearer with a multicast MRB. The UE shall deliver DL RLC SDUs received via the RLC entity of this RLC bearer to the PDCP entity of the servedMBS-RadioBearer.
servedRadioBearer, servedRadioBearerSRB4
Associates the RLC Bearer with an SRB or a DRB. The UE shall deliver DL RLC SDUs received via the RLC entity of this RLC bearer to the PDCP entity of the servedRadioBearer. Furthermore, the UE shall advertise and deliver uplink PDCP PDUs of the uplink PDCP entity of the servedRadioBearer to the uplink RLC entity of this RLC bearer unless the uplink scheduling restrictions (moreThanOneRLC in PDCP-Config and the restrictions in LogicalChannelConfig) forbid it to do so.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a new logical channel for a DRB or a multicast MRB or SRB4. This field is optionally present, Need S, upon creation of a new logical channel for an SRB except SRB4. It is optionally present, Need M, otherwise.
This field is optionally present upon creation of a new logical channel for PTM reception for a multicast MRB. If this field is included upon creation of a new logical channel for PTM reception for a multicast MRB, it shall be present when modifying this logical channel. The field is absent for logical channels configured for an SRB and a DRB.
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a new logical channel for a DRB or an SRB (servedRadioBearer). It is absent, Need M otherwise.
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a new logical channel for a multicast MRB and upon modification of MRB-Identity of the served MRB. It is absent, Need M otherwise.

The IE RLC-Config is used to specify the RLC configuration of SRBs, multicast MRBs and DRBs.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RLC-CONFIG-START RLC-Config ::= CHOICE { am SEQUENCE { ul-AM-RLC UL-AM-RLC, dl-AM-RLC DL-AM-RLC }, um-Bi-Directional SEQUENCE { ul-UM-RLC UL-UM-RLC, dl-UM-RLC DL-UM-RLC }, um-Uni-Directional-UL SEQUENCE { ul-UM-RLC UL-UM-RLC }, um-Uni-Directional-DL SEQUENCE { dl-UM-RLC DL-UM-RLC }, ... } UL-AM-RLC ::= SEQUENCE {
sn-FieldLengthIndicates the RLC SN field size, see TS 38.322 [4], in bits. Value size6 means 6 bits, value size12 means 12 bits, value size18 means 18 bits. The value of sn-FieldLengthof an RLC entity for the DRB/multicast MRBshall be changed only using reconfiguration with sync. The network configures only value size12 in SN-FieldLengthAM for SRB.
SN-FieldLengthAM OPTIONAL, -- Cond Reestab
t-PollRetransmitTimer for RLC AM in TS 38.322 [4], in milliseconds. Value ms5 means 5 ms, value ms10 means 10 ms and so on.
pollPDUParameter for RLC AM in TS 38.322 [4]. Value p4 corresponds to 4 PDUs, value p8 corresponds to 8 PDUs and so on. infinity corresponds to an infinite number of PDUs.
pollByteParameter for RLC AM in TS 38.322 [4]. Value kB25 corresponds to 25 kBytes, value kB50 corresponds to 50 kBytes and so on. infinity corresponds to an infinite amount of kBytes.
maxRetxThresholdParameter for RLC AM in TS 38.322 [4]. Value t1 corresponds to 1 retransmission, value t2 corresponds to 2 retransmissions and so on.
ENUMERATED { t1, t2, t3, t4, t6, t8, t16, t32 } } DL-AM-RLC ::= SEQUENCE {
sn-FieldLengthIndicates the RLC SN field size, see TS 38.322 [4], in bits. Value size6 means 6 bits, value size12 means 12 bits, value size18 means 18 bits. The value of sn-FieldLengthof an RLC entity for the DRB/multicast MRBshall be changed only using reconfiguration with sync. The network configures only value size12 in SN-FieldLengthAM for SRB.
SN-FieldLengthAM OPTIONAL, -- Cond Reestab t-Reassembly T-Reassembly,
t-StatusProhibitTimer for status reporting in TS 38.322 [4], in milliseconds. Value ms0 means 0 ms, value ms5 means 5 ms and so on. If t-StatusProhibit-v1610 is present, the UE shall ignoret-StatusProhibit (without suffix).
T-StatusProhibit } UL-UM-RLC ::= SEQUENCE {
sn-FieldLengthIndicates the RLC SN field size, see TS 38.322 [4], in bits. Value size6 means 6 bits, value size12 means 12 bits, value size18 means 18 bits. The value of sn-FieldLengthof an RLC entity for the DRB/multicast MRBshall be changed only using reconfiguration with sync. The network configures only value size12 in SN-FieldLengthAM for SRB.
SN-FieldLengthUM OPTIONAL -- Cond Reestab } DL-UM-RLC ::= SEQUENCE {
sn-FieldLengthIndicates the RLC SN field size, see TS 38.322 [4], in bits. Value size6 means 6 bits, value size12 means 12 bits, value size18 means 18 bits. The value of sn-FieldLengthof an RLC entity for the DRB/multicast MRBshall be changed only using reconfiguration with sync. The network configures only value size12 in SN-FieldLengthAM for SRB.
SN-FieldLengthUM OPTIONAL, -- Cond Reestab t-Reassembly T-Reassembly } T-PollRetransmit ::= ENUMERATED { ms5, ms10, ms15, ms20, ms25, ms30, ms35, ms40, ms45, ms50, ms55, ms60, ms65, ms70, ms75, ms80, ms85, ms90, ms95, ms100, ms105, ms110, ms115, ms120, ms125, ms130, ms135, ms140, ms145, ms150, ms155, ms160, ms165, ms170, ms175, ms180, ms185, ms190, ms195, ms200, ms205, ms210, ms215, ms220, ms225, ms230, ms235, ms240, ms245, ms250, ms300, ms350, ms400, ms450, ms500, ms800, ms1000, ms2000, ms4000, ms1-v1610, ms2-v1610, ms3-v1610, ms4-v1610, spare1} PollPDU ::= ENUMERATED { p4, p8, p16, p32, p64, p128, p256, p512, p1024, p2048, p4096, p6144, p8192, p12288, p16384,p20480, p24576, p28672, p32768, p40960, p49152, p57344, p65536, infinity, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} PollByte ::= ENUMERATED { kB1, kB2, kB5, kB8, kB10, kB15, kB25, kB50, kB75, kB100, kB125, kB250, kB375, kB500, kB750, kB1000, kB1250, kB1500, kB2000, kB3000, kB4000, kB4500, kB5000, kB5500, kB6000, kB6500, kB7000, kB7500, mB8, mB9, mB10, mB11, mB12, mB13, mB14, mB15, mB16, mB17, mB18, mB20, mB25, mB30, mB40, infinity, spare20, spare19, spare18, spare17, spare16, spare15, spare14, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} T-Reassembly ::= ENUMERATED { ms0, ms5, ms10, ms15, ms20, ms25, ms30, ms35, ms40, ms45, ms50, ms55, ms60, ms65, ms70, ms75, ms80, ms85, ms90, ms95, ms100, ms110, ms120, ms130, ms140, ms150, ms160, ms170, ms180, ms190, ms200, spare1} T-StatusProhibit ::= ENUMERATED { ms0, ms5, ms10, ms15, ms20, ms25, ms30, ms35, ms40, ms45, ms50, ms55, ms60, ms65, ms70, ms75, ms80, ms85, ms90, ms95, ms100, ms105, ms110, ms115, ms120, ms125, ms130, ms135, ms140, ms145, ms150, ms155, ms160, ms165, ms170, ms175, ms180, ms185, ms190, ms195, ms200, ms205, ms210, ms215, ms220, ms225, ms230, ms235, ms240, ms245, ms250, ms300, ms350, ms400, ms450, ms500, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1600, ms2000, ms2400, spare2, spare1} SN-FieldLengthUM ::= ENUMERATED {size6, size12} SN-FieldLengthAM ::= ENUMERATED {size12, size18} RLC-Config-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-AM-RLC-v1610 DL-AM-RLC-v1610 } RLC-Config-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-AM-RLC-v1700 DL-AM-RLC-v1700, dl-UM-RLC-v1700 DL-UM-RLC-v1700 } DL-AM-RLC-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { t-StatusProhibit-v1610 T-StatusProhibit-v1610 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } DL-AM-RLC-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { t-ReassemblyExt-r17 T-ReassemblyExt-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } DL-UM-RLC-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { t-ReassemblyExt-r17 T-ReassemblyExt-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } T-StatusProhibit-v1610 ::= ENUMERATED { ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} T-ReassemblyExt-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {ms210, ms220, ms340, ms350, ms550, ms1100, ms1650, ms2200} -- TAG-RLC-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RLC-Config field descriptions
Parameter for RLC AM in TS 38.322 [4]. Value t1 corresponds to 1 retransmission, value t2 corresponds to 2 retransmissions and so on.
Parameter for RLC AM in TS 38.322 [4]. Value kB25 corresponds to 25 kBytes, value kB50 corresponds to 50 kBytes and so on. infinity corresponds to an infinite amount of kBytes.
Parameter for RLC AM in TS 38.322 [4]. Value p4 corresponds to 4 PDUs, value p8 corresponds to 8 PDUs and so on. infinity corresponds to an infinite number of PDUs.
Indicates the RLC SN field size, see TS 38.322 [4], in bits. Value size6 means 6 bits, value size12 means 12 bits, value size18 means 18 bits. The value of sn-FieldLengthof an RLC entity for the DRB/multicast MRBshall be changed only using reconfiguration with sync. The network configures only value size12 in SN-FieldLengthAM for SRB.
Timer for RLC AM in TS 38.322 [4], in milliseconds. Value ms5 means 5 ms, value ms10 means 10 ms and so on.
t-Reassembly, t-ReassemblyExt
Timer for reassembly in TS 38.322 [4], in milliseconds. Value ms0 means 0 ms, valuems5 means 5 ms and so on. If t-ReassemblyExt-r17 is configured, the UE shall ignore t-Reassembly (without suffix).
Timer for status reporting in TS 38.322 [4], in milliseconds. Value ms0 means 0 ms, value ms5 means 5 ms and so on. If t-StatusProhibit-v1610 is present, the UE shall ignoret-StatusProhibit (without suffix).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present at RLC bearer setup. It is optionally present, need M, at RLC re-establishment. Otherwise it is absent. Need M.

The IE RLF-TimersAndConstants is used to configure UE specific timers and constants.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RLF-TIMERSANDCONSTANTS-START RLF-TimersAndConstants ::= SEQUENCE { t310 ENUMERATED {ms0, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms500, ms1000, ms2000, ms4000, ms6000}, n310 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n6, n8, n10, n20}, n311 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10}, ..., [[ t311 ENUMERATED {ms1000, ms3000, ms5000, ms10000, ms15000, ms20000, ms30000} ]] } -- TAG-RLF-TIMERSANDCONSTANTS-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RLF-TimersAndConstants field descriptions
Constants are described in clause 7.3. Value n1 corresponds to 1, value n2 corresponds to 2 and so on.
Timers are described in clause 7.1. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms, value ms50 corresponds to 50 ms and so on.

The IE RNTI-Value represents a Radio Network Temporary Identity.

The IE RSRP-Range specifies the value range used in RSRP measurements and thresholds. For measurements, integer value for RSRP measurements is according to Table in TS 38.133 [14]. For thresholds, the actual value is (IE value – 156) dBm, except for the IE value 127, in which case the actual value is infinity.

The IE RSRQ-Range specifies the value range used in RSRQ measurements and thresholds. For measurements, integer value for RSRQ measurements is according to Table in TS 38.133 [14]. For thresholds, the actual value is (IE value – 87) / 2 dB.

The IE RSSI-Range specifies the value range used in RSSI measurements and thresholds for NR operation with shared spectrum channel access. The integer value for RSSI measurements is according to Table in TS 38.133 [14].

The IE RxTxTimeDiff contains the Rx-Tx time difference measurement at either the UE or the gNB.
result-k5-r17This field indicates the Rx-Tx time difference measurement, see TS 38.215 [9], clause of TS 38.133 [14] for UE Rx-Tx time difference and clause 13.2.1 of TS 38.133 [14] for gNB Rx-Tx time difference.
RxTxTimeDiff field descriptions
This field indicates the Rx-Tx time difference measurement, see TS 38.215 [9], clause of TS 38.133 [14] for UE Rx-Tx time difference and clause 13.2.1 of TS 38.133 [14] for gNB Rx-Tx time difference.

The IE SCellActivationRS-Config is used to configure a Reference Signal for fast activation of the SCell where the IE is included (see TS 38.214 [19], clause Usage of an SCellActivationRS-Config is indicated by including its scellActivationRS-Id in the Enhanced SCell activation MAC CE (see TS 38.321 [3] clause
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SCELLACTIVATIONRS-CONFIG-START SCellActivationRS-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { scellActivationRS-Id-r17 SCellActivationRS-ConfigId-r17,
resourceSet-r17nzp-CSI-ResourceSetId of the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet of this serving cell used as resource configuration for one or two bursts for SCell activation. This NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet consists of four NZP CSI-RS resources in two consecutive slots with two NZP CSI-RS resources in each slot (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The CSI-RS associated with this NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet are located in the BWP addressed by firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id.
gapBetweenBursts-r17When this field is present, there are two bursts and it indicates the gap between the two bursts in number of slots. When this field is absent, there is a single burst.
INTEGER (2..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
qcl-Info-r17Reference to TCI-State for providing the QCL source and QCL type for each NZP-CSI-RS-Resource listed in nzp-CSI-RS-Resources of the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet indicated by resourceSet (see TS 38.214 [19], clause TCI-StateId refers to the TCI-State which has this value for tci-StateId and is defined in tci-StatesToAddModListor dl-OrJointTCI-StateListin the PDSCH-Config included in the BWP-Downlink of this serving cell indicated by firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id in the ServingCellConfig in which this IE is included.
SCellActivationRS-Config field descriptions
When this field is present, there are two bursts and it indicates the gap between the two bursts in number of slots. When this field is absent, there is a single burst.
Reference to TCI-State for providing the QCL source and QCL type for each NZP-CSI-RS-Resource listed in nzp-CSI-RS-Resources of the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet indicated by resourceSet (see TS 38.214 [19], clause TCI-StateId refers to the TCI-State which has this value for tci-StateId and is defined in tci-StatesToAddModListor dl-OrJointTCI-StateListin the PDSCH-Config included in the BWP-Downlink of this serving cell indicated by firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id in the ServingCellConfig in which this IE is included.
nzp-CSI-ResourceSetId of the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet of this serving cell used as resource configuration for one or two bursts for SCell activation. This NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet consists of four NZP CSI-RS resources in two consecutive slots with two NZP CSI-RS resources in each slot (see TS 38.214 [19], clause The CSI-RS associated with this NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet are located in the BWP addressed by firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id.

The IE SCellActivationRS-ConfigId is used to identify one SCellActivationRS-Config.

The IE SCellIndex concerns a short identity, used to identify an SCell. The value range is shared across the Cell Groups.

The IE SchedulingRequestConfig is used to configure the parameters, for the dedicated scheduling request (SR) resources.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SCHEDULINGREQUESTCONFIG-START SchedulingRequestConfig ::= SEQUENCE { schedulingRequestToAddModList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSR-ConfigPerCellGroup)) OF SchedulingRequestToAddMod OPTIONAL, -- Need N
schedulingRequestToReleaseListList of Scheduling Request configurations to release.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSR-ConfigPerCellGroup)) OF SchedulingRequestId OPTIONAL -- Need N } SchedulingRequestToAddMod ::= SEQUENCE {
schedulingRequestIdUsed to modify a SR configuration and to indicate, in LogicalChannelConfig, the SR configuration to which a logical channel is mapped and to indicate, in SchedulingRequestresourceConfig, the SR configuration for which a scheduling request resource is used.
sr-ProhibitTimerTimer for SR transmission on PUCCH in TS 38.321 [3]. Value is in ms. Value ms1 corresponds to 1ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2ms, and so on. If sr-ProhibitTimer-v1700 is configured, UE shall ignore sr-ProhibitTimer (without suffix). If both sr-ProhibitTimer (without suffix) and sr-ProhibitTimer-v1700 are absent, the UE applies the value 0.
ENUMERATED {ms1, ms2, ms4, ms8, ms16, ms32, ms64, ms128} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
sr-TransMaxMaximum number of SR transmissions as described in TS 38.321 [3]. Value n4 corresponds to 4, value n8 corresponds to 8, and so on.
ENUMERATED { n4, n8, n16, n32, n64, spare3, spare2, spare1} } SchedulingRequestConfig-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { schedulingRequestToAddModListExt-v1700 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSR-ConfigPerCellGroup)) OF SchedulingRequestToAddModExt-v1700 OPTIONAL -- Need N } SchedulingRequestToAddModExt-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { sr-ProhibitTimer-v1700 ENUMERATED { ms192, ms256, ms320, ms384, ms448, ms512, ms576, ms640, ms1082, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-SCHEDULINGREQUESTCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SchedulingRequestConfig field descriptions
schedulingRequestToAddModList, schedulingRequestToAddModListExt
List of Scheduling Request configurations to add or modify. If schedulingRequestToAddModListExt is configured, it contains the same number of entries, and in the same order, as schedulingRequestToAddModList.
List of Scheduling Request configurations to release.
SchedulingRequestToAddMod field descriptions
Used to modify a SR configuration and to indicate, in LogicalChannelConfig, the SR configuration to which a logical channel is mapped and to indicate, in SchedulingRequestresourceConfig, the SR configuration for which a scheduling request resource is used.
Timer for SR transmission on PUCCH in TS 38.321 [3]. Value is in ms. Value ms1 corresponds to 1ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2ms, and so on. If sr-ProhibitTimer-v1700 is configured, UE shall ignore sr-ProhibitTimer (without suffix). If both sr-ProhibitTimer (without suffix) and sr-ProhibitTimer-v1700 are absent, the UE applies the value 0.
Maximum number of SR transmissions as described in TS 38.321 [3]. Value n4 corresponds to 4, value n8 corresponds to 8, and so on.

The IE SchedulingRequestId is used to identify a Scheduling Request instance in the MAC layer.

The IE SchedulingRequestResourceConfig determines physical layer resources on PUCCH where the UE may send the dedicated scheduling request (D-SR) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.4).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SCHEDULINGREQUESTRESOURCECONFIG-START SchedulingRequestResourceConfig ::= SEQUENCE { schedulingRequestResourceId SchedulingRequestResourceId,
schedulingRequestIDThe ID of the SchedulingRequestConfig that uses this scheduling request resource.
periodicityAndOffsetSR periodicity and offset in number of symbols or slots (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.4) The following periodicities may be configured depending on the chosen subcarrier spacing: SCS = 15 kHz: 2sym, 7sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 5sl, 8sl, 10sl, 16sl, 20sl, 40sl, 80sl SCS = 30 kHz: 2sym, 7sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 5sl, 8sl, 10sl, 16sl, 20sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl SCS = 60 kHz: 2sym, 7sym/6sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 8sl, 16sl, 20sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl SCS = 120 kHz: 2sym, 7sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 5sl, 8sl, 10sl, 16sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl, 640sl SCS = 480 kHz: 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 8sl, 16sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl, 640sl, 1280sl, 2560sl SCS = 960 kHz: 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 8sl, 16sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl, 640sl, 1280sl, 2560sl, 5120sl sym6or7 corresponds to 6 symbols if extended cyclic prefix and a SCS of 60 kHz are configured, otherwise it corresponds to 7 symbols. For periodicities 2sym, 7sym and sl1 the UE assumes an offset of 0 slots. If periodicityAndOffset-r17 is present, any previously configured periodicityAndOffset (without suffix) is released, and vice versa. UE indicates support of the following SR periodicities in additionalSR-Periodicities (see TS 38.306, clause 4.2.6): SCS = 30 kHz: 5sl SCS = 120 kHz: 5sl, 10sl
CHOICE { sym2 NULL, sym6or7 NULL, sl1 NULL, -- Recurs in every slot sl2 INTEGER (0..1), sl4 INTEGER (0..3), sl5 INTEGER (0..4), sl8 INTEGER (0..7), sl10 INTEGER (0..9), sl16 INTEGER (0..15), sl20 INTEGER (0..19), sl40 INTEGER (0..39), sl80 INTEGER (0..79), sl160 INTEGER (0..159), sl320 INTEGER (0..319), sl640 INTEGER (0..639) } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
resourceID of the PUCCH resource in which the UE shall send the scheduling request. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in PUCCH-Config of the same UL BWP and serving cell as this SchedulingRequestResourceConfig. The network configures a PUCCH-Resource of PUCCH-format0 or PUCCH-format1 (other formats not supported) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.4)
PUCCH-ResourceId OPTIONAL -- Need M } SchedulingRequestResourceConfigExt-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE {
phy-PriorityIndex-r16Indicates whether this scheduling request resource is high or low priority in PHY prioritization/multiplexing handling (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.4). Value p0 indicates low priority and value p1 indicates high priority.
ENUMERATED {p0, p1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SchedulingRequestResourceConfigExt-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
periodicityAndOffset-r17SR periodicity and offset in number of symbols or slots (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.4) The following periodicities may be configured depending on the chosen subcarrier spacing: SCS = 15 kHz: 2sym, 7sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 5sl, 8sl, 10sl, 16sl, 20sl, 40sl, 80sl SCS = 30 kHz: 2sym, 7sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 5sl, 8sl, 10sl, 16sl, 20sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl SCS = 60 kHz: 2sym, 7sym/6sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 8sl, 16sl, 20sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl SCS = 120 kHz: 2sym, 7sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 5sl, 8sl, 10sl, 16sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl, 640sl SCS = 480 kHz: 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 8sl, 16sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl, 640sl, 1280sl, 2560sl SCS = 960 kHz: 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 8sl, 16sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl, 640sl, 1280sl, 2560sl, 5120sl sym6or7 corresponds to 6 symbols if extended cyclic prefix and a SCS of 60 kHz are configured, otherwise it corresponds to 7 symbols. For periodicities 2sym, 7sym and sl1 the UE assumes an offset of 0 slots. If periodicityAndOffset-r17 is present, any previously configured periodicityAndOffset (without suffix) is released, and vice versa. UE indicates support of the following SR periodicities in additionalSR-Periodicities (see TS 38.306, clause 4.2.6): SCS = 30 kHz: 5sl SCS = 120 kHz: 5sl, 10sl
CHOICE { sl1280 INTEGER (0..1279), sl2560 INTEGER (0..2559), sl5120 INTEGER (0..5119) } OPTIONAL -- Need M } -- TAG-SCHEDULINGREQUESTRESOURCECONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SchedulingRequestResourceConfig field descriptions
SR periodicity and offset in number of symbols or slots (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.4) The following periodicities may be configured depending on the chosen subcarrier spacing: SCS = 15 kHz: 2sym, 7sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 5sl, 8sl, 10sl, 16sl, 20sl, 40sl, 80sl SCS = 30 kHz: 2sym, 7sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 5sl, 8sl, 10sl, 16sl, 20sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl SCS = 60 kHz: 2sym, 7sym/6sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 8sl, 16sl, 20sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl SCS = 120 kHz: 2sym, 7sym, 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 5sl, 8sl, 10sl, 16sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl, 640sl SCS = 480 kHz: 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 8sl, 16sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl, 640sl, 1280sl, 2560sl SCS = 960 kHz: 1sl, 2sl, 4sl, 8sl, 16sl, 40sl, 80sl, 160sl, 320sl, 640sl, 1280sl, 2560sl, 5120sl sym6or7 corresponds to 6 symbols if extended cyclic prefix and a SCS of 60 kHz are configured, otherwise it corresponds to 7 symbols. For periodicities 2sym, 7sym and sl1 the UE assumes an offset of 0 slots. If periodicityAndOffset-r17 is present, any previously configured periodicityAndOffset (without suffix) is released, and vice versa. UE indicates support of the following SR periodicities in additionalSR-Periodicities (see TS 38.306, clause 4.2.6): SCS = 30 kHz: 5sl SCS = 120 kHz: 5sl, 10sl
Indicates whether this scheduling request resource is high or low priority in PHY prioritization/multiplexing handling (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.4). Value p0 indicates low priority and value p1 indicates high priority.
ID of the PUCCH resource in which the UE shall send the scheduling request. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in PUCCH-Config of the same UL BWP and serving cell as this SchedulingRequestResourceConfig. The network configures a PUCCH-Resource of PUCCH-format0 or PUCCH-format1 (other formats not supported) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.4)
The ID of the SchedulingRequestConfig that uses this scheduling request resource.

The IE SchedulingRequestResourceId is used to identify scheduling request resources on PUCCH.

The IE ScramblingID is used for scrambling channels and reference signals.

The IE SCS-SpecificCarrier provides parameters determining the location and width of the actual carrier or the carrier bandwidth. It is defined specifically for a numerology (subcarrier spacing (SCS)) and in relation (frequency offset) to Point A.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SCS-SPECIFICCARRIER-START SCS-SpecificCarrier ::= SEQUENCE { offsetToCarrier INTEGER (0..2199), subcarrierSpacing SubcarrierSpacing, carrierBandwidth INTEGER (1..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks), ..., [[ txDirectCurrentLocation INTEGER (0..4095) OPTIONAL -- Need S ]] } -- TAG-SCS-SPECIFICCARRIER-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SDAP-Config is used to set the configurable SDAP parameters for a data radio bearer. All configured instances of SDAP-Config with the same value of pdu-Session correspond to the same SDAP entity as specified in TS 37.324 [24].
pdu-SessionIdentity of the PDU session whose QoS flows are mapped to the DRB.
sdap-HeaderDLIndicates whether or not a SDAP header is present for DL data on this DRB. The field cannot be changed after a DRB is established.
ENUMERATED {present, absent},
sdap-HeaderULIndicates whether or not a SDAP header is present for UL data on this DRB. The field cannot be changed after a DRB is established.The network sets this field to present if the field defaultDRB is set to true.
ENUMERATED {present, absent},
defaultDRBIndicates whether or not this is the default DRB for this PDU session. Among all configured instances of SDAP-Config with the same value of pdu-Session, this field shall be set to true in at most one instance of SDAP-Config and to false in all other instances.
mappedQoS-FlowsToAddIndicates the list of QFIs of UL QoS flows of the PDU session to be additionally mapped to this DRB. A QFI value can be included at most once in all configured instances of SDAP-Config with the same value of pdu-Session. For QoS flow remapping, the QFI value of the remapped QoS flow is only included in mappedQoS-FlowsToAdd in sdap-Config corresponding to the new DRB and not included in mappedQoS-FlowsToRelease in sdap-Config corresponding to the old DRB.
mappedQoS-FlowsToReleaseIndicates the list of QFIs of QoS flows of the PDU session to be released from existing QoS flow to DRB mapping of this DRB.
SCS-SpecificCarrier field descriptions
Width of this carrier in number of PRBs (using the subcarrierSpacing defined for this carrier) (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 4.4.2).
Offset in frequency domain between Point A (lowest subcarrier of common RB 0) and the lowest usable subcarrier on this carrier in number of PRBs (using the subcarrierSpacing defined for this carrier). The maximum value corresponds to 275*8-1. See TS 38.211 [16], clause 4.4.2.
Indicates the downlink Tx Direct Current location for the carrier. A value in the range 0..3299 indicates the subcarrier index within the carrier. The values in the value range 3301..4095 are reserved and ignored by the UE. If this field is absent for downlink within ServingCellConfigCommon and ServingCellConfigCommonSIB, the UE assumes the default value of 3300 (i.e. "Outside the carrier"). (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 4.4.2). Network does not configure this field via ServingCellConfig or for uplink carriers.
Subcarrier spacing of this carrier. It is used to convert the offsetToCarrier into an actual frequency. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
SDAP-Config field descriptions
Indicates whether or not this is the default DRB for this PDU session. Among all configured instances of SDAP-Config with the same value of pdu-Session, this field shall be set to true in at most one instance of SDAP-Config and to false in all other instances.
Indicates the list of QFIs of UL QoS flows of the PDU session to be additionally mapped to this DRB. A QFI value can be included at most once in all configured instances of SDAP-Config with the same value of pdu-Session. For QoS flow remapping, the QFI value of the remapped QoS flow is only included in mappedQoS-FlowsToAdd in sdap-Config corresponding to the new DRB and not included in mappedQoS-FlowsToRelease in sdap-Config corresponding to the old DRB.
Indicates the list of QFIs of QoS flows of the PDU session to be released from existing QoS flow to DRB mapping of this DRB.
Identity of the PDU session whose QoS flows are mapped to the DRB.
Indicates whether or not a SDAP header is present for UL data on this DRB. The field cannot be changed after a DRB is established.The network sets this field to present if the field defaultDRB is set to true.
Indicates whether or not a SDAP header is present for DL data on this DRB. The field cannot be changed after a DRB is established.

The IE SearchSpace defines how/where to search for PDCCH candidates. Each search space is associated with one ControlResourceSet. For a scheduled SCell in the case of cross carrier scheduling, except for nrofCandidates, all the optional fields are absent (regardless of their presence conditions). For a scheduled SpCell in the case of the cross carrier scheduling, if the search space is linked to another search space in the scheduling SCell, all the optional fields of this search space in the scheduled SpCell are absent (regardless of their presence conditions) except for nrofCandidates.
searchSpaceIdIdentity of the search space. SearchSpaceId = 0 identifies the searchSpaceZero configured via PBCH (MIB) or ServingCellConfigCommon and may hence not be used in the SearchSpace IE. The searchSpaceId is unique among the BWPs of a Serving Cell. In case of cross carrier scheduling, search spaces with the same searchSpaceId in scheduled cell and scheduling cell are linked to each other. The UE applies the search space for the scheduled cell only if the DL BWPs in which the linked search spaces are configured in scheduling cell and scheduled cell are both active. For an IAB-MT, the search space defines how/where to search for PDCCH candidates for an IAB-MT where each search space is associated with one ControlResearchSet and for a scheduled cell in the case of cross carrier scheduling, except for nrofCandidates, all the optional fields are absent.
controlResourceSetIdThe CORESET applicable for this SearchSpace. Value 0 identifies the common CORESET#0 configured in MIB and in ServingCellConfigCommon. Values 1..maxNrofControlResourceSets-1 identify CORESETs configured in System Information or by dedicated signalling. The CORESETs with non-zero controlResourceSetIdare configured in the same BWP as this SearchSpace except commonControlResourceSetExt which is configured by SIB20. If the field controlResourceSetId-r16 is present, UE shall ignore the controlResourceSetId (without suffix).
ControlResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Cond SetupOnly
monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffsetSlots for PDCCH Monitoring configured as periodicity and offset. For SCS 15, 30, 60, and 120 kHz and if the UE is configured to monitor: - DCI format 2_1, only the values 'sl1', 'sl2' or 'sl4' are applicable. - DCI format 2_0, only the values ′sl1′, ′sl2′, ′sl4′, ′sl5′, ′sl8′, ′sl10′, ′sl16′, and ′sl20′ are applicable (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). - DCI format 2_4, only the values 'sl1', 'sl2', 'sl4', 'sl5', 'sl8' and 'sl10' are applicable. For SCS 480 kHz and if the UE is configured to monitor: - DCI format 2_0, only the values 'sl4', 'sl8', 'sl16', 'sl20', 'sl32', 'sl40', 'sl64', and 'sl80' are applicable. - DCI format 2_1, only the values ′sl4′, ′sl8′, and ′sl16′ are applicable. - DCI format 2_4, only the values 'sl4', 'sl8', 'sl16', 'sl20', 'sl32', 'sl40' are applicable. For SCS 960 kHz and if the UE is configured to monitor: - DCI format 2_0, only the values 'sl8', 'sl16', 'sl32', 'sl40', 'sl64', 'sl80', 'sl128', and 'sl160' are applicable. - DCI format 2_1, only the values ′sl8′, ′sl16′, and 'sl32' are applicable. - DCI format 2_4, only the values 'sl8', 'sl16', 'sl32', 'sl40', 'sl64', 'sl80' are applicable. For SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz, and the configured periodicity and offset are restricted to be an integer multiple of L slots, where L is the configured length of the bitmap provided by monitoringSlotsWithinSlotGroup-r17, i.e. for a given periodicity, the offset has a range of {0, L, 2*L, …, L*FLOOR(1/L*(periodicity-1))}. For IAB-MT,If the IAB-MT is configured to monitor DCI format 2_1, only the values 'sl1', 'sl2' or 'sl4' are applicable. If the IAB-MT is configured to monitor DCI format 2_0 or DCI format 2_5, only the values ′sl1′, ′sl2′, ′sl4′, ′sl5′, ′sl8′, ′sl10′, ′sl16′, and ′sl20′ are applicable (see TS 38.213, clause 10). If monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset-v1710 is present, any previously configured monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset is released, and if monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset is present, any previously configured monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset-v1710 is released.
CHOICE { sl1 NULL, sl2 INTEGER (0..1), sl4 INTEGER (0..3), sl5 INTEGER (0..4), sl8 INTEGER (0..7), sl10 INTEGER (0..9), sl16 INTEGER (0..15), sl20 INTEGER (0..19), sl40 INTEGER (0..39), sl80 INTEGER (0..79), sl160 INTEGER (0..159), sl320 INTEGER (0..319), sl640 INTEGER (0..639), sl1280 INTEGER (0..1279), sl2560 INTEGER (0..2559) } OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup4
durationNumber of consecutive slots that a SearchSpace lasts in every occasion, i.e., upon every period as given in the periodicityAndOffset. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value 1 slot, except for DCI format 2_0. The UE ignores this field for DCI format 2_0. The maximum valid duration is periodicity-1 (periodicity as given in the monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset). For SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz, duration-r17 is used, and the configured duration is restricted to be an integer multiple of L slots and smaller than periodicity, where L is the configured length of the bitmap monitoringSlotsWithinSlotGroup-r17. If duration-r17 is absent, the UE assumes the duration in slots is equal to L. The maximum valid duration is periodicity-L. For IAB-MT, duration indicates number of consecutive slots that a SearchSpace lasts in every occasion, i.e., upon every period as given in the periodicityAndOffset. If the field is absent, the IAB-MT applies the value 1 slot, except for DCI format 2_0 and DCI format 2_5. The IAB-MT ignores this field for DCI format 2_0 and DCI format 2_5. The maximum valid duration is periodicity-1 (periodicity as given in the monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset).
INTEGER (2..2559) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
monitoringSymbolsWithinSlotThe first symbol(s) for PDCCH monitoring in the slots configured for (multi-slot) PDCCH monitoring (see monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset and duration). The most significant (left) bit represents the first OFDM in a slot, and the second most significant (left) bit represents the second OFDM symbol in a slot and so on. The bit(s) set to one identify the first OFDM symbol(s) of the control resource set within a slot. If the cyclic prefix of the BWP is set to extended CP, the last two bits within the bit string shall be ignored by the UE or IAB-MT. For DCI format 2_0, the first one symbol applies if the duration of CORESET (in the IE ControlResourceSet) identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 3 symbols, the first two symbols apply if the duration of CORESET identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 2 symbols, and the first three symbols apply if the duration of CORESET identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 1 symbol. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 10. For IAB-MT: For DCI format 2_0 or DCI format 2_5, the first one symbol applies if the duration of CORESET (in the IE ControlResourceSet) identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 3 symbols, the first two symbols apply if the duration of CORESET identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 2 symbols, and the first three symbols apply if the duration of CORESET identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 1 symbol. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.
BIT STRING (SIZE (14)) OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup
nrofCandidatesNumber of PDCCH candidates per aggregation level. The number of candidates and aggregation levels configured here applies to all formats unless a particular value is specified or a format-specific value is provided (see inside searchSpaceType). If configured in the SearchSpace of a cross carrier scheduled cell, this field determines the number of candidates and aggregation levels to be used on the linked scheduling cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10).
SEQUENCE { aggregationLevel1 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8}, aggregationLevel2 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8}, aggregationLevel4 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8}, aggregationLevel8 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8}, aggregationLevel16 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8} } OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup
searchSpaceTypeIndicates whether this is a common search space (present) or a UE specific search space as well as DCI formats to monitor for.
commonConfigures this search space as common search space (CSS) and DCI formats to monitor.
dci-Format0-0-AndFormat1-0If configured, the UE monitors the DCI formats 0_0 and 1_0 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1.
SEQUENCE { ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-Format2-0If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_0 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 11.1.1.
nrofCandidates-SFIThe number of PDCCH candidates specifically for format 2-0 for the configured aggregation level. If an aggregation level is absent, the UE does not search for any candidates with that aggregation level. The network configures only one aggregationLevel and the corresponding number of candidates (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1). For a search space configured with freqMonitorLocations-r16, only value ′n1′ is valid.
SEQUENCE { aggregationLevel1 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel2 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel4 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel8 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL -- Need R }, ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-Format2-1If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_1 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 11.2.
SEQUENCE { ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-Format2-2If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_2 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 11.3.
SEQUENCE { ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-Format2-3If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_3 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 11.4
SEQUENCE { dummy1 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl2, sl4, sl5, sl8, sl10, sl16, sl20} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup dummy2 ENUMERATED {n1, n2}, ... } OPTIONAL -- Need R },
ue-SpecificConfigures this search space as UE specific search space (USS). The UE monitors the DCI format with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI, CS-RNTI (if configured), and SP-CSI-RNTI (if configured)
dci-FormatsIndicates whether the UE monitors in this USS for DCI formats 0-0 and 1-0 or for formats 0-1 and 1-1.
ENUMERATED {formats0-0-And-1-0, formats0-1-And-1-1}, ..., [[
dci-Formats-MT-r16Indicates whether the IAB-MT monitors the DCI formats 2-5 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 14.
ENUMERATED {formats2-5} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-FormatsSL-r16Indicates whether the UE monitors in this USS for DCI formats 0-0 and 1-0 or for formats 0-1 and 1-1 or for format 3-0 or for format 3-1 or for formats 3-0 and 3-1. If this field is present, the field dci-Formats is ignored and dci-FormatsSL is used.
ENUMERATED {formats0-0-And-1-0, formats0-1-And-1-1, formats3-0, formats3-1, formats3-0-And-3-1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-FormatsExt-r16If this field is present, the field dci-Formats is ignored and dci-FormatsExt is used instead to indicate whether the UE monitors in this USS for DCI format 0_2 and 1_2 or formats 0_1 and 1_1 and 0_2 and 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). This field is not configured for operation with shared spectrum channel access in this release.
ENUMERATED {formats0-2-And-1-2, formats0-1-And-1-1And-0-2-And-1-2} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
dci-FormatsNCR-r18Indicates whether the NCR-MT monitors the DCI formats 2-8 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 20.
ENUMERATED {formats2-8} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-FormatsSL-PRS-r18Indicates whether the UE monitors in this USS for DCI formats 3-2 or for formats 3-0 and 3-2 or for formats 3-0 and 3-1 and 3-2 or for formats3-1 and 3-2. If this field is present, the field dci-Formats is ignored and dci-FormatsSL-PRS is used.
ENUMERATED {formats3-2, formats3-0-And-3-2, formats3-0-And-3-1-And-3-2, formats3-1-And-3-2} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } } OPTIONAL -- Cond Setup2 } SearchSpaceExt-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
controlResourceSetId-r16The CORESET applicable for this SearchSpace. Value 0 identifies the common CORESET#0 configured in MIB and in ServingCellConfigCommon. Values 1..maxNrofControlResourceSets-1 identify CORESETs configured in System Information or by dedicated signalling. The CORESETs with non-zero controlResourceSetIdare configured in the same BWP as this SearchSpace except commonControlResourceSetExt which is configured by SIB20. If the field controlResourceSetId-r16 is present, UE shall ignore the controlResourceSetId (without suffix).
ControlResourceSetId-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SetupOnly2
searchSpaceType-r16Indicates whether this is a common search space (present) or a UE specific search space as well as DCI formats to monitor for.
common-r16Configures this search space as common search space (CSS) and DCI formats to monitor.
dci-Format2-4-r16If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_4 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A.
nrofCandidates-CI-r16The number of PDCCH candidates specifically for format 2-4 for the configured aggregation level. If an aggregation level is absent, the UE does not search for any candidates with that aggregation level. The network configures only one aggregationLevel and the corresponding number of candidates (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
SEQUENCE { aggregationLevel1-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel2-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel4-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel8-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel16-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL -- Need R }, ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-Format2-5-r16If configured, IAB-MT monitors the DCI format 2_5 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 14.
SEQUENCE { nrofCandidates-IAB-r16 SEQUENCE { aggregationLevel1-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel2-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel4-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel8-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel16-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2} OPTIONAL -- Need R }, ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-Format2-6-r16If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_6 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 10.3. DCI format 2_6 can only be configured on the SpCell.
SEQUENCE { ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } } OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup3 searchSpaceGroupIdList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. 2)) OF INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
freqMonitorLocations-r16Defines an association of the search space to multiple monitoring locations in the frequency domain and indicates whether the pattern configured in the associated CORESET is replicated to a specific RB set, see TS 38.213, clause 10.1. Each bit in the bitmap corresponds to one RB set, and the leftmost (most significant) bit corresponds to RB set 0 in the BWP. A bit set to 1 indicates that a frequency domain resource allocation replicated from the pattern configured in the associated CORESET is mapped to the RB set.
BIT STRING (SIZE (5)) OPTIONAL -- Need R } SearchSpaceExt-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset-v1710 CHOICE { sl32 INTEGER (0..31), sl64 INTEGER (0..63), sl128 INTEGER (0..127), sl5120 INTEGER (0..5119), sl10240 INTEGER (0..10239), sl20480 INTEGER (0..20479) } OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup5
monitoringSlotsWithinSlotGroup-r17Indicates which slot(s) within a slot group are configured for multi-slot PDCCH monitoring. The first (leftmost, most significant) bit represents the first slot in the slot group, the second bit represents the second slot in the slot group, and so on. A bit set to '1' indicates that the corresponding slot is configured for multi-slot PDCCH monitoring (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). The number of slots for multi-slot PDCCH monitoring is configured according to clause 10 in TS 38.213 [13].
CHOICE { slotGroupLength4-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), slotGroupLength8-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
duration-r17Number of consecutive slots that a SearchSpace lasts in every occasion, i.e., upon every period as given in the periodicityAndOffset. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value 1 slot, except for DCI format 2_0. The UE ignores this field for DCI format 2_0. The maximum valid duration is periodicity-1 (periodicity as given in the monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset). For SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz, duration-r17 is used, and the configured duration is restricted to be an integer multiple of L slots and smaller than periodicity, where L is the configured length of the bitmap monitoringSlotsWithinSlotGroup-r17. If duration-r17 is absent, the UE assumes the duration in slots is equal to L. The maximum valid duration is periodicity-L. For IAB-MT, duration indicates number of consecutive slots that a SearchSpace lasts in every occasion, i.e., upon every period as given in the periodicityAndOffset. If the field is absent, the IAB-MT applies the value 1 slot, except for DCI format 2_0 and DCI format 2_5. The IAB-MT ignores this field for DCI format 2_0 and DCI format 2_5. The maximum valid duration is periodicity-1 (periodicity as given in the monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset).
INTEGER (4..20476) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
searchSpaceType-r17Indicates whether this is a common search space (present) or a UE specific search space as well as DCI formats to monitor for.
common-r17Configures this search space as common search space (CSS) and DCI formats to monitor.
dci-Format4-0-r17If configured, the UE monitors the DCI format 4_0 with CRC scrambled by MCCH-RNTI/G-RNTI according to TS 38.213 [13], clause [10.1].
SEQUENCE { ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-Format4-1-r17If configured, the UE monitors the DCI format 4_1 with CRC scrambled by G-RNTI/G-CS-RNTI according to TS 38.213 [13], clause [10.1].
SEQUENCE { ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-Format4-2-r17If configured, the UE monitors the DCI format 4_2 with CRC scrambled by G-RNTI/G-CS-RNTI according to TS 38.213 [13], clause [10.1].
SEQUENCE { ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-Format4-1-AndFormat4-2-r17If configured, the UE monitors the DCI format 4_1 and 4_2 with CRC scrambled by G-RNTI/G-CS-RNTI according to TS 38.213 [13], clause [11.1].
SEQUENCE { ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
dci-Format2-7-r17If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_7 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 10.4A.
nrofCandidates-PEI-r17The number of PDCCH candidates specifically for format 2-7 for the configured aggregation level.
SEQUENCE { aggregationLevel4-r17 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel8-r17 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- Need R aggregationLevel16-r17 ENUMERATED {n0, n1} OPTIONAL -- Need R }, ... } OPTIONAL -- Need R } } OPTIONAL, -- Need R searchSpaceGroupIdList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. 3)) OF INTEGER (0.. maxNrofSearchSpaceGroups-1-r17) OPTIONAL, -- Cond DedicatedOnly searchSpaceLinkingId-r17 INTEGER (0..maxNrofSearchSpacesLinks-1-r17) OPTIONAL -- Cond DedicatedOnly } SearchSpaceExt-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE {
searchSpaceType-r18Indicates whether this is a common search space (present) or a UE specific search space as well as DCI formats to monitor for.
common-r18Configures this search space as common search space (CSS) and DCI formats to monitor.
dci-Format2-9-r18If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_9 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 11.5. DCI format 2_9 can be configured on only one cell in the cell group.
SEQUENCE { ... } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... },
ue-Specific-r18Configures this search space as UE specific search space (USS). The UE monitors the DCI format with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI, CS-RNTI (if configured), and SP-CSI-RNTI (if configured)
dci-FormatsMC-r18Indicates whether the UE monitors in this USS for DCI format 0_3 or for format 1_3 or for formats 0_3 and 1_3. Separate search space sets for DCI formats in this field and the DCI formats in ue-Specific (without suffix) are independently configured. NOTE:This parameter is used only for SearchSpace configured to the scheduling cell, while another SearchSpace configured to the reference scheduled cell (if any) configures only nrofCandidates (i.e., all other optional fields are absent) with same searchSpaceId with that for scheduling cell.
ENUMERATED {formats0-3, formats1-3, formats0-3-And-1-3} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } } OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-SEARCHSPACE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SearchSpace field descriptions
Configures this search space as common search space (CSS) and DCI formats to monitor.
The CORESET applicable for this SearchSpace. Value 0 identifies the common CORESET#0 configured in MIB and in ServingCellConfigCommon. Values 1..maxNrofControlResourceSets-1 identify CORESETs configured in System Information or by dedicated signalling. The CORESETs with non-zero controlResourceSetIdare configured in the same BWP as this SearchSpace except commonControlResourceSetExt which is configured by SIB20. If the field controlResourceSetId-r16 is present, UE shall ignore the controlResourceSetId (without suffix).
dummy1, dummy2
This field is not used in the specification. If received it shall be ignored by the UE.
If configured, the UE monitors the DCI formats 0_0 and 1_0 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1.
If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_0 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 11.1.1.
If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_1 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 11.2.
If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_2 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 11.3.
If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_3 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 11.4
If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_4 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A.
If configured, IAB-MT monitors the DCI format 2_5 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 14.
If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_6 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 10.3. DCI format 2_6 can only be configured on the SpCell.
If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_7 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 10.4A.
If configured, UE monitors the DCI format 2_9 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1, 11.5. DCI format 2_9 can be configured on only one cell in the cell group.
If configured, the UE monitors the DCI format 4_0 with CRC scrambled by MCCH-RNTI/G-RNTI according to TS 38.213 [13], clause [10.1].
If configured, the UE monitors the DCI format 4_1 and 4_2 with CRC scrambled by G-RNTI/G-CS-RNTI according to TS 38.213 [13], clause [11.1].
If configured, the UE monitors the DCI format 4_1 with CRC scrambled by G-RNTI/G-CS-RNTI according to TS 38.213 [13], clause [10.1].
If configured, the UE monitors the DCI format 4_2 with CRC scrambled by G-RNTI/G-CS-RNTI according to TS 38.213 [13], clause [10.1].
Indicates whether the UE monitors in this USS for DCI formats 0-0 and 1-0 or for formats 0-1 and 1-1.
If this field is present, the field dci-Formats is ignored and dci-FormatsExt is used instead to indicate whether the UE monitors in this USS for DCI format 0_2 and 1_2 or formats 0_1 and 1_1 and 0_2 and 1_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1). This field is not configured for operation with shared spectrum channel access in this release.
Indicates whether the UE monitors in this USS for DCI format 0_3 or for format 1_3 or for formats 0_3 and 1_3. Separate search space sets for DCI formats in this field and the DCI formats in ue-Specific (without suffix) are independently configured. NOTE:This parameter is used only for SearchSpace configured to the scheduling cell, while another SearchSpace configured to the reference scheduled cell (if any) configures only nrofCandidates (i.e., all other optional fields are absent) with same searchSpaceId with that for scheduling cell.
Indicates whether the IAB-MT monitors the DCI formats 2-5 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 14.
Indicates whether the NCR-MT monitors the DCI formats 2-8 according to TS 38.213 [13], clause 20.
Indicates whether the UE monitors in this USS for DCI formats 0-0 and 1-0 or for formats 0-1 and 1-1 or for format 3-0 or for format 3-1 or for formats 3-0 and 3-1. If this field is present, the field dci-Formats is ignored and dci-FormatsSL is used.
Indicates whether the UE monitors in this USS for DCI formats 3-2 or for formats 3-0 and 3-2 or for formats 3-0 and 3-1 and 3-2 or for formats3-1 and 3-2. If this field is present, the field dci-Formats is ignored and dci-FormatsSL-PRS is used.
Number of consecutive slots that a SearchSpace lasts in every occasion, i.e., upon every period as given in the periodicityAndOffset. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value 1 slot, except for DCI format 2_0. The UE ignores this field for DCI format 2_0. The maximum valid duration is periodicity-1 (periodicity as given in the monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset). For SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz, duration-r17 is used, and the configured duration is restricted to be an integer multiple of L slots and smaller than periodicity, where L is the configured length of the bitmap monitoringSlotsWithinSlotGroup-r17. If duration-r17 is absent, the UE assumes the duration in slots is equal to L. The maximum valid duration is periodicity-L. For IAB-MT, duration indicates number of consecutive slots that a SearchSpace lasts in every occasion, i.e., upon every period as given in the periodicityAndOffset. If the field is absent, the IAB-MT applies the value 1 slot, except for DCI format 2_0 and DCI format 2_5. The IAB-MT ignores this field for DCI format 2_0 and DCI format 2_5. The maximum valid duration is periodicity-1 (periodicity as given in the monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset).
Defines an association of the search space to multiple monitoring locations in the frequency domain and indicates whether the pattern configured in the associated CORESET is replicated to a specific RB set, see TS 38.213, clause 10.1. Each bit in the bitmap corresponds to one RB set, and the leftmost (most significant) bit corresponds to RB set 0 in the BWP. A bit set to 1 indicates that a frequency domain resource allocation replicated from the pattern configured in the associated CORESET is mapped to the RB set.
Slots for PDCCH Monitoring configured as periodicity and offset. For SCS 15, 30, 60, and 120 kHz and if the UE is configured to monitor: - DCI format 2_1, only the values 'sl1', 'sl2' or 'sl4' are applicable. - DCI format 2_0, only the values ′sl1′, ′sl2′, ′sl4′, ′sl5′, ′sl8′, ′sl10′, ′sl16′, and ′sl20′ are applicable (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). - DCI format 2_4, only the values 'sl1', 'sl2', 'sl4', 'sl5', 'sl8' and 'sl10' are applicable. For SCS 480 kHz and if the UE is configured to monitor: - DCI format 2_0, only the values 'sl4', 'sl8', 'sl16', 'sl20', 'sl32', 'sl40', 'sl64', and 'sl80' are applicable. - DCI format 2_1, only the values ′sl4′, ′sl8′, and ′sl16′ are applicable. - DCI format 2_4, only the values 'sl4', 'sl8', 'sl16', 'sl20', 'sl32', 'sl40' are applicable. For SCS 960 kHz and if the UE is configured to monitor: - DCI format 2_0, only the values 'sl8', 'sl16', 'sl32', 'sl40', 'sl64', 'sl80', 'sl128', and 'sl160' are applicable. - DCI format 2_1, only the values ′sl8′, ′sl16′, and 'sl32' are applicable. - DCI format 2_4, only the values 'sl8', 'sl16', 'sl32', 'sl40', 'sl64', 'sl80' are applicable. For SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz, and the configured periodicity and offset are restricted to be an integer multiple of L slots, where L is the configured length of the bitmap provided by monitoringSlotsWithinSlotGroup-r17, i.e. for a given periodicity, the offset has a range of {0, L, 2*L, …, L*FLOOR(1/L*(periodicity-1))}. For IAB-MT,If the IAB-MT is configured to monitor DCI format 2_1, only the values 'sl1', 'sl2' or 'sl4' are applicable. If the IAB-MT is configured to monitor DCI format 2_0 or DCI format 2_5, only the values ′sl1′, ′sl2′, ′sl4′, ′sl5′, ′sl8′, ′sl10′, ′sl16′, and ′sl20′ are applicable (see TS 38.213, clause 10). If monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset-v1710 is present, any previously configured monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset is released, and if monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset is present, any previously configured monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset-v1710 is released.
Indicates which slot(s) within a slot group are configured for multi-slot PDCCH monitoring. The first (leftmost, most significant) bit represents the first slot in the slot group, the second bit represents the second slot in the slot group, and so on. A bit set to '1' indicates that the corresponding slot is configured for multi-slot PDCCH monitoring (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10). The number of slots for multi-slot PDCCH monitoring is configured according to clause 10 in TS 38.213 [13].
The first symbol(s) for PDCCH monitoring in the slots configured for (multi-slot) PDCCH monitoring (see monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset and duration). The most significant (left) bit represents the first OFDM in a slot, and the second most significant (left) bit represents the second OFDM symbol in a slot and so on. The bit(s) set to one identify the first OFDM symbol(s) of the control resource set within a slot. If the cyclic prefix of the BWP is set to extended CP, the last two bits within the bit string shall be ignored by the UE or IAB-MT. For DCI format 2_0, the first one symbol applies if the duration of CORESET (in the IE ControlResourceSet) identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 3 symbols, the first two symbols apply if the duration of CORESET identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 2 symbols, and the first three symbols apply if the duration of CORESET identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 1 symbol. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 10. For IAB-MT: For DCI format 2_0 or DCI format 2_5, the first one symbol applies if the duration of CORESET (in the IE ControlResourceSet) identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 3 symbols, the first two symbols apply if the duration of CORESET identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 2 symbols, and the first three symbols apply if the duration of CORESET identified by controlResourceSetId indicates 1 symbol. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.
The number of PDCCH candidates specifically for format 2-4 for the configured aggregation level. If an aggregation level is absent, the UE does not search for any candidates with that aggregation level. The network configures only one aggregationLevel and the corresponding number of candidates (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1).
The number of PDCCH candidates specifically for format 2-7 for the configured aggregation level.
The number of PDCCH candidates specifically for format 2-0 for the configured aggregation level. If an aggregation level is absent, the UE does not search for any candidates with that aggregation level. The network configures only one aggregationLevel and the corresponding number of candidates (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1). For a search space configured with freqMonitorLocations-r16, only value ′n1′ is valid.
Number of PDCCH candidates per aggregation level. The number of candidates and aggregation levels configured here applies to all formats unless a particular value is specified or a format-specific value is provided (see inside searchSpaceType). If configured in the SearchSpace of a cross carrier scheduled cell, this field determines the number of candidates and aggregation levels to be used on the linked scheduling cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10).
searchSpaceGroupIdList-r16, searchSpaceGroupIdList-r17
List of search space group IDs which the search space is associated with. The network configures at most 2 search space groups per BWP where the group ID is either 0 or 1 if searchSpaceGroupIdList-r16 is included. The network configures at most 3 search space groups per BWP where the group ID is either 0, 1 or 2 if searchSpaceGroupIdList-r17 is included. And if searchSpaceGroupIdList-r17 is included, searchSpaceGroupIdList-r16 is ignored.
Identity of the search space. SearchSpaceId = 0 identifies the searchSpaceZero configured via PBCH (MIB) or ServingCellConfigCommon and may hence not be used in the SearchSpace IE. The searchSpaceId is unique among the BWPs of a Serving Cell. In case of cross carrier scheduling, search spaces with the same searchSpaceId in scheduled cell and scheduling cell are linked to each other. The UE applies the search space for the scheduled cell only if the DL BWPs in which the linked search spaces are configured in scheduling cell and scheduled cell are both active. For an IAB-MT, the search space defines how/where to search for PDCCH candidates for an IAB-MT where each search space is associated with one ControlResearchSet and for a scheduled cell in the case of cross carrier scheduling, except for nrofCandidates, all the optional fields are absent.
This parameter is used to link two search spaces of same type in the same BWP. If two search spaces have the same SearchSpaceLinkingId UE assumes these search spaces are linked to PDCCH repetition REF. When PDCCH repetition is monitored in two linked search space (SS) sets, the UE does not expect a third monitored SS set to be linked with any of the two linked SS sets. The two linked SS sets have the same SS set type (USS/CSS). The two linked SS sets have the same DCI formats to monitor. For intra-slot PDCCH repetition: The two SS sets should have the same periodicity and offset (monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset), and the same duration. For linking monitoring occasions across the two SS sets that exist in the same slot: The two SS sets have the same number of monitoring occasions within a slot and n-th monitoring occasion of one SS set is linked to n-th monitoring occasion of the other SS set. The following SS sets cannot be linked with another SS set for PDCCH repetition: SS set 0, searchSpaceSIB1, searchSpaceOtherSystemInformation, pagingSearchSpace, ra-SearchSpace, searchSpaceMCCH, searchSpaceMTCH, peiSearchSpace, and sdt-SearchSpace. SS set configured by recoverySearchSpaceId cannot be linked to another SS set for PDCCH repetition. When a scheduled serving cell is configured to be cross-carrier scheduled by a scheduling serving cell, two PDCCH candidates (with the same AL and candidate index associated with the scheduled serving cell) are linked only if the corresponding two SS sets in the scheduling serving cell are linked and two SS sets in the scheduled serving cell with the same SS set IDs are also linked. This parameter is not applicable to search space configured with dci-FormatsSL for monitoring format 3-0 or format 3-1 or for monitoring formats 3-0 and format 3-1.
Indicates whether this is a common search space (present) or a UE specific search space as well as DCI formats to monitor for.
Configures this search space as UE specific search space (USS). The UE monitors the DCI format with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI, CS-RNTI (if configured), and SP-CSI-RNTI (if configured)
Conditional PresenceExplanation
In PDCCH-Config, the field is optionally present, Need R. Otherwise it is absent, Need R.
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a new SearchSpace. It is optionally present, Need M, otherwise.
This field is mandatory present when a new SearchSpace is set up, if the same SearchSpace ID is not included in searchSpacesToAddModListExt-r16/searchSpacesToAddModListExt-v1700/searchSpacesToAddModListExt-v1800 of the parent IE with the field searchSpaceType-r16or searchSpaceType-r17or searchSpaceType-r18included. This field is absent if the same SearchSpace ID is included in searchSpacesToAddModListExt-v1800 of the parent IE with the field searchSpaceType-r18 included and set to dci-FormatsMC-r18. Otherwise it is optionally present, Need M.
This field is mandatory present when a new SearchSpace is set up, if the same SearchSpace ID is not included in searchSpacesToAddModListExt (without suffix) of the parent IE with the field searchSpaceType (without suffix) included. Otherwise it is optionally present, Need M.
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a new SearchSpaceifmonitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset-v1710is not included. It is optionally present, Need M, otherwise.
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a new SearchSpaceifmonitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset (without suffix) is not included. It is optionally present, Need M, otherwise.
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a new SearchSpace. It is absent, Need M, otherwise.
In PDCCH-Config, the field is optionally present upon creation of a new SearchSpace and absent, Need M upon reconfiguration of an existing SearchSpace.
In PDCCH-ConfigCommon, the field is absent.

The IE SearchSpaceId is used to identify Search Spaces. The ID space is used across the BWPs of a Serving Cell. The search space with the SearchSpaceId = 0 identifies the search space configured via PBCH (MIB) and in ServingCellConfigCommon (searchSpaceZero). The number of Search Spaces per BWP is limited to 10 including the common and UE specific Search Spaces.

The IE SearchSpaceZero is used to configure SearchSpace#0 of the initial BWP (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13).

The IE SecurityAlgorithmConfig is used to configure AS integrity protection algorithm and AS ciphering algorithm for SRBs and DRBs.
cipheringAlgorithmIndicates the ciphering algorithm to be used for SRBs and DRBs, as specified in TS 33.501 [11]. The algorithms nea0-nea3 are identical to the LTE algorithms eea0-3. The algorithms configured for all bearers using master key shall be the same, and the algorithms configured for all bearers using secondary key, if any, shall be the same. If UE is connected to E-UTRA/EPC, this field indicates the ciphering algorithm to be used for RBs configured with NR PDCP, as specified in TS 33.501 [11].
integrityProtAlgorithmIndicates the integrity protection algorithm to be used for SRBs and DRBs, as specified in TS 33.501 [11]. The algorithms nia0-nia3 are identical to the E-UTRA algorithms eia0-3. The algorithms configured for all bearers using master key shall be the same and the algorithms configured for all bearers using secondary key, if any, shall be the same.The network does not configure nia0 except for unauthenticated emergency sessions for unauthenticated UEs in LSM (limited service mode). If UE is connected to E-UTRA/EPC, this field indicates the integrity protection algorithm to be used for SRBs configured with NR PDCP as specified in TS 33.501 [11], and DRBs configured with integrity protection as specified in TS 33.401 [30]. The network does not configure nia0 for SRB3.
IntegrityProtAlgorithm OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } IntegrityProtAlgorithm ::= ENUMERATED { nia0, nia1, nia2, nia3, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, ...} CipheringAlgorithm ::= ENUMERATED { nea0, nea1, nea2, nea3, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, ...} -- TAG-SECURITYALGORITHMCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SecurityAlgorithmConfig field descriptions
Indicates the ciphering algorithm to be used for SRBs and DRBs, as specified in TS 33.501 [11]. The algorithms nea0-nea3 are identical to the LTE algorithms eea0-3. The algorithms configured for all bearers using master key shall be the same, and the algorithms configured for all bearers using secondary key, if any, shall be the same. If UE is connected to E-UTRA/EPC, this field indicates the ciphering algorithm to be used for RBs configured with NR PDCP, as specified in TS 33.501 [11].
Indicates the integrity protection algorithm to be used for SRBs and DRBs, as specified in TS 33.501 [11]. The algorithms nia0-nia3 are identical to the E-UTRA algorithms eia0-3. The algorithms configured for all bearers using master key shall be the same and the algorithms configured for all bearers using secondary key, if any, shall be the same.The network does not configure nia0 except for unauthenticated emergency sessions for unauthenticated UEs in LSM (limited service mode). If UE is connected to E-UTRA/EPC, this field indicates the integrity protection algorithm to be used for SRBs configured with NR PDCP as specified in TS 33.501 [11], and DRBs configured with integrity protection as specified in TS 33.401 [30]. The network does not configure nia0 for SRB3.

The IE SelectedPSCellForCHO-WithSCG is used to indicate the information of the selected target PSCell to target MN at execution of a conditional reconfiguration for CHO with candidate SCG(s).

The IE SemiStaticChannelAccessConfig is used to configure channel access parameters when the network is operating in semi-static channel access mode (see clause 4.3 in TS 37.213 [48].

The IE SemiStaticChannelAccessConfigUE is used to configure channel access parameters for UE initiated semi-static channel access.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SEMISTATICCHANNELACCESSCONFIGUE-START SemiStaticChannelAccessConfigUE-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { periodUE-r17 ENUMERATED {ms1, ms2, ms2dot5, ms4, ms5, ms10, spare2, spare1}, offsetUE-r17 INTEGER (0..559) } -- TAG-SEMISTATICCHANNELACCESSCONFIGUE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SemiStaticChannelAccessConfig field descriptions
Indicates the periodicity of the semi-static channel access mode (see TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.3). Value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, value ms2dot5 corresponds to 2.5 ms, and so on.

The IE Sensor-LocationInfo is used by the UE to provide sensor information.
sensor-MeasurementInformation-r16This field provides barometric pressure measurements as Sensor-MeasurementInformationdefined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
sensor-MotionInformation-r16This field provides motion sensor measurements as Sensor-MotionInformationdefined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
SemiStaticChannelAccessConfigUE field descriptions
Indicates the period of a channel occupancy that the UE can initiate as described in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.3. Value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, value ms2dot5 corresponds to 2.5 ms, and so on.
Indicates the number of symbols from the beginning of the even indexed radio frame to the start of the first period within that radio frame that the UE can initiate a channel occupancy (see TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.3), based on the smallest SCS among the configured SCSs in the serving cell. The offset duration indicated by this field is less than the period duration indicated by periodUE. The maximum value is 139, 279 and 559 for 15, 30 and 60 kHz subcarrier spacing, respectively.
Sensor-LocationInfofield descriptions
This field provides barometric pressure measurements as Sensor-MeasurementInformationdefined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.
This field provides motion sensor measurements as Sensor-MotionInformationdefined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit.

The IE ServingCellAndBWP-Id is used to indicate a serving cell and an uplink or a downlink BWP.

The IE ServCellIndex concerns a short identity, used to uniquely identify a serving cell (i.e. the PCell, the PSCell or an SCell) across the cell groups. Value 0 applies for the PCell, while the SCellIndex that has previously been assigned applies for SCells.

The IE ServingCellConfig is used to configure (add or modify) the UE with a serving cell, which may be the SpCell or an SCell of an MCG or SCG. The parameters herein are mostly UE specific but partly also cell specific (e.g. in additionally configured bandwidth parts). Reconfiguration between a PUCCH and PUCCHless SCell is only supported using an SCell release and add.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SERVINGCELLCONFIG-START ServingCellConfig ::= SEQUENCE { tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationDedicated TDD-UL-DL-ConfigDedicated OPTIONAL, -- Cond TDD
initialDownlinkBWPThe dedicated (UE-specific) configuration for the initial downlink bandwidth-part (i.e., DL BWP#0). If any of the optional IEs are configured within this IE, the UE considers the BWP#0 to be an RRC configured BWP (from UE capability viewpoint). Otherwise, the UE does not consider the BWP#0 as an RRC configured BWP (from UE capability viewpoint). Network always configures the UE with a value for this field if no other BWPs are configured. NOTE1
BWP-DownlinkDedicated OPTIONAL, -- Need M
downlinkBWP-ToReleaseListList of additional downlink bandwidth parts to be released. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
downlinkBWP-ToAddModListList of additional downlink bandwidth parts to be added or modified. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofBWPs)) OF BWP-Downlink OPTIONAL, -- Need N
firstActiveDownlinkBWP-IdIf configured for an SpCell, this field contains the ID of the DL BWP to be activated or to be used for RLM, BFD and measurements if included in an RRCReconfiguration message contained in an NR or E-UTRA RRC message indicating that the SCG is deactivated, upon performing the RRC (re-)configuration. If the field is absent, the RRC (re-)configuration does not impose a BWP switch. If the field is absent for the PSCell at SCG deactivation, the UE considers the previously activated DL BWP as the BWP to be used for RLM, BFD and measurements. If the field is absent for the PSCell at SCG activation, the DL BWP to be activated is the DL BWP previously to be used for RLM, BFD and measurements. If configured for an SCell, this field contains the ID of the downlink bandwidth part to be used upon activation of an SCell. The initial bandwidth part is referred to by BWP-Id = 0. Upon reconfiguration with reconfigurationWithSync, the network sets the firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id and firstActiveUplinkBWP-Id to the same value.
BWP-Id OPTIONAL, -- Cond SyncAndCellAdd
bwp-InactivityTimerThe duration in ms after which the UE falls back to the default Bandwidth Part (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.15). When the network releases the timer configuration, the UE stops the timer without switching to the default BWP.
ENUMERATED {ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40,ms50, ms60, ms80,ms100, ms200,ms300, ms500, ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } OPTIONAL, --Need R
defaultDownlinkBWP-IdThe initial bandwidth part is referred to by BWP-Id = 0. ID of the downlink bandwidth part to be used upon expiry of the BWP inactivity timer. This field is UE specific. When the field is absent the UE uses the initial BWP as default BWP. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 12 and TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.15).
uplinkConfigNetwork may configure this field only when uplinkConfigCommon is configured in ServingCellConfigCommon or ServingCellConfigCommonSIB. Addition or release of this field can only be done upon SCell addition or release (respectively).
UplinkConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M
supplementaryUplinkNetwork may configure this field only when supplementaryUplinkConfig is configured in ServingCellConfigCommon or supplementaryUplink is configured inServingCellConfigCommonSIB.
UplinkConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M pdcch-ServingCellConfig SetupRelease { PDCCH-ServingCellConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pdsch-ServingCellConfigPDSCH related parameters that are not BWP-specific.
SetupRelease { PDSCH-ServingCellConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M csi-MeasConfig SetupRelease { CSI-MeasConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sCellDeactivationTimerSCell deactivation timer in TS 38.321 [3]. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value infinity.
ENUMERATED {ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160, ms200, ms240, ms320, ms400, ms480, ms520, ms640, ms720, ms840, ms1280, spare2,spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Cond ServingCellWithoutPUCCH
crossCarrierSchedulingConfigIndicates whether this serving cell is cross-carrier scheduled by another serving cell or whether it cross-carrier schedules another serving cell. If the field other is configured for an SpCell (i.e., the SpCell is cross-carrier scheduled by another serving cell), the SpCell can be additionally scheduled by the PDCCH on the SpCell.
CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need M
tag-IdTiming Advance Group ID, as specified in TS 38.321 [3], which this cell or set of TCI-States of this cell are associated with.
TAG-Id, dummy1 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pathlossReferenceLinkingIndicates whether UE shall apply as pathloss reference either the downlink of SpCell (PCell for MCG or PSCell for SCG) or of SCell that corresponds with this uplink (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7).
ENUMERATED {spCell, sCell} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCellOnly
servingCellMOmeasObjectId of the MeasObjectNR in MeasConfig which is associated to the serving cell. For this MeasObjectNR, the following relationship applies between this MeasObjectNR and frequencyInfoDL in ServingCellConfigCommon/ServingCellConfigCommonSIB of the serving cell: if ssbFrequency is configured, its value is the same as the absoluteFrequencySSB and if csi-rs-ResourceConfigMobility is configured, the value of its subcarrierSpacing is present in one entry of the scs-SpecificCarrierList, csi-RS-CellListMobility includes an entry corresponding to the serving cell (with cellId equal to physCellId in ServingCellConfigCommon) and the frequency range indicated by the csi-rs-MeasurementBW of the entry in csi-RS-CellListMobility is included in the frequency range indicated by in the entry of the scs-SpecificCarrierList.
MeasObjectId OPTIONAL, -- Cond MeasObject ..., [[
lte-CRS-ToMatchAroundParameters to determine an LTE CRS pattern that the UE shall rate match around.
SetupRelease { RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
rateMatchPatternToAddModListResources patterns which the UE should rate match PDSCH around. The UE rate matches around the union of all resources indicated in the rate match patterns. Rate match patterns defined here on cell level apply only to PDSCH of the same numerology. See TS 38.214 [19], clause If a RateMatchPattern with the same RateMatchPatternId is configured in both ServingCellConfig/ServingCellConfigCommon and in SIB20/MCCH, the entire RateMatchPattern configuration shall be the same, including the set of RBs/REs indicated by the patterns for the rate matching around, and they are counted as a single rate match pattern in the total configured rate match patterns as defined in TS 38.214 [19].
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRateMatchPatterns)) OF RateMatchPattern OPTIONAL, -- Need N rateMatchPatternToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRateMatchPatterns)) OF RateMatchPatternId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
downlinkChannelBW-PerSCS-ListA set of UE specific channel bandwidth and location configurations for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A. The UE uses the configuration provided in this field only for the purpose of channel bandwidth and location determination. If absent, UE uses the configuration indicated in scs-SpecificCarrierList in DownlinkConfigCommon / DownlinkConfigCommonSIB. Network only configures channel bandwidth that corresponds to the channel bandwidth values defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39], and TS 38.101-5 [75]. If the UE is an(e)RedCap UE and needs to autonomously switch to its initial downlink bandwidth part to perform a random access procedure but its current UE specific channel bandwidth does not cover the initial downlink bandwidth part, the UE autonomously changes its UE specific channel bandwidth to cover the initial downlink bandwidth part. In that case, after completion of the random access procedure, the network ensures that the UE specific channel bandwidth fully covers the UE's active downlink bandwidth part in subsequent bandwidth part switch operations.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF SCS-SpecificCarrier OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[
supplementaryUplinkRelease-r16If this field is included, the UE shall release the uplink configuration configured by supplementaryUplink. The network only includes either supplementaryUplinkRelease or supplementaryUplink at a time.
tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationDedicated-IAB-MT-r16Resource configuration per IAB-MT D/U/F overrides all symbols (with a limitation that effectively only flexible symbols can be overwritten in Rel-16) per slot over the number of slots as provided by TDD-UL-DL ConfigurationCommon.
TDD-UL-DL-ConfigDedicated-IAB-MT-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond TDD_IAB
dormantBWP-Config-r16The dormant BWP configuration for an SCell. This field can be configured only for a (non-PUCCH) SCell.
SetupRelease { DormantBWP-Config-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ca-SlotOffset-r16Slot offset between the primary cell (PCell/PSCell) and the SCell in unaligned frame boundary with slot alignment and partial SFN alignment inter-band CA. Based on this field, the UE determines the time offset of the SCell as specified in clause 4.5 of TS 38.211 [16]. The granularity of this field is determined by the reference SCS for the slot offset (i.e. the maximum of PCell/PSCell lowest SCS among all the configured SCSs in DL/UL SCS-SpecificCarrierList in ServingCellConfigCommon or ServingCellConfigCommonSIB and this serving cell's lowest SCS among all the configured SCSs in DL/UL SCS-SpecificCarrierList in ServingCellConfigCommon or ServingCellConfigCommonSIB). The Network configures at most single non-zero offset duration in ms (independent on SCS) among CCs in the unaligned CA configuration. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value of 0.The slot offset value can only be changed with SCell release and add.
CHOICE { refSCS15kHz INTEGER (-2..2), refSCS30KHz INTEGER (-5..5), refSCS60KHz INTEGER (-10..10), refSCS120KHz INTEGER (-20..20) } OPTIONAL, -- Cond AsyncCA dummy2 SetupRelease { DummyJ } OPTIONAL, -- Need M intraCellGuardBandsDL-List-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF IntraCellGuardBandsPerSCS-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need S intraCellGuardBandsUL-List-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF IntraCellGuardBandsPerSCS-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need S
csi-RS-ValidationWithDCI-r16Indicates how the UE performs periodic and semi-persistent CSI-RS reception in a slot. The presence of this field indicates that the UE usesDCI detection to validate whether to receive CSI-RS (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
lte-CRS-PatternList1-r16A list of LTE CRS patterns around which the UE shall do rate matching for PDSCH. The LTE CRS patterns in this list shall be non-overlapping in frequency. The network does not configure this field and lte-CRS-ToMatchAround simultaneously.
SetupRelease { LTE-CRS-PatternList-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
lte-CRS-PatternList2-r16A list of LTE CRS patterns around which the UE shall do rate matching for PDSCH scheduled with a DCI detected on a CORESET with CORESETPoolIndex configured with 1. This list is configured only if CORESETPoolIndex configured with 1. The first LTE CRS pattern in this list shall be fully overlapping in frequency with the first LTE CRS pattern in lte-CRS-PatternList1, The second LTE CRS pattern in this list shall be fully overlapping in frequency with the second LTE CRS pattern in lte-CRS-PatternList1, and so on. Network configures this field only if the field lte-CRS-ToMatchAround is not configured and there is at least one ControlResourceSet in one DL BWP of this serving cell with coresetPoolIndex set to 1.
SetupRelease { LTE-CRS-PatternList-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
crs-RateMatch-PerCORESETPoolIndex-r16Indicates how UE performs rate matching when both lte-CRS-PatternList1-r16 and lte-CRS-PatternList2-r16 are configured or when both lte-CRS-PatternList3-r18 and lte-CRS-PatternList4-r18 are configured as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
enableTwoDefaultTCI-States-r16Presence of this field indicates the UE shall follow the release 16 behavior of two default TCI states for PDSCH when at least one TCI codepoint is mapped to two TCI states is enabled
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
enableDefaultTCI-StatePerCoresetPoolIndex-r16Presence of this field indicates the UE shall follow the release 16 behavior of default TCI state per CORESETPoolindex when the UE is configured by higher layer parameter PDCCH-Config that contains two different values of CORESETPoolIndex in ControlResourceSet is enabled.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
enableBeamSwitchTiming-r16Indicates the aperiodic CSI-RS triggering with beam switching triggering behaviour as defined in clause of TS 38.214 [19].
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R cbg-TxDiffTBsProcessingType1-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R cbg-TxDiffTBsProcessingType2-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
directionalCollisionHandling-r16Indicates that this serving cell is using directional collision handling between a reference and other cell(s) for half-duplex operation in TDD CA with same SCS as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1. The half-duplex operation only applies within the same frequency range and cell group.The network only configures this field for TDD serving cells that are using the same SCS.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
channelAccessConfig-r16List of parameters used for access procedures of operation with shared spectrum channel access (see TS 37.213 [48).
SetupRelease { ChannelAccessConfig-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
nr-dl-PRS-PDC-Info-r17Configures the DL PRS for propagation delay compensation. When configured, the UE measures the UE Rx-Tx time difference based on the reference signals configured in this field.
SetupRelease {NR-DL-PRS-PDC-Info-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
semiStaticChannelAccessConfigUE-r17When this field is configured and when channelAccessMode-r16 (see IE ServingCellConfigCommon and IE ServingCellConfigCommonSIB) is configured to semiStatic, the UE operates in semi-static channel access mode and can initiate a channel occupancy periodically (see TS 37.213 [48], Clause 4.3). The period can be configured independently from period configured in SemiStaticChannelAccessConfig-r16 if the UE indicates the corresponding capability. Otherwise, the periodicity configured by periodUE-r17 is an integer multiple of or an integer factor of the periodicity indicated by period in SemiStaticChannelAccessConfig-r16.
SetupRelease {SemiStaticChannelAccessConfigUE-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M mimoParam-r17 SetupRelease {MIMOParam-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
channelAccessMode2-r17If present, this field indicates that the UE shall apply channel access procedures for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4 for FR2-2. If absent, the UE does not apply these channel access procedures. The network always configures this field if channel access procedures are required for the serving cell within this region by regulations. Overwrites the corresponding field in ServingCellConfigCommon or ServingCellConfigCommonSIB for this serving cell.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R timeDomainHARQ-BundlingType1-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
nrofHARQ-BundlingGroups-r17Indicates the number of HARQ bundling groups for type2 HARQ-ACK codebook.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
fdmed-ReceptionMulticast-r17Indicates the Type-1 HARQ codebook generation as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause
moreThanOneNackOnlyMode-r17Indicates the mode of NACK-only feedback in the PUCCH transmission, as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 18. If multicast CFR is not configured, this field is not included. Otherwise, if the field is absent, UE uses mode 1 for multicast CFR.
tci-ActivatedConfig-r17If configured for an SCell, or if configured for the PSCell when the SCG is being activated upon the reception of the containing message, the UE shall consider the TCI states provided in this field as the activated TCI states for PDCCH/PDSCH reception on this serving cell. If configured for the PSCell when the SCG is indicated as deactivated in the containing message: - the UE shall consider the TCI states provided in this field as the TCI states to be activated for PDCCH/PDSCH reception upon a later SCG activation in which tci-ActivatedConfig is absent - if bfd-and-RLM is configured and no RS is configured in RadioLinkMonitoringConfig for RLM, respectively for BFD, the UE shall use the TCI states provided in this field for PDCCH as RS for RLM, respectively for BFD. When this field is absent for the PSCell and the SCG is being deactivated: - the UE shall consider the previously activated TCI states as the TCI states to be activated for PDCCH/PDSCH reception upon a later SCG activation in which tci-ActivatedConfig is absent - if bfd-and-RLM is configured and no RS is configured in RadioLinkMonitoringConfig for RLM, respectively for BFD, the UE shall use the previously activated TCI states for PDCCH as RS for RLM, respectively for BFD.
TCI-ActivatedConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond TCI_ActivatedConfig
directionalCollisionHandling-DC-r17For the IAB-MT, it indicates that this serving cell is using directional collision handling between a reference and other cell(s) for half-duplex operation in TDD NR-DC with same SCS within same cell group or cross different cell groups.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
lte-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList-r17A list of LTE neighbour cells configuration information which is used to assist the UE to perform CRS interference mitigation (CRS-IM) in scenarios with overlapping spectrum for LTE and NR (see TS 38.101-4 [59]). If the field is included, it replaces any previous list, i.e. all the entries of the list are replaced and each of the LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfo entries is considered to be newly created and the conditions and Need codes for setup of the entry apply.
SetupRelease { LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList-r17 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
lte-NeighCellsCRS-Assumptions-r17If the field is not configured, the following default network configuration assumptions are valid for all LTE neighbour cells for the purpose of CRS interference mitigation (CRS-IM) in scenarios with overlapping spectrum for LTE and NR (see TS 38.101-4 [59]). -The CRS port number is the same as the one indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS if configured for the serving cell. -The CRS port number is 4 if RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is not configured for the serving cell. -The channel bandwidth and centre frequency are the same as the ones indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS if configured for the serving cell. -The MBSFN configuration is the same as the one indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS if configured for the serving cell. If RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is not configured for the serving cell, MBSFN subframe is not configured. -Network-based CRS interference mitigation (i.e., CRS muting), as in crs-IntfMitigConfig specified in TS 36.331 [10], is not enabled. If the field is configured (i.e. false) and LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList is configured, the configuration provided in LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList overrides the default network configuration assumptions. If the field is configured (i.e. false) and LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList is not configured, it is up to the UE implementation whether to apply CRS-IM operation.
ENUMERATED {false} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
crossCarrierSchedulingConfigRelease-r17If this field is included, the UE shall release the cross carrier scheduling configuration configured by crossCarrierSchedulingConfig. The network may only include either crossCarrierSchedulingConfigRelease or crossCarrierSchedulingConfig at a time.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
multiPDSCH-PerSlotType1-CB-r17Configures the UE behaviour for Type1 codebook HARQ ACK generation regarding the number of PDSCHs per slot on a serving cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause When this parameter is configured and set to disabled for a serving cell, the network does not schedule UE with more than one PDSCH in a slot on the serving cell if HARQ-ACKs of any two PDSCHs in the slot on the serving cell are supposed to be reported on one PUCCH resource in the same PUCCH slot. If two coresetPoolIndex values are configured, the number of received PDSCHs is per coresetPoolIndex value per slot for a serving cell. If the UE generates two HARQ-ACK codebooks for two priorities, the number of received PDSCHs is per priority per slot for a serving cell. If fdmed-ReceptionMulticast is configured, the number of received PDSCHs is per traffic type (unicast / multicast) per slot for a serving cell.
ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
lte-CRS-PatternList3-r18A list of LTE CRS patterns around which the UE shall do rate matching for PDSCH. The LTE CRS patterns in this list shall be non-overlapping in frequency. The network does not configure this field and lte-CRS-ToMatchAround, or this field and lte-CRS-PatternList1, or this field and lte-CRS-PatternList2 simultaneously.
SetupRelease { LTE-CRS-PatternList-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
lte-CRS-PatternList4-r18A list of LTE CRS patterns around which the UE shall do rate matching for PDSCH. The LTE CRS patterns in this list shall be non-overlapping in frequency. The first LTE CRS pattern in this list shall be fully overlapping in frequency with the first LTE CRS pattern in lte-CRS-PatternList3. The second LTE CRS pattern in this list shall be fully overlapping in frequency with the second LTE CRS pattern in lte-CRS-PatternList3, and so on. Network configures this field only if the field lte-CRS-ToMatchAround is not configured and the field lte-CRS-PatternList3 is configured.
SetupRelease { LTE-CRS-PatternList-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pdcch-CandidateReceptionWithCRS-Overlap-r18Presence of this field indicates the UE shall monitor PDCCH candidates that overlap with LTE CRS RE(s).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cjt-Scheme-PDSCH-r18This field is used to configure CJT Tx scheme cjtSchemeA or cjtSchemeB for PDSCH reception, see TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
ENUMERATED {cjtSchemeA, cjtSchemeB} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
tag2-r18This field to indicate the second TAG information for the serving cell, it is optionally configured in a serving cell if and only if the serving cell is configured with more than one value for the coresetPoolIndex.
Tag2-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cellDTX-DRX-Config-r18Used to configure cell DTX/DRX for the serving cell, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. A maximum of two cell DTX/DRX patterns can be configured per MAC entity for different serving cells. The two configured patterns are aligned, that the start and slot offset are common and the periodicity of one pattern is an integer multiple of the other. Cell DTX is configured only when connected mode DRX is configured.
SetupRelease { CellDTX-DRX-Config-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
positionInDCI-cellDTRX-r18The starting bit position of an information block of DCI format 2_9 for this serving cell (see TS 38.212 [17], clause
INTEGER (0..maxDCI-2-9-Size-1-r18) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cellDTX-DRX-L1activation-r18Indicates whether this serving cell has enabled L1 signaling based on DCI 2_9 for dynamic activation/deactivation of cell DTX/DRX configuration.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mc-DCI-SetOfCellsToAddModList-r18List of up to N (N<=4) configurations of set(s) of cells for multi-cell PDSCH/PUSCH scheduling from the serving cell, where N is reported as UE capability and up to 4 sets of cells can be configured per PUCCH group. When this field is configured to a SCell, PCell cannot be included in either ScheduledCellListDCI-1-3 or ScheduledCellListDCI-0-3.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSetsOfCells-r18)) OF MC-DCI-SetOfCells-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
mc-DCI-SetOfCellsToReleaseList-r18List of cell set configurations to release.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSetsOfCells-r18)) OF SetOfCellsId-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } Tag2-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
tag2-Id-r18Timing Advance Group ID, as specified in TS 38.321 [3], which this cell or set of TCI-States of this cell are associated with.
tag2-flag-r18If this field is set to true, the tag2-Id is associated to value 0 and tag-Id is associated to value 1 of field TI bit in RAR, fallbackRAR and in the absolute TAC MAC CE, see TS 38.321 [3]. Otherwise, the tag2-Id is associated to value 1 and tag-Id is associated to value 0 of field TI bit in RAR, fallbackRAR and in the absolute TAC MAC CE, see TS 38.321 [3].
n-TimingAdvanceOffset2-r18The N_TA-Offset2 to be applied for PDCCH order CFRA towards the active additionalPCI as specified in TS 38.133 [14] clause 7.1.1 and for all uplink transmissions on this serving cell associated to tag2as specified in TS 38.213 [13] clause 4.2. This field is always present if SSB-MTC-AdditionalPCI is configured. It is absent otherwise. If absent, the N_TA-Offset is applied for all uplink transmissions on this serving cell associated to tag2.
ENUMERATED { n0, n25600, n39936, spare1 } OPTIONAL -- Need S } UplinkConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
initialUplinkBWPThe dedicated (UE-specific) configuration for the initial uplink bandwidth-part (i.e. UL BWP#0). If any of the optional IEs are configured within this IE as part of the IE uplinkConfig, the UE considers the BWP#0 to be an RRC configured BWP (from UE capability viewpoint). Otherwise, the UE does not consider the BWP#0 as an RRC configured BWP (from UE capability viewpoint). Network always configures the UE with a value for this field if no other BWPs are configured. NOTE1
BWP-UplinkDedicated OPTIONAL, -- Need M
uplinkBWP-ToReleaseListThe additional bandwidth parts for uplink to be released.
uplinkBWP-ToAddModListThe additional bandwidth parts for uplink to be added or modified. In case of TDD uplink- and downlink BWP with the same bandwidthPartId are considered as a BWP pair and must have the same center frequency.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofBWPs)) OF BWP-Uplink OPTIONAL, -- Need N
firstActiveUplinkBWP-IdIf configured for an SpCell, this field contains the ID of the UL BWP to be activated upon performing the RRC (re-)configuration. If the field is absent, the RRC (re-)configuration does not impose a BWP switch. If configured for an SCell, this field contains the ID of the uplink bandwidth part to be used upon activation of an SCell. The initial bandwidth part is referred to by BandiwdthPartId = 0.
BWP-Id OPTIONAL, -- Cond SyncAndCellAdd
pusch-ServingCellConfigPUSCH related parameters that are not BWP-specific.
SetupRelease { PUSCH-ServingCellConfig } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
carrierSwitchingIncludes parameters for configuration of carrier based SRS switching (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
SetupRelease { SRS-CarrierSwitching } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
powerBoostPi2BPSKIf this field is set to true, the UE determines the maximum output power for PUCCH/PUSCH transmissions that use pi/2 BPSK modulation according to TS 38.101-1 [15] /TS 38.101-5 [75], clause 6.2.4. The network ensures that powerBoostPi2BPSK and powerBoostPi2BPSK-r18are not configured at the same time for a UE.
uplinkChannelBW-PerSCS-ListA set of UE specific channel bandwidth and location configurations for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A. The UE uses the configuration provided in this field only for the purpose of channel bandwidth and location determination. If absent, UE uses the configuration indicated in scs-SpecificCarrierList in UplinkConfigCommon / UplinkConfigCommonSIB. Network only configures channel bandwidth that corresponds to the channel bandwidth values defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39], and TS 38.101-5 [75]. If the UE is an(e)RedCap UE and needs to autonomously switch to its initial uplink bandwidth part to perform a random access procedure but its current UE specific channel bandwidth does not cover the initial uplink bandwidth part, the UE autonomously changes its UE specific channel bandwidth to cover the initial uplink bandwidth part. In that case, after completion of the random access procedure, the network ensures that the UE specific channel bandwidth fully covers the UE's active uplink bandwidth part in subsequent bandwidth part switch operations.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF SCS-SpecificCarrier OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[
enablePL-RS-UpdateForPUSCH-SRS-r16When this parameter is present, the Rel-16 feature of MAC CE based pathloss RS updates for PUSCH/SRS is enabled. Network only configures this parameter when the UE is configured with sri-PUSCH-PowerControl.If this field is not configured, network configures at most 4 pathloss RS resources for PUSCH/PUCCH/SRS transmissions per BWP, not including pathloss RS resources for SRS transmissions for positioning. (See TS 38.213 [13], clause 7).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R enableDefaultBeamPL-ForPUSCH0-0-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R enableDefaultBeamPL-ForPUCCH-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R enableDefaultBeamPL-ForSRS-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R uplinkTxSwitching-r16 SetupRelease { UplinkTxSwitching-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
mpr-PowerBoost-FR2-r16Indicates whether UE is allowed to boost uplink transmission power by suspending in-band emission (IBE) requirements as specified in TS 38.101-2 [39]. Network only configures this field for FR2 serving cells.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
srs-PosTx-Hopping-r18Contains configuration related to the SRS for Positioning with frequency hopping for RRC_CONNETCED state.
SetupRelease { SRS-PosTx-Hopping-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
enablePL-RS-UpdateForType1CG-PUSCH-r18When this parameter is present, the Rel-18 feature of MAC CE based pathloss RS updates for Type 1 CG-PUSCH is enabled. The network only configures this parameter, when the parameter enablePL-RS-UpdateForPUSCH-SRS is configured. (See TS 38.213 [13], clause 7).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
powerBoostPi2BPSK-r18If this field is set to true, the UE determines the maximum output power for PUCCH/PUSCH transmissions that use pi/2 BPSK modulation according to TS 38.101-1 [15] /TS 38.101-5 [75], clause 6.2.4. The network ensures that powerBoostPi2BPSK and powerBoostPi2BPSK-r18are not configured at the same time for a UE.
powerBoostQPSK-r18If this field is set to true, the UE determines the maximum output power for PUSCH transmissions that use QPSK modulation according to TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 6.2.4.
maxEnergyDetectionThreshold-r16Indicates the absolute maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dBm. Value -85 corresponds to -85 dBm, value -84 corresponds to -84 dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dBm) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.2.3.
energyDetectionThresholdOffset-r16Indicates the offset to the default maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dB. Value -13 corresponds to -13dB, value -12 corresponds to -12dB, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dB) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.2.3.
INTEGER (-20..-13),
ul-toDL-COT-SharingED-Threshold-r16Maximum energy detection threshold that the UE should use to share channel occupancy with gNB for DL transmission as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3 for downlink channel access and clause 4.2.3 for uplink channel access. This field is not applicable in semi-static channel access mode.
INTEGER (-85..-52) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
absenceOfAnyOtherTechnology-r16Presence of this field indicates absence on a long term basis (e.g. by level of regulation) of any other technology sharing the carrier; absence of this field indicates thepotential presence of any other technology sharing the carrier, as specified in TS 37.213 [48] clauses 4.2.1 and 4.2.3.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } ChannelAccessConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
energyDetectionConfig-r16Indicates whether to use the maxEnergyDetectionThreshold or theenergyDetectionThresholdOffset (see TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.2.3).
maxEnergyDetectionThreshold-r16Indicates the absolute maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dBm. Value -85 corresponds to -85 dBm, value -84 corresponds to -84 dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dBm) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.2.3.
INTEGER (-85..-52),
energyDetectionThresholdOffset-r16Indicates the offset to the default maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dB. Value -13 corresponds to -13dB, value -12 corresponds to -12dB, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dB) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.2.3.
INTEGER (-13..20) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ul-toDL-COT-SharingED-Threshold-r16Maximum energy detection threshold that the UE should use to share channel occupancy with gNB for DL transmission as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3 for downlink channel access and clause 4.2.3 for uplink channel access. This field is not applicable in semi-static channel access mode.
INTEGER (-85..-52) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
absenceOfAnyOtherTechnology-r16Presence of this field indicates absence on a long term basis (e.g. by level of regulation) of any other technology sharing the carrier; absence of this field indicates thepotential presence of any other technology sharing the carrier, as specified in TS 37.213 [48] clauses 4.2.1 and 4.2.3.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } IntraCellGuardBandsPerSCS-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { guardBandSCS-r16 SubcarrierSpacing, intraCellGuardBands-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF GuardBand-r16 } GuardBand-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
startCRB-r16Indicates the starting RB of the guard band.
INTEGER (0..274), nrofCRBs-r16 INTEGER (0..15) } DormancyGroupID-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..4) DormantBWP-Config-r16::= SEQUENCE {
dormantBWP-Id-r16This field contains the ID of the downlink bandwidth part to be used as dormant BWP. If this field is configured, its value is different from defaultDownlinkBWP-Id, and at least one of the withinActiveTimeConfig and outsideActiveTimeConfig should be configured.
withinActiveTimeConfig-r16This field contains the configuration to be used for SCell dormancy within active time, as specified in TS 38.213 [13].
SetupRelease { WithinActiveTimeConfig-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
outsideActiveTimeConfig-r16This field contains the configuration to be used for SCell dormancy outside active time, as specified in TS 38.213 [13]. The field can only be configured when the cell group the SCell belongs to is configured with dcp-Config.
SetupRelease { OutsideActiveTimeConfig-r16 } OPTIONAL -- Need M } WithinActiveTimeConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
firstWithinActiveTimeBWP-Id-r16This field contains the ID of the downlink bandwidth part to be activated when receiving a DCI indication for SCell dormancy within active time.
dormancyGroupWithinActiveTime-r16This field contains the ID of an SCell group for Dormancy within active time, to which this SCell belongs. The use of the Dormancy within active time for SCell groups is specified in TS 38.213 [13].
DormancyGroupID-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R } OutsideActiveTimeConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
firstOutsideActiveTimeBWP-Id-r16This field contains the ID of the downlink bandwidth part to be activated when receiving a DCI indication for SCell dormancy outside active time.
dormancyGroupOutsideActiveTime-r16This field contains the ID of an SCell group for Dormancy outside active time, to which this SCell belongs. The use of the Dormancy outside active time for SCell groups is specified in TS 38.213 [13].
DormancyGroupID-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R } UplinkTxSwitching-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
uplinkTxSwitchingPeriodLocation-r16Indicates whether the location of UL Tx switching period is configured in this uplink carrier in case of inter-band UL CA, SUL, or (NG)EN-DC, as specified in TS 38.101-1 [15] and TS 38.101-3 [34]. In case of (NG)EN-DC, network always configures this field to TRUE for NR carrier (i.e. with (NG)EN-DC, the UL switching period always occurs on the NR carrier). In case of inter-band UL CA or SUL, for dynamic uplink Tx switching between 2 bands with 2 uplink carriers or 3 uplink carriers as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], network configures this field to TRUE for the uplink carrier(s) on one band and configures this field to FALSE for the uplink carrier(s) on the other band. This field is set to the same value for the carriers on the same band.
uplinkTxSwitchingCarrier-r16Indicates that the configured carrier is carrier1 or carrier2 for dynamic uplink Tx switching, as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15] and TS 38.101-3 [34]. In case of (NG)EN-DC, network always configures the NR carrier as carrier 2. In case of inter-band UL CA or SUL, for dynamic uplink Tx switching between 2 bands with 2 uplink carriers or 3 uplink carriers as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], network configures the uplink carrier(s) on one band as carrier1 and the uplink carrier(s) on the other band as carrier2. This field is set to the same value for the carriers on the same band.
ENUMERATED {carrier1, carrier2} } MIMOParam-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
additionalPCI-ToAddModList-r17List of information for the additional SSB with different PCI than the serving cell PCI. The additional SSBs with different PCIs are not used for serving cell quality derivation.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAdditionalPCI-r17)) OF SSB-MTC-AdditionalPCI-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N additionalPCI-ToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAdditionalPCI-r17)) OF AdditionalPCIIndex-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
unifiedTCI-StateType-r17Indicates the unified TCI state type the UE is configured for this serving cell. The value separate means this serving cell is configured with dl-OrJointTCI-StateList for DL TCI state and ul-TCI-StateList for UL TCI state. The value joint means this serving cell is configured with dl-OrJointTCI-StateList for joint TCI state for UL and DL operation.
ENUMERATED {separate, joint} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
uplink-PowerControlToAddModList-r17Configures UL power control parameters for PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS when field unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for this serving cell.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUL-TCI-r17)) OF Uplink-powerControl-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N uplink-PowerControlToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUL-TCI-r17)) OF Uplink-powerControlId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sfnSchemePDCCH-r17This parameter is used to configure single frequency network scheme for PDCCH: sfnSchemeA or sfnSchemeB as specified (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1). If network includes both sfnSchemePDCCH and sfnSchemePDSCH, same value shall be configured.
ENUMERATED {sfnSchemeA,sfnSchemeB} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sfnSchemePDSCH-r17This parameter is used to configure single frequency network scheme for PDSCH: sfnSchemeA or sfnSchemeB as specified (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1). If network includes both sfnSchemePDCCH and sfnSchemePDSCH, same value shall be configured.The network does not configure this parameter and repetitionSchemeConfig in PDSCH-Config simultaneously in the same serving cell.
ENUMERATED {sfnSchemeA,sfnSchemeB} OPTIONAL -- Need R } MC-DCI-SetOfCells-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
setOfCellsId-r18Configure index of the set of cells to be indicated in DCI format 0_3/1_3.
nCI-Value-r18Configure n_CI value used for the set of cells, where unique n_CI value is configured for each set of cells.
INTEGER (0..7), scheduledCellListDCI-1-3-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxNrofCellsInSet-r18)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R scheduledCellListDCI-0-3-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxNrofCellsInSet-r18)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R scheduledCellComboListDCI-1-3-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCellCombos-r18)) OF ScheduledCellCombo-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R scheduledCellComboListDCI-0-3-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCellCombos-r18)) OF ScheduledCellCombo-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R antennaPortsDCI1-3-r18 ENUMERATED {type1a, type2} OPTIONAL, -- Cond TypeDCI1-3 antennaPortsDCI0-3-r18 ENUMERATED {type1a, type2} OPTIONAL, -- Cond TypeDCI0-3
tpmi-DCI0-3-r18Configure the indication type for precoding information and number of layers field in DCI format 0_3 (See TS 38.212 [17], clause
ENUMERATED {type1a, type2} OPTIONAL, -- Cond TypeDCI0-3
sri-DCI0-3-r18Configure the indication type for SRS resource indicator field in DCI format 0_3 (See TS 38.212, clause
ENUMERATED {type1a, type2} OPTIONAL, -- Cond TypeDCI0-3 priorityIndicatorDCI-1-3-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R priorityIndicatorDCI-0-3-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R dormancyDCI-1-3-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R dormancyDCI-0-3-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R pdcchMonAdaptDCI-1-3-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R pdcchMonAdaptDCI-0-3-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R minimumSchedulingOffsetK0DCI-1-3-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R minimumSchedulingOffsetK0DCI-0-3-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-OneShotFeedbackDCI-1-3-r18When configured, the DCIformat 1_3 can request the UE to report A/N for all HARQ processes and all CCs configured in the PUCCH group.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-enhType3DCI-1-3-r18Enable the enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook triggering using DCI format 1_3.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-enhType3DCIfieldDCI-1-3-r18Enables the enhanced Type 3 CB through a new DCI field to indicate the enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook in DCI format 1_3 if the more than one enhanced Type HARQ-ACK codebook is configured for the primary PUCCH cell group.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdsch-HARQ-ACK-retxDCI-1-3-r18When configured, the DCI format 1_3 can request the UE to perform a HARQ-ACK re-transmission on a PUCCH resource (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.5).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pucch-sSCellDynDCI-1-3-r18Configure the UE with PUCCH cell switching based on dynamic indication in DCI format 1_3 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.A).
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R tdra-FieldIndexListDCI-1-3-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF TDRA-FieldIndexDCI-1-3-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R tdra-FieldIndexListDCI-0-3-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..64)) OF TDRA-FieldIndexDCI-0-3-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
rateMatchListDCI-1-3-r18Configure joint rate matching indication table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF RateMatchDCI-1-3-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
zp-CSI-RSListDCI-1-3-r18Configure joint ZP-CSI-RS trigger table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF ZP-CSI-DCI-1-3-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
tci-ListDCI-1-3-r18Configure joint TCI table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF TCI-DCI-1-3-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R srs-RequestListDCI-1-3-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF SRS-RequestCombo-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R srs-OffsetListDCI-1-3-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SRS-OffsetCombo-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R srs-RequestListDCI-0-3-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF SRS-RequestCombo-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R srs-OffsetListDCI-0-3-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SRS-OffsetCombo-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need R } SetOfCellsId-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSetsOfCells-1-r18) ScheduledCellCombo-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCellsInSet-r18)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCellsInSet-1-r18) RateMatchDCI-1-3-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCellsInSet-r18)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (1..2)) ZP-CSI-DCI-1-3-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCellsInSet-r18)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (1..2)) TCI-DCI-1-3-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (2.. maxNrofCellsInSet-r18)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (3)) SRS-RequestCombo-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCellsInSet-r18)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (2..3)) SRS-OffsetCombo-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCellsInSet-r18)) OF INTEGER (0..3) TDRA-FieldIndexDCI-1-3-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (2.. maxNrofBWPsInSetOfCells-r18)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofDL-Allocations-1-r18) TDRA-FieldIndexDCI-0-3-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (2.. maxNrofBWPsInSetOfCells-r18)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofUL-Allocations-1-r18) -- TAG-SERVINGCELLCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
ChannelAccessConfig field descriptions
Presence of this field indicates absence on a long term basis (e.g. by level of regulation) of any other technology sharing the carrier; absence of this field indicates thepotential presence of any other technology sharing the carrier, as specified in TS 37.213 [48] clauses 4.2.1 and 4.2.3.
Indicates whether to use the maxEnergyDetectionThreshold or theenergyDetectionThresholdOffset (see TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.2.3).
Indicates the offset to the default maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dB. Value -13 corresponds to -13dB, value -12 corresponds to -12dB, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dB) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.2.3.
Indicates the absolute maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dBm. Value -85 corresponds to -85 dBm, value -84 corresponds to -84 dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dBm) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.2.3.
Maximum energy detection threshold that the UE should use to share channel occupancy with gNB for DL transmission as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.1.3 for downlink channel access and clause 4.2.3 for uplink channel access. This field is not applicable in semi-static channel access mode.
ServingCellConfig field descriptions
List of information for the additional SSB with different PCI than the serving cell PCI. The additional SSBs with different PCIs are not used for serving cell quality derivation.
The duration in ms after which the UE falls back to the default Bandwidth Part (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.15). When the network releases the timer configuration, the UE stops the timer without switching to the default BWP.
Slot offset between the primary cell (PCell/PSCell) and the SCell in unaligned frame boundary with slot alignment and partial SFN alignment inter-band CA. Based on this field, the UE determines the time offset of the SCell as specified in clause 4.5 of TS 38.211 [16]. The granularity of this field is determined by the reference SCS for the slot offset (i.e. the maximum of PCell/PSCell lowest SCS among all the configured SCSs in DL/UL SCS-SpecificCarrierList in ServingCellConfigCommon or ServingCellConfigCommonSIB and this serving cell's lowest SCS among all the configured SCSs in DL/UL SCS-SpecificCarrierList in ServingCellConfigCommon or ServingCellConfigCommonSIB). The Network configures at most single non-zero offset duration in ms (independent on SCS) among CCs in the unaligned CA configuration. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value of 0.The slot offset value can only be changed with SCell release and add.
cbg-TxDiffTBsProcessingType1, cbg-TxDiffTBsProcessingType2
Indicates whether processing types 1 and 2 based CBG based operation is enabled according to Rel-16 UE capabilities.
Used to configure cell DTX/DRX for the serving cell, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. A maximum of two cell DTX/DRX patterns can be configured per MAC entity for different serving cells. The two configured patterns are aligned, that the start and slot offset are common and the periodicity of one pattern is an integer multiple of the other. Cell DTX is configured only when connected mode DRX is configured.
Indicates whether this serving cell has enabled L1 signaling based on DCI 2_9 for dynamic activation/deactivation of cell DTX/DRX configuration.
This field is used to configure CJT Tx scheme cjtSchemeA or cjtSchemeB for PDSCH reception, see TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
List of parameters used for access procedures of operation with shared spectrum channel access (see TS 37.213 [48).
If present, this field indicates that the UE shall apply channel access procedures for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4 for FR2-2. If absent, the UE does not apply these channel access procedures. The network always configures this field if channel access procedures are required for the serving cell within this region by regulations. Overwrites the corresponding field in ServingCellConfigCommon or ServingCellConfigCommonSIB for this serving cell.
Indicates whether this serving cell is cross-carrier scheduled by another serving cell or whether it cross-carrier schedules another serving cell. If the field other is configured for an SpCell (i.e., the SpCell is cross-carrier scheduled by another serving cell), the SpCell can be additionally scheduled by the PDCCH on the SpCell.
If this field is included, the UE shall release the cross carrier scheduling configuration configured by crossCarrierSchedulingConfig. The network may only include either crossCarrierSchedulingConfigRelease or crossCarrierSchedulingConfig at a time.
Indicates how UE performs rate matching when both lte-CRS-PatternList1-r16 and lte-CRS-PatternList2-r16 are configured or when both lte-CRS-PatternList3-r18 and lte-CRS-PatternList4-r18 are configured as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates how the UE performs periodic and semi-persistent CSI-RS reception in a slot. The presence of this field indicates that the UE usesDCI detection to validate whether to receive CSI-RS (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
The initial bandwidth part is referred to by BWP-Id = 0. ID of the downlink bandwidth part to be used upon expiry of the BWP inactivity timer. This field is UE specific. When the field is absent the UE uses the initial BWP as default BWP. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 12 and TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.15).
Indicates that this serving cell is using directional collision handling between a reference and other cell(s) for half-duplex operation in TDD CA with same SCS as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1. The half-duplex operation only applies within the same frequency range and cell group.The network only configures this field for TDD serving cells that are using the same SCS.
For the IAB-MT, it indicates that this serving cell is using directional collision handling between a reference and other cell(s) for half-duplex operation in TDD NR-DC with same SCS within same cell group or cross different cell groups.
The dormant BWP configuration for an SCell. This field can be configured only for a (non-PUCCH) SCell.
List of additional downlink bandwidth parts to be added or modified. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
List of additional downlink bandwidth parts to be released. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
A set of UE specific channel bandwidth and location configurations for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A. The UE uses the configuration provided in this field only for the purpose of channel bandwidth and location determination. If absent, UE uses the configuration indicated in scs-SpecificCarrierList in DownlinkConfigCommon / DownlinkConfigCommonSIB. Network only configures channel bandwidth that corresponds to the channel bandwidth values defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39], and TS 38.101-5 [75]. If the UE is an(e)RedCap UE and needs to autonomously switch to its initial downlink bandwidth part to perform a random access procedure but its current UE specific channel bandwidth does not cover the initial downlink bandwidth part, the UE autonomously changes its UE specific channel bandwidth to cover the initial downlink bandwidth part. In that case, after completion of the random access procedure, the network ensures that the UE specific channel bandwidth fully covers the UE's active downlink bandwidth part in subsequent bandwidth part switch operations.
dummy1, dummy 2
This field is not used in the specification. If received it shall be ignored by the UE.
Indicates the aperiodic CSI-RS triggering with beam switching triggering behaviour as defined in clause of TS 38.214 [19].
Presence of this field indicates the UE shall follow the release 16 behavior of default TCI state per CORESETPoolindex when the UE is configured by higher layer parameter PDCCH-Config that contains two different values of CORESETPoolIndex in ControlResourceSet is enabled.
Presence of this field indicates the UE shall follow the release 16 behavior of two default TCI states for PDSCH when at least one TCI codepoint is mapped to two TCI states is enabled
Indicates the Type-1 HARQ codebook generation as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause
If configured for an SpCell, this field contains the ID of the DL BWP to be activated or to be used for RLM, BFD and measurements if included in an RRCReconfiguration message contained in an NR or E-UTRA RRC message indicating that the SCG is deactivated, upon performing the RRC (re-)configuration. If the field is absent, the RRC (re-)configuration does not impose a BWP switch. If the field is absent for the PSCell at SCG deactivation, the UE considers the previously activated DL BWP as the BWP to be used for RLM, BFD and measurements. If the field is absent for the PSCell at SCG activation, the DL BWP to be activated is the DL BWP previously to be used for RLM, BFD and measurements. If configured for an SCell, this field contains the ID of the downlink bandwidth part to be used upon activation of an SCell. The initial bandwidth part is referred to by BWP-Id = 0. Upon reconfiguration with reconfigurationWithSync, the network sets the firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id and firstActiveUplinkBWP-Id to the same value.
The dedicated (UE-specific) configuration for the initial downlink bandwidth-part (i.e., DL BWP#0). If any of the optional IEs are configured within this IE, the UE considers the BWP#0 to be an RRC configured BWP (from UE capability viewpoint). Otherwise, the UE does not consider the BWP#0 as an RRC configured BWP (from UE capability viewpoint). Network always configures the UE with a value for this field if no other BWPs are configured. NOTE1
intraCellGuardBandsDL-List, intraCellGuardBandsUL-List
List of intra-cell guard bands in a serving cell for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1. If not configured, the guard bands are defined according to 38.101-1 [15], see TS 38.214 [19], clause 7. For operation in licensed spectrum, this field is absent, and no UE action is required.
A list of LTE CRS patterns around which the UE shall do rate matching for PDSCH. The LTE CRS patterns in this list shall be non-overlapping in frequency. The network does not configure this field and lte-CRS-ToMatchAround simultaneously.
A list of LTE CRS patterns around which the UE shall do rate matching for PDSCH scheduled with a DCI detected on a CORESET with CORESETPoolIndex configured with 1. This list is configured only if CORESETPoolIndex configured with 1. The first LTE CRS pattern in this list shall be fully overlapping in frequency with the first LTE CRS pattern in lte-CRS-PatternList1, The second LTE CRS pattern in this list shall be fully overlapping in frequency with the second LTE CRS pattern in lte-CRS-PatternList1, and so on. Network configures this field only if the field lte-CRS-ToMatchAround is not configured and there is at least one ControlResourceSet in one DL BWP of this serving cell with coresetPoolIndex set to 1.
A list of LTE CRS patterns around which the UE shall do rate matching for PDSCH. The LTE CRS patterns in this list shall be non-overlapping in frequency. The network does not configure this field and lte-CRS-ToMatchAround, or this field and lte-CRS-PatternList1, or this field and lte-CRS-PatternList2 simultaneously.
A list of LTE CRS patterns around which the UE shall do rate matching for PDSCH. The LTE CRS patterns in this list shall be non-overlapping in frequency. The first LTE CRS pattern in this list shall be fully overlapping in frequency with the first LTE CRS pattern in lte-CRS-PatternList3. The second LTE CRS pattern in this list shall be fully overlapping in frequency with the second LTE CRS pattern in lte-CRS-PatternList3, and so on. Network configures this field only if the field lte-CRS-ToMatchAround is not configured and the field lte-CRS-PatternList3 is configured.
Parameters to determine an LTE CRS pattern that the UE shall rate match around.
A list of LTE neighbour cells configuration information which is used to assist the UE to perform CRS interference mitigation (CRS-IM) in scenarios with overlapping spectrum for LTE and NR (see TS 38.101-4 [59]). If the field is included, it replaces any previous list, i.e. all the entries of the list are replaced and each of the LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfo entries is considered to be newly created and the conditions and Need codes for setup of the entry apply.
If the field is not configured, the following default network configuration assumptions are valid for all LTE neighbour cells for the purpose of CRS interference mitigation (CRS-IM) in scenarios with overlapping spectrum for LTE and NR (see TS 38.101-4 [59]). -The CRS port number is the same as the one indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS if configured for the serving cell. -The CRS port number is 4 if RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is not configured for the serving cell. -The channel bandwidth and centre frequency are the same as the ones indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS if configured for the serving cell. -The MBSFN configuration is the same as the one indicated in RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS if configured for the serving cell. If RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS is not configured for the serving cell, MBSFN subframe is not configured. -Network-based CRS interference mitigation (i.e., CRS muting), as in crs-IntfMitigConfig specified in TS 36.331 [10], is not enabled. If the field is configured (i.e. false) and LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList is configured, the configuration provided in LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList overrides the default network configuration assumptions. If the field is configured (i.e. false) and LTE-NeighCellsCRS-AssistInfoList is not configured, it is up to the UE implementation whether to apply CRS-IM operation.
List of up to N (N<=4) configurations of set(s) of cells for multi-cell PDSCH/PUSCH scheduling from the serving cell, where N is reported as UE capability and up to 4 sets of cells can be configured per PUCCH group. When this field is configured to a SCell, PCell cannot be included in either ScheduledCellListDCI-1-3 or ScheduledCellListDCI-0-3.
List of cell set configurations to release.
Configures the UE behaviour for Type1 codebook HARQ ACK generation regarding the number of PDSCHs per slot on a serving cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause When this parameter is configured and set to disabled for a serving cell, the network does not schedule UE with more than one PDSCH in a slot on the serving cell if HARQ-ACKs of any two PDSCHs in the slot on the serving cell are supposed to be reported on one PUCCH resource in the same PUCCH slot. If two coresetPoolIndex values are configured, the number of received PDSCHs is per coresetPoolIndex value per slot for a serving cell. If the UE generates two HARQ-ACK codebooks for two priorities, the number of received PDSCHs is per priority per slot for a serving cell. If fdmed-ReceptionMulticast is configured, the number of received PDSCHs is per traffic type (unicast / multicast) per slot for a serving cell.
Configures the DL PRS for propagation delay compensation. When configured, the UE measures the UE Rx-Tx time difference based on the reference signals configured in this field.
Indicates the number of HARQ bundling groups for type2 HARQ-ACK codebook.
Indicates whether UE shall apply as pathloss reference either the downlink of SpCell (PCell for MCG or PSCell for SCG) or of SCell that corresponds with this uplink (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7).
Presence of this field indicates the UE shall monitor PDCCH candidates that overlap with LTE CRS RE(s).
PDSCH related parameters that are not BWP-specific.
The starting bit position of an information block of DCI format 2_9 for this serving cell (see TS 38.212 [17], clause
Resources patterns which the UE should rate match PDSCH around. The UE rate matches around the union of all resources indicated in the rate match patterns. Rate match patterns defined here on cell level apply only to PDSCH of the same numerology. See TS 38.214 [19], clause If a RateMatchPattern with the same RateMatchPatternId is configured in both ServingCellConfig/ServingCellConfigCommon and in SIB20/MCCH, the entire RateMatchPattern configuration shall be the same, including the set of RBs/REs indicated by the patterns for the rate matching around, and they are counted as a single rate match pattern in the total configured rate match patterns as defined in TS 38.214 [19].
SCell deactivation timer in TS 38.321 [3]. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value infinity.
This parameter is used to configure single frequency network scheme for PDCCH: sfnSchemeA or sfnSchemeB as specified (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1). If network includes both sfnSchemePDCCH and sfnSchemePDSCH, same value shall be configured.
This parameter is used to configure single frequency network scheme for PDSCH: sfnSchemeA or sfnSchemeB as specified (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1). If network includes both sfnSchemePDCCH and sfnSchemePDSCH, same value shall be configured.The network does not configure this parameter and repetitionSchemeConfig in PDSCH-Config simultaneously in the same serving cell.
When this field is configured and when channelAccessMode-r16 (see IE ServingCellConfigCommon and IE ServingCellConfigCommonSIB) is configured to semiStatic, the UE operates in semi-static channel access mode and can initiate a channel occupancy periodically (see TS 37.213 [48], Clause 4.3). The period can be configured independently from period configured in SemiStaticChannelAccessConfig-r16 if the UE indicates the corresponding capability. Otherwise, the periodicity configured by periodUE-r17 is an integer multiple of or an integer factor of the periodicity indicated by period in SemiStaticChannelAccessConfig-r16.
measObjectId of the MeasObjectNR in MeasConfig which is associated to the serving cell. For this MeasObjectNR, the following relationship applies between this MeasObjectNR and frequencyInfoDL in ServingCellConfigCommon/ServingCellConfigCommonSIB of the serving cell: if ssbFrequency is configured, its value is the same as the absoluteFrequencySSB and if csi-rs-ResourceConfigMobility is configured, the value of its subcarrierSpacing is present in one entry of the scs-SpecificCarrierList, csi-RS-CellListMobility includes an entry corresponding to the serving cell (with cellId equal to physCellId in ServingCellConfigCommon) and the frequency range indicated by the csi-rs-MeasurementBW of the entry in csi-RS-CellListMobility is included in the frequency range indicated by in the entry of the scs-SpecificCarrierList.
Network may configure this field only when supplementaryUplinkConfig is configured in ServingCellConfigCommon or supplementaryUplink is configured inServingCellConfigCommonSIB.
If this field is included, the UE shall release the uplink configuration configured by supplementaryUplink. The network only includes either supplementaryUplinkRelease or supplementaryUplink at a time.
Timing Advance Group ID, as specified in TS 38.321 [3], which this cell or set of TCI-States of this cell are associated with.
This field to indicate the second TAG information for the serving cell, it is optionally configured in a serving cell if and only if the serving cell is configured with more than one value for the coresetPoolIndex.
If configured for an SCell, or if configured for the PSCell when the SCG is being activated upon the reception of the containing message, the UE shall consider the TCI states provided in this field as the activated TCI states for PDCCH/PDSCH reception on this serving cell. If configured for the PSCell when the SCG is indicated as deactivated in the containing message: - the UE shall consider the TCI states provided in this field as the TCI states to be activated for PDCCH/PDSCH reception upon a later SCG activation in which tci-ActivatedConfig is absent - if bfd-and-RLM is configured and no RS is configured in RadioLinkMonitoringConfig for RLM, respectively for BFD, the UE shall use the TCI states provided in this field for PDCCH as RS for RLM, respectively for BFD. When this field is absent for the PSCell and the SCG is being deactivated: - the UE shall consider the previously activated TCI states as the TCI states to be activated for PDCCH/PDSCH reception upon a later SCG activation in which tci-ActivatedConfig is absent - if bfd-and-RLM is configured and no RS is configured in RadioLinkMonitoringConfig for RLM, respectively for BFD, the UE shall use the previously activated TCI states for PDCCH as RS for RLM, respectively for BFD.
Resource configuration per IAB-MT D/U/F overrides all symbols (with a limitation that effectively only flexible symbols can be overwritten in Rel-16) per slot over the number of slots as provided by TDD-UL-DL ConfigurationCommon.
Indicates the unified TCI state type the UE is configured for this serving cell. The value separate means this serving cell is configured with dl-OrJointTCI-StateList for DL TCI state and ul-TCI-StateList for UL TCI state. The value joint means this serving cell is configured with dl-OrJointTCI-StateList for joint TCI state for UL and DL operation.
Network may configure this field only when uplinkConfigCommon is configured in ServingCellConfigCommon or ServingCellConfigCommonSIB. Addition or release of this field can only be done upon SCell addition or release (respectively).
Configures UL power control parameters for PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS when field unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for this serving cell.
Tag2 field descriptions
The N_TA-Offset2 to be applied for PDCCH order CFRA towards the active additionalPCI as specified in TS 38.133 [14] clause 7.1.1 and for all uplink transmissions on this serving cell associated to tag2as specified in TS 38.213 [13] clause 4.2. This field is always present if SSB-MTC-AdditionalPCI is configured. It is absent otherwise. If absent, the N_TA-Offset is applied for all uplink transmissions on this serving cell associated to tag2.
If this field is set to true, the tag2-Id is associated to value 0 and tag-Id is associated to value 1 of field TI bit in RAR, fallbackRAR and in the absolute TAC MAC CE, see TS 38.321 [3]. Otherwise, the tag2-Id is associated to value 1 and tag-Id is associated to value 0 of field TI bit in RAR, fallbackRAR and in the absolute TAC MAC CE, see TS 38.321 [3].
Timing Advance Group ID, as specified in TS 38.321 [3], which this cell or set of TCI-States of this cell are associated with.
UplinkConfig field descriptions
Includes parameters for configuration of carrier based SRS switching (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
enableDefaultBeamPL-ForPUSCH0-0, enableDefaultBeamPL-ForPUCCH, enableDefaultBeamPL-ForSRS
When the parameter is present, UE derives the spatial relation and the corresponding pathloss reference Rs as specified in 38.213, clauses 7.1.1, 7.2.1, 7.3.1 and 9.2.2. The network only configures these parameters for FR2.
When this parameter is present, the Rel-16 feature of MAC CE based pathloss RS updates for PUSCH/SRS is enabled. Network only configures this parameter when the UE is configured with sri-PUSCH-PowerControl.If this field is not configured, network configures at most 4 pathloss RS resources for PUSCH/PUCCH/SRS transmissions per BWP, not including pathloss RS resources for SRS transmissions for positioning. (See TS 38.213 [13], clause 7).
When this parameter is present, the Rel-18 feature of MAC CE based pathloss RS updates for Type 1 CG-PUSCH is enabled. The network only configures this parameter, when the parameter enablePL-RS-UpdateForPUSCH-SRS is configured. (See TS 38.213 [13], clause 7).
If configured for an SpCell, this field contains the ID of the UL BWP to be activated upon performing the RRC (re-)configuration. If the field is absent, the RRC (re-)configuration does not impose a BWP switch. If configured for an SCell, this field contains the ID of the uplink bandwidth part to be used upon activation of an SCell. The initial bandwidth part is referred to by BandiwdthPartId = 0.
The dedicated (UE-specific) configuration for the initial uplink bandwidth-part (i.e. UL BWP#0). If any of the optional IEs are configured within this IE as part of the IE uplinkConfig, the UE considers the BWP#0 to be an RRC configured BWP (from UE capability viewpoint). Otherwise, the UE does not consider the BWP#0 as an RRC configured BWP (from UE capability viewpoint). Network always configures the UE with a value for this field if no other BWPs are configured. NOTE1
Indicates the mode of NACK-only feedback in the PUCCH transmission, as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 18. If multicast CFR is not configured, this field is not included. Otherwise, if the field is absent, UE uses mode 1 for multicast CFR.
Indicates whether UE is allowed to boost uplink transmission power by suspending in-band emission (IBE) requirements as specified in TS 38.101-2 [39]. Network only configures this field for FR2 serving cells.
If this field is set to true, the UE determines the maximum output power for PUCCH/PUSCH transmissions that use pi/2 BPSK modulation according to TS 38.101-1 [15] /TS 38.101-5 [75], clause 6.2.4. The network ensures that powerBoostPi2BPSK and powerBoostPi2BPSK-r18are not configured at the same time for a UE.
If this field is set to true, the UE determines the maximum output power for PUSCH transmissions that use QPSK modulation according to TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 6.2.4.
PUSCH related parameters that are not BWP-specific.
Contains configuration related to the SRS for Positioning with frequency hopping for RRC_CONNETCED state.
The additional bandwidth parts for uplink to be added or modified. In case of TDD uplink- and downlink BWP with the same bandwidthPartId are considered as a BWP pair and must have the same center frequency.
The additional bandwidth parts for uplink to be released.
A set of UE specific channel bandwidth and location configurations for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A. The UE uses the configuration provided in this field only for the purpose of channel bandwidth and location determination. If absent, UE uses the configuration indicated in scs-SpecificCarrierList in UplinkConfigCommon / UplinkConfigCommonSIB. Network only configures channel bandwidth that corresponds to the channel bandwidth values defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], TS 38.101-2 [39], and TS 38.101-5 [75]. If the UE is an(e)RedCap UE and needs to autonomously switch to its initial uplink bandwidth part to perform a random access procedure but its current UE specific channel bandwidth does not cover the initial uplink bandwidth part, the UE autonomously changes its UE specific channel bandwidth to cover the initial uplink bandwidth part. In that case, after completion of the random access procedure, the network ensures that the UE specific channel bandwidth fully covers the UE's active uplink bandwidth part in subsequent bandwidth part switch operations.
Indicates whether the location of UL Tx switching period is configured in this uplink carrier in case of inter-band UL CA, SUL, or (NG)EN-DC, as specified in TS 38.101-1 [15] and TS 38.101-3 [34]. In case of (NG)EN-DC, network always configures this field to TRUE for NR carrier (i.e. with (NG)EN-DC, the UL switching period always occurs on the NR carrier). In case of inter-band UL CA or SUL, for dynamic uplink Tx switching between 2 bands with 2 uplink carriers or 3 uplink carriers as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], network configures this field to TRUE for the uplink carrier(s) on one band and configures this field to FALSE for the uplink carrier(s) on the other band. This field is set to the same value for the carriers on the same band.
Indicates that the configured carrier is carrier1 or carrier2 for dynamic uplink Tx switching, as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15] and TS 38.101-3 [34]. In case of (NG)EN-DC, network always configures the NR carrier as carrier 2. In case of inter-band UL CA or SUL, for dynamic uplink Tx switching between 2 bands with 2 uplink carriers or 3 uplink carriers as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], network configures the uplink carrier(s) on one band as carrier1 and the uplink carrier(s) on the other band as carrier2. This field is set to the same value for the carriers on the same band.
DormantBWP-Config field descriptions
This field contains the ID of an SCell group for Dormancy within active time, to which this SCell belongs. The use of the Dormancy within active time for SCell groups is specified in TS 38.213 [13].
This field contains the ID of an SCell group for Dormancy outside active time, to which this SCell belongs. The use of the Dormancy outside active time for SCell groups is specified in TS 38.213 [13].
This field contains the ID of the downlink bandwidth part to be used as dormant BWP. If this field is configured, its value is different from defaultDownlinkBWP-Id, and at least one of the withinActiveTimeConfig and outsideActiveTimeConfig should be configured.
This field contains the ID of the downlink bandwidth part to be activated when receiving a DCI indication for SCell dormancy outside active time.
This field contains the ID of the downlink bandwidth part to be activated when receiving a DCI indication for SCell dormancy within active time.
This field contains the configuration to be used for SCell dormancy outside active time, as specified in TS 38.213 [13]. The field can only be configured when the cell group the SCell belongs to is configured with dcp-Config.
This field contains the configuration to be used for SCell dormancy within active time, as specified in TS 38.213 [13].
GuardBand field descriptions
Indicates the starting RB of the guard band.
Indicates the length of the guard band in RBs. When set to 0, zero-size guard band is used.
MC-DCI-SetOfCells field descriptions
antennaPortsDCI1-3, antennaPortsDCI0-3
Configure the indication type for antenna port(s) field in DCI format 1_3 and DCI format 0_3, respectively (see TS 38.212, clauses and
dormancyDCI-1-3, dormancyDCI-0-3
Configure the presence of Scell dormancy indication field in DCI format 1_3and DCI format 0_3, respectively.
minimumSchedulingOffsetK0DCI-1-3, minimumSchedulingOffsetK0DCI-0-3
Configure the presence of minimum applicable scheduling offset indicator field in DCI format 1_3 and DCI format 0_3, respectively.
Configure n_CI value used for the set of cells, where unique n_CI value is configured for each set of cells.
pdcchMonAdaptDCI-1-3, pdcchMonAdaptDCI-0-3
Configure the presence of PDCCH monitoring adaptation indication field in DCI format 1_3 and DCI format 0_3, respectively.
Enable the enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook triggering using DCI format 1_3.
Enables the enhanced Type 3 CB through a new DCI field to indicate the enhanced Type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook in DCI format 1_3 if the more than one enhanced Type HARQ-ACK codebook is configured for the primary PUCCH cell group.
When configured, the DCIformat 1_3 can request the UE to report A/N for all HARQ processes and all CCs configured in the PUCCH group.
When configured, the DCI format 1_3 can request the UE to perform a HARQ-ACK re-transmission on a PUCCH resource (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.1.5).
priorityIndicatorDCI-1-3, priorityIndicatorDCI-0-3
Configure the presence of priority indicator field in DCI format 1_3 and DCI format 0_3, respectively (see TS 38.212 [17], clauses and and TS 38.213 [13] clause 9).
Configure the UE with PUCCH cell switching based on dynamic indication in DCI format 1_3 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.A).
Configure each row of the joint rate matching indication table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3, where bitmap for a cell points to a corresponding rate matching indication applicable for DCI format 1_1 (i.e., MSB and LSB of bitmap refer rateMatchPatternGroup1 and rateMatchPatternGroup2 for a cell, respectively), the order of rate matching indication bitmap in each row refers the order of cells in ScheduledCellListDCI-1-3, that are configured with rateMatchPatternGroup1 or rateMatchPatternGroup2 on at least one DL BWP (i.e., first bitmap is for the first cell in ScheduledCellListDCI-1-X, that are configured with rateMatchPatternGroup1 or rateMatchPatternGroup2 on at least one DL BWP and so on), the number of entries in a row of rateMatchDCI-1-3 should be the same as the number of cells, that are configured with rateMatchPatternGroup1 or rateMatchPatternGroup2 on at least one DL BWP, included in ScheduledCellListDCI-1-3, and entries for co-scheduled cells in a row of rateMatchDCI-1-3 are interpreted based on the BWPs of co-scheduled cells on which the UE operates based on the BWP indicator field of DCI format 1_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause and TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
Configure joint rate matching indication table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3.
Configure each row of the table for combinations of co-scheduled cells for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3 and for UL scheduling via DCI format 0_3, where index with value INTEGER (0...3) of co-scheduled cell refers to scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 for DL and scheduledCellListDCI-0-3 for UL.
scheduledCellComboListDCI-1-3, scheduledCellComboListDCI-0-3
Configure the table for combinations of co-scheduled cells for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3 and DCI format 0_3, respectively.
scheduledCellListDCI-1-3, scheduledCellListDCI-0-3
Configure the list of possible co-scheduled cells in the set for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3 and DCI format 0_3 respectively, where the serving cells in the list are in ascending order of serving cell indices and are mapped to index {0, 1, 2, 3} in the set. Total number of cells within the same set of cells i.e., in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 and scheduledCellListDCI-0-3, is up to 4. When a cell is included in either or both of scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 or scheduledCellListDCI-0-3 for one set of cells MC-DCI-SetofCells, the cell cannot be included in any of scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 or scheduledCellListDCI-0-3 for any other set of cells.
Configure index of the set of cells to be indicated in DCI format 0_3/1_3.
Configure the indication type for SRS resource indicator field in DCI format 0_3 (See TS 38.212, clause
Configure each row of the joint SRS offset indicator table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3 and for UL scheduling via DCI format 0_3, where index for a cell points to a corresponding SRS offset indicator applicable for DCI formats 1_1 and 0_1, and the order of SRS offset indicator index in each row refers the order of cells in scheduledCell-ListDCI-1-3 (i.e., first index is for the first cell in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3, that are configured with more than one entry in availableSlotOffsetList for at least one aperiodic SRS resource set on at least one UL BWP and so on) for DL and scheduledCellListDCI-0-3 for UL, included in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 for srs-OffsetListDCI-1-3 and scheduledCellListDCI-0-3 for srs-OffsetListDCI-0-3, and entries for co-scheduled cells in a row of SRS-OffsetCombo are interpreted based on the BWPs of co-scheduled cells on which the UE operates based on the BWP indicator field of DCI format 1_3 and 0_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause and clause, and TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
srs-OffsetListDCI-1-3, srs-OffsetListDCI-0-3
Configure joint SRS offset indicator table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3 and DCI format 0_3, respectively.
Configure each row of the joint SRS request table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3 and for UL scheduling via DCI format 0_3, where index for a cell points to a corresponding SRS request applicable for DCI formats 1_1 and 0_1, and the order of SRS request index in each row refers the order of cells in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 (i.e., first index is for the first cell in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 and so on) for DL and scheduledCellListDCI-0-3 for UL. The number of entries in a row of SRS-RequestCombo should be the same as the number of cells included in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 for srs-RequestListDCI-1-3 and scheduledCellListDCI-0-3 for srs-RequestListDCI-0-3, and entries for co-scheduled cells in a row of SRS-RequestCombo are interpreted based on the BWPs of co-scheduled cells on which the UE operates based on the BWP indicator field of DCI format 1_3 and 0_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause and clause, and TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
srs-RequestListDCI-1-3, srs-RequestListDCI-0-3
Configure joint SRS request table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3 and DCI format 0_3, respectively.
Configure each row of the joint TCI table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3, where index for a cell points to a corresponding TCI applicable for DCI format 1_1, and the order of TCI index in each row refers the order of cells in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 (i.e., first index is for the first cell in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 that configured with tci-StatesToAddModList and so on), the number of entries in a row of TCI-DCI-1-3 should be the same as the number of cells that configured with tci-StatesToAddModList on at least one DL BWP, included in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3, and entries for cells in a row of TCI-DCI-1-3 are interpreted based on the BWPs of cells in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 on which the UE operates based on the BWP indicator field of DCI format 1_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause, and TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
Configure joint TCI table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3
Configure each row of the joint TDRA field table for UL scheduling via DCI format 0_3 containing the applicable TDRA field indexes for multiple BWPs/cells, where the TDRA index for a BWP of a cell points to a corresponding TDRA in the TDRA table applicable for DCI format 0_1, the order of TDRA index in each row refers the BWP-Id for a cell and the order of cells in scheduledCellListDCI-0-3 (i.e., first TDRA index in a row is for the smallest BWP-Id that can be scheduled by the DCI format 0_3, as specified in TS 38.212 [17], of the first cell in scheduledCellListDCI-0-3, second TDRA index in a row is for the second smallest BWP-Id 1 that can be scheduled by the DCI format 0_3, as specified in TS 38.212 [17], of the first cell and so on), and the number of TDRA indices in a row of TDRA-FieldIndexDCI-0-3 should be the same as the total number of BWPs that can be scheduled by the DCI format 0_3, as specified in TS 38.212 [17], across cells included in scheduledCellListDCI-0-3.
Configure each row of the joint TDRA field table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3 containing the applicable TDRA field indexes for multiple BWPs/cells, where the TDRA index for a BWP of a cell points to a corresponding TDRA in the TDRA table applicable for DCI format 1-1, the order of TDRA index in each row refers the BWP-Id for a cell and the order of cells in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 (i.e., first TDRA index in a row is for the smallest BWP-Id that can be scheduled by the DCI format 1-3, as specified in TS 38.212 [17], of the first cell in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3, second TDRA index in a row is for the second smallest BWP-Id that can be scheduled by the DCI format 1-3, as specified in TS 38.212 [17], of the first cell and so on ), and the number of TDRA indices in a row of TDRA-FieldIndexDCI-1-3 should be the same as the total number of BWPs that can be scheduled by the DCI format 1-3, as specified in TS 38.212 [17], across cells included in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3.
tdra-FieldIndexListDCI-1-3, tdra-FieldIndexListDCI-0-3
Configure joint TDRA table for UL scheduling via DCI format 1_3 and DCI format 0_3, respectively.
Configure the indication type for precoding information and number of layers field in DCI format 0_3 (See TS 38.212 [17], clause
Configure each row of the joint ZP-CSI-RS trigger table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3, where index for a cell points to a corresponding ZP-CSI-RS trigger applicable for DCI format 1_1, and the order of ZP-CSI-RS trigger index in each row refers the order of cells in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3 (i.e., first index is for the first cell in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3, that are configured with aperiodic-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToAddModList on at least one DL BWP and so on), the number of entries in a row of ZP-CSI-DCI-1-3 should be the same as the number of cells, that are configured with aperiodic-ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsToAddModList on at least one DL BWP, included in scheduledCellListDCI-1-3, and entries for co-scheduled cells in a row of ZP-CSI-DCI-1-3 are interpreted based on the BWPs of co-scheduled cells on which the UE operates based on the BWP indicator field of DCI format 1_3 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause and TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
Configure joint ZP-CSI-RS trigger table for DL scheduling via DCI format 1_3.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present for SCells whose slot offset between the SpCell is not 0. Otherwise it is absent, Need S.
This field is mandatory present for the SpCell if the UE has a measConfig, and it is optionally present, Need M, for SCells.For (e)RedCap UEs, this field is optionally present, Need M.
This field is optionally present, Need R, for SCells. It is absent otherwise.
This field is optionally present, Need S, for SCells except PUCCH SCells. It is absent otherwise.
This field is mandatory present for a SpCell upon reconfiguration with reconfigurationWithSyncand upon RRCSetup/RRCResume.
The field is optionally present for an SpCell, Need N, upon reconfiguration without reconfigurationWithSync. The field is mandatory present for an SCell upon addition, and absent for SCell in other cases, Need M.
This field is optional Need N for SCells if sCellState is configured, otherwise it is absent.
This field is optional Need S for the PSCell when the SCG is indicated as deactivated or is being activated, otherwise it is absent. This field is absent for the PCell.
This field is optionally present, Need R, for TDD cells. It is absent otherwise.
For IAB-MT, this field is optionally present, Need R, for TDD cells. It is absent otherwise.
This field is mandatory present if ScheduledCellListDCI-0-3 is configured, otherwise it is absent, Need R.
This field is mandatory present if ScheduledCellListDCI-1-3 is configured, otherwise it is absent, Need R.

The IE ServingCellConfigCommon is used to configure cell specific parameters of a UE's serving cell. The IE contains parameters which a UE would typically acquire from SSB,MIB or SIBs when accessing the cell from IDLE. With this IE,the network provides this information in dedicated signalling when configuring a UE with a SCells or with an additional cell group (SCG). It also provides it for SpCells (MCG and SCG) upon reconfiguration with sync.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SERVINGCELLCONFIGCOMMON-START ServingCellConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE { physCellId PhysCellId OPTIONAL, -- Cond HOAndServCellAdd,
downlinkConfigCommonThe common downlink configuration of the serving cell, including the frequency information configuration and the initial downlink BWP common configuration. The parameters provided herein should match the parameters configured by MIB and SIB1 (if provided) of the serving cell, with the exception of controlResourceSetZero and searchSpaceZero which can be configured in ServingCellConfigCommon even if MIB indicates that they are absent.
DownlinkConfigCommon OPTIONAL, -- Cond HOAndServCellAdd uplinkConfigCommon UplinkConfigCommon OPTIONAL, -- Need M
supplementaryUplinkConfigThe network configures this field only if uplinkConfigCommon is configured. If this field is absent, the UE shall release the supplementaryUplinkConfig and the supplementaryUplink configured in ServingCellConfig of this serving cell, if configured.
UplinkConfigCommon OPTIONAL, -- Need S
n-TimingAdvanceOffsetThe N_TA-Offset to be applied for all uplink transmissions on this serving cell if n-TimingAdvanceOffset2 is not configured. If tag2 is configured for this serving cell, this field is to be applied to all uplink transmissions associated to tag-id configured for this serving cell. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value defined for the duplex mode and frequency range of this serving cell. See TS 38.133 [14], table 7.1.2-2/table 7.1C.2-4.
ENUMERATED { n0, n25600, n39936 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
ssb-PositionsInBurstFor operation in licensed spectrum, indicates the time domain positions of the transmitted SS-blocks in a half frame with SS/PBCH blocks as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 1, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is not transmitted while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is transmitted. The network configures the same pattern in this field as in the corresponding field in ServingCellConfigCommonSIB. For operation with shared spectrum channel access, the UE assumes that one or more SS/PBCH blocks indicated by ssb-PositionsInBurst may be transmitted within the discovery burst transmission window and have candidate SS/PBCH blocks indexes corresponding to SS/PBCH block indexes provided by ssb-PositionsInBurst (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1). If the k-th bit of ssb-PositionsInBurst is set to 1, the UE assumes that one or more SS/PBCH blocks within the discovery burst transmission window with candidate SS/PBCH block indexes corresponding to SS/PBCH block index equal to k – 1 may be transmitted; if the kt-th bit is set to 0, the UE assumes that the corresponding SS/PBCH block(s) are not transmitted. The k-th bit is set to 0, where k > ssb-PositionQCL and the number of actually transmitted SS/PBCH blocks is not larger than the number of 1's in the bitmap. The network configures the same pattern in this field as in the corresponding field in ServingCellConfigCommonSIB.For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1, only mediumBitmap is used, and for FR2-2, longBitmap is used.
shortBitmapBitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 4 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
mediumBitmapBitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 8 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
longBitmapBitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 64 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
ssb-periodicityServingCellThe SSB periodicity in ms for the rate matching purpose. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value ms5. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1)
ENUMERATED { ms5, ms10, ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160, spare2, spare1 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
dmrs-TypeA-PositionPosition of (first) DM-RS for downlink (see TS 38.211 [16], clause and uplink (TS 38.211 [16], clause
ENUMERATED {pos2, pos3},
lte-CRS-ToMatchAroundParameters to determine an LTE CRS pattern that the UE shall rate match around.
SetupRelease { RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
rateMatchPatternToAddModListResources patterns which the UE should rate match PDSCH around. The UE rate matches around the union of all resources indicated in the rate match patterns. Rate match patterns defined here on cell level apply only to PDSCH of the same numerology (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If a RateMatchPattern with the same RateMatchPatternId is configured in both ServingCellConfig/ServingCellConfigCommon and in SIB20/MCCH, the entire RateMatchPattern configuration, including the set of RBs/REs indicated by the patterns for the rate matching around, shall be the same and they are counted as a single rate match pattern in the total configured rate match patterns as defined in TS 38.214 [19].
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRateMatchPatterns)) OF RateMatchPattern OPTIONAL, -- Need N rateMatchPatternToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRateMatchPatterns)) OF RateMatchPatternId OPTIONAL, -- Need N
ssbSubcarrierSpacingSubcarrier spacing of SSB. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Cond HOAndServCellWithSSB
tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommonA cell-specific TDD UL/DL configuration, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.
TDD-UL-DL-ConfigCommon OPTIONAL, -- Cond TDD
ss-PBCH-BlockPowerAverage EPRE of the resources elements that carry secondary synchronization signals in dBm that the NW used for SSB transmission, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.
INTEGER (-60..50), ..., [[
channelAccessMode-r16If present, this field indicates which channel access procedures to apply for operation with shared spectrum channel access as defined in TS 37.213 [48]. If the field is configured as "semiStatic", the UE shall apply the channel access procedures for semi-static channel occupancy as described in clause 4.3 in TS 37.213. If the field is configured as "dynamic", the UE shall apply the channel access procedures as defined in TS 37.213, clause 4.1and 4.2.
CHOICE { dynamic NULL, semiStatic SemiStaticChannelAccessConfig-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum
discoveryBurstWindowLength-r16Indicates the window length of the discovery burst in ms (see TS 37.213 [48]). The field discoveryBurstWindowLength-r17 is applicable to SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz.
ENUMERATED {ms0dot5, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ssb-PositionQCL-r16Indicates the QCL relation between SSB positions for this serving cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum highSpeedConfig-r16 HighSpeedConfig-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ highSpeedConfig-v1700 HighSpeedConfig-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
channelAccessMode2-r17If present, the UE shall apply channel access procedures for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4 for FR2-2. If absent, the UE shall not apply any channel access procedure. The network always configures this field if channel access procedures are required for the serving cell within this region by regulations.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum2
discoveryBurstWindowLength-r17Indicates the window length of the discovery burst in ms (see TS 37.213 [48]). The field discoveryBurstWindowLength-r17 is applicable to SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz.
ENUMERATED {ms0dot125, ms0dot25, ms0dot5, ms0dot75, ms1, ms1dot25} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ssb-PositionQCL-r17Indicates the QCL relation between SSB positions for this serving cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
SSB-PositionQCL-Relation-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 highSpeedConfigFR2-r17 HighSpeedConfigFR2-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R uplinkConfigCommon-v1700 UplinkConfigCommon-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ntn-Config-r17 NTN-Config-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
featurePriorities-r17Indicates priorities for features, such as (e)RedCap, Slicing, SDT, MSG1-Repetitions, and MSG3-Repetitions for Coverage Enhancements. These priorities are used to determine which FeatureCombinationPreambles the UE shall use when a feature maps to more than one FeatureCombinationPreambles, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. A lower value means a higher priority. The network does not signal the same priority for more than one feature. The network signals a priority for all feature that map to at least one FeatureCombinationPreambles.
SEQUENCE { redCapPriority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R slicingPriority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R msg3-Repetitions-Priority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sdt-Priority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
ra-ChannelAccess-r17If present, this field indicates that the UE shall apply channel access procedures before msg1/msgA transmission for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4.5 for FR2-2.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 ]], [[ featurePriorities-v1800 SEQUENCE { msg1-Repetitions-Priority-r18 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R eRedCapPriority-r18 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R atg-Config-r18 ATG-Config-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-SERVINGCELLCONFIGCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP
ServingCellConfigCommon field descriptions
If present, this field indicates which channel access procedures to apply for operation with shared spectrum channel access as defined in TS 37.213 [48]. If the field is configured as "semiStatic", the UE shall apply the channel access procedures for semi-static channel occupancy as described in clause 4.3 in TS 37.213. If the field is configured as "dynamic", the UE shall apply the channel access procedures as defined in TS 37.213, clause 4.1and 4.2.
If present, the UE shall apply channel access procedures for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4 for FR2-2. If absent, the UE shall not apply any channel access procedure. The network always configures this field if channel access procedures are required for the serving cell within this region by regulations.
Position of (first) DM-RS for downlink (see TS 38.211 [16], clause and uplink (TS 38.211 [16], clause
The common downlink configuration of the serving cell, including the frequency information configuration and the initial downlink BWP common configuration. The parameters provided herein should match the parameters configured by MIB and SIB1 (if provided) of the serving cell, with the exception of controlResourceSetZero and searchSpaceZero which can be configured in ServingCellConfigCommon even if MIB indicates that they are absent.
Indicates the window length of the discovery burst in ms (see TS 37.213 [48]). The field discoveryBurstWindowLength-r17 is applicable to SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz.
Indicates priorities for features, such as (e)RedCap, Slicing, SDT, MSG1-Repetitions, and MSG3-Repetitions for Coverage Enhancements. These priorities are used to determine which FeatureCombinationPreambles the UE shall use when a feature maps to more than one FeatureCombinationPreambles, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. A lower value means a higher priority. The network does not signal the same priority for more than one feature. The network signals a priority for all feature that map to at least one FeatureCombinationPreambles.
Bitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 64 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
Parameters to determine an LTE CRS pattern that the UE shall rate match around.
Bitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 8 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
The N_TA-Offset to be applied for all uplink transmissions on this serving cell if n-TimingAdvanceOffset2 is not configured. If tag2 is configured for this serving cell, this field is to be applied to all uplink transmissions associated to tag-id configured for this serving cell. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value defined for the duplex mode and frequency range of this serving cell. See TS 38.133 [14], table 7.1.2-2/table 7.1C.2-4.
If present, this field indicates that the UE shall apply channel access procedures before msg1/msgA transmission for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4.5 for FR2-2.
Resources patterns which the UE should rate match PDSCH around. The UE rate matches around the union of all resources indicated in the rate match patterns. Rate match patterns defined here on cell level apply only to PDSCH of the same numerology (see TS 38.214 [19], clause If a RateMatchPattern with the same RateMatchPatternId is configured in both ServingCellConfig/ServingCellConfigCommon and in SIB20/MCCH, the entire RateMatchPattern configuration, including the set of RBs/REs indicated by the patterns for the rate matching around, shall be the same and they are counted as a single rate match pattern in the total configured rate match patterns as defined in TS 38.214 [19].
Bitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 4 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
Average EPRE of the resources elements that carry secondary synchronization signals in dBm that the NW used for SSB transmission, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.
The SSB periodicity in ms for the rate matching purpose. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value ms5. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1)
Indicates the QCL relation between SSB positions for this serving cell as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
For operation in licensed spectrum, indicates the time domain positions of the transmitted SS-blocks in a half frame with SS/PBCH blocks as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 1, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is not transmitted while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is transmitted. The network configures the same pattern in this field as in the corresponding field in ServingCellConfigCommonSIB. For operation with shared spectrum channel access, the UE assumes that one or more SS/PBCH blocks indicated by ssb-PositionsInBurst may be transmitted within the discovery burst transmission window and have candidate SS/PBCH blocks indexes corresponding to SS/PBCH block indexes provided by ssb-PositionsInBurst (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1). If the k-th bit of ssb-PositionsInBurst is set to 1, the UE assumes that one or more SS/PBCH blocks within the discovery burst transmission window with candidate SS/PBCH block indexes corresponding to SS/PBCH block index equal to k – 1 may be transmitted; if the kt-th bit is set to 0, the UE assumes that the corresponding SS/PBCH block(s) are not transmitted. The k-th bit is set to 0, where k > ssb-PositionQCL and the number of actually transmitted SS/PBCH blocks is not larger than the number of 1's in the bitmap. The network configures the same pattern in this field as in the corresponding field in ServingCellConfigCommonSIB.For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1, only mediumBitmap is used, and for FR2-2, longBitmap is used.
Subcarrier spacing of SSB. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
The network configures this field only if uplinkConfigCommon is configured. If this field is absent, the UE shall release the supplementaryUplinkConfig and the supplementaryUplink configured in ServingCellConfig of this serving cell, if configured.
A cell-specific TDD UL/DL configuration, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is absent when absoluteFrequencySSB in frequencyInfoDL is absent, otherwise the field is mandatory present.
This field is mandatory present upon SpCell change (including path switch between a serving cell and a L2 U2N Relay UE) and upon serving cell (PSCell/SCell) addition. Otherwise, the field is absent.
This field is mandatory present upon SpCell change and upon serving cell (SCell with SSB or PSCell) addition. Otherwise, the field is absent.
This field is mandatory present if this cell operates with shared spectrum channel access in FR1. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
This field is optionally present if this cell operates with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2, Need R. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
The field is optionally present, Need R, for TDD cells; otherwise it is absent.

The IE ServingCellConfigCommonSIB is used to configure cell specific parameters of a UE's serving cell in SIB1.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SERVINGCELLCONFIGCOMMONSIB-START ServingCellConfigCommonSIB ::= SEQUENCE { downlinkConfigCommon DownlinkConfigCommonSIB, uplinkConfigCommon UplinkConfigCommonSIB OPTIONAL, -- Need R supplementaryUplink UplinkConfigCommonSIB OPTIONAL, -- Need R
n-TimingAdvanceOffsetThe N_TA-Offset to be applied for random access on this serving cell. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value defined for the duplex mode and frequency range of this serving cell. See TS 38.133 [14], table 7.1.2-2/table 7.1C.2-4.
ENUMERATED { n0, n25600, n39936 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
ssb-PositionsInBurstTime domain positions of the transmitted SS-blocks in an SS-burst as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1, only inOneGroupis used and the UE interprets this field same as mediumBitmap in ServingCellConfigCommon. The UE assumes that a bit in inOneGroupat position k > is 0, where is obtained from MIB as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2, the m-th bit in groupPresence is set to 0 for m > /8, where is obtained from MIB as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
inOneGroupWhen maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 4 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1, only the 4 leftmost bits are valid; the UE ignores the 4 rightmost bits. When maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 8 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1, all 8 bits are valid. The first/ leftmost bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 1, and so on. When maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 64 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1, all 8 bit are valid; The first/ leftmost bit corresponds to the first SS/PBCH block index in the group (i.e., to SSB index 0, 8, and so on); the second bit corresponds to the second SS/PBCH block index in the group (i.e., to SSB index 1, 9, and so on), and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is not transmitted while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is transmitted.
groupPresenceThis field is present when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 64 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to the SS/PBCH index 0-7, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block 8-15, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the SSBs according to inOneGroup are absent. Value 1 indicates that the SS/PBCH blocks are transmitted in accordance with inOneGroup.
BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL -- Cond FR2-Only }, ssb-PeriodicityServingCell ENUMERATED {ms5, ms10, ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160}, tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon TDD-UL-DL-ConfigCommon OPTIONAL, -- Cond TDD
ss-PBCH-BlockPowerAverage EPRE of the resources elements that carry secondary synchronization signals in dBm that the NW used for SSB transmission, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.
INTEGER (-60..50), ..., [[
channelAccessMode-r16If present, this field indicates which channel access procedures to apply for operation with shared spectrum channel access as defined in TS 37.213 [48]. If the field is configured as "semiStatic", the UE shall apply the channel access procedures for semi-static channel occupancy as described in clause 4.3 in TS 37.213. If the field is configured as "dynamic", the UE shall apply the channel access procedures as defined in TS 37.213, clause 4.1 and 4.2.
CHOICE { dynamic NULL, semiStatic SemiStaticChannelAccessConfig-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum
discoveryBurstWindowLength-r16Indicates the window length of the discovery burst in ms (see TS 37.213 [48]). The field discoveryBurstWindowLength-v1700 is applicable to SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz.
ENUMERATED {ms0dot5, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5} OPTIONAL, -- Need R highSpeedConfig-r16 HighSpeedConfig-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
channelAccessMode2-r17If present, this field indicates that the UE shall apply channel access procedures for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4 for FR2-2. If absent, the UE shall not apply any channel access procedure. The network always configures this field if channel access procedures are required for the serving cell within this region by regulations.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 discoveryBurstWindowLength-v1700 ENUMERATED {ms0dot125, ms0dot25, ms0dot5, ms0dot75, ms1, ms1dot25} OPTIONAL, -- Need R highSpeedConfigFR2-r17 HighSpeedConfigFR2-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R uplinkConfigCommon-v1700 UplinkConfigCommonSIB-v1700 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
enhancedMeasurementNGSO-r17If the field is present andUE supports the enhanced cell reselection requirements for NTN NGSO in RRC_IDLE/RRC_INACTIVE, the UE shall apply the enhanced cell reselection requirements for NTN NGSO as specified in TS 38.133 [14], clauses 4.2C.2.3 and 4.2C.2.4.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
ra-ChannelAccess-r17If present, this field indicates that the UE shall apply channel access procedures before msg1/msgA transmission for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4.5 for FR2-2.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Cond SharedSpectrum2 ]], [[ downlinkConfigCommon-v1760 DownlinkConfigCommonSIB-v1760 OPTIONAL, -- Need R uplinkConfigCommon-v1760 UplinkConfigCommonSIB-v1760 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-SERVINGCELLCONFIGCOMMONSIB-STOP -- ASN1STOP
ServingCellConfigCommonSIB field descriptions
If present, this field indicates which channel access procedures to apply for operation with shared spectrum channel access as defined in TS 37.213 [48]. If the field is configured as "semiStatic", the UE shall apply the channel access procedures for semi-static channel occupancy as described in clause 4.3 in TS 37.213. If the field is configured as "dynamic", the UE shall apply the channel access procedures as defined in TS 37.213, clause 4.1 and 4.2.
If present, this field indicates that the UE shall apply channel access procedures for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4 for FR2-2. If absent, the UE shall not apply any channel access procedure. The network always configures this field if channel access procedures are required for the serving cell within this region by regulations.
Indicates the window length of the discovery burst in ms (see TS 37.213 [48]). The field discoveryBurstWindowLength-v1700 is applicable to SCS 480 kHz and SCS 960 kHz.
If the field is present andUE supports the enhanced cell reselection requirements for NTN NGSO in RRC_IDLE/RRC_INACTIVE, the UE shall apply the enhanced cell reselection requirements for NTN NGSO as specified in TS 38.133 [14], clauses 4.2C.2.3 and 4.2C.2.4.
This field is present when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 64 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to the SS/PBCH index 0-7, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block 8-15, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the SSBs according to inOneGroup are absent. Value 1 indicates that the SS/PBCH blocks are transmitted in accordance with inOneGroup.
When maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 4 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1, only the 4 leftmost bits are valid; the UE ignores the 4 rightmost bits. When maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 8 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1, all 8 bits are valid. The first/ leftmost bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 1, and so on. When maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 64 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1, all 8 bit are valid; The first/ leftmost bit corresponds to the first SS/PBCH block index in the group (i.e., to SSB index 0, 8, and so on); the second bit corresponds to the second SS/PBCH block index in the group (i.e., to SSB index 1, 9, and so on), and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is not transmitted while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is transmitted.
The N_TA-Offset to be applied for random access on this serving cell. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value defined for the duplex mode and frequency range of this serving cell. See TS 38.133 [14], table 7.1.2-2/table 7.1C.2-4.
If present, this field indicates that the UE shall apply channel access procedures before msg1/msgA transmission for operation with shared spectrum channel access in accordance with TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.4.5 for FR2-2.
Time domain positions of the transmitted SS-blocks in an SS-burst as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1, only inOneGroupis used and the UE interprets this field same as mediumBitmap in ServingCellConfigCommon. The UE assumes that a bit in inOneGroupat position k > is 0, where is obtained from MIB as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2, the m-th bit in groupPresence is set to 0 for m > /8, where is obtained from MIB as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
Average EPRE of the resources elements that carry secondary synchronization signals in dBm that the NW used for SSB transmission, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present for an FR2 carrier frequency. It is absent otherwise and UE releases any configured value.
This field is mandatory present if this cell operates with shared spectrum channel access in FR1. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
This field is optionally present if this cell operates with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2, Need R. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
The field is optionally present, Need R, for TDD cells; otherwise it is absent.

The IE ShortI-RNTI-Value is used to identify the suspended UE context of a UE in RRC_INACTIVE using fewer bits compared to I-RNTI-Value.

The IE ShortMAC-I is used to identify and verify the UE at RRC connection re-establishment. The 16 least significant bits of the MAC-I calculated using the AS security configuration of the source PCell, as specified in

The IE SINR-Range specifies the value range used in SINR measurements and thresholds. For measurements, integer value for SINR measurements is according to Table in TS 38.133 [14]. For thresholds, the actual value is (IE value – 46) / 2 dB.

The IE SI-RequestConfig contains configuration for Msg1 based SI request without Msg1 repetition. For the random access parameters (e.g. prach-RootSequenceIndex, msg1-SubcarrierSpacing, etc.) not configured in SI-RequestConfig, the UE applies the parameters configured in rach-ConfigCommon corresponding to the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization (as specified in TS 38.321 [3]), of the initial uplink BWP unless otherwise specified.
rach-OccasionsSIConfiguration of dedicated RACH Occasions for SI. If the field is absent, the UE uses the corresponding parameters configured in rach-ConfigCommoncorresponding to the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization (as specified in TS 38.321 [3]), of the initial uplink BWP.
SEQUENCE { rach-ConfigSI RACH-ConfigGeneric, ssb-perRACH-Occasion ENUMERATED {oneEighth, oneFourth, oneHalf, one, two, four, eight, sixteen} } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
si-RequestPeriodPeriodicity of the SI-Request configuration in number of association periods.
ENUMERATED {one, two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, sixteen} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
si-RequestResourcesIf there is only one entry in the list, the configuration is used for all SI messages for which si-BroadcastStatusor posSI-BroadcastStatusis set to notBroadcasting. Otherwise: -If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is not present and the SI-RequestConfig is used for on-demand SI request in SI-SchedulingInfo or PosSI-SchedulingInfo, the 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first SI message in schedulingInfoListor posSchedulingInfoList for which si-BroadcastStatusor posSI-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting, 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second SI message in schedulingInfoListor posSchedulingInfoListfor which si-BroadcastStatus or posSI-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting and so on. -If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present and SI-RequestConfig is configured in SI-SchedulingInfo for on-demand SI request, the UE generates a list of concatenated SI messages by appending the SI messages containing type1 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 to the SI messagesconfigured by schedulingInfoList in si-SchedulingInfo. The 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first SI message for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting, 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second SI messagefor which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting and so on. -If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present and SI-RequestConfig is configured in PosSI-SchedulingInfo for on-demand SI request, the UE generates a list of concatenated SI messages by appending the SI messages containing type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 to the SI messagesconfigured by posSchedulingInfoList in posSI-SchedulingInfo. The 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first SI message for which posSI-BroadcastStatus or si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting, 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second SI messagefor which posSI-BroadcastStatus or si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting and so on. Change of si-RequestResources should not result in system information change notification.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSI-Message)) OF SI-RequestResources } SI-RequestResources ::= SEQUENCE {
ra-PreambleStartIndexIf N SSBs are associated with a RACH occasion, where N > = 1, for the i-th SSB (i=0, …, N-1) the preamble with preamble index = ra-PreambleStartIndex + i is used for SI request; For N < 1, the preamble with preamble index = ra-PreambleStartIndex is used for SI request.
INTEGER (0..63),
ra-AssociationPeriodIndexIndex of the association period in the si-RequestPeriod in which the UE can send the SI request for SI message(s) corresponding to this SI-RequestResources, using the preambles indicated by ra-PreambleStartIndex and rach occasions indicated by ra-ssb-OccasionMaskIndex.
INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ra-ssb-OccasionMaskIndex INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-SI-REQUESTCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SI-RequestConfig field descriptions
Configuration of dedicated RACH Occasions for SI. If the field is absent, the UE uses the corresponding parameters configured in rach-ConfigCommoncorresponding to the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization (as specified in TS 38.321 [3]), of the initial uplink BWP.
Periodicity of the SI-Request configuration in number of association periods.
If there is only one entry in the list, the configuration is used for all SI messages for which si-BroadcastStatusor posSI-BroadcastStatusis set to notBroadcasting. Otherwise: -If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is not present and the SI-RequestConfig is used for on-demand SI request in SI-SchedulingInfo or PosSI-SchedulingInfo, the 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first SI message in schedulingInfoListor posSchedulingInfoList for which si-BroadcastStatusor posSI-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting, 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second SI message in schedulingInfoListor posSchedulingInfoListfor which si-BroadcastStatus or posSI-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting and so on. -If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present and SI-RequestConfig is configured in SI-SchedulingInfo for on-demand SI request, the UE generates a list of concatenated SI messages by appending the SI messages containing type1 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 to the SI messagesconfigured by schedulingInfoList in si-SchedulingInfo. The 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first SI message for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting, 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second SI messagefor which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting and so on. -If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present and SI-RequestConfig is configured in PosSI-SchedulingInfo for on-demand SI request, the UE generates a list of concatenated SI messages by appending the SI messages containing type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 to the SI messagesconfigured by posSchedulingInfoList in posSI-SchedulingInfo. The 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first SI message for which posSI-BroadcastStatus or si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting, 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second SI messagefor which posSI-BroadcastStatus or si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting and so on. Change of si-RequestResources should not result in system information change notification.
SI-RequestResources field descriptions
Index of the association period in the si-RequestPeriod in which the UE can send the SI request for SI message(s) corresponding to this SI-RequestResources, using the preambles indicated by ra-PreambleStartIndex and rach occasions indicated by ra-ssb-OccasionMaskIndex.
If N SSBs are associated with a RACH occasion, where N > = 1, for the i-th SSB (i=0, …, N-1) the preamble with preamble index = ra-PreambleStartIndex + i is used for SI request; For N < 1, the preamble with preamble index = ra-PreambleStartIndex is used for SI request.

The IE SI-RequestConfigRepetition contains configuration for Msg1 based SI request with Msg1 repetition. For the random access parameters (e.g. prach-RootSequenceIndex, msg1-SubcarrierSpacing and msg1-RepetitionTimeOffsetROGroup, etc.) not configured in SI-RequestConfigRepetition, the UE applies the parameters configured in rach-ConfigCommon corresponding to the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization (as specified in TS 38.321 [3]), of the initial uplink BWP unless otherwise specified.
rach-OccasionsSI-r18Configuration of dedicated RACH Occasions for SI. If the field is absent, the UE uses the corresponding parameters configured in rach-ConfigCommon corresponding to the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization (as specified in TS 38.321 [3]), of the initial uplink BWP.
SEQUENCE { rach-ConfigSI-r18 RACH-ConfigGeneric, ssb-perRACH-Occasion-r18 ENUMERATED {oneEighth, oneFourth, oneHalf, one, two, four, eight, sixteen} } OPTIONAL, -- Need R si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum2-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSI-Message)) OF SI-RequestResourcesRepetition-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum4-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSI-Message)) OF SI-RequestResourcesRepetition-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum8-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSI-Message)) OF SI-RequestResourcesRepetition-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } SI-RequestResourcesRepetition-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
ra-PreambleStartIndex-r18If N SSBs are associated with a RACH occasion, where N > = 1, for the i-th SSB (i=0, …, N-1) the preamble with preamble index = ra-PreambleStartIndex + i is used for SI request with Msg1 repetition; For N < 1, the preamble with preamble index = ra-PreambleStartIndex is used for SI request with Msg1 repetition.
SI-RequestConfigRepetition field descriptions
Configuration of dedicated RACH Occasions for SI. If the field is absent, the UE uses the corresponding parameters configured in rach-ConfigCommon corresponding to the RACH resource set selected upon RACH initialization (as specified in TS 38.321 [3]), of the initial uplink BWP.
si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum2, si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum4, si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum8
Indicates the configurations for Msg1-based SI request with Msg1 repetition for repetition number 2, 4 and 8, respectively. If there is only one entry in the list, the configuration is used for all SI messages for which si-BroadcastStatusor posSI-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting. Otherwise: -If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is not present and the si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum2/si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum4/si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum8 is used for on-demand SI request in SI-SchedulingInfo or PosSI-SchedulingInfo, the 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first SI message in schedulingInfoList or posSchedulingInfoList for which si-BroadcastStatus or posSI-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting, 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second SI message in schedulingInfoList or posSchedulingInfoList for which si-BroadcastStatus or posSI-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting and so on. -If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present and si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum2/si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum4/si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum8 is configured in SI-SchedulingInfo for on-demand SI request, the UE generates a list of concatenated SI messages by appending the SI messages containing type1 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 to the SI messages configured by schedulingInfoList in si-SchedulingInfo. The 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first SI message for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting, 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second SI message for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting and so on. -If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present and si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum2/si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum4/si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum8 is configured in PosSI-SchedulingInfo for on-demand SI request, the UE generates a list of concatenated SI messages by appending the SI messages containing type2 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 to the SI messages configured by posSchedulingInfoList in posSI-SchedulingInfo. The 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first SI message for which posSI-BroadcastStatus or si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting, 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second SI message for which posSI-BroadcastStatus or si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting and so on. Change of si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum2/si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum4/si-RequestResourcesRepetitionNum8 should not result in system information change notification.
SI-RequestResourcesRepetition field descriptions
If N SSBs are associated with a RACH occasion, where N > = 1, for the i-th SSB (i=0, …, N-1) the preamble with preamble index = ra-PreambleStartIndex + i is used for SI request with Msg1 repetition; For N < 1, the preamble with preamble index = ra-PreambleStartIndex is used for SI request with Msg1 repetition.

The IE SI-SchedulingInfo contains information needed for acquisition of SI messages.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SI-SCHEDULINGINFO-START SI-SchedulingInfo ::= SEQUENCE { schedulingInfoList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSI-Message)) OF SchedulingInfo,
si-WindowLengthThe length of the SI scheduling window. Value s5 corresponds to 5 slots, value s10 corresponds to 10 slots and so on. The network always configures si-WindowLength to be shorter than or equal to the si-Periodicity. The values s2560-v1710 and s5120-v1710 are only applicable for SCS 480 kHz.
ENUMERATED {s5, s10, s20, s40, s80, s160, s320, s640, s1280, s2560-v1710, s5120-v1710 },
si-RequestConfigConfiguration of Msg1 resources that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting.
SI-RequestConfig OPTIONAL, -- Cond MSG-1
si-RequestConfigSULConfiguration of Msg1 resources that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting.
SI-RequestConfig OPTIONAL, -- Cond SUL-MSG-1
systemInformationAreaIDIndicates the system information area that the cell belongs to, if any. Any SIB with areaScope within the SI is considered to belong to this systemInformationAreaID. The systemInformationAreaID is unique within a PLMN/SNPN.
BIT STRING (SIZE (24)) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } SchedulingInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
si-BroadcastStatusIndicates if the SI message is being broadcasted or not. Change of si-BroadcastStatus should not result in system information change notifications in Short Message transmitted with P-RNTI over DCI (see clause 6.5). The value of the indication is valid until the end of the BCCH modification period when set to broadcasting. When SIB19 is scheduled in an NTN cell, the si-BroadcastStatus for the mapped SIB19 is set to broadcasting.
ENUMERATED {broadcasting, notBroadcasting},
si-PeriodicityPeriodicity of the SI-message in radio frames. Value rf8 corresponds to 8 radio frames, value rf16 corresponds to 16 radio frames, and so on.
ENUMERATED {rf8, rf16, rf32, rf64, rf128, rf256, rf512},
sib-MappingInfoIndicates which SIBs or posSIBs are contained in the SI message.
SIB-Mapping } SI-SchedulingInfo-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { schedulingInfoList2-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSI-Message)) OF SchedulingInfo2-r17,
dummyThis field is not used in this specification. If received, it is ignored by the UE.
SI-RequestConfig OPTIONAL } SI-SchedulingInfo-v1740 ::= SEQUENCE {
si-RequestConfigRedCap-r17Configuration of Msg1 resources for initialUplinkBWP-RedCapthat the (e)RedCap UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting.
SI-RequestConfig OPTIONAL -- Cond REDCAP-MSG-1 } SI-SchedulingInfo-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE {
si-RequestConfigMSG1-Repetition-r18Configuration of Msg1 repetition resources on NUL that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting. This field is only applicable when Msg1 repetition resources can be used for requesting SI-messages.
SI-RequestConfigRepetition-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Cond MSG-1
si-RequestConfigRedCap-MSG1-Repetition-r18Configuration of Msg1 repetition resources for initialUplinkBWP-RedCapthat the (e)RedCap UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting. This field is only applicable when Msg1 repetition resources can be used for requesting SI-messages.
SI-RequestConfigRepetition-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Cond REDCAP-MSG-1
si-RequestConfigSUL-MSG1-Repetition-r18Configuration of Msg1 repetition resources on SUL that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting. This field is only applicable when Msg1 repetition resources can be used for requesting SI-messages.
SI-RequestConfigRepetition-r18 OPTIONAL -- Cond SUL-MSG-1 } SchedulingInfo2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
si-BroadcastStatus-r17Indicates if the SI message is being broadcasted or not. Change of si-BroadcastStatus should not result in system information change notifications in Short Message transmitted with P-RNTI over DCI (see clause 6.5). The value of the indication is valid until the end of the BCCH modification period when set to broadcasting. When SIB19 is scheduled in an NTN cell, the si-BroadcastStatus for the mapped SIB19 is set to broadcasting.
ENUMERATED {broadcasting, notBroadcasting},
si-WindowPosition-r17This field indicates the SI window position of the associated SI-message. The network provides si-WindowPosition in an ascending order, i.e. si-WindowPosition in the subsequent entry in schedulingInfoList2 has always value higher than in the previous entry of schedulingInfoList2.The network configures this field in a way that ensures that SI messages scheduled by schedulingInfoList and/or posSchedulingInfoList do not overlap with SI messages scheduled by schedulingInfoList2.
INTEGER (1..256),
si-Periodicity-r17Periodicity of the SI-message in radio frames. Value rf8 corresponds to 8 radio frames, value rf16 corresponds to 16 radio frames, and so on.
ENUMERATED {rf8, rf16, rf32, rf64, rf128, rf256, rf512},
sib-MappingInfo-r17Indicates which SIBs or posSIBs are contained in the SI message.
SIB-Mapping-v1700 } SIB-Mapping ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF SIB-TypeInfo SIB-Mapping-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF SIB-TypeInfo-v1700 SIB-TypeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { type ENUMERATED {sibType2, sibType3, sibType4, sibType5, sibType6, sibType7, sibType8, sibType9, sibType10-v1610, sibType11-v1610, sibType12-v1610, sibType13-v1610, sibType14-v1610, spare3, spare2, spare1,... }, valueTag INTEGER (0..31) OPTIONAL, -- Cond SIB-TYPE
areaScopeIndicates that a SIB is area specific. If the field is absent, the SIB is cell specific.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need S } SIB-TypeInfo-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
sibType-r17The type of SIB(s) mapped to SI for scheduling usingschedulingInfoList2. Value type1 indicates SIBs and value type2 indicates posSIBs.
CHOICE { type1-r17 ENUMERATED {sibType15, sibType16, sibType17, sibType18, sibType19, sibType20, sibType21, sibType22-v1800, sibType23-v1800 ,sibType24-v1800, sibType25-v1800, sibType17bis-v1820, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1,...}, type2-r17 SEQUENCE {
posSibType-r17The posSIBs as defined in TS 37.355 [49] mapped to SI for scheduling usingschedulingInfoList2.
ENUMERATED {posSibType1-9, posSibType1-10, posSibType2-24, posSibType2-25, posSibType6-4, posSibType6-5, posSibType6-6, posSibType2-17a-v1770, posSibType2-18a-v1770, posSibType2-20a-v1770, posSibType1-11-v1800, posSibType1-12-v1800, posSibType2-26-v1800, posSibType2-27-v1800, posSibType6-7-v1800, posSibType7-1-v1800,..., posSibType7-2-v1800, posSibType7-3-v1800, posSibType7-4-v1800},
encrypted-r17The presence of this field indicates that the pos-sib-type is encrypted as specified in TS 37.355 [49].
gnss-id-r17The presence of this field indicates that the positioning SIB type is for a specific GNSS. Indicates a specific GNSS (see also TS 37.355 [49])
sbas-id-r17The presence of this field indicates that the positioning SIB type is for a specific SBAS. Indicates a specific SBAS (see also TS 37.355 [49]).
SBAS-ID-r16 OPTIONAL -- Cond GNSS-ID-SBAS } }, valueTag-r17 INTEGER (0..31) OPTIONAL, -- Cond NonPosSIB
areaScope-r17Indicates that a SIB is area specific. If the field is absent, the SIB is cell specific.
SchedulingInfo field descriptions
Indicates that a SIB is area specific. If the field is absent, the SIB is cell specific.
Indicates if the SI message is being broadcasted or not. Change of si-BroadcastStatus should not result in system information change notifications in Short Message transmitted with P-RNTI over DCI (see clause 6.5). The value of the indication is valid until the end of the BCCH modification period when set to broadcasting. When SIB19 is scheduled in an NTN cell, the si-BroadcastStatus for the mapped SIB19 is set to broadcasting.
Periodicity of the SI-message in radio frames. Value rf8 corresponds to 8 radio frames, value rf16 corresponds to 16 radio frames, and so on.
SI-SchedulingInfo field descriptions
This field is not used in this specification. If received, it is ignored by the UE.
schedulingInfoList, schedulingInfoList2
List of scheduling information for SI messages. If si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 is present, the network ensures that the total number of SI messages in the list of concatenated SI messages configured by schedulingInfoList in si-SchedulingInfo and SI messages containing type1 SIB configured by schedulingInfoList2 in si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 does not exceed the limit of maxSI-Message.
Configuration of Msg1 resources that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting.
Configuration of Msg1 repetition resources on NUL that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting. This field is only applicable when Msg1 repetition resources can be used for requesting SI-messages.
Configuration of Msg1 resources for initialUplinkBWP-RedCapthat the (e)RedCap UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting.
Configuration of Msg1 repetition resources for initialUplinkBWP-RedCapthat the (e)RedCap UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting. This field is only applicable when Msg1 repetition resources can be used for requesting SI-messages.
Configuration of Msg1 resources that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting.
Configuration of Msg1 repetition resources on SUL that the UE uses for requesting SI-messages for which si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting. This field is only applicable when Msg1 repetition resources can be used for requesting SI-messages.
The length of the SI scheduling window. Value s5 corresponds to 5 slots, value s10 corresponds to 10 slots and so on. The network always configures si-WindowLength to be shorter than or equal to the si-Periodicity. The values s2560-v1710 and s5120-v1710 are only applicable for SCS 480 kHz.
Indicates the system information area that the cell belongs to, if any. Any SIB with areaScope within the SI is considered to belong to this systemInformationAreaID. The systemInformationAreaID is unique within a PLMN/SNPN.
SchedulingInfo2 field descriptions
The presence of this field indicates that the pos-sib-type is encrypted as specified in TS 37.355 [49].
The presence of this field indicates that the positioning SIB type is for a specific GNSS. Indicates a specific GNSS (see also TS 37.355 [49])
The posSIBs as defined in TS 37.355 [49] mapped to SI for scheduling usingschedulingInfoList2.
The presence of this field indicates that the positioning SIB type is for a specific SBAS. Indicates a specific SBAS (see also TS 37.355 [49]).
This field indicates the SI window position of the associated SI-message. The network provides si-WindowPosition in an ascending order, i.e. si-WindowPosition in the subsequent entry in schedulingInfoList2 has always value higher than in the previous entry of schedulingInfoList2.The network configures this field in a way that ensures that SI messages scheduled by schedulingInfoList and/or posSchedulingInfoList do not overlap with SI messages scheduled by schedulingInfoList2.
Indicates which SIBs or posSIBs are contained in the SI message.
The type of SIB(s) mapped to SI for scheduling usingschedulingInfoList2. Value type1 indicates SIBs and value type2 indicates posSIBs.
Conditional presenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if gnss-id is set to sbas. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcastingfor any SI-message included in schedulingInfoListoranySI-message containing type1 SIB included inschedulingInfoList2. It is absent otherwise.
The field is mandatory present if the SIB type is different from SIB6, SIB7 or SIB8. For SIB6, SIB7 and SIB8 it is absent.
The field is mandatory present if the SIB type is type1. For type2 it is absent.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if supplementaryUplink is configured in ServingCellConfigCommonSIB and if si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting for any SI-message included in schedulingInfoListoranySI-message containing type1 SIB included inschedulingInfoList2. It is absent otherwise.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if initialUplinkBWP-RedCap is configured in UplinkConfigCommonSIB and if si-BroadcastStatus is set to notBroadcasting for any SI-message included in schedulingInfoListoranySI-message containing type1 SIB included inschedulingInfoList2. It is absent otherwise.

The IE SK-Counter is a counter used upon initial configuration of SN security for NR-DC and NE-DC, as well as upon refresh of S-KgNB or S-KeNB based on the current or newly derived KgNB during RRC Resume or RRC Reconfiguration, as defined in TS 33.501 [11].

The IE SlotFormatCombinationsPerCell is used to configure the SlotFormatCombinations applicable for one serving cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
servingCellIdThe ID of the serving cell for which the slotFormatCombinations are applicable.
subcarrierSpacingReference subcarrier spacing for this Slot Format Combination. The network configures a value that is smaller than or equal to any SCS of configured BWPs of the serving cell that the command applies to. And the network configures a value that is smaller than or equal to the SCS of the serving cell which the UE monitors for SFI indications (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
subcarrierSpacing2Reference subcarrier spacing for a Slot Format Combination on an FDD or SUL cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1). For FDD, subcarrierSpacing (SFI-scs) is the reference SCS for DL BWP and subcarrierSpacing2 (SFI-scs2) is the reference SCS for UL BWP. For SUL, subcarrierSpacing (SFI-scs) is the reference SCS for non-SUL carrier and subcarrierSpacing2 (SFI-scs2) is the reference SCS for SUL carrier. The network configures a value that is smaller than or equal to any SCS of configured BWPs of the serving cell that the command applies to. And the network configures a value that is smaller than or equal to the SCS of the serving cell which the UE monitors for SFI indications.
SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Need R
slotFormatCombinationsA list with SlotFormatCombinations. Each SlotFormatCombination comprises of one or more SlotFormats (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 4.3.2). The total number of slotFormats in the slotFormatCombinations list does not exceed 512.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSlotFormatCombinationsPerSet)) OF SlotFormatCombination OPTIONAL, -- Need M
positionInDCIThe (starting) position (bit) of the slotFormatCombinationId (SFI-Index) for this serving cell (servingCellId) within the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
INTEGER(0..maxSFI-DCI-PayloadSize-1) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
enableConfiguredUL-r16If configured, the UE is allowed to transmit uplink signals/channels (SRS, PUCCH, CG-PUSCH) in the set of symbols of the slot when the UE does not detect a DCI format 2_0 providing a slot format for the set of symbols (see TS 38.213 [13], 11.1.1). This field is applicable only if cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16 is configured.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } SlotFormatCombination ::= SEQUENCE {
slotFormatCombinationIdThis ID is used in the DCI payload to dynamically select this SlotFormatCombination (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
slotFormatsSlot formats that occur in consecutive slots in time domain order as listed here (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 14 for IAB-MT).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSlotFormatsPerCombination)) OF INTEGER (0..255) } SlotFormatCombinationId ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSlotFormatCombinationsPerSet-1) -- TAG-SLOTFORMATCOMBINATIONSPERCELL-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SlotFormatCombination field descriptions
This ID is used in the DCI payload to dynamically select this SlotFormatCombination (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
Slot formats that occur in consecutive slots in time domain order as listed here (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 14 for IAB-MT).
SlotFormatCombinationsPerCell field descriptions
If configured, the UE is allowed to transmit uplink signals/channels (SRS, PUCCH, CG-PUSCH) in the set of symbols of the slot when the UE does not detect a DCI format 2_0 providing a slot format for the set of symbols (see TS 38.213 [13], 11.1.1). This field is applicable only if cg-RetransmissionTimer-r16 is configured.
The (starting) position (bit) of the slotFormatCombinationId (SFI-Index) for this serving cell (servingCellId) within the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
The ID of the serving cell for which the slotFormatCombinations are applicable.
A list with SlotFormatCombinations. Each SlotFormatCombination comprises of one or more SlotFormats (see TS 38.211 [16], clause 4.3.2). The total number of slotFormats in the slotFormatCombinations list does not exceed 512.
Reference subcarrier spacing for a Slot Format Combination on an FDD or SUL cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1). For FDD, subcarrierSpacing (SFI-scs) is the reference SCS for DL BWP and subcarrierSpacing2 (SFI-scs2) is the reference SCS for UL BWP. For SUL, subcarrierSpacing (SFI-scs) is the reference SCS for non-SUL carrier and subcarrierSpacing2 (SFI-scs2) is the reference SCS for SUL carrier. The network configures a value that is smaller than or equal to any SCS of configured BWPs of the serving cell that the command applies to. And the network configures a value that is smaller than or equal to the SCS of the serving cell which the UE monitors for SFI indications.
Reference subcarrier spacing for this Slot Format Combination. The network configures a value that is smaller than or equal to any SCS of configured BWPs of the serving cell that the command applies to. And the network configures a value that is smaller than or equal to the SCS of the serving cell which the UE monitors for SFI indications (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).

The IE SlotFormatIndicator is used to configure monitoring a Group-Common-PDCCH for Slot-Format-Indicators (SFI).
sfi-RNTIRNTI used for SFI on the given cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
dci-PayloadSizeTotal length of the DCI payload scrambled with SFI-RNTI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
INTEGER (1..maxSFI-DCI-PayloadSize),
slotFormatCombToAddModListA list of SlotFormatCombinations for the UE's serving cells (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAggregatedCellsPerCellGroup)) OF SlotFormatCombinationsPerCell OPTIONAL, -- Need N slotFormatCombToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAggregatedCellsPerCellGroup)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need N ..., [[
availableRB-SetsToAddModList-r16A list of AvailableRB-SetsPerCell objects (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAggregatedCellsPerCellGroup)) OF AvailableRB-SetsPerCell-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N availableRB-SetsToReleaseList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAggregatedCellsPerCellGroup)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need N switchTriggerToAddModList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF SearchSpaceSwitchTrigger-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N switchTriggerToReleaseList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need N
co-DurationsPerCellToAddModList-r16A list of CO-DurationsPerCell objects. If not configured, the UE uses the slot format indicator (SFI), if available, to determine the channel occupancy duration (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAggregatedCellsPerCellGroup)) OF CO-DurationsPerCell-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
co-DurationsPerCellToReleaseList-r16A list of CO-DurationsPerCell objects to be released. An entry created using co-DurationsPerCellToAddModList-r16 or co-DurationsPerCellToAddModList-r17 can be deleted using co-DurationsPerCellToReleaseList.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAggregatedCellsPerCellGroup)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[ switchTriggerToAddModListSizeExt-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAggregatedCellsPerCellGroupMinus4-r16)) OF SearchSpaceSwitchTrigger-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N switchTriggerToReleaseListSizeExt-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxNrofAggregatedCellsPerCellGroupMinus4-r16)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
co-DurationsPerCellToAddModList-r17A list of CO-DurationsPerCell objects. If not configured, the UE uses the slot format indicator (SFI), if available, to determine the channel occupancy duration (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofAggregatedCellsPerCellGroup)) OF CO-DurationsPerCell-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } CO-DurationsPerCell-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
servingCellId-r16The ID of the serving cell for which the configuration is applicable or the group of serving cells as indicated by CellGroupsForSwitch-r16 containing this servingCellId.
positionInDCI-r16The position of the bit within DCI payload containing a search space switching flag (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
subcarrierSpacing-r16Reference subcarrier spacing for the list of Channel Occupancy durations (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency range: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
co-DurationList-r16A list of Channel Occupancy duration in symbols. The maximum duration that can be configured for the following SCS: -15 kHz: 280. -30 kHz: 560. -60 kHz: 1120. -120 kHz: 560. -480 kHz: 2240. -960 kHz: 4480.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..64)) OF CO-Duration-r16 } CO-DurationsPerCell-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
servingCellId-r17The ID of the serving cell for which the configuration is applicable or the group of serving cells as indicated by CellGroupsForSwitch-r16 containing this servingCellId.
positionInDCI-r17The position of the bit within DCI payload containing a search space switching flag (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
subcarrierSpacing-r17Reference subcarrier spacing for the list of Channel Occupancy durations (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency range: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
co-DurationList-r17A list of Channel Occupancy duration in symbols. The maximum duration that can be configured for the following SCS: -15 kHz: 280. -30 kHz: 560. -60 kHz: 1120. -120 kHz: 560. -480 kHz: 2240. -960 kHz: 4480.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..64)) OF CO-Duration-r17 } CO-Duration-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..1120) CO-Duration-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..4480) AvailableRB-SetsPerCell-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
servingCellId-r16The ID of the serving cell for which the configuration is applicable or the group of serving cells as indicated by CellGroupsForSwitch-r16 containing this servingCellId.
positionInDCI-r16The position of the bit within DCI payload containing a search space switching flag (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
INTEGER(0..maxSFI-DCI-PayloadSize-1) } SearchSpaceSwitchTrigger-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
servingCellId-r16The ID of the serving cell for which the configuration is applicable or the group of serving cells as indicated by CellGroupsForSwitch-r16 containing this servingCellId.
positionInDCI-r16The position of the bit within DCI payload containing a search space switching flag (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
SlotFormatIndicator field descriptions
A list of AvailableRB-SetsPerCell objects (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
A list of CO-DurationsPerCell objects. If not configured, the UE uses the slot format indicator (SFI), if available, to determine the channel occupancy duration (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
A list of CO-DurationsPerCell objects to be released. An entry created using co-DurationsPerCellToAddModList-r16 or co-DurationsPerCellToAddModList-r17 can be deleted using co-DurationsPerCellToReleaseList.
Total length of the DCI payload scrambled with SFI-RNTI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
RNTI used for SFI on the given cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
A list of SlotFormatCombinations for the UE's serving cells (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
switchTriggerToAddModList, switchTriggerToAddModListSizeExt
A list of SearchSpaceSwitchTrigger objects. Each SearchSpaceSwitchTrigger object provides position in DCI of the bit field indicating search space switching flag for a serving cell or, if cellGroupsForSwitchList is configured, group of serving cells (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4). If cellGroupsForSwitchList is configured, only one of the cells belonging to the same cell group is added/modified, and the configuration applies to all cells belonging to the cellGroupsForSwitchList (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.4).The network configures more than 4 SearchSpaceSwitchTrigger objects only if cellGroupsForSwitchList is not configured. The UE shall consider entries in switchTriggerToAddModList and in switchTriggerToAddModListSizeExt as a single list, i.e. an entry created using switchTriggerToAddModList can be modifed using switchTriggerToAddModListSizeExt and vice-versa.
switchTriggerToReleaseModList, switchTriggerToReleaseListSizeExt
A list of SearchSpaceSwitchTriggers to be released. If cellGroupsForSwitchList is configured, the SearchSpaceSwitchTrigger is released for all serving cells belonging to the same CellGroupForSwitch. The UE shall consider entries in switchTriggerToReleaseList and in switchTriggerToReleaseListSizeExt as a single list, i.e. an entry created using switchTriggerToAddModList or switchTriggerToAddModListSizeExt can be deleted using switchTriggerToReleaseList or switchTriggerToReleaseListSizeExt.
AvailableRB-SetsPerCell field descriptions
The (starting) position of the bits within DCI payload indicating the availability of the RB sets of a serving cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
The ID of the serving cell for which the configuration is applicable.
CO-DurationsPerCell field descriptions
A list of Channel Occupancy duration in symbols. The maximum duration that can be configured for the following SCS: -15 kHz: 280. -30 kHz: 560. -60 kHz: 1120. -120 kHz: 560. -480 kHz: 2240. -960 kHz: 4480.
Position in DCI of the bit field indicating Channel Occupancy duration for UE's serving cells (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
The ID of the serving cell for which the configuration is applicable.
Reference subcarrier spacing for the list of Channel Occupancy durations (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1). Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency range: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
SearchSpaceSwitchTrigger field descriptions
The position of the bit within DCI payload containing a search space switching flag (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.1).
The ID of the serving cell for which the configuration is applicable or the group of serving cells as indicated by CellGroupsForSwitch-r16 containing this servingCellId.

The IE S-NSSAI (Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information) identifies a Network Slice end to end and comprises a slice/service type and a slice differentiator, see TS 23.003 [21].
sstIndicates the S-NSSAI consisting of Slice/Service Type, see TS 23.003 [21].
sst-SDIndicates the S-NSSAI consisting of Slice/Service Type and Slice Differentiator, see TS 23.003 [21].
S-NSSAI field descriptions
Indicates the S-NSSAI consisting of Slice/Service Type, see TS 23.003 [21].
Indicates the S-NSSAI consisting of Slice/Service Type and Slice Differentiator, see TS 23.003 [21].

The IE SpeedStateScaleFactors concerns factors, to be applied when the UE is in medium or high speed state, used for scaling a mobility control related parameter.
sf-MediumThe concerned mobility control related parameter is multiplied with this factor if the UE is in Medium Mobility state as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25, value oDot5 corresponds to 0.5, value oDot75 corresponds to 0.75, and so on.
ENUMERATED {oDot25, oDot5, oDot75, lDot0},
sf-HighThe concerned mobility control related parameter is multiplied with this factor if the UE is in High Mobility state as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25, value oDot5 corresponds to 0.5, oDot75 corresponds to 0.75 and so on.
SpeedStateScaleFactors field descriptions
The concerned mobility control related parameter is multiplied with this factor if the UE is in High Mobility state as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25, value oDot5 corresponds to 0.5, oDot75 corresponds to 0.75 and so on.
The concerned mobility control related parameter is multiplied with this factor if the UE is in Medium Mobility state as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Value oDot25 corresponds to 0.25, value oDot5 corresponds to 0.5, value oDot75 corresponds to 0.75, and so on.

The IE SPS-Config is used to configure downlink semi-persistent transmission. Multiple Downlink SPS configurations may be configured in one BWP of a serving cell.
periodicityPeriodicity for DL SPS (see TS 38.214 [19] and TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.1).
ENUMERATED {ms10, ms20, ms32, ms40, ms64, ms80, ms128, ms160, ms320, ms640, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1},
nrofHARQ-ProcessesNumber of configured HARQ processes for SPS DL (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.1). If UE is configured with nrofHARQ-Processes-v1710 UE shall ignore nrofHARQ-Processes (without suffix).
INTEGER (1..8),
n1PUCCH-ANHARQ resource for PUCCH for DL SPS. The network configures the resource either as format0 or format1. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in PUCCH-Config and referred to by its ID. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3.
PUCCH-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Need M
mcs-TableIndicates the MCS table the UE shall use for DL SPS (see TS 38.214 [19],clause If present, the UE shall use the MCS table of low-SE 64QAM table indicated in Table of TS 38.214 [19]. If this field is absent and field mcs-table in PDSCH-Config is set to 'qam256' and the activating DCI is of format 1_1, the UE applies the 256QAM table indicated in Table of TS 38.214 [19]. If this field is absent and the field mcs-Table-r17 in PDSCH-Config is set to 'qam1024' and the activating DCI is format 1_1, the UE applies the 1024QAM table indicated in Table of TS 38.214 [19]. Otherwise, the UE applies the non-low-SE 64QAM table indicated in Table of TS 38.214 [19].
ENUMERATED {qam64LowSE} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
sps-ConfigIndex-r16Indicates the index of one of multiple SPS configurations.
SPS-ConfigIndex-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SPS-List
harq-ProcID-Offset-r16Indicates the offset used in deriving the HARQ process IDs, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.3.1.
INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
periodicityExt-r16This field is used to calculate the periodicity for DL SPS (see TS 38.214 [19] and see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.1). If this field is present, the field periodicity is ignored. The following periodicities are supported depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [ms]: 15 kHz:periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 640. 30 kHz:0.5 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 1280. 60 kHz with normal CP.0.25 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 60 kHz with ECP:0.25 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 120 kHz:0.125 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 5120. 480 kHz:0.03125 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 20480. 960 kHz:0.015625 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 40960. periodicityExt-r17 is only applicable for SCS 480 kHz and 960 kHz.
INTEGER (1..5120) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
harq-CodebookID-r16Indicates the HARQ-ACK codebook index for the corresponding HARQ-ACK codebook for SPS PDSCH and ACK for SPS PDSCH release.
INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pdsch-AggregationFactor-r16Number of repetitions for SPS PDSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent, the UE applies the value 1 for MBS multicast data and the pdsch-AggregationFactor in pdsch-Configfor other data.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8 } OPTIONAL -- Need S ]], [[
sps-HARQ-Deferral-r17Indicates the maximum number of slots or subslots the transmission of DL SPS HARQ-ACK in a slot or subslot can be deferred (see TS 38.213 [13], clause
INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
n1PUCCH-AN-PUCCHsSCell-r17HARQ resource for PUCCH on PUCCH switching SCell (sSCell) for DL SPS. The network configures the resource either as format 0 or format 1. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in PUCCH-Config of the PUCCH sSCell and referred to by its ID. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3.
PUCCH-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
periodicityExt-r17This field is used to calculate the periodicity for DL SPS (see TS 38.214 [19] and see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.1). If this field is present, the field periodicity is ignored. The following periodicities are supported depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [ms]: 15 kHz:periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 640. 30 kHz:0.5 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 1280. 60 kHz with normal CP.0.25 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 60 kHz with ECP:0.25 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 120 kHz:0.125 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 5120. 480 kHz:0.03125 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 20480. 960 kHz:0.015625 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 40960. periodicityExt-r17 is only applicable for SCS 480 kHz and 960 kHz.
INTEGER (1..40960) OPTIONAL, -- Need R nrofHARQ-Processes-v1710 INTEGER(9..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need R harq-ProcID-Offset-v1700 INTEGER (16..31) OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-SPS-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SPS-Config field descriptions
Indicates the HARQ-ACK codebook index for the corresponding HARQ-ACK codebook for SPS PDSCH and ACK for SPS PDSCH release.
Indicates the offset used in deriving the HARQ process IDs, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.3.1.
Indicates the MCS table the UE shall use for DL SPS (see TS 38.214 [19],clause If present, the UE shall use the MCS table of low-SE 64QAM table indicated in Table of TS 38.214 [19]. If this field is absent and field mcs-table in PDSCH-Config is set to 'qam256' and the activating DCI is of format 1_1, the UE applies the 256QAM table indicated in Table of TS 38.214 [19]. If this field is absent and the field mcs-Table-r17 in PDSCH-Config is set to 'qam1024' and the activating DCI is format 1_1, the UE applies the 1024QAM table indicated in Table of TS 38.214 [19]. Otherwise, the UE applies the non-low-SE 64QAM table indicated in Table of TS 38.214 [19].
HARQ resource for PUCCH for DL SPS. The network configures the resource either as format0 or format1. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in PUCCH-Config and referred to by its ID. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3.
HARQ resource for PUCCH on PUCCH switching SCell (sSCell) for DL SPS. The network configures the resource either as format 0 or format 1. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in PUCCH-Config of the PUCCH sSCell and referred to by its ID. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 9.2.3.
Number of configured HARQ processes for SPS DL (see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.1). If UE is configured with nrofHARQ-Processes-v1710 UE shall ignore nrofHARQ-Processes (without suffix).
Number of repetitions for SPS PDSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent, the UE applies the value 1 for MBS multicast data and the pdsch-AggregationFactor in pdsch-Configfor other data.
Periodicity for DL SPS (see TS 38.214 [19] and TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.1).
This field is used to calculate the periodicity for DL SPS (see TS 38.214 [19] and see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.1). If this field is present, the field periodicity is ignored. The following periodicities are supported depending on the configured subcarrier spacing [ms]: 15 kHz:periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 640. 30 kHz:0.5 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 1280. 60 kHz with normal CP.0.25 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 60 kHz with ECP:0.25 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 2560. 120 kHz:0.125 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 5120. 480 kHz:0.03125 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 20480. 960 kHz:0.015625 x periodicityExt, where periodicityExt has a value between 1 and 40960. periodicityExt-r17 is only applicable for SCS 480 kHz and 960 kHz.
Indicates the index of one of multiple SPS configurations.
Indicates the maximum number of slots or subslots the transmission of DL SPS HARQ-ACK in a slot or subslot can be deferred (see TS 38.213 [13], clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present when included in sps-ConfigToAddModList-r16or sps-ConfigMulticastToAddModList-r17, otherwise the field is absent.

The IE SPS-ConfigIndex is used to indicate the index of one of multiple DL SPS configurations in one BWP.

The IE SPS-PUCCH-AN is used to indicate a PUCCH resource for HARQ ACK and configure the corresponding maximum payload size for the PUCCH resource.
sps-PUCCH-AN-ResourceID-r16Indicates the PUCCH resource ID
maxPayloadSize-r16Indicates the maximum payload size for the corresponding PUCCH resource ID.
SPS-PUCCH-AN field descriptions
Indicates the maximum payload size for the corresponding PUCCH resource ID.
Indicates the PUCCH resource ID

The IE SPS-PUCCH-AN-List is used to configure the list of PUCCH resources per HARQ ACK codebook

The IE SRB-Identity is used to identify a Signalling Radio Bearer (SRB) used by a UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SRB-IDENTITY-START SRB-Identity ::= INTEGER (1..3) SRB-Identity-v1700 ::= INTEGER (4) SRB-Identity-v1800 ::= INTEGER (5) -- TAG-SRB-IDENTITY-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SRS-CarrierSwitching is used to configure SRS carrier switching when PUSCH is not configured or to configure independent SRS power control from that of PUSCH.
srs-SwitchFromServCellIndexIndicates the serving cell whose UL transmission may be interrupted during SRS transmission on a PUSCH-less SCell. During SRS transmission on a PUSCH-less SCell, the UE may temporarily suspend the UL transmission on a serving cell with PUSCH in the same CG to allow the PUSCH-less SCell to transmit SRS. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (0..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
srs-SwitchFromCarrierThe UE ignores this field in case of independent SRS power control from that of PUSCH.
srs-TPC-PDCCH-GroupNetwork configures the UE with either typeA-SRS-TPC-PDCCH-Group or typeB-SRS-TPC-PDCCH-Group, if any.
typeAType A trigger configuration for SRS transmission on a PUSCH-less SCell, or for SRS transmission on a serving cell with independent SRS power control from that of PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.4). In this release, the network configures at most one entry (the first entry) of typeA, and the first entry corresponds to the serving cell in which the SRS-CarrierSwitching field is configured. SRS carrier switching to SUL carrier is not supported in this version of the specification.
typeBType B trigger configuration for SRS transmission on a PUSCH-less SCell, or for SRS transmission on a serving cell with independent SRS power control from that of PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.4).
monitoringCellsA set of serving cells for monitoring PDCCH conveying SRS DCI format with CRC scrambled by TPC-SRS-RNTI (see TS 38.212 [17], TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3.1, 11.4).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SRS-TPC-PDCCH-Config ::= SEQUENCE {
srs-CC-SetIndexlistA list of pairs of [cc-SetIndex; cc-IndexInOneCC-Set] (see TS 38.212 [17], TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3.1, 11.4). The network does not configure this field for typeB.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF SRS-CC-SetIndex OPTIONAL -- Need M } SRS-CC-SetIndex ::= SEQUENCE {
cc-SetIndexIndicates the CC set index for Type A associated (see TS 38.212 [17], TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3.1, 11.4). The network always includes this field when the srs-TPC-PDCCH-Group is set to typeA. The network does not configure this field to 3 in this release of specification.
INTEGER (0..3) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
cc-IndexInOneCC-SetIndicates the CC index in one CC set for Type A (see TS 38.212 [17], TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3.1, 11.4). The network always includes this field when the srs-TPC-PDCCH-Group is set to typeA.
SRS-CC-SetIndex field descriptions
Indicates the CC index in one CC set for Type A (see TS 38.212 [17], TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3.1, 11.4). The network always includes this field when the srs-TPC-PDCCH-Group is set to typeA.
Indicates the CC set index for Type A associated (see TS 38.212 [17], TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3.1, 11.4). The network always includes this field when the srs-TPC-PDCCH-Group is set to typeA. The network does not configure this field to 3 in this release of specification.
SRS-CarrierSwitching field descriptions
A set of serving cells for monitoring PDCCH conveying SRS DCI format with CRC scrambled by TPC-SRS-RNTI (see TS 38.212 [17], TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3.1, 11.4).
The UE ignores this field in case of independent SRS power control from that of PUSCH.
Indicates the serving cell whose UL transmission may be interrupted during SRS transmission on a PUSCH-less SCell. During SRS transmission on a PUSCH-less SCell, the UE may temporarily suspend the UL transmission on a serving cell with PUSCH in the same CG to allow the PUSCH-less SCell to transmit SRS. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Network configures the UE with either typeA-SRS-TPC-PDCCH-Group or typeB-SRS-TPC-PDCCH-Group, if any.
Type A trigger configuration for SRS transmission on a PUSCH-less SCell, or for SRS transmission on a serving cell with independent SRS power control from that of PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.4). In this release, the network configures at most one entry (the first entry) of typeA, and the first entry corresponds to the serving cell in which the SRS-CarrierSwitching field is configured. SRS carrier switching to SUL carrier is not supported in this version of the specification.
Type B trigger configuration for SRS transmission on a PUSCH-less SCell, or for SRS transmission on a serving cell with independent SRS power control from that of PUSCH (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.4).
SRS-TPC-PDCCH-Config field descriptions
A list of pairs of [cc-SetIndex; cc-IndexInOneCC-Set] (see TS 38.212 [17], TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3.1, 11.4). The network does not configure this field for typeB.

The IE SRS-Config is used to configure sounding reference signal transmissions. The configuration defines a list of SRS-Resources, a list of SRS-PosResources, a list of SRS-PosResourceSets and a list of SRS-ResourceSets. Each resource set defines a set of SRS-Resources or SRS-PosResources. The network triggers the transmission of the set of SRS-Resources or SRS-PosResources using a configured aperiodicSRS-ResourceTrigger (L1 DCI). The network does not configure SRS specific power control parameters alpha (without suffix) or pathlossReferenceRS if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SRS-CONFIG-START SRS-Config ::= SEQUENCE { srs-ResourceSetToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-ResourceSets)) OF SRS-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need N srs-ResourceSetToAddModList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-ResourceSets)) OF SRS-ResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N srs-ResourceToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-Resources)) OF SRS-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Need N srs-ResourceToAddModList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-Resources)) OF SRS-Resource OPTIONAL, -- Need N
tpc-AccumulationIf the field is absent, UE applies TPC commands via accumulation. If disabled, UE applies the TPC command without accumulation (this applies to SRS when a separate closed loop is configured for SRS) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).
ENUMERATED {disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
srs-RequestDCI-1-2-r16Indicate the number of bits for "SRS request" in DCI format 1_2. When the field is absent, then the value of 0 bit for "SRS request" in DCI format 1_2 is applied. When the UE is configured with supplementaryUplink, an extra bit (the first bit of the SRS request field) is used for the non-SUL/SUL indication (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
srs-RequestDCI-0-2-r16Indicate the number of bits for "SRS request" in DCI format 0_2. When the field is absent, then the value of 0 bit for "SRS request" in DCI format 0_2 is applied. If the parameter srs-RequestDCI-0-2 is configured to value 1, 1 bit is used to indicate one of the first two rows of Table in TS 38.212 [17] for triggered aperiodic SRS resource set. If the value 2 is configured, 2 bits are used to indicate one of the rows of Table in TS 38.212 [17]. When UE is configured with supplementaryUplink, an extra bit (the first bit of the SRS request field) is used for the non-SUL/SUL indication.
INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
srs-ResourceSetToAddModListDCI-0-2-r16List of SRS resource set to be added or modified for DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-ResourceSets)) OF SRS-ResourceSet OPTIONAL, -- Need N
srs-ResourceSetToReleaseListDCI-0-2-r16List of SRS resource set to be released for DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-ResourceSets)) OF SRS-ResourceSetId OPTIONAL, -- Need N srs-PosResourceSetToReleaseList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResourceSets-r16)) OF SRS-PosResourceSetId-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N srs-PosResourceSetToAddModList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResourceSets-r16)) OF SRS-PosResourceSet-r16 OPTIONAL,-- Need N srs-PosResourceToReleaseList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResources-r16)) OF SRS-PosResourceId-r16 OPTIONAL,-- Need N srs-PosResourceToAddModList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResources-r16)) OF SRS-PosResource-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
dci-TriggeringPosResourceSetLink-r18Indicates whether the single DCI-triggering SRS positioning resource sets across the linked carriers is enabled or not for bandwidth aggregation.
ENUMERATED { enabled } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } SRS-ResourceSet ::= SEQUENCE { srs-ResourceSetId SRS-ResourceSetId, srs-ResourceIdList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-ResourcesPerSet)) OF SRS-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup
resourceTypeTime domain behavior of SRS resource configuration, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1. The network configures SRS resources in the same resource set with the same time domain behavior on periodic, aperiodic and semi-persistent SRS.The aperiodic SRS is not applicable for the UE in RRC_INACTIVE.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
CHOICE { aperiodic SEQUENCE {
aperiodicSRS-ResourceTriggerThe DCI "code point" upon which the UE shall transmit SRS according to this SRS resource set configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6).
INTEGER (1..maxNrofSRS-TriggerStates-1),
csi-RSID of CSI-RS resource associated with this SRS resource set (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Cond NonCodebook
slotOffsetAn offset in number of slots between the triggering DCI and the actual transmission of this SRS-ResourceSet. If the field is absent the UE applies no offset (value 0).
INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
aperiodicSRS-ResourceTriggerListAn additional list of DCI "code points" upon which the UE shall transmit SRS according to this SRS resource set configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6). When the field is not included during a reconfiguration of SRS-ResourceSet of resourceType set to aperiodic, UE maintains this value based on the Need M; that is, this list is not considered as an extension of aperiodicSRS-ResourceTrigger for purpose of applying the general rule for extended list in clause 6.1.3.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-TriggerStates-2)) OF INTEGER (1..maxNrofSRS-TriggerStates-1) OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] }, semi-persistent SEQUENCE {
associatedCSI-RSID of CSI-RS resource associated with this SRS resource set in non-codebook based operation (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Cond NonCodebook ... }, periodic SEQUENCE {
associatedCSI-RSID of CSI-RS resource associated with this SRS resource set in non-codebook based operation (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Cond NonCodebook ... } },
usageIndicates if the SRS resource set is used for beam management, codebook based or non-codebook based transmission or antenna switching. See TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1. Reconfiguration between codebook based and non-codebook based transmission is not supported.
ENUMERATED {beamManagement, codebook, nonCodebook, antennaSwitching},
alphaalpha value for SRS power control (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
Alpha OPTIONAL, -- Need S
p0P0 value for SRS power control. The value is in dBm. Only even values (step size 2) are allowed (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
INTEGER (-202..24) OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup
pathlossReferenceRSA reference signal (e.g. a CSI-RS config or a SS block) to be used for SRS path loss estimation (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).
PathlossReferenceRS-Config OPTIONAL, -- Need M
srs-PowerControlAdjustmentStatesIndicates whether hsrs,c(i) = fc(i,1) or hsrs,c(i) = fc(i,2) (if twoPUSCH-PC-AdjustmentStates are configured) or separate close loop is configured for SRS. This parameter is applicable only for Uls on which UE also transmits PUSCH. If absent or release, the UE applies the value sameAs-Fci1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).
ENUMERATED { sameAsFci2, separateClosedLoop} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ..., [[
pathlossReferenceRSList-r16Multiple candidate pathloss reference RS(s) for SRS power control, where one candidate RS can be mapped to SRS Resource Set via MAC CE (clause in TS 38.321 [3]). The network can only configure this field if pathlossReferenceRS is not configured in the same SRS-ResourceSet.
SetupRelease { PathlossReferenceRSList-r16} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
usagePDC-r17If configured, it indicates that this SRS resource set is used for propagation delay compensation. The field can be present in only one SRS-ResourceSet.
availableSlotOffsetList-r17Indicates a list of up to four different available slot offset values from slot n+k to the slot where the aperiodic SRS resource set is transmitted, where slot n is the slot with the triggering DCI, and k is the slotOffset (without suffix) as described in clause 6.2.1 of TS 38.214 [19].
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..4)) OF AvailableSlotOffset-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
followUnifiedTCI-StateSRS-r17When set to enabled, for SRS resource Set, the UE applies the "indicated" UL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5.This parameter may be configured for aperiodic SRS for BM or SRS of any time-domain behavior for codebook, non-codebook, and antenna switching.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
applyIndicatedTCI-State-r18This field indicates, for an SRS-ResourceSet, if UE applies the first or the second "indicated" UL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1.
ENUMERATED {first, second} OPTIONAL -- Cond FollowUTCI ]] } AvailableSlotOffset-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..7) PathlossReferenceRS-Config ::= CHOICE { ssb-Index SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId } PathlossReferenceRSList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSRS-PathlossReferenceRS-r16)) OF PathlossReferenceRS-r16 PathlossReferenceRS-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r16 SRS-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r16,
pathlossReferenceRS-r16A reference signal (e.g. a CSI-RS config or a SS block) to be used for SRS path loss estimation (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).
PathlossReferenceRS-Config } SRS-PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSRS-PathlossReferenceRS-1-r16) SRS-PosResourceSet-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-PosResourceSetId-r16 SRS-PosResourceSetId-r16, srs-PosResourceIdList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-ResourcesPerSet)) OF SRS-PosResourceId-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup
resourceType-r16Time domain behavior of SRS resource configuration, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1. The network configures SRS resources in the same resource set with the same time domain behavior on periodic, aperiodic and semi-persistent SRS.The aperiodic SRS is not applicable for the UE in RRC_INACTIVE.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
CHOICE { aperiodic-r16 SEQUENCE {
aperiodicSRS-ResourceTriggerList-r16An additional list of DCI "code points" upon which the UE shall transmit SRS according to this SRS resource set configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6). When the field is not included during a reconfiguration of SRS-ResourceSet of resourceType set to aperiodic, UE maintains this value based on the Need M; that is, this list is not considered as an extension of aperiodicSRS-ResourceTrigger for purpose of applying the general rule for extended list in clause 6.1.3.
SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-TriggerStates-1)) OF INTEGER (1..maxNrofSRS-TriggerStates-1) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... }, semi-persistent-r16 SEQUENCE { ... }, periodic-r16 SEQUENCE { ... } },
alpha-r16alpha value for SRS power control (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
Alpha OPTIONAL, -- Need S
p0-r16P0 value for SRS power control. The value is in dBm. Only even values (step size 2) are allowed (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
INTEGER (-202..24) OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup
pathlossReferenceRS-Pos-r16A reference signal (e.g. a SS block or a DL-PRS config) to be used for SRS path loss estimation (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).
ssb-IndexServing-r16Indicates SSB index belonging to a serving cell.
ssb-Ncell-r16This field indicates a SSB configuration from neighboring cell.
dl-PRS-r16This field indicates a PRS configuration.
DL-PRS-Info-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SRS-ResourceSetId ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSRS-ResourceSets-1) SRS-PosResourceSetId-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSRS-PosResourceSets-1-r16) SRS-Resource ::= SEQUENCE { srs-ResourceId SRS-ResourceId,
nrofSRS-PortsNumber of ports. For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures this parameter to 'port1'.
ENUMERATED {port1, ports2, ports4},
ptrs-PortIndexThe PTRS port index for this SRS resource for non-codebook based UL MIMO. This is only applicable when the corresponding PTRS-UplinkConfig is set to CP-OFDM. The ptrs-PortIndex configured here must be smaller than the maxNrofPorts configured in the PTRS-UplinkConfig (see TS 38.214 [19], clause This parameter is not applicable to CLI SRS-RSRP measurement.
ENUMERATED {n0, n1 } OPTIONAL, -- Need R transmissionComb CHOICE { n2 SEQUENCE { combOffset-n2 INTEGER (0..1),
cyclicShift-n2Cyclic shift configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).
INTEGER (0..7) }, n4 SEQUENCE { combOffset-n4 INTEGER (0..3),
cyclicShift-n4Cyclic shift configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).
INTEGER (0..11) } },
resourceMappingOFDM symbol location of the SRS resource within a slot including nrofSymbols (number of OFDM symbols), startPosition (value 0 refers to the last symbol, value 1 refers to the second last symbol, and so on) and repetitionFactor (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1 and TS 38.211 [16], clause The configured SRS resource does not exceed the slot boundary. If resourceMapping-r16 is signalled, UE shall ignore the resourceMapping (without suffix). If resourceMapping-r17 is signalled, resourceMapping-r16 is not signalled and the UE shall ignore the resourceMapping (without suffix) and only the values of nrofSymbols which are integer multiples of the configured repetitionFactor can be configured. The network can only signal repetitionFactor-v1730 if resourceMapping-r17 is signalled. When repetitionFactor-v1730 is signalled, the UE shall ignore repetitionFactor-r17. For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures nrofSymbols and repetitionFactor to 'n1'.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured,the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.nrofSymbols is same for all the hops when TxHoppingConfig is configured.
SEQUENCE { startPosition INTEGER (0..5), nrofSymbols ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4}, repetitionFactor ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} }, freqDomainPosition INTEGER (0..67), freqDomainShift INTEGER (0..268),
freqHoppingIncludes parameters capturing SRS frequency hopping (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures this field such that b-hop > b-SRS. For SRS for positioning configuration in multiple cells,the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area. c-SRSIndicates the maximum bandwidth per hop. When TxHoppingConfig is configured thevalid values forc-SRSare such that the maximum bandwidthis: 104 PRBs, 48 PRBs, 132 PRBs, 64 PRBs, for 15,30,60,120 KHzrespectively. The same value for c-SRS is configured for all the hops when TxHoppingConfig is configured.
SEQUENCE { c-SRS INTEGER (0..63), b-SRS INTEGER (0..3), b-hop INTEGER (0..3) },
groupOrSequenceHoppingParameter(s) for configuring group or sequence hopping (see TS 38.211 [16], clause For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures this parameter to 'neither'. For SRS for positioning configuration in multiple cells, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
ENUMERATED { neither, groupHopping, sequenceHopping },
resourceTypeTime domain behavior of SRS resource configuration, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1. The network configures SRS resources in the same resource set with the same time domain behavior on periodic, aperiodic and semi-persistent SRS.The aperiodic SRS is not applicable for the UE in RRC_INACTIVE.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
CHOICE { aperiodic SEQUENCE { ... }, semi-persistent SEQUENCE { periodicityAndOffset-sp SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset, ... }, periodic SEQUENCE { periodicityAndOffset-p SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset, ... } },
sequenceIdSequence ID used to initialize pseudo random group and sequence hopping (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
INTEGER (0..1023),
spatialRelationInfoConfiguration of the spatial relation between a reference RS and the target SRS. Reference RS can be SSB/CSI-RS/SRS (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). This parameter is not applicable to CLI SRS-RSRP measurement.This field is not configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
SRS-SpatialRelationInfo OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[
resourceMapping-r16OFDM symbol location of the SRS resource within a slot including nrofSymbols (number of OFDM symbols), startPosition (value 0 refers to the last symbol, value 1 refers to the second last symbol, and so on) and repetitionFactor (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1 and TS 38.211 [16], clause The configured SRS resource does not exceed the slot boundary. If resourceMapping-r16 is signalled, UE shall ignore the resourceMapping (without suffix). If resourceMapping-r17 is signalled, resourceMapping-r16 is not signalled and the UE shall ignore the resourceMapping (without suffix) and only the values of nrofSymbols which are integer multiples of the configured repetitionFactor can be configured. The network can only signal repetitionFactor-v1730 if resourceMapping-r17 is signalled. When repetitionFactor-v1730 is signalled, the UE shall ignore repetitionFactor-r17. For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures nrofSymbols and repetitionFactor to 'n1'.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured,the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.nrofSymbols is same for all the hops when TxHoppingConfig is configured.
SEQUENCE { startPosition-r16 INTEGER (0..13), nrofSymbols-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4}, repetitionFactor-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
spatialRelationInfo-PDC-r17Configuration of the spatial relation between a reference RS and the target SRS. Reference RS can be SSB/CSI-RS/SRS/DL-PRS-PDC (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). The field is present in case of resourceType=periodic and usagePDC-r17=true in the SRS-ResourceSet, otherwise the field is absent.
SetupRelease { SpatialRelationInfo-PDC-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
resourceMapping-r17OFDM symbol location of the SRS resource within a slot including nrofSymbols (number of OFDM symbols), startPosition (value 0 refers to the last symbol, value 1 refers to the second last symbol, and so on) and repetitionFactor (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1 and TS 38.211 [16], clause The configured SRS resource does not exceed the slot boundary. If resourceMapping-r16 is signalled, UE shall ignore the resourceMapping (without suffix). If resourceMapping-r17 is signalled, resourceMapping-r16 is not signalled and the UE shall ignore the resourceMapping (without suffix) and only the values of nrofSymbols which are integer multiples of the configured repetitionFactor can be configured. The network can only signal repetitionFactor-v1730 if resourceMapping-r17 is signalled. When repetitionFactor-v1730 is signalled, the UE shall ignore repetitionFactor-r17. For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures nrofSymbols and repetitionFactor to 'n1'.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured,the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.nrofSymbols is same for all the hops when TxHoppingConfig is configured.
SEQUENCE { startPosition-r17 INTEGER (0..13), nrofSymbols-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n10, n12, n14}, repetitionFactor-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n10, n12, n14} } OPTIONAL, -- Need R partialFreqSounding-r17 SEQUENCE { startRBIndexFScaling-r17 CHOICE{ startRBIndexAndFreqScalingFactor2-r17 INTEGER (0..1), startRBIndexAndFreqScalingFactor4-r17 INTEGER (0..3) },
enableStartRBHopping-r17When this RRC parameter is configured, start RB location hopping is enabled for partial frequency sounding in different SRS frequency hopping periods for periodic/semi-persistent/aperiodic SRS as described in clause in TS 38.211.
ENUMERATED {enable} OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R transmissionComb-n8-r17 SEQUENCE { combOffset-n8-r17 INTEGER (0..7),
cyclicShift-n8-r17Cyclic shift configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).
INTEGER (0..5) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
srs-TCI-State-r17Configuration of either a UL TCI state or a joint TCI state for the SRS resource. In case of UL TCI-State, refers to the TCI state defined in ul-TCI-StateList in the BWP-UplinkDedicated where the SRS-Config is configured.In case of joint TCI state, refers to a TCI state defined in dl-OrJointTCI-StateList in pdsch-Config of the BWP-DownlinkDedicated and serving cell indicated by cellAndBWP.This field is absent when the SRS resource is in an SRS-ResourceSet configured with followUnifiedTCI-StateSRS-r17 or applyIndicatedTCI-State, or when the field unifiedTCI-StateType is not configured to the serving cell which the SRS resource is located in.
CHOICE { srs-UL-TCI-State TCI-UL-StateId-r17, srs-DLorJointTCI-State TCI-StateId } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ repetitionFactor-v1730 ENUMERATED {n3} OPTIONAL, -- Need R srs-DLorJointTCI-State-v1730 SEQUENCE { cellAndBWP-r17 ServingCellAndBWP-Id-r17 } OPTIONAL -- Cond DLorJointTCI-SRS ]], [[
nrofSRS-Ports-n8-r18Number of ports if the number of antenna ports is 8. The value 'ports8' configures UE with 8 antenna ports and the value 'ports8tdm' configures the UE with 8 antenna ports which are partitioned into 2 subsets with each subset having 4 different ports, and the subsets are mapped to different OFDM symbols, see TS 38.211 [16], clause If combOffsetHopping-r18 or cyclicShiftHopping-r18 is configured, this field is not set to ports8tdm. If this field is present UE ignores the fieldnrofSRS-Ports.
ENUMERATED {ports8, ports8tdm} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
combOffsetHopping-r18Configures UE with comb offset hopping. The hoppingId is used to initialize pseudo random comb offset hopping. If UE is configured with both comb offset and cyclic shift hopping, only one hoppingId is configured. The hoppingWithRepetition configures time-domain hopping behavior for repetition factor R>1. The hoppingSubset indicates a set of comb offset by a bit string (see clause of TS 38.211 [16]). The i-th bit in the bit string is set to 1 to indicate the , where t is determined by its ordinary position among the positive bits in bit string, i.e., if the i-th bit is a first positive bit, t=0; if the i-th bit is a second positive bit, t=1 , and so on.
SEQUENCE { hoppingId-r18 INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need R hoppingSubset-r18 CHOICE { transmissionComb-n4 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), transmissionComb-n8 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R hoppingWithRepetition-r18 ENUMERATED {symbol, repetition} OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
cyclicShiftHopping-r18Configures UE with cyclic shift hopping. The hoppingId is used to initialize pseudo random cyclic shift hopping. If UE is configured with both comb offset and cyclic shift hopping, only one hoppingId is configured. The hoppingFinerGranularity enables finer granular hopping, see TS 38.211 [16], clause If hoppingSubsetis configured, hoppingFinerGranularity is not configured. The hoppingSubset indicates a set of cyclic shift by a bit string (see clause of TS 38.211 [16]). The i-th bit in the bit string is set to 1 to indicate the , where t is determined by its ordinary position among the positive bits in bit string, i.e., if the i-th bit is a first positive bit, t=0; if the i-th bit is a second positive bit, t=1 , and so on.
SEQUENCE { hoppingId-r18 INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need R hoppingSubset-r18 CHOICE { transmissionComb-n2 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), transmissionComb-n4 BIT STRING (SIZE (12)), transmissionComb-n8 BIT STRING (SIZE (6)) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R hoppingFinerGranularity-r18 ENUMERATED {enable} OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } SRS-PosResource-r16::= SEQUENCE { srs-PosResourceId-r16 SRS-PosResourceId-r16, transmissionComb-r16 CHOICE { n2-r16 SEQUENCE { combOffset-n2-r16 INTEGER (0..1),
cyclicShift-n2-r16Cyclic shift configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).
INTEGER (0..7) }, n4-r16 SEQUENCE { combOffset-n4-r16 INTEGER (0..3),
cyclicShift-n4-r16Cyclic shift configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).
INTEGER (0..11) }, n8-r16 SEQUENCE { combOffset-n8-r16 INTEGER (0..7),
cyclicShift-n8-r16Cyclic shift configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).
INTEGER (0..5) }, ... },
resourceMapping-r16OFDM symbol location of the SRS resource within a slot including nrofSymbols (number of OFDM symbols), startPosition (value 0 refers to the last symbol, value 1 refers to the second last symbol, and so on) and repetitionFactor (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1 and TS 38.211 [16], clause The configured SRS resource does not exceed the slot boundary. If resourceMapping-r16 is signalled, UE shall ignore the resourceMapping (without suffix). If resourceMapping-r17 is signalled, resourceMapping-r16 is not signalled and the UE shall ignore the resourceMapping (without suffix) and only the values of nrofSymbols which are integer multiples of the configured repetitionFactor can be configured. The network can only signal repetitionFactor-v1730 if resourceMapping-r17 is signalled. When repetitionFactor-v1730 is signalled, the UE shall ignore repetitionFactor-r17. For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures nrofSymbols and repetitionFactor to 'n1'.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured,the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.nrofSymbols is same for all the hops when TxHoppingConfig is configured.
SEQUENCE { startPosition-r16 INTEGER (0..13), nrofSymbols-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12} }, freqDomainShift-r16 INTEGER (0..268),
freqHopping-r16Includes parameters capturing SRS frequency hopping (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures this field such that b-hop > b-SRS. For SRS for positioning configuration in multiple cells,the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area. c-SRSIndicates the maximum bandwidth per hop. When TxHoppingConfig is configured thevalid values forc-SRSare such that the maximum bandwidthis: 104 PRBs, 48 PRBs, 132 PRBs, 64 PRBs, for 15,30,60,120 KHzrespectively. The same value for c-SRS is configured for all the hops when TxHoppingConfig is configured.
SEQUENCE { c-SRS-r16 INTEGER (0..63), ... },
groupOrSequenceHopping-r16Parameter(s) for configuring group or sequence hopping (see TS 38.211 [16], clause For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures this parameter to 'neither'. For SRS for positioning configuration in multiple cells, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
ENUMERATED { neither, groupHopping, sequenceHopping },
resourceType-r16Time domain behavior of SRS resource configuration, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1. The network configures SRS resources in the same resource set with the same time domain behavior on periodic, aperiodic and semi-persistent SRS.The aperiodic SRS is not applicable for the UE in RRC_INACTIVE.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
CHOICE { aperiodic-r16 SEQUENCE {
slotOffset-r16An offset in number of slots between the triggering DCI and the actual transmission of this SRS-ResourceSet. If the field is absent the UE applies no offset (value 0).
INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... }, semi-persistent-r16 SEQUENCE { periodicityAndOffset-sp-r16 SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset-r16, ..., [[ periodicityAndOffset-sp-Ext-r16 SRS-PeriodicityAndOffsetExt-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
srs-PosPeriodicConfigHyperSFN-Index-r18Indicates even or odd hyper SFN in which the SRS for positioning is transmitted for the periodicity value of 20480m. If this field is not configured, the UE assumes that SRS for positioning periodictity longer than one Hyper SFN is not configured.
ENUMERATED {even0, odd1} OPTIONAL --Need R ]] }, periodic-r16 SEQUENCE { periodicityAndOffset-p-r16 SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset-r16, ..., [[ periodicityAndOffset-p-Ext-r16 SRS-PeriodicityAndOffsetExt-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[
srs-PosPeriodicConfigHyperSFN-Index-r18Indicates even or odd hyper SFN in which the SRS for positioning is transmitted for the periodicity value of 20480m. If this field is not configured, the UE assumes that SRS for positioning periodictity longer than one Hyper SFN is not configured.
ENUMERATED {even0, odd1} OPTIONAL --Need R ]] } },
sequenceId-r16Sequence ID used to initialize pseudo random group and sequence hopping (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
INTEGER (0..65535),
spatialRelationInfoPos-r16Configuration of the spatial relation between a reference RS and the target SRS. Reference RS can be SSB/CSI-RS/SRS/DL-PRS (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). If the IE srs-ResourceId-Ext is present, the IE srs-ResourceId in spatialRelationInfoPos represents the index from 0 to 63. Otherwise the IE srs-ResourceId in spatialRelationInfoPos represents the index from 0 to 31. If the SRS for positioning is configured for RRC_INACTIVE state, the srs-ResourceId and csi-RS-IndexServing are not included in this field.
SRS-SpatialRelationInfoPos-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ txHoppingConfig-r18 TxHoppingConfig-r18 OPTIONAL --Need R ]] } SRS-SpatialRelationInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
servingCellIdThe serving Cell ID of the source SSB, CSI-RS, or SRS for the spatial relation of the target SRS resource. If this field is absent the SSB, the CSI-RS, or the SRS is from the same serving cell where the SRS is configured.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need S referenceSignal CHOICE { ssb-Index SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId, srs SEQUENCE { resourceId SRS-ResourceId, uplinkBWP BWP-Id } } } SRS-SpatialRelationInfoPos-r16 ::= CHOICE { servingRS-r16 SEQUENCE {
servingCellIdThe serving Cell ID of the source SSB, CSI-RS, or SRS for the spatial relation of the target SRS resource. If this field is absent the SSB, the CSI-RS, or the SRS is from the same serving cell where the SRS is configured.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need S referenceSignal-r16 CHOICE {
ssb-IndexServing-r16Indicates SSB index belonging to a serving cell.
csi-RS-IndexServing-r16Indicates CSI-RS index belonging to a serving cell.
NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId, srs-SpatialRelation-r16 SEQUENCE {
resourceSelection-r16Indicates whether the configured SRS spatial relation resource is a SRS-Resource or SRS-PosResource.
CHOICE { srs-ResourceId-r16 SRS-ResourceId, srs-PosResourceId-r16 SRS-PosResourceId-r16 }, uplinkBWP-r16 BWP-Id } } },
ssb-Ncell-r16This field indicates a SSB configuration from neighboring cell.
dl-PRS-r16This field indicates a PRS configuration.
DL-PRS-Info-r16 } SSB-Configuration-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
ssb-Freq-r16Indicates the frequency of the SSB.
halfFrameIndex-r16Indicates whether SSB is in the first half or the second half of the frame.Value zero indicates the first half and value 1 indicates the second half.
ENUMERATED {zero, one},
ssbSubcarrierSpacing-r16Subcarrier spacing of SSB. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
ssb-Periodicity-r16Indicates the periodicity of the SSB. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value ms5. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1)
ENUMERATED { ms5, ms10, ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160, spare2,spare1 } OPTIONAL, -- Need S
sfn0-Offset-r16Indiactes the time offset of the SFN0 slot 0 for the cell with respect to SFN0 slot 0 of serving cell.
sfn-Offset-r16Specifies the SFN offset between the cell in which SSB is transmited and serving cell. The offset corresponds to the number of full radio frames counted from the beginning of a radio frame #0 of serving cell to the beginning of the closest subsequent radio frame #0 of the cell in which SSB is transmitted.
INTEGER (0..1023),
integerSubframeOffset-r16Indicates the subframe boundary offset of the cell in which SSB is transmited.
INTEGER (0..9) OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sfn-SSB-Offset-r16Indicates the SFN offset of the transmitted SSB relative to the start of the SSB period. Value 0 indicates that the SSB is transmitted in the first system frame, value 1 indicates that SSB is transmitted in the second system frame and so on. The network configures this field according to the field ssb-Periodicity such that the indicated system frame does not exceed the configured SSB periodicity.
INTEGER (0..15),
ss-PBCH-BlockPower-r16Average EPRE of the resources elements that carry secondary synchronization signals in dBm that the NW used for SSB transmission, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.
INTEGER (-60..50) OPTIONAL -- Cond Pathloss } SSB-InfoNcell-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
physicalCellId-r16This field specifies the physical cell ID of the neighbour cell or NCD-SSB of the serving cell for which SSB configuration is provided.
ssb-IndexNcell-r16This field specifies the index of the SSB for a neighbour cell or NCD-SSB of the serving cell. See TS 38.213 [13]. If this field is absent, the UE determines the ssb-IndexNcell of the physicalCellId based on its SSB measurement from the cell.
SSB-Index OPTIONAL, -- Need S
ssb-Configuration-r16This field specifies the full configuration of the SSB. If this field is absent, the UE obtains the configuration for the SSB from nr-SSB-Config received as part of DL-PRS assistance data in LPP, see TS 37.355 [49], by looking up the corresponding SSB configuration using the field physicalCellId.
SSB-Configuration-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need S } DL-PRS-Info-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
dl-PRS-ID-r16This field specifies the UE specific TRP ID (see TS 37.355 [49]) for which PRS configuration is provided.
INTEGER (0..255),
dl-PRS-ResourceSetId-r16This field specifies the PRS-ResourceSet ID of a PRS resourceSet.
INTEGER (0..7),
dl-PRS-ResourceId-r16This field specifies the PRS-Resource ID of a PRS resource. If this field is absent, the UE determines the dl-PRS-ResourceID based on its PRS measurement from the TRP (see TS 37.355 [49]) and DL-PRS Resource Set.
INTEGER (0..63) OPTIONAL -- Need S } SRS-ResourceId ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSRS-Resources-1) SRS-PosResourceId-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSRS-PosResources-1-r16) SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset ::= CHOICE { sl1 NULL, sl2 INTEGER(0..1), sl4 INTEGER(0..3), sl5 INTEGER(0..4), sl8 INTEGER(0..7), sl10 INTEGER(0..9), sl16 INTEGER(0..15), sl20 INTEGER(0..19), sl32 INTEGER(0..31), sl40 INTEGER(0..39), sl64 INTEGER(0..63), sl80 INTEGER(0..79), sl160 INTEGER(0..159), sl320 INTEGER(0..319), sl640 INTEGER(0..639), sl1280 INTEGER(0..1279), sl2560 INTEGER(0..2559) } SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset-r16 ::= CHOICE { sl1 NULL, sl2 INTEGER(0..1), sl4 INTEGER(0..3), sl5 INTEGER(0..4), sl8 INTEGER(0..7), sl10 INTEGER(0..9), sl16 INTEGER(0..15), sl20 INTEGER(0..19), sl32 INTEGER(0..31), sl40 INTEGER(0..39), sl64 INTEGER(0..63), sl80 INTEGER(0..79), sl160 INTEGER(0..159), sl320 INTEGER(0..319), sl640 INTEGER(0..639), sl1280 INTEGER(0..1279), sl2560 INTEGER(0..2559), sl5120 INTEGER(0..5119), sl10240 INTEGER(0..10239), sl40960 INTEGER(0..40959), sl81920 INTEGER(0..81919), ... } SRS-PeriodicityAndOffsetExt-r16 ::= CHOICE { sl128 INTEGER(0..127), sl256 INTEGER(0..255), sl512 INTEGER(0..511), sl20480 INTEGER(0..20479) } SpatialRelationInfo-PDC-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { referenceSignal CHOICE { ssb-Index SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId, dl-PRS-PDC NR-DL-PRS-ResourceID-r17, srs SEQUENCE { resourceId SRS-ResourceId, uplinkBWP BWP-Id }, ... }, ... } TxHoppingConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
overlapValue-r18This field specifies the overlap during SRS transmission in terms of number ofresource blocks. Value zeroRB implies 0 RB, value oneRB corresponds to 1 RB, value twoRB corresponds to 2 RBsand so on. The same value for the overlapValue is configured to all the hops.
ENUMERATED {zeroRB, oneRB, twoRB, fourRB},
numberOfHops-r18This field specifies the number of hops. Value 1 indicates one hop, value 2 indicates two hops and so on.
slotOffsetForRemainingHopsList-r18This field specifies the starting slot offset and starting symbol for the SRS resource with tx hopping for different resource types (aperiodic, semi-persistent or periodic SRS transmission). Each hop is configured with the same periodicity.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofHops-1-r18) ) OF SlotOffsetForRemainingHops-r18, ... } SlotOffsetForRemainingHops-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { slotOffsetRemainingHops-r18 CHOICE { aperiodic-r18 SEQUENCE {
slotOffset-r18An offset in number of slots between the triggering DCI and the actual transmission of this SRS-ResourceSet. If the field is absent the UE applies no offset (value 0).
INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need S startPosition-r18 INTEGER (0..13) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... }, semi-persistent-r18 SEQUENCE { periodicityAndOffset-sp-r18 SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R periodicityAndOffset-sp-Ext-r18 SRS-PeriodicityAndOffsetExt-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R startPosition-r18 INTEGER (0..13) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... }, periodic-r18 SEQUENCE { periodicityAndOffset-p-r18 SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R periodicityAndOffset-p-Ext-r18 SRS-PeriodicityAndOffsetExt-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R startPosition-r18 INTEGER (0..13) OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... }, ... } } -- TAG-SRS-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SRS-Config field descriptions
Indicates whether the single DCI-triggering SRS positioning resource sets across the linked carriers is enabled or not for bandwidth aggregation.
If the field is absent, UE applies TPC commands via accumulation. If disabled, UE applies the TPC command without accumulation (this applies to SRS when a separate closed loop is configured for SRS) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).
SRS-Resource, SRS-PosResourcefield descriptions
Cyclic shift configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).
Cyclic shift configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).
Cyclic shift configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).
Configures UE with comb offset hopping. The hoppingId is used to initialize pseudo random comb offset hopping. If UE is configured with both comb offset and cyclic shift hopping, only one hoppingId is configured. The hoppingWithRepetition configures time-domain hopping behavior for repetition factor R>1. The hoppingSubset indicates a set of comb offset by a bit string (see clause of TS 38.211 [16]). The i-th bit in the bit string is set to 1 to indicate the , where t is determined by its ordinary position among the positive bits in bit string, i.e., if the i-th bit is a first positive bit, t=0; if the i-th bit is a second positive bit, t=1 , and so on.
Configures UE with cyclic shift hopping. The hoppingId is used to initialize pseudo random cyclic shift hopping. If UE is configured with both comb offset and cyclic shift hopping, only one hoppingId is configured. The hoppingFinerGranularity enables finer granular hopping, see TS 38.211 [16], clause If hoppingSubsetis configured, hoppingFinerGranularity is not configured. The hoppingSubset indicates a set of cyclic shift by a bit string (see clause of TS 38.211 [16]). The i-th bit in the bit string is set to 1 to indicate the , where t is determined by its ordinary position among the positive bits in bit string, i.e., if the i-th bit is a first positive bit, t=0; if the i-th bit is a second positive bit, t=1 , and so on.
When this RRC parameter is configured, start RB location hopping is enabled for partial frequency sounding in different SRS frequency hopping periods for periodic/semi-persistent/aperiodic SRS as described in clause in TS 38.211.
Includes parameters capturing SRS frequency hopping (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures this field such that b-hop > b-SRS. For SRS for positioning configuration in multiple cells,the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area. c-SRSIndicates the maximum bandwidth per hop. When TxHoppingConfig is configured thevalid values forc-SRSare such that the maximum bandwidthis: 104 PRBs, 48 PRBs, 132 PRBs, 64 PRBs, for 15,30,60,120 KHzrespectively. The same value for c-SRS is configured for all the hops when TxHoppingConfig is configured.
Parameter(s) for configuring group or sequence hopping (see TS 38.211 [16], clause For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures this parameter to 'neither'. For SRS for positioning configuration in multiple cells, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
Number of ports. For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures this parameter to 'port1'.
Number of ports if the number of antenna ports is 8. The value 'ports8' configures UE with 8 antenna ports and the value 'ports8tdm' configures the UE with 8 antenna ports which are partitioned into 2 subsets with each subset having 4 different ports, and the subsets are mapped to different OFDM symbols, see TS 38.211 [16], clause If combOffsetHopping-r18 or cyclicShiftHopping-r18 is configured, this field is not set to ports8tdm. If this field is present UE ignores the fieldnrofSRS-Ports.
periodicityAndOffset-p, periodicityAndOffset-p-Ext
Periodicity and slot offset for this SRS resource. All values are in "number of slots". Value sl1 corresponds to a periodicity of 1 slot, value sl2 corresponds to a periodicity of 2 slots, and so on. For each periodicity the corresponding offset is given in number of slots. For periodicity sl1 the offset is 0 slots (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, sl1280 and sl2560 cannot be configured. For SRS-PosResource, values sl20480, sl40960 and sl81920 cannot be configured for SCS=15kHz, values sl40960 and sl81920 cannot be configured for SCS=30kHz, and value sl81920 cannot be configured for SCS=60kHz except when periodicity of 20480ms is configured. When periodicityAndOffset-p-Ext is present, periodicityAndOffset-p shall be ignored by the UE.
periodicityAndOffset-sp, periodicityAndOffset-sp-Ext
Periodicity and slot offset for this SRS resource. All values are in "number of slots". Value sl1 corresponds to a periodicity of 1 slot, value sl2 corresponds to a periodicity of 2 slots, and so on. For each periodicity the corresponding offset is given in number of slots. For periodicity sl1 the offset is 0 slots (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). For SRS-PosResource, values sl20480, sl40960 and sl81920 cannot be configured for SCS=15kHz, values sl40960 and sl81920 cannot be configured for SCS=30kHz, and value sl81920 cannot be configured for SCS=60kHz. When periodicityAndOffset-sp-Ext is present, periodicityAndOffset-sp shall be ignored by the UE.
The PTRS port index for this SRS resource for non-codebook based UL MIMO. This is only applicable when the corresponding PTRS-UplinkConfig is set to CP-OFDM. The ptrs-PortIndex configured here must be smaller than the maxNrofPorts configured in the PTRS-UplinkConfig (see TS 38.214 [19], clause This parameter is not applicable to CLI SRS-RSRP measurement.
OFDM symbol location of the SRS resource within a slot including nrofSymbols (number of OFDM symbols), startPosition (value 0 refers to the last symbol, value 1 refers to the second last symbol, and so on) and repetitionFactor (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1 and TS 38.211 [16], clause The configured SRS resource does not exceed the slot boundary. If resourceMapping-r16 is signalled, UE shall ignore the resourceMapping (without suffix). If resourceMapping-r17 is signalled, resourceMapping-r16 is not signalled and the UE shall ignore the resourceMapping (without suffix) and only the values of nrofSymbols which are integer multiples of the configured repetitionFactor can be configured. The network can only signal repetitionFactor-v1730 if resourceMapping-r17 is signalled. When repetitionFactor-v1730 is signalled, the UE shall ignore repetitionFactor-r17. For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, the network always configures nrofSymbols and repetitionFactor to 'n1'.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured,the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.nrofSymbols is same for all the hops when TxHoppingConfig is configured.
Periodicity and offset for semi-persistent and periodic SRS resource, or slot offset for aperiodic SRS resourcefor positioning (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). For CLI SRS-RSRP measurement, only 'periodic' is applicable for resourceType.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
Sequence ID used to initialize pseudo random group and sequence hopping (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1).If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
An offset in number of slots between the triggering DCI and the actual transmission of this SRS-PosResource. If the field is absent the UE applies no offset (value 0).
Configuration of the spatial relation between a reference RS and the target SRS. Reference RS can be SSB/CSI-RS/SRS (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). This parameter is not applicable to CLI SRS-RSRP measurement.This field is not configured if unifiedTCI-StateType is configured for the serving cell.
Configuration of the spatial relation between a reference RS and the target SRS. Reference RS can be SSB/CSI-RS/SRS/DL-PRS-PDC (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). The field is present in case of resourceType=periodic and usagePDC-r17=true in the SRS-ResourceSet, otherwise the field is absent.
Configuration of the spatial relation between a reference RS and the target SRS. Reference RS can be SSB/CSI-RS/SRS/DL-PRS (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). If the IE srs-ResourceId-Ext is present, the IE srs-ResourceId in spatialRelationInfoPos represents the index from 0 to 63. Otherwise the IE srs-ResourceId in spatialRelationInfoPos represents the index from 0 to 31. If the SRS for positioning is configured for RRC_INACTIVE state, the srs-ResourceId and csi-RS-IndexServing are not included in this field.
Indicates even or odd hyper SFN in which the SRS for positioning is transmitted for the periodicity value of 20480m. If this field is not configured, the UE assumes that SRS for positioning periodictity longer than one Hyper SFN is not configured.
Indicate the number of bits for "SRS request" in DCI format 0_2. When the field is absent, then the value of 0 bit for "SRS request" in DCI format 0_2 is applied. If the parameter srs-RequestDCI-0-2 is configured to value 1, 1 bit is used to indicate one of the first two rows of Table in TS 38.212 [17] for triggered aperiodic SRS resource set. If the value 2 is configured, 2 bits are used to indicate one of the rows of Table in TS 38.212 [17]. When UE is configured with supplementaryUplink, an extra bit (the first bit of the SRS request field) is used for the non-SUL/SUL indication.
Indicate the number of bits for "SRS request" in DCI format 1_2. When the field is absent, then the value of 0 bit for "SRS request" in DCI format 1_2 is applied. When the UE is configured with supplementaryUplink, an extra bit (the first bit of the SRS request field) is used for the non-SUL/SUL indication (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
List of SRS resource set to be added or modified for DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
List of SRS resource set to be released for DCI format 0_2 (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1).
Configuration of either a UL TCI state or a joint TCI state for the SRS resource. In case of UL TCI-State, refers to the TCI state defined in ul-TCI-StateList in the BWP-UplinkDedicated where the SRS-Config is configured.In case of joint TCI state, refers to a TCI state defined in dl-OrJointTCI-StateList in pdsch-Config of the BWP-DownlinkDedicated and serving cell indicated by cellAndBWP.This field is absent when the SRS resource is in an SRS-ResourceSet configured with followUnifiedTCI-StateSRS-r17 or applyIndicatedTCI-State, or when the field unifiedTCI-StateType is not configured to the serving cell which the SRS resource is located in.
Configures the UE with the startRBIndex and freqScalingFactor for partial frequency sounding as described in Clause in TS 38.211. The startRBIndexForFScaling2 gives the startRBIndex when freqScalingFactor is 2 and the startRBIndexForFScaling4 gives the startRBIndex when FreqScalingFactor is 4
transmissionComb, transmissionComb-n2, transmissionComb-n4, transmissionComb-n8
Comb value (2 or 4 or 8) and comb offset (0..combValue-1) (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1). If network configures field transmissionComb-n8, the UE ignores transmissionComb. If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfig or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
SRS-ResourceSet, SRS-PosResourceSetfield descriptions
alpha value for SRS power control (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3). When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
An additional list of DCI "code points" upon which the UE shall transmit SRS according to this SRS resource set configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6). When the field is not included during a reconfiguration of SRS-ResourceSet of resourceType set to aperiodic, UE maintains this value based on the Need M; that is, this list is not considered as an extension of aperiodicSRS-ResourceTrigger for purpose of applying the general rule for extended list in clause 6.1.3.
The DCI "code point" upon which the UE shall transmit SRS according to this SRS resource set configuration (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6).
This field indicates, for an SRS-ResourceSet, if UE applies the first or the second "indicated" UL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1.
ID of CSI-RS resource associated with this SRS resource set in non-codebook based operation (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates a list of up to four different available slot offset values from slot n+k to the slot where the aperiodic SRS resource set is transmitted, where slot n is the slot with the triggering DCI, and k is the slotOffset (without suffix) as described in clause 6.2.1 of TS 38.214 [19].
ID of CSI-RS resource associated with this SRS resource set (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
This field indicates a PRS configuration.
When set to enabled, for SRS resource Set, the UE applies the "indicated" UL only TCI or joint TCI as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause 5.1.5.This parameter may be configured for aperiodic SRS for BM or SRS of any time-domain behavior for codebook, non-codebook, and antenna switching.
P0 value for SRS power control. The value is in dBm. Only even values (step size 2) are allowed (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
A reference signal (e.g. a CSI-RS config or a SS block) to be used for SRS path loss estimation (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).
A reference signal (e.g. a SS block or a DL-PRS config) to be used for SRS path loss estimation (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).
Multiple candidate pathloss reference RS(s) for SRS power control, where one candidate RS can be mapped to SRS Resource Set via MAC CE (clause in TS 38.321 [3]). The network can only configure this field if pathlossReferenceRS is not configured in the same SRS-ResourceSet.
Time domain behavior of SRS resource configuration, see TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1. The network configures SRS resources in the same resource set with the same time domain behavior on periodic, aperiodic and semi-persistent SRS.The aperiodic SRS is not applicable for the UE in RRC_INACTIVE.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, the value of this field applies to all cells in the validity area.
An offset in number of slots between the triggering DCI and the actual transmission of this SRS-ResourceSet. If the field is absent the UE applies no offset (value 0).
Indicates whether hsrs,c(i) = fc(i,1) or hsrs,c(i) = fc(i,2) (if twoPUSCH-PC-AdjustmentStates are configured) or separate close loop is configured for SRS. This parameter is applicable only for Uls on which UE also transmits PUSCH. If absent or release, the UE applies the value sameAs-Fci1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.3).
srs-ResourceIdList, srs-PosResourceIdList
The IDs of the SRS-Resources/SRS-PosResource used in this SRS-ResourceSet/SRS-PosResourceSet. If this SRS-ResourceSet is configured with usage set to codebook, the srs-ResourceIdList contains at most 2 entries. If this SRS-ResourceSet is configured with usage set to nonCodebook, the srs-ResourceIdList contains at most 4 entries.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, srs-PosResourceIdList is commonly configured across cells within the validity area.
srs-ResourceSetId, srs-PosResourceSetId
The ID of this resource set. It is unique in the context of the BWP in which the parent SRS-Config is defined.If srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaPreConfigList or srs-PosRRC-InactiveValidityAreaNonPreConfig is configured, srs-PosResourceSetId is commonly configured across cells within the validity area.
Indicates SSB index belonging to a serving cellwhere the SRS is configured.
This field indicates a SSB configuration from neighboring cell.
Indicates if the SRS resource set is used for beam management, codebook based or non-codebook based transmission or antenna switching. See TS 38.214 [19], clause 6.2.1. Reconfiguration between codebook based and non-codebook based transmission is not supported.
If configured, it indicates that this SRS resource set is used for propagation delay compensation. The field can be present in only one SRS-ResourceSet.
SRS-SpatialRelationInfoPosfield descriptions
Indicates CSI-RS index belonging to a serving cell.
This field indicates a PRS configuration.
Indicates whether the configured SRS spatial relation resource is a SRS-Resource or SRS-PosResource.
The serving Cell ID of the source SSB, CSI-RS, or SRS for the spatial relation of the target SRS resource. If this field is absent the SSB, the CSI-RS, or the SRS is from the same serving cell where the SRS is configured.
Indicates SSB index belonging to a serving cell.
This field indicates a SSB configuration from neighboring cell.
SSB-InfoNCell field descriptions
This field specifies the physical cell ID of the neighbour cell or NCD-SSB of the serving cell for which SSB configuration is provided.
This field specifies the index of the SSB for a neighbour cell or NCD-SSB of the serving cell. See TS 38.213 [13]. If this field is absent, the UE determines the ssb-IndexNcell of the physicalCellId based on its SSB measurement from the cell.
This field specifies the full configuration of the SSB. If this field is absent, the UE obtains the configuration for the SSB from nr-SSB-Config received as part of DL-PRS assistance data in LPP, see TS 37.355 [49], by looking up the corresponding SSB configuration using the field physicalCellId.
DL-PRS-Info field descriptions
This field specifies the UE specific TRP ID (see TS 37.355 [49]) for which PRS configuration is provided.
This field specifies the PRS-ResourceSet ID of a PRS resourceSet.
This field specifies the PRS-Resource ID of a PRS resource. If this field is absent, the UE determines the dl-PRS-ResourceID based on its PRS measurement from the TRP (see TS 37.355 [49]) and DL-PRS Resource Set.
SSB-Configuration field descriptions
Indicates whether SSB is in the first half or the second half of the frame.Value zero indicates the first half and value 1 indicates the second half.
Indicates the subframe boundary offset of the cell in which SSB is transmited.
Indiactes the time offset of the SFN0 slot 0 for the cell with respect to SFN0 slot 0 of serving cell.
Specifies the SFN offset between the cell in which SSB is transmited and serving cell. The offset corresponds to the number of full radio frames counted from the beginning of a radio frame #0 of serving cell to the beginning of the closest subsequent radio frame #0 of the cell in which SSB is transmitted.
Indicates the SFN offset of the transmitted SSB relative to the start of the SSB period. Value 0 indicates that the SSB is transmitted in the first system frame, value 1 indicates that SSB is transmitted in the second system frame and so on. The network configures this field according to the field ssb-Periodicity such that the indicated system frame does not exceed the configured SSB periodicity.
Indicates the frequency of the SSB.
Average EPRE of the resources elements that carry secondary synchronization signals in dBm that the NW used for SSB transmission, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.
Indicates the periodicity of the SSB. If the field is absent, the UE applies the value ms5. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1)
Subcarrier spacing of SSB. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15 or 30 kHz FR2-1/FR2-NTN: 120 or 240 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz
TxHoppingConfig field descriptions
This field specifies the number of hops. Value 1 indicates one hop, value 2 indicates two hops and so on.
This field specifies the overlap during SRS transmission in terms of number ofresource blocks. Value zeroRB implies 0 RB, value oneRB corresponds to 1 RB, value twoRB corresponds to 2 RBsand so on. The same value for the overlapValue is configured to all the hops.
This field specifies the starting slot offset and starting symbol for the SRS resource with tx hopping for different resource types (aperiodic, semi-persistent or periodic SRS transmission). Each hop is configured with the same periodicity.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if srs-DLorJointTCI-State is configured, otherwise it is absent Need R.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if the field followUnifiedTCI-StateSRS is present. Otherwise, it is absent.
This field is optionally present, Need M, in case of non-codebook based transmission, otherwise the field is absent.
The field is mandatory present if the IE SSB-InfoNcell is included in pathlossReferenceRS-Pos; otherwise it is optionally present, Need R
This field is mandatory present upon configuration of SRS-ResourceSet or SRS-Resource and optionally present, Need M, otherwise.

The IE SRS-PosTx-Hopping specifies the frequency hopping configuration for SRS for Positioning transmission.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SRS-PosTx-Hopping-START SRS-PosTx-Hopping-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
srs-PosConfig-r18Provides the SRS Configuration to be used for frequency hopping.
bwp-r18For RRC_CONNECTED state, indicates the frequency region outside of active BWP for SRS for positioning frequency hopping. For RRC_INACTIVE state indicates the BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE.
inactivePosSRS-TimeAlignmentTimer-r18TAT value for SRS for positioning transmission during RRC_INACTIVE state as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The network always configures this field whensrs-PosRRC-Inactive is configured.
TimeAlignmentTimer OPTIONAL, -- Need M
inactivePosSRS-RSRP-ChangeThreshold-r18RSRP threshold for the increase/decrease of RSRP for time alignment validation as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
RSRP-ChangeThreshold-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
srs-PosUplinkTransmissionWindowConfig-r18UL time window for UL SRS for positioning with Tx hopping configured to be periodic with configurable startingSFN, slot and symbol number, periodicity, duration.
SetupRelease { SRS-PosUplinkTransmissionWindowConfig-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SRS-PosUplinkTransmissionWindowConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { startSFN-r18 INTEGER(0..1023), windowPeriodicityAndOffset-r18 CHOICE { periodicityAndOffset-r18 SRS-PeriodicityAndOffset-r16, periodicityAndOffset-Ext-r18 SRS-PeriodicityAndOffsetExt-r16 }, duration-r18 ENUMERATED {s1,s2,s4,s6}, ... } -- TAG-SRS-PosTx-Hopping-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SRS-PosTx-Hopping field descriptions
For RRC_CONNECTED state, indicates the frequency region outside of active BWP for SRS for positioning frequency hopping. For RRC_INACTIVE state indicates the BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE.
RSRP threshold for the increase/decrease of RSRP for time alignment validation as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
TAT value for SRS for positioning transmission during RRC_INACTIVE state as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The network always configures this field whensrs-PosRRC-Inactive is configured.
Provides the SRS Configuration to be used for frequency hopping.
UL time window for UL SRS for positioning with Tx hopping configured to be periodic with configurable startingSFN, slot and symbol number, periodicity, duration.

The IE SRS-PosResourceSetLinkedForAggBW provides the SRS Positioning Resource Sets that are linked for bandwidth aggregation across two or three component carriers.
srs-PosResourceSetLinked-r18Indicates the SRS Positioning Resource set that is linked for bandwidth aggregation.
srs-LinkedConfig-r18Provides the linked bandwidth aggregation configuration for RRC_CONNECTED or RRC_INACTIVE state for the SRS for positioning transmission.
CHOICE { rrc-connectedState-r18 SEQUENCE {
servingCellAndBWP-Id-r18Provides the serving cell and BWP config for SRS for positioning transmission using aggregated bandwidth in RRC_CONNECTED state.
ServingCellAndBWP-Id-r17, ... }, rrc-inactiveState-r18 SEQUENCE {
scs-SpecificCarrier-r18A set of UE specific channel bandwidth and location configurations for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A and to be used for SRS for positioning bandwidth aggregation.
freqInfo-r18Indicates the SRS Positioning Resource set carrier frequency that is linked for bandwidth aggregation.
SRS-PosUplinkTransmissionWindowConfig field descriptions
Indicates the duration of the uplink SRS for positioning transmission window with frequency hopping. Value s1 indicates 1 slot, s2indicates 2 slot and so on.
Indicates the Periodicity and slot offset for uplink SRS for positioning transmission window occurrence with frequency hopping.
Indicates the starting SFN of the uplink SRS for positioning transmission window with frequency hopping.
SRS-PosResourceSetLinkedForAggBW field descriptions
Indicates the SRS Positioning Resource set carrier frequency that is linked for bandwidth aggregation.
A set of UE specific channel bandwidth and location configurations for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A and to be used for SRS for positioning bandwidth aggregation.
Provides the serving cell and BWP config for SRS for positioning transmission using aggregated bandwidth in RRC_CONNECTED state.
Provides the linked bandwidth aggregation configuration for RRC_CONNECTED or RRC_INACTIVE state for the SRS for positioning transmission.
Indicates the SRS Positioning Resource set that is linked for bandwidth aggregation.

The IE SRS-RSRP-Range specifies the value range used in SRS-RSRP measurements and thresholds. The integer value for SRS-RSRP measurements is according to Table in TS 38.133 [14]. For thresholds, the actual value is (IE value –140) dBm, except for the IE value 98, in which case the actual value is infinity.

The IE SRS-TPC-CommandConfig is used to configure the UE for extracting TPC commands for SRS from a group-TPC messages on DCI.
startingBitOfFormat2-3The starting bit position of a block within the group DCI with SRS request fields (optional) and TPC commands. The value 1 of the field corresponds to the first/left most bit of format2-3. The value 2 of the field corresponds to the second bit format2-3, and so on (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.4).
INTEGER (1..31) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
fieldTypeFormat2-3The type of a field within the group DCI with SRS request fields (optional), which indicates how many bits in the field are for SRS request (0 or 2). Note that for Type A, there is a common SRS request field for all SCells in the set, but each SCell has its own TPC command bits. See TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1 and , TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.4.
INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[
startingBitOfFormat2-3SULThe starting bit position of a block within the group DCI with SRS request fields (optional) and TPC commands for SUL carrier (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.4).
SRS-TPC-CommandConfig field descriptions
The type of a field within the group DCI with SRS request fields (optional), which indicates how many bits in the field are for SRS request (0 or 2). Note that for Type A, there is a common SRS request field for all SCells in the set, but each SCell has its own TPC command bits. See TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1 and , TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.4.
The starting bit position of a block within the group DCI with SRS request fields (optional) and TPC commands. The value 1 of the field corresponds to the first/left most bit of format2-3. The value 2 of the field corresponds to the second bit format2-3, and so on (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.4).
The starting bit position of a block within the group DCI with SRS request fields (optional) and TPC commands for SUL carrier (see TS 38.212 [17], clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.4).

The IE SSB-Index identifies an SS-Block within an SS-Burst. See TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.

The IE SSB-MTC is used to configure measurement timing configurations, i.e., timing occasions at which the UE measures SSBs.
periodicityAndOffsetPeriodicity and offset of the measurement window in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks, see Periodicity and offset are given in number of subframes.
CHOICE { sf5 INTEGER (0..4), sf10 INTEGER (0..9), sf20 INTEGER (0..19), sf40 INTEGER (0..39), sf80 INTEGER (0..79), sf160 INTEGER (0..159) },
durationDuration of the measurement window in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks. It is given in number of subframes (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1).
ENUMERATED { sf1, sf2, sf3, sf4, sf5 } } SSB-MTC2 ::= SEQUENCE {
pci-ListPCIs that follow this SMTC.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPCIsPerSMTC)) OF PhysCellId OPTIONAL, -- Need M
periodicityPeriodicity of the SS/PBCH blocks, see Periodicity is given in number of subframes.
ENUMERATED {sf5, sf10, sf20, sf40, sf80, spare3, spare2, spare1} } SSB-MTC2-LP-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
pci-ListPCIs that follow this SMTC.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPCIsPerSMTC)) OF PhysCellId OPTIONAL, -- Need R
periodicityPeriodicity of the SS/PBCH blocks, see Periodicity is given in number of subframes.
ENUMERATED {sf10, sf20, sf40, sf80, sf160, spare3, spare2, spare1} } SSB-MTC3-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
periodicityAndOffset-r16Periodicity and offset of the measurement window in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks, see Periodicity and offset are given in number of subframes.
CHOICE { sf5-r16 INTEGER (0..4), sf10-r16 INTEGER (0..9), sf20-r16 INTEGER (0..19), sf40-r16 INTEGER (0..39), sf80-r16 INTEGER (0..79), sf160-r16 INTEGER (0..159), sf320-r16 INTEGER (0..319), sf640-r16 INTEGER (0..639), sf1280-r16 INTEGER (0..1279) },
duration-r16Duration of the measurement window in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks. It is given in number of subframes (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1).
ENUMERATED {sf1, sf2, sf3, sf4, sf5},
pci-List-r16PCIs that follow this SMTC.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPCIsPerSMTC)) OF PhysCellId OPTIONAL, -- Need M
ssb-ToMeasure-r16The set of SS blocks to be measured within the SMTC measurement duration. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SS block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS block index 1, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS block is not to be measured while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS block is to be measured (see TS 38.215 [9]). When the field is not configured the IAB-MT measures on all SS blocks. Regardless of the value of this field, SS blocks outside of the applicable smtc are not to be measured. See TS 38.215 [9] clause 5.1.1.
SetupRelease { SSB-ToMeasure } OPTIONAL -- Need M } SSB-MTC4-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
pci-List-r17PCIs that follow this SMTC.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPCIsPerSMTC)) OF PhysCellId OPTIONAL, -- Need M
offset-r17Offset of the measurement window in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks, see Offset is given in number of subframes.
INTEGER (0..159) } SSB-MTC-AdditionalPCI-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { additionalPCIIndex-r17 AdditionalPCIIndex-r17,
additionalPCI-r17PCI of the additional SSB different from serving cell PCI.
periodicity-r17Periodicity of the SS/PBCH blocks, see Periodicity is given in number of subframes.
ENUMERATED { ms5, ms10, ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160, spare2, spare1 },
ssb-PositionsInBurst-r17Indicates the time domain positions of the transmitted SS-blocks in a half frame with SS/PBCH blocks as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 1, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is not transmitted while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is transmitted.
CHOICE { shortBitmap BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), mediumBitmap BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), longBitmap BIT STRING (SIZE (64)) },
ss-PBCH-BlockPower-r17Average EPRE of the resources elements that carry secondary synchronization signals in dBm that the NW used for SSB transmission, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.
SSB-MTC field descriptions
Duration of the measurement window in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks. It is given in number of subframes (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1).
Periodicity and offset of the measurement window in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks, see Periodicity and offset are given in number of subframes.
SSB-MTC2 field descriptions
PCIs that follow this SMTC.
SSB-MTC3 field descriptions
Duration of the measurement window in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks. It is given in number of subframes (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1).
PCIs that follow this SMTC, used for IAB-node discovery.
Periodicity and offset of the measurement window in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks, see Periodicity and offset are given in number of subframes.
The set of SS blocks to be measured within the SMTC measurement duration. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SS block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS block index 1, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS block is not to be measured while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS block is to be measured (see TS 38.215 [9]). When the field is not configured the IAB-MT measures on all SS blocks. Regardless of the value of this field, SS blocks outside of the applicable smtc are not to be measured. See TS 38.215 [9] clause 5.1.1.
SSB-MTC4 field descriptions
PCIs that follow this SMTC.
Offset of the measurement window in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks, see Offset is given in number of subframes.
SSB-MTC-AdditionalPCI field descriptions
PCI of the additional SSB different from serving cell PCI.
Periodicity of the SS/PBCH blocks, see Periodicity is given in number of subframes.
Indicates the time domain positions of the transmitted SS-blocks in a half frame with SS/PBCH blocks as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 0, the second bit corresponds to SS/PBCH block index 1, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is not transmitted while value 1 indicates that the corresponding SS/PBCH block is transmitted.
Average EPRE of the resources elements that carry secondary synchronization signals in dBm that the NW used for SSB transmission, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.

The IE SSB-PositionQCL-Relation is used to indicate the QCL relationship between SSB positions on the frequency indicated by ssbFrequency (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1) for operation with shared spectrum channel access. Value n1 corresponds to 1, value n2 corresponds to 2 and so on.

The IE SSB-ToMeasure is used to configure a pattern of SSBs. For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1, only mediumBitmap is used, and for FR2-2, longBitmap is used.
shortBitmapBitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 4 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.
mediumBitmapBitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 8 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. For operation with shared spectrum channel access, if the k-th bit is set to 1, the UE assumes that one or more SS/PBCH blocks within the SMTC measurement duration with candidate SS/PBCH block indexes corresponding to SS/PBCH block index equal to k – 1 may be transmitted; if the kt-th bit is set to 0, the UE assumes that the corresponding SS/PBCH block(s) are not transmitted. The k-th bit is set to 0, where k > ssb-PositionQCL-Commonand the number of actually transmitted SS/PBCH blocks is not larger than the number of 1's in the bitmap. If ssb-PositionQCL is configured with a value smaller than ssb-PositionQCL-Common, only the leftmost K bits (K = ssb-PositionQCL) are applicable for the corresponding cell.
longBitmapBitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 64 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2, if the k-th bit is set to 1, the UE assumes that one or more SS/PBCH blocks within the SMTC measurement duration with candidate SS/PBCH block indexes corresponding to SS/PBCH block index equal to (k– 1) may be transmitted; if the k-th bit is set to 0, the UE assumes that the corresponding SS/PBCH block(s) are not transmitted.
SSB-ToMeasure field descriptions
Bitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 64 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR2-2, if the k-th bit is set to 1, the UE assumes that one or more SS/PBCH blocks within the SMTC measurement duration with candidate SS/PBCH block indexes corresponding to SS/PBCH block index equal to (k– 1) may be transmitted; if the k-th bit is set to 0, the UE assumes that the corresponding SS/PBCH block(s) are not transmitted.
Bitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 8 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1. For operation with shared spectrum channel access, if the k-th bit is set to 1, the UE assumes that one or more SS/PBCH blocks within the SMTC measurement duration with candidate SS/PBCH block indexes corresponding to SS/PBCH block index equal to k – 1 may be transmitted; if the kt-th bit is set to 0, the UE assumes that the corresponding SS/PBCH block(s) are not transmitted. The k-th bit is set to 0, where k > ssb-PositionQCL-Commonand the number of actually transmitted SS/PBCH blocks is not larger than the number of 1's in the bitmap. If ssb-PositionQCL is configured with a value smaller than ssb-PositionQCL-Common, only the leftmost K bits (K = ssb-PositionQCL) are applicable for the corresponding cell.
Bitmap when maximum number of SS/PBCH blocks per half frame equals to 4 as defined in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.

The IE SS-RSSI-Measurement is used to configure RSSI measurements based on synchronization reference signals.
measurementSlotsIndicates the slots in which the UE can perform RSSI measurements. The length of the BIT STRING is equal to the number of slots in the configured SMTC window (determined by the duration and by the subcarrierSpacing). The first (left-most / most significant) bit in the bitmap corresponds to the first slot in the SMTC window, the second bit in the bitmap corresponds to the second slot in the SMTC window, and so on. The UE measures in slots for which the corresponding bit in the bitmap is set to 1. In case this field is configured for a SCell with ca-SlotOffset-r16, the bits in the bitmap corresponds to the slots that are fully contained in the SMTC window.
BIT STRING (SIZE (1..80)),
endSymbolWithin a slot that is configured for RSSI measurements (see measurementSlots) the UE measures the RSSI from symbol 0 to symbol endSymbol. This field identifies the entry in Table 5.1.3-1 in TS 38.215 [9], which determines the actual end symbol.
SS-RSSI-Measurement field descriptions
Within a slot that is configured for RSSI measurements (see measurementSlots) the UE measures the RSSI from symbol 0 to symbol endSymbol. This field identifies the entry in Table 5.1.3-1 in TS 38.215 [9], which determines the actual end symbol.
Indicates the slots in which the UE can perform RSSI measurements. The length of the BIT STRING is equal to the number of slots in the configured SMTC window (determined by the duration and by the subcarrierSpacing). The first (left-most / most significant) bit in the bitmap corresponds to the first slot in the SMTC window, the second bit in the bitmap corresponds to the second slot in the SMTC window, and so on. The UE measures in slots for which the corresponding bit in the bitmap is set to 1. In case this field is configured for a SCell with ca-SlotOffset-r16, the bits in the bitmap corresponds to the slots that are fully contained in the SMTC window.

The IE SubcarrierSpacing determines the subcarrier spacing. Restrictions applicable for certain frequencies, channels or signals are clarified in the fields that use this IE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SUBCARRIERSPACING-START SubcarrierSpacing ::= ENUMERATED {kHz15, kHz30, kHz60, kHz120, kHz240, kHz480-v1700, kHz960-v1700, spare1} -- TAG-SUBCARRIERSPACING-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE TAG-Config is used to configure parameters for a time-alignment group.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-TAG-CONFIG-START TAG-Config ::= SEQUENCE { tag-ToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTAGs)) OF TAG-Id OPTIONAL, -- Need N tag-ToAddModList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTAGs)) OF TAG OPTIONAL -- Need N } TAG ::= SEQUENCE {
tag-IdIndicates the TAG of the SpCell or an SCell, see TS 38.321 [3]. Uniquely identifies the TAG within the scope of a Cell Group (i.e. MCG or SCG).
timeAlignmentTimerThe timeAlignmentTimer for TAG with ID tag-Id, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
TimeAlignmentTimer, ... } TAG-Id ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofTAGs-1) -- TAG-TAG-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
TAG field descriptions
Indicates the TAG of the SpCell or an SCell, see TS 38.321 [3]. Uniquely identifies the TAG within the scope of a Cell Group (i.e. MCG or SCG).
The timeAlignmentTimer for TAG with ID tag-Id, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].

The IE TAR-Config is used to configure Timing Advance reporting in non-terrestrial networks and ATG network.
offsetThresholdTA-r17Offset for TA reporting as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Network only configures this parameter for MCG.For offsetThresholdTA-r17, value ms0dot5 corresponds to 0.5 ms, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, and so on. Network only configures offsetThresholdTA-r18 for ATG, which is in unit of symbols based on the subcarrier spacing of the BWP indicated by firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id if received in the same RRC message, otherwise, it is based on the subcarrier spacing of the active DL BWP of the PCell when offsetThresholdTA-r18 is received. Once configured, the value of TA offset threshold does not change autonomously by the UE with BWP switching.
ENUMERATED {ms0dot5, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6 ,ms7, ms8, ms9, ms10, ms11, ms12, ms13, ms14, ms15, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
timingAdvanceSR-r17Used to configure whether a Timing Advance report may trigger a Scheduling Request as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } TAR-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
offsetThresholdTA-r18Offset for TA reporting as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Network only configures this parameter for MCG.For offsetThresholdTA-r17, value ms0dot5 corresponds to 0.5 ms, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, and so on. Network only configures offsetThresholdTA-r18 for ATG, which is in unit of symbols based on the subcarrier spacing of the BWP indicated by firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id if received in the same RRC message, otherwise, it is based on the subcarrier spacing of the active DL BWP of the PCell when offsetThresholdTA-r18 is received. Once configured, the value of TA offset threshold does not change autonomously by the UE with BWP switching.
INTEGER (1..56) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
timingAdvanceSR-r18Used to configure whether a Timing Advance report may trigger a Scheduling Request as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
TAR-Config field descriptions
Offset for TA reporting as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Network only configures this parameter for MCG.For offsetThresholdTA-r17, value ms0dot5 corresponds to 0.5 ms, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, and so on. Network only configures offsetThresholdTA-r18 for ATG, which is in unit of symbols based on the subcarrier spacing of the BWP indicated by firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id if received in the same RRC message, otherwise, it is based on the subcarrier spacing of the active DL BWP of the PCell when offsetThresholdTA-r18 is received. Once configured, the value of TA offset threshold does not change autonomously by the UE with BWP switching.
Used to configure whether a Timing Advance report may trigger a Scheduling Request as specified in TS 38.321 [3].

The IE TCI-ActivatedConfig is used to provide activated TCI states for PDSCH and/or PDCCH of the PSCell or of an SCell.
pdcch-TCI-r17Indicates the TCI state for PDCCH for each configured CORESET of the DL BWP to be activated at SCell activation, to be activated for the PSCell at SCG activation and/or to be used for BFD, RLM and measurements while the SCG is deactivated. The list includes exactly as many entries as CORESETs configured in this BWP, ordered by increasing values of ControlResourceSet-Id, i.e. the first entry indicates the TCI state for the configured CORESET with the lowest ControlResourceset-Id value, the second value indicates the TCI states for the configured CORESET with the second lowest ControlResourceset-Id value, and so on.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..5)) OF TCI-StateId,
pdsch-TCI-r17Indicates TCI states for PDSCH reception at SCell addition/activation or of the PSCell at SCG activation. This field indicates activated TCI state(s) for this BWP ordered by increasing values of TCI-StateId, i.e. the first bit indicates the activation state of the TCI state with the lowest TCI-StateId value, the second value indicates the activation status of the TCI state with the second lowest TCI-State-Id value, and so on. A bit set to 0 indicates that the corresponding TCI state is deactivated, a bit set to 1 indicates that the TCI state is activated.
TCI-ActivatedConfigfield descriptions
Indicates the TCI state for PDCCH for each configured CORESET of the DL BWP to be activated at SCell activation, to be activated for the PSCell at SCG activation and/or to be used for BFD, RLM and measurements while the SCG is deactivated. The list includes exactly as many entries as CORESETs configured in this BWP, ordered by increasing values of ControlResourceSet-Id, i.e. the first entry indicates the TCI state for the configured CORESET with the lowest ControlResourceset-Id value, the second value indicates the TCI states for the configured CORESET with the second lowest ControlResourceset-Id value, and so on.
Indicates TCI states for PDSCH reception at SCell addition/activation or of the PSCell at SCG activation. This field indicates activated TCI state(s) for this BWP ordered by increasing values of TCI-StateId, i.e. the first bit indicates the activation state of the TCI state with the lowest TCI-StateId value, the second value indicates the activation status of the TCI state with the second lowest TCI-State-Id value, and so on. A bit set to 0 indicates that the corresponding TCI state is deactivated, a bit set to 1 indicates that the TCI state is activated.

The IE TCI-State associates one or two DL reference signals with a corresponding quasi-colocation (QCL) type.
tci-StateIdID number of the TCI state.
TCI-StateId, qcl-Type1 QCL-Info, qcl-Type2 QCL-Info OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[
additionalPCI-r17Indicates the physical cell IDs (PCI) of the SSBs when referenceSignal is configured as SSB for both QCL-Type1 and QCL-Type2. In case the cell is present, the additionalPCI refers to a PCI value configured in the list configured using additionalPCI-ToAddModList in the serving cell indicated by the field cell. Otherwise, it refers to a PCI value configured in a list additionalPCI-ToAddModList configured in the serving cell where the TCI-State is applied by the UE.When this field is present the cell for qcl-Type1 and qcl-Type2 is configured with same value, if present.
AdditionalPCIIndex-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17The ID of the reference signal (e.g. a CSI-RS or an SS block) used for PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS path loss estimation. This field refers to an element in the list configured using pathlossReferenceRSToAddModList in the serving cell and UL BWP where the TCI State is applied by the UE.
PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond JointTCI1 ul-powerControl-r17 Uplink-powerControlId-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond JointTCI ]], [[
tag-Id-ptr-r18It indicates the TAG that is associated with this TCI state, value n0 means the TCI state associate with the TAG indicated by tag-Id, value n1 means this TCI state associated with the TAG indicated by tag2-Id. The tag-Id-ptr refers to the TAG of the serving cell where the TCI state is applied.
ENUMERATED {n0,n1} OPTIONAL -- Cond 2TA ]] } QCL-Info ::= SEQUENCE {
cellThe UE's serving cell in which the referenceSignal is configured. If the field is absent, the referenceSignal is configured in the serving cell in which the TCI-State is applied by the UE. The RS can be located on a serving cell other than the serving cell for which the TCI-State is applied by the UE only if the qcl-Type is configured as typeC or typeD. If the referenceSignal is set to csi-rs and unifiedTCI-StateType is configured, either both cell and bwp-Id are present or both cell and bwp-Id are absent. See TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R
bwp-IdThe DL BWP which the RS is located in.If the field is absent, the RS is located in the DL BWP in which the TCI-State is applied by the UE.
BWP-Id OPTIONAL, -- Cond CSI-RS-Indicated
referenceSignalReference signal with which quasi-collocation information is provided as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
CHOICE { csi-rs NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId, ssb SSB-Index },
qcl-TypeQCL type as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
ENUMERATED {typeA, typeB, typeC, typeD}, ... } -- TAG-TCI-STATE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
QCL-Info field descriptions
The DL BWP which the RS is located in.If the field is absent, the RS is located in the DL BWP in which the TCI-State is applied by the UE.
The UE's serving cell in which the referenceSignal is configured. If the field is absent, the referenceSignal is configured in the serving cell in which the TCI-State is applied by the UE. The RS can be located on a serving cell other than the serving cell for which the TCI-State is applied by the UE only if the qcl-Type is configured as typeC or typeD. If the referenceSignal is set to csi-rs and unifiedTCI-StateType is configured, either both cell and bwp-Id are present or both cell and bwp-Id are absent. See TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
Reference signal with which quasi-collocation information is provided as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
QCL type as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
TCI-State field descriptions
Indicates the physical cell IDs (PCI) of the SSBs when referenceSignal is configured as SSB for both QCL-Type1 and QCL-Type2. In case the cell is present, the additionalPCI refers to a PCI value configured in the list configured using additionalPCI-ToAddModList in the serving cell indicated by the field cell. Otherwise, it refers to a PCI value configured in a list additionalPCI-ToAddModList configured in the serving cell where the TCI-State is applied by the UE.When this field is present the cell for qcl-Type1 and qcl-Type2 is configured with same value, if present.
The ID of the reference signal (e.g. a CSI-RS or an SS block) used for PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS path loss estimation. This field refers to an element in the list configured using pathlossReferenceRSToAddModList in the serving cell and UL BWP where the TCI State is applied by the UE.
qcl-Type1, qcl-Type2
QCL information for the TCI state as specified in TS 38.214 [19] clause 5.1.5.
It indicates the TAG that is associated with this TCI state, value n0 means the TCI state associate with the TAG indicated by tag-Id, value n1 means this TCI state associated with the TAG indicated by tag2-Id. The tag-Id-ptr refers to the TAG of the serving cell where the TCI state is applied.
ID number of the TCI state.
Configures power control parameters for PUCCH, PUSCH and SRS for this TCI state. Thefield is present here only if ul-powerControlis not configured in any BWP-Uplink-Dedicated of this serving cell. This field refers to an element in the list configured using uplink-PowerControlToAddModList in the serving cell where the dl-OrJointTCI-StateToAddModListis configured.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present if tag2 is present for the serving celland the serving cell is configured with unifiedTCI-StateType set to joint. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.
This field is mandatory present if csi-rs is included and unifiedTCI-StateType is not configured. This field is optionally present, Need R, if csi-rs is included and unifiedTCI-StateType is configured. Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
This field is optionally present, Need R,if this serving cell is configured with unifiedTCI-StateType set to 'joint'. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.
This field is mandatory present, if this serving cell is configured with unifiedTCI-StateType set to 'joint'. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.

The IE TCI-StateId is used to identify one TCI-State configuration.

The IE TCI-UL-State indicates the TCI state information for UL transmission.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-TCI-UL-STATE-START TCI-UL-State-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { tci-UL-StateId-r17 TCI-UL-StateId-r17,
servingCellId-r17The UE's serving cell in which the referenceSignal is configured. If the field is absent, the referenceSignal is configured in the serving cell in which the TCI-UL-State is applied by the UE.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need R
bwp-Id-r17The DL BWP which the CSI-RS is located in or UL BWP where the SRS is located in.
BWP-Id OPTIONAL, -- Cond CSI-RSorSRS-Indicated referenceSignal-r17 CHOICE { ssb-Index-r17 SSB-Index, csi-RS-Index-r17 NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId, srs-r17 SRS-ResourceId },
additionalPCI-r17Indicates the physical cell IDs (PCI) of the SSBs when referenceSignal is configured as SSB. In case the servingCellId is present, the additionalPCI refers to a PCI value configured in the list configured using additionalPCI-ToAddModList in the serving cell indicated by the field servingCellId. Otherwise, it refers to a PCI value configured in the list configured using additionalPCI-ToAddModList in the serving cell where the ul-TCI-StateList is applied by the UE.
AdditionalPCIIndex-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ul-powerControl-r17Configures power control parameters for PUCCH, PUSCH and SRS for this TCI state. Thefield is present here only if ul-powerControlis not configured in any BWP-Uplink-Dedicated of this serving cell. This field refers to an element in the list configured using uplink-PowerControlToAddModList in the serving cell where the ul-TCI-ToAddModList is configured.
Uplink-powerControlId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
pathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17The ID of the reference Signal (e.g. a CSI-RS or a SS block) used for PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS path loss estimation. This field refers to an element in the list configured using pathlossReferenceRSToAddModList in the serving cell and UL BWP where the UL TCI Stateis applied by the UE.
PathlossReferenceRS-Id-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond Mandatory ..., [[
tag-Id-ptr-r18It indicates the TAG that is associated with this TCI state, value n0 means the TCI state associate with the TAG indicated by tag-Id, value n1 means this TCI state associated with the TAG indicated by tag2-Id. The tag-Id-ptr refers to the TAG of the serving cell where the TCI state is applied.
TCI-UL-Statefield descriptions
Indicates the physical cell IDs (PCI) of the SSBs when referenceSignal is configured as SSB. In case the servingCellId is present, the additionalPCI refers to a PCI value configured in the list configured using additionalPCI-ToAddModList in the serving cell indicated by the field servingCellId. Otherwise, it refers to a PCI value configured in the list configured using additionalPCI-ToAddModList in the serving cell where the ul-TCI-StateList is applied by the UE.
The DL BWP which the CSI-RS is located in or UL BWP where the SRS is located in.
The UE's serving cell in which the referenceSignal is configured. If the field is absent, the referenceSignal is configured in the serving cell in which the TCI-UL-State is applied by the UE.
The ID of the reference Signal (e.g. a CSI-RS or a SS block) used for PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS path loss estimation. This field refers to an element in the list configured using pathlossReferenceRSToAddModList in the serving cell and UL BWP where the UL TCI Stateis applied by the UE.
It indicates the TAG that is associated with this TCI state, value n0 means the TCI state associate with the TAG indicated by tag-Id, value n1 means this TCI state associated with the TAG indicated by tag2-Id. The tag-Id-ptr refers to the TAG of the serving cell where the TCI state is applied.
Configures power control parameters for PUCCH, PUSCH and SRS for this TCI state. Thefield is present here only if ul-powerControlis not configured in any BWP-Uplink-Dedicated of this serving cell. This field refers to an element in the list configured using uplink-PowerControlToAddModList in the serving cell where the ul-TCI-ToAddModList is configured.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present if tag2 is present for the serving cell. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.
This field is mandatory present if referenceSignal is set to csi-RS-index or to srs, absent otherwise
The field is mandatory present.

The IE TCI-UL-StateId is used to identify one TCI-UL-State configuration.

The IE TDD-UL-DL-ConfigCommon determines the cell specific Uplink/Downlink TDD configuration.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-TDD-UL-DL-CONFIGCOMMON-START TDD-UL-DL-ConfigCommon ::= SEQUENCE { referenceSubcarrierSpacing SubcarrierSpacing, pattern1 TDD-UL-DL-Pattern, pattern2 TDD-UL-DL-Pattern OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } TDD-UL-DL-Pattern ::= SEQUENCE { dl-UL-TransmissionPeriodicity ENUMERATED {ms0p5, ms0p625, ms1, ms1p25, ms2, ms2p5, ms5, ms10}, nrofDownlinkSlots INTEGER (0..maxNrofSlots), nrofDownlinkSymbols INTEGER (0..maxNrofSymbols-1), nrofUplinkSlots INTEGER (0..maxNrofSlots), nrofUplinkSymbols INTEGER (0..maxNrofSymbols-1), ..., [[ dl-UL-TransmissionPeriodicity-v1530 ENUMERATED {ms3, ms4} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-TDD-UL-DL-CONFIGCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE TDD-UL-DL-ConfigDedicated determines the UE-specific Uplink/Downlink TDD configuration.
slotSpecificConfigurationsToAddModListThe slotSpecificConfigurationToAddModList allows overriding UL/DL allocations provided in tdd-UL-DL-configurationCommon, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSlots)) OF TDD-UL-DL-SlotConfig OPTIONAL, -- Need N slotSpecificConfigurationsToReleaseList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSlots)) OF TDD-UL-DL-SlotIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } TDD-UL-DL-ConfigDedicated-IAB-MT-r16::= SEQUENCE {
slotSpecificConfigurationsToAddModList-IAB-MT-r16The slotSpecificConfigurationToAddModList-IAB-MT allows overriding UL/DL allocations provided in tdd-UL-DL-configurationCommon with a limitation that effectively only flexible symbols can be overwritten in Rel-16.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSlots)) OF TDD-UL-DL-SlotConfig-IAB-MT-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
slotSpecificConfigurationsToReleaseList-IAB-MT-r16The slotSpecificConfigurationsToReleaseList-IAB-MT allows release of a set of slot configuration previously add with slotSpecificConfigurationToAddModList-IAB-MT.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSlots)) OF TDD-UL-DL-SlotIndex OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } TDD-UL-DL-SlotConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
slotIndexIdentifies a slot within a slot configuration periodgiven in tdd-UL-DL-configurationCommon, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.
symbolsThe direction (downlink or uplink) for the symbols in this slot. Value allDownlink indicates that all symbols in this slot are used for downlink; value allUplink indicates that all symbols in this slot are used for uplink; value explicit indicates explicitly how many symbols in the beginning and end of this slot are allocated to downlink and uplink, respectively.
CHOICE { allDownlink NULL, allUplink NULL, explicit SEQUENCE {
nrofDownlinkSymbolsNumber of consecutive DL symbols in the beginning of the slot identified by slotIndex. If the field is absent the UE assumes that there are no leading DL symbols. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
INTEGER (1..maxNrofSymbols-1) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
nrofUplinkSymbolsNumber of consecutive UL symbols in the end of the slot identified by slotIndex. If the field is absent the UE assumes that there are no trailing UL symbols. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
INTEGER (1..maxNrofSymbols-1) OPTIONAL -- Need S } } } TDD-UL-DL-SlotConfig-IAB-MT-r16::= SEQUENCE {
slotIndex-r16Identifies a slot within a slot configuration periodgiven in tdd-UL-DL-configurationCommon, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.
symbols-IAB-MT-r16The symbols-IAB-MTis used to configure an IAB-MT with the SlotConfig applicable for one serving cell. Value allDownlink indicates that all symbols in this slot are used for downlink; value allUplink indicates that all symbols in this slot are used for uplink; value explicit indicates explicitly how many symbols in the beginning and end of this slot are allocated to downlink and uplink, respectively; value explicit-IAB-MTindicates explicitly how many symbols in the beginning and end of this slot are allocated to uplink and downlink, respectively.
CHOICE { allDownlink-r16 NULL, allUplink-r16 NULL, explicit-r16 SEQUENCE {
nrofDownlinkSymbols-r16Number of consecutive DL symbols in the beginning of the slot identified by slotIndex. If the field is absent the UE assumes that there are no leading DL symbols. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
INTEGER (1..maxNrofSymbols-1) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
nrofUplinkSymbols-r16Number of consecutive UL symbols in the end of the slot identified by slotIndex. If the field is absent the UE assumes that there are no trailing UL symbols. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
INTEGER (1..maxNrofSymbols-1) OPTIONAL -- Need S }, explicit-IAB-MT-r16 SEQUENCE {
nrofDownlinkSymbols-r16Number of consecutive DL symbols in the beginning of the slot identified by slotIndex. If the field is absent the UE assumes that there are no leading DL symbols. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
INTEGER (1..maxNrofSymbols-1) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
nrofUplinkSymbols-r16Number of consecutive UL symbols in the end of the slot identified by slotIndex. If the field is absent the UE assumes that there are no trailing UL symbols. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
INTEGER (1..maxNrofSymbols-1) OPTIONAL -- Need S } } } TDD-UL-DL-SlotIndex ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSlots-1) -- TAG-TDD-UL-DL-CONFIGDEDICATED-STOP -- ASN1STOP
TDD-UL-DL-ConfigCommon field descriptions
Reference SCS used to determine the time domain boundaries in the UL-DL pattern which must be common across all subcarrier specific carriers, i.e., independent of the actual subcarrier spacing using for data transmission. Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency: FR1: 15, 30, or 60 kHz FR2-1: 60 or 120 kHz FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz The network configures a not larger than any SCS of configured BWPs for the serving cell. The network or SL-PreconfigGeneralconfigures a not larger than the SCS of (pre-)configured SL BWP.See TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.
TDD-UL-DL-Pattern field descriptions
Periodicity of the DL-UL pattern, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.If the dl-UL-TransmissionPeriodicity-v1530 is signalled, UE shall ignore the dl-UL-TransmissionPeriodicity (without suffix).
Number of consecutive full DL slots at the beginning of each DL-UL pattern, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1. In this release, the maximum value for this field is 320.
Number of consecutive DL symbols in the beginning of the slot following the last full DL slot (as derived from nrofDownlinkSlots). The value 0 indicates that there is no partial-downlink slot. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
Number of consecutive full UL slots at the end of each DL-UL pattern, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1. In this release, the maximum value for this field is 320.
Number of consecutive UL symbols in the end of the slot preceding the first full UL slot (as derived from nrofUplinkSlots). The value 0 indicates that there is no partial-uplink slot. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
TDD-UL-DL-ConfigDedicated field descriptions
The slotSpecificConfigurationToAddModList allows overriding UL/DL allocations provided in tdd-UL-DL-configurationCommon, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.
TDD-UL-DL-ConfigDedicated-IAB-MT field descriptions
The slotSpecificConfigurationToAddModList-IAB-MT allows overriding UL/DL allocations provided in tdd-UL-DL-configurationCommon with a limitation that effectively only flexible symbols can be overwritten in Rel-16.
The slotSpecificConfigurationsToReleaseList-IAB-MT allows release of a set of slot configuration previously add with slotSpecificConfigurationToAddModList-IAB-MT.
TDD-UL-DL-SlotConfig field descriptions
Number of consecutive DL symbols in the beginning of the slot identified by slotIndex. If the field is absent the UE assumes that there are no leading DL symbols. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
Number of consecutive UL symbols in the end of the slot identified by slotIndex. If the field is absent the UE assumes that there are no trailing UL symbols. (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1).
Identifies a slot within a slot configuration periodgiven in tdd-UL-DL-configurationCommon, see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.1.
The direction (downlink or uplink) for the symbols in this slot. Value allDownlink indicates that all symbols in this slot are used for downlink; value allUplink indicates that all symbols in this slot are used for uplink; value explicit indicates explicitly how many symbols in the beginning and end of this slot are allocated to downlink and uplink, respectively.
TDD-UL-DL-SlotConfig-IAB-MT field descriptions
The symbols-IAB-MTis used to configure an IAB-MT with the SlotConfig applicable for one serving cell. Value allDownlink indicates that all symbols in this slot are used for downlink; value allUplink indicates that all symbols in this slot are used for uplink; value explicit indicates explicitly how many symbols in the beginning and end of this slot are allocated to downlink and uplink, respectively; value explicit-IAB-MTindicates explicitly how many symbols in the beginning and end of this slot are allocated to uplink and downlink, respectively.

The IE TrackingAreaCode is used to identify a tracking area within the scope of a PLMN/SNPN, see TS 24.501 [23].

The IE T-Reselection concerns the cell reselection timer TreselectionRAT for NR and E-UTRA. Value in seconds. For value 0, behaviour as specified in 7.1.2 applies.

The IE TimeAlignmentTimer is used to configure the time alignment timer as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The values are in ms.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-TIMEALIGNMENTTIMER-START TimeAlignmentTimer ::= ENUMERATED {ms500, ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, ms5120, ms10240, infinity} -- TAG-TIMEALIGNMENTTIMER-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE TimeToTrigger specifies the value range used for time to trigger parameter, which concerns the time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a measurement report. Value ms0 corresponds to 0 ms and behaviour as specified in 7.1.2 applies, value ms40 corresponds to 40 ms, and so on.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-TIMETOTRIGGER-START TimeToTrigger ::= ENUMERATED { ms0, ms40, ms64, ms80, ms100, ms128, ms160, ms256, ms320, ms480, ms512, ms640, ms1024, ms1280, ms2560, ms5120} -- TAG-TIMETOTRIGGER-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE TN-AreaId is used to identify a TN coverage area in an NTN system.

The IE UAC-BarringInfoSetIndex provides the index of the entry in uac-BarringInfoSetList. Value 1 corresponds to the first entry in uac-BarringInfoSetList, value 2 corresponds to the second entry in this list and so on. An index value referring to an entry not included in uac-BarringInfoSetList indicates no barring.

The IE UAC-BarringInfoSetList provides a list of access control parameter sets. An access category can be configured with access parameters according to one of the sets.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UAC-BARRINGINFOSETLIST-START UAC-BarringInfoSetList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxBarringInfoSet)) OF UAC-BarringInfoSet UAC-BarringInfoSetList-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxBarringInfoSet)) OF UAC-BarringInfoSet-v1700 UAC-BarringInfoSet ::= SEQUENCE {
uac-BarringFactorRepresents the probability that access attempt would be allowed during access barring check.
ENUMERATED {p00, p05, p10, p15, p20, p25, p30, p40, p50, p60, p70, p75, p80, p85, p90, p95},
uac-BarringTimeThe average time in seconds before a new access attempt is to be performed after an access attempt was barred at access barring check for the same access category, see
ENUMERATED {s4, s8, s16, s32, s64, s128, s256, s512},
uac-BarringForAccessIdentityIndicates whether access attempt is allowed for each Access Identity. The leftmost bit, bit 0 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 1, bit 1 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 2, bit 2 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 11, bit 3 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 12, bit 4 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 13, bit 5 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 14, and bit 6 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 15. Value 0 means that access attempt is allowed for the corresponding access identity.
BIT STRING (SIZE(7)) } UAC-BarringInfoSet-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
uac-BarringFactorForAI3-r17Barring factor applicable for Access Identity 3. Represents the probability that access attempt would be allowed during access barring check. If absent, the UE considers the access attempt as allowed.
ENUMERATED {p00, p05, p10, p15, p20, p25, p30, p40, p50, p60, p70, p75, p80, p85, p90, p95} OPTIONAL -- Need S } -- TAG-UAC-BARRINGINFOSETLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UAC-BarringInfoSetList field descriptions
List of access control parameter sets. Each access category can be configured with access parameters corresponding to a particular set by uac-barringInfoSetIndex. Association of an access category with an index that has no corresponding entry in the uac-BarringInfoSetList is valid configuration and indicates no barring.
Indicates whether access attempt is allowed for each Access Identity. The leftmost bit, bit 0 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 1, bit 1 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 2, bit 2 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 11, bit 3 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 12, bit 4 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 13, bit 5 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 14, and bit 6 in the bit string corresponds to Access Identity 15. Value 0 means that access attempt is allowed for the corresponding access identity.
Represents the probability that access attempt would be allowed during access barring check.
Barring factor applicable for Access Identity 3. Represents the probability that access attempt would be allowed during access barring check. If absent, the UE considers the access attempt as allowed.
The average time in seconds before a new access attempt is to be performed after an access attempt was barred at access barring check for the same access category, see

The IE UAC-BarringPerCatList provides access control parameters for a list of access categories.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UAC-BARRINGPERCATLIST-START UAC-BarringPerCatList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxAccessCat-1)) OF UAC-BarringPerCat UAC-BarringPerCat ::= SEQUENCE {
accessCategoryThe Access Category according to TS 22.261 [25].
INTEGER (1..maxAccessCat-1), uac-barringInfoSetIndex UAC-BarringInfoSetIndex } -- TAG-UAC-BARRINGPERCATLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UAC-BarringPerCatList field descriptions
The Access Category according to TS 22.261 [25].

The IE UAC-BarringPerPLMN-List provides access category specific access control parameters, which are configured per PLMN/SNPN.
plmn-IdentityIndexIndex of the PLMN or SNPN across the plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1.
uac-ACBarringListTypeAccess control parameters for each access category valid only for a specific PLMN or SNPN. UE behaviour upon absence of this field is specified in clause
CHOICE{ uac-ImplicitACBarringList SEQUENCE (SIZE(maxAccessCat-1)) OF UAC-BarringInfoSetIndex, uac-ExplicitACBarringList UAC-BarringPerCatList } OPTIONAL -- Need S } -- TAG-UAC-BARRINGPERPLMN-LIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UAC-BarringPerPLMN-List field descriptions
Access control parameters for each access category valid only for a specific PLMN or SNPN. UE behaviour upon absence of this field is specified in clause
Index of the PLMN or SNPN across the plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1.

The IE UE-TimersAndConstants contains timers and constants used by the UE in RRC_CONNECTED, RRC_INACTIVE and RRC_IDLE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UE-TIMERSANDCONSTANTS-START UE-TimersAndConstants ::= SEQUENCE { t300 ENUMERATED {ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000}, t301 ENUMERATED {ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000}, t310 ENUMERATED {ms0, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms500, ms1000, ms2000}, n310 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n6, n8, n10, n20}, t311 ENUMERATED {ms1000, ms3000, ms5000, ms10000, ms15000, ms20000, ms30000}, n311 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10}, t319 ENUMERATED {ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000}, ... } -- TAG-UE-TIMERSANDCONSTANTS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE UE-TimersAndConstantsRemoteUE contains timers and constants used by the L2 U2N Remote UE in RRC_CONNECTED, RRC_INACTIVE and RRC_IDLE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UE-TIMERSANDCONSTANTSREMOTEUE-START UE-TimersAndConstantsRemoteUE-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { t300-RemoteUE-r17 ENUMERATED {ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000} OPTIONAL, -- Need S t301-RemoteUE-r17 ENUMERATED {ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000} OPTIONAL, -- Need S t319-RemoteUE-r17 ENUMERATED {ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000} OPTIONAL, -- Need S ... } -- TAG-UE-TIMERSANDCONSTANTSREMOTEUE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE UL-DelayValueConfig specifies the configuration of the UL PDCP Packet Delay value per DRB measurement specified in TS 38.314 [53].
delay-DRBlist-r16Indicates the DRB IDs used by UE to provide results of UL PDCP Packet Delay value per DRB measurement as specified in TS 38.314 [53].
UE-TimersAndConstantsRemoteUE field descriptions
Indicates the timer value of T300 used by L2 U2N Remote UE. If the field is absent, the timer value indicated in t300 applies to L2 U2N Remote UE.
Indicates the timer value of T301 used by L2 U2N Remote UE. If the field is absent, the timer value indicated in t301 applies to L2 U2N Remote UE.
Indicates the timer value of T319 used by L2 U2N Remote UE. If the field is absent, the timer value indicated in t319 applies to L2 U2N Remote UE.
UL-DelayValueConfig field descriptions
Indicates the DRB IDs used by UE to provide results of UL PDCP Packet Delay value per DRB measurement as specified in TS 38.314 [53].

The IE UL-ExcessDelayConfig IE specifies the configuration of the UL PDCP Excess Packet Delay per DRB measurement specified in TS 38.314 [53].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-ULEXCESSDELAYCONFIG-START UL-ExcessDelayConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { excessDelay-DRBlist-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxDRB)) OF ExcessDelay-DRB-IdentityInfo-r17 } ExcessDelay-DRB-IdentityInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
drb-IdentityListIndicates the DRB IDs used by UE to provide results of UL PDCP Excess Packet Delay per DRB measurement as specified in TS 38.314 [53].
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDRB)) OF DRB-Identity,
delayThresholdIndicates the delay threshold for the DRB IDs indicated in DRB-IdentityList. Value ms0dot25 corresponds to 0.25ms, ms0dot5 corresponds to 0.5ms, ms1 corresponds to 1ms and so on.
ENUMERATED {ms0dot25, ms0dot5, ms1, ms2, ms4, ms5, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms70, ms80, ms90, ms100, ms150, ms300, ms500} } -- TAG-ULEXCESSDELAYCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UL-ExcessDelayConfig field descriptions
Indicates the DRB IDs used by UE to provide results of UL PDCP Excess Packet Delay per DRB measurement as specified in TS 38.314 [53].
Indicates the delay threshold for the DRB IDs indicated in DRB-IdentityList. Value ms0dot25 corresponds to 0.25ms, ms0dot5 corresponds to 0.5ms, ms1 corresponds to 1ms and so on.

The IE UL-GapFR2-Config specifies the FR2 uplink gap configuration.
gapOffset-r17Value gapOffset is the gap offset of the FR2 UL gap pattern with UGRP indicated in the field ugrp. The value range is from 0 to ugrp-1.
INTEGER (0..159),
ugl-r17Value ugl is the gap length in ms of the FR2 UL gap. The FR2 UL gap length is according to Table 9.1.11-1 in TS 38.133 [14]. Value ms0dot125 corresponds to 0.125 ms, ms0dot25corresponds to 0.25 ms and so on.
ENUMERATED {ms0dot125, ms0dot25, ms0dot5, ms1},
ugrp-r17Value ugrp is the gap repetition period in (ms) of the FR2 UL gap. The FR2 UL gap repetition period is according to Table 9.1.11-1 in TS 38.133 [14].
ENUMERATED {ms5, ms20, ms40, ms160},
refFR2-ServCellAsyncCA-r17Indicates the FR2 serving cell identifier whose SFN and subframe is used for FR2 UL gap calculation for this gap pattern with asynchronous CA involving FR2 carrier(s).
UL-GapFR2-Configfield descriptions
Value gapOffset is the gap offset of the FR2 UL gap pattern with UGRP indicated in the field ugrp. The value range is from 0 to ugrp-1.
Indicates the FR2 serving cell identifier whose SFN and subframe is used for FR2 UL gap calculation for this gap pattern with asynchronous CA involving FR2 carrier(s).
Value ugl is the gap length in ms of the FR2 UL gap. The FR2 UL gap length is according to Table 9.1.11-1 in TS 38.133 [14]. Value ms0dot125 corresponds to 0.125 ms, ms0dot25corresponds to 0.25 ms and so on.
Value ugrp is the gap repetition period in (ms) of the FR2 UL gap. The FR2 UL gap repetition period is according to Table 9.1.11-1 in TS 38.133 [14].
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present when configuring FR2 UL gap pattern to UE in:
- (NG)EN-DC, NR SA, NE-DC or NR-DC without FR2-FR2 band combination, with asynchronous CA involving FR2 carriers. Otherwise, it is absent.

The IE UplinkCancellation is used to configure the UE to monitor PDCCH for the CI-RNTI.
ci-RNTI-r16RNTI used for indication cancellation in UL (see TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
dci-PayloadSizeForCI-r16Total length of the DCI payload scrambled with CI-RNTI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
INTEGER (0..maxCI-DCI-PayloadSize-r16),
ci-ConfigurationPerServingCell-r16Indicates (per serving cell) the position of the ci-PaylaodSize bit CI values inside the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF CI-ConfigurationPerServingCell-r16, ... } CI-ConfigurationPerServingCell-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { servingCellId ServCellIndex,
positionInDCI-r16Starting position (in number of bit) of the ci-PayloadSize bit CI value applicable for this serving cell (servingCellId) within the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
INTEGER (0..maxCI-DCI-PayloadSize-1-r16),
positionInDCI-ForSUL-r16Starting position (in number of bit) of the ci-PayloadSize bit CI value applicable for SUL of this serving cell (servingCellId) within the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
INTEGER (0..maxCI-DCI-PayloadSize-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- Cond SUL-Only
ci-PayloadSize-r16Configures the field size for each UL cancelation indicator of this serving cell (servingCellId) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n5, n7, n8, n10, n14, n16, n20, n28, n32, n35, n42, n56, n112},
timeFrequencyRegion-r16Configures the reference time and frequency region where a detected UL CI is applicable of this serving cell (servingCellId) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
timeDurationForCI-r16Configures the duration of the reference time region in symbols where a detected UL CI is applicable of this serving cell (servingCellId) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A). If the field is absent, i.e., the configured UL CI monitoring periodicity indicated by monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset for DCI format 2_4 is larger than 1 slot or 1 slot with only one monitoring occasion, the UE applies the value of the configured UL CI monitoring periodicity,
ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n7, n14} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SymbolPeriodicity
timeGranularityForCI-r16Configures the number of partitions within the time region of this serving cell (servingCellId) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n7, n14, n28},
frequencyRegionForCI-r16Configures the reference frequency region where a detected UL CI is applicable (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A). It is defined in the same way as locationAndBandwidth.
INTEGER (0..37949),
deltaOffset-r16Configures the additional offset from the end of a PDCCH reception where the UE detects the DCI format 2_4 and the first symbol of the T_"CI" symbols, in the unit of OFDM symbols (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
INTEGER (0..2), ... }, uplinkCancellationPriority-v1610 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need S } -- TAG-UPLINKCANCELLATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UplinkCancellation field descriptions
Indicates (per serving cell) the position of the ci-PaylaodSize bit CI values inside the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
RNTI used for indication cancellation in UL (see TS 38.212 [17] clause 7.3.1 and TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
Total length of the DCI payload scrambled with CI-RNTI (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
CI-ConfigurationPerServingCell field descriptions
Configures the field size for each UL cancelation indicator of this serving cell (servingCellId) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
Configures the additional offset from the end of a PDCCH reception where the UE detects the DCI format 2_4 and the first symbol of the T_"CI" symbols, in the unit of OFDM symbols (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
Configures the reference frequency region where a detected UL CI is applicable (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A). It is defined in the same way as locationAndBandwidth.
Starting position (in number of bit) of the ci-PayloadSize bit CI value applicable for this serving cell (servingCellId) within the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
Starting position (in number of bit) of the ci-PayloadSize bit CI value applicable for SUL of this serving cell (servingCellId) within the DCI payload (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
Configures the duration of the reference time region in symbols where a detected UL CI is applicable of this serving cell (servingCellId) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A). If the field is absent, i.e., the configured UL CI monitoring periodicity indicated by monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset for DCI format 2_4 is larger than 1 slot or 1 slot with only one monitoring occasion, the UE applies the value of the configured UL CI monitoring periodicity,
Configures the reference time and frequency region where a detected UL CI is applicable of this serving cell (servingCellId) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
Configures the number of partitions within the time region of this serving cell (servingCellId) (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
Configures uplink cancellation behavior if both UL CI and intra-UE priority indicator are configured for a given UE. If the field is present, then UL CI is only applicable to the UL transmissions indicated/configured as low priority level. If the field is absent, UL CI is applicable to UL transmission irrespective of its priority level (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 11.2A).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need R, if supplementaryUplink is configured in ServingCellConfig. It is absent otherwise.
This field is mandatory present if the configured UL CI monitoring periodicity indicated by monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset for DCI format 2_4 is 1 slot with more than one monitoring occasion, otherwise absent.

The IE UplinkConfigCommon provides common uplink parameters of a cell.
frequencyInfoULAbsolute uplink frequency configuration and subcarrier specific virtual carriers.
FrequencyInfoUL OPTIONAL, -- Cond InterFreqHOAndServCellAdd
initialUplinkBWPThe initial uplink BWP configuration for a serving cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
BWP-UplinkCommon OPTIONAL, -- Cond ServCellAdd dummy TimeAlignmentTimer } UplinkConfigCommon-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
initialUplinkBWP-RedCap-r17If present, (e)RedCap UEs use this UL BWP instead of initialUplinkBWP. If absent, (e)RedCap UEs use initialUplinkBWP provided that it does not exceed the (e)RedCap UE maximum bandwidth (see also clause
UplinkConfigCommon field descriptions
Absolute uplink frequency configuration and subcarrier specific virtual carriers.
The initial uplink BWP configuration for a serving cell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
If present, (e)RedCap UEs use this UL BWP instead of initialUplinkBWP. If absent, (e)RedCap UEs use initialUplinkBWP provided that it does not exceed the (e)RedCap UE maximum bandwidth (see also clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present for inter-frequency handover and upon serving cell (PSCell/SCell) addition. Otherwise, the field is optionally present, Need M.
This field is mandatory present upon serving cell addition (for PSCell and SCell) and upon handover from E-UTRA to NR. It is optionally present, Need M otherwise.

The IE UplinkConfigCommonSIB provides common uplink parameters of a cell.
frequencyInfoULAbsolute uplink frequency configuration and subcarrier specific virtual carriers.
FrequencyInfoUL-SIB, initialUplinkBWP BWP-UplinkCommon, timeAlignmentTimerCommon TimeAlignmentTimer } UplinkConfigCommonSIB-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
initialUplinkBWP-RedCap-r17If present, (e)RedCap UEs use this UL BWP instead of initialUplinkBWP. If absent, (e)RedCap UEs use initialUplinkBWP provided that it does not exceed the (e)RedCap UE maximum bandwidth (see also clause
BWP-UplinkCommon OPTIONAL -- Need R } UplinkConfigCommonSIB-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyInfoUL-v1760 FrequencyInfoUL-SIB-v1760 } -- TAG-UPLINKCONFIGCOMMONSIB-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UplinkConfigCommonSIB field descriptions
Absolute uplink frequency configuration and subcarrier specific virtual carriers.
The initial uplink BWP configuration for a PCell (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 12).
If present, (e)RedCap UEs use this UL BWP instead of initialUplinkBWP. If absent, (e)RedCap UEs use initialUplinkBWP provided that it does not exceed the (e)RedCap UE maximum bandwidth (see also clause

The IE Uplink-PowerControl is used to configure UE specific power control parameter for PUSCH,PUCCH and SRS.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UPLINK-POWERCONTROL-START Uplink-powerControl-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-powercontrolId-r17 Uplink-powerControlId-r17, p0AlphaSetforPUSCH-r17 P0AlphaSet-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R p0AlphaSetforPUCCH-r17 P0AlphaSet-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need R p0AlphaSetforSRS-r17 P0AlphaSet-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } P0AlphaSet-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { p0-r17 INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need R alpha-r17 Alpha OPTIONAL, -- Need S closedLoopIndex-r17 ENUMERATED { i0, i1 } } Uplink-powerControlId-r17 ::= INTEGER(1..maxUL-TCI-r17) -- TAG-UPLINK-POWERCONTROL-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE Uu-RelayRLC-ChannelConfig is used to configure an RLC entity, a corresponding logical channel in MAC for Uu Relay RLC channel between L2 U2N Relay UE and network, or between a N3C relay UE and network in case of MP.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UU-RELAYRLC-CHANNELCONFIG-START Uu-RelayRLC-ChannelConfig-r17::= SEQUENCE { uu-LogicalChannelIdentity-r17 LogicalChannelIdentity OPTIONAL, -- Cond RelayLCH-SetupOnly uu-RelayRLC-ChannelID-r17 Uu-RelayRLC-ChannelID-r17, reestablishRLC-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N rlc-Config-r17 RLC-Config OPTIONAL, -- Cond RelayLCH-Setup mac-LogicalChannelConfig-r17 LogicalChannelConfig OPTIONAL, -- Cond RelayLCH-Setup ... } -- TAG-UU-RELAYRLC-CHANNELCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
Uplink-PowerControlfield descriptions
p0AlphaSetforPUSCH, p0AlphaSetforPUCCH, p0AlphaSetforSRS
Configures power control parameters for PUSCH, PUCCH and SRS (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.2). When the field alpha is absent in p0AlphaSetforPUSCH, the UE applies the value 1 for PUSCH power control. When the field alpha is absent in p0AlphaSetforSRS, the UE applies the value 1 for SRS power control. In p0AlphaSetForPUCCH, the field alpha is absent (not used).

The IE Uu-RelayRLC-ChannelID is used to identify a Uu Relay RLC channel in the link between L2 U2N Relay UE and network.
Uu-RelayRLC-ChannelConfigfield descriptions
Indicates the logical channel id for Uu Relay RLC channel of the L2 U2N Relay UE.
Indicates the Uu Relay RLC channel in the link between L2 U2N Relay UEand network.
Indicates that RLC should be re-established.
Determines the RLC mode (UM, AM) and provides corresponding parameters.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a new logical channel for a Uu Relay RLC channel. It is optionally present, Need M, otherwise.
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a new logical channel for a Uu Relay RLC channel. It is absent otherwise.

The IE UplinkTxDirectCurrentList indicates the Tx Direct Current locations per serving cell for each configured UL BWP in the serving cell, based on the BWP numerology and the associated carrier bandwidth.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UPLINKTXDIRECTCURRENTLIST-START UplinkTxDirectCurrentList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF UplinkTxDirectCurrentCell UplinkTxDirectCurrentCell ::= SEQUENCE { servCellIndex ServCellIndex, uplinkDirectCurrentBWP SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofBWPs)) OF UplinkTxDirectCurrentBWP, ..., [[ uplinkDirectCurrentBWP-SUL SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofBWPs)) OF UplinkTxDirectCurrentBWP OPTIONAL ]] } UplinkTxDirectCurrentBWP ::= SEQUENCE { bwp-Id BWP-Id, shift7dot5kHz BOOLEAN, txDirectCurrentLocation INTEGER (0..3301) } -- TAG-UPLINKTXDIRECTCURRENTLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE UplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrierList indicates the Tx Direct Current locations for intra-band CA including one, two or more uplink carriers. The UE does not report the uplink Direct Current location information for SUL carrier(s).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UPLINKTXDIRECTCURRENTMORECARRIERLIST-START UplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrierList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCC-Group-r17)) OF CC-Group-r17 CC-Group-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
servCellIndexLower-r17Indicates the serving cell index of the lowest edge of the CC-Group.
servCellIndexHigher-r17Indicates the serving cell index of the highest edge of the CC-Group. If asbsent, there is only one carrier in this group indicated by servCellIndexLower.
ServCellIndex OPTIONAL,
defaultDC-Location-r17Indicates the default DC location derivation option.The default Tx Direct Current is located at the mathematical center of the UE bandwidth, i.e. between the lower edge of the lowest subcarrier of the lowest frequency component and the upper edge of the highest subcarrier of the highest frequency component, rounded to the subcarrier grid of the lowest SCS defined for the component carrier on which the default Direct Current is located.The lowest and highest frequency components used for derivation of mathematical center are indicated by FrequencyComponent in the associated CC-Group,where the lowest frequency component and the highest frequency component may be the same. If the mathematical center of the UE bandwidth lands on frequencies where there is no subcarrier grid defined, the subcarrier grid of the lowest SCS of the nearest lower frequency component carrier shall be extended to cover the frequency of the mathematical default Direct Current location.
offsetToDefault-r17Indicates the DC location offset to the default DC location derived from defaultDC-Location. The lowest SCS in the CC group is used as the offset granularity. Value 0 respresents no offset. offsetValue is used in case DefaultDC-Location is set to configuredCarrier or configuredBWP. offsetlist is used in case DefaultDC-Location is set to activeCarrier or activeBWP. Each entity in this list corresponds to the entry in carriers combination in IntraBandCC-CombinationReqList of the intra-band CA component. For each CC group, the UE shall include the same number of entries, and listed in the same order as in CC-CombinationList. If DefaultDC-Location is set the activeCarrier, same offsetValue is signalled for all requested carriers combinations with same active carriers states(regardless of the active BWP index).
CHOICE{ offsetValue OffsetValue-r17, offsetlist SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofReqComDC-Location-r17)) OF OffsetValue-r17 } OPTIONAL } OffsetValue-r17::= SEQUENCE { offsetValue-r17 INTEGER (-20000.. 20000),
shift7dot5kHz-r17Indicates whether there is 7.5 kHz shift or not. 7.5 kHz shift is applied if the field is set to true, otherwise 7.5 kHz shift is not applied.
BOOLEAN } DefaultDC-Location-r17 ::= CHOICE {
ulIndicates that the default DC location is derived based on the UL frequencies of the frequency component.
dlIndicates that the default DC location is derived based on the DL frequencies of the frequency component.
ulAndDLIndicates that the default DC location is derived based on the edge most frequencies among any DL and UL frequency components.
FrequencyComponent-r17 } FrequencyComponent-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {activeCarrier,configuredCarrier,activeBWP,configuredBWP} -- TAG-UPLINKTXDIRECTCURRENTMORECARRIERLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UplinkTxDirectCurrentBWP field descriptions
The BWP-Id of the corresponding uplink BWP.
Indicates whether there is 7.5 kHz shift or not. 7.5 kHz shift is applied if the field is set to true. Otherwise 7.5 kHz shift is not applied.
The uplink Tx Direct Current location for the carrier. Only values in the value range of this field between 0 and 3299, which indicate the subcarrier index within the carrier corresponding to the numerology of the corresponding uplink BWP and value 3300, which indicates "Outside the carrier" and value 3301, which indicates "Undetermined position within the carrier" are used in this version of the specification.
UplinkTxDirectCurrentCell field descriptions
The serving cell ID of the serving cell corresponding to the uplinkDirectCurrentBWP.
The Tx Direct Current locations for all the uplink BWPs configured at the corresponding serving cell.
The Tx Direct Current locations for all the supplementary uplink BWPs configured at the corresponding serving cell.
UplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrierList and CC-Group field descriptions
The contiguous carriers sharing the same PA in an intra-band UL CA configuration.The UE shall report only one DC location for an intra-band CC combination with one active uplink carrier in case DefaultDC-Location is set to activeCarrier or activeBWP.
Indicates the default DC location derivation option.The default Tx Direct Current is located at the mathematical center of the UE bandwidth, i.e. between the lower edge of the lowest subcarrier of the lowest frequency component and the upper edge of the highest subcarrier of the highest frequency component, rounded to the subcarrier grid of the lowest SCS defined for the component carrier on which the default Direct Current is located.The lowest and highest frequency components used for derivation of mathematical center are indicated by FrequencyComponent in the associated CC-Group,where the lowest frequency component and the highest frequency component may be the same. If the mathematical center of the UE bandwidth lands on frequencies where there is no subcarrier grid defined, the subcarrier grid of the lowest SCS of the nearest lower frequency component carrier shall be extended to cover the frequency of the mathematical default Direct Current location.
Indicates the DC location offset to the default DC location derived from defaultDC-Location. The lowest SCS in the CC group is used as the offset granularity. Value 0 respresents no offset. offsetValue is used in case DefaultDC-Location is set to configuredCarrier or configuredBWP. offsetlist is used in case DefaultDC-Location is set to activeCarrier or activeBWP. Each entity in this list corresponds to the entry in carriers combination in IntraBandCC-CombinationReqList of the intra-band CA component. For each CC group, the UE shall include the same number of entries, and listed in the same order as in CC-CombinationList. If DefaultDC-Location is set the activeCarrier, same offsetValue is signalled for all requested carriers combinations with same active carriers states(regardless of the active BWP index).
Indicates the serving cell index of the highest edge of the CC-Group. If asbsent, there is only one carrier in this group indicated by servCellIndexLower.
Indicates the serving cell index of the lowest edge of the CC-Group.
Indicates whether there is 7.5 kHz shift or not. 7.5 kHz shift is applied if the field is set to true, otherwise 7.5 kHz shift is not applied.
DefaultDC-Location field descriptions
Indicates that the default DC location is derived based on the DL frequencies of the frequency component.
Indicates that the default DC location is derived based on the UL frequencies of the frequency component.
Indicates that the default DC location is derived based on the edge most frequencies among any DL and UL frequency components.

The IE UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierList indicates the Tx Direct Current locations when uplink intra-band CA with two carriers is configured, based on the configured carriers and BWP numerology and the associated carrier bandwidth of the carriers. The UE does not report the uplink Direct Current location information for SUL carrier(s).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UPLINKTXDIRECTCURRENTTWOCARRIERLIST-START UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTxDC-TwoCarrier-r16)) OF UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier-r16 UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
carrierOneInfo-r16The serving cell ID and BWP ID of the first carrier of the uplink carrier aggregation for which the uplink Tx Direct Current location(s) are being reported.
carrierTwoInfo-r16The serving cell ID and BWP ID of the second carrier of the uplink carrier aggregation for which the uplink Tx Direct Current location(s) are being reported.
singlePA-TxDirectCurrent-r16The uplink Tx Direct Current location for the UE which support single PA for this uplink carrier aggregation. For the UEs which support dual PA for this uplink carrier aggregation, this field is for reporting the uplink Tx Direct Current location of the first PA.
secondPA-TxDirectCurrent-r16The uplink Tx Direct Current location used by the UE with the second PA for the UEs which support dual PA for this uplink carrier aggregation. This field shall be absent for the UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier entity where deactivatedCarrier of carrierOneInfo or carrierTwoInfo is set to deactivated.
UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierInfo-r16 OPTIONAL } UplinkTxDirectCurrentCarrierInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
servCellIndex-r16The serving cell ID of the serving cell which is part of the two carrier uplink carrier aggregation.
ServCellIndex, servCellInfo-r16 CHOICE {
bwp-Id-r16The BWP ID of the serving cell which is part of the two carrier uplink carrier aggregation. The UE shall not report this field if the serving cell is reported as deactivated using deactivatedCarrier-r16.
deactivatedCarrier-r16For the reported uplink Tx Direct Current location(s) corresponding to singlePA-TxDirectCurrent-r16, indicates whether the carrier is deactivated or not for this serving cell. If the carrier refers to the PCell, the UE shall not set this field to deactivated.
ENUMERATED {deactivated} } } UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
referenceCarrierIndex-r16The serving cell ID of the carrier which is to be used as the reference for interpreting the Tx Direction Current location as reported using txDirectCurrentLocation-r16. The numerology of the uplink BWP ID reported with bwp-Id-r16 for this serving cell is the numerology used for interpreting the reported subcarrier location.
shift7dot5kHz-r16Indicates whether there is 7.5 kHz shift or not. 7.5 kHz shift is applied if the field is set to true. Otherwise 7.5 kHz shift is not applied.
txDirectCurrentLocation-r16The uplink Tx Direct Current location for the two carrier uplink CA with the serving cells reported using carrierOneInfo-r16 and carrierTwoInfo-r16. Values in the range of this field between 0 and 3299 indicate the subcarrier index of the uplink Tx Direct Current location with the subcarrier taken from the serving cell with ID referenceCarrierIndex and the numerology of the corresponding uplink BWP reported for this serving cell. Value 3300 indicates "Outside the carrier" and value 3301 indicates "Undetermined position within the carrier".
UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierInfo field descriptions
The serving cell ID of the carrier which is to be used as the reference for interpreting the Tx Direction Current location as reported using txDirectCurrentLocation-r16. The numerology of the uplink BWP ID reported with bwp-Id-r16 for this serving cell is the numerology used for interpreting the reported subcarrier location.
Indicates whether there is 7.5 kHz shift or not. 7.5 kHz shift is applied if the field is set to true. Otherwise 7.5 kHz shift is not applied.
The uplink Tx Direct Current location for the two carrier uplink CA with the serving cells reported using carrierOneInfo-r16 and carrierTwoInfo-r16. Values in the range of this field between 0 and 3299 indicate the subcarrier index of the uplink Tx Direct Current location with the subcarrier taken from the serving cell with ID referenceCarrierIndex and the numerology of the corresponding uplink BWP reported for this serving cell. Value 3300 indicates "Outside the carrier" and value 3301 indicates "Undetermined position within the carrier".
UplinkTxDirectCurrentCarrierInfo field descriptions
The BWP ID of the serving cell which is part of the two carrier uplink carrier aggregation. The UE shall not report this field if the serving cell is reported as deactivated using deactivatedCarrier-r16.
For the reported uplink Tx Direct Current location(s) corresponding to singlePA-TxDirectCurrent-r16, indicates whether the carrier is deactivated or not for this serving cell. If the carrier refers to the PCell, the UE shall not set this field to deactivated.
The serving cell ID of the serving cell which is part of the two carrier uplink carrier aggregation.
UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier field descriptions
The serving cell ID and BWP ID of the first carrier of the uplink carrier aggregation for which the uplink Tx Direct Current location(s) are being reported.
The serving cell ID and BWP ID of the second carrier of the uplink carrier aggregation for which the uplink Tx Direct Current location(s) are being reported.
The uplink Tx Direct Current location for the UE which support single PA for this uplink carrier aggregation. For the UEs which support dual PA for this uplink carrier aggregation, this field is for reporting the uplink Tx Direct Current location of the first PA.
The uplink Tx Direct Current location used by the UE with the second PA for the UEs which support dual PA for this uplink carrier aggregation. This field shall be absent for the UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier entity where deactivatedCarrier of carrierOneInfo or carrierTwoInfo is set to deactivated.

The IE ZP-CSI-RS-Resource is used to configure a Zero-Power (ZP) CSI-RS resource (see TS 38.214 [19], clause Reconfiguration of a ZP-CSI-RS-Resource between periodic or semi-persistent and aperiodic is not supported.
zp-CSI-RS-ResourceIdZP CSI-RS resource configuration ID (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
resourceMappingOFDM symbol and subcarrier occupancy of the ZP-CSI-RS resource within a slot.
periodicityAndOffsetPeriodicity and slot offset for periodic/semi-persistent ZP-CSI-RS (see TS 38.214 [19], clause Network always configures the UE with a value for this field for periodic and semi-persistent ZP-CSI-RS resource (as indicated in PDSCH-Config).
CSI-ResourcePeriodicityAndOffset OPTIONAL, --Cond PeriodicOrSemiPersistent ... } ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-Resources-1) -- TAG-ZP-CSI-RS-RESOURCE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
ZP-CSI-RS-Resource field descriptions
Periodicity and slot offset for periodic/semi-persistent ZP-CSI-RS (see TS 38.214 [19], clause Network always configures the UE with a value for this field for periodic and semi-persistent ZP-CSI-RS resource (as indicated in PDSCH-Config).
OFDM symbol and subcarrier occupancy of the ZP-CSI-RS resource within a slot.
ZP CSI-RS resource configuration ID (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need M, for periodic and semi-persistent ZP-CSI-RS-Resources (as indicated in PDSCH-Config). The field is absent otherwise.

The IE ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet refers to a set of ZP-CSI-RS-Resources using their ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceIds.
zp-CSI-RS-ResourceIdListThe list of ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId identifying the ZP-CSI-RS-Resource elements belonging to this set.
ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet field descriptions
The list of ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId identifying the ZP-CSI-RS-Resource elements belonging to this set.

The IE ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetId identifies a ZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSet.

6.3.3 UE capability information elements
The IE AccessStratumRelease indicates the release supported by the UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-ACCESSSTRATUMRELEASE-START AccessStratumRelease ::= ENUMERATED { rel15, rel16, rel17, rel18, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1, ... } -- TAG-ACCESSSTRATUMRELEASE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE AerialParameters is used to convey the capabilities supported by the UE for aerial operation.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-AERIALPARAMETERS-START AerialParameters-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Support of Aerial UE features aerialUE-Capability-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- Support of altitude measurement and event H1/H2-triggered reporting altitudeMeas-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- Support of altitude based measurement configuration of SSB-ToMeasure altitudeBasedSSB-ToMeasure-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- Support of events A3H1, A3H2, A4H1, A4H2, A5H1, A5H2 eventAxHy-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- Support of flight path reporting flightPathReporting-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- Support of flight path availability indication via UAI flightPathAvailabilityIndicationUAI-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- Support of numberOfTriggeringCells for eventA3, eventA4, and eventA5, and additionally, if the UE supports eventAxHy-r18, -- support of numberOfTriggeringCells for eventA3H1, eventA3H2, eventA4H1, eventA4H2, eventA5H1, and eventA5H2 multipleCellsMeasExtension-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- Support of handling aerial-specific Ns value(s) and Pmax list broadcasted by the cell nr-NS-PmaxListAerial-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- Support of reporting only the measurement report corresponding to the event with the smallest value between the -- altitude of the UAV and the altitude threshold for which the altitude-related entering condition e.g. A3H1-2 is satisfied, when -- multiple events of the same type (Hx or AxHy) for the same MO (for AxHy) are triggered simultaneously. simulMultiTriggerSingleMeasReport-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- Support of A2X service(s) using PC5 Sidelink and dedicated resource pool for A2X service(s) sl-A2X-Service-r18 ENUMERATED {brid, daa, bridAndDAA} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-AERIALPARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE AppLayerMeasParameters is used to convey the capabilities supported by the UE for application layer measurements.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-APPLAYERMEASPARAMETERS-START AppLayerMeasParameters-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { qoe-Streaming-MeasReport-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, qoe-MTSI-MeasReport-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, qoe-VR-MeasReport-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ran-VisibleQoE-Streaming-MeasReport-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ran-VisibleQoE-VR-MeasReport-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ul-MeasurementReportAppLayer-Seg-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ qoe-IdleInactiveMeasReport-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, qoe-NRDC-MeasReport-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, qoe-AdditionalMemoryMeasReport-r18 ENUMERATED {kB128, kB256, kB512, kB1024} OPTIONAL, qoe-PriorityBasedDiscarding-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, srb5-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } -- TAG-APPLAYERMEASPARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE BandCombinationList contains a list of NR CA,NR non-CA and/or MR-DC band combinations (also including DL only or UL only band).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-BANDCOMBINATIONLIST-START BandCombinationList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination BandCombinationList-v1540 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1540 BandCombinationList-v1550 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1550 BandCombinationList-v1560 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1560 BandCombinationList-v1570 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1570 BandCombinationList-v1580 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1580 BandCombinationList-v1590 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1590 BandCombinationList-v15g0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v15g0 BandCombinationList-v15n0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v15n0 BandCombinationList-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1610 BandCombinationList-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1630 BandCombinationList-v1640 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1640 BandCombinationList-v1650 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1650 BandCombinationList-v1680 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1680 BandCombinationList-v1690 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1690 BandCombinationList-v16a0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v16a0 BandCombinationList-v16j0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v16j0 BandCombinationList-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1700 BandCombinationList-v1720 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1720 BandCombinationList-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1730 BandCombinationList-v1740 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1740 BandCombinationList-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1760 BandCombinationList-v1770 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1770 BandCombinationList-v1780 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1780 BandCombinationList-v1790 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1790 BandCombinationList-v17b0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v17b0 BandCombinationList-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1800 BandCombinationList-v1830 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1830 BandCombinationList-v1840 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-v1840 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-r16 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1630 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1640 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1640 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1650 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1650 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1670 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1670 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1690 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1690 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16a0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v16a0 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16e0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v16e0 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16j0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v16j0 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1700 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1720 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1720 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1730 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1740 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1740 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1760 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1770 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1770 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1780 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1780 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1790 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1790 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v17b0 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v17b0 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1800 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1830 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1830 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1840 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1840 BandCombination ::= SEQUENCE { bandList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParameters, featureSetCombination FeatureSetCombinationId, ca-ParametersEUTRA CA-ParametersEUTRA OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNR CA-ParametersNR OPTIONAL, mrdc-Parameters MRDC-Parameters OPTIONAL, supportedBandwidthCombinationSet BIT STRING (SIZE (1..32)) OPTIONAL, powerClass-v1530 ENUMERATED {pc2} OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1540::= SEQUENCE { bandList-v1540 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParameters-v1540, ca-ParametersNR-v1540 CA-ParametersNR-v1540 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1550 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v1550 CA-ParametersNR-v1550 } BandCombination-v1560::= SEQUENCE {
ne-DC-BCIf the field is included for a band combination in the MR-DC capability container, the field indicates support of NE-DC. Otherwise, the field is absent.
ca-ParametersNRDCIf the field (without suffix) is included for a band combination in the NR capability container, the field (without suffix) indicates support of NR-DC. Otherwise, the field is absent. If a version of the field (with suffix) is absent for a band combination, ca-ParametersNR field version in BandCombination corresponding to the ca-ParametersNR-ForDC field version in the field (with suffix) is applicable to the UE configured with NR-DC for the band combination.
CA-ParametersNRDC OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersEUTRA-v1560 CA-ParametersEUTRA-v1560 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNR-v1560 CA-ParametersNR-v1560 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1570 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersEUTRA-v1570 CA-ParametersEUTRA-v1570 } BandCombination-v1580 ::= SEQUENCE { mrdc-Parameters-v1580 MRDC-Parameters-v1580 } BandCombination-v1590::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandwidthCombinationSetIntraENDC BIT STRING (SIZE (1..32)) OPTIONAL, mrdc-Parameters-v1590 MRDC-Parameters-v1590 } BandCombination-v15g0::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v15g0 CA-ParametersNR-v15g0 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v15g0 CA-ParametersNRDC-v15g0 OPTIONAL, mrdc-Parameters-v15g0 MRDC-Parameters-v15g0 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v15n0::= SEQUENCE { mrdc-Parameters-v15n0 MRDC-Parameters-v15n0 } BandCombination-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { bandList-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParameters-v1610 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNR-v1610 CA-ParametersNR-v1610 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v1610 CA-ParametersNRDC-v1610 OPTIONAL, powerClass-v1610 ENUMERATED {pc1dot5} OPTIONAL, powerClassNRPart-r16 ENUMERATED {pc1, pc2, pc3, pc5} OPTIONAL,
featureSetCombinationDAPS-r16If this field is present for a band combination, it reports the feature set combination supported for the band combination when any DAPS bearer is configured.
FeatureSetCombinationId OPTIONAL, mrdc-Parameters-v1620 MRDC-Parameters-v1620 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v1630 CA-ParametersNR-v1630 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v1630 CA-ParametersNRDC-v1630 OPTIONAL, mrdc-Parameters-v1630 MRDC-Parameters-v1630 OPTIONAL, supportedTxBandCombListPerBC-Sidelink-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OPTIONAL, supportedRxBandCombListPerBC-Sidelink-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OPTIONAL, scalingFactorTxSidelink-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF ScalingFactorSidelink-r16 OPTIONAL, scalingFactorRxSidelink-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF ScalingFactorSidelink-r16 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1640 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v1640 CA-ParametersNR-v1640 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v1640 CA-ParametersNRDC-v1640 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1650 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNRDC-v1650 CA-ParametersNRDC-v1650 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1680 ::= SEQUENCE { intrabandConcurrentOperationPowerClass-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF IntraBandPowerClass-r16 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1690 ::= SEQUENCE { dummy CA-ParametersNR-v1690 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v16a0 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v16a0 CA-ParametersNR-v16a0 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v16a0 CA-ParametersNRDC-v16a0 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v16j0::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v16j0 CA-ParametersNR-v1690 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v16j0 CA-ParametersNRDC-v16j0 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v1700 CA-ParametersNR-v1700 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v1700 CA-ParametersNRDC-v1700 OPTIONAL, mrdc-Parameters-v1700 MRDC-Parameters-v1700 OPTIONAL, bandList-v1710 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParameters-v1710 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombListPerBC-SL-RelayDiscovery-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombListPerBC-SL-NonRelayDiscovery-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1720 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v1720 CA-ParametersNR-v1720 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v1720 CA-ParametersNRDC-v1720 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v1730 CA-ParametersNR-v1730 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v1730 CA-ParametersNRDC-v1730 OPTIONAL, bandList-v1730 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParameters-v1730 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1740 ::= SEQUENCE { dummy CA-ParametersNR-v1740 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v1760 CA-ParametersNR-v1760, ca-ParametersNRDC-v1760 CA-ParametersNRDC-v1760 } BandCombination-v1770::= SEQUENCE { bandList-v1770 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParameters-v1770, mrdc-Parameters-v1770 MRDC-Parameters-v1770 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNR-v1770 CA-ParametersNR-v1770 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1780 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v1780 CA-ParametersNR-v1780 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v1780 CA-ParametersNRDC-v1780 OPTIONAL, bandList-v1780 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParameters-v1780 OPTIONAL, mrdc-Parameters-v1780 MRDC-Parameters-v1770 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1790 ::= SEQUENCE {
supportedIntraENDC-BandCombinationList-r17Indicates BCS and/or spectrum contiguity capability for each entry in a list of intra-band (NG)EN-DC components in an inter-band (NG)EN-DC band combination. The UE shall include the entries in the order corresponding to the order of NR band entries of the intra-band (NG)EN-DC components in the bandList in the inter-band (NG)EN-DC band combination (i.e., BandCombination without suffix).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofIntraEndc-Components-r17)) OF SupportedIntraENDC-BandCombination-r17 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v17b0::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v17b0 CA-ParametersNR-v1740 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v17b0 CA-ParametersNRDC-v17b0 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v1800 CA-ParametersNR-v1800 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v1800 CA-ParametersNRDC-v1800 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombListPerBC-SL-U2U-RelayDiscovery-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OPTIONAL, bandList-v1810 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParameters-v1810 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1830 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-v1830 CA-ParametersNR-v1830 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNRDC-v1830 CA-ParametersNRDC-v1830 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-v1840 ::= SEQUENCE { mrdc-Parameters-v1840 MRDC-Parameters-v1840 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-r16 BandCombination, bandCombination-v1540 BandCombination-v1540 OPTIONAL, bandCombination-v1560 BandCombination-v1560 OPTIONAL, bandCombination-v1570 BandCombination-v1570 OPTIONAL, bandCombination-v1580 BandCombination-v1580 OPTIONAL, bandCombination-v1590 BandCombination-v1590 OPTIONAL, bandCombination-v1610 BandCombination-v1610 OPTIONAL, supportedBandPairListNR-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxULTxSwitchingBandPairs)) OF ULTxSwitchingBandPair-r16, uplinkTxSwitching-OptionSupport-r16 ENUMERATED {switchedUL, dualUL, both} OPTIONAL, uplinkTxSwitching-PowerBoosting-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ -- R4 16-5 UL-MIMO coherence capability for dynamic Tx switching between 3CC 1Tx-2Tx switching uplinkTxSwitching-PUSCH-TransCoherence-r16 ENUMERATED {nonCoherent, fullCoherent} OPTIONAL ]] } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1630 BandCombination-v1630 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1640 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1640 BandCombination-v1640 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1650 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1650 BandCombination-v1650 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1670 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v15g0 BandCombination-v15g0 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1690 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1690 BandCombination-v1690 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v16a0 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v16a0 BandCombination-v16a0 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v16e0 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v15n0 BandCombination-v15n0 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v16j0 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v16j0 BandCombination-v16j0 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1700 BandCombination-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- R4 16-1/16-2/16-3 Dynamic Tx switching between 2CC/3CC 2Tx-2Tx/1Tx-2Tx switching supportedBandPairListNR-v1700 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxULTxSwitchingBandPairs)) OF ULTxSwitchingBandPair-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- R4 16-6: UL-MIMO coherence capability for dynamic Tx switching between 2Tx-2Tx switching
uplinkTxSwitchingBandParametersList-v1700Indicates a list of per band per band combination capabilities for UL Tx switching.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxSimultaneousBands)) OF UplinkTxSwitchingBandParameters-v1700 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1720 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1720 BandCombination-v1720 OPTIONAL, uplinkTxSwitching-OptionSupport2T2T-r17 ENUMERATED {switchedUL, dualUL, both} OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1730 BandCombination-v1730 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1740 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1740 BandCombination-v1740 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1760 BandCombination-v1760 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1770 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1770 BandCombination-v1770 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1780 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1780 BandCombination-v1780 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1790 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1790 BandCombination-v1790 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v17b0 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v17b0 BandCombination-v17b0 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1800 BandCombination-v1800 OPTIONAL, supportedBandPairListNR-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxULTxSwitchingBandPairs)) OF ULTxSwitchingBandPair-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-Y: Minimum separation time for two uplink switching on more than 2 bands within any two consecutive reference slots uplinkTxSwitchingMinimumSeparationTime-r18 ENUMERATED {n0us, n500us} OPTIONAL, -- R4 38-4: Switching Period for unaffected Band for Dual UL uplinkTxSwitchingAdditionalPeriodDualUL-List-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxULTxSwitchingBetweenBandPairs-r18)) OF UplinkTxSwitchingAdditionalPeriodDualUL-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R4 38-6: Switching period restriction for fallback band combination switchingPeriodRestriction-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1830 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1830 BandCombination-v1830 OPTIONAL } BandCombination-UplinkTxSwitch-v1840 ::= SEQUENCE { bandCombination-v1840 BandCombination-v1840 OPTIONAL, supportedBandPairListNR-v1840 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxULTxSwitchingBandPairs)) OF ULTxSwitchingBandPair-v1840 OPTIONAL } ULTxSwitchingBandPair-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { bandIndexUL1-r16 INTEGER(1..maxSimultaneousBands), bandIndexUL2-r16 INTEGER(1..maxSimultaneousBands), uplinkTxSwitchingPeriod-r16 ENUMERATED {n35us, n140us, n210us}, uplinkTxSwitching-DL-Interruption-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE(1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OPTIONAL } ULTxSwitchingBandPair-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { uplinkTxSwitchingPeriod2T2T-r17 ENUMERATED {n35us, n140us, n210us} OPTIONAL } ULTxSwitchingBandPair-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { bandIndexUL1-r18 INTEGER(1..maxSimultaneousBands), bandIndexUL2-r18 INTEGER(1..maxSimultaneousBands), -- R1 49-X: Supported switching option for each band pair in the band combination for UL Tx switching across more than 2 bands uplinkTxSwitchingOptionForBandPair-r18 ENUMERATED {switchedUL, dualUL, both}, -- R4 38-1: Switching period for dynamic UL Tx switching across up to 4 bands in case of inter-band CA, SUL up to two TAGs uplinkTxSwitchingPeriodForBandPair-r18 SEQUENCE { switchingPeriodFor2T-r18 ENUMERATED {n35us, n140us, n210us} OPTIONAL, switchingPeriodFor1T-r18 ENUMERATED {n35us, n140us, n210us} }, -- R4 38-2: Application of DL interruptions due to dynamic UL Tx switching uplinkTxSwitching-DL-Interruption-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE(1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OPTIONAL, -- R4 38-3: Switching Period for unaffected Band for Dual UL uplinkTxSwitchingPeriodUnaffectedBandDualUL-List-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands-2-r18)) OF SwitchingPeriodUnaffectedBandDualUL-r18 OPTIONAL } ULTxSwitchingBandPair-v1840 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 49-Z: Support of 2-band configuration of 1T-1T UL Tx switching by using Rel-18 UL Tx switching configurations configured1T1T-OnTwoBands-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } UplinkTxSwitchingBandParameters-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { bandIndex-r17 INTEGER(1..maxSimultaneousBands), -- R4 38-5: UL-MIMO coherence capability for dynamic Tx switching between 2Tx-2Tx switching among up to 4 bands uplinkTxSwitching2T2T-PUSCH-TransCoherence-r17 ENUMERATED {nonCoherent, fullCoherent} OPTIONAL } UplinkTxSwitchingAdditionalPeriodDualUL-r18::= SEQUENCE { uplinkTxSwitchingBetweenBandPairs-r18 SEQUENCE { bandPairIndex1-r18 INTEGER(1..maxULTxSwitchingBandPairs), anotherBandPairOrBand-r18 CHOICE { bandPairIndex2-r18 INTEGER(1..maxULTxSwitchingBandPairs), bandIndex-r18 INTEGER(1..maxSimultaneousBands) } }, -- R4 38-4: Additional switching Period for switching case across three or four bands for Dual UL switchingAdditionalPeriodDualUL-r18 ENUMERATED {n35us, n140us, n210us} } SwitchingPeriodUnaffectedBandDualUL-r18::= SEQUENCE { bandIndexUnaffected-r18 INTEGER(1..maxSimultaneousBands), periodUnaffectedBandDualUL-r18 CHOICE { maintainedUL-Trans-r18 NULL, periodOnULBands-r18 ENUMERATED {n35us, n140us, n210us} } } BandParameters ::= CHOICE { eutra SEQUENCE { bandEUTRA FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA, ca-BandwidthClassDL-EUTRA CA-BandwidthClassEUTRA OPTIONAL, ca-BandwidthClassUL-EUTRA CA-BandwidthClassEUTRA OPTIONAL }, nr SEQUENCE { bandNR FreqBandIndicatorNR, ca-BandwidthClassDL-NR CA-BandwidthClassNR OPTIONAL, ca-BandwidthClassUL-NR CA-BandwidthClassNR OPTIONAL } } BandParameters-v1540 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-CarrierSwitch CHOICE { nr SEQUENCE {
srs-SwitchingTimesListNRIndicates, for a particular pair of NR bands, the RF retuning time when switching between a NR carrier corresponding to this band entry and another (PUSCH-less) NR carrier corresponding to the band entry in the order indicated below: -For the first NR band, the UE shall include the same number of entries for NR bands as in bandList, i.e. first entry corresponds to first NR band in bandList and so on, -For the second NR band, the UE shall include one entry less, i.e. first entry corresponds to the second NR band in bandList and so on -And so on
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF SRS-SwitchingTimeNR }, eutra SEQUENCE {
srs-SwitchingTimesListEUTRAIndicates, for a particular pair of E-UTRA bands, the RF retuning time when switching between an E-UTRA carrier corresponding to this band entry and another (PUSCH-less) E-UTRA carrier corresponding to the band entry in the order indicated below: -For the first E-UTRA band, the UE shall include the same number of entries for E-UTRA bands as in bandList, i.e. first entry corresponds to first E-UTRA band in bandList and so on, -For the second E-UTRA band, the UE shall include one entry less, i.e. first entry corresponds to the second E-UTRA band in bandList and so on -And so on
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF SRS-SwitchingTimeEUTRA } } OPTIONAL,
srs-TxSwitchIndicates supported SRS antenna switch capability for the associated band. If the UE indicates support of SRS-SwitchingTimeNR, the UE is allowed to set this field for a band with associated FeatureSetUplinkId set to 0 for SRS carrier switching.
SEQUENCE { supportedSRS-TxPortSwitch ENUMERATED {t1r2, t1r4, t2r4, t1r4-t2r4, t1r1, t2r2, t4r4, notSupported}, txSwitchImpactToRx INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, txSwitchWithAnotherBand INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } BandParameters-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-TxSwitch-v1610 SEQUENCE { supportedSRS-TxPortSwitch-v1610 ENUMERATED {t1r1-t1r2, t1r1-t1r2-t1r4, t1r1-t1r2-t2r2-t2r4, t1r1-t1r2-t2r2-t1r4-t2r4, t1r1-t2r2, t1r1-t2r2-t4r4} } OPTIONAL } BandParameters-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 23-8-3SRS Antenna switching for >4Rx srs-AntennaSwitchingBeyond4RX-r17 SEQUENCE { -- 1. Support of SRS antenna switching xTyR with y>4 supportedSRS-TxPortSwitchBeyond4Rx-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (11)), -- 2. Report the entry number of the first-listed band with UL in the band combination that affects this DL entryNumberAffectBeyond4Rx-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, -- 3. Report the entry number of the first-listed band with UL in the band combination that switches together with this UL entryNumberSwitchBeyond4Rx-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } BandParameters-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 39-3-2Affected bands for inter-band CA during SRS carrier switching srs-SwitchingAffectedBandsListNR-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF SRS-SwitchingAffectedBandsNR-r17 } BandParameters-v1770 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-BandwidthClassDL-NR-r17 CA-BandwidthClassNR-r17 OPTIONAL, ca-BandwidthClassUL-NR-r17 CA-BandwidthClassNR-r17 OPTIONAL } BandParameters-v1780 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-BandwidthClassDL-NR-r17 CA-BandwidthClassNR-r17 OPTIONAL, ca-BandwidthClassUL-NR-r17 CA-BandwidthClassNR-r17 OPTIONAL, supportedAggBW-FR2-r17 SEQUENCE { supportedAggBW-DL-r17 SupportedAggBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL, supportedAggBW-UL-r17 SupportedAggBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } BandParameters-v1810 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-5-4: SRS 8 Tx ports-antenna switching srs-AntennaSwitching8T8R-r18 SEQUENCE { antennaSwitch8T8R-r18 ENUMERATED {noTdm, tdmAndNoTdm} OPTIONAL, downgradeConfig-r18 CHOICE { empty-r18 NULL, downgrade-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE (11)) } OPTIONAL, entryNumberAffect-r18 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, entryNumberSwitch-r18 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } ScalingFactorSidelink-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {f0p4, f0p75, f0p8, f1} IntraBandPowerClass-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {pc2, pc3, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} SRS-SwitchingAffectedBandsNR-r17 ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) SupportedIntraENDC-BandCombination-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandwidthCombinationSetIntraENDC-v1790 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..32)) OPTIONAL, mrdc-Parameters-v1790 MRDC-Parameters-v1790 OPTIONAL } -- TAG-BANDCOMBINATIONLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
BandCombination field descriptions
BandCombinationList-v1540, BandCombinationList-v1550, BandCombinationList-v1560, BandCombinationList-v1570, BandCombinationList-v1580, BandCombinationList-v1590, BandCombinationList-v15g0,BandCombinationList-v15n0, BandCombinationList-v1610, BandCombinationList-v1630, BandCombinationList-v1640, BandCombinationList-v1650, BandCombinationList-v1680, BandCombinationList-v1690, BandCombinationList-v16a0, BandCombinationList-v16j0, BandCombinationList-v1700, BandCombinationList-v1720, BandCombinationList-v1730, BandCombinationList-v1760,BandCombinationList-v1780, BandCombinationList-v1790, BandCombinationList-v17b0, BandCombinationList-v1800, BandCombinationList-v1830, BandCombinationList-v1840
The UE shall include the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in BandCombinationList (without suffix).If the field is included in supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v1610, the UE shall include the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in BandCombinationList of supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only (without suffix) field. If the field is included in supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v15a0, the UE shall include the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in BandCombinationList(without suffix) of supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only(without suffix) field.
BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-r16, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1630, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1640, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1650, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1690, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16a0, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16e0, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16j0,BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1700, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1720, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1730, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1760, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1780, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1790, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v17b0, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1800, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1830, BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1840
The UE shall include the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-r16. For the field of supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1700, if the UE does not support 2Tx-2Tx switching for a given band combination, the field of supportedBandPairListNR-v1700 in the corresponding entry is absent.
If the field (without suffix) is included for a band combination in the NR capability container, the field (without suffix) indicates support of NR-DC. Otherwise, the field is absent. If a version of the field (with suffix) is absent for a band combination, ca-ParametersNR field version in BandCombination corresponding to the ca-ParametersNR-ForDC field version in the field (with suffix) is applicable to the UE configured with NR-DC for the band combination.
If this field is present for a band combination, it reports the feature set combination supported for the band combination when any DAPS bearer is configured.
If the field is included for a band combination in the MR-DC capability container, the field indicates support of NE-DC. Otherwise, the field is absent.
supportedBandPairListNR-r16, supportedBandPairListNR-v1700
Indicates a list of band pair supporting UL Tx switching as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15] for a given band combination. A UE supporting 2Tx-2Tx switching should include both of supportedBandPairListNR-r16 and supportedBandPairListNR-v1700. And the UE shall include the same number of entries listed in the same order as in supportedBandPairListNR-r16. If the UE does not support 2Tx-2Tx switching for a given band pair, the field of uplinkTxSwitchingPeriod2T2T in the corresponding entry is absent.
supportedBandPairListNR-r18, supportedBandPairListNR-v1840
Indicates a list of band pair supporting UL Tx switching up to 4 bands as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15] for a given band combination. The UE shall include all the possible band pairs.If supportedBandPairListNR-v1840 is included, the UE shall include the same number of entries listed in the same order as in supportedBandPairListNR-r18. For a band pair only supporting 1Tx-1Tx switching, the UE should include switchingPeriodFor1T in ULTxSwitchingBandPair-r18. For a band pair supporting 1Tx-2Tx switching, the UE always supports 1Tx-1Tx switching, and the UE should include switchingPeriodFor1T in ULTxSwitchingBandPair-r18. For a band pair supporting 2Tx-2Tx switching, the UE always supports 1Tx-2Tx switching and 1Tx-1Tx switching, the UE should include switchingPeriodFor2T as well as switchingPeriodFor1T in ULTxSwitchingBandPair-r18.
Indicates, for a particular pair of NR bands, the RF retuning time when switching between a NR carrier corresponding to this band entry and another (PUSCH-less) NR carrier corresponding to the band entry in the order indicated below: -For the first NR band, the UE shall include the same number of entries for NR bands as in bandList, i.e. first entry corresponds to first NR band in bandList and so on, -For the second NR band, the UE shall include one entry less, i.e. first entry corresponds to the second NR band in bandList and so on -And so on
Indicates, for a particular pair of E-UTRA bands, the RF retuning time when switching between an E-UTRA carrier corresponding to this band entry and another (PUSCH-less) E-UTRA carrier corresponding to the band entry in the order indicated below: -For the first E-UTRA band, the UE shall include the same number of entries for E-UTRA bands as in bandList, i.e. first entry corresponds to first E-UTRA band in bandList and so on, -For the second E-UTRA band, the UE shall include one entry less, i.e. first entry corresponds to the second E-UTRA band in bandList and so on -And so on
Indicates supported SRS antenna switch capability for the associated band. If the UE indicates support of SRS-SwitchingTimeNR, the UE is allowed to set this field for a band with associated FeatureSetUplinkId set to 0 for SRS carrier switching.
Indicates BCS and/or spectrum contiguity capability for each entry in a list of intra-band (NG)EN-DC components in an inter-band (NG)EN-DC band combination. The UE shall include the entries in the order corresponding to the order of NR band entries of the intra-band (NG)EN-DC components in the bandList in the inter-band (NG)EN-DC band combination (i.e., BandCombination without suffix).
Indicates a list of per band per band combination capabilities for UL Tx switching.

The IE BandCombinationListSidelinkEUTRA-NR contains a list of V2X sidelink and NR sidelink band combinations.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-BANDCOMBINATIONLISTSIDELINKEUTRANR-START BandCombinationListSidelinkEUTRA-NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombinationParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-r16 BandCombinationListSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombinationParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1630 BandCombinationListSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandComb)) OF BandCombinationParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1710 BandCombinationParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-r16 BandCombinationParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1630 BandCombinationParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1710 BandParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-r16 ::= CHOICE { eutra SEQUENCE { bandParametersSidelinkEUTRA1-r16 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, bandParametersSidelinkEUTRA2-r16 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }, nr SEQUENCE { bandParametersSidelinkNR-r16 BandParametersSidelink-r16 } } BandParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1630 ::= CHOICE { eutra NULL, nr SEQUENCE { tx-Sidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, rx-Sidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sl-CrossCarrierScheduling-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } } BandParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1710 ::= CHOICE { eutra NULL, nr SEQUENCE { --32-4 sl-TransmissionMode2-PartialSensing-r17 SEQUENCE { harq-TxProcessModeTwoSidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {n8, n16}, scs-CP-PatternTxSidelinkModeTwo-r17 CHOICE { fr1-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL }, fr2-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, extendedCP-Mode2PartialSensing-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dl-openLoopPC-Sidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, --32-2a: Receiving NR sidelink of PSFCH rx-sidelinkPSFCH-r17 ENUMERATED {n5, n15, n25, n32, n35, n45, n50, n64} OPTIONAL, --32-5a-1 tx-IUC-Scheme1-Mode2Sidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --32-5b-1 tx-IUC-Scheme2-Mode2Sidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16} OPTIONAL } } BandParametersSidelink-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { freqBandSidelink-r16 FreqBandIndicatorNR } -- TAG-BANDCOMBINATIONLISTSIDELINKEUTRANR-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE BandCombinationListSL-Discovery contains a list of NR Sidelink discovery band combinations.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-BANDCOMBINATIONLISTSLDISCOVERY-START BandCombinationListSL-Discovery-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF BandParametersSidelinkDiscovery-r17 BandParametersSidelinkDiscovery-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-CrossCarrierScheduling-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --R1 32-4: Transmitting NR sidelink mode 2 with partial sensing sl-TransmissionMode2-PartialSensing-r17 SEQUENCE { harq-TxProcessModeTwoSidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {n8, n16}, scs-CP-PatternTxSidelinkModeTwo-r17 CHOICE { fr1-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL }, fr2-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, extendedCP-Mode2PartialSensing-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dl-openLoopPC-Sidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, --R1 32-5a-1: Transmitting Inter-UE coordination scheme 1 in NR sidelink mode 2 tx-IUC-Scheme1-Mode2Sidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-BANDCOMBINATIONLISTSLDISCOVERY-STOP -- ASN1STOP
BandParametersSidelinkEUTRA-NR field descriptions
This field includes the V2X-BandParameters-r14 and V2X-BandParameters-v1530 IE as specified in 36.331 [10]. It is used for reporting the per-band capability for V2X sidelink communication.

The IE CA-BandwidthClassEUTRA indicates the E-UTRA CA bandwidth class as defined in TS 36.101 [22], table 5.6A-1.

The IE CA-BandwidthClassNR indicates the NR CA bandwidth class as defined in TS 38.101-1 [15], table 5.3A.5-1 and TS 38.101-2 [39], table 5.3A.4-1.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CA-BANDWIDTHCLASSNR-START -- R4 17-6: new CA BW Classes R2-R12 -- R4 17-7: new CA BW Classes V, W CA-BandwidthClassNR ::= ENUMERATED {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, ...,r2-v1730, r3-v1730, r4-v1730, r5-v1730, r6-v1730, r7-v1730, r8-v1730, r9-v1730, r10-v1730, r11-v1730, r12-v1730,v-v1770, w-v1770 } CA-BandwidthClassNR-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {r, s, t, u, ...} -- TAG-CA-BANDWIDTHCLASSNR-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE CA-ParametersEUTRA contains the E-UTRA part of band combination parameters for a given MR-DC band combination.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CA-PARAMETERSEUTRA-START CA-ParametersEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { multipleTimingAdvance ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, simultaneousRx-Tx ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportedNAICS-2CRS-AP BIT STRING (SIZE (1..8)) OPTIONAL, additionalRx-Tx-PerformanceReq ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ue-CA-PowerClass-N ENUMERATED {class2} OPTIONAL, supportedBandwidthCombinationSetEUTRA-v1530 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..32)) OPTIONAL, ... } CA-ParametersEUTRA-v1560 ::= SEQUENCE { fd-MIMO-TotalWeightedLayers INTEGER (2..128) OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersEUTRA-v1570 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-1024QAM-TotalWeightedLayers INTEGER (0..10) OPTIONAL } -- TAG-CA-PARAMETERSEUTRA-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE CA-ParametersNR contains carrier aggregation and inter-frequency DAPS handover related capabilities that are defined per band combination.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CA-PARAMETERSNR-START CA-ParametersNR ::= SEQUENCE { dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, parallelTxSRS-PUCCH-PUSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, parallelTxPRACH-SRS-PUCCH-PUSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, simultaneousRxTxInterBandCA ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, simultaneousRxTxSUL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, diffNumerologyAcrossPUCCH-Group ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, diffNumerologyWithinPUCCH-GroupSmallerSCS ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportedNumberTAG ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4} OPTIONAL, ... } CA-ParametersNR-v1540 ::= SEQUENCE { simultaneousSRS-AssocCSI-RS-AllCC INTEGER (5..32) OPTIONAL, csi-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedbackPerBandComb SEQUENCE { maxNumberSimultaneousNZP-CSI-RS-ActBWP-AllCC INTEGER (1..64) OPTIONAL, totalNumberPortsSimultaneousNZP-CSI-RS-ActBWP-AllCC INTEGER (2..256) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, simultaneousCSI-ReportsAllCC INTEGER (5..32) OPTIONAL, dualPA-Architecture ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1550 ::= SEQUENCE { dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1560 ::= SEQUENCE { diffNumerologyWithinPUCCH-GroupLargerSCS ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v15g0 ::= SEQUENCE { simultaneousRxTxInterBandCAPerBandPair SimultaneousRxTxPerBandPair OPTIONAL, simultaneousRxTxSULPerBandPair SimultaneousRxTxPerBandPair OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 9-3: Parallel MsgA and SRS/PUCCH/PUSCH transmissions across CCs in inter-band CA parallelTxMsgA-SRS-PUCCH-PUSCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 9-4: MsgA operation in a band combination including SUL msgA-SUL-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-9c: Joint search space group switching across multiple cells jointSearchSpaceSwitchAcrossCells-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 14-5: Half-duplex UE behaviour in TDD CA for same SCS half-DuplexTDD-CA-SameSCS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-4: SCell dormancy within active time scellDormancyWithinActiveTime-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-4a: SCell dormancy outside active time scellDormancyOutsideActiveTime-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-6: Cross-carrier A-CSI RS triggering with different SCS crossCarrierA-CSI-trigDiffSCS-r16 ENUMERATED {higherA-CSI-SCS,lowerA-CSI-SCS,both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-6a: Default QCL assumption for cross-carrier A-CSI-RS triggering defaultQCL-CrossCarrierA-CSI-Trig-r16 ENUMERATED {diffOnly, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-7: CA with non-aligned frame boundaries for inter-band CA interCA-NonAlignedFrame-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, simul-SRS-Trans-BC-r16 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, interFreqDAPS-r16 SEQUENCE { interFreqAsyncDAPS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, interFreqDiffSCS-DAPS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, interFreqMultiUL-TransmissionDAPS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, interFreqSemiStaticPowerSharingDAPS-Mode1-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, interFreqSemiStaticPowerSharingDAPS-Mode2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, interFreqDynamicPowerSharingDAPS-r16 ENUMERATED {short, long} OPTIONAL, interFreqUL-TransCancellationDAPS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL,
codebookParametersPerBC-r16For a given supported band combination, this field indicates the alternative list of SupportedCSI-RS-Resource supported for each codebook type, amongst the supported CSI-RS resources included in codebookParametersPerBand in MIMO-ParametersPerBand.
CodebookParameters-v1610 OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2a-10 Value of R for BD/CCE blindDetectFactor-r16 INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-2a: Capability on the number of CCs for monitoring a maximum number of BDs and non-overlapped CCEs per span when configured -- with DL CA with Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability on all the serving cells pdcch-MonitoringCA-r16 SEQUENCE { maxNumberOfMonitoringCC-r16 INTEGER (2..16), supportedSpanArrangement-r16 ENUMERATED {alignedOnly, alignedAndNonAligned} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-2c: Number of carriers for CCE/BD scaling with DL CA with mix of Rel. 16 and Rel. 15 PDCCH monitoring capabilities on -- different carriers pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed-r16 SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1-r16 INTEGER (1..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2-r16 INTEGER (1..15), supportedSpanArrangement-r16 ENUMERATED {alignedOnly, alignedAndNonAligned} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-2d: Capability on the number of CCs for monitoring a maximum number of BDs and non-overlapped CCEs per span for MCG and for -- SCG when configured for NR-DC operation with Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability on all the serving cells pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-UE-r16 INTEGER (1..14) OPTIONAL, pdcch-BlindDetectionSCG-UE-r16 INTEGER (1..14) OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-2e: Number of carriers for CCE/BD scaling for MCG and for SCG when configured for NR-DC operation with mix of Rel. 16 and -- Rel. 15 PDCCH monitoring capabilities on different carriers pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-UE-Mixed-r16 SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-UE1-r16 INTEGER (0..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-UE2-r16 INTEGER (0..15) } OPTIONAL, pdcch-BlindDetectionSCG-UE-Mixed-r16 SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionSCG-UE1-r16 INTEGER (0..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionSCG-UE2-r16 INTEGER (0..15) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-5 cross-carrier scheduling with different SCS in DL CA crossCarrierSchedulingDL-DiffSCS-r16 ENUMERATED {low-to-high, high-to-low, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-5a Default QCL assumption for cross-carrier scheduling crossCarrierSchedulingDefaultQCL-r16 ENUMERATED {diff-only, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-5b cross-carrier scheduling with different SCS in UL CA crossCarrierSchedulingUL-DiffSCS-r16 ENUMERATED {low-to-high, high-to-low, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 13.19a Simultaneous positioning SRS and MIMO SRS transmission for a given BC simul-SRS-MIMO-Trans-BC-r16 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-3a, 16-3a-1, 16-3b, 16-3b-1: New Individual Codebook codebookParametersAdditionPerBC-r16 CodebookParametersAdditionPerBC-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-8: Mixed codebook codebookComboParametersAdditionPerBC-r16 CodebookComboParametersAdditionPerBC-r16 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 22-5b: Simultaneous transmission of SRS for antenna switching and SRS for CB/NCB /BM for inter-band UL CA -- R1 22-5d: Simultaneous transmission of SRS for antenna switching for inter-band UL CA simulTX-SRS-AntSwitchingInterBandUL-CA-r16 SimulSRS-ForAntennaSwitching-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R4 8-5: supported beam management type for inter-band CA beamManagementType-r16 ENUMERATED {ibm, dummy} OPTIONAL, -- R4 7-3a: UL frequency separation class with aggregate BW and Gap BW intraBandFreqSeparationUL-AggBW-GapBW-r16 ENUMERATED {classI, classII, classIII} OPTIONAL, -- RAN 89: Case B in case of Inter-band CA with non-aligned frame boundaries interCA-NonAlignedFrame-B-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1640 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R4 7-5: Support of reporting UL Tx DC locations for uplink intra-band CA. uplinkTxDC-TwoCarrierReport-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- RAN 22-6: Support of up to 3 different numerologies in the same NR PUCCH group for NR part of EN-DC, NGEN-DC, NE-DC and NR-CA -- where UE is not configured with two NR PUCCH groups maxUpTo3Diff-NumerologiesConfigSinglePUCCH-grp-r16 PUCCH-Grp-CarrierTypes-r16 OPTIONAL, -- RAN 22-6a: Support of up to 4 different numerologies in the same NR PUCCH group for NR part of EN-DC, NGEN-DC, NE-DC and NR-CA -- where UE is not configured with two NR PUCCH groups maxUpTo4Diff-NumerologiesConfigSinglePUCCH-grp-r16 PUCCH-Grp-CarrierTypes-r16 OPTIONAL, -- RAN 22-7: Support two PUCCH groups for NR-CA with 3 or more bands with at least two carrier types twoPUCCH-Grp-ConfigurationsList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTwoPUCCH-Grp-ConfigList-r16)) OF TwoPUCCH-Grp-Configurations-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-7a: Different numerology across NR PUCCH groups diffNumerologyAcrossPUCCH-Group-CarrierTypes-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-7b: Different numerologies across NR carriers within the same NR PUCCH group, with PUCCH on a carrier of smaller SCS diffNumerologyWithinPUCCH-GroupSmallerSCS-CarrierTypes-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-7c: Different numerologies across NR carriers within the same NR PUCCH group, with PUCCH on a carrier of larger SCS diffNumerologyWithinPUCCH-GroupLargerSCS-CarrierTypes-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-2f: add the replicated FGs of 11-2a/c with restriction for non-aligned span case -- with DL CA with Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability on all the serving cells pdcch-MonitoringCA-NonAlignedSpan-r16 INTEGER (2..16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-2g: add the replicated FGs of 11-2a/c with restriction for non-aligned span case pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed-NonAlignedSpan-r16 SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1-r16 INTEGER (1..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2-r16 INTEGER (1..15) } OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1690 ::= SEQUENCE { csi-ReportingCrossPUCCH-Grp-r16 SEQUENCE { computationTimeForA-CSI-r16 ENUMERATED {sameAsNoCross, relaxed}, additionalSymbols-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-additionalSymbols-r16 ENUMERATED {s14, s28} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-additionalSymbols-r16 ENUMERATED {s14, s28} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-additionalSymbols-r16 ENUMERATED {s14, s28, s56} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-additionalSymbols-r16 ENUMERATED {s14, s28, s56} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, sp-CSI-ReportingOnPUCCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sp-CSI-ReportingOnPUSCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, carrierTypePairList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCarrierTypePairList-r16)) OF CarrierTypePair-r16 } OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v16a0 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionMixedList-r16 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofPdcch-BlindDetectionMixed-1-r16))OF PDCCH-BlindDetectionMixedList-r16 } CA-ParametersNR-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 23-9-1: Basic Features of Further Enhanced Port-Selection Type II Codebook (FeType-II) per band combination information codebookParametersfetype2PerBC-r17 CodebookParametersfetype2PerBC-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R4 18-4: Support of enhanced Demodulation requirements for CA in HST SFN FR1 demodulationEnhancementCA-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 20-1: Maximum uplink duty cycle for NR inter-band CA power class 2 maxUplinkDutyCycle-interBandCA-PC2-r17 ENUMERATED {n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL, -- R4 20-2: Maximum uplink duty cycle for NR SUL combination power class 2 maxUplinkDutyCycle-SULcombination-PC2-r17 ENUMERATED {n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL, beamManagementType-CBM-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-18: Parallel PUCCH and PUSCH transmission across CCs in inter-band CA parallelTxPUCCH-PUSCH-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-9-5Active CSI-RS resources and ports for mixed codebook types in any slot per band combination codebookComboParameterMixedTypePerBC-r17 CodebookComboParameterMixedTypePerBC-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-7-1Basic Features of CSI Enhancement for Multi-TRP mTRP-CSI-EnhancementPerBC-r17 SEQUENCE { maxNumNZP-CSI-RS-r17 INTEGER (2..8), cSI-Report-mode-r17 ENUMERATED {mode1, mode2, both}, supportedComboAcrossCCs-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF CSI-MultiTRP-SupportedCombinations-r17, codebookMode-NCJT-r17ENUMERATED{mode1,mode1And2} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-7-1bActive CSI-RS resources and ports in the presence of multi-TRP CSI codebookComboParameterMultiTRP-PerBC-r17 CodebookComboParameterMultiTRP-PerBC-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-8b: 32 DL HARQ processes for FR 2-2 - maximum number of component carriers maxCC-32-DL-HARQ-ProcessFR2-2-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n6, n8, n16, n32} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-9b: 32 UL HARQ processes for FR 2-2 - maximum number of component carriers maxCC-32-UL-HARQ-ProcessFR2-2-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n8, n16, n32} OPTIONAL, -- R1 34-2: Cross-carrier scheduling from SCell to PCell/PSCell (Type B) crossCarrierSchedulingSCell-SpCellTypeB-r17 CrossCarrierSchedulingSCell-SpCell-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 34-1: Cross-carrier scheduling from SCell to PCell/PSCell with search space restrictions (Type A) crossCarrierSchedulingSCell-SpCellTypeA-r17 CrossCarrierSchedulingSCell-SpCell-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 34-1a: DCI formats on PCell/PSCell USS set(s) support dci-FormatsPCellPSCellUSS-Sets-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 34-3: Disabling scaling factor alpha when sSCell is deactivated disablingScalingFactorDeactSCell-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 34-4: Disabling scaling factor alpha when sSCell is deactivated disablingScalingFactorDormantSCell-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 34-5: Non-aligned frame boundaries between PCell/PSCell and sSCell non-AlignedFrameBoundaries-r17 SEQUENCE { scs15kHz-15kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..496)) OPTIONAL, scs15kHz-30kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..496)) OPTIONAL, scs15kHz-60kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..496)) OPTIONAL, scs30kHz-30kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..496)) OPTIONAL, scs30kHz-60kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..496)) OPTIONAL, scs60kHz-60kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..496)) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1720 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 39-1: Parallel SRS and PUCCH/PUSCH transmission across CCs in intra-band non-contiguous CA parallelTxSRS-PUCCH-PUSCH-intraBand-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 39-2: Parallel PRACH and SRS/PUCCH/PUSCH transmissions across CCs in intra-band non-contiguous CA parallelTxPRACH-SRS-PUCCH-PUSCH-intraBand-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-9: Semi-static PUCCH cell switching for a single PUCCH group only semiStaticPUCCH-CellSwitchSingleGroup-r17 SEQUENCE { pucch-Group-r17 ENUMERATED {primaryGroupOnly, secondaryGroupOnly, eitherPrimaryOrSecondaryGroup}, pucch-Group-Config-r17 PUCCH-Group-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-9a: Semi-static PUCCH cell switching for two PUCCH groups semiStaticPUCCH-CellSwitchTwoGroups-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTwoPUCCH-Grp-ConfigList-r17)) OF TwoPUCCH-Grp-Configurations-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-10: PUCCH cell switching based on dynamic indication for same length of overlapping PUCCH slots/sub-slots for a single -- PUCCH group only dynamicPUCCH-CellSwitchSameLengthSingleGroup-r17 SEQUENCE { pucch-Group-r17 ENUMERATED {primaryGroupOnly, secondaryGroupOnly, eitherPrimaryOrSecondaryGroup}, pucch-Group-Config-r17 PUCCH-Group-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-10a: PUCCH cell switching based on dynamic indication for different length of overlapping PUCCH slots/sub-slots -- for a single PUCCH group only dynamicPUCCH-CellSwitchDiffLengthSingleGroup-r17 SEQUENCE { pucch-Group-r17 ENUMERATED {primaryGroupOnly, secondaryGroupOnly, eitherPrimaryOrSecondaryGroup}, pucch-Group-Config-r17 PUCCH-Group-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-10b: PUCCH cell switching based on dynamic indication for same length of overlapping PUCCH slots/sub-slots for two PUCCH -- groups dynamicPUCCH-CellSwitchSameLengthTwoGroups-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTwoPUCCH-Grp-ConfigList-r17)) OF TwoPUCCH-Grp-Configurations-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-10c: PUCCH cell switching based on dynamic indication for different length of overlapping PUCCH slots/sub-slots for two -- PUCCH groups dynamicPUCCH-CellSwitchDiffLengthTwoGroups-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxTwoPUCCH-Grp-ConfigList-r17)) OF TwoPUCCH-Grp-Configurations-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-2a: ACK/NACK based HARQ-ACK feedback and RRC-based enabling/disabling ACK/NACK-based -- feedback for dynamic scheduling for multicast ack-NACK-FeedbackForMulticast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-2d: PTP retransmission for multicast dynamic scheduling ptp-Retx-Multicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-4: NACK-only based HARQ-ACK feedback for RRC-based enabling/disabling multicast with ACK/NACK transforming nack-OnlyFeedbackForMulticast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-4a: NACK-only based HARQ-ACK feedback for multicast corresponding to a specific sequence or a PUCCH transmission nack-OnlyFeedbackSpecificResourceForMulticast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-5-1a: ACK/NACK based HARQ-ACK feedback and RRC-based enabling/disabling ACK/NACK-based feedback -- for SPS group-common PDSCH for multicast ack-NACK-FeedbackForSPS-Multicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-5-1d: PTP retransmission for SPS group-common PDSCH for multicast ptp-Retx-SPS-Multicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 26-1: Higher Power Limit CA DC higherPowerLimit-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 39-4: Parallel MsgA and SRS/PUCCH/PUSCH transmissions across CCs in intra-band non-contiguous CA parallelTxMsgA-SRS-PUCCH-PUSCH-intraBand-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-11a: Capability on the number of CCs for monitoring a maximum number of BDs and non-overlapped CCEs per span when -- configured with DL CA with Rel-17 PDCCH monitoring capability on all the serving cells pdcch-MonitoringCA-r17 INTEGER (4..16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-11f: Capability on the number of CCs for monitoring a maximum number of BDs and non-overlapped CCEs for MCG and for SCG -- when configured for NR-DC operation with Rel-17 PDCCH monitoring capability on all the serving cells pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-SCG-List-r17 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofPdcch-BlindDetection-r17))OF PDCCH-BlindDetectionMCG-SCG-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-11c: Number of carriers for CCE/BD scaling with DL CA with mix of Rel. 17 and Rel. 15 PDCCH monitoring capabilities on -- different Carriers -- R1 24-11g: Number of carriers for CCE/BD scaling for MCG and for SCG when configured for NR-DC operation with mix of Rel. 17 and -- Rel. 15 PDCCH monitoring capabilities on different carriers pdcch-BlindDetectionMixedList1-r17 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofPdcch-BlindDetection-r17))OF PDCCH-BlindDetectionMixed-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-11d: Number of carriers for CCE/BD scaling with DL CA with mix of Rel. 17 and Rel. 16 PDCCH monitoring capabilities on -- different Carriers -- R1 24-11h: Number of carriers for CCE/BD scaling for MCG and for SCG when configured for NR-DC operation with mix of Rel. 17 and -- Rel. 16 PDCCH monitoring capabilities on different carriers pdcch-BlindDetectionMixedList2-r17 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofPdcch-BlindDetection-r17))OF PDCCH-BlindDetectionMixed-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-11e: Number of carriers for CCE/BD scaling with DL CA with mix of Rel. 17, Rel. 16 and Rel. 15 PDCCH monitoring -- capabilities on different carriers -- R1 24-11i: Number of carriers for CCE/BD scaling for MCG and for SCG when configured for NR-DC operation with mix of Rel. 17, -- Rel. 16 and Rel. 15 PDCCH monitoring capabilities on different carriers pdcch-BlindDetectionMixedList3-r17 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofPdcch-BlindDetection-r17))OF PDCCH-BlindDetectionMixed1-r17 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 30-4a: DM-RS bundling for PUSCH repetition type A (per BC) dmrs-BundlingPUSCH-RepTypeAPerBC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4b: DM-RS bundling for PUSCH repetition type B(per BC) dmrs-BundlingPUSCH-RepTypeBPerBC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4c: DM-RS bundling for TB processing over multi-slot PUSCH(per BC) dmrs-BundlingPUSCH-multiSlotPerBC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4d: DMRS bundling for PUCCH repetitions(per BC) dmrs-BundlingPUCCH-RepPerBC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4g: Restart DM-RS bundling (per BC) dmrs-BundlingRestartPerBC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4h: DM-RS bundling for non-back-to-back transmission (per BC) dmrs-BundlingNonBackToBackTX-PerBC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 39-3-1: Stay on the target CC for SRS carrier switching stayOnTargetCC-SRS-CarrierSwitch-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-3-3a: FDM-ed Type-1 and Type-2 HARQ-ACK codebooks for multiplexing HARQ-ACK for unicast and HARQ-ACK for multicast fdm-CodebookForMux-UnicastMulticastHARQ-ACK-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-3-3b: Mode 2 TDM-ed Type-1 and Type-2 HARQ-ACK codebook for multiplexing HARQ-ACK for unicast and HARQ-ACK for multicast mode2-TDM-CodebookForMux-UnicastMulticastHARQ-ACK-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-3-4: Mode 1 for type1 codebook generation mode1-ForType1-CodebookGeneration-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-5-1j: NACK-only based HARQ-ACK feedback for multicast corresponding to a specific sequence or a PUCCH transmission -- for SPS group-commmon PDSCH for multicast nack-OnlyFeedbackSpecificResourceForSPS-Multicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-8-2: Up to 2 PUCCH resources configuration for multicast feedback for dynamically scheduled multicast multiPUCCH-ConfigForMulticast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-8-3: PUCCH resource configuration for multicast feedback for SPS GC-PDSCH pucch-ConfigForSPS-Multicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- The following parameter is associated with R1 33-2a, R1 33-3-3a, and R1 33-3-3b, and is not a RAN1 FG. maxNumberG-RNTI-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r17 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-3-5: Feedback multiplexing for unicast PDSCH and group-common PDSCH for multicast with same priority and different codebook -- type mux-HARQ-ACK-UnicastMulticast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1740 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 33-5-1f: NACK-only based HARQ-ACK feedback for multicast RRC-based enabling/disabling NACK-only based feedback -- for SPS group-common PDSCH for multicast nack-OnlyFeedbackForSPS-Multicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-8-1: PUCCH resource configuration for multicast feedback for dynamically scheduled multicast singlePUCCH-ConfigForMulticast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE { prioSCellPRACH-OverSP-PeriodicSRS-Support-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1770 ::= SEQUENCE { parallelTxPUCCH-PUSCH-SamePriority-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1780 ::= SEQUENCE { parallelTxPUCCH-PUSCH-SamePriority-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportedAggBW-FR1-r17 SEQUENCE { scalingFactorSCS-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, supportedAggBW-FDD-DL-r17 SupportedAggBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL, supportedAggBW-FDD-UL-r17 SupportedAggBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL, supportedAggBW-TDD-DL-r17 SupportedAggBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL, supportedAggBW-TDD-UL-r17 SupportedAggBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL, supportedAggBW-TotalDL-r17 SupportedAggBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL, supportedAggBW-TotalUL-r17 SupportedAggBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { codebookParametersetype2DopplerCSI-PerBC-r18 CodebookParametersetype2DopplerCSI-r18 OPTIONAL, codebookParametersfetype2DopplerCSI-PerBC-r18 CodebookParametersfetype2DopplerCSI-r18 OPTIONAL, codebookParametersetype2CJT-PerBC-r18 CodebookParametersetype2CJT-r18 OPTIONAL, codebookParametersfetype2CJT-PerBC-r18 CodebookParametersfetype2CJT-r18 OPTIONAL, codebookComboParametersCJT-PerBC-r18 CodebookComboParametersCJT-r18 OPTIONAL, codebookParametersHARQ-ACK-PUSCH-PerBC-r18 CodebookParametersHARQ-ACK-PUSCH-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-2-8: Maximum number of TAGs across all CCs maxNumberTAG-AcrossCC-r18 INTEGER (2..4) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-3-1: TDCP (Time Domain Channel Properties) report tdcp-ReportPerBC-r18 SEQUENCE { valueX-r18 INTEGER (1..2), maxNumberActiveResource-r18 INTEGER (2..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-3-5: Number of CSI-RS resources for TDCP tdcp-ResourcePerBC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberConfigPerCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n2,n4,n6,n8,n10,n12}, maxNumberConfigAcrossCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32), maxNumberSimultaneousPerCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n20, n24, n28, n32} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-24: Timeline for regular eType-II-CJT CSI, or for port selection FeType-II-CJT CSI timelineRelax-CJT-CSI-CA-r18 ENUMERATED {n0,n2} OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-1: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for periodic CSI reporting spatialAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackPerBC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberCSI-ResourceAcrossCC-r18 SEQUENCE { sdType1-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24, n26, n28, n30, n32, n34, n36, n38, n40, n42, n44, n46, n48, n50, n52, n54, n56, n58, n60, n62, n64}, sdType2-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24, n26, n28, n30, n32, n34, n36, n38, n40, n42, n44, n46, n48, n50, n52, n54, n56, n58, n60, n62, n64} }, maxNumberPortsAcrossCC-r18 SEQUENCE { sdType1-Resource-r18 INTEGER (1..32), sdType2-Resource-r18 INTEGER (1..32) } } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-7-2a: Association between CSI-RS and SRS for non-codebook case nonCodebook-CSI-RS-SRS-PerBC-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources)) OF SupportedCSI-RS-Resource OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-1a: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for periodic CSI reporting on -- PUSCH spatialAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackPUSCH-PerBC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberCSI-ResourceAcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24, n26, n28, n30, n32, n34, n36, n38, n40, n42, n44, n46, n48, n50, n52, n54, n56, n58, n60, n62, n64}, maxNumberPortsAcrossCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-1b: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for aperiodic CSI reporting spatialAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackAperiodicPerBC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberCSI-ResourceAcrossCC-r18 SEQUENCE { sdType1-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24, n26, n28, n30, n32, n34, n36, n38, n40, n42, n44, n46, n48, n50, n52, n54, n56, n58, n60, n62, n64}, sdType2-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24, n26, n28, n30, n32, n34, n36, n38, n40, n42, n44, n46, n48, n50, n52, n54, n56, n58, n60, n62, n64} }, maxNumberPortsAcrossCC-r18 SEQUENCE { sdType1-Resource-r18 INTEGER (1..32), sdType2-Resource-r18 INTEGER (1..32) } } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-1c: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for semi-persistent CSI -- reporting on PUCCH spatialAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackPUCCH-PerBC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberCSI-ResourceAcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24, n26, n28, n30, n32, n34, n36, n38, n40, n42, n44, n46, n48, n50, n52, n54, n56, n58, n60, n62, n64}, maxNumberPortsAcrossCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-2: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for periodic CSI reporting powerAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackPerBC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberCSI-ResourceAcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24, n26, n28, n30, n32, n34, n36, n38, n40, n42, n44, n46, n48, n50, n52, n54, n56, n58, n60, n62, n64}, maxNumberPortsAcrossCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-2a: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for periodic CSI reporting on PUSCH powerAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackPUSCH-PerBC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberCSI-ResourceAcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24, n26, n28, n30, n32, n34, n36, n38, n40, n42, n44, n46, n48, n50, n52, n54, n56, n58, n60, n62, n64}, maxNumberPortsAcrossCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-2b: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for aperiodic CSI reporting powerAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackAperiodicPerBC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberCSI-ResourceAcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24, n26, n28, n30, n32, n34, n36, n38, n40, n42, n44, n46, n48, n50, n52, n54, n56, n58, n60, n62, n64}, maxNumberPortsAcrossCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-2c: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for semi-persistent CSI -- reporting on PUCCH powerAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackPUCCH-PerBC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberCSI-ResourceAcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24, n26, n28, n30, n32, n34, n36, n38, n40, n42, n44, n46, n48, n50, n52, n54, n56, n58, n60, n62, n64}, maxNumberPortsAcrossCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-7: Mixed codebook combination for spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s), -- each containing one port subset configuration mixCodeBookSpatialAdaptationPerBC-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources)) OF SupportedCSI-RS-Resource OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-9: Indicates whether the UE supports CSI report framework and the number of CSI report(s) which the UE can -- simultaneously process across all CCs, and across MCG and SCG in case of NR-DC. simultaneousCSI-SubReportsAllCC-r18 INTEGER (5..32) OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-1: Multi-cell PDSCH scheduling by DCI format 1_3 on a scheduling cell with same SCS between scheduling -- cell and cells in the set multiCell-PDSCH-DCI-1-3-SameSCS-r18 SEQUENCE { coScheduledCellSCS-r18 SEQUENCE { nonSharedSpectrum-fdd-fr1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nonSharedSpectrum-tdd-fr1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sharedSpectrum-tdd-fr1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, fr2-1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, fr2-2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL }, maxNumberCoScheduledCell-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberSetsOfCellAcrossPUCCH-Group-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberSetsOfCellScheduling-r18 INTEGER (1..4), harqFeedbackType-r18 ENUMERATED {type1, type2, type1And2}, coScheduledCellIndicationScheme-r18 ENUMERATED {fdra,cellInd, both}, supportOfSearchSpace-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, licensed-fdd-tdd-fr1-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-1b: Multi-cell PDSCH scheduling by DCI format 1_3 on a scheduling cell not included in a set of cells with different -- SCS/carrier type between scheduling cell and cells in the set multiCell-PDSCH-DCI-1-3-DiffSCS-r18 SEQUENCE { coScheduledCellSCS-r18 ENUMERATED {lowScheduling-highScheduled, highScheduling-lowScheduled, both}, combinationCarrierType-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxSchedulingBandCombination-r18)) OF CombinationCarrierType-r18, maxNumberCoScheduledCell-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberSetsOfCellAcrossPUCCH-Group-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberSetsOfCellScheduling-r18 INTEGER (1..4), harqFeedbackType-r18 ENUMERATED {type1, type2, type1And2}, coScheduledCellIndicationScheme-r18 ENUMERATED {fdra,cellInd, both} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-2: Multi-cell PUSCH scheduling by DCI format 0_3 on a scheduling cell with same SCS between scheduling cell -- and cells in the set multiCell-PUSCH-DCI-0-3-SameSCS-r18 SEQUENCE { coScheduledCellSCS-r18 SEQUENCE { nonSharedSpectrum-fdd-fr1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nonSharedSpectrum-tdd-fr1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sharedSpectrum-tdd-fr1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, fr2-1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, fr2-2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL }, maxNumberCoScheduledCell-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberSetsOfCellAcrossPUCCH-Group-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberSetsOfCellScheduling-r18 INTEGER (1..4), coScheduledCellIndicationScheme-r18 ENUMERATED {fdra,cellInd, both}, supportOfSearchSpace-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, licensed-fdd-tdd-fr1-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-2b: Multi-cell PUSCH scheduling by DCI format 0_3 on a scheduling cell not included in a set of cells with -- different SCS/carrier type between scheduling cell and cells in the set multiCell-PUSCH-DCI-0-3-DiffSCS-r18 SEQUENCE { coScheduledCellSCS-r18 ENUMERATED {lowScheduling-highScheduled, highScheduling-lowScheduled, both}, combinationCarrierType-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxSchedulingBandCombination-r18)) OF CombinationCarrierType-r18, maxNumberCoScheduledCell-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberSetsOfCellAcrossPUCCH-Group-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberSetsOfCellScheduling-r18 INTEGER (1..4), coScheduledCellIndicationScheme-r18 ENUMERATED {fdra,cellInd, both} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-3x: Advanced UE capability for larger number of unicast DL DCI advUnicastDCI-DL-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL, scs-15kHz-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL, scs-15kHz-30kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-3y: Advanced UE capability for larger number of unicast UL DCI advUnicastDCI-UL-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL, scs-15kHz-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4} OPTIONAL, scs-15kHz-30kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-5a: Trigger Type 3 HARQ CB based feedback using DCI format 1_3 type3HARQ-CB-DCI-1-3-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-5b: Trigger enhanced Type 3 HARQ CB based feedback using DCI format 1_3 type3EnhHARQ-CB-DCI-1-3-r18 SEQUENCE { numberOfCodebook-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8}, maxNumberPUCCH-Trans-r18 INTEGER (1..7) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-9: SCell dormancy indication within active time in DCI format 0_3/1_3 scellDormancyWithinActiveTime-DCI-0-3-And-1-3-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcch-MonitoringCA-Ext-r18 CHOICE { -- R1 55-6a: Capability on the number of CCs for monitoring a maximum number of BDs and non-overlapped CCEs per span when -- configured with DL CA with Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability on all the serving cells pdcch-MonitoringCA-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberOfMonitoringCC-r18 INTEGER (2..16), supportedSpanArrangement-r18 ENUMERATED {alignedOnly, alignedAndNonAligned} }, -- R1 55-6f: Capability on the number of CCs for monitoring a maximum number of BDs and non-overlapped CCEs per span when -- configured with DL CA with Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability on all the serving cells with restriction for non-aligned -- span case pdcch-MonitoringCA-NonAlignedSpan-r18 INTEGER (2..16) } OPTIONAL, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-MixedExt-r18 CHOICE { -- R1 55-6c: Number of carriers for CCE/BD scaling with DL CA with mix of Rel. 16 and Rel. 15 PDCCH monitoring capabilities on -- different carriers pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed-r18 SEQUENCE { blindDetectionCA-Mixed-r18 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofPdcch-BlindDetectionMixed-1-r16)) OF PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-MixedExt-r16, supportedSpanArrangement-r18 ENUMERATED{ alignedOnly, alignedAndNonAligned } }, -- R1 55-6g: Number of carriers for CCE/BD scaling with DL CA with mix of Rel. 16 and Rel. 15 PDCCH monitoring capabilities on -- different carriers with restriction for non-aligned span case pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed-NonAlignedSpan-r18 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofPdcch-BlindDetectionMixed-1-r16)) OF PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-MixedExt-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-6e: Number of carriers for CCE/BD scaling for MCG and for SCG when configured for NR-DC operation with mix of Rel. 16 -- and Rel. 15 PDCCH monitoring capabilities on different carriers pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-SCG-List-r18 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofPdcch-BlindDetectionMixed-1-r16)) OF PDCCH-BlindDetectionMixed2-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R4 33-1: Support of intra-band non-collocated NR CA operation intraBandNR-CA-non-collocated-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNR-v1830 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 45-1: Intra-frequency L1 measurement and reports for L1-L2 Triggered Mobility (LTM) procedure intraFreqL1-MeasConfig-r18 SEQUENCE { supportedMaxIntraFreqCellsConfig-r18 INTEGER (1..8), supportedMaxIntraFreqCellsPerReport-r18 INTEGER (1..4), supportedMaxReportBeamsPerReportedCell-r18 INTEGER (1..4), supportedMaxReportBeamsReports-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4,n6,n8,n9,n12,n16}, supportedMaxAperiodic-LTM-CSI-ReportConfig-r18 INTEGER (0..4), supportedMaxPeriodic-LTM-CSI-ReportConfig-r18 INTEGER (1..4), supportedMaxSemiPersistent-LTM-CSI-ReportConfig-r18 INTEGER (0..4) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 45-1a: Inter-frequency L1 measurement and reports for L1-L2 Triggered Mobility (LTM) procedure interFreqL1-MeasConfig-r18 SEQUENCE { supportedMaxIntraInterFreqCellsConfig-r18 INTEGER (1..8), supportedMaxIntraInterFreqCellsPerReport-r18 INTEGER (1..4), supportedMaxIntraInterFreqBeamsPerCellReports-r18 INTEGER (1..4), supportedMaxIntraInterFreqBeamsReports-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4,n6,n8,n9,n12,n16} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 45-2: Inclusion of current SpCell in the L1 measurement report currentSpCellInclL1-Report-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-1: SSB based L1-RSRP measurements for multiple cells with RTD > CP multiCellL1-measRTD-greaterThan-CP-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-2: SSB based inter-frequency L1-RSRP measurements without measurement gaps interFreqSSB-L1-MeasWithoutGaps-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-3-1: Number of frequency layers for L1-RSRP measurement maxFreqLayersL1-Meas-r18 SEQUENCE { supportedMaxIntraInterFreqLayersWithoutGaps-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, supportedMaxInterFreqLayersWithGaps-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-3-2: Number of neighbour cells to be measured per frequency layer maxNeighCellsPerFreqLayerL1-Meas-r18 SEQUENCE { supportedMaxNeighCellsPerFreqLayersWithoutGaps-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, supportedMaxNeighCellsPerFreqLayersWithGaps-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-3-3: Number of total cells to be measured supportedMaxCellsWithoutGapsL1-Meas-r18 INTEGER (1..24) OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-3-4: Number of SSB resources for L1-RSRP measurement within a slot supportedMaxSSB-WithinSlotL1-Meas-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n16,n32,n48,n64} OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-3-5: Number of SSB resources for L1-RSRP measurement per frequency layer maxSSB-PerFreqLayerL1-Meas-r18 SEQUENCE { supportedMaxSSB-PerFreqLayerWithoutGaps-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, supportedMaxSSB-PerFreqLayerWithGaps-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-3-6: Number of total SSB resources to be measured supportedMaxSSB-L1-Meas-r18 ENUMERATED {n2,n4,n8,n12,n16,n32,n64} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-13: Default QCL assumption for multi-cell scheduling by DCI format 1_3 qcl-MultiCellDCI-1-3-r18 ENUMERATED {diff, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-14: Support of BWP switch indication by DCI format 0_3/1_3 bwp-SwitchingDCI-0-3-And-1-3-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CrossCarrierSchedulingSCell-SpCell-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedSCS-Combinations-r17 SEQUENCE { scs15kHz-15kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs15kHz-30kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs15kHz-60kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs30kHz-30kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..496)) OPTIONAL, scs30kHz-60kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..496)) OPTIONAL, scs60kHz-60kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..496)) OPTIONAL }, pdcch-MonitoringOccasion-r17 ENUMERATED {val1, val2} } PDCCH-BlindDetectionMixedList-r16::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-MixedExt-r16 CHOICE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed-v16a0 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-MixedExt-r16, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed-NonAlignedSpan-v16a0 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-MixedExt-r16 } OPTIONAL, pdcch-BlindDetectionCG-UE-MixedExt-r16 SEQUENCE{ pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-UE-Mixed-v16a0 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCG-UE-MixedExt-r16, pdcch-BlindDetectionSCG-UE-Mixed-v16a0 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCG-UE-MixedExt-r16 } OPTIONAL } PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-MixedExt-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1-r16 INTEGER (1..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2-r16 INTEGER (1..15) } PDCCH-BlindDetectionCG-UE-MixedExt-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCG-UE1-r16 INTEGER (0..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionCG-UE2-r16 INTEGER (0..15) } PDCCH-BlindDetectionMCG-SCG-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-UE-r17 INTEGER (1..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionSCG-UE-r17 INTEGER (1..15) } PDCCH-BlindDetectionMixed-r17::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed-r17 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed-r17 OPTIONAL, pdcch-BlindDetectionCG-UE-Mixed-r17 SEQUENCE{ pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-UE-Mixed-v17 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCG-UE-Mixed-r17, pdcch-BlindDetectionSCG-UE-Mixed-v17 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCG-UE-Mixed-r17 } OPTIONAL } PDCCH-BlindDetectionCG-UE-Mixed-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCG-UE1-r17 INTEGER (0..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionCG-UE2-r17 INTEGER (0..15) } PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1-r17 INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2-r17 INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL } PDCCH-BlindDetectionMixed1-r17::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed1-r17 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed1-r17 OPTIONAL, pdcch-BlindDetectionCG-UE-Mixed1-r17 SEQUENCE{ pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-UE-Mixed1-v17 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCG-UE-Mixed1-r17, pdcch-BlindDetectionSCG-UE-Mixed1-v17 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCG-UE-Mixed1-r17 } OPTIONAL } PDCCH-BlindDetectionCG-UE-Mixed1-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCG-UE1-r17 INTEGER (0..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionCG-UE2-r17 INTEGER (0..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionCG-UE3-r17 INTEGER (0..15) } PDCCH-BlindDetectionCA-Mixed1-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCA1-r17 INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA2-r17 INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA3-r17 INTEGER (1..15) OPTIONAL } PDCCH-BlindDetectionMixed2-r18 ::= SEQUENCE{ pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-UE-Mixed-r18 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCG-UE-MixedExt-r16, pdcch-BlindDetectionSCG-UE-Mixed-r18 PDCCH-BlindDetectionCG-UE-MixedExt-r16 } SimulSRS-ForAntennaSwitching-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { supportSRS-xTyR-xLessThanY-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportSRS-xTyR-xEqualToY-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportSRS-AntennaSwitching-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } TwoPUCCH-Grp-Configurations-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { pucch-PrimaryGroupMapping-r16 TwoPUCCH-Grp-ConfigParams-r16, pucch-SecondaryGroupMapping-r16 TwoPUCCH-Grp-ConfigParams-r16 } TwoPUCCH-Grp-Configurations-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { primaryPUCCH-GroupConfig-r17 PUCCH-Group-Config-r17, secondaryPUCCH-GroupConfig-r17 PUCCH-Group-Config-r17 } TwoPUCCH-Grp-ConfigParams-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { pucch-GroupMapping-r16 PUCCH-Grp-CarrierTypes-r16, pucch-TX-r16 PUCCH-Grp-CarrierTypes-r16 } CarrierTypePair-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { carrierForCSI-Measurement-r16 PUCCH-Grp-CarrierTypes-r16, carrierForCSI-Reporting-r16 PUCCH-Grp-CarrierTypes-r16 } PUCCH-Grp-CarrierTypes-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { fr1-NonSharedTDD-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, fr1-SharedTDD-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, fr1-NonSharedFDD-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, fr2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } PUCCH-Group-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { fr1-FR1-NonSharedTDD-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, fr2-FR2-NonSharedTDD-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, fr1-FR2-NonSharedTDD-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CombinationCarrierType-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { schedulingCellCarrierType-r18 ENUMERATED {licensed-fdd-fr1, licensed-tdd-fr1, unlicensed-tdd-fr1, fr2-1, fr2-2}, scheduledCellCarrierType-r18 ENUMERATED {licensed-fdd-fr1, licensed-tdd-fr1, unlicensed-tdd-fr1, fr2-1, fr2-2} } -- TAG-CA-PARAMETERSNR-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CA-ParametersNR field description
For a given supported band combination, this field indicates the alternative list of SupportedCSI-RS-Resource supported for each codebook type, amongst the supported CSI-RS resources included in codebookParametersPerBand in MIMO-ParametersPerBand.

The IE CA-ParametersNRDC contains dual connectivity related capabilities that are defined per band combination.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CA-PARAMETERS-NRDC-START CA-ParametersNRDC ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC CA-ParametersNR OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1540 CA-ParametersNR-v1540 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1550 CA-ParametersNR-v1550 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1560 CA-ParametersNR-v1560 OPTIONAL,
featureSetCombinationDCIf this field is present for a band combination, it reports the feature set combination supported for the band combination when NR-DC is configured. If this field is absent for a band combination, the featureSetCombination in BandCombination (without suffix) is applicable to the UE configured with NR-DC for the band combination.
FeatureSetCombinationId OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v15g0 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v15g0 CA-ParametersNR-v15g0 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 18-1: Semi-static power sharing mode1 between MCG and SCG cells of same FR for NR dual connectivity intraFR-NR-DC-PwrSharingMode1-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-1a: Semi-static power sharing mode 2 between MCG and SCG cells of same FR for NR dual connectivity intraFR-NR-DC-PwrSharingMode2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-1b: Dynamic power sharing between MCG and SCG cells of same FR for NR dual connectivity intraFR-NR-DC-DynamicPwrSharing-r16 ENUMERATED {short, long} OPTIONAL, asyncNRDC-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1610 CA-ParametersNR-v1610 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1630 CA-ParametersNR-v1630 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v1640 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1640 CA-ParametersNR-v1640 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v1650 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedCellGrouping-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..maxCellGroupings-r16)) OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v16a0 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v16a0 CA-ParametersNR-v16a0 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v16j0 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v16j0 CA-ParametersNR-v1690 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 31-9: Indicates the support of simultaneous transmission and reception of an IAB-node from multiple parent nodes simultaneousRxTx-IAB-MultipleParents-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condPSCellAdditionNRDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scg-ActivationDeactivationNRDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scg-ActivationDeactivationResumeNRDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, beamManagementType-CBM-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v1720 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1700 CA-ParametersNR-v1700 OPTIONAL, ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1720 CA-ParametersNR-v1720 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1730 CA-ParametersNR-v1730 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v1760 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1760 CA-ParametersNR-v1760 } CA-ParametersNRDC-v1780 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1780 CA-ParametersNR-v1780 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v17b0 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v17b0 CA-ParametersNR-v1740 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1800 CA-ParametersNR-v1800 OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-6d: Capability on the number of CCs for monitoring a maximum number of BDs and non-overlapped CCEs per span for MCG and for -- SCG when configured for NR-DC operation with Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring on all the serving cells pdcch-BlindDetectionNRDC-r18 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxNrofPdcch-BlindDetectionMixed-1-r16)) OF PDCCH-BlindDetectionMixed1-r18 OPTIONAL } CA-ParametersNRDC-v1830 ::= SEQUENCE { ca-ParametersNR-ForDC-v1830 CA-ParametersNR-v1830 OPTIONAL } PDCCH-BlindDetectionMixed1-r18::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionCG-UE-Mixed-r18 SEQUENCE{ pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-UE-Mixed-r18 INTEGER (1..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionSCG-UE-Mixed-r18 INTEGER (1..15) } } -- TAG-CA-PARAMETERS-NRDC-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CA-ParametersNRDC field descriptions
ca-ParametersNR-forDC (with and without suffix)
If this field is present for a band combination, it reports the UE capabilities when NR-DC is configured with the band combination. If a version of this field (i.e., with or without suffix) is absent for a band combination, the corresponding ca-ParametersNR field version in BandCombinationis applicable to the UE configured with NR-DC for the band combination. If a version of this field (i.e., with or without suffix) is present for a band combination but does not contain any parameters, the UE does not support the corresponding field version when configured with NR-DC for the band combination.
If this field is present for a band combination, it reports the feature set combination supported for the band combination when NR-DC is configured. If this field is absent for a band combination, the featureSetCombination in BandCombination (without suffix) is applicable to the UE configured with NR-DC for the band combination.

The IE CarrierAggregationVariant informs the network about supported "placement" of the SpCell in an NR cell group.

The IE CodebookParameters is used to convey codebook related parameters.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CODEBOOKPARAMETERS-START CodebookParameters ::= SEQUENCE { type1 SEQUENCE { singlePanel SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources)) OF SupportedCSI-RS-Resource, modes ENUMERATED {mode1, mode1andMode2}, maxNumberCSI-RS-PerResourceSet INTEGER (1..8) }, multiPanel SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources)) OF SupportedCSI-RS-Resource, modes ENUMERATED {mode1, mode2, both}, nrofPanels ENUMERATED {n2, n4}, maxNumberCSI-RS-PerResourceSet INTEGER (1..8) } OPTIONAL }, type2 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources)) OF SupportedCSI-RS-Resource, parameterLx INTEGER (2..4), amplitudeScalingType ENUMERATED {wideband, widebandAndSubband}, amplitudeSubsetRestriction ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, type2-PortSelection SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources)) OF SupportedCSI-RS-Resource, parameterLx INTEGER (2..4), amplitudeScalingType ENUMERATED {wideband, widebandAndSubband} } OPTIONAL } CodebookParameters-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE {
supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAlt-r16This field indicates the alternative list of SupportedCSI-RS-Resource supported for each codebook type. The supported CSI-RS resource is indicated by an integer value which pinpoints SupportedCSI-RS-Resource defined in CodebookVariantsList. The value 0 corresponds to the first entry of CodebookVariantsList. The value 1 corresponds to the second entry of CodebookVariantsList, and so on. For each codebook type, the field shall be included in both codebookParametersPerBC(but optional for single CC) and codebookParametersPerBand.
SEQUENCE { type1-SinglePanel-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1-MultiPanel-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type2-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type2-PortSelection-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } CodebookParametersAddition-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { etype2-r16 SEQUENCE { -- R1 16-3a Regular eType 2 R=1 etype2R1-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) }, -- R1 16-3a-1 Regular eType 2 R=2 etype2R2-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-3a-2: Support of parameter combinations 7-8 paramComb7-8-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-3a-3: Support of rank 3,4 rank3-4-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-3a-4: CBSR with soft amplitude restriction amplitudeSubsetRestriction-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, etype2-PS-r16 SEQUENCE { -- R1 16-3b Regular eType 2 R=1 PortSelection etype2R1-PortSelection-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) }, -- R1 16-3b-1 Regular eType 2 R=2 PortSelection etype2R2-PortSelection-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-3b-2: Support of rank 3,4 rank3-4-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } CodebookComboParametersAddition-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 16-8 Mixed codebook types type1SP-Type2-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1SP-Type2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R1-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R2-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R1PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1SP-Type2-Type2PS-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1MP-Type2-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1MP-Type2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R1-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R2-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R1PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL, type1MP-Type2-Type2PS-r16 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceListAdd-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) } OPTIONAL } CodebookParametersfetype2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 23-9-1 Basic Features of Further Enhanced Port-Selection Type II Codebook (FeType-II) fetype2basic-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16), -- R1 23-9-2 Support of M=2 and R=1 for FeType-II fetype2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r17)) OF INTEGER (0.. maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-9-4 Support of R = 2 for FeType-II fetype2R2-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r17)) OF INTEGER (0.. maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-9-3 Support of rank 3, 4 for FeType-II fetype2Rank3Rank4-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CodebookComboParameterMixedType-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 23-9-5 Active CSI-RS resources and ports for mixed codebook types in any slot type1SP-feType2PS-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-feType2PS-M2R1-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-feType2PS-M2R2-null-r1 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-Type2-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-Type2-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-feType2PS-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-feType2PS-M2R1-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-feType2PS-M2R2-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-Type2-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-Type2-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL } CodebookComboParameterMultiTRP-r17::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 23-7-1bActive CSI-RS resources and ports in the presence of multi-TRP CSI -- {Codebook 2, Codebook 3} =(NULL, NULL} nCJT-null-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-null-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- {Codebook 2, Codebook 3} = {( {"Rel 16 combinations in FG 16-8"} nCJT-Type2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-Type2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R1-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R1PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-Type2-Type2PS-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-Type2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-Type2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R1-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R1PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-Type2-Type2PS-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- {Codebook 2, Codebook 3} = {"New Rel17 combinations in FG 23-9-5"} nCJT-feType2PS-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-feType2PS-M2R1-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-feType2PS-M2R2-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-Type2-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-Type2-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-feType2PS-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-feType2PS-M2R1-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-feType2PS-M2R2-null-r1 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-Type2-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-Type2-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL } CodebookParametersAdditionPerBC-r16::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 16-3a Regular eType 2 R=1 etype2R1-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-3a-1 Regular eType 2 R=2 etype2R2-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-3b Regular eType 2 R=1 PortSelection etype2R1-PortSelection-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-3b-1 Regular eType 2 R=2 PortSelection etype2R2-PortSelection-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL } CodebookComboParametersAdditionPerBC-r16::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 16-8 Mixed codebook types type1SP-Type2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-Type2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R1-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R1PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-Type2-Type2PS-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-Type2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-Type2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R1-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R1PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-Type2-Type2PS-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL } CodebookParametersfetype2PerBC-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 23-9-1Basic Features of Further Enhanced Port-Selection Type II Codebook (FeType-II) fetype2basic-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16), -- R1 23-9-2Support of M=2 and R=1 for FeType-II fetype2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r17)) OF INTEGER (0.. maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-9-4Support of R = 2 for FeType-II fetype2R2-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r17)) OF INTEGER (0.. maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL } CodebookComboParameterMixedTypePerBC-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 23-9-5 Active CSI-RS resources and ports for mixed codebook types in any slot type1SP-feType2PS-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-feType2PS-M2R1-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-feType2PS-M2R2-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-Type2-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-Type2-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1SP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-feType2PS-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-feType2PS-M2R1-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-feType2PS-M2R2-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-Type2-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-Type2-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, type1MP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL } CodebookComboParameterMultiTRP-PerBC-r17::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 23-7-1bActive CSI-RS resources and ports in the presence of multi-TRP CSI -- {Codebook 2, Codebook 3} =(NULL, NULL} nCJT-null-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-null-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- {Codebook 2, Codebook 3} = {( {"Rel 16 combinations in FG 16-8"} nCJT-Type2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-Type2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R1-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R1PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-Type2-Type2PS-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-Type2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-Type2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R1-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R2-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R1PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R2PS-null-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-Type2-Type2PS-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- {Codebook 2, Codebook 3} = {"New Rel17 combinations in FG 23-9-5"} nCJT-feType2PS-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-feType2PS-M2R1-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-feType2PS-M2R2-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-Type2-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-Type2-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-feType2PS-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-feType2PS-M2R1-null-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-feType2PS-M2R2-null-r1 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-Type2-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-Type2-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, nCJT1SP-eType2R1-feType2-PS-M2R1-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL } CodebookParametersetype2DopplerCSI-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-3-2-1: Support of Rel-16-based doppler CSI eType2Doppler-r18 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16), valueY-P-SP-CSI-RS-r18 INTEGER (1..3), valueY-A-CSI-RS-r18 INTEGER (1..3), scalingfactor-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} }, -- R1 40-3-2-1a: Support of Rel-16-based doppler measurement with N4>1 eType2DopplerN4-r18 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ReportSettingList1-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF SupportedCSI-RS-ReportSetting-r18, supportedCSI-RS-ReportSettingList2-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF SupportedCSI-RS-ReportSetting-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-1a-1: DD unit size when A-CSI-RS is configured for CMR N4>1 ddUnitSize-A-CSI-RS-CMR-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-1b: Maximum number of aperiodic CSI-RS resources that can be configured in the same CSI report setting for -- Rel-16-based doppler measurement maxNumberAperiodicCSI-RS-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n12} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-2: Support R=2 for Rel-16-based doppler codebook eType2DopplerR2-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-3: Support X=1 based on first and last slot of WCSI, for Rel-16-based doppler codebook eType2DopplerX1-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-3a: Support X=2 CQI based on 2 slots for Rel-16-based doppler codebook eType2DopplerX2-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --R1 40-3-2-7: support of l = (n - nCSI,ref ) for CSI reference slot for Rel-16 based doppler codebook eType2DopplerL-N4D1-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-8: Support of L=6 for Rel-16 based doppler codebook eType2DopplerL6-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-9: Support of rank equals 3 and 4 for Rel-16 based doppler codebook eType2DopplerR3R4-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CodebookParametersfetype2DopplerCSI-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-3-2-4: Support of Rel-17-based doppler CSI feType2Doppler-r18 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16), valueY-A-CSI-RS-r18 INTEGER (1..3), scalingfactor-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} }, -- R1 40-3-2-4b: Maximum number of aperiodic CSI-RS resources that can be configured in the same CSI report setting for -- Rel-17-based doppler CSI maxNumberAperiodicCSI-RS-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n12} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-5: Support of M=2 and R=1 for Rel-17-based doppler codebook feType2DopplerM2R1-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-6: Support R=2 for Rel-17-based doppler codebook feType2DopplerR2-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, --R1 40-3-2-7a: Support of l = (n - nCSI,ref ) for CSI reference slot for Rel-17 based doppler codebook feType2DopplerL-N4D1-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-10: Support of rank equals 3 and 4 for Rel-17 based doppler codebook feType2DopplerR3R4-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CodebookParametersetype2CJT-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-3-1-1: Basic feature for Rel-16-based CJT type-II codebook eType2CJT-r18 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16), scalingfactor-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n1dot5, n2}, maxNumberNZP-CSI-RS-MultiTRP-CJT-r18 INTEGER (2..4) }, -- R1 40-3-1-1a: Support of mode 1 for Rel-16-based CJT type-II codebook with FD basis selection integer frequency offset eType2CJT-FD-IO-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-2: Support for FD basis selection fractional offset mode for Rel-16-based CJT codebook with mode1 eType2CJT-FD-FO-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-3: Support R=2 for Rel-16-based CJT codebook eType2CJT-R2-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-4: Support pv={1/2,1/2,1/2,1/2} and beta=1/2 for Rel-16-based CJT codebook eType2CJT-PV-Beta-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-9: Support for 2NN1N2 >32 for Rel-16 based CJT codebook eType2CJT-2NN1N2-r18 ENUMERATED {n64,n96,n128} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-12: Support of Rank 3 and 4 for Rel-16-based CJT type-II codebook eType2CJT-Rank3Rank4-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-14: Support of Support of L=6 for Rel-16-based CJT type-II codebook eType2CJT-L6-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-15: dynamic selection of N<=N_TRP for Rel-16-based CJT type-II codebook eType2CJT-NN-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-17: Support for N_L>1 combinations of number of SD basis across CSI-RS resources for Rel-16-based CJT -- type-II codebook eType2CJT-NL-SD-r18 ENUMERATED {n2,n4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-23: Unequal number of spatial basis selection configuration for multi-TRP CJT eType2CJT-Unequal-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CodebookParametersfetype2CJT-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-3-1-5: Basic feature for Rel-17-based CJT type-II codebook feType2CJT-r18 SEQUENCE { supportedCSI-RS-ResourceList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16), scalingfactor-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n1dot5, n2}, maxNumberNZP-CSI-RS-MultiTRP-CJT-r18 INTEGER (2..4) }, -- R1 40-3-1-5a: Support of mode 1 for Rel-17-based CJT type-II codebook with FD basis selection integer frequency offset feType2CJT-FD-IO-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-6: Support for FD basis selection fractional offset mode for Rel-17-based CJT codebook with mode1 feType2CJT-FD-FO-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-7: Support of M=2 and R=1 for Rel-17-based CJT codebook feType2CJT-M2R1-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-8: Support of R=2 for Rel-17-based CJT codebook feType2CJT-R2-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-9a: Support for 2NN1N2 >32 for Rel-17 based CJT codebook feType2CJT-2NN1N2-r18 ENUMERATED {n64,n96,n128} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-13: Support of Rank 3 and 4 for Rel-17-based CJT type-II codebook feType2CJT-Rank3Rank4-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-16: dynamic selection of N<=N_TRP for Rel-17-based CJT type-II codebook feType2CJT-NN-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-18: Support for N_L>1 combinations of number of SD basis across CSI-RS resources for Rel-17-based CJT -- type-II codebook feType2CJT-NL-r18 ENUMERATED {n2,n4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-23a: Unequal number of port selection configuration for multi-TRP CJT feType2CJT-Unequal-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CodebookComboParametersCJT-r18::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-3-1-11: Active CSI-RS resources and ports for mixed codebook types including Type-II-CJT in any slot -- {Codebook 1} = Type I SP cjt-Type1SP-eType2R1-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, cjt-Type1SP-eType2R2-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, cjt-Type1SP-feType2R1M1-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, cjt-Type1SP-feType2R1M2-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, cjt-Type1SP-feType2R2M2-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- {Codebook 1} = Type I MP cjt-Type1MP-eType2R1-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, cjt-Type1MP-eType2R2-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, cjt-Type1MP-feType2R1M1-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, cjt-Type1MP-feType2R1M2-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL, cjt-Type1MP-feType2R2M2-null SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16)) OF INTEGER (0..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16) OPTIONAL } CodebookParametersHARQ-ACK-PUSCH-r18::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 55-4a: Multiplexing Type-1 HARQ-ACK codebook in a PUSCH for PDSCH scheduled after UL grant multiplexingType1-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-4b: Multiplexing Type-2 HARQ-ACK codebook in a PUSCH for PDSCH scheduled after UL grant multiplexingType2-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-4c: Multiplexing Type-3 HARQ-ACK codebook in a PUSCH for PDSCH scheduled after UL grant multiplexingType3-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-4d: Determining a different PUCCH resource to transmit HARQ-ACK for PDSCH scheduled after UL grant pucch-DiffResource-PDSCH-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-4e: Determining different codebook size to transmit HARQ-ACK for PDSCH scheduled after UL grant diffCB-Size-PDSCH-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } CodebookVariantsList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-r16)) OF SupportedCSI-RS-Resource SupportedCSI-RS-Resource ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberTxPortsPerResource ENUMERATED {p2, p4, p8, p12, p16, p24, p32}, maxNumberResourcesPerBand INTEGER (1..64), totalNumberTxPortsPerBand INTEGER (2..256) } SupportedCSI-RS-ReportSetting-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { maxN4-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8}, maxNumberTxPortsPerResource-r18 ENUMERATED {p2, p4, p8, p12, p16, p24, p32}, maxNumberResourcesPerBand-r18 INTEGER (1..64), totalNumberTxPortsPerBand-r18 INTEGER (2..256) } -- TAG-CODEBOOKPARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CodebookParameters field descriptions
This field indicates the alternative list of SupportedCSI-RS-Resource supported for each codebook type. The supported CSI-RS resource is indicated by an integer value which pinpoints SupportedCSI-RS-Resource defined in CodebookVariantsList. The value 0 corresponds to the first entry of CodebookVariantsList. The value 1 corresponds to the second entry of CodebookVariantsList, and so on. For each codebook type, the field shall be included in both codebookParametersPerBC(but optional for single CC) and codebookParametersPerBand.

The IE DL-PRS-MeasurementWithRxFH-RRC-Connected is used to convey the capabilities supported by the UE for PRS measurement with Rx frequency hopping within a measurement gap and measurement reporting in RRC_CONNECTED for RedCap UEs.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DL-PRS-MEASUREMENTWITHRXFH-RRC-CONNECTED-START DL-PRS-MeasurementWithRxFH-RRC-Connected-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { maximumPRS-BandwidthAcrossAllHopsFR1-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz40, mhz50, mhz80, mhz100} OPTIONAL, maximumPRS-BandwidthAcrossAllHopsFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz100, mhz200, mhz400} OPTIONAL, maximumFH-Hops-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n5, n6} OPTIONAL, processingDuration-r18 SEQUENCE { processingPRS-SymbolsDurationN3-r18 ENUMERATED {msDot125, msDot25, msDot5, ms1, ms2, ms4, ms6, ms8, ms12, ms16, ms20, ms25, ms30, ms32, ms35, ms40, ms45, ms50}, processingDurationT3-r18 ENUMERATED {ms8, ms16, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms80, ms160, ms320, ms640, ms1280} } OPTIONAL, rf-RxRetuneTimeFR1-r18 ENUMERATED {n70, n140, n210} OPTIONAL, rf-RxRetuneTimeFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {n35, n70, n140} OPTIONAL, numOfOverlappingPRB-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-DL-PRS-MEASUREMENTWITHRXFH-RRC-CONNECTED-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE ERedCapParameters is used to indicate the UE capabilities supported by eRedCap UEs.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-EREDCAPPARAMETERS-START ERedCapParameters-r18::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 48-1: eRedCap UE with reduced peak data rate and reduced baseband bandwidth in FR1 supportOfERedCap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported}, -- R1 48-2: eRedCap UE with reduced peak data rate without reduced baseband bandwidth in FR1 eRedCapNotReducedBB-BW-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eRedCapIgnoreCapabilityFiltering-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-EREDCAPPARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE FeatureSetCombination is a two-dimensional matrix of FeatureSet entries. Each FeatureSetsPerBand contains a list of feature sets applicable to the carrier(s) of one band entry of the associated band combination. Across the associated bands, the UE shall support the combination of FeatureSets at the same position in the FeatureSetsPerBand. All FeatureSetsPerBand in one FeatureSetCombination must have the same number of entries. The number of FeatureSetsPerBand in the FeatureSetCombination must be equal to the number of band entries in an associated band combination. The first FeatureSetPerBand applies to the first band entry of the band combination, and so on. Each FeatureSet contains either a pair of NR or E-UTRA feature set IDs for UL and DL. In case of NR,the actual feature sets for UL and DL are defined in the FeatureSets IE and referred to from here by their ID,i.e., their position in the featureSetsUplink / featureSetsDownlink list in the FeatureSet IE. In case of E-UTRA, the feature sets referred to from this list are defined in TS 36.331 [10] and conveyed as part of the UE-EUTRA-Capability container. The FeatureSetUplink and FeatureSetDownlink referred to from the FeatureSet comprise, among other information, a set of FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Ids and FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Ids. The number of these per-CC IDs determines the number of carriers that the UE is able to aggregate contiguously in frequency domain in the corresponding band. The number of carriers supported by the UE is also restricted by the bandwidth class indicated in the associated BandCombination, if present. In feature set combinations the UE shall exclude entries with same or lower capabilities, since the network may anyway assume that the UE supports those.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FEATURESETCOMBINATION-START FeatureSetCombination ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSimultaneousBands)) OF FeatureSetsPerBand FeatureSetsPerBand ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFeatureSetsPerBand)) OF FeatureSet FeatureSet ::= CHOICE { eutra SEQUENCE { downlinkSetEUTRA FeatureSetEUTRA-DownlinkId, uplinkSetEUTRA FeatureSetEUTRA-UplinkId }, nr SEQUENCE { downlinkSetNR FeatureSetDownlinkId, uplinkSetNR FeatureSetUplinkId } } -- TAG-FEATURESETCOMBINATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE FeatureSetCombinationId identifies a FeatureSetCombination. The FeatureSetCombinationId of a FeatureSetCombination is the position of the FeatureSetCombination in the featureSetCombinations list (in UE-NR-Capability or UE-MRDC-Capability). The FeatureSetCombinationId = 0 refers to the first entry in the featureSetCombinations list (in UE-NR-Capability or UE-MRDC-Capability).

The IE FeatureSetDownlink indicates a set of features that the UE supports on the carriers corresponding to one band entry in a band combination.
featureSetListPerDownlinkCCIndicates which features the UE supports on the individual DL carriers of the feature set (and hence of a band entry that refer to the feature set). The UE shall hence include at least as many FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id in this list as the number of carriers it supports according to the ca-BandwidthClassDL, except if indicating additional functionality by reducing the number of FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id in the feature set (see NOTE 1 in FeatureSetCombination IE description). The order of the elements in this list is not relevant, i.e., the network may configure any of the carriers in accordance with any of the FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id in this list.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OF FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id, intraBandFreqSeparationDL FreqSeparationClass OPTIONAL, scalingFactor ENUMERATED {f0p4, f0p75, f0p8} OPTIONAL, dummy8 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scellWithoutSSB ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, csi-RS-MeasSCellWithoutSSB ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, type1-3-CSS ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcch-MonitoringAnyOccasions ENUMERATED {withoutDCI-Gap, withDCI-Gap} OPTIONAL, dummy2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ue-SpecificUL-DL-Assignment ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, searchSpaceSharingCA-DL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, timeDurationForQCL SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {s7, s14, s28} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {s14, s28} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, pdsch-ProcessingType1-DifferentTB-PerSlot SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz ENUMERATED {upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ENUMERATED {upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, dummy3 DummyA OPTIONAL, dummy4 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCodebooks)) OF DummyB OPTIONAL, dummy5 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCodebooks)) OF DummyC OPTIONAL, dummy6 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCodebooks)) OF DummyD OPTIONAL, dummy7 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCodebooks)) OF DummyE OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlink-v1540 ::= SEQUENCE { oneFL-DMRS-TwoAdditionalDMRS-DL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, additionalDMRS-DL-Alt ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, twoFL-DMRS-TwoAdditionalDMRS-DL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, oneFL-DMRS-ThreeAdditionalDMRS-DL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcch-MonitoringAnyOccasionsWithSpanGap SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz ENUMERATED {set1, set2, set3} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ENUMERATED {set1, set2, set3} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {set1, set2, set3} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {set1, set2, set3} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, pdsch-SeparationWithGap ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdsch-ProcessingType2 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz ProcessingParameters OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ProcessingParameters OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ProcessingParameters OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, pdsch-ProcessingType2-Limited SEQUENCE { differentTB-PerSlot-SCS-30kHz ENUMERATED {upto1, upto2, upto4, upto7} } OPTIONAL, dl-MCS-TableAlt-DynamicIndication ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlink-v15a0 ::= SEQUENCE {
supportedSRS-ResourcesIndicates supported SRS resources for SRS carrier switching to the band associated with this FeatureSetDownlink. The UE is only allowed to set this field for a band with associated FeatureSetUplinkId set to 0.
SRS-Resources OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlink-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 22-4e/4f/4g/4h: CBG based reception for DL with unicast PDSCH(s) per slot per CC with UE processing time Capability 1 cbgPDSCH-ProcessingType1-DifferentTB-PerSlot-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-3e/3f/3g/3h: CBG based reception for DL with unicast PDSCH(s) per slot per CC with UE processing time Capability 2 cbgPDSCH-ProcessingType2-DifferentTB-PerSlot-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, intraFreqDAPS-r16 SEQUENCE { intraFreqDiffSCS-DAPS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, intraFreqAsyncDAPS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, intraBandFreqSeparationDL-v1620 FreqSeparationClassDL-v1620 OPTIONAL, intraBandFreqSeparationDL-Only-r16 FreqSeparationClassDL-Only-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-2: Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability pdcch-Monitoring-r16 SEQUENCE { pdsch-ProcessingType1-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r16 PDCCH-MonitoringOccasions-r16 OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r16 PDCCH-MonitoringOccasions-r16 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, pdsch-ProcessingType2-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r16 PDCCH-MonitoringOccasions-r16 OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r16 PDCCH-MonitoringOccasions-r16 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-2b: Mix of Rel. 16 PDCCH monitoring capability and Rel. 15 PDCCH monitoring capability on different carriers pdcch-MonitoringMixed-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-5c: Processing up to X unicast DCI scheduling for DL per scheduled CC crossCarrierSchedulingProcessing-DiffSCS-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} OPTIONAL, scs-15kHz-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} OPTIONAL, scs-15kHz-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2b-1: Support of single-DCI based SDM scheme singleDCI-SDM-scheme-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlink-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 36-2: Scaling factor to be applied to 1024QAM for FR1 scalingFactor-1024QAM-FR1-r17 ENUMERATED {f0p4, f0p75, f0p8} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24 feature for existing UE cap to include new SCS timeDurationForQCL-v1710 SEQUENCE { scs-480kHz ENUMERATED {s56, s112} OPTIONAL, scs-960kHz ENUMERATED {s112, s224} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-6-1SFN scheme A (scheme 1) for PDSCH and PDCCH sfn-SchemeA-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-6-1-1SFN scheme A (scheme 1) for PDCCH only sfn-SchemeA-PDCCH-only-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-6-1aDynamic switching - scheme A sfn-SchemeA-DynamicSwitching-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-6-1bSFN scheme A (scheme 1) for PDSCH only sfn-SchemeA-PDSCH-only-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-6-2SFN scheme B (TRP based pre-compensation) for PDSCH and PDCCH sfn-SchemeB-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-6-2aDynamic switching - scheme B sfn-SchemeB-DynamicSwitching-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-6-2bSFN scheme B (TRP based pre-compensation) for PDSCH only sfn-SchemeB-PDSCH-only-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-2-1dPDCCH repetition for Case 2 PDCCH monitoring with a span gap mTRP-PDCCH-Case2-1SpanGap-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r17 PDCCH-RepetitionParameters-r17 OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r17 PDCCH-RepetitionParameters-r17 OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r17 PDCCH-RepetitionParameters-r17 OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r17 PDCCH-RepetitionParameters-r17 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-2-1ePDCCH repetition for Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring mTRP-PDCCH-legacyMonitoring-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r17 PDCCH-RepetitionParameters-r17 OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r17 PDCCH-RepetitionParameters-r17 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-2-4Simultaneous configuration of PDCCH repetition and multi-DCI based multi-TRP mTRP-PDCCH-multiDCI-multiTRP-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-2:Dynamic scheduling for multicast for PCell dynamicMulticastPCell-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-2-1PDCCH repetition mTRP-PDCCH-Repetition-r17 SEQUENCE { numBD-twoPDCCH-r17 INTEGER (2..3), maxNumOverlaps-r17 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n5,n10,n20,n40} } OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlink-v1720 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 25-19: RTT-based Propagation delay compensation based on CSI-RS for tracking and SRS rtt-BasedPDC-CSI-RS-ForTracking-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-19a: RTT-based Propagation delay compensation based on DL PRS for RTT-based PDC and SRS rtt-BasedPDC-PRS-r17 SEQUENCE { maxNumberPRS-Resource-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberPRS-ResourceProcessedPerSlot-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-5-1: SPS group-common PDSCH for multicast on PCell sps-Multicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlink-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 25-19b: Support of PRS as spatial relation RS for SRS prs-AsSpatialRelationRS-For-SRS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlink-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-1-14a: Dynamic switching - scheme A dynamicSwitchingA-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-14b: Dynamic switching - scheme B dynamicSwitchingB-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-11: Aperiodic CSI report timing relaxation for doppler codebook based on Type-II codebook aperiodicCSI-TimeRelaxation-r18 SEQUENCE { valueW-r18 SEQUENCE{ scs-15kHz ENUMERATED {value1, value2} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ENUMERATED {value1, value2} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {value1, value2} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {value1, value2} OPTIONAL }, timeRelaxation-r18 ENUMERATED {cap1, cap2} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-1: Basic feature of Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PDSCH for scheduling of mapping type A pdsch-TypeA-DMRS-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-1a: Basic feature of Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PDSCH for scheduling of mapping type B pdsch-TypeB-DMRS-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-1b: 1 symbol FL DMRS and 2 additional DMRS symbols for more than one port for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PDSCH pdsch-1SymbolFL-DMRS-Addition2Symbol-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-1c: Alternative additional DMRS position for co-existence with LTE CRS for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PDSCH pdsch-AlternativeDMRS-Coexistence-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-1d: 2 symbols FL-DMRS for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PDSCH pdsch-2SymbolFL-DMRS-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-1e: 2-symbol FL DMRS + one additional 2-symbols DMRS for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PDSCH pdsch-2SymbolFL-DMRS-Addition2Symbol-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-1f: 1 symbol FL DMRS and 3 additional DMRS symbols for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PDSCH pdsch-1SymbolFL-DMRS-Addition3Symbol-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-1g: DMRS type for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PDSCH pdsch-DMRS-Type-r18 ENUMERATED {etype1, etype1And2} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-1h: 1 port DL PTRS for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PDSCH with rank 1-8 pdsch-1PortDL-PTRS-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-1i: 2 port DL PTRS for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PDSCH with rank 1-8 pdsch-2PortDL-PTRS-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-1j: Support 1 symbol FL DMRS and 2 additional DMRS symbols for at least one port for scheduling of mapping type A mappingTypeA-1SymbolFL-DMRS-Addition2Symbol-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-2: Capability on the maximum number of configured DMRS types for PDSCH across all DL DCI formats per cell maxNumberDMRS-AcrossAllDL-DCI-r18 INTEGER (2..4) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-4: Reception of PDSCH without the scheduling restriction for Rel.18 eType1 DMRS ports pdsch-ReceptionWithoutSchedulingRestriction-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-4a: Reception of PDSCH without the scheduling restriction for Rel.18 eType1 DMRS ports for PDSCH with fdmSchemeA pdsch-ReceptionSchemeA-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-4b: Reception of PDSCH without the scheduling restriction for Rel.18 eType1 DMRS ports for PDSCH with fdmSchemeB pdsch-ReceptionSchemeB-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-5: Rel-18 DL DMRS with single DCI based M-TRP dmrs-MultiTRP-SingleDCI-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-5a: Additional row(s) for antenna ports (0,2,3) for Rel.18 DL DMRS ports for single-DCI based M-TRP dmrs-MultiTRP-AdditionRows-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-7: Rel-18 DL DMRS with M-DCI based M-TRP dmrs-MultiTRP-MultiDCI-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-12: Support of Rel-18 DMRS and PDSCH processing capability 2 simultaneously simulDMRS-PDSCH-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r18 INTEGER (0..4) OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r18 INTEGER (0..5) OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r18 INTEGER (0..7) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 53-1: Support RLM/BM/BFD and gapless L3 intra-frequency measurements based on CD-SSB outside active BWP without interruptions bwpOperationMeasWithoutInterrupt-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-6: (2, 2) span-based PDCCH monitoring with additional restriction(s) pdcch-MonitoringSpan2-2-r18 SEQUENCE{ pdsch-ProcessingType1-r18 SEQUENCE{ scs-15kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL }, pdsch-ProcessingType2-r18 SEQUENCE{ scs-15kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-6b: Mix of Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring capability and Rel. 15 PDCCH monitoring capability on different carriers pdcch-MonitoringMixed-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-6h: PDCCH repetition for Rel-16 PDCCH monitoring mTRP-PDCCH-legacyMonitoring-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r18 PDCCH-RepetitionParameters-r17 OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r18 PDCCH-RepetitionParameters-r17 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R4 42-1: Support of SCell without SS/PBCH block for inter-band CA scellWithoutSSB-InterBandCA-r18 CHOICE { supportOfSingleGroup ENUMERATED {referenceBand, scellWithoutSSB, both}, supportOfMultipleGroups ENUMERATED {referenceBand1, scellWithoutSSB1, referenceBand2, scellWithoutSSB2} } OPTIONAL, dummy SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandsMRDC)) OF Dummy-PDCCH-RACH-DL-Info-r18 OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlink-v1830 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R4 39-4: Interruption on DL slot(s) due to PDCCH- ordered RACH transmission pdcch-RACH-AffectedBandsList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandsMRDC)) OF ENUMERATED {noInterruption, interruption} OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-4a: Interruption due to RF retuning for PDCCH- ordered RACH pdcch-RACH-SwitchingTimeList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandsMRDC)) OF ENUMERATED {ms0, ms0dot25, ms0dot5, ms1, ms2, notSupported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-5: the RF/BB preparation time for PDCCH ordered RACH of which the resources are not fully contained -- in any of UE's configured UL BWP(s) of active serving cells pdcch-RACH-PrepTimeList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandsMRDC)) OF ENUMERATED {ms1, ms3, ms5, ms10, notSupported} OPTIONAL } PDCCH-MonitoringOccasions-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { period7span3-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, period4span3-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, period2span2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } PDCCH-RepetitionParameters-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedMode-r17 ENUMERATED {intra-span, inter-span, both}, limitX-PerCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, n32, n44, n64, nolimit} OPTIONAL, limitX-AcrossCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, n32, n44, n64, n128, n256, n512, nolimit} OPTIONAL } DummyA ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberNZP-CSI-RS-PerCC INTEGER (1..32), maxNumberPortsAcrossNZP-CSI-RS-PerCC ENUMERATED {p2, p4, p8, p12, p16, p24, p32, p40, p48, p56, p64, p72, p80, p88, p96, p104, p112, p120, p128, p136, p144, p152, p160, p168, p176, p184, p192, p200, p208, p216, p224, p232, p240, p248, p256}, maxNumberCS-IM-PerCC ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32}, maxNumberSimultaneousCSI-RS-ActBWP-AllCC ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24, n26, n28, n30, n32, n34, n36, n38, n40, n42, n44, n46, n48, n50, n52, n54, n56, n58, n60, n62, n64}, totalNumberPortsSimultaneousCSI-RS-ActBWP-AllCC ENUMERATED {p8, p12, p16, p24, p32, p40, p48, p56, p64, p72, p80, p88, p96, p104, p112, p120, p128, p136, p144, p152, p160, p168, p176, p184, p192, p200, p208, p216, p224, p232, p240, p248, p256} } DummyB ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberTxPortsPerResource ENUMERATED {p2, p4, p8, p12, p16, p24, p32}, maxNumberResources INTEGER (1..64), totalNumberTxPorts INTEGER (2..256), supportedCodebookMode ENUMERATED {mode1, mode1AndMode2}, maxNumberCSI-RS-PerResourceSet INTEGER (1..8) } DummyC ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberTxPortsPerResource ENUMERATED {p8, p16, p32}, maxNumberResources INTEGER (1..64), totalNumberTxPorts INTEGER (2..256), supportedCodebookMode ENUMERATED {mode1, mode2, both}, supportedNumberPanels ENUMERATED {n2, n4}, maxNumberCSI-RS-PerResourceSet INTEGER (1..8) } DummyD ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberTxPortsPerResource ENUMERATED {p4, p8, p12, p16, p24, p32}, maxNumberResources INTEGER (1..64), totalNumberTxPorts INTEGER (2..256), parameterLx INTEGER (2..4), amplitudeScalingType ENUMERATED {wideband, widebandAndSubband}, amplitudeSubsetRestriction ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxNumberCSI-RS-PerResourceSet INTEGER (1..8) } DummyE ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberTxPortsPerResource ENUMERATED {p4, p8, p12, p16, p24, p32}, maxNumberResources INTEGER (1..64), totalNumberTxPorts INTEGER (2..256), parameterLx INTEGER (2..4), amplitudeScalingType ENUMERATED {wideband, widebandAndSubband}, maxNumberCSI-RS-PerResourceSet INTEGER (1..8) } Dummy-PDCCH-RACH-DL-Info-r18 ::= CHOICE { notSupported NULL, supported SEQUENCE { -- R4 39-4: Interruption on DL slot(s) due to PDCCH- ordered RACH transmission pdcch-RACH-AffectedBands-r18 ENUMERATED {noIntrruption, interruption}, -- R4 39-4a: Interruption on DL slot(s) due to PDCCH- ordered RACH transmission pdcch-RACH-SwitchingTimeList-r18 ENUMERATED {ms0, ms0dot25, ms0dot5 , ms1, ms2} OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-5: the RF/BB preparation time for PDCCH ordered RACH of which the resources are not fully contained -- in any of UE's configured UL BWP(s) of active serving cells pdcch-RACH-PrepTime-r18 ENUMERATED {ms1, ms3, ms5, ms10} OPTIONAL } } -- TAG-FEATURESETDOWNLINK-STOP -- ASN1STOP
FeatureSetDownlinkfield descriptions
Indicates which features the UE supports on the individual DL carriers of the feature set (and hence of a band entry that refer to the feature set). The UE shall hence include at least as many FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id in this list as the number of carriers it supports according to the ca-BandwidthClassDL, except if indicating additional functionality by reducing the number of FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id in the feature set (see NOTE 1 in FeatureSetCombination IE description). The order of the elements in this list is not relevant, i.e., the network may configure any of the carriers in accordance with any of the FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id in this list.
Indicates supported SRS resources for SRS carrier switching to the band associated with this FeatureSetDownlink. The UE is only allowed to set this field for a band with associated FeatureSetUplinkId set to 0.

The IE FeatureSetDownlinkId identifies a downlink feature set. The FeatureSetDownlinkId of a FeatureSetDownlink is the index position of the FeatureSetDownlink in the featureSetsDownlink list in the FeatureSets IE. The first element in that list is referred to by FeatureSetDownlinkId = 1. The FeatureSetDownlinkId=0 is not used by an actual FeatureSetDownlink but means that the UE does not support a carrier in this band of a band combination.

The IE FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC indicates a set of features that the UE supports on the corresponding carrier of one band entry of a band combination.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FEATURESETDOWNLINKPERCC-START FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC ::= SEQUENCE { supportedSubcarrierSpacingDL SubcarrierSpacing, supportedBandwidthDL SupportedBandwidth, channelBW-90mhz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxNumberMIMO-LayersPDSCH MIMO-LayersDL OPTIONAL, supportedModulationOrderDL ModulationOrder OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1620 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 16-2a: Mulit-DCI based multi-TRP multiDCI-MultiTRP-r16 MultiDCI-MultiTRP-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2b-3: Support of single-DCI based FDMSchemeB supportFDM-SchemeB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedMinBandwidthDL-r17 SupportedBandwidth-v1700 OPTIONAL, broadcastSCell-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-2g: MIMO layers for multicast PDSCH maxNumberMIMO-LayersMulticastPDSCH-r17 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-2h: Dynamic scheduling for multicast for SCell dynamicMulticastSCell-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportedBandwidthDL-v1710 SupportedBandwidth-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- R4 24-1/24-2/24-3/24-4/24-5 supportedCRS-InterfMitigation-r17 CRS-InterfMitigation-r17 OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1720 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 33-2j: Supported maximum modulation order used for maximum data rate calculation for multicast PDSCH maxModulationOrderForMulticastDataRateCalculation-r17 ENUMERATED {qam64, qam256, qam1024} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-1-2: FDM-ed unicast PDSCH and group-common PDSCH for broadcast fdm-BroadcastUnicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-3-2: FDM-ed unicast PDSCH and one group-common PDSCH for multicast fdm-MulticastUnicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 33-3-3: Intra-slot TDM-ed unicast PDSCH and group-common PDSCH intraSlotTDM-UnicastGroupCommonPDSCH-r17 ENUMERATED {yes, no} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-5-3: One SPS group-common PDSCH configuration for multicast for SCell sps-MulticastSCell-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-5-4: Up to 8 SPS group-common PDSCH configurations per CFR for multicast for SCell sps-MulticastSCellMultiConfig-r17 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-1-1: Dynamic slot-level repetition for broadcast MTCH dci-BroadcastWith16Repetitions-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1780 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandwidthDL-v1780 SupportedBandwidth-v1700 OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-2-1: Basic feature for multi-DCI based intra-cell Multi-TRP operation with two TA enhancement multiDCI-IntraCellMultiTRP-TwoTA-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-2-2: Basic feature for multi-DCI based inter-cell Multi-TRP operation with two TA enhancement multiDCI-InterCellMultiTRP-TwoTA-r18 INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-2-6: Rx timing difference larger than CP length rxTimingDiff-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-7: Two QCL TypeD for CORESET monitoring in multi-DCI based multi-TRP multiDCI-MultiTRP-CORESET-Monitoring-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, broadcastNonServingCell-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 30-1: Supports scheduling restriction relaxation and measurement restriction relaxation schedulingMeasurementRelaxation-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1840 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandwidthDL-v1840 SupportedBandwidth-v1840 OPTIONAL, supportedMinBandwidthDL-v1840 SupportedBandwidth-v1840 OPTIONAL } MultiDCI-MultiTRP-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberCORESET-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n5}, maxNumberCORESETPerPoolIndex-r16 INTEGER (1..3), maxNumberUnicastPDSCH-PerPool-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n7} } CRS-InterfMitigation-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R4 24-1 CRS-IM (Interference Mitigation) in DSS scenario crs-IM-DSS-15kHzSCS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 24-2 CRS-IM in non-DSS and 15 kHz NR SCS scenario, without the assistance of network signaling on LTE channel bandwidth crs-IM-nonDSS-15kHzSCS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 24-3 CRS-IM in non-DSS and 15 kHz NR SCS scenario, with the assistance of network signaling on LTE channel bandwidth crs-IM-nonDSS-NWA-15kHzSCS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 24-4 CRS-IM in non-DSS and 30 kHz NR SCS scenario, without the assistance of network signaling on LTE channel bandwidth crs-IM-nonDSS-30kHzSCS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 24-5 CRS-IM in non-DSS and 30 kHz NR SCS scenario, with the assistance of network signaling on LTE channel bandwidth crs-IM-nonDSS-NWA-30kHzSCS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-FEATURESETDOWNLINKPERCC-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id identifies a set of features applicable to one carrier of a feature set. The FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id of a FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC is the index position of the FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC in the featureSetsDownlinkPerCC. The first element in the list is referred to by FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-Id = 1, and so on.

The IE FeatureSetEUTRA-DownlinkId identifies a downlink feature set in E-UTRA list (see TS 36.331 [10]. The first element in that list is referred to by FeatureSetEUTRA-DownlinkId = 1. The FeatureSetEUTRA-DownlinkId=0 is used when the UE does not support a carrier in this band of a band combination.

The IE FeatureSetEUTRA-UplinkId identifies an uplink feature set in E-UTRA list (see TS 36.331 [10]. The first element in that list is referred to by FeatureSetEUTRA-UplinkId = 1. The FeatureSetEUTRA-UplinkId =0 is used when the UE does not support a carrier in this band of a band combination.

The IE FeatureSets is used to provide pools of downlink and uplink features sets. A FeatureSetCombination refers to the IDs of the feature set(s) that the UE supports in that FeatureSetCombination. The BandCombination entries in the BandCombinationList then indicate the ID of the FeatureSetCombination that the UE supports for that band combination. The entries in the lists in this IE are identified by their index position. For example, the FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id = 4 identifies the 4th element in the featureSetsUplinkPerCC list.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FEATURESETS-START FeatureSets ::= SEQUENCE { featureSetsDownlink SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDownlinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlink OPTIONAL, featureSetsDownlinkPerCC SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplink SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUplinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplink OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplinkPerCC SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplinkPerCC OPTIONAL, ..., [[ featureSetsDownlink-v1540 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDownlinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlink-v1540 OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplink-v1540 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUplinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplink-v1540 OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplinkPerCC-v1540 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-v1540 OPTIONAL ]], [[ featureSetsDownlink-v15a0 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDownlinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlink-v15a0 OPTIONAL ]], [[ featureSetsDownlink-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDownlinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlink-v1610 OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplink-v1610 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUplinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplink-v1610 OPTIONAL, featureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1620 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1620 OPTIONAL ]], [[ featureSetsUplink-v1630 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUplinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplink-v1630 OPTIONAL ]], [[ featureSetsUplink-v1640 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUplinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplink-v1640 OPTIONAL ]], [[ featureSetsDownlink-v1700 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDownlinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlink-v1700 OPTIONAL, featureSetsDownlinkPerCC-v1700 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1700 OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplink-v1710 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUplinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplink-v1710 OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplinkPerCC-v1700 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-v1700 OPTIONAL ]], [[ featureSetsDownlink-v1720 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDownlinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlink-v1720 OPTIONAL, featureSetsDownlinkPerCC-v1720 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1720 OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplink-v1720 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUplinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplink-v1720 OPTIONAL ]], [[ featureSetsDownlink-v1730 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDownlinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlink-v1730 OPTIONAL, featureSetsDownlinkPerCC-v1730 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1730 OPTIONAL ]], [[ featureSetsDownlinkPerCC-v1780 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1780 OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplinkPerCC-v1780 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-v1780 OPTIONAL ]], [[ featureSetsDownlink-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDownlinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlink-v1800 OPTIONAL, featureSetsDownlinkPerCC-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1800 OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplink-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUplinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplink-v1800 OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplinkPerCC-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-v1800 OPTIONAL ]], [[ featureSetsDownlink-v1830 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDownlinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlink-v1830 OPTIONAL ]], [[ featureSetsDownlinkPerCC-v1840 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetDownlinkPerCC-v1840 OPTIONAL, featureSetsUplinkPerCC-v1840 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPerCC-FeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-v1840 OPTIONAL ]] } FeatureSets-v16d0 ::= SEQUENCE { featureSetsUplink-v16d0 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxUplinkFeatureSets)) OF FeatureSetUplink-v16d0 OPTIONAL } -- TAG-FEATURESETS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE FeatureSetUplink is used to indicate the features that the UE supports on the carriers corresponding to one band entry in a band combination.
featureSetListPerUplinkCCIndicates which features the UE supports on the individual UL carriers of the feature set (and hence of a band entry that refers to the feature set). The UE shall hence include at least as many FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id in this list as the number of carriers it supports according to the ca-BandwidthClassUL, except if indicating additional functionality by reducing the number of FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id in the feature set (see NOTE 1 in FeatureSetCombination IE description). The order of the elements in this list is not relevant, i.e., the network may configure any of the carriers in accordance with any of the FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id in this list.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofServingCells)) OF FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id, scalingFactor ENUMERATED {f0p4, f0p75, f0p8} OPTIONAL, dummy3 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, intraBandFreqSeparationUL FreqSeparationClass OPTIONAL, searchSpaceSharingCA-UL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy1 DummyI OPTIONAL, supportedSRS-Resources SRS-Resources OPTIONAL, twoPUCCH-Group ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dynamicSwitchSUL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, simultaneousTxSUL-NonSUL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pusch-ProcessingType1-DifferentTB-PerSlot SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz ENUMERATED {upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ENUMERATED {upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, dummy2 DummyF OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplink-v1540 ::= SEQUENCE { zeroSlotOffsetAperiodicSRS ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pa-PhaseDiscontinuityImpacts ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pusch-SeparationWithGap ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pusch-ProcessingType2 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz ProcessingParameters OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ProcessingParameters OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ProcessingParameters OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, ul-MCS-TableAlt-DynamicIndication ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplink-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 11-5: PUsCH repetition Type B pusch-RepetitionTypeB-r16 SEQUENCE { maxNumberPUSCH-Tx-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n7, n8, n12}, hoppingScheme-r16 ENUMERATED {interSlotHopping, interRepetitionHopping, both} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-7: UL cancelation scheme for self-carrier ul-CancellationSelfCarrier-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-7a: UL cancelation scheme for cross-carrier ul-CancellationCrossCarrier-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-5c: The maximum number of SRS resources in one SRS resource set with usage set to 'codebook' for Mode 2 ul-FullPwrMode2-MaxSRS-ResInSet-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-4a/4b/4c/4d: CBG based transmission for UL with unicast PUSCH(s) per slot per CC with UE processing time Capability 1 cbgPUSCH-ProcessingType1-DifferentTB-PerSlot-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one-pusch, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one-pusch, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one-pusch, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one-pusch, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-3a/3b/3c/3d: CBG based transmission for UL with unicast PUSCH(s) per slot per CC with UE processing time Capability 2 cbgPUSCH-ProcessingType2-DifferentTB-PerSlot-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one-pusch, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one-pusch, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one-pusch, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {one-pusch, upto2, upto4, upto7} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, supportedSRS-PosResources-r16 SRS-AllPosResources-r16 OPTIONAL, intraFreqDAPS-UL-r16 SEQUENCE { dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, intraFreqTwoTAGs-DAPS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy3 ENUMERATED {short, long} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, intraBandFreqSeparationUL-v1620 FreqSeparationClassUL-v1620 OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-3: More than one PUCCH for HARQ-ACK transmission within a slot multiPUCCH-r16 SEQUENCE { sub-SlotConfig-NCP-r16 ENUMERATED {set1, set2} OPTIONAL, sub-SlotConfig-ECP-r16 ENUMERATED {set1, set2} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-3c: 2 PUCCH of format 0 or 2 for a single 7*2-symbol subslot based HARQ-ACK codebook twoPUCCH-Type1-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-3d: 2 PUCCH of format 0 or 2 for a single 2*7-symbol subslot based HARQ-ACK codebook twoPUCCH-Type2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-3e: 1 PUCCH format 0 or 2 and 1 PUCCH format 1, 3 or 4 in the same subslot for a single 2*7-symbol HARQ-ACK codebooks twoPUCCH-Type3-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-3f: 2 PUCCH transmissions in the same subslot for a single 2*7-symbol HARQ-ACK codebooks which are not covered by 11-3d and -- 11-3e twoPUCCH-Type4-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-3g: SR/HARQ-ACK multiplexing once per subslot using a PUCCH (or HARQ-ACK piggybacked on a PUSCH) when SR/HARQ-ACK -- are supposed to be sent with different starting symbols in a subslot mux-SR-HARQ-ACK-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-4c: 2 PUCCH of format 0 or 2 for two HARQ-ACK codebooks with one 7*2-symbol sub-slot based HARQ-ACK codebook twoPUCCH-Type5-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-4d: 2 PUCCH of format 0 or 2 in consecutive symbols for two HARQ-ACK codebooks with one 2*7-symbol sub-slot based HARQ-ACK -- codebook twoPUCCH-Type6-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-4e: 2 PUCCH of format 0 or 2 for two subslot based HARQ-ACK codebooks twoPUCCH-Type7-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-4f: 1 PUCCH format 0 or 2 and 1 PUCCH format 1, 3 or 4 in the same subslot for HARQ-ACK codebooks with one 2*7-symbol -- subslot based HARQ-ACK codebook twoPUCCH-Type8-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-4g: 1 PUCCH format 0 or 2 and 1 PUCCH format 1, 3 or 4 in the same subslot for two subslot based HARQ-ACK codebooks twoPUCCH-Type9-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-4h: 2 PUCCH transmissions in the same subslot for two HARQ-ACK codebooks with one 2*7-symbol subslot which are not covered -- by 11-4c and 11-4e twoPUCCH-Type10-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-4i: 2 PUCCH transmissions in the same subslot for two subslot based HARQ-ACK codebooks which are not covered by 11-4d and -- 11-4f twoPUCCH-Type11-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 12-1: UL intra-UE multiplexing/prioritization of overlapping channel/signals with two priority levels in physical layer ul-IntraUE-Mux-r16 SEQUENCE { pusch-PreparationLowPriority-r16 ENUMERATED {sym0, sym1, sym2}, pusch-PreparationHighPriority-r16 ENUMERATED {sym0, sym1, sym2} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-5a: Supported UL full power transmission mode of fullpower ul-FullPwrMode-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-5d: Processing up to X unicast DCI scheduling for UL per scheduled CC crossCarrierSchedulingProcessing-DiffSCS-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} OPTIONAL, scs-15kHz-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} OPTIONAL, scs-15kHz-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-5b: Supported UL full power transmission mode of fullpowerMode1 ul-FullPwrMode1-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-5c-2: Ports configuration for Mode 2 ul-FullPwrMode2-SRSConfig-diffNumSRSPorts-r16 ENUMERATED {p1-2, p1-4, p1-2-4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-5c-3: TPMI group for Mode 2 ul-FullPwrMode2-TPMIGroup-r16 SEQUENCE { twoPorts-r16 BIT STRING(SIZE(2)) OPTIONAL, fourPortsNonCoherent-r16 ENUMERATED{g0, g1, g2, g3} OPTIONAL, fourPortsPartialCoherent-r16 ENUMERATED{g0, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplink-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 22-8: For SRS for CB PUSCH and antenna switching on FR1 with symbol level offset for aperiodic SRS transmission offsetSRS-CB-PUSCH-Ant-Switch-fr1-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-8a: PDCCH monitoring on any span of up to 3 consecutive OFDM symbols of a slot and constrained timeline for SRS for CB -- PUSCH and antenna switching on FR1 offsetSRS-CB-PUSCH-PDCCH-MonitorSingleOcc-fr1-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-8b: For type 1 CSS with dedicated RRC configuration, type 3 CSS, and UE-SS, monitoring occasion can be any OFDM symbol(s) -- of a slot for Case 2 and constrained timeline for SRS for CB PUSCH and antenna switching on FR1 offsetSRS-CB-PUSCH-PDCCH-MonitorAnyOccWithoutGap-fr1-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-8c: For type 1 CSS with dedicated RRC configuration, type 3 CSS, and UE-SS, monitoring occasion can be any OFDM symbol(s) -- of a slot for Case 2 with a DCI gap and constrained timeline for SRS for CB PUSCH and antenna switching on FR1 offsetSRS-CB-PUSCH-PDCCH-MonitorAnyOccWithGap-fr1-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-9: Cancellation of PUCCH, PUSCH or PRACH with a DCI scheduling a PDSCH or CSI-RS or a DCI format 2_0 for SFI partialCancellationPUCCH-PUSCH-PRACH-TX-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplink-v1640 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 11-4: Two HARQ-ACK codebooks with up to one sub-slot based HARQ-ACK codebook (i.e. slot-based + slot-based, or slot-based + -- sub-slot based) simultaneously constructed for supporting HARQ-ACK codebooks with different priorities at a UE twoHARQ-ACK-Codebook-type1-r16 SubSlot-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-4a: Two sub-slot based HARQ-ACK codebooks simultaneously constructed for supporting HARQ-ACK codebooks with different -- priorities at a UE twoHARQ-ACK-Codebook-type2-r16 SubSlot-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-8d: All PDCCH monitoring occasion can be any OFDM symbol(s) of a slot for Case 2 with a span gap and constrained timeline -- for SRS for CB PUSCH and antenna switching on FR1 offsetSRS-CB-PUSCH-PDCCH-MonitorAnyOccWithSpanGap-fr1-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {set1, set2, set3} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {set1, set2, set3} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {set1, set2, set3} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplink-v16d0 ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-RepetitionTypeB-v16d0 SEQUENCE { maxNumberPUSCH-Tx-Cap1-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n7, n8, n12}, maxNumberPUSCH-Tx-Cap2-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n7, n8, n12} } OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplink-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 23-3-1Multi-TRP PUSCH repetition (type A) -codebook based mTRP-PUSCH-TypeA-CB-r17 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-1-2Multi-TRP PUSCH repetition (type A) - non-codebook based mTRP-PUSCH-RepetitionTypeA-r17 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-3Multi-TRP PUCCH repetition-intra-slot mTRP-PUCCH-IntraSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {pf0-2, pf1-3-4, pf0-4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-8-4Maximum 2 SP and 1 periodic SRS sets for antenna switching srs-AntennaSwitching2SP-1Periodic-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-8-9Extension of aperiodic SRS configuration for 1T4R, 1T2R and 2T4R srs-ExtensionAperiodicSRS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-8-101 aperiodic SRS resource set for 1T4R srs-OneAP-SRS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 16-8 UE power class per band per band combination ue-PowerClassPerBandPerBC-r17 ENUMERATED {pc1dot5, pc2, pc3} OPTIONAL, -- R4 17-8 UL transmission in FR2 bands within an UL gap when the UL gap is activated tx-Support-UL-GapFR2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplink-v1720 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 25-3: Repetitions for PUCCH format 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 over multiple PUCCH subslots with configured K = 2, 4, 8 pucch-Repetition-F0-1-2-3-4-RRC-Config-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-3a: Repetitions for PUCCH format 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 over multiple PUCCH subslots using dynamic repetition indication pucch-Repetition-F0-1-2-3-4-DynamicIndication-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-3b: Inter-subslot frequency hopping for PUCCH repetitions interSubslotFreqHopping-PUCCH-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-8: Semi-static HARQ-ACK codebook for sub-slot PUCCH semiStaticHARQ-ACK-CodebookSub-SlotPUCCH-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-14: PHY prioritization of overlapping low-priority DG-PUSCH and high-priority CG-PUSCH phy-PrioritizationLowPriorityDG-HighPriorityCG-r17 INTEGER(1..16) OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-15: PHY prioritization of overlapping high-priority DG-PUSCH and low-priority CG-PUSCH phy-PrioritizationHighPriorityDG-LowPriorityCG-r17 SEQUENCE { pusch-PreparationLowPriority-r17 ENUMERATED{sym0, sym1, sym2}, additionalCancellationTime-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r17 ENUMERATED{sym0, sym1, sym2} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r17 ENUMERATED{sym0, sym1, sym2, sym3, sym4} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r17 ENUMERATED{sym0, sym1, sym2, sym3, sym4, sym5, sym6, sym7, sym8} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED{sym0, sym1, sym2, sym3, sym4, sym5, sym6, sym7, sym8, sym9, sym10, sym11, sym12, sym13, sym14, sym15, sym16} OPTIONAL }, maxNumberCarriers-r17 INTEGER(1..16) } OPTIONAL, -- R4 17-5 Support of UL DC location(s) report extendedDC-LocationReport-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplink-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-3-3-1a: Supported maximum delay value larger than D_basic maxDelayValueBeyondD-Basic-r18 ENUMERATED {sl2,sl3,sl4,sl5,sl6,sl10} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-3-2: Number of delay values tdcp-NumberDelayValue-r18 INTEGER (2..4) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-3-4: Phase report phaseReportMoreThanOne-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-3-6: Maximum number of TRS resource sets in a report configuration maxNumberTRS-ResourceSet-r18 INTEGER (2..3) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-3-7: Maximum number of TDCP report settings per-BWP maxNumberTDCP-PerBWP-r18 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-6c: DMRS type for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PUSCH pusch-DMRS-TypeEnh-r18 SEQUENCE { dmrs-Type-r18 ENUMERATED {etype1, both}, pusch-TypeA-DMRS-r18 SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-4-6: Basic feature of Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PUSCH for scheduling mapping of type A for Rel.18 enhanced -- DMRS ports dmrs-TypeA-r18 ENUMERATED {supported}, -- R1 40-4-6d: 2 symbols front-loaded DMRS (uplink) for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PUSCH pusch-2SymbolFL-DMRS-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-6e: 2-symbol FL DMRS + one additional 2-symbols DMRS for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PUSCH pusch-2SymbolFL-DMRS-Addition2Symbol-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-6f: 1 symbol FL DMRS and 3 additional DMRS symbols for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PUSCH pusch-1SymbolFL-DMRS-Addition3Symbol-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-6k: 1 symbol FL DMRS and 2 additional DMRS symbols for more than one port for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for -- PUSCH pusch-1SymbolFL-DMRS-BeyondOnePort-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-10: DMRS port configuration for PUSCH with 8Tx pusch-DMRS8Tx-r18 ENUMERATED {rel15, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-6a: Basic feature of Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PUSCH for scheduling type B for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports pusch-TypeB-DMRS-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-6g: 1 port UL PTRS for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PUSCH with rank 1-4 pusch-rank-1-4-1Port-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-6h: 1 port UL PTRS for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PUSCH with rank 5-8 pusch-rank-5-8-1Port-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-6i: 2 port UL PTRS for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PUSCH with rank 1-4 pusch-rank-1-4-2Port-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-6j: 2 port UL PTRS for Rel.18 enhanced DMRS ports for PUSCH with rank 5-8 pusch-rank-5-8-2Port-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-13: Support Rel-18 UL DMRS with single-DCI based M-TRP ul-DMRS-SingleDCI-M-TRP-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-14: Support Rel-18 UL DMRS with M-DCI based M-TRP ul-DMRS-M-DCI-M-TRP-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-5-5: Maximum 2 SP and 1 periodic SRS sets for 8T8R antenna switching srs-AntennaSwitching8T8R2SP-1Periodic-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-4: Single-DCI based STx2P SFN scheme for PUCCH pucch-SingleDCI-STx2P-SFN-r18 ENUMERATED {pf0-2, pf1-3-4, pf0-4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-4-6: Positioning SRS bandwidth aggregation in RRC_CONNECTED posSRS-BWA-RRC-Connected-r18 PosSRS-BWA-RRC-Connected-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-4-7: Positioning SRS bandwidth aggregation independent from UL communication CA in RRC_CONNECTED posSRS-BWA-IndependentCA-RRC-Connected-r18 PosSRS-BWA-IndependentCA-RRC-Connected-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-4-9: Indicate which other bands in the band combination are affected due to the need of a guard period posSRS-BWA-AffectedBandList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF FreqBandIndicatorNR OPTIONAL, -- R1 45-5a: RACH-based early TA acquisition with simultaneous transmission rach-EarlyTA-BandList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandsMRDC)) OF BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-6: Two HARQ-ACK codebooks with up to one sub-slot based HARQ-ACK codebook simultaneously constructed for supporting -- HARQ-ACK codebooks with different priorities by DCI format 1_3 simultaneous-2-1-HARQ-ACK-CB-r18 SubSlot-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-6a: Two HARQ-ACK codebooks with two sub-slot based HARQ-ACK codebook simultaneously constructed for supporting -- HARQ-ACK codebooks with different priorities by DCI format 1_3 simultaneous-2-2-HARQ-ACK-CB-r18 SubSlot-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-7: UL intra-UE multiplexing/prioritization of overlapping channel/signals with two priority levels in physical -- layer for DCI format 1_3/0_3 ul-IntraUE-MuxEnh-r18 SEQUENCE { pusch-PreparationLowPriority-r18 ENUMERATED {sym0, sym1, sym2}, pusch-PreparationHighPriority-r18 ENUMERATED {sym0, sym1, sym2} } OPTIONAL, -- R4 27-1 TxDiversity for 4Tx txDiversity4Tx-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 41-2: Power boosting for DFT-s-OFDM pi/2 BPSK and QPSK transmissions without modified spectrum flatness requirement powerBoosting-pi2BPSK-QPSK-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 41-3: Power boosting for DFT-s-OFDM pi/2 BPSK and QPSK transmissions with modified spectrum flatness requirement shaping powerBoosting-pi2BPSK-QPSK-Modified-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 44-1 TxDiversity for 2Tx txDiversity2Tx-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ue-PowerClassPerBandPerBC-v1820 ENUMERATED {pc5} OPTIONAL } SubSlot-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sub-SlotConfig-NCP-r16 ENUMERATED {n4,n5,n6,n7} OPTIONAL, sub-SlotConfig-ECP-r16 ENUMERATED {n4,n5,n6} OPTIONAL } SRS-AllPosResources-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-PosResources-r16 SRS-PosResources-r16, srs-PosResourceAP-r16 SRS-PosResourceAP-r16 OPTIONAL, srs-PosResourceSP-r16 SRS-PosResourceSP-r16 OPTIONAL } SRS-PosResources-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberSRS-PosResourceSetPerBWP-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12, n16}, maxNumberSRS-PosResourcesPerBWP-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberSRS-ResourcesPerBWP-PerSlot-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14}, maxNumberPeriodicSRS-PosResourcesPerBWP-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberPeriodicSRS-PosResourcesPerBWP-PerSlot-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14} } SRS-PosResourceAP-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberAP-SRS-PosResourcesPerBWP-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberAP-SRS-PosResourcesPerBWP-PerSlot-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14} } SRS-PosResourceSP-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberSP-SRS-PosResourcesPerBWP-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberSP-SRS-PosResourcesPerBWP-PerSlot-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14} } SRS-Resources ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberAperiodicSRS-PerBWP ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16}, maxNumberAperiodicSRS-PerBWP-PerSlot INTEGER (1..6), maxNumberPeriodicSRS-PerBWP ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16}, maxNumberPeriodicSRS-PerBWP-PerSlot INTEGER (1..6), maxNumberSemiPersistentSRS-PerBWP ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16}, maxNumberSemiPersistentSRS-PerBWP-PerSlot INTEGER (1..6), maxNumberSRS-Ports-PerResource ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} } DummyF ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberPeriodicCSI-ReportPerBWP INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberAperiodicCSI-ReportPerBWP INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberSemiPersistentCSI-ReportPerBWP INTEGER (0..4), simultaneousCSI-ReportsAllCC INTEGER (5..32) } PosSRS-BWA-RRC-Connected-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { numOfCarriersIntraBandContiguous-r18 ENUMERATED {two, three, twoandthree}, maximumAggregatedBW-TwoCarriersFR1-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz20, mhz40, mhz50, mhz80, mhz100, mhz160, mhz180, mhz190, mhz200} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedBW-TwoCarriersFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400, mhz600, mhz800} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedBW-ThreeCarriersFR1-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz80, mhz100, mhz160, mhz200, mhz240, mhz300} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedBW-ThreeCarriersFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz200, mhz300, mhz400, mhz600, mhz800, mhz1000, mhz1200} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedResourceSet-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12, n16}, maximumAggregatedResourcePeriodic-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maximumAggregatedResourceAperiodic-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maximumAggregatedResourceSemi-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maximumAggregatedResourcePeriodicPerSlot-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14}, maximumAggregatedResourceAperiodicPerSlot-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14}, maximumAggregatedResourceSemiPerSlot-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14}, ... } PosSRS-BWA-IndependentCA-RRC-Connected-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { numOfCarriersIntraBandContiguous-r18 ENUMERATED {two, three, twoandthree}, maximumAggregatedBW-TwoCarriersFR1-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz20, mhz40, mhz50, mhz80, mhz100, mhz160, mhz180, mhz190, mhz200} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedBW-TwoCarriersFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400, mhz600, mhz800} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedBW-ThreeCarriersFR1-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz80, mhz100, mhz160, mhz200, mhz240, mhz300} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedBW-ThreeCarriersFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz200, mhz300, mhz400, mhz600, mhz800, mhz1000, mhz1200} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedResourceSet-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12, n16}, maximumAggregatedResourcePeriodic-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maximumAggregatedResourceAperiodic-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maximumAggregatedResourceSemi-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maximumAggregatedResourcePeriodicPerSlot-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14}, maximumAggregatedResourceAperiodicPerSlot-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14}, maximumAggregatedResourceSemiPerSlot-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14}, guardPeriod-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n30, n100, n140, n200}, powerClassForTwoAggregatedCarriers-r18 ENUMERATED {pc2, pc3} OPTIONAL, powerClassForThreeAggregatedCarriers-r18 ENUMERATED {pc2, pc3} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-FEATURESETUPLINK-STOP -- ASN1STOP
FeatureSetUplink field descriptions
Indicates which features the UE supports on the individual UL carriers of the feature set (and hence of a band entry that refers to the feature set). The UE shall hence include at least as many FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id in this list as the number of carriers it supports according to the ca-BandwidthClassUL, except if indicating additional functionality by reducing the number of FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id in the feature set (see NOTE 1 in FeatureSetCombination IE description). The order of the elements in this list is not relevant, i.e., the network may configure any of the carriers in accordance with any of the FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id in this list.

The IE FeatureSetUplinkId identifies an uplink feature set. The FeatureSetUplinkId of a FeatureSetUplink is the index position of the FeatureSetUplink in the featureSetsUplink list in the FeatureSets IE. The first element in the list is referred to by FeatureSetUplinkId = 1, and so on. The FeatureSetUplinkId =0 is not used by an actual FeatureSetUplink but means that the UE does not support a carrier in this band of a band combination.

The IE FeatureSetUplinkPerCC indicates a set of features that the UE supports on the corresponding carrier of one band entry of a band combination.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FEATURESETUPLINKPERCC-START FeatureSetUplinkPerCC ::= SEQUENCE { supportedSubcarrierSpacingUL SubcarrierSpacing, supportedBandwidthUL SupportedBandwidth, channelBW-90mhz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mimo-CB-PUSCH SEQUENCE { maxNumberMIMO-LayersCB-PUSCH MIMO-LayersUL OPTIONAL, maxNumberSRS-ResourcePerSet INTEGER (1..2) } OPTIONAL, maxNumberMIMO-LayersNonCB-PUSCH MIMO-LayersUL OPTIONAL, supportedModulationOrderUL ModulationOrder OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-v1540 ::= SEQUENCE { mimo-NonCB-PUSCH SEQUENCE { maxNumberSRS-ResourcePerSet INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberSimultaneousSRS-ResourceTx INTEGER (1..4) } OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedMinBandwidthUL-r17 SupportedBandwidth-v1700 OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-1-3FeMIMO: Multi-TRP PUSCH repetition (type B) - non-codebook based mTRP-PUSCH-RepetitionTypeB-r17 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-1-1 -codebook based Multi-TRP PUSCH repetition (type B) mTRP-PUSCH-TypeB-CB-r17 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} OPTIONAL, supportedBandwidthUL-v1710 SupportedBandwidth-v1700 OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-v1780 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandwidthUL-v1780 SupportedBandwidth-v1700 OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-2-7: Two TAs for multi-DCI STxMP PUSCH+PUSCH twoPUSCH-MultiDCI-STx2P-TwoTA-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-1: Single-DCI based STx2P SDM scheme for PUSCH-codebook pusch-CB-SingleDCI-STx2P-SDM-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberSRS-ResourcePerSet-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4}, maxNumberLayerPerPanel-r18 INTEGER (1..2), maxNumberNZP-PUSCH-PortsPerSet-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4}, maxNumberSRS-AntennaPortsPerSet-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-1a: Single-DCI based STx2P SDM scheme for PUSCH-noncodebook pusch-NonCB-SingleDCI-STx2P-SDM-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberSRS-ResourcePerSet-r18 INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberLayerPerPanel-r18 INTEGER (1..2), maxNumberSimulSRS-OneResourcePerSet-r18 INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberSimulSRS-TwoResourcePerSet-r18 INTEGER (1..8) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-2: Single-DCI based STx2P SFN scheme for PUSCH-codebook pusch-CB-SingleDCI-STx2P-SFN-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberSRS-ResourcePerSet-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4}, maxNumberLayerPerSet-r18 INTEGER (1..2), maxNumberSRS-AntennaPortsPerSet-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4}, maxNumberNZP-PUSCH-PortsPerSet-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-2a: Single-DCI based STx2P SFN scheme for PUSCH-noncodebook pusch-NonCB-SingleDCI-STx2P-SFN-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberSRS-ResourcePerSet-r18 INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberLayerPerSet-r18 INTEGER (1..2), maxNumberSimulSRS-OneResourcePerSet-r18 INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberSimulSRS-TwoResourcePerSet-r18 INTEGER (1..8) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3a: codebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH for DG+DG twoPUSCH-CB-MultiDCI-STx2P-DG-DG-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberSRS-ResourcePerSet-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4}, maxNumberLayerOverlapping-r18 INTEGER (1..2), maxNumberNZP-PUSCH-Overlapping-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4}, maxNumberPUSCH-PerCORESET-PerSlot-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4,n7} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4,n7} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, maxNumberTotalLayerOverlapping-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberSRS-AntennaPortsPerSet-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3b: Noncodebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH for DG+DG twoPUSCH-NonCB-MultiDCI-STx2P-DG-DG-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberSRS-ResourcePerSet-r18 INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberLayerOverlapping-r18 INTEGER (1..2), maxNumberSimulSRS-ResourcePerSet-r18 INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberPUSCH-PerCORESET-PerSlot-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4,n7} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4,n7} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, maxNumberTotalLayerOverlapping-r18 INTEGER (2..4) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-6: Out-of-order operation for multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH twoPUSCH-MultiDCI-STx2P-OutOfOrder-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, codebookParameter8TxPUSCH-r18 SEQUENCE { -- R1 40-7-1: Basic features for Codebook-based 8Tx PUSCH codebook-8TxBasic-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberPUSCH-MIMO-Layer-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberSRS-Resource-r18 INTEGER (1..2), srs-8TxPorts-r18 ENUMERATED {noTDM, both} }, -- R1 40-7-1a: Codebook-based 8Tx PUSCH-codebook1 codebook1-8TxPUSCH-r18 SEQUENCE { codebookN1N4-r18 ENUMERATED {ng1n4n1,ng1n2n2,both} OPTIONAL, srs-8TxPorts-r18 ENUMERATED {noTDM, both} }, -- R1 40-7-1b: Codebook-based 8Tx PUSCH-codebook2 codebook2-8TxPUSCH-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-7-1c: Codebook-based 8Tx PUSCH-codebook3 codebook3-8TxPUSCH-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-7-1d: Codebook-based 8Tx PUSCH-codebook4 codebook4-8TxPUSCH-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-7-1e: UL full power transmission mode 0 ul-FullPwrTransMode0-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-7-1f: UL full power transmission mode 1 ul-FullPwrTransMode1-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-7-1g: UL full power transmission mode 2 with 1/2/4 resources ul-FullPwrTransMode2-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-7-1g-1: SRS resources for UL full power transmission mode 2 ul-SRS-TransMode2-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE(3)) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-7-1g-2: TPMI group(s) which delivers full power for codebook2 tpmi-FullPwrCodebook2-r18 ENUMERATED {first, second} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-7-2: Basic features for Non-Codebook-based 8Tx PUSCH nonCodebook-8TxPUSCH-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberPUSCH-MIMO-Layer-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberSRS-Resource-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberSimultaneousSRS-r18 INTEGER (1..8) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-7-2a: Association between CSI-RS and SRS for non-codebook case nonCodebook-CSI-RS-SRS-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-7-3: CBG based 2 CWs PUSCH with rank >4 cgb-2CW-PUSCH-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-v1840 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandwidthUL-v1840 SupportedBandwidth-v1840 OPTIONAL, supportedMinBandwidthUL-v1840 SupportedBandwidth-v1840 OPTIONAL } -- TAG-FEATURESETUPLINKPERCC-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id identifies a set of features applicable to one carrier of a feature set. The FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id of a FeatureSetUplinkPerCC is the index position of the FeatureSetUplinkPerCC in the featureSetsUplinkPerCC. The first element in the list is referred to by FeatureSetUplinkPerCC-Id = 1, and so on.


The IE FreqBandList is used by the network to request NR CA,NR non-CA and/or MR-DC band combinations for specific NR and/or E-UTRA frequency bands and/or up to a specific number of carriers and/or up to specific aggregated bandwidth. This is also used to request feature sets (for NR) and feature set combinations (for NR and MR-DC). For NR sidelink communication, this is used by the initiating UE to request sidelink UE radio access capabilities from the peer UE. This is also used to request lower MSD capability for specific NR frequency bands for the UE supporting lower MSD.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FREQBANDLIST-START FreqBandList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandsMRDC)) OF FreqBandInformation FreqBandInformation ::= CHOICE { bandInformationEUTRA FreqBandInformationEUTRA, bandInformationNR FreqBandInformationNR } FreqBandInformationEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { bandEUTRA FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA, ca-BandwidthClassDL-EUTRA CA-BandwidthClassEUTRA OPTIONAL, -- Need N ca-BandwidthClassUL-EUTRA CA-BandwidthClassEUTRA OPTIONAL -- Need N } FreqBandInformationNR ::= SEQUENCE { bandNR FreqBandIndicatorNR, maxBandwidthRequestedDL AggregatedBandwidth OPTIONAL, -- Need N maxBandwidthRequestedUL AggregatedBandwidth OPTIONAL, -- Need N maxCarriersRequestedDL INTEGER (1..maxNrofServingCells) OPTIONAL, -- Need N maxCarriersRequestedUL INTEGER (1..maxNrofServingCells) OPTIONAL -- Need N } AggregatedBandwidth ::= ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz150, mhz200, mhz250, mhz300, mhz350, mhz400, mhz450, mhz500, mhz550, mhz600, mhz650, mhz700, mhz750, mhz800} -- TAG-FREQBANDLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE FreqSeparationClass is used for an intra-band non-contiguous CA band combination to indicate frequency separation between lower edge of lowest CC and upper edge of highest CC in a frequency band.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FREQSEPARATIONCLASS-START FreqSeparationClass ::= ENUMERATED { mhz800, mhz1200, mhz1400, ..., mhz400-v1650, mhz600-v1650} FreqSeparationClassDL-v1620 ::= ENUMERATED {mhz1000, mhz1600, mhz1800, mhz2000, mhz2200, mhz2400} FreqSeparationClassUL-v1620 ::= ENUMERATED {mhz1000} -- TAG-FREQSEPARATIONCLASS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE FreqSeparationClassDL-Only is used to indicate the frequency separation between lower edge of lowest CC and upper edge of highest CC of DL only frequency spectrum in a frequency band.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FREQSEPARATIONCLASSDL-Only-START FreqSeparationClassDL-Only-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {mhz200, mhz400, mhz600, mhz800, mhz1000, mhz1200} -- TAG-FREQSEPARATIONCLASSDL-Only-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE FR2-2-AccessParamsPerBand is used to convey FR2-2 related parameters specific for a certain frequency band (not per feature set or band combination).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-FR2-2-ACCESSPARAMSPERBAND-START FR2-2-AccessParamsPerBand-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 24-1: Basic FR2-2 DL support dl-FR2-2-SCS-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-1a: Basic FR2-2 UL support ul-FR2-2-SCS-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-2: 120KHz SSB support for initial access in FR2-2 initialAccessSSB-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-1b: Wideband PRACH for 120 kHz in FR2-2 widebandPRACH-SCS-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-1c: Multi-RB support PUCCH format 0/1/4 for 120 kHz in FR2-2 multiRB-PUCCH-SCS-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-1d: Multiple PDSCH scheduling by single DCI for 120kHz in FR2-2 multiPDSCH-SingleDCI-FR2-2-SCS-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-1e: Multiple PUSCH scheduling by single DCI for 120kHz in FR2-2 multiPUSCH-SingleDCI-FR2-2-SCS-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-4: 480KHz SCS support for DL dl-FR2-2-SCS-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-4a: 480KHz SCS support for UL ul-FR2-2-SCS-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-3: 480KHz SSB support for initial access in FR2-2 initialAccessSSB-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-4b: Wideband PRACH for 480 kHz in FR2-2 widebandPRACH-SCS-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-4c: Multi-RB support PUCCH format 0/1/4 for 480 kHz in FR2-2 multiRB-PUCCH-SCS-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-4f: Enhanced PDCCH monitoring for 480KHz in FR2-2 enhancedPDCCH-monitoringSCS-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-5: 960KHz SCS support for DL dl-FR2-2-SCS-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-5a: 960KHz SCS support for UL ul-FR2-2-SCS-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-5c: Multi-RB support PUCCH format 0/1/4 for 960 kHz in FR2-2 multiRB-PUCCH-SCS-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-5f: Enhanced PDCCH monitoring for 960KHz in FR2-2 enhancedPDCCH-monitoringSCS-960kHz-r17 SEQUENCE { pdcch-monitoring4-1-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcch-monitoring4-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcch-monitoring8-4-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-6: Type 1 channel access procedure in uplink for FR2-2 with shared spectrum channel access type1-ChannelAccess-FR2-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-7: Type 2 channel access procedure in uplink for FR2-2 with shared spectrum channel access type2-ChannelAccess-FR2-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-10: Reduced beam switching time delay reduced-BeamSwitchTiming-FR2-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-8: 32 DL HARQ processes for FR 2-2 support32-DL-HARQ-ProcessPerSCS-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-9: 32 UL HARQ processes for FR 2-2 support32-UL-HARQ-ProcessPerSCS-r17SEQUENCE { scs-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, ..., [[ -- R4 15-1: 64QAM for PUSCH for FR2-2 modulation64-QAM-PUSCH-FR2-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } -- TAG-FR2-2-ACCESSPARAMSPERBAND-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE HighSpeedParameters is used to convey capabilities related to high speed scenarios.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-HIGHSPEEDPARAMETERS-START HighSpeedParameters-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { measurementEnhancement-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, demodulationEnhancement-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } HighSpeedParameters-v1650 ::= CHOICE { intraNR-MeasurementEnhancement-r16 ENUMERATED {supported}, interRAT-MeasurementEnhancement-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} } HighSpeedParameters-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R4 18-1: Enhanced RRM requirements specified for CA for FR1 HST measurementEnhancementCA-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 18-2: Enhanced RRM requirements specified for inter-frequency measurement in connected mode for FR1 HST measurementEnhancementInterFreq-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-HIGHSPEEDPARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE IMS-Parameters is used to convey capabilities related to IMS.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-IMS-PARAMETERS-START IMS-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { ims-ParametersCommon IMS-ParametersCommon OPTIONAL, ims-ParametersFRX-Diff IMS-ParametersFRX-Diff OPTIONAL, ... } IMS-Parameters-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { ims-ParametersFR2-2-r17 IMS-ParametersFR2-2-r17 OPTIONAL } IMS-ParametersCommon ::= SEQUENCE { voiceOverEUTRA-5GC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ voiceOverSCG-BearerEUTRA-5GC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ voiceFallbackIndicationEPS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } IMS-ParametersFRX-Diff ::= SEQUENCE { voiceOverNR ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } IMS-ParametersFR2-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { voiceOverNR-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-IMS-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE InterRAT-Parameters is used convey UE capabilities related to the other RATs.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-INTERRAT-PARAMETERS-START InterRAT-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { eutra EUTRA-Parameters OPTIONAL, ..., [[ utra-FDD-r16 UTRA-FDD-Parameters-r16 OPTIONAL ]] } EUTRA-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandListEUTRA SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandsEUTRA)) OF FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA, eutra-ParametersCommon EUTRA-ParametersCommon OPTIONAL, eutra-ParametersXDD-Diff EUTRA-ParametersXDD-Diff OPTIONAL, ... } EUTRA-ParametersCommon ::= SEQUENCE { mfbi-EUTRA ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, modifiedMPR-BehaviorEUTRA BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) OPTIONAL, multiNS-Pmax-EUTRA ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, rs-SINR-MeasEUTRA ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ ne-DC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ nr-HO-ToEN-DC-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } EUTRA-ParametersXDD-Diff ::= SEQUENCE { rsrqMeasWidebandEUTRA ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } UTRA-FDD-Parameters-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandListUTRA-FDD-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandsUTRA-FDD-r16)) OF SupportedBandUTRA-FDD-r16, ... } SupportedBandUTRA-FDD-r16 ::= ENUMERATED { bandI, bandII, bandIII, bandIV, bandV, bandVI, bandVII, bandVIII, bandIX, bandX, bandXI, bandXII, bandXIII, bandXIV, bandXV, bandXVI, bandXVII, bandXVIII, bandXIX, bandXX, bandXXI, bandXXII, bandXXIII, bandXXIV, bandXXV, bandXXVI, bandXXVII, bandXXVIII, bandXXIX, bandXXX, bandXXXI, bandXXXII} -- TAG-INTERRAT-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MAC-Parameters is used to convey capabilities related to MAC.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MAC-PARAMETERS-START MAC-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { mac-ParametersCommon MAC-ParametersCommon OPTIONAL, mac-ParametersXDD-Diff MAC-ParametersXDD-Diff OPTIONAL } MAC-Parameters-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { mac-ParametersFRX-Diff-r16 MAC-ParametersFRX-Diff-r16 OPTIONAL } MAC-Parameters-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { mac-ParametersFR2-2-r17 MAC-ParametersFR2-2-r17 OPTIONAL } MAC-Parameters-v17b0 ::= SEQUENCE { mTRP-PUSCH-PHR-Type1-Reporting-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MAC-ParametersCommon ::= SEQUENCE { lcp-Restriction ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, lch-ToSCellRestriction ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ recommendedBitRate ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, recommendedBitRateQuery ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ recommendedBitRateMultiplier-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, preEmptiveBSR-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, autonomousTransmission-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, lch-PriorityBasedPrioritization-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, lch-ToConfiguredGrantMapping-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, lch-ToGrantPriorityRestriction-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, singlePHR-P-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ul-LBT-FailureDetectionRecovery-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 8-1: MPE tdd-MPE-P-MPR-Reporting-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, lcid-ExtensionIAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ spCell-BFR-CBRA-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ srs-ResourceId-Ext-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ enhancedUuDRX-forSidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --27-10: Support of UL MAC CE based MG activation request for PRS measurements mg-ActivationRequestPRS-Meas-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --27-11: Support of DL MAC CE based MG activation request for PRS measurements mg-ActivationCommPRS-Meas-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, intraCG-Prioritization-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, jointPrioritizationCG-Retx-Timer-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, survivalTime-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, lcg-ExtensionIAB-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, harq-FeedbackDisabled-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, uplink-Harq-ModeB-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sr-TriggeredBy-TA-Report-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, extendedDRX-CycleInactive-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, simultaneousSR-PUSCH-DiffPUCCH-groups-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, lastTransmissionUL-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ harq-RTT-TimerDL-ForNTN-MulticastMBS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ sr-TriggeredByTA-ReportATG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, extendedDRX-CycleInactive-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, additionalBS-Table-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, delayStatusReport-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cg-RetransmissionMonitoringDisabling-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, non-IntegerDRX-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } MAC-ParametersFRX-Diff-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { directMCG-SCellActivation-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, directMCG-SCellActivationResume-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, directSCG-SCellActivation-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, directSCG-SCellActivationResume-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 19-1: DRX Adaptation drx-Adaptation-r16 SEQUENCE { non-SharedSpectrumChAccess-r16 MinTimeGap-r16 OPTIONAL, sharedSpectrumChAccess-r16 MinTimeGap-r16 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, ... } MAC-ParametersFR2-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { directMCG-SCellActivation-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, directMCG-SCellActivationResume-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, directSCG-SCellActivation-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, directSCG-SCellActivationResume-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, drx-Adaptation-r17 SEQUENCE { non-SharedSpectrumChAccess-r17 MinTimeGapFR2-2-r17 OPTIONAL, sharedSpectrumChAccess-r17 MinTimeGapFR2-2-r17 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, ... } MAC-ParametersXDD-Diff ::= SEQUENCE { skipUplinkTxDynamic ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, longDRX-Cycle ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, shortDRX-Cycle ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, multipleSR-Configurations ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, multipleConfiguredGrants ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ secondaryDRX-Group-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ enhancedSkipUplinkTxDynamic-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, enhancedSkipUplinkTxConfigured-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ dummy1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } MinTimeGap-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl3} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl6} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl12} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl24} OPTIONAL } MinTimeGapFR2-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { scs-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl24} OPTIONAL, scs-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sl8, sl96} OPTIONAL, scs-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sl16, sl192} OPTIONAL } MAC-ParametersPerBand-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { ptm-Retransmission-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ptm-RetransmissionInactive-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-MAC-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MeasAndMobParameters is used to convey UE capabilities related to measurements for radio resource management (RRM), radio link monitoring (RLM) and mobility (e.g. handover).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASANDMOBPARAMETERS-START MeasAndMobParameters ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersCommon MeasAndMobParametersCommon OPTIONAL, measAndMobParametersXDD-Diff MeasAndMobParametersXDD-Diff OPTIONAL, measAndMobParametersFRX-Diff MeasAndMobParametersFRX-Diff OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParameters-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersFR2-2-r17 MeasAndMobParametersFR2-2-r17 OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersCommon ::= SEQUENCE { supportedGapPattern BIT STRING (SIZE (22)) OPTIONAL, ssb-RLM ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ssb-AndCSI-RS-RLM ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ eventB-MeasAndReport ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, handoverFDD-TDD ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eutra-CGI-Reporting ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nr-CGI-Reporting ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ independentGapConfig ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, periodicEUTRA-MeasAndReport ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, handoverFR1-FR2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxNumberCSI-RS-RRM-RS-SINR ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, n32, n64, n96} OPTIONAL ]], [[ nr-CGI-Reporting-ENDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ eutra-CGI-Reporting-NEDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eutra-CGI-Reporting-NRDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nr-CGI-Reporting-NEDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nr-CGI-Reporting-NRDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ reportAddNeighMeasForPeriodic-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condHandoverParametersCommon-r16 SEQUENCE { condHandoverFDD-TDD-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condHandoverFR1-FR2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, nr-NeedForGap-Reporting-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportedGapPattern-NRonly-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (10)) OPTIONAL, supportedGapPattern-NRonly-NEDC-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxNumberCLI-RSSI-r16 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n32, n64} OPTIONAL, maxNumberCLI-SRS-RSRP-r16 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, n32} OPTIONAL, maxNumberPerSlotCLI-SRS-RSRP-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8} OPTIONAL, mfbi-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nr-CGI-Reporting-NPN-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, idleInactiveEUTRA-MeasReport-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, idleInactive-ValidityArea-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eutra-AutonomousGaps-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eutra-AutonomousGaps-NEDC-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eutra-AutonomousGaps-NRDC-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pcellT312-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportedGapPattern-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R4 19-2 Concurrent measurement gaps concurrentMeasGap-r17 CHOICE { concurrentPerUE-OnlyMeasGap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported}, concurrentPerUE-PerFRCombMeasGap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} } OPTIONAL, -- R4 19-1 Network controlled small gap (NCSG) nr-NeedForGapNCSG-Reporting-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eutra-NeedForGapNCSG-Reporting-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 19-1-1 per FR Network controlled small gap (NCSG) ncsg-MeasGapPerFR-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 19-1-2 Network controlled small gap (NCSG) supported patterns ncsg-MeasGapPatterns-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE(24)) OPTIONAL, -- R4 19-1-3 Network controlled small gap (NCSG) supported NR-only patterns ncsg-MeasGapNR-Patterns-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE(24)) OPTIONAL, -- R4 19-3-2 pre-configured measurement gap preconfiguredUE-AutonomousMeasGap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 19-3-1 pre-configured measurement gap preconfiguredNW-ControlledMeasGap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, handoverFR1-FR2-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, handoverFR2-1-FR2-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- RAN4 14-1: per-FR MG for PRS measurement independentGapConfigPRS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, rrm-RelaxationRRC-ConnectedRedCap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 25-3: Parallel measurements with multiple measurement gaps parallelMeasurementGap-r17 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, condHandoverWithSCG-NRDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gNB-ID-LengthReporting-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gNB-ID-LengthReporting-ENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gNB-ID-LengthReporting-NEDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gNB-ID-LengthReporting-NRDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gNB-ID-LengthReporting-NPN-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R4 25-1: Parallel measurements on multiple SMTC-s for a single frequency carrier parallelSMTC-r17 ENUMERATED {n4} OPTIONAL, -- R4 19-2-1 Concurrent measurement gaps for EUTRA concurrentMeasGapEUTRA-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, serviceLinkPropDelayDiffReporting-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 19-1-4 Network controlled small gap (NCSG) performing measurement based on flag deriveSSB-IndexFromCellInter ncsg-SymbolLevelScheduleRestrictionInter-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ eventD1-MeasReportTrigger-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, independentGapConfig-maxCC-r17 SEQUENCE { fr1-Only-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, fr2-Only-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, fr1-AndFR2-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL ]], [[ interSatMeas-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, deriveSSB-IndexFromCellInterNon-NCSG-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R4 31-1 Enhanced L3 measurement reporting for unknown SCell activation if the valid L3 measurement results are available l3-MeasUnknownSCellActivation-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 31-3 Shorter measurement interval for unknown SCell activation shortMeasInterval-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nr-NeedForInterruptionReport-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, measSequenceConfig-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cellIndividualOffsetPerMeasEvent-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eventD2-MeasReportTrigger-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 32-1: Concurrent gaps with Pre-MG in a FR concurrentMeasGapsPreMG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 32-2: Support for dynamic collisions dynamicCollision-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 32-3: Concurrent gaps with NCSG in a FR concurrentMeasGapsNCSG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 32-4: Inter-RAT EUTRAN measurements without gap and outside active DL BWP eutra-NoGapMeasurementOutsideBWP-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 32-5: Inter-RAT EUTRAN measurement without gap and within active DL BWP eutra-NoGapMeasurementInsideBWP-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 32-6: Effective measurement window for inter-RAT EUTRAN measurements eutra-MeasEMW-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE(6)) OPTIONAL, -- R4 32-7: Simultaneous reception of NR data and EUTRAN CRS with different numerology concurrentMeasCRS-InsideBWP-EUTRA-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-2a: SSB based inter-frequency L1-RSRP measurements with measurement gaps ltm-InterFreqMeasGap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy-ltm-FastUE-Processing-r18 SEQUENCE { fr1-r18 ENUMERATED {ms10, ms15}, fr2-r18 ENUMERATED {ms10, ms15}, fr1-AndFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {ms20, ms30} } OPTIONAL, rach-LessHandoverInterFreq-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, enterAndLeaveCellReport-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, bestCellChangeReport-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, secondBestCellChangeReport-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ ltm-InterFreq-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ltm-MCG-NRDC-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ltm-RACH-LessDG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ltm-RACH-LessCG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ltm-Recovery-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ltm-ReferenceConfig-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ltm-MCG-NRDC-Release-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-7: Faster UE processing time during cell switch ltm-FastUE-Processing-r18 SEQUENCE { fr1-r18 ENUMERATED {ms10, ms15} OPTIONAL, fr2-r18 ENUMERATED {ms10, ms15} OPTIONAL, fr1-AndFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {ms20, ms30} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, ntn-NeighbourCellInfoSupport-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ ltm-interFreqL1-OnlyInBC-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } MeasAndMobParametersXDD-Diff ::= SEQUENCE { intraAndInterF-MeasAndReport ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eventA-MeasAndReport ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ handoverInterF ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, handoverLTE-EPC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, handoverLTE-5GC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ sftd-MeasNR-Neigh ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sftd-MeasNR-Neigh-DRX ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } MeasAndMobParametersFRX-Diff ::= SEQUENCE { ss-SINR-Meas ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, csi-RSRP-AndRSRQ-MeasWithSSB ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, csi-RSRP-AndRSRQ-MeasWithoutSSB ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, csi-SINR-Meas ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, csi-RS-RLM ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ handoverInterF ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, handoverLTE-EPC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, handoverLTE-5GC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ maxNumberResource-CSI-RS-RLM ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n6, n8} OPTIONAL ]], [[ simultaneousRxDataSSB-DiffNumerology ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ nr-AutonomousGaps-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nr-AutonomousGaps-ENDC-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nr-AutonomousGaps-NEDC-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nr-AutonomousGaps-NRDC-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cli-RSSI-Meas-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cli-SRS-RSRP-Meas-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, interFrequencyMeas-NoGap-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, simultaneousRxDataSSB-DiffNumerology-Inter-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, idleInactiveNR-MeasReport-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 6-2: Support of beam level Early Measurement Reporting idleInactiveNR-MeasBeamReport-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ increasedNumberofCSIRSPerMO-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } MeasAndMobParametersFR2-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { handoverInterF-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, handoverLTE-EPC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, handoverLTE-5GC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, idleInactiveNR-MeasReport-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-MEASANDMOBPARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MeasAndMobParametersMRDC is used to convey capability parameters related to RRM measurements and RRC mobility.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MEASANDMOBPARAMETERSMRDC-START MeasAndMobParametersMRDC ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-Common MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common OPTIONAL, measAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff OPTIONAL, measAndMobParametersMRDC-FRX-Diff MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-FRX-Diff OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1560 ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff-v1560 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff-v1560 OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1610 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1610 OPTIONAL, interNR-MeasEUTRA-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1700 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1700 OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1730 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1730 OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1810 ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1810 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1810 OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common ::= SEQUENCE { independentGapConfig ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { condPSCellChangeParametersCommon-r16 SEQUENCE { condPSCellChangeFDD-TDD-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condPSCellChangeFR1-FR2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, pscellT312-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { condPSCellChangeParameters-r17 SEQUENCE { inter-SN-condPSCellChangeFDD-TDD-NRDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, inter-SN-condPSCellChangeFR1-FR2-NRDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, inter-SN-condPSCellChangeFDD-TDD-ENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, inter-SN-condPSCellChangeFR1-FR2-ENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mn-InitiatedCondPSCellChange-FR1FDD-ENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mn-InitiatedCondPSCellChange-FR1TDD-ENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mn-InitiatedCondPSCellChange-FR2TDD-ENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sn-InitiatedCondPSCellChange-FR1FDD-ENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sn-InitiatedCondPSCellChange-FR1TDD-ENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sn-InitiatedCondPSCellChange-FR2TDD-ENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, condHandoverWithSCG-ENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condHandoverWithSCG-NEDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE { independentGapConfig-maxCC-r17 SEQUENCE { fr1-Only-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, fr2-Only-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, fr1-AndFR2-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL } } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-Common-v1810 ::= SEQUENCE { mn-ConfiguredMN-TriggerSCPAC-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mn-ConfiguredSN-TriggerSCPAC-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sn-ConfiguredSCPAC-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mn-ConfiguredMN-TriggerSCPAC-afterSCG-release-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mn-ConfiguredReferenceConfigSCPAC-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sn-ConfiguredReferenceConfigSCPAC-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condHandoverWithCandSCG-Addition-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condHandoverWithCandSCG-FR1-FR2-Change-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condHandoverWithCandSCG-FDD-TDD-Change-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff ::= SEQUENCE { sftd-MeasPSCell ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sftd-MeasNR-Cell ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff-v1560 ::= SEQUENCE { sftd-MeasPSCell-NEDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-FRX-Diff ::= SEQUENCE { simultaneousRxDataSSB-DiffNumerology ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-MEASANDMOBPARAMETERSMRDC-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MIMO-Layers is used to convey the number of supported MIMO layers.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MIMO-LAYERS-START MIMO-LayersDL ::= ENUMERATED {twoLayers, fourLayers, eightLayers} MIMO-LayersUL ::= ENUMERATED {oneLayer, twoLayers, fourLayers} -- TAG-MIMO-LAYERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MIMO-ParametersPerBand is used to convey MIMO related parameters specific for a certain band (not per feature set or band combination).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MIMO-PARAMETERSPERBAND-START MIMO-ParametersPerBand ::= SEQUENCE { tci-StatePDSCH SEQUENCE { maxNumberConfiguredTCI-StatesPerCC ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, n32, n64, n128} OPTIONAL, maxNumberActiveTCI-PerBWP ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, additionalActiveTCI-StatePDCCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pusch-TransCoherence ENUMERATED {nonCoherent, partialCoherent, fullCoherent} OPTIONAL, beamCorrespondenceWithoutUL-BeamSweeping ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, periodicBeamReport ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, aperiodicBeamReport ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sp-BeamReportPUCCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sp-BeamReportPUSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy1 DummyG OPTIONAL, maxNumberRxBeam INTEGER (2..8) OPTIONAL, maxNumberRxTxBeamSwitchDL SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz ENUMERATED {n4, n7, n14} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ENUMERATED {n4, n7, n14} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {n4, n7, n14} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {n4, n7, n14} OPTIONAL, scs-240kHz ENUMERATED {n4, n7, n14} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, maxNumberNonGroupBeamReporting ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, groupBeamReporting ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, uplinkBeamManagement SEQUENCE { maxNumberSRS-ResourcePerSet-BM ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n16}, maxNumberSRS-ResourceSet INTEGER (1..8) } OPTIONAL, maxNumberCSI-RS-BFD INTEGER (1..64) OPTIONAL, maxNumberSSB-BFD INTEGER (1..64) OPTIONAL, maxNumberCSI-RS-SSB-CBD INTEGER (1..256) OPTIONAL, dummy2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, twoPortsPTRS-UL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy5 SRS-Resources OPTIONAL, dummy3 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, beamReportTiming SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz ENUMERATED {sym2, sym4, sym8} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ENUMERATED {sym4, sym8, sym14, sym28} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {sym8, sym14, sym28} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {sym14, sym28, sym56} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, ptrs-DensityRecommendationSetDL SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz PTRS-DensityRecommendationDL OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz PTRS-DensityRecommendationDL OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz PTRS-DensityRecommendationDL OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz PTRS-DensityRecommendationDL OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, ptrs-DensityRecommendationSetUL SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz PTRS-DensityRecommendationUL OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz PTRS-DensityRecommendationUL OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz PTRS-DensityRecommendationUL OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz PTRS-DensityRecommendationUL OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, dummy4 DummyH OPTIONAL, aperiodicTRS ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ dummy6 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, beamManagementSSB-CSI-RS BeamManagementSSB-CSI-RS OPTIONAL, beamSwitchTiming SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {sym14, sym28, sym48, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {sym14, sym28, sym48, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, codebookParameters CodebookParameters OPTIONAL, csi-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedback CSI-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedback OPTIONAL, csi-RS-ProcFrameworkForSRS CSI-RS-ProcFrameworkForSRS OPTIONAL, csi-ReportFramework CSI-ReportFramework OPTIONAL, csi-RS-ForTracking CSI-RS-ForTracking OPTIONAL, srs-AssocCSI-RS SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources)) OF SupportedCSI-RS-Resource OPTIONAL, spatialRelations SpatialRelations OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 16-2b-0: Support of default QCL assumption with two TCI states defaultQCL-TwoTCI-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL,
codebookParametersPerBand-r16For a given frequency band, this field this field indicates the alternative list of SupportedCSI-RS-Resource supported for each codebook type. The supported CSI-RS resources indicated by this field are referred by codebookParametersperBC in CA-ParametersNR to indicate the supported CSI-RS resource per band combination.
CodebookParameters-v1610 OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1b-3: Support of PUCCH resource groups per BWP for simultaneous spatial relation update simul-SpatialRelationUpdatePUCCHResGroup-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1f: Maximum number of SCells configured for SCell beam failure recovery simultaneously maxNumberSCellBFR-r16 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4,n8} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2c: Supports simultaneous reception with different Type-D for FR2 only simultaneousReceptionDiffTypeD-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1a-1: SSB/CSI-RS for L1-SINR measurement ssb-csirs-SINR-measurement-r16 SEQUENCE { maxNumberSSB-CSIRS-OneTx-CMR-r16 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberCSI-IM-NZP-IMR-res-r16 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberCSIRS-2Tx-res-r16 ENUMERATED {n0, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberSSB-CSIRS-res-r16 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n32, n64, n128}, maxNumberCSI-IM-NZP-IMR-res-mem-r16 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n32, n64, n128}, supportedCSI-RS-Density-CMR-r16 ENUMERATED {one, three, oneAndThree}, maxNumberAperiodicCSI-RS-Res-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, supportedSINR-meas-r16 ENUMERATED {ssbWithCSI-IM, ssbWithNZP-IMR, csirsWithNZP-IMR, csi-RSWithoutIMR} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1a-2: Non-group based L1-SINR reporting nonGroupSINR-reporting-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1a-3: Non-group based L1-SINR reporting groupSINR-reporting-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, multiDCI-multiTRP-Parameters-r16 SEQUENCE { -- R1 16-2a-0: Overlapping PDSCHs in time and fully overlapping in frequency and time overlapPDSCHsFullyFreqTime-r16 INTEGER (1..2) OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2a-1: Overlapping PDSCHs in time and partially overlapping in frequency and time overlapPDSCHsInTimePartiallyFreq-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2a-2: Out of order operation for DL outOfOrderOperationDL-r16 SEQUENCE { supportPDCCH-ToPDSCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportPDSCH-ToHARQ-ACK-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2a-3: Out of order operation for UL outOfOrderOperationUL-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2a-5: Separate CRS rate matching separateCRS-RateMatching-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2a-6: Default QCL enhancement for multi-DCI based multi-TRP defaultQCL-PerCORESETPoolIndex-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2a-7: Maximum number of activated TCI states maxNumberActivatedTCI-States-r16 SEQUENCE { maxNumberPerCORESET-Pool-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8}, maxTotalNumberAcrossCORESET-Pool-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n16} } OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, singleDCI-SDM-scheme-Parameters-r16 SEQUENCE { -- R1 16-2b-1b: Single-DCI based SDM scheme - Support of new DMRS port entry
supportNewDMRS-Port-r16Presence of this field set to supported1, supported2 or supported3 indicates that the UE supports the new DMRS port entry {0,2,3}.
ENUMERATED {supported1, supported2, supported3} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2b-1a: Support of s-port DL PTRS supportTwoPortDL-PTRS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2b-2: Support of single-DCI based FDMSchemeA supportFDM-SchemeA-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2b-3a: Single-DCI based FDMSchemeB CW soft combining supportCodeWordSoftCombining-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2b-4: Single-DCI based TDMSchemeA supportTDM-SchemeA-r16 ENUMERATED {kb3, kb5, kb10, kb20, noRestriction} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2b-5: Single-DCI based inter-slot TDM supportInter-slotTDM-r16 SEQUENCE { supportRepNumPDSCH-TDRA-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n16}, maxTBS-Size-r16 ENUMERATED {kb3, kb5, kb10, kb20, noRestriction}, maxNumberTCI-states-r16 INTEGER (1..2) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-4: Low PAPR DMRS for PDSCH lowPAPR-DMRS-PDSCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-6a: Low PAPR DMRS for PUSCH without transform precoding lowPAPR-DMRS-PUSCHwithoutPrecoding-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-6b: Low PAPR DMRS for PUCCH lowPAPR-DMRS-PUCCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-6c: Low PAPR DMRS for PUSCH with transform precoding & pi/2 BPSK lowPAPR-DMRS-PUSCHwithPrecoding-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-7: Extension of the maximum number of configured aperiodic CSI report settings csi-ReportFrameworkExt-r16 CSI-ReportFrameworkExt-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-3a, 16-3a-1, 16-3b, 16-3b-1, 16-8: Individual new codebook types codebookParametersAddition-r16 CodebookParametersAddition-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-8: Mixed codebook types codebookComboParametersAddition-r16 CodebookComboParametersAddition-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R4 8-2: SSB based beam correspondence beamCorrespondenceSSB-based-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 8-3: CSI-RS based beam correspondence beamCorrespondenceCSI-RS-based-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, beamSwitchTiming-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 16-1a-4: Semi-persistent L1-SINR report on PUCCH semi-PersistentL1-SINR-Report-PUCCH-r16 SEQUENCE { supportReportFormat1-2OFDM-syms-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportReportFormat4-14OFDM-syms-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1a-5: Semi-persistent L1-SINR report on PUSCH semi-PersistentL1-SINR-Report-PUSCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 16-1h: Support of 64 configured PUCCH spatial relations spatialRelations-v1640 SEQUENCE { maxNumberConfiguredSpatialRelations-v1640 ENUMERATED {n96, n128, n160, n192, n224, n256, n288, n320} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1i: Support of 64 configured candidate beam RSs for BFR support64CandidateBeamRS-BFR-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 16-2a-9: Interpretation of maxNumberMIMO-LayersPDSCH for multi-DCI based mTRP maxMIMO-LayersForMulti-DCI-mTRP-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedSINR-meas-v1670 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)) OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 23-8-5Increased repetition for SRS srs-increasedRepetition-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-8-6Partial frequency sounding of SRS srs-partialFrequencySounding-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-8-7Start RB location hopping for partial frequency SRS srs-startRB-locationHoppingPartial-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-8-8Comb-8 SRS srs-combEight-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-9-1Basic Features of Further Enhanced Port-Selection Type II Codebook (FeType-II) per band information codebookParametersfetype2-r17 CodebookParametersfetype2-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-1-2a Two associated CSI-RS resources mTRP-PUSCH-twoCSI-RS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-2 Multi-TRP PUCCH repetition scheme 1 (inter-slot) mTRP-PUCCH-InterSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {pf0-2, pf1-3-4, pf0-4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-2b Cyclic mapping for multi-TRP PUCCH repetition mTRP-PUCCH-CyclicMapping-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-2c Second TPC field for multi-TRP PUCCH repetition mTRP-PUCCH-SecondTPC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-5-2 MTRP BFR based on two BFD-RS set mTRP-BFR-twoBFD-RS-Set-r17 SEQUENCE { maxBFD-RS-resourcesPerSetPerBWP-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2}, maxBFR-r17 INTEGER (1..9), maxBFD-RS-resourcesAcrossSetsPerBWP-r17 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-5-2a PUCCH-SR resources for MTRP BFRQ - Max number of PUCCH-SR resources for MTRP BFRQ per cell group mTRP-BFR-PUCCH-SR-perCG-r17 ENUMERATED{n1, n2} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-5-2b Association between a BFD-RS resource set on SpCell and a PUCCH SR resource mTRP-BFR-association-PUCCH-SR-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-6-3 Simultaneous activation of two TCI states for PDCCH across multiple CCs (HST/URLLC) sfn-SimulTwoTCI-AcrossMultiCC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-6-4 Default DL beam setup for SFN sfn-DefaultDL-BeamSetup-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-6-4a Default UL beam setup for SFN PDCCH(FR2 only) sfn-DefaultUL-BeamSetup-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-8-1 SRS triggering offset enhancement srs-TriggeringOffset-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-8-2 Triggering SRS only in DCI 0_1/0_2 srs-TriggeringDCI-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-9-5 Active CSI-RS resources and ports for mixed codebook types in any slot per band information codebookComboParameterMixedType-r17 CodebookComboParameterMixedType-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1 Unified TCI [with joint DL/UL TCI update] for intra-cell beam management unifiedJointTCI-r17 SEQUENCE{ maxConfiguredJointTCI-r17 ENUMERATED {n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64, n128}, maxActivatedTCIAcrossCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1b Unified TCI with joint DL/UL TCI update for intra- and inter-cell beam management with more than one MAC-CE unifiedJointTCI-multiMAC-CE-r17 SEQUENCE{ minBeamApplicationTime-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n7, n14, n28, n42, n56, n70, n84, n98, n112, n224, n336} OPTIONAL, maxNumMAC-CE-PerCC ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1d Per BWP TCI state pool configuration for CA mode unifiedJointTCI-perBWP-CA-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1e TCI state pool configuration with TCI pool sharing for CA mode unifiedJointTCI-ListSharingCA-r17 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4,n8} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1f Common multi-CC TCI state ID update and activation unifiedJointTCI-commonMultiCC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1g Beam misalignment between the DL source RS in the TCI state unifiedJointTCI-BeamAlignDLRS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1h Association between TCI state and UL PC settings for PUCCH, PUSCH, and SRS unifiedJointTCI-PC-association-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1i Indication/configuration of R17 TCI states for aperiodic CSI-RS, PDCCH, PDSCH unifiedJointTCI-Legacy-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 23-1-1m Indication/configuration of R17 TCI states for SRS unifiedJointTCI-Legacy-SRS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1j Indication/configuration of R17 TCI states for CORESET #0 unifiedJointTCI-Legacy-CORESET0-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1c SCell BFR with unified TCI framework (NOTE; pre-requisite is empty) unifiedJointTCI-SCellBFR-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1a Unified TCI with joint DL/UL TCI update for inter-cell beam management unifiedJointTCI-InterCell-r17 SEQUENCE{ additionalMAC-CE-PerCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4}, additionalMAC-CE-AcrossCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-10-1 Unified TCI with separate DL/UL TCI update for intra-cell beam management unifiedSeparateTCI-r17 SEQUENCE{ maxConfiguredDL-TCI-r17 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64, n128}, maxConfiguredUL-TCI-r17 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64}, maxActivatedDL-TCIAcrossCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16}, maxActivatedUL-TCIAcrossCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-10-1b Unified TCI with separate DL/UL TCI update for intra-cell beam management with more than one MAC-CE unifiedSeparateTCI-multiMAC-CE-r17 SEQUENCE{ minBeamApplicationTime-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n7, n14, n28, n42, n56, n70, n84, n98, n112, n224, n336}, maxActivatedDL-TCIPerCC-r17 INTEGER (2..8), maxActivatedUL-TCIPerCC-r17 INTEGER (2..8) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-10-1d Per BWP DL/UL-TCI state pool configuration for CA mode unifiedSeparateTCI-perBWP-CA-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-10-1e TCI state pool configuration with DL/UL-TCI pool sharing for CA mode unifiedSeparateTCI-ListSharingCA-r17 SEQUENCE { maxNumListDL-TCI-r17 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4,n8} OPTIONAL, maxNumListUL-TCI-r17 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4,n8} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-10-1f Common multi-CC DL/UL-TCI state ID update and activation with separate DL/UL TCI update unifiedSeparateTCI-commonMultiCC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 23-10-1m Unified TCI with separate DL/UL TCI update for inter-cell beam management with more than one MAC-CE unifiedSeparateTCI-InterCell-r17 SEQUENCE { k-DL-PerCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4}, k-UL-PerCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4}, k-DL-AcrossCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4}, k-UL-AcrossCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-2 Inter-cell beam measurement and reporting (for inter-cell BM and mTRP) unifiedJointTCI-mTRP-InterCell-BM-r17 SEQUENCE { maxNumAdditionalPCI-L1-RSRP-r17 INTEGER (1..7), maxNumSSB-ResourceL1-RSRP-AcrossCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4,n8} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-3 MPE mitigation mpe-Mitigation-r17 SEQUENCE { maxNumP-MPR-RI-pairs-r17 INTEGER (1..4), maxNumConfRS-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12, n16, n28, n32, n48, n64} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-4 UE capability value reporting srs-PortReport-r17 SEQUENCE { capVal1-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, capVal2-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, capVal3-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, capVal4-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-2-1a Monitoring of individual candidates mTRP-PDCCH-individual-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-2-1b PDCCH repetition with PDCCH monitoring on any span of up to 3 consecutive OFDM symbols of a slot mTRP-PDCCH-anySpan-3Symbols-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-2-2 Two QCL TypeD for CORESET monitoring in PDCCH repetition mTRP-PDCCH-TwoQCL-TypeD-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-1-2b CSI-RS processing framework for SRS with two associated CSI-RS resources mTRP-PUSCH-CSI-RS-r17 SEQUENCE { maxNumPeriodicSRS-r17 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumAperiodicSRS-r17 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumSP-SRS-r17 INTEGER (0..8), numSRS-ResourcePerCC-r17 INTEGER (1..16), numSRS-ResourceNonCodebook-r17 INTEGER (1..2) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-1a Cyclic mapping for Multi-TRP PUSCH repetition mTRP-PUSCH-cyclicMapping-r17 ENUMERATED {typeA,typeB,both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-1b Second TPC field for Multi-TRP PUSCH repetition mTRP-PUSCH-secondTPC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-1c Two PHR reporting mTRP-PUSCH-twoPHR-Reporting-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-1e A-CSI report mTRP-PUSCH-A-CSI-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-1f SP-CSI report mTRP-PUSCH-SP-CSI-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-1g CG PUSCH transmission mTRP-PUSCH-CG-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-2d Updating two Spatial relation or two sets of power control parameters for PUCCH group mTRP-PUCCH-MAC-CE-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-3-2e Maximum number of power control parameter sets configured for multi-TRP PUCCH repetition in FR1 mTRP-PUCCH-maxNum-PC-FR1-r17 INTEGER (3..8) OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-4 IntCell-mTRP mTRP-inter-Cell-r17 SEQUENCE { maxNumAdditionalPCI-Case1-r17 INTEGER (1..7), maxNumAdditionalPCI-Case2-r17 INTEGER (0..7) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-5-1 Group based L1-RSRP reporting enhancements mTRP-GroupBasedL1-RSRP-r17 SEQUENCE { maxNumBeamGroups-r17 INTEGER (1..4), maxNumRS-WithinSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {n2,n3,n4,n8,n16,n32,n64}, maxNumRS-AcrossSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n32, n64, n128} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-5-2c MAC-CE based update of explicit BFD-RS mTRP-PUCCH-IntraSlot-r17 => per band mTRP-BFD-RS-MAC-CE-r17 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n12, n16, n32, n48, n64 } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-7-1 Basic Features of CSI Enhancement for Multi-TRP mTRP-CSI-EnhancementPerBand-r17 SEQUENCE { maxNumNZP-CSI-RS-r17 INTEGER (2..8), cSI-Report-mode-r17 ENUMERATED {mode1, mode2, both}, supportedComboAcrossCCs-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF CSI-MultiTRP-SupportedCombinations-r17, codebookModeNCJT-r17 ENUMERATED{mode1,mode1And2} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-7-1b Active CSI-RS resources and ports in the presence of multi-TRP CSI codebookComboParameterMultiTRP-r17 CodebookComboParameterMultiTRP-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-7-1a Additional CSI report mode 1 mTRP-CSI-additionalCSI-r17 ENUMERATED{x1,x2} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-7-4 Support of Nmax=2 for Multi-TRP CSI mTRP-CSI-N-Max2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-7-5 CMR sharing mTRP-CSI-CMR-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-8-11 Partial frequency sounding of SRS for non-frequency hopping case srs-partialFreqSounding-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1-24 feature: Extend beamSwitchTiming for FR2-2 beamSwitchTiming-v1710 SEQUENCE { scs-480kHz ENUMERATED {sym56, sym112, sym192, sym896, sym1344} OPTIONAL, scs-960kHz ENUMERATED {sym112, sym224, sym384, sym1792, sym2688} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1-24 feature: Extend beamSwitchTiming-r16 for FR2-2 beamSwitchTiming-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sym896, sym1344} OPTIONAL, scs-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sym1792, sym2688} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1-24 feature: Extend beamReportTiming for FR2-2 beamReportTiming-v1710 SEQUENCE { scs-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sym56, sym112, sym224} OPTIONAL, scs-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sym112, sym224, sym448} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1-24 feature: Extend maximum number of RX/TX beam switch DL for FR2-2 maxNumberRxTxBeamSwitchDL-v1710 SEQUENCE { scs-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n7} OPTIONAL, scs-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n7} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1-23-1-4a:Semi-persistent/aperiodic capability value report srs-PortReportSP-AP-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxNumberRxBeam-v1720 INTEGER (9..12) OPTIONAL, -- R1-23-6-5Support implicit configuration of RS(s) with two TCI states for beam failure detection sfn-ImplicitRS-twoTCI-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1-23-6-6QCL-TypeD collision handling with CORESET with 2 TCI states sfn-QCL-TypeD-Collision-twoTCI-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1-23-7-1cBasic Features of CSI Enhancement for Multi-TRP - number of CPUs mTRP-CSI-numCPU-r17 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4} OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportRepNumPDSCH-TDRA-DCI-1-2-r17 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n16} OPTIONAL ]], [[ codebookParametersetype2DopplerCSI-r18 CodebookParametersetype2DopplerCSI-r18 OPTIONAL, codebookParametersfetype2DopplerCSI-r18 CodebookParametersfetype2DopplerCSI-r18 OPTIONAL, codebookParametersetype2CJT-r18 CodebookParametersetype2CJT-r18 OPTIONAL, codebookParametersfetype2CJT-r18 CodebookParametersfetype2CJT-r18 OPTIONAL, codebookComboParametersCJT-r18 CodebookComboParametersCJT-r18 OPTIONAL, codebookParametersHARQ-ACK-PUSCH-r18 CodebookParametersHARQ-ACK-PUSCH-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-1: Unified TCI with joint DL/UL TCI update for single-DCI based intra-cell multi-TRP with single activated TCI -- codepoint per CC tci-JointTCI-UpdateSingleActiveTCI-PerCC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberConfigJointTCIPerCC-PerBWP-r18 ENUMERATED {n8,n12,n16,n24,n32,n48,n64,n128}, maxNumberActiveJointTCI-AcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n2,n4,n6,n8,n16,n32} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-1a: Unified TCI with joint DL/UL TCI update for single-DCI based intra-cell multi-TRP with multiple activated TCI -- codepoints per CC tci-JointTCI-UpdateMultiActiveTCI-PerCC-r18 SEQUENCE { tci-StateInd-r18 ENUMERATED {withAssignment, withoutAssignment}, maxNumberActiveJointTCI-PerCC-r18 INTEGER (2..8) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-1c: DCI format 1_1 and if supported 1_2 configured with TCI selection field tci-SelectionDCI-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-2: Unified TCI with separate DL/UL TCI update for single-DCI based intra-cell multi-TRP with single activated TCI -- codepoint per CC tci-SeparateTCI-UpdateSingleActiveTCI-PerCC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumConfigDL-TCI-PerCC-PerBWP-r18 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64, n128}, maxNumConfigUL-TCI-PerCC-PerBWP-r18 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64}, maxNumActiveDL-TCI-AcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n16}, maxNumActiveUL-TCI-AcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n16} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-2a: Unified TCI with separate DL/UL TCI update for single-DCI based intra-cell multi-TRP with multiple -- activated TCI codepoints per CC tci-SeparateTCI-UpdateMultiActiveTCI-PerCC-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumActiveDL-TCI-AcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n16}, maxNumActiveUL-TCI-AcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n16} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-3: Per aperiodic CSI-RS resource/resource set configuration for TCI selection in S-DCI based MTRP tci-SelectionAperiodicCSI-RS-r18 ENUMERATED {perResource, perResourceSet, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-3a: Per aperiodic CSI-RS resource/resource set configuration for TCI selection in M-DCI based MTRP tci-SelectionAperiodicCSI-RS-M-DCI-r18 ENUMERATED {perResource, perResourceSet, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-4: Two TCI states for CJT Tx scheme for PDSCH twoTCI-StatePDSCH-CJT-TxScheme-r18 ENUMERATED {cjtSchemeA, cjtSchemeB, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-7: Unified TCI with joint DL/UL TCI update for multi-DCI based multi-TRP with single activated TCI -- codepoint per CORESETPoolIndex per CC tci-JointTCI-UpdateSingleActiveTCI-PerCC-PerCORESET-r18 SEQUENCE { mTRP-Operation-r18 ENUMERATED {intraCell, intraCellAndInterCell}, maxNumberConfigJointTCIPerCC-PerBWP-r18 ENUMERATED {n8,n12,n16,n24,n32,n48,n64,n128}, maxNumberActiveJointTCIAcrossCC-PerCORESET-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4,n8,n16} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-7a: Unified TCI with joint DL/UL TCI update for multi-DCI based multi-TRP with multiple activated TCI -- codepoints per CORESETPoolIndex per CC tci-JointTCI-UpdateMultiActiveTCI-PerCC-PerCORESET-r18 INTEGER (2..8) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-8: TRP-specific BFR with unified TCI framework with Unified TCI tci-TRP-BFR-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-9: Unified TCI with separate DL/UL TCI update for multi-DCI based multi-TRP with single activated TCI -- codepoint per CORESETPoolIndex per CC tci-SeparateTCI-UpdateSingleActiveTCI-PerCC-PerCORESET-r18 SEQUENCE { mTRP-Operation-r18 ENUMERATED {intraCell, intraCellAndInterCell}, maxNumConfigDL-TCI-PerCC-PerBWP-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64, n128}, maxNumConfigUL-TCI-PerCC-PerBWP-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64}, maxNumActiveDL-TCI-AcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16}, maxNumActiveUL-TCI-AcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-9a: Unified TCI with separate DL/UL TCI update for multi-DCI based multi-TRP with multiple activated TCI -- codepoints per CORESETPoolIndex per CC tci-SeparateTCI-UpdateMultiActiveTCI-PerCC-PerCORESET-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumConfigDL-TCI-PerCC-PerBWP-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumConfigUL-TCI-PerCC-PerBWP-r18 INTEGER (1..8) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-12: Common multi-CC TCI state ID update and activation for single-DCI based multi-TRP commonTCI-SingleDCI-r18 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-13: Common multi-CC TCI state ID update and activation for multi-DCI based multi-TRP commonTCI-MultiDCI-r18 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-1-14: Two PHR reporting for STx2P twoPHR-Reporting-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-2-3: TAG ID indication via absolute TA command MAC CE spCell-TAG-Ind-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-2-4: PDCCH order sent by one TRP triggers RACH procedure (specifically PRACH) towards a different TRP based on CFRA for -- inter-cell interCellCrossTRP-PDCCH-OrderCFRA-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-2-4a: PDCCH order sent by one TRP triggers RACH procedure (specifically PRACH) towards a different TRP based on CFRA for -- intra-cell intraCellCrossTRP-PDCCH-OrderCFRA-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-2-9: Overlapping UL transmission reduction overlapUL-TransReduction-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-2-12: Supported maximum periodicity of CMR when configured as periodic CSI-RS maxPeriodicityCMR-r18 ENUMERATED {sl4, sl5, sl8, sl10, sl20} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-3-1: TDCP (Time Domain Channel Properties) report tdcp-Report-r18 SEQUENCE { valueX-r18 INTEGER (1..2), maxNumberActiveResource-r18 INTEGER (2..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-3-5: Number of CSI-RS resources for TDCP tdcp-Resource-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberConfigPerCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n2,n4,n6,n8,n10,n12}, maxNumberConfigAcrossCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32), maxNumberSimultaneousPerCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n20, n24, n28, n32} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-3-1-24: Timeline for regular eType-II-CJT CSI, or for port selection FeType-II-CJT CSI timelineRelax-CJT-CSI-r18 ENUMERATED {n0,n2} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-4-11: Joint configuration of Rel.18 DMRS ports and Rel.18 dynamic switching between DFT-S-OFDM and CP-OFDM for PUSCH jointConfigDMRSPortDynamicSwitching-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-5-1: SRS comb offset hopping srs-combOffsetHopping-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-5-1a: Comb offset hopping time-domain behavior when repetition factor R>1 srs-combOffsetInTime-r18 ENUMERATED {srs, rsrs, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-5-1b: SRS comb offset hopping combined with group/sequence hopping srs-combOffsetCombinedGroupSequence-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-5-1c: Comb offset hopping within a subset srs-combOffsetHoppingWithinSubset-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-5-2: SRS cyclic shift hopping srs-cyclicShiftHopping-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-5-2a: Smaller cyclic shift granularity for cyclic shift hopping srs-cyclicShiftHoppingSmallGranularity-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-5-2b: SRS cyclic shift hopping combined with group/sequence hopping srs-cyclicShiftCombinedGroupSequence-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-5-2c: Cyclic shift hopping within a subset cyclicShiftHoppingWithinSubset-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-5-3: SRS cyclic shift hopping combined with SRS comb offset hopping srs-cyclicShiftCombinedCombOffset-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-1-1: 2 PTRS ports for single-DCI based STx2P SDM scheme for PUSCH-codebook pusch-CB-2PTRS-SingleDCI-STx2P-SDM-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-1a-1: 2 PTRS ports for single-DCI based STx2P SDM scheme for PUSCH-noncodebook pusch-NonCB-2PTRS-SingleDCI-STx2P-SDM-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-1b: Association between CSI-RS and SRS for noncodebook single-DCI based STx2P SDM scheme for PUSCH pusch-NonCB-SingleDCI-STx2P-SDM-CSI-RS-SRS-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberPeriodicSRS-Resource-PerBWP-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberAperiodicSRS-Resource-PerBWP-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberSemiPersistentSRS-ResourcePerBWP-r18 INTEGER (0..8), valueY-SRS-ResourceAssociate-r18 INTEGER (1..16), valueX-CSI-RS-ResourceAssociate-r18 INTEGER (1..2) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3b-1: Associated CSI-RS resources for noncodebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH twoPUSCH-NonCB-Multi-DCI-STx2P-CSI-RS-Resource-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberPeriodicSRS-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberAperiodicSRS-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberSemiPersistentSRS-r18 INTEGER (0..8), simultaneousSRS-PerCC-r18 INTEGER (1..16), simultaneousCSI-RS-NonCB-r18 INTEGER (1..2) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-1-2: New UL DMRS port entry for single-DCI based SDM scheme for Rel-15 DMRS port and/or Rel-18 DMRS port dmrs-PortEntrySingleDCI-SDM-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-2-1: 2 PTRS ports for single-DCI based STx2P SFN scheme for PUSCH-codebook pusch-CB-2PTRS-SingleDCI-STx2P-SFN-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-2a-1: 2 PTRS ports for single-DCI based STx2P SFN scheme for PUSCH-codebook pusch-NonCB-2PTRS-SingleDCI-STx2P-SFN-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-2b: Association between CSI-RS and SRS for noncodebook single-DCI based STx2P SFN scheme for PUSCH pusch-NonCB-SingleDCI-STx2P-SFN-CSI-RS-SRS-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberPeriodicSRS-Resource-PerBWP-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberAperiodicSRS-Resource-PerBWP-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberSemiPersistentSRS-ResourcePerBWP-r18 INTEGER (0..8), valueY-SRS-ResourceAssociate-r18 INTEGER (1..16), valueX-CSI-RS-ResourceAssociate-r18 INTEGER (1..2) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3c: Codebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH - Fully overlapping PUSCHs in time and fully overlapping in frequency twoPUSCH-CB-MultiDCI-STx2P-FullTimeFullFreqOverlap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3d: Codebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH - Fully overlapping PUSCHs in time and partially overlapping in frequency twoPUSCH-CB-MultiDCI-STx2P-FullTimePartialFreqOverlap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3e: Codebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH - Partially overlapping PUSCHs in time and fully overlapping in frequency twoPUSCH-CB-MultiDCI-STx2P-PartialTimeFullFreqOverlap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3f: Codebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH - Partially overlapping PUSCHs in time, partially overlapping in frequency twoPUSCH-CB-MultiDCI-STx2P-PartialTimePartialFreqOverlap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3g: Codebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH - Partially overlapping PUSCHs in time, partially or non-overlapping -- in frequency twoPUSCH-CB-MultiDCI-STx2P-PartialTimeNonFreqOverlap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3h: Codebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH for CG+CG twoPUSCH-CB-MultiDCI-STx2P-CG-CG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3i: Codebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH for DG+CG twoPUSCH-CB-MultiDCI-STx2P-CG-DG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3j: Noncodebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH - Fully overlapping PUSCHs in time and fully overlapping in frequency twoPUSCH-NonCB-MultiDCI-STx2P-FullTimeFullFreqOverlap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3k: Noncodebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH - Fully overlapping PUSCHs in time and partially overlapping in -- frequency twoPUSCH-NonCB-MultiDCI-STx2P-FullTimePartialFreqOverlap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3l: Noncodebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH - Partially overlapping PUSCHs in time and fully overlapping in -- frequency twoPUSCH-NonCB-MultiDCI-STx2P-PartialTimeFullFreqOverlap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3m: Noncodebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH - Partially overlapping PUSCHs in time, partially overlapping in -- frequency twoPUSCH-NonCB-MultiDCI-STx2P-PartialTimePartialFreqOverlap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3n: Noncodebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH - Partially overlapping PUSCHs in time, non-overlapping in frequency twoPUSCH-NonCB-MultiDCI-STx2P-PartialTimeNonFreqOverlap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3o: Noncodebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH for CG+CG twoPUSCH-NonCB-MultiDCI-STx2P-CG-CG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-3p: Noncodebook multi-DCI based STx2P PUSCH+PUSCH for DG+CG twoPUSCH-NonCB-MultiDCI-STx2P-CG-DG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-4a: Dynamic indication of repetition number for SFN scheme for PUCCH pucch-RepetitionDynamicIndicationSFN-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 40-6-5: Support grouped-based beam reporting for STx2P groupBeamReporting-STx2P-r18 SEQUENCE { groupL1-RSRP-Reporting-r18 ENUMERATED {jointULandDL, ulOnly, both}, maxNumberBeamGroups-r18 INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberResWithinSlotAcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n2,n3,n4,n8,n16,n32,n64}, maxNumberResAcrossCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n8,n16,n32,n64,n128} } OPTIONAL ]] } MIMO-ParametersPerBand-v17b0 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 23-1-1b Unified TCI with joint DL/UL TCI update for intra- and inter-cell beam management with more than one MAC-CE unifiedJointTCI-multiMAC-CE-v17b0 SEQUENCE{ minBeamApplicationTimeJointTCI-v17b0 CHOICE { fr1-v17b0 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-v17b0 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-v17b0 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-v17b0 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70} OPTIONAL }, fr2-v17b0 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-v17b0 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70, sym84, sym98, sym112, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-v17b0 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70, sym84, sym98, sym112, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL } }, maxNumMAC-CE-PerCC-v17b0 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-10-1b Unified TCI with separate DL/UL TCI update for intra-cell beam management with more than one MAC-CE unifiedSeparateTCI-multiMAC-CE-v17b0 SEQUENCE{ minBeamApplicationTimeSeparateTCI-v17b0 CHOICE { fr1-v17b0 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-v17b0 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-v17b0 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-v17b0 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70} OPTIONAL }, fr2-v17b0 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-v17b0 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70, sym84, sym98, sym112, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-v17b0 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70, sym84, sym98, sym112, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL } }, maxActivatedDL-TCIPerCC-v17b0 INTEGER (2..8), maxActivatedUL-TCIPerCC-v17b0 INTEGER (2..8) } OPTIONAL } DummyG ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberSSB-CSI-RS-ResourceOneTx ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberSSB-CSI-RS-ResourceTwoTx ENUMERATED {n0, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, supportedCSI-RS-Density ENUMERATED {one, three, oneAndThree} } BeamManagementSSB-CSI-RS ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberSSB-CSI-RS-ResourceOneTx ENUMERATED {n0, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberCSI-RS-Resource ENUMERATED {n0, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberCSI-RS-ResourceTwoTx ENUMERATED {n0, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, supportedCSI-RS-Density ENUMERATED {one, three, oneAndThree} OPTIONAL, maxNumberAperiodicCSI-RS-Resource ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64} } DummyH ::= SEQUENCE { burstLength INTEGER (1..2), maxSimultaneousResourceSetsPerCC INTEGER (1..8), maxConfiguredResourceSetsPerCC INTEGER (1..64), maxConfiguredResourceSetsAllCC INTEGER (1..128) } CSI-RS-ForTracking ::= SEQUENCE { maxBurstLength INTEGER (1..2), maxSimultaneousResourceSetsPerCC INTEGER (1..8), maxConfiguredResourceSetsPerCC INTEGER (1..64), maxConfiguredResourceSetsAllCC INTEGER (1..256) } CSI-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedback ::= SEQUENCE { maxConfigNumberNZP-CSI-RS-PerCC INTEGER (1..64), maxConfigNumberPortsAcrossNZP-CSI-RS-PerCC INTEGER (2..256), maxConfigNumberCSI-IM-PerCC ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32}, maxNumberSimultaneousNZP-CSI-RS-PerCC INTEGER (1..64), totalNumberPortsSimultaneousNZP-CSI-RS-PerCC INTEGER (2..256) } CSI-RS-ProcFrameworkForSRS ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberPeriodicSRS-AssocCSI-RS-PerBWP INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberAperiodicSRS-AssocCSI-RS-PerBWP INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberSP-SRS-AssocCSI-RS-PerBWP INTEGER (0..4), simultaneousSRS-AssocCSI-RS-PerCC INTEGER (1..8) } CSI-ReportFramework ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberPeriodicCSI-PerBWP-ForCSI-Report INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberAperiodicCSI-PerBWP-ForCSI-Report INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberSemiPersistentCSI-PerBWP-ForCSI-Report INTEGER (0..4), maxNumberPeriodicCSI-PerBWP-ForBeamReport INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberAperiodicCSI-PerBWP-ForBeamReport INTEGER (1..4), maxNumberAperiodicCSI-triggeringStatePerCC ENUMERATED {n3, n7, n15, n31, n63, n128}, maxNumberSemiPersistentCSI-PerBWP-ForBeamReport INTEGER (0..4), simultaneousCSI-ReportsPerCC INTEGER (1..8) } CSI-ReportFrameworkExt-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberAperiodicCSI-PerBWP-ForCSI-ReportExt-r16 INTEGER (5..8) } PTRS-DensityRecommendationDL ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyDensity1 INTEGER (1..276), frequencyDensity2 INTEGER (1..276), timeDensity1 INTEGER (0..29), timeDensity2 INTEGER (0..29), timeDensity3 INTEGER (0..29) } PTRS-DensityRecommendationUL ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyDensity1 INTEGER (1..276), frequencyDensity2 INTEGER (1..276), timeDensity1 INTEGER (0..29), timeDensity2 INTEGER (0..29), timeDensity3 INTEGER (0..29), sampleDensity1 INTEGER (1..276), sampleDensity2 INTEGER (1..276), sampleDensity3 INTEGER (1..276), sampleDensity4 INTEGER (1..276), sampleDensity5 INTEGER (1..276) } SpatialRelations ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumberConfiguredSpatialRelations ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, n32, n64, n96}, maxNumberActiveSpatialRelations ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n14}, additionalActiveSpatialRelationPUCCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxNumberDL-RS-QCL-TypeD ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n14} } DummyI ::= SEQUENCE { supportedSRS-TxPortSwitch ENUMERATED {t1r2, t1r4, t2r4, t1r4-t2r4, tr-equal}, txSwitchImpactToRx ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL } CSI-MultiTRP-SupportedCombinations-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { maxNumTx-Ports-r17 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32}, maxTotalNumCMR-r17 INTEGER (2..64), maxTotalNumTx-PortsNZP-CSI-RS-r17 INTEGER (2..256) } -- TAG-MIMO-PARAMETERSPERBAND-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MIMO-ParametersPerBand field descriptions
For a given frequency band, this field this field indicates the alternative list of SupportedCSI-RS-Resource supported for each codebook type. The supported CSI-RS resources indicated by this field are referred by codebookParametersperBC in CA-ParametersNR to indicate the supported CSI-RS resource per band combination.
csi-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedback/ csi-RS-ProcFrameworkForSRS/ csi-ReportFramework
CSI related capabilities which the UE supports on each of the carriers operated on this band. If the network configures the UE with serving cells on both FR1 and FR2 bands these values may be further limited by the corresponding fields in fr1-fr2-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities.
Presence of this field set to supported1, supported2 or supported3 indicates that the UE supports the new DMRS port entry {0,2,3}.

The IE ModulationOrder is used to convey the maximum supported modulation order.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MODULATIONORDER-START ModulationOrder ::= ENUMERATED {bpsk-halfpi, bpsk, qpsk, qam16, qam64, qam256} -- TAG-MODULATIONORDER-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MRDC-Parameters contains the band combination parameters specific to MR-DC for a given MR-DC band combination.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MRDC-PARAMETERS-START MRDC-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { singleUL-Transmission ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dynamicPowerSharingENDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, tdm-Pattern ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ul-SharingEUTRA-NR ENUMERATED {tdm, fdm, both} OPTIONAL, ul-SwitchingTimeEUTRA-NR ENUMERATED {type1, type2} OPTIONAL, simultaneousRxTxInterBandENDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, asyncIntraBandENDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ dualPA-Architecture ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, intraBandENDC-Support ENUMERATED {non-contiguous, both} OPTIONAL, ul-TimingAlignmentEUTRA-NR ENUMERATED {required} OPTIONAL ]] } MRDC-Parameters-v1580 ::= SEQUENCE { dynamicPowerSharingNEDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MRDC-Parameters-v1590 ::=SEQUENCE { interBandContiguousMRDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MRDC-Parameters-v15g0 ::= SEQUENCE { simultaneousRxTxInterBandENDCPerBandPair SimultaneousRxTxPerBandPair OPTIONAL } MRDC-Parameters-v15n0 ::= SEQUENCE { intraBandENDC-Support-UL ENUMERATED {non-contiguous, both} OPTIONAL } MRDC-Parameters-v1620 ::= SEQUENCE { maxUplinkDutyCycle-interBandENDC-TDD-PC2-r16 SEQUENCE{ eutra-TDD-Config0-r16 ENUMERATED {n20, n40, n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL, eutra-TDD-Config1-r16 ENUMERATED {n20, n40, n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL, eutra-TDD-Config2-r16 ENUMERATED {n20, n40, n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL, eutra-TDD-Config3-r16 ENUMERATED {n20, n40, n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL, eutra-TDD-Config4-r16 ENUMERATED {n20, n40, n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL, eutra-TDD-Config5-r16 ENUMERATED {n20, n40, n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL, eutra-TDD-Config6-r16 ENUMERATED {n20, n40, n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-2 Single UL TX operation for TDD PCell in EN-DC tdm-restrictionTDD-endc-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-2a Single UL TX operation for FDD PCell in EN-DC tdm-restrictionFDD-endc-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-2b Support of HARQ-offset for SUO case1 in EN-DC with LTE TDD PCell for type 1 UE singleUL-HARQ-offsetTDD-PCell-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-3 Dual Tx transmission for EN-DC with FDD PCell(TDM pattern for dual Tx UE) tdm-restrictionDualTX-FDD-endc-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MRDC-Parameters-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R4 2-20 Maximum uplink duty cycle for FDD+TDD EN-DC power class 2 maxUplinkDutyCycle-interBandENDC-FDD-TDD-PC2-r16 SEQUENCE { maxUplinkDutyCycle-FDD-TDD-EN-DC1-r16 ENUMERATED {n30, n40, n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL, maxUplinkDutyCycle-FDD-TDD-EN-DC2-r16 ENUMERATED {n30, n40, n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R4 2-19 FDD-FDD or TDD-TDD inter-band MR-DC with overlapping or partially overlapping DL spectrum interBandMRDC-WithOverlapDL-Bands-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MRDC-Parameters-v1700 ::=SEQUENCE { condPSCellAdditionENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scg-ActivationDeactivationENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scg-ActivationDeactivationResumeENDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MRDC-Parameters-v1770 ::=SEQUENCE { -- R4 26-1: Higher Power Limit CA DC higherPowerLimitMRDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MRDC-Parameters-v1790 ::= SEQUENCE { intraBandENDC-Support-v1790 ENUMERATED {non-contiguous, both} OPTIONAL, intraBandENDC-Support-UL-v1790 ENUMERATED {non-contiguous, both} OPTIONAL } MRDC-Parameters-v1840 ::= SEQUENCE { intraBandENDC-NominalSpacing-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-MRDC-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE NCR-Parameters is used to indicate the UE capabilities supported by NCR-MT.

The IE NRDC-Parameters contains parameters specific to NR-DC, i.e., which are not applicable to NR SA.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NRDC-PARAMETERS-START NRDC-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersNRDC MeasAndMobParametersMRDC OPTIONAL, generalParametersNRDC GeneralParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff OPTIONAL, fdd-Add-UE-NRDC-Capabilities UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode OPTIONAL, tdd-Add-UE-NRDC-Capabilities UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode OPTIONAL, fr1-Add-UE-NRDC-Capabilities UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode OPTIONAL, fr2-Add-UE-NRDC-Capabilities UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode OPTIONAL, dummy2 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, dummy SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } NRDC-Parameters-v1570 ::= SEQUENCE { sfn-SyncNRDC ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } NRDC-Parameters-v15c0 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcp-DuplicationSplitSRB ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcp-DuplicationSplitDRB ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } NRDC-Parameters-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersNRDC-v1610 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1610 OPTIONAL } NRDC-Parameters-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { f1c-OverNR-RRC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, measAndMobParametersNRDC-v1700 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1700 } -- TAG-NRDC-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE NTN-Parameters is used to convey the subset of UE Radio Access Capability Parameters that apply to NTN access when there is a difference compared to TN access.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-NTN-PARAMETERS-START NTN-Parameters-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { inactiveStateNTN-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ra-SDT-NTN-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, srb-SDT-NTN-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL,
measAndMobParametersNTN-r17NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, measAndMobParameters applies to NTN.
MeasAndMobParameters OPTIONAL,
mac-ParametersNTN-r17NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, mac-Parameters applies to NTN.
MAC-Parameters OPTIONAL,
phy-ParametersNTN-r17NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, phy-Parameters applies to NTN.
Phy-Parameters OPTIONAL,
fdd-Add-UE-NR-CapabilitiesNTN-r17NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, fdd-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities applies to NTN.
UE-NR-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode OPTIONAL,
fr1-Add-UE-NR-CapabilitiesNTN-r17NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, fr1-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities applies to NTN.
UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode OPTIONAL,
ue-BasedPerfMeas-ParametersNTN-r17NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, ue-BasedPerfMeas-Parameters-r16 applies to NTN.
UE-BasedPerfMeas-Parameters-r16 OPTIONAL,
son-ParametersNTN-r17NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, son-Parameters-r16 applies to NTN.
SON-Parameters-r16 OPTIONAL } NTN-Parameters-v1820 ::= SEQUENCE {
fr2-Add-UE-NR-CapabilitiesNTN-r18NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, fr2-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities applies to NTN.
NTN-Parameters field descriptions
NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, fdd-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities applies to NTN.
NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, fr1-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities applies to NTN.
NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, fr2-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities applies to NTN.
NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, mac-Parameters applies to NTN.
NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, measAndMobParameters applies to NTN.
NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, phy-Parameters applies to NTN.
NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, son-Parameters-r16 applies to NTN.
NTN related capabilities which the UE supports in NTN differently than in TN. If absent, ue-BasedPerfMeas-Parameters-r16 applies to NTN.

The IE OLPC-SRS-Pos is used to convey OLPC SRS positioning related parameters specific for a certain band.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-OLPC-SRS-POS-START OLPC-SRS-Pos-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { olpc-SRS-PosBasedOnPRS-Serving-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, olpc-SRS-PosBasedOnSSB-Neigh-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, olpc-SRS-PosBasedOnPRS-Neigh-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxNumberPathLossEstimatePerServing-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n4, n8, n16} OPTIONAL } --TAG-OLPC-SRS-POS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PDCP-Parameters is used to convey capabilities related to PDCP.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PDCP-PARAMETERS-START PDCP-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { supportedROHC-Profiles SEQUENCE { profile0x0000 BOOLEAN, profile0x0001 BOOLEAN, profile0x0002 BOOLEAN, profile0x0003 BOOLEAN, profile0x0004 BOOLEAN, profile0x0006 BOOLEAN, profile0x0101 BOOLEAN, profile0x0102 BOOLEAN, profile0x0103 BOOLEAN, profile0x0104 BOOLEAN }, maxNumberROHC-ContextSessions ENUMERATED {cs2, cs4, cs8, cs12, cs16, cs24, cs32, cs48, cs64, cs128, cs256, cs512, cs1024, cs16384, spare2, spare1}, uplinkOnlyROHC-Profiles ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, continueROHC-Context ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, outOfOrderDelivery ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, shortSN ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcp-DuplicationSRB ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcp-DuplicationMCG-OrSCG-DRB ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ drb-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, non-DRB-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, extendedDiscardTimer-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, continueEHC-Context-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ehc-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxNumberEHC-Contexts-r16 ENUMERATED {cs2, cs4, cs8, cs16, cs32, cs64, cs128, cs256, cs512, cs1024, cs2048, cs4096, cs8192, cs16384, cs32768, cs65536} OPTIONAL, jointEHC-ROHC-Config-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcp-DuplicationMoreThanTwoRLC-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ longSN-RedCap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, udc-r17 SEQUENCE { standardDictionary-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, operatorDictionary-r17 SEQUENCE { versionOfDictionary-r17 INTEGER (0..15), associatedPLMN-ID-r17 PLMN-Identity } OPTIONAL, continueUDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportOfBufferSize-r17 ENUMERATED {kbyte4, kbyte8} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL ]], [[ longSN-NCR-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportOfPDU-SetDiscard-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, psi-BasedDiscard-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportOfSN-GapReport-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } -- TAG-PDCP-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PDCP-ParametersMRDC is used to convey PDCP related capabilities for MR-DC.

The IE Phy-Parameters is used to convey the physical layer capabilities.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PHY-PARAMETERS-START Phy-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { phy-ParametersCommon Phy-ParametersCommon OPTIONAL, phy-ParametersXDD-Diff Phy-ParametersXDD-Diff OPTIONAL, phy-ParametersFRX-Diff Phy-ParametersFRX-Diff OPTIONAL, phy-ParametersFR1 Phy-ParametersFR1 OPTIONAL, phy-ParametersFR2 Phy-ParametersFR2 OPTIONAL } Phy-Parameters-v16a0 ::= SEQUENCE { phy-ParametersCommon-v16a0 Phy-ParametersCommon-v16a0 OPTIONAL } Phy-ParametersCommon ::= SEQUENCE { csi-RS-CFRA-ForHO ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dynamicPRB-BundlingDL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sp-CSI-ReportPUCCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sp-CSI-ReportPUSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nzp-CSI-RS-IntefMgmt ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, type2-SP-CSI-Feedback-LongPUCCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, precoderGranularityCORESET ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dynamicHARQ-ACK-Codebook ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, semiStaticHARQ-ACK-Codebook ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, spatialBundlingHARQ-ACK ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dynamicBetaOffsetInd-HARQ-ACK-CSI ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pucch-Repetition-F1-3-4 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ra-Type0-PUSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dynamicSwitchRA-Type0-1-PDSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dynamicSwitchRA-Type0-1-PUSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdsch-MappingTypeA ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdsch-MappingTypeB ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, interleavingVRB-ToPRB-PDSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, interSlotFreqHopping-PUSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, type1-PUSCH-RepetitionMultiSlots ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, type2-PUSCH-RepetitionMultiSlots ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pusch-RepetitionMultiSlots ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdsch-RepetitionMultiSlots ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, downlinkSPS ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, configuredUL-GrantType1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, configuredUL-GrantType2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pre-EmptIndication-DL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cbg-TransIndication-DL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cbg-TransIndication-UL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cbg-FlushIndication-DL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dynamicHARQ-ACK-CodeB-CBG-Retx-DL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, rateMatchingResrcSetSemi-Static ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, rateMatchingResrcSetDynamic ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, bwp-SwitchingDelay ENUMERATED {type1, type2} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ maxNumberSearchSpaces ENUMERATED {n10} OPTIONAL, rateMatchingCtrlResrcSetDynamic ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxLayersMIMO-Indication ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ spCellPlacement CarrierAggregationVariant OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 9-1: Basic channel structure and procedure of 2-step RACH twoStepRACH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-1: Monitoring DCI format 1_2 and DCI format 0_2 dci-Format1-2And0-2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-1a: Monitoring both DCI format 0_1/1_1 and DCI format 0_2/1_2 in the same search space monitoringDCI-SameSearchSpace-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-10: Type 2 configured grant release by DCI format 0_1 type2-CG-ReleaseDCI-0-1-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-11: Type 2 configured grant release by DCI format 0_2 type2-CG-ReleaseDCI-0-2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 12-3: SPS release by DCI format 1_1 sps-ReleaseDCI-1-1-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 12-3a: SPS release by DCI format 1_2 sps-ReleaseDCI-1-2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 14-8: CSI trigger states containing non-active BWP csi-TriggerStateNon-ActiveBWP-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 20-2: Support up to 4 SMTCs configured for an IAB node MT per frequency location, including IAB-specific SMTC window periodicities separateSMTC-InterIAB-Support-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 20-3: Support RACH configuration separately from the RACH configuration for UE access, including new IAB-specific offset and scaling factors separateRACH-IAB-Support-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 20-5a: Support semi-static configuration/indication of UL-Flexible-DL slot formats for IAB-MT resources ul-flexibleDL-SlotFormatSemiStatic-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 20-5b: Support dynamic indication of UL-Flexible-DL slot formats for IAB-MT resources ul-flexibleDL-SlotFormatDynamics-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dft-S-OFDM-WaveformUL-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 20-6: Support DCI Format 2_5 based indication of soft resource availability to an IAB node dci-25-AI-RNTI-Support-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 20-7: Support T_delta reception. t-DeltaReceptionSupport-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 20-8: Support of Desired guard symbol reporting and provided guard symbok reception. guardSymbolReportReception-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-8 HARQ-ACK codebook type and spatial bundling per PUCCH group harqACK-CB-SpatialBundlingPUCCH-Group-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 19-2: Cross Slot Scheduling crossSlotScheduling-r16 SEQUENCE { non-SharedSpectrumChAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sharedSpectrumChAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, maxNumberSRS-PosPathLossEstimateAllServingCells-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n4, n8, n16} OPTIONAL, extendedCG-Periodicities-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, extendedSPS-Periodicities-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, codebookVariantsList-r16 CodebookVariantsList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-6: PUSCH repetition Type A pusch-RepetitionTypeA-r16 SEQUENCE { sharedSpectrumChAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, non-SharedSpectrumChAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-4b: DL priority indication in DCI with mixed DCI formats dci-DL-PriorityIndicator-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 12-1a: UL priority indication in DCI with mixed DCI formats dci-UL-PriorityIndicator-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1e: Maximum number of configured pathloss reference RSs for PUSCH/PUCCH/SRS by RRC for MAC-CE based pathloss reference RS update maxNumberPathlossRS-Update-r16 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, n32, n64} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-9: Usage of the PDSCH starting time for HARQ-ACK type 2 codebook type2-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1g-1: Resources for beam management, pathloss measurement, BFD, RLM and new beam identification across frequency ranges maxTotalResourcesForAcrossFreqRanges-r16 SEQUENCE { maxNumberResWithinSlotAcrossCC-AcrossFR-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n12, n16, n32, n64, n128} OPTIONAL, maxNumberResAcrossCC-AcrossFR-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n12, n16, n32, n40, n48, n64, n72, n80, n96, n128, n256} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2a-4: HARQ-ACK for multi-DCI based multi-TRP - separate harqACK-separateMultiDCI-MultiTRP-r16 SEQUENCE { maxNumberLongPUCCHs-r16 ENUMERATED {longAndLong, longAndShort, shortAndShort} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2a-4: HARQ-ACK for multi-DCI based multi-TRP - joint harqACK-jointMultiDCI-MultiTRP-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 9-1: BWP switching on multiple CCs RRM requirements bwp-SwitchingMultiCCs-r16 CHOICE { type1-r16 ENUMERATED {us100, us200}, type2-r16 ENUMERATED {us200, us400, us800, us1000} } OPTIONAL ]], [[ targetSMTC-SCG-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportRepetitionZeroOffsetRV-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-12: in-order CBG-based re-transmission cbg-TransInOrderPUSCH-UL-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R4 6-3: Dormant BWP switching on multiple CCs RRM requirements bwp-SwitchingMultiDormancyCCs-r16 CHOICE { type1-r16 ENUMERATED {us100, us200}, type2-r16 ENUMERATED {us200, us400, us800, us1000} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-2a-8: Indicates that retransmission scheduled by a different CORESETPoolIndex for multi-DCI multi-TRP is not supported. supportRetx-Diff-CoresetPool-Multi-DCI-TRP-r16 ENUMERATED {notSupported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 22-10: Support of pdcch-MonitoringAnyOccasionsWithSpanGap in case of cross-carrier scheduling with different SCSs pdcch-MonitoringAnyOccasionsWithSpanGapCrossCarrierSch-r16 ENUMERATED {mode2, mode3} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 16-1j-1: Support of 2 port CSI-RS for new beam identification newBeamIdentifications2PortCSI-RS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1j-2: Support of 2 port CSI-RS for pathloss estimation pathlossEstimation2PortCSI-RS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ mux-HARQ-ACK-withoutPUCCH-onPUSCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 31-1: Support of Desired Guard Symbol reporting and provided guard symbol reception. guardSymbolReportReception-IAB-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 31-2: support of restricted IAB-DU beam reception restricted-IAB-DU-BeamReception-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 31-3: support of recommended IAB-MT beam transmission for DL and UL beam recommended-IAB-MT-BeamTransmission-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 31-4: support of case 6 timing alignment indication reception case6-TimingAlignmentReception-IAB-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 31-5: support of case 7 timing offset indication reception and case 7 timing at parent-node indication reception case7-TimingAlignmentReception-IAB-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 31-6: support of desired DL Tx power adjustment reporting and DL Tx power adjustment reception dl-tx-PowerAdjustment-IAB-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 31-7: support of desired IAB-MT PSD range reporting desired-ul-tx-PowerAdjustment-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 31-8: support of monitoring DCI Format 2_5 scrambled by AI-RNTI for indication of FDM soft resource availability to an IAB node fdm-SoftResourceAvailability-DynamicIndication-r17 ENUMERATED{supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 31-10: Support of updated T_delta range reception updated-T-DeltaRangeReception-r17 ENUMERATED{supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-5: Support slot based dynamic PUCCH repetition indication for PUCCH formats 0/1/2/3/4 slotBasedDynamicPUCCH-Rep-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-1: Support of HARQ-ACK deferral in case of TDD collision sps-HARQ-ACK-Deferral-r17 SEQUENCE { non-SharedSpectrumChAccess-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sharedSpectrumChAccess-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-1-1k Maximum number of configured CC lists (per UE) unifiedJointTCI-commonUpdate-r17 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- R1 23-2-1c PDCCH repetition with a single span of three contiguous OFDM symbols that is within the first four OFDM symbols in a slot mTRP-PDCCH-singleSpan-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 27-23: Support of more than one activated PRS processing windows across all active DL BWPs supportedActivatedPRS-ProcessingWindow-r17 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4} OPTIONAL, cg-TimeDomainAllocationExtension-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 25-20: Propagation delay compensation based on Rel-15 TA procedure for TN and licensed ta-BasedPDC-TN-NonSharedSpectrumChAccess-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 31-11: Directional Collision Handling in DC operation directionalCollisionDC-IAB-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ dummy1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy3 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy4 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, srs-AdditionalRepetition-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pusch-Repetition-CG-SDT-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ multiPDSCH-PerSlotType1-CB-Support-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 42-6: Joint operation of power domain and spatial domain adaptation jointPowerSpatialAdaptation-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 43-3: Aperiodic beam indication for access link ncr-AperiodicBeamInd-AccessLink-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r18 INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r18 INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r18 INTEGER (0..2) OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r18 INTEGER (0..2) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 43-4: Semi-persistent beam indication for access link ncr-Semi-PersistentBeamInd-AccessLink-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 43-5: Simulatenous UL transmission of backhaul link and C-Link ncr-SimultaneousUL-BackhaulAndC-Link-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 43-6: Dedicated signalling for backhaul link beam indication ncr-BackhaulBeamInd-r18 ENUMERATED {nonUnifiedTCI, unifiedTCI, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 43-8: Adaptive beam for NCR backhaul link/C-link ncr-AdaptiveBeamBackhaulAndC-Link-r18 ENUMERATED {nonUnifiedTCI, unifiedTCI, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-4a: Nominal RBG size of Configuration 3 for FDRA type 0 for DCI format 1_3 nominalRBG-SizeOfConfig-3-FDRA-Type-0-DCI-1-3-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-4b: Nominal RBG size of Configuration 3 for FDRA type 0 for DCI format 0_3 nominalRBG-SizeOfConfig-3-FDRA-Type-0-DCI-0-3-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-4c: Configurable Type-1A fields for DCI format 0_3/1_3 configurableType-1A-FieldsForDCI-0-3-And-1-3-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-4d: FDRA Type 1 granularity of 2, 4, 8, or 16 consecutive RBs based RIV for DCI format 1_3/0_3 fdra-Type-1-Gty-2-4-8-16-RBs-RIV-DCI-1-3-And-0-3-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-6b: DL priority indication in DCI with mixed DCI formats including DCI format 1_3 priorityIndicationDL-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-7a: UL priority indication in DCI with mixed DCI formats including DCI format 0_3 priorityIndicationUL-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-10: Dynamic indication of applicable minimum scheduling restriction by DCI format 0_3/1_3 dynamicIndicationSchedulingRestriction-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-11: PHY priority indication for one-shot HARQ-ACK feedback triggered by DCI format 1_3 priorityIndicationOneSlotHARQ-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 50-1c: Multi-PUSCHs Type 2 configured grant release by DCI format 0_1 multiPUSCH-DCI-0-1-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 50-1d: Multi-PUSCHs Type 2 configured grant release by DCI format 0_2 multiPUSCH-DCI-0-2-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-1: Additional SR periodicities additionalSR-Periodicities-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-30kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-5: Enable MAC CE based pathloss RS updates for Type 1 CG-PUSCH pathlossRS-UpdateForType1CG-PUSCH-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 38-9: Dormant BWP switching on multiple CCs RRM requirements with DCI 0-3/1-3 bwp-SwitchingMultiDormancyCC-DCI-0-3-And-1-3-r18 CHOICE { type1-r18 ENUMERATED {us100, us200}, type2-r18 ENUMERATED {us200, us400, us800, us1000} } OPTIONAL ]], [[ ncr-dft-S-OFDM-WaveformUL-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } Phy-ParametersCommon-v16a0 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-PeriodicityAndOffsetExt-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } Phy-ParametersXDD-Diff ::= SEQUENCE { dynamicSFI ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, twoPUCCH-F0-2-ConsecSymbols ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, twoDifferentTPC-Loop-PUSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, twoDifferentTPC-Loop-PUCCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ dl-SchedulingOffset-PDSCH-TypeA ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dl-SchedulingOffset-PDSCH-TypeB ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ul-SchedulingOffset ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } Phy-ParametersFRX-Diff ::= SEQUENCE { dynamicSFI ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy1 BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL, twoFL-DMRS BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL, dummy2 BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL, dummy3 BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL, supportedDMRS-TypeDL ENUMERATED {type1, type1And2} OPTIONAL, supportedDMRS-TypeUL ENUMERATED {type1, type1And2} OPTIONAL, semiOpenLoopCSI ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, csi-ReportWithoutPMI ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, csi-ReportWithoutCQI ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, onePortsPTRS BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL, twoPUCCH-F0-2-ConsecSymbols ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pucch-F2-WithFH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pucch-F3-WithFH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pucch-F4-WithFH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pucch-F0-2WithoutFH ENUMERATED {notSupported} OPTIONAL, pucch-F1-3-4WithoutFH ENUMERATED {notSupported} OPTIONAL, mux-SR-HARQ-ACK-CSI-PUCCH-MultiPerSlot ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, uci-CodeBlockSegmentation ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, onePUCCH-LongAndShortFormat ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, twoPUCCH-AnyOthersInSlot ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, intraSlotFreqHopping-PUSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pusch-LBRM ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcch-BlindDetectionCA INTEGER (4..16) OPTIONAL, tpc-PUSCH-RNTI ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, tpc-PUCCH-RNTI ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, tpc-SRS-RNTI ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, absoluteTPC-Command ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, twoDifferentTPC-Loop-PUSCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, twoDifferentTPC-Loop-PUCCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pusch-HalfPi-BPSK ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pucch-F3-4-HalfPi-BPSK ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, almostContiguousCP-OFDM-UL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sp-CSI-RS ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sp-CSI-IM ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, tdd-MultiDL-UL-SwitchPerSlot ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, multipleCORESET ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ csi-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedback CSI-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedback OPTIONAL, csi-RS-ProcFrameworkForSRS CSI-RS-ProcFrameworkForSRS OPTIONAL, csi-ReportFramework CSI-ReportFramework OPTIONAL, mux-SR-HARQ-ACK-CSI-PUCCH-OncePerSlot SEQUENCE { sameSymbol ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, diffSymbol ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, mux-SR-HARQ-ACK-PUCCH ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mux-MultipleGroupCtrlCH-Overlap ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dl-SchedulingOffset-PDSCH-TypeA ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dl-SchedulingOffset-PDSCH-TypeB ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ul-SchedulingOffset ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dl-64QAM-MCS-TableAlt ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ul-64QAM-MCS-TableAlt ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cqi-TableAlt ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, oneFL-DMRS-TwoAdditionalDMRS-UL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, twoFL-DMRS-TwoAdditionalDMRS-UL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, oneFL-DMRS-ThreeAdditionalDMRS-UL ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ pdcch-BlindDetectionNRDC SEQUENCE { pdcch-BlindDetectionMCG-UE INTEGER (1..15), pdcch-BlindDetectionSCG-UE INTEGER (1..15) } OPTIONAL, mux-HARQ-ACK-PUSCH-DiffSymbol ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 11-1b: Type 1 HARQ-ACK codebook support for relative TDRA for DL type1-HARQ-ACK-Codebook-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-8: Enhanced UL power control scheme enhancedPowerControl-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1b-1: TCI state activation across multiple CCs simultaneousTCI-ActMultipleCC-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1b-2: Spatial relation update across multiple CCs simultaneousSpatialRelationMultipleCC-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cli-RSSI-FDM-DL-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cli-SRS-RSRP-FDM-DL-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 19-3: Maximum MIMO Layer Adaptation maxLayersMIMO-Adaptation-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 12-5: Configuration of aggregation factor per SPS configuration aggregationFactorSPS-DL-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1g: Resources for beam management, pathloss measurement, BFD, RLM and new beam identification maxTotalResourcesForOneFreqRange-r16 SEQUENCE { maxNumberResWithinSlotAcrossCC-OneFR-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n12, n16, n32, n64, n128} OPTIONAL, maxNumberResAcrossCC-OneFR-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n12, n16, n32, n40, n48, n64, n72, n80, n96, n128, n256} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-7: Extension of the maximum number of configured aperiodic CSI report settings csi-ReportFrameworkExt-r16 CSI-ReportFrameworkExt-r16 OPTIONAL ]], [[ twoTCI-Act-servingCellInCC-List-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 22-11: Support of 'cri-RI-CQI' report without non-PMI-PortIndication cri-RI-CQI-WithoutNon-PMI-PortInd-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 25-11: 4-bits subband CQI for TN and licensed cqi-4-BitsSubbandTN-NonSharedSpectrumChAccess-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ multipleCORESET-RedCap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } Phy-ParametersFR1 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcch-MonitoringSingleOccasion ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdsch-256QAM-FR1 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdsch-RE-MappingFR1-PerSymbol ENUMERATED {n10, n20} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ pdsch-RE-MappingFR1-PerSlot ENUMERATED {n16, n32, n48, n64, n80, n96, n112, n128, n144, n160, n176, n192, n208, n224, n240, n256} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 22-12: PDCCH monitoring with a single span of three contiguous OFDM symbols that is within the first four OFDM symbols in a -- slot pdcch-MonitoringSingleSpanFirst4Sym-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 56-4: K1 range extension defined for ATG as well k1-RangeExtensionATG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 56-3: Increasing the number of HARQ processes defined for ATG as well maxHARQ-ProcessNumberATG-r18 ENUMERATED {u16d32, u32d16, u32d32} OPTIONAL, -- R1 56-1: Uplink Time and Frequency pre-compensation and timing relationship enhancements defined for ATG as well uplinkPreCompensationATG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 56-2: UE reporting of TA information uplinkTA-ReportingATG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 36-1: MU-MIMO Interference Mitigation advanced receiver advReceiver-MU-MIMO-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 41-1: Support of delta PPowerClass reporting mechanism deltaPowerClassReporting-r18 ENUMERATED {type1, type2} OPTIONAL, -- R1 51-2b: Support 12 PRB CORESET0 with an associated SS/PBCH block located at GSCN 41637 support12PRB-CORESET0-GSCN-41637-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 51-3: Support 5 MHz channel bandwidth with 20 PRB CORESET0 support5MHz-ChannelBW-20PRB-CORESET0-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } Phy-ParametersFR2 ::= SEQUENCE { dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdsch-RE-MappingFR2-PerSymbol ENUMERATED {n6, n20} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ pCell-FR2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdsch-RE-MappingFR2-PerSlot ENUMERATED {n16, n32, n48, n64, n80, n96, n112, n128, n144, n160, n176, n192, n208, n224, n240, n256} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 16-1c: Support of default spatial relation and pathloss reference RS for dedicated-PUCCH/SRS and PUSCH defaultSpatialRelationPathlossRS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 16-1d: Support of spatial relation update for AP-SRS via MAC CE spatialRelationUpdateAP-SRS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxNumberSRS-PosSpatialRelationsAllServingCells-r16 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4, n8, n16} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R4 30-3: Supports Indication of multi-Rx operation preference multiRxPreferenceIndication-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } -- TAG-PHY-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP
Phy-ParametersFRX-Diff field descriptions
csi-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedback/ csi-RS-ProcFrameworkForSRS/ csi-ReportFramework
These fields are optionally present in fr1-fr2-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities in UE-NR-Capability. They shall not be set in any other instance of the IE Phy-ParametersFRX-Diff. If the network configures the UE with serving cells on both FR1 and FR2 bands, these parameters, if present, limit the corresponding parameters in MIMO-ParametersPerBand.

The IE Phy-ParametersMRDC is used to convey physical layer capabilities for MR-DC.
naics-Capability-ListIndicates that UE in MR-DC supports NAICS as defined in TS 36.331 [10].
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofNAICS-Entries)) OF NAICS-Capability-Entry OPTIONAL, ..., [[ spCellPlacement CarrierAggregationVariant OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 18-3b: Semi-statically configured LTE UL transmissions in all UL subframes not limited to tdm-pattern in case of TDD PCell tdd-PCellUL-TX-AllUL-Subframe-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 18-3a: Semi-statically configured LTE UL transmissions in all UL subframes not limited to tdm-pattern in case of FDD PCell fdd-PCellUL-TX-AllUL-Subframe-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } NAICS-Capability-Entry ::= SEQUENCE { numberOfNAICS-CapableCC INTEGER(1..5), numberOfAggregatedPRB ENUMERATED {n50, n75, n100, n125, n150, n175, n200, n225, n250, n275, n300, n350, n400, n450, n500, spare}, ... } -- TAG-PHY-PARAMETERSMRDC-STOP -- ASN1STOP
PHY-ParametersMRDC field descriptions
Indicates that UE in MR-DC supports NAICS as defined in TS 36.331 [10].

The IE Phy-ParametersSharedSpectrumChAccess is used to convey the physical layer capabilities specific for shared spectrum channel access.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PHY-PARAMETERSSHAREDSPECTRUMCHACCESS-START Phy-ParametersSharedSpectrumChAccess-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { -- 10-32 (1-2): SS block based SINR measurement (SS-SINR) for unlicensed spectrum ss-SINR-Meas-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-33 (2-32a): Semi-persistent CSI report on PUCCH for unlicensed spectrum sp-CSI-ReportPUCCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-33a (2-32b): Semi-persistent CSI report on PUSCH for unlicensed spectrum sp-CSI-ReportPUSCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-34 (3-6): Dynamic SFI monitoring for unlicensed spectrum dynamicSFI-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-35c (4-19c): SR/HARQ-ACK/CSI multiplexing once per slot using a PUCCH (or HARQ-ACK/CSI piggybacked on a PUSCH) when SR/HARQ- -- ACK/CSI are supposed to be sent with different starting symbols in a slot for unlicensed spectrum -- 10-35 (4-19): SR/HARQ-ACK/CSI multiplexing once per slot using a PUCCH (or HARQ-ACK/CSI piggybacked on a PUSCH) when SR/HARQ- -- ACK/CSI are supposed to be sent with the same starting symbol on the PUCCH resources in a slot for unlicensed spectrum mux-SR-HARQ-ACK-CSI-PUCCH-OncePerSlot-r16 SEQUENCE { sameSymbol-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, diffSymbol-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- 10-35a (4-19a): Overlapping PUCCH resources have different starting symbols in a slot for unlicensed spectrum mux-SR-HARQ-ACK-PUCCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-35b (4-19b): SR/HARQ-ACK/CSI multiplexing more than once per slot using a PUCCH (or HARQ-ACK/CSI piggybacked on a PUSCH) when -- SR/HARQ ACK/CSI are supposed to be sent with the same or different starting symbol in a slot for unlicensed spectrum mux-SR-HARQ-ACK-CSI-PUCCH-MultiPerSlot-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-36 (4-28): HARQ-ACK multiplexing on PUSCH with different PUCCH/PUSCH starting OFDM symbols for unlicensed spectrum mux-HARQ-ACK-PUSCH-DiffSymbol-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-37 (4-23): Repetitions for PUCCH format 1, 3, and 4 over multiple slots with K = 2, 4, 8 for unlicensed spectrum pucch-Repetition-F1-3-4-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-38 (5-14): Type 1 configured PUSCH repetitions over multiple slots for unlicensed spectrum type1-PUSCH-RepetitionMultiSlots-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-39 (5-16): Type 2 configured PUSCH repetitions over multiple slots for unlicensed spectrum type2-PUSCH-RepetitionMultiSlots-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-40 (5-17): PUSCH repetitions over multiple slots for unlicensed spectrum pusch-RepetitionMultiSlots-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-40a (5-17a): PDSCH repetitions over multiple slots for unlicensed spectrum pdsch-RepetitionMultiSlots-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-41 (5-18): DL SPS downlinkSPS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-42 (5-19): Type 1 Configured UL grant configuredUL-GrantType1-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-43 (5-20): Type 2 Configured UL grant configuredUL-GrantType2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-44 (5-21): Pre-emption indication for DL pre-EmptIndication-DL-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-PHY-PARAMETERSSHAREDSPECTRUMCHACCESS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PosSRS-BWA-RRC-Inactive is used to convey the capabilities supported by the UE for support of positioning SRS bandwidth aggregation in RRC_INACTIVE
-- ASN1START -- TAG-POSSRS-BWA-RRC-INACTIVE-START PosSRS-BWA-RRC-Inactive-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { numOfCarriersIntraBandContiguous-r18 ENUMERATED {two, three, twoandthree}, maximumAggregatedBW-TwoCarriersFR1-r18 ENUMERATED { mhz20, mhz40, mhz50, mhz80, mhz100, mhz160, mhz180, mhz190, mhz200} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedBW-TwoCarriersFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400, mhz600, mhz800} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedBW-ThreeCarriersFR1-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz80, mhz100, mhz160, mhz200, mhz240, mhz300} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedBW-ThreeCarriersFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz200, mhz300, mhz400, mhz600, mhz800, mhz1000, mhz1200} OPTIONAL, maximumAggregatedResourceSet-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12, n16}, maximumAggregatedResourcePeriodic-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maximumAggregatedResourceSemi-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maximumAggregatedResourcePeriodicPerSlot-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14}, maximumAggregatedResourceSemiPerSlot-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14}, guardPeriod-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n30, n100, n140, n200}, powerClassForTwoAggregatedCarriers-r18 ENUMERATED {pc2, pc3} OPTIONAL, powerClassForThreeAggregatedCarriers-r18 ENUMERATED {pc2, pc3} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-POSSRS-BWA-RRC-INACTIVE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PosSRS-RRC-Inactive-OutsideInitialUL-BWP is used to convey the capabilities supported by the UE for SRS for Positioning transmission in RRC_INACTIVE state configured outside initial UL BWP.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-POSSRS-RRC-INACTIVE-OUTSIDEINITIALUL-BWP-START PosSRS-RRC-Inactive-OutsideInitialUL-BWP-r17::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 27-15b: Positioning SRS transmission in RRC_INACTIVE state configured outside initial UL BWP maxSRSposBandwidthForEachSCS-withinCC-FR1-r17 ENUMERATED {mhz5, mhz10, mhz15, mhz20, mhz25, mhz30, mhz35, mhz40, mhz45, mhz50, mhz60, mhz70, mhz80, mhz90, mhz100} OPTIONAL, maxSRSposBandwidthForEachSCS-withinCC-FR2-r17 ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400} OPTIONAL, maxNumOfSRSposResourceSets-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12, n16} OPTIONAL, maxNumOfPeriodicSRSposResources-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64} OPTIONAL, maxNumOfPeriodicSRSposResourcesPerSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14} OPTIONAL, differentNumerologyBetweenSRSposAndInitialBWP-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, srsPosWithoutRestrictionOnBWP-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxNumOfPeriodicAndSemipersistentSRSposResources-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64} OPTIONAL, maxNumOfPeriodicAndSemipersistentSRSposResourcesPerSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14} OPTIONAL, differentCenterFreqBetweenSRSposAndInitialBWP-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, switchingTimeSRS-TX-OtherTX-r17 ENUMERATED {us100, us140, us200, us300, us500} OPTIONAL, -- R1 27-15c: Support of positioning SRS transmission in RRC_INACTIVE state outside initial BWP with semi-persistent SRS maxNumOfSemiPersistentSRSposResources-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64} OPTIONAL, maxNumOfSemiPersistentSRSposResourcesPerSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-POSSRS-RRC-INACTIVE-OUTSIDEINITIALUL-BWP-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PosSRS-TxFrequencyHoppingRRC-Connected is used to convey the capabilities supported by the RRC_CONNECTED UE for support of positioning SRS with Tx frequency hopping for RedCap UEs.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-POSSRS-TXFREQUENCYHOPPINGRRCCONNECTED-START PosSRS-TxFrequencyHoppingRRC-Connected-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { maximumSRS-BandwidthAcrossAllHopsFR1-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz40, mhz50, mhz80, mhz100} OPTIONAL, maximumSRS-BandwidthAcrossAllHopsFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz100, mhz200, mhz400} OPTIONAL, maximumTxFH-Hops-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n5, n6} OPTIONAL, rf-TxRetuneTimeFR1-r18 ENUMERATED {n70, n140, n210} OPTIONAL, rf-TxRetuneTimeFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {n35, n70, n140} OPTIONAL, switchTimeBetweenActiveBWP-FrequencyHop-r18 ENUMERATED {n100, n140, n200, n300, n500} OPTIONAL, numOfOverlappingPRB-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, maximumSRS-ResourcePeriodic-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64} OPTIONAL, maximumSRS-ResourceAperiodic-r18 ENUMERATED {n0,n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64} OPTIONAL, maximumSRS-ResourceSemipersistent-r18 ENUMERATED {n0,n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-POSSRS-TXFREQUENCYHOPPINGRRCCONNECTED-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PosSRS-TxFrequencyHoppingRRC-Inactive is used to convey the capabilities supported by the RRC_INACTIVE UE for support of positioning SRS with Tx frequency hopping for RedCap UEs.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-POSSRS-TXFREQUENCYHOPPINGRRCINACTIVE-START PosSRS-TxFrequencyHoppingRRC-Inactive-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { maximumSRS-BandwidthAcrossAllHops-FR1-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz40, mhz50, mhz80, mhz100} OPTIONAL, maximumSRS-BandwidthAcrossAllHops-FR2-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz100, mhz200, mhz400} OPTIONAL, maximumTxFH-Hops-r18 ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n4, n5, n6} OPTIONAL, rf-TxRetuneTimeFR1-r18 ENUMERATED {n70, n140, n210} OPTIONAL, rf-TxRetuneTimeFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {n35, n70, n140} OPTIONAL, switchTimeBetweenActiveBWP-FrequencyHop ENUMERATED {n100, n140, n200, n300, n500} OPTIONAL, numOfOverlappingPRB-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4} OPTIONAL, maximumSRS-Resource-Periodic-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64} OPTIONAL, maximumSRS-Resource-Semipersistent-r18 ENUMERATED {n0, n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-POSSRS-TXFREQUENCYHOPPINGRRCCINACTIVE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PowSav-Parameters is used to convey the capabilities supported by the UE for the power saving preferences.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-POWSAV-PARAMETERS-START PowSav-Parameters-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { powSav-ParametersCommon-r16 PowSav-ParametersCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, powSav-ParametersFRX-Diff-r16 PowSav-ParametersFRX-Diff-r16 OPTIONAL, ... } PowSav-Parameters-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { powSav-ParametersFR2-2-r17 PowSav-ParametersFR2-2-r17 OPTIONAL, ... } PowSav-ParametersCommon-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { drx-Preference-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxCC-Preference-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, releasePreference-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 19-4a: UE assistance information minSchedulingOffsetPreference-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } PowSav-ParametersFRX-Diff-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { maxBW-Preference-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxMIMO-LayerPreference-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } PowSav-ParametersFR2-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { maxBW-Preference-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, maxMIMO-LayerPreference-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-POWSAV-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE ProcessingParameters is used to indicate PDSCH/PUSCH processing capabilities supported by the UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PROCESSINGPARAMETERS-START ProcessingParameters ::= SEQUENCE { fallback ENUMERATED {sc, cap1-only}, differentTB-PerSlot SEQUENCE { upto1 NumberOfCarriers OPTIONAL, upto2 NumberOfCarriers OPTIONAL, upto4 NumberOfCarriers OPTIONAL, upto7 NumberOfCarriers OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } NumberOfCarriers ::= INTEGER (1..16) -- TAG-PROCESSINGPARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PRS-ProcessingCapabilityOutsideMGinPPWperType is used to indicate DL PRS Processing Capability outside MG capabilities supported by the UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-PRS-PROCESSINGCAPABILITYOUTSIDEMGINPPWPERType-START PRS-ProcessingCapabilityOutsideMGinPPWperType-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { prsProcessingType-r17 ENUMERATED {type1A, type1B, type2}, ppw-dl-PRS-BufferType-r17 ENUMERATED {type1, type2, ...}, ppw-durationOfPRS-Processing-r17 CHOICE { ppw-durationOfPRS-Processing1-r17 SEQUENCE { ppw-durationOfPRS-ProcessingSymbolsN-r17 ENUMERATED {msDot125, msDot25, msDot5, ms1, ms2, ms4, ms6, ms8, ms12, ms16, ms20, ms25, ms30, ms32, ms35, ms40, ms45, ms50}, ppw-durationOfPRS-ProcessingSymbolsT-r17 ENUMERATED {ms1, ms2, ms4, ms8, ms16, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms80, ms160, ms320, ms640, ms1280} }, ppw-durationOfPRS-Processing2-r17 SEQUENCE { ppw-durationOfPRS-ProcessingSymbolsN2-r17 ENUMERATED {msDot125, msDot25, msDot5, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms12}, ppw-durationOfPRS-ProcessingSymbolsT2-r17 ENUMERATED {ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8} } } OPTIONAL, ppw-maxNumOfDL-PRS-ResProcessedPerSlot-r17 SEQUENCE { scs15-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL, scs30-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL, scs60-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL, scs120-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL, ... }, ppw-maxNumOfDL-Bandwidth-r17 CHOICE { fr1-r17 ENUMERATED {mhz5, mhz10, mhz20, mhz40,mhz50, mhz80, mhz100}, fr2-r17 ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400} } OPTIONAL } -- TAG-PRS-PROCESSINGCAPABILITYOUTSIDEMGINPPWPERType-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE RAT-Type is used to indicate the radio access technology (RAT), including NR,of the requested/transferred UE capabilities.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RAT-TYPE-START RAT-Type ::= ENUMERATED {nr, eutra-nr, eutra, utra-fdd-v1610, ...} -- TAG-RAT-TYPE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE RedCapParameters is used to indicate the UE capabilities supported by RedCap UEs.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-REDCAPPARAMETERS-START RedCapParameters-r17::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 28-1: RedCap UE supportOfRedCap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, supportOf16DRB-RedCap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } RedCapParameters-v1740::= SEQUENCE { ncd-SSB-ForRedCapInitialBWP-SDT-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-REDCAPPARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE RF-Parameters is used to convey RF-related capabilities for NR operation.
supportedBandListNRA list of NR bands supported by the UE. If supportedBandListNR-v16c0 is included, the UE shall include the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in supportedBandListNR (without suffix).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF BandNR,
supportedBandCombinationListA list of band combinations that the UE supports for NR (and NR-DC, if requested). The FeatureSetCombinationId:s in this list refer to the FeatureSetCombination entries in the featureSetCombinations list in the UE-NR-Capability IE. The UE does not include this field if the UE capability is requested by E-UTRAN and the network request includes the field eutra-nr-only [10].
BandCombinationList OPTIONAL,
appliedFreqBandListFilterIn this field the UE mirrors the FreqBandList that the NW provided in the capability enquiry, if any, as described in clause The UE filtered the band combinations in the supportedBandCombinationList in accordance with this appliedFreqBandListFilter. The UE does not include this field if the UE capability is requested by E-UTRAN and the network request includes the field eutra-nr-only [10].
FreqBandList OPTIONAL, ..., [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1540 BandCombinationList-v1540 OPTIONAL, srs-SwitchingTimeRequested ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1550 BandCombinationList-v1550 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1560 BandCombinationList-v1560 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1610 BandCombinationList-v1610 OPTIONAL,
supportedBandCombinationListSidelinkEUTRA-NR-r16A list of band combinations that the UE supports for NR sidelink communication only, for joint NR sidelink communication and V2X sidelink communication, or for V2X sidelink communication only. The UE does not include this field if the UE capability is requested by E-UTRAN (see TS 36.331[10]) and the network request includes the field eutra-nr-only.
BandCombinationListSidelinkEUTRA-NR-r16 OPTIONAL,
supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-r16A list of band combinations that the UE supports dynamic uplink Tx switching for NR UL CA and SUL. The FeatureSetCombinationId:s in this list refer to the FeatureSetCombination entries in the featureSetCombinations list in the UE-NR-Capability IE. The UE does not include this field if the UE capability is requested by E-UTRAN and the network request includes the field eutra-nr-only [10].
BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-r16 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1630 BandCombinationList-v1630 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1630 BandCombinationListSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1630 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1630 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1630 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1640 BandCombinationList-v1640 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1640 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1640 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1650 BandCombinationList-v1650 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1650 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1650 OPTIONAL ]], [[ extendedBand-n77-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1670 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1670 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1680 BandCombinationList-v1680 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1690 BandCombinationList-v1690 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1690 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1690 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1700 BandCombinationList-v1700 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1700 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1700 OPTIONAL,
supportedBandCombinationListSL-RelayDiscovery-r17A list of band combinations that the UE supports for NR sidelink relay discovery. The encoding is defined in PC5 BandCombinationListSidelinkNR-r16.
OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- Contains PC5 BandCombinationListSidelinkNR-r16
supportedBandCombinationListSL-NonRelayDiscovery-r17A list of band combinations that the UE supports for NR sidelink non-relay discovery. The encoding is defined in PC5 BandCombinationListSidelinkNR-r16.
OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- Contains PC5 BandCombinationListSidelinkNR-r16 supportedBandCombinationListSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1710 BandCombinationListSidelinkEUTRA-NR-v1710 OPTIONAL, sidelinkRequested-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, extendedBand-n77-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1720 BandCombinationList-v1720 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1720 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1720 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1730 BandCombinationList-v1730 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1730 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1730 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListSL-RelayDiscovery-v1730 BandCombinationListSL-Discovery-r17 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListSL-NonRelayDiscovery-v1730 BandCombinationListSL-Discovery-r17 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1740 BandCombinationList-v1740 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1740 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1740 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1760 BandCombinationList-v1760 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1760 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1760 OPTIONAL ]], [[ dummy1 BandCombinationList-v1770 OPTIONAL, dummy2 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1770 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1780 BandCombinationList-v1780 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1780 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1780 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1800 BandCombinationList-v1800 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1800 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1800 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListSL-U2U-Relay-r18 SEQUENCE {
supportedBandCombinationListSL-U2U-RelayDiscovery-r18A list of band combinations that the UE supports for NR U2U sidelink relay discovery. The encoding is defined in PC5 BandCombinationListSidelinkNR-r16.
OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- Contains PC5 -- BandCombinationListSidelinkNR-r16
supportedBandCombinationListSL-U2U-DiscoveryExtThis field indicates the band parameter inBandCombinationListSL-Discovery-r17 that the UE supports for NR U2U sidelink relay discovery in a band included in supportedBandCombinationListSL-U2U-RelayDiscovery.
BandCombinationListSL-Discovery-r17 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1830 BandCombinationList-v1830 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1830 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1830 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1840 BandCombinationList-v1840 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1840 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1840 OPTIONAL ]] } RF-Parameters-v15g0 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandCombinationList-v15g0 BandCombinationList-v15g0 OPTIONAL } RF-Parameters-v16a0 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandCombinationList-v16a0 BandCombinationList-v16a0 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16a0 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16a0 OPTIONAL } RF-Parameters-v16c0 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandListNR-v16c0 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF BandNR-v16c0 } RF-Parameters-v16j0 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandCombinationList-v16j0 BandCombinationList-v16j0 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16j0 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16j0 OPTIONAL } RF-Parameters-v17b0 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandListNR-v17b0 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF BandNR-v17b0 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-v17b0 BandCombinationList-v17b0 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v17b0 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v17b0 OPTIONAL } BandNR ::= SEQUENCE { bandNR FreqBandIndicatorNR, modifiedMPR-Behaviour BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, mimo-ParametersPerBand MIMO-ParametersPerBand OPTIONAL, extendedCP ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, multipleTCI ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, bwp-WithoutRestriction ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, bwp-SameNumerology ENUMERATED {upto2, upto4} OPTIONAL, bwp-DiffNumerology ENUMERATED {upto4} OPTIONAL, crossCarrierScheduling-SameSCS ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdsch-256QAM-FR2 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pusch-256QAM ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ue-PowerClass ENUMERATED {pc1, pc2, pc3, pc4} OPTIONAL, rateMatchingLTE-CRS ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, channelBWs-DL CHOICE { fr1 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (10)) OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (10)) OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (10)) OPTIONAL }, fr2 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (3)) OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (3)) OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, channelBWs-UL CHOICE { fr1 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (10)) OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (10)) OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (10)) OPTIONAL }, fr2 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (3)) OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (3)) OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, ..., [[ maxUplinkDutyCycle-PC2-FR1 ENUMERATED {n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL ]], [[ pucch-SpatialRelInfoMAC-CE ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, powerBoosting-pi2BPSK ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ maxUplinkDutyCycle-FR2 ENUMERATED {n15, n20, n25, n30, n40, n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL ]], [[ channelBWs-DL-v1590 CHOICE { fr1 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL }, fr2 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, channelBWs-UL-v1590 CHOICE { fr1 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL }, fr2 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL ]], [[ asymmetricBandwidthCombinationSet BIT STRING (SIZE (1..32)) OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 10: NR-unlicensed sharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-r16 SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-7b: Independent cancellation of the overlapping PUSCHs in an intra-band UL CA cancelOverlappingPUSCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 14-1: Multiple LTE-CRS rate matching patterns multipleRateMatchingEUTRA-CRS-r16 SEQUENCE { maxNumberPatterns-r16 INTEGER (2..6), maxNumberNon-OverlapPatterns-r16 INTEGER (1..3) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 14-1a: Two LTE-CRS overlapping rate matching patterns within a part of NR carrier using 15 kHz overlapping with a LTE carrier overlapRateMatchingEUTRA-CRS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 14-2: PDSCH Type B mapping of length 9 and 10 OFDM symbols pdsch-MappingTypeB-Alt-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 14-3: One slot periodic TRS configuration for FR1 oneSlotPeriodicTRS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, olpc-SRS-Pos-r16 OLPC-SRS-Pos-r16 OPTIONAL, spatialRelationsSRS-Pos-r16 SpatialRelationsSRS-Pos-r16 OPTIONAL, simulSRS-MIMO-TransWithinBand-r16 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, channelBW-DL-IAB-r16 CHOICE { fr1-100mhz SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL }, fr2-200mhz SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, channelBW-UL-IAB-r16 CHOICE { fr1-100mhz SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL }, fr2-200mhz SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, rasterShift7dot5-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ue-PowerClass-v1610 ENUMERATED {pc1dot5} OPTIONAL, condHandover-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condHandoverFailure-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condHandoverTwoTriggerEvents-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condPSCellChange-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condPSCellChangeTwoTriggerEvents-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mpr-PowerBoost-FR2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-9: Multiple active configured grant configurations for a BWP of a serving cell activeConfiguredGrant-r16 SEQUENCE { maxNumberConfigsPerBWP-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12}, maxNumberConfigsAllCC-r16 INTEGER (2..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 11-9a: Joint release in a DCI for two or more configured grant Type 2 configurations for a given BWP of a serving cell jointReleaseConfiguredGrantType2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 12-2: Multiple SPS configurations sps-r16 SEQUENCE { maxNumberConfigsPerBWP-r16 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberConfigsAllCC-r16 INTEGER (2..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 12-2a: Joint release in a DCI for two or more SPS configurations for a given BWP of a serving cell jointReleaseSPS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 13-19: Simultaneous positioning SRS and MIMO SRS transmission within a band across multiple CCs simulSRS-TransWithinBand-r16 ENUMERATED {n2} OPTIONAL, trs-AdditionalBandwidth-r16 ENUMERATED {trs-AddBW-Set1, trs-AddBW-Set2} OPTIONAL, handoverIntraF-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 22-5a: Simultaneous transmission of SRS for antenna switching and SRS for CB/NCB /BM for intra-band UL CA -- R1 22-5c: Simultaneous transmission of SRS for antenna switching and SRS for antenna switching for intra-band UL CA simulTX-SRS-AntSwitchingIntraBandUL-CA-r16 SimulSRS-ForAntennaSwitching-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 10: NR-unlicensed sharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1630 SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1630 OPTIONAL ]], [[ handoverUTRA-FDD-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 7-4: Report the shorter transient capability supported by the UE: 2, 4 or 7us enhancedUL-TransientPeriod-r16 ENUMERATED {us2, us4, us7} OPTIONAL, sharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1640 SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1640 OPTIONAL ]], [[ type1-PUSCH-RepetitionMultiSlots-v1650 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, type2-PUSCH-RepetitionMultiSlots-v1650 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pusch-RepetitionMultiSlots-v1650 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, configuredUL-GrantType1-v1650 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, configuredUL-GrantType2-v1650 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1650 SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1650 OPTIONAL ]], [[ enhancedSkipUplinkTxConfigured-v1660 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, enhancedSkipUplinkTxDynamic-v1660 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ maxUplinkDutyCycle-PC1dot5-MPE-FR1-r16 ENUMERATED {n10, n15, n20, n25, n30, n40, n50, n60, n70, n80, n90, n100} OPTIONAL, txDiversity-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 36-1: Support of 1024QAM for PDSCH for FR1 pdsch-1024QAM-FR1-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 22-1 support of FR2 HST operation ue-PowerClass-v1700 ENUMERATED {pc5, pc6, pc7} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24: NR extension to 71GHz (FR2-2) fr2-2-AccessParamsPerBand-r17 FR2-2-AccessParamsPerBand-r17 OPTIONAL, rlm-Relaxation-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, bfd-Relaxation-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cg-SDT-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, locationBasedCondHandover-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, timeBasedCondHandover-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eventA4BasedCondHandover-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mn-InitiatedCondPSCellChangeNRDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sn-InitiatedCondPSCellChangeNRDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 29-3a: PDCCH skipping pdcch-SkippingWithoutSSSG-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 29-3b: 2 search space sets group switching sssg-Switching-1BitInd-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 29-3c: 3 search space sets group switching sssg-Switching-2BitInd-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 29-3d: 2 search space sets group switching with PDCCH skipping pdcch-SkippingWithSSSG-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 29-3e: Support Search space set group switching capability 2 for FR1 searchSpaceSetGrp-switchCap2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 26-1: Uplink Time and Frequency pre-compensation and timing relationship enhancements uplinkPreCompensation-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 26-4: UE reporting of information related to TA pre-compensation uplink-TA-Reporting-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 26-5: Increasing the number of HARQ processes max-HARQ-ProcessNumber-r17 ENUMERATED {u16d32, u32d16, u32d32} OPTIONAL, -- R1 26-6: Type-2 HARQ codebook enhancement type2-HARQ-Codebook-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 26-6a: Type-1 HARQ codebook enhancement type1-HARQ-Codebook-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 26-6b: Type-3 HARQ codebook enhancement type3-HARQ-Codebook-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 26-9: UE-specific K_offset ue-specific-K-Offset-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-1f: Multiple PDSCH scheduling by single DCI for 120kHz in FR2-1 multiPDSCH-SingleDCI-FR2-1-SCS-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 24-1g: Multiple PUSCH scheduling by single DCI for 120kHz in FR2-1 multiPUSCH-SingleDCI-FR2-1-SCS-120kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 14-4: Parallel PRS measurements in RRC_INACTIVE state, FR1/FR2 diff parallelPRS-MeasRRC-Inactive-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 27-1-2: Support of UE-TxTEGs for UL TDOA nr-UE-TxTEG-ID-MaxSupport-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n6, n8} OPTIONAL, -- R1 27-17: PRS processing in RRC_INACTIVE prs-ProcessingRRC-Inactive-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 27-3-2: DL PRS measurement outside MG and in a PRS processing window prs-ProcessingWindowType1A-r17 ENUMERATED {option1, option2, option3} OPTIONAL, prs-ProcessingWindowType1B-r17 ENUMERATED {option1, option2, option3} OPTIONAL, prs-ProcessingWindowType2-r17 ENUMERATED {option1, option2, option3} OPTIONAL, -- R1 27-15: Positioning SRS transmission in RRC_INACTIVE state for initial UL BWP srs-AllPosResourcesRRC-Inactive-r17 SRS-AllPosResourcesRRC-Inactive-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 27-16: OLPC for positioning SRS in RRC_INACTIVE state - gNB olpc-SRS-PosRRC-Inactive-r17 OLPC-SRS-Pos-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 27-19: Spatial relation for positioning SRS in RRC_INACTIVE state - gNB spatialRelationsSRS-PosRRC-Inactive-r17 SpatialRelationsSRS-Pos-r16 OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-1: Increased maximum number of PUSCH Type A repetitions maxNumberPUSCH-TypeA-Repetition-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-2: PUSCH Type A repetitions based on available slots puschTypeA-RepetitionsAvailSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-3: TB processing over multi-slot PUSCH tb-ProcessingMultiSlotPUSCH-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-3a: Repetition of TB processing over multi-slot PUSCH tb-ProcessingRepMultiSlotPUSCH-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4: The maximum duration for DM-RS bundling maxDurationDMRS-Bundling-r17 SEQUENCE { fdd-r17 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, n32} OPTIONAL, tdd-r17 ENUMERATED {n2, n4, n8, n16} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-6: Repetition of PUSCH transmission scheduled by RAR UL grant and DCI format 0_0 with CRC scrambled by TC-RNTI pusch-RepetitionMsg3-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1710 SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1710 OPTIONAL, -- R4 25-2: Parallel measurements on cells belonging to a different NGSO satellite than a serving satellite without scheduling restrictions -- on normal operations with the serving cell parallelMeasurementWithoutRestriction-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 25-5: Parallel measurements on multiple NGSO satellites within a SMTC maxNumber-NGSO-SatellitesWithinOneSMTC-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4} OPTIONAL, -- R1 26-10: K1 range extension k1-RangeExtension-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 35-1: Aperiodic CSI-RS for tracking for fast SCell activation aperiodicCSI-RS-FastScellActivation-r17 SEQUENCE { maxNumberAperiodicCSI-RS-PerCC-r17 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n32, n48, n64, n128, n255}, maxNumberAperiodicCSI-RS-AcrossCCs-r17 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n32, n64, n128, n256, n512, n1024} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 35-2: Aperiodic CSI-RS bandwidth for tracking for fast SCell activation for 10MHz UE channel bandwidth aperiodicCSI-RS-AdditionalBandwidth-r17 ENUMERATED {addBW-Set1, addBW-Set2} OPTIONAL, -- R1 28-1a: RRC-configured DL BWP without CD-SSB or NCD-SSB bwp-WithoutCD-SSB-OrNCD-SSB-RedCap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 28-3: Half-duplex FDD operation type A for (e)RedCap UE halfDuplexFDD-TypeA-RedCap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 27-15b: Positioning SRS transmission in RRC_INACTIVE state configured outside initial UL BWP posSRS-RRC-Inactive-OutsideInitialUL-BWP-r17 PosSRS-RRC-Inactive-OutsideInitialUL-BWP-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R4 15-3 UE support of CBW for 480kHz SCS channelBWs-DL-SCS-480kHz-FR2-2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, channelBWs-UL-SCS-480kHz-FR2-2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, -- R4 15-4 UE support of CBW for 960kHz SCS channelBWs-DL-SCS-960kHz-FR2-2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, channelBWs-UL-SCS-960kHz-FR2-2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, -- R4 17-1 UL gap for Tx power management ul-GapFR2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-4: One-shot HARQ ACK feedback triggered by DCI format 1_2 oneShotHARQ-feedbackTriggeredByDCI-1-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-5: PHY priority handling for one-shot HARQ ACK feedback oneShotHARQ-feedbackPhy-Priority-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-6: Enhanced type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook feedback enhancedType3-HARQ-CodebookFeedback-r17 SEQUENCE { enhancedType3-HARQ-Codebooks-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8}, maxNumberPUCCH-Transmissions-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-7: Triggered HARQ-ACK codebook re-transmission triggeredHARQ-CodebookRetx-r17 SEQUENCE { minHARQ-Retx-Offset-r17 ENUMERATED {n-7, n-5, n-3, n-1, n1}, maxHARQ-Retx-Offset-r17 ENUMERATED {n4, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24} } OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R4 22-2 support of one shot large UL timing adjustment ue-OneShotUL-TimingAdj-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-2: Repetitions for PUCCH format 0, and 2 over multiple slots with K = 2, 4, 8 pucch-Repetition-F0-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-11a: 4-bits subband CQI for NTN and unlicensed cqi-4-BitsSubbandNTN-SharedSpectrumChAccess-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-16: HARQ-ACK with different priorities multiplexing on a PUCCH/PUSCH mux-HARQ-ACK-DiffPriorities-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-20a: Propagation delay compensation based on Rel-15 TA procedure for NTN and unlicensed ta-BasedPDC-NTN-SharedSpectrumChAccess-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-2b: DCI-based enabling/disabling ACK/NACK-based feedback for dynamic scheduling for multicast ack-NACK-FeedbackForMulticastWithDCI-Enabler-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-2e: Multiple G-RNTIs for group-common PDSCHs maxNumberG-RNTI-r17 INTEGER (2..8) OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-2f: Dynamic multicast with DCI format 4_2 dynamicMulticastDCI-Format4-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-2i: Supported maximal modulation order for multicast PDSCH maxModulationOrderForMulticast-r17 CHOICE { fr1-r17 ENUMERATED {qam256, qam1024}, fr2-r17 ENUMERATED {qam64, qam256} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-3-1: Dynamic Slot-level repetition for group-common PDSCH for TN and licensed dynamicSlotRepetitionMulticastTN-NonSharedSpectrumChAccess-r17 ENUMERATED {n8, n16} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-3-1a: Dynamic Slot-level repetition for group-common PDSCH for NTN and unlicensed dynamicSlotRepetitionMulticastNTN-SharedSpectrumChAccess-r17 ENUMERATED {n8, n16} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-4-1: DCI-based enabling/disabling NACK-only based feedback for dynamic scheduling for multicast nack-OnlyFeedbackForMulticastWithDCI-Enabler-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-5-1b: DCI-based enabling/disabling ACK/NACK-based feedback for dynamic scheduling for multicast ack-NACK-FeedbackForSPS-MulticastWithDCI-Enabler-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-5-1h: Multiple G-CS-RNTIs for SPS group-common PDSCHs maxNumberG-CS-RNTI-r17 INTEGER (2..8) OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-10: Support group-common PDSCH RE-level rate matching for multicast re-LevelRateMatchingForMulticast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 36-1a: Support of 1024QAM for PDSCH with maximum 2 MIMO layers for FR1 pdsch-1024QAM-2MIMO-FR1-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 14-3 PRS measurement without MG prs-MeasurementWithoutMG-r17 ENUMERATED {cpLength, quarterSymbol, halfSymbol, halfSlot} OPTIONAL, -- R4 25-7: The number of target NGSO satellites the UE can monitor per carrier maxNumber-NGSO-SatellitesPerCarrier-r17 INTEGER (3..4) OPTIONAL, -- R1 27-3-3 DL PRS Processing Capability outside MG - buffering capability prs-ProcessingCapabilityOutsideMGinPPW-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..3)) OF PRS-ProcessingCapabilityOutsideMGinPPWperType-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R1 27-15a: Positioning SRS transmission in RRC_INACTIVE state for initial UL BWP with semi-persistent SRS srs-SemiPersistent-PosResourcesRRC-Inactive-r17 SEQUENCE { maxNumOfSemiPersistentSRSposResources-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumOfSemiPersistentSRSposResourcesPerSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14} } OPTIONAL, -- R2: UE support of CBW for 120kHz SCS channelBWs-DL-SCS-120kHz-FR2-2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL, channelBWs-UL-SCS-120kHz-FR2-2-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 30-4a: DM-RS bundling for PUSCH repetition type A dmrs-BundlingPUSCH-RepTypeA-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4b: DM-RS bundling for PUSCH repetition type B dmrs-BundlingPUSCH-RepTypeB-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4c: DM-RS bundling for TB processing over multi-slot PUSCH dmrs-BundlingPUSCH-multiSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4d: DMRS bundling for PUCCH repetitions dmrs-BundlingPUCCH-Rep-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4e: Enhanced inter-slot frequency hopping with inter-slot bundling for PUSCH interSlotFreqHopInterSlotBundlingPUSCH-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4f: Enhanced inter-slot frequency hopping for PUCCH repetitions with DMRS bundling interSlotFreqHopPUCCH-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4g: Restart DM-RS bundling dmrs-BundlingRestart-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 30-4h: DM-RS bundling for non-back-to-back transmission dmrs-BundlingNonBackToBackTX-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 33-5-1e: Dynamic Slot-level repetition for SPS group-common PDSCH for multicast maxDynamicSlotRepetitionForSPS-Multicast-r17 ENUMERATED {n8, n16} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-5-1g: DCI-based enabling/disabling NACK-only based feedback for SPS group-common PDSCH for multicast nack-OnlyFeedbackForSPS-MulticastWithDCI-Enabler-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-5-1i: Multicast SPS scheduling with DCI format 4_2 sps-MulticastDCI-Format4-2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-5-2: Multiple SPS group-common PDSCH configuration on PCell sps-MulticastMultiConfig-r17 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-6-1: DL priority indication for multicast in DCI priorityIndicatorInDCI-Multicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-6-1a: DL priority configuration for SPS multicast priorityIndicatorInDCI-SPS-Multicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-6-2: Two HARQ-ACK codebooks simultaneously constructed for supporting HARQ-ACK codebooks with different priorities -- for unicast and multicast at a UE twoHARQ-ACK-CodebookForUnicastAndMulticast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-6-3: More than one PUCCH for HARQ-ACK transmission for multicast or for unicast and multicast within a slot multiPUCCH-HARQ-ACK-ForMulticastUnicast-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 33-9: Supporting unicast PDCCH to release SPS group-common PDSCH releaseSPS-MulticastWithCS-RNTI-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 41-3-1a UE automomous TA adjustment when cell-reselection happens posUE-TA-AutoAdjustment-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-3-1: SRS for positioning configuration in multiple cells for UEs in RRC_INACTIVE state for initial UL BWP posSRS-ValidityAreaRRC-InactiveInitialUL-BWP-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-3-2: SRS for positioning configuration in multiple cells for UEs in RRC_INACTIVE state for configured outside -- initial UL BWP posSRS-ValidityAreaRRC-InactiveOutsideInitialUL-BWP-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-5-1:PRS measurement with Rx frequency hopping within a MG and measurement reporting RRC_CONNECTED for RedCap UEs dl-PRS-MeasurementWithRxFH-RRC-ConnectedForRedCap-r18 DL-PRS-MeasurementWithRxFH-RRC-Connected-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-5-2: Support of positioning SRS with Tx frequency hopping in RRC_CONNECTED for RedCap UEs posSRS-TxFH-RRC-ConnectedForRedCap-r18 PosSRS-TxFrequencyHoppingRRC-Connected-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-5-2a: Support of positioning SRS with Tx frequency hopping in RRC_INACTIVE for RedCap UEs posSRS-TxFH-RRC-InactiveForRedCap-r18 PosSRS-TxFrequencyHoppingRRC-Inactive-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-4-8: Support of Positioning SRS bandwidth aggregation in RRC_INACTIVE posSRS-BWA-RRC-Inactive-r18 PosSRS-BWA-RRC-Inactive-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-4-6a support a Rel-17 single DCI scheduling positioning SRS resource sets across the linked carriers -- for SRS bandwidth aggregation in RRC_CONNECTED state posJointTriggerBySingleDCI-RRC-Connected-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-5-1a PRS measurement with Rx frequency hopping in RRC_INACTIVE for RedCap UEs dl-PRS-MeasurementWithRxFH-RRC-InactiveforRedCap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-5-1b PRS measurement with Rx frequency hopping in RRC_IDLE for RedCap UEs dl-PRS-MeasurementWithRxFH-RRC-IdleforRedCap-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-1: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for periodic CSI reporting spatialAdaptation-CSI-Feedback-r18 SEQUENCE { csiFeedbackType-r18 ENUMERATED {sdType1, sdType2, both}, maxNumberLmax-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 SEQUENCE { sdType1-Resource-r18 INTEGER (1..32), sdType2-Resource-r18 INTEGER (1..32) }, maxNumberTotalCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 SEQUENCE { sdType1-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n24, n32, n64, n128}, sdType2-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n24, n32, n64, n128} }, totalNumberCSI-Reporting-r18 INTEGER (2..4) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-1a: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for periodic CSI -- reporting on PUSCH spatialAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackPUSCH-r18 SEQUENCE { csiFeedbackType-r18 ENUMERATED {sdType1, sdType2, both}, maxNumberLmax-r18 INTEGER (2..8), subReportCSI-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32), maxNumberTotalCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n24, n32, n64, n128}, totalNumberCSI-Reporting-r18 INTEGER (2..12) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-1b: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for aperiodic CSI reporting spatialAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackAperiodic-r18 SEQUENCE { csiFeedbackType-r18 ENUMERATED {sdType1, sdType2, both}, maxNumberLmax-r18 INTEGER (2..8), subReportCSI-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 SEQUENCE { sdType1-Resource-r18 INTEGER (1..32), sdType2-Resource-r18 INTEGER (1..32) }, maxNumberTotalCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 SEQUENCE { sdType1-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n24, n32, n64, n128}, sdType2-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n24, n32, n64, n128} }, totalNumberCSI-Reporting-r18 INTEGER (2..12) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-1c: Spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for semi-persistent -- CSI reporting on PUCCH spatialAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackPUCCH-r18 SEQUENCE { csiFeedbackType-r18 ENUMERATED {sdType1, sdType2, both}, maxNumberLmax-r18 INTEGER (2..4), subReportCSI-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32), maxNumberTotalCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n24, n32, n64, n128}, totalNumberCSI-Reporting-r18 INTEGER (2..4) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-2: Power domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for periodic CSI reporting powerAdaptation-CSI-Feedback-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberLmax-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32), maxNumberTotalCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n24, n32, n64, n128}, totalNumberCSI-Reporting-r18 INTEGER (2..4) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-2a: Power domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for semi-persistent CSI -- reporting on PUSCH powerAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackPUSCH-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberLmax-r18 INTEGER (2..8), subReportCSI-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32), maxNumberTotalCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n24, n32, n64, n128}, totalNumberCSI-Reporting-r18 INTEGER (2..12) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-2b: Power domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for aperiodic CSI reporting powerAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackAperiodic-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberLmax-r18 INTEGER (2..8), subReportCSI-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32), maxNumberTotalCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n24, n32, n64, n128}, totalNumberCSI-Reporting-r18 INTEGER (2..12) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-2c: Power domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s) for semi-persistent CSI -- reporting on PUCCH powerAdaptation-CSI-FeedbackPUCCH-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberLmax-r18 INTEGER (2..4), subReportCSI-r18 INTEGER (2..4), maxNumberCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 INTEGER (1..32), maxNumberTotalCSI-ResourcePerCC-r18 ENUMERATED {n8, n16, n24, n32, n64, n128}, totalNumberCSI-Reporting-r18 INTEGER (2..4) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-4: Cell DTX and/or DRX operation based on RRC configuration nes-CellDTX-DRX-r18 ENUMERATED {cellDTXonly, cellDRXonly, both} OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-5: Cell DTX/DRX operation triggered by DCI format 2_9 nes-CellDTX-DRX-DCI2-9-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-7: Mixed codebook combination for spatial domain adaptation with CSI feedback based on CSI report sub-configuration(s), -- each containing one port subset configuration mixCodeBookSpatialAdaptation-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 42-8: the number of CSI report(s) for which the UE can measure and process reference signals simultaneously in a CC of the -- band for which this capability is provided. simultaneousCSI-SubReportsPerCC-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- R1 44-2: NTN DMRS bundling enhancement for PUSCH in NGSO scenarios ntn-DMRS-BundlingNGSO-r18 ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, n32} OPTIONAL, -- R1 45-3: Beam indication with joint DL/UL LTM TCI states ltm-BeamIndicationJointTCI-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberJointTCI-PerCell-r18 ENUMERATED {n8,n12,n16,n24,n32,n48,n64,n128}, qcl-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {ssb, trs, both}, maxNumberJointTCI-AcrossCells-r18 INTEGER (1..128), maxNumberCells-r18 INTEGER (1..8) } OPTIONAL, dummy-ltm-MAC-CE-JointTCI-r18 SEQUENCE { qcl-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {ssb, trs, both}, maxNumberJointTCI-PerCell-r18 INTEGER (1..16), maxNumberJointTCI-AcrossCells-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n3,n4,n8,n16,n32} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 45-4: Beam indication with separate DL/UL LTM TCI states ltm-BeamIndicationSeparateTCI-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberDL-TCI-PerCell-r18 ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n24,n32,n48,n64,n128}, maxNumberUL-TCI-PerCell-r18 ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n12,n16,n24,n32,n48,n64}, qcl-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {ssb, trs, both}, maxNumberDL-TCI-AcrossCells-r18 INTEGER (1..128), maxNumberUL-TCI-AcrossCells-r18 INTEGER (1..64), maxNumberCells-r18 INTEGER (1..8) } OPTIONAL, dummy-ltm-MAC-CE-SeparateTCI-r18 SEQUENCE { qcl-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {ssb, trs, both}, maxNumberDL-TCI-PerCell-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberUL-TCI-PerCell-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberDL-TCI-AcrossCells-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4,n8,n16}, maxNumberUL-TCI-AcrossCells-r18 ENUMERATED {n1,n2,n4,n8,n16} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 45-5: RACH-based early TA acquisition rach-EarlyTA-Measurement-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- R1 45-6: UE-based TA measurement ue-TA-Measurement-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- R1 45-7: TA indication in cell switch command ta-IndicationCellSwitch-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-8: Triggered HARQ-ACK codebook re-transmission for DCI format 1_3 triggeredHARQ-CodebookRetxDCI-1-3-r18 SEQUENCE { minHARQ-Retx-Offset-r18 ENUMERATED {n-7, n-5, n-3, n-1, n1}, maxHARQ-Retx-Offset-r18 ENUMERATED {n4, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14, n16, n18, n20, n22, n24} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-12: Unified TCI with joint DL/UL TCI update by DCI format 1_3 for intra-cell and inter-cell beam management with more than -- one MAC-CE activated joint TCI state per CC unifiedJointTCI-MultiMAC-CE-DCI-1-3-r18 SEQUENCE { minBeamApplicationTime-r18 CHOICE { fr1-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70} OPTIONAL }, fr2-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70, sym84, sym98, sym112, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70, sym84, sym98, sym112, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL } }, maxActivatedTCI-PerCC-r18 INTEGER (2..8) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 49-12a: Unified TCI with separate DL/UL TCI update by DCI format 1_3 for intra-cell beam management with more than -- one MAC-CE activated separate TCI state per CC unifiedSeparateTCI-MultiMAC-CE-IntraCell-r18 SEQUENCE { minBeamApplicationTime-r18 CHOICE { fr1-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70, sym84, sym98, sym112, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70, sym84, sym98, sym112, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70, sym84, sym98, sym112, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL }, fr2-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70, sym84, sym98, sym112, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {sym1, sym2, sym4, sym7, sym14, sym28, sym42, sym56, sym70, sym84, sym98, sym112, sym224, sym336} OPTIONAL } }, maxActivatedDL-TCI-PerCC-r18 INTEGER (2..8) OPTIONAL, maxActivatedUL-TCI-PerCC-r18 INTEGER (2..8) OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, -- R1 50-1: Multi-PUSCHs for Configured Grant multiPUSCH-CG-r18 ENUMERATED {n16, n32} OPTIONAL, -- R1 50-1a: Multiple active multi-PUSCHs configured grant configurations for a BWP of a serving cell multiPUSCH-ActiveConfiguredGrant-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberConfigsPerBWP ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12}, maxNumberConfigsAllCC-FR1 INTEGER (2..32), maxNumberConfigsAllCC-FR2 INTEGER (2..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 50-1b: Joint release in a DCI for two or more configured grant Type 2 configurations, including multi-PUSCH CG -- configuration(s), for a given BWP of a serving cell jointReleaseDCI-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 50-2: UCI indication of unused CG-PUSCH transmission occasions cg-PUSCH-UTO-UCI-Ind-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 50-3: PDCCH monitoring resumption after UL NACK pdcch-MonitoringResumptionAfterUL-NACK-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 51-1: Support for 3 MHz symmetric channel bandwidth in DL and UL support3MHz-ChannelBW-Symmetric-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 51-1a: Support for 3 MHz channel bandwidth in uplink with larger than 3 MHz channel BW in DL support3MHz-ChannelBW-Asymmetric-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 51-2a: support 12 PRB CORESET0 support12PRB-CORESET0-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 52-1: Reception of NR PDCCH candidates overlapping with LTE CRS REs nr-PDCCH-OverlapLTE-CRS-RE-r18 SEQUENCE { overlapInRE-r18 ENUMERATED {oneSymbolNoOverlap, someOrAllSymOverlap}, overlapInSymbol-r18 ENUMERATED {symbol2,symbol1And2} } OPTIONAL, -- Editor's Note: someOrAllSymOverlap considers to be supported in overlapInRE-r18 only if RAN4 performance requirements for -- someOrAllSymOverlap are not defined -- R1 52-1a: Reception of NR PDCCH candidates overlapping with LTE CRS REs with multiple non-overlapping CRS rate matching patterns nr-PDCCH-OverlapLTE-CRS-RE-MultiPatterns-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 52-1b: NR PDCCH reception that overlaps with LTE CRS within a single span of 3 consecutive OFDM symbols that is within the -- first 4 OFDM symbols in a slot nr-PDCCH-OverlapLTE-CRS-RE-Span-3-4-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 52-2: Two LTE-CRS overlapping rate matching patterns within NR 15 kHz carrier overlapping with LTE carrier (regardless of -- support or configuration of multi-TRP) twoRateMatchingEUTRA-CRS-patterns-3-4-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberPatterns-r18 INTEGER (2..6), maxNumberNon-OverlapPatterns-r18 INTEGER (1..3) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 52-2a: Two LTE-CRS overlapping rate matching patterns with two different values of coresetPoolIndex within NR 15 kHz carrier -- overlapping with LTE carrier overlapRateMatchingEUTRA-CRS-Patterns-3-4-Diff-CS-Pool-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 53-3: Support RLM/BM/BFD measurements based on NCD-SSB within active BWP ncd-SSB-BWP-Wor-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 53-4: Support Support RLM/BM/BFD measurements based on CSI-RS when CD-SSB is outside active BWP rlm-BM-BFD-CSI-RS-OutsideActiveBWP-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 54-1: PRACH coverage enhancements prach-CoverageEnh-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 54-1a: PRACH repetitions with less than N symbols gap prach-Repetition-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 54-3: Dynamic waveform switching dynamicWaveformSwitch-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 54-3a: PHR enhancement for dynamic waveform switching dynamicWaveformSwitchPHR-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 54-3b: Dynamic waveform switching for intra-band UL CA dynamicWaveformSwitchIntraCA-r18 INTEGER (2..8) OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-3: Multiple PUSCHs scheduling by single DCI for non-consecutive slots in FR1 multiPUSCH-SingleDCI-NonConsSlots-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 55-2d: single-symbol DL-PRS used in RTT-based Propagation delay compensation pdc-maxNumberPRS-ResourceProcessedPerSlot-r18 SEQUENCE { fr1-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL }, fr2-r18 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, -- R1 57-2: Intra-slot TDM-ed unicast PDSCH and group-common PDSCH for multicast in RRC_INACTIVE state intraSlot-PDSCH-MulticastInactive-r18 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- R1 57-1: Dynamic scheduling for multicast in RRC_INACTIVE state multicastInactive-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, thresholdBasedMulticastResume-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 27-2: LowerMSD for inter-band NR CA and EN-DC lowerMSD-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLowerMSD-r18)) OF LowerMSD-r18 OPTIONAL, lowerMSD-ENDC-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLowerMSD-r18)) OF LowerMSD-r18 OPTIONAL, -- R4 28-1: Enhanced channel raster enhancedChannelRaster-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 30-2: Fast beam sweeping for layer-1 measurement when the UE is in multi-Rx operation fastBeamSweepingMultiRx-r18 ENUMERATED {n2,n4,n6} OPTIONAL, -- R4 31-2 Beam sweeping factor reduction for FR2 unknown SCell activation beamSweepingFactorReduction-r18 SEQUENCE { reduceForCellDetection ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6}, reduceForSSB-L1-RSRP-Meas INTEGER (0..7) } OPTIONAL, -- R4 34-1: Support of NR FR2 HST with simultaneous DL reception with two different QCL TypeD RSs simultaneousReceptionTwoQCL-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 34-2: Enhanced FR2 HST RRM requirements for intra-band CA and inter-frequency measurements in connected mode measEnhCAInterFreqFR2-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 34-4: Support of enhanced MAC CE for TCI state switch indication for FR2 HST tci-StateSwitchInd-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 35-2: the requirements defined for ATG UE with antenna array or omni-direction antenna requirements. antennaArrayType-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, locationBasedCondHandoverATG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 35-3: rated maximum output power value range from 23dBm to 40dBm with 1dB as granularity at maximum modulation order and full -- PRB configurations. maxOutputPowerATG-r18 INTEGER (1..18) OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-6: Fast processing of LTM candidate cell RRC configuration ltm-FastProcessingConfig-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumberStoredConfigCells-r18 ENUMERATED {n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9,n10,n11,n12,n16}, maxNumberConfigs-r18 INTEGER (1..4) } OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-8: Measurement validation based on EMR measurement during connection setup/resume measValidationReportEMR-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 39-9: Measurement validation based on reselection measurement during connection setup/resume measValidationReportReselectionMeasurements-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eventA4BasedCondHandoverNES-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nesBasedCondHandoverWithDCI-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, rach-LessHandoverCG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, rach-LessHandoverDG-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, locationBasedCondHandoverEMC-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mt-CG-SDT-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, posSRS-PreconfigureRRC-InactiveInitialUL-BWP-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, posSRS-PreconfigureRRC-InactiveOutsideInitialUL-BWP-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cg-SDT-PeriodicityExt-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R2: 2Rx XR UEs supportOf2RxXR-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, condHandoverWithCandSCG-change-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ mac-ParametersPerBand-r18 MAC-ParametersPerBand-r18 OPTIONAL, channelBW-DL-NCR-r18 CHOICE { fr1-100mhz SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL }, fr2-200mhz SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, channelBW-UL-NCR-r18 CHOICE { fr1-100mhz SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL }, fr2-200mhz SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, ncr-PDSCH-64QAM-FR2-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ltm-MCG-IntraFreq-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ltm-SCG-IntraFreq-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 45-3a: MAC-CE activated joint LTM TCI states ltm-MAC-CE-JointTCI-r18 SEQUENCE { qcl-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {ssb, trs, both}, maxNumberJointTCI-PerCell-r18 INTEGER (1..16), maxNumberJointTCI-AcrossCells-r18 INTEGER (1..32) } OPTIONAL, -- R1 45-4a: MAC-CE activated DL/UL LTM TCI states ltm-MAC-CE-SeparateTCI-r18 SEQUENCE { qcl-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {ssb, trs, both}, maxNumberDL-TCI-PerCell-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberUL-TCI-PerCell-r18 INTEGER (1..8), maxNumberDL-TCI-AcrossCells-r18 INTEGER (1..32), maxNumberUL-TCI-AcrossCells-r18 INTEGER (1..32) } OPTIONAL ]] } BandNR-v16c0 ::= SEQUENCE { pusch-RepetitionTypeA-v16c0 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } BandNR-v17b0 ::= SEQUENCE { mimo-ParametersPerBand-v17b0 MIMO-ParametersPerBand-v17b0 OPTIONAL, ... } LowerMSD-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { aggressorband1-r18 CHOICE { nr FreqBandIndicatorNR, eutra FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA }, aggressorband2-r18 FreqBandIndicatorNR OPTIONAL, msd-Information-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLowerMSDInfo-r18)) OF MSD-Information-r18 } MSD-Information-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { msd-Type-r18 ENUMERATED {harmonic, harmonicMixing, crossBandIsolation, imd2, imd3, imd4, imd5, all, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5,spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, msd-PowerClass-r18 ENUMERATED {pc1dot5, pc2, pc3}, msd-Class-r18 ENUMERATED {classI, classII, classIII, classIV, classV, classVI, classVII, classVIII } } -- TAG-RF-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RF-Parameters field descriptions
In this field the UE mirrors the FreqBandList that the NW provided in the capability enquiry, if any, as described in clause The UE filtered the band combinations in the supportedBandCombinationList in accordance with this appliedFreqBandListFilter. The UE does not include this field if the UE capability is requested by E-UTRAN and the network request includes the field eutra-nr-only [10].
dummy1, dummy2, dummy-ltm-MAC-CE-JointTCI-r18, dummy-ltm-MAC-CE-SeparateTCI-r18
The fields are not used in the specification and the network ignores the received values.
A list of band combinations that the UE supports for NR (and NR-DC, if requested). The FeatureSetCombinationId:s in this list refer to the FeatureSetCombination entries in the featureSetCombinations list in the UE-NR-Capability IE. The UE does not include this field if the UE capability is requested by E-UTRAN and the network request includes the field eutra-nr-only [10].
A list of band combinations that the UE supports for NR sidelink communication only, for joint NR sidelink communication and V2X sidelink communication, or for V2X sidelink communication only. The UE does not include this field if the UE capability is requested by E-UTRAN (see TS 36.331[10]) and the network request includes the field eutra-nr-only.
A list of band combinations that the UE supports for NR sidelink non-relay discovery. The encoding is defined in PC5 BandCombinationListSidelinkNR-r16.
A list of band combinations that the UE supports for NR sidelink relay discovery. The encoding is defined in PC5 BandCombinationListSidelinkNR-r16.
This field indicates the band parameter inBandCombinationListSL-Discovery-r17 that the UE supports for NR U2U sidelink relay discovery in a band included in supportedBandCombinationListSL-U2U-RelayDiscovery.
A list of band combinations that the UE supports for NR U2U sidelink relay discovery. The encoding is defined in PC5 BandCombinationListSidelinkNR-r16.
A list of band combinations that the UE supports dynamic uplink Tx switching for NR UL CA and SUL. The FeatureSetCombinationId:s in this list refer to the FeatureSetCombination entries in the featureSetCombinations list in the UE-NR-Capability IE. The UE does not include this field if the UE capability is requested by E-UTRAN and the network request includes the field eutra-nr-only [10].
A list of NR bands supported by the UE. If supportedBandListNR-v16c0 is included, the UE shall include the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in supportedBandListNR (without suffix).

The IE RF-ParametersMRDC is used to convey RF related capabilities for MR-DC.
supportedBandCombinationListA list of band combinations that the UE supports for (NG)EN-DC, or both (NG)EN-DC and NE-DC. The FeatureSetCombinationId:s in this list refer to the FeatureSetCombination entries in the featureSetCombinations list in the UE-MRDC-Capability IE.
BandCombinationList OPTIONAL,
appliedFreqBandListFilterIn this field the UE mirrors the FreqBandList that the NW provided in the capability enquiry, if any. The UE filtered the band combinations in the supportedBandCombinationList in accordance with this appliedFreqBandListFilter.
FreqBandList OPTIONAL, ..., [[ srs-SwitchingTimeRequested ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-v1540 BandCombinationList-v1540 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1550 BandCombinationList-v1550 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1560 BandCombinationList-v1560 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only BandCombinationList OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1570 BandCombinationList-v1570 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1580 BandCombinationList-v1580 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1590 BandCombinationList-v1590 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v15a0 SEQUENCE { supportedBandCombinationList-v1540 BandCombinationList-v1540 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-v1560 BandCombinationList-v1560 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-v1570 BandCombinationList-v1570 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-v1580 BandCombinationList-v1580 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-v1590 BandCombinationList-v1590 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1610 BandCombinationList-v1610 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v1610 BandCombinationList-v1610 OPTIONAL,
supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-r16A list of band combinations that the UE supports dynamic UL Tx switching for (NG)EN-DC. The FeatureSetCombinationId:s in this list refer to the FeatureSetCombination entries in the featureSetCombinations list in the UE-MRDC-Capability IE.
BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-r16 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1630 BandCombinationList-v1630 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v1630 BandCombinationList-v1630 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1630 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1630 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1640 BandCombinationList-v1640 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v1640 BandCombinationList-v1640 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1640 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1640 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1670 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1670 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1700 BandCombinationList-v1700 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1700 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1700 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1720 BandCombinationList-v1720 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v1720 SEQUENCE { supportedBandCombinationList-v1700 BandCombinationList-v1700 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-v1720 BandCombinationList-v1720 OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1720 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1720 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1730 BandCombinationList-v1730 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v1730 BandCombinationList-v1730 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1730 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1730 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1740 BandCombinationList-v1740 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v1740 BandCombinationList-v1740 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1740 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1740 OPTIONAL ]], [[ dummy1 BandCombinationList-v1770 OPTIONAL, dummy2 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1770 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1780 BandCombinationList-v1780 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v1780 BandCombinationList-v1780 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1780 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1780 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1790 BandCombinationList-v1790 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1790 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1790 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1800 BandCombinationList-v1800 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1800 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1800 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1830 BandCombinationList-v1830 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1830 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1830 OPTIONAL ]], [[ supportedBandCombinationList-v1840 BandCombinationList-v1840 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1840 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v1840 OPTIONAL ]] } RF-ParametersMRDC-v15g0 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandCombinationList-v15g0 BandCombinationList-v15g0 OPTIONAL, supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v15g0 BandCombinationList-v15g0 OPTIONAL } RF-ParametersMRDC-v15n0 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandCombinationList-v15n0 BandCombinationList-v15n0 OPTIONAL } RF-ParametersMRDC-v16e0 ::= SEQUENCE { supportedBandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16e0 BandCombinationList-UplinkTxSwitch-v16e0 OPTIONAL } -- TAG-RF-PARAMETERSMRDC-STOP -- ASN1STOP
RF-ParametersMRDC field descriptions
In this field the UE mirrors the FreqBandList that the NW provided in the capability enquiry, if any. The UE filtered the band combinations in the supportedBandCombinationList in accordance with this appliedFreqBandListFilter.
dummy1, dummy2
The fields are not used in the specification and the network ignores the received values.
A list of band combinations that the UE supports for (NG)EN-DC, or both (NG)EN-DC and NE-DC. The FeatureSetCombinationId:s in this list refer to the FeatureSetCombination entries in the featureSetCombinations list in the UE-MRDC-Capability IE.
supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only, supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v1610, supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only-v1780
A list of band combinations that the UE supports only for NE-DC. The FeatureSetCombinationId:s in this list refer to the FeatureSetCombination entries in the featureSetCombinations list in the UE-MRDC-Capability IE.
A list of band combinations that the UE supports dynamic UL Tx switching for (NG)EN-DC. The FeatureSetCombinationId:s in this list refer to the FeatureSetCombination entries in the featureSetCombinations list in the UE-MRDC-Capability IE.

The IE RLC-Parameters is used to convey capabilities related to RLC.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-RLC-PARAMETERS-START RLC-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { am-WithShortSN ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, um-WithShortSN ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, um-WithLongSN ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ extendedT-PollRetransmit-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, extendedT-StatusProhibit-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ am-WithLongSN-RedCap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ am-WithLongSN-NCR-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } -- TAG-RLC-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SDAP-Parameters is used to convey capabilities related to SDAP.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SDAP-PARAMETERS-START SDAP-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { as-ReflectiveQoS ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ sdap-QOS-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sdapHeaderIAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ sdap-QOS-NCR-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sdap-HeaderNCR-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } -- TAG-SDAP-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand is used to convey shared channel access related parameters specific for a certain frequency band (not per feature set or band combination).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SHAREDSPECTRUMCHACCESSPARAMSPERBAND-START SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 10-1: UL channel access for dynamic channel access mode ul-DynamicChAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-1a: UL channel access for semi-static channel access mode ul-Semi-StaticChAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-2: SSB-based RRM for dynamic channel access mode ssb-RRM-DynamicChAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-2a: SSB-based RRM for semi-static channel access mode ssb-RRM-Semi-StaticChAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-2b: MIB reading on unlicensed cell mib-Acquisition-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-2c: SSB-based RLM for dynamic channel access mode ssb-RLM-DynamicChAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-2d: SSB-based RLM for semi-static channel access mode ssb-RLM-Semi-StaticChAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-2e: SIB1 reception on unlicensed cell sib1-Acquisition-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-2f: Support monitoring of extended RAR window extRA-ResponseWindow-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-2g: SSB-based BFD/CBD for dynamic channel access mode ssb-BFD-CBD-dynamicChannelAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-2h: SSB-based BFD/CBD for semi-static channel access mode ssb-BFD-CBD-semi-staticChannelAccess-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-2i: CSI-RS-based BFD/CBD for NR-U csi-RS-BFD-CBD-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-7: UL channel access for 10 MHz SCell ul-ChannelBW-SCell-10mhz-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-10: RSSI and channel occupancy measurement and reporting rssi-ChannelOccupancyReporting-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-11:SRS starting position at any OFDM symbol in a slot srs-StartAnyOFDM-Symbol-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-20: Support search space set configuration with freqMonitorLocation-r16 searchSpaceFreqMonitorLocation-r16 INTEGER (1..5) OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-20a: Support coreset configuration with rb-Offset coreset-RB-Offset-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-23:CGI reading on unlicensed cell for ANR functionality cgi-Acquisition-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-25: Enable configured UL transmissions when DCI 2_0 is configured but not detected configuredUL-Tx-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-27: Wideband PRACH prach-Wideband-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-29: Support available RB set indicator field in DCI 2_0 dci-AvailableRB-Set-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-30: Support channel occupancy duration indicator field in DCI 2_0 dci-ChOccupancyDuration-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-8: Type B PDSCH length {3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13} without DMRS shift due to CRS collision typeB-PDSCH-length-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-9: Search space set group switching with explicit DCI 2_0 bit field trigger or with implicit PDCCH decoding with DCI 2_0 monitoring searchSpaceSwitchWithDCI-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-9b: Search space set group switching with implicit PDCCH decoding without DCI 2_0 monitoring searchSpaceSwitchWithoutDCI-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-9d: Support Search space set group switching capability 2 searchSpaceSwitchCapability2-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-14: Non-numerical PDSCH to HARQ-ACK timing non-numericalPDSCH-HARQ-timing-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-15: Enhanced dynamic HARQ codebook enhancedDynamicHARQ-codebook-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-16: One-shot HARQ ACK feedback oneShotHARQ-feedback-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-17: Multi-PUSCH UL grant multiPUSCH-UL-grant-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-26: CSI-RS based RLM for NR-U csi-RS-RLM-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-31: Support of P/SP-CSI-RS reception with CSI-RS-ValidationWith-DCI-r16 configured periodicAndSemi-PersistentCSI-RS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-3: PRB interlace mapping for PUSCH pusch-PRB-interlace-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-3a: PRB interlace mapping for PUCCH pucch-F0-F1-PRB-Interlace-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-12: OCC for PRB interlace mapping for PF2 and PF3 occ-PRB-PF2-PF3-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-13a: Extended CP range of more than one symbol for CG-PUSCH extCP-rangeCG-PUSCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-18: Configured grant with retransmission in CG resources configuredGrantWithReTx-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-21a: Support using ED threshold given by gNB for UL to DL COT sharing ed-Threshold-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-21b: Support UL to DL COT sharing ul-DL-COT-Sharing-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-24: CG-UCI multiplexing with HARQ ACK mux-CG-UCI-HARQ-ACK-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 10-28: Configured grant with Rel-16 enhanced resource configuration cg-resourceConfig-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1630 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R4 4-1: DL reception in intra-carrier guardband dl-ReceptionIntraCellGuardband-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R4 4-2: DL reception when gNB does not transmit on all RB sets of a carrier as a result of LBT dl-ReceptionLBT-subsetRB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1640 ::= SEQUENCE { -- 10-26b(1-4): CSI-RS based RRM measurement with associated SS-block csi-RSRP-AndRSRQ-MeasWithSSB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-26c(1-5): CSI-RS based RRM measurement without associated SS-block csi-RSRP-AndRSRQ-MeasWithoutSSB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-26d(1-6): CSI-RS based RS-SINR measurement csi-SINR-Meas-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-26e(1-8): RLM based on a mix of SS block and CSI-RS signals within active BWP ssb-AndCSI-RS-RLM-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- 10-26f(1-9): CSI-RS based contention free RA for HO csi-RS-CFRA-ForHO-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1650 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Extension of R1 10-9 capability to configure up to 16 instead of 4 cells or cell groups, respectively extendedSearchSpaceSwitchWithDCI-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsPerBand-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 25-12: UE initiated semi-static channel occupancy with dependent configurations ul-Semi-StaticChAccessDependentConfig-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 25-13: UE initiated semi-static channel occupancy with independent configurations ul-Semi-StaticChAccessIndependentConfig-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-SHAREDSPECTRUMCHACCESSPARAMSPERBAND-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsSidelinkPerBand is used to convey shared channel access related parameters related to NR sidelink communication, specific for a certain frequency band (not per feature set or band combination).
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SHAREDSPECTRUMCHACCESSPARAMSSIDELINKPERBAND-START SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsSidelinkPerBand-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 47-k1: SL channel access for dynamic channel access mode sl-DynamicChannelAccess-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-k2: SL multi-channel access for dynamic channel access mode sl-DynamicMultiChannelAccess-r18 INTEGER (2..5) OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-k6: Type1 LBT blocking Option 1 sl-LBT-Option1-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-k7: Type1 LBT blocking Option 2 sl-LBT-Option2-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-k9: Sidelink mode 1 resource allocation in shared spectrum sl-ResourceAllocMode1-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-m1: Interlace RB-based SL transmission/reception sl-Interlace-RB-TxRx-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-m5: Multiple PSFCH occasions per PSCCH/PSSCH sl-PSFCH-MultiOccasion-r18 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-m10: Contiguous RB-based PSCCH/PSSCH transmission/reception sl-ContiguousRB-TxRx-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-m11: PSFCH transmissions in multiple contiguous RB sets sl-PSFCH-MultiContiguousRB-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-m11a: PSFCH transmissions in multiple non-contiguous RB sets sl-PSFCH-MultiNonContiguousRB-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-m13: Transmissions/receptions of multiple dedicated PRBs in common interlace-based PSFCH sl-MultiplePRB-CommonInterlacePSFCH-r18 SEQUENCE { tx-TotalPRB-PSFCH-r18 ENUMERATED {n4, n5, n8, n15, n16, n20}, rx-TotalPRB-PSFCH-r18 ENUMERATED {n5, n6, n15, n16, n25, n26, n32, n35, n45, n46, n50, n64, n65} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-m13a: Transmissions/receptions of multiple interlaces in dedicated interlace-based PSFCH sl-MultiplePRB-DedicatedInterlacePSFCH-r18 SEQUENCE { tx-TotalPRB-PSFCH-r18 INTEGER (1..3), rx-TotalPRB-PSFCH-r18 INTEGER (1..5) } OPTIONAL } -- TAG-SHAREDSPECTRUMCHACCESSPARAMSSIDELINKPERBAND-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SidelinkParameters is used to convey capabilities related to NR and V2X sidelink communications/positioning.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SIDELINKPARAMETERS-START SidelinkParameters-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sidelinkParametersNR-r16 SidelinkParametersNR-r16 OPTIONAL, sidelinkParametersEUTRA-r16 SidelinkParametersEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL } SidelinkParametersNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { rlc-ParametersSidelink-r16 RLC-ParametersSidelink-r16 OPTIONAL, mac-ParametersSidelink-r16 MAC-ParametersSidelink-r16 OPTIONAL, fdd-Add-UE-Sidelink-Capabilities-r16 UE-SidelinkCapabilityAddXDD-Mode-r16 OPTIONAL, tdd-Add-UE-Sidelink-Capabilities-r16 UE-SidelinkCapabilityAddXDD-Mode-r16 OPTIONAL, supportedBandListSidelink-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF BandSidelink-r16 OPTIONAL, ..., [[ relayParameters-r17 RelayParameters-r17 OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 32-x: Use of new P0 parameters for open loop power control p0-OLPC-Sidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ pdcp-ParametersSidelink-r18 PDCP-ParametersSidelink-r18 OPTIONAL, --R1 41-1-1a: Common SL-PRS processing capability sl-PRS-CommonProcCapabilityPerUE-r18 SEQUENCE { maxNumOfActiveSL-PRS-Resources-r18 SEQUENCE { fr1-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24} OPTIONAL, fr2-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64, n128} OPTIONAL }, maxNumOfSlotswithActiveSL-PRS-Resources-r18 SEQUENCE { fr1-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n6, n8} OPTIONAL, fr2-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL ]] } SidelinkParametersEUTRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-ParametersEUTRA1-r16 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, sl-ParametersEUTRA2-r16 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, sl-ParametersEUTRA3-r16 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, supportedBandListSidelinkEUTRA-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBandsEUTRA)) OF BandSidelinkEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL, ... } RLC-ParametersSidelink-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { am-WithLongSN-Sidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, um-WithLongSN-Sidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } MAC-ParametersSidelink-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { mac-ParametersSidelinkCommon-r16 MAC-ParametersSidelinkCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, mac-ParametersSidelinkXDD-Diff-r16 MAC-ParametersSidelinkXDD-Diff-r16 OPTIONAL, ... } UE-SidelinkCapabilityAddXDD-Mode-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { mac-ParametersSidelinkXDD-Diff-r16 MAC-ParametersSidelinkXDD-Diff-r16 OPTIONAL } MAC-ParametersSidelinkCommon-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { lcp-RestrictionSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, multipleConfiguredGrantsSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ drx-OnSidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ sl-LBT-FailureDectectionRecovery-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } MAC-ParametersSidelinkXDD-Diff-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { multipleSR-ConfigurationsSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, logicalChannelSR-DelayTimerSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } BandSidelinkEUTRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { freqBandSidelinkEUTRA-r16 FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA, -- R1 15-7: Transmitting LTE sidelink mode 3 scheduled by NR Uu gnb-ScheduledMode3SidelinkEUTRA-r16 SEQUENCE { gnb-ScheduledMode3DelaySidelinkEUTRA-r16 ENUMERATED {ms0, ms0dot25, ms0dot5, ms0dot625, ms0dot75, ms1, ms1dot25, ms1dot5, ms1dot75, ms2, ms2dot5, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 15-9: Transmitting LTE sidelink mode 4 configured by NR Uu gnb-ScheduledMode4SidelinkEUTRA-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } BandSidelink-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { freqBandSidelink-r16 FreqBandIndicatorNR, --15-1 sl-Reception-r16 SEQUENCE { harq-RxProcessSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {n16, n24, n32, n48, n64}, pscch-RxSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {value1, value2}, scs-CP-PatternRxSidelink-r16 CHOICE { fr1-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL }, fr2-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, extendedCP-RxSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, --15-2 sl-TransmissionMode1-r16 SEQUENCE { harq-TxProcessModeOneSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {n8, n16}, scs-CP-PatternTxSidelinkModeOne-r16 CHOICE { fr1-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL }, fr2-r16 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL } }, extendedCP-TxSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, harq-ReportOnPUCCH-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, --15-4 sync-Sidelink-r16 SEQUENCE { gNB-Sync-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gNB-GNSS-UE-SyncWithPriorityOnGNB-ENB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gNB-GNSS-UE-SyncWithPriorityOnGNSS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, --15-10 sl-Tx-256QAM-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --15-11 psfch-FormatZeroSidelink-r16 SEQUENCE { psfch-RxNumber ENUMERATED {n5, n15, n25, n32, n35, n45, n50, n64}, psfch-TxNumber ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16} } OPTIONAL, --15-12 lowSE-64QAM-MCS-TableSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --15-15 enb-sync-Sidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ --15-3 sl-TransmissionMode2-r16 SEQUENCE { harq-TxProcessModeTwoSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {n8, n16}, scs-CP-PatternTxSidelinkModeTwo-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dl-openLoopPC-Sidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, --15-5 congestionControlSidelink-r16 SEQUENCE { cbr-ReportSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, cbr-CR-TimeLimitSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {time1, time2} } OPTIONAL, --15-22 fewerSymbolSlotSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --15-23 sl-openLoopPC-RSRP-ReportSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --13-1 sl-Rx-256QAM-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ ue-PowerClassSidelink-r16 ENUMERATED {pc2, pc3, pc5-v1820, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL ]], [[ --32-4a sl-TransmissionMode2-RandomResourceSelection-r17 SEQUENCE { harq-TxProcessModeTwoSidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {n8, n16}, scs-CP-PatternTxSidelinkModeTwo-r17 CHOICE { fr1-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-15kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-30kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-60kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL }, fr2-r17 SEQUENCE { scs-60kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL, scs-120kHz-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL } } OPTIONAL, extendedCP-Mode2Random-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dl-openLoopPC-Sidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, --32-4b sync-Sidelink-v1710 SEQUENCE { sync-GNSS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gNB-Sync-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gNB-GNSS-UE-SyncWithPriorityOnGNB-ENB-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gNB-GNSS-UE-SyncWithPriorityOnGNSS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL, --32-4c enb-sync-Sidelink-v1710 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --32-5a-2 rx-IUC-Scheme1-PreferredMode2Sidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --32-5a-3 rx-IUC-Scheme1-NonPreferredMode2Sidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --32-5b-2 rx-IUC-Scheme2-Mode2Sidelink-r17 ENUMERATED {n5, n15, n25, n32, n35, n45, n50, n64} OPTIONAL, --32-6-1 rx-IUC-Scheme1-SCI-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, --32-6-2 rx-IUC-Scheme1-SCI-ExplicitReq-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ sharedSpectrumChAccessParamsSidelinkPerBand-r18 SharedSpectrumChAccessParamsSidelinkPerBand-r18 OPTIONAL, --R1 41-1-1 Common SL-PRS processing capability in a SL BWP sl-PRS-CommonProcCapabilityPerBand-r18 SEQUENCE { maxSL-PRS-Bandwidth-r18 CHOICE { fr1-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz5, mhz10, mhz20, mhz40, mhz50, mhz80, mhz100}, fr2-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400} }, maxNumOfActiveSL-PRS-ResourcesInOneSlot-r18 CHOICE { fr1-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24}, fr2-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64, n128} }, maxNumOfSlotsWithActiveSL-PRS-Resources-r18 CHOICE { fr1-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n6, n8}, fr2-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64} }, minTimeAfterEndofSlotCarryActiveSL-PRS-Resources-r18 ENUMERATED {ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms80, ms100, ms160} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-1-2: Receiving SL-PRS in a shared resource pool sl-PRS-RxInSharedResourcePool-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-1-3: Receiving SL-PRS in a dedicated resource pool sl-PRS-RxInDedicatedResourcePool-r18 SEQUENCE { numOfSupportedRxPSCCH-PerSlot-r18 ENUMERATED {value1, value2}, supportedCP-TypeFor60kHzSCS-r18 ENUMERATED {ncp, ncpAndECP} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-1-4a: Transmitting SL-PRS in a shared resource pool sl-PRS-TxInSharedResourcePool-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-1-4b: Transmitting SL-PRS scheme 1 in a dedicated resource pool sl-PRS-TxScheme1InDedicatedResourcePool-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-1-4c: Transmitting SL-PRS mode 2 in a dedicated resource pool sl-PRS-TxScheme2InDedicatedResourcePool-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-1-5: SL-PRS congestion control in a dedicated resource pool sl-PRS-CongestionCtrl-r18 ENUMERATED {cpt1, cpt2, cpt3} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-1-8: Support of random selection in a dedicated resource pool sl-PRS-TxRandomSelection-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-1-10: Support of full sensing in a dedicated resource pool sl-PRS-TxUsingFullSensing-r18 ENUMERATED {value1, value2} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-1-20: Supports SL PRS Rx for a band configured with SL CA sl-PRS-RxForBandWithSL-CA-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 41-1-21: Supports SL PRS Tx for a band configured with SL CA sl-PRS-TxForBandWithSL-CA-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-s1: Transmission/Reception using dynamic resource pool sharing sl-DynamicSharingTxRx-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-v1: NR SL communication with SL CA sl-CA-Communication-r18 SEQUENCE { numberOfCarriers-r18 INTEGER (2..8), numberOfPSCCH-DecodeValueZ-r18 INTEGER (1..2), totalBandwidth-r18 ENUMERATED {mhz20,mhz30,mhz40,mhz50,mhz60,mhz70} } OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-v2: Synchronization for SL CA sl-CA-Synchronization-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, -- R1 47-v3: PSFCH for SL CA sl-CA-PSFCH-r18 SEQUENCE { rx-PSFCH-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n5,n15,n25,n32,n35,n45,n50,n64,n100}, tx-PSFCH-Resource-r18 ENUMERATED {n4,n8,n16,n24} } OPTIONAL, -- R4 45-2: SL reception in intra-carrier guard band sl-ReceptionIntraCarrierGuardBand-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ -- R1 41-1-17: Open loop SL pathloss based power control for SL-PRS and associated PSCCH and SL RSRP report for dedicated -- resource pool sl-PathlossBasedOLPC-SL-RSRP-Report-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } RelayParameters-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { relayUE-Operation-L2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, remoteUE-Operation-L2-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, remoteUE-PathSwitchToIdleInactiveRelay-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ relayUE-U2U-OperationL2-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, remoteUE-U2U-OperationL2-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, remoteUE-U2N-PathSwitchOperationL2-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, multipathRemoteUE-PC5L2-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, multipathRelayUE-N3C-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, multipathRemoteUE-N3C-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, remoteUE-IndirectPathAddChangeToIdleInactiveRelay-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcp-DuplicationMoreThanOneUuRLC-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcp-CADuplicationDirectpath-DRB-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcp-CADuplicationDirectpath-SRB-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcp-DuplicationMP-SplitDRB-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcp-DuplicationMP-SplitSRB-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, directpathRLF-RecoveryViaSRB1-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, splitDRB-WithUL-BothDirectIndirect-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } PDCP-ParametersSidelink-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcp-DuplicationSRB-sidelink-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pdcp-DuplicationDRB-sidelink-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-SIDELINKPARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SimultaneousRxTxPerBandPair contains the simultaneous Rx/Tx UE capability for each band pair in a band combination. SimultaneousRxTxPerBandPair information element

The IE SON-Parameters contains SON related parameters.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SON-PARAMETERS-START SON-Parameters-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { rach-Report-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ rlfReportCHO-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, rlfReportDAPS-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, success-HO-Report-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, twoStepRACH-Report-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, pscell-MHI-Report-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, onDemandSI-Report-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ cef-ReportRedCap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, rlf-ReportRedCap-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ spr-Report-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, successIRAT-HO-Report-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } -- TAG-SON-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SidelinkParametersEUTRA field descriptions
sl-ParametersEUTRA1, sl-ParametersEUTRA2, sl-ParametersEUTRA3
This field includes IE of SL-Parameters-v1430 (where v2x-eNB-Scheduled-r14 and V2X-SupportedBandCombination-r14 shall not be included), SL-Parameters-v1530 (where V2X-SupportedBandCombination-r1530 shall not be included) and SL-Parameters-v1540 respectively defined in 36.331 [10]. It is used for reporting the per-UE capability for V2X sidelink communication.

The IE SpatialRelationsSRS-Pos is used to convey spatial relation for SRS for positioning related parameters.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SPATIALRELATIONSSRS-POS-START SpatialRelationsSRS-Pos-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { spatialRelation-SRS-PosBasedOnSSB-Serving-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, spatialRelation-SRS-PosBasedOnCSI-RS-Serving-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, spatialRelation-SRS-PosBasedOnPRS-Serving-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, spatialRelation-SRS-PosBasedOnSRS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, spatialRelation-SRS-PosBasedOnSSB-Neigh-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, spatialRelation-SRS-PosBasedOnPRS-Neigh-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } --TAG-SPATIALRELATIONSSRS-POS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SRS-AllPosResourcesRRC-Inactive is used to convey SRS positioning related parameters specific for a certain band.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SRS-ALLPOSRESOURCESRRC-INACTIVE-START SRS-AllPosResourcesRRC-Inactive-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-PosResourcesRRC-Inactive-r17 SEQUENCE { -- R1 27-15: Positioning SRS transmission in RRC_INACTIVE state for initial UL BWP maxNumberSRS-PosResourceSetPerBWP-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n12, n16}, maxNumberSRS-PosResourcesPerBWP-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberSRS-ResourcesPerBWP-PerSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14}, maxNumberPeriodicSRS-PosResourcesPerBWP-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64}, maxNumberPeriodicSRS-PosResourcesPerBWP-PerSlot-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14}, dummy1 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64 }, dummy2 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n8, n10, n12, n14} } } -- TAG-SRS-ALLPOSRESOURCESRRC-INACTIVE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SRS-AllPosResourcesRRC-Inactive field descriptions
dummy1, dummy2
The fields are not used in the specification and the network ignores the received values.

The IE SRS-SwitchingTimeNR is used to indicate the SRS carrier switching time supported by the UE for one NR band pair.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SRS-SWITCHINGTIMENR-START SRS-SwitchingTimeNR ::= SEQUENCE { switchingTimeDL ENUMERATED {n0us, n30us, n100us, n140us, n200us, n300us, n500us, n900us} OPTIONAL, switchingTimeUL ENUMERATED {n0us, n30us, n100us, n140us, n200us, n300us, n500us, n900us} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-SRS-SWITCHINGTIMENR-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SRS-SwitchingTimeEUTRA is used to indicate the SRS carrier switching time supported by the UE for one E-UTRA band pair.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SRS-SWITCHINGTIMEEUTRA-START SRS-SwitchingTimeEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { switchingTimeDL ENUMERATED {n0, n0dot5, n1, n1dot5, n2, n2dot5, n3, n3dot5, n4, n4dot5, n5, n5dot5, n6, n6dot5, n7} OPTIONAL, switchingTimeUL ENUMERATED {n0, n0dot5, n1, n1dot5, n2, n2dot5, n3, n3dot5, n4, n4dot5, n5, n5dot5, n6, n6dot5, n7} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-SRS-SWITCHINGTIMEEUTRA-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SupportedAggBandwidth is used to indicate the aggregated bandwidth supported by the UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SUPPORTEDAGGBANDWIDTH-START SupportedAggBandwidth-r17 ::= CHOICE { fr1-r17 ENUMERATED {mhz20, mhz30, mhz35, mhz40, mhz50, mhz60, mhz70, mhz80, mhz90, mhz100, mhz110, mhz120, mhz130, mhz140, mhz150, mhz160, mhz180, mhz200, mhz220, mhz230, mhz250, mhz280, mhz290, mhz300, mhz350, mhz400, mhz450, mhz500, mhz600, mhz700, mhz800, spare1}, fr2-r17 ENUMERATED {mhz200, mhz300, mhz400, mhz500, mhz600, mhz700, mhz800, mhz900, mhz1000, mhz1100, mhz1200, mhz1300, mhz1400, mhz1500, mhz1600, mhz1700, mhz1800, mhz1900, mhz2000, mhz2100, mhz2200, mhz2300, mhz2400, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} } -- TAG-SUPPORTEDAGGBANDWIDTH-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SupportedBandwidth is used to indicate the channel bandwidth supported by the UE on one carrier of a band of a band combination.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SUPPORTEDBANDWIDTH-START SupportedBandwidth ::= CHOICE { fr1 ENUMERATED {mhz5, mhz10, mhz15, mhz20, mhz25, mhz30, mhz40, mhz50, mhz60, mhz80, mhz100}, fr2 ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400} } SupportedBandwidth-v1700 ::= CHOICE { fr1-r17 ENUMERATED {mhz5, mhz10, mhz15, mhz20, mhz25, mhz30, mhz35, mhz40, mhz45, mhz50, mhz60, mhz70, mhz80, mhz90, mhz100}, fr2-r17 ENUMERATED {mhz50, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400, mhz800, mhz1600, mhz2000} } SupportedBandwidth-v1840 ::= ENUMERATED {mhz3} -- TAG-SUPPORTEDBANDWIDTH-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE UE-BasedPerfMeas-Parameters contains UE-based performance measurement parameters.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UE-BASEDPERFMEAS-PARAMETERS-START UE-BasedPerfMeas-Parameters-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { barometerMeasReport-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, immMeasBT-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, immMeasWLAN-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, loggedMeasBT-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, loggedMeasurements-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, loggedMeasWLAN-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, orientationMeasReport-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, speedMeasReport-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gnss-Location-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ulPDCP-Delay-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ sigBasedLogMDT-OverrideProtect-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, multipleCEF-Report-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, excessPacketDelay-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, earlyMeasLog-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]], [[ loggedMDT-PNI-NPN-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, loggedMDT-SNPN-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL ]] } -- TAG-UE-BASEDPERFMEAS-PARAMETERS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList contains a list of radio access technology specific capability containers.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UE-CAPABILITYRAT-CONTAINERLIST-START UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxRAT-CapabilityContainers)) OF UE-CapabilityRAT-Container UE-CapabilityRAT-Container ::= SEQUENCE { rat-Type RAT-Type,
ue-CapabilityRAT-ContainerContainer for the UE capabilities of the indicated RAT. The encoding is defined in the specification of each RAT: For rat-Type set to nr: the encoding of UE capabilities is defined in UE-NR-Capability. For rat-Type set to eutra-nr: the encoding of UE capabilities is defined in UE-MRDC-Capability. For rat-Type set to eutra: the encoding of UE capabilities is defined in UE-EUTRA-Capability specified in TS 36.331 [10]. For rat-Type set to utra-fdd: the octet string contains the INTER RAT HANDOVER INFO message defined in TS 25.331 [45].
UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList field descriptions
Container for the UE capabilities of the indicated RAT. The encoding is defined in the specification of each RAT: For rat-Type set to nr: the encoding of UE capabilities is defined in UE-NR-Capability. For rat-Type set to eutra-nr: the encoding of UE capabilities is defined in UE-MRDC-Capability. For rat-Type set to eutra: the encoding of UE capabilities is defined in UE-EUTRA-Capability specified in TS 36.331 [10]. For rat-Type set to utra-fdd: the octet string contains the INTER RAT HANDOVER INFO message defined in TS 25.331 [45].

The IE UE-CapabilityRAT-RequestList is used to request UE capabilities for one or more RATs from the UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UE-CAPABILITYRAT-REQUESTLIST-START UE-CapabilityRAT-RequestList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRAT-CapabilityContainers)) OF UE-CapabilityRAT-Request UE-CapabilityRAT-Request ::= SEQUENCE {
rat-TypeThe RAT type for which the NW requests UE capabilities.
capabilityRequestFilterInformation by which the network requests the UE to filter the UE capabilities. For rat-Type set to nr or eutra-nr: the encoding of the capabilityRequestFilter is defined in UE-CapabilityRequestFilterNR. For rat-Type set to eutra: the encoding of the capabilityRequestFilter is defined by UECapabilityEnquiry message defined in TS36.331 [10], in which RAT-Type in UE-CapabilityRequest includes only 'eutra'.
UE-CapabilityRAT-Request field descriptions
Information by which the network requests the UE to filter the UE capabilities. For rat-Type set to nr or eutra-nr: the encoding of the capabilityRequestFilter is defined in UE-CapabilityRequestFilterNR. For rat-Type set to eutra: the encoding of the capabilityRequestFilter is defined by UECapabilityEnquiry message defined in TS36.331 [10], in which RAT-Type in UE-CapabilityRequest includes only 'eutra'.
The RAT type for which the NW requests UE capabilities.

The IE UE-CapabilityRequestFilterCommon is used to request filtered UE capabilities. The filter is common for all capability containers that are requested.
omitEN-DCOnly if this field is present, the UE shall omit band combinations and feature set combinations which are only applicable to (NG)EN-DC.
includeNR-DCOnly if this field is present, the UE supporting NR-DC shall indicate support for NR-DC in band combinations and include feature set combinations which are applicable to NR-DC.
includeNE-DCOnly if this field is present, the UE supporting NE-DC shall indicate support for NE-DC in band combinations and include feature set combinations which are applicable to NE-DC. Band combinations supporting both NE-DC and (NG)EN-DC shall be included in supportedBandCombinationList, band combinations supporting only NE-DC shall be included in supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need N } OPTIONAL, -- Need N ..., [[
codebookTypeRequest-r16Only if this field is present, the UE includes SupportedCSI-RS-Resource supported for the codebook type(s) requested within this field (i.e. type I single/multi-panel, type II and type II port selection) into codebookVariantsList, codebookParametersPerBand and codebookParametersPerBC. If this field is present and none of the codebook types is requested within this field (i.e. empty field), the UE includes SupportedCSI-RS-Resource supported for all codebook types into codebookVariantsList, codebookParametersPerBand and codebookParametersPerBC.
SEQUENCE { type1-SinglePanel-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N type1-MultiPanel-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N type2-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N type2-PortSelection-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need N } OPTIONAL, -- Need N
uplinkTxSwitchRequest-r16Only if this field is present, the UE supporting dynamic UL Tx switching shall indicate support for UL Tx switching in band combinations which are applicable to inter-band UL CA, SUL and (NG)EN-DC.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
requestedCellGrouping-r16The NR-DC cell groupings that the NW is interested in, i.e., the bands that it might use in an MCG and the bands that it might use in an SCG. Only if this field is present, the UE indicates NR-DC support for band combinations for which it supports the requested cell grouping, i.e., in which it supports at least one of the mcg bands on MCG and at least one of the scg bands on the SCG. In its supportedBandCombinationList, the UE indicates which of its NR-DC band combinations supports which of the requested cell groupings. The first element in this list is referred to by ID#0, the second by ID#1 and so on. If this field is absent, the UE only includes band combinations for which it supports NR-DC with only FR1 bands in MCG and only FR2 bands in SCG. Example 1: requestedCellGrouping is set to mcg=[n1, n7, n41, n66] and scg=[n78, n261]. This assumes that the NW would always use CA among n1, n7, n41 and n66 (depending on which are deployed on a given site) whereas with n78 and/or n261 the NW may need to use DC. With this filter a UE may report a band combination n1A-n7A-n78A for NR-DC only if it supports that serving cells for n1 and n7 are in the MCG and a serving cell for n78 is in the SCG. The UE may also report a band combination n41C-n261M for NR-DC provided that it supports a serving cell for n41 in the MCG and a serving cell for n261 in the SCG. Example 2: One requestedCellGrouping is set to mcg=[n1, n7, n41, n66] and scg=[n78, n261] and another requestedCellGrouping is set to mcg=[n1, n7, n66] and scg=[ n41, n78, n261]. This assumes that the NW uses sometimes CA among n1, n7, n41 and n66 (as in example 1) and sometimes CA among n1, n7 and n66 but DC towards one or several of n41, n78, n261. If a UE supports n1A-n41A-n78A only if n41A and n78A are in the same cell group, this UE may only indicate cell grouping ID#1 (not #0) in its BC.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellGroupings-r16)) OF CellGrouping-r16 OPTIONAL -- Cond NRDC ]], [[
fallbackGroupFiveRequest-r17Only if this field is present, the UE supporting FR2 CA bandwidth class from fallback group 5 shall include band combinations with FR2 CA bandwidth class from fallback group 5, and shall omit band combinations with FR2 CA bandwidth class from fallback group 2 or 3 (see TS 38.101-2 [39]) with same or lower capabilities.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need N ]], [[
lowerMSDRequest-r18Only if this field is present, the UE supporting lower MSD shall indicate the lower MSD capability for the requested power class if supported. If no power class is explicitly requested, the UE supporting lower MSD shall indicate the lower MSD capability for the highest supported power class of the band combination consisting of victim band and aggressor band(s).
SEQUENCE { pc1dot5-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N pc2-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N pc3-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need N } OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } CellGrouping-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { mcg-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF FreqBandIndicatorNR, scg-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF FreqBandIndicatorNR,
mode-r16The mode of NR-DC operation that the NW is interested in for this cell grouping. The value sync means that the UE only indicates NR-DC support for band combinations for which it supports synchronous NR-DC with the requested cell grouping. The value async means that the UE only indicates NR-DC support for band combinations for which it supports asynchronous NR-DC with the requested cell grouping.
UE-CapabilityRequestFilterCommon field descriptions
Only if this field is present, the UE includes SupportedCSI-RS-Resource supported for the codebook type(s) requested within this field (i.e. type I single/multi-panel, type II and type II port selection) into codebookVariantsList, codebookParametersPerBand and codebookParametersPerBC. If this field is present and none of the codebook types is requested within this field (i.e. empty field), the UE includes SupportedCSI-RS-Resource supported for all codebook types into codebookVariantsList, codebookParametersPerBand and codebookParametersPerBC.
Only if this field is present, the UE supporting FR2 CA bandwidth class from fallback group 5 shall include band combinations with FR2 CA bandwidth class from fallback group 5, and shall omit band combinations with FR2 CA bandwidth class from fallback group 2 or 3 (see TS 38.101-2 [39]) with same or lower capabilities.
Only if this field is present, the UE supporting NE-DC shall indicate support for NE-DC in band combinations and include feature set combinations which are applicable to NE-DC. Band combinations supporting both NE-DC and (NG)EN-DC shall be included in supportedBandCombinationList, band combinations supporting only NE-DC shall be included in supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only.
Only if this field is present, the UE supporting NR-DC shall indicate support for NR-DC in band combinations and include feature set combinations which are applicable to NR-DC.
Only if this field is present, the UE supporting lower MSD shall indicate the lower MSD capability for the requested power class if supported. If no power class is explicitly requested, the UE supporting lower MSD shall indicate the lower MSD capability for the highest supported power class of the band combination consisting of victim band and aggressor band(s).
The mode of NR-DC operation that the NW is interested in for this cell grouping. The value sync means that the UE only indicates NR-DC support for band combinations for which it supports synchronous NR-DC with the requested cell grouping. The value async means that the UE only indicates NR-DC support for band combinations for which it supports asynchronous NR-DC with the requested cell grouping.
Only if this field is present, the UE shall omit band combinations and feature set combinations which are only applicable to (NG)EN-DC.
The NR-DC cell groupings that the NW is interested in, i.e., the bands that it might use in an MCG and the bands that it might use in an SCG. Only if this field is present, the UE indicates NR-DC support for band combinations for which it supports the requested cell grouping, i.e., in which it supports at least one of the mcg bands on MCG and at least one of the scg bands on the SCG. In its supportedBandCombinationList, the UE indicates which of its NR-DC band combinations supports which of the requested cell groupings. The first element in this list is referred to by ID#0, the second by ID#1 and so on. If this field is absent, the UE only includes band combinations for which it supports NR-DC with only FR1 bands in MCG and only FR2 bands in SCG. Example 1: requestedCellGrouping is set to mcg=[n1, n7, n41, n66] and scg=[n78, n261]. This assumes that the NW would always use CA among n1, n7, n41 and n66 (depending on which are deployed on a given site) whereas with n78 and/or n261 the NW may need to use DC. With this filter a UE may report a band combination n1A-n7A-n78A for NR-DC only if it supports that serving cells for n1 and n7 are in the MCG and a serving cell for n78 is in the SCG. The UE may also report a band combination n41C-n261M for NR-DC provided that it supports a serving cell for n41 in the MCG and a serving cell for n261 in the SCG. Example 2: One requestedCellGrouping is set to mcg=[n1, n7, n41, n66] and scg=[n78, n261] and another requestedCellGrouping is set to mcg=[n1, n7, n66] and scg=[ n41, n78, n261]. This assumes that the NW uses sometimes CA among n1, n7, n41 and n66 (as in example 1) and sometimes CA among n1, n7 and n66 but DC towards one or several of n41, n78, n261. If a UE supports n1A-n41A-n78A only if n41A and n78A are in the same cell group, this UE may only indicate cell grouping ID#1 (not #0) in its BC.
Only if this field is present, the UE supporting dynamic UL Tx switching shall indicate support for UL Tx switching in band combinations which are applicable to inter-band UL CA, SUL and (NG)EN-DC.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need N, if includeNR-DC is included. It is absent otherwise.

The IE UE-CapabilityRequestFilterNR is used to request filtered UE capabilities.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UE-CAPABILITYREQUESTFILTERNR-START UE-CapabilityRequestFilterNR ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyBandListFilter FreqBandList OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension UE-CapabilityRequestFilterNR-v1540 OPTIONAL } UE-CapabilityRequestFilterNR-v1540 ::= SEQUENCE { srs-SwitchingTimeRequest ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension UE-CapabilityRequestFilterNR-v1710 OPTIONAL } UE-CapabilityRequestFilterNR-v1710 ::= SEQUENCE { sidelinkRequest-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need N nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-UE-CAPABILITYREQUESTFILTERNR-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE UE-MRDC-Capability is used to convey the UE Radio Access Capability Parameters for MR-DC, see TS 38.306 [26].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UE-MRDC-CAPABILITY-START UE-MRDC-Capability ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC MeasAndMobParametersMRDC OPTIONAL, phy-ParametersMRDC-v1530 Phy-ParametersMRDC OPTIONAL, rf-ParametersMRDC RF-ParametersMRDC, generalParametersMRDC GeneralParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff OPTIONAL, fdd-Add-UE-MRDC-Capabilities UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode OPTIONAL, tdd-Add-UE-MRDC-Capabilities UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode OPTIONAL, fr1-Add-UE-MRDC-Capabilities UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode OPTIONAL, fr2-Add-UE-MRDC-Capabilities UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode OPTIONAL,
featureSetCombinationsA list of FeatureSetCombination:s for supportedBandCombinationList and supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only in UE-MRDC-Capability. The FeatureSetDownlink:s and FeatureSetUplink:s referred to from these FeatureSetCombination:s are defined in the featureSets list in UE-NR-Capability.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFeatureSetCombinations)) OF FeatureSetCombination OPTIONAL, pdcp-ParametersMRDC-v1530 PDCP-ParametersMRDC OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING (CONTAINING UE-MRDC-Capability-v15g0) OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-MRDC-Capability-v1560 OPTIONAL } -- Regular non-critical extensions: UE-MRDC-Capability-v1560 ::= SEQUENCE { receivedFilters OCTET STRING (CONTAINING UECapabilityEnquiry-v1560-IEs) OPTIONAL, measAndMobParametersMRDC-v1560 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1560 OPTIONAL, fdd-Add-UE-MRDC-Capabilities-v1560 UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode-v1560 OPTIONAL, tdd-Add-UE-MRDC-Capabilities-v1560 UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode-v1560 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-MRDC-Capability-v1610 OPTIONAL } UE-MRDC-Capability-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-v1610 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1610 OPTIONAL, generalParametersMRDC-v1610 GeneralParametersMRDC-v1610 OPTIONAL, pdcp-ParametersMRDC-v1610 PDCP-ParametersMRDC-v1610 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-MRDC-Capability-v1700 OPTIONAL } UE-MRDC-Capability-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-v1700 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1700, nonCriticalExtension UE-MRDC-Capability-v1730 OPTIONAL } UE-MRDC-Capability-v1730 ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-v1730 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1730 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-MRDC-Capability-v1800 OPTIONAL } UE-MRDC-Capability-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R4 33-2: Support network control of requirementnetwork applicability for UE supporting interBandMRDC-WithOverlapDL-Bands-r16 requirementTypeIndication-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, measAndMobParametersMRDC-v1810 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-v1810 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- Late non-critical extensions: UE-MRDC-Capability-v15g0 ::= SEQUENCE { rf-ParametersMRDC-v15g0 RF-ParametersMRDC-v15g0 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-MRDC-Capability-v15n0 OPTIONAL } UE-MRDC-Capability-v15n0 ::= SEQUENCE { rf-ParametersMRDC-v15n0 RF-ParametersMRDC-v15n0 OPTIONAL, -- Following field is only for REL-15 late non-critical extensions lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-MRDC-Capability-v16e0 OPTIONAL } UE-MRDC-Capability-v16e0 ::= SEQUENCE { rf-ParametersMRDC-v16e0 RF-ParametersMRDC-v16e0 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff OPTIONAL, generalParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff GeneralParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff OPTIONAL } UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode-v1560 ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff-v1560 MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff-v1560 OPTIONAL } UE-MRDC-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode ::= SEQUENCE { measAndMobParametersMRDC-FRX-Diff MeasAndMobParametersMRDC-FRX-Diff } GeneralParametersMRDC-XDD-Diff ::= SEQUENCE { splitSRB-WithOneUL-Path ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, splitDRB-withUL-Both-MCG-SCG ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, srb3 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ... } GeneralParametersMRDC-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { f1c-OverEUTRA-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } -- TAG-UE-MRDC-CAPABILITY-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UE-MRDC-Capability field descriptions
A list of FeatureSetCombination:s for supportedBandCombinationList and supportedBandCombinationListNEDC-Only in UE-MRDC-Capability. The FeatureSetDownlink:s and FeatureSetUplink:s referred to from these FeatureSetCombination:s are defined in the featureSets list in UE-NR-Capability.

The IE UE-NR-Capability is used to convey the NR UE Radio Access Capability Parameters, see TS 38.306 [26].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UE-NR-CAPABILITY-START UE-NR-Capability ::= SEQUENCE { accessStratumRelease AccessStratumRelease, pdcp-Parameters PDCP-Parameters, rlc-Parameters RLC-Parameters OPTIONAL, mac-Parameters MAC-Parameters OPTIONAL, phy-Parameters Phy-Parameters, rf-Parameters RF-Parameters, measAndMobParameters MeasAndMobParameters OPTIONAL, fdd-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities UE-NR-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode OPTIONAL, tdd-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities UE-NR-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode OPTIONAL, fr1-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode OPTIONAL, fr2-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode OPTIONAL, featureSets FeatureSets OPTIONAL,
featureSetCombinationsA list of FeatureSetCombination:s for supportedBandCombinationList in UE-NR-Capability. The FeatureSetDownlink:s and FeatureSetUplink:s referred to from these FeatureSetCombination:s are defined in the featureSets list in UE-NR-Capability.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFeatureSetCombinations)) OF FeatureSetCombination OPTIONAL, lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING (CONTAINING UE-NR-Capability-v15c0) OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1530 OPTIONAL } -- Regular non-critical Rel-15 extensions: UE-NR-Capability-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE { fdd-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities-v1530 UE-NR-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode-v1530 OPTIONAL, tdd-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities-v1530 UE-NR-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode-v1530 OPTIONAL, dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, interRAT-Parameters InterRAT-Parameters OPTIONAL, inactiveState ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, delayBudgetReporting ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1540 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v1540 ::= SEQUENCE { sdap-Parameters SDAP-Parameters OPTIONAL, overheatingInd ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ims-Parameters IMS-Parameters OPTIONAL, fr1-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities-v1540 UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode-v1540 OPTIONAL, fr2-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities-v1540 UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode-v1540 OPTIONAL, fr1-fr2-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1550 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v1550 ::= SEQUENCE { reducedCP-Latency ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1560 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v1560 ::= SEQUENCE { nrdc-Parameters NRDC-Parameters OPTIONAL, receivedFilters OCTET STRING (CONTAINING UECapabilityEnquiry-v1560-IEs) OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1570 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v1570 ::= SEQUENCE { nrdc-Parameters-v1570 NRDC-Parameters-v1570 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1610 OPTIONAL } -- Late non-critical Rel-15 extensions: UE-NR-Capability-v15c0 ::= SEQUENCE { nrdc-Parameters-v15c0 NRDC-Parameters-v15c0 OPTIONAL, partialFR2-FallbackRX-Req ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v15g0 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v15g0 ::= SEQUENCE { rf-Parameters-v15g0 RF-Parameters-v15g0 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v15j0 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v15j0 ::= SEQUENCE { -- Following field is only for REL-15 late non-critical extensions lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v16a0 OPTIONAL } -- Regular non-critical Rel-16 extensions: UE-NR-Capability-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { inDeviceCoexInd-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dl-DedicatedMessageSegmentation-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nrdc-Parameters-v1610 NRDC-Parameters-v1610 OPTIONAL, powSav-Parameters-r16 PowSav-Parameters-r16 OPTIONAL, fr1-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities-v1610 UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode-v1610 OPTIONAL, fr2-Add-UE-NR-Capabilities-v1610 UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode-v1610 OPTIONAL, bh-RLF-Indication-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, directSN-AdditionFirstRRC-IAB-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, bap-Parameters-r16 BAP-Parameters-r16 OPTIONAL, referenceTimeProvision-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, sidelinkParameters-r16 SidelinkParameters-r16 OPTIONAL, highSpeedParameters-r16 HighSpeedParameters-r16 OPTIONAL, mac-Parameters-v1610 MAC-Parameters-v1610 OPTIONAL, mcgRLF-RecoveryViaSCG-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, resumeWithStoredMCG-SCells-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, resumeWithStoredSCG-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, resumeWithSCG-Config-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ue-BasedPerfMeas-Parameters-r16 UE-BasedPerfMeas-Parameters-r16 OPTIONAL, son-Parameters-r16 SON-Parameters-r16 OPTIONAL, onDemandSIB-Connected-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1640 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v1640 ::= SEQUENCE { redirectAtResumeByNAS-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, phy-ParametersSharedSpectrumChAccess-r16 Phy-ParametersSharedSpectrumChAccess-r16 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1650 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v1650 ::= SEQUENCE { mpsPriorityIndication-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, highSpeedParameters-v1650 HighSpeedParameters-v1650 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1690 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v1690 ::= SEQUENCE { ul-RRC-Segmentation-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1700 OPTIONAL } -- Late non-critical extensions from Rel-16 onwards: UE-NR-Capability-v16a0 ::= SEQUENCE { phy-Parameters-v16a0 Phy-Parameters-v16a0 OPTIONAL, rf-Parameters-v16a0 RF-Parameters-v16a0 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v16c0 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v16c0 ::= SEQUENCE { rf-Parameters-v16c0 RF-Parameters-v16c0 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v16d0 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v16d0 ::= SEQUENCE { featureSets-v16d0 FeatureSets-v16d0 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v16j0 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v16j0 ::= SEQUENCE { rf-Parameters-v16j0 RF-Parameters-v16j0 OPTIONAL, -- Following field is only for REL-16 late non-critical extensions lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v17b0 OPTIONAL } -- Regular non-critical Rel-17 extensions: UE-NR-Capability-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { inactiveStatePO-Determination-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, highSpeedParameters-v1700 HighSpeedParameters-v1700 OPTIONAL, powSav-Parameters-v1700 PowSav-Parameters-v1700 OPTIONAL, mac-Parameters-v1700 MAC-Parameters-v1700 OPTIONAL, ims-Parameters-v1700 IMS-Parameters-v1700 OPTIONAL, measAndMobParameters-v1700 MeasAndMobParameters-v1700, appLayerMeasParameters-r17 AppLayerMeasParameters-r17 OPTIONAL, redCapParameters-r17 RedCapParameters-r17 OPTIONAL, ra-SDT-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, srb-SDT-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, gNB-SideRTT-BasedPDC-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, bh-RLF-DetectionRecovery-Indication-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nrdc-Parameters-v1700 NRDC-Parameters-v1700 OPTIONAL, bap-Parameters-v1700 BAP-Parameters-v1700 OPTIONAL, musim-GapPreference-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, musimLeaveConnected-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mbs-Parameters-r17 MBS-Parameters-r17, nonTerrestrialNetwork-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ntn-ScenarioSupport-r17 ENUMERATED {gso, ngso} OPTIONAL, sliceInfoforCellReselection-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ue-RadioPagingInfo-r17 UE-RadioPagingInfo-r17 OPTIONAL, -- R4 17-2 UL gap pattern for Tx power management ul-GapFR2-Pattern-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (4)) OPTIONAL, ntn-Parameters-r17 NTN-Parameters-r17 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1740 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v1740 ::= SEQUENCE { redCapParameters-v1740 RedCapParameters-v1740, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1750 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v1750 ::= SEQUENCE { crossCarrierSchedulingConfigurationRelease-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1800 OPTIONAL } -- Late non-critical extensions from Rel-17 onwards: UE-NR-Capability-v17b0 ::= SEQUENCE { mac-Parameters-v17b0 MAC-Parameters-v17b0 OPTIONAL, rf-Parameters-v17b0 RF-Parameters-v17b0 OPTIONAL, ul-RRC-MaxCapaSegments-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL } -- Regular non-critical Rel-18 extensions: UE-NR-Capability-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { airToGroundNetwork-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, eRedCapParameters-r18 ERedCapParameters-r18 OPTIONAL, ncr-Parameters-r18 NCR-Parameters-r18 OPTIONAL, softSatelliteSwitchResyncNTN-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, hardSatelliteSwitchResyncNTN-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mt-SDT-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, mt-SDT-NTN-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, inDeviceCoexIndAutonomousDenial-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, inDeviceCoexIndFDM-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, inDeviceCoexIndTDM-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, musim-GapPriorityPreference-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, musim-CapabilityRestriction-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, dummy ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ra-InsteadCG-SDT-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, resumeAfterSDT-Release-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, ul-TrafficInfo-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, aerialParameters-r18 AerialParameters-r18 OPTIONAL, --R4 40-2: beam steering ntn-VSAT-AntennaType-r18 ENUMERATED {electronic, mechanical} OPTIONAL, --R4 40-1: VSAT UE type in NTN ntn-VSAT-MobilityType-r18 ENUMERATED {fixed, mobile} OPTIONAL, ntn-Parameters-v1820 NTN-Parameters-v1820 OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension UE-NR-Capability-v1830 OPTIONAL } UE-NR-Capability-v1830 ::= SEQUENCE { sib19-Support-r18 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL } UE-NR-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode ::= SEQUENCE { phy-ParametersXDD-Diff Phy-ParametersXDD-Diff OPTIONAL, mac-ParametersXDD-Diff MAC-ParametersXDD-Diff OPTIONAL, measAndMobParametersXDD-Diff MeasAndMobParametersXDD-Diff OPTIONAL } UE-NR-CapabilityAddXDD-Mode-v1530 ::= SEQUENCE { eutra-ParametersXDD-Diff EUTRA-ParametersXDD-Diff } UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode ::= SEQUENCE { phy-ParametersFRX-Diff Phy-ParametersFRX-Diff OPTIONAL, measAndMobParametersFRX-Diff MeasAndMobParametersFRX-Diff OPTIONAL } UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode-v1540 ::= SEQUENCE { ims-ParametersFRX-Diff IMS-ParametersFRX-Diff OPTIONAL } UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE { powSav-ParametersFRX-Diff-r16 PowSav-ParametersFRX-Diff-r16 OPTIONAL, mac-ParametersFRX-Diff-r16 MAC-ParametersFRX-Diff-r16 OPTIONAL } BAP-Parameters-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { flowControlBH-RLC-ChannelBased-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, flowControlRouting-ID-Based-r16 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } BAP-Parameters-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE { bapHeaderRewriting-Rerouting-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL, bapHeaderRewriting-Routing-r17 ENUMERATED {supported} OPTIONAL } MBS-Parameters-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { maxMRB-Add-r17 INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL } -- TAG-UE-NR-CAPABILITY-STOP -- ASN1STOP
UE-NR-Capability field descriptions
A list of FeatureSetCombination:s for supportedBandCombinationList in UE-NR-Capability. The FeatureSetDownlink:s and FeatureSetUplink:s referred to from these FeatureSetCombination:s are defined in the featureSets list in UE-NR-Capability.

The IE UE-RadioPagingInfo contains UE capability information needed for paging.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UE-RADIOPAGINGINFO-START UE-RadioPagingInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { -- R1 29-1: Paging enhancement pei-SubgroupingSupportBandList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBands)) OF FreqBandIndicatorNR OPTIONAL, ... } -- TAG-UE-RADIOPAGINGINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP

6.3.4 Other information elements
The IE AbsoluteTimeInfo indicates an absolute time in a format YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and using BCD encoding. The first/ leftmost bit of the bit string contains the most significant bit of the most significant digit of the year and so on.
UE-NR-Capability-v1540 field descriptions
This instance of UE-NR-CapabilityAddFRX-Mode does not include any other fields than csi-RS-IM-ReceptionForFeedback/ csi-RS-ProcFrameworkForSRS/ csi-ReportFramework.

The IE AppLayerIdleInactiveConfig indicates parameters specific to application layer measurements applicable to RRC_IDLE and RRC_INACTIVE. The configured application layer measurement is also applicable to RRC_CONNECTED.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-APPLAYERIDLEINACTIVECONFIG-START AppLayerIdleInactiveConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { measConfigAppLayerId-r18 MeasConfigAppLayerId-r17, serviceType-r18 ENUMERATED {streaming, mtsi, vr, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M appLayerMeasPriority-r18 INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
qoe-Reference-r18Indicates the QoE Reference as defined in TS 28.405 [80], clause 5.2.
qoe-MeasurementType-r18Indicates whether the application layer measurement is signalling based or management based.
ENUMERATED {sbased, mbased} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
qoe-AreaScope-r18The field contains the area where the application layer measurement shall start if an application layer session starts.
Qoe-AreaScope-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M mce-Id-r18 OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL, -- Need M availableRAN-VisibleMetrics-r18 AvailableRAN-VisibleMetrics-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } Qoe-AreaScope-r18 ::= CHOICE { cellGlobalIdList CellGlobalIdList-r16, trackingAreaCodeList TrackingAreaCodeList-r16, trackingAreaIdentityList TrackingAreaIdentityList-r16, plmn-IdentityList PLMN-IdentityList2-r16, ... } AvailableRAN-VisibleMetrics-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
appLayerBufferLevelList-r18The field defines whether the buffer level for DASH streaming and VR service types can be collected as a RAN visible QoE metric from the UE.
playoutDelayForMediaStartup-r18The field defines whether the playout delay for DASH streaming and VR service types can be collected as a RAN visible QoE metric from the UE.
AppLayerIdleInactiveConfig field descriptions
The field defines whether the buffer level for DASH streaming and VR service types can be collected as a RAN visible QoE metric from the UE.
The field contains the area where the application layer measurement shall start if an application layer session starts.
Indicates whether the application layer measurement is signalling based or management based.
Indicates the QoE Reference as defined in TS 28.405 [80], clause 5.2.
The field contains the Measurement Collection Entity ID.
The field defines whether the playout delay for DASH streaming and VR service types can be collected as a RAN visible QoE metric from the UE.

The IE AppLayerMeasConfig indicates configuration of application layer measurements.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-APPLAYERMEASCONFIG-START AppLayerMeasConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { measConfigAppLayerToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofAppLayerMeas-r17)) OF MeasConfigAppLayer-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N measConfigAppLayerToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofAppLayerMeas-r17)) OF MeasConfigAppLayerId-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
rrc-SegAllowedSRB4-r17This field indicates that RRC segmentation of MeasurementReportAppLayer is enabled on SRB4. The field is only configured for an MCG. It may be present only if the UE supports RRC segmentationof the MeasurementReportAppLayer message.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[
rrc-SegAllowedSRB5-r18This field indicates that RRC segmentation of MeasurementReportAppLayer is enabled on SRB5. The field is only configured for an SCG. It may be present only if the UE supports RRC segmentationof the MeasurementReportAppLayer message.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
idleInactiveReportAllowed-r18The field indicates whether transmission of application layer measurement configurations and reports for application layer measurements applicable to RRC_IDLE and/or RRC_INACTIVE is allowed in the cell where the field is received. If the field is not configured, transmission of application layer measurement reports and configurations for RRC_IDLE/RRC_INACTIVE is not allowed.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } MeasConfigAppLayer-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
measConfigAppLayerId-r17The field contains the identity of the application layer measurements. When application layer measurements are configured for an SCG, the measConfigAppLayerId is obtained according to TS 38.423 [37], clauses 8.3.1 and 8.3.3.
measConfigAppLayerContainer-r17The field contains configuration of application layer measurements, see Annex L (normative) in TS 26.247 [68], clause 16.5 in TS 26.114 [69] and clause 9.4 in TS 26.118 [70].
serviceType-r17Indicates the type of application layer measurement. Value streaming indicates Quality of Experience Measurement Collection for streaming services (see TS 26.247[68]), value mtsi indicates Quality of Experience Measurement Collection for MTSI (see TS 26.114[69]) and value vr indicates Quality of Experience Measurement Collection for VR service (see TS 26.118[70]). The network always configures serviceType when application layer measurements are initially configured and at fullConfig.
ENUMERATED {streaming, mtsi, vr, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
pauseReporting-r17The field indicates whether the transmission of measReportAppLayerContainer is paused or not.Value true indicates the transmission of measReportAppLayerContainer is paused; value false indicates the transmission of measReportAppLayerContainer is not paused.
transmissionOfSessionStartStop-r17Value true indicates that the UE shall transmit indications when the measurement session in the application layer starts and stops. Value false indicates that the UE shall not transmit any session status indications. The UE transmits a session start indication upon configuration of this field set to value trueif a session already has started in the application layer.
ran-VisibleParameters-r17The field indicates whether RAN visible application layer measurements shall be reported or not.
SetupRelease {RAN-VisibleParameters-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Cond ServiceType ..., [[
reportingSRB-r18The field indicates the SRB to be used for transmission of encapsulated application layer measurement reports.
appLayerMeasPriority-r18The field indicates the priority of the application layer measurement configuration, where a higher value indicates lower priority. If the field is not configured, the application layer measurement configuration has the lowest priority.
INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL, -- Need M appLayerIdleInactiveConfig-r18 SetupRelease {AppLayerIdleInactiveConfig-r18} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } RAN-VisibleParameters-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
ran-VisiblePeriodicity-r17The field indicates the periodicity of RAN visible application layer measurements reporting. Value ms120 indicates 120 ms, value ms240 indicates 240 ms and so on. If this field is absent, the periodicity of RAN visible application layer measurements reporting is the same as the reporting periodicity indicated in measConfigAppLayerContainer.
ENUMERATED {ms120, ms240, ms480, ms640, ms1024} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
numberOfBufferLevelEntries-r17The field contains the maximum number of buffer level entries that can be reported for RAN visible application layer measurements. This field is also used by application layer to calculate the interval of RAN visible buffer level measurement, which is equal to the periodicity of RAN visible application layer measurements reporting divided by numberOfBufferLevelEntries.
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
reportPlayoutDelayForMediaStartup-r17The field indicates whether the UE shall report Playout Delay for Media Startup for RAN visible application layer measurements.
BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
ran-VisibleReportingSRB-r18The field indicates the SRB to be used for transmission of RAN visible application layer measurement reports.
AppLayerMeasConfig field descriptions
The field indicates the priority of the application layer measurement configuration, where a higher value indicates lower priority. If the field is not configured, the application layer measurement configuration has the lowest priority.
The field indicates whether transmission of application layer measurement configurations and reports for application layer measurements applicable to RRC_IDLE and/or RRC_INACTIVE is allowed in the cell where the field is received. If the field is not configured, transmission of application layer measurement reports and configurations for RRC_IDLE/RRC_INACTIVE is not allowed.
The field contains configuration of application layer measurements, see Annex L (normative) in TS 26.247 [68], clause 16.5 in TS 26.114 [69] and clause 9.4 in TS 26.118 [70].
The field contains the identity of the application layer measurements. When application layer measurements are configured for an SCG, the measConfigAppLayerId is obtained according to TS 38.423 [37], clauses 8.3.1 and 8.3.3.
The field indicates whether the transmission of measReportAppLayerContainer is paused or not.Value true indicates the transmission of measReportAppLayerContainer is paused; value false indicates the transmission of measReportAppLayerContainer is not paused.
The field indicates whether RAN visible application layer measurements shall be reported or not.
The field indicates the SRB to be used for transmission of RAN visible application layer measurement reports.
The field indicates the SRB to be used for transmission of encapsulated application layer measurement reports.
This field indicates that RRC segmentation of MeasurementReportAppLayer is enabled on SRB4. The field is only configured for an MCG. It may be present only if the UE supports RRC segmentationof the MeasurementReportAppLayer message.
This field indicates that RRC segmentation of MeasurementReportAppLayer is enabled on SRB5. The field is only configured for an SCG. It may be present only if the UE supports RRC segmentationof the MeasurementReportAppLayer message.
Indicates the type of application layer measurement. Value streaming indicates Quality of Experience Measurement Collection for streaming services (see TS 26.247[68]), value mtsi indicates Quality of Experience Measurement Collection for MTSI (see TS 26.114[69]) and value vr indicates Quality of Experience Measurement Collection for VR service (see TS 26.118[70]). The network always configures serviceType when application layer measurements are initially configured and at fullConfig.
Value true indicates that the UE shall transmit indications when the measurement session in the application layer starts and stops. Value false indicates that the UE shall not transmit any session status indications. The UE transmits a session start indication upon configuration of this field set to value trueif a session already has started in the application layer.
RAN-VisibleParameters field descriptions
The field contains the maximum number of buffer level entries that can be reported for RAN visible application layer measurements. This field is also used by application layer to calculate the interval of RAN visible buffer level measurement, which is equal to the periodicity of RAN visible application layer measurements reporting divided by numberOfBufferLevelEntries.
The field indicates the periodicity of RAN visible application layer measurements reporting. Value ms120 indicates 120 ms, value ms240 indicates 240 ms and so on. If this field is absent, the periodicity of RAN visible application layer measurements reporting is the same as the reporting periodicity indicated in measConfigAppLayerContainer.
The field indicates whether the UE shall report Playout Delay for Media Startup for RAN visible application layer measurements.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, Need M, when QoE for an NR-DC configuration is configured, i.e. when either QoE for an SCG is configured or when SRB5 is configured. Otherwise, it is absent.
This field is optionally present, Need M, when serviceType is set to streaming or vr. Otherwise, it is absent.

The AreaConfiguration indicates area for which UE is requested to perform measurement logging. If not configured, measurement logging is not restricted to specific cells or tracking areas but applies as long as the RPLMN is contained in plmn-IdentityList stored in VarLogMeasReport.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-AREACONFIGURATION-START AreaConfiguration-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { areaConfig-r16 AreaConfig-r16, interFreqTargetList-r16 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqTargetInfo-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R } AreaConfiguration-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { areaConfig-r17 AreaConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R interFreqTargetList-r17 SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..maxFreq)) OF InterFreqTargetInfo-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R } AreaConfiguration-v1800 ::= CHOICE { cag-ConfigList-r18 CAG-ConfigList-r18, snpn-ConfigList-r18 SNPN-ConfigList-r18 } AreaConfig-r16 ::= CHOICE { cellGlobalIdList-r16 CellGlobalIdList-r16, trackingAreaCodeList-r16 TrackingAreaCodeList-r16, trackingAreaIdentityList-r16 TrackingAreaIdentityList-r16 } InterFreqTargetInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-CarrierFreq-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR, cellList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF PhysCellId OPTIONAL -- Need R } CellGlobalIdList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF CGI-Info-Logging-r16 TrackingAreaCodeList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF TrackingAreaCode TrackingAreaIdentityList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF TrackingAreaIdentity-r16 TrackingAreaIdentity-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity-r16 PLMN-Identity, trackingAreaCode-r16 TrackingAreaCode } CAG-ConfigList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF CAG-Config-r18 CAG-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity-r18 PLMN-Identity, cag-IdentityList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) } SNPN-ConfigList-r18 ::= CHOICE { snpn-ConfigCellIdList-r18 SNPN-ConfigCellIdList-r18, snpn-ConfigTAI-List-r18 SNPN-ConfigTAI-List-r18, snpn-ConfigID-List-r18 SNPN-ConfigID-List-r18 } SNPN-ConfigCellIdList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSNPN-ConfigCellId-r18)) OF SNPN-ConfigCellId-r18 SNPN-ConfigCellId-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { cgi-Identity-r18 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, nid-IdentityList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF NID-r16 } SNPN-ConfigTAI-List-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSNPN-ConfigTAI-r18)) OF SNPN-ConfigTAI-r18 SNPN-ConfigTAI-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { tai-Identity-r18 TrackingAreaIdentity-r16, nid-IdentityList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF NID-r16 } SNPN-ConfigID-List-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSNPN-ConfigID-r18)) OF SNPN-ConfigID-r18 SNPN-ConfigID-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity-r18 PLMN-Identity, nid-IdentityList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNPN-r16)) OF NID-r16 } -- TAG-AREACONFIGURATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE BT-NameList is used to indicate the names of the Bluetooth beacon which the UE is configured to measure.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-BTNAMELIST-START BT-NameList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBT-Name-r16)) OF BT-Name-r16 BT-Name-r16 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..248)) -- TAG-BTNAMELIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE DedicatedInfoF1c is used to transfer IAB-DU specific F1-C related information between the network and the IAB node. The carried information consists of F1AP message encapsulated in SCTP/IP or F1-C related (SCTP)/IP packet, see TS 38.472 [64]. The RRC layer is transparent for this information.

The IE EUTRA-AllowedMeasBandwidth is used to indicate the maximum allowed measurement bandwidth on a carrier frequency as defined by the parameter Transmission Bandwidth Configuration "NRB" in TS 36.104 [33]. The values mbw6, mbw15, mbw25, mbw50, mbw75, mbw100 indicate 6, 15, 25, 50, 75 and 100 resource blocks, respectively.
AreaConfigurationfield descriptions
The cag-IdentityList contains one or more CAG IDs. A PLMN ID may be present more than once within CAG-ConfigList.
If configured, it indicates the neighbouring frequency and cells for which UE is requested to perform measurement logging. It can include sync raster or non-sync raster frequencies.
The nid-IdentityList contains one or more NID. All NIDs associated to the same PLMN ID are listed in the same nid-IdentityList entry.
BT-NameListfield descriptions
If configured, the UE only performs Bluetooth measurements according to the names identified. For each name, it refers to LOCAL NAME defined in Bluetooth specification [51].

The IE EUTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfigList is used to define an E-UTRA MBSFN subframe pattern (for the purpose of NR rate matching).
radioframeAllocationPeriodField as defined in MBSFN-SubframeConfig in TS 36.331 [10],where SFN refers to the SFN of the NR serving cell.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32},
radioframeAllocationOffsetField as defined in MBSFN-SubframeConfig in TS 36.331 [10].
INTEGER (0..7),
subframeAllocation1Field as defined in MBSFN-SubframeConfig in TS 36.331 [10], where the UE assumes the duplex mode (FDD or TDD) of the NR cell for which the E-UTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfig is provided.
CHOICE { oneFrame BIT STRING (SIZE(6)), fourFrames BIT STRING (SIZE(24)) },
subframeAllocation2Field as defined in MBSFN-SubframeConfig-v1430 in TS 36.331 [10], where the UE assumes the duplex mode (FDD or TDD) of the NR cell for which the E-UTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfig is provided.
EUTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfig field descriptions
Field as defined in MBSFN-SubframeConfig in TS 36.331 [10].
Field as defined in MBSFN-SubframeConfig in TS 36.331 [10],where SFN refers to the SFN of the NR serving cell.
Field as defined in MBSFN-SubframeConfig in TS 36.331 [10], where the UE assumes the duplex mode (FDD or TDD) of the NR cell for which the E-UTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfig is provided.
Field as defined in MBSFN-SubframeConfig-v1430 in TS 36.331 [10], where the UE assumes the duplex mode (FDD or TDD) of the NR cell for which the E-UTRA-MBSFN-SubframeConfig is provided.

The IE EUTRA-MultiBandInfoList indicates the list of frequency bands in addition to the band represented by CarrierFreq for which cell reselection parameters are common, and a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-EUTRA-MULTIBANDINFOLIST-START EUTRA-MultiBandInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMultiBands)) OF EUTRA-MultiBandInfo EUTRA-MultiBandInfo ::= SEQUENCE { eutra-FreqBandIndicator FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA, eutra-NS-PmaxList EUTRA-NS-PmaxList OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-EUTRA-MULTIBANDINFOLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE EUTRA-MultiBandInfoListAerial indicates the list of frequency bands for aerial UE in addition to the band represented by CarrierFreq for which cell reselection parameters are common, and a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-EUTRA-MULTIBANDINFOLISTAERIAL-START EUTRA-MultiBandInfoListAerial-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxMultiBands)) OF EUTRA-MultiBandInfoAerial-r18 EUTRA-MultiBandInfoAerial-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { eutra-FreqBandIndicator-r18 FreqBandIndicatorEUTRA, eutra-NS-PmaxListAerial-r18 EUTRA-NS-PmaxList OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-EUTRA-MULTIBANDINFOLISTAERIAL-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE EUTRA-NS-PmaxList concerns a list of additionalPmax and additionalSpectrumEmission, as defined in TS 36.101 [22], clause 6, for a given frequency band.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-EUTRA-NS-PMAXLIST-START EUTRA-NS-PmaxList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxEUTRA-NS-Pmax)) OF EUTRA-NS-PmaxValue EUTRA-NS-PmaxValue ::= SEQUENCE { additionalPmax INTEGER (-30..33) OPTIONAL, -- Need R additionalSpectrumEmission INTEGER (1..288) OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-EUTRA-NS-PMAXLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE EUTRA-PhysCellId is used to indicate the physical layer identity of the cell, as defined in TS 36.211 [31].

The IE EUTRA-PhysCellIdRange is used to encode either a single or a range of physical cell identities. The range is encoded by using a start value and by indicating the number of consecutive physical cell identities (including start) in the range. For fields comprising multiple occurrences of EUTRA-PhysCellIdRange, NW may configure overlapping ranges of physical cell identities.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-EUTRA-PHYSCELLIDRANGE-START EUTRA-PhysCellIdRange ::= SEQUENCE { start EUTRA-PhysCellId, range ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32, n48, n64, n84, n96, n128, n168, n252, n504, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL -- Need N } -- TAG-EUTRA-PHYSCELLIDRANGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE EUTRA-PresenceAntennaPort1 is used to indicate whether all the neighbouring cells use Antenna Port 1. When set to true, the UE may assume that at least two cell-specific antenna ports are used in all neighbouring cells.

The IE EUTRA-Q-OffsetRange is used to indicate a cell, or frequency specific offset to be applied when evaluating triggering conditions for measurement reporting. The value in dB. Value dB-24 corresponds to -24 dB, value dB-22 corresponds to -22 dB and so on.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-EUTRA-Q-OFFSETRANGE-START EUTRA-Q-OffsetRange ::= ENUMERATED { dB-24, dB-22, dB-20, dB-18, dB-16, dB-14, dB-12, dB-10, dB-8, dB-6, dB-5, dB-4, dB-3, dB-2, dB-1, dB0, dB1, dB2, dB3, dB4, dB5, dB6, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB14, dB16, dB18, dB20, dB22, dB24} -- TAG-EUTRA-Q-OFFSETRANGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE IAB-IP-Address is used to indicate the IP address/prefix.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-IABIPADDRESS-START IAB-IP-Address-r16 ::= CHOICE { iPv4-Address-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE(32)), iPv6-Address-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE(128)), iPv6-Prefix-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE(64)), ... } -- TAG-IABIPADDRESS-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE IAB-IP-AddressIndex is used to identify a configuration of an IP address.

The IE IAB-IP-Usage is used to indicate the usage of the assigned IP address/prefix.

The LoggingDuration indicates the duration for which UE is requested to perform measurement logging. Value min10 corresponds to 10 minutes, value min20 corresponds to 20 minutes and so on.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LOGGINGDURATION-START LoggingDuration-r16 ::= ENUMERATED { min10, min20, min40, min60, min90, min120, spare2, spare1} -- TAG-LOGGINGDURATION-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The LoggingInterval indicates the periodicity for logging measurement results. Value ms1280 corresponds to 1.28s, value ms2560 corresponds to 2.56s and so on. Value infinity means it is equal to the configured value of the LoggingDuration IE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LOGGINGINTERVAL-START LoggingInterval-r16 ::= ENUMERATED { ms320, ms640, ms1280, ms2560, ms5120, ms10240, ms20480, ms30720, ms40960, ms61440 , infinity} -- TAG-LOGGINGINTERVAL-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE LogMeasResultListBT covers measured results for Bluetooth.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LOGMEASRESULTLISTBT-START LogMeasResultListBT-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxBT-IdReport-r16)) OF LogMeasResultBT-r16 LogMeasResultBT-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
bt-Addr-r16This field indicates the Bluetooth public address of the Bluetooth beacon as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
rssi-BT-r16This field provides the beacon received signal strength indicator (RSSI) in dBm as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
IAB-IP-Address field descriptions
This field is used to provide the allocated IPv4 address.
This field is used to provide the allocated IPv6 address.
This field is used to provide the allocated IPv6 prefix.
LogMeasResultListBTfield descriptions
This field indicates the Bluetooth public address of the Bluetooth beacon as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
This field provides the beacon received signal strength indicator (RSSI) in dBm as defined in TS 37.355 [49].

The IE LogMeasResultListWLAN covers measured results for WLAN.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-LOGMEASRESULTLISTWLAN-START LogMeasResultListWLAN-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxWLAN-Id-Report-r16)) OF LogMeasResultWLAN-r16 LogMeasResultWLAN-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
wlan-Identifiers-r16Indicates the WLAN parameters used for identification of the WLAN for which the measurement results are applicable.
rssiWLAN-r16Measured WLAN RSSI result in dBm.The IE WLAN-RSSI-Range specifies the value range used in WLAN RSSI measurements and thresholds. Integer value for WLAN RSSI measurements is according to mapping table in TS 36.133 [40]. Value 0 corresponds to –infinity, value 1 to -100dBm, value 2 to -99dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dBm) until value 140, which corresponds to 39dBm, while value 141 corresponds to +infinity.
rtt-WLAN-r16This field provides the measured roundtrip time between the target device and WLAN AP and optionally the accuracy expressed as the standard deviation of the delay. Units for each of these are 1000ns, 100ns, 10ns, 1ns, and 0.1ns as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
WLAN-RTT-r16 OPTIONAL, ... } WLAN-Identifiers-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
ssid-r16Service Set Identifier (SSID) defined in IEEE 802.11-2012 [50].
bssid-r16Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) defined in IEEE 802.11-2012 [50].
hessid-r16Homogenous Extended Service Set Identifier (HESSID) defined in IEEE 802.11-2012 [50].
rttValue-r16This field specifies the Round Trip Time (RTT) measurement between the target device and WLAN AP in units given by the field rttUnits as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
INTEGER (0..16777215),
rttUnits-r16This field specifies the Units for the fields rttValue and rttAccuracy. The available Units are 1000ns, 100ns, 10ns, 1ns, and 0.1ns as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
ENUMERATED { microseconds, hundredsofnanoseconds, tensofnanoseconds, nanoseconds, tenthsofnanoseconds, ...},
rttAccuracy-r16This field provides the estimated accuracy of the provided rttValue expressed as the standard deviation in units given by the field rttUnits as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
LogMeasResultListWLANfield descriptions
Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) defined in IEEE 802.11-2012 [50].
Homogenous Extended Service Set Identifier (HESSID) defined in IEEE 802.11-2012 [50].
Measured WLAN RSSI result in dBm.The IE WLAN-RSSI-Range specifies the value range used in WLAN RSSI measurements and thresholds. Integer value for WLAN RSSI measurements is according to mapping table in TS 36.133 [40]. Value 0 corresponds to –infinity, value 1 to -100dBm, value 2 to -99dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dBm) until value 140, which corresponds to 39dBm, while value 141 corresponds to +infinity.
This field provides the measured roundtrip time between the target device and WLAN AP and optionally the accuracy expressed as the standard deviation of the delay. Units for each of these are 1000ns, 100ns, 10ns, 1ns, and 0.1ns as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
This field specifies the Round Trip Time (RTT) measurement between the target device and WLAN AP in units given by the field rttUnits as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
This field specifies the Units for the fields rttValue and rttAccuracy. The available Units are 1000ns, 100ns, 10ns, 1ns, and 0.1ns as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
This field provides the estimated accuracy of the provided rttValue expressed as the standard deviation in units given by the field rttUnits as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
Service Set Identifier (SSID) defined in IEEE 802.11-2012 [50].
Indicates the WLAN parameters used for identification of the WLAN for which the measurement results are applicable.

The IE MeasConfigAppLayerId identifies the application layer measurement.

The IE OtherConfig contains configuration related to miscellaneous other configurations.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-OTHERCONFIG-START OtherConfig ::= SEQUENCE { delayBudgetReportingConfig CHOICE{ release NULL, setup SEQUENCE{
delayBudgetReportingProhibitTimerProhibit timer for delay budget reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot4 means prohibit timer is set to 0.4 seconds, and so on.
ENUMERATED {s0, s0dot4, s0dot8, s1dot6, s3, s6, s12, s30} } } OPTIONAL -- Need M } OtherConfig-v1540 ::= SEQUENCE {
overheatingAssistanceConfigConfiguration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about UE detected internal overheating.
SetupRelease {OverheatingAssistanceConfig} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } OtherConfig-v1610 ::= SEQUENCE {
idc-AssistanceConfig-r16Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about UE detected IDC problem.
SetupRelease {IDC-AssistanceConfig-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
drx-PreferenceConfig-r16Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's DRX preferences for power saving.
SetupRelease {DRX-PreferenceConfig-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
maxBW-PreferenceConfig-r16Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred bandwidth for power saving.
SetupRelease {MaxBW-PreferenceConfig-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
maxCC-PreferenceConfig-r16Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred number of carriers for power saving.
SetupRelease {MaxCC-PreferenceConfig-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceConfig-r16Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred number of MIMO layers for power saving.
SetupRelease {MaxMIMO-LayerPreferenceConfig-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceConfig-r16Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred minimumSchedulingOffset value for cross-slot scheduling for power saving.
SetupRelease {MinSchedulingOffsetPreferenceConfig-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
releasePreferenceConfig-r16Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preference to leave RRC_CONNECTED state.
SetupRelease {ReleasePreferenceConfig-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
referenceTimePreferenceReporting-r16If present, the field indicates the UE is configured to provide reference time assistance information.
btNameList-r16Configuration for the UE to report measurements from specific Bluetooth beacons. NG-RAN configures the field if includeBT-Meas is configured for one or more measurements.
SetupRelease {BT-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
wlanNameList-r16Configuration for the UE to report measurements from specific WLAN APs. NG-RAN configures the field if includeWLAN-Meas is configured for one or more measurements.
SetupRelease {WLAN-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sensorNameList-r16Configuration for the UE to report measurements from specific sensors. NG-RAN configures the field if includeSensor-Meas is configured for one or more measurements.
SetupRelease {Sensor-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
obtainCommonLocation-r16Requests the UE to attempt to have detailed location information available using GNSS. NR configures the field if includeCommonLocationInfo is configured for one or more measurements.
sl-AssistanceConfigNR-r16Indicate whether UE is configured to provide configured grant assistance information for NR sidelink communication.
ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } OtherConfig-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
ul-GapFR2-PreferenceConfig-r17Indicates whether UE is configured to request for FR2 UL gap activation/deactivation and preferred FR2 UL gap pattern.
musim-GapAssistanceConfig-r17Configuration for the UE to report assistance information for gap preference.
SetupRelease {MUSIM-GapAssistanceConfig-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
musim-LeaveAssistanceConfig-r17Configuration for the UE to report assistance information for leaving RRC_CONNECTED for MUSIM purpose.
SetupRelease {MUSIM-LeaveAssistanceConfig-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
successHO-Config-r17Configuration for the UE to report the successful handover information to the network.
SetupRelease {SuccessHO-Config-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
maxBW-PreferenceConfigFR2-2-r17Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred bandwidth for power saving for FR2-2.
maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceConfigFR2-2-r17Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred number of MIMO layers for power saving for FR2-2.
minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceConfigExt-r17Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred minimumSchedulingOffset value for cross-slot scheduling for power saving for SCS 480 kHz and/or 960 kHz.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond minOffset
rlm-RelaxationReportingConfig-r17Configuration for the UE to report the relaxation state of RLM measurements.
SetupRelease {RLM-RelaxationReportingConfig-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
bfd-RelaxationReportingConfig-r17Configuration for the UE to report the relaxation state of BFD measurements.
SetupRelease {BFD-RelaxationReportingConfig-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
scg-DeactivationPreferenceConfig-r17Configuration of the UE to indicate its preference for SCG deactivation.
SetupRelease {SCG-DeactivationPreferenceConfig-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Cond SCG rrm-MeasRelaxationReportingConfig-r17 SetupRelease {RRM-MeasRelaxationReportingConfig-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
propDelayDiffReportConfig-r17Configuration for the UE to report service link propagation delay difference between serving cell and neighbour cell(s).
SetupRelease {PropDelayDiffReportConfig-r17} OPTIONAL -- Need M } OtherConfig-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { idc-AssistanceConfig-v1800 SetupRelease {IDC-AssistanceConfig-v1800} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
multiRx-PreferenceReportingConfigFR2-r18Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform gNB about the UE's preference on multi-Rx operation for FR2.
SetupRelease {MultiRx-PreferenceReportingConfigFR2-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
aerial-FlightPathAvailabilityConfig-r18Configuration for the UE to indicate the availability of flight path informationfor Aerial UE operation.
ul-TrafficInfoReportingConfig-r18Configuration for the UE to report UL traffic information.
SetupRelease {UL-TrafficInfoReportingConfig-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Need M n3c-RelayUE-InfoReportConfig-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
successPSCell-Config-r18Configuration for the UE to report the successful PSCell change or addition information to the network.When this field is configured in CG-Config, the thresholdPercentageT304-SCG is absent.
SetupRelease {SuccessPSCell-Config-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sn-InitiatedPSCellChange-r18This field indicates whether the PSCell change procedure or the CPC included in the RRCReconfiguration message is SN initiated or not. In case of SN initiated inter-SN PSCell change procedure or SN configured inter-SN CPC, MN includes this field in the MCG RRC Reconfiguration message. In case of intra-SN PSCell change, or intra-SN CPC, source SN includes the field in the SCG RRC Reconfiguration.
musim-GapPriorityAssistanceConfig-r18Indicates the UE is allowed to provide MUSIM assistance information for gap(s) priority or MUSIM gaps keep preference.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond musimGapConfig musim-CapabilityRestrictionConfig-r18 SetupRelease {MUSIM-CapabilityRestrictionConfig-r18} OPTIONAL -- Need M } OtherConfig-v1830 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-PRS-AssistanceConfigNR-r18Indicate whether UE is configured to provide configured grant assistance information for NR sidelink positioning.
ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } IDC-AssistanceConfig-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { idc-FDM-AssistanceConfig-r18 SetupRelease {IDC-FDM-AssistanceConfig-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Need M idc-TDM-AssistanceConfig-r18 ENUMERATED {setup} OPTIONAL -- Cond FDM } MultiRx-PreferenceReportingConfigFR2-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
multiRx-PreferenceReportingConfigFR2ProhibitTimer-r18Prohibit timer for multi-Rx operation preference reporting for FR2. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
ENUMERATED { s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s20, s30, spare2, spare1} } CandidateServingFreqListNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIDC-r16)) OF ARFCN-ValueNR MUSIM-GapAssistanceConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
musim-GapProhibitTimer-r17Prohibit timer for MUSIM assistance information reporting for gap preference.
ENUMERATED {s0, s0dot1, s0dot2, s0dot3, s0dot4, s0dot5, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10} } MUSIM-LeaveAssistanceConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
musim-LeaveWithoutResponseTimer-r17Indicates the timer forthe UE to enter RRC_IDLE for MUSIM purpose as defined in clause
ENUMERATED {ms10, ms20, ms40, ms60, ms80, ms100, spare2, spare1} } MUSIM-CapabilityRestrictionConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
musim-CandidateBandList-r18A list of candidate bands that the network intends to use, e.g., for serving cells and for which the UE is requested to provide information on temporary restricted capabilities for MUSIM operation as specified in clause
MUSIM-CandidateBandList-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
musim-WaitTimer-r18Indicates the wait timer for UE temporary restricted capabilities for MUSIM operation. Value in milliseconds. Value ms10 means wait timer is set to 10 milliseconds, value ms20 means wait timer is set to 20 milliseconds and so on.
ENUMERATED {ms10, ms20, ms40, ms60, ms80, ms100, spare2, spare1},
musim-ProhibitTimer-r18Indicates the prohibit timer for UE temporary restricted capabilities for MUSIM operation. Value in milliseconds. Value ms0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 milliseconds, value ms10 means prohibit timer is set to 10 milliseconds and so on.
ENUMERATED {s0, s0dot1, s0dot2, s0dot3, s0dot4, s0dot5, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10} } MUSIM-CandidateBandList-r18::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCandidateBandIndex-r18)) OF FreqBandIndicatorNR SuccessHO-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
thresholdPercentageT304-r17This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T304 timer and the configured value of the T304 timer. Value p40 corresponds to 40%, value p60 corresponds to 60% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the target cell of the handover.
ENUMERATED {p40, p60, p80, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, --Need R
thresholdPercentageT310-r17This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T310 timer and the configured value of the T310 timer. Value p40 corresponds to 40%, value p60 corresponds to 60% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the source cell of the handover.
ENUMERATED {p40, p60, p80, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, --Need R
thresholdPercentageT312-r17This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T312 timer and the configured value(s) of the T312 timer. Value p20 corresponds to 20%, value p40 corresponds to 40% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the source cell of the handover.
ENUMERATED {p20, p40, p60, p80, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, --Need R
sourceDAPS-FailureReporting-r17This field indicates whether the UE shall generate the SHR upon successfully completing the DAPS handover to the target cell and if a radio link failure was experienced in the source PCell while executing the DAPS handover. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the source cell of the DAPS handover.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, --Need R ... } SuccessPSCell-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
thresholdPercentageT304-SCG-r18This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T304 timer associated to the target PSCell and the configured value of the T304 timer. Value p40 corresponds to 40%, value p60 corresponds to 60% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the target PSCell of the PSCell change or addition.
ENUMERATED {p40, p60, p80, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, --Need R
thresholdPercentageT310-SCG-r18This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T310 timer associated to the source PSCell and the configured value of the T310 timer. Value p40 corresponds to 40%, value p60 corresponds to 60% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the source PSCell of the PSCell change or CPC, or in the otherConfig configured by the PCell for the PSCell change or CPC. This field is not configured at the time of PSCell change via SRB3.
ENUMERATED {p40, p60, p80, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, --Need R
thresholdPercentageT312-SCG-r18This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T312 timer associated to the measurement identity of the target PSCell and the configured value of the T312 timer. Value p20 corresponds to 20%, value p40 corresponds to 40% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the source PSCell of the PSCell change or CPC, or in the otherConfig configured by the PCell for the PSCell change or CPC. This field is not configured at the time of PSCell change via SRB3.
ENUMERATED {p20, p40, p60, p80, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, --Need R ... } OverheatingAssistanceConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
overheatingIndicationProhibitTimerProhibit timer for overheating assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
ENUMERATED {s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s5, s10, s20, s30, s60, s90, s120, s300, s600, spare3, spare2, spare1} } IDC-AssistanceConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
candidateServingFreqListNR-r16Indicates for each candidate NR serving cells, the center frequency around which UE is requested to report IDC issues.
CandidateServingFreqListNR-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } DRX-PreferenceConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
drx-PreferenceProhibitTimer-r16Prohibit timer for DRX preferences assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
ENUMERATED { s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s20, s30, spare2, spare1} } MaxBW-PreferenceConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
maxBW-PreferenceProhibitTimer-r16Prohibit timer for preferred bandwidth assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
ENUMERATED { s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s20, s30, spare2, spare1} } MaxCC-PreferenceConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
maxCC-PreferenceProhibitTimer-r16Prohibit timer for preferred number of carriers assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
ENUMERATED { s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s20, s30, spare2, spare1} } MaxMIMO-LayerPreferenceConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceProhibitTimer-r16Prohibit timer for preferred number of number of MIMO layers assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
ENUMERATED { s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s20, s30, spare2, spare1} } MinSchedulingOffsetPreferenceConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceProhibitTimer-r16Prohibit timer for preferred minimumSchedulingOffset assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
ENUMERATED { s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s20, s30, spare2, spare1} } ReleasePreferenceConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
releasePreferenceProhibitTimer-r16Prohibit timer for release preference assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on. Value infinity means that once a UE has reported a release preference, the UE cannot report a release preference again during the RRC connection.
ENUMERATED { s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s20, s30, infinity, spare1},
connectedReportingIndicates that the UE can report a preference to remain in RRC_CONNECTED state following a report to leave RRC_CONNECTED state. If absent, the UE cannot report a preference to stay in RRC_CONNECTED state.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } RLM-RelaxationReportingConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { rlm-RelaxtionReportingProhibitTimer ENUMERATED {s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s5, s10, s20, s30, s60, s90, s120, s300, s600, infinity, spare2, spare1} } BFD-RelaxationReportingConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { bfd-RelaxtionReportingProhibitTimer ENUMERATED {s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s5, s10, s20, s30, s60, s90, s120, s300, s600, infinity, spare2, spare1} } SCG-DeactivationPreferenceConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { scg-DeactivationPreferenceProhibitTimer-r17 ENUMERATED { s0, s1, s2, s4, s8, s10, s15, s30, s60, s120, s180, s240, s300, s600, s900, s1800} } RRM-MeasRelaxationReportingConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
s-SearchDeltaP-Stationary-r17Parameter "SSearchDeltaP-StationaryConnected" in Value dB2 corresponds to 2 dB, dB3 corresponds to 3 dB and so on.
ENUMERATED {dB2, dB3, dB6, dB9, dB12, dB15, spare2, spare1},
t-SearchDeltaP-Stationary-r17Parameter "TSearchDeltaP-StationaryConnected" in Value in seconds. Value s5 means 5 seconds, value s10 means 10 seconds and so on.
ENUMERATED {s5, s10, s20, s30, s60, s120, s180, s240, s300, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} } PropDelayDiffReportConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
threshPropDelayDiff-r17Threshold for one-way service link propagation delay difference report as specified in
ENUMERATED {ms0dot5, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6 ,ms7, ms8, ms9, ms10, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M neighCellInfoList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellNTN-r17)) OF NeighbourCellInfo-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need M } NeighbourCellInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { epochTime-r17 EpochTime-r17, ephemerisInfo-r17 EphemerisInfo-r17 } IDC-FDM-AssistanceConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
candidateServingFreqRangeListNR-r18Indicates the candidate frequency range with the combination of the center frequency and the candidate bandwidth, around which the UE is requested to report IDC issues.
CandidateServingFreqRangeListNR-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } CandidateServingFreqRangeListNR-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqIDC-r16)) OF CandidateServingFreqRangeNR-r18 CandidateServingFreqRangeNR-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
candidateCenterFreq-r18Indicates the center frequency of the candidate frequency range.
candidateBandwidth-r18Indicates the bandwidth of the candidate frequency range around the center frequency.
ENUMERATED {khz200, khz400, khz600, khz800, mhz1, mhz2, mhz3, mhz4, mhz5, mhz6, mhz8, mhz10, mhz20, mhz30, mhz40, mhz50, mhz60, mhz80, mhz100, mhz200, mhz300, mhz400} OPTIONAL -- Need R } UL-TrafficInfoReportingConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
pdu-SessionsToReportUL-TrafficInfoList-r18A list of PDU sessions for which the UE shall report UL traffic information.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofPDU-Sessions-r17)) OF PDU-SessionToReportUL-TrafficInfo-r18,
ul-TrafficInfoProhibitTimer-r18Prohibit timer for UL traffic information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
ENUMERATED {s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s5, s10, s20, s30, s60, s90, s120, s300, s600, spare3, spare2, spare1} } PDU-SessionToReportUL-TrafficInfo-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { pdu-SessionID PDU-SessionID,
qfi-ToReportUL-TrafficInfoList-r18A list of QFIs of a PDU session for which the UE shall report UL traffic information.
OtherConfig field descriptions
Configuration for the UE to indicate the availability of flight path informationfor Aerial UE operation.
Configuration for the UE to report the relaxation state of BFD measurements.
Configuration for the UE to report measurements from specific Bluetooth beacons. NG-RAN configures the field if includeBT-Meas is configured for one or more measurements.
Indicates the bandwidth of the candidate frequency range around the center frequency.
Indicates the center frequency of the candidate frequency range.
Indicates for each candidate NR serving cells, the center frequency around which UE is requested to report IDC issues.
Indicates the candidate frequency range with the combination of the center frequency and the candidate bandwidth, around which the UE is requested to report IDC issues.
Indicates that the UE can report a preference to remain in RRC_CONNECTED state following a report to leave RRC_CONNECTED state. If absent, the UE cannot report a preference to stay in RRC_CONNECTED state.
Prohibit timer for delay budget reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot4 means prohibit timer is set to 0.4 seconds, and so on.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's DRX preferences for power saving.
Prohibit timer for DRX preferences assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about UE detected IDC problem.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred bandwidth for power saving.
Prohibit timer for preferred bandwidth assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred number of carriers for power saving.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred bandwidth for power saving for FR2-2.
Prohibit timer for preferred number of carriers assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred number of MIMO layers for power saving.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred number of MIMO layers for power saving for FR2-2.
Prohibit timer for preferred number of number of MIMO layers assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred minimumSchedulingOffset value for cross-slot scheduling for power saving.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preferred minimumSchedulingOffset value for cross-slot scheduling for power saving for SCS 480 kHz and/or 960 kHz.
Prohibit timer for preferred minimumSchedulingOffset assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform gNB about the UE's preference on multi-Rx operation for FR2.
Prohibit timer for multi-Rx operation preference reporting for FR2. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
A list of candidate bands that the network intends to use, e.g., for serving cells and for which the UE is requested to provide information on temporary restricted capabilities for MUSIM operation as specified in clause
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information for gap preference.
Indicates the UE is allowed to provide MUSIM assistance information for gap(s) priority or MUSIM gaps keep preference.
Prohibit timer for MUSIM assistance information reporting for gap preference.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information for leaving RRC_CONNECTED for MUSIM purpose.
Indicates the timer forthe UE to enter RRC_IDLE for MUSIM purpose as defined in clause
Indicates the prohibit timer for UE temporary restricted capabilities for MUSIM operation. Value in milliseconds. Value ms0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 milliseconds, value ms10 means prohibit timer is set to 10 milliseconds and so on.
Indicates the wait timer for UE temporary restricted capabilities for MUSIM operation. Value in milliseconds. Value ms10 means wait timer is set to 10 milliseconds, value ms20 means wait timer is set to 20 milliseconds and so on.
Requests the UE to attempt to have detailed location information available using GNSS. NR configures the field if includeCommonLocationInfo is configured for one or more measurements.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about UE detected internal overheating.
Prohibit timer for overheating assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
A list of PDU sessions for which the UE shall report UL traffic information.
Configuration for the UE to report service link propagation delay difference between serving cell and neighbour cell(s).
A list of QFIs of a PDU session for which the UE shall report UL traffic information.
If present, the field indicates the UE is configured to provide reference time assistance information.
Configuration for the UE to report assistance information to inform the gNB about the UE's preference to leave RRC_CONNECTED state.
Configuration for the UE to report the relaxation state of RLM measurements.
Prohibit timer for release preference assistance information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on. Value infinity means that once a UE has reported a release preference, the UE cannot report a release preference again during the RRC connection.
Parameter "SSearchDeltaP-StationaryConnected" in Value dB2 corresponds to 2 dB, dB3 corresponds to 3 dB and so on.
Configuration of the UE to indicate its preference for SCG deactivation.
scg -StatePreferenceProhibitTimer
Prohibit timer for UE indication of its preference for SCG deactivation. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
Configuration for the UE to report measurements from specific sensors. NG-RAN configures the field if includeSensor-Meas is configured for one or more measurements.
Indicate whether UE is configured to provide configured grant assistance information for NR sidelink communication.
Indicate whether UE is configured to provide configured grant assistance information for NR sidelink positioning.
This field indicates whether the PSCell change procedure or the CPC included in the RRCReconfiguration message is SN initiated or not. In case of SN initiated inter-SN PSCell change procedure or SN configured inter-SN CPC, MN includes this field in the MCG RRC Reconfiguration message. In case of intra-SN PSCell change, or intra-SN CPC, source SN includes the field in the SCG RRC Reconfiguration.
This field indicates whether the UE shall generate the SHR upon successfully completing the DAPS handover to the target cell and if a radio link failure was experienced in the source PCell while executing the DAPS handover. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the source cell of the DAPS handover.
Configuration for the UE to report the successful handover information to the network.
Configuration for the UE to report the successful PSCell change or addition information to the network.When this field is configured in CG-Config, the thresholdPercentageT304-SCG is absent.
Parameter "TSearchDeltaP-StationaryConnected" in Value in seconds. Value s5 means 5 seconds, value s10 means 10 seconds and so on.
This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T304 timer and the configured value of the T304 timer. Value p40 corresponds to 40%, value p60 corresponds to 60% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the target cell of the handover.
This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T310 timer and the configured value of the T310 timer. Value p40 corresponds to 40%, value p60 corresponds to 60% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the source cell of the handover.
This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T312 timer and the configured value(s) of the T312 timer. Value p20 corresponds to 20%, value p40 corresponds to 40% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the source cell of the handover.
This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T304 timer associated to the target PSCell and the configured value of the T304 timer. Value p40 corresponds to 40%, value p60 corresponds to 60% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the target PSCell of the PSCell change or addition.
This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T310 timer associated to the source PSCell and the configured value of the T310 timer. Value p40 corresponds to 40%, value p60 corresponds to 60% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the source PSCell of the PSCell change or CPC, or in the otherConfig configured by the PCell for the PSCell change or CPC. This field is not configured at the time of PSCell change via SRB3.
This field indicates the threshold for the ratio in percentage between the elapsed T312 timer associated to the measurement identity of the target PSCell and the configured value of the T312 timer. Value p20 corresponds to 20%, value p40 corresponds to 40% and so on. This field is set in the otherConfig configured by the source PSCell of the PSCell change or CPC, or in the otherConfig configured by the PCell for the PSCell change or CPC. This field is not configured at the time of PSCell change via SRB3.
Threshold for one-way service link propagation delay difference report as specified in
Indicates whether UE is configured to request for FR2 UL gap activation/deactivation and preferred FR2 UL gap pattern.
Configuration for the UE to report measurements from specific WLAN APs. NG-RAN configures the field if includeWLAN-Meas is configured for one or more measurements.
Prohibit timer for UL traffic information reporting. Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.
Configuration for the UE to report UL traffic information.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, need R, if idc-AssistanceConfig-r16 or idc-FDM-AssistanceConfig is setup. Otherwise, it is absent, need R.
This field is optionally present, need R, if maxBW-PreferenceConfig-r16 is setup; otherwise it is absent, need R.
This field is optionally present, need R, if maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceConfig-r16 is setup; otherwise it is absent, need R.
This field is optionally present, need R, if minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceConfig-r16 is setup; otherwise it is absent, need R.
This field is optionally present, need R, if musim-GapAssistanceConfig-r17 is setup; otherwise it is absent, need R.
This field is optionally present, need M, in an RRCReconfiguration message not within mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup and received, either via SRB3 within DLInformationTransferMRDC or via SRB1. Otherwise, it is absent.

The IE PhysCellIdUTRA-FDD is used to indicate the physical layer identity of the cell, i.e. the primary scrambling code, as defined in TS 25.331 [45].

The IE RRC-TransactionIdentifier is used, together with the message type, for the identification of an RRC procedure (transaction).

The IE Sensor-NameList is used to indicate the names of the sensors which the UE is configured to measure.
measUncomBarPre-r16If configured, the UE reports the uncompensated Barometric pressure measurement as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
measUeSpeedIf configured, the UE reports the UE speed measurement as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
measUeOrientationIf configured, the UE reports the UE orientation information as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
Sensor-NameList field descriptions
If configured, the UE reports the uncompensated Barometric pressure measurement as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
If configured, the UE reports the UE speed measurement as defined in TS 37.355 [49].
If configured, the UE reports the UE orientation information as defined in TS 37.355 [49].

The TraceReference contains parameter Trace Reference as defined in TS 32.422 [52].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-TRACEREFERENCE-START TraceReference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { plmn-Identity-r16 PLMN-Identity, traceId-r16 OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) } -- TAG-TRACEREFERENCE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE UE-MeasurementsAvailable is used to indicate all relevant available indicators for UE measurements.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UE-MeasurementsAvailable-START UE-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { logMeasAvailable-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, logMeasAvailableBT-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, logMeasAvailableWLAN-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, connEstFailInfoAvailable-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, rlf-InfoAvailable-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, ..., [[ successHO-InfoAvailable-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, sigLogMeasConfigAvailable-r17 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ]], [[ successPSCell-InfoAvailable-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL ]] } -- TAG-UE-MeasurementsAvailable-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE UTRA-FDD-Q-OffsetRange is used to indicate a frequency specific offset to be applied when evaluating triggering conditions for measurement reporting. The value is in dB. Value dB-24 corresponds to -24 dB, value dB-22 corresponds to -22 dB and so on.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-UTRA-FDD-Q-OFFSETRANGE-START UTRA-FDD-Q-OffsetRange-r16 ::= ENUMERATED { dB-24, dB-22, dB-20, dB-18, dB-16, dB-14, dB-12, dB-10, dB-8, dB-6, dB-5, dB-4, dB-3, dB-2, dB-1, dB0, dB1, dB2, dB3, dB4, dB5, dB6, dB8, dB10, dB12, dB14, dB16, dB18, dB20, dB22, dB24} -- TAG-UTRA-FDD-Q-OFFSETRANGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE VisitedCellInfoList includes the mobility history information of maximum of 16 most recently visited primary cells or time spent in any cell selection state and/or camped on any cell state in NR or E-UTRA and, in case of Dual Connectivity, the mobility history information of maxPSCellHistory most recently visited primary secondary cell group cells across all the primary cells included in the VisitedCellInfoList. The most recently visited cell is stored first in the list. The list includes cells visited in RRC_IDLE, RRC_INACTIVE and RRC_CONNECTED states for NR and RRC_IDLE and RRC_CONNECTED for E-UTRA.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-VISITEDCELLINFOLIST-START VisitedCellInfoList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellHistory-r16)) OF VisitedCellInfo-r16 VisitedCellInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
visitedCellId-r16This field indicates the visited cell id including NR and E-UTRA cells.
CHOICE { nr-CellId-r16 CHOICE { cgi-Info CGI-Info-Logging-r16, pci-arfcn-r16 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16 }, eutra-CellId-r16 CHOICE { cellGlobalId-r16 CGI-InfoEUTRA, pci-arfcn-r16 PCI-ARFCN-EUTRA-r16 } } OPTIONAL,
timeSpent-r16This field indicates the duration of stay in the cell or in any cell selection state and/or camped on any cell state in NR or E-UTRA approximated to the closest second. If included in VisitedPSCellInfo, it indicates the duration of stay in the PSCell or without any PSCell. If the duration of stay exceeds 4095s, the UE shall set it to 4095s.
INTEGER (0..4095), ..., [[ visitedPSCellInfoListReport-r17 VisitedPSCellInfoList-r17 OPTIONAL ]] } VisitedPSCellInfoList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPSCellHistory-r17)) OF VisitedPSCellInfo-r17 VisitedPSCellInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
visitedCellId-r17This field indicates the visited cell id including NR and E-UTRA cells.
CHOICE { nr-CellId-r17 CHOICE { cgi-Info-r17 CGI-Info-Logging-r16, pci-arfcn-r17 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16 }, eutra-CellId-r17 CHOICE { cellGlobalId-r17 CGI-InfoEUTRALogging, pci-arfcn-r17 PCI-ARFCN-EUTRA-r16 } } OPTIONAL,
timeSpent-r17This field indicates the duration of stay in the cell or in any cell selection state and/or camped on any cell state in NR or E-UTRA approximated to the closest second. If included in VisitedPSCellInfo, it indicates the duration of stay in the PSCell or without any PSCell. If the duration of stay exceeds 4095s, the UE shall set it to 4095s.
VisitedCellInfoListfield descriptions
This field indicates the duration of stay in the cell or in any cell selection state and/or camped on any cell state in NR or E-UTRA approximated to the closest second. If included in VisitedPSCellInfo, it indicates the duration of stay in the PSCell or without any PSCell. If the duration of stay exceeds 4095s, the UE shall set it to 4095s.
This field indicates the visited cell id including NR and E-UTRA cells.

The IE WLAN-NameList is used to indicate the names of the WLAN AP for which the UE is configured to measure.
WLAN-NameListfield descriptions
If configured, the UE only performs WLAN measurements according to the names identified. For each name, it refers to Service Set Identifier (SSID) defined in IEEE 802.11-2012 [50].

6.3.5 Sidelink information elements
The IE SL-BWP-Config is used to configure the UE specific NR sidelink communication/discovery/positioning on one particular sidelink bandwidth part.
sl-BWP-IdAn identifier for this sidelink bandwidth part.
sl-BWP-Generic-r16This field indicates the generic parameters on the configured sidelink BWP.
SL-BWP-Generic-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-BWP-PoolConfig-r16This field indicates the resource pool configurations on the configured sidelink BWP.
SL-BWP-PoolConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
sl-BWP-PoolConfigPS-r17This field indicates the resource pool configurations for power saving on the configured sidelink BWP.This field does not include sl-TxPoolExceptional.
SetupRelease {SL-BWP-PoolConfig-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-BWP-DiscPoolConfig-r17This field indicates the NR sidelink discovery dedicated resource pool configurations on the configured sidelink BWP. The total number of Rx/Tx resource pools configured for communication and discovery does not exceed the maximum number of Rx/Tx resource pool for NR sidelink communication (i.e. maxNrofRXPool-r16/maxNrofTXPool-r16).
SetupRelease {SL-BWP-DiscPoolConfig-r17} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
sl-BWP-PoolConfigA2X-r18This field indicates the resource pool configurations for A2X services on the configured sidelink BWP. This field does not include sl-TxPoolScheduling. This field does not include sl-TxPoolExceptional.
SetupRelease {SL-BWP-PoolConfig-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-BWP-PRS-PoolConfig-r18This field indicates thededicated SL-PRS resource pool configurations for SL-PRS on the configured sidelink BWP.This field does not include sl-PRS-TxPoolExceptional.
SetupRelease {SL-BWP-PRS-PoolConfig-r18} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } SL-BWP-Generic-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-BWP-r16 BWP OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-LengthSymbols-r16This field indicates the number of symbols used for sidelink in a slot without S-SSB. A single value can be (pre)configured per sidelink bandwidth part.
ENUMERATED {sym7, sym8, sym9, sym10, sym11, sym12, sym13, sym14} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-StartSymbol-r16This field indicates the starting symbol used for sidelink in a slot without S-SSB. A single value can be (pre)configured per sidelink bandwidth part.
ENUMERATED {sym0, sym1, sym2, sym3, sym4, sym5, sym6, sym7} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PSBCH-Config-r16 SetupRelease {SL-PSBCH-Config-r16} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-TxDirectCurrentLocation-r16The sidelink Tx/Rx Direct Current location for the carrier. Only values in the value range of this field between 0 and 3299, which indicate the subcarrier index within the carrier corresponding to the numerology of the corresponding sidelink BWP and value 3300, which indicates "Outside the carrier" and value 3301, which indicates "Undetermined position within the carrier" are used in this version of the specification.
INTEGER (0..3301) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
sl-Unlicensed-r18This field indicates the configurations for sidelink carrier of shared spectrum channel access. This field is not expected to be provided whensl-FreqInfoListSizeExtor sl-PreconfigFreqInfoListSizeExt is present.
SetupRelease { SL-Unlicensed-r18 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } SL-Unlicensed-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-LBT-FailureRecoveryConfig-r18Configures parameters used for detection and cancellation of Sidelink consistent LBT failures for operation with shared spectrum channel access, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SetupRelease { SL-LBT-FailureRecoveryConfig-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-StartingSymbolFirst-r18Indicates the location of first starting symbol within a slot. Value sym0 corresponds to first symbol, value sym1 corresponds to the second symbol and so on. If the field is not configured, the UE shall use value sym0.
ENUMERATED {sym0, sym1, sym2, sym3, sym4, sym5, sym6} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-StartingSymbolSecond-r18Indicates the location of second starting symbol within a slot. Value sym3 corresponds to fourth symbol, value sym4 corresponds to the fifth symbol and so on. The number of symbols used for PSCCH/PSSCH transmission from second starting symbol is not smaller than 6. Within a slot, the second starting symbol is later than the first starting symbol. PSCCH/PSSCH transmission starting from first or second starting symbol shall have the same ending symbol within a slot.
ENUMERATED {sym3, sym4, sym5, sym6, sym7} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-TransmissionStructureForPSCCHandPSSCH-r18Indicate a SL-BWP is (pre-)configured with contiguous RB-based or interlace RB-based PSCCH/PSSCH transmission. Contiguous RB-based PSCCH/PSSCH are applicable in region with no OCB requirement, or with OCB exemption.
ENUMERATED {contiguousRB, interlaceRB} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-GapOfAdditionalSSSB-Occasion-r18Indicate the gap between each R16/R17 NR SL S-SSB slot and its first corresponding additional candidate S-SSB occasion, and the gap between adjacent two additional candidate S-SSB occasions corresponding to a R16/R17 NR SL S-SSB slot.
INTEGER (0..639) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-AbsoluteFrequencySSB-NonAnchorList-r18Indicates the lowest S-SSB in a non-anchor RB set via each parameter in this list. Anchor RB set refers to the RB set where S-SSB indicated by sl-AbsoluteFrequencySSB-r16 locates.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxSL-NonAnchorRBsets)) OF ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-CPE-StartingPositionS-SSB-r18Indicates the CPE starting position within the last symbol before the start of S-SSB transmission. The value is an index of the set of all candidate CPE starting positions specified in Table 5.3.1-3 of [16, TS 38.211] for Ci=1 and the corresponding SCS of the SL BWP.
INTEGER (1..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-CWS-ForPsschWithoutHarqAck-r18The latest CW_p is autonomously increased to the next higher allowed value for every priority class p of {1,2,3,4} if the same CW_p which is different from CW_(max,p) is consecutively used for general of N_init in SL Type 1 LBT for a number of times indicated by this parameter. This operation is restricted only to PSCCH/PSSCH transmission(s) with "HARQ feedback enabled/disabled indicator" in the 2nd stage SCI set to disabled, regardless of whether PSFCH resources being configured in a resource pool.
ENUMERATED {t1, t8, t16, t32, infinity} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-NumOfAdditionalSSSBOccasion-r18Indicate the number of additional candidate S-SSB occasion(s) for each R16/R17 NR SL S-SSB slot.
INTEGER (0..4) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-SSSBPowerOffsetOfAnchorRBSet-r18Indicate the power offset for one S-SSB transmission on anchor RB set, where anchor RB set refers to the RB set where S-SSB indicated by sl-AbsoluteFrequencySSB-r16 locates. Value value1 corresponds to the power offset of 10lg(N), where N is the number of S-SSB repetitions within the anchor RB set, and value2 corresponds to the power offset of 10lg(W), where W is the maximum total number of S-SSB repetitions on RB sets within the SL-BWP.
ENUMERATED {value1, value2} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-RBSetConfigList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..5)) OF SL-RBSetConfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-IntraCellGuardBandsSL-List-r18List of intra-cell guard bands for operation with shared spectrum channel access. If not configured, the guard bands are defined according to 38.101-1 [15], see TS 38.214 [19], clause 7. For operation in licensed spectrum, this field is absent, and no UE action is required. NOTE:Value '0' is not expected to be (pre-)configured for nrofCRBs when the SL BWP is larger than UE supported RF bandwidth for SL-U operation.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF IntraCellGuardBandsPerSCS-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need M } -- TAG-SL-BWP-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-BWP-Config field descriptions
This field indicates the NR sidelink discovery dedicated resource pool configurations on the configured sidelink BWP. The total number of Rx/Tx resource pools configured for communication and discovery does not exceed the maximum number of Rx/Tx resource pool for NR sidelink communication (i.e. maxNrofRXPool-r16/maxNrofTXPool-r16).
This field indicates the generic parameters on the configured sidelink BWP.
An identifier for this sidelink bandwidth part.
This field indicates the resource pool configurations on the configured sidelink BWP.
This field indicates the resource pool configurations for A2X services on the configured sidelink BWP. This field does not include sl-TxPoolScheduling. This field does not include sl-TxPoolExceptional.
This field indicates the resource pool configurations for power saving on the configured sidelink BWP.This field does not include sl-TxPoolExceptional.
This field indicates thededicated SL-PRS resource pool configurations for SL-PRS on the configured sidelink BWP.This field does not include sl-PRS-TxPoolExceptional.
SL-BWP-Generic field descriptions
This field indicates the number of symbols used for sidelink in a slot without S-SSB. A single value can be (pre)configured per sidelink bandwidth part.
This field indicates the starting symbol used for sidelink in a slot without S-SSB. A single value can be (pre)configured per sidelink bandwidth part.
This field indicates the configurations for sidelink carrier of shared spectrum channel access. This field is not expected to be provided whensl-FreqInfoListSizeExtor sl-PreconfigFreqInfoListSizeExt is present.
The sidelink Tx/Rx Direct Current location for the carrier. Only values in the value range of this field between 0 and 3299, which indicate the subcarrier index within the carrier corresponding to the numerology of the corresponding sidelink BWP and value 3300, which indicates "Outside the carrier" and value 3301, which indicates "Undetermined position within the carrier" are used in this version of the specification.
SL-Unlicensedfield descriptions
Indicates the lowest S-SSB in a non-anchor RB set via each parameter in this list. Anchor RB set refers to the RB set where S-SSB indicated by sl-AbsoluteFrequencySSB-r16 locates.
Indicates the CPE starting position within the last symbol before the start of S-SSB transmission. The value is an index of the set of all candidate CPE starting positions specified in Table 5.3.1-3 of [16, TS 38.211] for Ci=1 and the corresponding SCS of the SL BWP.
The latest CW_p is autonomously increased to the next higher allowed value for every priority class p of {1,2,3,4} if the same CW_p which is different from CW_(max,p) is consecutively used for general of N_init in SL Type 1 LBT for a number of times indicated by this parameter. This operation is restricted only to PSCCH/PSSCH transmission(s) with "HARQ feedback enabled/disabled indicator" in the 2nd stage SCI set to disabled, regardless of whether PSFCH resources being configured in a resource pool.
Indicate the gap between each R16/R17 NR SL S-SSB slot and its first corresponding additional candidate S-SSB occasion, and the gap between adjacent two additional candidate S-SSB occasions corresponding to a R16/R17 NR SL S-SSB slot.
List of intra-cell guard bands for operation with shared spectrum channel access. If not configured, the guard bands are defined according to 38.101-1 [15], see TS 38.214 [19], clause 7. For operation in licensed spectrum, this field is absent, and no UE action is required. NOTE:Value '0' is not expected to be (pre-)configured for nrofCRBs when the SL BWP is larger than UE supported RF bandwidth for SL-U operation.
Configures parameters used for detection and cancellation of Sidelink consistent LBT failures for operation with shared spectrum channel access, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Indicate the number of additional candidate S-SSB occasion(s) for each R16/R17 NR SL S-SSB slot.
Indicate the power offset for one S-SSB transmission on anchor RB set, where anchor RB set refers to the RB set where S-SSB indicated by sl-AbsoluteFrequencySSB-r16 locates. Value value1 corresponds to the power offset of 10lg(N), where N is the number of S-SSB repetitions within the anchor RB set, and value2 corresponds to the power offset of 10lg(W), where W is the maximum total number of S-SSB repetitions on RB sets within the SL-BWP.
Indicates the location of first starting symbol within a slot. Value sym0 corresponds to first symbol, value sym1 corresponds to the second symbol and so on. If the field is not configured, the UE shall use value sym0.
Indicates the location of second starting symbol within a slot. Value sym3 corresponds to fourth symbol, value sym4 corresponds to the fifth symbol and so on. The number of symbols used for PSCCH/PSSCH transmission from second starting symbol is not smaller than 6. Within a slot, the second starting symbol is later than the first starting symbol. PSCCH/PSSCH transmission starting from first or second starting symbol shall have the same ending symbol within a slot.
Indicate a SL-BWP is (pre-)configured with contiguous RB-based or interlace RB-based PSCCH/PSSCH transmission. Contiguous RB-based PSCCH/PSSCH are applicable in region with no OCB requirement, or with OCB exemption.

The IE SL-BWP-ConfigCommon is used to configure the cell-specific configuration information on one particular sidelink bandwidth part.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-BWP-CONFIGCOMMON-START SL-BWP-ConfigCommon-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-BWP-Generic-r16 SL-BWP-Generic-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-BWP-PoolConfigCommon-r16 SL-BWP-PoolConfigCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ sl-BWP-PoolConfigCommonPS-r17 SL-BWP-PoolConfigCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-BWP-DiscPoolConfigCommon-r17 SL-BWP-DiscPoolConfigCommon-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]], [[ sl-BWP-PoolConfigCommonA2X-r18 SL-BWP-PoolConfigCommon-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-SL-BWP-CONFIGCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-BWP-DiscPoolConfig is used to configure UE specific NR sidelink discovery dedicated resource pool.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-BWP-DISCPOOLCONFIG-START SL-BWP-DiscPoolConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-DiscRxPool-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRXPool-r16)) OF SL-ResourcePool-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond HO sl-DiscTxPoolSelected-r17 SL-TxPoolDedicated-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-DiscTxPoolScheduling-r17 SL-TxPoolDedicated-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N } -- TAG-SL-BWP-DISCPOOLCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-BWP-DiscPoolConfigCommon is used to configure the cell-specific NR sidelink discovery dedicated resource pool.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-BWP-DISCPOOLCONFIGCOMMON-START SL-BWP-DiscPoolConfigCommon-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-DiscRxPool-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRXPool-r16)) OF SL-ResourcePool-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-DiscTxPoolSelected-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTXPool-r16)) OF SL-ResourcePoolConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-SL-BWP-DISCPOOLCONFIGCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-BWP-PoolConfig is used to configure NR sidelink communication resource pool.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-BWP-POOLCONFIG-START SL-BWP-PoolConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RxPool-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRXPool-r16)) OF SL-ResourcePool-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond HO sl-TxPoolSelectedNormal-r16 SL-TxPoolDedicated-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-TxPoolScheduling-r16 SL-TxPoolDedicated-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-TxPoolExceptional-r16 SL-ResourcePoolConfig-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-TxPoolDedicated-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PoolToReleaseList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTXPool-r16)) OF SL-ResourcePoolID-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-PoolToAddModList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTXPool-r16)) OF SL-ResourcePoolConfig-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N } SL-ResourcePoolConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-ResourcePoolID-r16 SL-ResourcePoolID-r16, sl-ResourcePool-r16 SL-ResourcePool-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-ResourcePoolID-r16 ::= INTEGER (1..maxNrofPoolID-r16) -- TAG-SL-BWP-POOLCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-BWP-ConfigCommon field descriptions
This field indicates the NR sidelink discovery dedicated resource pool configurations on the configured sidelink BWP. The total number of Rx/Tx resource pools configured for communication and discovery does not exceed the maximum number of Rx/Tx resource pool for NR sidelink communication (i.e. maxNrofRXPool-r16/maxNrofTXPool-r16).
This field indicates the generic parameters on the configured sidelink BWP.
This field indicates the resource pool configurations on the configured sidelink BWP.
This field indicates the resource pool configurations for A2X services on the configured sidelink BWP. This field does not include sl-TxPoolExceptional.
This field indicates the resource pool configurations for power saving on the configured sidelink BWP.This field does not include sl-TxPoolExceptional.
SL-BWP-DiscPoolConfig field descriptions
Indicates the resources by which the UE is allowed to transmit NR sidelink discover based on network scheduling on the configured BWP. For the PSFCH related configuration, if configured, will be used for PSFCH transmission/reception. When this field is configured together withsl-TxPoolScheduling, the resource pool index (which is used in DCI Format 3_0 in TS 38.212 [17], clause is defined as 0, 1, …, x-1 for the resource pools included in the sl-TxPoolScheduling, and x, x+1, …, x+y-1 for the resource pools included in sl-DiscTxPoolScheduling, where x is the number of the resource pools in sl-TxPoolScheduling, and y is the number of resource pools in sl-DiscTxPoolScheduling.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, need M, in an RRCReconfiguration message including reconfigurationWithSync; otherwise it is absent, need M.

The IE SL-BWP-PoolConfigCommon is used to configure the cell-specific NR sidelink communication resource pool.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-BWP-POOLCONFIGCOMMON-START SL-BWP-PoolConfigCommon-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RxPool-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRXPool-r16)) OF SL-ResourcePool-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-TxPoolSelectedNormal-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTXPool-r16)) OF SL-ResourcePoolConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-TxPoolExceptional-r16 SL-ResourcePoolConfig-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-SL-BWP-POOLCONFIGCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-BWP-PRS-PoolConfig is used to configure UE specific NR sidelink PRS dedicated resource pool.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-BWP-PRS-POOLCONFIG-START SL-BWP-PRS-PoolConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PRS-RxPool-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRXPool-r16)) OF SL-PRS-ResourcePool-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Cond HO sl-PRS-TxPoolSelectedNormal-r18 SL-PRS-TxPoolDedicated-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PRS-TxPoolScheduling-r18 SL-PRS-TxPoolDedicated-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PRS-TxPoolExceptional-r18 SL-PRS-ResourcePoolConfig-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need R } SL-PRS-TxPoolDedicated-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PRS-PoolToReleaseList-r1 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-PRS-TxPool-r18)) OF SL-PRS-ResourcePoolID-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-PRS-PoolToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-PRS-TxPool-r18)) OF SL-PRS-ResourcePoolConfig-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need N } SL-PRS-ResourcePoolConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PRS-ResourcePoolID-r18 SL-PRS-ResourcePoolID-r18, sl-PRS-ResourcePool-r18 SL-PRS-ResourcePool-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-PRS-ResourcePoolID-r18 ::= INTEGER (1.. maxNrofSL-PRS-TxPool-r18) -- TAG-SL-BWP-PRS-POOLCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-BWP-PoolConfig field descriptions
Indicates the receiving resource pool on the configured BWP. For the PSFCH related configuration, if configured, will be used for PSFCH transmission/reception.If the field is included, it replaces any previous list, i.e. all the entries of the list are replaced and each of the SL-ResourcePool entries is considered to be newly created.
Indicates the resources by which the UE is allowed to perform NR sidelink transmission in exceptional conditions on the configured BWP. For the PSFCH related configuration, if configured, will be used for PSFCH transmission/reception.
Indicates the resources by which the UE is allowed to perform NR sidelink transmission based on network scheduling on the configured BWP. For the PSFCH related configuration, if configured, will be used for PSFCH transmission/reception.
Indicates the resources by which the UE is allowed to perform NR sidelink transmission by UE autonomous resource selection on the configured BWP. For the PSFCH related configuration, if configured, will be used for PSFCH transmission/reception.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, need M, in an RRCReconfiguration message including reconfigurationWithSync; otherwise it is absent, Need M.
SL-BWP-PoolConfigCommon field descriptions
Indicates the resources by which the UE is allowed to perform NR sidelink transmission in exceptional conditions on the configured BWP. For the PSFCH related configuration, if configured, will be used for PSFCH transmission/reception. This field is not present when SL-BWP-PoolConfigCommon is included in SidelinkPreconfigNR.

The IE SL-BWP-PRSPoolConfigCommon is used to configure the cell-specific NR sidelink PRS dedicated resource pool.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-BWP-PRS-POOLCONFIGCOMMON-START SL-BWP-PRS-PoolConfigCommon-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PRS-RxPool-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRXPool-r16)) OF SL-PRS-ResourcePool-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-PRS-TxPoolSelectedNormal-r18Indicates the resources by which the UE is allowed to perform SL-PRS transmission by UE autonomous resource selection on the configured BWP.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-PRS-TxPool-r18)) OF SL-PRS-ResourcePoolConfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-PRS-TxPoolExceptional-r18Indicates the resources by which the UE is allowed to perform SL-PRS transmission in exceptional conditions on the configured BWP.
SL-BWP-PRSPoolConfig field descriptions
Indicates the resources by which the UE is allowed to perform SL-PRS transmission by UE autonomous resource selection on the configured BWP.
Indicates the resources by which the UE is allowed to perform SL-PRS transmission based on network selection on the configured BWP.
Indicates the resources by which the UE is allowed to perform SL-PRS transmission in exceptional conditions on the configured BWP.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, need M, in an RRCReconfiguration message including reconfigurationWithSync; otherwise it is absent, Need M.

The IE SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList indicates the mapping between PSSCH transmission parameter (such as MCS,PRB number, retransmission number, CR limit) sets by using the indexes of the configurations provided in sl-CBR-PSSCH-TxConfigList, CBR ranges by an index to the entry of the CBR range configuration in sl-CBR-RangeConfigList, and priority ranges. It also indicates the default PSSCH transmission parameters to be used when CBR measurement results are not available, and MCS range for the MCS tables used in the resource pool.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-CBR-PRIORITYTXCONFIGLIST-START SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SL-PriorityTxConfigIndex-r16 SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-v1650 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SL-PriorityTxConfigIndex-v1650 SL-PriorityTxConfigIndex-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-PriorityThreshold-r16Indicates the upper bound of priority range which is associated with the configurations in sl-CBR-ConfigIndex and in sl-Tx-ConfigIndexList. The upper bounds of the priority ranges are configured in ascending order for consecutive entries of SL-PriorityTxConfigIndex in SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList. For the first entry of SL-PriorityTxConfigIndex, the lower bound of the priority range is 1.
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-DefaultTxConfigIndex-r16Indicates the PSSCH transmission parameters to be used by the UEs which do not have available CBR measurement results, by means of an index to the corresponding entry insl-Tx-ConfigIndexList. Value 0 indicates the first entry in sl-Tx-ConfigIndexList. The field is ignored if the UE has available CBR measurement results.
INTEGER (0..maxCBR-Level-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-CBR-ConfigIndex-r16Indicates the CBR ranges to be used by an index to the entry of the CBR range configuration in sl-CBR-RangeConfigList.
INTEGER (0..maxCBR-Config-1-r16) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-Tx-ConfigIndexList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxCBR-Level-r16)) OF SL-TxConfigIndex-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-PriorityTxConfigIndex-v1650 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-MCS-RangeList-r16Indicates the minimum MCS value and maximum MCS value for the associated MCS table(s).UE shall ignore the minimum MCS value and maximum MCS value used for table of 64QAM indicated inSL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-r16 if SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-v1650 is present.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCBR-Level-r16)) OF SL-MinMaxMCS-List-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-TxConfigIndex-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..maxTxConfig-1-r16) -- TAG-SL-CBR-PRIORITYTXCONFIGLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-BWP-PRS-PoolConfigCommon field descriptions
Indicates the resources by which the UE is allowed to perform NR sidelink transmission in exceptional conditions on the configured BWP. This field is not present when SL-BWP-PRS-PoolConfigCommon is included in SL-PreconfigurationNR
SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList field descriptions
Indicates the CBR ranges to be used by an index to the entry of the CBR range configuration in sl-CBR-RangeConfigList.
Indicates the PSSCH transmission parameters to be used by the UEs which do not have available CBR measurement results, by means of an index to the corresponding entry insl-Tx-ConfigIndexList. Value 0 indicates the first entry in sl-Tx-ConfigIndexList. The field is ignored if the UE has available CBR measurement results.
Indicates the minimum MCS value and maximum MCS value for the associated MCS table(s).UE shall ignore the minimum MCS value and maximum MCS value used for table of 64QAM indicated inSL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-r16 if SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-v1650 is present.
Indicates the upper bound of priority range which is associated with the configurations in sl-CBR-ConfigIndex and in sl-Tx-ConfigIndexList. The upper bounds of the priority ranges are configured in ascending order for consecutive entries of SL-PriorityTxConfigIndex in SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList. For the first entry of SL-PriorityTxConfigIndex, the lower bound of the priority range is 1.
If included, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-r16.

The IE SL-CBR-CommonTxConfigList indicates the list of PSSCH transmission parameters (such as MCS,sub-channel number, retransmission number, CR limit) in sl-CBR-PSSCH-TxConfigList, and the list of CBR ranges in sl-CBR-RangeConfigList, to configure congestion control to the UE for sidelink communication.
sl-CBR-RangeConfigList-r16Each entry in sl-CBR-RangeConfigList is SL-CBR-LevelsConfig containing the list of CBR ranges. The values within each SL-CBR-LevelsConfig indicate the upper bound of the each CBR range (and implicitly indicate the lower bound of next CBR range) and are configured in ascending order. For the first CBR range of each SL-CBR-LevelsConfig, the lower bound of the CBR range is 0. Value 0 corresponds to 0, value 1 to 0.01, value 2 to 0.02, and so on.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCBR-Config-r16)) OF SL-CBR-LevelsConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-CBR-PSSCH-TxConfigList-r16Indicates the list of available PSSCH transmission parameters (such as MCS, sub-channel number, retransmission number and CR limit) configurations.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxTxConfig-r16)) OF SL-CBR-PSSCH-TxConfig-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-CBR-LevelsConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCBR-Level-r16)) OF SL-CBR-r16 SL-CBR-PSSCH-TxConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-CR-Limit-r16Indicates the maximum limit on the occupancy ratio. Value 0 corresponds to 0, value 1 to 0.0001, value 2 to 0.0002, and so on (i.e. in steps of 0.0001) until value 10000, which corresponds to 1.
INTEGER(0..10000) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-TxParameters-r16Indicates PSSCH transmission parameters.
SL-CBR-CommonTxConfigList field descriptions
Each entry in sl-CBR-RangeConfigList is SL-CBR-LevelsConfig containing the list of CBR ranges. The values within each SL-CBR-LevelsConfig indicate the upper bound of the each CBR range (and implicitly indicate the lower bound of next CBR range) and are configured in ascending order. For the first CBR range of each SL-CBR-LevelsConfig, the lower bound of the CBR range is 0. Value 0 corresponds to 0, value 1 to 0.01, value 2 to 0.02, and so on.
Indicates the maximum limit on the occupancy ratio. Value 0 corresponds to 0, value 1 to 0.0001, value 2 to 0.0002, and so on (i.e. in steps of 0.0001) until value 10000, which corresponds to 1.
Indicates the list of available PSSCH transmission parameters (such as MCS, sub-channel number, retransmission number and CR limit) configurations.
Indicates PSSCH transmission parameters.

The IE SL-CBR-CommonTxDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List indicates the list of SL PRS transmission parameters (such as Maximum SL PRS transmission power, Maximum Number of SL PRS (re-)transmissions, and CR limit) in sl-CBR-SL-PRS-TxConfigList, and the list of CBR ranges in sl-CBR-RangeDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List, to configure congestion control to the UE for sidelink positioning.
sl-CBR-RangeDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List-r18Indicates the list of CBR ranges. Each entry of the list in SL-CBR-LevelsDedicatedSL-PRS-RPindicates the upper bound of the CBR range for the respective entry. The upper bounds of the CBR ranges are configured in ascending order for consecutive entries of SL-CBR-LevelsDedicatedSL-PRS-RP. For the first entry of SL-CBR-LevelsDedicatedSL-PRS-RP the lower bound of the CBR range is 0. Value 0 corresponds to 0, value 1 to 0.01, value 2 to 0.02, and so on.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCBR-ConfigDedSL-PRS-1-r18)) OF SL-CBR-LevelsDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-CBR-SL-PRS-TxConfigList-r18Indicates the list of available SL PRS transmission parameters configurations.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-PRS-TxConfig-r18)) OF SL-CBR-SL-PRS-TxConfig-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-CBR-LevelsDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxCBR-LevelDedSL-PRS-1-r18)) OF SL-CBR-Dedicated-SL-PRS-RP-r18 SL-CBR-SL-PRS-TxConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-PRS-CR-Limit-r18Indicates the maximum limit on the occupancy ratio. Value 0 corresponds to 0, value 1 to 0.0001, value 2 to 0.0002, and so on (i.e. in steps of 0.0001) until value 10000, which corresponds to 1.
INTEGER(0..10000) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PRS-MaxTx-power-r18Indicates maximum SL PRS transmission power. The unit is dBm.
INTEGER (-30..33) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PRS-MaxNum-Transmissions-r18Indicates maximum Number of SL PRS (re-)transmissions.
SL-CBR-CommonTxDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List field descriptions
Indicates the list of CBR ranges. Each entry of the list in SL-CBR-LevelsDedicatedSL-PRS-RPindicates the upper bound of the CBR range for the respective entry. The upper bounds of the CBR ranges are configured in ascending order for consecutive entries of SL-CBR-LevelsDedicatedSL-PRS-RP. For the first entry of SL-CBR-LevelsDedicatedSL-PRS-RP the lower bound of the CBR range is 0. Value 0 corresponds to 0, value 1 to 0.01, value 2 to 0.02, and so on.
Indicates the list of available SL PRS transmission parameters configurations.
Indicates the maximum limit on the occupancy ratio. Value 0 corresponds to 0, value 1 to 0.0001, value 2 to 0.0002, and so on (i.e. in steps of 0.0001) until value 10000, which corresponds to 1.
Indicates maximum Number of SL PRS (re-)transmissions.
Indicates maximum SL PRS transmission power. The unit is dBm.

The IE SL-ConfigDedicatedNR specifies the dedicated configuration information for NR sidelink communication/discovery/positioning.
sl-PHY-MAC-RLC-Config-r16This field indicates the lower layer sidelink radio bearer configurations.
SL-PHY-MAC-RLC-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-RadioBearerToReleaseList-r16This field indicates one or multiple sidelink radio bearer configurations to remove. This field is not configured to the PC5 connection used for L2 U2N relay operation.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSLRB-r16)) OF SLRB-Uu-ConfigIndex-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sl-RadioBearerToAddModList-r16This field indicates one or multiple sidelink radio bearer configurationsto add and/or modify. This field is not configured to the PC5 connection used for L2 U2N relay operation.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSLRB-r16)) OF SL-RadioBearerConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sl-MeasConfigInfoToReleaseList-r16This field indicates the RSRP measurement configurations for unicast destinations to remove.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-DestinationIndex-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sl-MeasConfigInfoToAddModList-r16This field indicates the RSRP measurement configurations for unicast destinations to add and/or modify.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-MeasConfigInfo-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N t400-r16 ENUMERATED {ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ sl-PHY-MAC-RLC-Config-v1700 SetupRelease { SL-PHY-MAC-RLC-Config-v1700 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-DiscConfig-r17 SetupRelease { SL-DiscConfig-r17} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ sl-DiscConfig-v1800 SL-DiscConfig-v1800 OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ sl-DiscConfig-v1830 SL-DiscConfig-v1830 OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ sl-DiscConfig-v1840 SL-DiscConfig-v1840 OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } SL-DestinationIndex-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofSL-Dest-1-r16) SL-PHY-MAC-RLC-Config-r16::= SEQUENCE {
sl-ScheduledConfig-r16Indicates the configuration for UE to transmit NR sidelink communication based on network scheduling.This field is not configured simultaneously with sl-UE-SelectedConfig. This field is not configured to a L2 U2N Remote UE.
SetupRelease { SL-ScheduledConfig-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-UE-SelectedConfig-r16Indicates the configuration used for UE autonomous resource selection. This field is not configured simultaneously with sl-ScheduledConfig.
SetupRelease { SL-UE-SelectedConfig-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-FreqInfoToReleaseList-r16This field indicates the NR sidelink communication configuration on some carrier frequency (ies) to remove. In this release, only one entry can be configured in the list.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-Freq-Id-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-FreqInfoToAddModList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-FreqConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-RLC-BearerToReleaseList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-LCID-r16)) OF SL-RLC-BearerConfigIndex-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-RLC-BearerToAddModList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-LCID-r16)) OF SL-RLC-BearerConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sl-MaxNumConsecutiveDTX-r16This field indicates the maximum number of consecutive HARQ DTX before triggering sidelink RLF. Value n1 corresponds to 1, value n2 corresponds to 2, and so on.
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n6, n8, n16, n32} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-CSI-Acquisition-r16Indicates whether CSI reporting is enabled in sidelink unicast. If the field is absent, sidelink CSI reporting is disabled.
ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-CSI-SchedulingRequestId-r16If present, it indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for Sidelink CSI Reporting MAC CE andSidelink DRX Command MAC CE, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SetupRelease {SchedulingRequestId} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-SSB-PriorityNR-r16This field indicates the priority of NR sidelink SSB transmission and reception.
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
networkControlledSyncTx-r16This field indicates whether the UE shall transmit synchronisation information (i.e. become synchronisation source). Value on indicates the UE to transmit synchronisation information while value off indicates the UE to not transmit such information.
ENUMERATED {on, off} OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-PHY-MAC-RLC-Config-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-DRX-Config-r17This field indicates the sidelink DRX configuration(s) for unicast, groupcast and/or broadcast communication, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SL-DRX-Config-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-RLC-ChannelToReleaseList-r17This field indicates one or multiple PC5 Relay RLC Channel configurations to remove.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-LCID-r16)) OF SL-RLC-ChannelID-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond L2U2N
sl-RLC-ChannelToAddModList-r17This field indicates one or multiple PC5 Relay RLC Channel configurations to add and/or modify. Each PC5 Relay RLC channel configuration provided by network to L2 U2N Relay UE is uniquely associated with one L2 U2N Remote UE.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-LCID-r16)) OF SL-RLC-ChannelConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond L2U2N ..., [[ sl-RLC-BearerToAddModListSizeExt-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-LCID-r16)) OF SL-RLC-BearerConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-RLC-BearerToReleaseListSizeExt-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-LCID-r16)) OF SL-RLC-BearerConfigIndex-v1800 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-FreqInfoToAddModListExt-v1800 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-FreqConfigExt-v1800 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sl-LBT-SchedulingRequestId-r18Indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for Sidelink consistent LBT failure report, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SetupRelease {SchedulingRequestId} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-SyncFreqList-r18Indicates a list of candidate carrier frequencies that can be used for the synchronisation of NR sidelink communication.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-Freq-Id-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-SyncTxMultiFreq-r18Indicates that the UE transmits S-SSB on multiple carrier frequencies for NR sidelink communication. If this field is absent, the UE transmits S-SSB only on the synchronisation carrier frequency.
sl-MaxTransPowerCA-r18The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE across all sidelink carriers.
P-Max OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SCCH-CarrierSetConfig-r18 SetupRelease {SL-SCCH-CarrierSetConfigList-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PRS-SchedulingRequestId-r18If present, it indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for Sidelink PRS Request MAC CE, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SetupRelease {SchedulingRequestId} OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } SL-DiscConfig-r17::= SEQUENCE { sl-RelayUE-Config-r17 SetupRelease { SL-RelayUE-Config-r17} OPTIONAL, -- Cond L2RelayUE sl-RemoteUE-Config-r17 SetupRelease { SL-RemoteUE-Config-r17} OPTIONAL -- Cond L2RemoteUE } SL-DiscConfig-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RelayUE-ConfigU2U-r18 SetupRelease { SL-RelayUE-ConfigU2U-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Cond U2URelayUE sl-RemoteUE-ConfigU2U-r18 SetupRelease { SL-RemoteUE-ConfigU2U-r18} OPTIONAL -- Cond U2URemoteUE } SL-SCCH-CarrierSetConfigList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-CarrierSetConfig-r18)) OF SL-SCCH-CarrierSetConfig-r18 SL-SCCH-CarrierSetConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-DestinationList-r18This field indicates the list of destination identify that the sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet1 and sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet2 apply. Only destination identity for unicast link can be included in this field.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-DestinationIdentity-r16,
sl-SRB-Identity-r18This field indicates the list of sidelink SRB identities that the sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet1 and sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet2 apply.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF SRB-Identity, sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet1-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF INTEGER (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16), sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet2-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF INTEGER (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16) } SL-DiscConfig-v1830 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RemoteUE-ConfigU2U-v1830 SetupRelease { SL-RemoteUE-ConfigU2U-v1830} OPTIONAL -- Cond U2URemoteUE } SL-DiscConfig-v1840 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RelayUE-ConfigU2U-v1840 SetupRelease { SL-RelayUE-ConfigU2U-v1840} OPTIONAL -- Cond U2URelayUE } -- TAG-SL-CONFIGDEDICATEDNR-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-ConfigDedicatedNRfield descriptions
Indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for Sidelink consistent LBT failure report, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
The maximum total transmit power to be used by the UE across all sidelink carriers.
This field indicates the RSRP measurement configurations for unicast destinations to add and/or modify.
This field indicates the RSRP measurement configurations for unicast destinations to remove.
This field indicates the lower layer sidelink radio bearer configurations.
This field indicates one or multiple sidelink radio bearer configurationsto add and/or modify. This field is not configured to the PC5 connection used for L2 U2N relay operation.
This field indicates one or multiple sidelink radio bearer configurations to remove. This field is not configured to the PC5 connection used for L2 U2N relay operation.
SL-PHY-MAC-RLC-Configfield descriptions
This field indicates whether the UE shall transmit synchronisation information (i.e. become synchronisation source). Value on indicates the UE to transmit synchronisation information while value off indicates the UE to not transmit such information.
This field indicates the sidelink DRX configuration(s) for unicast, groupcast and/or broadcast communication, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
This field indicates the maximum number of consecutive HARQ DTX before triggering sidelink RLF. Value n1 corresponds to 1, value n2 corresponds to 2, and so on.
sl-FreqInfoToAddModList, sl-FreqInfoToAddModListExt
This field indicates the NR sidelink communication configuration on some carrier frequency (ies) to add and/or modify.If the network includes sl-FreqInfoToAddModListExt, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in sl-FreqInfoToAddModList.
This field indicates the NR sidelink communication configuration on some carrier frequency (ies) to remove. In this release, only one entry can be configured in the list.
sl-RLC-BearerToAddModList, sl-RLC-BearerToAddModListSizeExt
This field indicates one or multiple sidelink RLC bearer configurations to add and/or modify.
sl-RLC-BearerToReleaseList, sl-RLC-BearerToReleaseListSizeExt
This field indicates one or multiple sidelink RLC bearer configurations to remove.
This field indicates one or multiple PC5 Relay RLC Channel configurations to add and/or modify. Each PC5 Relay RLC channel configuration provided by network to L2 U2N Relay UE is uniquely associated with one L2 U2N Remote UE.
This field indicates one or multiple PC5 Relay RLC Channel configurations to remove.
Indicates the configuration for UE to transmit NR sidelink communication based on network scheduling.This field is not configured simultaneously with sl-UE-SelectedConfig. This field is not configured to a L2 U2N Remote UE.
Indicates the configuration used for UE autonomous resource selection. This field is not configured simultaneously with sl-ScheduledConfig.
Indicates whether CSI reporting is enabled in sidelink unicast. If the field is absent, sidelink CSI reporting is disabled.
If present, it indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for Sidelink CSI Reporting MAC CE andSidelink DRX Command MAC CE, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
If present, it indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for Sidelink PRS Request MAC CE, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
This field indicates the priority of NR sidelink SSB transmission and reception.
Indicates a list of candidate carrier frequencies that can be used for the synchronisation of NR sidelink communication.
Indicates that the UE transmits S-SSB on multiple carrier frequencies for NR sidelink communication. If this field is absent, the UE transmits S-SSB only on the synchronisation carrier frequency.
SL-SCCH-CarrierSetConfigfield descriptions
sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet1, sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet2
Indicates the set of carrier frequencies applicable for the transmission of the MAC SDUs from the sidelink SRB logical channels whose associated destination is included in sl-destinationList. If present, network ensures sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet1 and sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet2 do not include the same carrier frequency. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
This field indicates the list of destination identify that the sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet1 and sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet2 apply. Only destination identity for unicast link can be included in this field.
This field indicates the list of sidelink SRB identities that the sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet1 and sl-AllowedCarrierFreqSet2 apply.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
For L2 U2N Relay UE, the field is optionally present, Need M. Otherwise, it is absent.
For L2 U2N Remote UE, the field is optionally present, Need M. Otherwise, it is absent.
The field is optional present for L2 U2N or L2 U2U Relay UE and L2 U2N or L2 U2U Remote UE, need N. Otherwise, it is absent.
For U2U Relay UE, the field is optionally present, Need M. Otherwise, it is absent.
For U2U Remote UE, the field is optionally present, Need M. Otherwise, it is absent.

The IE SL-ConfiguredGrantConfig specifies the configured grant configuration information for NR sidelink communication.
sl-ConfigIndexCG-r16This field indicates the ID to identify sidelink configured grant.
sl-PeriodCG-r16This field indicates the period of sidelink configured grantin the unit of ms.
SL-PeriodCG-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-NrOfHARQ-Processes-r16This field indicates the number of HARQ processes configured for a specific sidelink configured grant. It applies for both type 1 and type 2.
INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-HARQ-ProcID-offset-r16 INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-CG-MaxTransNumList-r16This field indicates the maximum number of times that a TB can be transmitted using the resources provided by the sidelink configured grant. sl-Priority corresponds to the logical channel priority.
SL-CG-MaxTransNumList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
rrc-ConfiguredSidelinkGrant-r16Configuration for "sidelink configured grant" transmission with fully RRC-configured SL grant (Type1). If this field is not configured, the UE uses SL grant configured by DCI addressed to SL-CS-RNTI (Type2).
sl-TimeResourceCG-Type1-r16This field indicates the time resource location of sidelink configured grant type 1. An index giving valid combinations of up to two slot positions (jointly encoded) as time resource indicator value (TRIV),as defined in TS 38.212 [17].
INTEGER (0..496) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-StartSubchannelCG-Type1-r16This field indicates the starting sub-channel of sidelink configured grant type 1. An index giving valid sub-channel index.
INTEGER (0..26) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-FreqResourceCG-Type1-r16Indicates the frequency resource location of sidelink configured grant type 1. An index giving valid combinations of one or two starting sub-channel and length (jointly encoded) as resource indicator value (RIV), as defined in TS 38.214 [19].
INTEGER (0..6929) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-TimeOffsetCG-Type1-r16This field indicates the slot offset with respect to logical slot defined by sl-TimeReferenceSFN-Type1, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
INTEGER (0..7999) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-N1PUCCH-AN-r16This field indicates the PUCCH resource for HARQ feedback for sidelink configured grant type 1. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in sl-PUCCH-Config and referred to by its ID.
PUCCH-ResourceId OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PSFCH-ToPUCCH-CG-Type1-r16This field,for sidelink configured grant type 1, indicates slot offset between the PSFCH associated with the last PSSCH resource of each period and the PUCCH occasion used for reporting sidelink HARQ.
INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-ResourcePoolID-r16Indicates the resource pool in which the sidelink configured grant type 1 is applied.
SL-ResourcePoolID-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-TimeReferenceSFN-Type1-r16Indicates SFN used for determination of the offset of a resource in time domain. If it is present, the UE uses the 1st logical slot of associated resource pool after the starting time of the closest SFN with the indicated number preceding the reception of the sidelink configured grant configuration type 1 as reference logical slot, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.3. If it is not present, the reference SFN is 0.
ENUMERATED {sfn512} OPTIONAL -- Need S } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
sl-N1PUCCH-AN-Type2-r16This field indicates the PUCCH resource for HARQ feedback for PSCCH/PSSCH transmissions without a corresponding PDCCH on sidelink configured grant type 2. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in sl-PUCCH-Config and referred to by its ID.
PUCCH-ResourceId OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[
sl-StartRBsetCG-Type1-r18Indicates starting RB set index of the initial PSSCH transmission of the sidelink configured grant Type 1 for interlace RB-based PSSCH transmission.
INTEGER (0..4) OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } SL-ConfigIndexCG-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofCG-SL-1-r16) SL-CG-MaxTransNumList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SL-CG-MaxTransNum-r16 SL-CG-MaxTransNum-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-Priority-r16 INTEGER (1..8), sl-MaxTransNum-r16 INTEGER (1..32) } SL-PeriodCG-r16 ::= CHOICE{ sl-PeriodCG1-r16 ENUMERATED {ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms700, ms800, ms900, ms1000, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, sl-PeriodCG2-r16 INTEGER (1..99) } -- TAG-SL-CONFIGUREDGRANTCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-ConfiguredGrantConfigfield descriptions
Configuration for "sidelink configured grant" transmission with fully RRC-configured SL grant (Type1). If this field is not configured, the UE uses SL grant configured by DCI addressed to SL-CS-RNTI (Type2).
This field indicates the ID to identify sidelink configured grant.
This field indicates the maximum number of times that a TB can be transmitted using the resources provided by the sidelink configured grant. sl-Priority corresponds to the logical channel priority.
Indicates the frequency resource location of sidelink configured grant type 1. An index giving valid combinations of one or two starting sub-channel and length (jointly encoded) as resource indicator value (RIV), as defined in TS 38.214 [19].
Indicates the offset used in deriving the HARQ process ID for sidelink configured grant type 1 or sidelink configured grant type 2, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.3.
This field indicates the PUCCH resource for HARQ feedback for sidelink configured grant type 1. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in sl-PUCCH-Config and referred to by its ID.
This field indicates the PUCCH resource for HARQ feedback for PSCCH/PSSCH transmissions without a corresponding PDCCH on sidelink configured grant type 2. The actual PUCCH-Resource is configured in sl-PUCCH-Config and referred to by its ID.
This field indicates the number of HARQ processes configured for a specific sidelink configured grant. It applies for both type 1 and type 2.
This field indicates the period of sidelink configured grantin the unit of ms.
This field,for sidelink configured grant type 1, indicates slot offset between the PSFCH associated with the last PSSCH resource of each period and the PUCCH occasion used for reporting sidelink HARQ.
Indicates the resource pool in which the sidelink configured grant type 1 is applied.
Indicates starting RB set index of the initial PSSCH transmission of the sidelink configured grant Type 1 for interlace RB-based PSSCH transmission.
This field indicates the starting sub-channel of sidelink configured grant type 1. An index giving valid sub-channel index.
This field indicates the slot offset with respect to logical slot defined by sl-TimeReferenceSFN-Type1, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Indicates SFN used for determination of the offset of a resource in time domain. If it is present, the UE uses the 1st logical slot of associated resource pool after the starting time of the closest SFN with the indicated number preceding the reception of the sidelink configured grant configuration type 1 as reference logical slot, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.3. If it is not present, the reference SFN is 0.
This field indicates the time resource location of sidelink configured grant type 1. An index giving valid combinations of up to two slot positions (jointly encoded) as time resource indicator value (TRIV),as defined in TS 38.212 [17].

The IE SL-ConfiguredGrantConfigDedicated-SL-PRS-RP specifies the configured grant configuration information for NR sidelink positioning in a dedicated SL-PRS resource pool. SL-ConfiguredGrantConfigDedicated-SL-PRS-RP information element
sl-PRS-ConfigIndexCG-r18This field indicates the ID to identify sidelink configured grant. The field value should not be duplicated with sl-ConfigIndexCG in IE SL-ConfiguredGrantConfig.
sl-PRS-PeriodCG-r18This field indicates the period of SL PRS configured grant in a dedicated resources in ms for either CG type 1 or CG type 2.
SL-PeriodCG-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PRS-ResourcePoolID-r18Indicates the resource pool in which the configured sidelink grant Type 1 is applied. The field value should not be duplicated with sl-ResourcePoolID in IE SL-ConfiguredGrantConfig.
SL-ResourcePoolID-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M rrc-ConfiguredSidelinkGrantDedicated-SL-PRS-RP-r18 SEQUENCE {
sl-TimeOffsetCG-Type1-r18This field indicates the slot offset with respect to logical slot defined bysl-TimeReferenceSFN-Type1-Dedicated-SL-PRS-RP, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
INTEGER (0..7999) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-TimeReferenceSFN-Type1-r18Indicates SFN used for determination of the offset of a resource in time domain. If it is present, the UE uses the 1st logical slot of associated resource pool after the starting time of the closest SFN with the indicated number preceding the reception of the sidelink configured grant configuration type 1 as reference logical slot, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.3. If it is not present, the reference SFN is 0.
sl-TimeResourceCG-Type1-r18This field indicates the time resource location of sidelink configured grant type 1. An index giving valid combinations of up to two slot positions (jointly encoded) as time resource indicator value (TRIV),as defined in TS 38.212 [17].
INTEGER (0..496) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PRS-ResourceIndicationFirstType1-r18Indicates SL-PRS Resource ID for the first SL-PRS transmission.
INTEGER(0..11) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PRS-ResourceIndicationFutureType1-r18Indicates SL-PRS resource IDs for future SL PRS transmissions. An index giving valid combinations of up to two SL PRS resource IDs (jointly encoded) .
SL-ConfiguredGrantConfigDedicated-SL-PRS-RPfield descriptions
This field indicates the ID to identify sidelink configured grant. The field value should not be duplicated with sl-ConfigIndexCG in IE SL-ConfiguredGrantConfig.
This field indicates the period of SL PRS configured grant in a dedicated resources in ms for either CG type 1 or CG type 2.
Indicates SL-PRS Resource ID for the first SL-PRS transmission.
Indicates SL-PRS resource IDs for future SL PRS transmissions. An index giving valid combinations of up to two SL PRS resource IDs (jointly encoded) .
Indicates the resource pool in which the configured sidelink grant Type 1 is applied. The field value should not be duplicated with sl-ResourcePoolID in IE SL-ConfiguredGrantConfig.
This field indicates the slot offset with respect to logical slot defined bysl-TimeReferenceSFN-Type1-Dedicated-SL-PRS-RP, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Indicates SFN used for determination of the offset of a resource in time domain. If it is present, the UE uses the 1st logical slot of associated resource pool after the starting time of the closest SFN with the indicated number preceding the reception of the sidelink configured grant configuration type 1 as reference logical slot, see TS 38.321 [3], clause 5.8.3. If it is not present, the reference SFN is 0.
This field indicates the time resource location of sidelink configured grant type 1. An index giving valid combinations of up to two slot positions (jointly encoded) as time resource indicator value (TRIV),as defined in TS 38.212 [17].

The IE SL-DestinationIdentity is used to identify a destination of a NR sidelink communication.

The IE SL-DRX-Config is used to configure DRX related parameters for NR sidelink communication/discovery. The SL DRX timers should be calculated in the unit of physical slot.
sl-DRX-ConfigGC-BC-r17This field indicates the sidelink DRX configurations for groupcast and broadcast communication, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
SL-DRX-ConfigGC-BC-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond HO
sl-DRX-ConfigUC-ToReleaseList-r17This field indicates the sidelink DRX configurations for corresponding unicast destinations to remove.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-DestinationIndex-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sl-DRX-ConfigUC-ToAddModList-r17This field indicates the sidelink DRX configurations for corresponding unicast destinations to add and/or modify.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-DRX-ConfigUC-Info-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } SL-DRX-ConfigUC-Info-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-DestinationIndex-r17 SL-DestinationIndex-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-DRX-ConfigUC-r17 SL-DRX-ConfigUC-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } -- TAG-SL-DRX-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-DRX-Config field descriptions
This field indicates the sidelink DRX configurations for groupcast and broadcast communication, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
This field indicates the sidelink DRX configurations for corresponding unicast destinations to remove.
This field indicates the sidelink DRX configurations for corresponding unicast destinations to add and/or modify.

The IE SL-DRX-ConfigGC-BC is used to configure DRX related parameters for NR sidelink groupcast and broadcast communication, unicast/broadcast based communication of Direct Link Establishment Request (TS 24.587 [57]), and discovery message (TS 24.554 [72]).
sl-DRX-GC-BC-PerQoS-List-r17List of one or multiple sidelink DRX configurations for groupcast and broadcast communication, which are mapped from QoS profile(s).
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-GC-BC-DRX-QoS-r17)) OF SL-DRX-GC-BC-QoS-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-DRX-GC-generic-r17 SL-DRX-GC-Generic-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-DefaultDRX-GC-BC-r17Indicates the default sidelink DRX configuration for groupcast and broadcast communications, which is used for QoS profile(s) that cannot be mapped into DRX configuration(s) configured for dedicated QoS profile(s). This field can be applied for the broadcast based or unicast based communication of Direct Link Establishment Request as described in TS 24.587 [57], ProSe Direct Link Establishment Request message and discovery messageas described in TS 24.554 [72].
SL-DRX-GC-BC-QoS-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-DRX-GC-BC-QoS-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-DRX-GC-BC-MappedQoS-FlowList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-QFIs-r16)) OF SL-QoS-Profile-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-DRX-GC-BC-OnDurationTimer-r17Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSecond). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
CHOICE { subMilliSeconds INTEGER (1..31), milliSeconds ENUMERATED { ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5,ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1600, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} },
sl-DRX-GC-InactivityTimer-r17Value in multiple integers of 1 ms, ms0 corresponds to 0, ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on. This field is only valid for groupcast communication.
ENUMERATED { ms0, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms500, ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1},
sl-DRX-GC-BC-Cycle-r17Value in ms, ms10 corresponds to 10ms, ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, ms32 corresponds to 32 ms, and so on.
ENUMERATED { ms10, ms20, ms32, ms40, ms60, ms64, ms70, ms80, ms128, ms160, ms256, ms320, ms512, ms640, ms1024, ms1280, ms2048, ms2560, ms5120, ms10240, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, ... } SL-DRX-GC-Generic-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-DRX-GC-HARQ-RTT-Timer1-r17 ENUMERATED {sl0, sl1, sl2, sl4, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-DRX-GC-HARQ-RTT-Timer2-r17 ENUMERATED {sl0, sl1, sl2, sl4, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-DRX-GC-RetransmissionTimer-r17Value in number of slot lengths of the sidelink BWP where the transport block was received. Value sl0 corresponds to 0 slots, sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, and so on.
ENUMERATED { sl0, sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6, sl8, sl16, sl24, sl33, sl40, sl64, sl80, sl96, sl112, sl128, sl160, sl320, spare15, spare14, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} } -- TAG-SL-DRX-CONFIGGC-BC-STOP -- ASN1STOP
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, need M, in an RRCReconfiguration message including reconfigurationWithSync; otherwise it is absent, Need M.
SL-DRX-ConfigGC-BC field descriptions
Indicates the default sidelink DRX configuration for groupcast and broadcast communications, which is used for QoS profile(s) that cannot be mapped into DRX configuration(s) configured for dedicated QoS profile(s). This field can be applied for the broadcast based or unicast based communication of Direct Link Establishment Request as described in TS 24.587 [57], ProSe Direct Link Establishment Request message and discovery messageas described in TS 24.554 [72].
List of one or multiple sidelink DRX configurations for groupcast and broadcast communication, which are mapped from QoS profile(s).
Value in ms, ms10 corresponds to 10ms, ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, ms32 corresponds to 32 ms, and so on.
List of QoS profiles of the NR sidelink communication, which are mapped to a sidelink DRX configuration.
Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSecond). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
sl-DRX-GC-HARQ-RTT-Timer1, sl-DRX-GC-HARQ-RTT-Timer2
Value in number of slot lengths of the sidelink BWP where the transport block was received. Value sl0 corresponds to 0 slots, sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, and so on. sl-DRX-GC-HARQ-RTT-Timer1 is used for HARQ feedback enabled sidelink retransmission if SCI does not indicate retransmission resource(s). sl-DRX-GC-HARQ-RTT-Timer2 is used for HARQ feedback disabled sidelink retransmission in resource pool configured with PSFCH if SCI does not indicate retransmission resource(s).
Indicates a sidelink DRX configuration for groupcast communication, which is applicable to any QoS profile or any Destination Layer-2 ID.
Value in multiple integers of 1 ms, ms0 corresponds to 0, ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on. This field is only valid for groupcast communication.
Value in number of slot lengths of the sidelink BWP where the transport block was received. Value sl0 corresponds to 0 slots, sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, and so on.

The IE SL-DRX-ConfigUC is used to configure sidelink DRX related parameters for unicast communication.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-DRX-CONFIGUC-START SL-DRX-ConfigUC-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-drx-onDurationTimer-r17 CHOICE { subMilliSeconds INTEGER (1..31), milliSeconds ENUMERATED { ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1600, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} }, sl-drx-InactivityTimer-r17 ENUMERATED { ms0, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms500, ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, sl-drx-HARQ-RTT-Timer1-r17 ENUMERATED {sl0, sl1, sl2, sl4, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-drx-HARQ-RTT-Timer2-r17 ENUMERATED {sl0, sl1, sl2, sl4, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-drx-RetransmissionTimer-r17 ENUMERATED { sl0, sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6, sl8, sl16, sl24, sl33, sl40, sl64, sl80, sl96, sl112, sl128, sl160, sl320, spare15, spare14, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}, sl-drx-CycleStartOffset-r17 CHOICE { ms10 INTEGER(0..9), ms20 INTEGER(0..19), ms32 INTEGER(0..31), ms40 INTEGER(0..39), ms60 INTEGER(0..59), ms64 INTEGER(0..63), ms70 INTEGER(0..69), ms80 INTEGER(0..79), ms128 INTEGER(0..127), ms160 INTEGER(0..159), ms256 INTEGER(0..255), ms320 INTEGER(0..319), ms512 INTEGER(0..511), ms640 INTEGER(0..639), ms1024 INTEGER(0..1023), ms1280 INTEGER(0..1279), ms2048 INTEGER(0..2047), ms2560 INTEGER(0..2559), ms5120 INTEGER(0..5119), ms10240 INTEGER(0..10239) }, sl-drx-SlotOffset INTEGER (0..31) } -- TAG-SL-DRX-CONFIGUC-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-DRX-ConfigUC-SemiStatic is used to indicate the semi-static sidelink DRX related parameters for unicast communication.
sl-drx-onDurationTimer-r17Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSecond). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
CHOICE { subMilliSeconds INTEGER (1..31), milliSeconds ENUMERATED { ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1600, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} },
sl-drx-CycleStartOffset-r17sl-drx-Cycle in ms and sl-drx-StartOffset in multiples of 1 ms.
CHOICE { ms10 INTEGER(0..9), ms20 INTEGER(0..19), ms32 INTEGER(0..31), ms40 INTEGER(0..39), ms60 INTEGER(0..59), ms64 INTEGER(0..63), ms70 INTEGER(0..69), ms80 INTEGER(0..79), ms128 INTEGER(0..127), ms160 INTEGER(0..159), ms256 INTEGER(0..255), ms320 INTEGER(0..319), ms512 INTEGER(0..511), ms640 INTEGER(0..639), ms1024 INTEGER(0..1023), ms1280 INTEGER(0..1279), ms2048 INTEGER(0..2047), ms2560 INTEGER(0..2559), ms5120 INTEGER(0..5119), ms10240 INTEGER(0..10239) },
sl-drx-SlotOffset-r17Value in 1/32 ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0 ms, value 1 corresponds to 1/32 ms, value 2 corresponds to 2/32 ms, and so on.
SL-DRX-ConfigUC field descriptions
sl-drx-Cycle in ms and sl-drx-StartOffset in multiples of 1 ms.
sl-drx-HARQ-RTT-Timer1, sl-drx-HARQ-RTT-Timer2
Value in number of slot lengths of the BWP where the transport block was received. Value sl0 corresponds to 0 slots, sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, and so on.sl-drx-HARQ-RTT-Timer1 is used for HARQ feedback enabled sidelink retransmission if SCI does not indicate retransmission resource(s). sl-drx-HARQ-RTT-Timer2 is used for HARQ feedback disabled sidelink retransmission in resource pool configured with PSFCH if SCI does not indicate retransmission resource(s).
Value in number of slot lengths of the BWP where the transport block was received, sl0 corresponds to 0, sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, and so on.
Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSecond). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
Value in number of slot lengths of the BWP where the transport block was received. Value sl0 corresponds to 0 slots, sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, and so on.
Value in 1/32 ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0 ms, value 1 corresponds to 1/32 ms, value 2 corresponds to 2/32 ms, and so on.

The IE SL-FreqConfig specifies the dedicated configuration information on one particular carrier frequency for NR sidelink communication/positioning.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-FREQCONFIG-START SL-FreqConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-Freq-Id-r16 SL-Freq-Id-r16, sl-SCS-SpecificCarrierList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF SCS-SpecificCarrier, sl-AbsoluteFrequencyPointA-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-AbsoluteFrequencySSB-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, -- Need R frequencyShift7p5khzSL-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond V2X-SL-Shared valueN-r16 INTEGER (-1..1), sl-BWP-ToReleaseList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-BWPs-r16)) OF BWP-Id OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-BWP-ToAddModList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-BWPs-r16)) OF SL-BWP-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-SyncConfigList-r16 SL-SyncConfigList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-SyncPriority-r16 ENUMERATED {gnss, gnbEnb} OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-Freq-Id-r16 ::= INTEGER (1.. maxNrofFreqSL-r16) SL-FreqConfigExt-v1800 ::= SEQUENCE { absenceOfAnyOtherTechnology-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-FreqSelectionConfigList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SL-FreqSelectionConfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SyncTxDisabled-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-EnergyDetectionConfig-r18 CHOICE { sl-MaxEnergyDetectionThreshold-r18 INTEGER (-85..-52), sl-EnergyDetectionThresholdOffset-r18 INTEGER (-13..20) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ue-ToUE-COT-SharingED-Threshold-r18 INTEGER (-85..-52) OPTIONAL, -- Need R harq-ACK-FeedbackRatioforCW-AdjustmentGC-Option2-r18 INTEGER (10..100) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-SL-FREQCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-FreqConfigCommon specifies the cell-specific configuration information on one particular carrier frequency for NR sidelink communication/positioning.
sl-SCS-SpecificCarrierList-r16A set of UE specific channel bandwidth and location configurations for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A. The UE uses the configuration provided in this field only for the purpose of channel bandwidth and location determination. In this release, only one SCS-SpecificCarrier is allowed to be configured for NR sidelink communication.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF SCS-SpecificCarrier,
sl-AbsoluteFrequencyPointA-r16Absolute frequency of the reference resource block (Common RB 0). Its lowest subcarrier is also known as Point A.
sl-AbsoluteFrequencySSB-r16Indicates the frequency location of sidelink SSB. The transmission bandwidth for sidelink SSB is within the bandwidth of this sidelink BWP.
frequencyShift7p5khzSL-r16Enable the NR SL transmission with a 7.5 kHz shift to the LTE raster. If the field is absent, the frequency shift is disabled.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond V2X-SL-Shared
valueN-r16Indicate the NR SL transmission with a valueN *5kHz shift to the LTE raster. (see TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 5.4E.2).
INTEGER (-1..1), sl-BWP-List-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-BWPs-r16)) OF SL-BWP-ConfigCommon-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-SyncPriority-r16This field indicates synchronization priority order, as specified in clause 5.8.6.sl-SyncPriorityis configured with the same value across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies.
ENUMERATED {gnss, gnbEnb} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-NbAsSync-r16 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SyncConfigList-r16 SL-SyncConfigList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ sl-UnlicensedFreqConfigCommon-r18 SEQUENCE {
absenceOfAnyOtherTechnology-r18Presence of this field indicates absence on a long term basis (e.g. by level of regulation) of any other technology sharing the carrier; absence of this field indicates the potential presence of any other technology sharing the carrier, as specified in TS 37.213 [48] clauses 4.5. This parameter is not expected to be provided if the sidelink carrier is overlapped with uplink carrier.
ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-FreqSelectionConfigList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SL-FreqSelectionConfig-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-SyncTxDisabled-r18Indicates that the carrier, even though equipped with synchronisation resources, cannot be used as a synchronisation carrier frequency to transmit S-SSB.
sl-EnergyDetectionConfig-r18Indicates whether to use the maxEnergyDetectionThreshold or the energyDetectionThresholdOffset (see TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5).
sl-MaxEnergyDetectionThreshold-r18Indicates the absolute maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dBm. Value -85 corresponds to -85 dBm, value -84 corresponds to -84 dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dBm) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5.
INTEGER (-85..-52),
sl-EnergyDetectionThresholdOffset-r18Indicates the offset to the default maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dB. Value -13 corresponds to -13dB, value -12 corresponds to -12dB, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dB) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5.
INTEGER (-13..20) } OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ue-ToUE-COT-SharingED-Threshold-r18Indicates the energy detection threshold that a UE uses to initiate a channel occupancy with other UE(s), and the other UE(s) that shares the initiated channel occupancy shall use this configured parameter for accessing the channel(s) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5 for sidelink channel access. Unit in dBm. Value -85 corresponds to -85 dBm, value -84 corresponds to -84 dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dBm).
INTEGER (-85..-52) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
harq-ACK-FeedbackRatioforCW-AdjustmentGC-Option2-r18Indicates the ratio threshold for contention window adjustment for SL groupcast option 2 as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.4. Unit is percentage.
INTEGER (10..100) OPTIONAL -- Need R } OPTIONAL, -- Cond SIB12 sl-PosBWP-List-r18 SEQUENCE ( SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-BWPs-r16)) OF SL-PosBWP-ConfigCommon-r18 OPTIONAL -- Cond SIB23 ]] } -- TAG-SL-FREQCONFIGCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-FreqConfig field descriptions
Presence of this field indicates absence on a long term basis (e.g. by level of regulation) of any other technology sharing the carrier; absence of this field indicates the potential presence of any other technology sharing the carrier, as specified in TS 37.213 [48] clauses 4.5. This parameter is not expected to be provided if the sidelink carrier is overlapped with uplink carrier.
Indicates whether to use the maxEnergyDetectionThreshold or the energyDetectionThresholdOffset (see TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5).
Indicates the offset to the default maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dB. Value -13 corresponds to -13dB, value -12 corresponds to -12dB, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dB) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5.
Enable the NR SL transmission with a 7.5 kHz shift to the LTE raster. If the field is absent, the frequency shift is disabled.
Indicates the ratio threshold for contention window adjustment for SL groupcast option 2 as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.4. Unit is percentage.
Indicates the absolute maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dBm. Value -85 corresponds to -85 dBm, value -84 corresponds to -84 dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dBm) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5.
Absolute frequency of the reference resource block (Common RB 0). Its lowest subcarrier is also known as Point A.
Indicates the frequency location of sidelink SSB. The transmission bandwidth for sidelink SSB is within the bandwidth of this sidelink BWP.
This field indicates the list of sidelink BWP(s) on which the NR sidelink communication configuration is to be added or reconfigured. In this release, only one BWP is allowed to be configured for NR sidelink communication.
This field indicates the list of sidelink BWP(s) on which the NR sidelink communication configuration is to be released.
This field indicates the identity of the dedicated configuration information on the carrier frequency for NR sidelink communication.
A set of UE specific channel bandwidth and location configurations for different subcarrier spacings (numerologies). Defined in relation to Point A. The UE uses the configuration provided in this field only for the purpose of channel bandwidth and location determination. In this release, only one SCS-SpecificCarrier is allowed to be configured for NR sidelink communication.
Indicates that the carrier, even though equipped with synchronisation resources, cannot be used as a synchronisation carrier frequency to transmit S-SSB.
This field indicates synchronization priority order, as specified in clause 5.8.6.sl-SyncPriorityis configured with the same value across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies.
Indicates the energy detection threshold that a UE uses to initiate a channel occupancy with other UE(s), and the other UE(s) that shares the initiated channel occupancy shall use this configured parameter for accessing the channel(s) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5 for sidelink channel access. Unit in dBm. Value -85 corresponds to -85 dBm, value -84 corresponds to -84 dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dBm).
Indicate the NR SL transmission with a valueN *5kHz shift to the LTE raster. (see TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 5.4E.2).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present if the carrier frequency configured for NR sidelink communication is shared by V2X sidelink communication. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.

The IE SL-FreqSelectionConfig specifies the configuration information for carrier selection for NR sidelink transmission using UE autonomous resource selection.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-FREQSELECTIONCONFIG-START SL-FreqSelectionConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-priorityList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (1..8), sl-threshCBR-FreqReselection-r18 SL-CBR-r16, sl-threshCBR-FreqKeeping-r18 SL-CBR-r16 } -- TAG-SL-FREQSELECTIONCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-IndirectPathAddChange specifies the configuration information of SL indirect path for SL indirect path addition/change in MP.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-INDIRECTPATHADDCHANGE-START SL-IndirectPathAddChange-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-IndirectPathRelayUE-Identity-r18 SL-SourceIdentity-r17,
sl-IndirectPathCellIdentity-r18Identifies the serving cell of the indicated L2 U2N Relay UE.
t421-r18Indicates the timer value of T421 to be used during indirect path addition or change.
ENUMERATED {ms50, ms100, ms150, ms200, ms500, ms1000, ms2000, ms10000} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } -- TAG-SL-INDIRECTPATHADDCHANGE-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-FreqConfigCommonfield descriptions
Presence of this field indicates absence on a long term basis (e.g. by level of regulation) of any other technology sharing the carrier; absence of this field indicates the potential presence of any other technology sharing the carrier, as specified in TS 37.213 [48] clauses 4.5.5. This parameter is not expected to be provided if the sidelink carrier is overlapped with uplink carrier.
Indicates whether to use the maxEnergyDetectionThreshold or the energyDetectionThresholdOffset (see TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5).
Indicates the offset to the default maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dB. Value -13 corresponds to -13dB, value -12 corresponds to -12dB, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dB) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5.
Enable the NR SL transmission with a 7.5 kHz shift to the LTE raster. If the field is absent, the frequency shift is disabled.
Indicates the ratio threshold for contention window adjustment for SL groupcast option 2 as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.4. Unit is percentage.
Indicates the absolute maximum energy detection threshold value. Unit in dBm. Value -85 corresponds to -85 dBm, value -84 corresponds to -84 dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dBm) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5.
Absolute frequency of the reference resource block (Common RB 0). Its lowest subcarrier is also known as Point A.
Indicates the frequency location of sidelink SSB. The transmission bandwidth for sidelink SSB is within the bandwidth of this sidelink BWP.
This field indicates the list of sidelink BWP(s) on which the NR sidelink communication configuration. In this release, only one BWP is allowed to be configured for NR sidelink communication.
This field indicates whether the network can be selected as synchronization reference directly/indirectly only, if sl-SyncPriority is set to gnss. If this field is set to TRUE, the network is enabled to be selected as synchronization reference directly/indirectly. The field is only present in SidelinkPreconfigNR. Otherwise it is absent. All values in sl-NbAsSync are same across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies.
Indicates that the carrier, even though equipped with synchronisation resources, cannot be used as a synchronisation carrier frequency to transmit S-SSB.
This field indicates synchronization priority order, as specified in clause 5.8.6.All values in sl-SyncPriority are same across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies.
This field indicates the configuration by which the UE is allowed to receive and transmit synchronisation information for NR sidelink communication.Network configures sl-SyncConfig including txParameters when configuring UEs to transmit synchronisation information.If this field is configured in SL-PreconfigurationNR-r16, only one entry is configured in sl-SyncConfigList.
Indicates the energy detection threshold that a UE uses to initiate a channel occupancy with to other UE(s), and the other UE(s) that shares the initiated channel occupancy shall use this configured parameter for accessing the channel(s) as specified in TS 37.213 [48], clause 4.5.5 for sidelink channel access. Unit in dBm. Value -85 corresponds to -85 dBm, value -84 corresponds to -84 dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 1dBm).
Indicate the NR SL transmission with a valueN *5kHz shift to the LTE raster (see TS 38.101-1 [15], clause 5.4E.2).
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optional present if included within SIB12, need R. Otherwise, the field is absent.
This field is optional present if included within SIB23, need R. Otherwise, the field is absent.
This field is mandatory present if the carrier frequency configured for NR sidelink communication is shared by V2X sidelink communication. It is absent, Need R, otherwise.
SL-FreqSelectionConfigfield descriptions
Indicates the list of sidelink logical channel priority which is associated with the configurations in sl-threshCBR-FreqReselection and in sl-threshCBR-FreqKeeping.
Indicates the CBR threshold based on which UE determines whether the carrier frequency can be (re)selected for the transmission of NR sidelink. See TS 38.321 [3].
Indicates the CBR threshold based on which UE determines whether the UE can keep using the carrier which was selected for the transmission of NR sidelink. See TS 38.321 [3].
SL-IndirectPathAddChangefield descriptions
Indicates the L2 source ID of the L2 U2N Relay UE of SL indirect path.
Identifies the serving cell of the indicated L2 U2N Relay UE.
Indicates the timer value of T421 to be used during indirect path addition or change.

The IE SL-InterUE-CoordinationConfig is used to configure the sidelink inter-UE coordination (between a UE,UE-A, and a peer UE,UE-B) parameters. The network ensures sidelink inter-UE coordination and sidelink DRX are not configured at the same time for a UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-INTERUE-COORDINATIONCONFIG-START SL-InterUE-CoordinationConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-InterUE-CoordinationScheme1-r17 SL-InterUE-CoordinationScheme1-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-InterUE-CoordinationScheme2-r17 SL-InterUE-CoordinationScheme2-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-InterUE-CoordinationScheme1-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-IUC-Explicit-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-IUC-Condition-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-Condition1-A-2-r17 ENUMERATED {disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-ThresholdRSRP-Condition1-B-1-Option1List-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SL-ThresholdRSRP-Condition1-B-1-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-ThresholdRSRP-Condition1-B-1-Option2List-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SL-ThresholdRSRP-Condition1-B-1-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-ContainerCoordInfo-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-ContainerRequest-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-TriggerConditionCoordInfo-r17 INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-TriggerConditionRequest-r17 INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PriorityCoordInfoExplicit-r17 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PriorityCoordInfoCondition-r17 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PriorityRequest-r17 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PriorityPreferredResourceSet-r17 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-MaxSlotOffsetTRIV-r17 INTEGER (1..8000) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-NumSubCH-PreferredResourceSet-r17 INTEGER (1..27) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-ReservedPeriodPreferredResourceSet-r17 INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-DetermineResourceType-r17 ENUMERATED {uea, ueb} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-InterUE-CoordinationScheme2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-IUC-Scheme2-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-RB-SetPSFCH-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (10..275)) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-TypeUE-A-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-PSFCH-Occasion-r17 INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-SlotLevelResourceExclusion-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-OptionForCondition2-A-1-r17 INTEGER (0..1) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-IndicationUE-B-r17 ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ sl-DeltaRSRP-Thresh-v1720 INTEGER (-30..30) OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } SL-ThresholdRSRP-Condition1-B-1-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-Priority-r17 INTEGER (1..8), sl-ThresholdRSRP-Condition1-B-1-r17 INTEGER (0..66) } -- TAG-SL-INTERUE-COORDINATIONCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-LBT-FailureRecoveryConfig-r18 is used to configure the parameters used for detection and cancellation of Sidelink consistent LBT failures for operation with shared spectrum channel access, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
sl-LBT-FailureInstanceMaxCount-r18This field determines after how many LBT failure indications received from the physical layer the UE triggers sidelink LBT failure recovery (see TS 38.321 [3]). Value n4 corresponds to 4, value n8 corresponds to 8, and so on.
ENUMERATED {n4, n8, n16, n32, n64, n128, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-LBT-FailureDetectionTimer-r18Timer for consistent sidelink LBT failure detection (see TS 38.321 [3]). Value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, and so on.
ENUMERATED {ms10, ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160, ms320, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-LBT-RecoveryTimer-r18Timer for consistent sidelink LBT failure cancellation (see TS 38.321 [3]). Value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, and so on.
ENUMERATED {ms10, ms20, ms40, ms80, ms160, ms320, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } -- TAG-SL-LBT-FAILURERECOVERYCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-InterUE-CoordinationScheme1field descriptions
Indicates disabling the use of condition of excluding from preferred resource set resource(s) in slot(s) where UE-A, when it is intended receiver of UE-B, does not expect to perform SL reception from UE-B due to half duplex operation.
Indicates whether a SCI format 2-C can be used as the container of inter-UE coordination information transmission from UE-A to UE-B in Scheme 1 in addition to using MAC CE.
Indicates whether a SCI format 2-C can be used as the container of an explicit request for inter-UE coordination information transmission from UE-B to UE-A in Scheme 1in addition to using MAC CE.
Indicates how to determine the resource set type to be provided by inter-UE coordination information transmission. Value "uea" means the resource set type is determined by UE-A's implementation. Value "ueb" means the resource set type is determined by UE-B's request.
Indicates whether inter-UE coordination information triggered by a condition is enabled or notother than explicit request reception.
Indicates whether inter-UE coordination information triggered by an explicit request is enabled or not.
Indicates the maximum value of logical slot offset with respect to a reference slot that is used for representing the first resource location of each TRIV to indicate the set of resources in Scheme 1 as specified in TS 38.214 [19].
Indicates the number of sub-channels used for determining the preferred resource set in Scheme 1 when the inter-UE coordination information transmission is triggered by a condition other than explicit request reception.
Parameter used to determine the priority values for the purpose defined in TS 38.213 [13] and TS 38.214 [19] including, the priority value for sensing and candidate resource (re-)selection for transmitting the TB carrying the IUC MAC CE and the priority value in the SCI Format 1-A corresponding to the TB carrying the IUC MAC CE, triggered by a condition other than explicit request reception in Scheme 1. The priority value of IUC MAC CE used in LCP procedure (see TS 38.321 [3]) is fixed as "1".
Parameter used to determine the priority values for the purpose defined in TS 38.213 [13] and TS 38.214 [19] including, the priority value for sensing and candidate resource (re-)selection for transmitting the TB carrying the IUC MAC CE and the priority value in the SCI Format 1-A corresponding to the TB carrying the IUC MAC CE, triggered by an explicit request in Scheme 1. The priority value of IUC MAC CE used in LCP procedure (see TS 38.321 [3]) is fixed as "1".
Indicates the priority value used for determining the preferred resource set in Scheme 1 when the inter-UE coordination information transmission is triggered by a condition other than explicit request reception.
Parameter used to determine the priority values for the purpose defined in TS 38.213 [13] and TS 38.214 [19] including, the priority value for sensing and candidate resource (re-)selection for transmitting the TB carrying the IUC request MAC CE and the priority value in the SCI Format 1-A corresponding to the TB carrying the IUC request MAC CE,in an explicit request for inter-UE coordination information in Scheme 1. The priority value of IUC request MAC CE used in LCP procedure (see TS 38.321 [3]) is fixed as "1".
Indicates the resource reservation interval used for determining the preferred resource set in Scheme 1 when the inter-UE coordination information transmission is triggered by a condition, by means of an index to the corresponding entry of sl-ResourceReservePeriodList-r16.
Indicates the additional alternative trigger condition of inter-UE coordination information triggered by a condition rather than request reception in Scheme-1 from UE-A to UE-B. Value 0 means inter-UE coordination information is triggered by UE-A's implementation. Value 1 means inter-UE coordination information can be triggered only when UE-A has data to be transmitted together with the inter-UE coordination information to UE-B.
Indicates the trigger condition of an explicit request from UE-B to UE-A for transmission in a shared SL PRS resource pool. Value 0 means the explicit request is triggered by UE-B's implementation. Value 1 means the explicit request can be triggered only when UE-B has data or SL-PRSto be transmitted to UE-A.
Indicates the RSRP threshold used to determine reserved resource(s) of other UE(s) whose RSRP measurement is larger than it as the set of resource(s) non-preferred for UE-B's transmissionfor Condition 1-B-1 of Scheme 1, as specified in TS 38.214 [19]. Value 0 corresponds to minus infinity dBm, value 1 corresponds to -128dBm, value 2 corresponds to -126dBm, value n corresponds to (-128 + (n-1)*2) dBm and so on, value 66 corresponds to infinity dBm.
Indicates the RSRP threshold used to determine reserved resource(s) of other UE(s) whose RSRP measurement is smaller than it as the set of resource(s) non-preferred for UE-B's transmissionfor Condition 1-B-1 of Scheme 1, as specified in TS 38.214 [19]. Value 0 corresponds to minus infinity dBm, value 1 corresponds to -128dBm, value 2 corresponds to -126dBm, value n corresponds to (-128 + (n-1)*2) dBm and so on, value 66 corresponds to infinity dBm.
SL-InterUE-CoordinationScheme2field descriptions
Indicates the RSRP threshold delta value corresponding to deltaRSRPThresh specified in clause 16.3.0 of TS 38.213 [13] and used to determine reserved resource(s) of other UE(s). Value in dB. Only even values (step size 2) allowed.
Indicates whether to enable or disable the usage of 1 LSB of reserved bits of a SCI format 1-A to indicate of whether UE scheduling a conflict TB can be UE-B or not.
Indicates whether inter-UE coordination Scheme 2 is enabled or not.
Indicates the RSRP threshold used to consider additional criteria for condition 2-A-1. Value 0 corresponds to using the RSRP threshold according to the priorities included in the SCI, UE uses thresholds sl-Thres-RSRP-List, in its resource pool configuration sl-UE-SelectedConfigRP, corresponding to ThresPSSCH-RSRP-List specified in clause 16.3.0 of TS 38.213 [13]. Value 1 corresponds to using a (pre)configured RSRP threshold delta value sl-DeltaRSRP-Thresh, corresponding to deltaRSRPThresh specified in clause 16.3.0 of TS 38.213 [13].
Indicates the reference slot from which a PSFCH occasion for inter-UE coordination information transmission is derived. Value 0 corresponds to the slot where UE-B's SCI is transmitted and value 1 corresponds to the slot where expected/potential resource conflict occurs on PSSCH resource indicated by UE-B's SCI.
Indicates the set of PRBs that are actually used for inter-UE coordination information transmission and reception in Scheme 2. The leftmost bit of the bitmap refers to the lowest RB index in the resource pool, and so on.
Indicates that physical layer of UE-B reports resources in a slot including the next reserved resource indicated by the corresponding UE-B's SCI to higher layer.
Indicates that a non-destination UE of a TB transmitted by UE-B can be UE-A which sends inter-UE coordination information to UE-B, when UE-A is a destination UE of another TB conflicting with the TB transmitted by UE-B.
SL-LBT-FailureRecoveryConfigfield descriptions
Timer for consistent sidelink LBT failure detection (see TS 38.321 [3]). Value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, and so on.
This field determines after how many LBT failure indications received from the physical layer the UE triggers sidelink LBT failure recovery (see TS 38.321 [3]). Value n4 corresponds to 4, value n8 corresponds to 8, and so on.
Timer for consistent sidelink LBT failure cancellation (see TS 38.321 [3]). Value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, and so on.

The IE SL-LogicalChannelConfig is used to configure the sidelink logical channel parameters.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-LOGICALCHANNELCONFIG-START SL-LogicalChannelConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-Priority-r16 INTEGER (1..8), sl-PrioritisedBitRate-r16 ENUMERATED {kBps0, kBps8, kBps16, kBps32, kBps64, kBps128, kBps256, kBps512, kBps1024, kBps2048, kBps4096, kBps8192, kBps16384, kBps32768, kBps65536, infinity}, sl-BucketSizeDuration-r16 ENUMERATED {ms5, ms10, ms20, ms50, ms100, ms150, ms300, ms500, ms1000, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3,spare2, spare1}, sl-ConfiguredGrantType1Allowed-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-HARQ-FeedbackEnabled-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled, disabled } OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-AllowedCG-List-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (0.. maxNrofCG-SL-1-r16)) OF SL-ConfigIndexCG-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-AllowedSCS-List-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSCSs)) OF SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-MaxPUSCH-Duration-r16 ENUMERATED {ms0p02, ms0p04, ms0p0625, ms0p125, ms0p25, ms0p5, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-LogicalChannelGroup-r16 INTEGER (0..maxLCG-ID) OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SchedulingRequestId-r16 SchedulingRequestId OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimerApplied-r16 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ sl-ChannelAccessPriority-r18 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-AllowedCarriers-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF INTEGER (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16) OPTIONAL -- Cond CONNECTED ]] } -- TAG-SL-LOGICALCHANNELCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-L2RelayUE-Config is used to configure L2 U2N relay operation related configurations used by L2 U2N Relay UE,or L2 U2U relay operation related configurations used by L2 U2U Relay UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-L2RELAYUE-CONFIG-START SL-L2RelayUE-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RemoteUE-ToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRemoteUE-r17)) OF SL-RemoteUE-ToAddMod-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-RemoteUE-ToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRemoteUE-r17)) OF SL-DestinationIdentity-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ..., [[ sl-U2U-RemoteUE-ToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-U2U-RemoteUE-Config-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-U2U-RemoteUE-ToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-DestinationIdentity-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } SL-RemoteUE-ToAddMod-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-L2IdentityRemote-r17 SL-DestinationIdentity-r16, sl-SRAP-ConfigRelay-r17 SL-SRAP-Config-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-U2U-RemoteUE-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-L2IdentityRemoteUE-r18 SL-DestinationIdentity-r16, sl-SourceRemoteUE-ToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-SourceRemoteUE-Config-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-SourceRemoteUE-ToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-SourceIdentity-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } SL-SourceRemoteUE-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-SourceUE-Identity-r18 SL-SourceIdentity-r17, sl-SRAP-ConfigU2U-r18 SL-SRAP-ConfigU2U-r18, ... } -- TAG-SL-L2RELAYUE-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-L2RemoteUE-Config is used to configure L2 U2N relay operation related configurations used by L2 U2N Remote UE,or L2 U2U relay operation related configurations used by L2 U2U Remote UE.
sl-SRAP-ConfigRemote-r17Indicates SRAP configuration used for L2 U2N Remote UE.
SL-SRAP-Config-r17 OPTIONAL, --Need M
sl-UEIdentityRemote-r17Indicates the C-RNTI to the L2 U2N Remote UE.
RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Cond FirstRRCReconfig ..., [[
sl-U2U-RelayUE-ToAddModList-r18List of L2 U2U Relay UEs for which the related configuration is to be added and modified to the L2 U2U Remote UE.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-U2U-RelayUE-Config-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sl-U2U-RelayUE-ToReleaseList-r18List of L2 U2U Relay UEs for which the related configuration is to be released by the L2 U2U Remote UE.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-DestinationIdentity-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N ]] } SL-U2U-RelayUE-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-L2IdentityRelay-r18 SL-DestinationIdentity-r16, sl-TargetRemoteUE-ToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-TargetRemoteUE-Config-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-TargetRemoteUE-ToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-DestinationIdentity-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } SL-TargetRemoteUE-Config-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-TargetUE-Identity-r18 SL-DestinationIdentity-r16, sl-SRAP-ConfigU2U-r18 SL-SRAP-ConfigU2U-r18, ... } -- TAG-SL-L2REMOTEUE-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-LogicalChannelConfig field descriptions
If present, SL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the sidelink carriers indicated in this list. Otherwise, SL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any configured sidelink carriers. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12, the value 3 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoListSizeExt broadcast in SIB12 and so on.
This restriction applies only when the SL grant is a configured grant. If present, SL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can only be mapped to the indicated configured grant configuration. If the size of the sequence is zero, then SL MAC SDUs from this logical channel cannot be mapped to any configured grant configurations. If the field is not present, SL MAC SDUs from this logical channel can be mapped to any configured grant configurations. If the field sl-ConfiguredGrantType1Allowed is present, only those sidelink configured grant type 1 configurations indicated in this sequence are allowed for use by this sidelink logical channel; otherwise, this sequence shall not include any sidelink configured grant type 1 configuration. Corresponds to "sl-AllowedCG-List" as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
If present, it indicates the numerology of UL-SCH resourcesthat this sidelink logical channel is mapped to, when checking the SR trigger condition. Corresponds to 'sl-AllowedSCS-List' in TS 38.321 [3].
Value in ms. ms5 corresponds to 5 ms, value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, and so on.
Indicates the Channel Access Priority Class (CAPC), as specified in TS 38.300 [2], to be used on sidelink transmissions for operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1. The network configures this field only for DRBs.
If present and set to true, or if the capability lcp-RestrictionSidelink as specified in TS 38.306 [26] is not indicated, SL MAC SDUs from this sidelink logical channel can be transmitted on a sidelink configured grant type 1. Otherwise, SL MAC SDUs from this logical channel cannot be transmitted on a sidelink configured grant type 1. Corresponds to 'sl-configuredGrantType1Allowed' in TS 38.321 [3].
Network always includes this field. It indicates the HARQ feedback enabled/disabled restriction in LCP for this sidelink logical channel. If set to enabled, the sidelink logical channel will be multiplexed only with a logical channel which enabling the HARQ feedback. If set to disabled, the sidelink logical channel cannot be multiplexed with a logical channel which enabling the HARQ feedback. Corresponds to 'sl-HARQ-FeedbackEnabled' in TS 38.321 [3].If this field of at least one sidelink logical channel for the UE is set to enabled, sl-PSFCH-Config should be mandatory present in configuration SL-ResourcePool of at least one of the sidelink resource pools.
ID of the sidelink logical channel group, as specified in TS 38.321 [3], which the sidelink logical channel belongs to.
Indicates whether to apply the delay timer for SR transmission for this sidelink logical channel. Set to false if logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer is not included in sl-BSR-Config.
If present, it indicates the maximum PUSCH duration of UL-SCH resources that this sidelink logical channel is mapped to, when checking the SR trigger condition. Corresponds to "sl-MaxPUSCH-Duration" in TS 38.321 [3].
Value in kiloBytes/s. Value kBps0 corresponds to 0 kiloBytes/s, value kBps8 corresponds to 8 kiloBytes/s, value kBps16 corresponds to 16 kiloBytes/s, and so on.
Sidelink logical channel priority, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
If present, it indicates the scheduling request configuration applicable for this sidelink logical channel, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optionally present, Need M, in an RRCReconfiguration message, for a SL DRB with additional sidelink RLC bearer being configured. The field is absent otherwise.
SL-L2RelayUE-Config field descriptions
List of L2 U2N Remote UEs to be added and modified to the L2 U2N Relay UE.
List of L2 U2N Remote UEs to be released by the L2 U2N Relay UE.
List of target L2 U2U Remote UEs for which the related configuration is to be added and modified to the L2 U2U Relay UE.
List of target L2 U2U Remote UEs for which the related configuration is to be released by the L2 U2U Relay UE.
List of Source L2 U2U Remote UEs for which the related configuration is to be added and modified relative to the destination L2 U2U Remote UE identified by the sl-L2IdentityRemoteUE.
List of Source L2 U2U Remote UEs for which the related configuration is to be released relative to the destination L2 U2U Remote UE identified by the sl-L2IdentityRemoteUE.
SL-L2RemoteUE-Configfield descriptions
Indicates SRAP configuration used for L2 U2N Remote UE.
Indicates the C-RNTI to the L2 U2N Remote UE.
List of L2 U2U Relay UEs for which the related configuration is to be added and modified to the L2 U2U Remote UE.
List of L2 U2U Relay UEs for which the related configuration is to be released by the L2 U2U Remote UE.
List of target L2 U2U Remote UEs for which the related configuration is to be added and modified relative to the L2 U2U Relay UE identified by the sl-L2IdentityRelay.
List of target L2 U2U Remote UEs for which the related configuration is to be released relative to the L2 U2U Relay UE identified by the sl-L2IdentityRelay.

The IE SL-MeasConfigCommon is used to set the cell specific SL RSRP measurement configurations for unicast destinations.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-MEASCONFIGCOMMON-START SL-MeasConfigCommon-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-MeasObjectListCommon-r16 SL-MeasObjectList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-ReportConfigListCommon-r16 SL-ReportConfigList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-MeasIdListCommon-r16 SL-MeasIdList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-QuantityConfigCommon-r16 SL-QuantityConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-SL-MEASCONFIGCOMMON-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-MeasConfigInfo is used to set RSRP measurement configurations for unicast destinations.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-MEASCONFIGINFO-START SL-MeasConfigInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-DestinationIndex-r16 SL-DestinationIndex-r16, sl-MeasConfig-r16 SL-MeasConfig-r16, ... } SL-MeasConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-MeasObjectToRemoveList-r16 SL-MeasObjectToRemoveList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-MeasObjectToAddModList-r16 SL-MeasObjectList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-ReportConfigToRemoveList-r16 SL-ReportConfigToRemoveList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-ReportConfigToAddModList-r16 SL-ReportConfigList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-MeasIdToRemoveList-r16 SL-MeasIdToRemoveList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-MeasIdToAddModList-r16 SL-MeasIdList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-QuantityConfig-r16 SL-QuantityConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-MeasObjectToRemoveList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-ObjectId-r16)) OF SL-MeasObjectId-r16 SL-ReportConfigToRemoveList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-ReportConfigId-r16)) OF SL-ReportConfigId-r16 SL-MeasIdToRemoveList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-MeasId-r16)) OF SL-MeasId-r16 -- TAG-SL-MEASCONFIGINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-MeasIdList concerns a list of SL measurement identities to add or modify for a destination, with for each entry the sl-MeasId, the associated sl-MeasObjectId and the associated sl-ReportConfigId.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-MEASIDLIST-START SL-MeasIdList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-MeasId-r16)) OF SL-MeasIdInfo-r16 SL-MeasIdInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-MeasId-r16 SL-MeasId-r16, sl-MeasObjectId-r16 SL-MeasObjectId-r16, sl-ReportConfigId-r16 SL-ReportConfigId-r16, ... } SL-MeasId-r16 ::= INTEGER (1..maxNrofSL-MeasId-r16) -- TAG-SL-MEASIDLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-MeasObjectList concerns a list of SL measurement objects to add or modify for a destination.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-MEASOBJECTLIST-START SL-MeasObjectList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-ObjectId-r16)) OF SL-MeasObjectInfo-r16 SL-MeasObjectInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-MeasObjectId-r16 SL-MeasObjectId-r16, sl-MeasObject-r16 SL-MeasObject-r16, ... } SL-MeasObjectId-r16 ::= INTEGER (1..maxNrofSL-ObjectId-r16) SL-MeasObject-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { frequencyInfoSL-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR, ... } -- TAG-SL-MEASOBJECTLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-PagingIdentityRemoteUE includes the Remote UE's paging UE ID.

The IE SL-PBPS-CPS-Config specifies the operation information for a resource pool which can be (pre-)configured to enable full sensing only, partial sensing only, random resource selection only, or any combination(s) thereof.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-PBPS-CPS-CONFIG-START SL-PBPS-CPS-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-AllowedResourceSelectionConfig-r17 ENUMERATED {c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-MinNumCandidateSlotsPeriodic-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PBPS-OccasionReservePeriodList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-Additional-PBPS-Occasion-r17 ENUMERATED { monitored } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-CPS-WindowPeriodic-r17 INTEGER (5..30) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-MinNumCandidateSlotsAperiodic-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-MinNumRssiMeasurementSlots-r17 INTEGER (1..800) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-DefaultCBR-RandomSelection-r17 INTEGER (0..100) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-DefaultCBR-PartialSensing-r17 INTEGER (0..100) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-CPS-WindowAperiodic-r17 INTEGER (0..30) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PartialSensingInactiveTime-r17 ENUMERATED { enabled, disabled } OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } -- TAG-SL-PBPS-CPS-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-PDCP-Config is used to set the configurable PDCP parameters for a sidelink radio bearer. The IE SL-PosBWP-ConfigCommon is used to configure the cell-specific configuration for sidelink positioning on one particular sidelink bandwidth part.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-PDCP-CONFIG-START SL-PDCP-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-DiscardTimer-r16 ENUMERATED {ms3, ms10, ms20, ms25, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms75, ms100, ms150, ms200, ms250, ms300, ms500, ms750, ms1500, infinity} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup sl-PDCP-SN-Size-r16 ENUMERATED {len12bits, len18bits} OPTIONAL, -- Cond Setup2 sl-OutOfOrderDelivery ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-SL-PDCP-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP -- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-POSBWP-CONFIGCOMMON SL-PosBWP-ConfigCommon-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-BWP-Generic-r18 SL-BWP-Generic-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-BWP-PRS-PoolConfigCommon-r18 SL-BWP-PRS-PoolConfigCommon-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG- SL-POSBWP-CONFIGCOMMON -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-PRS-ResourcePool specifies the configuration information for NR sidelink PRS dedicated resource pool. –SL-PSBCH-Config The IE SL-PSBCH-Config indicates PSBCH transmission parameters on each sidelink bandwidth part. SL-PSBCH-Config information element
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-PRS-RESOURCEPOOL-START SL-PRS-ResourcePool-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PRS-PSCCH-Config-r18 SetupRelease { SL-PSCCH-ConfigDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-StartRB-SubchannelDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 INTEGER (0..265) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-FilterCoefficient-r18This field indicates the filtering coefficient for long-term measurement and reference signal power derivation used for sidelink open-loop power control.
FilterCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-ThreshS-RSSI-PRS-CBR-r18Indicates the S-RSSI threshold for determining the contribution of a sub-channel to the SL-PRS CBR measurement in a dedicated SL-PRS resource pool. Value 0 corresponds to -112 dBm, value 1 to -110 dBm, value n to (-112 + n*2) dBm, and so on.
INTEGER (0..45) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-RB-Number-r18Indicates the number of PRBs in the corresponding SL PRS dedicated resource pool, which consists of contiguous PRBs only.
INTEGER (10..275) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-TimeResource-r18This field indicates the bitmap of the SL PRS dedicated resource pool, which is defined by repeating the bitmap with a periodicity during a SFN or DFN cycle.
BIT STRING (SIZE (10..160)) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PosAllowedResourceSelectionConfig-r18Indicates allowed resource allocation method configured per resource pool. C1: only sensing allowed c2: only random resource selection allowed c3: sensing and random resource selection allowed
ENUMERATED {c1, c2, c3} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PRS-ResourceReservePeriodList-r18Indicates set of possible resource reservation period in the unit of ms allowed in the resource pool. Up to 16 values can be configured per resource pool. The value ms0 is always configured.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF SL-ReservationPeriodAllowedDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 OPTIONAL,
sl-PRS-ResourcesDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates SL PRS resources in a slot of dedicated SL PRS resource pool as defined in TS 38.211 [16].
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..12)) OF SL-PRS-ResourceDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PRS-PowerControl-r18 SL-PRS-PowerControl-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-SensingWindowDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 ENUMERATED {ms100, ms1100} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-TxPercentageDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List-r18Indicates List of minimum Tx percentage (list per priority)
SEQUENCE (SIZE (8)) OF SL-TxPercentageDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-Config-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-SCI-basedSL-PRS-TxTriggerSCI1-B-r18Indicates presence of a bit-field in SCI format 1-B to trigger SL-PRS transmission by a receiving UE.
sl-NumSubchannelDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the number of subchannels in the corresponding resource pool, which consists of contiguous PRBs only.
INTEGER (1..27) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-SubchannelSizeDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates size of a subchannel for PSCCH in number of RBs.
ENUMERATED {n10, n12, n15, n20, n25, n50, n75, n100} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-MaxNumPerReserveDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the maximum number of SL PRS reservations that can be indicated by an SCI.
sl-NumReservedBitsSCI1B-DedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the number of reserved bits in SCI format 1-B.
INTEGER (0..20) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-SRC-ID-LenDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the number of bits used for the source ID in SCI format 1-B.
ENUMERATED {n12, n24} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-CBR-PriorityTxConfigDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List-r18Indicates the mapping between SL-PRS transmission parameter (such as transmission power, etc.) sets by using the indexes of the configurations in sl-CBR-SL-PRS-TxConfigList, CBR ranges by using the indexes to the entry of the CBR range configurations in sl-CBR-SL-PRS-RangeDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List, and priority ranges. It also indicates the default SL-PRS transmission parameters to be used when CBR measurement results are not available.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF SL-PriorityTxConfigIndexDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-TimeWindowSizeCBR-DedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the time window size for CBR measurement in a dedicated SL-PRS resource pool.
ENUMERATED {ms100, slot100} OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-TimeWindowSizeCR-DedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the time window size for CR evaluation in a dedicated SL-PRS resource pool.
ENUMERATED {ms1000, slot1000} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-CBR-CommonTxDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List-r18 SL-CBR-CommonTxDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PriorityThreshold-UL-URLLC-r18Indicates the threshold used to determine whether NR sidelink transmission in dedicated SL PRS resource pool is prioritized over uplink transmission of priority index 1 as specified in TS 38.213[13], clause, or whether PUCCH transmission carrying SL HARQ is prioritized over PUCCH transmission carrying UCI of priority index 1 if they overlap in time as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause
INTEGER (1..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PriorityThreshold-r18Indicates the threshold used to determine whether NR sidelink transmissionin dedicated SL PRS resource pool is prioritized over uplink transmission of priority index 0 as specified in TS 38.213[13], clause, or whether PUCCH transmission carrying SL HARQ is prioritized over PUCCH transmission carrying UCI of priority index 0 if they overlap in time as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause
INTEGER (1..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-SelectionWindowListDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Parameter that determines the end of the selection window in the resource selection for a SL-PRS with respect to priority indicated in SCI. Value n1 corresponds to 1*2µ , value n5 corresponds to 5*2µ , and so on, where µ = 0,1,2,3 refers to SCS 15,30,60,120 kHz respectively.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (8)) OF SL-SelectionWindowConfigDedicated-SL-PRS-RP-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-Thres-RSRP-ListDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates a list of 64 thresholds, the threshold should be selected based on the priority in the decoded SCI and the priority in the SCI to be transmitted.
sl-PreemptionEnableDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates whether pre-emption is disabled or enabled in a resource pool. If the field is present and the value is pl1, pl2, and so on (but not enabled), it means that pre-emption is enabled and a priority level p_preemption is configured. If the field is present and the value is enabled, the pre-emption is enabled (but p_preemption is not configured) and pre-emption is applicable to all levels.
ENUMERATED {enabled, pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, pl5, pl6, pl7, pl8} OPTIONAL -- Need R } SL-PSCCH-ConfigDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-TimeResourcePSCCH-DedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the number of symbols for PSCCH in a dedicated SL PRS resource pool.
sl-FreqResourcePSCCH-DedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the number of PRBs for PSCCH in a dedicated SL PRS resource pool.
ENUMERATED {n10,n12, n15, n20, n25} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[
sl-DMRS-ScrambleID-DedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the initialization value for PSCCH DMRS scrambling in a dedicated SL PRS resource pool.
INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } SL-ReservationPeriodAllowedDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 ::= CHOICE { sl-ResourceReservePeriod1-r18 ENUMERATED {ms0, ms100, ms160, ms200, ms300, ms320, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms640, ms700, ms800, ms900, ms1000, ms1280, ms2560, ms5120, ms10240}, sl-ResourceReservePeriod2-r18 INTEGER (1..99) } SL-PRS-ResourceDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18::= SEQUENCE { sl-PRS-ResourceID-r18 INTEGER (0..11) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-NumberOfSymbols-r18 INTEGER (1..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-CombSize-r18 ENUMERATED{n2,n4,n6} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-PRS-starting-symbol-r18 INTEGER (4..12) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PRS-comb-offset-r18 INTEGER(1..5) OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-PRS-PowerControl-r18::= SEQUENCE { dl-P0-SL-PRS-r18 INTEGER(-202..24) OPTIONAL, -- Need M dl-Alpha-SL-PRS-r18 ENUMERATED {alpha0, alpha04, alpha05, alpha06, alpha07, alpha08, alpha09, alpha1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-P0-SL-PRS-r18 INTEGER(-202..24) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-Alpha-SL-PRS-r18 ENUMERATED {alpha0, alpha04, alpha05, alpha06, alpha07, alpha08, alpha09, alpha1} OPTIONAL -- Need S } SL-TxPercentageDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-Config-r18::= SEQUENCE { sl-TxPercentageDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-Priority-DedicatedSL-PRS-RP ENUMERATED {p20, p35, p50} OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-PriorityTxConfigIndexDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-PriorityThresholdDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the upper bound of priority range which is associated with the configurations in sl-CBR-ConfigIndexDedicatedSL-PRS-RP and in sl-PRS-TxConfigIndexList. The upper bounds of the priority ranges are configured in ascending order for consecutive entries of SL-PriorityTxConfigIndexDedicatedSL-PRS-RP in sl-CBR-PriorityTxConfigDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List. For the first entry of sl-PriorityThreshold-DedicatedSL-PRS-RP, the lower bound of the priority range is 1.
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-DefaultTxConfigIndexDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the SL PRS transmission parameters to be used by the UEs which do not have available CBR measurement results, by means of an index to the corresponding entry in sl-PRS-TxConfigIndexList. Value 0 indicates the first entry in sl-PRS-TxConfigIndexList. The field is ignored if the UE has available CBR measurement results.
INTEGER (0..maxCBR-LevelDedSL-PRS-1-r18) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-CBR-ConfigIndexDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18Indicates the CBR ranges to be used by an index to the entry of the CBR range configuration in sl-CBR-RangeDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List.
INTEGER (0..maxCBR-ConfigDedSL-PRS-1-r18) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-PRS-TxConfigIndexList-r18Indicates List of sl-PRS-Tx-ConfigIndex indicating the SL PRS transmission index
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxCBR-LevelDedSL-PRS-1-r18)) OF SL-PRS-TxConfigIndex-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need M } SL-PRS-TxConfigIndex-r18 ::= INTEGER (0.. maxNrofSL-PRS-TxConfig-r18) SL-SelectionWindowConfigDedicated-SL-PRS-RP-r18::= SEQUENCE { sl-PRS-Priority-r18 INTEGER (1..8), sl-PRS-SelectionWindow-r18 ENUMERATED {n1, n5, n10, n20} } SL-PRS-ThresRSRP-r18 ::= INTEGER (0..66) -- TAG-SL-PRS-RESOURCEPOOL-STOP -- ASN1STOP -- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-PSBCH-CONFIG-START SL-PSBCH-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { dl-P0-PSBCH-r16 INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M dl-Alpha-PSBCH-r16 ENUMERATED {alpha0, alpha04, alpha05, alpha06, alpha07, alpha08, alpha09, alpha1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ dl-P0-PSBCH-r17 INTEGER (-202..24) OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } -- TAG-SL-PSBCH-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present in the first RRCReconfigurationfor L2 U2N Remote UE when PCell is on indirect path, i.e. MP configuration is not present. Otherwise the field is absent.
SL-MeasConfigCommon field descriptions
List of sidelink measurement identities
List of sidelink measurement objects.
Indicates the layer 3 filtering coefficient for sidelink measurement.
List of sidelink measurement reporting configurations.
SL-MeasConfigInfo field descriptions
List of sidelink measurement identities to add and/or modify.
List of sidelink measurement identities to remove.
List of sidelink measurement objects to add and/or modify.
List of sidelink measurement objects to remove.
Indicates the layer 3 filtering coefficient for sidelink measurement.
List of sidelink measurement reporting configurations to add and/or modify.
List of sidelink measurement reporting configurations to remove.
SL-MeasObjectList field descriptions
It indicates the lowest usable subcarrier on the carrier where SL RSRP is measured, determined according to sl-AbsoluteFrequencyPointA in IE SL-FreqConfig/SL-FreqConfigCommon and offsetToCarrier in IE SCS-SpecificCarrier configured for sl-SCS-SpecificCarrierList in IE SL-FreqConfig/SL-FreqConfigCommon. See TS 38.211 [16], clause 8.2.5.
It is used to identify a sidelink measurement object configuration.
It specifies information applicable for sidelink DMRS, SL-PRS measurement.
SL-PBPS-CPS-Config field descriptions
Indicates that UE additionally monitors periodic sensing occasions that correspond to a set of values.(see TS 38.214 [19], clause 8.1.4).
Indicates the allowed resource selection mechanism(s), i.e. full sensing only, partial sensing only, random resource selection only, or any combination(s) thereof. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 8.1.4). Only c1, c4, c5 or c7 can be configured for a Rel-16 resource pool.Only c1 can be configured for a resource pool included in sl-TxPoolSelectedNormal, for which sl-NRPSFCH-EUTRA-ThresRSRP-List/sl-NRPSSCH-EUTRA-ThresRSRP-List is configured. If this field is not configured for a resource pool included in sl-TxPoolSelectedNormal, only full sensing is allowed in the corresponding resource pool. c1: only full sensing allowed c2: only partial sensing allowed c3: only random selection allowed c4: full sensing+random selection allowed c5: full sensing+ partial sensing allowed c6: partial sensing + random selection allowed c7: full sensing+ partial sensing + random selection allowed.
Parameter that indicates the minimum size of contiguous partial sensing window in logical slot units for a resource (re)selection procedure and re-evaluation/pre-emption checking triggered by aperiodic transmission. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 8.1.4). If not configured, the size of contiguous partial sensing window in logical slot units is 31.
Indicates the size of contiguous partial sensing window in logical slot units when UE performs periodic-based and contiguous partial sensing for a resource (re)selection procedure triggered by periodic transmission. If not configured, the size of contiguous partial sensing window in logical slot units is 31.
Indicates default value of SL CBR measurement for a UE that is configured to perform partial sensing by its higher layer (including when SL DRX is configured) if the number of SL RSSI measurement slots over CBR measurement window is below sl-MinNumRssiMeasurementSlots, (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 8.1.6). Value 0 corresponds to 0, value 1 to 0.01, value 2 to 0.02, and so on.
Indicates default value of CBR measurement for a UE that performs random resource selection if no SL CBR measurement result over SL CBR measurement window, (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 8.1.6). Value 0 corresponds to 0, value 1 to 0.01, value 2 to 0.02, and so on.
Indicates the minimum number of Y' slots that are included in the possible candidate resources corresponding to periodic-based partial sensing and/or contiguous partial sensing for resource (re)selection triggered by aperiodic transmission. (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 8.1.4).
Indicatesthe minimum number of Y slots that are included in the possible candidate resourcescorresponding to periodic-based partial sensing for resource (re)selection triggered by periodic transmission.(see TS 38.214 [19], clause 8.1.4).
Indicates a threshold for a minimum number of SL RSSI measurement slots over CBR measurement window for which the SL RSSI is measured for a UE that is configured to perform partial sensing by its higher layer (including when SL DRX is configured). (see TS 38.214 [19], clause 8.1.6).
Indicates whether or not UE is required to perform SL reception of PSCCH and RSRP measurement for partial sensing on slots in SL DRX inactive time when partial sensing is configured by its higher layer.(see TS 38.214 [19], clause 8.1.4).
Indicates the subset of periodicity values from sl-ResourceReservePeriodList used to determine periodic sensing occasions in periodic-based partial sensing,by means of an index to the corresponding entry in sl-ResourceReservePeriodList-r16. If not configured, all periodicity values from sl-ResourceReservePeriodList are used to determine periodic sensing occasions in periodic-based partial sensing(see TS 38.214 [19], clause 8.1.4).
SL-PDCP-Config field descriptions
Value in ms of discardTimer specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms50 corresponds to 50 ms, value ms100 corresponds to 100 ms and so on.
Indicates whether or not outOfOrderDelivery specified in TS 38.323 [5] is configured. This field should be either always present or always absent, after the radio bearer is established.
PDCP sequence number size for unicast NR sidelink communication, 12 or 18 bits, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. For groupcast and broadcast NR sidelink communication, only 12 bits is applicable, as specified in
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present in case of sidelink DRB setup via dedicated signaling and in case of sidelink DRB configuration via system information and pre-configuration; otherwise the field is optionally present, need M.
The field is mandatory present in case of sidelink DRB setup via dedicated signaling and in case of sidelink DRB configuration via system information and pre-configuration for RLC-AM and RLC-UM for unicast NR sidelink communication; otherwise the field is not present, Need M.
SL-PosBWP-ConfigCommon field descriptions
This field indicates the generic parameters on the configured sidelink BWP.
SL-PRS-ResourcePool field descriptions
Indicates the CBR ranges to be used by an index to the entry of the CBR range configuration in sl-CBR-RangeDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List.
Indicates the mapping between SL-PRS transmission parameter (such as transmission power, etc.) sets by using the indexes of the configurations in sl-CBR-SL-PRS-TxConfigList, CBR ranges by using the indexes to the entry of the CBR range configurations in sl-CBR-SL-PRS-RangeDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List, and priority ranges. It also indicates the default SL-PRS transmission parameters to be used when CBR measurement results are not available.
Indicates the SL PRS transmission parameters to be used by the UEs which do not have available CBR measurement results, by means of an index to the corresponding entry in sl-PRS-TxConfigIndexList. Value 0 indicates the first entry in sl-PRS-TxConfigIndexList. The field is ignored if the UE has available CBR measurement results.
This field indicates the filtering coefficient for long-term measurement and reference signal power derivation used for sidelink open-loop power control.
Indicates the maximum number of SL PRS reservations that can be indicated by an SCI.
Indicates the number of reserved bits in SCI format 1-B.
Indicates the number of subchannels in the corresponding resource pool, which consists of contiguous PRBs only.
Indicates allowed resource allocation method configured per resource pool. C1: only sensing allowed c2: only random resource selection allowed c3: sensing and random resource selection allowed
Indicates whether pre-emption is disabled or enabled in a resource pool. If the field is present and the value is pl1, pl2, and so on (but not enabled), it means that pre-emption is enabled and a priority level p_preemption is configured. If the field is present and the value is enabled, the pre-emption is enabled (but p_preemption is not configured) and pre-emption is applicable to all levels.
Indicates the threshold used to determine whether NR sidelink transmissionin dedicated SL PRS resource pool is prioritized over uplink transmission of priority index 0 as specified in TS 38.213[13], clause, or whether PUCCH transmission carrying SL HARQ is prioritized over PUCCH transmission carrying UCI of priority index 0 if they overlap in time as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause
Indicates the upper bound of priority range which is associated with the configurations in sl-CBR-ConfigIndexDedicatedSL-PRS-RP and in sl-PRS-TxConfigIndexList. The upper bounds of the priority ranges are configured in ascending order for consecutive entries of SL-PriorityTxConfigIndexDedicatedSL-PRS-RP in sl-CBR-PriorityTxConfigDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List. For the first entry of sl-PriorityThreshold-DedicatedSL-PRS-RP, the lower bound of the priority range is 1.
Indicates the threshold used to determine whether NR sidelink transmission in dedicated SL PRS resource pool is prioritized over uplink transmission of priority index 1 as specified in TS 38.213[13], clause, or whether PUCCH transmission carrying SL HARQ is prioritized over PUCCH transmission carrying UCI of priority index 1 if they overlap in time as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause
Indicates set of possible resource reservation period in the unit of ms allowed in the resource pool. Up to 16 values can be configured per resource pool. The value ms0 is always configured.
Indicates SL PRS resources in a slot of dedicated SL PRS resource pool as defined in TS 38.211 [16].
Indicates SL PRS transmission Configuration index.
Indicates List of sl-PRS-Tx-ConfigIndex indicating the SL PRS transmission index
Indicates the number of PRBs in the corresponding SL PRS dedicated resource pool, which consists of contiguous PRBs only.
Indicates presence of a bit-field in SCI format 1-B to trigger SL-PRS transmission by a receiving UE.
Parameter that determines the end of the selection window in the resource selection for a SL-PRS with respect to priority indicated in SCI. Value n1 corresponds to 1*2µ , value n5 corresponds to 5*2µ , and so on, where µ = 0,1,2,3 refers to SCS 15,30,60,120 kHz respectively.
Indicates Parameter that indicates the start of the sensing window for SL PRS in a dedicated resource pool.
Indicates the number of bits used for the source ID in SCI format 1-B.
Indicates the lowest RB index of the SL PRS dedicated resource pool with respect to the lowest RB index of a SL BWP.
Indicates size of a subchannel for PSCCH in number of RBs.
Indicates a list of 64 thresholds, the threshold should be selected based on the priority in the decoded SCI and the priority in the SCI to be transmitted.
Indicates the S-RSSI threshold for determining the contribution of a sub-channel to the SL-PRS CBR measurement in a dedicated SL-PRS resource pool. Value 0 corresponds to -112 dBm, value 1 to -110 dBm, value n to (-112 + n*2) dBm, and so on.
This field indicates the bitmap of the SL PRS dedicated resource pool, which is defined by repeating the bitmap with a periodicity during a SFN or DFN cycle.
Indicates the time window size for CBR measurement in a dedicated SL-PRS resource pool.
Indicates the time window size for CR evaluation in a dedicated SL-PRS resource pool.
Indicates List of minimum Tx percentage (list per priority)
SL-PRS-PSCCH-Config field descriptions
Indicates the initialization value for PSCCH DMRS scrambling in a dedicated SL PRS resource pool.
Indicates the number of PRBs for PSCCH in a dedicated SL PRS resource pool.
Indicates the number of symbols for PSCCH in a dedicated SL PRS resource pool.

The IE SL-PSSCH-TxConfigList indicates PSSCH transmission parameters. When lower layers select parameters from the range indicated in IE SL-PSSCH-TxConfigList, the UE considers both configurations in IE SL-PSSCH-TxConfigList and the CBR-dependent configurations represented in IE SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList. Only one IE SL-PSSCH-TxConfig is provided per SL-TypeTxSync.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-PSSCH-TXCONFIGLIST-START SL-PSSCH-TxConfigList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPSSCH-TxConfig-r16)) OF SL-PSSCH-TxConfig-r16 SL-PSSCH-TxConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-TypeTxSync-r16 SL-TypeTxSync-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-ThresUE-Speed-r16 ENUMERATED {kmph60, kmph80, kmph100, kmph120, kmph140, kmph160, kmph180, kmph200}, sl-ParametersAboveThres-r16 SL-PSSCH-TxParameters-r16, sl-ParametersBelowThres-r16 SL-PSSCH-TxParameters-r16, ..., [[ sl-ParametersAboveThres-v1650 SL-MinMaxMCS-List-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-ParametersBelowThres-v1650 SL-MinMaxMCS-List-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } SL-PSSCH-TxParameters-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-MinMCS-PSSCH-r16 INTEGER (0..27), sl-MaxMCS-PSSCH-r16 INTEGER (0..31), sl-MinSubChannelNumPSSCH-r16 INTEGER (1..27), sl-MaxSubchannelNumPSSCH-r16 INTEGER (1..27), sl-MaxTxTransNumPSSCH-r16 INTEGER (1..32), sl-MaxTxPower-r16 SL-TxPower-r16 OPTIONAL -- Cond CBR } -- TAG-SL-PSSCH-TXCONFIGLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-QoS-FlowIdentity is used to identify a sidelink QoS flow.
SL-PRS-PowerControl field descriptions
Indicates P0 value for DL pathloss based open loop power control for SL PRS transmission in dedicated SL PRS resource pool.
Indicates alpha value for DL pathloss based open loop power control for SL PRS transmission in dedicated SL PRS resource pool.
Indicates P0 value for SL pathloss based open loop power control for SL PRS transmission in dedicated SL PRS resource pool.
Indicates alpha value for downlink pathloss based power control for PSCCH/PSSCH when dl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH is configured. When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
SL-PSBCH-Configfield descriptions
Indicates alpha value for DL pathloss based power control for PSBCH. When the field is not configured the UE applies the value 1.
Indicates P0 value for DL pathloss based power control for PSBCH. If not configured, DL pathloss based power control is disabled for PSBCH. When dl-P0-PSBCH-r17 is configured, the UE ignores dl-P0-PSBCH-r16. A Remote UE which is out of coverage, considers downlink pathloss based power control is disabled for PSBCH when dl-P0-PSBCH is configured.
SL-PSSCH-TxConfigListfield descriptions
Indicates the maximum transmission number (including new transmission and retransmission) for PSSCH.
This field indicates the maximum transmission power for transmission on PSSCH and PSCCH.
This field indicates the minimum and maximum MCS values used for transmissions on PSSCH. The UE shall ignore the minimum and maximum MCS values used for the associated MCS table(s)in sl-ParametersAboveThres-r16 and sl-ParametersBelowThres-r16 if sl-ParametersAboveThres-v1650 and sl-ParametersBelowThres-v1650are present, respectively.
sl-MinSubChannelNumPSSCH, sl-MaxSubChannelNumPSSCH
This field indicates the minimum and maximum number of sub-channels which may be used for transmissions on PSSCH.
This field indicates the synchronization reference type. For configurations by the eNB/gNB, only gnbEnb can be configured; and for pre-configuration or when this field is absent, the configuration is applicable for all synchronization reference types.
This field indicates a UE absolute speed threshold.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need R, when the IE SL-PSSCH-TxParameters is present in SL-CBR-CommonTxConfigList,SL-UE-SelectedConfig,SIB12 or SidelinkPreconfigNR; otherwise the field is not present, need R.

The IE SL-QoS-Profile is used to give the QoS parameters for a sidelink QoS flow. Need codes or conditions specified for SL-QoS-Profile do not apply, in case SL-QoS-Profile is included in SidelinkUEInformationNR.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-QOS-PROFILE-START SL-QoS-Profile-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PQI-r16 SL-PQI-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-GFBR-r16 INTEGER (0..4000000000) OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-MFBR-r16 INTEGER (0..4000000000) OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-Range-r16 INTEGER (1..1000) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } SL-PQI-r16 ::= CHOICE { sl-StandardizedPQI-r16 INTEGER (0..255), sl-Non-StandardizedPQI-r16 SEQUENCE { sl-ResourceType-r16 ENUMERATED {gbr, non-GBR, delayCriticalGBR, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-PriorityLevel-r16 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-PacketDelayBudget-r16 INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-PacketErrorRate-r16 INTEGER (0..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-AveragingWindow-r16 INTEGER (0..4095) OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-MaxDataBurstVolume-r16 INTEGER (0..4095) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } } -- TAG-SL-QOS-PROFILE-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-QuantityConfig specifies the layer 3 filtering coefficients for NR SL RSRP measurement for a destination.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-QUANTITYCONFIG-START SL-QuantityConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-FilterCoefficientDMRS-r16 FilterCoefficient DEFAULT fc4, ... } -- TAG-SL-QuantityConfig-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-RadioBearerConfig specifies the sidelink DRB configuration information for NR sidelink communication.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-RADIOBEARERCONFIG-START SL-RadioBearerConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { slrb-Uu-ConfigIndex-r16 SLRB-Uu-ConfigIndex-r16, sl-SDAP-Config-r16 SL-SDAP-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SLRBSetup sl-PDCP-Config-r16 SL-PDCP-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SLRBSetup sl-TransRange-r16 ENUMERATED {m20, m50, m80, m100, m120, m150, m180, m200, m220, m250, m270, m300, m350, m370, m400, m420, m450, m480, m500, m550, m600, m700, m1000, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-SL-RADIOBEARERCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-RBSetConfig specifies the configuration information for RB set for NR Sidelink Communication.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-RBSETCONFIG-START SL-RBSetConfig-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RBSetIndex-r18 INTEGER (0..4), sl-NumOfSSSBRepetition-r18 INTEGER (2..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-GapBetweenSSSBRepetition-r18 INTEGER (1..84) OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-SL-RBSETCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-RelayIndicationMP is used to indicate the L2 U2N Relay UE supporting RRC connection establishment/resume for MP operation triggered by receiving RemoteUEInformationSidelink containing the connectionForMP as specified in and in Rel-18. –SL-RelayUE-Config The IE SL-RelayUE-Config specifies the configuration information for NR sidelink U2N Relay UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-RELAYINDICATIONMP-START SL-RelayIndicationMP-r18 ::= ENUMERATED {support} -- TAG-SL-RELAYINDICATIONMP-STOP -- ASN1STOP -- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-RELAYUE-CONFIG-START SL-RelayUE-Config-r17::= SEQUENCE { threshHighRelay-r17 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R threshLowRelay-r17 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R hystMaxRelay-r17 Hysteresis OPTIONAL, -- Cond ThreshHighRelay hystMinRelay-r17 Hysteresis OPTIONAL -- Cond ThreshLowRelay } -- TAG-SL-RELAYUE-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-RelayUE-ConfigU2U specifies the threshold configuration information for NR sidelink U2U Relay UE.
sl-RSRP-Thresh-DiscConfig-r18Indicates the threshold of SL-RSRP for a U2U Relay UE to evaluate AS layer conditions for discovery. The U2U relay UE applies the value of this field to decide which UE(s) can be announced as proximity UE(s) in the discovery message when performing U2U Relay Discovery with Model A.
SL-RSRP-Range-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sd-RSRP-ThreshDiscConfig-r18Indicates the threshold of SD-RSRP for a U2U Relay UE to evaluate AS layer conditions for discovery. The U2U relay UE applies the value of this field to evaluate AS layer conditions to decide which UE(s) can be announced as proximity UE(s) in the discovery message when performing U2U Relay Discovery with Model A, and decide whether to forward the discovery message when performing the U2U Relay Discovery with Model B or U2U relay communication with integrated Discovery as specified in TS 23.304 [65].
SL-RSRP-Range-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sd-hystMaxRelay-r18 Hysteresis OPTIONAL -- Cond SD-RSRP-ThreshRelay } SL-RelayUE-ConfigU2U-v1840::= SEQUENCE {
sl-FilterCoefficientU2U-r18Specifies L3 filter coefficient for SL-RSRP measurement results from L1 filter.
FilterCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sd-FilterCoefficientU2U-r18Specifies L3 filter coefficient for SD-RSRP measurement results from L1 filter, and for SL-RSRP measurements.
FilterCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-SL-RELAYUE-CONFIGU2U-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-QoS-Profile field descriptions
Indicate the guaranteed bit rate for a GBR QoS flow.The unit is: Kbit/s
Indicate the maximum bit rate for a GBR QoS flow. The unit is: Kbit/s
This field indicates either the PQI for standardized PQI or non-standardized QoS parameters.
This field indicates the range parameter of the Qos flow, as defined in clause, TS 23.287 [55]. It is present only for groupcast. The unit is meter.
SL-PQI field descriptions
Indicates the Averaging Window for a QoS flow, and applies to GBR QoS flows only.Unit: ms. The default value of the IE is 2000ms.
Indicates the Maximum Data Burst Volume for a QoS flow, and applies to delay critical GBR QoS flows only. Unit: byte.
Indicates the Packet Delay Budget for a QoS flow. Upper bound value for the delay that a packet may experience expressed in unit of 0.5ms.
Indicates the Packet Error Rate for a QoS flow. The packet error rate is expressed as Scalar x 10-k where k is the Exponent.
Indicates the Priority Level for a QoS flow.Values ordered in decreasing order of priority, i.e. with 1 as the highest priority and 8 as the lowest priority.
Indicate the PQI for standardized PQI.
SL-QuantityConfig field descriptions
DMRS based L3 filter configuration: Specifies L3 filter configuration for sidelink RSRP measurement result from the L1 fiter(s), as defined in TS 38.215 [9].
SL-RadioBearerConfig field descriptions
This field indicates the PDCP parameters for the sidelink DRB.
This field indicates how to map sidelink QoS flows to sidelink DRB.
This field indicates the index of sidelink DRB configuration.
This field indicates the transmission range of the sidelink DRB. The unit is meter.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present in case of sidelink DRB setup via the dedicated signalling and in case of sidelink DRB configuration via system information and pre-configuration; otherwise the field is optionally present, need M.
SL-RBSetConfig field descriptions
Indicate the gap between two adjacent S-SSB repetitions in frequency domain in one RB set, and the gap is between the lowest subcarrier of the upper PSBCH and the highest subcarrier of the lower PSBCH. The Unit is PRB.
Indicate the number of S-SSB repetitions in frequency domain in one RB set. S-SSB in the frequency domain indicated by sl-AbsoluteFrequencySSB(i.e. S-SSB transmission without repetition)is applicable in region with no OCB requirement, or with OCB exemption.
Indicates the index of RB-set for which the configuration applies.
SL-RelayUE-Config field descriptions
Indicates the upper threshold of Uu RSRP for a UE that is in network coverage to evaluate AS layer conditions for U2N relay UE operation.
Indicates the lower threshold of Uu RSRP for a UE that is in network coverage to evaluate AS layer conditions for U2N relay UE operation.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present if threshHighRelay is included. Otherwise, the field is absent, Need R.
This field is mandatory present if threshLowRelay is included. Otherwise, the field is absent, Need R.
SL-RelayUE-ConfigU2Ufield descriptions
Specifies L3 filter coefficient for SD-RSRP measurement results from L1 filter, and for SL-RSRP measurements.
Indicates the threshold of SD-RSRP for a U2U Relay UE to evaluate AS layer conditions for discovery. The U2U relay UE applies the value of this field to evaluate AS layer conditions to decide which UE(s) can be announced as proximity UE(s) in the discovery message when performing U2U Relay Discovery with Model A, and decide whether to forward the discovery message when performing the U2U Relay Discovery with Model B or U2U relay communication with integrated Discovery as specified in TS 23.304 [65].
Specifies L3 filter coefficient for SL-RSRP measurement results from L1 filter.
Indicates the threshold of SL-RSRP for a U2U Relay UE to evaluate AS layer conditions for discovery. The U2U relay UE applies the value of this field to decide which UE(s) can be announced as proximity UE(s) in the discovery message when performing U2U Relay Discovery with Model A.

The IE SL-RemoteUE-Config specifies the configuration information for NR sidelink U2N Remote UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-REMOTEUE-CONFIG-START SL-RemoteUE-Config-r17::= SEQUENCE { threshHighRemote-r17 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, -- Need R hystMaxRemote-r17 Hysteresis OPTIONAL, -- Cond ThreshHighRemote sl-ReselectionConfig-r17 SL-ReselectionConfig-r17 OPTIONAL -- Need R } SL-ReselectionConfig-r17::= SEQUENCE { sl-RSRP-Thresh-r17 SL-RSRP-Range-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-FilterCoefficientRSRP-r17 FilterCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-HystMin-r17 Hysteresis OPTIONAL -- Cond SL-RSRP-Thresh } -- TAG-SL-REMOTEUE-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-RemoteUE-ConfigU2U specifies the threshold configuration information for NR sidelink U2U Remote UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-REMOTEUE-CONFIGU2U-START SL-RemoteUE-ConfigU2U-r18::= SEQUENCE { sl-RSRP-ThreshU2U-r18 SL-RSRP-Range-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-HystMinU2U-r18 Hysteresis OPTIONAL, -- Cond SL-RSRP-ThreshU2U sd-RSRP-ThreshU2U-r18 SL-RSRP-Range-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sd-FilterCoefficientU2U-r18 FilterCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Need R sd-HystMinU2U-r18 Hysteresis OPTIONAL -- Cond SD-RSRP-ThreshU2U } SL-RemoteUE-ConfigU2U-v1830::= SEQUENCE { sl-FilterCoefficientU2U-r18 FilterCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } -- TAG-SL-REMOTEUE-CONFIGU2U-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-ReportConfigList concerns a list of SL measurement reporting configurations to add or modify for a destination.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-REPORTCONFIGLIST-START SL-ReportConfigList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-ReportConfigId-r16)) OF SL-ReportConfigInfo-r16 SL-ReportConfigInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-ReportConfigId-r16 SL-ReportConfigId-r16, sl-ReportConfig-r16 SL-ReportConfig-r16, ... } SL-ReportConfigId-r16 ::= INTEGER (1..maxNrofSL-ReportConfigId-r16) SL-ReportConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-ReportType-r16 CHOICE { sl-Periodical-r16 SL-PeriodicalReportConfig-r16, sl-EventTriggered-r16 SL-EventTriggerConfig-r16, ... }, ... } SL-PeriodicalReportConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-ReportInterval-r16 ReportInterval, sl-ReportAmount-r16 ENUMERATED {r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity}, sl-ReportQuantity-r16 SL-MeasReportQuantity-r16, sl-RS-Type-r16 SL-RS-Type-r16, ... } SL-EventTriggerConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-EventId-r16 CHOICE { eventS1-r16 SEQUENCE { s1-Threshold-r16 SL-MeasTriggerQuantity-r16, sl-ReportOnLeave-r16 BOOLEAN, sl-Hysteresis-r16 Hysteresis, sl-TimeToTrigger-r16 TimeToTrigger, ... }, eventS2-r16 SEQUENCE { s2-Threshold-r16 SL-MeasTriggerQuantity-r16, sl-ReportOnLeave-r16 BOOLEAN, sl-Hysteresis-r16 Hysteresis, sl-TimeToTrigger-r16 TimeToTrigger, ... }, ... }, sl-ReportInterval-r16 ReportInterval, sl-ReportAmount-r16 ENUMERATED {r1, r2, r4, r8, r16, r32, r64, infinity}, sl-ReportQuantity-r16 SL-MeasReportQuantity-r16, sl-RS-Type-r16 SL-RS-Type-r16, ... } SL-MeasReportQuantity-r16 ::= CHOICE { sl-RSRP-r16 BOOLEAN, ... } SL-MeasTriggerQuantity-r16 ::= CHOICE { sl-RSRP-r16 RSRP-Range, ... } SL-RS-Type-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {dmrs, sl-prs, spare2, spare1} -- TAG-SL-REPORTCONFIGLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-ResourcePool specifies the configuration information for NR sidelink communication resource pool.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-RESOURCEPOOL-START SL-ResourcePool-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PSCCH-Config-r16 SetupRelease { SL-PSCCH-Config-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PSSCH-Config-r16 SetupRelease { SL-PSSCH-Config-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PSFCH-Config-r16 SetupRelease { SL-PSFCH-Config-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-SyncAllowed-r16 SL-SyncAllowed-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-SubchannelSize-r16 ENUMERATED {n10, n12, n15, n20, n25, n50, n75, n100} OPTIONAL, -- Need M dummy INTEGER (10..160) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-StartRB-Subchannel-r16 INTEGER (0..265) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-NumSubchannel-r16 INTEGER (1..27) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-Additional-MCS-Table-r16 ENUMERATED {qam256, qam64LowSE, qam256-qam64LowSE } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-ThreshS-RSSI-CBR-r16 INTEGER (0..45) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-TimeWindowSizeCBR-r16 ENUMERATED {ms100, slot100} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-TimeWindowSizeCR-r16 ENUMERATED {ms1000, slot1000} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PTRS-Config-r16 SL-PTRS-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-UE-SelectedConfigRP-r16 SL-UE-SelectedConfigRP-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-RxParametersNcell-r16 SEQUENCE { sl-TDD-Configuration-r16 TDD-UL-DL-ConfigCommon OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-SyncConfigIndex-r16 INTEGER (0..15) } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-ZoneConfigMCR-List-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (16)) OF SL-ZoneConfigMCR-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-FilterCoefficient-r16 FilterCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-RB-Number-r16 INTEGER (10..275) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PreemptionEnable-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled, pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, pl5, pl6, pl7, pl8} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-PriorityThreshold-UL-URLLC-r16 INTEGER (1..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PriorityThreshold-r16 INTEGER (1..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-X-Overhead-r16 ENUMERATED {n0,n3, n6, n9} OPTIONAL, -- Need S sl-PowerControl-r16 SL-PowerControl-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-TxPercentageList-r16 SL-TxPercentageList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-MinMaxMCS-List-r16 SL-MinMaxMCS-List-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ sl-TimeResource-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (10..160)) OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ sl-PBPS-CPS-Config-r17 SetupRelease { SL-PBPS-CPS-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-InterUE-CoordinationConfig-r17 SetupRelease { SL-InterUE-CoordinationConfig-r17 } OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ sl-CPE-StartingPositionsPSCCH-PSSCH-InitiateCOT-List-r18 SetupRelease { SL-CPE-StartingPositionsPSCCH-PSSCH-List-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-CPE-StartingPositionsPSCCH-PSSCH-InitiateCOT-Default-r18 INTEGER (1..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-CPE-StartingPositionsPSCCH-PSSCH-WithinCOT-List-r18 SetupRelease { SL-CPE-StartingPositionsPSCCH-PSSCH-List-r18 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-CPE-StartingPositionsPSCCH-PSSCH-WithinCOT-Default-r18 INTEGER (1..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-Type1-LBT-BlockingOption1-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-Type1-LBT-BlockingOption2-r18 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-NumInterlacePerSubchannel-r18 ENUMERATED {sc1, sc2} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-NumReferencePRBs-OfInterlace-r18 ENUMERATED {prb10, prb11} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-TransmissionStructureForPSFCH-r18 ENUMERATED {commonInterlace, dedicatedInterlace} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-NumDedicatedPRBs-ForPSFCH-r18 ENUMERATED {prb1, prb2, prb5} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-NumPSFCH-Occasions-r18 ENUMERATED {o1, o2, o3, o4} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PSFCH-CommonInterlaceIndex-r18 INTEGER (0..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-CPE-StartingPositionPSFCH-r18 INTEGER (1..9) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-NumRefSymbolLength-r18 ENUMERATED {sym7, sym8, sym9, sym10, sym11, sym12, sym13, sym14} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PSFCH-RB-SetList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (10..275)) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-IUC-RB-SetList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF BIT STRING (SIZE (10..275)) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PSFCH-PowerOffset-r18 INTEGER (0..10) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-RBSetIndexOfResourcePool-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..5)) OF INTEGER (0..4) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-A2X-Service-r18 ENUMERATED {brid, daa, bridAndDAA, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Cond A2X sl-PRS-ResourcesSharedSL-PRS-RP-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..17)) OF SL-PRS-ResourceSharedSL-PRS-RP-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M numSym-SL-PRS-2ndStageSCI-r18 INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-SCI-basedSL-PRS-TxTriggerSCI2-D-r18 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } SL-CPE-StartingPositionsPSCCH-PSSCH-List-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (8)) OF SL-CPE-StartingPositionsPSCCH-PSSCH-r18 SL-CPE-StartingPositionsPSCCH-PSSCH-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-Priority-r18 INTEGER (1..8), sl-CPE-StartingPositions-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..9)) OF INTEGER (1..9) } SL-ZoneConfigMCR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-ZoneConfigMCR-Index-r16 INTEGER (0..15), sl-TransRange-r16 ENUMERATED {m20, m50, m80, m100, m120, m150, m180, m200, m220, m250, m270, m300, m350, m370, m400, m420, m450, m480, m500, m550, m600, m700, m1000, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-ZoneConfig-r16 SL-ZoneConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-SyncAllowed-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { gnss-Sync-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R gnbEnb-Sync-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ue-Sync-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL -- Need R } SL-PSCCH-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-TimeResourcePSCCH-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n3} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-FreqResourcePSCCH-r16 ENUMERATED {n10,n12, n15, n20, n25} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-DMRS-ScrambleID-r16 INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-NumReservedBits-r16 INTEGER (2..4) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-PSSCH-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PSSCH-DMRS-TimePatternList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF INTEGER (2..4) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-BetaOffsets2ndSCI-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (4)) OF SL-BetaOffsets-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-Scaling-r16 ENUMERATED {f0p5, f0p65, f0p8, f1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-PSFCH-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PSFCH-Period-r16 ENUMERATED {sl0, sl1, sl2, sl4} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PSFCH-RB-Set-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (10..275)) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-NumMuxCS-Pair-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n6} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-MinTimeGapPSFCH-r16 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl3} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PSFCH-HopID-r16 INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PSFCH-CandidateResourceType-r16 ENUMERATED {startSubCH, allocSubCH} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-PTRS-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PTRS-FreqDensity-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (2)) OF INTEGER (1..276) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PTRS-TimeDensity-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (3)) OF INTEGER (0..29) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PTRS-RE-Offset-r16 ENUMERATED {offset01, offset10, offset11} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-UE-SelectedConfigRP-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-r16 SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-Thres-RSRP-List-r16 SL-Thres-RSRP-List-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-MultiReserveResource-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-MaxNumPerReserve-r16 ENUMERATED {n2, n3} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-SensingWindow-r16 ENUMERATED {ms100, ms1100} OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-SelectionWindowList-r16 SL-SelectionWindowList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-ResourceReservePeriodList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF SL-ResourceReservePeriod-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-RS-ForSensing-r16 ENUMERATED {pscch, pssch}, ..., [[ sl-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-v1650 SL-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-v1650 OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ sl-NRPSSCH-EUTRA-ThresRSRP-List-r18 SL-Thres-RSRP-List-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need S sl-NRPSFCH-EUTRA-ThresRSRP-List-r18 SL-Thres-RSRP-List-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need S ]] } SL-ResourceReservePeriod-r16 ::= CHOICE { sl-ResourceReservePeriod1-r16 ENUMERATED {ms0, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms700, ms800, ms900, ms1000}, sl-ResourceReservePeriod2-r16 INTEGER (1..99) } SL-SelectionWindowList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (8)) OF SL-SelectionWindowConfig-r16 SL-SelectionWindowConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-Priority-r16 INTEGER (1..8), sl-SelectionWindow-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n5, n10, n20} } SL-TxPercentageList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (8)) OF SL-TxPercentageConfig-r16 SL-TxPercentageConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-Priority-r16 INTEGER (1..8), sl-TxPercentage-r16 ENUMERATED {p20, p35, p50} } SL-MinMaxMCS-List-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..3)) OF SL-MinMaxMCS-Config-r16 SL-MinMaxMCS-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-MCS-Table-r16 ENUMERATED {qam64, qam256, qam64LowSE}, sl-MinMCS-PSSCH-r16 INTEGER (0..27), sl-MaxMCS-PSSCH-r16 INTEGER (0..31) } SL-BetaOffsets-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..31) SL-PowerControl-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-MaxTransPower-r16 INTEGER (-30..33), sl-Alpha-PSSCH-PSCCH-r16 ENUMERATED {alpha0, alpha04, alpha05, alpha06, alpha07, alpha08, alpha09, alpha1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M dl-Alpha-PSSCH-PSCCH-r16 ENUMERATED {alpha0, alpha04, alpha05, alpha06, alpha07, alpha08, alpha09, alpha1} OPTIONAL, -- Need S sl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH-r16 INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need S dl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH-r16 INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M dl-Alpha-PSFCH-r16 ENUMERATED {alpha0, alpha04, alpha05, alpha06, alpha07, alpha08, alpha09, alpha1} OPTIONAL, -- Need S dl-P0-PSFCH-r16 INTEGER (-16..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ dl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH-r17 INTEGER (-202..24) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH-r17 INTEGER (-202..24) OPTIONAL, -- Need S dl-P0-PSFCH-r17 INTEGER (-202..24) OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } SL-PRS-ResourceSharedSL-PRS-RP-r18::= SEQUENCE { sl-PRS-ResourceID-r18 INTEGER (0..16), mNumberOfSymbols-r18 INTEGER (1..9), sl-PRS-CombSizeN-AndReOffset-r18 CHOICE { n2-r18 INTEGER (0..1), n4-r18 INTEGER (0..3), dummy1 INTEGER (0..5), ... } OPTIONAL -- Need M } -- TAG-SL-RESOURCEPOOL-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-RLC-BearerConfig specifies the SL RLC bearer configuration information for NR sidelink communication.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-RLC-BEARERCONFIG-START SL-RLC-BearerConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RLC-BearerConfigIndex-r16 SL-RLC-BearerConfigIndex-r16, sl-ServedRadioBearer-r16 SLRB-Uu-ConfigIndex-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-SetupOnly sl-RLC-Config-r16 SL-RLC-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-Setup sl-MAC-LogicalChannelConfig-r16 SL-LogicalChannelConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond LCH-Setup ..., [[ sl-RLC-BearerConfigIndex-v1800 SL-RLC-BearerConfigIndex-v1800 OPTIONAL -- Need R ]] } -- TAG-SL-RLC-BEARERCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-RLC-BearerConfigIndex is used to identify a SL RLC bearer configuration.

The IE SL-RLC-ChannelConfig specifies the configuration information for PC5 Relay RLC channel between L2 U2N Relay UE and L2 U2N Remote UE,or between L2 U2U Remote UE and L2 U2U Relay UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-RLC-RLC-CHANNEL-CONFIG-START SL-RLC-ChannelConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RLC-ChannelID-r17 SL-RLC-ChannelID-r17, sl-RLC-Config-r17 SL-RLC-Config-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-MAC-LogicalChannelConfig-r17 SL-LogicalChannelConfig-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PacketDelayBudget-r17 INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ...} -- TAG-SL-RLC-CHANNEL-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-RLC-ChannelID is used to identify a PC5 Relay RLC channel in the link between L2 U2N Relay UE and L2 U2N Remote UE,or between L2 U2U Relay UE and L2 U2U Remote UE.

The IE SL-RLC-Config is used to specify the RLC configuration of sidelink DRB. RLC AM configuration is only applicable to the unicast NR sidelink communication.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-RLC-CONFIG-START SL-RLC-Config-r16 ::= CHOICE { sl-AM-RLC-r16 SEQUENCE { sl-SN-FieldLengthAM-r16 SN-FieldLengthAM OPTIONAL, -- Cond SLRBSetup sl-T-PollRetransmit-r16 T-PollRetransmit, sl-PollPDU-r16 PollPDU, sl-PollByte-r16 PollByte, sl-MaxRetxThreshold-r16 ENUMERATED { t1, t2, t3, t4, t6, t8, t16, t32 }, ... }, sl-UM-RLC-r16 SEQUENCE { sl-SN-FieldLengthUM-r16 SN-FieldLengthUM OPTIONAL, -- Cond SLRBSetup ... }, ... } -- TAG-SL-RLC-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-ScheduledConfig specifies sidelink communication/positioning configurations used for network scheduled NR sidelink communication/positioning.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-SCHEDULEDCONFIG-START SL-ScheduledConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RNTI-r16 RNTI-Value, mac-MainConfigSL-r16 MAC-MainConfigSL-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-CS-RNTI-r16 RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PSFCH-ToPUCCH-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-ConfiguredGrantConfigList-r16 SL-ConfiguredGrantConfigList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need M ..., [[ sl-DCI-ToSL-Trans-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL -- Need M ]], [[ sl-ConfiguredGrantConfigDedicated-SL-PRS-RP-List-r18 SL-ConfiguredGrantConfigDedicated-SL-PRS-RP-List-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PRS-RNTI-r18 RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PRS-CS-RNTI-r18 RNTI-Value OPTIONAL -- Need M ]] } MAC-MainConfigSL-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-BSR-Config-r16 BSR-Config OPTIONAL, -- Need M ul-PrioritizationThres-r16 INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-PrioritizationThres-r16 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-ConfiguredGrantConfigList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-ConfiguredGrantConfigToReleaseList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCG-SL-r16)) OF SL-ConfigIndexCG-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-ConfiguredGrantConfigToAddModList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCG-SL-r16)) OF SL-ConfiguredGrantConfig-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N } SL-ConfiguredGrantConfigDedicated-SL-PRS-RP-List-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-ConfiguredGrantConfigDedicated-SL-PRS-RPToReleaseList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCG-SL-r16)) OF SL-ConfigIndexCG-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-ConfiguredGrantConfigDedicated-SL-PRS-RPToAddModList-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofCG-SL-r16)) OF SL-ConfiguredGrantConfigDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-r18 OPTIONAL -- Need N } -- TAG-SL-SCHEDULEDCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present if sd-RSRP-ThreshDiscConfig is included. Otherwise, the field is absent, Need R.
SL-RemoteUE-Config field descriptions
Includes the parameters used by the U2N remote UE when selecting/ reselecting a U2N relay UE.
Indicates the threshold of Uu RSRP for a UE that is in network coverage to evaluate AS layer conditions for U2N remote UE operation.
SL-ReselectionConfig field descriptions
Specifies L3 filter coefficient for SL communication/ discovery RSRP measurement results from L1 filter.
Indicates the threshold of SL communication/ discovery RSRP for a U2N remote UE to perform relay UE selection/ reselection.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present if sl-RSRP-Thresh is included. Otherwise, the field is absent, Need R.
This field is mandatory present if threshHighRemote is included. Otherwise, the field is absent, Need R.
SL-RemoteUE-ConfigU2Ufield descriptions
Specifies L3 filter coefficient for SL-RSRP measurement results from L1 filter.
Indicates the threshold of SL-RSRP for a U2U Remote UE to perform Relay UE selection/ reselection. The U2U remote UE applies the value of this field to evaluate AS layer conditions on direct PC5 link with the peer U2U Remote UE to trigger relay selection, and evaluate AS layer conditions on U2U relay link with U2U Relay UE to trigger relay reselection.
Indicates the threshold of SD-RSRP for a U2U Remote UE to perform discovery and Relay UE selection/ reselection. For discovery, the U2U Remote UE applies the value of this field to evaluate AS layer conditions to decide whether to respond the discovery message when performing the U2U Relay Discovery with Model B as specified in TS 23.304 [65]. For relay selection and reselection, the U2U remote UE applies the value of this field to evaluate AS layer conditions on direct PC5 link to trigger relay selection, and evaluate AS layer conditions on U2U relay link to trigger relay reselection. The target U2U remote UE applies the value of this field to evaluate AS layer conditions trigger relay selection when performing U2U relay communication with integrated Discovery as specified in TS 23.304 [65].
Specifies L3 filter coefficient for SD-RSRP measurement results from L1 filter, and for SL-RSRP measurement.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is mandatory present if sl-RSRP-ThreshU2U is included. Otherwise, the field is absent, Need R.
This field is mandatory present if sd-RSRP-ThreshU2U is included. Otherwise, the field is absent, Need R.
SL-ReportConfig field descriptions
Type of the configured sidelink measurement report.
SL-EventTriggerConfig field descriptions
Choice of sidelink measurement event triggered reporting criteria.
Number of sidelink measurement reports applicable for sl-EventTriggered report type.
Indicates the interval between periodical reports (i.e., when sl-ReportAmount exceeds 1) for sl-EventTriggered report type.
indicates whether or not the UE shall initiate the sidelink measurement reporting procedure when the leaving condition is met for a frequency in sl-FrequencyTriggeredList, as specified in
The sidelink measurement quantities to be included in the sidelink measurement report.
Time during which specific criteria for the event needs to be met in order to trigger a sidelink measurement report.
Threshold used for events S1 and S2 specified in clauses and, respectively.
SL-PeriodicalReportConfig field descriptions
Number of sidelink measurement reports applicable for sl-Periodical report type.
Indicates the interval between periodical reports (i.e., when sl-ReportAmount exceeds 1) for sl-Periodical report type.
The sidelink measurement quantities to be included in the sidelink measurement report.
SL-ZoneConfigMCR field descriptions
Indicates the communication range requirement for the corresponding sl-ZoneConfigMCR-Index. The unit is meter.
Indicates the zone configuration for the corresponding sl-ZoneConfigMCR-Index.
Indicates the codepoint of the communication range requirement field in SCI.
SL-ResourcePool field descriptions
dummy, dummy1
This field is not used in the specification. If received it shall be ignored by the UE.
Indicates the number symbols to be assumed for SL PRS in determining the number of coded modulation symbols for second stage SCI in a slot of a shared SL PRS resource pool.
Presence of this field indicates the resource pool is dedicated for A2X service, i.e., not to be used for other than A2X service. Value brid indicates the resource pool is for BRID, value daa indicates the resource pool is for DAA, and value bridAndDAA indicates the resource pool is for both BRID and DAA. If this field is absent in all the configured resource pools, the UE may choose non-dedicated resource pool for A2X service.
Indicates the MCS table(s) additionally used in the resource pool.64QAM table is (pre-)configured as default. Zero, one or two can be additionally (pre-)configured using the 256QAM and/or low-SE MCS tables. If two MCS tables are indicated, 256QAM MCS table is the 1st table and qam64lowSE MCS table is the 2ndtable as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates CPE starting position index for the default CPE starting position, to be used for PSCCH/PSSCH transmission when UE initiating a COT.
Indicates a set of selected indices that correspond to multiple candidate CPE starting positions to be used for PSCCH/PSSCH transmission when UE initiating a COT, associated per L1 priority of PSSCH.
Indicates CPE starting position index for the default CPE starting position, to be used by UE for PSCCH/PSSCH transmission within a COT.
Indicates a set of one or multiple selected indices that correspond to one or multiple candidate CPE starting positions to be used by UE for PSCCH/PSSCH transmission within a COT, associated per L1 priority of PSSCH.
Indicates CPE starting position within the GP symbol before PSFCH transmission. The value is an index of the set of all candidate CPE starting positions specified in Table 5.3.1-3 of [16, TS38.211] for Ci=1 and the corresponding SCS of the SL BWP.
This field indicates the filtering coefficient for long-term measurement and reference signal power derivation used for sidelink open-loop power control.
Indicates the configured sidelink inter-UE coordination parameters.
The n-th value in the list indicates the set of PRBs of n-th PSFCH occasion that are actually used for inter-UE coordination information transmission and reception in Scheme 2. It shall be (pre-)configured such that N candidate PSFCH occasion(s) are associated with N different PRB sets. PRBs within intra-cell guard band are not used for PSFCH transmission. The length of this list is aligned with sl-NumPSFCH-Occasions. For each PSFCH occasion, the set of PRBs are indicated in the same format as in sl-PSFCH-RB-Set.
Indicates the value of K3 when each PSFCH transmission occupies "1 common interlace and K3 dedicated PRB(s)" (as indicated by sl-TransmissionStructureForPSFCH). Value prb1 corresponds to K3=1, value prb2 corresponds to K3=2, and so on. UE expects the same (pre-)configured value of sl-NumDedicatedPRBs-ForPSFCH across all resource pools.
Indicates the number of (K) interlaces per sub-channel within a resource pool. Value sc1 corresponds to 1 interlace per sub-channel, and value sc2 corresponds to 2 interlaces per sub-channel. The applicable values are related to the subcarrier spacing as below: For SCS = 15 kHz: K=1 or 2 For SCS = 30 kHz: K=1
Indicates one PSCCH/PSSCH transmission has N associated candidate PSFCH occasion(s). Value o1 corresponds to N=1, value o2 corresponds to N=2, and so on. If the field is not configured, the UE shall use value o1.
Indicate reference number of PRBs of one interlace within 1 RB set. Value prb10 corresponds to 10 PRBs, and value prb11 corresponds to 11 PRBs.
Indicates a reference number of symbols for TBS determination.
Indicates the number of subchannels in the corresponding resource pool, which consists of contiguous PRBs only.
Indicates the allowed resource allocation schemes of full sensing only, partial sensing only, random resource selection only, or any combination(s), and the related configuration for power saving resource allocation schemes. This field is absent for sl-TxPoolExceptional.
Indicates whether pre-emption is disabled or enabled in a resource pool. If the field is present and the value is pl1, pl2, and so on (but not enabled), it means that pre-emption is enabled and a priority level p_preemption is configured. If the field is present and the value is enabled, the pre-emption is enabled (but p_preemption is not configured) and pre-emption is applicable to all levels.
Indicates the threshold used to determine whether NR sidelink transmission is prioritized over uplink transmission of priority index 1 as specified in TS 38.213[13], clause, or whether PUCCH transmission carrying SL HARQ is prioritized over PUCCH transmission carrying UCI of priority index 1 if they overlap in time as specified in TS 38.213[13], clause
Indicates the threshold used to determine whether NR sidelink transmission is prioritized over uplink transmission of priority index 0 as specified in TS 38.213[13], clause, or whether PUCCH transmission carrying SL HARQ is prioritized over PUCCH transmission carrying UCI of priority index 0 if they overlap in time as specified in TS 38.213[13], clause
Indicates SL PRS resources in a slot of shared SL PRS resource pool as defined in TS 38.211 [16].The UE can use the resource pool to transmit or receive SL-PRS only if this field is present.
Indicate the index of common interlace to meet OCB requirements when transmissionStructureForPSFCH is set to common interlace. Value 0 corresponds to interlace 0 is used as common interlace, value 1 corresponds to interlace 1 is used as common interlace and so on.
Indicates the power offset between Tx power on one common PRB (P_common) and Tx power on one dedicated PRB (P_dedicated) when sl-TransmissionStructureForPSFCH is (pre-)configured as commonInterlace, i.e., P_common = P_dedicated - offset. UE expects the same (pre-)configured value of sl-PSFCH-PowerOffset across all resource pools. The unit is dB.
The n-th value in the list indicates the set of PRBs that are actually used for PSFCH transmission and reception of n-th PSFCH occasion of a PSCCH/PSSCH transmission. It shall be (pre-)configured such that N candidate PSFCH occasion(s) are associated with N different PRB sets. PRBs within intra-cell guard band are not used for PSFCH transmission. The length of this list is aligned with sl-NumPSFCH-Occasions. For each PSFCH occasion, the set of PRBs are indicated in the same format as in sl-PSFCH-RB-Set.
Indicates the number of PRBs in the corresponding resource pool, which consists of contiguous PRBs only. The remaining RB cannot be used (See TS 38.214[19], clause 8).
For interlace RB based PSCCH/PSSCH, indicates the RB set index(s) included in the resource pool. Contiguous RB sets are (pre-)configured for a resource pool.
Indicates presence of a bit-field in SCI format 2-D to trigger SL-PRS transmission by a receiving UE.
Indicates the lowest RB index of the subchannel with the lowest index in the resource poolwith respect to the lowest RB index of a SL BWP.
Indicates the minimum granularity in frequency domain for the sensing for PSSCH resource selection in the unit of PRB.
Indicates the allowed synchronization reference(s) which is (are) allowed to use the configured resource pool.
Indicates the synchronisation configuration that is associated with a reception pool, by means of an index to the corresponding entry SL-SyncConfigList of in SIB12 for NR sidelink communication.
Indicates the TDD configuration associated with the reception pool of the cell indicated by sl-SyncConfigIndex.
Indicates the S-RSSI threshold for determining the contribution of a sub-channel to the CBR measurement. Value 0 corresponds to -112 dBm, value 1 to -110 dBm, value n to (-112 + n*2) dBm, and so on.
Indicates the bitmap of the resource pool, which is defined by repeating the bitmap with a periodicity during a SFN or DFN cycle.
Indicates the time window size for CBR measurement.
Indicates the time window size for CR evaluation.
Indicate each PSFCH transmission occupies "1 common interlace and K3 dedicated PRB(s)", or "1 dedicated interlace". Value commonInterlace corresponds to "1 common interlace and K3 dedicated PRB(s)", and value dedicatedInterlace corresponds to "1 dedicated interlace". UE expects the same (pre-)configured value of transmissionStructureForPSFCH across all resource pools.
Indicates the portion of candidate single-slot PSSCH resources over the total resources. Value p20 corresponds to 20%, and so on.
Indicates UE may avoid selection of N consecutive resource(s) before a reserved resource of another UE when the L1 SL priority value for the transmission is higher than the L1 SL priority value of the reserved resource, and UE may also avoid selection of M consecutive resource(s) after a reserved resource of another UE when the transmitting symbols of the reserved resource overlap with LBT of the selected resource. The selection of the value N is up to UE implementation from {0, 1, 2}. M is determined based on UE implementation (at least including 0).
Indicates UE may prioritize/select resource(s) in the slot(s) for transmission, if UE's transmission in slot(s) before a reserved resource is able to share its initiated COT to the reservation.
Accounts for overhead from CSI-RS, PT-RS. If the field is absent, the UE applies value n0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
SL-SyncAllowed field descriptions
If configured, the (pre-) configured resources can be used if the UE is directly or indirectly synchronized to eNB or gNB (i.e., synchronized to a reference UE which is directly synchronized to eNB or gNB).
If configured, the (pre-) configured resources can be used if the UE is directly or indirectly synchronized to GNSS (i.e., synchronized to a reference UE which is directly synchronized to GNSS).
If configured, the (pre-) configured resources can be used if the UE is synchronized to a reference UE which is not synchronized to eNB, gNB and GNSS directly or indirectly.
SL-PSCCH-Configfield descriptions
Indicates the number of PRBs for PSCCH in a resource pool where it is not greater than the number PRBs of the subchannel.
Indicates the initialization value for PSCCH DMRS scrambling.
Indicates the number of reserved bits in first stage SCI.
Indicates the number of symbols of PSCCH in a resource pool.
SL-PSSCH-Configfield descriptions
Indicates candidates of beta-offset values to determine the number of coded modulation symbols for second stage SCI.The value indicates the index of Table 9.3-2 of TS 38.213 [13].
Indicates the set of PSSCH DMRS time domain patterns in terms of PSSCH DMRS symbols in a slot that can be used in the resource pool.
Indicates a scaling factor to limit the number of resource elements assigned to the second stage SCI on PSSCH. Value f0p5 corresponds to 0.5, value f0p65 corresponds to 0.65, and so on.
SL-PSFCH-Configfield descriptions
The minimum time gap between PSFCH and the associated PSSCH in the unit of slots.
Indicates the number of cyclic shift pairs used for a PSFCH transmission that can be multiplexed in a PRB.
Indicates the number of PSFCH resources available for multiplexing HARQ-ACK information in a PSFCH transmission (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 16.3).
Scrambling ID for sequence hopping of the PSFCH used in the resource pool.
Indicates the period of PSFCH resource in the unit of slots within this resource pool. If set to sl0, no resource for PSFCH, and HARQ feedback for all transmissions in the resource pool is disabled.
Indicates the set of PRBs that are actually used for PSFCH transmission and reception. The leftmost bit of the bitmap refers to the lowest RB index in the resource pool, and so on. Value 0 in the bitmap indicates that the corresponding PRB is not used for PSFCH transmission and reception while value 1 indicates that the corresponding PRB is used for PSFCH transmission and reception (see TS 38.213 [13]).
SL-PTRS-Config field descriptions
Presence and frequency density of SL PT-RS as a function of scheduled BW. If the field is not configured, the UE uses K_PT-RS = 2
Presence and time density of SL PT-RS as a function of MCS. If the field is not configured, the UE uses L_PT-RS = 1
Indicates the subcarrier offset for SL PT-RS . If the field is not configured, the UE applies the value offset00(see TS 38.211 [16], clause
SL-UE-SelectedConfigRPfield descriptions
Indicates the mapping between PSSCH transmission parameter (such as MCS, PRB number, retransmission number, CR limit) sets by using the indexes of the configurations in sl-CBR-PSSCH-TxConfigList, CBR ranges by using the indexes to the entry of the CBR range configurations in sl-CBR-RangeConfigList, and priority ranges. It also indicates the default PSSCH transmission parameters to be used when CBR measurement results are not available, and MCS range for the MCS tables used in the resource pool. The field sl-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-v1650 is present only when sl-CBR-PriorityTxConfigList-r16 is configured.
Indicates the maximum number of reserved PSCCH/PSSCH resources that can be indicated by an SCI.
Indicates if it is allowed to reserve a sidelink resource for an initial transmission of a TB by an SCI associated with a different TB, based on sensing and resource selection procedure.
Indicates a list of 64 thresholds from which a threshold should be selected based on the priority in the decoded EUTRA SCI and the priority in the NR SCI to be transmitted. A NR SL resource is excluded if the corresponding PSFCH transmission occasions overlap with resources indicated or reserved by the decoded EUTRA SCI in time domain and EUTRA PSSCH RSRP in the associated data resource is above the threshold.
Indicates a list of 64 thresholds, and a threshold should be selected based on the priority in the decoded EUTRA SCI and the priority in the NR SCI to be transmitted. A NR SL resource is excluded if it is indicated or reserved by the decoded EUTRA SCI and EUTRA PSSCH RSRP in the associated data resource is above the threshold. If the field is present, the UE shall perform the dynamic co-channel coexistence of LTE sidelink and NR sidelink as specified in TS 38.214; otherwise it shall not perform it.
Set of possible resource reservation period allowed in the resource pool in the unit of ms. Up to 16 values can be configured per resource pool.The value ms0 is always configured.
Indicates whether DMRS of PSCCH or PSSCH is used for L1 RSRP measurement in the sensing operation.
Parameter that indicates the start of the sensing window.
Parameter that determines the end of the selection window in the resource selection for a TB with respect to priority indicated in SCI. Value n1 corresponds to 1*2µ, value n5 corresponds to 5*2µ, and so on, where µ = 0,1,2,3 refers to SCS 15,30,60,120 kHz respectively.
Indicates a list of 64 thresholds, and the threshold should be selected based on the priority in the decoded SCI and the priority in the SCI to be transmitted. A resource is excluded if it is indicated or reserved by a decoded SCI and PSSCH/PSCCH RSRP in the associated data resource is above a threshold.
SL-PowerControl field descriptions
Indicates the maximum value of the UE's sidelink transmission power on this resource pool when the sidelink transmission is performed only on this resource pool. The unit is dBm. If the sidelink transmission is PSFCH, and multiple resource pools are used, the maximum transmission power for PSFCH is configured as sum of fields sl-maxTransPower over multiple resource pools, as specified in TS 38.101-1[15].
Indicates alpha value for sidelink pathloss based power control for PSCCH/PSSCH when sl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH is configured. When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
Indicates P0 value for sidelink pathloss based power control for PSCCH/PSSCH. If not configured, sidelink pathloss based power control is disabled for PSCCH/PSSCH. When sl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH-r17 is configured, the UE ignores sl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH-r16.
Indicates alpha value for downlink pathloss based power control for PSCCH/PSSCH when dl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH is configured. When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
Indicates P0 value for downlink pathloss based power control for PSCCH/PSSCH. If not configured, downlink pathloss based power control is disabled for PSCCH/PSSCH. When dl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH-r17 is configured, the UE ignores dl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH-r16. A Remote UE which is out of coverage, considers downlink pathloss based power control is disabled for PSCCH/PSSCH when dl-P0-PSSCH-PSCCH is configured.
Indicates alpha value for downlink pathloss based power control for PSFCH when dl-P0-PSFCH is configured. When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1. For resource pools configured with PSFCH resources overlapping in time, this field is either not configured in any of the resource pools or configured with the same value for all the resource pools.
Indicates P0 value for downlink pathloss based power control for PSFCH. If not configured, downlink pathloss based power control is disabled for PSFCH. When dl-P0-PSFCH-r17 is configured, the UE ignores dl-P0-PSFCH-r16. For resource pools configured with PSFCH resources overlapping in time, this field is either not configured in any of the resource pools or configured with the same value for all the resource pools. A Remote UE which is out of coverage, considers downlink pathloss based power control is disabled for PSFCH when dl-P0-PSFCH is configured.
SL-MinMaxMCS-Configfield descriptions
Indicates the maximum MCS value when using the associated MCS table. If no MCS is configured, UE autonomously selects MCS from the full range of values.
Indicates the minimum MCS value when using the associated MCS table. If no MCS is configured, UE autonomously selects MCS from the full range of values.
SL-CPE-StartingPositionsPSCCH-PSSCHfield descriptions
Indicates L1 priority of PSSCH.
Indicates a set of candidate CPE starting positions specified in Table 5.3.1-3 [16, TS38.211],
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present in sl-BWP-PoolConfigA2X and sl-BWP-PoolConfigCommonA2X; otherwise the field is optionally present, Need M.
SL-RLC-BearerConfig field descriptions
The field is used to configure MAC SL logical channel parameters.
The index of the RLC bearer configuration. If the field sl-RLC-BearerConfigIndex-v1800 is present, the UE shall ignore the sl-RLC-BearerConfigIndex-r16 field.
Determines the RLC mode (UM, AM) and provides corresponding parameters.
Associates the sidelink RLC Bearer with a sidelink DRB. It indicates the index of SL radio bearer configuration, which is corresponding to the RLC bearer configuration.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present upon creation of a new sidelink logical channel via the dedicated signalling and in case of sidelink DRB configuration via system information and pre-configuration; otherwise the field is optionally present, Need M.
This field is mandatory present upon creation of a newsidelink logical channel via the dedicated signalling and in case of sidelink DRB configuration via system information and pre-configuration. Otherwise, it is absent, Need M.
SL-RLC-ChannelConfigfield descriptions
The field is used to configure MAC SL logical channel parameters.
Indicates the PC5 Relay RLC channel in the link between L2 U2N Relay UEand L2 U2N Remote UE, or between L2 U2U Remote UE and L2 U2U Relay UE.
Determines the RLC mode (UM, AM) and provides corresponding parameters.
Indicates the Packet Delay Budget for a PC5 Relay RLC channel used in L2 U2N relay operation. Upper bound value for the delay that a packet may experience expressed in unit of 0.5ms.
SL-RLC-Config field descriptions
Parameter value of maxRetxThresholdfor RLC AM for NR sidelink communications, see TS 38.322 [4]. Value t1 corresponds to 1 retransmission, value t2 corresponds to 2 retransmissions and so on.
Parameter value of pollBytefor RLC AM for NR sidelink communications, see TS 38.322 [4]. Value kB25 corresponds to 25 kBytes, value kB50 corresponds to 50 kBytes and so on. infinity corresponds to an infinite amount of kBytes.
Parameter value of pollPDUfor RLC AM for NR sidelink communications, seeTS 38.322 [4]. Value p4 corresponds to 4 PDUs, value p8 corresponds to 8 PDUs and so on. infinity corresponds to an infinite number of PDUs.
This field indicates the RLC SN field size for NR sidelink communication, see TS 38.322 [4]. For groupcast and broadcast, only value size6 (6 bits) is configured for the field sl-SN-FieldLengthUM.
Timer value of t-PollRetransmitfor RLC AM for NR sidelink communications, see TS 38.322 [4], in milliseconds. Value ms5 means 5 ms, value ms10 means 10 ms and so on.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present in case of sidelink DRB setup via the dedicated signalling and in case of sidelink DRB configuration via system information and pre-configuration; otherwise the field is optionally present, need M.

The IE SL-SDAP-Config is used to set the configurable SDAP parameters for a Sidelink DRB.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-SDAP-CONFIG-START SL-SDAP-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-SDAP-Header-r16 ENUMERATED {present, absent}, sl-DefaultRB-r16 BOOLEAN, sl-MappedQoS-Flows-r16 CHOICE { sl-MappedQoS-FlowsList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-QFIs-r16)) OF SL-QoS-Profile-r16, sl-MappedQoS-FlowsListDedicated-r16 SL-MappedQoS-FlowsListDedicated-r16 } OPTIONAL, -- Need M sl-CastType-r16 ENUMERATED {broadcast, groupcast, unicast, spare1} OPTIONAL, -- Need M ... } SL-MappedQoS-FlowsListDedicated-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-MappedQoS-FlowsToAddList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-QFIs-r16)) OF SL-QoS-FlowIdentity-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-MappedQoS-FlowsToReleaseList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-QFIs-r16)) OF SL-QoS-FlowIdentity-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N } -- TAG-SL-SDAP-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-ServingCellInfo is used to indicate the L2 U2N Relay UE's PCell/camping cell, which is considered as PCell/camping cell by the L2 U2N Remote UEs connecting with this L2 U2N Relay UE.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-SERVINGCELLINFO-START SL-ServingCellInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-PhysCellId-r17 PhysCellId, sl-CarrierFreqNR-r17 ARFCN-ValueNR } -- TAG-SL-SERVINGCELLINFO-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE SL-SourceIdentity is used to identify a source of a NR sidelink communication. SL-SourceIdentity information element

The IE SL-SRAP-Config is used to set the configurable SRAP parameters used by L2 U2N Relay UE and L2 U2N Remote UE as specified in TS 38.351 [66]. SL-SRAP-Config information element
sl-LocalIdentity-r17Indicates the local UE ID of the L2 U2N Remote UE used in SRAP as specified in TS 38.351 [66].
INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL, -- Need M
sl-MappingToAddModList-r17Indicates the list of mappings between the bearer identity of the L2 U2N Remote UE and the egress RLC channel as specified in TS 38.351 [66] to be added or modified.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLC-ID)) OF SL-MappingToAddMod-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N
sl-MappingToReleaseList-r17Indicates the list of mappings between the bearer identity of the L2 U2N Remote UE and the egress RLC channel as specified in TS 38.351 [66] to be released.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLC-ID)) OF SL-RemoteUE-RB-Identity-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } SL-MappingToAddMod-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
sl-RemoteUE-RB-Identity-r17Identity of the end-to-end Uu bearer identity of the L2 U2N Remote UE. The value 3 for the field srb-identity-r17 (i.e., for configuring SRB3) is not supported in this version of the specification.
sl-EgressRLC-ChannelUu-r17Indicates the egress RLC channel on Uu Hop for uplink transmissions at the L2 U2N Relay UE.
Uu-RelayRLC-ChannelID-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond L2RelayUE
sl-EgressRLC-ChannelPC5-r17Indicates the egress RLC channel on PC5 Hop for downlink transmissions at the L2 U2N Relay UE and for uplink transmissions at the L2 U2N Remote UE.
SL-RLC-ChannelID-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need N ... } SL-RemoteUE-RB-Identity-r17 ::= CHOICE { srb-Identity-r17 INTEGER (0..3), drb-Identity-r17 DRB-Identity, ... } -- TAG-SL-SRAP-CONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-ScheduledConfigfield descriptions
Indicate the RNTI used to scramble CRC of DCI format 3_0, see TS 38.321 [3].
Indicate the time gap between DCI reception and the first sidelink transmission scheduled by the DCI (see TS 38.214 [19], clause Value 1 included in this field corresponds to 1 slot, value 2 corresponds to 2 slots and so on, based on the numerology of sidelink BWP.
Indicates the RNTI used to scramble CRC of DCI format 3_2 for configured grants.
Indicates the SL-PRS-RNTI used for monitoring the network scheduling to transmit NR sidelink positioning reference signal (i.e. the mode 1) for dynamic grants.
For dynamic grant and configured grant type 2, this field configures the values (in number of slot lengths) of the PSFCH to PUCCH gap. The field PSFCH-to-HARQ_feedback timing indicator in DCI format 3_0 selects one of the configured values of the PSFCH to PUCCH gap.
Indicate the SL-RNTI used for monitoring the network scheduling to transmit NR sidelink communication (i.e. the mode 1).
MAC-MainConfigSL field descriptions
This field is to configure the sidelink buffer status report.
Indicates the SL priority threshold, which is used to determine whether SL TX is prioritized over UL TX, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Network does not configure the sl-PrioritizationThres and the ul-PrioritizationThres to the UE separately.
Indicates the UL priority threshold, which is used to determine whether SL TX is prioritized over UL TX, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Network does not configure the sl-PrioritizationThres and the ul-PrioritizationThres to the UE separately.
SL-SDAP-Config field descriptions
Indicates whether or not this is the default sidelink DRB for this NR sidelink communication transmission destination. Among all configured instances of SL-SDAP-Configfor this destination, this field shall be set to true in at most one instance of SL-SDAP-Config and to false in all other instances.
Indicates QoS flows to be mapped to the sidelink DRB. If the field is included in dedicated signalling, it is set to sl-MappedQoS-FlowsListDedicated; otherwise, it is set to sl-MappedQoS-FlowsList.
Indicates the list of QoS profilesof the NR sidelink communication transmission destination mapped to this sidelink DRB.
Indicates the list of SL QoS flows ID of the NR sidelink communication transmission destination to be additionally mapped to this sidelink DRB.
Indicates the list of SL QoS flows ID of the NR sidelink communication transmission destination to be released from existing QoS flow to SLRB mapping of this sidelink DRB.
Indicates whether or not a SDAP header is present on this sidelink DRB. The field cannot be changed after a sidelink DRB is established. This field is set to present if the field sl-DefaultRB is set to true.
SL-ServingCellInfo field descriptions
Indicates the DL frequency of the cell indicated by sl-PhysCellId.
Indicates the PCI of the PCell.
SL-SRAP-Config field descriptions
Indicates the local UE ID of the L2 U2N Remote UE used in SRAP as specified in TS 38.351 [66].
Indicates the list of mappings between the bearer identity of the L2 U2N Remote UE and the egress RLC channel as specified in TS 38.351 [66] to be added or modified.
Indicates the list of mappings between the bearer identity of the L2 U2N Remote UE and the egress RLC channel as specified in TS 38.351 [66] to be released.
Identity of the end-to-end Uu bearer identity of the L2 U2N Remote UE. The value 3 for the field srb-identity-r17 (i.e., for configuring SRB3) is not supported in this version of the specification.
Indicates the egress RLC channel on Uu Hop for uplink transmissions at the L2 U2N Relay UE.
Indicates the egress RLC channel on PC5 Hop for downlink transmissions at the L2 U2N Relay UE and for uplink transmissions at the L2 U2N Remote UE.

The IE SL-SRAP-ConfigU2U is used to set the configurable SRAP parameters used by L2 U2U Relay UE and L2 U2U Remote UE as specified in TS 38.351 [66].
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-SRAP-CONFIGU2U-START SL-SRAP-ConfigU2U-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-MappingToAddMod-U2U-List-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-LCID-r16)) OF SL-MappingConfig-U2U-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need N sl-MappingToRelease-U2U-List-r18 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-LCID-r16)) OF SLRB-Uu-ConfigIndex-r16 OPTIONAL -- Need N } SL-MappingConfig-U2U-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-RemoteUE-SLRB-Identity-r18 SLRB-Uu-ConfigIndex-r16, sl-EgressRLC-ChannelPC5-r18 SL-RLC-ChannelID-r17, ... } -- TAG-SL-SRAP-CONFIGU2U-STOP -- ASN1STOP
Conditional PresenceExplanation
For L2 U2N Relay UE, the field is optionally present, Need M. Otherwise, it is absent.

The IE SL-SyncConfig specifies the configuration information concerning reception of synchronisation signals from neighbouring cells as well as concerning the transmission of synchronisation signals for sidelink communication.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-SYNCCONFIG-START SL-SyncConfigList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSL-SyncConfig-r16)) OF SL-SyncConfig-r16 SL-SyncConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-SyncRefMinHyst-r16 ENUMERATED {dB0, dB3, dB6, dB9, dB12} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SyncRefDiffHyst-r16 ENUMERATED {dB0, dB3, dB6, dB9, dB12, dBinf} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-FilterCoefficient-r16 FilterCoefficient OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SSB-TimeAllocation1-r16 SL-SSB-TimeAllocation-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SSB-TimeAllocation2-r16 SL-SSB-TimeAllocation-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SSB-TimeAllocation3-r16 SL-SSB-TimeAllocation-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-SSID-r16 INTEGER (0..671) OPTIONAL, -- Need R txParameters-r16 SEQUENCE { syncTxThreshIC-r16 SL-RSRP-Range-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R syncTxThreshOoC-r16 SL-RSRP-Range-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R syncInfoReserved-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL -- Need R }, gnss-Sync-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Need R ... } SL-RSRP-Range-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..13) SL-SSB-TimeAllocation-r16 ::= SEQUENCE { sl-NumSSB-WithinPeriod-r16 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, n64} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-TimeOffsetSSB-r16 INTEGER (0..1279) OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-TimeInterval-r16 INTEGER (0..639) OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-SL-SYNCCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-SRAP-ConfigU2U field descriptions
Indicates the list of mappings between the end-to-end sidelink DRB of a given L2 U2U Remote UE and the egress PC5 Relay RLC channel used by L2 U2U Remote UE and L2 U2U Relay UE when acting as Tx UE, as specified in TS 38.351 [66] to be added or modified.
Indicates the list of mappings between the end-to-end sidelink DRB of a given L2 U2U Remote UE and the egress PC5 Relay RLC channel as specified in TS 38.351 [66] to be released.
Indicates the egress PC5 Relay RLC channel for sidelink transmissions at the L2 U2U Relay UE and at the L2 U2U Remote UE.
Identity of the end-to-end sidelink DRB of the L2 U2U Remote UE.

IE SL-Thres-RSRP-List indicates a threshold used for sensing based UE autonomous resource selection (see TS 38.215 [9]). A resource is excluded if it is indicated or reserved by a decoded SCI and PSSCH/PSCCH RSRP in the associated data resource is above the threshold defined by IE SL-Thres-RSRP-List. A NR sidelink resource is excluded if the corresponding PSFCH transmission occasions overlap with resources indicated or reserved by the decoded EUTRA SCI in time domain and EUTRA PSSCH RSRP in the associated data resource is above the threshold defined by IE sl-NRPSFCH-EUTRA-ThresRSRP-List. A NR sidelink resource is excluded if it is indicated or reserved by the decoded EUTRA SCI and EUTRA PSSCH RSRP in the associated data resource is above the threshold defined by IE sl-NRPSSCH-EUTRA-ThresRSRP-List. Value 0 corresponds to minus infinity dBm, value 1 corresponds to -128dBm, value 2 corresponds to -126dBm, value n corresponds to (-128 + (n-1)*2) dBm and so on, value 66 corresponds to infinity dBm.

The IE SL-TxPower is used to limit the UE's sidelink transmission power on a carrier frequency. The unit is dBm. Value minusinfinity corresponds to –infinity.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-SL-TXPOWER-START SL-TxPower-r16 ::= CHOICE{ minusinfinity-r16 NULL, txPower-r16 INTEGER (-30..33) } -- TAG-SL-TXPOWER-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-SyncConfig field descriptions
If configured, the synchronization configuration is used for SLSS transmission/reception when the UE is synchronized to GNSS. If not configured, the synchronization configuration is used for SLSS transmission/reception when the UE is synchronized to eNB/gNB.
Hysteresis when evaluating a SyncRef UE using absolute comparison.
Hysteresis when evaluating a SyncRef UE using relative comparison.
Indicates the number of sidelink SSB transmissions within one sidelink SSB period. The applicable values are related to the subcarrier spacing and frequency as follows: FR1, SCS = 15 kHz: 1 FR1, SCS = 30 kHz: 1, 2 FR1, SCS = 60 kHz: 1, 2, 4 FR2, SCS = 60 kHz: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 FR2, SCS = 120 kHz: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 All values in sl-NumSSB-WithinPeriod in sl-SSB-TimeAllocation1 is set to be same across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies, if configured. All values in sl-NumSSB-WithinPeriod in sl-SSB-TimeAllocation2 is set to be same across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies, if configured. All values in sl-NumSSB-WithinPeriod in sl-SSB-TimeAllocation3 is set to be same across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies, if configured.
Indicates the slot offset from the start of sidelink SSB period to the first sidelink SSB.All values in sl-TimeOffsetSSB in sl-SSB-TimeAllocation1 is set to be same across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies, if configured. All values in sl-TimeOffsetSSB in sl-SSB-TimeAllocation2 is set to be same across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies, if configured. All values in sl-TimeOffsetSSB in sl-SSB-TimeAllocation3 is set to be same across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies, if configured.
Indicates the slot interval between neighboring sidelink SSBs. This value is applicable when there are more than one sidelink SSBs within one sidelink SSB period. All values in sl-TimeInterval in sl-SSB-TimeAllocation1 is set to be same across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies, if configured. All values in sl-TimeInterval in sl-SSB-TimeAllocation2 is set to be same across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies, if configured. All values in sl-TimeInterval in sl-SSB-TimeAllocation3 is set to be same across all carrier frequencies configured for UEs performing NR sidelink communication on multiple carrier frequencies, if configured.
Indicates the ID of sidelink synchronization signal associated with different synchronization priorities.
Reserved for future use.
syncTxThreshIC, syncTxThreshOoC
Indicates the thresholds used while in coverage and out of coverage, respectively. Value 0 corresponds to -infinity, value 1 to -115 dBm, value 2 to -110 dBm, and so on (i.e. in steps of 5 dBm) until value 12, which corresponds to -60 dBm, while value 13 corresponds to +infinity.

The IE SL-TypeTxSync indicates the synchronization reference type.

IE SL-UE-SelectedConfig specifies sidelink communication/positioning configurations used for UE autonomous resource selection.
sl-PSSCH-TxConfigList-r16Indicates PSSCH TX parameters such as MCS, sub-channel number, retransmission number, associated to different UE absolute speeds anddifferent synchronization reference types for UE autonomous resource selection.
SL-PSSCH-TxConfigList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Cond SIB12
sl-ProbResourceKeep-r16Indicates the probability with which the UE keeps the current resource when the resource reselection counter reaches zero for sensing based UE autonomous resource selection (see TS 38.321 [3]).
ENUMERATED {v0, v0dot2, v0dot4, v0dot6, v0dot8} OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-ReselectAfter-r16Indicates the number of consecutive skipped transmissions before triggering resource reselection for sidelink communication (see TS 38.321 [3]).
ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9} OPTIONAL, -- Need R sl-CBR-CommonTxConfigList-r16 SL-CBR-CommonTxConfigList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
ul-PrioritizationThres-r16Indicates the UL priority threshold, which is used to determine whether SL TX is prioritized over UL TX, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Network does not configure the sl-PrioritizationThres and the ul-PrioritizationThres to the UE separately.
INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL, -- Need R
sl-PrioritizationThres-r16Indicates the SL priority threshold, which is used to determine whether SL TX is prioritized over UL TX, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Network does not configure the sl-PrioritizationThres and the ul-PrioritizationThres to the UE separately.
INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, -- Need R ..., [[ sl-CBR-CommonTxDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List-r18 SL-CBR-CommonTxDedicatedSL-PRS-RP-List-r18 OPTIONAL -- Cond notSIB12 ]] } -- TAG-SL-UE-SELECTEDCONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-UE-SelectedConfig field descriptions
Indicates the SL priority threshold, which is used to determine whether SL TX is prioritized over UL TX, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Network does not configure the sl-PrioritizationThres and the ul-PrioritizationThres to the UE separately.
Indicates the probability with which the UE keeps the current resource when the resource reselection counter reaches zero for sensing based UE autonomous resource selection (see TS 38.321 [3]).
Indicates PSSCH TX parameters such as MCS, sub-channel number, retransmission number, associated to different UE absolute speeds anddifferent synchronization reference types for UE autonomous resource selection.
Indicates the number of consecutive skipped transmissions before triggering resource reselection for sidelink communication (see TS 38.321 [3]).
Indicates the UL priority threshold, which is used to determine whether SL TX is prioritized over UL TX, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Network does not configure the sl-PrioritizationThres and the ul-PrioritizationThres to the UE separately.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
This field is optional present if included within SIB12, need R. Otherwise, the field is absent.
The field is absent in SIB12. Otherwise, it is optional present, Need R

The IE SL-ZoneConfig is used to configure the zone ID related parameters.
sl-ZoneLength-r16Indicates the length of each geographic zone.
ENUMERATED { m5, m10, m20, m30, m40, m50, spare2, spare1}, ... } -- TAG-SL-ZONECONFIG-STOP -- ASN1STOP
SL-ZoneConfig field descriptions
Indicates the length of each geographic zone.

The IE SLRB-Uu-ConfigIndex is used to identify a sidelink DRB configuration from the network side, or to indicate an end-to-end sidelink DRB by L2 U2U Relay UE in SidelinkUEInformation message.

6.3. 6 MBS information elements
The IE CarrierFreqListMBS is used to inform network of the frequencies on which the UE is receiving or interested to receive MBS broadcast service via a broadcast MRB.

The IE CFR-ConfigMCCH-MTCH is used to configure the common frequency resource used for MCCH,multicast MCCH and MTCH reception.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-CFR-CONFIGMCCH-MTCH-START CFR-ConfigMCCH-MTCH-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { locationAndBandwidthBroadcast-r17 LocationAndBandwidthBroadcast-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S pdsch-ConfigMCCH-r17 PDSCH-ConfigBroadcast-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S commonControlResourceSetExt-r17 ControlResourceSet OPTIONAL -- Cond NotSIB1CommonControlResource } LocationAndBandwidthBroadcast-r17 ::= CHOICE { sameAsSib1ConfiguredLocationAndBW NULL, locationAndBandwidth INTEGER (0..37949) } -- TAG-CFR-CONFIGMCCH-MTCH-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE DRX-ConfigPTM is used to configure DRX related parameters for PTM transmission as specified in TS 38.321 [3].
drx-onDurationTimerPTM-r17Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSecond). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
CHOICE { subMilliSeconds INTEGER (1..31), milliSeconds ENUMERATED { ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms800, ms1000, ms1200, ms1600, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } },
drx-InactivityTimerPTM-r17Value in multiple integers of 1 ms. ms0 corresponds to 0, ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
ENUMERATED { ms0, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms500, ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 },
drx-HARQ-RTT-TimerDL-PTM-r17Value in number of symbols of the CFR where the transport block was received.
INTEGER (0..56) OPTIONAL, -- Cond HARQFeedback
drx-RetransmissionTimerDL-PTM-r17Value in number of slot lengths of the CFR where the transport block was received. value sl0 corresponds to 0 slots, sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, and so on.
ENUMERATED { sl0, sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6, sl8, sl16, sl24, sl33, sl40, sl64, sl80, sl96, sl112, sl128, sl160, sl320, spare15, spare14, spare13, spare12, spare11, spare10, spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } OPTIONAL, -- Cond HARQFeedback
drx-LongCycleStartOffsetPTM-r17drx-LongCycle-PTM in ms and drx-StartOffset-PTM in multiples of 1 ms.
CHOICE { ms10 INTEGER(0..9), ms20 INTEGER(0..19), ms32 INTEGER(0..31), ms40 INTEGER(0..39), ms60 INTEGER(0..59), ms64 INTEGER(0..63), ms70 INTEGER(0..69), ms80 INTEGER(0..79), ms128 INTEGER(0..127), ms160 INTEGER(0..159), ms256 INTEGER(0..255), ms320 INTEGER(0..319), ms512 INTEGER(0..511), ms640 INTEGER(0..639), ms1024 INTEGER(0..1023), ms1280 INTEGER(0..1279), ms2048 INTEGER(0..2047), ms2560 INTEGER(0..2559), ms5120 INTEGER(0..5119), ms10240 INTEGER(0..10239) },
drx-SlotOffsetPTM-r17Value in 1/32 ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0 ms, value 1 corresponds to 1/32 ms, value 2 corresponds to 2/32 ms, and so on.
CFR-ConfigMCCH-MTCH field descriptions
An additional common control resource set which may be configured and used for searchSpaceMCCH/searchSpaceMTCH or UE-specific search space in the BWP where searchSpaceMCCH is configured. It is contained in the bandwidth of the CFR for broadcast and larger than CORESET#0.
Indicates starting PRB and the number of PRBs of CFR used for MCCH, multicast MCCH and MTCH reception. Value sameAsSib1ConfiguredLocationAndBW means the CFR for broadcast or multicast has the same location and size as the locationAndBandwidth for initial BWP (for (e)RedCap UEs: initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap if it is configured and includes CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0) configured in SIB1. Value locationAndBandwidth is used to configure CFR with bandwidth that is larger than and fully contains the bandwidth for the initial DL BWP (for (e)RedCap UEs: initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap if it is configured and includes CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0) configured in SIB1and CORESET#0. The value of the field shall be interpreted as defined in TS 38.214 [19] with assumptions as described in TS 38.213 [13]. This field is not included in cfr-ConfigMCCH-MTCH-RedCap if initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap in SIB1 is configured but does not include CD-SSB and the entire CORESET#0. If the field is absent, the CFR for broadcast or multicast has the same location and size as CORESET#0.
Indicates PDSCH parameters used for MCCH or multicast MCCH transmission. If the field is absent, PDSCH parameters used for MCCH or multicast MCCH are the same as those of PDSCH configuration provided in initialDownlinkBWP in SIB1.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optional present in case commonControlResourceSet is not configured in SIB1, Need R, otherwise it is absent.
DRX-ConfigPTM field descriptions
Value in number of symbols of the CFR where the transport block was received.
Value in multiple integers of 1 ms. ms0 corresponds to 0, ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
drx-LongCycle-PTM in ms and drx-StartOffset-PTM in multiples of 1 ms.
Value in multiples of 1/32 ms (subMilliSeconds) or in ms (milliSecond). For the latter, value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on.
Value in number of slot lengths of the CFR where the transport block was received. value sl0 corresponds to 0 slots, sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, and so on.
Value in 1/32 ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0 ms, value 1 corresponds to 1/32 ms, value 2 corresponds to 2/32 ms, and so on.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if HARQ feedback is enabled for a G-RNTI/G-CS-RNTI associated with this DRX configuration.It is optionally present. Need R, otherwise.

The IE MBS-NeighbourCellList indicates a list of neighbour cells where ongoing MBS sessions provided via broadcast/multicast MRB in the current cell may also be provided, as indicated in the mtch-NeighbourCell.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MBS-NEIGHBOURCELLLIST-START MBS-NeighbourCellList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxNeighCellMBS-r17)) OF MBS-NeighbourCell-r17 MBS-NeighbourCell-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { physCellId-r17 PhysCellId, carrierFreq-r17 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL -- Need S } -- TAG-MBS-NEIGHBOURCELLLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MBS-NonServingInfoList is used to inform network of the frequencies, CFR information and subcarrier spacing for MBS broadcast reception on the non-serving cell.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MBS-NONSERVINGINFOLIST-START MBS-NonServingInfoList-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreqMBS-r17)) OF NonServingInfo-r18 NonServingInfo-r18 ::= SEQUENCE {
freqInfoMBS-r18Indicates MBS frequency of interest and the frequency band of the non-serving cell for MBS broadcast reception as specified in clause
FreqInfoMBS-r18 OPTIONAL, cfr-InfoMBS-r18 CHOICE {
cfr-Bandwidth-r18Indicates the CFR bandwidth of the non-serving cell for MBS broadcast reception.
INTEGER (1..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks),
cfr-LocationAndBW-r18Indicates the CFR location and bandwidth of the non-serving cell for MBS broadcast reception.
CFR-LocationAndBW-r18 } OPTIONAL,
subcarrierSpacing-r18Indicates the subcarrier spacing of the CORESET#0 of the non-serving cell for MBS broadcast reception.
SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL } FreqInfoMBS-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { carrierFreqMBS-r18 ARFCN-ValueNR, freqBandIndicatorMBS-r18 FreqBandIndicatorNR } CFR-LocationAndBW-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { locationAndBandwidthMBS-r18 INTEGER (0..37949) OPTIONAL, absoluteFrequencyPointA-MBS-r18 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL, offsetToCarrierMBS-r18 INTEGER (0..2199) OPTIONAL } -- TAG-MBS-NONSERVINGINFOLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
MBS-NeighbourCellList field descriptions
Indicates the frequency of the neighbour cell indicated by physCellId. Absence of the IE means that the neighbour cell is on the same frequency asthe current cell.
MBS-NonServingInfoList field descriptions
Indicates MBS frequency of interest and the frequency band of the non-serving cell for MBS broadcast reception as specified in clause
Indicates the CFR information of the non-serving cell for MBS broadcast reception.It is up to UE implementation to choose cfr-Bandwidth or cfr-LocationAndBW as the reported CFR information.
Indicates the CFR bandwidth of the non-serving cell for MBS broadcast reception.
Indicates the CFR location and bandwidth of the non-serving cell for MBS broadcast reception.
Indicates the subcarrier spacing of the CORESET#0 of the non-serving cell for MBS broadcast reception.

The IE MBS- ServiceList is used to inform the network of the MBS services that the UE is receiving or interested to receive.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MBS-SERVICELIST-START MBS-ServiceList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofMBS-ServiceListPerUE-r17)) OF MBS-ServiceInfo-r17 MBS-ServiceInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { tmgi-r17 TMGI-r17 } -- TAG-MBS-SERVICELIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP
CFR-LocationAndBW field descriptions
Indicates the starting PRB and the number of PRBs of CFR used for MBS broadcast reception from non-serving cell. The value of the field shall be interpreted as resource indicator value (RIV) as defined in TS 38.214 [19] with assumptions as described in TS 38.213 [13]. The first PRB is a PRB determined by subcarrierSpacing, offsetToCarrierMBS and absoluteFrequencyPointA-MBS of the non-serving cell.
Indicates the absolute frequency position of the reference resource block (common RB 0) of the non-serving cell for MBS broadcast reception. Its lowest subcarrier is also known as Point A (see TS 38.211 [16], clause
Indicates the offset in frequency domain between Point A (lowest subcarrier of common RB 0) and the lowest usable subcarrier on this carrier in number of PRBs (using the subcarrierSpacing indicated for the non-serving cell).

The IE MBS-SessionInfoList provides the list of ongoing MBS broadcast sessions transmitted via broadcast MRB and, for each MBS broadcast session, the associated G-RNTI and scheduling information.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MBS-SESSIONINFOLIST-START MBS-SessionInfoList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofMBS-Session-r17)) OF MBS-SessionInfo-r17 MBS-SessionInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { mbs-SessionId-r17 TMGI-r17, g-RNTI-r17 RNTI-Value, mrb-ListBroadcast-r17 MRB-ListBroadcast-r17, mtch-SchedulingInfo-r17 DRX-ConfigPTM-Index-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S mtch-NeighbourCell-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE(maxNeighCellMBS-r17)) OPTIONAL, -- Need S pdsch-ConfigIndex-r17 PDSCH-ConfigIndex-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S mtch-SSB-MappingWindowIndex-r17 MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowIndex-r17 OPTIONAL -- Cond MTCH-Mapping } DRX-ConfigPTM-Index-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofDRX-ConfigPTM-1-r17) PDSCH-ConfigIndex-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofPDSCH-ConfigPTM-1-r17) MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowIndex-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..maxNrofMTCH-SSB-MappingWindow-1-r17) MRB-ListBroadcast-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofMRB-Broadcast-r17)) OF MRB-InfoBroadcast-r17 MRB-InfoBroadcast-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcp-Config-r17 MRB-PDCP-ConfigBroadcast-r17, rlc-Config-r17 MRB-RLC-ConfigBroadcast-r17, ... } MRB-PDCP-ConfigBroadcast-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcp-SN-SizeDL-r17 ENUMERATED {len12bits} OPTIONAL, -- Need S headerCompression-r17 CHOICE { notUsed NULL, rohc SEQUENCE { maxCID-r17 INTEGER (1..16) DEFAULT 15, profiles-r17 SEQUENCE { profile0x0000-r17 BOOLEAN, profile0x0001-r17 BOOLEAN, profile0x0002-r17 BOOLEAN } } }, t-Reordering-r17 ENUMERATED {ms1, ms10, ms40, ms160, ms500, ms1000, ms1250, ms2750} OPTIONAL -- Need S } MRB-RLC-ConfigBroadcast-r17 ::= SEQUENCE { logicalChannelIdentity-r17 LogicalChannelIdentity, sn-FieldLength-r17 ENUMERATED {size6} OPTIONAL, -- Need S t-Reassembly-r17 T-Reassembly OPTIONAL -- Need S } -- TAG-MBS-SESSIONINFOLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MBS-SessionInfoListMulticast provides a list of MBS multicast sessions transmitted via multicast MRB for RRC_INACTIVE UEs and, for each MBS multicast session, the associated G-RNTI and scheduling information.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MBS-SESSIONINFOLISTMULTICAST-START MBS-SessionInfoListMulticast-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofMBS-Session-r17)) OF MBS-SessionInfoMulticast-r18 MBS-SessionInfoMulticast-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { mbs-SessionId-r18 TMGI-r17, g-RNTI-r18 RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, -- Need R mrb-ListMulticast-r18 MRB-ListMulticast-r18 OPTIONAL, -- Need R mtch-SchedulingInfo-r18 DRX-ConfigPTM-Index-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S mtch-NeighbourCell-r18 BIT STRING (SIZE(maxNeighCellMBS-r17)) OPTIONAL, -- Need S pdsch-ConfigIndex-r18 PDSCH-ConfigIndex-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Need S mtch-SSB-MappingWindowIndex-r18 MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowIndex-r17 OPTIONAL, -- Cond MTCH-Mapping thresholdIndex-r18 INTEGER (0..maxNrofThresholdMBS-1-r18) OPTIONAL, -- Need R pdcp-SyncIndicator-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond RRCRelease stopMonitoringRNTI-r18 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond G-RNTI ... } MRB-ListMulticast-r18 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxMRB-r17)) OF MRB-InfoMulticast-r18 MRB-InfoMulticast-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcp-Config-r18 MRB-PDCP-ConfigMulticast-r18, rlc-Config-r18 MRB-RLC-ConfigMulticast-r18, ... } MRB-PDCP-ConfigMulticast-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { pdcp-SN-SizeDL-r18 ENUMERATED {len12bits, len18bits}, headerCompression-r18 CHOICE { notUsed NULL, rohc SEQUENCE { maxCID-r18 INTEGER (1..16) DEFAULT 15, profiles-r18 SEQUENCE { profile0x0000-r18 BOOLEAN, profile0x0001-r18 BOOLEAN, profile0x0002-r18 BOOLEAN } } }, t-Reordering-r17 ENUMERATED {ms1, ms10, ms40, ms160, ms500, ms1000, ms1250, ms2750} OPTIONAL -- Need R } MRB-RLC-ConfigMulticast-r18 ::= SEQUENCE { logicalChannelIdentity-r18 CHOICE { logicalChannelIdentitymulticast-r18 LogicalChannelIdentity, logicalChannelIdentityExt-r18 LogicalChannelIdentityExt-r17 }, sn-FieldLength-r18 ENUMERATED {size6, size12}, t-Reassembly-r18 T-Reassembly OPTIONAL -- Need R } -- TAG-MBS-SESSIONINFOLISTMULTICAST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowList is used to configure MTCH PDCCH ocassions to SSB mapping window related periodic and offset parameters.
-- ASN1START -- TAG-MTCH-SSB-MAPPINGWINDOWLIST-START MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofMTCH-SSB-MappingWindow-r17)) OF MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowCycleOffset-r17 MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowCycleOffset-r17 ::= CHOICE { ms10 INTEGER(0..9), ms20 INTEGER(0..19), ms32 INTEGER(0..31), ms64 INTEGER(0..63), ms128 INTEGER(0..127), ms256 INTEGER(0..255) } -- TAG-MTCH-SSB-MAPPINGWINDOWLIST-STOP -- ASN1STOP

The IE PDSCH-ConfigBroadcast is used to configure parameters for acquiring the PDSCH for MCCH,multicast MCCH and MTCH.
pdschConfigList-r17List of PDSCH parameters which can be configured per G-RNTI. Only one entry is allowed to be configured if included in SIB20 or SIB24.
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPDSCH-ConfigPTM-r17) ) OF PDSCH-ConfigPTM-r17,
pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationList-r17List of time-domain configurations for timing of DL assignment to DL data. The field pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListapplies to DCI format 4_0 (see table in TS 38.214 [19]).When the field is absent, the UE follows PDSCH time domain resource allocation determination rule as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause
PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocationList-r16 OPTIONAL, -- Need R
rateMatchPatternToAddModList-r17Resources patterns which the UE should rate match PDSCH around. The UE rate matches around the union of all resources indicated in the rate match patterns (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofRateMatchPatterns)) OF RateMatchPattern OPTIONAL, -- Need R
lte-CRS-ToMatchAround-r17Parameters to determine an LTE CRS pattern that the UE shall rate match around.
RateMatchPatternLTE-CRS OPTIONAL, -- Need R
mcs-Table-r17Indicates which MCS table the UE shall use for PDSCH. If the field is absent the UE applies the value 64QAM. The field mcs-Table applies to DCI format 4_0 with CRC scrambled by MCCH-RNTI/G-RNTI for MBS broadcast or by Multicast MCCH-RNTI for MBS multicast in RRC_INACTIVE, and applies to DCI format 4_1 with CRC scrambled by G-RNTI for MBS multicast in RRC_INACTIVE (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {qam256, qam64LowSE} OPTIONAL, -- Need S
xOverhead-r17Accounts for an overhead from CSI-RS, CORESET, etc. If the field is absent, the UE applies value xOh0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
ENUMERATED {xOh6, xOh12, xOh18} OPTIONAL -- Need S } PDSCH-ConfigPTM-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {
dataScramblingIdentityPDSCH-r17Identifier(s) used to initialize data scrambling (c_init) for PDSCH as specified in TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value physCellId configured for this serving cell.
INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
dmrs-ScramblingID0-r17DL DMRS scrambling initialization (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value physCellId configured for this serving cell.
INTEGER (0..65535) OPTIONAL, -- Need S
pdsch-AggregationFactor-r17Number of repetitions for dynamic scheduling of MBS broadcast data for MTCH PDSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.
MBS-SessionInfoListfield descriptions
G-RNTI used to scramble the scheduling and transmission of MTCH.
If rohc is configured, the UE shall apply the configured ROHC profile(s) in downlink.
Indicates an identifier of the MBS session provided by the MTCH.
A list of broadcast MRBs to which the associated broadcast MBS session is mapped to.
Indicates neighbour cells which provide this service on MTCH. The first bit is set to 1 if the service is provided on MTCH in the first cell in mbs-NeighbourCellList, otherwise it is set to 0. The second bit is set to 1 if the service is provided on MTCH in the second cell in mbs-NeighbourCellList, and so on. If the service is not available in any neighbouring cell and mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled, the network sets all bits in this field to 0. The field is absent when mbs-NeighbourCellList is absent or an empty mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled.If this field is absent when mbs-NeighbourCellList is absent or a non-empty mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled, the related service may or may not be available in any neighbouring cell, i.e. the UE cannot determine the presence or absence of an MBS service in neighbouring cells based on the absence of this field. If this field is absent and an empty mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled, then the UE shall assume that MBS broadcast services signalled in mbs-SessionInfoList in the MBSBroadcastConfiguration message are not provided in any neighbour cell.
Indicates the index of DRX configuration entry indrx-ConfigPTM-List that is used for scheduling the MTCH. The value 0 corresponds to the first entry in drx-ConfigPTM-List, the value 1 corresponds to the second entry indrx-ConfigPTM-List and so on. In case mtch-schedulingInfo is absent for a G-RNTI (i.e. no PTM DRX), the UE shall monitor for PDCCH scrambled with G-RNTI in any slot according to the search space configured for MTCH [see TS 38.213 [13], clause 10.1].
Indicates the index of MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowCycleOffset configuration entry in MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowList. The value 0 corresponds to the first entry in MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowList, the value 1 corresponds to the second entry inMTCH-SSB-MappingWindowListand so on. This field is set to the same value for all MBS sessions mapped to the same G-RNTI.
Indicates that PDCP sequence number size of 12 bits is used, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. When the field is absent the UE applies the value as specified in
Indicates the index of PDSCH configuration entry in pdschConfigList for MTCH. Value 0 corresponds to the first entry in pdschConfigList, the value 1 corresponds to the second entry in pdschConfigList and so on. When the field is absent the UE applies the first entry in pdschConfigList for MTCH.
Indicates that the RLC SN field size of 6 bits is used, see TS 38.322 [4]. When the field is absent the UE applies the value as specified in
Timer for reassembly in TS 38.322 [4], in milliseconds. Value ms0 means 0 ms, value ms5 means 5 ms and so on. When the field is absent the UE applies the value in specified in
Value in ms of t-Reordering specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, and so on. When the field is absent the UE applies the value as specified in
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is mandatory present if the number of actual transmitted SSBs determined according to ssb-PositionsInBurst in SIB1 is more than 1, and searchspaceMTCH is not set to zero (including the case where searchSpaceMTCH is absent and searchSpaceMCCH is not set to zero). Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
MBS-SessionInfoListMulticastfield descriptions
G-RNTI used to scramble the scheduling and transmission of multicast MTCH.
Indicates an identifier of the MBS session to be received by the UE in RRC_INACTIVE.
A list of multicast MRBs to which the associated MBS multicast session is mapped to.
Indicates neighbour cells which provide this service on MTCH for RRC_INACTIVE. The first bit is set to 1 if the service is provided on MTCH in the first cell in mbs-NeighbourCellList, otherwise it is set to 0. The second bit is set to 1 if the service is provided on MTCH in the second cell in mbs-NeighbourCellList, and so on. If the service is not available in any neighbouring cell and mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled, the network sets all bits in this field to 0. The field is absent when mbs-NeighbourCellList is absent or an empty mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled.If this field is absent when mbs-NeighbourCellList is absent or a non-empty mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled, the related service may or may not be available in any neighbouring cell, i.e. the UE cannot determine the presence or absence of an MBS service in neighbouring cells based on the absence of this field. If this field is absent and an empty mbs-NeighbourCellList is signalled, then the UE shall assume that MBS multicast services signalled in mbs-SessionInfoListMulticast in the MBSMulticastConfiguration message are not provided in any neighbour cell.
Indicates the index of DRX configuration entry indrx-ConfigPTM-List that is used for scheduling the MTCH. The value 0 corresponds to the first entry in drx-ConfigPTM-List, the value 1 corresponds to the second entry indrx-ConfigPTM-List and so on. In case mtch-schedulingInfo is absent for a G-RNTI (i.e. no PTM DRX), the UE shall monitor for PDCCH scrambled with G-RNTI in any slot according to the search space configured for MTCH.
Indicates the index of MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowCycleOffset configuration entry in MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowList. The value 0 corresponds to the first entry in MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowList, the value 1 corresponds to the second entry inMTCH-SSB-MappingWindowList and so on. This field is set to the same value for all MBS sessions mapped to the same G-RNTI.
Indicates PDCP sequence number size of 12 or 18 bits, as specified in TS 38.323 [5].
Indicates the index of PDSCH configuration entry in pdsch-ConfigList for MTCH. Value 0 corresponds to the first entry in pdsch-ConfigList, the value 1 corresponds to the second entry in pdsch-ConfigList and so on. When the field is absent the UE applies the first entry in pdsch-ConfigList for MTCH.
Indicates the PDCP COUNT of the corresponding multicast session is synchronized in the RNA, i.e. the cells in the RNA follow a common QoS flow to MRB mapping rule and at the same time PDCP COUNT is set according to the MBS QoS Flow SN.
Indicates RLC SN field size of 6 or12 bits, as specified in TS 38.322 [4].
Indicates the UE to stop monitoring the G-RNTI for the corresponding multicast session.
Timer for reassembly in TS 38.322 [4], in milliseconds. Value ms0 means 0 ms, value ms5 means 5 ms and so on.
Value in ms of t-Reordering specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, value ms10 corresponds to 10 ms, and so on.
Indicates the index of thresholdMBS entry in thresholdMBS-List that is used for RRC connection resume for a UE receiving the corresponding multicast session in RRC_INACTIVE. Value 0 corresponds to the first entry in thresholdMBS-List, the value 1 corresponds to the second entry in thresholdMBS-List and so on.
Conditional PresenceExplanation
The field is optionally present, Need R, if g-RNTI is included. Otherwise, it is absent.
The field is mandatory present if the number of actual transmitted SSBs determined according to ssb-PositionsInBurst in SIB1 is more than 1, and searchSpaceMulticastMTCH is not set to zero (including the case where searchSpaceMulticastMTCH is absent and searchSpaceMulticastMCCH is not set to zero). Otherwise, it is absent, Need R.
The field is optionally present, Need R, if mbs-SessionInfoListMulticast is included in RRCRelease message. Otherwise, it is absent.
MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowList field descriptions
Indicates the cycle and offset for MTCH PDCCH ocassions to SSB mapping. Values in unit of ms. ms10 corresponds to cycle of 10 ms with corresponding offset between 0 and 9 ms, value ms20 corresponds to cycle of 20ms with corresponding offset between 0 and 19 ms, and so on. The mapping window starts at a subframe in a SFN where [(SFN number × 10) + subframe number] modulo (cycle) = offset. PDCCH monitoring occasions for MTCH in a mapping window which are not overlapping with UL symbols (determined according to tdd-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon) are sequentially numbered starting from 1 in the maping window. The [x×N+K]th PDCCH monitoring occasion for MTCH in this mapping window corresponds to the Kth transmitted SSB, where x = 0, 1, ...X-1, K = 1, 2, …N, N is the number of actual transmitted SSBs determined according to ssb-PositionsInBurst in SIB1 and X is equal to CEIL(number of PDCCH monitoring occasions in MTCH to SSB mapping transmission window/N). The actual transmitted SSBs are sequentially numbered from one in ascending order of their SSB indexes.
PDSCH-ConfigBroadcastfield descriptions
Parameters to determine an LTE CRS pattern that the UE shall rate match around.
List of PDSCH parameters which can be configured per G-RNTI. Only one entry is allowed to be configured if included in SIB20 or SIB24.
List of time-domain configurations for timing of DL assignment to DL data. The field pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationListapplies to DCI format 4_0 (see table in TS 38.214 [19]).When the field is absent, the UE follows PDSCH time domain resource allocation determination rule as specified in TS 38.214 [19], clause
Resources patterns which the UE should rate match PDSCH around. The UE rate matches around the union of all resources indicated in the rate match patterns (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Indicates which MCS table the UE shall use for PDSCH. If the field is absent the UE applies the value 64QAM. The field mcs-Table applies to DCI format 4_0 with CRC scrambled by MCCH-RNTI/G-RNTI for MBS broadcast or by Multicast MCCH-RNTI for MBS multicast in RRC_INACTIVE, and applies to DCI format 4_1 with CRC scrambled by G-RNTI for MBS multicast in RRC_INACTIVE (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
Accounts for an overhead from CSI-RS, CORESET, etc. If the field is absent, the UE applies value xOh0 (see TS 38.214 [19], clause
PDSCH-ConfigPTM field descriptions
Identifier(s) used to initialize data scrambling (c_init) for PDSCH as specified in TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value physCellId configured for this serving cell.
DL DMRS scrambling initialization (see TS 38.211 [16], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value physCellId configured for this serving cell.
Number of repetitions for dynamic scheduling of MBS broadcast data for MTCH PDSCH (see TS 38.214 [19], clause When the field is absent the UE applies the value 1.

The IE TMGI is used to identify the MBS session.
plmn-IndexPLMN index or NPN index according to the plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1. If this field is included in the MRB-ToAddMod-r17, the UE translates the plmn-Index into the PLMN Identity or SNPN Identity based on the configuration in SIB1 (which is the SIB1 of the target cell in case of handover).The explicitValue is not used for MBS service(s) of an SNPN.
INTEGER (1..maxPLMN), explicitValue PLMN-Identity },
serviceId-r17Uniquely identifies the identity of an MBS service within a PLMN. The field contains octet 3- 5 of the IE Temporary Mobile Group Identity (TMGI) as defined in TS 24.008 [38]. The first octet contains the third octet of the TMGI, the second octet contains the fourth octet of the TMGI and so on.
TMGI field descriptions
PLMN index or NPN index according to the plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1. If this field is included in the MRB-ToAddMod-r17, the UE translates the plmn-Index into the PLMN Identity or SNPN Identity based on the configuration in SIB1 (which is the SIB1 of the target cell in case of handover).The explicitValue is not used for MBS service(s) of an SNPN.
Uniquely identifies the identity of an MBS service within a PLMN. The field contains octet 3- 5 of the IE Temporary Mobile Group Identity (TMGI) as defined in TS 24.008 [38]. The first octet contains the third octet of the TMGI, the second octet contains the fourth octet of the TMGI and so on.

6.4 RRC multiplicity and type constraint values
–Multiplicity and type constraint definitions
maxAdditionalRACH-r17                   INTEGER ::= 256  -- Maximum number of additional RACH configurations.
maxAI-DCI-PayloadSize-r16               INTEGER ::= 128       --Maximum size of the DCI payload scrambled with ai-RNTI
maxAI-DCI-PayloadSize-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 127       --Maximum size of the DCI payload scrambled with ai-RNTI minus 1
maxBandComb                             INTEGER ::= 65536    -- Maximum number of DL band combinations
maxBandComb-MUSIM-r18                   INTEGER ::= 64  -- Maximum number of MUSIM bands and/or band combinations
maxBandsUTRA-FDD-r16                    INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of bands listed in UTRA-FDD UE caps
maxCandidateBandIndex-r18               INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of band entry index for MUSIM capability
maxBH-RLC-ChannelID-r16                 INTEGER ::= 65536    -- Maximum value of BH RLC Channel ID
maxBT-IdReport-r16                      INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of Bluetooth IDs to report
maxBT-Name-r16                          INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of Bluetooth name
maxCAG-Cell-r16                         INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of NR CAG cell ranges in SIB3, SIB4
maxTwoPUCCH-Grp-ConfigList-r16          INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of supported configuration(s) of {primary PUCCH group
  -- config, secondary PUCCH group config}
maxTwoPUCCH-Grp-ConfigList-r17          INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of supported configuration(s) of {primary PUCCH group
  -- config, secondary PUCCH group config} for PUCCH cell switching
maxCBR-Config-r16                       INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of CBR range configurations for sidelink communication
  -- congestion control
maxCBR-Config-1-r16                     INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of CBR range configurations for sidelink communication
  -- congestion control minus 1
maxCBR-Level-r16                        INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of CBR levels
maxCBR-Level-1-r16                      INTEGER ::= 15       -- Maximum number of CBR levels minus 1
maxCellATG-r18  INTEGER ::= 8  -- Maximum number of ATG neighbour cells for which assistance information is
  -- provided
maxCellExcluded INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of NR exclude-listed cell ranges in SIB3, SIB4
maxCellGroupings-r16                    INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of cell groupings for NR-DC
maxCellHistory-r16                      INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of visited PCells reported
maxPSCellHistory-r17                    INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of visited PSCells across all reported PCells
maxCellInter                            INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of inter-Freq cells listed in SIB4
maxCellIntra                            INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of intra-Freq cells listed in SIB3
maxCellMeasEUTRA                        INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of cells in E-UTRAN
maxCellMeasIdle-r16                     INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of cells per carrier for idle/inactive measurements
maxCellMeasUTRA-FDD-r16                 INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of cells in FDD UTRAN
maxCellNTN-r17 INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of NTN neighbour cells for which assistance information is
  -- provided
maxCarrierTypePairList-r16              INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of supported carrier type pair of (carrier type on which
  -- CSI measurement is performed, carrier type on which CSI reporting is
  -- performed) for CSI reporting cross PUCCH group
maxCellAllowed INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of NR allow-listed cell ranges in SIB3, SIB4
maxEARFCN                               INTEGER ::= 262143   -- Maximum value of E-UTRA carrier frequency
maxEUTRA-CellExcluded INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of E-UTRA exclude-listed physical cell identity ranges
  -- in SIB5
maxEUTRA-NS-Pmax                        INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of NS and P-Max values per band
maxFeatureCombPreamblesPerRACHResource-r17 INTEGER ::= 256  -- Maximum number of feature combination preambles.
maxLogMeasReport-r16                    INTEGER ::= 520      -- Maximum number of entries for logged measurements
maxMultiBands                           INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of additional frequency bands that a cell belongs to
maxNARFCN                               INTEGER ::= 3279165  -- Maximum value of NR carrier frequency
maxNR-NS-Pmax                           INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of NS and P-Max values per band
maxFreqIdle-r16                         INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of carrier frequencies for idle/inactive measurements
maxNrofServingCells                     INTEGER ::= 32       -- Max number of serving cells (SpCells + SCells)
maxNrofServingCells-1                   INTEGER ::= 31       -- Max number of serving cells (SpCells + SCells) minus 1
maxNrofAggregatedCellsPerCellGroup      INTEGER ::= 16 
maxNrofAggregatedCellsPerCellGroupMinus4-r16 INTEGER ::= 12 
maxNrofAperiodicFwdTimeResource-r18 INTEGER ::= 112      -- Max number of aperiodic fowarding time resources for NCR
maxNrofAperiodicFwdTimeResource-1-r18 INTEGER ::= 111      -- Max number of aperiodic fowarding time resources for NCR minus 1
maxNrofDUCells-r16                      INTEGER ::= 512      -- Max number of cells configured on the collocated IAB-DU
maxNrofAppLayerMeas-r17                 INTEGER ::= 16       -- Max number of simultaneous application layer measurements
maxNrofAppLayerMeas-1-r17               INTEGER ::= 15       -- Max number of simultaneous application layer measurements minus 1
maxNrofAppLayerReports-r18              INTEGER ::= 16       -- Max number of application layer measurement reports with the same
  -- measConfigAppLayerId included in the same
  -- MeasurementReportAppLayerMessage
maxNrofAvailabilityCombinationsPerSet-r16   INTEGER ::= 512  -- Max number of AvailabilityCombinationId used in the DCI format 2_5
maxNrofAvailabilityCombinationsPerSet-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 511  -- Max number of AvailabilityCombinationId used in the DCI format 2_5 minus 1
maxNrofIABResourceConfig-r17         INTEGER ::= 65536    -- Max number of IAB-ResourceConfigID used in MAC CE
maxNrofIABResourceConfig-1-r17          INTEGER ::= 65535    -- Max number of IAB-ResourceConfigID used in MAC CE minus 1
maxNrofPeriodicFwdResourceSet-r18 INTEGER ::= 32       -- Max number of periodic fowarding resource sets for NCR
maxNrofPeriodicFwdResourceSet-1-r18 INTEGER ::= 31       -- Max number of periodic fowarding resource sets for NCR minus 1
maxNrofPeriodicFwdResource-r18 INTEGER ::= 1024     -- Max number of periodic fowarding resources for NCR
maxNrofPeriodicFwdResource-1-r18 INTEGER ::= 1023     -- Max number of periodic fowarding resources for NCR minus 1
maxNrofSemiPersistentFwdResourceSet-r18 INTEGER ::= 32       -- Max number of semi-persistent fowarding resource sets for NCR
maxNrofSemiPersistentFwdResourceSet-1-r18 INTEGER ::= 31     -- Max number of semi-persistent fowarding resource sets for NCR minus 1
maxNrofSemiPersistentFwdResource-r18 INTEGER ::= 128      -- Max number of semi-persistent fowarding resources for NCR
maxNrofSemiPersistentFwdResource-1-r18 INTEGER ::= 127      -- Max number of semi-persistent fowarding resources for NCR minus 1
maxNrofSCellActRS-r17                   INTEGER ::= 255      -- Max number of RS configurations per SCell for SCell activation
maxNrofSCells                           INTEGER ::= 31       -- Max number of secondary serving cells per cell group
maxNrofCellMeas                         INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of entries in each of the cell lists in a measurement object
maxNrofCRS-IM-InterfCell-r17            INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of LTE interference cells for CRS-IM per UE
maxNrofRelayMeas-r17                INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of L2 U2N Relay UEs to measure for each measurement object
  -- on sidelink frequency
maxNrofCG-SL-r16                        INTEGER ::= 8        -- Max number of sidelink configured grant
maxNrofCG-SL-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 7        -- Max number of sidelink configured grant minus 1
maxSL-GC-BC-DRX-QoS-r17                 INTEGER ::= 16       -- Max number of sidelink DRX configurations for NR
  -- sidelink groupcast/broadcast communication
maxNrofSL-RxInfoSet-r17                 INTEGER ::= 4        -- Max number of sidelink DRX configuration sets in sidelink DRX assistant
  -- information
maxNrofSS-BlocksToAverage               INTEGER ::= 16       -- Max number for the (max) number of SS blocks to average to determine cell measurement
maxNrofCondCells-r16                    INTEGER ::= 8        -- Max number of conditional candidate SpCells
maxNrofCondCells-1-r17                  INTEGER ::= 7        -- Max number of conditional candidate SpCells minus 1
maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesToAverage        INTEGER ::= 16       -- Max number for the (max) number of CSI-RS to average to determine cell measurement
maxNrofDL-Allocations                   INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of PDSCH time domain resource allocations
maxNrofDL-AllocationsExt-r17            INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of PDSCH time domain resource allocations for multi-PDSCH
  -- scheduling
maxNrofDL-Allocations-1-r18             INTEGER ::= 15       -- Maximum number of PDSCH time domain resource allocations minus 1
maxNrofPDU-Sessions-r17                 INTEGER ::= 256      -- Maximum number of PDU Sessions
maxNrofSR-ConfigPerCellGroup            INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of SR configurations per cell group
maxNrofLCGs-r18                         INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of LCGs
maxLCG-ID                               INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum value of LCG ID
maxLCG-ID-IAB-r17                       INTEGER ::= 255      -- Maximum value of LCG ID for IAB-MT
maxLC-ID                                INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum value of Logical Channel ID
maxLC-ID-Iab-r16                        INTEGER ::= 65855    -- Maximum value of BH Logical Channel ID extension
maxLTE-CRS-Patterns-r16                 INTEGER ::= 3        -- Maximum number of additional LTE CRS rate matching patterns
maxNrOfLinkedSRS-CarriersInactive-1-r18 INTEGER ::= 2        -- Maximum number of carriers for positioning SRS CA in RRC_INACTIVE minus 1
maxNrofTAGs                             INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of Timing Advance Groups
maxNrofTAGs-1                           INTEGER ::= 3        -- Maximum number of Timing Advance Groups minus 1
maxNrofBWPs                             INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of BWPs per serving cell
maxNrofCombIDC                          INTEGER ::= 128      -- Maximum number of reported MR-DC combinations for IDC
maxNrofSymbols-1                        INTEGER ::= 13       -- Maximum index identifying a symbol within a slot (14 symbols, indexed from 0..13)
maxNrofSlots                            INTEGER ::= 320      -- Maximum number of slots in a 10 ms period
maxNrofSlots-1                          INTEGER ::= 319      -- Maximum number of slots in a 10 ms period minus 1
maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks           INTEGER ::= 275      -- Maximum number of PRBs
maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1         INTEGER ::= 274      -- Maximum number of PRBs minus 1
maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocksPlus1      INTEGER ::= 276      -- Maximum number of PRBs plus 1
maxNrofControlResourceSets              INTEGER ::= 12       -- Max number of CoReSets configurable on a serving cell
maxNrofControlResourceSets-1            INTEGER ::= 11       -- Max number of CoReSets configurable on a serving cell minus 1
maxNrofControlResourceSets-1-r16        INTEGER ::= 15       -- Max number of CoReSets configurable on a serving cell extended in minus 1
maxNrofCoresetPools-r16                 INTEGER ::= 2        -- Maximum number of CORESET pools
maxCoReSetDuration                      INTEGER ::= 3        -- Max number of OFDM symbols in a control resource set
maxNrofSearchSpaces-1                   INTEGER ::= 39       -- Max number of Search Spaces minus 1
maxNrofSearchSpacesLinks-1-r17 INTEGER ::= 39   -- Max number of Search Space links minus 1
maxNrofBFDResourcePerSet-r17            INTEGER ::= 64     -- Max number of reference signal in one BFD set
maxSFI-DCI-PayloadSize                  INTEGER ::= 128      -- Max number payload of a DCI scrambled with SFI-RNTI
maxSFI-DCI-PayloadSize-1                INTEGER ::= 127      -- Max number payload of a DCI scrambled with SFI-RNTI minus 1
maxIAB-IP-Address-r16                   INTEGER ::= 32       -- Max number of assigned IP addresses
maxINT-DCI-PayloadSize                  INTEGER ::= 126      -- Max number payload of a DCI scrambled with INT-RNTI
maxINT-DCI-PayloadSize-1                INTEGER ::= 125      -- Max number payload of a DCI scrambled with INT-RNTI minus 1
maxNrofRateMatchPatterns                INTEGER ::= 4        -- Max number of rate matching patterns that may be configured
maxNrofRateMatchPatterns-1              INTEGER ::= 3        -- Max number of rate matching patterns that may be configured minus 1
maxNrofRateMatchPatternsPerGroup        INTEGER ::= 8        -- Max number of rate matching patterns that may be configured in one group
maxNrofCSI-ReportConfigurations         INTEGER ::= 48       -- Maximum number of report configurations
maxNrofCSI-ReportConfigurations-1       INTEGER ::= 47       -- Maximum number of report configurations minus 1
maxNrofCSI-ResourceConfigurations       INTEGER ::= 112      -- Maximum number of resource configurations
maxNrofCSI-ResourceConfigurations-1     INTEGER ::= 111      -- Maximum number of resource configurations minus 1
maxNrofAP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerSet        INTEGER ::= 16 
maxNrOfCSI-AperiodicTriggers            INTEGER ::= 128      -- Maximum number of triggers for aperiodic CSI reporting
maxNrofReportConfigPerAperiodicTrigger  INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of report configurations per trigger state for aperiodic reporting
maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-Resources             INTEGER ::= 192      -- Maximum number of Non-Zero-Power (NZP) CSI-RS resources
maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-Resources-1           INTEGER ::= 191      -- Maximum number of Non-Zero-Power (NZP) CSI-RS resources minus 1
maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerSet       INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of NZP CSI-RS resources per resource set
maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerSet-1-r18 INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of NZP CSI-RS resources per resource set minus 1
maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets          INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of NZP CSI-RS resource sets per cell
maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets-1        INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of NZP CSI-RS resource sets per cell minus 1
maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSetsPerConfig INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of resource sets per resource configuration
maxNrofNZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerConfig    INTEGER ::= 128      -- Maximum number of resources per resource configuration
maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-Resources              INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of Zero-Power (ZP) CSI-RS resources
maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-Resources-1            INTEGER ::= 31       -- Maximum number of Zero-Power (ZP) CSI-RS resources minus 1
maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets-1         INTEGER ::= 15 
maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-ResourcesPerSet        INTEGER ::= 16 
maxNrofZP-CSI-RS-ResourceSets           INTEGER ::= 16 
maxNrofCSI-IM-Resources                 INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of CSI-IM resources
maxNrofCSI-IM-Resources-1               INTEGER ::= 31       -- Maximum number of CSI-IM resources minus 1
maxNrofCSI-IM-ResourcesPerSet           INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of CSI-IM resources per set
maxNrofCSI-IM-ResourceSets              INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of NZP CSI-IM resource sets per cell
maxNrofCSI-IM-ResourceSets-1            INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of NZP CSI-IM resource sets per cell minus 1
maxNrofCSI-IM-ResourceSetsPerConfig     INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of CSI IM resource sets per resource configuration
maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourcePerSet           INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of SSB resources in a resource set
maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourceSets             INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of CSI SSB resource sets per cell
maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourceSets-1           INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of CSI SSB resource sets per cell minus 1
maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourceSetsPerConfig    INTEGER ::= 1        -- Maximum number of CSI SSB resource sets per resource configuration
maxNrofCSI-SSB-ResourceSetsPerConfigExt INTEGER ::= 2        -- Maximum number of CSI SSB resource sets per resource configuration
  -- extended
maxNrofFailureDetectionResources        INTEGER ::= 10       -- Maximum number of failure detection resources
maxNrofFailureDetectionResources-1      INTEGER ::= 9        -- Maximum number of failure detection resources minus 1
maxNrofFailureDetectionResources-1-r17  INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of the enhanced failure detection resources minus 1
maxNrofFreqSL-r16                       INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of carrier frequency for NR sidelink communication
maxNrofFreqSL-1-r18                     INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of carrier frequency for NR sidelink communication minus 1
maxNrofSL-BWPs-r16                      INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of BWP for NR sidelink communication
maxNrofSL-CarrierSetConfig-r18          INTEGER ::= 96       -- Maximum number of SCCH carrier set configuration for NR sidelink
  -- communication
maxFreqSL-EUTRA-r16                     INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of EUTRA anchor carrier frequency for NR sidelink
  -- communication
maxNrofSL-MeasId-r16                    INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of sidelink measurement identity (RSRP) per destination
maxNrofSL-ObjectId-r16                  INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of sidelink measurement objects (RSRP) per destination
maxNrofSL-ReportConfigId-r16            INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of sidelink measurement reporting configuration(RSRP) per destination
maxNrofSL-PoolToMeasureNR-r16           INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of resource pool for NR sidelink measurement to measure
  -- for each measurement object (for CBR)
maxNrofDedicatedSL-PRS-PoolToMeas-r18   INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of SL-PRS dedicated resource pool for positioning
  -- measurement to measure for each measurement object (for SL-PRS CBR)
maxFreqSL-NR-r16                        INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of NR anchor carrier frequency for NR sidelink communication
maxNrofSL-QFIs-r16                      INTEGER ::= 2048     -- Maximum number of QoS flow for NR sidelink communication per UE
maxNrofSL-QFIsPerDest-r16               INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of QoS flow per destination for NR sidelink communication
maxNrofObjectId                         INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of measurement objects
maxNrofPageRec                          INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of page records
maxNrofPCI-Ranges                       INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of PCI ranges
maxPLMN                                 INTEGER ::= 12       -- Maximum number of PLMNs broadcast and reported by UE at establishment
maxTAC-r17                              INTEGER ::= 12       -- Maximum number of Tracking Area Codes to which a cell belongs to
maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesRRM              INTEGER ::= 96       -- Maximum number of CSI-RS resources per cell for an RRM measurement object
maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesRRM-1            INTEGER ::= 95       -- Maximum number of CSI-RS resources per cell for an RRM measurement object
  -- minus 1.
maxNrofMeasId                           INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of configured measurements
maxNrofQuantityConfig                   INTEGER ::= 2        -- Maximum number of quantity configurations
maxNrofCSI-RS-CellsRRM                  INTEGER ::= 96       -- Maximum number of cells with CSI-RS resources for an RRM measurement object
maxNrofSL-Dest-r16                      INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of destination for NR sidelink communication and discovery
maxNrofSL-Dest-1-r16                    INTEGER ::= 31       -- Highest index of destination for NR sidelink communication and discovery
maxNrofSL-PRS-PerDest-r18               INTEGER ::= 8        -- Max number of SL-PRS transmission supported per destination UE
maxNrofSLRB-r16                         INTEGER ::= 512      -- Maximum number of radio bearer for NR sidelink communication per UE without duplication
maxSL-LCID-Plus1-r18                    INTEGER ::= 513      -- Maximum number of RLC bearer for NR sidelink communication per UE without duplication plus 1
maxSL-LCID-r18                          INTEGER ::= 1024     -- Maximum number of RLC bearer for NR sidelink communication per UE with duplication
maxSL-NonAnchorRBsets                   INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of non-anchor RB sets
maxSL-LCID-r16                          INTEGER ::= 512      -- Maximum number of RLC bearer for NR sidelink communication per UE
maxSL-SyncConfig-r16                    INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of sidelink Sync configurations
maxNrofRXPool-r16                       INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of Rx resource pool for NR sidelink communication and
  -- discovery
maxNrofTXPool-r16                       INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of Tx resource pool for NR sidelink communication and
  -- discovery
maxNrofPoolID-r16                       INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum index of resource pool for NR sidelink communication and
  -- discovery
maxNrofSRS-PathlossReferenceRS-r16      INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for SRS power control.
maxNrofSRS-PathlossReferenceRS-1-r16    INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for SRS power control
  -- minus 1.
maxNrofSRS-ResourceSets                 INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of SRS resource sets in a BWP.
maxNrofSRS-ResourceSets-1               INTEGER ::= 15       -- Maximum number of SRS resource sets in a BWP minus 1.
maxNrofSRS-PosResourceSets-r16          INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of SRS Positioning resource sets in a BWP.
maxNrofSRS-PosResourceSets-1-r16        INTEGER ::= 15       -- Maximum number of SRS Positioning resource sets in a BWP minus 1.
maxNrofSRS-Resources                    INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of SRS resources.
maxNrofSRS-Resources-1                  INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of SRS resources minus 1.
maxNrofSRS-PosResources-r16             INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of SRS Positioning resources.
maxNrofSRS-PosResources-1-r16           INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of SRS Positioning resources minus 1.
maxNrofSRS-ResourcesPerSet              INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of SRS resources in an SRS resource set
maxNrofSRS-TriggerStates-1              INTEGER ::= 3        -- Maximum number of SRS trigger states minus 1, i.e., the largest code point.
maxNrofSRS-TriggerStates-2              INTEGER ::= 2        -- Maximum number of SRS trigger states minus 2.
maxRAT-CapabilityContainers             INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of interworking RAT containers (incl NR and MRDC)
maxSimultaneousBands                    INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of simultaneously aggregated bands
maxSimultaneousBands-2-r18              INTEGER ::= 30       -- Maximum number of simultaneously aggregated bands minus 2.
maxULTxSwitchingBandPairs               INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of band pairs supporting dynamic UL Tx switching in a band
  -- combination.
maxULTxSwitchingBetweenBandPairs-r18    INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of combinations of a band pair and another band pair/band
  -- between which dynamic UL Tx switching requires additional switching
  -- period.
maxSchedulingBandCombination-r18        INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of combinations of scheduling cell and co-scheduled cells
  -- have same or different carrier type.
maxNrofSlotFormatCombinationsPerSet     INTEGER ::= 512      -- Maximum number of Slot Format Combinations in a SF-Set.
maxNrofSlotFormatCombinationsPerSet-1   INTEGER ::= 511      -- Maximum number of Slot Format Combinations in a SF-Set minus 1.
maxNrofTrafficPattern-r16               INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of Traffic Pattern for NR sidelink communication.
maxNrofPUCCH-Resources                  INTEGER ::= 128 
maxNrofPUCCH-Resources-1                INTEGER ::= 127 
maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceSets               INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of PUCCH Resource Sets
maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceSets-1             INTEGER ::= 3        -- Maximum number of PUCCH Resource Sets minus 1.
maxNrofPUCCH-ResourcesPerSet            INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of PUCCH Resources per PUCCH-ResourceSet
maxNrofPUCCH-P0-PerSet                  INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of P0-pucch present in a p0-pucch set
maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs       INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for PUCCH power control.
maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1     INTEGER ::= 3        -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for PUCCH power control
  -- minus 1.
maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-r16   INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for PUCCH power control
  -- extended.
maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for PUCCH power control
  -- minus 1 extended.
maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1-r17 INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for PUCCH power control
  -- minus 1.
maxNrofPUCCH-PathlossReferenceRSsDiff-r16 INTEGER ::= 60     -- Difference between the extended maximum and the non-extended maximum
maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceGroups-r16         INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of PUCCH resources groups.
maxNrofPUCCH-ResourcesPerGroup-r16      INTEGER ::= 128      -- Maximum number of PUCCH resources in a PUCCH group.
maxNrofPowerControlSetInfos-r17         INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of PUCCH power control set infos
maxNrofMultiplePUSCHs-r16               INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of multiple PUSCHs in PUSCH TDRA list
maxNrofP0-PUSCH-AlphaSets               INTEGER ::= 30       -- Maximum number of P0-pusch-alpha-sets (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1)
maxNrofP0-PUSCH-AlphaSets-1             INTEGER ::= 29       -- Maximum number of P0-pusch-alpha-sets minus 1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 7.1)
maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs       INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for PUSCH power control.
maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1     INTEGER ::= 3        -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for PUSCH power control
  -- minus 1.
maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-r16   INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for PUSCH power control
  -- extended
maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for PUSCH power control
  -- extended minus 1
maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSsDiff-r16  INTEGER ::= 60    -- Difference between maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs-r16 and
  -- maxNrofPUSCH-PathlossReferenceRSs
maxNrofPathlossReferenceRSs-r17         INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for PUSCH, PUCCH, SRS
  -- power control for unified TCI state operation
maxNrofPathlossReferenceRSs-1-r17       INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of RSs used as pathloss reference for PUSCH, PUCCH, SRS
  -- power control for unified TCI state operation minus 1
maxNrofNAICS-Entries                    INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of supported NAICS capability set
maxBands                                INTEGER ::= 1024     -- Maximum number of supported bands in UE capability.
maxBandsMRDC                            INTEGER ::= 1280 
maxBandsEUTRA                           INTEGER ::= 256 
maxCellReport                           INTEGER ::= 8 
maxDRB                                  INTEGER ::= 29       -- Maximum number of DRBs (that can be added in DRB-ToAddModList).
maxFreq                                 INTEGER ::= 8        -- Max number of frequencies.
maxFreqLayers INTEGER ::= 4  -- Max number of frequency layers.
maxFreqPlus1 INTEGER ::= 9  -- Max number of frequencies for Slicing.
maxFreqIDC-r16                          INTEGER ::= 128      -- Max number of frequencies for IDC indication.
maxCombIDC-r16                          INTEGER ::= 128      -- Max number of reported UL CA for IDC indication.
maxFreqIDC-MRDC                         INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of candidate NR frequencies for MR-DC IDC indication
maxNrofCandidateBeams                   INTEGER ::= 16       -- Max number of PRACH-ResourceDedicatedBFR in BFR config.
maxNrofCandidateBeams-r16               INTEGER ::= 64       -- Max number of candidate beam resources in BFR config.
maxNrofCandidateBeamsExt-r16            INTEGER ::= 48       -- Max number of PRACH-ResourceDedicatedBFR in the CandidateBeamRSListExt
maxNrofPCIsPerSMTC                      INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of PCIs per SMTC.
maxNrofQFIs                             INTEGER ::= 64 
maxNrofResourceAvailabilityPerCombination-r16 INTEGER ::= 256 
maxNrOfSemiPersistentPUSCH-Triggers     INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of triggers for semi persistent reporting on PUSCH
maxNrofSR-Resources                     INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of SR resources per BWP in a cell.
maxNrofSlotFormatsPerCombination        INTEGER ::= 256 
maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos             INTEGER ::= 8 
maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos-plus-1      INTEGER ::= 9 
maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos-r16         INTEGER ::= 64 
maxNrofSpatialRelationInfosDiff-r16     INTEGER ::= 56       -- Difference between maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos-r16 and maxNrofSpatialRelationInfos
maxNrofIndexesToReport                  INTEGER ::= 32 
maxNrofIndexesToReport2                 INTEGER ::= 64 
maxNrofSSBs-r16                         INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of SSB resources in a resource set.
maxNrofSSBs-1                           INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of SSB resources in a resource set minus 1.
maxNrofS-NSSAI                          INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of S-NSSAI.
maxNrofTCI-StatesPDCCH                  INTEGER ::= 64 
maxNrofTCI-States                       INTEGER ::= 128      -- Maximum number of TCI states.
maxNrofTCI-States-1                     INTEGER ::= 127      -- Maximum number of TCI states minus 1.
maxUL-TCI-r17                           INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of TCI states.
maxUL-TCI-1-r17                         INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of TCI states minus 1.
maxNrofAdditionalPCI-r17                INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of additional PCI
maxNrofAdditionalPRACHConfigs-r18       INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of additional PRACH configurations for 2TA
maxNrofdelayD-r18                       INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of delayD values.
maxMPE-Resources-r17                    INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of pooled MPE resources
maxNrofUL-Allocations                   INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of PUSCH time domain resource allocations.
maxQFI                                  INTEGER ::= 63 
maxRA-CSIRS-Resources                   INTEGER ::= 96 
maxRA-OccasionsPerCSIRS                 INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of RA occasions for one CSI-RS
maxRA-Occasions-1                       INTEGER ::= 511      -- Maximum number of RA occasions in the system
maxRA-SSB-Resources                     INTEGER ::= 64 
maxSCSs                                 INTEGER ::= 5 
maxSecondaryCellGroups                  INTEGER ::= 3 
maxNrofServingCellsEUTRA                INTEGER ::= 32 
maxMBSFN-Allocations                    INTEGER ::= 8 
maxNrofMultiBands                       INTEGER ::= 8 
maxCellSFTD                             INTEGER ::= 3        -- Maximum number of cells for SFTD reporting
maxReportConfigId                       INTEGER ::= 64 
maxNrofCodebooks                        INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of codebooks supported by the UE
maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r16          INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of codebook resources supported by the UE for eType2/Codebook combo
maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesExt-r17          INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of codebook resources for fetype2R1 and fetype2R2
maxNrofCSI-RS-Resources                 INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of codebook resources supported by the UE
maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-r16 INTEGER ::= 512  -- Maximum number of alternative codebook resources supported by the UE
maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesAlt-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 511  -- Maximum number of alternative codebook resources supported by the UE minus 1
maxNrofSRI-PUSCH-Mappings               INTEGER ::= 16 
maxNrofSRI-PUSCH-Mappings-1             INTEGER ::= 15 
maxSIB                                  INTEGER::= 32        -- Maximum number of SIBs
maxSI-Message                           INTEGER::= 32        -- Maximum number of SI messages
maxSIB-MessagePlus1-r17                 INTEGER::= 33        -- Maximum number of SIB messages plus 1
maxPO-perPF                             INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of paging occasion per paging frame
maxPEI-perPF-r17                        INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of PEI occasion per paging frame
maxAccessCat-1                          INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of Access Categories minus 1
maxBarringInfoSet                       INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of access control parameter sets
maxCellEUTRA                            INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of E-UTRA cells in SIB list
maxEUTRA-Carrier                        INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of E-UTRA carriers in SIB list
maxPLMNIdentities                       INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of PLMN identities in RAN area configurations
maxDownlinkFeatureSets                  INTEGER ::= 1024     -- (for NR DL) Total number of FeatureSets (size of the pool)
maxUplinkFeatureSets                    INTEGER ::= 1024     -- (for NR UL) Total number of FeatureSets (size of the pool)
maxEUTRA-DL-FeatureSets                 INTEGER ::= 256      -- (for E-UTRA) Total number of FeatureSets (size of the pool)
maxEUTRA-UL-FeatureSets                 INTEGER ::= 256      -- (for E-UTRA) Total number of FeatureSets (size of the pool)
maxFeatureSetsPerBand                   INTEGER ::= 128      -- (for NR) The number of feature sets associated with one band.
maxPerCC-FeatureSets                    INTEGER ::= 1024     -- (for NR) Total number of CC-specific FeatureSets (size of the pool)
maxFeatureSetCombinations               INTEGER ::= 1024     -- (for MR-DC/NR)Total number of Feature set combinations (size of the pool)
maxInterRAT-RSTD-Freq                   INTEGER ::= 3 
maxGIN-r17                              INTEGER ::= 24       -- Maximum number of broadcast GINs
maxHRNN-Len-r16                         INTEGER ::= 48       -- Maximum length of HRNNs
maxNPN-r16                              INTEGER ::= 12       -- Maximum number of NPNs broadcast and reported by UE at establishment
maxSNPN-ConfigCellId-r18                INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of Cell ID subject for SNPNS for MDT scope
maxSNPN-ConfigID-r18                    INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of SNPNs subject for MDT scope
maxSNPN-ConfigTAI-r18                   INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of TA subject for MDT scope
maxNrOfMinSchedulingOffsetValues-r16    INTEGER ::= 2        -- Maximum number of min. scheduling offset (K0/K2) configurations
maxK0-SchedulingOffset-r16              INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of slots configured as min. scheduling offset (K0)
maxK2-SchedulingOffset-r16              INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of slots configured as min. scheduling offset (K2)
maxK0-SchedulingOffset-r17              INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of slots configured as min. scheduling offset (K0)
maxK2-SchedulingOffset-r17              INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of slots configured as min. scheduling offset (K2)
maxDCI-2-6-Size-r16                     INTEGER ::= 140      -- Maximum size of DCI format 2-6
maxDCI-2-7-Size-r17                     INTEGER ::= 43       -- Maximum size of DCI format 2-7
maxDCI-2-6-Size-1-r16                   INTEGER ::= 139      -- Maximum DCI format 2-6 size minus 1
maxDCI-2-9-Size-r18                     INTEGER ::= 140      -- Maximum DCI format 2-9 size
maxDCI-2-9-Size-1-r18                   INTEGER ::= 139      -- Maximum DCI format 2-9 size minus 1
maxNrofUL-Allocations-r16               INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of PUSCH time domain resource allocations
maxNrofUL-Allocations-1-r18             INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of PUSCH time domain resource allocations minus 1
maxNrofP0-PUSCH-Set-r16                 INTEGER ::= 2        -- Maximum number of P0 PUSCH set(s)
maxOnDemandSIB-r16                      INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of SIB(s) that can be requested on-demand
maxOnDemandPosSIB-r16                   INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of posSIB(s) that can be requested on-demand
maxCI-DCI-PayloadSize-r16               INTEGER ::= 126      -- Maximum number of the DCI size for CI
maxCI-DCI-PayloadSize-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 125      -- Maximum number of the DCI size for CI minus 1
maxUu-RelayRLC-ChannelID-r17            INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum value of Uu Relay RLC channel ID
maxWLAN-Id-Report-r16                   INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of WLAN IDs to report
maxWLAN-Name-r16                        INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of WLAN name
maxRAReport-r16 INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of RA procedures information to be included in the RA report
maxTxConfig-r16                         INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of sidelink transmission parameters configurations
maxTxConfig-1-r16                       INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of sidelink transmission parameters configurations minus 1
maxPSSCH-TxConfig-r16                   INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of PSSCH TX configurations
maxNrofCLI-RSSI-Resources-r16           INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of CLI-RSSI resources for UE
maxNrofCLI-RSSI-Resources-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of CLI-RSSI resources for UE minus 1
maxNrofCLI-SRS-Resources-r16            INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of SRS resources for CLI measurement for UE
maxCLI-Report-r16                       INTEGER ::= 8 
maxNrofCC-Group-r17                     INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of CC groups for DC location report
maxNrofConfiguredGrantConfig-r16        INTEGER ::= 12       -- Maximum number of configured grant configurations per BWP
maxNrofConfiguredGrantConfig-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 11       -- Maximum number of configured grant configurations per BWP minus 1
maxNrofCG-Type2DeactivationState        INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of deactivation state for type 2 configured grants per BWP
maxNrofConfiguredGrantConfigMAC-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 31       -- Maximum number of configured grant configurations per MAC entity minus 1
maxNrofCSI-ReportSubconfigPerCSI-ReportConfig-r18 INTEGER ::= 8  -- Maximum number of CSI report subconfigurations per CSI report
  -- configuration
maxNrofCSI-ReportSubconfigPerCSI-ReportConfig-1-r18 INTEGER ::= 7  -- Maximum number of CSI report subconfigurations per CSI report
  -- configuration minus 1
maxNrofSPS-Config-r16                   INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of SPS configurations per BWP
maxNrofSPS-Config-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of SPS configurations per BWP minus 1
maxNrofSPS-DeactivationState            INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of deactivation state for SPS per BWP
maxNrofPPW-Config-r17                   INTEGER ::= 4   -- Maximum number of Preconfigured PRS processing windows per DL BWP
maxNrofPPW-ID-1-r17                     INTEGER ::= 15       -- Maximum number of Preconfigured PRS processing windows minus 1
maxNrOfTxTEGReport-r17 INTEGER ::= 256   -- Maximum number of UE Tx Timing Error Group Report
maxNrOfTxTEG-ID-1-r17                   INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of UE Tx Timing Error Group ID minus 1
maxNrofPagingSubgroups-r17 INTEGER ::= 8  -- Maximum number of paging subgroups per paging occasion
maxNrofPUCCH-ResourceGroups-1-r16 INTEGER ::= 3 
maxNrofReqComDC-Location-r17            INTEGER ::= 128      -- Maximum number of requested carriers/BWPs combinations for DC location
  -- report
maxNrofServingCellsTCI-r16              INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of serving cells in simultaneousTCI-UpdateList
maxNrofTxDC-TwoCarrier-r16              INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of UL Tx DC locations reported by the UE for 2CC uplink CA
maxNrofRB-SetGroups-r17                 INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of RB set groups
maxNrofRB-Sets-r17                      INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of RB sets
maxNrofEnhType3HARQ-ACK-r17             INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of enhanced type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook
maxNrofEnhType3HARQ-ACK-1-r17           INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of enhanced type 3 HARQ-ACK codebook minus 1
maxNrofPRS-ResourcesPerSet-r17          INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of PRS resources for one set
maxNrofPRS-ResourcesPerSet-1-r17        INTEGER ::= 63       -- Maximum number of PRS resources for one set minus 1
maxNrofPRS-ResourceOffsetValue-1-r17    INTEGER ::= 511 
maxNrofGapId-r17                        INTEGER ::= 8   -- Maximum number of measurement gap ID
maxNrofPreConfigPosGapId-r17            INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of preconfigured positioning measurement gap
maxNrOfGapPri-r17                       INTEGER ::= 16   -- Maximum number of gap priority level
maxCEFReport-r17                        INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of CEF reports by the UE
maxNrofMultiplePDSCHs-r17               INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of PDSCHs in PDSCH TDRA list
maxSliceInfo-r17                        INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of NSAGs
maxCellSlice-r17                        INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of cells supporting the NSAG
maxNrofTRS-ResourceSets-r17             INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of TRS resource sets
maxNrofSearchSpaceGroups-1-r17          INTEGER ::= 2        -- Maximum number of search space groups minus 1
maxNrofRemoteUE-r17                     INTEGER ::= 32   -- Maximum number of connected L2 U2N Remote UEs
maxDCI-4-2-Size-r17                     INTEGER ::= 140      -- Maximum size of DCI format 4-2
maxFreqMBS-r17                          INTEGER ::= 16  -- Maximum number of MBS frequencies reported in MBSInterestIndication
maxNrofDRX-ConfigPTM-r17                INTEGER ::= 64       -- Max number of DRX configuration for PTM provided in MBS broadcast in a
  -- cell
maxNrofDRX-ConfigPTM-1-r17              INTEGER ::= 63       -- Max number of DRX configuration for PTM provided in MBS broadcast in a
  -- cell minus 1
maxNrofMBS-ServiceListPerUE-r17         INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of services which the UE can include in the  MBS interest
  -- indication
maxNrofMBS-Session-r17                  INTEGER ::= 1024     -- Maximum number of MBS sessions provided in MBS broadcast or multicast in
  -- a cell
maxNrofMTCH-SSB-MappingWindow-r17       INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of MTCH to SSB beam mapping pattern
maxNrofMTCH-SSB-MappingWindow-1-r17     INTEGER ::= 15       -- Maximum number of MTCH to SSB beam mapping pattern minus 1
maxNrofMRB-Broadcast-r17                INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of broadcast MRBs configured for one MBS broadcast service
maxNrofPageGroup-r17                    INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of paging groups in a paging message
maxNrofPDSCH-ConfigPTM-r17              INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of PDSCH configuration groups for PTM
maxNrofPDSCH-ConfigPTM-1-r17            INTEGER ::= 15       -- Maximum number of PDSCH configuration groups for PTM minus 1
maxG-RNTI-r17                           INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of G-RNTI that can be configured for a UE.
maxG-RNTI-1-r17                         INTEGER ::= 15       -- Maximum number of G-RNTI that can be configured for a UE minus 1.
maxG-CS-RNTI-r17                        INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of G-CS-RNTI that can be configured for a UE.
maxG-CS-RNTI-1-r17                      INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of G-CS-RNTI that can be configured for a UE minus 1.
maxMRB-r17                              INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of multicast MRBs (that can be added in MRB-ToAddModLIst)
maxFSAI-MBS-r17                         INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of MBS frequency selection area identities
maxNeighCellMBS-r17                     INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of MBS broadcast neighbour cells
maxNrofPdcch-BlindDetectionMixed-1-r16  INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of combinations of mixed Rel-16 and Rel-15 PDCCH
  -- monitoring capabilities minus 1
maxNrofPdcch-BlindDetection-r17         INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of combinations of PDCCH blind detection monitoring
  -- capabilities
maxNrofAltitudeRanges-r18               INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of altitude ranges for altitude-based measurement configurations
maxWayPoint-r18                         INTEGER ::= 20       -- Maximum number of flight path information waypoints
maxAltitude-r18                         INTEGER ::= 10000    -- Maximum altitude in meters
minAltitude-r18                         INTEGER ::= -420     -- Minimum altitude in meters
maxMeasSequence-r18                     INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of configured sequence for measurement
maxNrofHops-1-r18                       INTEGER ::= 5        -- Maximum number of Hops that can be configured for Positioning SRS Transmission
maxNrOfCellsInVA-r18                    INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of cells in validity area for Positioning SRS
maxNrOfCellsInVA-Ext-r18                INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of additional cells in validity area for Positioning SRS
maxNrOfLinkedSRS-PosResourceSet-r18     INTEGER ::= 3  -- Maximum number of linked SRSPosResourceSets that can be aggregated across
  -- CCs
maxNrOfLinkedSRS-PosResSetComb-r18       INTEGER ::= 32      -- Maximum number of combinations of linked SRSPosResourceSets that can be
  -- aggregated in RRC_CONNECTED state
maxNrOfLinkedSRS-PosResSetCombInactive-r18 INTEGER ::= 16    -- Maximum number of combinations of linked SRSPosResourceSets that can be
  -- aggregated in RRC_INACTIVE state
maxCBR-ConfigDedSL-PRS-1-r18            INTEGER ::= 7        -- Maximum number of CBR ranges for dedicated SL PRS resource pool
maxCBR-LevelDedSL-PRS-1-r18             INTEGER ::= 15       -- Maximum number of CBR levels for dedicated SL PRS resource pool
maxNrofSL-PRS-TxPool-r18                INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of Tx dedicated SL-PRS resource pool for NR sidelink positioning
maxNrofSL-PRS-TxConfig-r18              INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of SL PRS transmission parameter configurations
maxNrOfVA-r18                           INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of validity area
maxNrofLTM-Configs-r18                  INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of LTM candidate cells
maxNrofLTM-Configs-plus1-r18 INTEGER ::= 9        -- Maximum number of LTM candidate cells plus 1
maxNrofLTM-CSI-ReportConfigurations-r18     INTEGER ::= 48      -- Maximum number of LTM CSI reporting configurations
maxNrofLTM-CSI-ReportConfigurations-1-r18   INTEGER ::= 47      -- Maximum number of LTM CSI reporting configurations minus 1
maxNrofLTM-CSI-SSB-ResourcesPerSet-r18      INTEGER ::= 512     -- Maximum number of LTM CSI SSB resource per set
maxNrofLTM-CSI-ResourceConfigurations-r18   INTEGER ::= 112     -- Maximum number of LTM CSI resource configurations
maxNrofLTM-CSI-ResourceConfigurations-1-r18 INTEGER ::= 111     -- Maximum number of LTM CSI resource configurations minus 1
maxNrofCandidateTCI-State-r18           INTEGER ::= 128      -- Maximum number of LTM TCI states
maxNrofCandidateUL-TCI-r18              INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of LTM UL TCI states
maxSecurityCellSet-r18                  INTEGER ::= 9        -- Maximum number of cell sets for subsequent CPAC.
maxSK-Counter-r18                       INTEGER ::= 8        -- Maximum number of SK-counters configured for a cell set for subsequent CPAC.
maxNrofThresholdMBS-r18                 INTEGER ::= 8        -- Max number of thresholds of MBS sessions for RRC connection resume for a
  -- UE receiving multicast in RRC_INACTIVE
maxNrofThresholdMBS-1-r18               INTEGER ::= 7        -- Max number of thresholds of MBS sessions for RRC connection resume for a
  -- UE receiving multicast in RRC_INACTIVE minus 1
maxTN-AreaInfo-r18                      INTEGER ::= 32       -- Maximum number of TN coverage areas for which assistance info is
  -- provided in an NTN cell
maxNrofSetsOfCells-r18                  INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of sets of cells for multi-cell PDSCH/PUSCH scheduling
maxNrofSetsOfCells-1-r18                INTEGER ::= 3        -- Maximum number of sets of cells for multi-cell PDSCH/PUSCH scheduling
  -- minus 1
maxNrofCellsInSet-r18                   INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of cells configured in a set of cells for multi-cell
  -- PDSCH/PUSCH scheduling
maxNrofCellsInSet-1-r18                 INTEGER ::= 3        -- Maximum number of cells configured in a set of cells for multi-cell
  -- PDSCH/PUSCH scheduling minus 1
maxNrofCellCombos-r18                   INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of combinations of co-scheduled cells for multi-cell
  -- PDSCH/PUSCH scheduling
maxNrofBWPsInSetOfCells-r18             INTEGER ::= 16       -- Maximum number of BWPs configured in a set of cells for multi-cell
  -- PDSCH/PUSCH scheduling
maxLowerMSD-r18                         INTEGER ::= 256      -- Maximum number of lower MSD capability sets for a victim band
maxLowerMSDInfo-r18                     INTEGER ::= 64       -- Maximum number of lower MSD capability sets for a band combination
maxNrofIntraEndc-Components-r17         INTEGER ::= 4        -- Maximum number of intra-band (NG)EN-DC band components in an inter-band
  -- (NG)EN-DC band combination